20130628 cluster lab description creative collaboration kh

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REG X Engstien 1 DK - 6000 Kolding Denmark Email: info@tci.com Phone: +4540401282

16th TCI Annual Global Conference: Cluster Lab We would like to upload a short description of each Cluster Lab in the conference program. Therefore we kindly ask you to fill out this description, and return it to jesper@regx.dk no later than 28 June 2013. If your Cluster Lab will include presentations from additional speakers, please list these also. Thank you.

Personal details First name Last name Email address Phone no. Position Organization Address Postal/ZIP code City and state Country

Klaus Haasis haasis@mfg.de +49 711 90715 370 CEO MFG Innovation Agency for ICT and Media Baden-Württemberg

Breitscheidstrasse 4 70174 Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg Germany

Cluster Lab description Cluster Lab title Description

Cluster Lab „Creative Collaboration“ How to create a flourishing collaboration culture? How to built up trust in collaborative environments? What are the needs to develop a climate of innovation and creativity in groups, teams, networks, ventures? “Lab Director” Klaus Haasis gives some insights in his collaboration and leadership approach, being a cluster manager for more than 18 years and as a certified person-centered counselor and systemic coach. This Lab gives a flavor of person-centred and hypno-systemic coaching combined with new findings of neurobiology.

REG X Engstien 1 DK - 6000 Kolding Denmark Email: info@tci.com Phone: +4540401282

A playful and creative practical training through experience based and interactive learning, presented by the European Creative Cluster Lab (ECCL) We invite open minded cluster managers/practitioners to elaborate and experience playful new ways of collaboration support in groups. The session will help you to develop and improve the collaboration culture, creativity and innovation climate in your initiative.

Additional speakers

Co-Lab Director Daniel St端rzebecher, MFG Innovation Agency for ICT and Media Baden-W端rttemberg, Germany

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