MCP 17/18 AIESEC in Sweden

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AIESEC in Sweden

MCP Applica2on 2017/2018

Content • • • • • • •

Words from the MCP The MCP Role Job Descrip2on and Responsibili2es The elec2on process Applica2on requirements MCP Applica2on Ques2onnaire Contacts

Words from the MCP 16/17 Dear MCP candidate, it is difficult for me even to imagine that the 2me has come to open MCP applica2ons for AIESEC in Sweden for the term 17/18, and that in a blink of an eye my term will end. Exactly one year ago I was contempla2ng what will be my next step in life -­‐ wether aTer 2 MC terms and 5 years in AIESEC I should leave the organisa2on, go for an internship, or just start a “real life”. MCP posi2on was definitely not something that I was thinking about from the very beginning, but with our successes and progress we achieved in the term 15/16 I felt personal responsibility to con2nue the legacy of our MC term and make sure there is con2nuity in AIESEC in Sweden. Being an MCP is not always easy, it is not always glamours, and it is not always rewarding -­‐ it requires a great dose of perseverance, pa2ence, love and passion both for the AIESEC and for AIESEC in Sweden. You are the person to whom people will look upon, turn for answers and advices, for comfort, for solu2ons, and you will have to be there for your people in every single moment of their experience. You will not always see your achievements in numbers, but you will see your team becoming stronger and more connected, you will see your LCPs becoming independent, you will see your members taking leadership posi2ons, you will see lives that are changed because of AIESEC in Sweden, and this is what will keep you going. In those moments you will know that becoming the MCP was the right decision. To the person who will become my successor I promise my pa2ence and undivided a]en2on in the transi2on process and beyond that. I wish you all the luck, Klara Peic, MCP 16/17

Job Descrip2on and Responsibili2es As Member Commi]ee President (MCP) you will have three principal responsibili2es: 1. Provide leadership and guidance to AIESEC in Sweden’s stakeholders including the na2onal execu2ve team (MC), the Local Commi]ees (LCs) and the members at large in achieving AIESEC in Sweden’s mission and long & short term strategic direc2on

2. Manage your team and the opera2ons of AIESEC in Sweden.

3. Represent AIESEC in Sweden externally and interna2onally in your capacity as leader of the organisa2on in Sweden, par2cularly focusing on demonstra2ng the relevance of AIESEC in Sweden. You are the leader, the manager and the face of AIESEC in Sweden from the moment your term starts.

Job Descrip2on and Responsibili2es Representa)onal Ac)vi)es:

Management Ac)vi)es

1. Act as a spokesperson for AIESEC in Sweden

1. Serve on the Board of 1. Develop and execute a 12-­‐ Directors of AIESEC in Sweden month opera2onal business in your role as President plan aligned with AIESEC in Sweden’s long-­‐ term strategic 2. Contribute to and implement direc2on long-­‐term strategy with the Board of Directors 2. Oversee an opera2onal budget in excess of 1,400,000 SEK 3. Oversee the long-­‐term financial and organisa2onal 3. Manage and support (including health of AIESEC in Sweden formal evalua2ons and feedback) all team members in 4. Review and make financial & the na2onal office contractual decisions 4. Coach and mentor LCPs 5. Oversee MCP elec2ons and MCVP selec2on processes 5. Develop session content for and facilitate at conferences 6. Develop and apply office policies and procedures

2. Recruit and communicate with members of the Champions’ Group 3. Liaise with AIESEC Interna2onal and the Global Plenary 4. Leverage Swedish good case prac2ces interna2onally and apply interna2onal good case prac2ces in Sweden 5. Educate and inform AIESEC in Sweden stakeholders as to interna2onal strategies and developments

Leadership and guidance ac)vi)es

The elec2on process 30th November 2016

28th November 2016 23:59 GMT+2

Review Board Interview

3rd December 2016 Speeches and Q&A

Vo2ng and announcement

3rd December 2016

Applica2on deadline


1. Submit your applica2on to MCP current, on email: 2. Late or incomplete applica2ons will not be accepted 3. Physical presence at the Review Board in Stockholm on 30th November is MANDATORY. 4. Physical presence at the Elec2on conference LEAD 2016 (2nd -­‐ 4th December) in Gothenburg is MANDATORY

The elec2on process On 3rd December, it will happen: 1. Introductory speech of maximum 10 minutes by the Candidates in alphabe2cal order. 
 2. Strategic presenta2ons of 30 minutes (20 minute speech + Q&A consis2ng of 2 ques2ons per LC and a 1 minute answering 2me by the Candidate) by the Candidates in alphabe2cal order 
 3. Presenta2on of the outcomes of the review board to the plenary by the representa2ves of the Review board 
 4. Ques2ons & Answers rota2on. The LCs will each have 10 minutes with each MCP Candidate to ask any ques2ons that may increase their understanding of the Candidate's strategies, personal mo2va2on, and addi2onal contribu2on to the network. 
 5. Final speeches by the Candidates of maximum 5 minutes each in alphabe2cal order

Applica2on requirements • Your CV: both AIESEC and non AIESEC experience. Make sure that your CV describes your main achievements, results, and skills gained. (no page limita2on) • Execu)ve Summary: describe in one page why are you standing for the MCP of AIESEC in Sweden 17-­‐18 
 • Two endorsement leBers: one from somebody you have lead in your MC/LC during the last year. A second one from an interna2onal MC or LC member (not from your own en2ty or AIESEC in Sweden). 
 • MCP Ques)onnaire (7 pages) 
 • One Blank Page Challenge (1 page) 
 Submit all the documents in a format that it is not editable (PDF). You are free to create your own design for the applica2on in order to comply with the requirements.

Strategic input Ques2onnaire 1. Create an analysis of the external environment in Sweden and what trends AIESEC in Sweden can capitalise on in the 17/18 term to grow. Please elaborate which AIESEC programmes can benefit the most from these trends and how? 
 2. Create an analysis of AIESEC in Sweden’s internal environment entailing its current state and posi2on in the global network. 
 3. Considering that Year 2 of AIESEC 2020 Strategic Plan begins next year, please evaluate current alignment of AIESEC in Sweden and AIESEC 2020. What strategic priori2es will you address first and what does success look like to you, with respect to your vision and organisa2onal goal for AIESEC in Sweden, by the end of your MCP term? 
 4. Propose your MC 17/18 team structure. Describe the structure according to their focus areas and their main tasks and why this is relevant to drive AIESEC in Sweden forward.

Max 5 pages

Leadership input Ques2onnaire 1. What are the main challenges you might be facing during your term considering: •

Your MC team

Your role

Your Local Presidents

Your work-­‐life balance

AIESEC Interna2onal

And how do you intend to resolve them in 2me to enable progression for AIESEC in Sweden’s growth? 2. Describe one of your strengths and one of your weaknesses in team management and provide a specific example on how you have demonstrated this strength and weakness. How will these characteris2cs impact your leadership as MCP?

Max 2 pages

Blank Paper Challenge The Board of Advisors and the Local Commi]ee Presidents have empowered you to come up with a radical idea that will benefit AIESEC in Sweden in the future. Considering you have one year to make it happen, what is your idea? (budget notwithstanding – so there are no budget limita2ons).

Max 1 page


Please find here the Contact list of AIESEC in Sweden

Good luck!

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