¡Hola! Unit objectives
What are we going to do in this unit?
1. Say hello and say goodbye.
Students will learn to greet each other and say goodbye in Spanish in different situations and at different times of the day. They will learn how to introduce themselves and others as well as ask and answer how someone is doing with ¿Qué tal?
2. Introduce ourselves and someone else. 3. Ask and answer how someone is doing. 4. Identify objects.
Students will talk about everyday objects and learn to identify and ask about them. In addition, the colors will be introduced in Spanish. They will talk about Mexican art and learn about the artist Frida Kahlo and her work. Throughout the unit, students will learn the difference between masculine and feminine nouns and indefinite articles un/una as well as gender agreement between nouns and articles. They will also learn to use the verb llamarse in the third person singular. The final task Students will create a box, write their name on it, decorate it, and use it to store their Spanish class material. Finally, they will give a short presentation in front of the class.
Unit Questions This is the summary of the questions you will encounter in this pedagogical guide throughout the unit. The purpose of these questions is to explore students’ prior knowledge at the beginning of some sections of the unit (CON LUPA y DESCUBRIR EL MUNDO). You can also consider asking these questions at the end of each section to check comprehension and the students’ progress throughout the course.
You can create “a wall of questions and answers.” You could designate a colorful spot in the classroom for these questions. You could use a bulletin board, a poster, an easel, or a space on the wall. With your help, students will answer these questions as the unit progresses.
Con Lupa 1
Con Lupa 2
Con Lupa 3
Descubrir el Mundo
How do we say hello and goodbye in Spanish? ¿Qué decimos para saludar y para despedirnos en español?
How do we ask someone’s name in Spanish? ¿Qué decimos para preguntarle el nombre a alguien?
How do we identify an object? ¿Qué decimos para identificar objetos?
Who is Frida Kahlo? ¿Quién es Frida Kahlo?
How do we introduce ourselves or someone else? ¿Qué decimos para presentarnos o presentar a alguien más?
What are the colors in Spanish? ¿Cuáles son los colores en español?
UNIT 1 Unidad 1
La ilustración principal
16 dieciséis diecisiete 17
Objectives •• Introduce ways to say hello and goodbye. •• Introduce everyday objects. •• Activate students’ prior knowledge using the main illustration and audio track (track 7). Vocabulary auto calle caramelo niño/a
ciudad paleta
café perro
Materials •• Audio track 7, photographs of Seville
camarero/a gato/a
panadero/a mamá
helado hijo/a
Thinking Routines You can begin by asking general questions about the illustration. Students may answer these questions in English. The goals are to encourage cognitive development, critical thinking, and listening comprehension in Spanish. •• ¿Qué ves? Yo veo… (Ask students to describe what they see.) •• ¿Qué piensas? Yo pienso… (Ask students to interpret or make inferences about what they see.) •• ¿Qué te preguntas? Yo me pregunto… (Prompt students to ask themselves questions about what they are looking at.) Allow students to take the necessary time to infer as much information as they can. Help them to reflect on their answers. We propose the following examples as possible answers: •• ¿Qué ves? Yo veo una ciudad. Yo veo una calle con gente. Yo veo mucha gente… •• ¿Qué piensas? Yo pienso que la ciudad es bonita. Pienso que todos están felices. Pienso que se puede jugar en la calle. Yo pienso que mi barrio (no) es así porque… 24
•• ¿Qué te preguntas? Me pregunto dónde están los personajes. ¿Qué relaciones tienen entre ellos? ¿Qué época del año es? ¿Qué hora es? ¿Quién envía la carta? ¿A dónde va el señor de la bici?… Questions with extended answers If you have any native Spanish speakers in your class, you can motivate them to practice the language by asking them to describe precise aspects of the image in Spanish. We recommend these possible questions: –– ¿Qué está haciendo cada persona? –– ¿Qué crees que ha pasado antes o va a ocurrir después? –– ¿Has estado alguna vez en esta ciudad o en alguna parecida? ¿Dónde estuviste? ¿Con quién fuiste? –– ¿Qué animales hay en la imagen? ¿Cómo son? About Alba y Gael You can then continue working with the illustration by asking more specific questions about the characters in the book: –– ¿Qué personajes conoces? Alba and her family have already been introduced in UNIT 0. Therefore, they probably recognize
UNIT 1 Alba, Piñata, Pepe, Rosa, Pablo and Curro, who is inside the bakery. Otherwise, refer them to the illustration on page 10 and refresh their memories about the characters’ names. –– Then write on the board ¿Dónde están? Most likely, students will tell you they are in a plaza or on a street in a city. Based on what they know about Alba’s family, they may tell you that they are in Spain or even Seville. If they do not mention it, tell them that the scene takes place in a plaza in Seville, the city in Spain where Alba lives. In UNIT 0, they already located Alba and Gael in their respective countries, so you can show the world map again. Encourage your students to locate Spain on the map. Next, show the exact location of Seville or ask them to look for it themselves in pairs or small groups. In addition, if you see fit, you can show them some photographs of the city. You can bring in hard copies of the pictures or show them online if you have the resources to do so. You can consult the following website where you will find a wide variety of photographs of the city: www.minube.com/fotos/sevilla-c1265. –– Next, ask them: ¿Qué cosas de la imagen sabes decir en español? It is expected that your students already know words such as bicicleta.
Unidad 1
1 Escucha
If they do not know any words, remind them that they will learn many new words. Some of these words will be very easy for them because of their resemblance to English. Then give them the word café as an example and ask them if they can identify it in the image. The sounds of the illustration Explain to students that they will hear the sounds of a city and that they should listen to track 7 and point to the elements in the image that they recognize by their sound. For example, if they hear a dog’s bark, they can point to Piñata, Alba’s dog, in the picture. Also, encourage students to say the word in Spanish if they know it, for example: ¡perro! Provide an example before you begin the activity to make sure everyone understands what they need to do. Play track 7 and watch the activity unfold. Repeat the track as many times as you see fit. Possible answers Pájaros, maullido de gatos, perros ladrando, timbre de bicicleta, cámara de fotos, campanas, autos, una pelota, silbidos, una moto, niños y niñas jugando, gente hablando.
Con lupa 1 8
y señala
Unidad 1
quién habla.
4 Ahora tú Completa los diálogos con las frases del recuadro. Después, representa con un compañero o una compañera. ✎ Cuaderno act. 2, 3, 4, 5
¡Buenos días!
Con Lupa 1
¡Buenas tardes! 1
2 Escucha 9 las frases y repite . Después, lee con un compañero o una compañera. Buenos días.
a. 3 Escucha
los diálogos y relaciónalos
con las imágenes.
¿Qué tal?
Estoy mal.
Hasta mañana. Hola, Alba.
Estoy bien, gracias. ¿Y tú?
Estoy bien. ¿Y tú?
los diálogos
¿Cómo estás?
¿Cómo estás?
¡Buenas noches!
¿Cómo estás?
Hasta mañana.
a b
Buenos días, señora López. Buenos días, Mateo. ¿Cómo estás? ● Bien, gracias. ¿Y usted? ●
Hola, Luis.
Hola, Marta. c
18 dieciocho diecinueve 19
Objectives •• Say hello and goodbye in Spanish. •• Ask and answer how someone is doing.
Materials •• Audio tracks 8, 9, 10. Poster board, colored pencils/crayons, markers, scissors
Vocabulary Buenos días.
Questions in CON LUPA 1 •• How do we say hello and goodbye in Spanish? ¿Qué decimos cuando saludamos y cuando nos despedimos?
Buenas tardes.
Hasta mañana.
¿Qué tal?
Estoy bien.
¿Y usted?
Buenas noches. ¿Cómo estás?
Estoy mal.
¿Y tú?
UNIT 1 1 Escucha y señala quién habla. C Interpretive Communication
Look at the three images at the top of the page and ask your students if they recognize the scenes. These images are excerpts from the main illustration of the unit (pages 16 and 17). Describe the scenes in Spanish. You can say phrases accompanied by gestures/body movements, point to the image, and even use English to clarify a term to aid comprehension: 1. Alba y Pepe hablan con el camarero 2. Rosa y Pablo hablan con la cartera 3. Curro compra en una panadería Write the three phrases you just mentioned on the board to help your students understand the vocabulary. Ask students to repeat them one by one in unison to practice pronunciation. (Repeat them if you think it is necessary.) Finally, ask for volunteers to read them individually. Then, explain to your students that they will hear a short conversation and that they should: –– listen to track 8 and mark the image they think corresponds to that conversation –– check their answer with a partner –– listen to track 8 again and check their answers with the whole class. Repeat track 8 as many times as you deem necessary. Answer 2
2 Escucha las frases y repite. Después, lee los
diálogos con un compañero o una compañera. C Interpretive Communication
Explain to students that they will work on two parts of the conversation they just heard in activity 1. They must: –– listen to track 9 –– repeat the conversation in unison, emphasizing pronunciation and intonation –– read both conversations in pairs –– switch roles and practice the conversations again While students practice the conversations in pairs, go around to monitor their pronunciation and intonation patterns to identify any pronunciation and/or intonation difficulty. You may choose to address any issues one-on-one with students. If you notice any common errors, you can address them with the class. 26
At the end of the practice, you can ask students to voluntarily read the conversation aloud to check their pronunciation and to make sure they feel comfortable using the language. This exercise can be challenging for students who experience difficulties when reading and pronouncing Spanish, especially at the initial stages of learning the different sounds of the phonetic sound system in Spanish. Repeat track 9 as many times as you deem necessary.
3 Escucha los diálogos y relaciónalos con las
imágenes. C Interpretive Communication
Introduce the activity to your students. –– First, tell your students to look at the images, which are extracts from the main illustration. Give them time to look at the details. Ask students to describe what they see. (One illustration shows a boy and a girl on a bike talking. The other one show two people talking from their homes). Students may turn to English to express some ideas; in that case, translate their words into Spanish. This practice will help them understand the conversations better. –– Then, ask students to read the two brief conversations in the speech bubbles. Read the conversations aloud slowly, emphasizing pronunciation and intonation. Encourage your students to repeat the conversations as you read it. Emphasize pronunciation again. You can then ask for volunteers to read the conversation in pairs to the class. Repeat these steps and pre-reading exercises as much as possible, as a tool for reading comprehension. Working individually or in pairs, students should then: –– read the dialogues again and match each one to an image –– compare their answers with a partner, another pair, and/or the class Answers
You can further practice this dialogue by doing the following activity in groups: ask students to get up and dance or walk freely through the class to the rhythm
UNIT 1 of the song of UNIT 1, La canción de los colores, or another song in Spanish that you consider appropriate. Stop the music at any time, without notice. Students will then need to find a classmate and practice the conversations (in the first round they will read conversation 1, and in the next round conversation 2). Make it clear that students must change partners each time the music stops. Repeat the exercise as many times as you see fit. 4 Ahora tú. Completa los diálogos con las frases del
recuadro. Después, representa con un compañero o una compañera.
You can have your students create posters with the greetings and expressions they have learned in this section. Divide the class into small groups and distribute the expressions among the groups. Give them poster board, colored pencils/crayons, markers, and scissors. Tell them to write the expression on the poster and draw a picture that will help them remember its meaning. Walk around the classroom and offer help while the groups work on their posters. When they are finished, display the posters in the classroom and refer to them at the beginning and end of each class.
C Interpretive and Interpersonal Communication
Explain to your students that they will create their own conversation and then act it out. To prepare for this activity, read the words in the speech bubbles slowly and answer any questions about the vocabulary. Encourage your students to repeat after you. Take advantage of this opportunity to work on pronunciation and intonation. To delve deeper, you can ask volunteers to read the words individually. Then, working in pairs, explain to your students that they should: –– complete the conversations with the phrases in the box –– act out the conversations –– switch roles and practice the conversations again You can encourage your outgoing students to dress up as the characters in the illustrations, utilize objects like those that appear in the illustration, or imitate their postures to represent them. Possible answers
UNIT 1 Unidad 1
Con lupa 2
1 Escucha
y señala
Unidad 1
quién habla.
4 Lee
y completa Se llama
Con Lupa 2
1 1
2 Escucha 12 las frases y repite . Después, lee con un compañero o una compañera.
¿Cómo se llama?
5 b.
y completa
¡Hola! ¿Cómo te llamas?
¿Cómo se llama tu gato?
¿Cómo se llama ella?
Se llama
Y tú, ¿cómo te llamas?
❍ ¿Yo?
Y tú, ¿cómo te llamas? Se llama Piñata.
3 Lee
Me llamo
los diálogos
las frases con la información de las etiquetas.
Me llamo Alba.
Ahora tú Recorta , colorea o una compañera.
y juega
con un compañero
los diálogos. ✎ Cuaderno act. 11
Me llamo Alba. ¿Y usted?
Me llamo Manolo. ¿Cómo se llama tu perro?
Colorea los personajes, recorta y prepara un diálogo
Se llama Piñata.
parecido con un compañero o una compañera.
¡Hola! ¿Cómo te llamas?
Me llamo Superñam. ¿Y tú?
20 veinte veintiuno 21
Objectives •• Introduce themselves and someone else in Spanish.
Materials •• Audio tracks 11 and 12, colored pencils/crayons or markers and scissors
Vocabulary ¿Cómo te llamas?
Questions in CON LUPA 2 •• How do we ask someone’s name in Spanish? ¿Qué decimos para preguntar el nombre de alguien en español? •• How do we introduce ourselves or someone else? ¿Qué decimos para presentarnos o presentar a alguien?
Me llamo… ella
¿Cómo se llama?
café gato
Se llama… yo
tú recortar
1 Escucha y señala quién habla. C
Interpretive Communication
Point to the three images at the top of the page and, just as you did in CON LUPA 1, ask your students if they recognize the scenes. Again, describe the scenes in Spanish. You can use phrases with gestures/body movements, point to the image, and even use English to clarify a term to aid comprehension: 1. Alba y Pepe hablan con el camarero 2. Rosa y Pablo hablan con la cartera 3. Curro compra en una panadería Write the three phrases that describe the scenes on the board to help your students learn the vocabulary. Ask them to repeat them one by one in unison to further work on pronunciation. (Repeat them if you think it is necessary.) Finally ask for volunteers to read the phrases individually. Then, explain to your students that they will hear a short conversation and that they should: –– listen to track 11 and mark the picture they think corresponds to that conversation –– check their answer with a partner –– listen to track 11 again and check their answers with the class. 28
Repeat track 11 as many times as you deem necessary. Answer 1
2 Escucha las frases y repite. Después, lee los
diálogos con un compañero o una compañera. C
Interpretive Communication
Explain to students that they will work on two parts of the conversation they just heard in activity 1. They must: –– listen to track 12 –– repeat the conversation in unison, emphasizing pronunciation and intonation –– read both conversations in pairs –– switch the roles and practice the conversations again While students practice the conversations in pairs, go around to monitor their pronunciation and intonation patterns to identify any pronunciation and/or intonation difficulty. You may choose to address any issues one-on-one with students. If you notice any common errors, you can address them with the class.
UNIT 1 At the end of the practice, you can ask some groups to voluntarily read the dialogue aloud to check pronunciation and to make sure students feel comfortable using the language. This exercise can be challenging for students who experience difficulties when reading and pronouncing Spanish, especially at the initial stages of learning the different sounds of the phonetic sound system in Spanish.
Repeat track 12 as many times as you deem necessary. 4 Lee y completa las frases con la información de
las etiquetas. 3 Lee y completa los diálogos. C
Interpretive and Interpersonal Communication
Making Connections
Before starting the activity, ask your students if they know the names of the characters in the illustration (Alba y Piñata). If they don’t remember them, suggest that they read the conversations in activity 2 again. This will help them sort the conversation more easily. Then, explain to your students that they will complete a dialogue. Start by reading the lines of the conversation aloud and answer any questions that may arise. Remind your students that written texts serve as support for pronunciation. As you read the lines, encourage your students to repeat what you say. Model proper intonation for questions and answers. Finally, you can ask some volunteers to collaborate by reading the lines out loud individually. Then, direct students to complete the activity. Working individually or in pairs, they must: –– read the lines from the dialogue again and match the sentences with the person who says them –– write the sentences in the corresponding speech bubbles –– check their answers with a partner and/or the class To help your students accomplish the task, you can tell them that the lines inside the blue boxes match the speech bubbles of the same color. The same goes for the yellow color. This makes it easier to solve the activity. If appropriate, you may want to encourage your students to translate the conversation into their native language. They can work in pairs or individually. Walk around the classroom to monitor their work and answer any questions that may arise. Finally, encourage some of your students to share their dialogue with the class.
Interpretive Communication
Focus your students’ attention on the activity and explain that they will find out who each character is. Working individually or in pairs, they will need to: –– read the sentences and complete them with the expressions in the boxes –– check their answers with a partner and/or the class Answers 1. Se llama Jaleo. 2. Se llama Sara. 3. ¿Yo? Me llamo Gael. To reinforce the language from these activities, distribute the PHOTOCOPIABLE WORKSHEET 1. Working individually or in pairs, explain to your students that they will have to: –– match each sentence in the left column with the corresponding subject in the right column –– check their answers with a partner and/or the class Insist that your students pay attention to subject pronoun and verb agreement. You can refer them to the GRAMÁTICA VISUAL on page 25. Answers to PHOTOCOPIABLE WORKSHEET 1 1. 2. 3. 4.
c, d a b c
5. b 6. c, d 7. d
5 Ahora tú. Recorta, colorea y juega con un
compañero o una compañera. C
Interpretive and Interpersonal Communication
Making Connections
Students will find the cutout material for this activity on page 107. Ask students to cut out and color the four characters. Read the names of the characters along with them.
UNIT 1 Then refer them to page 21 and read the dialogue between Superñam and his friend. Take this time to review the sentences students have learned throughout the unit: sentences to greet others, ask about their wellbeing, and ask their names (¿Cómo estás? ¿Cómo te llamas? ¿Qué tal?). Ask them to find the statements and questions on pages 18, 19, 20, and 21. Ask them to repeat them. Write them on the board. Unidad 1
After reviewing these questions, encourage your students to play with the characters they have cut out and colored according to the model. To make it more interesting, you can suggest that your students make up their own names for the characters and have them spell the names to each other to review the alphabet.
Con lupa 3
1 Escucha
y señala
Unidad 1
quién habla.
4 Lee
y completa
las frases: ¿de qué color es?
1. Es una carta
Con Lupa 3
¿Eso qué es?
3 Escucha
, lee
4. Es un gato
. 5
y responde
: ¿qué es? ✎ Cuaderno act. 8
¿De qué color es?
Es una paleta.
los diálogos
3. Es un perro
2 Escucha 14 las frases y repite . Después, lee con un compañero o una compañera.
2. Es una bicicleta
y canta
Es naranja.
. La canción de los colores. ✎ Cuaderno act. 9
¿Qué es?
Un caramelo rojo, negro, blanco, rosa y marrón. Naranja, lila, verde y amarillo. Y azul, y azul.
Y ahora saltas tú.
1. Es
4. Es
6 Escucha
¿Qué es?
un helado
2. Es
3. Es
5. Es
6. Es
y marca los objetos que escuches.
Una pelota roja, negra, blanca, rosa y marrón. Naranja, lila, verde y amarilla. Y azul, y azul.
Y ahora cantas tú.
22 veintidós veintitrés 23
Objectives •• Identify objects with the verb ser. •• Talk about the color of an object. Vocabulary ¿(Eso) Qué es?
¿De qué color (es)?
Por favor.
De nada.
Muy bien.
bicicleta rojo/a marrón
perro negro/a naranja
Materials •• Audio tracks 13, 14, 15 and 16, color cards
Es (un/a)…
Aquí tienes. pelota
blanco/a amarillo/a
1 Escucha y señala quién habla. C
Interpretive Communication
Point to the three images at the top of the page, just as you did in CON LUPA 1 y CON LUPA 2. Describe the scenes in Spanish. You can use phrases with gestures/body movements, point to the image, and even use English to clarify a term to aid comprehension: 1. Alba y Pepe hablan con el camarero 2. Rosa y Pablo hablan con la cartera 3. Curro compra en una panadería
Questions in CON LUPA 3 •• How do we identify an object? ¿Qué decimos para identificar un objeto? •• What are the colors in Spanish? ¿Cómo se dicen los colores en español?
Write the three phrases that describe the scenes on the board to help your students learn the vocabulary. Ask them to repeat them one by one in unison to further work on pronunciation. (Repeat them again if you think it is necessary.) Finally, ask for volunteers to read the phrases individually. Then, explain to your students that they will hear a short conversation and that they should: –– listen to track 13 and mark the picture they think corresponds to that conversation –– check their answer with a partner –– listen to track 13 again and check their answer with the class.
UNIT 1 Repeat track 13 as often as necessary. Answer
2 Escucha las frases y repite. Después, lee los
diálogos con un compañero o una compañera. C
Interpretive Communication
Making Connections
Explain to students that they will work on two parts of the conversation they just heard in activity 1. They must: –– listen to track 14 –– repeat the conversation in unison, emphasizing pronunciation and intonation –– read both dialogues in pairs –– switch the roles and practice the conversations again While students practice the conversations in pairs, go around to monitor their pronunciation and intonation patterns to identify any pronunciation and/or intonation difficulty. You may choose to address any issues one-on-one with students. If you notice any common errors, you can address them with the class. At the end of the practice, you can ask some teams to voluntarily read the dialogue aloud to check pronunciation check and to make sure students feel comfortable using the language. This exercise can be challenging for students who experience difficulties when reading and pronouncing in Spanish, especially at the initial stages of learning the different sounds of the phonetic sound system in Spanish. Repeat track 14 as often as necessary.
3 Escucha, lee y canta. La canción de los colores. C
Interpretive Communication
Making Connections
Before you begin the activity, point to the picture of the candy next to the song lyrics and ask your students: ¿Qué es? Listen to their answers. Then write un caramelo on the board. Take this
opportunity to remind students that sugary candies are not healthy and that it is always more advisable to eat a piece of fruit or healthy food. Next, do the
Tell your students they must: –– read the lyrics to the song and notice that each color is written in its corresponding color (for example, the word for blue, azul, is written in blue). Prepare a card showing each of the colors in the song lyrics (red, black, white, pink, brown, orange, purple, green, yellow, and blue). Distribute them among your students. Explain that you are going to say random colors in Spanish. If they have a card of that color, they will need to raise it with their hands. Do several rounds of this to check their understanding of how to do the activity. Then, students should: –– listen to the song –– lift their card when they hear the color of the card they are holding Repeat the activity until your students perform it without making any mistakes. To finish and to promote physical exercise in the classroom, divide your class into groups and distribute cards of all the colors to each group. Working together, explain to your students that they should: –– rewrite a paragraph of the song changing the order of colors –– sing the new version of the song while other teams lift their cards as they hear the colors Repeat this dynamic until all of the groups have sung their new versions of the song.
4 Lee y completa las frases: ¿de qué color es? C
Interpretive and Interpersonal Communication
Before starting the activity, it is recommended that you review the vocabulary. Prepare cards with the words (carta, perro, bicicleta, gato). Make sure that the cards are of a suitable size so that they are visible by all your students. Show each card to the class and say, for example: Es una carta blanca. Ask your students to repeat the phrase after you until you go through all of the vocabulary. Next, show the cards again, but this time, say the wrong color of the object, for example: Es una carta azul. Students should correct the sentence and clarify that it is a white letter, not a blue letter. Repeat the dynamic with all cards.
same thing with the picture of the ball. If you see fit, you can repeat the question several more times by pointing to other everyday objects.
UNIT 1 After reviewing all of the vocabulary, explain the activity. Working individually or in pairs, students will have to: –– complete the sentences with the right color –– check their answers with a partner and/or the class Remind students to pay attention to the ending of some of the words for colors, since in some cases they will need to change it to masculine or feminine. Write an example on the board: una carta blanca / un perro blanco. Consider marking or writing the endings of the examples in different colors, such as using purple for feminine endings (-a) and red for masculine endings (-o). Remember that you can elaborate on this topic with activity 1 in the GRAMÁTICA VISUAL section on page 25.
You may want to provide another example before proceeding. Remind students that they can consult the section MIS PALABRAS on page 23 for this activity. Keep practicing colors and noun/adjective agreement, if you see it fit. You can ask your students to name the colors of the objects. Ask, for example: ¿De qué color es el helado? and wait for their answers. Repeat for all objects in the activity. Answers 1. Es un helado. 2. Es una paleta. 3. Es un gato.
4. Es una bicicleta. 5. Es un caramelo. 6. Es una pelota.
6 Escucha y marca los objetos que escuches.
Answers 1. Es una carta blanca. 3. Es un perro rojo. 2. Es una bicicleta negra. 4. Es un gato amarillo.
5 Mira y responde: ¿qué es? C
Interpretive Communication
Making Connections
Before starting the activity, you can review the vocabulary learned so far in the unit. Prepare cards with the images of the vocabulary that you want to practice. (You may want to concentrate only on the words in this activity.) Put the images in a bag. Ask a student to take a card out of the bag, look at it, and act it out. The rest of the class must guess what the word is. Take turns. You can write the words on the board or even encourage students to spell them out as you write them. This can serve as a review of the alphabet. This activity will help students improve their writing and spelling skills as well as get used to this type of drill. If you have a large group, you can organize the class into small groups. In that case, keep in mind that you will need to prepare several bags with images. After reviewing the vocabulary, erase the words from the board and explain the activity. Working individually or in pairs, your students will now have to: –– look at the images and identify the objects –– answer the question by completing the sentences below each image –– check their answers with a partner and/or the class Make sure everyone understands how to do the activity by reading the example aloud. Point to the ice cream and ask: ¿Qué es? Encourage your students to respond by reading the example: Es un helado. 32
Interpretive and Interpersonal Communication
Point to the first image of the activity (top left) and ask your students: ¿Qué es? The expected answer is (Es) un perro. Also, ask the following: ¿De qué color es? Wait for their answer. Then, write on the board: (Es) un perro verde. Ask your students what other things they see and what color they are. Then, ask students to list the images that appear in the activity to review the vocabulary lesson. Highlight the fact that these images do not have the same colors even though they are repeated images (for example, there is a green dog, a black dog, and a brown dog). You may want to review colors before doing the activity. This practice will aid listening comprehension and alleviate any linguistic anxiety when it comes to listening in a second language. Then, explain to your students that they are going to listen to a recording and that they should: –– listen to track 16 and mark the images that are mentioned –– check their answers with a partner –– listen to track 16 again and check their answers with the whole class Repeat track 16 as many times as you deem necessary. Answers
UNIT 1 Unidad 1
mis palabras
1 Mira
, escucha
y repite
gramática visual
. ✎ Cuaderno act. 1, 7
1 Lee
y mira
un perro
Mis Palabras
una pelota
un gato
una paleta
un caramelo
un helado
un niño
una carta
una bicicleta
una niña
2 Colorea las rutas, descubre las frases como en el ejemplo.
un caramelo rojo
un caramelo amarillo
un niño
los colores y completa
una paleta blanca
rosa lila
. .
una bicicleta azul
2 Lee
y mira
. ✎ Cuaderno act. 6
él, ella
Es una paleta verde. Es un caramelo verd e. Es una pelota marr ón. Es un perro marrón.
una niña
una paleta
una paleta roja una paleta amarilla
una paleta negra
un caramelo blanco
un caramelo negro
un caramelo
Unidad 1
. ✎ Cuaderno act. 10, 12
¿Cómo te llamas?
Y él, ¿cómo se llama?
Yo me llamo Alba.
24 veinticuatro veinticinco 25
Objectives •• Recognize and name everyday objects in Spanish. •• Refer to the color of objects in Spanish. Vocabulary un perro un gato un niño
un helado
una paleta
una carta
una pelota
una bicicleta negro/a
un caramelo
una niña verde
blanco/a rosa
1 Mira, escucha y repite. C
Interpretive Communication
Language Comparisons
Materials •• Audio track 27, colored pencils/crayons or markers
Focus your students’ attention on the images and encourage them to: –– look at the pictures and read the words silently –– listen to track 17 –– listen and repeat the words one at a time, emphasizing intonation and pronunciation If you deem it necessary, you can pause the audio after each word. Depending upon the number of students in the class and any linguistic anxiety students may experience when it comes to repeating aloud in a second language, you may want to ask them to repeat the words in unison or individually. Take turns if students repeat the words individually. Next, ask students what elements the red words and the purple words have in common. If necessary, read the words again, emphasizing the red and purple parts of the words. Encourage students to repeat them after you, imitating you. Since there is no gender difference in English,
students may not notice gender agreement in Spanish. Explain to students that the words marked in red refer to the masculine gender while those marked in purple refer to the feminine gender. Remember that you can work with these concepts more deeply in activity 1 of the GRAMÁTICA VISUAL section of page 25.
2 Colorea las rutas, descubre los colores y
completa las frases como en el ejemplo. C
Interpretive and Presentational Communication
Ask your students to look at the image. Explain that they will solve a maze. Working individually or in pairs, they will need to: –– color each route with the corresponding color –– color each object with the color assigned to its route –– complete the phrases as in the example –– check their answers with a partner and/or the class –– color the objects at the bottom of the activity To ensure that everyone understands the activity, do the first exercise as a model aloud.
UNIT 1 Answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Unidad 1
mis palabras
1 Mira
, escucha
y repite
gramática visual
. ✎ Cuaderno act. 1, 7
1 Lee
y mira
un perro
un gato
un caramelo
un helado
un niño
una carta
una bicicleta
una niña
Gramática Visual una pelota
una paleta
2 Colorea las rutas, descubre las frases como en el ejemplo.
un caramelo amarillo
un niño
una paleta blanca
Es una paleta verde. Es un caramelo verd e. Es una pelota marr ón. Es un perro marrón.
rosa lila
. .
2 Lee
y mira
. ✎ Cuaderno act. 6
él, ella
una niña
una paleta
una paleta roja una paleta amarilla
una paleta negra
un caramelo blanco
un caramelo negro
un caramelo
Unidad 1
. ✎ Cuaderno act. 10, 12
un caramelo rojo
los colores y completa
una bicicleta azul
Es una carta blanca. Es una pelota naranja. Es un caramelo rojo. Es un helado rosa. Es una bicicleta azul. Es un gato negro. Es una paleta verde.
¿Cómo te llamas?
Y él, ¿cómo se llama?
Yo me llamo Alba.
24 veinticuatro veinticinco 25
Objectives •• Recognize and use singular indefinite articles in Spanish (un, una). •• Express singular gender and number agreement between articles, nouns, and adjectives. •• Recognize and use the verb llamarse in third person singular. Vocabulary caramelo niño pelota
perro ser
paleta un
blanco/a rosa
niña yo
negro/a marrón
1 Lee y mira. C
Interpretive and Interpersonal Communication
Making Connections
Language Comparisons
Cut out the letters o and a to highlight the linguistic aspect of this activity: –– the letter o in red –– the letter a in purple
Materials •• Four pieces of white poster board, duct tape, green poster board, sheets of paper, colored pencils/crayons, a red train drawn by the teacher on a paper with his/her name written two bags, the cut-out cards on page 109. •• The letter o trimmed on red poster board and the letter a trimmed on purple poster board, a ball, a piece of candy, a lollipop, a card, a toy cat
Tell your students to focus their attention on the images of the boy and the girl. Show them the letters you cut out in red (the letter o) and in purple (the letter a). Ask them which word corresponds to each letter: niño o niña (niño ends in -o, niña ends in -a). Make sure they understand the difference between masculine and feminine. To make sure they comprehend this difference. Then, focus your students’ attention to the words caramelo and paleta and the indefinite articles next to then. Write on the board: un caramelo/
UNIT 1 una paleta. Draw attention to masculine and feminine gender of the articles. Point out the use of un instead of uno. Then write niño/niña and encourage students to decide which indefinite article accompanies each word to make sure they understand the use of gender in indefinite articles and nouns (un niño/una niña). Next, write on the board: un caramelo roj__. Hold up the two cutout letters in red and purple. Ask them which letter is correct, and wait for the answer. Write the correct letter on the board: un caramelo rojo. Underline the -o in both words to emphasize masculine gender. Repeat the same dynamic with the feminine example: una paleta roj__. Work on gender changing colors (red, yellow, white, black) with different known objects. Make sure students understand gender agreement. Then, write un caramelo azul on the board and hold up the cutout letters in red and purple. Ask your students if they are necessary. Point out that azul is a word that does not change. Write next to it una paleta azul to ensure that they understand the use of invariant colors. Repeat the dynamic several times to practice all invariant colors: azul, verde, naranja, rosa, lila, marrón. Then, insert several objects of different colors into a bag: a ball, a candy, a lollipop, a card, a toy cat, etc. Tell your students that they are going to play a game. They must: –– put their hand in the bag and grab hold of an object –– guess the name of object without looking at it –– formulate a sentence with the object, such as: Es una pelota. The rest of the class will have to: –– write down the sentence and add a color to it (whichever color they want, for example: Es una pelota azul) –– say the sentence aloud –– check who gets the color right (the person who took the object out of the bag needs to show it to the rest of the class)
2 Lee y mira. C
Interpretive and Interpersonal Communication
Making Connections
Before you work more on the singular forms of the verb llamarse, make your students aware of the personal pronouns: yo, tú, él, ella. Write the pronouns on the board and point at yourself or others to represent the pronouns as you repeat them. Add the verb llamarse: Yo me llamo Lucía. (Say your own name.) Tú te llamas John. Él se llama Paul. Ella se llama Emily. (Use the names of your students.) Then, organize students into groups of three. Written or cut out on sheets of paper, place the numbers 1, 2, and 3 on the ground for each group. Explain the following instructions: –– Each student must stand over a number. –– The student on number 1 will start by saying: Me llamo Tom. (Encourage them to use their own names.) –– The student on number 2 will repeat what student number 1 said using the second person singular pronoun: Te llamas Tom. –– The student on number 3 will repeat what student number 2 said using the third person singular pronoun: Se llama Tom. –– Once the first round is over, students will change position and jump to another number. Repeat the dynamic three times so that each student can formulate a sentence in the first person, second person, and third person. Then, the same groups of three will have to: –– read the dialogue between Alba and her friends –– reproduce the conversation with their own names Walk around the classroom and help solve any problems that may arise during the course of the activity.
Do this activity either individually or in pairs. Take turns.
UNIT 1 Unidad 1
descubrir el mundo
practico el español
Arte mexicano: Frida Kahlo
1 Lee
y completa
las frases.
• •
Se llama
Descubrir el Mundo Arte mexicano: Frida Kahlo
Es una pintora
muy famosa.
Esta es la
de Frida.
• • • •
una caja de cartón papel de regalo, periódicos, revistas… foami o cartulina tijeras y pegamento lápices y marcadores plumas, botones, tela…
Unidad 1
la caja de español
Crea una caja con tu nombre guardar el material de la clase de Español.
Es un museo que está en Ciudad de México.
Casa Azul
1 Forra la caja con papel. Frida Kahlo
2 Mira el autorretrato de Frida Kahlo y habla con tus compañeros.
2 Dibuja
¿Qué pienso?
4 Presenta
¿Qué me pregunto?
tu autorretrato y preséntalo
las letras de tu nombre.
3 Pega las letras en la tapa de la caja y decórala.
¿Qué veo?
3 Dibuja
y recorta
Autorretrato con Bonito, 1943.
en clase.
tu caja en clase.
¡Hola! ¿Qué tal? ¡Yo estoy muy bien! Me llamo Lola. Esta es mi caja de español. Es azul, amarilla, roja y lila.
Sé original y utiliza los materiales que más te gustan. 26 veintiséis 26 veintisiete 27
Objectives •• Talk about the Mexican artist Frida Kahlo and her work. •• Draw a self-portrait and present it to the class. Vocabulary Se llama… museo
Esta es…
mexicano/a autorretrato
pintor/a ver
Materials •• Paint, colored pencils/crayons, fabric, dried flowers, glue, etc. Questions in DESCUBRIR EL MUNDO •• Who is Frida Kahlo? ¿Quién es Frida Kahlo?
pensar materiales
gustar 1 Lee y completa las frases. C
Interpretive and Interpersonal Communication
Show your students the image of Frida Kahlo and ask them if they know who she is. If a student knows her, encourage them to share what they know with their classmates. If they don’t know her, tell them that her name is Frida Kahlo and that she is a painter. Explain that they are going to learn more about her in this section. Working individually or in pairs, they will need to: –– complete the sentences with the words in the boxes –– check their answers with a partner and/or the class You can use this opportunity to practice pronunciation and intonation by reading the sentences aloud slowly and encouraging your students to repeat them in unison. At the end, you can ask several volunteers to repeat the sentences individually. Answers Se llama Frida Kahlo. Es una pintora mexicana muy famosa. Esta es la Casa Azul de Frida. Es un museo que está en Ciudad de México. 36
If you have the means to connect to the Internet, you can help students expand their knowledge of Frida Kahlo. Ask them the following questions for this purpose: 1. ¿De dónde es Frida Kahlo? Where is Frida Kahlo from? 2. Busca algunos de sus cuadros más famosos. Look for some of her most famous pictures. Keep in mind that the works of Frida Kahlo are based on some difficult themes and dark topics. It may be appropriate for you to limit your students’ online searches or choose some of her works yourself that would be appropriate to show in class. Answers 1. De Coyoacán, México. 2. Viva la vida o Yo y mis loros. This may be a good time to go back to the world map. Ask your students if they remember where Mexico is, and ask them to locate it on the map. In addition, you can use this opportunity to talk about the capitals of some countries. To do so, organize the class in groups and encourage them
UNIT 1 to find the capital of Mexico (Mexico City) on the map. This is the place where the Frida Kahlo house-turned-museum is located. Then, ask them if they know the capital of the United States (Washington D.C.) and encourage them to point it out on the map as well. Expand the activity with other capitals of interest, such as those of your students’ countries of origin (if they studied them in UNIT 0) or the capital of Spain (Madrid). Cultural note for the teacher Frida Kahlo, a Mexican painter and poet, was born in Coyoacán in 1907. Her life was marked by polio disease and a serious accident in her youth that kept her bedridden for long periods of her life. Her pictorial work revolves around this biography and her own suffering. She was the creator of about two hundred works, most of which were self-portraits. 2 Mira el autorretrato de Frida Kahlo y habla con
tus compañeros. C
Presentational Communication
Making Connections
Cultural Products to Perspectives
Cultural Comparisons
3 Dibuja tu autorretrato y preséntalo en clase. C
Presentational Communication
Making Connections
Cultural Comparisons
Explain to your students that they will now have to draw their own self-portrait and present it to class. Encourage them to use their imagination and any materials they want. Make sure that everyone understands what a self-portrait is and what they have to do. Also make sure that students have the resources available to do the activity. Once students have completed their self-portraits, decorate the walls of the classroom with them. Encourage students to walk around the classroom, as if it were an art gallery or a museum, to observe their classmates’ drawings. After decorating the classroom with the selfportraits, tell your students that you will invite students from other classes to visit the “art gallery” or “museum,” and they will have to give the visitors a guided tour, explaining the exhibition.
Explain to your students that they will now need to talk about one of Frida Kahlo’s self-portraits. They must: –– form small groups –– look at the portrait –– answer the questions in the bubbles Answers • En el cuadro se ve a Frida Kahlo en un jardín con varios animales: un loro, una mariposa y orugas. • The last two questions are open-ended, but you can help your students by mentioning the colors, Frida’s serious expression, or the animals.
UNIT 1 Unidad 1
descubrir el mundo
practico el español
Arte mexicano: Frida Kahlo
1 Lee
y completa
las frases.
• •
Se llama
Es una pintora
Practico el Español La caja de español Esta es la
muy famosa.
de Frida.
• • • •
una caja de cartón papel de regalo, periódicos, revistas… foami o cartulina tijeras y pegamento lápices y marcadores plumas, botones, tela…
Unidad 1
la caja de español
Crea una caja con tu nombre guardar el material de la clase de Español.
Es un museo que está en
Ciudad de México.
Casa Azul
1 Forra la caja con papel.
Frida Kahlo
2 Mira el autorretrato de Frida Kahlo y habla con tus compañeros.
2 Dibuja
¿Qué pienso?
3 Dibuja
tu autorretrato y preséntalo
las letras de tu nombre.
3 Pega las letras en la tapa de la caja y decórala.
¿Qué veo?
4 Presenta
¿Qué me pregunto?
y recorta
Autorretrato con Bonito, 1943.
en clase.
tu caja en clase.
¡Hola! ¿Qué tal? ¡Yo estoy muy bien! Me llamo Lola. Esta es mi caja de español. Es azul, amarilla, roja y lila.
Sé original y utiliza los materiales que más te gustan. 26 veintiséis 26 veintisiete 27
Objectives •• Introduce themselves. •• Show and describe their Spanish box. Communicative objectives •• Introduce yourself and someone else. •• Describe an object. •• Ask and answer how someone is doing. Grammar objectives •• Verbs llamarse and ser. •• Gender agreement in nouns and adjectives.
Vocabulary caja cartón cartulina pluma
papel de regalo
tijeras botón
pegamento tela
periódico lápiz
Materials •• A box, wrapping paper, newspapers, magazines, foam paper or construction paper, scissors, glue, colored pencils/crayons, markers, pens, buttons, fabric, etc.
Lexical objectives •• The colors C
Presentational Communication
The main objective of PRACTICO EL ESPAÑOL is for students to perform a task in which all of the vocabulary and grammar from the unit is activated. This activity also promotes imagination and creativity through oral, written, and visual expression. In addition, this final task gives teachers the opportunity to check each student’s progress and track their learning in a personalized way. Students will create a box with their name on it to store material from Spanish class throughout the course. They will present their boxes to the class.
Before we start Explain to your students that they will decorate their personal Spanish box and write their name on it. This must be done in class. Place special emphasis on explaining that this box will be very useful throughout the course to store the work they do in the classroom. In a previous session, remember to ask students to bring in all the materials necessary for the activity on the day you indicate. It is recommended that you prepare your own Spanish box beforehand and bring it to the classroom as an example. How we do it To prepare the materials, read along with your students everything they will need for the preparation of the box and answer any vocabulary questions that may arise. You can look at the sequence of images to help you. This may be a good time to introduce some verbs that will be useful throughout the course, such as cortar, pegar, escribir, and colorear.
UNIT 1 Once the materials are gathered, encourage students to prepare their boxes according to the model in the book. You may ask each student to add his or her name to the box by cutting out letters using foam paper or construction paper. Make sure that each students write their names correctly. During the activity, walk around the classroom and assist as needed. Encourage your students to be creative and decorate their boxes with the materials, colors, and objects they like the most. When all students have completed their boxes, ask them to prepare what they are going to say in their presentation. They can refer to the model in the book. As they prepare what they want to say, walk around the classroom and help them with any difficulties they may have. Make sure all students prepare their presentations, and encourage them to turn in their boxes to keep in the classroom.
Assessment criteria Use the following point values as a guide. You may decide to rate the task differently according to your own criteria. Approaching expectations Speaking
Uses some words learned in the unit to talk about the box during the presentation.
Completes the written text for the box presentation with a few words from the unit.
Meets expectations
Exceeds expectations
Uses words and phrases Creates phrases spontaneously learned in the unit to talk to talk about the box during about the box during the the presentation. presentation. 1 point 2 points 3 points Completes the written text Includes self-created phrases for the box presentation with in the written text for the box words and phrases from the presentation. unit. 1 point 2 points 3 points
Below is a table-model you can use to take notes of each student’s points during the presentation on their boxes. Student’s name
Total points