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At Hamilton, we are dedicated to fostering the academic, social and personal growth of all of our students. Through a rigorous academic curriculum that integrates the fine arts, technology, movement and social emotional learning, we strive to prepare all of our students to succeed in high school and beyond. Focusing on the whole child, while upholding high expectations and utilizing evidence-based practices, supports our students’ growth each year. Student learning improves when you raise expectations, support teachers, and build a collaborative climate that is focused on the whole community’s learning.
Learning at Lake View goes beyond the basics by fostering critical thinking and disciplinary literacy. Whether a student enrolls in Honors, AP or dual-credit courses competes on one of our 28 sports teams, or joins a club, our offerings appeal to the broad interests of our diverse student body. By combining rigorous academics with robust extracurricular, cultural and social experiences, we strive to provide our students with a high school experience that promotes self-confidence, minimizes stress and maximizes their potential. For nearly 150 years, Lake View High School has set the standard as a premier neighborhood high school: proud of our past, committed to our present and poised for our future.