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Scope and Sequence and ACTFL Correlations

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KLETT WORLD LANGUAGES is a publishing house specializing in print and digital instructional materials for learning and teaching world languages.

Our mission is to help students become global citizens by developing their intercultural and critical thinking skills through language learning. We aim to help students learn and use language in real-life situations by creating engaging and meaningful content that sparks their curiosity and motivates them to learn.

We strongly believe that teachers play a key role in language learning, and part of our mission is to support them and to provide ample opportunity for professional development.


Having them is not enough. We live by them.


Because everyone on the core KWL team has a background in education and works closely with educators and students, our commitment goes far beyond our daily work. We understand the needs of educators and students and we are passionate about looking for solutions and tools to help them succeed.



We are committed to providing high-quality print and digital content at affordable prices to all who want to learn a language. We guarantee lower prices for high-quality content and simple, easy-to-use technology.


We view languages as tools for communication and action. To learn a language and build authentic communicative competency, students need a realistic context, a true need to communicate, a focus on meaning, and the right linguistic resources. That is what we provide in our educational materials.


Our educational materials focus on the most current pedagogical methodology. They follow the ACTFL Guidelines for Proficiency, include Can-Do statements, and address the 5 Cs. Our digital resources provide original and authentic content via a simple and easy-to-use platform.


We see educators as our partners, and the core of our mission is to support them by providing professional development opportunities, highquality documents and activities, and instructor resources in an easily accessible format.


Our content is created to help students use language to communicate and interact with other communities and cultures both in the United States and abroad. Our books present a respectful, modern, and open-minded perspective of our world and its cultures that allows students to dismantle stereotypes and to cultivate an awareness of global concerns.

Scope and Sequence


Mission Bricolo Bonus Mon carnet de voyage > p.8

Livre de l’élève Communication Lexique

Unité 0 > p.10


Unité 1 > p.14




Unité 2 > p.26

Au revoir !

• Épeler un mot

• Comprendre les consignes du livre

• Saluer

• Dire et demander comment ça va

• Dire et demander comment on s’appelle

• Dire et demander l’âge

• Compter jusqu’à 10

• Présenter sa famille (1)

• Dire et demander qui c’est

• Prendre congé

• Dire et demander ce que c’est

• Décrire un objet et une personne (1)

• Se présenter et présenter quelqu’un

• Exprimer ses gouts (1)

• Parler de son emploi du temps

Unité 3 > p.38

Bon vol !

Unité 4 > p.50

Une nouvelle maison !

• Parler des transports

• Présenter sa famille (2)

• Exprimer ses gouts (2)

• Dire et demander ce qu’il y a

• Dire et demander où se trouve quelque chose ou quelqu’un

• Exprimer des sensations (1)

• Demander et donner des explications

• Dire où on habite

• Dire et demander quel temps il fait

• Identifier les mois et les saisons

• Les consignes de la classe

• Les couleurs

• La famille (1)

• Les nombres de 1 à 10

• Les jouets

• Le matériel de la classe

• Les matières scolaires

• Les jours de la semaine

• La description (1)

• Les transports

• La famille (2)

• Les aliments

• Les pièces de la maison

• Les meubles

• Les sensations (1)

• La météo

• Les saisons

Unité 5 > p.62

Vive la neige !

Unité 6 > p.74

Cap sur le soleil

• Dire et demander ce qu’on fait

• Compter jusqu’à 31

• Donner sa date d’anniversaire

• Exprimer des sensations (2)

• Dire comment on s’habille

• Décrire un vêtement

• Décrire une personne (2)

• Les sports d’hiver

• Les nombres de 10 à 31

• Les mois de l’année

• Les parties du corps

• Les vêtements

• Les sensations (2)

• La description (2)

• Les sports d’été


• Ça va ? ça va !


• Comment tu t’appelles ?

S’appeler (je, tu, il, elle, on)

• Tu as quel âge ?

Avoir (je, tu, il, elle, on) + âge

• C’est qui ? (Moi) c’est + prénom

• mon/ma, ton/ta, son/sa

• le/la/l’

• Qu’est-ce que c’est ?

C’est un/une + nom

• un/une

• Être (je, tu, il, elle, on) + adjectif

• Aimer (je, tu, il, elle, on) (beaucoup) + nom

• Prendre (je, tu, il, elle, on)

• Aller à (je, tu, il, elle, on)

• mes/tes/ses

Lettres et sons (Inter) culturel Projet

• L’alphabet • Des prénoms francophones

• Vidéo : Adopte un pigeon

• L’intonation interrogative et exclamative

• Les monuments

• Vidéo : Les couleurs de Super Mini

• Je n’aime pas, j’adore, je déteste + nom

• ne… pas (1)

• Il y a un, une, des + nom

• les/des

• Avoir + sensation (avoir faim, soif, froid, chaud, peur, sommeil)

• dans, sur, sous, devant, derrière, à côté de

• Pourquoi ? Parce que…

• ne… pas (2)

• Quel temps il fait ?

Il fait beau, froid, chaud, il y a des nuages, il pleut, il neige

• Être (nous, vous, ils, elles)

• Avoir (nous, vous, ils, elles)

• Aimer (nous, vous, ils, elles)

• Qu’est-ce que tu fais ?

Faire (je, tu, il, elle, on, nous, vous, ils, elles)

• Avoir mal au/à la/à l’ + nom

• Être + adjectif

• Il n’y a pas de

• Mettre (je, tu, il, elle, on)

• Enlever (je, tu, il, elle, on)

• Les lettres muettes

• Les jouets

• Vidéo : Brèves de classe

• Le pluriel

La guirlande de mon groupe

5 familles en couleur

Le « Qui est-ce ? »

• Le son [wa] comme moi, toit, soif

• Les transports scolaires

• Vidéo : « Broccoli » Mon lapbook « Je me présente »

• Les maisons

• Vidéo : Boris : Albert déménage

• Le son [o] comme beau, chaud, météo

• Les sports

• Vidéo : Ernest et Célestine en hiver

• Le son [ʃ] comme chemise, chapeau, cheveu

• Les uniformes

• Vidéo :

« The waiting room »

La maison des Cousteau

La giroulette de la météo

Le carnet de mode

Scope and Sequence


Mission Bricolo Bonus Mon carnet de voyage > p.8

Livre de l’élève Communication Lexique

Unité 0 > p.10

L’aventure continue

Unité 1 > p.14

• Identifier une personne, une chose

• Présenter quelqu’un

• Exprimer ses gouts

• Parler de la famille

• Poser des questions avec ou sans mots interrogatifs

• Parler de ses activités quotidiennes

• Parler de son emploi du temps

• Se situer dans le temps (1)

• Demander et indiquer un itinéraire

• La description physique

• Les couleurs

• La famille

• Les vêtements

• Les moments de la journée

• Les activités quotidiennes

• L’heure

• Les nombres de 1 à 69

• Les lieux de la ville

Unité 2 > p.26

Au marché

Unité 3 > p.38

La traversée

• Parler des lieux de la ville

• Demander poliment quelque chose

• Faire des achats

• Dire ce qu’il faut faire et ne pas faire

• Décrire un paysage

• Parler de ce qu’on veut faire comme métier et de ses rêves

• Situer un pays ou une ville

• Dire et demander sa nationalité, sa langue

Unité 4 > p.50

Le safari

Unité 5 > p.62

Les saveurs du Vietnam

Unité 6 > p.74

Le spectacle

• Parler de ses activités futures

• Se situer dans le temps (2)

• Décrire un animal

• Poser des questions avec est-ce que

• Dire ce qu’on peut faire et ne pas faire

• Inviter quelqu’un

• Les commerces

• Les aliments

• Les quantités

• Les nombres de 69 à 10 000

• Les noms de pays

• Les nationalités, les langues

• Les paysages

• Les métiers

• Les animaux d’Afrique

• Les parties du corps des animaux Les déplacements

• Accepter, refuser une invitation

• Dire et demander ce qu’il faut pour faire une recette

• Demander et exprimer une préférence Les ingrédients

• Parler de ses activités

• Raconter une histoire

• Décrire le caractère de quelqu’un

• Les ustensiles de cuisine

• Les repas de la journée

• Les activités culturelles et artistiques

• Les instruments de musique

• Les personnages de conte

• Les déguisements

• La description du caractère


• c’est + prénom

• c’est + le/la + nom

• j’aime, j’aime beaucoup, j’adore, je n’aime pas, je déteste + nom

• dormir, lire, écrire

• les verbes pronominaux (je, tu, il, elle, on)

• qui, quoi, où, quand, comment, quel/quelle/quels/quelles

• de… à, à partir de…

• chez + personne, à + lieu

• être/aller + à la/au/à l’ + lieu

• combien ça coute ? Ça coute…

• impératif affirmatif (tu)

• du, de la, de l’, des + aliment

• il faut/il ne faut pas + verbe

• rêver de + verbe

• vouloir + verbe

• les prépositions devant les pays et les villes

• les nationalités

• les métiers (masculin/féminin)

• aller + verbe pour exprimer le futur proche

• manger, sauter, voler, courir, nager, vivre (il, elle, on, ils, elles)

• demain, la semaine prochaine, ce weekend, après-demain, cet après-midi, ce soir

• est-ce que…?

• pouvoir + verbe

• venir

• ce, cette, cet, ces

• préférer

• impératif affirmatif et négatif (tu, vous)

• devoir + verbe

• faire de / jouer de + activité

• au début, un jour, ensuite, puis, enfin, alors

• être en train de + verbe

• moi, toi, lui, elle, nous, vous, eux, elles

• aimer, ne pas aimer, adorer, détester + verbe

Lettres et sons (Inter) culturel Projet

• Les liaisons et les chiffres

• Des écoles différentes

• Vidéo : L’incroyable journée de Léo et son sweat marinière

• Le son [ɛ̃] comme pain, faim, cousin

• Les marchés du monde

• Vidéo : Boris-Ville

• Le son [f] comme France, pharmacien

• Le son [R] comme tortue, perroquet, bonjour

• Les métiers insolites

• Vidéo : Dis-moi Dimitri : les paysages d’Afrique

• Les animaux protégés

• Vidéo : « Rollin’ Safari

• Les sons [s] comme poisson et [z] comme bisou

• Les sons [ɑ̃] comme méchant et [ɔ̃] comme dragon

• Les plats typiques

• Vidéo : Yassa de poulet

• Les marionnettes du monde

• Vidéo : Mouk : le théâtre de marionnettes

Le jeu de l’oie des questions

L’itinéraire de Gaston

Le poster des règles de la classe

Mon safari photo

Une pizza comme au restaurant

Les dés à histoire

Scope and Sequence


Mission Bricolo Bonus Mon carnet de voyage > p.8

Livre de l’élève Communication Lexique

Unité 0 > p.10

C’est reparti !

Unité 1 > p.14

Protégeons la planète !

Unité 2 > p.26

Bonne année !

• Décrire un vêtement

• Décrire une personne

• Dire ce qu’il faut faire et ne pas faire

• Exprimer le but

• Inciter à faire quelque chose

• Exprimer une négation complexe

• Donner des conseils

• Présenter une personne qu’on admire

• Faire des comparaisons (1)

• Parler du futur

• Raconter une rencontre

Unité 3 > p.38

On rentre en Europe !

Unité 4 > p.50

Une journée à Bruxelles

Unité 5 > p.62

Au camping

• Raconter au passé (1)

• Exprimer son opinion

• Faire des comparaisons (2)

• Décrire une ville

• Raconter au passé (2)

• Faire la biographie de quelqu’un

• Exprimer la fréquence

• Parler de son alimentation

• Parler de ce qu’on sait faire

• Exprimer la possession

• Raconter au passé (3)

• Faire des classements

• Dire de quoi on a besoin

Unité 6 > p.74

Paris, on se retrouve !

• Les sports

• Les activités

• Les aliments

• Les transports

• Les paysages

• Les animaux

• L’environnement, l’écologie

• Le caractère

• L’amour, l’amitié

• Les fêtes

• Le street art

• Les expressions d’opinion

• La ville

• La campagne

• Les nombres ordinaux

• La biographie

• L’alimentation

• Le camping

• Les animaux de la ferme

• Exprimer des ressemblances

• Décrire un objet

• Raconter des souvenirs

• Mettre en relief

• Les souvenirs

• La description

• Les 5 sens

• Les parties du corps


• être en train de + verbe

• aimer, ne pas aimer, adorer, détester + verbe

• il faut/il ne faut pas + verbe

Lettres et sons (Inter) culturel Projet

• pour + verbe

• l’impératif avec nous

• ne… rien, ne… jamais

• tous, toujours

• si/quand + présent, impératif

• c’est… que, c’est… qui

• le futur simple

• plus de, moins de

• l’année prochaine, en 2030, quand je serai en France, dans un an…

• les verbes pronominaux au présent et au pluriel

• le passé composé avec avoir (forme affirmative et négative)

• hier, l’année dernière, la semaine passée…

• plus… que, moins… que

• Le son [ʒ] comme courageuse, agir, jeter

• le passé composé avec être (forme affirmative et négative)

• jamais, rarement, parfois, souvent

• tous les jours, une fois par mois

• un peu, très peu, beaucoup de, autant que tu veux

• Les sons [ʒ] comme gentil et [g] comme Gaston

• L’écologie et les jeunes

• Vidéo : « Poseidon attacks litterbug»

• Les fêtes dans le monde

• Vidéo : Pelico est sur le départ !

• Les différentes prononciations de plus

• le passé composé des verbes pronominaux

• notre/nos, votre/vos, leur/leurs

• savoir au présent

• le plus…, le moins… le meilleur

• avoir besoin de

• ça a l’air de/d’, on dirait, ça ressemble à

• la place des adjectifs

• les pronoms COD le, la, les

• ça me rappelle, je me souviens de

• c’est… qui, c’est… que, c’est… où

• Les sons [u] comme roue, poule et [y] comme rue, pull

• Les sons [ʃ] comme chien, chat et [s] comme serpent, savoir

• Le street art dans le monde

• Vidéo : Tok-Tok : comment colorer le monde ?

• Destins et légendes

• Vidéo : Pourquoi doit-on faire attention à ce qu’on mange ?

• Les records du monde

Notre affiche écolo

Notre roman-photo

Moi, je suis super…

Notre dessin « animé »

• Vidéo : Camping Méditerranée Plage Le quiz des records

• Le son [k] comme qui, carotte, kilo

• Les souvenirs du monde

• Vidéo : Lila

Le musée de nos objets importants

5 cinq

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ACTFL World-Readiness Standards


Communicate effectively in more than one language in order to function in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes

Interpersonal Communication: Learners interact and negotiate meaning in spoken, signed, or written conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions.

UNITÉ 0: p. 10 (act. 1), p. 10 (act. 3), p. 10 (act. 4), p. 10 (act. 5), p. 11 (act. 8), p. 11 (act. 10), p. 12 (act. 11), p. 12 (act. “Joue”), p. 13 (act. “Mission bricolo”)

UNITÉ 1: p. 14 (act. 1), p. 14 (act. 2), p. 16 (act. 2), p. 16 (act. 3), p. 16 (act. 4), p. 17 (act. “Joue”), p. 17 (act. 6), p. 19 (act. 4), p. 19 (act. “Joue”), p. 20 (act. 1), p. 20 (act. 2), p. 20 (act. 4), p. 21 (act. 5), p. 21 (act. 7), p. 21 (act. 8), p. 21 (act. “Joue”), p. 23 (act. 1), p. 23 (act. 2), p. 24 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 25 (act. 2), p. 25 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 2: p. 28 (act. 1), p. 29 (act. “Joue”), p. 29 (act. 5), p. 30 (act. 2), p. 31 (act. 5), p. 31 (act. “Joue”), p. 32 (act. 2), p. 32 (act. 3), p. 33 (act. 4), p. 33 (act. 5), p. 33 (act. 6), p. 33 (act. 7), p. 34 (act. 1), p. 34 (act. 2), p. 36 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 37 (act. 2), p. 37 (act. 4)

UNITÉ 3: p. 38 (act. 2), p. 40 (act. 3), p. 41 (act. “Joue”), p. 43 (act. 4), p. 43 (act. “Joue”), p. 44 (act. 3), p. 45 (act. 4), p. 45 (act. “Joue”), p. 49 (act. 2), p. 49 (act. 3), p. 49 (act. 4)

UNITÉ 4: p. 53 (act. “Joue”), p. 53 (act. 3), p. 54 (act. 2), p. 55 (act. 3), p. 55 (act. “Joue”), p. 56 (act. “Joue”), p. 57 (act. 4), p. 58 (act. 1), p. 58 (act. 2), p. 60 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 61 (act. 2), p. 61 (act. 3), p. 61 (act. 4)

UNITÉ 5: p. 62 (act. 1), p. 62 (act. 2), p. 62 (act. 4), p. 64 (act. 2), p. 65 (act. “Joue”), p. 66 (act. 2), p. 67 (act. 3), p. 67 (act. “Joue”), p. 68 (act. 3), p. 68 (act. 4), p. 69 (act. 5), p. 69 (act. “Joue”), p. 71 (act. 1), p. 71 (act. 2), p. 72 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 73 (act. 2), p. 73 (act. 3), p. 73 (act. 4)

UNITÉ 6: p. 74 (act. 2), p. 74 (act. 3), p. 76 (act. 2), p. 76 (act. 3), p. 77 (act. 5), p. 77 (act. 6), p. 77 (act. “Joue”), p. 79 (act. 3), p. 79 (act. “Joue”), p. 79 (act. 4), p. 80 (act. 1), p. 80 (act. 3), p. 81 (act. “Joue”), p. 81 (act. 4), p. 83 (act. 1), p. 83 (act. 2), p. 83 (act. 3), p. 84 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 85 (act. 2), p. 85 (act. 4)


Communicate effectively in more than one language in order to function in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes

Interpretive Communication: Learners understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.

UNITÉ 0: p. 10 (act. 1), p. 10 (act. 2), p. 11 (act. 6), p. 11 (act. 7), p. 11 (act. 9), p. 12 (act. 11)

UNITÉ 1: p. 14 (act. 2), p. 14 (act. 3), p. 14 (act. 4), p. 16 (act. 1), p. 16 (act. 2), p. 16 (act. 4), p. 17 (act. 5), p. 17 (act. 7), p. 18 (act. 1), p. 18 (act. 2), p. 18 (act. 3), p. 19 (act. 5), p. 20 (act. 1), p. 20 (act. 3), p. 20 (act. 4), p. 21 (act. 5), p. 21 (act. 6), p. 21 (act. 7), p. 25 (act. 1, 4)

UNITÉ 2: p. 26 (act. 1), p. 26 (act. 2), p. 26 (act. 3), p. 26 (act. 4), p. 28 (act. 2), p. 28 (act. 3), p. 28 (act. 4), p. 29 (act. 5), p. 30 (act. 1), p. 30 (act. 3), p. 31 (act. 4), p. 31 (act. 5), p. 31 (act. 6), p. 32 (act. 1), p. 32 (act. 2), p. 33 (act. 4), p. 33 (act. 5), p. 33 (act. 6), p. 33 (act. 7), p. 34 (act. 1), p. 34 (act. 2), p. 37 (act. 1)

UNITÉ 3: p. 38 (act. 1), p. 38 (act. 2), p. 38 (act. 3), p. 38 (act. 4), p. 38 (act. 5), p. 40 (act. 1), p. 40 (act. 2), p. 41 (act. 4), p. 41 (act. 5), p. 42 (act. 1), p. 42 (act. 2), p. 43 (act. 3), p. 43 (act. “Joue”), p. 44 (act. 1), p. 44 (act. 2), p. 44 (act. 3), p. 45 (act. 4), p. 47 (act. 1), p. 49 (act. 1)

UNITÉ 4: p. 50 (act. 1), p. 50 (act. 2), p. 50 (act. 3), p. 52 (act. 1), p. 53 (act. 2), p. 53 (act. 3), p. 53 (act. 4), p. 54 (act. 1), p. 54 (act. 2), p. 55 (act. 3), p. 56 (act. 1), p. 56 (act. 2), p. 57 (act. 3), p. 57 (act. 4), p. 58 (act. 1), p. 58 (act. 2), p. 61 (act. 1)

UNITÉ 5: p. 62 (act. 2), p. 62 (act. 3), p. 62 (act. 4), p. 64 (act. 1), p. 64 (act. 2), p. 66 (act. 1), p. 67 (act. 3), p. 67 (act. 4), p. 68 (act. 1), p. 68 (act. 2), p. 68 (act. 4), p. 69 (act. 5), p. 69 (act. 6), p. 71 (act. 1), p. 71 (act. 2), p. 73 (act. 1)

UNITÉ 6: p. 74 (act. 1), p. 74 (act. 2), p. 74 (act. 3), p. 74 (act. 4), p. 76 (act. 1), p. 76 (act. 2), p. 76 (act. 3), p. 76 (act. 4), p. 77 (act. 5), p. 78 (act. 1), p. 79 (act. 2), p. 79 (act. 3), p. 80 (act. 1), p. 80 (act. 2), p. 80 (act. 3), p. 83 (act. 1), p. 83 (act. 2), p. 83 (act. 3), p. 85 (act. 1), p. 85 (act. 2)

Presentational Communication: Learners present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of listeners, readers, or viewers.

UNITÉ 2: p. 33 (act. 6), p. 37 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 3: p. 48 (act. “Mission bricolo”)

UNITÉ 6: p. 85 (act. 3)


Interact with cultural competence and understanding

Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship. between the practices and perspectives of the cultures studied.

UNITÉ 3: p. 49 (act. 1), p. 49 (act. 2), p. 49 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 5: p. 73 (act. 1), p. 73 (act. 2)



Interact with cultural competence and understanding

Relating Cultural Products to Perspectives: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship. between the products and perspectives of the cultures studied.

UNITÉ 1: p. 20 (act. 2, 3, 4), p. 21 (act. 7), p. 25 (act. 1)

UNITÉ 2: p. 29 (act. 5), p. 31 (“Joue”)

UNITÉ 3: p. 41 (act. 4), p. 44 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 4: p. 50 (act. 1, 2), p. 51 (act. 1), p. 57 (act. 4), p. 61 (act. 2)

UNITÉ 5: p. 67 (act. 3), p. 68 (act. 2, 3, 4), p. 69 (act. 5, 6)

UNITÉ 6: p. 74 (act. 4), p. 76 (act. 1, 2, 4), p. 77 (“Joue”), p. 80 (act. 3), p. 85 (act. 4)


Connect with other disciplines and acquire information and diverse perspectives in order to use the language to function in academic and career related situations

Making Connections: Learners build, reinforce, and expand their knowledge of other disciplines while using the language to develop. critical thinking and to solve problems creatively.

UNITÉ 0: p. 13 (act. “Mission bricolo”)

UNITÉ 1: p. 14 (act. 4), p.25 (act. 3, 4)

UNITÉ 2: p. 29 (act. “Joue”), p. 36 (act. “Mission bricolo”)

UNITÉ 3: p. 40 (act. 3), p. 48 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 49 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 4: p. 50 (act. 3), p. 60 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 61 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 5: p. 65 (act. 3), p. 72 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 73 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 6: p. 74 (act. 4), p. 79 (act. 4), p. 81 (act. 4), p. 84 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 85 (act. 3)

Acquiring Information and Diverse Perspectives: Learners access and evaluate information and diverse perspectives that are available through the language and its cultures.

UNITÉ 1: p. 17 (“Joue”), p. 18 (act. 3), p. 19 (act. 4), p. 21 (act. 7), p. 22 (“Cap sur la langue”)

UNITÉ 2: p. 28 (act. 2, 3, 4), p. 30 (act. 1, 2, 3), p. 31 (act. 5, 6), p. 32 (act. 1), p. 33 (act. 4, 5)

UNITÉ 3: p. 40 (act. 2), p. 41 (act. 5), p. 42 (act. 2), p. 44 (act. 1, 2), p. 49 (act. 1)

UNITÉ 4: p. 53 (act. 4), p. 56 (act. 2), p. 57 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 5: p. 62 (act. 1), p. 64 (act. 2), p. 73 (act. 1)

UNITÉ 6: p. 74 (act. 1), p. 78 (act. 1), p. 79 (act. 2, 3), p. 85 (act. 1)


Develop insight into the nature of language and culture in order to interact with cultural competence

Language Comparisons: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.

Cultural Comparisons: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.

UNITÉ 1: p. 25 (act. 2)

UNITÉ 2: p. 32 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 3: p. 49 (act. 2)

UNITÉ 5: p. 73 (act. 2)

UNITÉ 6: p. 85 (act. 2)


Communicate and interact with cultural competence in order to participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world

School and Global Communities: Learners use the language both within and beyond the classroom to interact and collaborate in their community and the globalized world.

UNITÉ 3: p. 48 (act. “Mission bricolo”)

Lifelong Learning: Learners set goals and reflect on their progress in using languages for enjoyment, enrichment, and advancement.

UNITÉ 1: p. 24 (act. “Mission bricolo”)

UNITÉ 3: p. 48 (act. “Mission bricolo”)




ACTFL World-Readiness Standards


Communicate effectively in more than one language in order to function in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes

Interpersonal Communication: Learners interact and negotiate meaning in spoken, signed, or written conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions.

UNITÉ 0: p. 10 (act. 1), p. 10 (act. “Joue”), p. 12 (act. 3), p. 12 (act. “Joue”)

UNITÉ 1: p. 14 (act. 4), p. 17 (act. 3), p. 17 (act. 4), p. 17 (act. “Joue”), p. 19 (act. 4), p. 19 (act. “Joue”), p. 19 (act. 5), p. 20 (act. 1), p. 20 (act. “Joue”), p. 21 (act. 4), p. 21 (act. 6), p. 23 (act. 1), p. 23 (act. 2), p. 24 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 25 (act. 2)

UNITÉ 2: p. 26 (act. 3), p. 29 (act. 4), p. 29 (act. “Joue”), p. 30 (act. 3), p. 31 (act. “Joue”), p. 32 (act. 1), p. 32 (act. 4), p. 33 (act. 7), p. 35 (act. 1), p. 35 (act. 2), p. 36 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 37 (act. 1), p. 37 (act. 2), p. 37 (act. 3), p. 37 (act. 4)

UNITÉ 3: p. 48 (“Mission bricolo”)

UNITÉ 4: p. 50 (act. 3), p. 52 (act. 1), p. 52 (act. 3), p. 53 (act. 4), p. 53 (act. “Joue”), p. 54 (act. 1), p. 54 (act. 3), p. 55 (act. “Joue”), p. 56 (act. 1), p. 56 (act. 2), p. 56 (act. 3), p. 56 (act. 4), p. 57 (act. 6), p. 57 (act. “Joue”), p. 59 (act. 1), p. 59 (act. 2), p. 60 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 61 (act. 2), p. 61 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 5: p. 62 (act. 2), p. 64 (act. 4), p. 65 (act. “Joue”), p. 66 (act. 2), p. 66 (act. 3), p. 67 (act. 5), p. 67 (act. “Joue”), p. 68 (act. 2), p. 69 (act. 3), p. 69 (act. “Joue”), p. 71 (act. 1), p. 71 (act. 2), p. 72 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 73 (act. 2), p. 73 (act. 3), p. 73 (act. 4)

UNITÉ 6: p. 74 (act. 2), p. 74 (act. 3), p. 76 (act. 2), p. 76 (act. 3), p. 76 (act. 4), p. 77 (act. “Joue”), p. 77 (act. 5), p. 78 (act. 1), p. 78 (act. 3), p. 79 (act. “Joue”), p. 79 (act. 5), p. 80 (act. 1), p. 81 (act. 3), p. 81 (act. 4), p. 83 (act. 1), p. 83 (act. 2), p. 84 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 85 (act. 2), p. 85 (act. 3), p. 85 (act. 4)

Interpretive Communication: Learners understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.

UNITÉ 0: p. 10 (act. 1), p. 12 (act. 2), p. 13 (act. 4), p. 13 (act. 5)

UNITÉ 1: p. 14 (act. 1), p. 14 (act. 2), p. 14 (act. 3), p. 14 (act. 4), p. 16 (act. 1), p. 16 (act. 2), p. 17 (act. 3), p. 18 (act. 1), p. 18 (act. 2), p. 19 (act. 3), p. 19 (act. 5), p. 20 (act. 1), p. 20 (act. 2), p. 20 (act. 3), p. 21 (act. 4), p. 21 (act. 5), p. 25 (act. 1)

UNITÉ 2: p. 26 (act. 1), p. 26 (act. 2), p. 26 (act. 4), p. 28 (act. 1), p. 28 (act. 2), p. 29 (act. 3), p. 30 (act. 1), p. 30 (act. 2), p. 31 (act. 4), p. 32 (act. 1), p. 32 (act. 2), p. 32 (act. 3), p. (act. 3), p. 32 (act. 4), p. 33 (act. 5), p. 33 (act. 6), p. 37 (act. 1)

UNITÉ 4: p. 50 (act. 1), p. 50 (act. 2), p. 50 (act. 3), p. 50 (act. 4), p. 52 (act. 1), p. 52 (act. 2), p. 53 (act. 4), p. 53 (act. 5), p. 54 (act. 1), p. 54 (act. 2), p. 55 (act. 4), p. 56 (act. 1), p. 56 (act. 3), p. 56 (act. 4), p. 56 (act. 5), p. 57 (act. 6), p. 61 (act. 1)

UNITÉ 5: p. 62 (act. 1), p. 62 (act. 3), p. 64 (act. 1), p. 64 (act. 2), p. 64 (act. 3), p. 65 (act. 5), p. 66 (act. 1), p. 66 (act. 3), p. 67 (act. 4), p. 67 (act. 5), p. 68 (act. 1), p. 68 (act. 2), p. 69 (act. “Joue”), p. 73 (act. 1)

UNITÉ 6: p. 74 (act. 1), p. 74 (act. 2), p. 74 (act. 4), p. 76 (act. 1), p. 76 (act. 2), p. 76 (act. 4), p. 77 (act. 5), p. 77 (act. 6), p. 78 (act. 1), p. 78 (act. 2), p. 79 (act. 4), p. 80 (act. 1), p. 80 (act. 2), p. 81 (act. 3), p. 85 (act. 1)


Communicate effectively in more than one language in order to function in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes

Presentational Communication: Learners present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of listeners, readers, or viewers.

UNITÉ 1: p. 25 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 2: p. 37 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 3: p. 43 (act. 5), p. 48 (“Mission bricolo”), p. 49 (act. 2)

UNITÉ 4: p. 50 (act. 4), p. 52 (act. 3), p. 61 (act. 2)

UNITÉ 5: p. 73 (act. 4)

UNITÉ 6: p. 76 (act. 3), p. 78 (act. 3), p. 79 (act. 5), p. 85 (act. 3)


Interact with cultural competence and understanding

Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship. between the practices and perspectives of the cultures studied.

UNITÉ 1: p. 16 (act. 2), p. 18 (act. 1), p. 25 (act. 1)

UNITÉ 2: p. 30 (act. 1, 2), p. 31 (act. 4), p. 32 (act. 1, 3), p. 37 (act. 1, 2)

UNITÉ 3: p. 40 (act. 1, 3), p. 49 (act. 1)

UNITÉ 4: p. 52 (act. 1, 2), p. 53 (act. 5), p. 56 (act. 1, 2), p. 61 (act. 1)

UNITÉ 5: p. 62 (act. 1), p. 65 (act. 5)

UNITÉ 6: p. 74 (act. 1), p. 77 (act. 6), p. 85 (act. 1)

Relating Cultural Products to Perspectives: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship. between the products and perspectives of the cultures studied.

UNITÉ 0: p. 12 (act. 2)

UNITÉ 1: p. 14 (act. 2), p. 19 (act. 5)

UNITÉ 2: p. 26 (act. 3), p. 32 (act. 4), p. 33 (act. 5), p. 37 (act. 1)

UNITÉ 3: p. 38 (act. 2), p. 45 (act. 5)

UNITÉ 5: p. 66 (act. 1), p. 67 (act. 4), p. 73 (act. 1)

UNITÉ 6: p. 85 (act. 1)



Connect with other disciplines and acquire information and diverse perspectives in order to use the language to function in academic and career related situations

Making Connections: Learners build, reinforce, and expand their knowledge of other disciplines while using the language to develop. critical thinking and to solve problems creatively.

UNITÉ 1: p. 25 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 2: p. 26 (act. 1), p. 26 (act. 2), p. 36 (act. “Mission bricolo”)

UNITÉ 3: p. 42 (act. 2), p. 43 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 4: p. 52 (act. 3), p. 60 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 61 (act. 1, 2)

UNITÉ 5: p. 62 (act. 3), p. 72 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 73 (act. 3, 4)

UNITÉ 6: p. 76 (act. 3), p. 78 (act. 3), p. 79 (act. 5), p. 84 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 85 (act. 3)

Acquiring Information and Diverse Perspectives: Learners access and evaluate information and diverse perspectives that are available through the language and its cultures.

UNITÉ 0: p. 10 (act. 1), p. 13 (act. 4)

UNITÉ 1: p. 18 (act. 2), p. 19 (act. 3), p. 21 (act. 4), p. 25 (act. 1)

UNITÉ 2: p. 30 (act. 1, 2)

UNITÉ 3: p. 40 (act. 1), p. 42 (act. 1), p. 43 (act. 4), p. 45 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 4: p. 61 (act. 1)

UNITÉ 6: p. 77 (act. 6)


Develop insight into the nature of language and culture in order to interact with cultural competence

Language Comparisons: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.

Cultural Comparisons: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.

UNITÉ 2: p. 37 (act. 2)

UNITÉ 3: p. 41 (act. 4), p. 49 (act. 1)

UNITÉ 5: p. 62 (act. 1), p. 73 (act. 1, 2, 3, 4)

UNITÉ 6: p. 85 (act. 1 , 2 , 3)


Communicate and interact with cultural competence in order to participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world

School and Global Communities: Learners use the language both within and beyond the classroom to interact and collaborate in their community and the globalized world.

UNITÉ 0: p. 10 (“Joue”), p. 12 (act. 3, “Joue”)

UNITÉ 1: p. 17 (act. 4, “Joue”), p. 19 (“Joue”), p. 20 (act. “Joue”), p. 21 (act. 6), p. 25 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 2: p. 29 (act. 4, act. “Joue”), p. 30 (act. 3), p. 31 (act. “Joue”), p. 33 (act. 7), p. 36 (act. “Mission bricolo”)

UNITÉ 3: p. 40 (act. 2), p. 41 (act. “Joue”), p. 43 (act. 5, “Joue”), p. 45 (act. 4, “Joue”), p. 48 (act. “Mission bricolo”)

UNITÉ 4: p. 50 (act. 3, 4), p. 52 (act. 3), p. 53 (act. “Joue”), p. 54 (act. 3), p. 55 (act. “Joue”), p. 57 (act. 6, “Joue”), p. 60 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 61 (act. 2)

UNITÉ 5: p. 62 (act. 2), p. 64 (act. 4), p. 65 (act “Joue”), p. 66 (act. 2), p. 67 (act. “Joue”), p. 69 (act. 3, “Joue”), p. 72 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 73 (act. 4)

UNITÉ 6: p. 76 (act. 3), p. 77 (act. “Joue”), p. 78 (act. 3), p. 79 (act. 5, “Joue”), p. 84 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 85 (act. 3)

Lifelong Learning: Learners set goals and reflect on their progress in using languages for enjoyment, enrichment, and advancement.

UNITÉ 0: p. 10 (act. “Joue”), p. 12 (act. “Joue”)

UNITÉ 1: p. 17 (act. “Joue”), p. 19 (act. “Joue”), p. 20 (act. “Joue”), p. 24 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 25 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 2: p. 29 (act. “Joue”), p. 31 (act. “Joue”), p. 36 (act. “Mission bricolo”)

UNITÉ 3: p. 41 (act. 4, “Joue”), p. 43 (act. “Joue”), p. 45 (act. “Joue”), p. 48 (act. “Mission bricolo”)

UNITÉ 4: p. 50 (act. 4), p. 52 (act. 3), p. 53 (act. “Joue”), p. 55 (act. “Joue”), p. 57 (act. “Joue”), p. 60 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 61 (act. 2)

UNITÉ 5: p. 67 (act. 4), p. 72 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 73 (act. 4)

UNITÉ 6: p. 76 (act. 3), p. 84 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 85 (act. 3)




ACTFL World-Readiness Standards


Communicate effectively in more than one language in order to function in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes

Interpersonal Communication: Learners interact and negotiate meaning in spoken, signed, or written conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions.

UNITÉ 0: p. 10 (act. 1), p. 10 (act. “Joue”), p. 11 (act. 2), p. 11 (act. 3a, b), p. 12 (act. 4), p. 12 (act. 5), p. 13 (act. 6, 7)

UNITÉ 1: p. 14 (act. 3), p. 16 (act. 1), p. 16 (act. 2), p. 17 (act. 4), p. 17 (act. “Joue”), p. 18 (act. 1), p. 18 (act. 2), p. 19 (act. 4), p. 19 (act. 5), p. 19 (act. “Joue”), p. 21 (act. 2), p. 21 (act. 3), p. 21 (act. “Joue”), p. 23 (act. 1), p. 23 (act. 2), p. 24 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 25 (act. 2), p. 25 (act. 3), p. 25 (act. 4)

UNITÉ 2: p. 26 (act. 1), p. 26 (act. 2), p. 29 (act. “Joue”), p. 29 (act. 4), p. 30 (act. 1), p. 30 (act. 3), p. 31 (act. 4a), p. 31 (act. 4b), p. 31 (act. “Joue”), p. 32 (act. 1), p. 32 (act. 2), p. 33 (act. “Joue”), p. 33 (act. 4), p. 33 (act. 5), p. 35 (act. 1), p. 35 (act. 2), p. 36 (act. “Mission bricolo”)

UNITÉ 3: p. 41 (act. “Joue”), p. 41 (act. 3), p. 42 (act. 2), p. 43 (act. 5), p. 44 (act. 2), p. 44 (act. 3), p. 45 (act. 4), p. 45 (act. “Joue”), p. 45 (act. 5), p. 47 (act. 1), p. 47 (act. 2), p. 49 (act. 1), p. 49 (act. 2), p. 49 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 4: p. 50 (act. 3), p. 52 (act. 2), p. 52 (act. 3), p. 53 (act. “Joue”), p. 54 (act. 1), p. 55 (act. 4), p. 55 (act. “Joue”), p. 56 (act. 1), p. 56 (act. “Joue”), p. 57 (act. 3), p. 59 (act. 1), p. 59 (act. 2), p. 61 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 5: p. 62 (act. 2), p. 62 (act. 3), p. 64 (act. 3), p. 65 (act. “Joue”), p. 66 (act. 1), p. 66 (act. “Joue”), p. 67 (act. 5), p. 68 (act. 1), p. 68 (act. 3), p. 69 (act. “Joue”), p. 69 (act. 4), p. 69 (act. 6), p. 71 (act. 1), p. 71 (act. 2), p. 72 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 73 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 6: p. 74 (act. 2), p. 74 (act. 3), p. 77 (act. 4a), p. 77 (act. 4b), p. 79 (act. “Joue”), p. 79 (act. 2), p. 80 (act. 3), p. 81 (act. 5), p. 81 (act. 6), p. 81 (act. “Joue”), p. 83 (act. 1), p. 83 (act. 2), p. 85 (act. 2)

Interpretive Communication: Learners understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.

UNITÉ 0: p. 10 (act. “Joue”), p. 11 (act. 3a, b), p. 12 (act. 4), p. 13 (act. 6)

UNITÉ 1: p. 14 (act. 1), p. 14 (act. 2), p. 14 (act. 3), p. 14 (act. 4), p. 16 (act. 1), p. 16 (act. 2), p. 16 (act. 3), p. 17 (act. 4), p. 18 (act. 1), p. 18 (act. 2), p. 19 (act. 3), p. 19 (act. 5), p. 20 (act. 1), p. 21 (act. 2), p. 23 (act. 1), p. 23 (act. 2), p. 25 (act. 1)

UNITÉ 2: p. 26 (act. 1), p. 26 (act. 2), p. 26 (act. 3), p. 28 (act. 1), p. 28 (act. 2), p. 29 (act. 3), p. 30 (act. 1), p. 30 (act. 2), p. 30 (act. 3), p. 31 (act. 4a), p. 32 (act. 1), p. 32 (act. 2), p. 33 (act. 3a), p. 33 (act. 3b), p. 33 (act. 5), p. 35 (act. 1), p. 35 (act. 2)

UNITÉ 3: p. 38 (act. 1), p. 38 (act. 2), p. 38 (act. 3), p. 40 (act. 1a), p. 40 (act. 1b), p. 41 (act. 2a), p. 41 (act. 2b), , p. 42 (act. 1a), p. 42 (act. 1b), p. 42 (act. 2), p. 43 (act. 3), p. 43 (act. 4), p. 44 (act. 1), p. 44 (act. 2), p. 45 (act. 4), p. 45 (act. 5), p. 47 (act. 1), p. 47 (act. 2), p. 49 (act. 1)


Communicate effectively in more than one language in order to function in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes

Interpretive Communication: Learners understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.

UNITÉ 4: p. 50 (act. 1), p. 50 (act. 2), p. 50 (act. 3), p. 52 (act. 1), p. 52 (act. 2), , p. 53 (act. 4a), p. 53 (act. 4b), p. 54 (act. 1), p. 54 (act. 2), p. 55 (act. 3), p. 55 (act. 4), p. 56 (act. 1), p. 56 (act. 2), p. 57 (act. 4a), p. 57 (act. 4b), p. 59 (act. 1), p. 59 (act. 2), p. 61 (act. 1a), p. 61 (act. 1b), p. 61 (act. 2)

UNITÉ 5: p. 62 (act. 1), p. 62 (act. 2), , p. 62 (act. 4), p. 64 (act. 1), p. 64 (act. 2), p. 65 (act. 4), p. 66 (act. 1), p. 66 (act. 2), p. 67 (act. 3), p. 68 (act. 1), p. 68 (act. 2), p. 69 (act. 4), p. 69 (act. 5), p. 71 (act. 1), p. 71 (act. 2), p. 73 (act. 1), p. 73 (act. 2)

UNITÉ 6: p. 74 (act. 1), p. 74 (act. 2), p. 74 (act. 3), p. 74 (act. 4), p. 76 (act. 1), p. 76 (act. 2), p. 77 (act. 3), p. 77 (act. 4a), , p. 78 (act. 1), p. 79 (act. 2), p. 79 (act. 3), p. 80 (act. 1), p. 80 (act. 2), p. 81 (act. 4), p. 81 (act. 6), p. 83 (act. 1), p. 83 (act. 2), p. 85 (act. 1)

Presentational Communication: Learners present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of listeners, readers, or viewers.

UNITÉ 1: p. 21 (act. 3), p. 24 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 25 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 2: p. 31 (act. 4), p. 33 (act. 4), p. 36 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 37 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 3: p. 43 (act. 5), p. 44 (act. 3), p. 48 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 49 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 4: p. 52 (act. 3), p. 53 (act. 5), p. 60 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 61 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 5: p. 67 (act. 4), p. 72 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 73 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 6: p. 74 (act. 4), p. 81 (act. 5), p. 84 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 85 (act. 3)


Interact with cultural competence and understanding

Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship. between the practices and perspectives of the cultures studied.

UNITÉ 0: p. 12 (act. 5), p. 13 (act. 6)

UNITÉ 1: p. 16 (act. 1), p. 18 (act. 2), p. 19 (act. 3), p. 25 (act. 1)

UNITÉ 2: p. 26 (act. 3), p. 28 (act. 1), p. 30 (act. 1, 2), p. 37 (act. 1)

UNITÉ 3: p. 40 (act. 1a, 1b), p. 41 (act. 2)

UNITÉ 4: p. 50 (act. 3), p. 57 (act. 4b)

UNITÉ 5: p. 66 (act. 2)

UNITÉ 6: p. 81 (act. 4)



Interact with cultural competence and understanding

Relating Cultural Products to Perspectives: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship. between the products and perspectives of the cultures studied.

UNITÉ 0: p. 11 (act. 2, 3a), p. 12 (act. 4)

UNITÉ 1: p. 16 (act. 3), p. 18 (act. 1), p. 25 (act. 1)

UNITÉ 2: p. 29 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 3: p. 38 (act. 2, 3), p. 42 (act. 1, 2), p. 43 (act. 4, 5), p. 49 (act. 1, 2)

UNITÉ 4: p. 50 (act. 3), p. 52 (act. 1, 2, 3), p. 54 (act. 2), p. 56 (act. 2), p. 57 (act. 4a), p. 61 (act. 1a), p. 61 (act. 1b)

UNITÉ 5: p. 73 (act. 1)

UNITÉ 6: p. 77 (act. 4b), p. 78 (act. 1), p. 81 (act. 4), p. 85 (act. 1)


Connect with other disciplines and acquire information and diverse perspectives in order to use the language to function in academic and career related situations

Making Connections: Learners build, reinforce, and expand their knowledge of other disciplines while using the language to develop. critical thinking and to solve problems creatively.

UNITÉ 1: p. 17 (act. 4), p. 18 (act. 1), p. 20 (act. 1), p. 21 (act. 3), p. 24 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 25 (act. 2), p. 25 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 2: p. 29 (act. 3), p. 31 (act. 4b), p. 33 (act. “Joue”), p. 33 (act. 4), p. 36 (act. “Mission bricolo”)

UNITÉ 3: p. 38 (act. 3), p. 42 (act. 1, 2), p. 44 (act. 3), p. 48 (act. “Mission bricolo”)

UNITÉ 4: p. 52 (act. 3), p. 53 (act. 5), p. 57 (act. 4a, 4b), p. 60 (act. “Mission bricolo”)

UNITÉ 5: p. 62 (act. 4), p. 67 (act. 4)

UNITÉ 6: p. 73 (act. 1, 3), p. 74 (act. 4)

Acquiring Information and Diverse Perspectives: Learners access and evaluate information and diverse perspectives that are available through the language and its cultures.

UNITÉ 0: p. 13 (act. 6)

UNITÉ 1: p. 14 (act. 2), p. 19 (act. 3), p. 20 (act. 1), p. 25 (act. 1)

UNITÉ 2: p. 37 (act. 1)

UNITÉ 3: p. 40 (act. 1a), p. 43 (act. 3), p. 49 (act. 2)

UNITÉ 4: p. 55 (act. 3), p. 57 (act. 4a, 4b), p. 57 (act. 4b), p. 61 (act. 1a)

UNITÉ 5: p. 72 (act. “Mission bricolo”)


Develop insight into the nature of language and culture in order to interact with cultural competence

Language Comparisons: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.

Cultural Comparisons: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.

UNITÉ 0: p. 10 (act. 1), p. 11 (act. 3b), p. 13 (act. 7)

UNITÉ 1: p. 25 (act. 2)

UNITÉ 2: p. 29 (act. 4), p. 37 (act. 1, 2), p. 37 (act. 2), p. 37 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 3: p. 44 (act. 3), p. 49 (act. 2), p. 49 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 4: p. 61 (act. 1, 2)

UNITÉ 5: p. 62 (act. 3), p. 73 (act. 2)

UNITÉ 6: p. 78 (act. 1), p. 81 (act. 5), p. 85 (act. 1), p. 85 (act. 2), p. 85 (act. 3)


Communicate and interact with cultural competence in order to participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world

School and Global Communities: Learners use the language both within and beyond the classroom to interact and collaborate in their community and the globalized world.

UNITÉ 0: p. 10 (act. “Joue”)

UNITÉ 1: p. 17 (act. “Joue”), p. 19 (act. “Joue”), p. 21 (act. 3, “Joue”), p. 24 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 25 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 2: p. 29 (act. “Joue”), p. 31 (act. 4, “Joue”), p. 33 (act. 4, “Joue”), p. 36 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 37 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 3: p. 41 (act. 3, “Joue”), p. 42 (act. 2), p. 43 (act. 5), p. 44 (act. 3), p. 45 (act. “Joue”), p. 48 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 49 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 4: p. 52 (act. 3), p. 53 (act. 5, “Joue”), p. 55 (act. “Joue”), p. 56 (act. “Joue”), p. 60 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 61 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 5: p. 65 (act. “Joue”), p. 66 (act. “Joue”), p. 67 (act. 4, 5), p. 69 (act. “Joue”), p. 72 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 73 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 6: p. 79 (act. “Joue”), p. 80 (act. 3), p. 81 (act. 5), p. 81 (act. “Joue”), p. 84 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 85 (act. 3)

Lifelong Learning: Learners set goals and reflect on their progress in using languages for enjoyment, enrichment, and advancement.

UNITÉ 0: p. 10 (act. “Joue”)

UNITÉ 1: p. 17 (act. “Joue”), p. 19 (act. 4), p. 24 (act. “Mission bricolo”), p. 25 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 2: p. 36 (act. “Mission bricolo”)

UNITÉ 3: p. 41 (act. 3)

UNITÉ 4: p. 52 (act. 3), p. 60 (act. “Mission bricolo”)

UNITÉ 5: p. 72 (act. “Mission bricolo”)

UNITÉ 6: p. 84 (act. “Mission bricolo”)


supplementary materials include: ❯ Karaoke songs ❯ Project Specific Rubrics

❯ Differentiation Worksheets

❯ French-English and English-French Glossaries ❯ And much more!

For additional details on our educational approach and the pedagogy that informs CAP SUR, please visit For more information about Research & Validation, please visit



Scope and Sequence and ACTFL Correlations

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