Klasse! Scope and Sequence and ACTFL Correlations

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Scope and Sequence and ACTFL Correlations




KLETT WORLD LANGUAGES is a publishing house specializing in print and digital instructional materials for learning and teaching world languages.

Our mission is to help students become global citizens by developing their intercultural and critical thinking skills through language learning. We aim to help students learn and use language in real-life situations by creating engaging and meaningful content that sparks their curiosity and motivates them to learn.

We strongly believe that teachers play a key role in language learning, and part of our mission is to support them and to provide ample opportunity for professional development.


Having them is not enough. We live by them.


Because everyone on the core KWL team has a background in education and works closely with educators and students, our commitment goes far beyond our daily work. We understand the needs of educators and students and we are passionate about looking for solutions and tools to help them succeed.



We are committed to providing high-quality print and digital content at affordable prices to all who want to learn a language. We guarantee lower prices for high-quality content and simple, easy-to-use technology.


We view languages as tools for communication and action. To learn a language and build authentic communicative competency, students need a realistic context, a true need to communicate, a focus on meaning, and the right linguistic resources. That is what we provide in our educational materials.


Our educational materials focus on the most current pedagogical methodology. They follow the ACTFL Guidelines for Proficiency, include Can-Do statements, and address the 5 Cs. Our digital resources provide original and authentic content via a simple and easy-to-use platform.


We see educators as our partners, and the core of our mission is to support them by providing professional development opportunities, highquality documents and activities, and instructor resources in an easily accessible format.


Our content is created to help students use language to communicate and interact with other communities and cultures both in the United States and abroad. Our books present a respectful, modern, and open-minded perspective of our world and its cultures that allows students to dismantle stereotypes and to cultivate an awareness of global concerns.

Scope and Sequence


Hallo! Servus! Salü!

Hallo, wie geht‘s? – Wer ist das? – Zahlen, Zahlen, Zahlen – Im Deutschunterricht

Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• andere begrüßen und verabschieden

• fragen, wie es jemandem geht

• sagen, wie es mir geht

• mich und andere vorstellen

• Wörter buchstabieren

• bis 15 zählen

• nach Telefonnummer und Alter fragen

Das bin ich!


• Deutsche und internationale Wörter

• Zahlen bis 15

• Deutsch im Unterricht

• Danke – Bitte

• Begrüßung in Deutschland, in Österreich, in der Schweiz


• Aussagesätze

• W-Fragen, Fragepronomen (Wie? Wer? Was?) Aussprache

• das Alphabet

Lernen lernen

• internationale Wörter und Namen finden


Landeskunde: Städte in Deutschland – Film: Herzlich willkommen! 1 2 3 P1

15 Wer bin ich? – Mein Profil – Zahlen … – Deutsch ist international – Stadt, Land, … – Deutsch hören und verstehen

Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• mich und andere vorstellen

• Fragen stellen und antworten (Name, Wohnort, Land, Alter, Interesse)

• kurze Infotexte verstehen

• einen Steckbrief schreiben

• ein Lied auf Deutsch singen


• Hobbys

• Zahlen 16–1000

• Städte und Länder

• aus Österreich / aus der Schweiz

• Sprachen


• Ja-Nein-Fragen

• Präsens: regelmäßige Verben im Singular

• Personalpronomen im Singular

• sein im Singular Aussprache

• Satzmelodie

Lernen lernen

• internationale Wörter in Texten erkennen

• Texte verstehen: auf das Wichtige konzentrieren

• Lernplakat: Wörter in Gruppen lernen

Meine Schule 23

Hast du alles? – … Ordnung – Was macht ihr gern? – das Buch, die Bücher … – Haben wir am Montag …? – Das ist kein … Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• einen Text über eine Schule verstehen

• über die Schule sprechen (Stundenplan, Schulfächer, …)

• fragen und sagen, wann etwas ist

• sagen, was ich (nicht) gern mache


• Schulsachen

• Schulfächer

• Wochentage


• Artikel im Nominativ (bestimmt: der, das, die / unbestimmt: ein, ein, eine)

• Präsens: regelmäßige Verben im Plural

• Nomen im Plural

• haben / sein

• Negationsartikel im Nominativ (kein, kein, keine)

• Personalpronomen im Nominativ (Singular und Plural)


• Wortakzent Lernen lernen

• mit Fantasiebildern Artikel erinnern

• Nomen mit Plural lernen

Plateau 1


Training: ABC-Gedicht – Zahlensuche – Aha! Boah! Was? – Zeig meine Zahl – Ist es ein Klavier? Dinge raten – Eine Lampe ist keine Currywurst. – Neveda, ein Interview – Reporter – Kapitelmeister 1–3

24 Stunden sind (m)ein Tag!

Mein Tag – ich schlafe, du schläfst … – Wie spät ist es? – Paulas Tag – Die Verabredung

Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• einen Tagesablauf beschreiben

• einen Text über das Wochenende schreiben

• mich verabreden

• die Uhrzeit sagen und verstehen

• die Zeit angeben

• berichten, was ich wann mache

• Grüße zu verschiedenen Tageszeiten sagen

Guten Appetit!


• Tageszeiten

• Guten Morgen –Gute Nacht

• Uhrzeiten (offiziell – inoffiziell)

• Orte und Aktivitäten


• Präsens: unregelmäßige Verben

• Inversion

• trennbare Verben

• Satzklammer


• ich- und ach- Laute

Lernen lernen


• Verben mit Kontextsätzen lernen

• deutsche Wörter über andere Sprachen verstehen

Kuchen für die Schulparty – Wer kauft den Zucker? – Am Schulkiosk – Was isst du? – Magst du das?

Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• mit Verkäufern sprechen

• über Essgewohnheiten sprechen und schreiben

• über Vorlieben sprechen (Ich mag …)

• über Preise sprechen (1 Euro 50? – Das ist billig.)

Meine Familie


• Lebensmittel

• Getränke

• Geschäfte

• zu Hause, nach Hause

• immer – meistens – oft –manchmal – nie


• Artikel im Akkusativ (bestimmt / unbestimmt)

• Verben mit Akkusativ (backen, essen, haben, …)

• möchten

• mögen

• und – oder – aber Aussprache

• Umlaute ä, ö, ü

Landeskunde: Essen in Deutschland – Film: Besuch bei Familie Schmidt 4 5 6 P2

Lernen lernen

• Wörter über Ähnlichkeiten mit der Muttersprache verstehen

• eine Grammatikregel ergänzen

Das ist meine Familie – Unsere Nachbarn sind neu – Haustiere – Er ist Tierarzt – Räumt auf! – Ja! Nein! Doch!

Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• über meine Familie sprechen und schreiben

• über Haustiere sprechen

• über Berufe sprechen

• jemanden auffordern


• Familie und Verwandte

• Haustiere

• Berufe


• Possessivartikel im Nominativ und Akkusativ

• Genitiv-s bei Namen

• für + Akkusativ

• der Arzt – die Ärztin

• Imperativ

• doch nach Fragen mit Verneinung


• oder-Fragen


Lernen lernen

• Wörter in Paaren lernen

Plateau 2


Training: Und dann? – Papagei – Eine Verabredung – Familiengedicht – Wörter in Paaren lernen und üben – Räum auf! – Pantomime – Mit vollem Mund spricht man nicht – Kapitelmeister 4–6


Hast du etwas Zeit für mich?

Was machst du heute? – Kann ich …? – Was willst du? – Die Einladung – Ich sehe dich …

Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• Texte aus der Schülerzeitung über Aktivitäten verstehen

• eine Einladung verstehen und darauf reagieren

• eine Einladung schreiben

• ein Telefongespräch verstehen

• sagen, was ich kann oder will

Bist du fit?


• Aktivitäten am Nachmittag (AGs, freiwillige Feuerwehr, Sportclubs, …)

• Einladung, Zusage, Absage


• Modalverben können und wollen

• Satzklammer

• Personalpronomen Akkusativ

• Verben mit Akkusativ Aussprache

• s oder sch (Stadt oder hast)

Lernen lernen


• Texte mit internationalen Wörtern und bekanntem Wortschatz verstehen

• mit verschiedenen Emotionen sprechen

• Verben mit Kasus lernen


Mein Hals tut weh – Du musst im Bett bleiben! – Ausreden – Deshalb … Profisportler – Ich bin Fan von …

Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• über Schmerzen und Krankheiten sprechen

• Entschuldigungen/Ausreden formulieren

• Steckbriefe verstehen

• über Sport und Sportler sprechen und schreiben

• über meinen Lieblingssport berichten

Zu Hause in der Stadt


• Körperteile

• Krankheiten und Schmerzen

• Angaben zum Befinden (Wie geht´s? – Gut. / Nicht so gut. / Schlecht.)

• gute Wünsche


• Modalverben müssen und dürfen

• Satzklammer

• Präteritum: haben / sein

• Komposita (das Fahrrad + der Unfall = der Fahrradunfall)

• deshalb Aussprache

• -er am Wortende (aber, Vater, …)

Lernen lernen

• Wörter in Untergruppen lernen

• eine Grammatikregel erklären

83 Ich fahre mit dem Bus – Wo bist du? – Wo? Wohin? Woher? – Mein Zuhause – Zu Hause bei Mia – Mein Zimmer

Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• Orte und Aktivitäten in der Stadt beschreiben

7 8 9 P3

• Beschreibungen verstehen, wie und wo Jugendliche wohnen

• sagen, wie ich etwas finde

• (m)eine Wohnung und (m)ein Zimmer beschreiben

• eine Reihenfolge beschreiben


• Orte in der Stadt

• Verkehrsmittel

• Wohnformen (Wohnung, im Zentrum, …)

• Das ist / Das finde ich gut/ schlecht/…

• Möbel

• Zimmer

• zuerst – dann –danach – zum Schluss


• Präposition mit + Dativ

• Wo …? in + Dativ

• lokale Präpositionen mit Dativ (zu, bei, aus, von) Wohin …? – Zum Arzt. Wo …? – Beim Arzt. Woher …? – Vom Arzt.

• es gibt + Akkusativ Aussprache

• b, d, g oder p, t, k (das Bad – die Bäder)

Lernen lernen

• mit Schlüsselwörtern Texte verstehen

• Schlüsselwörter aus Texten sammeln

• mit Lernbildern Wörter lernen und wiederholen

Plateau 3 91

Ähm, 23 plus 57 ist, ääh, 80!


Training: Körperteile – Was können …? – Wo warst du? – Deshalb … – Hier kann ich, darf ich, muss ich … – Fragen, Fragen, Fragen – Drei Themen, vier Sätze: zuerst, dann … – Kapitelmeister 7–9

Landeskunde: Meine Stadt – Film: Total krank, oder?

Wie gefällt dir das?

Jahreszeiten, Monate – Geburtstagsgeschenk … – Wie gefällt dir das? – Party – Lieblingsfarbe – lieber

Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• über Feste sprechen

• Forumsbeiträge zum Thema Geburtstag verstehen

• einen Forumsbeitrag schreiben, wie ich Geburtstag feiere

• über Kleidung und Farben sprechen

• Gefallen/Missfallen ausdrücken (Das gefällt mir …)

• Personen beschreiben

Schule aus – und dann?


• Feste und Feiertage

• Monate und Jahreszeiten

• Kleidung

• Farben

• Aussehen und Charakter

• Glückwünsche


• Welches? – Dieses!

• Personalpronomen im Dativ

• Verben mit Dativ

• Komparativ (besser/lieber als) Aussprache

• au, eu/äu und ei/ai


Lernen lernen

• Formulierungen aus Texten für eigene Texte nutzen


Meine Aufgaben – Alles? … – Mein Nachmittag – ohne – mit – Nach der Schule – Wie komme ich zum Sportplatz?

Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• einen Rap verstehen

• über Aktivitäten nach der Schule sprechen

• einen Text aus der Schülerzeitung verstehen

• einen Text für die Schülerzeitung schreiben

• nach dem Weg fragen

• Wegbeschreibungen geben und verstehen

Ab in die Ferien!


• Aktivitäten nach der Schule (zu Hause helfen, Haustiere, babysitten …)

• Richtungsangaben (links, rechts, …)

• nachfragen (Wie bitte?)


• Indefinitpronomen (alles – etwas – nichts)

• ohne + Akkusativ

• Mit wem? (mit dir, mit dem Lehrer, mit Lisa …)

• temporale Präpositionen mit Dativ (in, vor, nach) Aussprache

• O-Laute (komm – ohne)

Lernen lernen

• mit W-Fragen Texte leichter verstehen (Wer? Wann? Wo? Mit wem? Was? …)

113 Was hast du gestern gemacht? – Adam … – Liebe Grüße aus … – Radfahren macht hungrig! – Ferien, Sommer, Sonne?

Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• über Ferienziele sprechen

• berichten, was jemand gemacht hat

• eine Postkarte schreiben

• einfache Speisekarten verstehen

• Essen und Getränke bestellen und bezahlen

• über das Wetter sprechen



• Himmelsrichtungen

• Wetter

• Urlaubsregionen (am Meer, in den Bergen, …)

• Speisen und Getränke


• Perfekt: regelmäßige Verben (gelernt, gekauft, …)

• Perfekt: Verben mit -ieren

• Wechselpräpositionen (in, an, auf)

• man

• Wohin? von … nach (von Berlin nach Rom)


• emotionales Sprechen

Lernen lernen

• mit Schlüsselwörtern Gespräche verstehen

• über das Wetter auf Deutsch und in anderen Sprachen sprechen

Training: Geburtstage – Was machst du lieber? Verrückte Welt – Ping-Pong-Perfekt – Ein Würfel, viele

Sätze – Kapitelmeister: Rallye durch Klasse!

Landeskunde: Am Meer und in den Bergen – Film: Die Schulparty

Sprache in der Klasse Umschlag vorne Karte von Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz Umschlag hinten

Scope and Sequence


Wiederholungsspiel zu A1: Willkommen zurück! 8


Die Ferien sind vorbei – Was hast du gemacht? – Was ist passiert? – Ich bin so froh! – Hilfst du mir?

Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• Personen beschreiben

• über Vergangenes sprechen und schreiben

• Zweifel ausdrücken

• Forumstexte verstehen

• über Gefühle sprechen

• Hilfe anbieten und um Hilfe bitten

Mach mit!


• Adjektive –Personen

• Ferienaktivitäten

• Adjektive –Gefühle

• Adjektive mit un-


• Perfekt regelmäßige Verben und Verben auf -ieren

• Präteritum von haben und sein

• Perfekt unregelmäßige Verben

• Perfekt mit sein

• Sätze mit denn Aussprache

• emotionales Sprechen

Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• über Trendsportarten sprechen

• Texte über Sport verstehen

• Vorschläge machen, annehmen und ablehnen

• über eine Grafik sprechen

• einen Text über Freizeitaktivitäten schreiben

Zeig dein Talent!


• Sportarten

• Sport­Verben

• das ist wichtig beim Sport


• Perfekt trennbare Verben und untrennbare Verben

• Possessivartikel im Dativ Aussprache

• Wortakzent bei trennbaren und untrennbaren Verben

Lernen lernen

• eine Tabelle mit unregelmäßigen Verben erstellen

Hast du das ausprobiert? – mitkommen, bekommen – Wollen wir …? – Mit deinem Roller? – In der Freizeit


Lernen lernen

• ein Gespräch mit Notizen vorbereiten

• Lernkarten mit Beispielen schreiben

Der Schulwettbewerb – Was soll ich machen? – Trau dich! – Stars im Netz – Was machst du?

Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• das Datum nennen

Landeskunde: Länderquiz Deutschland, Österreich, die Schweiz – Film: Supertalent 1 2 3 P1

• Komplimente machen und reagieren

• einen Zeitungstext verstehen

• über einen Youtube ­Kanal schreiben

• über Mediennutzung sprechen

• über Erlaubnisse und Verbote sprechen


• Shows und Wettbewerbe

• im Internet

• Medien und Geräte


• Ordinalzahlen

• Modalverb sollen

• reflexive Verben und Reflexivpronomen Aussprache

• langes und kurzes e

Lernen lernen


• Texte mit internationalen Wörtern oder Wörtern aus anderen Sprachen verstehen

Plateau 1 33


Training: Personenbeschreibung – Gemacht oder gelacht? – Wen? … Wow! – Ich freue mich, denn … –

Familiengedicht – Sprachmittlung – Kapitelmeister 1­3

Wir sind unterwegs

Klassenfahrt – Ole fährt nicht mit! – Jugendherberge – Wir wollten, … – Es war schön – Viele Grüße

Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• Pläne für eine Klassenfahrt verstehen

• eine Hausordnung verstehen und darüber sprechen

• über Aktivitäten auf einer Klassenfahrt sprechen

• einen Rap verstehen und nachsprechen

• eine Postkarte verstehen und schreiben

Musik, Musik, Musik …


• Aktivitäten auf Klassenfahrt

• Verletzung

• Aufgaben in der Jugendherberge


• Nebensatz mit weil

• Modalverben im Präteritum Aussprache

• Satzakzent in Sätzen mit mehreren Informationen

Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• Vergleiche verstehen

• Personen und Dinge vergleichen

• über ein Lied sprechen

• um Erlaubnis bitten

• über meine/n

Lieblingssänger/in / meine

Lieblingsband schreiben

• Anzeigen verstehen

• Vorschläge machen, zustimmen, ablehnen

Gut für uns


Lernen lernen

• beim Hören Notizen machen

47 billig, billiger, am billigsten – Die Band – Das Konzert – Was ist am Wochenende los? – Zeit und Ort


• Musik

• Konzerte

• Stars und Bands


• Vergleiche mit Komparativ und Superlativ

• Nebensatz mit dass

• Stellung im Satz: Zeit vor Ort


• wichtige Informationen betonen

Lernen lernen

• Texte mithilfe von Schlüsselwörtern verstehen


Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• über eine Grafik sprechen

• einen Zeitungsartikel verstehen

• über Ernährung sprechen und schreiben

• über Umweltschutz sprechen

• Vorschläge machen

• über das Wetter sprechen



Landeskunde: Drei Festivals in Österreich – Film: Projektwoche in der Schule 4 P2 5 6

55 Wer mag was? – Essen, aber wie? – Umwelt! – Was könnten wir tun? – Wetter – Was ist, wenn …?


• Ernährung und Ernährungstrends

• Umwelt und Natur

• Wetter


• Indefinitpronomen

• Konjunktiv II von können

• Nebensatz mit wenn Aussprache

• b oder w Lernen lernen

• passende Nomen und Verben zusammen lernen

• Grammatik mit eigenen Beispielen lernen


Training: Warum? Warum? Warum? – Flüsterpost – Mit 14 Jahren – Was mögt ihr lieber? – Quatschsätze – Was ist, wenn…? – Essen und trinken – Sprachmittlung – Kapitelmeister 4­ 6

Scope and Sequence

Zu Hause 69

Streiten – Stress zu Hause – Neue Möbel für die ganze Familie – Könntest du mir bitte helfen? – Es ist aus Holz

Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• über Konflikte sprechen

• mich entschuldigen

• Tipps und Ratschläge geben

• über Einrichtung sprechen

• einen Ablauf beschreiben

• höfliche Bitten äußern

• Dinge beschreiben


• Haus, Zimmer und Möbel

• zuerst – dann –danach –anschließend –zuletzt

• Materialien (aus Holz, aus Glas, …)


• Verben mit Dativ und Akkusativ

• Adjektive nach dem bestimmten Artikel (Nom., Akk., Dat.)


• ts

Lernen lernen

• Grammatik mit eigenen Beispielen üben

Ich hätte gern … 77

Gefällt dir das? – Ich hätte gern … – Geld, Geld, Geld … – Wie viel ist genug? – Ein neues Handy … bitte!

Kommunikation: Ich kann …

9 8 7

• über Kleidung und Mode sprechen

• Einkaufsdialoge verstehen und führen

• höfliche Bitten im Restaurant oder beim Einkauf äußern

• einen Zeitungsartikel und Forumstexte verstehen

• über das Thema Taschengeld diskutieren

• einen Text über Geld schreiben

Hier und da


• Kleidung und Mode

• zu weit – zu lang – zu eng …

• Kleidung kaufen

• Geld


• Demonstrativpronomen der, das, die

• Konjunktiv II von haben

• Adjektive nach dem unbestimmten Artikel (Nom., Akk., Dat.)

• seit + Dativ Aussprache

• Aussagesatz als Frage Lernen lernen

• vor dem Lesen W­ Fragen formulieren


In unserem Ort – Lieblingsorte – Wohin stellen? – Formular ausfüllen? – Neue Ideen für die Stadt – Trotzdem …

Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• Orte in der Stadt benennen und beschreiben


• über Lieblingsorte sprechen

• sagen, wo etwas ist oder hinkommt

• ein Formular ausfüllen

• einen Text über eine öffentliche Diskussion verstehen und schreiben



• Orte in der Stadt und im Dorf

• Nachmittagsakivitäten

• Formulare


• Wechselpräpositionen

• Positions­ und Richtungsverben

• Sätze mit und, oder, aber, denn

• Sätze mit deshalb, trotzdem Aussprache

• Wortakzent bei Komposita

Lernen lernen

• beim Hören auf Schlüsselwörter achten


Karussell Training: Entschuldigung! – So nicht! – Wer macht was? – Pro oder contra? – Ja, bitte, was hättest du gern? – Deshalb oder trotzdem? – Was ist wo? – Sprachmittlung – Kapitelmeister 7–9

Landeskunde: Sprachen in der Schweiz – Film: Such dir einen Job!

Schule Schule

So ein Stress – Was ist los? – Online lernen – wohnen­wohnte, kommen­kam – Was ist denn mit dir los?

Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• über gute und schlechte Stimmung sprechen

• über ein Schulproblem schreiben

• Zeitungstexte über Stress in der Schule und Online ­ Lernen verstehen

• über Online ­ Lernen sprechen

• eine Geschichte nacherzählen

Besuch in München


• Schule

• Medien


• Verben mit Präpositionen

• Präteritum regelmäßige und unregelmäßige



• m oder n


Lernen lernen

• beim Lesen auf Schlüsselwörter achten

• Verben und Präpositionen zusammen lernen

• Grammatik mit eigenen Beispielen üben

Das musst du sehen! – Weißt du, was …? – Wie bitte? – Der Abschied – Berichte von Austauschschülern


Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• Orte beschreiben

• einen Text über eine Sehenswürdigkeit verstehen und schreiben

• sagen, dass man etwas nicht versteht

• Bedauern ausdrücken

• Berichte von Austauschschülern verstehen

• über ein Land sprechen


• Schüleraustausch und Reisen

• Sehenswürdigkeiten Grammatik

• direkte und indirekte Fragesätze

• Mischverben wissen, denken

• Nebensätze Aussprache

• h hören und sprechen

Lernen lernen

• Texte überfliegen, bis man bestimmte Informationen gefunden hat

Talente und Berufe 115

Ich werde … – Nicht … sondern – Du könntest … – Praktikum – Weg zum Praktikum – Meine Pläne

Kommunikation: Ich kann …


• Berichte über Ausbildung und Studium verstehen

• Vorschläge zu Berufen machen und darauf reagieren

• meinen Tagesablauf beschreiben

• nach dem Weg fragen, den Weg beschreiben

• E­Mails über Ferienpläne verstehen und schreiben


• Praktikum, Ausbildung, Studium, Beruf

• Ferienaktivitäten Grammatik

• werden

• Infinitiv als Nomen

• nicht/kein …, sondern …

• temporale und lokale



• Satzakzent

Lernen lernen

• Wörter mit Bildern lernen

Plateau 4 123


Training: Viele Fragen – Mein Tag – Weißt du das? – Wann machst du das? – Wie heißt das Gegenteil? –Sprachmittlung – Kapitelmeister: Rallye durch Klasse!

Landeskunde: Ein Lied von Einshoch6 – Film: Schüleraustausch

Grammatik im Überblick

129 Quellen 142 Unregelmäßige Verben 139 Karte von Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz Umschlag vorne Auswertung zu Kapitel 6 und Plateau 4 141 P4

Scope and Sequence


Wiederholungsspiel zu A2: Willkommen zurück! 8

Schön und fit?

Du und dein Körper – Ach, deshalb macht er das! – Ich finde das schön! – Ich mache das, obwohl …

Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• Personen beschreiben

• über Körper, Hygiene, Schönheit, Selbstdarstellung und Fitness sprechen

• einen Text aus einer Schülerzeitung verstehen

• eine Meinung äußern, zustimmen, widersprechen

• etwas begründen


• Aussehen

• Körper und Hygiene

• Nomen mit der Endung -ung/



• reflexive Verben mit Akkusativ und Dativ

• deshalb, daher, darum, deswegen

• Nebensatz mit weil/da

• Nebensatz mit obwohl Aussprache

• Satzmelodie bei Aussage, Frage, Aufforderung

Lernen lernen

• Lernkarten mit Beispielen schreiben

• Wortfelder aufbauen mit Mindmaps

Immer online 17

Medien für alle – Das ist ein Kassettenrekorder – Tippst du noch oder …? – Netter Schüler … – Wmds?

Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• einen Radiobeitrag zu Medien verstehen

• über Studien zur Mediennutzung sprechen

• Regeln für die Mediennutzung aufstellen und präsentieren

• über Vorlieben sprechen

• einen Artikel über Sprachassistenten verstehen

• Anzeigen verstehen

• in einem Chat in Chat sprache schreiben


• Medien und Geräte

• Mengenangaben (Prozent, die Hälfte, …)

• Chatsprache


• unbestimmte Zahlwörter

• Adjektive nach dem bestimmten und unbestimmten Artikel

• Komparativ und Superlativ als Adjektiv

• Adjektive ohne Artikel Aussprache

• s-Laute

Das Schulfest – So gelingt es! – Anders konsumieren für die Umwelt

Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• Informationen zu einem Schulfest verstehen

• etwas oder jemanden näher beschreiben

• ein Rezept verstehen und beschreiben

• Texte zum Thema „Konsum und Umwelt“ verstehen

• eine Aufforderung, einen Rat oder eine Meinung ausdrücken

• einer Meinung zustimmen und widersprechen


• Schulfeste

• Kochen und Backen

• Maßeinheiten

• Konsum und Umwelt

Lernen lernen

• vor dem Hören Vermutungen zum Inhalt sammeln

Schmeckt das? 25


• Relativsatz mit Nominativ und Akkusativ

• Indefinita: irgendjemand, irgendwer, irgendwo, …

• Konjunktiv II von sollen Aussprache

• Auslautverhärtung

b – d – g

Landeskunde: Gerichte mit lustigen Namen – Film: Pizza backen 1 2 3 P1

Lernen lernen

• Grammatik mit eigenen Beispielen lernen

• vor dem Lesen mit Überschriften Vorwissen aktivieren

Plateau 1 33


Training: Lustige Personen – Ich will aber nicht! – Deshalb, daher, darum, deswegen – Wer bildet den längsten Satz? – Das ist das Beste! – Komische Ratschläge – Was macht ihr morgen? – Ein Gedicht mit elf Wörtern – Sprachmittlung – Kapitelmeister 1-3

(Nicht) gut drauf?

Glücksgefühle – Spinnst du? – Toller Freund …

Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• über Gefühle und Emotionen sprechen

• einen Blog verstehen

• Aufforderungen formulieren

• ein Streitgespräch verstehen und führen

• einen Ratgebertext verstehen

• einen Brief schreiben und auf einen Brief antworten

• Tipps für eine gute Freundschaft geben

Auf Reisen

Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• über Reisen und Verkehr sprechen

• Durchsagen verstehen

• eine Geschichte erzählen

• nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben

• einen Zeitungsbericht verstehen

• Wünsche äußern

• irreale Bedingungen äußern


• Gefühle und Emotionen

• Streit: Vorwurf und Entschuldigung


• Verkehr

• Orte und Wege in der Stadt

• Reisen und Urlaub


• derselbe, dasselbe, dieselbe

• Verben mit Präposition im Plural + einander

• Infinitive als Aufforderung

• Nebensatz mit als und (immer) wenn


• freundlich – unfreundlich sprechen


• gegenüber, entlang, um herum

• Infinitivsätze

• würde + Infinitiv

• Konjunktiv II von sein

• irreale wenn-Sätze Aussprache

• n, nn, ng, nk

Landeskunde: Ein Lied von Munich Supercrew – Film: Die Präsentation 4 P2 5 6

Lernen lernen


• Textmodelle für eigene Texte nutzen

• Formulierungen durch emotionales Sprechen trainieren

Lernen lernen

• mithilfe von Notizen eine Geschichte erzählen

• mit W-Fragen wichtige Informationen in einem Text verstehen

Aus Wissenschaft und Technik 55 Voll mobil … – Roboter – Technik für die Umwelt

Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• über Technik und Forschung sprechen

• ein Interview über Elektromobilität verstehen

• Überraschung äußern

• einen Text über Roboter verstehen

• eine Präsentation halten


• Erfindungen

• E-Mobilität

• Technik


• Stellung der Personalpronomen im Satz

• Relativsatz im Dativ und mit Präposition

• wegen + Genitiv Aussprache

• Fremdwörter sprechen

Lernen lernen

• Wörter durch Zeichnen, Umschreiben, Übersetzen oder Spielen erklären

• Präsentationen mit dem Handy überprüfen und verbessern

Plateau 2 63


Training: Immer dasselbe! – Rückendiktat – Als ich … – Wo ist …? – Was wäre, wenn? – Tolle Freunde … – Sprachmittlung – Kapitelmeister 4-6

Scope and Sequence

Schule und mehr

Das deutsche Schulsystem – Innerhalb meiner Schulzeit – Im Notenstress – Schule und dann???

Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• Witze und Cartoons über Schule verstehen

• ein Forum über das Schulsystem verstehen

• eine Radiosendung über Fremdsprachen verstehen

• Lerntipps geben

• gemeinsam etwas planen

• eine Grafik beschreiben

• eine Umfrage verstehen

• Vermutungen äußern

• über Zukunftspläne schreiben

Das ist Geschichte


• Schulsystem

• Abschlüsse

• Schulnoten

• Zukunftspläne


• innerhalb, außerhalb, während + Genitiv

• Futur I Aussprache

• schwaches e


Lernen lernen

• vor dem Hören Vorwissen zum Thema aktivieren

77 Berlin, Berlin – Meine Geschichte(n)… – Geschichten erzählen

Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• über Orte sprechen

9 8 7

• über Vergangenes sprechen

• zeitliche Abfolgen beschreiben

• eine Geschichte erzählen

Rund ums Geld


• Daten und Fakten in der Geschichte

• BRD und DDR

• Sehenswürdigkeiten


• Präteritum

• Relativsatz mit wo und was

• Plusquamperfekt

• Nebensatz mit nachdem, bevor und während Aussprache

• mit Nachdruck sprechen

Lernen lernen

• sich mit eigenen Beispielen neue Strukturen merken

Tauschen wir? – Wie wird das gemacht? – Das Geldquiz – Das blöde Ding! – Ich habe noch Garantie

Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• Zeitungstexte verstehen

• jemanden überzeugen

• Vorgänge beschreiben

• Alternativen vorschlagen

• etwas reklamieren

Plateau 3



• Geld

• Bank

• Reklamation


• nicht/kein/nur + brauchen + zu + Infinitiv

• Modalpartikeln

• Passiv Präsens und Präteritum

• Sätze mit (an)statt – zu Aussprache

• Modalpartikeln

Lernen lernen


• Dialogmodelle für eigene Dialoge nutzen


Training: Wer ist das denn? – Wie wird es sein? – So ein Quatsch! – Kim auf Klassenfahrt – Passivsätze erweitern – Wo bist du? – Sprachmittlung – Kapitelmeister 7-9

Landeskunde: Traditionen in DACH – Film: Das Sportcamp

Jede Menge Arbeit


Erst mal ein Praktikum … – entweder – oder – Ich interessiere mich für … – Das muss erledigt werden! – Seit(dem) …

Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• einen Text über Vorteile von Praktika verstehen

• Vorteile und Gründe nennen

• Vermutungen äußern

• Zweifel äußern

• Anzeigen verstehen

• eine Bewerbung schreiben

Wir bewegen etwas!


• Berufe

• Eigenschaften für den Beruf

• Praktikum

• Bewerbung


• Doppelkonnektoren: sowohl - als auch, entweder - oder, wedernoch, nicht nur - sondern auch

• n-Deklination

• Passiv mit Modalverb

• Nebensatz mit (seit)dem Aussprache

• Vokale am Wort- oder Silbenanfang Lernen lernen

• Inhaltspunkte sortieren als Vorbereitung zum Schreiben


Ich engagiere mich, damit … – Florian wollte …, um … – Wofür interessierst du dich? – Aktiv im Jugendparlament

Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• Informationen über Politik und das politische System in Deutschland verstehen

• Ziele ausdrücken

• ein Interview verstehen

• Folgen ausdrücken

• eine Meinung oder Überzeugung ausdrücken

• einen Beitrag für die Schülerzeitung schreiben

Ist das Kunst oder …?


• Politik

• Eigenschaften und Aufgaben von Klassensprechern

• Engagement

• Jugendparlament


• Nebensatz mit damit und um - zu

• Fragewörter mit Präposition worauf/worüber/…?

• Pronomen mit Präposition darauf/darüber/…

• Nebensatz mit sodass / so - dass Aussprache

• mehrere Konsonanten hintereinander

Sieh mal … – Es sieht so aus, als ob … – Lust auf Lesen? – Die Kunstwoche

Kommunikation: Ich kann …

• über Kunst sprechen

• über Bilder sprechen

P4 12 11 10

• über einen literarischen Text sprechen

• einen literarischen Text verstehen

• eine Schulumfrage verstehen

Plateau 4



• Kunstformen

• Bildbeschreibung

• Lesen und Literatur

• Kunstprojekte

• im Schultheater


• irreale Vergleichssätze mit als ob + Konjunktiv II

• Doppelkonnektoren: Vergleiche mit je - desto/ umso

• Einschränkungen mit zwar - aber

• lassen + Infinitiv Aussprache

• Satzmelodie bei zwaraber, je - desto/umso

Lernen lernen

• mit W-Fragen wichtige Informationen in einem Text verstehen


Lernen lernen

• sich neuen Wortschatz durch Bilder und das Wörterbuch erschließen

• sich einen literarischen Text mit W-Fragen erschließen

Training: Eigenschaften für die Arbeitswelt – Was passt zusammen? – Was muss hier gemacht werden? – Drei Personen malen ein Bild – Wozu? – Was ist los? – Sprachmittlung – Kapitelmeister: Rallye durch Klasse!

Landeskunde: Ein Porträt über Elisabeth Etz – Film: Das Praktikum Grammatik im Überblick


Unregelmäßige Verben

Karte von Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz Umschlag vorne Auflösung zu Kapitel 9

To explore and download these

please visit klettwl.com/state-specific-support




ACTFL World-Readiness Standards


Communicate effectively in more than one language in order to function in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes

Interpersonal Communication: Learners interact and negotiate meaning in spoken, signed, or written conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions.

UNIT 1: p. 8 (act. 1b), p. 9 (act. 2b), p. 10 (act. 3b), p. 10 (act. 3c), p. 10 (act. 3d), p. 10 (act. 4), p. 11 (act. 5a), p. 11 (act. 5b), p. 11 (act. 5c), p. 11 (act. 6a), p. 11 (act. 6b), p. 11 (act. 6d), p. 12 (act. 7a), p. 12 (act. 7b), p. 12 (act. 8), p. 12 (act. 9b), p. 13 (act. 11)

UNIT 2: p. 15 (act. 1b), p. 15 (act. 1c), p. 15 (act. 1d), p. 16 (act. 2c), p. 16 (act. 3b), p. 16 (act. 3c), p. 17 (act. 4a), p. 17 (act. 4b), p. 18 (act. 5a), p. 18 (act. 5b), p. 18 (act. 5c), p. 18 (act. 5d), p. 18 (act. 5e), p. 18 (act. 5g), p. 19 (act. 6a), p. 20 (act. 7a), p. 20 (act. 7b), p. 20 (act. 7c), p. 20 (act. 7e), p. 20 (act. 7f), p. 21 (act. 8b), p. 21 (act. 8c), p. 21 (act. 9a), p. 21 (act. 9b), p. 21 (act. 10a), p. 21 (act. 10b)

UNIT 3: p. 23 (act. 2a), p. 23 (act. 2b), p. 23 (act. 2c), p. 24 (act. 3a), p. 24 (act. 3c), p. 24 (act. 3f), p. 25 (act. 4a), p. 25 (act. 4b), p. 25 (act. 4c), p. 25 (act. 4d), p. 26 (act. 6a), p. 26 (act. 6b), p. 26 (act. 6c), p. 26 (act. 6e), p. 26 (act. 7a), p. 26 (act. 7b), p. 27 (act. 8a), p. 27 (act. 8b), p. 27 (act. 8c), p. 27 (act. 9a), p. 27 (act. 9b), p. 27 (act. 9c), p. 28 (act. 10a), p. 28 (act. 11a), p. 28 (act. 11b), p. 28 (act. 11c), p. 28 (act. 11d), p. 29 (act. 12a), p. 29 (act. 12b), p. 29 (act. 12c), p. 29 (act. 12d), p. 29 (act. 12e), p. 29 (act. 13a), p. 29 (act. 13b)

UNIT 4: p. 37 (act. 1a), p. 37 (act. 1c), p. 38 (act. 2b), p. 38 (act. 2c), p. 39 (act. 3a), p. 39 (act. 3b), p. 39 (act. 3c), p. 39 (act. 4), p. 39 (act. 5a), p. 39 (act. 5b), p. 39 (act. 5c), p. 40 (act. 6a), p. 40 (act. 6b), p. 40 (act. 6d), p. 40 (act. 6e), p. 41 (act. 7b), p. 41 (act. 7c), p. 41 (act. 8a), p. 41 (act. 8b), p. 41 (act. 8c), p. 41 (act. 8d), p. 42 (act. 9a), p. 42 (act. 9b), p. 42 (act. 9c), p. 42 (act. 9d), p. 43 (act. 10b), p. 43 (act. 10c), p. 43 (act. 11b)

UNIT 5: p. 45 (act. 1a), p. 45 (act. 1b), p. 45 (act. 1c), p. 45 (act. 1d), ,p. 46 (act. 2b), p. 46 (act. 2c), p. 47 (act. 3a), p. 47 (act. 3b), p. 47 (act. 4b), p. 47 (act. 4c), p. 48 (act. 5a), p. 48 (act. 5b), p. 48 (act. 5c), p. 48 (act. 5d), p. 49 (act. 6a), p. 49 (act. 6c), p. 49 (act. 7a), p. 49 (act. 7b), p. 49 (act. 7c), p. 50 (act. 8a), p. 50 (act. 8b), p. 51 (act. 9b), p. 51 (act. 9c), p. 51 (act. 10a), p. 51 (act. 10b)

UNIT 7: p. 67 (act. 1b), p. 67 (act. 1c), p. 68 (act. 2a), p. 68 (act. 2b), p. 68 (act. 2c), , p. 69 (act. 3b), p. 69 (act. 3c), p. 69 (act. 3d), p. 69 (act. 3e), p. 69 (act. 3f), p. 69 (act. 3g), p. 69 (act. 3h), p. 70 (act. 4b), p. 70 (act. 4c), p. 70 (act. 4d), p. 70 (act. 4e), p. 70 (act. 4f), p. 71 (act. 6a), p. 71 (act. 6c), p. 72 (act. 7a), p. 72 (act. 7b), p. 72 (act. 7c), p. 72 (act. 7d), p. 73 (act. 7e), p. 73 (act. 7f), p. 73 (act. 8a), p. 73 (act. 8c), p. 73 (act. 8d)

UNIT 8: p. 75 (act. 1a), p. 75 (act. 1c), p. 75 (act. 1d), p. 76 (act. 2a), p. 76 (act. 2c), p. 77 (act. 3a), p. 77 (act. 3b), p. 77 (act. 3c), p. 77 (act. 3d), p. 78 (act. 4a), p. 78 (act. 4b), p. 79 (act. 5a), p. 79 (act. 5b), p. 79 (act. 5c), p. 79 (act. 6a), p. 79 (act. 6b), p. 80 (act. 7b), p. 81 (act. 8b), p. 81 (act. 8c), p. 81 (act. 9a), p. 81 (act. 9b), p. 81 (act. 10a), p. 81 (act. 10b)

UNIT 9: p. 83 (act. 1a), p. 83 (act. 1b), p. 83 (act. 1c), p. 83 (act. 1d), , p. 84 (act. 2b), p. 84 (act. 2c), p. 84 (act. 2d), p. 85 (act. 3b), p. 85 (act. 3c), p. 85 (act. 3d), p. 86 (act. 4b), p. 86 (act. 4c), p. 87 (act. 5c), p. 88 (act. 6a), p. 88 (act. 6b), p. 88 (act. 6c), p. 88 (act. 6d), p. 89 (act. 7b), p. 89 (act. 8a), p. 89 (act. 8b), p. 89 (act. 8c), p. 89 (act. 9a), p. 89 (act. 9b)

UNIT 10: p. 97 (act. 1a), p. 97 (act. 1b), p. 97 (act. 1c), , p. 98 (act. 3a), p. 98 (act. 3c), p. 99 (act. 4c), p. 99 (act. 4d), p. 99 (act. 5a), p. 99 (act. 5b), p. 100 (act. 6a), p. 100 (act. 6b), p. 100 (act. 6c), p. 100 (act. 6d), p. 101 (act. 7b), p. 101 (act. 7c), p. 101 (act. 7d), p. 102 (act. 8a), p. 102 (act. 8b), p. 102 (act. 8c), p. 102 (act. 9b), p. 103 (act. 9c), p. 103 (act. 10b), p. 103 (act. 10c), p. 103 (act. 11a), p. 103 (act. 11c)


Communicate effectively in more than one language in order to function in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes

Interpersonal Communication: Learners interact and negotiate meaning in spoken, signed, or written conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions.

UNIT 11: p. 105 (act. 1a), p. 105 (act. 1b), p. 105 (act. 1c), , p. 107 (act. 3b), p. 107 (act. 3c), p. 108 (act. 4a), p. 108 (act. 4c), p. 109 (act. 5b), p. 109 (act. 6a), p. 109 (act. 6b), p. 109 (act. 7a), p. 109 (act. 7b), p. 109 (act. 7c), p. 110 (act. 8b), p. 110 (act. 8c), p. 110 (act. 8d), p. 111 (act. 9b), p. 111 (act. 10a), p. 111 (act. 10b)

UNIT 12: p. 113 (act. 1a), p. 113 (act. 1b), p. 113 (act. 1c), p. 113 (act. 1d), p. 114 (act. 2b), p. 115 (act. 3a), p. 115 (act. 3b), p. 115 (act. 4a), p. 115 (act. 4b), p. 116 (act. 5a), p. 116 (act. 5b), p. 116 (act. 5c), p. 116 (act. 5d), p. 116 (act. 5e), p. 117 (act. 6a), p. 117 (act. 6b), p. 117 (act. 6c), p. 118 (act. 7a), p. 118 (act. 7b), p. 118 (act. 7d), p. 119 (act. 8b), p. 119 (act. 8c), p. 119 (act. 9), p. 119 (act. 10b)

Interpretive Communication: Learners understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.

UNIT 1: p. 8 (act. 1a), p. 8 (act. 1b), p. 9 (act. 2a), p. 10 (act. 3a), p. 10 (act. 3b), p. 10 (act. 4), p. 11 (act. 5a), p. 11 (act. 6a), p. 11 (act. 6b), p. 11 (act. 6c), p. 12 (act. 7a), p. 12 (act. 8), p. 12 (act. 9a), p. 13 (act. 10a), p. 13 (act. 10b), p. 13 (act. 10c)

UNIT 2: p. 15 (act. 1a), p. 15 (act. 1b), p. 15 (act. 1c), , p. 16 (act. 2a), p. 16 (act. 2b), p. 16 (act. 3a), p. 17 (act. 4a), p. 18 (act. 5a), p. 18 (act. 5b), p. 18 (act. 5c), p. 18 (act. 5d), p. 18 (act. 5e), p. 18 (act. 5f), p. 18 (act. 5g), p. 19 (act. 6a), p. 19 (act. 6b), p. 19 (act. 6c), p. 20 (act. 7b), p. 20 (act. 7c), p. 20 (act. 7d), p. 20 (act. 7e), p. 21 (act. 8a), p. 21 (act. 8b), p. 21 (act. 9a), p. 21 (act. 9b), p. 21 (act. 10a)

UNIT 3: p. 23 (act. 1), p. 23 (act. 2a), p. 24 (act. 3a), p. 24 (act. 3b), p. 24 (act. 3c), p. 24 (act. 3d), p. 24 (act. 3e), p. 25 (act. 4a), p. 25 (act. 4b), p. 26 (act. 6a), p. 26 (act. 6c), p. 26 (act. 7a), p. 26 (act. 7b), p. 27 (act. 8a), p. 27 (act. 8b), p. 28 (act. 10a), p. 28 (act. 10b), p. 28 (act. 11a), p. 28 (act. 11b), p. 29 (act. 12a), p. 29 (act. 12b), p. 29 (act. 12c), p. 29 (act. 12d)

UNIT 4: p. 37 (act. 1a), p. 37 (act. 1b), p. 37 (act. 1c), p. 38 (act. 2a), p. 38 (act. 2b), p. 39 (act. 4), p. 39 (act. 5a), p. 39 (act. 5b), p. 39 (act. 5c), p. 40 (act. 6a), p. 40 (act. 6b), p. 40 (act. 6c), p. 40 (act. 6d), p. 41 (act. 7a), p. 41 (act. 8b), p. 42 (act. 9a), p. 42 (act. 9b), p. 43 (act. 10a), p. 43 (act. 10b), p. 43 (act. 11a)

UNIT 5: p. 45 (act. 1a), p. 45 (act. 1c), p. 45 (act. 1d), p. 46 (act. 2a), p. 46 (act. 2b), p. 46 (act. 2c), p. 47 (act. 4a), p. 48 (act. 5a), p. 49 (act. 6a), p. 49 (act. 6b), p. 49 (act. 7a), p. 49 (act. 7b), p. 49 (act. 7c), p. 50 (act. 8a), p. 51 (act. 9a), p. 51 (act. 9b)

UNIT 6: p. 53 (act. 1a), p. 53 (act. 1b), p. 54 (act. 2a), p. 54 (act. 2c), p. 54 (act. 3a), p. 55 (act. 3b), p. 55 (act. 4a), p. 55 (act. 4b), p. 56 (act. 6a), p. 57 (act. 7a), p. 57 (act. 7b), p. 57 (act. 7d), p. 57 (act. 7f), p. 57 (act. 8a), p. 58 (act. 9a), p. 58 (act. 9b), p. 59 (act. 11a), p. 59 (act. 11b)

UNIT 7: p. 67 (act. 1a), p. 67 (act. 1b), p. 67 (act. 1c), p. 68 (act. 2a), p. 68 (act. 2b), p. 69 (act. 3a), p. 70 (act. 4a), p. 70 (act. 4e), p. 71 (act. 5), p. 71 (act. 6a), p. 71 (act. 6b), p. 72 (act. 7b), p. 72 (act. 7c), p. 72 (act. 7d), p. 73 (act. 7e), p. 73 (act. 8a), p. 73 (act. 8b), p. 73 (act. 8d)

UNIT 8: p. 75 (act. 1a), p. 75 (act. 1b), p. 75 (act. 1e), p. 76 (act. 2a), p. 76 (act. 2b), p. 77 (act. 3a), p. 77 (act. 3b), p. 78 (act. 4a), p. 79 (act. 5c), p. 79 (act. 6a), p. 80 (act. 7a), p. 81 (act. 8a), p. 81 (act. 9a), p. 81 (act. 9b)

UNIT 9: p. 83 (act. 1a), p. 83 (act. 1c), p. 84 (act. 2a), p. 84 (act. 2b), p. 84 (act. 2c), p. 85 (act. 3a), p. 85 (act. 3b), p. 86 (act. 4a), p. 86 (act. 4b), p. 87 (act. 5a), p. 87 (act. 5b), p. 88 (act. 6a), p. 88 (act. 6c), p. 89 (act. 7a), p. 89 (act. 7b), p. 89 (act. 8a), p. 89 (act. 8b), p. 89 (act. 8c)

UNIT 10: p. 97 (act. 1a), p. 97 (act. 1b), p. 97 (act. 1c), p. 98 (act. 2a), p. 98 (act. 2b), p. 98 (act. 3a), , p. 99 (act. 4a), p. 99 (act. 4b), p. 99 (act. 4c), p. 99 (act. 5a), p. 99 (act. 5b), p. 100 (act. 6a), p. 100 (act. 6b), p. 100 (act. 6c), p. 101 (act. 7a), p. 101 (act. 7c), p. 102 (act. 8a), p. 102 (act. 9a), p. 103 (act. 10a)

UNIT 11: p. 105 (act. 1a), , p. 105 (act. 1c), p. 106 (act. 2a), p. 106 (act. 2b), p. 107 (act. 3a), p. 107 (act. 3b), p. 107 (act. 3c), p. 108 (act. 4a), p. 108 (act. 4b), p. 108 (act. 4d), p. 109 (act. 5a), p. 109 (act. 5b), p. 109 (act. 6a), p. 109 (act. 7a), p. 109 (act. 7b), p. 109 (act. 7c), p. 110 (act. 8a), p. 110 (act. 8c), p. 111 (act. 9a)

UNIT 12: p. 113 (act. 1a), p. 113 (act. 1b), p. 113 (act. 1c), p. 114 (act. 2a), p. 114 (act. 2b), p. 115 (act. 3a), p. 115 (act. 3b), p. 115 (act. 4a), p. 116 (act. 5a), p. 116 (act. 5b), p. 116 (act. 5c), p. 116 (act. 5d), p. 117 (act. 6a), p. 117 (act. 6b), p. 118 (act. 7a), p. 118 (act. 7b), p. 118 (act. 7c), p. 118 (act. 8a), p. 119 (act. 9)


Communicate effectively in more than one language in order to function in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes

Presentational Communication: Learners present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of listeners, readers, or viewers.

UNIT 2: p. 17 (act. 4c), p. 19 (act. 6d), p. 19 (act. 6e), p. 19 (act. 6f), p. 21 (act. 10c)

UNIT 3: p. 25 (act. 5), p. 26 (act. 6d), p. 29 (act. 13c)

UNIT 4: p. 42 (act. 9e), p. 43 (act. 11c)

UNIT 5: p. 50 (act. 8c), p. 51 (act. 10c)

UNIT 6: p. 56 (act. 5b), p. 56 (act. 6c), p. 59 (act. 12a), p. 59 (act. 12c)

UNIT 7: p. 73 (act. 9a), p. 73 (act. 9b), p. 73 (act. 9c)

UNIT 8: p. 81 (act. 10c)

UNIT 9: p. 83 (act. 1e), p. 89 (act. 7c), p. 89 (act. 9c)

UNIT 10: p. 98 (act. 3b), p. 103 (act. 10c), p. 103 (act. 11b)

UNIT 11: p. 106 (act. 2c), p. 111 (act. 10c)

UNIT 12: p. 119 (act. 10a), p. 119 (act. 10c)


Interact with cultural competence and understanding

Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the cultures studied.

UNIT 1: p. 8 (act. 1a), p. 8 (act. 1b), p. 9 (act. 2a), p. 10 (act. 3a), p. 10 (act. 3c)

UNIT 2: p. 15 (act. 1a), p. 15 (act. 1b), p. 15 (act. 1c), p. 15 (act. 1d), p. 16 (act. 2c), p. 16 (act. 3a), p. 16 (act. 3b), p. 16 (act. 3c), p. 17 (act. 4a), p. 17 (act. 4b), p. 17 (act. 4c), p. 18 (act. 5a), p. 18 (act. 5b), p. 18 (act. 5c), p. 18 (act. 5e), p. 18 (act. 5g), p. 19 (act. 6a), p. 19 (act. 6b), p. 19 (act. 6c), p. 19 (act. 6d), p. 19 (act. 6e), p. 19 (act. 6f), p. 20 (act. 7a), p. 20 (act. 7b), p. 20 (act. 7c), p. 20 (act. 7e), p. 20 (act. 7f), p. 21 (act. 8a), p. 21 (act. 8b), p. 21 (act. 8c), p. 21 (act. 9a), p. 21 (act. 9b), p. 21 (act. 10a), p. 21 (act. 10b), p. 21 (act. 10c)

UNIT 3: p. 23 (act. 1)

UNIT 4: p. 42 (act. 9a)

UNIT 6: p. 53 (act. 1a), p. 55 (act. 4a), p. 56 (act. 6a)

UNIT 7: p. 67 (act. 1a), p. 67 (act. 1b), p. 67 (act. 1c), p. 68 (act. 2a)

UNIT 8: p. 81 (act. 8a), p. 81 (act. 8b)

UNIT 9: p. 84 (act. 2c), p. 87 (act. 5a), p. 87 (act. 5b)

UNIT 10: p. 97 (act. 1a), p. 97 (act. 1b), p. 97 (act. 1c), p. 98 (act. 2a), p. 98 (act. 2b)

UNIT 11: p. 105 (act. 1a), p. 106 (act. 2a), p. 106 (act. 2b), p. 108 (act. 4a), p. 108 (act. 4b), p. 108 (act. 4c), p. 108 (act. 4d), p. 110 (act. 8a), p. 110 (act. 8b), p. 110 (act. 8c)

UNIT 12: p. 113 (act. 1a), p. 113 (act. 1b), p. 117 (act. 6a), p. 117 (act. 6b), p. 117 (act. 6c), p. 118 (act. 7c), p. 118 (act. 8a)


Interact with cultural competence and understanding

Relating Cultural Products to Perspectives: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between the products and perspectives of the cultures studied.

UNIT 1: p. 8 (act. 1a), p. 8 (act. 1b), p. 9 (act. 2a)

UNIT 2: p. 17 (act. 4a), p. 19 (act. 6a), p. 19 (act. 6b), p. 19 (act. 6c), p. 19 (act. 6d), p. 20 (act. 7c)

UNIT 4: p. 38 (act. 2a)

UNIT 5: p. 45 (act. 1c), p. 45 (act. 1d), p. 49 (act. 6a), p. 50 (act. 8a)

UNIT 8: p. 80 (act. 7a), p. 81 (act. 8a), p. 81 (act. 8b)

UNIT 9: p. 84 (act. 2d), p. 87 (act. 5c), p. 89 (act. 9c)

UNIT 10: p. 97 (act. 1b)

UNIT 12: p. 113 (act. 1a), p. 113 (act. 1b), p. 118 (act. 7a), p. 118 (act. 7b), p. 118 (act. 7c), p. 118 (act. 8a), p. 119 (act. 8b)


Connect with other disciplines and acquire information and diverse perspectives in order to use the language to function in academic and career related situations

Making Connections: Learners build, reinforce, and expand their knowledge of other disciplines while using the language to develop. critical thinking and to solve problems creatively.

UNIT 2: p. 21 (act. 10a)

UNIT 12: p. 113 (act. 1c), p. 113 (act. 1d)

Acquiring Information and Diverse Perspectives: Learners access and evaluate information and diverse perspectives that are available through the language and its cultures.

UNIT 2: p. 21 (act. 10b)

UNIT 4: p. 43 (act. 11a)

UNIT 8: p. 81 (act. 10c)

UNIT 12: p. 119 (act. 10c)



Develop insight into the nature of language and culture in order to interact with cultural competence

Language Comparisons: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.

UNIT 2: p. 15 (act. 1b), p. 20 (act. 7a), p. 21 (act. 8a), p. 21 (act. 8b), p. 21 (act. 8c)

UNIT 3: p. 23 (act. 2b)

UNIT 4: p. 37 (act. 1a), p. 41 (act. 7c)

UNIT 5: p. 45 (act. 1b)

UNIT 6: p. 53 (act. 1a), p. 53 (act. 1b), p. 54 (act. 2b), p. 54 (act. 2c), p. 54 (act. 2d), p. 55 (act. 3b), p. 55 (act. 3c), p. 55 (act. 4a), p. 55 (act. 4b), p. 56 (act. 5a), p. 56 (act. 6a), p. 56 (act. 6b), p. 56 (act. 6c), p. 56 (act. 6d), p. 57 (act. 7c), p. 57 (act. 7d), p. 57 (act. 7e), p. 57 (act. 7f), p. 57 (act. 7g), p. 57 (act. 8a), p. 57 (act. 8b), p. 58 (act. 9a), p. 58 (act. 9b), p. 58 (act. 10a), p. 59 (act. 10b), p. 59 (act. 11a), p. 59 (act. 11b), p. 59 (act. 11c), p. 59 (act. 12b)

UNIT 7: p. 68 (act. 2b), p. 69 (act. 3e)

UNIT 8: p. 75 (act. 1d)

UNIT 10: p. 102 (act. 8a)

UNIT 12: p. 119 (act. 8c)

Cultural Comparisons: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.

UNIT 2: p. 15 (act. 1d), p. 20 (act. 7f), p. 21 (act. 8a), p. 21 (act. 8b), p. 21 (act. 8c)

UNIT 3: p. 23 (act. 2c), p. 24 (act. 3a)

UNIT 4: p. 41 (act. 8d), p. 42 (act. 9e)

UNIT 5: p. 50 (act. 8c), p. 51 (act. 10a)

UNIT 6: p. 56 (act. 5b), p. 56 (act. 6c), p. 57 (act. 7g)

UNIT 7: p. 68 (act. 2c), p. 73 (act. 9b), p. 73 (act. 9c)

UNIT 9: p. 84 (act. 2d), p. 87 (act. 5c), p. 89 (act. 9c)

UNIT 10: p. 98 (act. 3c)

UNIT 11: p. 105 (act. 1b), p. 106 (act. 2c), p. 111 (act. 10c)

UNIT 12: p. 116 (act. 5e), p. 119 (act. 10a)


Communicate and interact with cultural competence in order to participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world

School and Global Communities: Learners use the language both within and beyond the classroom to interact and collaborate in their community and the globalized world.

UNIT 2: p. 21 (act. 10c)

UNIT 7: p. 71 (act. 6c), p. 73 (act. 9c)

UNIT 8: p. 77 (act. 3d)

UNIT 9: p. 85 (act. 3d)

UNIT 11: p. 111 (act. 10c)

UNIT 12: p. 117 (act. 6c), p. 119 (act. 10b)

Lifelong Learning: Learners set goals and reflect on their progress in using languages for enjoyment, enrichment, and advancement.

UNIT 2: p. 21 (act. 8a), p. 21 (act. 8b)

UNIT 11: p. 111 (act. 10C)




ACTFL World-Readiness Standards


Communicate effectively in more than one language in order to function in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes

Interpersonal Communication: Learners interact and negotiate meaning in spoken, signed, or written conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions.

UNIT 1: p. 10 (act. 1a), , p. 10 (act. 1c), p. 10 (act. 1d), p. 10 (act. 1e), p. 10 (act. 1f), p. 11 (act. 2b), p. 11 (act. 2c), p. 11 (act. 2d), p. 11 (act. 2e), p. 12 (act. 3b), p. 12 (act. 3c), p. 12 (act. 3d), p. 12 (act. 3e), p. 13 (act. 4a), p. 13 (act. 4c), p. 13 (act. 4d), p. 13 (act. 4e), p. 13 (act. 5a), p. 13 (act. 5b), p. 13 (act. 6), p. 14 (act. 7b), p. 14 (act. 7c), p. 14 (act. 7e), p. 15 (act. 7f), p. 15 (act. 8a), p. 15 (act. 9b), p. 15 (act. 10a), p. 15 (act. 10b), p. 15 (act. 10c)

UNIT 2: p. 17 (act. 1c), p. 17 (act. 1d), p. 18 (act. 2a), p. 19 (act. 3a), p. 19 (act. 3b), p. 19 (act. 3c), p. 19 (act. 3d), p. 19 (act. 3e), p. 20 (act. 4b), p. 20 (act. 4c), p. 20 (act. 4d), p. 21 (act. 5c), p. 21 (act. 6a), p. 21 (act. 6b), p. 21 (act. 6c), p. 21 (act. 6d), p. 22 (act. 7b), p. 22 (act. 7c), p. 22 (act. 7d), p. 23 (act. 8b), p. 23 (act. 8c), p. 23 (act. 9a)

UNIT 3: p. 25 (act. 1c), p. 25 (act. 1d), p. 25 (act. 1e), p. 26 (act. 2a), p. 26 (act. 2b), p. 26 (act. 2c), p. 26 (act. 2e), p. 26 (act. 2f), p. 27 (act. 3a), p. 27 (act. 3b), p. 27 (act. 4b), p. 27 (act. 4c), p. 28 (act. 5b), p. 28 (act. 6a), p. 29 (act. 6b), p. 29 (act. 6c), p. 29 (act. 6d), p. 29 (act. 6e), p. 29 (act. 6f), p. 29 (act. 7a), p. 29 (act. 7b), p. 29 (act. 7c), p. 30 (act. 8a), p. 30 (act. 8c), p. 30 (act. 8d), p. 30 (act. 9a), p. 31 (act. 10a), p. 31 (act. 10b), p. 31 (act. 11a), p. 31 (act. 11b), p. 31 (act. 12a)

UNIT 4: p. 39 (act. 1a), p. 39 (act. 1b), p. 39 (act. 1c), p. 39 (act. 1d), p. 39 (act. 1e), p. 40 (act. 2a), , p. 40 (act. 2c), p. 41 (act. 3a), p. 41 (act. 3b), p. 41 (act. 3c), p. 41 (act. 3d), p. 41 (act. 3e), p. 41 (act. 3f), p. 41 (act. 4), p. 42 (act. 5a), p. 42 (act. 5b), p. 42 (act. 5c), p. 42 (act. 5d), p. 42 (act. 5e), p. 43 (act. 6a), p. 43 (act. 6b), p. 43 (act. 6c), p. 43 (act. 6d), p. 43 (act. 6e), p. 44 (act. 7b), p. 44 (act. 7c), p. 44 (act. 7d), p. 44 (act. 7e), p. 45 (act. 8a), p. 45 (act. 8b), p. 45 (act. 9a), p. 45 (act. 9b), p. 45 (act. 10a), p. 45 (act. 10b), p. 45 (act. 10c)

UNIT 5: p. 47 (act. 1a), p. 47 (act. 1d), p. 48 (act. 2b), p. 48 (act. 2d), p. 49 (act. 3a), p. 49 (act. 3b), p. 49 (act. 4a), p. 49 (act. 4b), p. 50 (act. 5a), p. 50 (act. 5b), p. 50 (act. 5d), p. 50 (act. 5e), p. 51 (act. 6a), p. 51 (act. 6b), p. 51 (act. 6c), p. 51 (act. 7a), p. 51 (act. 7b), p. 51 (act. 7c), p. 52 (act. 8b), p. 52 (act. 8c), p. 53 (act. 9a), p. 53 (act. 9b), p. 53 (act. 9c), p. 53 (act. 10a), p. 53 (act. 10b), p. 53 (act. 10c), p. 53 (act. 11c)

UNIT 6: p. 55 (act. 1b), p. 55 (act. 1c), p. 56 (act. 2a), p. 56 (act. 2c), p. 56 (act. 2d), p. 56 (act. 3b), p. 57 (act. 4b), p. 57 (act. 4c), p. 57 (act. 4d), p. 58 (act. 5a), p. 58 (act. 5b), p. 58 (act. 5d), p. 59 (act. 6b), p. 59 (act. 6c), p. 59 (act. 6d), p. 59 (act. 7a), p. 59 (act. 7b), p. 59 (act. 7c), p. 60 (act. 8b), p. 60 (act. 9b), p. 60 (act. 9c), p. 61 (act. 10a), p. 61 (act. 10b), p. 61 (act. 10c), p. 61 (act. 10d), p. 61 (act. 10e)

UNIT 7: p. 69 (act. 1a), p. 69 (act. 1c), p. 70 (act. 2a), p. 70 (act. 2c), p. 70 (act. 2d), p. 70 (act. 2e), p. 70 (act. 2f), p. 70 (act. 2g), p. 71 (act. 3a), p. 71 (act. 3c), p. 71 (act. 4a), p. 71 (act. 4b), p. 71 (act. 4c), p. 72 (act. 5a), p. 72 (act. 5b), p. 72 (act. 5c), p. 73 (act. 6a), p. 73 (act. 6b), p. 73 (act. 6c), p. 73 (act. 7a), p. 73 (act. 7b), p. 73 (act. 7c), p. 74 (act. 8c), p. 74 (act. 8d), p. 74 (act. 9b), p. 74 (act. 9c), p. 74 (act. 9d), p. 75 (act. 10), p. 75 (act. 11a), p. 75 (act. 11b), p. 75 (act. 12a), p. 75 (act. 12c)


Communicate effectively in more than one language in order to function in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes

Interpersonal Communication: Learners interact and negotiate meaning in spoken, signed, or written conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions.

UNIT 8: p. 77 (act. 1b), p. 77 (act. 1c), p. 77 (act. 1d), p. 77 (act. 1e), p. 78 (act. 2a), p. 78 (act. 2b), p. 78 (act. 2c), p. 78 (act. 3a), p. 78 (act. 3b), p. 78 (act. 3c), p. 79 (act. 4a), p. 79 (act. 4c), p. 79 (act. 5b), p. 79 (act. 5c), p. 79 (act. 5d), p. 80 (act. 6a), p. 80 (act. 6c), p. 80 (act. 7a), p. 81 (act. 7c), p. 81 (act. 8a), p. 81 (act. 8b), p. 81 (act. 8c), p. 82 (act. 9a), p. 82 (act. 9b), p. 82 (act. 10b), p. 82 (act. 10c), p. 83 (act. 11a), p. 83 (act. 11b), p. 83 (act. 11c), p. 83 (act. 12), p. 83 (act. 13a), p. 83 (act. 13b)

UNIT 9: p. 85 (act. 1a), p. 85 (act. 1b), p. 85 (act. 1c), p. 86 (act. 2b), p. 86 (act. 2c), p. 87 (act. 2d), p. 87 (act. 3b), p. 87 (act. 3c), p. 87 (act. 4a), p. 87 (act. 4b), p. 88 (act. 5c), p. 88 (act. 5d), p. 89 (act. 6a), p. 89 (act. 6b), p. 89 (act. 6c), p. 89 (act. 6d), p. 90 (act. 7a), p. 90 (act. 7b), p. 90 (act. 7c), p. 90 (act. 7d), p. 90 (act. 7e), p. 91 (act. 8b), p. 91 (act. 8c), p. 91 (act. 9a), p. 91 (act. 9b)

UNIT 10: p. 99 (act. 1a), p. 99 (act. 1b), p. 99 (act. 1c), p. 99 (act. 1d), p. 100 (act. 2a), p. 100 (act. 2b), , p. 100 (act. 2d), p. 101 (act. 3a), p. 101 (act. 3b), p. 101 (act. 3c), p. 101 (act. 4a), p. 101 (act. 4b), p. 101 (act. 4c), , p. 102 (act. 5a), p. 102 (act. 5b), p. 102 (act. 5c), , p. 103 (act. 6a), p. 103 (act. 6b), p. 103 (act. 6c), p. 103 (act. 6d), p. 103 (act. 6e), p. 103 (act. 6f), p. 104 (act. 7a), p. 104 (act. 7b), p. 104 (act. 7e), p. 104 (act. 7f), p. 105 (act. 8a), p. 105 (act. 8b), p. 105 (act. 8c), p. 105 (act. 9a), p. 105 (act. 9b), p. 105 (act. 9c), p. 105 (act. 9d), p. 105 (act. 10a), p. 105 (act. 10b)

UNIT 11: p. 107 (act. 1c), p. 107 (act. 1d), p. 107 (act. 1e), p. 108 (act. 2b), p. 109 (act. 3a), p. 109 (act. 3b), p. 109 (act. 3c), p. 109 (act. 3d), p. 109 (act. 3e), p. 109 (act. 3f), p. 110 (act. 4a), p. 110 (act. 4b), p. 110 (act. 4c), p. 111 (act. 5a), p. 111 (act. 5b), p. 111 (act. 6a), p. 111 (act. 6b), p. 111 (act. 6c), p. 111 (act. 6d), p. 112 (act. 7a), p. 112 (act. 7b), p. 113 (act. 7d), p. 113 (act. 7e), p. 113 (act. 8a), p. 113 (act. 8c)

UNIT 12: p. 115 (act. 1a), p. 115 (act. 1b), p. 115 (act. 1c), p. 115 (act. 1d), p. 116 (act. 2b), p. 116 (act. 2c), p. 117 (act. 3b), p. 117 (act. 3c), p. 117 (act. 3d), p. 117 (act. 4a), p. 117 (act. 4b), p. 118 (act. 5d), p. 118 (act. 5e), p. 119 (act. 6c), p. 119 (act. 6d), p. 119 (act. 6e), p. 120 (act. 7b), p. 121 (act. 7d), p. 121 (act. 7e), p. 121 (act. 8a), p. 121 (act. 8b), p. 121 (act. 9c)

Interpretive Communication: Learners understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.

UNIT 1: p. 10 (act. 1a), p. 10 (act. 1b), , p. 10 (act. 1e), p. 11 (act. 2a), p. 11 (act. 2c), p. 12 (act. 3a), p. 12 (act. 3b), p. 12 (act. 3c), p. 13 (act. 4a), p. 13 (act. 4b), p. 13 (act. 4c), p. 13 (act. 5a), p. 14 (act. 7a), p. 14 (act. 7c), p. 14 (act. 7d), p. 15 (act. 8a), p. 15 (act. 9a)

UNIT 2: p. 17 (act. 1a), p. 17 (act. 1b), p. 18 (act. 2a), p. 18 (act. 2b), p. 20 (act. 4a), p. 20 (act. 4b), p. 21 (act. 5a), p. 21 (act. 5b), p. 21 (act. 6a), p. 21 (act. 6b), p. 22 (act. 7a), p. 22 (act. 7c), p. 23 (act. 8a), p. 23 (act. 8b)

UNIT 3: p. 25 (act. 1a), p. 25 (act. 1b), p. 26 (act. 2a), p. 26 (act. 2b), p. 26 (act. 2c), p. 26 (act. 2d), p. 27 (act. 3a), p. 27 (act. 4a), p. 28 (act. 5a), p. 28 (act. 5b), p. 28 (act. 5c), p. 29 (act. 6b), p. 29 (act. 6e), p. 29 (act. 7a), p. 29 (act. 7b), p. 29 (act. 7c), p. 30 (act. 8a), p. 30 (act. 8b), p. 30 (act. 8c), p. 31 (act. 10b), p. 31 (act. 11a)

UNIT 4: p. 39 (act. 1a), , p. 39 (act. 1c), p. 40 (act. 2a), p. 40 (act. 2b), p. 40 (act. 2c), p. 41 (act. 3d), p. 41 (act. 3f), p. 42 (act. 5a), p. 42 (act. 5b), p. 42 (act. 5c), p. 43 (act. 6a), p. 43 (act. 6b), p. 43 (act. 6c), p. 44 (act. 7a), p. 44 (act. 7d), p. 45 (act. 8a), p. 45 (act. 9a)

UNIT 5: p. 47 (act. 1a), p. 47 (act. 1b), p. 47 (act. 1c), p. 48 (act. 2a), p. 48 (act. 2b), p. 48 (act. 2c), p. 49 (act. 3b), p. 50 (act. 5b), p. 50 (act. 5c), p. 51 (act. 6a), p. 51 (act. 6b), p. 51 (act. 7a), p. 52 (act. 8a), p. 53 (act. 9a), p. 53 (act. 10a), p. 53 (act. 10b)

UNIT 6: p. 55 (act. 1a), p. 55 (act. 1b), p. 56 (act. 2a), p. 56 (act. 3a), p. 56 (act. 3b), p. 57 (act. 4a), p. 57 (act. 4b), p. 58 (act. 5a), p. 58 (act. 5b), p. 58 (act. 5c), p. 58 (act. 5e), p. 59 (act. 6a), p. 59 (act. 7a), p. 59 (act. 7b), p. 59 (act. 7c), p. 60 (act. 8a), p. 60 (act. 9a), p. 60 (act. 9c), p. 61 (act. 10a)

UNIT 7: p. 69 (act. 1a), p. 69 (act. 1b), p. 69 (act. 1c), p. 70 (act. 2a), p. 70 (act. 2b), p. 70 (act. 2c), p. 70 (act. 2d), p. 70 (act. 2e), p. 71 (act. 3b), p. 71 (act. 4a), p. 71 (act. 4c), p. 72 (act. 5a), p. 72 (act. 5b), p. 73 (act. 6a), p. 73 (act. 7a), p. 73 (act. 7b), p. 74 (act. 8a), p. 74 (act. 8b), p. 74 (act. 9a), p. 74 (act. 9b), p. 75 (act. 11a), p. 75 (act. 11b)



Communicate effectively in more than one language in order to function in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes

Interpretive Communication: Learners understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.

UNIT 8: p. 77 (act. 1a), p. 77 (act. 1b), p. 78 (act. 2a), p. 78 (act. 3a), p. 78 (act. 3b), p. 79 (act. 4a), p. 79 (act. 4b), p. 79 (act. 5a), p. 80 (act. 6b), p. 80 (act. 7a), p. 81 (act. 7b), p. 81 (act. 8a), p. 81 (act. 8b), p. 81 (act. 8c), p. 82 (act. 9a), p. 82 (act. 10a), p. 82 (act. 10b), p. 83 (act. 11a), p. 83 (act. 11c)

UNIT 9: p. 85 (act. 1a), p. 85 (act. 1b), p. 86 (act. 2a), p. 86 (act. 2b), p. 86 (act. 2c), p. 87 (act. 3a), p. 87 (act. 3b), p. 87 (act. 4a), p. 87 (act. 4b), p. 88 (act. 5a), p. 88 (act. 5b), p. 88 (act. 5c), p. 89 (act. 6a), p. 89 (act. 6b), p. 90 (act. 7a), p. 90 (act. 7c), p. 91 (act. 8a), p. 91 (act. 8b)

UNIT 10: p. 99 (act. 1a), p. 99 (act. 1b), p. 100 (act. 2b), p. 100 (act. 2c), p. 101 (act. 3a), p. 101 (act. 4a), p. 101 (act. 4b), p. 102 (act. 5b), p. 102 (act. 5c), p. 103 (act. 6a), p. 103 (act. 6f), p. 104 (act. 7a), p. 104 (act. 7b), p. 104 (act. 7d), p. 105 (act. 9a), p. 105 (act. 9b)

UNIT 11: p. 107 (act. 1a), p. 107 (act. 1b), p. 108 (act. 2a), p. 108 (act. 2b), p. 108 (act. 2c), p. 110 (act. 4a), p. 110 (act. 4b), p. 111 (act. 5a), p. 111 (act. 6a), p. 111 (act. 6b), p. 111 (act. 6c), p. 111 (act. 6d), p. 112 (act. 7a), p. 112 (act. 7b), p. 113 (act. 7c), p. 113 (act. 7d)

UNIT 12: p. 115 (act. 1a), p. 116 (act. 2a), p. 116 (act. 2b), p. 116 (act. 2c), p. 117 (act. 3a), p. 117 (act. 3c), p. 117 (act. 3d), p. 118 (act. 5a), p. 118 (act. 5b), p. 118 (act. 5c), p. 119 (act. 6a), p. 119 (act. 6b), p. 120 (act. 7a), p. 120 (act. 7c), p. 121 (act. 8a)

Presentational Communication: Learners present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of listeners, readers, or viewers.

UNIT 1: p. 10 (act. 1g)

UNIT 2: p. 23 (act. 8d), p. 23 (act. 9b), p. 23 (act. 9c)

UNIT 3: p. 30 (act. 9b), p. 30 (act. 9c), p. 31 (act. 12b), p. 31 (act. 12c)

UNIT 4: p. 39 (act. 1e), p. 45 (act. 10a), p. 45 (act. 10c)

UNIT 5: p. 53 (act. 11a), p. 53 (act. 11b)

UNIT 6: p. 56 (act. 2b), p. 56 (act. 3c), p. 58 (act. 5f), p. 60 (act. 9d), p. 61 (act. 11a), p. 61 (act. 11b), p. 61 (act. 11c)

UNIT 7: p. 75 (act. 12b)

UNIT 8: p. 83 (act. 13c)

UNIT 9: p. 91 (act. 9c)

UNIT 10: p. 101 (act. 4d), p. 102 (act. 5d), p. 104 (act. 7c), p. 105 (act. 10c)

UNIT 11: p. 108 (act. 2d), p. 113 (act. 8b)

UNIT 12: p. 121 (act. 9a), p. 121 (act. 9b)


Interact with cultural competence and understanding

Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship. between the practices and perspectives of the cultures studied.

UNIT 1: p. 11 (act. 2a), p. 11 (act. 2b), p. 11 (act. 2c), p. 14 (act. 7a)

UNIT 2: p. 18 (act. 2a), p. 18 (act. 2b), p. 20 (act. 4a), p. 20 (act. 4b), p. 23 (act. 8a), p. 23 (act. 8b), p. 23 (act. 8c)

UNIT 3: p. 25 (act. 1b), p. 25 (act. 1c), p. 25 (act. 1d), p. 30 (act. 8b), p. 30 (act. 8c), p. 30 (act. 9b), p. 30 (act. 9c)

UNIT 4: p. 40 (act. 2a), p. 42 (act. 5a), p. 42 (act. 5b), p. 42 (act. 5c), p. 44 (act. 7a), p. 45 (act. 8a), p. 45 (act. 8b)

UNIT 6: p. 56 (act. 2a), p. 56 (act. 3a), p. 56 (act. 3b), p. 57 (act. 4a), p. 57 (act. 4b), p. 60 (act. 8a), p. 60 (act. 9c)

UNIT 7: p. 74 (act. 9c), p. 74 (act. 9d)

UNIT 8: p. 79 (act. 5a), p. 80 (act. 6b), p. 80 (act. 7a), p. 81 (act. 7b), p. 82 (act. 9a)

UNIT 9: p. 85 (act. 1a), p. 85 (act. 1b), p. 87 (act. 3a), p. 87 (act. 3b), p. 89 (act. 6a), p. 89 (act. 6b), p. 90 (act. 7a), p. 91 (act. 8a), p. 91 (act. 8b)

UNIT 10: p. 100 (act. 2b), p. 102 (act. 5c)

UNIT 11: p. 107 (act. 1a), p. 110 (act. 4a), p. 110 (act. 4b), p. 112 (act. 7b), p. 113 (act. 7c), p. 113 (act. 7d)

UNIT 12: p. 116 (act. 2c), p. 120 (act. 7c), p. 121 (act. 7d)

Relating Cultural Products to Perspectives: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship. between the products and perspectives of the cultures studied.

UNIT 1: p. 11 (act. 2a), p. 11 (act. 2b), p. 11 (act. 2c)

UNIT 3: p. 25 (act. 1b), p. 25 (act. 1c), p. 25 (act. 1d), p. 30 (act. 8b), p. 30 (act. 8c), p. 30 (act. 9b), p. 30 (act. 9c)

UNIT 4: p. 40 (act. 2a)

UNIT 5: p. 50 (act. 5a), p. 50 (act. 5b), p. 50 (act. 5c), p. 50 (act. 5d)

UNIT 9: p. 85 (act. 1a), p. 85 (act. 1b), p. 90 (act. 7a)

UNIT 11: p. 108 (act. 2a), p. 108 (act. 2b), p. 108 (act. 2c), p. 108 (act. 2d), p. 110 (act. 4a), p. 110 (act. 4b), p. 112 (act. 7a), p. 112 (act. 7b), p. 113 (act. 7c), p. 113 (act. 7d), p. 113 (act. 8b)


Connect with other disciplines and acquire information and diverse perspectives in order to use the language to function in academic and career related situations

Making Connections: Learners build, reinforce, and expand their knowledge of other disciplines while using the language to develop. critical thinking and to solve problems creatively.

UNIT 3: p. 30 (act. 9b), p. 30 (act. 9c)

UNIT 4: p. 45 (act. 10c)

UNIT 6: p. 56 (act. 2b)



Connect with other disciplines and acquire information and diverse perspectives in order to use the language to function in academic and career related situations

Acquiring Information and Diverse Perspectives: Learners access and evaluate information and diverse perspectives that are available through the language and its cultures.

UNIT 2: p. 23 (act. 8d), p. 23 (act. 9c)

UNIT 5: p. 53 (act. 11a), p. 53 (act. 11b)


Develop insight into the nature of language and culture in order to interact with cultural competence

Language Comparisons: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.

UNIT 1: p. 10 (act. 1f), p. 13 (act. 4e), p. 14 (act. 7e)

UNIT 3: p. 29 (act. 6c), p. 30 (act. 8d)

UNIT 4: p. 41 (act. 3b), p. 41 (act. 4)

UNIT 5: p. 49 (act. 4b)

UNIT 6: p. 60 (act. 8b)

UNIT 7: p. 73 (act. 7c)

UNIT 8: p. 79 (act. 5d)

UNIT 11: p. 109 (act. 3e)

Cultural Comparisons: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.

UNIT 1: p. 11 (act. 2d), p. 11 (act. 2e), p. 13 (act. 6)

UNIT 2: p. 17 (act. 1d), p. 20 (act. 4d), p. 23 (act. 8d), p. 23 (act. 9b), p. 23 (act. 9c)

UNIT 3: p. 25 (act. 1c), p. 25 (act. 1e), p. 30 (act. 9a)

UNIT 4: p. 44 (act. 7e)

UNIT 5: p. 50 (act. 5e), p. 53 (act. 11b)

UNIT 6: p. 56 (act. 2b), p. 56 (act. 2c), p. 56 (act. 2d), p. 56 (act. 3c), p. 57 (act. 4d), p. 60 (act. 8b), p. 60 (act. 9d), p. 61 (act. 11a)

UNIT 8: p. 77 (act. 1d), p. 77 (act. 1e), p. 78 (act. 2c), p. 79 (act. 5d), p. 81 (act. 7c), p. 82 (act. 9b), p. 83 (act. 13b), p. 83 (act. 13c)

UNIT 9: p. 85 (act. 1c), p. 87 (act. 3c), p. 89 (act. 6d), p. 90 (act. 7d), p. 90 (act. 7e), p. 91 (act. 9a)

UNIT 10: p. 101 (act. 4d), p. 102 (act. 5d)

UNIT 11: p. 107 (act. 1e), p. 113 (act. 7c), p. 113 (act. 7e)

UNIT 12: p. 118 (act. 5e), p. 121 (act. 7e)


Communicate and interact with cultural competence in order to participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world

School and Global Communities: Learners use the language both within and beyond the classroom to interact and collaborate in their community and the globalized world.

UNIT 2: p. 23 (act. 9b)

UNIT 3: p. 31 (act. 12c)

UNIT 7: p. 71 (act. 4c)

UNIT 8: p. 83 (act. 13c)

UNIT 10: p. 101 (act. 4d), p. 105 (act. 10c)

UNIT 12: p. 121 (act. 7e)

Lifelong Learning: Learners set goals and reflect on their progress in using languages for enjoyment, enrichment, and advancement.

UNIT 5: p. 50 (act. 5c), p. 50 (act. 5d)




ACTFL World-Readiness Standards


Communicate effectively in more than one language in order to function in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes

Interpersonal Communication: Learners interact and negotiate meaning in spoken, signed, or written conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions.

UNIT 1: p. 10 (act. 1b), p. 10 (act. 1c), p. 10 (act. 1d), p. 11 (act. 2a), p. 11 (act. 2c), p. 11 (act. 2d), p. 12 (act. 3a), p. 12 (act. 3b), p. 12 (act. 3c), p. 12 (act. 4a), p. 12 (act. 4b), p. 13 (act. 4c), p. 13 (act. 4d), p. 13 (act. 4e), p. 13 (act. 4f), p. 13 (act. 5a), p. 13 (act. 5b), p. 14 (act. 6b), p. 15 (act. 6c), p. 15 (act. 6d), p. 15 (act. 7a), p. 15 (act. 7b), p. 15 (act. 8a), p. 15 (act. 8b)

UNIT 2: p. 17 (act. 1a), p. 17 (act. 1b), p. 18 (act. 2a), p. 18 (act. 2b), p. 18 (act. 2c), p. 18 (act. 2f), p. 19 (act. 4a), p. 19 (act. 4b), p. 19 (act. 5a), p. 19 (act. 6a), p. 19 (act. 6b), p. 19 (act. 6c), p. 20 (act. 7a), p. 20 (act. 7b), p. 20 (act. 7c), p. 20 (act. 7d), p. 20 (act. 7e), p. 20 (act. 7f), p. 21 (act. 8a), p. 21 (act. 8b), p. 21 (act. 8c), p. 21 (act. 8d), p. 22 (act. 9b), p. 22 (act. 9c), p. 23 (act. 10b), p. 23 (act. 10c), p. 23 (act. 10d), p. 23 (act. 11b)

UNIT 3: p. 25 (act. 1), p. 26 (act. 2a), p. 26 (act. 2c), p. 27 (act. 2d), p. 27 (act. 2e), p. 27 (act. 3a), p. 27 (act. 3b), p. 27 (act. 3c), p. 27 (act. 3d), p. 28 (act. 4a), p. 28 (act. 4b), p. 28 (act. 4c), p. 29 (act. 4e), p. 29 (act. 4f), p. 29 (act. 5a), p. 29 (act. 5b), p. 29 (act. 5c), p. 29 (act. 5d), p. 30 (act. 6a), p. 30 (act. 6b), p. 30 (act. 6d), p. 30 (act. 6e), p. 31 (act. 6f), p. 31 (act. 6g), p. 31 (act. 6h), p. 31 (act. 7b), p. 31 (act. 7c), p. 31 (act. 8a), p. 31 (act. 8c)

UNIT 4: p. 39 (act. 1a), p. 39 (act. 1b), p. 39 (act. 1c), p. 39 (act. 1d), p. 40 (act. 2a), p. 40 (act. 2c), p. 41 (act. 3a), p. 41 (act. 3b), p. 41 (act. 3c), p. 41 (act. 3d), p. 41 (act. 3e), p. 41 (act. 4b), p. 42 (act. 5a), p. 42 (act. 5c), p. 42 (act. 5d), p. 43 (act. 6a), p. 43 (act. 6c), p. 43 (act. 6d), p. 44 (act. 7a), p. 44 (act. 7b), p. 45 (act. 8a), p. 45 (act. 8b), p. 45 (act. 8d), p. 46 (act. 9a), p. 46 (act. 9c), p. 46 (act. 9d), p. 46 (act. 9e), p. 46 (act. 10a), p. 46 (act. 10b)

UNIT 5: p. 47 (act. 1b), p. 47 (act. 1c), p. 47 (act. 1d), p. 47 (act. 1e), p. 48 (act. 2a), p. 48 (act. 2b), p. 48 (act. 3a), p. 48 (act. 3b), p. 48 (act. 3c), p. 49 (act. 4b), p. 49 (act. 5a), p. 49 (act. 5b), p. 49 (act. 5c), p. 50 (act. 6a), p. 50 (act. 6b), p. 50 (act. 6c), p. 51 (act. 7a), p. 51 (act. 7b), p. 51 (act. 7c), p. 51 (act. 7d), p. 51 (act. 7e), p. 52 (act. 8b), p. 52 (act. 8c), p. 52 (act. 8d), p. 53 (act. 9a), p. 53 (act. 9b), p. 53 (act. 9c), p. 53 (act. 10c)

UNIT 6: p. 55 (act. 1b), p. 55 (act. 1c), p. 55 (act. 1d), p. 56 (act. 2a), p. 56 (act. 2b), p. 56 (act. 3a), p. 56 (act. 3b), p. 57 (act. 3c), p. 57 (act. 4a), p. 57 (act. 4c), p. 57 (act. 4d), p. 57 (act. 5), p. 58 (act. 6a), p. 58 (act. 6b), p. 59 (act. 6d), p. 59 (act. 7b), p. 59 (act. 7c), p. 59 (act. 7d), p. 60 (act. 8a), p. 60 (act. 8b), p. 60 (act. 8c), p. 60 (act. 9a), p. 61 (act. 10a), p. 61 (act. 10b), p. 61 (act. 11b), p. 1 (act. a), p. 1 (act. b), p. 1 (act. c), p. 1 (act. d), p. 1 (act. e), p. 2 (act. a), p. 2 (act. b), p. 2 (act. d), p. 3 (act. a), p. 3 (act. b), p. 4 (act. a), p. 4 (act. b), p. 5 (act. a), p. 5 (act. b), p. 5 (act. c), p. 6 (act. b), p. 6 (act. c), p. 7 (act. a), p. 7 (act. c), p. 8 (act. b), p. 9 (act. b), p. 9 (act. c), p. 9 (act. d), p. 9 (act. e), p. 9 (act. f), p. 10 (act. a), p. 10 (act. c)

UNIT 7: p. 69 (act. 1a), p. 69 (act. 1b), p. 69 (act. 1c), p. 69 (act. 1d), p. 69 (act. 1e), p. 70 (act. 2a), p. 70 (act. 2b), p. 70 (act. 2d), p. 71 (act. 3a), p. 71 (act. 3b), p. 71 (act. 4a), p. 71 (act. 4b), p. 72 (act. 5a), p. 72 (act. 5b), p. 72 (act. 5c), p. 73 (act. 6b), p. 73 (act. 6c), p. 73 (act. 7a), p. 73 (act. 7c), p. 74 (act. 8b), p. 75 (act. 9b), p. 75 (act. 9c), p. 75 (act. 9d), p. 75 (act. 9e), p. 75 (act. 9f), p. 75 (act. 10a), p. 75 (act. 10c)


Communicate effectively in more than one language in order to function in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes

Interpersonal Communication: Learners interact and negotiate meaning in spoken, signed, or written conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions.

UNIT 8: p. 77 (act. 1a), p. 77 (act. 1c), p. 78 (act. 2a), p. 79 (act. 3c), p. 79 (act. 4a), p. 79 (act. 4b), p. 80 (act. 5a), p. 81 (act. 5b), p. 81 (act. 6a), p. 81 (act. 6b), p. 81 (act. 6c), p. 81 (act. 6d), p. 82 (act. 7c), p. 83 (act. 7d), p. 83 (act. 7e), p. 83 (act. 9a), p. 83 (act. 9b), p. 83 (act. 10a)

UNIT 9: p. 85 (act. 1a), p. 85 (act. 1b), p. 85 (act. 1c), p. 86 (act. 2a), p. 86 (act. 2b), p. 86 (act. 2d), p. 86 (act. 2e), p. 87 (act. 3b), p. 87 (act. 4b), p. 87 (act. 4c), p. 88 (act. 5a), p. 88 (act. 5c), p. 88 (act. 5d), p. 88 (act. 5e), p. 89 (act. 5f), p. 89 (act. 5g), p. 89 (act. 5h), p. 89 (act. 7a), p. 89 (act. 7b), p. 89 (act. 7c), p. 90 (act. 8b), p. 90 (act. 8c), p. 90 (act. 8d), p. 91 (act. 9c), p. 91 (act. 10a)

UNIT 10: p. 99 (act. 1a), p. 99 (act. 1b), p. 99 (act. 1c), p. 100 (act. 2a), p. 100 (act. 2b), p. 101 (act. 2c), p. 101 (act. 2d), p. 101 (act. 3a), p. 101 (act. 3b), p. 101 (act. 3c), p. 102 (act. 4a), p. 102 (act. 4b), p. 102 (act. 5b), p. 103 (act. 5c), p. 103 (act. 5d), p. 104 (act. 6b), p. 105 (act. 7a), p. 105 (act. 7c), p. 105 (act. 7d), p. 105 (act. 7e), p. 106 (act. 8b), p. 106 (act. 9a), p. 106 (act. 9b), p. 106 (act. 9c), p. 106 (act. 9d), p. 106 (act. 9e), p. 106 (act. 10a)

UNIT 11: p. 107 (act. 1a), p. 107 (act. 1b), p. 107 (act. 1c), p. 108 (act. 2b), p. 108 (act. 2c), p. 108 (act. 2d), p. 109 (act. 3a), p. 109 (act. 3b), p. 109 (act. 3d), p. 109 (act. 3e), p. 110 (act. 4a), p. 110 (act. 4b), p. 110 (act. 4c), p. 111 (act. 4d), p. 111 (act. 5a), p. 111 (act. 5b), p. 111 (act. 5c), p. 111 (act. 5d), p. 111 (act. 5e), p. 112 (act. 6a), p. 112 (act. 6b), p. 112 (act. 6c), p. 112 (act. 7a), p. 113 (act. 7b), p. 113 (act. 9a), p. 113 (act. 9b), p. 113 (act. 9c), p. 113 (act. 10a), p. 113 (act. 10b), p. 113 (act. 10c)

UNIT 12: p. 115 (act. 1a), p. 115 (act. 1b), p. 115 (act. 1c), p. 116 (act. 2c), p. 117 (act. 3a), p. 117 (act. 3b), p. 118 (act. 4a), p. 118 (act. 4c), p. 118 (act. 5a), p. 118 (act. 5b), p. 119 (act. 6a), p. 119 (act. 6b), p. 119 (act. 6c), p. 119 (act. 6d), p. 120 (act. 7a), p. 120 (act. 7c), p. 120 (act. 8a), p. 120 (act. 8b), p. 121 (act. 9a), p. 121 (act. 9b), p. 121 (act. 10a), p. 121 (act. 10b), p. 121 (act. 11a), p. 121 (act. 11c)

Interpretive Communication: Learners understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.

UNIT 1: p. 1 (act. a), p. 2 (act. a), p. 2 (act. b), p. 2 (act. c), p. 3 (act. a), p. 3 (act. b), p. 3 (act. c), p. 3 (act. d), p. 4 (act. a), p. 4 (act. b), p. 5 (act. a), p. 5 (act. b), p. 6 (act. a), p. 6 (act. b), p. 7 (act. a), p. 7 (act. b), p. 8 (act. a), p. 8 (act. b), p. 9 (act. a), p. 9 (act. b), p. 10 (act. 1a), p. 11 (act. 2a), p. 11 (act. 2b), p. 12 (act. 4a), p. 12 (act. 4b), p. 13 (act. 4e), p. 13 (act. 5a), p. 13 (act. 5b), p. 14 (act. 6a), p. 14 (act. 6b), p. 15 (act. 7a), p. 15 (act. 7b)

UNIT 2: p. 17 (act. 1a), p. 17 (act. 1b), p. 18 (act. 2a), p. 18 (act. 2c), p. 18 (act. 2d), p. 18 (act. 2e), p. 19 (act. 4a), p. 19 (act. 4b), p. 19 (act. 6a), p. 19 (act. 6b), p. 20 (act. 7a), p. 20 (act. 7b), p. 20 (act. 7c), p. 20 (act. 7d), p. 21 (act. 8b), p. 21 (act. 8c), p. 22 (act. 9a), p. 22 (act. 9c), p. 23 (act. 10a), p. 23 (act. 10b)

UNIT 3: p. 26 (act. 2b), p. 26 (act. 2c), p. 27 (act. 3a), p. 28 (act. 4b), p. 28 (act. 4c), p. 29 (act. 4d), p. 29 (act. 4e), p. 29 (act. 5a), p. 29 (act. 5b), p. 30 (act. 6a), p. 30 (act. 6b), p. 30 (act. 6c), p. 30 (act. 6d), p. 30 (act. 6e), p. 31 (act. 6h), p. 31 (act. 7a), p. 31 (act. 7b)

UNIT 4: p. 39 (act. 1a), p. 39 (act. 1b), p. 40 (act. 2b), p. 40 (act. 2c), p. 41 (act. 3a), p. 41 (act. 3c), p. 41 (act. 4a), p. 42 (act. 5b), p. 42 (act. 5c), p. 43 (act. 6a), p. 43 (act. 6b), p. 43 (act. 6d), p. 44 (act. 7a), p. 44 (act. 7b), p. 45 (act. 8a), p. 45 (act. 8c), p. 46 (act. 9b)

UNIT 5: p. 47 (act. 1a), p. 47 (act. 1b), p. 48 (act. 2a), p. 48 (act. 2b), p. 48 (act. 3a), p. 48 (act. 3b), p. 49 (act. 4a), p. 49 (act. 5a), p. 49 (act. 5b), p. 50 (act. 6b), p. 50 (act. 6c), p. 51 (act. 7a), p. 51 (act. 7c), p. 52 (act. 8a), p. 52 (act. 8c), p. 53 (act. 9a), p. 53 (act. 9b)

UNIT 6: p. 55 (act. 1a), p. 56 (act. 2a), p. 57 (act. 4a), p. 57 (act. 4b), p. 57 (act. 5), p. 58 (act. 6a), p. 58 (act. 6c), p. 59 (act. 6d), p. 59 (act. 7a), p. 59 (act. 7b), p. 60 (act. 8a), p. 61 (act. 10a), p. 61 (act. 10b)

UNIT 7: p. 69 (act. 1a), p. 70 (act. 2a), p. 70 (act. 2b), p. 70 (act. 2c), p. 71 (act. 3a), p. 71 (act. 3b), p. 71 (act. 3c), p. 71 (act. 3d), p. 71 (act. 4a), p. 71 (act. 4b), p. 72 (act. 5a), p. 72 (act. 5b), p. 72 (act. 6a), p. 73 (act. 6b), p. 73 (act. 7a), p. 73 (act. 7b), p. 74 (act. 8a), p. 74 (act. 8b), p. 74 (act. 9a), p. 75 (act. 9b)



Communicate effectively in more than one language in order to function in a variety of situations and for multiple purposes

Interpretive Communication: Learners understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.

UNIT 8: p. 77 (act. 1a), p. 77 (act. 1b), p. 78 (act. 2b), p. 78 (act. 3a), p. 79 (act. 3b), p. 79 (act. 4a), p. 80 (act. 5a), p. 81 (act. 5b), p. 82 (act. 7a), p. 82 (act. 7b), p. 83 (act. 9a), p. 83 (act. 9b)

UNIT 9: p. 85 (act. 1a), p. 85 (act. 1c), p. 86 (act. 2a), p. 86 (act. 2b), p. 86 (act. 2c), p. 87 (act. 3a), p. 87 (act. 4a), p. 87 (act. 4b), p. 88 (act. 5a), p. 88 (act. 5b), p. 88 (act. 5d), p. 88 (act. 5e), p. 89 (act. 5f), p. 89 (act. 7a), p. 89 (act. 7b), p. 90 (act. 8a), p. 90 (act. 8b), p. 90 (act. 8c), p. 91 (act. 9a)

UNIT 10: p. 99 (act. 1a), p. 100 (act. 2b), p. 101 (act. 2c), p. 101 (act. 3a), p. 101 (act. 3b), p. 102 (act. 4a), p. 102 (act. 5a), p. 102 (act. 5b), p. 103 (act. 5e), p. 104 (act. 6a), p. 105 (act. 7a), p. 105 (act. 7b), p. 105 (act. 7c), p. 105 (act. 7e), p. 106 (act. 8a), p. 106 (act. 9a), p. 106 (act. 9b), p. 106 (act. 9c), p. 106 (act. 9d)

UNIT 11: p. 107 (act. 1a), p. 108 (act. 2a), p. 108 (act. 2b), p. 108 (act. 2c), p. 108 (act. 2d), p. 109 (act. 3c), p. 110 (act. 4a), p. 110 (act. 4c), p. 111 (act. 5b), p. 112 (act. 6b), p. 112 (act. 7a), p. 113 (act. 7b), p. 113 (act. 8), p. 113 (act. 9a)

UNIT 12: p. 115 (act. 1a), p. 115 (act. 1b), p. 116 (act. 2a), p. 116 (act. 2b), p. 116 (act. 2c), p. 117 (act. 3a), p. 117 (act. 3b), p. 118 (act. 4b), p. 118 (act. 5a), p. 119 (act. 6a), p. 119 (act. 6b), p. 119 (act. 6c), p. 120 (act. 7a), p. 120 (act. 7b), p. 120 (act. 8a), p. 121 (act. 9a), p. 121 (act. 9b), p. 121 (act. 10a)

Presentational Communication: Learners present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of listeners, readers, or viewers.

UNIT 1: p. 15 (act. 8c)

UNIT 2: p. 18 (act. 3), p. 19 (act. 5b), p. 23 (act. 11a), p. 23 (act. 11c)

UNIT 3: p. 29 (act. 4g), p. 29 (act. 4h), p. 31 (act. 8b)

UNIT 4: p. 40 (act. 2d), p. 46 (act. 10c)

UNIT 5: p. 53 (act. 10a), p. 53 (act. 10b)

UNIT 6: p. 57 (act. 4e), p. 60 (act. 9b), p. 61 (act. 9c), p. 61 (act. 9d), p. 61 (act. 11a), p. 61 (act. 11c)

UNIT 7: p. 74 (act. 8c), p. 75 (act. 10b)

UNIT 8: p. 77 (act. 1d), p. 81 (act. 6e), p. 83 (act. 8), p. 83 (act. 10b), p. 83 (act. 10c)

UNIT 9: p. 87 (act. 4d), p. 89 (act. 6), p. 91 (act. 9b), p. 91 (act. 10b)

UNIT 10: p. 104 (act. 6c), p. 106 (act. 10b), p. 106 (act. 10c)

UNIT 11: p. 112 (act. 6d), p. 113 (act. 8)

UNIT 12: p. 115 (act. 1d), p. 117 (act. 2d), p. 118 (act. 5c), p. 119 (act. 5d), p. 121 (act. 11b)


Interact with cultural competence and understanding

Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship. between the practices and perspectives of the cultures studied.

UNIT 1: p. 11 (act. 2b), p. 14 (act. 6a), p. 14 (act. 6b)

UNIT 2: p. 18 (act. 2d), p. 18 (act. 2e), p. 21 (act. 8b), p. 23 (act. 10b)

UNIT 3: p. 26 (act. 2b), p. 26 (act. 2c), p. 30 (act. 6c), p. 30 (act. 6d), p. 30 (act. 6e), p. 31 (act. 6g), p. 31 (act. 8b)

UNIT 4: p. 40 (act. 2b), p. 40 (act. 2c)

UNIT 5: p. 47 (act. 1a), p. 47 (act. 1b), p. 47 (act. 1c), p. 50 (act. 6b), p. 50 (act. 6c), p. 51 (act. 7a), p. 51 (act. 7b), p. 53 (act. 10a)

UNIT 6: p. 55 (act. 1a), p. 55 (act. 1b), p. 55 (act. 1c), p. 57 (act. 4b), p. 57 (act. 4e), p. 58 (act. 6c), p. 59 (act. 6d)

UNIT 7: p. 69 (act. 1a), p. 69 (act. 1b), p. 69 (act. 1c), p. 1 (act. d), p. 1 (act. e), p. 70 (act. 2a), p. 70 (act. 2b), p. 70 (act. 2c), p. 2 (act. d), p. 71 (act. 3a), p. 71 (act. 3b), p. 3 (act. c), p. 3 (act. d), p. 4 (act. a), p. 4 (act. b), p. 5 (act. a), p. 72 (act. 5b), p. 5 (act. c), p. 72 (act. 6a), p. 73 (act. 6b), p. 73 (act. 6c), p. 7 (act. a), p. 7 (act. b), p. 7 (act. c), p. 74 (act. 8a), p. 74 (act. 8b), p. 8 (act. c), p. 74 (act. 9a), p. 9 (act. b), p. 75 (act. 9c), p. 9 (act. d), p. 9 (act. e), p. 9 (act. f), p. 75 (act. 10a), p. 10 (act. b), p. 10 (act. c)

UNIT 8: p. 77 (act. 1a), p. 77 (act. 1b), p. 77 (act. 1c), p. 78 (act. 2a), p. 78 (act. 2b), p. 80 (act. 5a), p. 81 (act. 5b), p. 83 (act. 10b)

UNIT 9: p. 86 (act. 2a), p. 86 (act. 2b), p. 86 (act. 2c), p. 86 (act. 2e), p. 89 (act. 7a), p. 89 (act. 7b), p. 90 (act. 8a)

UNIT 10: p. 100 (act. 2b), p. 101 (act. 2c), p. 102 (act. 5a), p. 102 (act. 5b), p. 103 (act. 5c), p. 104 (act. 6a), p. 104 (act. 6b), p. 104 (act. 6c)

UNIT 11: p. 107 (act. 1a), p. 110 (act. 4a), p. 110 (act. 4b), p. 110 (act. 4c), p. 111 (act. 4d), p. 111 (act. 5b), p. 111 (act. 5c), p. 112 (act. 6a), p. 112 (act. 6b), p. 112 (act. 6c), p. 113 (act. 8)

UNIT 12: p. 115 (act. 1b), p. 118 (act. 5a), p. 119 (act. 6a), p. 119 (act. 6b), p. 119 (act. 6c)

Relating Cultural Products to Perspectives: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship. between the products and perspectives of the cultures studied.

UNIT 2: p. 21 (act. 8b)

UNIT 3: p. 31 (act. 8b)

UNIT 5: p. 47 (act. 1a), p. 47 (act. 1b), p. 47 (act. 1c), p. 48 (act. 2b), p. 50 (act. 6b), p. 50 (act. 6c), p. 51 (act. 7a), p. 51 (act. 7b), p. 53 (act. 10a)

UNIT 6: p. 55 (act. 1a), p. 55 (act. 1b), p. 55 (act. 1c), p. 57 (act. 4b), p. 57 (act. 4e), p. 58 (act. 6c), p. 59 (act. 6d)

UNIT 8: p. 77 (act. 1a), p. 77 (act. 1b), p. 77 (act. 1c), p. 78 (act. 2a), p. 78 (act. 2b), p. 78 (act. 3a), p. 79 (act. 3b), p. 79 (act. 4a), p. 80 (act. 5a), p. 81 (act. 5b), p. 83 (act. 10b)

UNIT 9: p. 89 (act. 7a), p. 89 (act. 7b)

UNIT 12: p. 118 (act. 5a), p. 119 (act. 6a), p. 119 (act. 6b), p. 119 (act. 6c)



Connect with other disciplines and acquire information and diverse perspectives in order to use the language to function in academic and career related situations

Making Connections: Learners build, reinforce, and expand their knowledge of other disciplines while using the language to develop. critical thinking and to solve problems creatively.

UNIT 7: p. 74 (act. 8c)

UNIT 8: p. 78 (act. 2a), p. 83 (act. 10b)

UNIT 9: p. 89 (act. 7a), p. 89 (act. 7b)

UNIT 12: p. 115 (act. 1d), p. 118 (act. 5a), p. 118 (act. 5c), p. 119 (act. 5d)

Acquiring Information and Diverse Perspectives: Learners access and evaluate information and diverse perspectives that are available through the language and its cultures.

UNIT 1: p. 15 (act. 8c)

UNIT 3: p. 30 (act. 6c), p. 30 (act. 6d), p. 30 (act. 6e), p. 31 (act. 6f), p. 31 (act. 6g)

UNIT 5: p. 50 (act. 6b), p. 50 (act. 6c), p. 51 (act. 7a), p. 51 (act. 7b), p. 53 (act. 10a)

UNIT 6: p. 58 (act. 6c), p. 59 (act. 6d), p. 61 (act. 11a)

UNIT 7: p. 72 (act. 6a), p. 73 (act. 6b), p. 73 (act. 6c), p. 74 (act. 8a), p. 75 (act. 10a)

UNIT 8: p. 77 (act. 1b), p. 77 (act. 1d), p. 78 (act. 2b), p. 83 (act. 10b)

UNIT 9: p. 90 (act. 8a), p. 91 (act. 10b)

UNIT 10: p. 100 (act. 2b), p. 101 (act. 2c), p. 104 (act. 6b), p. 106 (act. 10b)

UNIT 11: p. 107 (act. 1b)

UNIT 12: p. 118 (act. 5a), p. 118 (act. 5b), p. 121 (act. 11b)


Develop insight into the nature of language and culture in order to interact with cultural competence

Language Comparisons: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.

UNIT 1: p. 11 (act. 2d), p. 13 (act. 4c)

UNIT 2: p. 23 (act. 10d)

UNIT 3: p. 27 (act. 2d)

UNIT 4: p. 46 (act. 9e)

UNIT 5: p. 47 (act. 1c), p. 51 (act. 7d)

UNIT 6: p. 55 (act. 1d), p. 56 (act. 3b), p. 57 (act. 4a)

UNIT 7: p. 69 (act. 1c), p. 75 (act. 9d)

UNIT 8: p. 81 (act. 6d)

UNIT 9: p. 89 (act. 5g)

UNIT 10: p. 103 (act. 5c)

UNIT 11: p. 107 (act. 1c), p. 112 (act. 6c)


Develop insight into the nature of language and culture in order to interact with cultural competence

Cultural Comparisons: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.

UNIT 1: p. 13 (act. 4f), p. 15 (act. 6c), p. 15 (act. 6d)

UNIT 2: p. 18 (act. 2f), p. 18 (act. 3), p. 19 (act. 5a), p. 19 (act. 5b), p. 20 (act. 7f), p. 23 (act. 10d), p. 23 (act. 11c)

UNIT 3: p. 31 (act. 6f), p. 31 (act. 7c)

UNIT 4: p. 40 (act. 2d)

UNIT 5: p. 47 (act. 1e), p. 51 (act. 7e), p. 52 (act. 8d)

UNIT 6: p. 55 (act. 1c)

UNIT 7: p. 69 (act. 1d), p. 69 (act. 1e), p. 70 (act. 2d), p. 72 (act. 5c), p. 73 (act. 6c), p. 74 (act. 8c), p. 75 (act. 9f)

UNIT 8: p. 77 (act. 1d), p. 79 (act. 3c), p. 81 (act. 6e), p. 83 (act. 10c)

UNIT 9: p. 86 (act. 2d), p. 91 (act. 10b)

UNIT 10: p. 101 (act. 2d), p. 101 (act. 3c), p. 103 (act. 5c)

UNIT 11: p. 107 (act. 1b), p. 111 (act. 4d), p. 111 (act. 5c), p. 111 (act. 5e), p. 112 (act. 6d), p. 113 (act. 8)

UNIT 12: p. 115 (act. 1c), p. 115 (act. 1d), p. 118 (act. 5c), p. 119 (act. 5d), p. 121 (act. 11a), p. 121 (act. 11b)


Communicate and interact with cultural competence in order to participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world

School and Global Communities: Learners use the language both within and beyond the classroom to interact and collaborate in their community and the globalized world.

UNIT 2: p. 19 (act. 5b)

UNIT 3: p. 29 (act. 4h), p. 31 (act. 6g)

UNIT 4: p. 40 (act. 2d), p. 43 (act. 6c), p. 43 (act. 6d)

UNIT 5: p. 47 (act. 1c)

UNIT 6: p. 57 (act. 4e)

UNIT 7: p. 70 (act. 2d)

UNIT 9: p. 86 (act. 2e)

UNIT 10: p. 106 (act. 10c)

UNIT 11: p. 113 (act. 8)

Lifelong Learning: Learners set goals and reflect on their progress in using languages for enjoyment, enrichment, and advancement.

UNIT 3: p. 29 (act. 4h), p. 31 (act. 8b)

UNIT 7: p. 75 (act. 10a)



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