Klett World Languages provides highquality language materials in Spanish, French,German,andItalianforK-12and Higher Education learners. Specifically, three programs: Spanish-based Reporteros, French-based Reporters Francophones, andGerman-based Das Reporterteam series offer a robust collection of materials in various modalities (print-based, digital, and online)thatarealignedwiththeACTFL World-Readiness Standards, and Guidelines for Proficiency. Each lesson, activity, and assessment is evidencebasedandlinkedtolanguageproficiency expectationsforK-12learners.
Each of the programs, Reporteros, Reporters Francophones, and Das Reporterteam is designedformiddleand high school students at an introductory level. Using real-world scenarios, these programs engage learners through an inclusivelearningenvironment,placinga strong emphasis on global equity and cultural identity. A critical aspect of theseprogramsisthatlearnersconnect their language-learning to other disciplines through communicative and personalized activities. All three programs utilize authentic learning by positioning learners as reporters and assigning them to report on their own personal communities, experiences, and interests.
A review of scholarly research on language learning strategies (LLS) suggests that there are three types of effective language learning strategies: awareness training, one-time strategy training (or initial presentation), and longterm strategy training (Chen, 2024). According to Oxford (1990), awareness training introduces the learner to the content using a brief lesson. Then, onetime strategy training prompts the learner to attempt tasks to reinforce their understanding of the content and provides them with feedback. Last, longterm strategy training engages the learner in repeated practice that scaffolds content and increases in complexity.
This LLS routine is evident in the language learning programs developed by Klett World Languages. Learners are presented with authentic learning scenarios, a variety of cognitive strategies and activities that yield useful feedback, and repeated practice that encodes learning more deeply. Importantly, the end-of-unit project-based assessments are generative and require that the learner apply their understanding in creative ways. This, too, results in deeper learning.
Klett World Languages also draws from the evidence-based research in second language acquisition to design explicit
instructional strategies that are learnercentered (Chamot & O’Malley, 1987; Krashen,1982).
Thedesignreviewthatfollowsislimited to the Reporteros, Reporters Francophones, and Das Reporterteam programs, specifically. This evaluation considers the learning product from an instructional design perspective that includestheprogramdesignframework, content selection, design, and development,evaluation,andinterface.
Chamot, A. U., & O’Malley, J. M. (1987). The Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach: A Bridge to the Mainstream. TESOL Quarterly, 21(2), 227–249. https://doi.org/10.2307/3586733
Chen, L. (2024). Online Chinese Learning: Exploring Effective Language Learning Strategies. Taylor & Francis Group.
Krashen, S. D. (1982). Principles and practice in second language acquisition (First edition). Pergamon Press.
Oxford, R. (1990). Language Learning Strategies: What Every Teacher Should Know. New York: Newbury House Publishers.
The Design Review rubric includes thirteen evaluative criteria organized into four broad categories. For each criterion, a rating of Limited, Moderate, or Strong, is indicated by one, two, or three stars, respectively.
Program Design Framework & Process
Specific To A Logic Model
Systematic Design Process
Program Content Selection & Design
Specific Instructional Needs
Comprehensive Design Plan
Addresses Individual Learners
Instructional Objectives
Instructional Sequencing
Program Evaluation
Formative Evaluation
Summative Evaluation
Materials Interface / Design
Support for Users
Student Feedback
Teacher Assessment Data
The program design clearly specifies a systemic Theory of Action (or Logic Model).
Reporteros, Reporters Francophones, and DasReporterteam series follow a well-defined and clearly established logic model. This model specifies the inputs, strategies, outputs, and outcomesassociatedwiththelanguage learningprograms.
A systematic design process was used to develop, evaluate, and refine materials.
The design process for each volume beginswithidentifyingacomprehensive list of grammar and lexical contents, topics,andperformancedescriptorsthat are standards-aligned This is a collaborativeprocessamongvariousKWL stakeholders that emphasizes four key language learning skills: listening, speaking,reading,andwriting.Although not formally documented, this general frameworkisappliedtoeachlessonand unit, ensuring an authentic learning experiencethatbeginswiththelearner’s ownuniqueperspectives.Thelogicmodel canbeviewedintheAppendix.
The program design addresses specified instructional/ curriculum needs.
The Reporteros, ReportersFrancophones, and DasReporterteam seriesarealigned totheACTFLWorld-ReadinessStandards for Learning Languages. Further, the series are aligned with the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Framework, whichprovidesmeaningfulTier2andTier 3learninginterventionstoaccommodate learnersofallabilitiesandintelligences. The learning materials have been reviewed for accessibility, adaptability, andculturalsensitivityforstudentsofall backgrounds, including those who are considered Talented and Gifted (TAG), English Learners (EL), Special Education (SPED), and Alternative Education Students.
A comprehensive design plan was employed in developing the program.
Although a formal needs analysis or learneranalysiswasnotcompleted,the program was developed using a Backward Design approach that aligns withtheACTFLstandards.Accordingly,
this approach informs the content sequencing, instructional strategies and objectives,andinstructionalneedsofits diverselearneraudience.
The program design addresses individual learner needs for high achievement.
The Reporteros, ReportersFrancophones, and Das Reporterteam series are exceptional at differentiating instruction and assessment, particularly with the digital versions. The ability to group learners and to assign personalized contentandassignmentshelpstocreate alearningenvironmentthatsuitslearners ofallabilities,rangingfrombeginnerto heritage language learners. Additional materials,suchastheTeacher’sEdition, provide supplemental resources for teachers to prescribe to all learners, dependingontheirneeds.
Instructional objectives are systematically developed and clearly specified.
The Reporteros, ReportersFrancophones, and Das Reporterteam series were developed using a backward design approach that began with the learning objectives articulated by the ACTFL. Therefore, objectives were established priortothecontentdevelopment,andno revisionwasneeded.
Instructional sequencing is aligned with objectives and adaptive to learner needs.
Thecurriculumislogicallystructuredusing aBackwardDesignFrameworkapproach, which presents the learner with an overview of content, including essential questions, learning objectives, and descriptions of upcoming and final assessments.Fromhere,lessonsfollowa communicative approach that utilizes real-world scenarios to reinforce understanding of word structures, vocabulary, sentence- and paragraphlength discourse. This scaffolding preparesthelearnerfortheend-of-unit project-based assessment, which is a culmination of these skills. Importantly, learners experience frequent checks for understanding,andintheHTMLversionof the program, receive immediate feedbackofcorrectresponses.
Formative evaluation was used to develop and refine the program.
Program developers sought feedback from stakeholder groups to refine the Reporteros program.Specifically,surveys and roundtable discussions were conducted with educators and school administratorsnationwidetoensurethat Reporteros would serve the needs of educatorsandstudents.Werecommend ongoing formative evaluation opportunities be conducted for all programsinresponsetoallusers.
Summative evaluation was used to obtain evidence on program effectiveness.
No summative evaluation has been conducted, but Klett World Languages is planning a large-scale summative evaluation of their language-learning products
Costs and resources needed for using the program are clearly specified.
The Klett World Languages website features the KWL Store, which details a collection of language materials availableforpurchase Pricesareclearly labeled, and opportunities to contact CustomerSupportarepresented.
Support for users is timely and effective.
Support for using KWL materials is providedviamultiplechannels,including a direct phone number, email address, and various social media accounts. In addition, several support guides are providedontheKWLHubSupportpage, including separate guides for districts, schools,teachers,andstudents.Because of this, technical and customer support forusersisconsideredreadilyavailable.
Students receive clear and relevant feedback about their performance.
Students routinely engage with the content through practice and exercises In the digital version, learners can experienceawidevarietyofinteractives thatcheckforunderstandingandprovide immediatefeedbackintheformofKCR (KnowledgeofCorrectResponse).
Teachers receive assessment data for tracking students’ progress.
The KWL Hub functions much like a LearningManagementSystem(LMS)in thatitprovidesteachersacentral
dashboardthatdisplaysinformationon students,includingclassrosters,grades, andperformance,aswellastheability to create and assign specific assignmentsfromthetexttotheentire class, groups of learners, or an individual learner. The KWL Hub also syncs with Google Classroom for a more streamlined experience for schools using that LMS. Class, group, and learner summary reports can be exported as a .CSV and .XLS file. In addition, assessment reports are available at the school and district levels, which also include usage data andoveralldataforTop10performing schoolsandclasses.
According to the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Tier 4 evidence must demonstrate both of the following: a rationale in the form of a clearly articulated logic model current or future plans to study the effects of an intervention
As indicated by this review, the Reporteros, Reporters Francophones, and Das Reporterteam language programs have achieved Tier 4 evidence, set forth by ESSA.
World language instruction:
Aligned to ACTFL
Defined learning goals & objectives
Backward Design Framework
Current (relevant) & coherent content
Logically constructed (vertical alignment)
Multiple learning methods to engage all types of learners including audio and video files
Embedded ready-made assessments
Differentiation strategies
Materials in print and/or digital format
Materials that are accessible
Culture, diverse and authentic content
Annotated Teacher’s Edition
Access to additional P/D
Digital Learning Platform
Supplemental Resources:
KWL MTSS Resource Guide
Correlations (State and ACTFL)
ACTFL Performance
Descriptors for Language Learners
Curriculum delivery to language students: Authentic Resources
Can-Do Statements
Project/Task-based Assessments
Integrated Performance Assessments (IPAs)
Intercultural Communicative Competency Activities (including the teenage reporters)
ACTFL Core Practices, proficiency-aligned activities and projects
Teachers participate in virtual or onsite onboarding (minimum of three hours): Content Overview
Technology Overview
Assessments including selfchecks/progress
Formative and summative assessments
Learn grammar and vocabulary through context and focus on meaning over form
Achieve ACTFL proficiency levels by the end of the course
Teachers: Understand the philosophy and pedagogy of the world language series (communicative approach to learning)
Language Proficiency, Cultural Competency