REPORTERS FRANCOPHONES 1 - Annotated Teacher's Edition

Page 1

• The TV series Lupin and its literary source • celebritiesFrench-speaking • TV series set in Paris Prepositions with names of countries • Adjectives of nationality • Indefinite articles • C’est / Il/Elle est / Ce sont / Ils/ Elles sont desmagazinereporters et les séries télé TV series set in Paris I can understand the main idea and some details in a short article about TV series set in Paris. I can present the location featured in a TV series and its characteristic spots.


2 Je françaisesuis Unit at a Glance 62a ı Reporters francophones 1 Learning Goals · Unit 2, Lesson 1 Leçon 1: Tu parles français? Essential question: Quelle est l’importance de l’origine et des langues dans nos vies? How are origin and language important in our lives? Contexts StatementsCan-Do Culture Structures Je veux visiter… C’est chanteuseune belge • Countries • Nationalities and professions • Languages and the French language in the world • I can understand a chat about a series featuring a protagonist.French • I can identify countries and say where I live. • I can identify nationalities and professions. • I can identify languages people speak and countries where French is spoken.


1 Mini-projet 1 Create

• Spots structuresand in cities and other locations. Vocabulary and fromstructuresLesson a world map to represent your talent agency’s client profiles I can present and describe celebrities, their spokenofprofession,nationality,placeresidence,andlanguages. Vocabulary and fromstructuresLesson 1


Mini-projet 2 Create

• I can understand the main idea and some details in a short article about places to experience nature in Paris.

+ infinitive

• I can express activities I like and don’t like to do.


Projet final Create

Reporters francophones 1 ı 62b France Unit at a Glance Learning Goals · Unit 2, Lesson 2 Leçon 2: J’adore! Essential question: Qu’est-ce que nos goûts disent sur nous? What do our interests say about us? Contexts StatementsCan-Do Culture Structures Tu aimes danser? Tu aimes les chats? • Likes and dislikes about activities • Likes and dislikes about pets • Famous Parisian concert venues • I can understand a chat about a concert at a famous venue.

• I can say what animals I like and don’t like. famous Parisian concert hall l’Olympia in France tolerance of dogs in public areas in France Aimer and adorer / negative form Noun agreement pronoun on Le magazine des reporters nature en ville Three different places where one can natureexperienceinParis


• I can present my likes and dislikes. Vocabulary and fromstructuresLesson 2 a profile for a social media platform I can create and present a personal profile on a social media platform. Vocabulary and fromstructuresUnit2


• The

noun • The

• I can write a short paragraph about natural venues and activities to do there. Locations in Paris that show its less urban side. Vocabulary and structures from Lesson 2 a poster to present our likes and dislikes

2 Je françaisesuis Unit Resources 62c ı Reporters francophones 1 Lesson 1: Tu parles français? Student edition Student’s resources Teacher’s resources pp. 62–63 Unit introduction Video • Video script • Workbook activities 1–2 pp. 64–65 Pour commencer Audio file (text recording) pp. 66–67 Je veux visiter… Audio file • Audio script • Workbook activities 3–9 pp. 68–69 C’est une chanteuse belge Audio file • Audio script • Workbook activities 10–17 Extra Resource Worksheet 1 pp. 70–71 Quelles langues tu parles? Audio file (text recording) Differentiation Worksheet 1 pp. 72–73 Le magazine des reporters Paris et les séries télé Audio file (text recording) p. 74 Grammaire Prepositions with names of countries Grammar Tutorial • Workbook activities 8–9 pp. 75–76 Grammaire Adjective agreement: Adjectives of nationality Grammar Tutorial • Workbook activities 12–14 pp. 77–78 Grammaire Indefinite articles: un, une, des Grammar Tutorial • Workbook activity 15 p. 79 Grammaire C’est / Il/Elle est / Ce sont / Ils/Elles sont Grammar Tutorial • Workbook activities 16–17 pp. 80–81 Lexique Audio files (text recordings) • Workbook activities 3–6, 10–11, 18–21 p. 82 Des lettres et des sons Pronunciation of final consonants Pronunciation Tutorial • Audio files • Workbook activity 7 Extra Resource Worksheet 2 p. 83 Mini-projet 1 Une agence de stars Self and Peer Assessment Rubric Assessment Rubric Évaluation de la Leçon 1 Audio file • Audio script • Answer key • Assessment Rubrics See pp. T12–T13 to learn where to find all the resources.

Reporters francophones 1 ı 20d France Unit Resources Leçon 2: J’adore! Steps Student’s resources Teacher’s resources pp. 84–85 Pour commencer Audio file (text recording) pp. 86–87 Tu aimes danser? Audio file • Audio script • Workbook activities 1–7 Differentiation Worksheet 2 pp. 88–89 Tu aimes les chats? Audio file (text recording) • Workbook activities 10-11 pp. 90–91 Le magazine des reporters La nature en ville Audio file (text recording) pp. 92–93 Grammaire aimer and adorer + infinitive / noun Grammar Tutorial • Workbook activities 6–7, 14–15 pp. 93–94 Grammaire The negative form Grammar Tutorial • Workbook activity 8 pp. 94–95 Grammaire Noun agreement Grammar Tutorial • Workbook activity 13 p. 95 Grammaire The pronoun on Grammar Tutorial • Workbook activity 9 pp. 96–97 Lexique Audio files (text recordings) • Workbook activities 1-5, 10-11 p. 98 Des lettres et des sons Les sons [y] et [u] Pronunciation Tutorial • Audio files • Workbook activity 12 p. 99 Mini-projet 2 Create a poster to present our likes and dislikes Self and Peer Assessment Rubric Assessment Rubric Évaluation de la Leçon 2 Audio file • Audio script • Answer key • Assessment Rubrics pp. 100–101 Projet final Create a profile for a social media platform Self and Peer Assessment Rubric Extra Resource Worksheet 3 • Assessment Rubric pp. 102–103 Je prépare l'évaluation · IPA Audio file • My progress • Assessment Rubrics Assessment Rubrics Évaluation · IPA Answer key • Assessment Rubrics

• Introduce the title of the unit and its meaning.

Je françaisesuisESSENTIALQUESTIONS t Quelle est l’importance de l’origine et des langues dans nos vies? How are origin and languages important in our lives? t Qu’est-ce que nos goûts disent sur nous? What do our interests say about us? Salut! Je m’appelle Louise. J’habite à Paris et je suis française. 62 ı soixante-deux 2UNITÉ Reporters francophones 1

• Paris is also a hub of sporting activity, being the home to the Paris Saint-Germain football club, and the French Open tennis championship (at RolandGarros), as well as hosting the Olympic Games three times, in 1900, 1924, and 2024.

• Paris, the capital of France, is located in the Île-deFrance region of the country. The river Seine flows through the city. Two islands in the river, Île de la Cité and Île Saint-Louis, are at the geographical center of Paris. These islands were the earliest settlements in the city in the 3rd century BC.


• You may want to introduce Mini-projets and the Projet final if you plan to do them.


• Read aloud and discuss the essential questions. Explain that, in this unit, students will discuss the importance of the languages we speak and what our interests say about us.

62 ı Reporters francophones 1 UNITÉSUGGESTED2 DURATION 15 minutes 1 Information skills Create a KWL chart with students: What do they know about France and Paris? What do they want to learn? Go back to the chart at the end of the unit to complete the Learn column. 1 Culture boost To expand students’ concept of Paris, show segments of a movie set in Paris, such as Amélie. Preview the segments first to ensure the content is appropriate for your students.

• Read and make sure students understand the titles of the two lessons in the unit and have them brainstorm the topics they think will be covered: nationalities, languages, likes and dislikes, leisure activities, and pets.

• During the Age of Enlightenment (1700–1800), Paris became a center of ideas and education, inspiring the works of philosophers, scientists, engineers, and writers. Paris gained its nickname Ville Lumière (City of Light) in the mid-17th century, when Louis XIV, known as the Sun King (le Roi Soleil), decided to make Paris’ streets safer, not only quadrupling the number of policemen in the city, but also having more lighting installed.

• Today, Paris is one of the world’s major centers of commerce, fashion, gastronomy, arts, and culture, attracting millions of tourists each year. The three most visited attractions are the Louvre Museum, the Eiffel Tower, and Notre Dame cathedral on the Île de la Cité


Reporters francophones 1 ı 63

Possible answers Paris est la capitale de la France. /

• Before showing the video, ask students what they see in the image on p. 62.: a river (la Seine), boats, the Eiffel Tower, buildings, bridges.

1B • Have students watch the video a third time and then answer the questions in pairs.


• Draw students’ attention to the map and point out where Paris is located. Discuss the Brainstorming! questions with the whole class. Encourage students to share prior knowledge of Paris in English.

Students can do Activities 1–2 on p. 45.

• Ask the students to say if they like what Louise likes. Write aussi on the board and then a sentence using it, such as J'aime la cuisine vietnamienne aussi Answers 1. Les crêpes au chocolat / 2. La statue de la liberté, la tour Eiffel, l’Opéra Garnier et le musée du Louvre

Possible answers 1. France is in Europe. / It is famous for its cuisine. / 2. baguette, escargots, croissants, pain au chocolat, macarons, ratatouille, raclette / 3. Paris is the capital of France. / The Eiffel Tower is in Paris. / 4.

1A Play the video once so students hear the reporter’s voice and grasp the topic. Then, play it a second time and ask students to take notes of any words they recognize.

• Call attention to Louise’s Vietnamese heritage. To expand the discussion, show and play the video Je suis chez moi by Black M. Tell students what chez moi means in this context.




DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Reporters francophones 1 soixante-trois ı 63 We travel to Paris, France to talk about languages, identity, and interests. A. Watch the video. Say

B. In pairs, answer these questions. 1. Louise aime quelle spécialité culinaire française? 2. Quels monuments intéressants on peut visiter (can you visit) à Paris? 1   Brainstorming! • What do you know about France? • What French foods have you heard of? • What do you know about Paris? • What do you think you could do and see in Paris? Curiosités: • La France a des territoires en Europe, en Amérique du Sud et dans les océans Indien, Atlantique et Pacifique. • La France métropolitaine est appelée l’Hexagone pour sa forme. • La France est plus petite que (smaller than) le Texas. FRANCE LEÇON 1 Tu Mini-projetfrançais?parles 1 Create a map to represent your talent agency’s client profiles LEÇON Mini-projetJ’adore!2 2 Create a poster to present your likes and dislikes platformforCreateFINALPROJETaprofileasocialmediaParis Interpretive Viewing

Je suis française

1 Visual learners Pair up students and ask them to complete a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast what they learned about Québec with what they know about France. Visual learners and kinesthetic learners Remember to use the map of the world you may have started with Unit 1. Add France, its flag, and its capital city. what you understood about Paris.

• Have students look at the maps (on pp. xx xxv of the Student Edition), pointing out that the French territory includes France and many islands. Then, have them read Curiosités

CULTURE Basic information on France and Paris ACTIVITY 1 · OVERVIEW

Paris est dynamique et multiculturelle. / Elle est divisée en vingt arrondissements. / La statue de la liberté, la tour Eiffel, l’Opéra Garnier, le musée du Louvre.

In Paris, you can see the Eiffel Tower, visit museums and monuments, go to concerts, take walks in gardens.


• Encourage students to create a KWL chart for brainstorming about France. KWLs can be added for other featured countries.


• Ask students, Tu parles français? Allow them to respond with oui or non. If needed, use gestures to help them understand the expression. Have them confirm its meaning.

• If you plan to assign the Mini-projet, give a brief introduction as a heads-up.

• Omar Sy, who is French of Senegalese descent, became a household name in France following his award-winning performance in the 2011 film Intouchables, which is now a classic of French cinema. Sy has since gone on to conquer Hollywood with roles in blockbusters such as XMen, Transformers, and Jurassic World.

Creativity and innovation Have students make a collage including pictures of places, things, people, and foods that they associate with Paris. them present their collages to the class, in small groups, or with a classmate.

BOOST YOUR LEÇONTEACHING1 Tu parles français? IN THIS LESSON, YOU WILL… • identify countries and say where you live • identify nationalities and professions • identify languages people speak and countries where French is spoken BY USING... • prepositions with country names • adjectives of nationality • indefinite articles • c’est, il/elle est, ce sont, ils/elles sont • vocabulary for countries, nationalities, languages, and continents AND YOU WILL FIND OUT ABOUT… • the TV series Lupin and Arsène Lupin • some celebritiesFrancophone • la francophonie • TV series set in Paris MINI-PROJET 1: Create a map to represent your talent agency’s client profiles La série Lupin avec Omar Sy

• The poster on p. 64 shows the actor Omar Sy in the role of Assane Diop, with the Louvre Museum’s iconic glass pyramid in the background.

64 ı Reporters francophones 1 UNITÉSUGGESTED2

DURATION 15 minutes

Written in the early 1900s, the books featuring Arsène Lupin are now classics of French literature.


• We do not recommend showing Lupin in class as some of its content might be inappropriate for young viewers.

• Ask, Tu parles anglais? Tu parles une autre langue? Highlighting diversity in the classroom is a way to speak about diversity in the francophone world.


• Ask, What will you do in this unit? Read the three columns. Go over each topic and make sure students have an understanding of what they will learn by the end of the lesson. Answer any questions they may have.

• Lupin: In the Shadow of Arsène (Dans l'ombre d'Arsène) is a series created by Netflix®. Within a month of its release, it had been watched by more than 70 million households worldwide, making it the most watched non-English series on the streaming service at that time. The series is about a man called Assane Diop, who is a great fan of the books about the master thief Arsène Lupin. Assane steals a priceless necklace from the Louvre Museum.

2B Interpersonal learners Ask for volunteers to act out the chat’s conversation.

 CULTURE 1 takes place 2 awesome 3 tomorrow Max Non, c’est bien? 12:37 Max Génial! Une activité pour demain3 : Lupin! 12:47 Lucas Moi, j’adore l’acteur principal Omar Sy! Il est français d’origine sénégalaise et il habite aux États-Unis! 12:40 Louise Salut! Vous regardez la série française Lupin? 12:35 Louise C’est super! Et la série se déroule à Paris. 12:38 Louise Oui! Il est formidable2 12:46  Interpretive Viewing Interpretive Reading Interpretive Reading

• Ask students if they are familiar with Arsène Lupin, the “gentleman burglar” and have them read or listen to the text.


2. Quelle est sa nationalité? 3. Il habite où? C. Based on the chat, say which of these languages Omar Sy speaks. Il parle français. Il parle portuguais. Il parle italien. Il parle anglais. soixante-cinq ı 65 Arsène Lupin is a fictional character created by Maurice Leblanc in 1905. Lupin is a genius cambrioleurgentleman(gentleman burglar) who is a master of disguise. Although he breaks the law, his motives are often for a greater good. The TV series follows Assane Diop, who takes inspiration from Leblanc’s character for his own heists, becoming a kind of modern-day Lupin. COMPARAISON CULTURELLE Name a book, movie or TV series that has a heist as the central theme or in which the main character is a skillful thief. Describe some similarities or differences with Lupin.

• You might have students listen to the song L’Arsène, sung by Jacques Dutronc (1971), created for the French TV series Arsène Lupin Possible answers Robin Hood

LEÇON 1. Tu parles français?

• Then, have students read the chat individually and answer the questions. Check the answers in class.


• Tell them that they will read a text conversation between Louise, Max, and Lucas. Have students scan the chat and find any words that they recognize. Are there any cognates?

2C • Have students read the chat again and find the answers.



• Remind students that they have seen it in the video referenced on the unit’s opening page. Have them think about the answers to the questions individually and then share their answers with a classmate. Afterwards, have them share their answers as a class.

Pour commencer LEÇON 1

Answers 1. Il s’appelle Omar Sy. / 2. Il est français. / 3. Il habite aux États-Unis. Strategy Have students explain what helped them find the answers.

Reporters francophones 1 ı 65

CULTURE The TV series Lupin and the fictional character Arsène Lupin POUR COMMENCER · OVERVIEW 2 SUGGESTED DURATION 20 minutes MATERIALS Audio file (text recording)

MATERIALS Audio file (text recording)

A. Look at the poster for the TV series Lupin Answer these questions.

2A • Have students look at the poster on p. 64. Ask them what kind of poster it is and if the background looks familiar.

B. Read the chat. Answer the questions below. 2 1. Comment s’appelle l’acteur principal de la série?

LANGUAGE Vocabulary for nationalities and languages

• Ask the students what clues from the text message provide this information. Answers Il parle français. Il parle anglais.

2B • Remind students that Max is the reporter from Unit 1 and Lucas is the reporter they will meet in Unit 3.

2A Visual learners Play the trailer for Lupin and show students a picture of an Arsène Lupin book.

1. In which city do you think it takes place? 2. What famous monument do you see in the poster?

Answers 1. À Paris. / 2. Le musée du Louvre (et la pyramide du Louvre).


Prepositions with

3B Have students listen to the conversation. Explain the meaning of veut visiter. It is only introduced lexically here and does not need to be explained further.


LEXIQUE Pays que je veux visiter

SUGGESTED DURATION 30 minutes MATERIALS Audio file Script

3A Have students look at the pictures. Ask them which landmarks they recognize and have them match the countrys' names with the pictures. Remind them to use the expression c’est, which they learned in Unit 1. Refer them to the Lexique feature Les pays.

LES PAYS Countries Je veux visiter... I want to visit... feminine country names end in -e • l’Allemagne • l’Australie • la Belgique • la Chine • la Corée du Sud • l’Espagne • la France • l’Irlande • l’Italie • la Russie • la Suiss masculinee country names • le Brésil • le Canada • l’Équateur • le Japon • le Maroc • le Mexique • le Royaume-Uni • le Sénégal le Mexique ends in -e but it is masculine plural country names • les États-Unis (m.) • les Philippines (f.) LEXIQUE pp. 80-81 les le Mexique la Chine le Canada le Sénégall’Australie 4 5 2 36 7 8 Louise asks two friends which countries they would like to visit. Listen to the conversation. Complete the sentences with the countries they mention and the corresponding articles. Alex veut visiter... 2. Emma veut visiter... Write down which countries you would like to visit. Find a classmate who wants to visit the same countries. Je veux visiter le Canada et... Look at a world map and choose one country. Name the countries with which it shares a border. Your classmates guess it. Canada et le Mexique. États-Unis?


1 B.


• Les


• Oui! JEU: LE TOUR DU MONDE4  3 Interpretive Reading Interpretive Listening Presentational Speaking Interpersonal Speaking


3A Connections Using the list of countries in Lexique on page 66, have pairs of students choose a country not listed in Activity 3A and find a picture on the Internet of a landmark or monument in it. Have each student show the picture on the projector. Classmates then try to identify the country.


Answers 1. Alex veut visiter la Chine, l’Australie, les États-Unis et le Mexique. / 2. Emma veut visiter l’Italie et le Brésil. 3C Have students write a list or make a collage of the chosen countries. Have them ask each other, Est-ce que tu veux visiter le / la… ? and have another student respond, Oui, moi aussi. / Non, pas moi Answers will vary.

Country names; country

  1.

LIRE, ÉCOUTER, ÉCRIRE ET PARLER A. CONNEXIONS: GÉOGRAPHIE Look at Louise’s collage. Match the name of each country to its picture. Le numéro 5, c’est la Chine.

• Le

Answers 1. Le numéro 1, c’est l’Italie. / 2. Le numéro 2, c’est l’Espagne. / 3. Le numéro 3, c’est les États-Unis. / 4. Le numéro 4, c’est l’Australie. / 5. Le numéro 5, c’est la Chine. / 6. Le numéro 6, c’est le Sénégal. / 7. Le numéro 7, c’est le Canada. / 8. Le numéro 8, c’est le Mexique.

5 Gamification Have each student think of a famous person and say their profession, approximately how old they are, and what country they live in. Give students at least five minutes to prepare. Classmates listen and try to guess who the person is.

Activities 3–5 on p. 46 and 6 on p. 47 WORKBOOK • Project a map of the world. A student thinks of a country and then names the countries it shares a border with. Have the rest of the students guess the name of the country. The student who gives the correct answer goes on. Answers will vary. JEU: LE TOUR DU MONDE Je veux visiter... t I can identify countries and say where I live. 66 ı soixante-six Reporters francophones 1

66 ı Reporters francophones 1 UNITÉ 2 4 SUGGESTED DURATION 15 minutes LANGUAGE


5A • Have students in pairs guess where the people in the pictures live using context clues in the images.

Reporters francophones 1 soixante-sept ı Workbook pp. 46-48 ÉCOUTER ET PARLER A. Look at the pictures of some of Louise’s friends. In pairs, match the friends with the country where they live. Sophie habite en / au / aux 5

• Students can answer in French, but may need to justify their answer in English. Remind them to follow the model. Don’t correct their answers until after completing Activity 5B.

Answers Sophie habite à Paris. / Peter habite à New York. / Montse habite à Barcelone. / Aiko et Kaori habitent à Tokyo. / Francesca habite à Rome.


  DÉFI SOPHIE FRANCESCA MONTSE PETERAIKO ET KAORI � E-WORKBOOK Écoute l’audio Après l’audio Avant l’audioInterpretive Reading/ Viewing Interpretive Listening Presentational Speaking


Reporters francophones 1 ı 67 LEÇON 1. Tu parles français?

5 Accommodation Give a copy of the audio script to any student who needs it.



Warm-upComprehensible input Make statements about where you or well-known people live: J’habite aux États-Unis. J’habite à [your city]. If students don’t understand, continue with: Nous habitons aux États-Unis

Grammaire · Prepositions with country names

Activities 3–5 on p. 46, 6 and 8 on p. 47, and 9 on p. 48 file

5C Have students listen again and find the answers to the questions. Answers Oui. Au Canada.

5B Play the audio once. As they listen, have students check their answers to Activity 5A. Then, play the audio a second time and add new information.

Refer students to the Grammaire feature. Read the sentences out loud. Then write on the board en, au, aux, and à. Have student give an example for each preposition to check for understanding (e.g., Australie, Mexique, Philippines, Paris).  See p. 74 for the full explanation. Answers Sophie habite en France. / Peter habite aux États-Unis. / Montse habite en Espagne. / Aiko et Kaori habitent au Japon. / Francesca habite en Italie.

5D • This activity can be done as homework.

• Encourage students to add the town where the people live, if possible: Samba habite à Québec, au Canada Answers will vary.

3A Challenge Display a map of the world and ask students to point to the countries listed in the exercise. Ask students if they can share a couple of facts about these countries.

PREPOSITIONS WITH COUNTRY NAMES • en + feminine country name J’habite en France • en + masculine country name starting with a vowel J’habite en Équateur • au + masculine country name starting with a consonant J’habite au Canada • aux + plural country name J’habite aux États-Unis • à + city name J’habite à Paris GRAMMAIRE p. 74 en Italie en Espagne aux États-Unis au Japon en France B. Listen to the conversation between Louise and her father. Check your answers from activity A. Say in which cities Louise’s friends live. C. Listen to the conversation again. Answer this question. Le père de Louise a des amis/es dans d’autres (other) pays? Où? List three people you know or have heard of who live outside of your country. Say where they live. James habite au Royaume-Uni.


3C Kinesthetic and interpersonal learners Four-corners activity: post signs in the four corners of your classroom (Eurasia, Africa, Americas, and Australia). Have students go to the continent where their favorite country is located. Students talk with their peers and say which country they want to visit.


• On the board, write: J’habite aux États-Unis, à [your city]. Underline the prepositions. Ask a student, Tu habites où? Ask students to say the town where they live. Have them repeat the sentence in French, saying J’habite à …, aux États-Unis. Then, ask more than one student to introduce the sentence, Ils / Elles habitent à …, aux États-Unis


Kylian Mbappé: born 1998, footballer; Takashi Murakami: born 1962, artist; Lonzo Ball & LaMelo Ball: born 1997 and 2001, basketball players; Penélope Cruz: born 1974, actress; Jeremy Hansen: born 1976, astronaut; Lous and the Yakuza: singer born 1996 and her band. 68 ı soixante-huit Reporters francophones 1 B. Complete these sentences with c’est or il/elle est Explain your answers. 1. … un artiste. … français. 2. … une astronaute. ... italienne. 3. … une actrice belge. 4. … américain. … un musicien formidable! laJ’observelangue

6B Extension Assign each student a different country from the list on page 66 and provide a sheet of paper with all of those countries listed. Have students walk around the room and find as many people as possible with those nationalities. Students ask, “Quelle est ta nationalité?" and check each country off their list as they find someone with the corresponding nationality.

After five minutes, the person who found the most nationalities wins.


8 Culture boost After doing Activity 8, have groups of students research one of the people. Have them use the Internet to find at least three interesting facts about the person and a picture of them. Have each group share the picture and what they learned with the class.


6BJ’observe la langue Ask students to explain the difference between C’est/Ce sont, Il/Elle est, and Ils/ Elles sont. Write the sentences on the board or have volunteers write them as you do the activity together. Answers 1. C’est / Il est // 2. C’est / Elle est // 3. C’est // 4. Il est / C’est Grammaire · Indefinite articles: un, une, des  See p. 77 for the full explanation. C’est, il/elle est, ce sont, ils/elles sont. Using the names of well-known people you previously wrote on the board, ask students to identify their professions. Have students write sentences about these people using C’est un/une + profession and Il/Elle est + nationality.  See p. 79 for the full explanation.


Adjectives of nationality; Indefinite articles; C’est, Il/Elle est, Ce sont, Ils/Elles sont Vocabulary for nationalities

6A • Have students look at the pictures and ask them who they recognize.

CULTURE Some French-speaking celebrities

• In pairs, have them match the sentences with the pictures. Check the answers in class and ask what helped them figure them out (the profession, masculine or feminine form, singular or plural).

68 ı Reporters francophones 1 UNITÉLANGUAGE2

LIRE, PARLER ET ÉCRIRE A. Read these sentences. In pairs, match each sentence with a picture. C’est une actrice. Elle est espagnole. 2. C’est un astronaute. Il est canadien. C’est un artiste. Il est japonais. Ce sont des chanteuses. Elles sont belges. C’est un footballeur. Il est français. Ce sont deux basketteurs. Ils sont américains. Jeremy Hansen and the Yakuza et Angèle

masculineOFADJECTIVESNATIONALITYfeminine français française français françaises italien italienne italiens italiennes belge belge belges belges INDEFINITE ARTICLES un acteur une actrice des acteurs des actrices C’EST, IL/ELLE EST, CE SONT, ILS/ELLES SONT C’est un/une astronaute. Il/Elle est français/e. Ce sont des acteurs et des actrices. Ils sont GRAMMAIREfrançais. pp. 75, 77, 79 GRAMMAIRE LES QuelleNATIONALITÉSesttanationalité? What is your nationality? • allemand/e German • américain/e American • australien / australienne Australian • brésilien / brésilienne Brazilian • britannique British • canadien / canadienne Canadian • chinois/e Chinese • coréen / coréene Korean • espagnol/e Spanish • irlandais/e Irish • japonais/e Japanese • marocain/e Moroccan • mexicain/e Mexican • philippin/e Filipino • russe Russian • sénégalais/e Senegalese • suisse Swiss LEXIQUE pp. 80-81




6 

Kylian Mbappé A B Penélope CruzLonzo et LaMelo Ball C D E F C’est une chanteuse belge t I can identify

Answers 1. D / 2. E / 3. B / 4. F / 5. A / 6. C Grammaire · Adjectives of nationality Explain that, in French, adjectives are either masculine or feminine, and in a few cases, the nationality is neutral, that is, has the same form in the masculine and the feminine (suisse). Write some names of well-known people on the board or show their pictures. Using the Lexique feature on p. 68, have students identify their nationalities. Write their answers on the board.  See p. 75 for the full explanation.


and professions. 6 SUGGESTED DURATION 25 minutes Interpretive Reading


• Refer them to the Lexique feature Les nationalités


Takashi Murakami nationalities

questions to find out who it is. 3. Find more cards for this game on • Quelle est sa profession? • C’est un chanteur. • Quelle est sa nationalité? • Il est... • Où il habite? • Il habite... JEU: QUI EST-CE? (Who is it?)8 NOM PROFESSION NATIONALITÉ Romelu Lukaku Cœur de pirate Léa Seydoux  � RESOURCEEXTRA � E-WORKBOOK NYOUSSOU’DOUR pays:sénégalaischanteurSénégal MORY SACKO pays:françaiscuisinierFrance RONANSAOIRSE irlandaiseactrice pays:américaineetIrlande NEYMAR pays:brésilienfootballeurBrésiletFrance BONG JOON-HO pays:coréenréalisateurCoréeduSud CHEVRIERSANDRA pays:canadienneartisteCanada COTILLARDMARION pays:actricefrançaiseFrance MANAL pays:marocainechanteuseMaroc Interpretive Listening Presentational Writing Presentational Writing Interpersonal Speaking

Review In class, have students quickly brainstorm professions and nationalities they remember.

• On the board, write the questions they will need to ask: Quelle est sa profession?, Quelle est sa nationalité?, Où il/elle habite? Answers will vary.

DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Activities 10–11 on p. 49 and 12–14 on p. 50, and 15–17 on p. 51 WORKBOOK Reporters francophones 1


Possible answers 1. Il s’appelle Romelu Lukaku. C’est un footballeur. Il est belge. / 2. Elle s’appelle Béatrice Martin (Cœur de pirate). C’est une chanteuse. Elle est canadienne. / 3. Elle s’appelle Léa Seydoux. C’est une actrice. Elle est française.

LEÇON 1. Tu parles français?

• Tell students that they will hear the recording the first time without pauses. Encourage them to listen for words that they recognize without writing them down.


7C This activity can be assigned as homework. Answers will vary.

7 SUGGESTED DURATION 15 minutes MATERIALS Audio file Script

• Play the recording a second time. Occasionally pause the audio so that students can jot down notes. If needed, play the recording a third time to check the information. Strategy Refer students to the Stratégie feature. Tell them that this approach is very useful, especially when starting to learn a new language.

7A Visual and auditory learners provide pictures of the three people listed after the exercise has been completed. Play one of the Coeur de Pirate songs.

soixante-neuftask. ı LEÇON691Workbook

Reporters francophones 1 ı 69

• Students will be able to play this game using the cards on p. 69. If you want them to play with more cards, you can download the Extra resource worksheet.

7B Have students write the sentences with the information in the chart. Have three different students read the sentences aloud. Write the answers on the board.

Answers 1. Romelu Lukaku / footballeur / belge // 2. Cœur de pirate / chanteuse / canadienne // 3. Léa Seydoux / actrice / française

8 SUGGESTED DURATION 15 minutes MATERIALS Extra Resource WS 2

7 

ListenSTRATÉGIEforapurpose Don’t worry about the words you don’t understand. Focus on the information you need to complete the pp. 49-51 ÉCOUTER ET ÉCRIRE A. Listen to a podcast about three famous people. Copy the chart in your notebook and fill it in with the missing information. Write three sentences to present the three people in activity A. Il s’appelle Romelu Lukaku. C’est un Il est C. Describe three other famous people, giving their professions and nationalities.DÉFI 1. Choose one of the people below. Your classmate asks

7A • Make sure students understand the situation (a teenager presenting Francophone celebrities in a podcast).

70 ı Reporters francophones 1 UNITÉLANGUAGE2 Vocabulary for languages CULTURE La Francophonie QUELLES LANGUES TU PARLES? · OVERVIEW

Natalie Portman parle anglais, hébreu, français, japonais, allemand et espagnol. Tom Hiddleston parle anglais, français, grec et espagnol.

• Refer them to the Lexique feature Les langues. Answer 2. Les stars parlent quelles langues?

10A Have students read the text silently. Then, have them answer the questions in pairs. Answers 1. 29 (vingt-neuf) pays 2. 54 (cinquantequatre) membres

Sandra Oh parle anglais, français et coréen. Bradley Cooper parle anglais et français. 

9 SUGGESTED DURATION 10 minutes MATERIALS Audio file (text recording)


Stars Insider France

Quelles langues tu parles?

1. Combien de (How many) pays ont le français comme langue officielle?


10B Discuss students' answers to the questions. Possible answers Louisiana, Maine, Vermont, New England, etc. / Baton Rouge (Louisiana), Des Moines (Iowa), Montpelier (Vermont), Pierre (South Dakota), etc.

B. CONNEXIONS: SCIENCES SOCIALES Where in the US is French spoken? Name some cities in the US that have French names.  10 CULTURE Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie FRANCOPHONES MONDE etAmériqueCaraïbes 21 millions 176 millions Europe 102

1. Qui (Who) parle une langue asiatique? 2. Quelle(s) langue(s) ils/elles parlent tous (all) les quatre?

millions Asie Océanieet 1 million 300 MILLIONS DE FRANCOPHONES DANS LE MONDE Interpretive Reading Interpretive Reading

• l’allemand German • l’anglais English • l’arabe Arabic • le chinois Chinese • le coréen Korean • l’espagnol Spanish • le français French • le grec Greek • l’hébreu Hebrew • l’italien Italian • le japonais Japanese • le polonais Polish • le portugais Portuguese • le russe Russian • le vietnamien Vietnamese Je parle grec. J’étudie le grecLEXIQUE p. 81

LA FRANCOPHONIE Did you know that the majority of people who speak French live outside of France? French is the official language in 29 countries across several continents.

LIRE ET PARLER A. Read this article and say which title best fits the content. 1. Hollywood parle espagnol! 2. Les stars parlent quelles langues? 3. Le coréen est la langue des stars. 9 B. Answer these questions.

10 Authentic resource Ask students what they think an “official language” means (used by the government, taught in schools, used in law). Then show them the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) website. Play any videos and/or have students jot down reasons this organization is important and what they do. Have a discussion afterwards so students can share what they learned.


10 SUGGESTED DURATION 10 minutes MATERIALS Audio file (text recording)


• Draw students’ attention to the Can-Do-Statement. Ask them if they are familiar with the people mentioned in the article.

• Have students match the nationalities they have seen previously with the corresponding languages (français/e, le français; allemand/e, l’allemand).

Answers 1. Natalie Portman et Sandra Oh. / 2. l’anglais et le français

Activities 18–20 on p. 52 WORKBOOK 70 ı soixante-dix Reporters francophones 1

LES QuellesLANGUESlangues tu parles? Quelles langues tu étudies? What languages do you speak? What languages do you study?

CULTURAL NOTE Natalie Portman (born Neta-Lee Hershlag in 1981) is an award-winning Israeli-American actress. Thomas William Hiddleston (born 1981) is an English actor. He gained international fame portraying Loki in the Marvel® Cinematic Universe. Sandra Miju Oh (born 1971) is an award-winning Canadian-American actress. Bradley Cooper (born 1975) is an American actor.

9B To help students narrow down the languages the people have in common, ask: Est-ce que Tom Hiddleston parle le… ?


t I can identify languages people speak and countries where French is spoken.

The 54 members of the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) work together to promote the French language as well as peace, democracy, and education. Its headquarters are in Paris.


LIRE ET PARLER A. Look at the map and read the text. Answer these questions.

2. Combien de membres a l’Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie?

• Finally, have them read through one time just to identify the kind of information Louise gives.

1. Elle parle français et vietnamien. Louise 2. Elles étudient l’anglais. 3. Elles parlent italien. 4. Elle parle un peu français. 5. Elles ne parlent pas espagnol. 6. Ils parlent français, portugais, arabe...

B. Read the text again. Say to whom the following sentences refer.

Activities 21 on p. 53 and 22–24 on p. 54 WORKBOOK

Reporters francophones 1

1. languages you speak and why 2. descriptions of two friends who speak other languages

3. languages that are spoken in your community 1 because my mother 2 (I) speak a little Je m’appelle Louise Leblanc et j’habite dans le treizième arrondissement de Paris. J’ai 16 ans. Je parle français et vietnamien, parce que ma mère1 est d’origine vietnamienne. Au lycée, j’étudie l’anglais. Je parle un peu2 italien parce que j’ai une amie en Italie. Elle s’appelle Francesca et elle a 15 ans. On parle beaucoup par chat. Elle parle italien et un peu français, mais elle ne parle pas espagnol. Au lycée, Francesca étudie l’anglais. Les Parisiens parlent beaucoup de langues différentes: français, portugais, arabe, chinois… C’est une ville multiculturelle. Et vous, quelles langues vous parlez? C’EST MOI!

• You may want to have students share their replies with the whole class. Alternatively, they could share them in small groups or record them.

LEÇON 1. Tu parles français?

11C • This activity can be assigned as homework.

11C Accommodation Provide sentence starters for students who need them.

Answers Prénom, nom, où elle habite, âge, langues parlées et étudiées

9A Auditory learners Consider showing videos of American celebrities speaking in French. There are videos of many Francophone celebrities available online, such as Bradley Cooper, Jodie Foster, Serena Williams, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

Answers 1. Louise / 2. Francesca et Louise / 3. Francesca et Louise / 4. Francesca / 5. Francesca / 6. les Parisiens

Strategy Remind students to use Louise’s text as a model. Answers will vary.

soixanteactivities.etonze ı LEÇON711Workbook

11 SUGGESTED DURATION 15 minutes MATERIALS Audio Differentiationfile WS 1

LIRE, PARLER ET ÉCRIRE A. Skim the first paragraph of the text. In pairs, say what kind of information Louise provides. DIFFERENTIATION

11B Have students read the text again, this time very carefully, looking for specific information. Have them observe the subject pronoun of each sentence.

Reporters francophones 1 ı 71


C. Write a reply to Louise. Include the following information.

 11 Interpretive Reading Interpretive Reading Presentational Writing


SkimmingSTRATÉGIE Skimming a text will help you identify key information. As you skim the text, focus on specific words, names, numbers or ideas that will help you complete the pp. 52-54

Strategy Refer students to the strategy of skimming a text for specific information. Make sure the students understand who Francesca is (Francesca est une amie de Louise.). Tell them that Louise presented her in Activity 5 on p. 67.

11A • This is the first time that students have encountered a long text without descriptive images. Point out the portrait of Louise. Then, read aloud the title, C’est moi!, and write it on the board. Ask students what kind of information they expect to find in the text.



LANGUAGE Vocabulary for TV series and cities

Read the articles again. Answer the questions.

Answers 1. la «Ville Lumière» / 2. Le Louvre / 3. 37 / 4. la Seine 12 SUGGESTED DURATION 10 minutes MATERIALS Audio file (text recording)

• Have students look at the pictures and say what they recognize. Then, read the title and ask what the article is about.

4. Comment s’appelle le fleuve qui traverse (river that runs through) Paris? 13 t I can understand the main idea and some details in a short article about TV series set in Paris. LUPIN Dans la série française Lupin, on rencontre2 Assane Diop, le gentleman cambrioleur3, au musée du Louvre. Le musée du Louvre est le musée le plus visité du monde. Dans le musée, tu peux admirer La Joconde de Léonard de Vinci. 2 we meet 3 burglar Reporters francophones 1

CONNEXIONS: ARTS La Joconde de Léonard de Vinci

13 SUGGESTED DURATION 10 minutes MATERIALS Audio file (text recording)

• Before sharing any scenes from the series mentioned above, make sure they are appropriate for your students. Read the articles. Say in which series (Lupin, Emily in Paris, or Dix pour cent) you can discover... 1. the bridges of Paris 2. the Eiffel Tower 3. a famous museum 4. a well-known Parisian restaurant 5. tourist river boats 6. the largest movie theater in Europe 12

72 ı Reporters francophones 1 UNITÉ 2

CULTURAL NOTE • Assane Diop steals a priceless necklace from the Louvre in Episode 1 of Lupin. Much of this episode was shot at night in the real Louvre Museum, under the iconic glass pyramid.

• Draw a table on the board with one column for each series (Lupin, Emily in Paris, Dix pour cent). Have students read the texts and, together, complete the table with the six Parisian locations.

• Have students read the texts again and answer the questions.

13 Post-Reading strategy After reading the texts, ask students which series they think they might prefer and why. Quelle série télé préfères-tu? Pourquoi? Encourage them to use words from the texts. Give them sentence frames, if necessary: Je préfère… parce que… .

• The agents in Dix pour cent have an office in the center of Paris. In the series, we often see the office building from outside, on rue Saint-Honoré, but all scenes inside the office were filmed in a studio.

12 Pre-Reading strategy Before having students do Activity 12, have them identify the genre for each series. Give them these choices, and tell them that they may be used more than once: un thriller, une comédie dram<atique, la science-fiction, une série sportive, un jeu télévisé. Ask them to underline the words in the text that provide clues to the genre.

• If you haven’t done so already, explain why Paris is called the City of Light (see p. 62).

par Louise Leblanc, reporter de Paris, France Aujourd’hui, je vous présente trois séries qui ont pour décor1 Paris, la «Ville Lumière»! 1 setting  72 ı soixante-douze

3. Combien de ponts il y a (are there) à Paris?

• Emily in Paris really is filmed in Paris. The locations are made to look glamorous and romantic, which are two defining characteristics of this hit series. Emily lives on the left bank, she works near the Louvre, she has coffee by the Seine and goes to parties with views of the Eiffel Tower. Paris is the star of this series.

1. Quel est le surnom (nickname) de Paris? 2. Comment s’appelle le musée parisien le plus visité au monde?

Le Musée du Louvre dans la série Lupin Interpretive Reading Interpretive Reading


Answers 1. Emily in Paris / 2. Dix pour cent / 3. Lupin / 4. Dix pour cent / 5. Emily in Paris / 6. Dix pour cent

1. Choose a TV series that showcases emblematic places in the city where it is filmed (un pont, un monument, un musée, un quartier historique, etc.).

2. Look for information online.


3. Present the series and the emblematic places that are showcased.

Dans Emily in Paris, une série américaine, on peut voir plusieurs ponts4. À Paris, il y a 37 ponts et on peut regarder les «Bateaux-Mouches» sur la Seine. Dans la série, Emily va sur le pont des Arts et sur le pont Alexandre-III pour filmer une publicité pour un parfum. 4 several bridges




Have students add their product to Mon carnet de français



Visual learners Show pictures and/or short videos of the places depicted in the three TV series.

As you do your online research, jot down some notes about each place you look up. Then, read over your notes and select the most informationinteresting to present. Le pont Alexandre-III et un Bateau-Mouche Le cinéma Grand Rex, dans le 2e arrondissement de Paris La Seine et le pont des Arts dans la série Emily in Paris Les acteurs et actrices de la série Dix pour cent Reporters francophones 1 Presentational Writing


soixante-treize ı 73


La série française Dix pour cent raconte les aventures de quatre agents de stars. Dans la série, on découvre Les Îlots de Chaillot, un restaurant avec une vue magnifique sur la tour Eiffel, et le Grand Rex, le plus grand5 cinéma d’Europe. 5 the largest

Reporters francophones 1 ı 73

LEÇON 1. Tu parles français?

4. Illustrate your text with pictures from the series.

Look for information online

Strategy Refer students to the Stratégie feature. You may want to require students to cite the sources they used by providing the URLs.

Information and technology literacy Tell students they are going to do a small research project. Help them find any necessary information online or in the library. School and global communities If possible, upload the students' work on the school website or class blog to share it with fellow students and teachers.

(masculine) /

a. La Pologne (feminine) b. L’Uruguay c. L’Inde (feminine) d. Le Vietnam e. La Colombie (feminine)

/ Espagne / France / Irlande / Italie / Russie // AUX: États-Unis / Philippines Answers15


BOOST YOUR TEACHING Grammar Tutorial Grammar presentation

Copy the chart. Complete it by placing the countries under the corresponding preposition. AU EN AUX Brésil, ... Here are some names of countries you haven’t studied. Guess the gender (masculine or feminine) of the countries in these sentences. a. Katia habite en Pologne. t la Pologne (feminine) b. John habite en Uruguay. t c. Nous habitons en Inde. t d. Alex habite au Vietnam. t e. Amelia habite en Colombie. t Complete the sentences with en, au, aux, or à a. La tour CN est à Toronto, au Canada. b. La pyramide de Kukulcán est … Mexique. c. Le Colisée est Italie. d. La statue de la Liberté est New York, États-Unis. e. La tour Eiffel est Paris, France. f. Le parc Güell est Barcelone, Espagne. 14 ItalieIrlande Russie SénégalPhilippinesMexiqueFrance Corée du SudBrésil États-UnisCanada Chine Espagne 1615 Which tocorrespondsprepositionEnglish en, au, aux, and à? � name of a feminine country or of a masculine country that starts with a vowel en J’habite en Russie / en Italie. Je suis en Équateur. name of a masculine countryau Il habite au Mexique. Il est au Canada. name of a plural countryaux Elle habite aux États-Unis. name of a cityà Ils habitent à Los Angeles.

/ Corée

AU: Brésil Chine du Sud

1. PREPOSITIONS WITH COUNTRY NAMES GRAMMAIRE Reporters francophones 174 ı soixante-quatorze

• Ask students to name some countries and write them on the board. Add sentences using these countries, e.g., Alice habite en Chine. Underscore the prepositions en, au, aux, and ask students why they think they are different. Guide the discussion to help them figure it out. Then go over the Grammaire feature with them. Language Comparisons Help students appreciate how languages differ. Sometimes English is complicated and sometimes it is not. The same is true of French. In this case, English is more straightforward. We say I live in the United States. I live in Canada. Yet, in French, we say J’habite aux États-Unis. J'habite au Canada Answer the preposition in Formative assessment Ask students to use the Fist to Five technique to show how well they understood. Give them a list of four different countries and ask them to create sentences using J’habite… to check for understanding.


74 ı Reporters francophones 1 UNITÉAnswers14Practice2

• Remind students that they have seen country names on pp. 66–67.

a. à, au / b. au / c. en / d. à, aux / e. à, en / f. à, en 14 Collaboration Divide the class into three groups: au / en / aux. Each group will select the countries from the activity that take the preposition they were assigned. Ask students to name the countries along with the corresponding prepositions. In pairs, have students search for images with countries and prepositions on the Internet. Then, have the class print the images and make a collective poster.

• To talk about where you live (using the verb habiter) or where you are (using the verb être), you need to use the prepositions en, au, aux and à 

(masculine) /

/ Canada / Mexique / Sénégal // EN:








• Adjectives of nationality (français/française, canadien/canadienne, belge…) agree in gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural) with the noun they modify. Marc est français Gaëlle et Léa sont françaises

GRAMMARTUTORIAL feminine pluralmasculine singular MASCULINESINGULAR SINGULARFEMININE MASCULINEPLURAL FEMININEPLURAL américain + -e américaine + -s américains + -s américaines Other consonant endings: français, mexicain, allemand ien canadien ienne canadienne + -s canadiens + -s canadiennes Other -ien endings: brésilien, australien, italien éen coréen éenne coréenne + -s coréens + -s coréennes Other -éen endings: européen e belge e belge s belges s belges Other -e endings: suisse, russe, britannique Naomi Osaka Presentational Writing

Reporters francophones 1 ı 75

• Explain that there are different endings: most masculine adjectives end in a consonant, and feminine adjectives are often the same as the masculine forms, but with an e added to the end. To form the plural, usually, you add an s to either form.


DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Reporters francophones 1 soixante-quinze ı


Language Comparisons Point out that adjectives of nationality are not capitalized in French.

• The plural is usually formed by adding an -s to the singular. If the masculine singular form ends in -s, the plural masculine form is the same.

a. Anja et Hans sont allemand / allemands . b. Carolina est mexicain / mexicaine. c. Marie et Monique sont français / françaises d. Arthur est canadien / canadienne e. Monsieur, vous êtes belges / belge? f. Thiago et Marco sont brésilien / brésiliens g. Madame, vous êtes australienne / australiennes? Complete the sentences with the correct nationality.

• On the board, write several examples with the appropriate personal pronoun: Il est américain Elle est américaine Ils sont américains Elles sont américaines

a. LeBron James est américain b. Naomi Osaka est c. Maria Sharapova est d. Selena Gomez et Ariana Grande sont e. Les BTS sont f. Justin Bieber est … . g. Lous and the Yakuza et Angèle sont . h. Emma Watson et Emilia Clarke sont

• Explain the differences in pronunciation between the masculine and the feminine nationalities.

Answers18 a. américain / b. japonaise / c. russe / d. américaines / e. coréens / f. canadien / g. belges / h. britanniques

17 Collaboration According to the number of students in your class, print pictures of countries, of countries’ flags, and of nationalities’ adjectives. Give each student a card. Students will end up in a group of three: one country, its flag, and the adjective of nationality. Each group presents their information as if they were from that country. For example, C’est l’Allemagne. C’est le drapeau allemand. Nous sommes allemands.

16 Kinesthetic learners As a follow-up activity, have students form a circle. Each student must think about a city and a country. You toss the ball first and name a city or country. When students catch the ball, they must say which preposition to use, then toss the ball to any other student, etc.

• Remind students that adjectives of nationality agree with the gender and number of the noun they modify.

a. allemands / b. mexicaine / c. françaises / d. canadien / e. belge / f. brésiliens / g. australienne

LEÇON 1. Tu parles français?

MATERIALS Grammar Tutorial

• Most masculine forms end in a consonant. The feminine is usually formed by adding an -e to the masculine adjective. If the masculine form ends in -e, the feminine and masculine forms are the same.


Grammar presentation

• Point out that some adjective forms, such as belge, suisse, russe, already end in e, even in the masculine form.


• Then, have students observe the chart and explain the irregular feminine forms (-ien > -ienne; -éen > -éenne)

 GRAMMARTUTORIAL Choose the correct option.


France: français / française / français / françaises // Russie: russe / russe / russes / russes // Mexique: mexicain / mexicaine / mexicains / mexicaines // Corée du Sud: coréen / coréenne / coréens / coréennes // Italie: italien / italienne / italiens / italiennes


76 ı Reporters francophones 1

Answers22 a. 5. Rajesh est indien. Il habite en Inde. / b. 2. Bethany et Nathan sont britanniques. Ils habitent au Royaume-Uni. / c. 3. Yasmine et Sara sont marocaines. Elles habitent au Maroc. / d. 4. Finn est irlandais. Il habite en Irlande. / e. 1. Adrianna est polonaise. Elle habite en Pologne. 19 Extra practice For additional practice with adjectives of nationality, suggest that students quiz themselves using an online study tool. 20 Listening comprehension Read seven or eight sentences containing adjectives of nationality to students and have them identify the gender of the people, using proper names that students may not be familiar with. For example: Cruz est portugais. Have students write their answers and go over the correct answers after reading all the sentences.

BOOST YOUR TEACHING 76 ı soixante-seize Reporters francophones 1



Copy the chart in your notebook. Fill in the chart with the adjectives of nationality. Read these sentences. Say that the people in parentheses have the same nationality as those in the sentences. a. Konstanze et Rolf sont allemands. (Lina) t Lina est allemande aussi (too) b. Xavier est colombien. (Marta) t Marta est... c. Pilar est espagnole. (Mateo et Anna) t … d. Hassan et Ali sont marocains. (Fatima) t e. Mariama est sénégalaise. (Moustapha) t In pairs, take turns saying the nationalities of these people based on the flags. a. Charlotte et Jonathan t Ils sont britanniques. b. Patrick t c. Eduardo et toi, vous t d. Victoria et Élodie t … e. Kylie t f. Lorenzo et moi, nous t Match the names with the nationalities by paying attention to the adjective form. Then, say in which country these people probably live. a. Rajesh 1. polonaise b. Bethany et Nathan 2. britanniques c. Yasmine et Sara 3. marocaines d. Finn 4. irlandais e. Adrianna 5. indien a5: Rajesh est indien. Il habite en Inde. 201921  22 COUNTRY MASC. SING. FEM. SING. MASC. PL. FEM. SING. France français Russie russe Mexique mexicains Corée du Sud coréennes Italie

Answers21 a. Ils sont britanniques / b. Il est suisse. / c. Vous êtes mexicains. / d. Elles sont canadiennes. / e. Elle est américaine. / f. Nous sommes italiens.

Answers20 a. Lina est allemande aussi. / b. Marta est colombienne aussi. / c. Mateo et Anna sont espagnols aussi. / d. Fatima est marocaine aussi. / e. Moustapha est sénégalais aussi.


MATERIALS Grammar Tutorial Grammar presentation


a. des / b. un / c. une / d. une / e. des / f. un Answers24

• Remember that the definite articles le, la, l’, and les are used to talk about something specific. le professeur de français the French teacher

LEÇON 1. Tu parles français?

DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Reporters francophones 1 soixante-dix-sept ı 77

• Encourage students to learn all new nouns along with the corresponding definite or indefinite article so that they can remember their gender. Formative assessment Ask students to give examples using un / une / des. Write them on the board. Have students repeat the examples, emphasizing the different pronunciations between the indefinite articles.

J’ai une amie sénégalaise. J’ai des amis sénégalais. I have a Senegalese friend. I have some Senegalese friends.


24 Challenge Ask students to provide the word or words that serve as clues to determine the proper indefinite article.

• Like in English, indefinite articles are used to refer to non-specific items or people, or when we mention something for the first time.

• In French, there are three forms: un, une, des. Indefinite articles agree in gender and number with the nouns that follow. 

Indefinite articles are equivalent to a / an and some in English.

GRAMMARTUTORIAL SINGULAR PLURAL MASCULINE un ami des amis FEMININE une amie des amies Listen to six sentences. Copy the chart in your notebook. Indicate which article you hear in each one. UNE UN DES a. X Completed.b.c.e.f. the sentences with un, une, or des a. Joe et Daniel sont des amis canadiens. b. J’ai … professeur qui s’appelle Nathan. c. Max a amie qui habite en Australie. d. Ce sont actrices marocaines. e. Audrey Tautou est … actrice française. f. Orelsan est chanteur français. 23  24 

a. des / b. un / c. une / d. des / e. une / f. un 22 Accommodation Allow students to work in pairs or small groups to research the names to determine if those names generally refer to girls or boys.

Reporters francophones 1 ı 77



• Have students read the model sentences. Language Comparisons Tell students that the singular indefinite articles un/une mean a/ an in English and the plural des means some.

• Call their attention to the different forms of indefinite articles to explain that the singular indefinite articles un/une correspond to different genders: un ami, une amie. Point out that in the plural, there is only one form for both masculine and feminine nouns: des

In pairs, list what you can see in your classroom. Use indefinite articles. Compare your list with another pair’s list. Who has more items? un/e professeur/e, un tableau, des livres...  Presentational Writing


31 Find out what other French-speaking actors or singers students have heard of. List them on the board, have students research information about them and write sentences using the expressions in Grammaire. If students have difficulty identifying other famous francophone actors or singers, you might want to suggest Gaël Faye, Ibeyi, Marion Cotillard, and Jean Reno. BOOST YOUR TEACHING

Bigflo et Oli: un / des / Une // Mélanie Laurent: une / une / une / des / Un Answers26

a. Tu as une amie française? / b. C’est un réalisateur. / c. C’est un acteur chinois? / d. C’est une musicienne célèbre. / e. J’ai un élève japonais. / f. J’ai une professeure canadienne. Answers27 a. un / une // b. des // c. un / des // d. Le // e. une // f. La // g. Les Answers28 will vary. Reporters francophones 1


GRAMMAIRE 78 ı soixante-dix-huit Bigflo et Oli C ’est groupe de rappeurs de Toulouse. Ce sont deux frères (brothers) Ils ont gagné récompenses (awards) pour le meilleur duo. chanson (f.) célèbre: Dommage Mélanie Laurent C’est … actrice et … réalisatrice de Paris. Elle a … filmographie internationale. Elle joue dans films américains, français et belges. film (m.) célèbre: Insaisissables Complete the texts with un, une, or des Rewrite these sentences using the singular form of the nouns and articles. a. Tu as des amies françaises? t Tu as une amie française? b. Ce sont des réalisateurs. t c. Ce sont des acteurs chinois? t … d. Ce sont des musiciennes célèbres. t e. J’ai des élèves japonais. t f. J’ai des professeures canadiennes. t Complete the sentences with le, la, l’, les or un, une, des. a. Nous avons un professeur français et professeure canadienne. b. Il y a (There are) élèves italiens dans la classe. c. Il y a … acteur brésilien et … actrices espagnoles dans ce film. d. professeur de Marina est polonais. e. Tu as amie qui étudie au Maroc? f. fille espagnole est chanteuse. g. humoristes américains sont super!


78 ı francophones 1


• We use c’est and ce sont to identify and introduce people or things for the first time. C’est + name C’est Sarah. This is Sarah. Ce sont + names Ce sont Sarah et Lucas. They are Sarah and Lucas. C’est + indefinite article + noun C’est une amie française. She’s a French friend. Ce sont + indefinite article + noun Ce sont des amis français. They are some French friends.

• Tell students that C’est and Ce sont are used to introduce people by name. (C’est Kamel.) They are also commonly used in front of definite and indefinite articles.

a. 3 / b. 5 / c. 4 / d. 6 / e. 2 / f. 1 Answers30

31 Accommodation Allow students to work in pairs or small groups for this activity. Give them a list of information you want them to find: nationality, job, where they live, age, and birthday.

31Possible answers 1. C’est Ladj Ly. C'est un réalisateur; il est français. / 2. C’est Bradley Cooper. C’est un acteur; il est américain. / 3. C’est Céline Dion. C’est une chanteuse; elle est canadienne.

• Inform students that they will be learning how to introduce and describe people using these common sentence starters: C’est, Il/Elle est, Ce sont, Ils/ Elles sont

• C’est and Ce sont are used to present or introduce a person or a thing. Il/Elle est and Ils/Elles sont are used to describe a person or a thing. Formative assessment Show images of well-known people of different nationalities and ask students to create sentences using C’est, Il/Elle est, Ce sont, Ils/ Elles sont

LEÇON 1 Presentational Writing

a. C’est / Elle est // b. Ce sont / Ils sont // c. C’est / Elle est // d. Ce sont / Ils sont // e. Ce sont / Elles sont

Match the expressions on the left with the correct endings. a. Elle est 1. chanteur. b. Ce sont 2. nageuses. c. Ils sont… 3. française. d. C’est 4. brésiliens. e. Elles sont 5. des artistes. f. Il est 6. une acrobate. Complete the sentences with c’est, ce sont, il/elle est, or ils/elles sont. a. C’est Marie. canadienne. b. Agathe et Malo. français. c. … une actrice. … française. d. des amis. suisses. e. des actrices. célèbres en France. Look for information about these three celebrities. Present them using c’est or il/elle est 4.302931C’EST, IL/ELLE EST, CE SONT, ILS/ELLES SONT

MATERIALS Grammar Tutorial Grammar presentation


Reporters francophones 1

27 Challenge Ask students to provide the word or words that help them to determine the proper indefinite or definite article.

• Write examples on the board using some of the vocabulary previously studied such as friendship and professions: C’est une amie. Ce sont des acteurs chinois

• We use il/elle est and ils/elles sont to describe people or things and to add information about people or things that were previously mentioned: Il/Elle est + adjective Il/Elle est français/e. She’s French. Ils/Elles sont + adjective Ils/Elles sont français/es. They are French. To talk about professions, use: C’est / Ce sont + article + profession C’est un chanteur. / C’est une chanteuse. He/She is a singer. Il/Elle est and Ils/Elles sont + profession (no article) Il est chanteur. / Elle est chanteuse. He/She is a singer. Ly Bradley Cooper Céline Dion

 GRAMMARTUTORIAL  GRAMMARTUTORIAL soixante-dix-neuf ı 79 Ladj


LEÇON 1. Tu parles français?

Reporters francophones 1 ı 79


• Tell students that when using adjectives américain/e or formidable, génial, etc., we use Il/Elle est and Ils/ Elles sont: Il est américain. Elles sont formidables


31 Interpersonal learners In groups of four, three students assume the role of the three different celebrities and one student that of a reporter. The reporter asks the celebrities questions about their country of origin, job, age, etc.

PAYS FÉMININS PLURIELS philippin philippine/ Filipino les Philippines suisse Swiss la Suisse russe Russian la Russie polonais polonaise/ Polish la Pologne italien italienne/ Italian l’Italie colombien colombienne/ Colombian la Colombie

Create a poster Have students create a poster with a world map and add sticky notes with flags, nationalities, and languages. The map might also be an interactive one. For example, students can use an online map application to embed images, text, or audio of them saying nationalities out loud.

Auditory learners Use an online flashcard creator to present and practice the vocabulary to the class by asking them to pronounce each word projected. Look for apps that have a listening option that allows students to hear the pronunciation and repeat it.


Audio files (text recordings)

Vocabulary learning strategies

Personalize Have students create a class profile in the form of a mind map with the nationalities and origins of their classmates, and also the languages spoken by students in the class. If some of the students’ nationalities don’t appear in this section, have students research how to say them in French.



Vocabulary learning strategies Create flashcards Have students create paper or digital flashcards for nationalities and countries and review them daily for about five minutes. If possible, incorporate pictures of the countries’ flags.

• There is no need for students to learn all of the nationalities and languages in French by heart. Choose the ones you think will be most useful for them; the ones that they find more interesting; the ones that highlight the cultural heritage of the students in the class; the ones they have used more in the lesson; etc.

Practice Have students complete the vocabulary exercises in the Workbook on pp. 46–47, 49, 52–53.

Gamification Give each student the name of a country (a different country for each student). Ask them to create or draw the country’s flag with the name of the country underneath it. Have students quiz each other with the flags by holding them up and having their classmates say the associated nationalities.

• Remind students that nationalities and names of languages are not capitalized in French.

BOOST YOUR TEACHING Reporters francophones 1

LES PAYS ET LES NATIONALITÉS COUNTRIES AND NATIONALITIES 80 ı quatre-vingts PAYS FÉMININS belge Belgian australien australienne/ Australian allemand allemande/ German l’Allemagne l’Australie la Belgique coréen coréenne/ Korean la Corée du Sud espagnol espagnole/ Spanish français française/ French l’Espagne la France chinois chinoise/ Chinese la Chine irlandais irlandaise/ Irish l’Irlande indien indienne/ Indian l’Inde

80 ı 10 minutes

Reporters francophones 1 UNITÉSUGGESTED2 DURATION


LEÇON 1. Tu parles français?

PAYS MASCULINS britannique British le Royaume-UniPAYS MASCULINS PLURIELS américain américaine/ American les États-Unis brésilien brésilienne/ Brazilian canadien canadienne/ Canadian le Brésil le Canada équatorien équatorienne/ Ecuadorian l’Équateur japonais japonaise/ Japanese le Japon mexicain mexicaine/ Mexican le Mexique marocain marocaine/ Moroccan le Maroc sénégalais sénégalaise/ Senegalese le Sénégal l’Asie Asia l’Afrique Africa l’Amérique du Nord North America l’Antarctique Antarctica l’Europe Europe Je parle français. / J’étudie le français. I speak French / I study French. l’allemand German l’anglais English l’arabe Arabic le chinois Chinese le coréen Korean l’espagnol Spanish le français French le grec Greek l’hébreu Hebrew l’italien Italian le japonais Japanese le polonais Polish le portugais Portuguese le russe Russian le vietnamien Vietnamese LES LANGUES LANGUAGES  LES CONTINENTS CONTINENTS  l’Amérique du Sud South America l’Océanie Oceania vietnamien vietnamienne/ Vietnamese le Vietnam LEÇON 1

Reporters francophones 1 quatre-vingt-un ı 81

Reporters francophones 1 ı 81

Gamification Play a game of Telephone. Have students line up in two, three, or four teams. Give the first person on each team a sentence on a piece of paper, such as, Elle est sénégalaise or Nous sommes polonaises or J’habite en Allemagne. Once each student has read the sentence, have them give the paper back to you. They then whisper the sentence to the student behind them. Then that student whispers it to the student behind them. Continue. The last student in the line has to say the sentence aloud. The teams that say the sentence correctly receive a point. Have the first person in line go to the end of the line. Repeat.


• Ask one student to select the first pair of cards and to read them aloud. If the cards match, he/she keeps the cards and gets a second turn. If not, he/ she turns the cards face down again and it is the other student’s turn. Allow a maximum of three turns in a row per student.

Answers3433Practice a. not pronounced / b. pronounced / c. pronounced / d. not pronounced / e. pronounced / f. not pronounced Answers35 a. not pronounced / b. not pronounced / c. pronounced / d. not pronounced / e. pronounced / f. pronounced L’INTONATION SUGGESTED DURATION 15 minutes MATERIALS Pronunciation Tutorial DESLETTRE S DES SONS

• There are some other exceptions. For example, the words basket, sept, and tennis, where the final t and s are pronounced.


Presentation • Before starting the pronunciation lesson, read three or four words from the lesson (countries, nationalities, or languages) and have students write what they hear without worrying about the spelling of the words. For example, say italien, and have them write what they hear.

• Common exceptions to this rule are the consonants c, r, f, and l It may help you to remember them to think of the consonants in the English word CaReFuL. An important exception occurs with -er verbs: the final r of the infinitive is never pronounced.

a. pays b. deux c. chanteur d. sénégalais e. actif f. dix-sept 34  35 


• Then, compare their written samples to the correct spelling. Guide students to see how consonants at the end of the words are not heard, but should be written.

1. Download the cards from 2. Cut the cards, shuffle them, and place them face down in a grid form.

Interpretive Reading

a. amis b. acteur c. avril d. printemps e. espagnol f. chinois Read these words and say whether or not the final consonants should be pronounced. Listen and place your hand over your mouth if they are silent.

DURATION 25 minutes MATERIALS Extra resource WS 2

3. The first player turns over two cards and tries to match each country with its corresponding nationality. If the two cards match, the player keeps the cards. If not, the player turns the cards face down again.



• Give a set of cards to pairs of students. Tell them to place the cards face down.

• The letters b, k, and q are also pronounced at the end of a word, but few words in French, such as cinq, club, and steak, end in these letters. Listen and repeat these words. a. anglais b. polonais c. américain d. canadien e. italien f. japonais 33  Listen and say whether or not the final consonant of these words is pronounced.


4. The next player turns two cards and the game continues until all the cards have been matched. The player with the most pairs wins JEU: DES DRAPEAUX ET DES PAYS32  RESOURCEEXTRA  PRONUNCIATIONTUTORIAL CARNET DE FRANÇAIS

82 ı Reporters francophones 1 7 on p. 47

Create a two-column chart and list your preferences under two columns with the headings je veux visiter… and je veux

UNITÉ 2 Activity

Have students add their personalized vocabulary to Mon carnet de français MON CARNET DE FRANÇAIS Reporters francophones 182 ı quatre-vingt-deux t In French, most consonants are not pronounced when they are the last letter in a word.


MATERIALS Self and Peer Assessment Rubric  See Formative Assessment on p. 101 for more information. Formative Assessment on p. 101 for more information.

MATERIALS Assessment Rubric  See

FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT · MINI-PROJET 1 SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT · MINI-PROJET 1 SUGGESTED DURATION 50 minutes MATERIALS Évaluation Unité 2 Leçon 1, ASSESSMENT PROGRAM, Assessment Rubric, ASSESSMENT PROGRAM, Answer key, ASSESSMENT PROGRAM, SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT · LEÇON 1 Have students add their product to Mon carnet de français MON CARNET DE FRANÇAIS UNE AGENCE DE STARS ESSENTIAL QUESTION t Quelle est l’importance de l’origine et des langues dans nos vies? CONTEXT t You are an agent in an international talent agency with famous stars as clients. PRODUCT t A world map with pins and notes 1. Choose three clients who live in different countries. 2. Find pictures of the three people. 3. Write a sticky note with information about each person. Mention the following details. 4. Combine your client profiles with a partner’s. 5. With your partner, create and present a map that represents your combined worldwide clientele. • name • nationality • profession • where they live • languages they speak   quatre-vingt-trois ı 83 MINI-PROJET 1 � ASSESSMENTRUBRIC � SELF AND ASSESSMENTPEERRUBRIC Create an interactive map or slide show presentation with photos of your clients. Include a short text or an audio description of each one. ALTERNATIVE NUMÉRIQUE Chloé Zhao Lous and the Yakuza Elle s’appelle Chloé Zhao. Elle est chinoise et c’est une réalisatrice. Elle habite aux États-Unis. Elle parle chinois et anglais. ÉTATS-UNIS ESPAGNE BELGIQUE CORÉE DU SUD Billie Eilish GriezmannAntoine BTS Maluma Reporters francophones 1 Presentational Writing

SUGGESTED DURATION Teacher presentation: 10 minutes Execution: 35 minutes MATERIALS World map; push pins; sticky notes Teacher presentation

• Point out the essential question and discuss the context with students.


ExecutionCreativity and innovation Students explore famous people around the world for the purpose of sharing with others. Collaboration Students interact with their partners to create a combined, illustrated map.

• Once students have identified their clients and completed their descriptions, have them pair up to create their worldwide map overview.

Reporters francophones 1 ı 83 LEÇON 1. Tu parles français?

LANGUAGE Prepositions with country names; Adjectives of nationality; Indefinite articles; C’est, Il/Elle est, Ce sont, Elles sont for countries, nationalities, and languages


• Read the instructions, discuss the model provided, and clarify any questions.

Student presentation

Once client maps have been shared, you may want to combine all clients onto one large, international agency map. This can be done as a whole class activity either digitally or on a large map on the classroom wall.

84 ı Reporters francophones 1 UNITÉSUGGESTED2 DURATION 15 minutes Culture Comparaison culturelle Form small groups. Assign one of the concert halls mentioned in the Culture feature to each group. Have them create a presentation with pictures of the place, its location, artists that have performed there, and those that are scheduled to perform there in the future. Have students present their concert venue to the class. Encourage them to include as many French words as possible.

• Present the title of the lesson: J’adore. Have students guess its meaning. Ask students what they think this lesson is about.

AUTHENTIC RESOURCE • Pomme (born 1996) is a French singer and songwriter from the city of Lyon. Her artistic name is derived from her real name, Claire Pommet.

• Born into a musical family, Pomme was singing in a choir at seven years old. At eight, she was learning to play the cello. As a teenager, she was writing her own songs and posting videos of them online. In 2017, she released her first album and, in 2021, she was named the artist of the year in France.

• She has performed live at l’Olympia and la Cigale, among many other well-known concert halls and performance venues. During her shows, she not only sings, but also plays the guitar, the autoharp, and keyboards. Her genre of music is not easy to define. Some describe it as pop, others as folk.

LEÇON 2 MINI-PROJETJ’adore!2:Createaposterto present your likes and dislikes IN THIS LESSON, YOU WILL… • express activities you like and don’t like to do • say what animals you like and don’t like BY USING... • aimer and adorer + infinitive / noun • the negative form • noun agreement • the pronoun on • vocabulary for pets, leisure activities, likes, and dislikes AND YOU WILL FIND OUT ABOUT… • the singer Pomme and concert venues in Paris • e-sports in France • la SPA, an animal protection organization • animals in public places in France • nature in Paris


• If you plan to assign the Mini-projet, give a brief introduction as a heads-up.

1 Authentic resource Play a Claire Pommet music video, such as J'suis pas dupe Write the title on the board. Then, have students watch the video. While viewing, ask them to identify the theme of the song. Ask them if they like the song and her voice and why. Provide them with the lyrics and have them listen to it again while reading along. Answer any questions they might have.


• Have three students read the objectives.

• Popular songs by Pomme are Ceux qui rêvent (2017), À peu près (2017), and Je sais pas danser (2020), for which videos can be easily found online.

1A Have students glean information from the poster. Then ask: Comment s’appelle la chanteuse? Quelles sont les dates du concert? Où a lieu le concert? Possible answer La chanteuse s’appelle Pomme. Les dates du concert sont le 23 novembre et le 30 novembre. Le concert a lieu à l’Olympia.


• Have students read the chat and complete the sentences in pairs. Answers 1. Louise / 2. Claire Pommet / 3. Chanteuse française / 4. L’Olympia

MATERIALS Audio file (text recording) CULTURE Reporters francophones 1 Pour commencer LEÇON 2 quatre-vingt-cinq ı 85

MATERIALS Audio file (text recording)

1B Complet and date supplémentaire are cognates in English. Encourage students to guess their meanings. Answers complet: fully booked; date supplémentaire: additional date Strategy Remind students that cognates will help them guess the meanings of words.

• You might want to assign a minimum number of French words to include in the presentations. Answers will vary. SUGGESTED DURATION 20 minutes

1D Students might have heard of Stromae, who has toured the USA, or Daft Punk, a French electronic music duo. Answer will vary. 1 SUGGESTED DURATION 20 minutes


CULTURE  1. ... a un billet pour le concert de Pomme. 2. Pomme est le nom de scène (stage name) de… 3. Pomme est une... 4. Le concert est à... D. Which Francophone singers or bands do you know?DÉFI 1 ticket 2 concert venue 3 very famous Yassir Bonjour Louise! Ça va? 11:27 Yassir Pomme? 11:30 Yassir Cool! 11:32 Louise Salut! Oui, ça va! J’ai un billet1 pour le concert de Pomme. C’est le 30 novembre! 11:28 Louise Oui! Et le concert est à l’Olympia, une salle de concert2 très célèbre3 à Paris. 11:34 Louise Hahaha! Elle s’appelle Claire Pommet et c’est une chanteuse française. J’adore Pomme! 11:32  Interpretive Reading Interpretive Reading Presentational Speaking

1C • Tell students that this is a text conversation between Louise and Yassir, the reporter from Morocco.

LIRE ET PARLER A. Look at the concert poster. What information can you find out from it? La chanteuse s’appelle... B. Look at the poster again. What do “complet” and “date supplémentaire” mean? C. Read the chat. Complete the sentences below. 1 Paris is home to some legendary concert venues that are at the heart of its cultural life. Among the most famous are le Zénith la Cigale, la Philharmonie de Paris, and lʼOlympia The Olympia was the first music hall to open in Paris in 1893. Top international and French stars have performed on this stage. CULTURELLE are some wellknown concert halls and performance venues in your country? Which Francophone artists have performed there?



Reporters francophones 1 ı 85 LEÇON 2.

• Form small groups and assign a concert hall to each one, such as le Zénith, la Cigale or l’Olympia Ask groups to create a presentation with pictures of the place, its location, artists that have performed there in the past, and artists that will perform there in the future.

1C Interpersonal learners Ask two volunteers to act out the chat.

CULTURE The singer Pomme and concert venues in Paris POUR COMMENCER · OVERVIEW

3 Communication Have students make a three-column and 12-row chart. Have students write an activity from Activity 2 in each of the 12 rows. In pairs, have students write their own name in one column and their partner’s name in the other column. Have them draw check marks in the column with their name for each activity they like and an x for each activity they don’t like. Have them predict which activities their partner likes and doesn’t like using checks and x’s. Finally, have them ask each other about each activity to see if their predictions are right.

ÉCOUTER ET PARLER A. Look at the pictures and listen to Louise’s podcast. Elle aime ou elle n’aime pas ces activités? sur Internet jouer au football regarder des séries aux cinéma faire du théâtredanserlire dessiner sortir avec ses amis/esécouter de la musique faire du sport B. Look at the pictures above again. Answer Louise’s questions at the end of the podcast. J’aime (bien)... J’adore... Je n’aime pas... C. Read the sentence. Which other subject pronoun can be used in French to convey the same meaning: nous or vous? laJ’observelangue On aime lire. We like reading. Listening Speaking


2  EXPRIMER LES GOÛTS J’aimeJ’adore...beaucoup...J’aime(bien)...Jen’aimepas...LEXIQUE p. 97 LEXIQUE surfer



CULTURE E-sports in France

BOOST YOUR TEACHING Aimer and adorer + infinitive; The negative form; The pronoun on Vocabulary for expressing likes and dislikes and for leisure activities

• Present the activities on p. 86, and tell students that they represent activities that Louise likes or dislikes. Play the recording, Then, ask students to share their answers. You might draw a heart and a thumbs down emoji on the board and have volunteers list their answers under the correct one. Answers Louise aime sortir avec ses amis, écouter de la musique, faire du sport, jouer au football, surfer sur Internet, regarder des séries et dessiner. Louise n’aime pas lire et danser. 2B Have students use the sentence starters to answer Louise’s questions: Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire? Qu’est-ce que tu n’aimes pas faire? Answers will vary.

WORKBOOK Reporters francophones 1 Tu aimes danser? t I can express activities I like and don’t like to do. 86 ı quatre-vingt-six

• Show Louise’s picture on p. 62 or have students recall what she likes. Tell them that Louise has a podcast and that they will listen to one episode.

86 ı Reporters francophones 1 UNITÉ 2

2A • Refer students to the Lexique feature Exprimer les goûts. Discuss the meanings of the emojis and the information they convey. Grammaire · aimer and adorer + infinitive Share with students an activity that you enjoy doing. For example, J’aime voyager. Then, ask a student: Tu aimes voyager? Explain that aimer and adorer are followed by infinitives.  See p. 92 for the full explanation.



jeux vidéo aller au

2CJ'observe la langue Have students read the sentence and its translation and then answer the question. Answer nous Grammaire · The pronoun on On the board, write a sentence, such as On aime danser. Then, rewrite it using the pronoun nous On is similar to the pronoun you when it refers to people in general.  See p. 95 for the full explanation. 2 SUGGESTED DURATION 20 minutes MATERIALS Audio file WS Activities 1–3 on p. 55, and 4–5 on p. 56


SUGGESTED DURATION 10 minutes Audio file (text recording)

E-WORKBOOKDIFFERENTIATION GRAMMAIRE AIMER, ADORER + INFINITIVE Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire? What do you like to do? J’aime lire J’adore faire du sport


CULTURE Interpersonal Speaking Presentational Writing Presentational Writing Presentational Speaking

3C Discuss your students' most common likes and dislikes. Answers will vary. 4

A. Read the text. How has technology influenced leisure activities among teenagers in France?

Reporters francophones 1 ı 87 LEÇON 2. J'adore

Reporters francophones 1

3A–B • Have students interview each other in groups of four.

THE NEGATIVE FORM • Tu aimes danser? • Oui, j’aime danser. / Non, je n’aime pas danser. THE PRONOUN ON On aime étudier. = Nous aimonsGRAMMAIREétudier.pp. 92-93, 95

• Tell students to follow the models they have seen to write their sentences. Write a model on the board, if necessary. Answers will vary.

INTERAGIR ET PARLER A. Ask three people in your class if they like the activities on the previous page. Jot down their answers.

B. COMPARAISON CULTURELLE How much time do you spend using technology for leisure activities? How popular are e-sports among teens in your country? Give examples to support your answers.




LEÇON 2 Workbook pp. 55-57

• Ask students what other activities they like to do. If they don’t know the words in French, take this opportunity to show them how to use a bilingual dictionary.


• Tu aimes danser? • Oui, j’adore danser. B. Note what likes and dislikes you have in common.

Ask students if they have attended an e-sport competition and if they would like to participate in one. Then have them read the text and answer the questions. Possible answer A good portion of free time is spent on smartphones and laptops surfing the Internet, posting on social networks, listening to music, and communicating with friends. Answers5B will vary.

Avec Ashley et Luke, on aime… C. Share what you learned about your classmates with another group in your class. Jeremy et Melissa adorent danser. Scott n’aime pas regarder... Melissa et moi, on aime WriteÉCRIREfour sentences telling what you like and don’t like to do in your free time. Use a dictionary if necessary. 3  4 DÉFI quatre-vingt-sept ı 87

2A Gamification Have students play a quick game of charades to review the activities. They should take turns acting out one of the activities while the rest of the group guesses.

Most French teenagers spend a good portion of their free time on their smartphones and laptops browsing the Internet, posting on social networks, listening to music, and communicating with friends. A new area of growing interest is e-sports. This is a world of organized competitive gaming attended live by fans or livestreamed over the Internet. Paris offers numerous venues for gamers to meet and play. GateOne Paris is a 60,000-square-foot complex that is dedicated entirely to e-sports and is used for team training sessions and tournaments.

 5


CULTURE Gamers Assembly in Paris, France

• Remind students to use complete sentences when answering. Grammaire · The negative form Explain the negative form by saying, Non, je n’aime pas aller au cinéma, and then writing the sentence on the board. You may also write a plus sign next to the affirmative sentence and a minus sign next to the negative sentence or give a thumbs up or thumbs down sign as you say them aloud. Write several sentences in the affirmative form and have students say the negative form out loud.  See p. 93 for the full explanation.

LIRE ET PARLER A. Read the text. What are the SPA’s goals? B. What are some similar organizations in your community or state? What goals do they have in common with the SPA Société SPA

are to prevent cruelty to, and promote the welfare of, all animals. 7B • Have students discuss the question with a partner and then share their ideas in class. Answers will vary. SUGGESTED DURATION 10 minutes MATERIALS Audio file (text recording) COMMUNAUTÉS Interpretive Reading Interpersonal Speaking Interpersonal Speaking/ Writing

THE SPA The Société protectrice des animaux (SPA) is the oldest animal protection organization in France. Created in 1845, the association’s mission is to prevent cruelty and promote the welfare of all animals. Animals rescued by the SPA are vaccinated and cared for before they are offered up for adoption. The SPA organizes the club jeunes SPA for 11-17-year-olds. This club not only educates adolescents in animal welfare, but also offers them many opportunities to volunteer in SPA programs.



88 ı Reporters francophones 1

• J’aime bien les oiseaux. Et vous? • Moi, j’aime... • J’ai un chat et… Je veux un poisson et... C. Find out what your classmates’ favorite pets are.

1. Two students ask: Qui (who) aime les chiens? Et les chats?...

3. Quel (Which) est l’animal domestique préféré de la classe?

Activities 6–7, 9 on p. 57, 10–11 on p. 58, 13 on p. 59, and 14 on p. 60. Reporters francophones 188 ı quatre-vingt-huit


• Have two students take turns asking the five questions. • Have volunteers count in French how many votes each pet has and write the results on the board.

protectrice des animaux (SPA). Possible answer The goals of the

2. Two other students keep track of the answers on the board.

6 B. Discuss pet preferences in groups. Then say which pets you have and which pets you’d like to have.

 LES ANIMAUX DOMESTIQUES Pets • le chat cat • le cheval horse • le chien dog • le cochon d’Inde guinea pig • le hamster • le lapin rabbit • l’oiseau bird • le poisson fish • la tortue turtle LEXIQUE p. 97 LEXIQUE NOUN AGREEMENT le chien les chiens l’oiseau les oiseaux le cheval les chevaux AIMER, ADORER + NOUN J’aime les chats GRAMMAIRE pp. 92, 94 GRAMMAIRE

in France?  7 COMMUNAUTÉS Enquête FACCO-Kantar Official logo of La SPA POISSONS 32 millions CHATS 14 millions CHIENS 8 millions OISEAUX 5 millions COCHONSHAMSTERS,LAPINS,D’INDE 4 millions 63 MILLIONS D’ANIMAUX DE COMPAGNIE Tu aimes les chats? t I can say what animals I like and don’t like. 7A Ask them if they would like to volunteer at the


6 SUGGESTED DURATION 20 minutes MATERIALS Audio file (text recording)


6 Critical thinking Explain to students that French has its own unique animal sounds and that they provide insight into how Francophones hear and experience animals. Tell them that in French, a dog says ouah ouah and a cat says miaou. Then have them look online to find more examples. Discuss with students why animals' sounds are mimicked differently in different languages. (Animal sounds are onomatopoeias and reflect the phonemic system of each language. You could also ask students to research how the French mimic various animal sounds.

Noun agreement; Aimer, Adorer + noun Vocabulary for pets CULTURE The French animal protection organization SPA; Animals in public places in France

6A Refer students to the infographic and the Lexique feature. Have them answer the question. Answer Les Français préfèrent les poissons.


Warm-up Tell students: Aujourd’hui, nous parlons des animaux domestiques. Tell what pets you have at home, if any, to introduce vocabulary related to pets. Ask different students Tu aimes les chats ou les chiens? They saw chien and chat in the Preliminary Unit (p. 12).

6B Grammaire · Noun agreement Write le chien and les chiens on the board and discuss the difference. Have pairs of students come up with additional examples of noun agreement and write them on the board.  See p. 92, 94 for the full explanation. The expression je veux is used in this activity as a lexical item. Students are not expected to conjugate vouloir yet. Answers will vary.

PARLER ET INTERAGIR A. Look at the infographic. Which is the most common pet in French households? Is it the same in your country?

Ask students how pet-friendly their state , supporting their answers with examples. Then, have them read the Culture feature and answer the questions. Answers will vary. SUGGESTED DURATION 10 minutes MATERIALS Audio file (text recording)

1. Juliette n’aime pas les chiens? Si, Juliette aime les chiens. 2. Louise aime les chats? 3. Anthony et Théo n’aiment pas les oiseaux? 4. Quels animaux aime Charly? 5. Clara n’aime pas les lapins? 6. Quels animaux aime Aurélie? B. Write your own comment in response to Juliette’s post above. React to Juliette’s photo or to one of the comments. Use the other comments as a model for your post. 1. Form groups of three. 2. One student draws two things and two activities that he/she likes or dislikes. The other two students guess what he/she likes or dislikes.

Juliette Louise Il est trop beau! Moi, j’aime les chats. Anthony J’aime beaucoup les oiseaux! Charly @Anthony Ah oui? Moi, je n’aime pas les oiseaux! Théo @Charly Pourquoi tu n’aimes pas les oiseaux? Ils sont magnifiques Charly @Théo Je préfère les hamsters! Clara J’aime les lapins. Aurélie Je n’aime pas les chevaux! Mais j’aime bien les poissons Commentaires


Activity 15 on p. 60 WORKBOOK

Auditory learners Have students share what animals they like using animal sounds - preferably French versions. Classmates must guess the animal by asking a question, such as Tu aimes les chiens? Then, have the first student respond in a complete sentence.

8 48 likes Juliette Voici mon chien, Spike! J’adore les chiens! Et vous?

 THE NEGATIVE FORM - Tu n’aimes pas danser? - Si j’aime danser. - Non, je n’aime pas GRAMMAIREdanser. p. 93

• Have students read the texts silently. Strategy Remind students to use images, such as emojis, to help them understand a text.

Reporters francophones 1 ı 89 LEÇON 2. J'adore

Grammaire · The negative form Tell students that to contradict a negative question, they must use si, not oui  See p. 93 for the full explanation.

8B Provide students with sticky notes and have them respond to the text messages of three of the people who answered Juliette’s question. On the board, write their names and have students post their sticky notes under the person to whom they are responding. Then, ask students to read their classmates’ notes and respond to them as well. Answers will vary.

8 SUGGESTED DURATION 20 minutes MATERIALS Audio file (text recording)


GRAMMAIRELEÇON 2 Workbook pp. 58-60 � E-WORKBOOK In France, with the exception of grocery stores and food markets, dogs are generally welcome everywhere. You will often see people accompanied by their pets running errands in small stores, pharmacies, public transportation and even while dining in restaurants.

COMPARAISON CULTURELLE How are attitudes toward pets in France different in your country? What are some circumstancesspecialin which dogs might be allowed in public places where you live? CULTURE  Before putting students in groups, ask each student to think of three objects, activities, or animals that they have learned in French and to draw them as best as they can. Answers will vary. 9 SUGGESTED DURATION 15 minutes


Answers 1. Si, Juliette aime les chiens. / 2. Oui, Louise aime les chats. / 3. Si, Anthony et Théo aiment les oiseaux. / 4. Charly aime les hamsters. / 5. Si, Clara aime les lapins. / 6. Aurélie aime les poissons.

• Tu aimes le chocolat? Oui, j’aime le chocolat!

Reporters francophones 1 quatre-vingt-neuf ı 89

LIRE, ÉCRIRE ET INTERAGIR A. Read these comments on a social media platform. Answer the questions below.

• Assign individual students a role and ask them to read their parts and answer the corresponding questions.

• On the board, guide students to create a table using the names of the friends that are texting. Then, ask them to write the name of the animals that each person writes about and underneath draw a heart for J’aime, two hearts for J’aime beaucoup and three hearts for J’adore.

Interpersonal Reading Interpersonal Speaking Presentational Speaking



• What information can they glean from the text without understanding every word? Check for global understanding after each paragraph. After discussing the cognates in each individual paragraph, play the recording and have students listen for the pronunciation of these words.

3. On peut visiter le Jardin des papillons en janvier. 4. Il est possible de faire du sport au jardin du Luxembourg. FERME DE PARIS


Reporters francophones 190 ı quatre-vingt-dix Read the article. Find the equivalents of these words.

2nd paragraph: insectes, visite, parc, floral, possible, observer, espèces, colorés, mai, octobre

3rd paragraph: public, admirer, plantes, statues, fontaines, spectaculaires, courts, tennis, expositions, concerts

• Have students find the equivalents in the text. Answers 1. ferme / 2. chèvres / 3. vaches / 4. jardin / 5. papillons / 6. fontaine 10 SUGGESTED DURATION 15 minutes





t I can understand the main idea and some details in a short article about places to experience nature in Paris.

1. La Ferme de Paris ne propose pas de visites guidées. 2. Le bien-être animal est important à la Ferme de Paris.



• Call students’ attention to Les animaux de la ferme de Paris. Model the pronunciation for each animal and have students repeat after you. You might play a quick game of Concentration® in which students match pictures and words for animals in French.




Nourrissage des chèvres

LES ANIMAUX DE LA FERME DE PARIS la chèvre le cochon lelalamoutonpoulevache

par Louise Leblanc, reporter de Paris France Paris est la ville des monuments historiques, des musées et de la culture. Mais c’est aussi une ville «verte»1! 

1st paragraph: agriculture, respect, environnement, animal, propose, visites, activités

Answers 1. False / 2. True / 3. False / 4. True 11 SUGGESTED DURATION 10 minutes MATERIALS Audio file (text recording) Interpretive Reading Interpretive Reading

• Ask students to read each paragraph silently and look for cognates and other words that they recognize.

90 ı 1 animals vocabulary parks Paris Places Paris 12 Extension Show students additional pictures of each place using the Internet. Have students talk to each other in small groups about which place they prefer/want to visit and why. They can use Activity 12 and the texts for models and ideas. You could also give them sentence starters: Je veux visiter… parce que j’aime… .

Reporters francophones

1. farm 2. goats 3. cows 4. garden 5. butterflies 6. fountain 10 Read the article again. Say if the sentences are true or false.



La Ferme de Paris pratique l’agriculture biologique2 dans le respect de l’environnement et du bien-être3 animal. Elle propose des visites guidées et des ateliers éducatifs4 pour participer aux activités de la ferme: nourrissage5 des vaches, moutons, cochons et chèvres; travail dans le jardin potager6, etc. 1 green 2 organic 3 well-being 4 educational workshops 5 feeding 6 vegetable garden

MATERIALS Audio file (text recording)

In pairs, have students look for keywords in the activity and in the article to find out if the sentences are true or false, such as visites guidées and bien-être. Tell students to pay attention to the negative form in the statements. Have them explain their answers.


C’EST can find there. Use the texts in the article as models. quatre-vingt-onze what these students say. In pairs, deduce which place they want to visit. : J’aime cultiver les légumes (vegetables) veux visiter... : J’aime les insectes. Je veux visiter... : J’aime m’occuper des (take care of) animaux. Je veux visiter... voyager dans le monde des plus spécifiquement des papillons, visite Jardin des papillons, le Parc floral de l’énorme serre il est possible d’observer plus de 40 espèces de papillons colorés. est ouvert de mai JARDIN DU LUXEMBOURG jardin du Luxembourg, un jardin public, on peut admirer des arbres , des plantes et des fleurs, des statues et des fontaines spectaculaires. y a aussi des courts de tennis, des jeux, expositions et des concerts.

1. Khadija



11 Challenge For the false statements, ask students to make the necessary changes to make the statements true.



7 greenhouse 8 It is open 9 trees Espèce de papillon du Jardin des papillons Exposition de photos au jardin du Luxembourg Une journée d’été au jardin du Luxembourg Reporters francophones 1 Interpretive Reading Presentational Writing

. Je



insectes, et

2. Tran


Answers 1. la Ferme de Paris / 2. le Jardin des papillons / 3. la Ferme de Paris / 4. le Jardin du Luxembourg 12 DURATION 5 minutes MATERIALS Audio file (text recording)

ı 91 Read

SUGGESTED 20 minutes


Paris. Dans




• La Ferme de Paris, open to the public since 1989, occupies five hectares (12.35 acres) of land in the Bois de Vincennes. Its activities help raise awareness of sustainable urban farming and food production. Approximately 60 animals live on the farm at any one time. Some 35,000 people visit the farm each year.


Reporters francophones 1 ı 91 LEÇON 2. J'adore

• Tell students it’s their turn to be reporters.

• Together, brainstorm possible places to write about. Make a list of options on the board and allow students to choose their topic. Strategy Tell students they can use the texts in the Magazine des reporters as models, but encourage them to write short sentences, using language they know.

VOUS LES REPORTERS! C’EST VOUS LES REPORTERS! 1. Pick one place in your area where you can experience nature or observe animals. 2. Write three sentences to describe the activities you can do and the animals and plants you



• Le Jardin des papillons recreates the natural habitat of many insects in a greenhouse of 200 m2. There are butterflies, as well as moths, stick insects, crickets, honey flies, and the giant Mexican cockroach! Visitors can observe the different stages of these insects’ lives. Have students add their product to Mon carnet de français

à octobre. LE

Write the names of the three places on the board: La Ferme de Paris, Le Jardin des papillons, and Le Jardin du Luxembourg. Ask students to read the comments and write the name of the people who might enjoy visiting each place. You may want to remind students of the expression parce que and have them explain their answers.

4. Hugo: J’adore l’art et la musique. Je veux visiter... 12  LE JARDIN DES PAPILLONS Pour

3. Inaya



• Created in the early part of the 17th century, le Jardin du Luxembourg occupies today around 25 hectares (61.77 acres) of land in the center of Paris. Admission to the garden is free, and it is popular with Parisians and tourists alike. In addition to trees, flowers, fountains, and statues, there are snack bars, places to play chess, a playground for children, and a pond where you can rent model boats.

92 ı Reporters francophones 1 UNITÉ 2

• Then, give examples of adorer or aimer + noun, using simple sentences based on what students just wrote: J'aime les chats. Then, do the same, using examples of adorer or aimer + infinitive. For example, J’aime chanter Language Comparisons Make a comparison between I like and J’aime, which can mean I like or I love, depending upon the context. Tell students that J’aime + a person implies a very close relationship. To say they like someone, they can say J’aime bien…


GRAMMAIRE Conjugate the verbs. a. Tu aimes (aimer) surfer sur Internet? b. Nous (adorer) les séries! c. Vous (aimer) lire? d. J’ (adorer) le prof de français. Il est cool. e. Elles n’ (aimer) pas les films de science-fiction. f. Marc (adorer) les chats. Write sentences with the elements you are given. g. Philippe et moi / aimer / les chats t Philippe et moi, nous aimons les chats. h. Jean / aimer / danser t i. mes amies / adorer / les lapins t j. Louise / aimer / dessiner t k. Paul et Max / aimer / le chocolat t l. vous / adorer / surfer sur Internet t m. tu / adorer / les oiseaux t … n. elle / aimer / faire du sport t … Write four sentences using the elements from the three columns. Je n’aime pas les films d’horreur. 141315 je / mesj’amis/es et moi mes camarades de classe mon/ma meilleur/e ami/e vous aimeradorer les films d’horreur la musique classique la fairepizzadu sport faire du shopping 92 ı quatre-vingt-douze

1. AIMER AND ADORER + INFINITIVE / NOUN Answers13Practice a. aimes / b. adorons / c. aimez / d. adore / e. aiment / f. adore Answers14 a. Philippe et moi, nous aimons les chats. / b. Jean aime danser. / c. Mes amies adorent les lapins. / d. Louise aime dessiner. / e. Paul et Max aiment le chocolat. / f. Vous adorez surfer sur Internet. / g. Tu adores les oiseaux. / h. Elle aime faire du sport. Possible15 answers J’aime faire du sport. / Ma meilleure amie adore la musique classique. / Vous n’aimez pas la pizza. / Mes camarades de classe adorent les films d’horreur. Reporters francophones 1

18 Listening comprehension Give students a list of several activities, animals, and current movies. Share with students things you like and don’t like to do, animals you like and don’t like, or movies you like and don’t like. Then have students use the list and do the same with a partner or in small groups. Have students make check marks and x’s next to each item on the list according to their classmates' preferences.

• Remember that in French, verbs are conjugated. Adorer and aimer are regular verbs ending in -er Adorer: j’adore, tu adores, il/elle/on adore, nous adorons, vous adorez, ils/elles adorent Aimer: j’aime, tu aimes, il/elle/on aime, nous aimons, vous aimez, ils/elles aiment


MATERIALS Grammar Tutorial Grammar presentation


• You can say you like or dislike things using: aimer (affirmative or negative) or adorer + noun. J’adore les chiens I love dogs. Je n’aime pas les oiseaux. I don’t like birds. You can say you like or dislike doing things using: aimer (affirmative or negative) or adorer + infinitive verb. J’aime lire I love reading. Je n’aime pas danser I don’t like dancing.

• On the board, make T-chart with the following headings: les activités and les animaux. Ask each student to write something that they like or enjoy under each category.

Formative assessment Show images of activities and animals and have students tell what they like or love.


• Si, nous aimons dessiner. / Non, nous n’aimons pas dessiner.




a. Si, elle aime jouer aux jeux vidéo. / b. Non, nous n’aimons pas dessiner. / c. Non, il n’aime pas les chiens. / d. Si, ils adorent danser.

• Si, j’aime les chats. / Non, je n’aime pas les chats. • Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Je m’appelle Aïcha et j’ai 15 ans. J’habite à Paris. J’adore lire et jouer au football. J’aime bien aller au cinéma, mais je n’aime pas regarder des séries. Le week-end, j’aime jouer aux jeux vidéo, écouter de la musique et danser.


1. Adam et Louise / 2. Louise et Adam / 3. Vanessa / 4. Vanessa et Adam / 5. Adam et Louise / 6. Vanessa Answer16B Louise et Adam Answers17 a. False / b. True / c. True / d. False Answers18Practice

Interpretive Listening

• To form a negative sentence we follow this structure: subject + ne + verb + pas Nous ne regardons pas la série Lupin We don’t watch the TV series Lupin. Ne becomes n’ before a vowel or a silent h Nous n’aimons pas regarder des séries. We don’t like watching TV series.


• To answer a negative question, in French you use si or non • Tu n’aimes pas les chats? • Don’t you like cats?

B. Which two friends have the most in common? Read Aïcha’s blog post about her likes and dislikes. Say if the statements below are true or false. a. Aïcha n’aime pas le sport. b. Aïcha aime aller au cinéma. c. Aïcha n’aime pas jouer aux jeux vidéo. d. Le samedi et le dimanche, elle aime danser. 16  17 Choose the correct answers for each question. a. • Isabelle n’aime pas jouer aux jeux vidéo? • Si, elle aime jouer aux jeux vidéo. / Oui, elle aime jouer aux jeux vidéo. b. • Vous aimez dessiner?

• Si, ils adorent danser. / Oui, ils aiment danser. 18 quatre-vingt-treize ı 93


• Write a couple of affirmative sentences on the board and ask students to rewrite them in negative form following the previous model.

• For a challenge, change the previous statements into negative questions and ask students to answer them using si or non Language Comparisons Ask students how to form a negative sentence in English. Have them compare the structure do not (or don’t) with ne… pas Formative assessment Say a mix of negative and affirmative statements and have students write either A if they hear an affirmative statement or N for negative statements.

Interpretive Reading

Reporters francophones 1 ı 93 LEÇON 2. J'adore

A. Listen to the conversation between Louise, Vanessa and Adam. Complete these sentences with the correct name: Louise, Vanessa, or Adam. 1. et adorent faire du sport. 2. et aiment faire du théâtre. 3. aime dessiner. 4. et aiment aller au cinéma. 5. et aiment regarder des séries. 6. aime sortir avec des amis.

15 Visual and kinesthetic learners Have students form groups of three to four. Provide them with index cards and have them write the subject pronouns, the conjugated forms of aimer and adorer, and various activities on separate index cards. Students group their index cards to make at least five different sentences. Have each group post their favorite sentence(s) on the board using tape or sticky notes.

MATERIALS Grammar Tutorial Grammar presentation • On the board, write a sentence in the affirmative form and the same sentence in the negative form: J'aime les chats./ Je n'aime pas les chats. Ask students to point out how they differ.

• Write ne / n’… pas in a different color to highlight both parts and explain how to form a negative sentence in French.

Reporters francophones 1

c. • Le professeur n’aime pas les chiens? • Oui, il adore les chiens. / Non, il n’aime pas les chiens. d. • Karine et Tristan n’aiment pas danser?



Grammar Tutorial presentation

• In French, we usually add an -s to a noun to form the plural.

Write five questions to ask one of your classmates about his/her likes and dislikes. In pairs, ask and answer each other’s questions. Share any common likes or dislikes with the rest of the class.



� GRAMMARTUTORIAL 94 ı quatre-vingt-quatorze Answer these questions in your notebook. a. Tu parles chinois? b. Tu n’aimes pas la danse? c. Tu as 15 ans? d. Tu aimes le chocolat? e. Tu n’es pas américain/e? f. Tu aimes faire du sport? g. Tu aimes les poissons? h. Tu adores le basket?

94 ı Reporters francophones 1 UNITÉMATERIALS2

• As an introduction, write the words chat and chats on the board and ask students to tell what the difference between them is. They should have no trouble understanding the plural with -s.

• Then, write the words jeu and jeux and ask students what they think the difference means.

3. NOUN AGREEMENT 21 Metalinguistic awareness Point out that when reading or listening, there are other ways to tell whether the object being referred to is singular or plural. Show students several sentences and ask them to indicate what other words in the sentence are singular or plural (le/la versus les, un/une versus des, est versus sont). To follow-up, read students' sentences aloud and have them indicate whether the reference is to something singular or plural.


• There are some exceptions to the rule. For nouns that end in -eu and -eau, the ending changes to -x in the plural form.

• Add oiseau and oiseaux and go through the process again. Do the same with cheval and chevaux. Guide students to conclude that there is more than one way to express plurality. It depends on the ending of the word in its singular form. Language comparisons In English, we have adopted the French word bureau and the plural forms bureau or bureaus are both correct. Point out that, in French, the only correct plural form is bureaux. Can they think of other words they have heard of in English that end in eu or eau? They might have heard or read the words lieu, château, or beau Formative assessment Use presentation software to project words (one word per slide) and have students write or say whether the word is singular or plural.

SINGULAR PLURAL cheval chevaux animal animaux Interpersonal Speaking Presentational Writing

• Tu aimes danser? • Non, je n’aime pas danser.  Choose the correct option. a. J’aime le chat / chats de Lucas. b. J’adore les chiens / chien. c. Voici un oiseau / oiseaux. d. Ce sont les chevaux / cheval de Marie. e. C’est une tortue / tortues! f. Je n’aime pas les poissons / poisson g. J’adore les animal / animaux 21 SINGULAR PLURAL chat chats chien chiens SINGULAR PLURAL jeu jeux oiseau oiseaux For most nouns ending in -al, the ending changes to -aux in the plural form.


a. Non, je ne parle pas chinois. / Oui, je parle chinois. // b. Si, j’aime la danse. / Non, je n’aime pas la danse. // c. Non, je n’ai pas 15 ans. / Oui, j’ai 15 ans. // d. Oui, j’aime le chocolat. / Non, je n’aime pas le chocolat. // e. Si, je suis américain/e. / Non, je ne suis pas américain/e. // f. Oui, j’aime faire du sport. / Non, je n’aime pas faire du sport. // g. Non, je n’aime pas les poissons. / Oui, j’aime les poissons. // h. Oui, j’adore le basket. / Non, je n’aime pas le basket. Answers20 will vary. Answers21Practice a. chat / b. chiens / c. oiseau / d. chevaux / e. tortue / f. poissons / g. animaux Reporters francophones 1



Reporters francophones 1 ı 95 LEÇON 2. J'adore


a. Ce sont des lapins. / b. C’est un cheval. / c. Ce sont des oiseaux. / d. Voici des poissons. / e. C’est une tortue. / f. Ce sont des chats. Answers23 a. des chanteuses / b. des chevaux / c. un animal / d. un poisson / e. des chiens / f. un hamster / g. un oiseau / h. un lapin

• The verb that follows the pronoun on, is always conjugated in the third-person singular like il and elle On aime regarder des séries. = Nous aimons regarder des séries. We like watching TV series. � GRAMMARTUTORIAL YOUR Writing

a. regarde / b. aime / c. étudie / d. parle / e. a Answers25 will vary.

• Have students change some sentences from on to nous and vice versa. For example, Nous aimons les animaux. = On aime les animaux Language comparisons In English, on means one, a rather formal pronoun that means, roughly, a person. More colloquially, on means you when it refers to people in general. Formative assessment Have students write four sentences using on based on the images in Les Loisirs on p. 94. 4. THE PRONOUN ON Reporters francophones 1 LEÇON 2

TEACHING Presentational

MATERIALS Grammar Tutorial Grammar presentation • Explain that in this context, the pronoun on means a group of people, including yourself. It can usually be replaced by nous . In French, it is informal, but very common.


Look at Louise’s chart of likes and dislikes. Write sentences about what you have in common with her. On aime... On n’aime pas... 2425 JE N’AIME PAS les dansertortues J’AIME aller au cinéma les chiens le chocolat la musique 4. THE PRONOUN ON WHAT IS IT? • On is an impersonal subject pronoun. In informal contexts, the pronoun nous is often replaced by the pronoun on WHAT FORM DOES IT HAVE?


Look at the illustrations. Write the names of the animals using un, une, or des a. Ce sont des lapins b. C’est c. Ce sont d. Voici e. C’est f. Ce sont Make the singular nouns plural and the plural nouns singular. a. une chanteuse t des chanteuses b. un cheval t c. des animaux t d. des poissons t … e. un chien t f. des hamsters t g. des oiseaux t h. des lapins t … quatre-vingt-quinze ı 95

Grammar presentation (4) Gamification Play a game to review plural nouns, likes/dislikes, and the conjugation with on. Create questions and answers using an online application of your choice. Assess student performance and use this opportunity to reteach as needed.


Conjugate the verbs. a. On regarde (regarder) un film vendredi? b. Delphine et moi, on n’ (aimer) pas les oiseaux. c. On (étudier) le français. d. Quelles langues on … (parler) au Sénégal? e. Génial! On … (avoir) des billets pour le concert de BTS!

• J’aime lire, j’aime dessiner et j’aime... JEU: J’AIME...  aller au cinéma to go to the movies danser to dance faire du sport to play sports jouer aux jeux vidéo to play video games sortir avec des amis to go out with friends écouter de la musique to listen to music jouer au football to play soccer lire to read faire du théâtre to act regarder des séries to watch series surfer sur Internet to browse the Internet 26 dessiner to draw Presentational Speaking

Have students complete the vocabulary exercises in the Workbook on pp. 55–56, and 58.

As a prompt, you may want to write on the board: Est, est-ce que tu aimes… ?

• Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire le week-end?

96 ı Reporters francophones 1 UNITÉPractice2

• Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire en été?


Encourage them to use different activities to answer each question.

MATERIALS Audio files (text recordings)

Gamification Ask students to write something that they like or do not like on note cards or slips of paper. Put them in a basket and have each student pick one. Ask them to read the paper and to approach a classmate to ask them if they like the activity they picked. Encourage students to answer in complete sentences: Oui, j’aime aller au cinéma. Non, je n’aime pas faire du théâtre.


Language comparisons Ask students to look for cognates in Les loisirs, such as cinéma, danse, musique, sport, théâtre, football, Internet.

1. Play in groups of four. The first player says an activity or thing he/she likes, loves, or dislikes. 2. The next player repeats what the first person said, and adds his/her own sentence. 3. The third player continues along these lines. 4. A player who makes a mistake is eliminated. 5. The last player left is the winner.

• J’aime lire.

• J’aime lire et j’aime dessiner.

Write three sentences •describing:twothings you like to do, • two things you dislike, • one thing your best friend likes / doesn’t like to do. Use a dictionary if necessary. MON LEXIQUE

Formative assessment Have students respond to the following questions using the vocabulary from Les loisirs:



• Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire avec tes amis?

• Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire avec ta famille?

Vocabulary learning strategies Take time to suggest, explain, or practice the following strategies that can help students memorize and recall the vocabulary. This will help students develop both confidence and independence as learners. Draw and write Suggest they create their own illustrated dictionary. Have them write a word from the unit, draw an image to represent it, and write a sentence using it. Remind them to include articles with nouns. Personalize Suggest they organize new words according to how relevant they are to their own lives. That is, make sure they learn those that are more useful to them first. Create flashcards Make flashcards with the French word on one side and the English word on the other, or better yet, use a picture instead of English. Associate gestures Ask students to associate a gesture with each activity and say the activity at the same time. Using body language helps the memory recall and make connections with the action. Reporters francophones 1 LOISIRS LEISURE ACTIVITIES

96 ı quatre-vingt-seize

Reporters francophones 1 LEÇON 2 LES ANIMAUX DOMESTIQUES PETS quatre-vingt-dix-sept ı 97 le chien dog le hamster hamster le poisson fish le cochon d’Inde guinea pig le lapin rabbit le chat cat le cheval horse l’oiseau bird la tortue turtle EXPRIMER LES GOÛTS EXPRESSING LIKES AND DISLIKES Je n’aime pas... I don’t like… J’aime musique!la MON CARNET DE FRANÇAIS QU’EST-CE QUE TU AIMES? WHAT DO YOU LIKE? J’aime (bien)... I like… J’aime beaucoup... I like a lot… J’adore... I love… BOOST YOUR TEACHING 26 SUGGESTED DURATION 10 minutes JEU: J'AIME…

In pairs, have students use the words in Lexique to share what animals they like and dislike. Encourage them to use Moi aussi if they like the same animal.

Reporters francophones 1 ı 97 LEÇON 2. J'adore

Creativity Show students several abstract animal drawings by the Spanish painter Pablo Picasso. Explain that he experimented with a type of art using sketches of animals by using a few simple lines or just one stroke of the hand. Have students choose an animal pictured on p. 97 and sketch it with only one stroke of the hand. When completed, have students share their sketches in small groups with classmates trying to guess the animal.

Give students time to think of several activities before beginning the game. students add their personalized vocabulary to Mon carnet de français MON CARNET DE FRANÇAIS



SUGGESTED DURATION 25 minutes Pronunciation Tutorial Activity 12 on p. 59 WORKBOOK

• Tell them that the letter combinations ou and sometimes oo are pronounced like the vowel sound in the English word moon



Answers31 a. [y]/ b. [y]/ c. [u]/ d. [u]/ e. [y] LES SONS [y] ET [u]


• The sound [y] is easily confused with the sound [u], as in the word vous

Reporters francophones 1 t The sounds [y] and [u] are similar, but it is important to distinguish between the two.

Answers30Practice a. jus (the first) / b. pour (the second) / c. russe (the first) / d. cours (the second)

• The sound [u] is usually written with the letters ou or oo and is similar to the one in the word food Listen and repeat these words with the sound [y]. a. du b. tortue c. russe d. étudier 27  Listen and repeat these words with the sound [u]. a. jouer b. nous c. goûts d. écouter Listen and repeat these pairs of words with the sounds [y] and [u]. a. tu toux b. rue roux c. vue vous d. du doux Listen and tell which word in each pair you hear. The first or the second? a. jus joue b. pure pour c. russe rousse d. cure cours Listen to five sentences. Use ASL signs to indicate which sounds you hear: [y] or [u]. 28  29  30  31 

• The sound [y], is usually written with the letter u Tu aimes écouter de la musique!


• Have students practice making and comparing the sounds [y] and [u] on their own.


98 ı Reporters francophones 1 UNITÉ 2

31 Intrapersonal Have students take responsibility for their own learning and improvement by keeping a pronunciation portfolio and setting goals for improvement. Periodically have students share their portfolios with you and talk about their goals and progress.

• The French sound [y], as in the word tu, can be difficult for native speakers of English to pronounce. That’s because no similar sound exists in English. To make this sound, say ee as in the word cheese, then round your lips without changing the position of your tongue.

• Demonstrate how the letter u is pronounced by asking students to observe the position of your mouth as you model it. Walk them through the steps described in the first bullet to help them make the correct sound.

PRODUCT t A poster and a presentation about your likes and dislikes

LANGUAGE Aimer and adorer + infinitive / noun; The negative form, Noun agreement; The pronoun on Vocabulary for pets, leisure activities, likes, and dislikes

• Review the steps and clarify any questions.


Strategy Read the Stratégie feature and discuss with students the concept of mind maps.


SUGGESTED DURATION 120 minutes MATERIALS Communication pp. 61–66 This section can be assigned as homework.  See Formative Assessment feature on p. 101 for more information. WORKBOOK



t Qu’est-ce que nos goûts disent sur nous?

1. Make a list of the activities and things that you like,


CONTEXT t You just joined the local French club and you’re creating a personal poster to introduce yourself to other members.

Student presentation After all students have presented their mind maps, have them identify the classmate with whom they have the most in common. Make a list of favorite activities of the class and rank them in order of preference. What is the most popular activity?

Organizing your ideas with a mind map will help you create a more coherent presentation. Make a list of all the points you want to convey and group them in categories before you prepare your presentation. MINI-PROJET 2 ASSESSMENTRUBRIC SELF AND ASSESSMENTPEERRUBRIC quatre-vingt-dix-neuf ı 99 Create a digital collage with images of your likes and dislikes with audio clips recorded for each one. ALTERNATIVE NUMÉRIQUE Reporters francophones 1 J’adore Je n’aime pas J’aime GOÛTSMES SUGGESTED DURATION 50 minutes MATERIALS Évaluation Unité 2 Leçon 2, ASSESSMENT PROGRAM, Assessment Rubric, ASSESSMENT PROGRAM, Answer key, ASSESSMENT PROGRAM, SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT · LEÇON 2 Presentational Writing/ Speaking


MATERIALS Self and Peer Assessment Rubric  See Formative Assessment on p. 101 for more information.

Have students add their product to Mon carnet de français.

love, and don’t like. 2. Create a poster with a mind map to present your likes and dislikes. Look for images to illustrate it. 3. Prepare a presentation. Practice it out loud to be sure you are ready. 4. Present your poster. 5. Listen to your classmates’ presentations. Find common points with them.

Reporters francophones 1 ı 99

ExecutionCreativity and innovation Students demonstrate different and innovative ways to compile their preferences and display them visually.

SUGGESTED DURATION Teacher presentation: 10 minutes Execution: 35 minutes


MATERIALS Poster; images; markers Alternative numérique: software for creating a digital collage Teacher presentation • Point out the essential question and discuss the context with students.


MATERIALS Assessment Rubric  See Formative Assessment on p. 101 for more information

100 ı Reporters francophones 1 UNITÉLANGUAGE2 Prepositions with names of countries; Adjectives of nationality; Indefinite articles; C’est, Il / Elle est, Ce sont, Ils / Elles sont; Aimer and adorer + infinite / noun adorer; the negative form, noun agreement, the pronoun on, Vocabulary for countries, nationalities, languages, pets, leisure activities, likes, and dislikes SUGGESTED DURATION Teacher presentation: 15 minutes Execution: 60 minutes MATERIALS Paper or chart; profile template; avatar Teacher presentation • Introduce the project, the final product, and the Assessment Rubrics • Share your expectations and deadline; clarify any questions. • Remind students not to include any sensitive or private information in their profiles. Strategy Refer students to the How to… feature on p. 101 while they are creating their profile. Execution21stCentury skills This project provides the opportunity for students to develop most of the 21st Century skills. • Creativity and innovation • Media, information, and technology literacy • Initiative and self-direction • Productivity and accountability Student presentation • Completed profiles can be compiled to create a social media collection for students to enjoy, either printed or digitally. • Profiles can be posted in the classroom so that classmates can learn more about their peers and find similarities in their lives. • Instruct students not to post an actual profile on any online platform without their parents’ permission and oversight. PROJET FINAL · OVERVIEW Reporters francophones 1 CONTEXT t You need to create a profile for a social media platform. PRODUCT t A social media profile about yourself 1.DÉFINITIONFillin a form with the following information about yourself: 2.RÉDACTIONFollow the model and write a short bio introducing yourself. 3. Add additional details about yourself to make your profile more interesting. 4.RÉVISIONExchange profiles with a classmate. Proofread the description and offer suggestions for any additions. 5.PERSONNALISATIONDownload the template from . Add your revised text. 6. Choose some emojis and hashtags in French to personalize your bio. 7. CONNEXIONS: ARTS Draw, create an avatar or add a profile picture of yourself. AnimauxGoûtsLanguesNationalité(s)Prénomparléespréférés DÉFI 100 ı cent PROJET FINAL CRÉER UN PROFIL SUR LES RÉSEAUX SOCIAUX Record a introducing“videoprofile”yourself. ALTERNATIVE NUMÉRIQUE Presentational Writing



and assessments. • Peer Assessment Rubrics help students better

FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT · PROJET FINAL MATERIALS Assessment Rubric Use this rubric to evaluate students’ proficiency levels for the skills involved in this project. SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT · PROJET FINAL PROJET FINAL

students to note


and participate during the


MATERIALS are an opportunity for what they have mastered what areas tool will also help them prepare projects understand criteria show them to and fair with themselves and others. also help to attentive presentations of other classmates. HOW

Reporters francophones 1 ı 101 Projet final Have students add their product to Mon carnet de français MON CARNET DE FRANÇAIS


need improvement. This

the assessment


Self and Peer Assessment Rubric • Self-Assessment Rubrics

TO CREATE A PROFILE ON SOCIAL MEDIA • Start by writing a brief description about yourself Use short, simple sentences that are typical of online posts. • Use the grammar and vocabulary learned in this chapter to add as many personal details as possible. • Select your profile picture or create your avatar. • Choose additional photos that portray your likes and dislikes. Include photos of pets or animals you like. • Add fun visual elements like emojis and stickers to make your social profile page more attractive. RESOURCEEXTRA ASSESSMENTRUBRIC SELF AND ASSESSMENTPEERRUBRIC cent un ı 101 Louise_la_reporter Louise Je m’appelle Louise, je suis française et j’habite à Paris, en France! J’aime faire du sport et écouter de la musique. #football #paris 32 publications Modifier le 30profil abonnés 62 abonnements 8:30 Reporters francophones 1

be objective

for future

MATERIALS Assessment Rubrics

Interpretive reading Based on information in an authentic infographic, identify activities that French people like to do during their free time. Interpersonal speaking Interview classmates to find out activities they like or don’t like to do on weekends.

• Je prépare l’évaluation · IPA allows students to self-assess their readiness to successfully complete the unit’s summative IPA   See Assessment program . Similar in design to the final IPA for the unit, three real-world tasks reflect the unit theme and instructional goals: one Interpretive, one Presentational, one Interpersonal. Authentic images, videos, and written texts provide the cultural context. Page references to the unit grammar and vocabulary for learners to review are provided. Strategies to help learners successfully complete the tasks are also suggested.

102 ı Reporters francophones 1 UNITÉ 2

A. Based on the visual clues, what do you think the following words mean? 1. voir des amis 2. loisirs de plein-air 3. jardinage B. What kind of information does this infographic convey? C. Answer the following questions. Quelle activité est la plus (most) populaire? 2. Quel pourcentage de personnes aiment faire des activités culturelles? Quel pourcentage de personnes aiment écouter de la musique? 4. Quelle activité est la moins (least) populaire? 1 

JE PRÉPARE L'ÉVALUATION · OBJECTIVES Je prépare l’évaluation · IPA is a formative assessment that informs the teacher about the need to reteach a concept or provide additional practice. Students can self-assess their preparedness for the summative assessment, identifying where they need additional review and practice. Assessment rubrics describe the most important characteristics of performance. Summative assessments evaluate student achievement of goals in the three Modes of Communication, allowing the teacher to take a step back and see if students have mastered the most important concepts of the unit and can apply them in authentic tasks.





LANGUAGE Aimer and adorer + infinitive / noun; The negative form, Noun agreement; The pronoun on Vocabulary for pets, leisure activities, likes, and dislikes

INTERPRETIVE READING Read the infographic.


STRATÉGIE Use visual clues Use visual clues to help you understand the information in an infographic. if you don’t understand every word, visual elements such as illustrations and numbers can help you grasp the overall gist of the see this infographic based on a survey. are going to conduct a similar survey among your classmates publish the results as an infographic in the school newspaper. Internet regarder des loisirs culturels (musée, la de plein-air


la télé voir

musique les loisirs

AUTHENTIC RESOURCE Created at the request of Sofinco (a company for consumer credit operating since the 1950s), Sofinscope, via surveys of French shoppers, identifies trends on various topics related to consumption. It aims at anticipating significant changes in consumption, and achieving a better understanding of consumer needs in order to better respond to them.

amis les

Presentational writing Create an infographic showing what American youth like to do during their free time.


cinéma, etc.) écouter de

(jardinage, randonnée, etc.) 72% 59% 51% 46% 41% 37%

GRAMMAIREcontent.pp. 92-93 LEXIQUE pp. 96-97 INTERPRETIVE You

The Integrated Performance Assessment (IPA) is a summative assessment model developed by ACTFL to assess the progress that language learners are making towards proficiency in the three Modes of Communication (Interpretive, Presentational, Interpersonal). The IPA includes three related real-world tasks (one for each Mode of Communication) that are connected to the unit theme. The tasks reflect application of learning of the unit’s instructional goals.




Strategy Tell students to use the symbols above each column of the infographic to help them understand the explanations of the columns located below the graph. Answers A. 1. meet friends / 2. outdoor activities / 3. gardening B. preferred leisure activities of French people and percentage of people who prefer each activity. C. 1. surfer sur Internet / 2. 46% / 3. 41% / 4. les loisirs de plein-air

SUGGESTED DURATION 15 minutes MATERIALS Assessment Rubric SUGGESTED DURATION 30 minutes MATERIALS Assessment Rubric Reporters francophones 1

Focus on your survey’s goal by asking specific questions and identifying the number of students you need to interview to have

SUGGESTED DURATION 10 minutes MATERIALS Assessment Rubric Audio file (text recording)

information.sufficientGRAMMAIRE pp. 92-95 LEXIQUE pp. 96-97

• Bonjour, qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire le week-end? Et qu’est-ce que tu n'aimes pas faire? J’aime... / Je n’aime pas... 2 INTERPERSONAL


Reporters francophones 1 ı 103 Je

Visualizing the data will aid in communicating the information in a clear manner to your audience. Infographics help to creatively comparisonspresent and make facts and statistics moreinteresting.GRAMMAIRE pp. 92-95 LEXIQUE pp. 96-97

PRESENTATIONAL3 cent trois ı 103 LES ACTIVITÉS DU WEEK-END aime sortir avec ses amis aime surfer sur Internet n’aime pas faire du sport n’aime pas écouter de la musiqueaimelire 7 PERSONNES 5 PERSONNES 3 PERSONNES 2 PERSONNES 1 PERSONNE modèle productionde ASSESSMENTRUBRIC MON CARNET DE FRANÇAIS PROGRESSMY FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT · MY PROGRESS This self-assessment chart contains Can-Do Statements, so students can keep track of how well they can perform the actions and functions studied in this unit. For additional practice, students can apply the reinforcement strategies in the last column. SUGGESTED DURATION 10 minutes MATERIALS My progress

Strategy Create a chart in which to record your classmates’ responses. Answers will vary.


prépare l'évaluation


Strategy Decide on a format (bar graph, pie chart, donut chart, pictogram, etc.) to display the results of your survey. Create symbols or use clip art to represent the various leisure activities in your survey. Answers will vary.


PRESENTATIONAL WRITING Compile the results of your survey. Illustrate it in the form of an infographic to show how many students like or dislike doing certain activities. Use the infographic presented as a model or use a different format like a bar graph or a pie chart to convey the results.

INTERPERSONAL SPEAKING Circulate around the classroom. Conduct a survey among your classmates. Find out what activities they like or don’t like to do over the weekend. Write down their answers.


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