Designing Lantau Studio Portfolio
First Semester, Year 2022-2023, MArch 2 Studio Instructor - Lily Zhang
The University of Hong Kong Department of Architecture
Designing Lantau Studio Portfolio
First Semester, Year 2022-2023, MArch 2 Studio Instructor - Lily Zhang
The University of Hong Kong Department of Architecture
This is my portfolio for semester one, Master of Architecture Year 2. This semester I joined the studio led by Lily Zhang, named Designing Lantau. The studio begins with a hiking experience at the Wong Lung Stream, experiencing the nature vibes, learning, and rethinking what Lantau island means to us.
After the hike, we had a workshop festival and we collected several items throughout Lantau Island, with completely different 12 locations, 12 different scenarios, and 12 unique properties. The items will then be grouped and displayed in a studio located at Sheung Wan, exhibiting for 1 week - “Images of Lantau”.
After the workshop festival, we started the site selection and analysis of the site, from large-scale investigations to the smallest details by visiting the paths and recording the conditions through photos.
From 12-21 October 2022, we went to Japan and had a study trip, visiting multiple cities such as Osaka, Kyoto, Tokyo, and the Setouchi Islands. We visited multiple well-known masterpieces by Japanese Architects such as Tadao Ando, SANAA, Ryue Nishizawa and Junya Ishigami.
After coming back to Hong Kong, we continued our design proposal with higher resolutions, consolidating our Japan Trip experiences into inspirations. This portfolio will further explain my thought process and design iterations.
Please enjoy the portfolio. More to come for the final thesis semester coming up!
Wong Lung Stream & Lantau Conception
Site Selection & Item Collection Exhibition Ideas Exhibition Setup Photos History and Context Site Conditions
I have selected the item collection site in Tung Chung, A town in Lantau West developed in the 1990s along with the Hong Kong International Airport, the site, a 800m long mountain is situated in between the boundary of urban and natural environments, and I am curious to discover what kind of spaces and items can be discovered within this boundary.
The site is located in North West side of Lantau island, inside a town closest to the HK airport named Tung Chung.
The site originally selected is a 800m long mountain, sitting in between two contrast environment. This is a pathway I explored and recorded with photos during the site visit.
currently, the nearby surroundings of the site is packed with construction and chaos, which is contradicting to the original purpose of this hill, being an “open green” space for the public, meanwhile the site not really accessible and easily enjoyable as it is hard to walk up and cut across the hill.
some items collected during the site visit around the fishing village, the mountain is packed of various plants and species.
KL01* "Small Leaf with Blob Next to Mangrove Upstream River"
KL02* "Large Green Leaf Next to Mangrove Upstream River"
KL03* "Small Crimson Leaf Near A Mangrove Tree"
KL04* "Small Crimson Leaf Near A Mangrove Tree"
KL05* "Small Pinecone On the Ground Next to a Mangrove"
KL06* "Small Green Leaf On a small plant next to a river"
KL07* "Small Glossy Leaf On a small plant next to a river"
KL08* "Small leave with White Flower On a small plant next to mangrove mud"
KL09* "Dr y Yellowish Flower On a small plant next to a river"
KL10* "White Oyster shell On the mangrove mud and next to stilt houses"
KL11* "Small Green Leaves On a plant next to a road to mangrove"
KL12* "Colocasia Antiquorum On a road next to a mangrove"
KL13* "Oyster Shell Cluster On the mangrove mud and next to stilt houses"
KL14* "Point Green Leaf On the mangrove plant next to the water"
KL15* "Clam Shell On the mangrove plant next to the water"
KL16* "Brittle Flowers On a road near a river"
KL17* "Brown Dried Leaf On the ground near a road next to a river"
KL18* "Drief Brittle Flowers On the ground near a road next to a river"
KL19* "Small Sea Creature Shell On the mangrove mud"
KL20* "Small Green Heart Shape Leaf On a plant near a road next to a river"
some sketches ideas of the workshop festival exhibition, idea to capture the nature and put it inside the exhibition, similar concept to the artist olafur eliasson’s riverbed.
creating two 2.4m diameter circluar table in the school workshop. CNC machine working in progress.
labelling the collected items from lantau and catagorizing them into group of similar properties, shapes and colors. hand written notes then placed next to them for easier recognizing.
this is a satelite image of the site in the 1968, where the NE side of the site is attaching to the sea.
this is a dwg image of the site in the 1968, where the NE side of the site is attaching to the sea.
The site featured a unique piece of 800m long hill, sitting in between two contrasting environments - Tung Chung City Centre and Tung Chung Bay Area. One with luxury shopping malls and the other one with a 600-year-old fishing village and a mountain bay natural scenery view looking at Long Ping Shan Area.
In the 1990s, town planning and road infrastructures shifted the sea shoreline away, cutting out the hill and surrounding it with sea reclamation lands and roads, creating the current “trapped hill” situation.
man-made slopes w/drainage
bus station
risk of flood by rainfall increasing drainage lines
drainage end to sea the site surrounding is surrounded by circulations between TCE and TCW, meanwhile the rainwater drainage pipe are located underneath and exits to the sea. However by the shape of the mountain, it creates this concave shape, forming a large area of water run off surface, which creates a rish of flooding for future weather of increasing water rainfall amounts.
5 sites and conditions were selected for sectional analysis. conditions such as the slope rates, nearby connection to roads, length, connection to water are some of the considerations.
site 01 is located at the north west side of the site, facing the tung chung bay area and can view the international airport facilities.
site 02 is cutted along the axis of the risk of flooding, where the nearby hill formed a concave shape surrounding it. however the slope itself isn’t as steep when comparing to the other sections, and currently the slope contains a hidden road for hikers to walk across the hill, creating a shortcut from tung chung to the ma wan chung village.
site 03 is cutted across the mangrove area and the terrain where the slope is having multiple steppings.
site 04 cuts through the peak of the mountain, with a vertical height different of around 60 meters. where the slope will the steepest.
site 05 cuts through the man made slopes
after the considerations, site 02 will be one of the most suitable sites with a conformtable slope steepness to develop and create a circulation connection both the tung chung east and west side.
the section when extended to the nearby site conditions. both sides contain private and public housing with heights of 150 and 120m respectively. if the design is position right on top of the hill, it will be viewing the nearby towers directly, which is not ideal. therefore some other solutions will be needed, such as going subterranean.
Herbarium (n.)
Systematically arranged collection of dried plants, in a room or building.
Archive (n.)
Collection of historical documents or records providing information of the past.
Initial Programme
Tung Chung developed rapidly over the recent 50 years, nature is being dissected and transformed for urbanization. Many things are happening and disappearing. Lantau can be a documentation ground to document the changes along with human activities. A prototype to apply to worldwide areas with changes along with human activities.
A Living Archive.
Living Archive (n.)
/ˈlɪvɪŋ/ /ˈɑːkʌɪv/
A systematically arranged collection of constantly changing scenarios and objects
Provide an constantly changing response to the past by comparing historical documentations or records at different time stamps.
12.10.2022 13.10.2022 14.10.2022 15.10.2022 16.10.2022 17.10.2022 18.10.2022 19.10.2022 20.10.2022 21.10.2022
Flight to Kansai Airport, Reaching Takamatsu
Inujima + Teshima
Naoshima Kyoto Nara
Fumihiko Maki Office Visit
University of Tokyo Science Fair
Jun Sato Lab Visit
Junya Ishigami Office Visit + KAIT Plaza
Flight Back to Hong Kong
University of Tokyo Exhibition Venue
Inujima Seirensho Art Museum
Inujima Art House Project A-F
Teshima Art Museum
Shima Kitchen
Chichu Art Museum
Hiroshi Sugimoto Time Gallery
Art House Minamidera
Art House Kinza
Art House Ishibashi
Ryoanji Temple Kiyomizu-dera
Senbon Torii Tōdai-ji
Tenri Station Cofufun Plaza
Tadao Ando
#subterranean #light #materiality #sequencing #concrete
#subterranean #light #sensory deprivation #sequencing #distancing
design sketch for a scheme capturing the nearby scenery of the tung chung bay area. a sensory experience hub for sensing different properites of water, light and wave sounds
design sketch for a mangrove and river garbage collection and plant fertilization plant thinking of an alternative of what the mountain can do other than capturing the nature properties.
top of hill and relationship with the concave terrain
possible circulation connections cutting through the hill
the entrance and exit circulation relationship
central axis of the design proposal but the scale will be massive
using connection nodes of facilities embedded within the hill
zonings of activities for different sensoral experiences
45 degree mirror reflecing the blue sky and capturing the light from above ground into the subterranean
the transition between subterranean space and the outdoor spacces,
scale difference between the tunnel and the openings
the transition between narrow and widening spaces
the transition between dark and light spaces
clusters zoning and circulation connections within a nature forest environment.
orientations designed for framing the nearby sea, distance mountains and blocking the nearby urban towers.
implementing the sketches with 3d models and placing them ontop of the site to visualize clearly the arrangement of spaces.
Re imagining the site to the current hill cutting off Tung Chung East and West situation. Inserting a series of half subterranean spaces, creating a new circulation pathway from TC east to TC West, creating a new public pathway while also being wheelchair friendly.
Reply to the current water situation, forming a more future proof water collection and run off service and flood proof system, redirecting water back into the ocean by using the current slope concave formation.
rainfall increasing
man-made slopes
newly added drainage lines drainage end to sea
Collage of spaces capturing the subterranean light and water conditions interacting with the above-ground nature environments.
Rethink the purpose of surface run off water after collection, reincarnate and transforming them into water experiencing purposes, meanwhile creating different levels of intensity
AI software “Mid Journey” generated images, with the topic of imaging “subterranean meditation spaces with sun light gaps”
Creating a extended path of relaxation, leisure, meditation space, from the water playground in front of TC MTR, extending into the hill. Transiting the tension from the city into the peaceful nature scenery within an subterranean space, by capturing the properties of water in visual, tactile, auditory levels.
AI software “Mid Journey” generated images, with the topic of imaging “subterranean water sensory spaces with sun light gaps”
Sketches for the journey sequence and spatial qualities
Sketches for the journey sequence and spatial qualities
Sketches for the journey sequence and spatial qualities
Sketches for the journey sequence and spatial qualities
intensity: medium intensity: low intensity: none
intensity: medium
intensity: high
intensity: max
intensity: low
The sequence for water to begin and end is completely flipped compare to the pathway where human being and ends
Capturing the run off water and transform them into an subterranean relaxation and meditation space between Tung Chung East West and nature.
Redirect. . Reexperience. Rethink. Reincarnation Revolve. Relax. . . Return. Reply.
_flow _drip _still _end still
CS-09 _stream
CS-05 CS-07
CS-08 CS-06
CS-04 CS-03 _return _fall
hill run off water hill run off water _return
to sea
hill run off water
hill run off water to sea
hill run off water
hill run off water
hill run off water
"Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water.
Put water into a cup. Becomes the cup.
Put water into a teapot. Becomes the teapot.
Water can flow or creep or drip or crash.
Be water my friend.
- Bruce Lee