MAPAS 4 - Scope and Sequence

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J. PÉREZ-ZAPATERO Barnard College F. ROSALES-VARO Columbia University MAPAS 4

Scope Sequence& OUTCOMESLEARNING VIDEO VOCABULARYCHAPTER ` Analyze and discuss facts ` Talk about the news ` Understand texts about scientific news ` Documentary: La eminencia Spain)(documentary, ` Science ` Current affairs ` Ethics En este capítulo vas a hacer un noticiario en formato podcast con noticias positivas y a redactar un artículo o una noticia sobre un avance científico. ` Reported speech ` apologeticUnderstandingtexts ` Talk about future actions (II) ` Short film: Por su cuenta (Colombia) ` The internet and social media ` New ways of working ` Anglicisms En este capítulo vas a investigar sobre personas influyentes en internet que hablen o escriban en español. P. 021 Ciencia y actualidad P. 422 Mercadotecnia y publicidad P. 723 Redes ` Express commentsopinionspersonalandmake ` Express purpose ` Construct an argument ` Explain somethingwhatis ` campaignAdvertising : Héroes que nos inspiran (Argentina) ` Marketing advertisingand ` The goals advertisingof En este capítulo vas a aprender a diseñar una campaña publicitaria y a opinar sobre un tema relacionado con la publicidad. XXII

STRUCTURESLANGUAGE SOUNDS ORAL WRITTEN& TEXTS CULTURE PROJECTS ` (Overview)Subjunctive ` Subjunctive conjunctionswith ` Subjunctive with the unknown ` Consonant + r, consonant + l ` How to create a podcast ` Four Guatemala,Ecuador,(Argentina,aadvancestechnologicalforbetterworldPeru) ` The photography of Juan (Colombia)GutiérrezPablo ` Group: create a news storyfeaturingbroadcastapositive ` Individual: write an informative news article about a scientific topic. ` Indicative subjunctivevs.with que, quien(es), como, cuando, donde, como ` The future perfect ` Reported speech ` The ll group ` Expressing doubt through intonation ` Precision and lexical alternativesvariety:to the verb decir ` Summarizing ` Barbarita systememergencyLara’salert(Chile) ` Kentukis, de Samanta (Argentina)Schweblin ` Group: give presentationa about an internetSpanish-speakinginfluentialpersonality ` Individual: write an article comparing two peopleinfluential ` Negating certaintyexpressingandwith the subjunctive and indicative ` Expressing purpose: para +infinitive / para que subjunctive+ ` Word families ` intonationExclamatory ` ofConnectorsaddition ` Advertising ` The No Campaign (Chile) ` Orlando Arias: art and (Bolivia)consumerism ` Group: design an campaignadvertising ` Individual: write an opinion essay about a topic related to practicesadvertising XXIII

Scope Sequence& CHAPTER OUTCOMESLEARNING VIDEO VOCABULARY ` Talk about past events ` Describe traditions ` Express opinions about events ` Video report: La fiesta de la Candelaria (Mexico) ` andcelebrations,Traditions,ritesEn este capítulo vas a aprender a diseñar una campaña de promoción de una tradición y a hablar de controvertidas.tradiciones P. 1024 Tradiciones ` Express wishes ` Report someonewhatsaid ` Conditions with different degrees of probability ` Video report: Feminismo en Perú (Peru) ` andDiscriminationsocietyEn este capítulo vas a aprender a hablar de los logros de mujeres importantes del hispanohablante.mundo P. 1365 Mujeres y poder ` Describe contraryto-fact situations in the past ` Discuss past and future events ` Make hypotheses about how things could have been in circumstancescertain ` Mockumentary: Let's go Antarctica!to (Spain) ` Geography ` Nature landscapeand ` Imaginary worlds ` Learning En este capítulo vas a aprender a hacer un mapa de tu aprendizaje del español. P. 1706 Mapas XXIV

STRUCTURESLANGUAGE SOUNDS ORAL WRITTEN& TEXTS CULTURE PROJECTS ` constructionsPassive ` Emphasizing with lo + adjective / adverb ` Narrating past events (review) ` The letter l ` questionsAlternative ` impersonalityExpressing ` Expository text ` andcelebrations,Traditions,ritualsin the Hispanic world ` Popular festivities in Honduras ` Alexis Pimienta,Díaz-Cuban repentista poet ` Group: design an ad to promote a cultural event in countrySpanish-speakinga ` Individual: write a report about a traditioncontroversial ` sentences:Conditionalsi + conditionalsubjunctive,imperfect ` Reported speech with requests and advice ` Expressing wishes with the subjunctiveimperfect ` theSpanishdifferencesPronunciationinaroundworld ` Academic texts ` Past, present and future of women ` contributionsSignificant to womenworldSpanish-speakingthemadeby ` Puerto Rico and the bolero ` Susana PeruvianBaca,musician ` Group: do presentationa about a woman who played a key role in the history or politics of Latin America ` Individual: write an essayacademicabout womenrepresentationtheofinart ` The present perfect subjunctive ` The past subjunctiveperfect ` The perfectconditional ` Past conditionals ` intonationParenthetical ` andobviousnesstoIntonationexpressdoubt design and create a mapWriteaboutan email to the future XXV

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