A communicative, proficiency-based German program that speaks to today’s learners!
A communicative, proficiency-based German program that speaks to today’s learners!
KLETT WORLD LANGUAGES is a publishing house specializing in print and digital instructional materials for learning and teaching world languages.
Our mission is to help students become global citizens by developing their intercultural and critical thinking skills through language learning. We aim to help students learn and use language in real-life situations by creating engaging and meaningful content that sparks their curiosity and motivates them to learn.
We strongly believe that teachers play a key role in language learning, and part of our mission is to support them and to provide ample opportunity for professional development.
Having them is not enough. We live by them.
Because everyone on the core KWL team has a background in education and works closely with educators and students, our commitment goes far beyond our daily work. We understand the needs of educators and students and we are passionate about looking for solutions and tools to help them succeed.
We are committed to providing high-quality print and digital content at affordable prices to all who want to learn a language. We guarantee lower prices for high-quality content and simple, easy-to-use technology.
We view languages as tools for communication and action. To learn a language and build authentic communicative competency, students need a realistic context, a true need to communicate, a focus on meaning, and the right linguistic resources. That is what we provide in our educational materials.
Our educational materials focus on the most current pedagogical methodology. They follow the ACTFL Guidelines for Proficiency, include Can-Do statements, and address the 5 Cs. Our digital resources provide original and authentic content via a simple and easy-to-use platform.
We see educators as our partners, and the core of our mission is to support them by providing professional development opportunities, highquality documents and activities, and instructor resources in an easily accessible format.
Our content is created to help students use language to communicate and interact with other communities and cultures both in the United States and abroad. Our books present a respectful, modern, and open-minded perspective of our world and its cultures that allows students to dismantle stereotypes and to cultivate an awareness of global concerns.
DAS REPORTERTEAM is a proficiency-based German program that speaks to today’s learners. It follows a communicative, task-based approach to learning through projects inspired by real-world scenarios. Our program offers authentic, engaging content that awakens students’ curiosity about the German-speaking world.
A student-centered, 21st century, comprehensive language and culture program
A communicative program where real-world language and projects take center stage
A fun, meaningful, and motivating approach to the German language
A gateway to culture and language throught authentic materials
An invaluable tool for differentiation and accessibility
A promoter of diversity in the classroom and beyond
ACTFL World-Readiness Standards and a proficiency-based approach lie at the heart of DAS REPORTERTEAM:
Learning objectives in the form of Can-Do Statements leading to the completion of final projects
Essential questions that are grounded in each lesson and foster critical thinking skills
The three modes of communication —interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational— are integrated into the lesson sequences
A communicative approach to grammar where students first focus on meaning, then on structures
Standards-based activities that integrate the 5 Cs throughout each unit
that incorporate the three modes of communication
DAS REPORTERTEAM offers three volumes that take students from Novice Low to Intermediate Mid proficiency levels in German.
Series’ components include:
• Student Edition
• Workbook
• Annotated Teacher’s Edition
• Digital versions on
Keep reading to learn more about each of the components!
The KWL Hub offers digital content and resources for students and teachers who work with DAS REPORTERTEAM. It is designed with a clear purpose in mind: to improve teaching and learning experiences in middle school and high school environments with engaging content and helpful, user-friendly tools.
The KWL Hub is easy, flexible, and intuitive for all users. It includes a variety of resources, as well as robust functionalities that allow teachers to personalize the textbooks, assign homework, correct students' work, offer feedback, track the progress of each student, etc.
The KWL Hub is available as a website and as an app.
Compatible with:
- Smartphones and tablets: iOS and Android.
- Computers: Windows, Mac, Chrome OS and Linux.
Interactive, browser-friendly versions with sizeadaptable pages that allow for a full digital learning experience. Students can write directly in the writing fields, record themselves, self-correct, re-do activities, attach files, and send all of their work to the teacher.
The KWL Hub offers:
• an interactive version of the Student Edition
• an interactive version of the Workbook
• an eBook version of the Student Edition
• an eBook version of the Workbook
• an eBook of the Annotated Teacher's Edition
• Assessment program
• grammar tutorials
• pronunciation tutorials
• scripts for all audio recordings
• closed captioning on all videos for students with hearing impairments
• audio description on all videos for students with visual impairments
• differentiation worksheets
• assessment rubrics
• self and peer assessment rubrics
• …and much more!
eBook versions allow teachers and students to browse through all the pages and grant them access to all of the video and audio files.
3 2 1
What are the different ways we greet each other?
What kinds of information do we typically share when introducing ourselves?
MINIPROJEKT 1 Write and perform a skit in German for the school’s theater club
MINIPROJEKT 2 Create your Deutschpass
ABSCHLUSSPROJEKT Interview a famous German-speaking person for a talk show
How are origin and languages important in life?
What do our interests say about us?
MINIPROJEKT 1 Create a world map to present three celebrities that have roots in various countries
MINIPROJEKT 2 Create a poster to illustrate your likes and dislikes
ABSCHLUSSPROJEKT Create a personal profile for a school exchange program
• spelling and the German alphabet
• greeting people and saying goodbye
• introducing oneself
• expressing likes and dislikes
• identifying and asking about objects
• asking for information
• being polite
• apologizing
• giving instructions
• greeting people and introducing onself
• identifying professions and introducing others
• asking how old people are and telling their age
• asking and responding to questions about your name, age, and where you live
• expressions for greeting people and saying goodbye
• numbers from 0 to 31
• weather and seasons
• classroom objects
• days of the week and months
• everyday words and expressions in German
• useful classroom expressions
• polite expressions
• professions
• numbers up to two million
• mathematical equations
• the definite article
• subject pronouns
• the verb heißen
• the verb wohnen
• word order
• questions with wer, wie, was, wo
• the verb sein
• telling dates
• identifying countries and saying where people come from
• identifying languages people speak and countries where German is spoken
• expressing activities people like and don’t like to do
• saying which pets people prefer and which people have and don’t have
• making plans for the weekend
What makes a family?
How does style reflect someone’s personality?
MINIPROJEKT 1 Present your entourage in a poster
MINIPROJEKT 2 Write a post about one celebrity’s style
ABSCHLUSSPROJEKT Create and present a character from a book and his or her entourage
• presenting family members and people who are close to me and describing their personalities
• asking for and giving information about family relationships
• describing what people wear
• describing someone’s physical appearance and personality
• countries and languages
• origins
• hobbies and leisure activities
• pets
• the stem-changing verb sprechen
• Yes/No questions
• Und, oder, aber
• verb + gern / nicht gern
• stem-changing verbs fahren, lesen, sehen, treffen
• the verb haben
• indefinite articles ein, eine
• the negation with kein, keine
• family relationships
• personality traits
• clothes and accessories
• physical descriptions
• genitive -s with proper names
• possessive adjectives
• negation with nicht
• expressing cause with denn
• definite articles in the accusative
• the stem-changing verb tragen
• the verb mögen
• object pronouns
• possessive adjectives in the singular accusative
• famous German-speaking people, landmarks, and objects
• German state and city names in the United States
• gestures and greetings
• important cultural events in the German-speaking countries
• greetings in Germanspeaking countries
• famous German-speaking people
• the port of Hamburg
• Hamburger and Fischbrötchen
• Hamburg harbor birthday
• the Elbphilharmonie
• musicals in Hamburg, such as König der Löwen
• the European Day of Languages
• German-speaking countries
• the border triangle at Lake Constance
• the German singer Namika
• the association buntkicktgut, an intercultural football league
• the Deutscher Tierschutzbund, a German animal welfare association
• Lake Constance
• typical weekend activities in Germany
• the sitcom Türkisch für Anfänger
• Leni Klum and her famous family
• Checkpoint Charlie, lake Wannsee, Tempelhofer Feld, and the Berlinale film festival
• shopping in Berlin: Mall of Berlin
• shopping in Germany
• four German-speaking influencers
• the East Side Gallery in Berlin
• the metric system
• the movie and book Hände weg von Mississippi
• two German fashion designers: Michael Michalsky and Karl Lagerfeld
5 4
What makes a good school experience?
How can activities bring us together?
MINIPROJEKT 1 Create an ideal or horrible school schedule
MINIPROJEKT 2 Create and present an ad for a new club at your school
ABSCHLUSSPROJEKT Present your school in a video report
• identifying places in a school
• describing school schedules and asking and answering questions about them
• understanding descriptions of school schedules and systems in the German-speaking world
• describing extracurricular activities at school
• understanding information about contests for talented youths in Germany
What makes a healthy diet?
How does food reflect a country’s culture?
MINIPROJEKT 1 Create a video to give advice on a healthy diet
MINIPROJEKT 2 Create and perform a skit that takes place in a restaurant
ABSCHLUSSPROJEKT Create and perform a skit in which you invite friends to your home
What makes a city a good place to live?
How do people shop differently across cultures?
MINIPROJEKT 1 Make a brochure of the best places for young Germans to visit according to your class
MINIPROJEKT 2 Organize a flea market in your classroom
ABSCHLUSSPROJEKT Design a city tour of your hometown for German-speaking tourists
• identifying food items and sharing food preferences
• making suggestions for healthy eating and comparing food and beverage preferences
• ordering and paying for a meal in a restaurant
• extending, accepting, and rejecting invitations
• making a grocery list and purchases in a grocery store
• school areas
• school subjects and schedules
• alternatives to saying yes/no
• school clubs
• expressions of frequency
• performing
• events
• possessive adjectives (plural)
• expressing days of the week and time: am, um
• es gibt + accusative
• the verb wollen + infinitive
• the imperative
• foods
• meals and eating habits
• dining out and menus
• accepting and rejecting an invitation
• going grocery shopping
• expressions of quantity
• the stem-changing verb essen
• the imperative (ihr)
• viel, viele / wenig, wenige
• the indefinite pronoun man
• answers with doch
• the stem-changing verb nehmen
• making polite requests with möchten
• the verb können + infinitive
• the preposition für + accusative
• describing places in a city and telling how to get there
• locating places on a map
• choosing a gift, saying where to buy it, and telling its price
• asking for information while shopping or exploring a city
• following, asking for, and giving directions
• places en town and directions
• means of transportation
• stores
• telling prices
• buying clothes
• gifts
• giving directions
• the preposition mit + dative
• prepositions of location + dative
• compounds
• the preposition of direction in + accusative
• Tag der offenen Tür
• German schools
• the grading system in Germany
• the German education system
• Girls’ Day and similar events in German-speaking countries
• AGs at a German school
• two German national contests: Jugend forscht and Jugend musiziert
• school traditions in Germany
• the Wiener Schnitzel, a popular Austrian dish
• food products and specialities associated with Austrian cuisine
• eating habits or food products associated with German-speaking countries
• the euro
• customs in Germanspeaking restaurants
• the Imbiss
• etiquette in Germanspeaking countries
• the metric system
• places to go for grocery shopping
• Austrian coffee house culture and specialties offered
• Zurich’s cityscape and transportation
• leisure activities in Zurich
• Zurich’s cultural scene, famous sites and monuments
• languages spoken in Switzerland
• the Swiss franc
• shopping in Germanspeaking countries
• recycling in fashion
• original places to go shopping in Zurich
How do daily routines of young people vary?
How do young people spend their leisure time?
MINIPROJEKT 1 Eine Klassenumfrage und ein Poster über den Alltag von Jugendlichen
MINIPROJEKT 2 Ein Rollenspiel für eine gemeinsame Aktivität
ABSCHLUSSPROJEKT Eine Präsentation mit Bildern für ein Wochenendprogramm in München
Why do young people travel?
What makes traveling memorable?
MINIPROJEKT 1 Eine Broschüre über eure Region
MINIPROJEKT 2 Ein Post über deine letzte Reise
ABSCHLUSSPROJEKT Ein Podcast über einen vergangenen Klassenausflug
How do homes reflect a country’s culture?
How do households share chores?
MINIPROJEKT 1 Eine Präsentation zu einem perfekten Zuhause für eine Familie in Frankfurt
MINIPROJEKT 2 Ein Poster für eine Kampagne zu Hausarbeit und Teamwork
ABSCHLUSSPROJEKT Eine Präsentation von eurer Wohnung und eurem Haushaltsplan
Review of communicative goals presented in Level 1
• asking and responding to questions about daily routines and schedules
• telling what one may and must do
• describing what people do in their free time and telling how often they do things
• making plans for a musical event
• exchanging opinions about music
Review of vocabulary and structures presented in Level 1
• describing the geography of a region or country
• saying where you want to travel
• recounting past activities
• describing the weather
• reading about and describing travel experiences
• interpreting an infographic about travel experiences and creating your own
• describing interior design
• expressing housing preferences
• describing housing needs
• understanding descriptions of objects in a house and saying where to put them
• asking for help with chores
• making and understanding excuses
Review of people, places, products, and practices in German-speaking countries
• cycling in Germany
• parts of the day, daily routines
• expressing frequency
• leisure activities
• expressing preferences with gern, lieber, am liebsten
• expressing opinions and hypotheses
• inviting, accepting, refusing, and reacting to suggestions
• separable verbs
• the verbs müssen and dürfen
• the prepositions vor, nach, bei, zu
• object pronouns
• subordinate clauses with wenn
• pronouns in the dative
• cardinal directions, landscapes
• traveling and accommodations
• time markers
• expressions of quantity
• expressions to describe an experience
• expressing a cause with weil 3 2 1
• the prepositions in, an, and nach
• the Präteritum of sein, haben
• the Perfekt with haben and of the irregular verbs
• the Perfekt with haben and sein
• the Perfekt of separable verbs
• word order
• housing, parts of a house
• describing a space
• rooms in a house
• furniture and objects
• household chores
• living together
• two-way prepositions
• the verbs stehen, liegen, hängen
• plural forms
• the verb gefallen + dative
• the comparative
• the verbs stellen, legen, hängen
• the verb helfen + dative
• daily routines in a sports boarding school
• interesting places in Munich
• family festivals
• the Olympic Park in Munich
• the cultural and musical scene in Munich
• the region Das Blaue Land
• the Interrailticket
• landscapes in Germany
• popular destinations in German-speaking countries
• school trips in Germanspeaking countries
• places of interest in Leipzig and its surroundings
• the specialty Leipziger Allerlei
• the composer J. S. Bach and the Thomanerchor
• the city of Frankfurt am Main
• the architecture of Frankfurt
• different ways of living together: the Wohngemeinschaft
• the German cartoonist Uli Stein
• German Gemütlichkeit
• sharing household chores in German families
• the architecture of Friedensreich Hundertwasser
5 4
What are the benefits of sports
What factors contribute to emotional well-being?
MINIPROJEKT 1 Ein Poster für ein Sport- oder Spielevent
MINIPROJEKT 2 Ein Elfchen über Glück
ABSCHLUSSPROJEKT Eine Werbekampagne für gesunden Lifestyle
• interpreting an infographic on sports and comparing sports habits
• understanding a fitness campaign and naming some parts of the body
• interpreting a video about sports and associations
• telling why you like the sports you play
• describing moods and saying what makes people happy
• expressing your opinion about the use social media
• describing sports disciplines
• statistics
• parts of the body and injuries
• feelings and emotions
• personal relationships
• digital media and media usage
• expressing opinions
• the comparative and the superlative
• suffixes for noun formation
• expressing time with vor, seit, mit, and von bis
• reflexive verbs: sich freuen , sich streiten, sich ärgern
• the subordinate clause with dass
How do we make people feel welcome at our homes?
How do celebrations reflect the culture of a society?
MINIPROJEKT 1 Ein Interview mit Tipps für die perfekte Party
MINIPROJEKT 2 Ein Blogeintrag über ein Schweizer Fest
ABSCHLUSSPROJEKT Eine Präsentation über ein besonderes Fest in unserer Region / unserem Land
How do tradition and history influence modern lifestyles?
What can people do to improve their community?
MINIPROJEKT 1 Eine Willkommensmappe für die Austauschklasse
MINIPROJEKT 2 Ein Poster und eine Präsentation für ein Nachbarschaftsevent
ABSCHLUSSPROJEKT Eine Broschüre über euer Traumviertel
• extending an invitation in writing and responding to an invitation
• describing how to host a private event
• understanding and giving instructions for following a recipe
• understanding information about cultural events
• exchanging opinions about celebrations
• accepting and rejecting an invitation
• planning and hosting a party
• describing the steps of a recipe
• describing traditions, celebrations, and festivals
• nationalities and adjectives
• expressing consequences with deshalb
• expressing contrast with trotzdem
• sollten to give tips
• the quesion word welch-
• the verb wissen
• the declination of adjectives with ein, eine
• the article dieser, diese, dieses
• understanding the description of a city’s major attractions and a documentary about urban development
• expressing preferences about lifestyles
• understanding a description of a community initiative and suggesting ways to contribute to your own community
• understanding a description of a college campus and expressing your opinion on alternative student lodging
• describing a city and a neighborhood
• urban development and housing projects
• community initiatives
• lliving together and student lodging
• the declination of adjectives with der, die, das
• superlative adjectives
• expressing contrast with obwohl
• plural form of nouns
• verbs with prepositions
• question words with prepositions (wofür?, wobei?, womit? wozu?)
• expressing wishes with würde+ infinitive
• sports traditions and the Snowfest in Innsbruck
• Joggen für Anfänger, tips for jogging
• Vereine in Austria
• famous Austrian athletes
• Wie geht es dir?, a campaign for mental health
• #OnlineAmLimit, a campaign for digital balance
• the best places to live in Austria
• the illustrator and book author Janosch
• Tag der Nachbarschaft
• Apéro, a Swiss social event
• Schinkengipfel, a typical Swiss recipe
• Wilhelm Tell, a symbol of Switzerland
• Swiss traditions and celebrations
• Flâneuer Festival
• Superblock Fest
• Basler Fasnacht and carnival in German-speaking countries
• the old town of Heidelberg
• Heidelberg University
• the transformation of the city district Südstadt
• Heidelberg as former US Army base
• castles and palaces on the Burgenstraße
• Nachbarschaftsvereine
• Studentenstadt Heidelberg and self-managed student housing
Don’t miss out on exciting updates for our new German program, DAS REPORTERTEAM. Be the first to hear about the upcoming Level 2 and 3/4 releases and get exclusive access to sample units and scope and sequence materials.
notifications, and resources directly in your inbox!
Reporterteam video
Each unit is built around a Reporterin or Reporter, a teenager from a Germanspeaking country. In the video, the Reporterinnen and Reporter introduce themselves, their country and/or region, and the main topics of the unit.
Was ist Familie?
What makes a family?
Wie zeigt der Stil die Persönlichkeit einer Person? How does style reflect someone’s personality?
Essential questions
Two questions (one per lesson) that guide students throughout the unit and put the main topics of both lessons into perspective. These questions are tied to the core of the lessons and encourage the use of critical thinking skills
Hi! Ich heiße Emir und wohne in Berlin.
Meine Familie, meine Freunde und ich
Miniprojekt 1
Present your entourage in a poster
So ist mein Stil
Miniprojekt 2
Write a post about one celebrity’s style
Create and present a character from a book and his or her entourage
The two Miniprojekte (one per lesson) and the Abschlussprojekt (one per unit) are real-world projects in which students will use the grammar, vocabulary, and communicative skills they learned in each lesson.
We travel to Berlin, Germany to talk about family, friends, and clothes.
Information on the featured location
A map of the country or region the Reporterin or Reporter comes from, including information and interesting trivia facts.
• What do you know about the geography and history of the city of Berlin?
• What do you think you could do and see in Berlin?
Das ist interessant
• Berlin, the nation’s capital city, has 3.8 million inhabitants and is the biggest city in Germany.
• One typical street food in Berlin is the Turkish Döner
• The symbol of Berlin is a bear. You can see it throughout the city.
A. Watch the video and name the activities Emir mentions.
B. Complete the sentences in pairs.
1. Emir spricht … und …
2. In Berlin ist ein internationales …
3. Emir findet Berlin …
Opening activities
Activities based on the video about the Reporterin or Reporter
• present family members and people who are close to you and describe their personalities
• ask for and give information about family relationships
Lesson overview
A summary of the lesson goals: the first column presents the communicational goals, the second presents the vocabulary and grammar structures, and the third shows the cultural aspects of the lesson.
Bild am Set der TV-Serie Türkisch für Anfänger
• genitive -s with proper names
• possessive adjectives
• negation with nicht
• denn to express cause
• vocabulary for family relationships and personality traits
• the sitcom Türkisch für Anfänger
• Leni Klum and her famous family
• Checkpoint Charlie, the lake Wannsee, the park Tempelhofer Feld, and the Berlinale film festival
MINIPROJEKT 1: Present your entourage in a poster
16 neue Folgen ab 18. November | dienstags und freitags um 18.50 Uhr im Ersten
Authentic resources
A diverse choice of authentic media (photos of famous landmarks, movie posters, awareness campaigns, etc.) relates to the country/ region and lesson topic, and provides the main basis for the Wir starten activities that follow.
A. Look at the poster and the caption on the previous page.
1. a book.
2. a series.
3. a film.
This feature highlights one of the 5 C’s with a short text about a specific cultural element.
B. Read the chat. Verify your answer to activity A.
Lina Hi Emir! Wie geht’s?
Emir Super! Ich sehe eine Serie! Sie heißt Türkisch für Anfänger1
Lina Worum geht’s denn da2?
Eine deutsch-türkische Patchworkfamilie! Doris ist Lenas und Nils Mutter und ist total chaotisch. Der Vater heißt Metin und ist sehr organisiert. Er hat einen Sohn, Cem, und eine Tochter, Yagmur.
Lina Klingt witzig3!
Emir Ja, ich finde die Serie super!
1 beginners
3 Sounds funny!
C. Read the chat again. Say which character corresponds to which role in the film. It promotes…
2 What’s it all about?
5Cs question
A short question based on Cultural Comparisons or Connections
Turks form the largest minority group in Germany. In 1961, the first Turks arrived in Germany to work. They contributed significantly to German economic growth. The sitcom Türkisch für Anfänger (2006–2008) has won many awards.
Lena’s mother falls in love with a Turkish police officer named Metin. He, his son, and his daughter join Doris, Lena, and Nils to form a blended family. In the sitcom, the differences between German and Turkish cultures are portrayed in a humorous way.
Kultureller Vergleich
Which American family sitcoms do you know? In what ways are they similar to or different from Türkisch für Anfänger?
Reporterteam chat
In these text messages, the Reporterinnen and Reporter talk about a featured authentic resource. The chat is a fun and relatable way to introduce the main topic of the unit and some basic vocabulary as well.
Cem ist …
Descriptive title
A title that describes in a few words the communicational goals of the spread.
I can present family members and people who are close to me and describe their personalities.
A. Read the sentences about Emir’s family. You can download the family tree from and then complete it in pairs.
Activity type
Each activity is introduced by one or more verbs (lesen, schreiben, etc.) which will help students understand which communication skill(s) will be required in the activity.
1. Ecrin ist Emirs, Selmas und Yunus’ Mutter.
2. Selma ist Emirs und Yunus’ Schwester.
3. Ecrin ist Leylas und Baris’ Tochter.
4. Leyla ist Emirs, Selmas und Yunus’ Großmutter.
5. Yunus ist Monikas und Klaus’ Enkel.
6. Martin ist Ecrins Ex-Mann.
B. Read the following sentences.
Emirs Mutter ist Lehrerin.
Selmas Hund ist drei Jahre alt.
Yunus’ Vater wohnt in Hamburg.
Felix’ Schwester und Moritz’ Bruder sind Freunde.
Emir’s mother is a teacher.
Selma’s dog is three years old. Yunus’ father lives in Hamburg.
Felix’s sister and Moritz’s brother are friends.
Die Familie
• der Mann husband
• die Frau wife
• der Ex-Mann ex-husband
• die Ex-Frau ex-wife
• die Eltern (pl.) parents der Vater father die Mutter mother
• das Kind, die Kinder child, children der Sohn son die Tochter daughter
• die Geschwister (pl.) siblings der Bruder brother die Schwester sister
• die Großeltern (pl.) grandparents der Großvater grandfather die Großmutter grandmother
• der Enkel grandson
• die Enkelin granddaughter
How do you express possession and relationships in English? What differences do you notice in the German sentences? MEINE VOKABELN
Genitive -s with proper names
Emirs Vater Yunus’ Freund
Emirs Mutter heißt … 4
A. Read Emir’s blog.
Who are the people in his entourage?
Hi! Ich präsentiere hier „Meine Lieblingsleute“!
Diese Personen sind wichtig für mich2: meine Freunde und Freundinnen, Personen aus meiner Familie, Lehrer und Lehrerinnen, …
Text recording
All of the texts are available as audio recordings to allow students to work on pronunciation and intonation. These recordings are especially helpful for auditory learners.
Meine Mutter ist sehr wichtig für mich, denn sie ist großzügig , optimistisch und nicht neugierig. Sie mag die Natur.
Finn ist mein bester Freund. Er ist witzig und sportlich, aber er geht nicht gern ins Kino. Schade!
Mein Handballtrainer Ulli ist sehr optimistisch und super nett . Er wohnt nicht in Berlin, er wohnt in Potsdam.
Selma ist meine Schwester. Ich finde sie super, denn sie ist kreativ und witzig . Aber sie ist auch ein bisschen faul .
Mein Bruder Yunus ist intelligent und neugierig. Er ist nicht schüchtern.
Und wer sind deine Lieblingsleute?
1 favorite people
2 important to me
B. Describe the personalities of the people in Emir’s entourage.
Emirs Mutter ist …
C. Make a list of the members of your entourage. Describe the personalities of two people in your entourage. Explain why they are important to you.
Mein Bruder ist …, denn
Meine Großmutter ist …, denn …
Communication examples Examples of answers serve as a guide for students. They are always written in blue and the grammatical structures are highlighted in yellow.
Workbook S. 66-68
Personality traits
• Mein bester Freund / Meine beste Freundin ist … My best friend is…
• Mein Trainer / Meine Trainerin ist … My coach is …
• ernst serious
• faul lazy
• großzügig generous
• intelligent intelligent
• kreativ creative
• nett nice
• neugierig curious
• optimistisch optimistic
• pessimistisch pessimistic
• schüchtern shy
• sportlich athletic
• witzig funny
Possessive adjectives
Das ist … mein Bruder meine Schwester
Das sind … meine Freunde
Negation with nicht
• Emirs Freund ist nicht schüchtern.
• Ulli wohnt nicht in Berlin.
• Finn geht nicht gern ins Kino.
Expressing cause with denn
Meine Mutter ist sehr wichtig für mich, denn sie ist optimistisch.
My mother is very important to me because she is optimistic.
I can ask for and give information about family relationships.
Can-Do Statement
A clearly-defined sentence allows students to set their learning goal for this section and chart their progress towards language proficiency.
A. Read the article and say which professions and countries appear in the text.
Leni Klum und ihre Familie
Leni Klum ist Model. Sie kommt aus den USA. Sie ist in Deutschland sehr bekannt, denn sie macht die digitale Berlin Fashion Week. Sie wohnt in New York.
Ihre Mutter ist Model und Produzentin für TV-Shows. Sie heißt Heidi Klum und kommt aus Deutschland.
Lenis Vater Flavio Briatore kommt aus Italien.
Ihr Adoptivvater ist der Sänger Seal aus Großbritannien. Er ist Heidis Ex-Mann. Seine Mutter kommt aus Nigeria und sein Vater kommt aus Brasilien.
Ihre Halbgeschwister Lou, Johan und Henry wohnen in den USA. Sie sind Seals und Heidis Kinder.
Tom Kaulitz, ihr Stiefvater, ist ein Musiker aus Deutschland.
B. Answer the questions with a partner.
1. Warum ist Leni Klum bekannt? Sie …
Sprachdetektiv This icon indicates that students will analyze an aspect of the language in order to understand it better. Students will also be asked to compare German with English and work out the rules by themselves.
2. Woher kommt Lenis Adoptivvater? Er … 3. Wie heißen ihre Halbgeschwister? Sie …
C. Draw Leni’s family tree.
D. Read the statements about Leni’s family tree.
What do you notice about the words in bold?
Ihre Mutter ist Model und Produzentin für TV-Shows.
Ihr Adoptivvater ist der Sänger Seal aus Großbritannien.
Ihre Halbgeschwister wohnen in den USA.
Seine Mutter kommt aus Nigeria.
Sein Vater kommt aus Brasilien.
E. You are Leni Klum. Rewrite the sentences from activity A in the first person ich. Ich heiße Leni Klum und bin Model. …
Nach dem Grund fragen
Asking for a reason
Warum ist Leni Klum bekannt?
Why is Leni Klum well known?
Die Familie
• die Halbgeschwister der Halbbruder half brother die Halbschwester half sister
• der Adoptivvater adoptive father
• die Adoptivmutter adoptive mother
• der Stiefvater stepfather
• die Stiefmutter stepmother
MEINE VOKABELN pp. 116-117
Possessive adjectives
Johans Bruder sein Bruder
Seals Mutter seine Mutter
Henrys Geschwister
seine Geschwister
Heidis Mann ihr Mann
Heidis Tochter ihre Tochter
Lenis Halbgeschwister ihre Halbgeschwister
Listening activity
An activity based on an audio recording.
Listen to Emir describing his family to his friend Finn. Find the true statements.
Correct the false statements and rewrite them in your notebook.
a. Maik und Aylin sind die Cousins von Emirs Mutter.
b. Emirs Cousins sind in Berlin.
c. Seine Cousine Aylin ist 15 Jahre alt.
d. Emir, Maik und Aylin gehen am Donnerstag ins Kino.
Die Familie
• der Cousin male cousin
• die Cousine female cousin
• der Onkel uncle
• die Tante aunt
1. In pairs, write all the family relationships you know in German on different sticky notes.
2. Student A gets a note and sticks it to his/her forehead without looking at it, and asks who he/she is.
3. Student B gives a short definition.
4. Student A guesses who he/she is.
Wer bin ich?
Aha! Ich bin deine Großmutter!
Du bist eine Frau. Ich bin dein Enkel. Genau!
A. Choose a famous German-speaking celebrity. Search for a photo of this person. Research his/her family on the Internet. Write a short description of his/her family.
Zazie Beetz kommt aus Deutschland und ist Schauspielerin.
Ihre Mutter kommt aus … Sie heißt …
B. Show the photo of the celebrity to a classmate. He/She asks you questions about his/her family. Then swap roles.
A: Woher kommt Zazies Vater?
B: Ihr Vater kommt aus … Er heißt …
A: Hat sie Geschwister?
B: Ja, sie hat … Ihr Bruder heißt …
Spiel Games offer further training on the studied language structures.
Tips and strategies for successfully carrying out the activities.
Follow a model
Before writing, look for a model that is similar to what you want to write. For example, here in activity 5, you read a description of a family. To write a similar kind of description, you can use it as a model. Study its structure and key words and use them as a model for your own writing, replacing the details about the people you are describing.
Verbindung zu: Geschichte und Kunst
I can understand the main idea and some details in an article about things to do in Berlin.
Das Deutsch-Magazin
These magazine features are written by one of the a Reporterin or Reporter. The articles are adapted to the students’ proficiency levels They cover relevant cultural topics of the country or region featured in the unit.
von Emir Yilmaz, Reporter aus Berlin, Deutschland
Ich liebe Berlin, meine Stadt ist die beste! Berlin hat viel Geschichte1 und viel Natur. Und sie ist Deutschlands KinoHauptstadt2. Ich liebe3 Filme und gehe am Wochenende oft mit meinen Freunden ins Kino oder sehe Serien im Internet. In Berlin gibt es 91 Kinos!
Und was magst du?
Komm nach Berlin, es gibt Aktivitäten für alle!
Comprehension activities
The comprehension activities target the interpretive mode, which calls on students to show deeper understanding, make inferences, etc.
Can-Do Statement 5Cs: Connection Discipline to which the magazine issue is related.
Aktivität Nummer 1 Bist du neugierig und liebst Geschichte?
Berlin war nach 1945 in Sektoren geteilt4 . Der Checkpoint Charlie war ein wichtiger militärischer Kontrollpunkt der Amerikaner. Die Berliner Mauer5 teilte die Stadt von 1961 bis 1991. Das Mauermuseum ist auch super interessant!
Look at the pictures and read the questions that introduce each section. Predict what each text will be about.
Read the article.
Choose the place or activity for someone:
1. who likes movies.
2. who likes history.
3. who likes outdoor activities.
Discuss with a partner which of these activities you prefer.
Choose the best alternative title for this article.
1. Berlin – die Stadt für Sportlerinnen und Sportler
2. Berlin – Aktivitäten für alle
3. Berlin – schick und glamourös
Aktivität Nummer 2 Bist du sportlich und magst die Natur?
Die Berliner und die Touristen lieben den Wannsee. Hier kann man schwimmen, spazieren gehen oder Rad fahren. Alle haben Spaß6!
Aber auch der Park Tempelhofer Feld ist fantastisch: Man kann Picknick machen, Rad, Inlineskates oder Skateboard fahren und Windskating machen. Windskating ist total cool!
Jetzt bist du dran!
An individual presentational writing project consists of a short journalistic text that could be a contribution to the Deutsch-Magazin.
Aktivität Nummer 3 Bist du glamourös und liebst Kino?
Es gibt drei große Filmfestivals in Europa: in Berlin, in Cannes (Frankreich) und in Venedig (Italien). Im Februar kommen viele internationale Stars nach Berlin zum Filmfestival Berlinale. Hier siehst du die Schauspielerin Cate Blanchett. Sie ist aus Australien, aber sie spricht auch Deutsch. Sehr
1. Choose a character trait.
2. Find two activities to do in your city or region that suit this kind of person.
3. Write three sentences to describe the activities.
Keep it simple
Write short sentences using familiar structures. Your language will become more complex and you will begin to express yourself more naturally as you learn.
Strategie Tips and strategies for successfully carrying out the task.
1. Genitive -s with proper names
What is it?
Grammar presentation
Visual, color-coded explanations with diagrams, outlines, and examples help the students digest the grammatical structures of the lesson.
• You can express possession and relationships using the genitive -s and a proper name.
What forms does it have?
• Add an -s to a proper name. Don’t add an -s when a proper name ends in s , ß , tz , z or x . In this case you only have to add an apostrophe.
Das ist Emirs Vater. This is Emir ’s father.
Das ist Marlies’ Mutter. This is Marlies’ mother.
Answer these questions with Nein, …
Give the right answer and use the genitive for the names.
a. Ist das Emirs Schwester? (Finn) Nein, das ist Finns Schwester.
b. Sind das Finns Brüder? (Andrea)
c. Ist das dein Onkel? (Yunus)
d. Ist das deine Mutter? (Sara)
e. Sind das deine Halbgeschwister? (Lena)
f. Ist das Marys Großmutter? (Max)
Write sentences with the given elements.
In what way does the use of the genitive -s in German compare to the use in English?
5Cs questions: Language Comparison
A simple question encourages students to consider the differences and similarities between German and English
a. Emir / Schwester / intelligent / sein Emirs Schwester ist intelligent.
b. Finn / Cousin / gern Serien / sehen
c. Lena / Mutter / aus Deutschland / kommen
d. Klaus / Vater / Französisch / sprechen
e. Martin / Freund / 48 Jahre alt / sein
f. Moritz / Tante / gern Rad / fahren
Look at Emir’s family.
Refer to the pictures on p. 106 to help you.
Write sentences with Das ist …
Das ist Emirs Schwester.
What are they?
The KWL Hub
References to visually appealing Grammar Tutorials for each topic, as well as Self-Check Quizzes.
• Possessive adjectives tell you who owns something or describe relationships between people or things.
Das ist mein Vater. This is my father
possessive adjective noun
possessive adjective noun
Meine Tante ist witzig. My aunt is funny.
possessive adjective noun
possessive adjective noun
What forms do they have?
- ich du er sie
der Vater mein Vater my dein Vater your sein Vater his ihr Vater her die Mutter meine Mutter my deine Mutter your seine Mutter his ihre Mutter her
das Team mein Team my dein Team your sein Team his ihr Team her die Eltern meine Eltern my deine Eltern your seine Eltern his ihre Eltern her
• All adjectives agree in number (singular or plural) with the nouns they describe.
Mein Cousin ist großzügig. Meine Cousins sind großzügig.
• The forms also agree in gender (masculine, feminine, or neuter) with the nouns they describe.
Mein Freund ist schüchtern.
Meine Freundin ist schüchtern.
16 Choose the correct possessive adjective.
a. Das ist Seal. Ihre / Seine Kinder wohnen in den USA.
Practice activities
Activities to practice the grammatical structures start with simpler tasks and move towards more challenging ones.
b. Seine Tochter Leni ist Model in Berlin. Ihr / Sein Bruder Henry spielt gern Videospiele.
c. Leni tanzt gern. Ihre / Seine Schwester Lou hört gern Techno-Musik.
d. Leni sagt: „Du und deine / seine Techno-Musik. Das ist doch langweilig!“
e. Heidi Klums Freundin Marlene sagt: „Dein / Sein TV-Programm ist echt toll.“
f. Heidi sagt: „Mein / Ihr TV-Programm ist total interessant!“
Das Reporterteam 1
hundertdreizehn ı 113
Read the information about Lilli’s family. Download the family tree on and complete it.
Das ist meine Familie.
Ich habe einen Bruder und eine Schwester, sie heißen Paul und Clara.
Meine Eltern heißen Annalisa und Max.
Mein Bruder hat eine Frau. Seine Frau heißt
Daniela. Ihre Kinder heißen Thomas und Laura. Mein Neffe Thomas ist 7 Jahre alt und meine Nichte ist 4 Jahre alt.
Meine Tochter heißt Katrin.
Describe Katrin’s family based on the description in activity 17.
Das ist Katrins Familie. Ihr Cousin heißt …
Describe Max’s family from activity 16.
Das ist Max. Seine Frau heißt …
How do we use it?
• We use nicht to negate a sentence or part of it. It always precedes the element that you want to negate. If it negates the whole sentence, nicht is positioned at the end. Finns Trainer wohnt nicht in Berlin Finn’s coach does not live in Berlin
Emir schwimmt nicht gern Emir doesn’t like swimming.
We use kein , keine to negate nouns.
Emir hat keinen Basketball. Emir doesn’t have a basketball
Answer with nicht. Write sentences following the example.
a. Wohnt Leni Klum in London? Nein, sie wohnt ...
b. Kommt ihre Mutter aus der Schweiz? Nein, ...
c. Ist Seal langweilig?
d. Spielt Emir gern Fußball?
e. Schwimmt seine Schwester gern? f. Kommst du aus Deutschland?
21 Download the board game from .
Place your pieces on START, then roll the number cube. Say the sentence in the negative form with nicht or kein / keine / keinen.
Sie spricht fünf Sprachen. Ulli liest gern.
Die Serie ist langweilig.
Sie trifft gern Freunde. Ich spiele Schlagzeug. Er ist nett. Ich bin optimistisch.
Sie spielen gern Basketball.
Finn hat eine Gitarre.
How do we use it?
Wir haben Meerschweinchen.
Emir kommt aus Italien. Ich habe einen Hund.
Wir haben ein Pferd. Paul hat eine Katze.
Anna hat einen Bruder. Ich habe Geschwister. ENDE
• We use denn to give an explanation or to respond to a question that begins with Warum .
Word order
• The position in the sentence is like und , oder or aber.
Meine Mutter ist toll, denn sie ist großzügig. My mother is great because she is generous. subject verb
• Like with aber, always use a comma before denn
Rewrite to form one sentence with denn.
a. Leni ist mein Idol. Sie ist kreativ. Leni ist mein Idol, denn sie ist kreativ.
b. Emir spricht Türkisch. Seine Mutter kommt aus der Türkei.
c. Ich spreche ein bisschen Deutsch. Ich lerne Deutsch in der Schule.
d. Ich finde Emma nett. Sie ist optimistisch und witzig.
e. Meine Freunde finden Berlin super. Berlin ist sehr interessant.
f. Finn ist mein bester Freund. Er ist witzig und sportlich.
Complete the sentences with und , aber, or denn.
a. Ich komme aus Berlin, aber ich wohne in Potsdam.
b. Ich fahre gern Rad spiele gern Basketball.
c. Ich finde meinen Basketballtrainer super, er ist cool und optimistisch.
d. Mein bester Freund fährt auch gern Rad, er spielt nicht gern Basketball.
e. Meine Schwester heißt Anne geht gern ins Kino.
f. Mein Bruder spricht sehr gut Englisch, er wohnt in London.
mein Großvater meine Großmutter
mein Vater meine Tante
mein Bruder / meine Schwester meine Mutter mein Onkel
mein Cousin / meine Cousine
das Paar, die Paare couple
• der Mann, die Männer husband
• die Frau, die Frauen wife
• der Ex-Mann, die Ex-Männer ex-husband
• die Ex-Frau, die Ex-Frauen ex-wife
• der Partner, die Partner male partner
• die Partnerin, die Partnerinnen female partner
• der Freund, die Freunde boyfriend
• die Freundin, die Freundinnen girlfriend
die Eltern (pl.) parents
• der Vater, die Väter father
• die Mutter, die Mütter mother
• der Stiefvater, die Stiefväter stepfather
• die Stiefmutter, die Stiefmütter stepmother
• der Adoptivvater, die Adoptivväter adoptive father
• die Adoptivmutter, die Adoptivmütter adoptive mother
die Kinder children
• das Kind, die Kinder child
• der Sohn, die Söhne son
• die Tochter, die Töchter daughter
die Geschwister (pl.) siblings
• der Bruder, die Brüder brother
• die Schwester, die Schwestern sister
• der Halbbruder, die Halbbrüder half brother
• die Halbschwester, die Halbschwestern half sister
die Großeltern (pl.) grandparents
• der Großvater, die Großväter grandfather
• die Großmutter, die Großmütter grandmother
die Enkel und Enkelinnen grandsons and granddaughters
• der Enkel, die Enkel grandson
• die Enkelin, die Enkelinnen granddaughter
die Onkel und Tanten uncles and aunts
• der Onkel, die Onkel uncle
• die Tante, die Tanten aunt
die Cousins und Cousinen cousins
• der Cousin, die Cousins male cousin
• die Cousine, die Cousinen female cousin
die Nichten und Neffen nieces and nephews
• der Neffe, die Neffen nephew
• die Nichte, die Nichten niece
Mein bester Freund / Meine beste Freundin ist … My best friend is…
Mein Trainer / Meine Trainerin ist … My coach is …
Warum ist Leni Klum bekannt? Why is Leni Klum well known?
SPIEL: Pantomime
1. Choose an adjective that describes personality.
2. Mime it. Your classmates try to guess it.
Match each adjective in the Persönlichkeit box (p. 117) to a person in your family or your entourage. Du bist nett!
The combination of letters ch has two distinct pronunciations. Although they do not exist in English, they are not difficult to say if you know the trick.
Ich bin sportlich! Du auch? Ich? Ich nicht!
• Say the English word key several times in a row. Now, without changing the position of your lips, teeth, and tongue, let the air out of your mouth, just as you would do when pronouncing an h
• The sound you made is the German ch as it is pronounced after i, e, ä, ö and ü. It is also called a soft ch. It’s the ch in ich.
• The endings -chen and -ig also have a soft ch, like in Mäppchen and witzig.
• Now say the word lock. Keep your lips, teeth, and tongue in the ck-position and, again, let the air go through your mouth. This is the sound of ch after any other letter, which is also called a hard ch, as in auch or Koch
• At the beginning of a word, the pronunciation of ch varies. You can pronounce it as sch in Schule, ch in ich, or k in Käse.
25 Listen to the words. Do you hear a soft ch as in ich or a hard ch as in auch?
26 Listen again and repeat the words.
27 Listen to the word sequences. Say which word in each group has a different ch sound.
28 Read the words out loud. Then listen and check if you pronounced them correctly.
a. machen b. ich
c. schlecht
d. Tochter e. Töchter f. nicht
g. Buch h. Bücher i. schüchtern
ch in plurals: Some plurals are formed by changing a vowel inside the word. In that case, the ch sound can also change: Buch – Bücher, Tochter – Töchter, etc.
j. Nachname k. Frankreich l. witzig
Was ist Familie?
The KWL Hub
An Assessment Rubric and Self and Peer Assessment Rubrics based on the ACTFL Performance Descriptors for Language Learners
What makes a family?
A real-life task that students complete using the grammatical structures, vocabulary, and communication skills they studied and acquired in the lesson.
You describe important people in your life.
A poster and a presentation of the people in your entourage
1. Think about the important people in your life (family, teachers, friends, coaches, etc.).
2. Choose two to six people.
3. Create a presentation focusing on these people from your entourage.
4. Write the following information:
• name
• relationship to you
• personality traits
5. Draw your entourage on a poster. Add a photo of each person.
6. Present your entourage using your poster.
A digital or a traditional option to adapt the product to different situations.
Create a digital presentation of the people in your entourage and featuring those who are important to you.
• describe what people wear
• describe someone’s physical appearance and personality
• the verbs tragen and mögen
• definite articles and possessive adjectives
• object pronouns
• vocabulary for clothes, accessories, colors, styles, and physical traits
• shopping in Berlin: Mall of Berlin
• the East Side Gallery
• two German fashion designers: Michael Michalsky and Karl Lagerfeld
MINIPROJEKT 2: Write a post about one celebrity’s style
A. Observe the picture on the previous page. What do you think this place is?
B. Read the chat. Was your answer to activity A right?
1 There are many shops 2 I’ll meet you ein Museum ein Kino ein Shoppingcenter
Sophie Hi Emir! Wie geht’s?
Emir Hallo Sophie! Sehr gut, danke. Am Wochenende gehen meine Familie und ich hier shoppen.
Sophie Was ist das?
Das ist ein Shoppingcenter im Zentrum von Berlin. Es heißt Mall of Berlin.
Sophie Wow! Das ist aber groß!
Ja, es ist toll! Es gibt dort viele Geschäfte Restaurants, Bars und auch Live-Musik. Die Architektur ist spektakulär.
Sophie Super! Ich gehe gern mit meiner Cousine shoppen. Bald kommen wir nach Berlin und gehen in die Mall of Berlin!
Emir Gute Idee – ich treffe euch2 da! Tschüs!
Sophie Bis bald!
C. Answer the questions.
1. Wann geht Emir shoppen?
2. Wie heißt das Einkaufszentrum?
3. Was gibt es dort?
While shopping malls have traditionally not been as common in Germany as in the US, pedestrian zones lined with large chain stores, restaurants, and also smaller shops are popular in most German cities. Some shopping areas are driveable, like Kurfürstendamm in Berlin, and in major cities there are usually huge department stores as well, like KaDeWe (Kaufhaus des Westens) in Berlin.
Many people also buy clothes at flea markets, in secondhand shops, and on the Internet.
Kultureller Vergleich
Compare shopping facilities and typical shopping habits. Where do you usually buy your clothes? Do you prefer to go to malls or boutiques?
I can describe what people wear.
A. Look at the screenshot from a website. Guess the meaning of Kleidung and Accessoires.
Kleidung und Accessoires
Collaboration activities
Activities that can be completed in pairs or in small groups.
Meine Vokabeln
A list of the active vocabulary on the double-page spread, including a reference to the Meine Vokabeln section at the end of the lesson.
Die Kleidung Clothes die Bluse das Hemd die Hose der Hoodie die Jacke die Jeans das Kleid der Pullover der Rock die Sandalen die Schuhe die Shorts die Sneaker das T-Shirt
B. Look at the screenshot again.
In pairs, say which clothes and accessories you prefer.
A: Ich mag den Pullover.
B: Ich auch! Ich finde … schick / originell / cool /…
SPIEL: Wer trägt …?
1. In groups, look at your classmates’ clothing and accessories.
2. A classmate closes his/her eyes.
3. The others ask him/her questions.
Trägt Lisa einen Rock?
Nein, sie trägt eine Jeans.
Die Accessoires Accessories der Gürtel die Kappe die Mütze die Sonnenbrille die Tasche
Definite articles (accusative)
• Ich mag den Pullover.
• Ich finde die Tasche schick.
• Ich mag das Hemd.
• Ich finde die Sneaker nicht schön.
The verb tragen to wear
A: Was trägst du?
B: Ich trage einen Rock.
In pairs, discuss: What clothes do you wear in the summer? And in the winter?
A: Was trägst du im Sommer?
B: Im Sommer trage ich …
Meine Grammatik
Concise, color-coded presentations and examples of the grammatical structures of the double-page spread, along with a reference to the Meine Grammatik pages at the end of the lesson.
A. Look at the photos of four fashion influencers. Match each sentence with the corresponding photo.
The KWL Hub Materials and worksheets linked to some of the activities of the double-page spread, like Differentiation Worksheets and the e-Workbook
a. Der Stil ist originell. Ich finde ihn cool. Die Jacke ist rot, ich mag sie. Die Hose ist auch toll.
b. Der Stil ist klassisch. Die Bluse ist rosa. Ich finde sie altmodisch.
c. Er trägt eine Hose und eine Jacke. Seine Schuhe sind weiß und schwarz. Ich finde sie witzig.
d. Das Hemd ist blau. Ich finde es sehr schön. Ich mag den Rock. Ich finde ihn sportlich und schick.
B. Listen to the conversation between Emir and Sophie. Say which photos they like and why.
Emir mag …, denn … Sophie findet …
C. Look at the photos again. What is your favorite item of clothing or accessory? Explain.
Ich mag Angelinas Sandalen, denn ich finde …
Workbook S. 72-74
Stil und Farben
Style and colors
• Der Pullover / Er ist hässlich. The sweater / It is ugly.
• Die Tasche / Sie ist schön. The purse / It is nice.
• altmodisch outdated
• elegant elegant
• klassisch classic
• modern fashionable
• originell original
• schick chic
• sportlich sporty, athletic blau blue braun brown gelb yellow grau gray grün green lila purple orange orange rosa pink rot red schwarz black weiß white
The verb mögen to like ich mag er / sie mag
Object pronouns (accusative)
Ich finde den Rock schön. Ich finde ihn schön. die Hose sie das T-Shirt es die Schuhe sie
I can describe someone’s face and hairstyle.
Vor dem Sehen
A. Look at the still from the video and read the caption. Answer the questions.
1. Wie heißt der Künstler (artist)?
2. Wie heißt das Graffiti?
3. Wo ist das Graffiti?
Sieh das Video an
B. Emir talks about his favorite street art. Guess the meaning of these words.
Step-by-step approach
All of the videos and some of the texts offer a stepby-step approach to help students understand, interpret, and analyze what they see or read.
Das Aussehen Physical description
• Seine / Ihre Augen sind … blau braun grün
Video activity
An activity based on audiovisual materials that are often authentic resources
C. Answer the questions.
1. Woher kommt Gabriel Heimler?
A more challenging activity. Aimed at faster or more advanced (or motivated) students, to be done at the end of an activity cycle.
2. Wie findet Emir das Graffiti?
Nach dem Sehen
D. Describe the man portrayed in the graffiti.
Seine Haare sind blond. Seine Augen … Er trägt …
E. In pairs, search for another example of street art that features a person. Describe the person physically.
• Seine / Ihre Haare sind … grau blond braun schwarz
• Er hat … einen Bart beard einen Schnurrbart mustache
• Er / Sie trägt eine Brille. He/She wears glasses.
During the Cold War, the West Berlin side of the wall was full of graffiti. After its fall, artists from all over the world began to paint the East Berlin side of the wall. In 1990, the world’s longest openair gallery called the East Side Gallery, was officially created. Berlin is still a popular place for street art today.
Verbindung zu: Kunst
Is there graffiti or street art where you live? What do people think about it? Describe an example of street art in your area.
As long as you are standing, give a hand to those who have fallen , Berlin
A. In pairs, read the following descriptions. Match them with the graffiti in activity D.
Workbook S. 75-77
A reference to the corresponding Workbook pages.
Ihre Augen sind blau und ihre Haare sind lang. Sie trägt eine Mütze.
Seine Haare sind kurz. Er trägt ein Hemd. Es ist blau und weiß. Seine Augen sind braun.
Sie trägt eine Bluse und eine Jacke. Ihre Augen sind grün und ihre Haare sind schwarz und lockig. 1 2 3
B. Write a short text about the person in mural C, Albert Einstein, like those in activity A. Describe his physical and style traits.
C. Imagine: What are the personalities of the people in the murals?
Das Mädchen auf Graffiti B ist ein bisschen schüchtern und …
D. Choose one mural and speak in pairs: What do you think of it?
Ich finde das Graffiti … / Ich mag … / Es ist …
Authentic resource
A variety of engaging authentic resources, such as pictures, texts, videos, and graphics.
I can describe someone’s physical appearance.
A. Listen to Emir talking about his coach, his friend Finn, his cousin, and his German teacher. Match each description with the corresponding photo. Justify your answers. What is each person like?
Emirs Trainer ist die Person auf Foto …, denn …
B. Read the sentences and observe the endings of the words marked in bold. What do you notice?
Er trägt einen Bart.
Ich mag seinen Stil.
Ich finde den Bart witzig.
Das Aussehen
Physical description
Er / Sie ist … He/She is…
• groß tall
• klein short
Possessive adjectives (accusative)
Ich finde seinen Pullover sportlich.
I think his sweater is athletic.
Ich finde seine Hose modern.
I think his pants are fashionable.
Ich finde sein T-Shirt cool.
I think his T-shirt is cool.
Ich finde seine Schuhe altmodisch.
I think his shoes are outdated.
In many German-speaking countries, a person’s height is measured in meters and centimeters.
1 inch = 1.54 centimeters
1 foot = 30.48 centimeters
3 feet 4 inches = 1 meter (100 centimeters)
Verbindung zu: Mathematik
How tall are you in meters and centimeters?
Vor dem Sehen
A. Look at the still from the video.
Describe the girl.
Hände weg von Mississippi
Sieh das Video an
B. Read the sentences. Correct the false ones.
1. Die Großmutter ist sehr ernst.
2. Die Kinder schwimmen und spielen.
3. Der Mann ist sehr sympathisch.
4. Mississippi ist ein Hund.
5. Die Band singt einen Song auf Englisch.
Nach dem Sehen
Workbook S. 78-80
The film is based on the book Hände weg von Mississippi (Saving Mississippi), a story about friendship and courage. The story centers around a young girl who spends her summer vacation in the countryside at her grandmother’s home. There she has exciting adventures with her friends, her grandmother, and many animals.
Cornelia Funke is one of the most famous German childrens’ and young adults’ authors. Her books have been translated into 50 languages.
Kultureller Vergleich
Do you know a film based on a well-known childrens’ book by an author from your country? What is it about?
View with a purpose
Read the instructions carefully and take your time to make sure you understand what you need to do Then watch the video and find the specific information you have been asked to provide.
C. Look at the four photos. Choose a character and describe him or her. Download the mind map from and organize the information.
D. In groups of four, everyone describes the chosen character.
Verbindung zu: Kunst
I can understand the main idea and some details in an article about two fashion designers.
von Emir Yilmaz, Reporter aus Berlin, Deutschland.
Berlin ist politische Hauptstadt1 Deutschlands, aber nicht nur! Berlin ist auch Mode- und DesignHauptstadt und eine UNESCO Creative City. Viele Modedesignerinnen und Modedesigner leben in Berlin und es gibt2 viele alternative Modelabels. Die Berlin Fashion Week ist ein großes internationales Event. Hier präsentiere ich euch zwei deutsche Modedesigner.
Look at the images. Describe the outfits and styles of the two fashion designers. What similarities do you they have? What are their differences?
Read the article. Use context clues to infer the meanings of these words.
1. der Modedesigner
2. das Modelabel
3. der Stil
4. die Wohnung
5. minimalistisch
6. jeder
Michael Michalsky und Karl Lagerfeld
Michael Michalsky kommt aus Göttingen und lebt in Berlin. Er startet als Designmanager bei Levi’s und ist viele Jahre Global Creative Director von Adidas. Heute hat er sein Modelabel Atelier Michalsky und ist in vielen TV-Shows und in den Medien präsent.
Für Michalsky ist Karl Lagerfeld (1933 ― 2019) der beste Modedesigner der Welt. Karl kam aus Hamburg und lebte in Paris. Karl trug immer eine Sonnenbrille und Handschuhe und war sehr elegant. Karls Stil ist glamourös und legendär.
Karl Lagerfeld mit Model Cara Delevingne auf einer Modenschau in Paris
Michalsky schreibt Bücher über Stil. Aber was ist Stil?
Der Designer sagt, Stil ist alles: deine Kleidung und Accessoires, aber auch deine Hobbys und deine Wohnung, deine Lieblingsmusik und dein Lieblingssport. Er sagt: Jeder kann seinen Stil haben! Michalskys Stil ist minimalistisch. Und wie ist dein Stil?
Read the article again and look at the images. Answer the questions.
1. Wie ist der Stil von Karl Lagerfeld?
2. Was sagt Michael Michalsky über Stil?
1. Search online for another German-speaking fashion designer.
2. Take notes about his or her style.
3. Choose a photo of an outfit by this designer.
4. Write a short text about the designer and describe the outfit you chose.
1. Definite articles in the accusative
What forms do they have?
• When the noun is the subject of a clause, we use the article and the noun in the nominative.
Der Hoodie ist schick. The hoodie is chic.
• We use the accusative when the action of the verb is on the following noun, which can be a person or an object.
Ich mag den Hoodie. I like the hoodie. - - nominative accusative
verb has an action on the noun
masculine der Hoodie den Hoodie
feminine die Hose die Hose
neuter das T-Shirt das T-Shirt
plural - die Sneaker die Sneaker
When do we use them?
• They are used to refer to a specific item or items.
After most verbs, you will use the accusative. For example:
Ich habe ...
Ich trage ...
Ich mag
Ich finde
Ich höre
13 Look at the labels. Choose the correct form of the definite article in the sentences below.
der Film das Restaurant die Musik der Comic das Kino der Stil
a. Im Kino gibt es Harry Potter 1. Magst du den / das / der Film?
b. Siehst du die / den / das Restaurant Vedang? Es ist sehr gut.
c. Seal ist ein Sänger aus Großbritannien. Ich mag den / das / die Musik von Seal.
d. Ich lese gern den / die / das Comic Lucky Luke.
e. Meine Freunde und ich gehen morgen ins Kino Gloria. Wir mögen den / das / die Kino sehr.
f. Wie findest du Leni Klum? Ich mag das /die / den Stil von Leni Klum.
14 Complete the sentences using the accusative.
a. Die Sandalen sind schön. Ich mag die Sandalen
b. Der Pullover ist rot. Sabrina trägt heute
c. Die Sonnenbrille ist schick. Tom trägt heute
d. Das Hemd ist grün. Ich trage heute
e. Die Sneaker sind weiß. Ich mag nicht.
f. Der Rock ist blau. Lena mag
15 What clothes do you like?
First match the images with the words and their articles. Then write a sentence with mögen and five objects in the accusative. Compare your sentences with your partner’s.
a. die Sonnenbrille
b. der Rock c. die Jeans d. der Pullover e. das T-Shirt
f. die Sneaker g. die Tasche h. der Hoodie i. das Kleid j. die Sandalen
2. The stem-changing verb tragen
What is it?
• As we saw in unit 2, some verbs change their stem-vowel in the singular forms du , er , sie , es.
What forms does it have?
tragen to wear
ich trage wir tragen du trägst ihr tragt er / sie / es trägt sie / Sie tragen Paul trägt eine Hose. Paul wears pants.
Ich mag das T-Shirt, die Tasche, den ..., ... und …
a. Er trägt einen Hoodie.
b. Du trägst einen Hoodie.
a. Ihr tragt eine Hose.
b. Sie trägt eine Hose.
a. Sie trägt einen Rock.
b. Sie tragen einen Rock.
17 Listen and choose the sentence you hear.
a. Sie trägt eine Jeans.
b. Du trägst eine Jeans.
a. Ich trage einen Pullover.
b. Wir tragen einen Pullover.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb tragen
a. Meine Freundin trägt heute eine Hose und ein T-Shirt.
b. Wir heute Shorts und Sneaker.
c. ihr heute keine Kappe?
3. The verb mögen
What is it?
a. Tragt ihr ein Kleid?
b. Trägst du ein Kleid?
d. Heidi heute einen Rock und einen Pullover.
e. Ich gern Jeans und einen Gürtel. f. du auch gern Hemden?
• The verb mögen means to like or to be fond of things, people, or animals. It is used with nouns.
Ich mag die Hose. I like these pants
Ich mag Hunde I like dogs
Ich mag keine Röcke. I don’t like skirts
What forms does it have?
• Mögen has an irregular conjugation. mögen to like ich mag wir mögen du magst ihr mögt er / es / sie mag sie / Sie mögen
When referring to an activity, use gern / nicht gern + verb.
Ich spiele gern Fußball. I like playing soccer.
Kati trägt nicht gern Kleider. Kati doesn‘t like wearing dresses.
18 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb mögen.
a. Meine Schwester alle Filme von Harry Potter
b. Ich die Serie Türkisch für Anfänger.
c. Meine Eltern keine Graffitis.
19 Write sentences using the elements listed. Choose mögen + noun or the verb + gern.
a. Emir / Handball spielen Emir spielt gern Handball.
d. Wir den Stil von Heidi Klum.
e. du das Graffiti Mauerspringer?
f. Ihr Mode sehr.
b. Meine Cousine / keine Haustiere Meine Cousine mag keine Haustiere.
c. Finn / Musik hören
d. Meine Schwester / Röcke tragen
e. Sophie / ins Kino gehen
f. Leni / den Pullover
g. Meine Tante / die Serie Türkisch für Anfänger
• To avoid repetition, once a noun has been mentioned, it can be replaced by a personal pronoun of the same gender (masculine, feminine or neuter) and number (singular or plural).
• Object pronouns in the accusative replace a noun that is the direct object of a clause.
Der Hoodie? Der Hoodie ist blau. Ich finde den Hoodie schön. subject direct object
The hoodie? The hoodie is blue. I like the hoodie
Der Hoodie?
subject noun subject pronoun direct object pronoun
The hoodie? Er ist blau. It is blue. Ich finde ihn schön. I like it
- - subject pronouns object pronouns
masculine er he, it ihn him, it
feminine sie she, it sie her, it
neuter es it es it
plural - sie they sie them
Compare the examples. What can you conclude about pronouns in German versus English when speaking about objects?
20 Complete the sentences with the correct object pronouns.
a. Siehst du den Film im Kino? – Nein, ich sehe ihn online.
b. Magst du die Comics von Walt Disney? – Nein, ich mag nicht.
c. Hörst du die Musik? – Nein, ich höre nicht. Welche Musik?
d. Magst du das Einkaufszentrum Mall of Berlin? – Nein, ich mag nicht.
e. Trägst du heute den Pullover von deinem Bruder? – Nein, ich trage heute nicht.
f. Wie findest du den Stil von Leni Klum? – Ich finde cool.
21 22 Complete the sentences with the correct personal pronouns (nominative or accusative).
a. Die Jacke hier ist super. Sie ist sehr schön.
b. Wie findest du den Stil von Michael Michalsky? Ich mag sehr.
c. Das Filmfestival in Berlin heißt Berlinale. ist international und sehr interessant.
d. Ich mag die Musik von Seal nicht so gern. Magst du ?
e. Mein Cousin wohnt in der Türkei. kommt im Sommer nach Berlin.
f. Wo ist mein Hund? Ich sehe nicht.
Speak in pairs.
Compare opinions and use ihn, sie , or es.
altmodisch elegant hässlich klassisch modern originell schick schön sportlich
A: Wie findest du die Hose?
B: Ich finde sie elegant. Und du?
A: Ich finde sie schön / nicht schön.
a. die Hose
b. der Pullover
c. das Hemd
d. der Gürtel
e. die Shorts
f. die Brille
g. das T-Shirt
h. die Schuhe
i. die Kappe
What forms do they have?
• Depending on the gender and number of the noun that follows and their function in a sentence, possessive adjectives have different endings.
- ich du er sie
den Gürtel meinen Gürtel my deinen Gürtel your seinen Gürtel his ihren Gürtel her die Hose meine Hose my deine Hose your seine Hose his ihre Hose her
das T-Shirt mein T-Shirt my dein T-Shirt your sein T-Shirt his ihr T-Shirt her die Sneaker meine Sneaker my deine Sneaker your seine Sneaker his ihre Sneaker her
Ihr Gürtel ist schön. Her belt is nice.
Ich finde ihren Gürtel schön. I think her belt is beautiful.
23 24 Complete the sentences with the possessive adjective in the accusative form.
a. Emirs Großvater trägt einen Bart. Emir mag seinen Stil.
b. Ecrins Haare sind schwarz. Martin findet Haare toll!
c. Hallo Selma! Wow, ich finde T-Shirt super – rot und orange!
d. Ich mag Pullover. Ich habe ihn aus Berlin!
e. Yunus, Tante trägt einen Rock. Yunus findet Rock langweilig.
f. Finns Cousin ist nicht so groß und Haare sind kurz.
Choose the right words to complete the text.
ihren seine sie meinen sie er ihn ihre deine sein
Emir und Familie machen eine Radtour. fahren in den Park. Selma trägt Jacke aus der Mall of Berlin. Sie findet so schön. Emir sagt: „Ich finde Jacke auch schön. Ich trage Pullover aus Italien, denn ist cool.“ Ecrin trägt Lieblingshoodie. Sie mag sehr.
Martin trägt heute T-Shirt mit dem Berliner Bären.
Die Familie hat heute viel Spaß!
Vocabulary presentation
A clear, visual presentation: every word is illustrated and translated. Words are arranged in alphabetical order and for each word, the corresponding article is given, together with the feminine form if there is one.
die Bluse, die Blusen blouse
die Jeans, die Jeans jeans
das Hemd, die Hemden shirt
das Kleid, die Kleider dress
der Schuh, die Schuhe shoes
die Hose, die Hosen pants
der Pullover, die Pullover sweater
die Shorts (pl.) shorts
der Hoodie, die Hoodies hoodie
der Rock, die Röcke skirt
der Sneaker, die Sneaker sneakers
der Gürtel, die Gürtel belt
die Kappe, die Kappen cap
die Mütze, die Mützen beanie
die Jacke, die Jacken jacket
die Sandale, die Sandalen sandals
das T-Shirt, die T-Shirts T-shirt
die Sonnenbrille, die Sonnenbrillen sunglasses
die Tasche, die Taschen handbag
Text recording Students can listen to the words on The KWL Hub
Self-Check Quiz
References to Self-Check Quizzes to practice the vocabulary of the lesson.
grau gray
Seine / Ihre Haare sind … His/Her hair is… braun brown schwarz black rot red
Er / Sie ist … He/She is…
groß tall
Seine / Ihre Augen sind … His/Her eyes are…
Er hat … He has a...
einen Bart beard einen Schnurrbart mustache
Er / Sie trägt … He/She wears…
eine Brille glasses
A game offers further training on the vocabulary covered in the lesson.
Der Pullover / Er ist … The sweater / It is…
• altmodisch outdated
• elegant elegant
• hässlich ugly
• klassisch classic
• modern fashionable
• originell original
• schick chic
• schön nice
• sportlich sporty/athletic
1. Form two or more teams.
2. Choose one of the categories from pp. 136–138 (for example, Die Kleidung).
blau blue braun brown gelb yellow
Farben Colors
grau gray grün green lila purple orange orange
Mein Wortschatz
rosa pink rot red schwarz black weiß white
This activity aims to personalize and expand the vocabulary of the lesson.
3. Each team has a one-minute time limit to write down as many words as possible that fit the category. SPIEL: Wer findet die
A presentation of German pronunciation topics provides a space to observe and practice correct German pronunciation
Create a mind map to describe yourself and your fashion sense. Include your style, your favorite clothes, your physical traits, and your favorite colors.
The characters ä, ö and ü, also called a Umlaut, o Umlaut and u Umlaut, are common in the German language.
• The letter ä is pronounced as the e in the English word egg: März, Sänger
Die Mütze ist schön!
Nein, sie ist echt hässlich!
• To pronounce ü, say cheese as you do for taking a photo. While you hold your ee, pucker your lips. This is the sound of ü as in grün, Bücher.
Pronunciation tutorial
Each topic goes with an engaging pronunciation tutorial
• To pronounce ö, you can say an e as in best. Hold it as long as possible and, while you say it, pucker your lips. This is the sound of ö as in hören, schön.
26 Listen to the word sequences. Say which sound you hear: ä, ö or ü?
27 Read the words and then listen to the recording. Say which word you hear from each pair.
a. der Mann, die Männer b. der Rock, die Röcke
c. der Sohn, die Söhne d. die Mutter, die Mütter
28 Read the words again. Listen to the recording and repeat.
e. der Vater, die Väter f. die Tochter, dieTöchter
Wie zeigt der Stil die Persönlichkeit einer Person?
How does style reflect someone’s personality?
You’re presenting a famous person’s style.
A post about a famous person whose style you admire
1. Search the Internet for a photo of a famous person you admire for his/her style.
2. Describe the clothes the person is wearing in the photo. Explain why you like that style and way of dressing. If necessary, use a dictionary.
3. Read your classmates’ posts. Which of their preferred styles do you like?
Use a dictionary
When you look up a word in the dictionary, always read the example sentence next to its definition. This will show you how to use the word correctly in context.
Create a presentation using an application that allows you to make a card with a photo and a caption.
Sie trägt eine Jeans, einen Gürtel, ein T-Shirt und eine Jacke. Das T-Shirt ist weiß und kurz, die Jacke ist lang und schwarz-weiß. Ihre Sneaker sind … Ich finde sie … Ich mag den Stil, er ist witzig.
A real-life task that students can perform by using the grammatical structures, vocabulary, and communication skills they studied and acquired in the unit.
Verbindung zu: Kunst
You will create a book character, his or her identity, physical appearance, personality and entourage.
An illustrated card presenting the character and his or her entourage
Context and product
A detailed description of the context in which the task should be completed and a clear explanation of what the final product should look like.
1. For inspiration, think about the characters in Hände weg von Mississippi (p. 127).
2. Choose the book genre you want to create: science fiction, detective, humor, fantasy, etc.
3. Imagine your character’s physical appearance, style and personality.
4. Fill in a character identity form with his or her personal information.
Berlin, Deutschland
Stadt / Land
neugierig, optimistisch
groß, Haare: lang, glatt, braun
Hoodie, Hose, Sneakers
Lieblingskleidung Stil
Großeltern, Eltern, Bruder, Schwester sportlich Mia 15
Familie und Freunde
5. Invent an entourage of two or three people for your character.
6. Write a description of your character and his or her entourage.
Task instructions
Step-by-step instructions to meet the task’s objectives.
A digital or a traditional option to adapt the product to different situations.
7. Illustrate your description with drawings, photos or avatars. Use an application to create characters. ALTERNATIVE
• Start by writing a list of physical and personality traits.
• Write short, simple sentences
• Be sure to use the grammatical structures and vocabulary you have learned so far.
• Organize your sentences in a logical sequence.
• Be creative. Before you start designing, take time to think about where best to place the elements, what colors to use, etc.
• Draw or find an image that matches your description.
• Share your text and drawing with one of your classmates He/She can proofread and check them for errors to help you improve them.
Mia Allemann wohnt in Berlin. Sie ist 15 Jahre alt und ist neugierig und optimistisch.
Sie ist groß und ihre Haare sind lang, glatt und braun. Mia trägt einen Hoodie, eine Hose und Sneakers. Ihr Stil ist sportlich.
Sabine ist ihre Großmutter …
Strategie Tips and strategies for successfully carrying out the task.
You contact a television network to take part in the TV show “Kinderporträt”, in which teenagers from around the world talk about their daily lives. First, watch a video about Franz, a German teenager. Then, write an email to apply to take part in the show. Lastly, complete your application with a video presentation.
Watch the video.
Real-life communication
Presentational and Interpersonal Communication activities are always real-life examples of communication
The IPA is introduced by text indicating a context in which the assessment is carried out.
A. Choose the correct answer(s).
1. Franz mag Musik nicht.
2. Franz’ Familie mag Musik.
3. Franz hat drei Hobbys.
B. Match the names of the family members with their musical talents.
1. Franz
2. Sein Vater Martin
3. Seine Schwester Antonia
4. Seine Mutter Birgit
C. Say what hobbies Franz has.
a. spielt E-Bass.
b. spielt Klavier.
c. spielt Schlagzeug.
d. singt.
Take notes
Listen for familiar words
While watching a video, focus on words you recognize and use them to help you understand what is being said.
Three Modes of Communication Activities practice the three Modes of Communication and consolidate the grammar, vocabulary and culture of the unit. The IPA is based on authentic documents.
Kinderporträt, ARTE GEIE
D. Answer the question.
Which two adjectives below best describe Franz?
Read the ad.
Write an email to participate in the TV show.
Start the email with:
Liebes Arte-Team, Dear Arte-Team, ich heiße … My name is… and end it with:
Mit freundlichen Grüßen Best regards and your name.
Kinder und Jugendliche aus der ganzen Welt für unser TV-Programm. Interessiert? Dann schreib uns eine Mail!
Wie heißt du?
Wie alt bist du?
Wie bist du? Was magst du?
Grammar and vocabulary references Students can refer back to the grammar and vocabulary sections for help.
The KWL Hub An Assessment Rubric for each activity based on ACTFL Performance Descriptors for Learning Languages.
Focus on the task
When you write a paragraph, focus on giving the information you are asked to give. Write it one sentence at a time using what you have learned.
Strategie Tips and strategies to successfully carry out each activity.
Record an audio or video following Franz’ model.
Talk about something you like.
Introduce yourself.
Present people in your entourage (family, friends, etc).
Rehearse before recording
Practice making your presentation before you start recording. Focus on pronunciation. The clearer it is, the better other people will understand you.
In addition to the Student Edition, DAS REPORTERTEAM includes the following components:
The Workbook of DAS REPORTERTEAM contains an abundance of activities to practice and expand the grammar and vocabulary presented in each double-page spread of the Student Textbook. Furthermore, each unit includes a section to practice the three modes of communication (interpretive, presentational, and interpersonal).
The Annotated Teacher’s Edition of DAS REPORTERTEAM is richly annotated to suit a variety of teaching contexts and styles. These annotations are designed to save time in class preparation and offer strategies for effective differentiation in both instruction and assessment. Additionally, the edition includes answer keys, proficiency benchmarks, and a wealth of ideas and recommendations for extending activities further.
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