Decodable Reader
Weather for All Seasons
Grade K • Unit 6
Cover and Title Pages: ©Tetra Images – Erik Isakson/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education All rights reser ved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education, including, but not limited to, network storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning. Send all inquiries to: McGraw-Hill Education Two Penn Plaza New York, NY 10121 ISBN: 978-0-07-906590-2 MHID: 0-07-906590-2 Printed in the United States of America. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LCR 24 23 22 21 20 19 18
Unit 6
Weather for All Seasons
Contents Bob and Ben ................................ 1 b, l Fiction
Ben, Deb, Lin .............................. 7 b, l Nonfiction
Pack It, Kim ............................... 13 k, ck Fiction
Kick It, Nick! .............................. 19 k, ck Nonfiction
Rock Ken ................................... 25 h, e, f, r, b, l, k, ck Fiction
Flip, Flop, Flip! ........................... 31 Beginning blends: bl-, cl-, fl-, slFiction
Bob and Ben
Rob and Ben ran in. Rob led Ben to the den. 2
Ben is on a big bed. Bob can sit in the bin. 3
Bob is a little cat.
Ben can not fit with Bob.
Ben did not fit on it.
Bob did not like it.
Rob had Ben sit a lot.
Rob let Bob nap a lot.
(tl) Brand X Pictures/Stockbyte/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images, (r) Steve Baccon/Digital Vision/Getty Images, (bl) NathanMarx/E+/Getty Images
Ben, Deb, Lin
Steve Baccon/Digital Vision/Getty Images
Ben did a lot.
Ben let Cam hop in it.
hazelog/Moment/Getty Images
Little Tom is a pet. Dad let Tom sit. 9
Brand X Pictures/Stockbyte/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images
Deb hit with the bat. Deb ran a lap.
Tolola/iStock/Getty Images
Ben had a red bib.
Ben bit the hot cob.
NathanMarx/E+/Getty Images, (inset) McGraw-Hill Education. Mark Dierker, photographer
Lin bit the hot rib.
It is not bad, Lin!
Kim can kick a rock. She can lick a pop. 14
Kim is hot on the dock! Kim can go see Kit. 15
Kim can pack it. It can sit on the rack. 16
Kit was on the deck. Kim ran a lot. 17
Kim can pick ten. Can Kit hit it? 18
Tetra Images – Erik Isakson/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
Kick it, Nick!
Nick can not kick it. Nick is a bit sad.
20 Stacy Gold/National Geographic/Getty Images, (inset) Ljupco/iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images
Nick can see Rick. Rick can pack a sack. 21
Kronholm, Susanne/Getty Images
Nick was on the dock. Did Nick see it rock?
© Design Pics/SuperStock
Nick can see Kim. She can pick a fat bat. 23
Erik Isakson/Getty Images
Nick is back. Nick can kick it a lot.
Rock Ken
Ken was in bed. Bob Cat was not. 26
A flap let Bob Cat slip in. Ken fed the black cat a lot. 27
Ken did not like it dim. Mom let Ken sit. 28
Do not sob my little Ken. You are with Mom. 29
Ken sat on top. Mom had to rock and rock. 30
l F ip! , p Flip, Flo
Kim had a little sled. It was red and black. 32
Kim can slip, slip, slip! She can flip, flop, flip! 33
Mom is with Kim. Mom can clap, clap, clap! 34
Kim and Mom ran back in. Kim and Mom go in the den. 35
Mom fed Kim a snack. Kim can nap on my lap! 36
Week 1 Bob and Ben DECODABLE WORDS Target Phonics Elements Initial and Final Consonant b, Initial Consonant l; b: bed, Ben, bin, Bob, Rob; l: led, let, lot Ben, Deb, Lin DECODABLE WORDS Target Phonics Elements Initial and Final Consonant b, Initial Consonant l; b: bat, Ben, bib, bit, cob, dab, Deb, rib; l: lap, led, let, Lin, lip, lot
Week 2 Pack It Kim DECODABLE WORDS Target Phonics Elements Initial Consonant k, Final Digraph ck; k: kick, Kim, Kit; ck: deck, dock, kick, lick, pack, pick, rack, rock Kick It, Nick! DECODABLE WORDS Target Phonics Elements Initial Consonant k, Final Digraph ck; k: kick, Kim; ck: back, dock, Nick, pack, pick, Rick, rock, sack
Week 3 Rock Ken DECODABLE WORDS Target Phonics Elements Review Letters h: had; e: bed, fed, Ken, let, pet; f: fed; r: rock; b: bed, Bob, sob; l: let, lot; k: Ken; ck: rock, black Initial blends bl, fl, sl: black, flap, slip
HIGH-FREQUENCY WORDS is, little Review: a, and, like, the, to, with
HIGH-FREQUENCY WORDS is, little Review: a, the, with
HIGH-FREQUENCY WORDS she, was Review: a, go, is, see, the
HIGH-FREQUENCY WORDS she, was Review: a, see, the
HIGH-FREQUENCY WORDS are, is, little, my, she, was, with Review: a, like, and, my, the, to
Flip, Flop, Flip! DECODABLE WORDS Target Phonics Elements Review Blends bl: black; cl: clap; fl: flip, flop; sl: sled, slip Review Other Blends sn: snack Review Letters h: had; e: den, fed, red, sled; r: ran, red; b: back; l: lap; k: Kim; ck: back, black
HIGH-FREQUENCY WORDS are, is, little, my, she, was, with Review: a, and, go, to, the
HIGH-FREQUENCY WORDS TAUGHT TO DATE Grade K a and are can do go he I is like little my see she the to was we with you
Initial and final consonant m; initial and medial vowel a; initial consonant s; initial and final consonant p ; initial and final consonant t; initial and medial vowel i; initial and final consonant n; initial consonant c; initial and medial vowel o; initial and final consonant d; initial consonant h; initial and medial vowel e; initial consonant f; initial consonant r; initial and final consonant b; initial consonant l; initial consonant k; final digraph ck; initial blends sn, sp, st; initial blends bl, cl, fl, sl
Decodable Reader
Weather for All Seasons
Grade K • Unit 6