AIESEC in Sweden 16/17_ MCVP Applications

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MCVP Applications 2016/2017 AIESEC in Sweden

Message from MCPe

Dear AIESEC in Sweden MCVP Applicant It is my immense pleasure and honour to open MCVP Applications for AIESEC in Sweden, for the term 2016/2017. I am truly happy to have the opportunity to chose the people who will embark on a journey together with me in leading AIESEC in Sweden towards 2020 and making a difference in our surrounding and our network. We will face challenging times next term, and my greatest wish is to have a team of people next to me ready to face them and be solution oriented and independent. With all my heart I can promise you that it will be an experience that you will never forget and that you will develop in ways that you still cannot imagine, and I will be there to support you on this journey. I am looking forward to receive your applications, and above all, to select a team which will lead AIESEC in Sweden forward. Klara Peic MCVP TM & Comm 15/16 MCPe 16/17

table of contents mc structure General mc profile mc responsibilities & profile mc life & conditions general mc timeline selection process & deadlines application package mcvp general & specific questionnaire lcp network 2015/2016 contacts

mc structure 2015/2016 The MC for the current year is made up of 5 people in the roles indicated in the structure below and there are National Support Team Members who are working with the MC to deliver on the functional operational/ duties.

MCVP TM&Comm Klara Peic

MCP francis kweku ansah

MCVP OGX Dean ivancevic

MCVP iGIP&BD Quynh Nguyen

MCVP F&GPM Susanna Vuorela

NST Alumni Relations Ioana Custelcea

NST Social Media and Talent Engagement Camilo Ardiles

NST Operation Manager Tarun Mallikarjuna

NST Global Entrepreneur Malin H책kansson

NST Learning and Development Liza Dobrovoljc

mc structure 2015/2016

MCPe Klara Peic







The MC structure and positions for the term 2016/2017 will be decided by the mcpe after the selection process for the candidates has been done. the mc 2015/2016 will consult with the mcpe to set up the structure after the candidates have received the general vote of confidence from the lcs.

General mc profile Understanding of: The Refreshed AIESEC Way & Brand XP AIESEC in Sweden reality AIESEC Global&regional Reality AIESEC XP LDM Model & XPP AIESEC 2020, organisation and strategic direction Swedish corporate & student market Sweden’s general environment

Experience in: LC & Team Management Design of and participation in planning process Coaching, training/facilitation Representation of AIESEC to stakeholders Conference creation and delivery

General mc profile

personal competencies high level of selfawareness and confidence clear linkage between personal and organisational vision and values active and constant learner within & outside of aiesec strategic and analytical thinking efficiency (priority management, personal team planning, communication, delegation, multitasking) empathy (ability to identify and understand concerns of others) innovation and creativity in finding solutions for complex challenges ability to work in and lead international teams ability to inspire, give direction, focus and give consensus accountability (acceptance of responsibility for own actions and results) result-orientation (keeping track and focusing on outcome of actions taking initiative and bringing innovation awareness of society and state of the world open-mindedness and adaptability (personal and cultural) Patience in people management (leading people with different levels of organisational understanding and experience) Stress resilience (be capable to function under high pressure and high working pace throughout the term)

mc responsibilities & profile

finance, legal & administration Financial management and control (budgeting, cash flow management, investments, etc) Management of financial accounts (accounting) Team management and controlling (financial controller, coaching LCVPFs in accounting and budgeting) Overview of contracts with partners and receivables Ensure all relevant financial documentation is kept in order Calculate and review the national Affiliation Fee formula based on annual AIESEC in Sweden budget and regulations in the compendium. Manage and develop MC current & new investments respectively. prepare and deliver the documentation for the external audit Update and ensure the regulations in the compendium are upheld. Sponsorship and grant research and application for the relevant ones

Key Performance Indicators Financial Sustainability of AIESEC in Sweden Planning and Review Governance & accountability High Quality Management of operational activities budget contribution through sponsorships/grants

specific profile & skills MC experience: preferred Swedish person: preferred Position in Finance in the past AIESEC experience: Preferred Accounting, budget and cash flow management: required Sponsorship/grants: preferred

mc responsibilities & profile

incoming exchange, sales & partnership management&BD Sales of new national accounts and partners Up-selling national partnership Coaching, education & development of LC VPs Evaluations of partnerships Ensuring standards and satisfaction in our operations. Managing delivery of GEPs (Electrolux&Husqvarna) Supporting trainee activities and organising of events in Stockholm YouthSpeak Forum delivery and sales

Key Performance Indicators #of TNs realised / planned on national and Local level # of new sales Market Analysis and clear segmentation of sub-products for AIESEC in Sweden Capitalising on Networks or Markets for referrals #Testimonials from companies % of re-raised companies # of YS partners % of YS budget contribution

specific profile & skills MC/LCVP/LCP experience: preferred Exchange experience: preferred Position in BD/ER/ICX area in the past: required AIESEC experience: required Sales skills: required XPP knowledge: required EXPA management: required Account management: required

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mc responsibilities & profile

Outgoing Exchange • • • • • • • • • • • • •

National strategy development and management for Global Citizen and Global Talent Outgoing Exchange tracking National OGX processes education framework Exchange quality strategy development and management National marketing strategy for OGX recruitments in cooperation with MCVP Comm Exploring youth alliances for outgoing exchange development and product sales Exchange participant reintegration management Further packaging and implementation of OGX national Products Student market research, analysis of supply and demand, market segmentation Facilitate and track local international partnerships Follow up and execution of international agreement Provide all necessary knowledge about International Cooperation for Exchange to AIESEC in Sweden members Facilitate and track Integrated experiences (IXP)

Key Performance Indicators # of REs for Global Citizen and Global Talent % of REs in partner countries # of partner accounts delivered % of LCs using national OGX brands Market Analysis and clear segmentation, product portfolio for AIESEC in Sweden #of IXP REs # of external partnerships

specific profile & skills • • • • • •

MC/LCVP experience: preferred Exchange experience: preferred Position in OGX in the past AIESEC experience: required Sales skills: required EXPA management: required EP LEAD: Required

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mc responsibilities & profile

talent management

Planning and executing TM processes nationally and locally Educational cycle delivery and implementation Transition of MC and LC Knowledge management and EXPA TMP/TLP management Rewards & Recognition on national level Further implementation of TMP/TLP products Coordination and support of the Talent Management area on national and local level LCVP TM coaching, trainings and development LEAD Implementation&Tracking in all programs agenda management Member engagement plan implementation and tracking Talent mentorship/coaching system implementation on a local level R&R system implementation on a local level

Key Performance Indicators • # TMP and TLP • TM processes implementation • Talent capacity structure driving GIP and GCDP Education cycle and National conference • aligned • % Retention rate # of members recruited LEAD program implementation

specific profile & skills MC/LCVP experience: preferred Experience in TM/ in the past: preferred Position in TM in past AIESEC experience: preferred EXPA management: required agenda management: preferred

mc responsibilities & profile

organisational development LC development strategy Expanding AIESEC in Sweden conference cycle management and alignment Conference management Management of OD model and Growth model creation and implementation of the coaching model LC Coaching LC term switch tracking, support and implementation AIESEC 2020 local implementation and tracking Adjusting new LC term alignment with the LC development global Agenda alignment with organisational development long-term planning

Key Performance Indicators • • • • • •

Term switch alignment Efficiency of LCD strategies on the OD (growth on LC level) implemented adjusted conference cycle % of expansion growth efficiency of coaching model operational alignment with operations

specific profile & skills MC experience: preferred Experience in OD in the past: preferred Position in OD in past AIESEC experience: preferred Conference management: Required project management: preferred

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mc responsibilities & profile

marketing & communication Brand management Running AIESEC in Sweden Facebook & online social media activities Managing national website Running marketing campaigns for MC projects Marketing for national conference and opportunities for members Supporting the MC in developing marketing material for the different area National newsletter Managing communication channels of AIESEC in Sweden internally and externally Develop and maintain information infrastructure of AIESEC in Sweden Provide training on the usage of EXPA and other information channels used by AIESEC in Sweden. Create and maintain communication guidelines for LCs and MC of AIESEC Sweden maintaining and acquiring PR partnerships

Key Performance Indicators # of external media appearance # of applicants for outgoing products # of applicants for team member products # of participation in national & local events # of People attending national AIESEC events # of promotion partners % LCs using the national product brand

specific profile & skills MC/LCVP experience: preferred Advertisement and Public relations skills: preferred Position in Comm & Marketing in past AIESEC experience: preferred Web management and social media: preferred Sales skills: preferred Design skills: preferred Brand management: required

mc life & Conditions

salary salary will be sufficient to cover living expenses in Sweden, the salary is paid on the 25th of each month, therefore you will need to have sufficient funds to live in sweden for the 1st month before your salary. first salary is paid on the 25th of june 2016.

accommodation mc members are staying at their own cost in the mc flat which is located in prostvägen 28, 14143 huddinge. the mc flat is 50 minutes away from the mc office through public transportation. elected mc members will be staying in the mc flat at a fee and the flat is available at the end of each term for the next team. *there is a possibility of changing the MC flat depending on the number of people in the MC team.

office the mc office is located in sĂśdermalm, a neighbourhood in central Stockholm, at tegelviksgatan 40, 11641 Stockholm. laptop is not provided so all elected mc members are required to bring their own.

travel expenses internal travel for professional purposes is covered within a budget limit. personal travel costs are not covered.

general mc timeline MC Term:


2016 – June 30th 2017

MC Transition:

June 1st 2016 – June 30th 2016 (physical presence mandatory)

conferences: euroxpro (preferred)


mc term preparation for recruitment&IC

september TMP recruitment ongoing

november mcp applications

transition NPM empower planning


ic, recruitment starts

october engage euroco Q3 review



LEAD conference mcp elections q4 review

mid term replanning start of recruitments Q4 review


march euroxpro lc eb election

may LC transition


april lc transition impact Q1 review

JUNE new mc transition yearly and q2 review npm empower Q2 review - July

selection process & deadlines 10. selection & announcement 10th March 2016

9. selection committee review 7th – 9th of March 2016’ virtual interview for all candidates by a selection committee and the mcpe to have a better understanding of the candidates and make a final decision

8. case study submission 4th of March 2016

7. case study open 3rd of March 2016’

6. announcement of qualified candidates nd 2 of March 2016 5. lc confidence voting 1st March 2016

lcs will vote for the candidates they trust will be capable mcvps for aiesec in sweden. candidates need simple majority in votes to move on

4. lc virtual Q&A 26th – 29th of February 2016 online q&A where lcs ask candidates questions

3. Application review of February 2016’


lcs and mc review all application packages

2. Application deadline 24th of February 16’ 23:59 GMT +1 1. Applications Open 4th February 2016

application package your application package must contain:

Your CV both AIESEC and non-AIESEC experience. Make sure that your CV describes your main achievements, results & skills gained (max. 2 pages).

executive summary/ motivational letter describe in one page why you are standing up for mcvp of aiesec in sweden for the term 2016/2017.

2 endorsement letters one from someone you have led in your mc/lc during the last year and one from a current international mc or lc member.

answers to mcvp general questionnaire (maximum 8 pages, excluding the cover page)

answers to mcvp specific questionnaire all applicants must select 2 functional areas that they feel are most competent in and answer those areas’ questions (maximum 3 pages for each functional areas questionnaire).

two videos one 3-minute video of self-presentation and one 7-minute video presenting your key strategies and how it will help in the development of aiesec in sweden in the year 2016/2017. Strategies need to be based on current state of AIESEC in Sweden and how to improve it.

Fill in the following personality tests: Personality test #1 - HERE Personality test #2 - HERE (*for the 2nd one, download it to your laptop/computer/device and then fill it in) Submit results in PDF format.

submit all the documents in a .pdf format. you are free to CREATE YOUR OWN DESIGN FOR THE APPLICATION FOLLOWING THE basic requirements. submission of videos can be done either directly or by uploading them on youtube or wetransfer and providing THE LINK. PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL INCOMPLETE PACKAGES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

mcvp general questionnaire 1. describe yourself as a person and explain what unique contribution you will bring to: mc team, leadership of the lcs and aiesec in Sweden in general. 2. review the role areas in the mc responsibilities description of the booklet and present 2 areas/roles you would be best for. why these areas? what is it you can bring especially to them? 3. What is your dream for Sweden? 4. define the current state of the lcs of aiesec in Sweden (performance and health) and propose focus areas for the term 16/17 for lc development.

5. based on your analysis of aiesec in Sweden’s current reality, suggest your top two financial & time investment areas (with hr from the mc), to increase the exchange development in the entity. 6. What kind of culture AIESEC in Sweden needs in 16/17 and how you can personally contribute to it? 7. analysing the mcpe’s application, what proposed strategies and national focus areas do you agree with or do not agree with and why? 8. we are at the beginning of the new mid-term ambition, AIESEC 2020 - what should be the 3 main actions/strategies/focuses driven by the mc 16/17 in order to increase the volume of the experiences delivered by aiesec in Sweden? 9. What should be the role of AIESEC in Sweden towards AIESEC 2020? 10. how would you measure the success of aiesec in Sweden for the year 16/17? please state at least 2 measures of success and also propose focuses that will ensure that the measure of success are met. 11. what are the biggest questions that generation 16/17 needs to find answer to?

mcvp specific questionnaire

incoming Exchange, sales & partnership management&BD

finance, legal & administration 1. How would you manage risk? Present some tools you will use and explain how you would use them. 2. Analyse the financial model of AIESEC in Sweden for ICX & OGX. Identify 3 implications or limitations. Propose 2 innovations (radical or incremental) to improve it. 3. please provide a strategy for driving investments nationally and locally.

Outgoing Exchange

1.After recent change in membership criteria, LCs are not obliged to run iGIP, they can perform in any program, as long as they have 10 RE. How do you see it will impact iGIP growth both nationally and locally,?. 2.What will be your top 3 strategies for Incoming Exchange, Sales and Partnership Management to ensure national continuity in operations and LC growth? 3. how do you see the role of BD in the next term and how it can complement to iGIP growth, and vice versa? What are your proposed activities for the next term for this synergy?

1.What are the main bottlenecks of OGX in AIESEC in Sweden? Suggest action steps to overcome these challenges and their implementation timeline. 2. Mention top 2 strategies to ensure efficiency and growth in the non-peak periods of the year in AIESEC in Sweden. 3. please create a strategy for increasing iXP contribution to OGX RE.

mcvp specific questionnaire

Organisational development 1.

What is OD and what role it plays in organisation’s growth? 2. As OD, how do you plan to support each LC in their organisational development and what would be your milestones for each LC? 3. Please explain how will the growth model support the development of the coaching model and provide a concrete example.

talent management 1.Young people want to develop themselves quickly and efficiently. Present a strategy to provide the members of AIESEC in Sweden within all programs with fast, intense and valuable leadership experiences. 2.Evaluate TM of the term and choose the Top 3 processes you would like to improve and why? 3. Evaluate current member engagement locally and present 3 innovative strategies (different from this term) that can increase member engagement.

marketing & communication 1.How would you evaluate your first 6 months of operations in Marketing & Comm function at the national level and its impact on the AIESEC in Sweden network? 2.Without any restrictions (time, budget, hr, etc.), design the biggest campaign you can to reach 30,000 students in Sweden using the GTCM model. 3. please evaluate current brand awareness locally and 3 strategies that could support increasing brand awareness.

lcp network 2015/2016 contacts LC umeå Melanie Garcia Martinez

JÖNKÖPING OE Robert Szotyori

LC gothenburg Zarah Ewurama Caraan

LC LUND Elena Liski

LC uppsala Julia Söderberg

lc stockholm Mikael åström

LC linköping Hanna Trolleberg

IG SSE Linda Lehto

Useful resources

MCP applications: Click HERE AIESEC in Sweden Knowledge management (functional area documents): Click HERE

GOOD LUCK! submit your application by the 24th of February 2016 by 23:59h, (GMT+1) to and late applications will not be accepted.

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