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Tibetansk Terrier
Racerepræsentant: Hanne Mathiasen tlf. 4036 3213 - mail@cheerio.dk Suppl.: Tine Boutrup - tlf. 2893 3511 tineboutrup@hotmail.com
”Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke og luck”. Citat Dalai Lama.
Indrømmet, der er øjeblikke, hvor jeg synes, det er en tung tid, vi lever i. Jan og jeg er i risikogruppe, så vi tager alle forholdsregler for at undgå smitte. Men jeg prøver at holde fast i, at vi er raske, vi har hus, have og ikke mindst Sii-re, som er en kilde til glæde hver dag. Mange har tunge byrder at bære med syge pårørende og/eller store økonomiske problemer. Derfor kan vi tage Dalai Lamas citat til os. Der er ingen grund til at fortvivle over en aflyst hundeudstilling, en familiefest eller en ferie i udlandet, som må vente. Når vi alle er forsigtige, tror (håber) jeg på, at livet normaliseres snart.
Her er vist nogen, der glemmer at holde afstand
I medierne har vi hørt hvordan efterspørgslen på hvalpe er steget gevaldigt. Det samme har opdrætterne oplevet. De har kunnet sælge mange flere, end de har. Det er dejligt, at der er interesserede hvalpekøbere. Jeg er sikkert på, at opdrætterne kan sortere de hjem fra, som bare ville have lidt underholdning i en svær tid. Nogle opdrættere har været udfordret af udrejseforbuddet. En planlagt parring måtte opgives eller udsættes. Et par har fundet alternative avlspartnere indenfor landets grænser. Heldigvis var der hanner, der var friske på en pige på et afbud. Der er hvalpe på vej.
TT World Congress
I slutningen af april besluttede komiteen af udsætte kongressen til næste år. Det kom ikke som en overraskelse. Nu forventes den at blive afholdt den 11. og 12. september 2021. Så har vi tid til at glæde os! Bidraget fra Danmark til kongresrapporten bringes herunder. Søde venner - Husk at bidrag i form af billeder og tekst til disse spalter modtages med taknemmelighed. Hanne Mathiasen
Th e TT scene in Denmark
Th e Tibetan Terrier Club of Denmark celebrated its 40th jubilee, aft erwards it was dissolved. So sad! In 2018 we joined Th e Club for Small Companion Dogs. A club Th e Tibetan Terrier Club that consists of 24 diff erent breeds. Leaving little room for each of Denmark breeds’ customs and traditions. 1977 - 2017 We are now known as Th e TT Group with a breed representative and a substitute. It is indeed a challenge to keep the breed afl oat. But we are trying our best.
Th e Internet
Th e TT Group run a website with all sorts of information for breeders and TT fanciers. Th e website can be found at: www.dkk-tt.dk Check it out - it is made as a blogg and it is easy to get in an English version. Also we have a fb group.
Each year Th e Danish Kennel Club arrange 6 international and 4 national shows. Th e Club for Small Companion Dogs arrange app. 10 shows. Th ey are located in diff erent parts of Denmark. Entries vary from but a few to 30 TT. Aft er our Club closed we regrettably no longer have Specialty Shows judged by breed specialists. Danish judges are educated by the Danish Kennel Club. Most puppies are sold as family dogs and the owners are not easily persuaded to show their pets even though they might have great show potential.
TT puppies registred by the Danish Kennel Club
• 2013 - 59 puppies (5 imports) • 2014 - 46 puppies (5 imports) • 2015 - 51 puppies (7 imports) • 2016 - 56 puppies (3 imports) • 2017 - 55 puppies (3 imports) • 2018 - 16 puppies (2 imports) • 2019 - 32 puppies (3 imports)
TT breeding
We have few but dedicated breeders. All in all 18 registred. Th e breeders are producing sound and true TT type. Th e modern trend of overtype and over styling has not gained popularity on the Danish TT scene, neither has breeding for colour or other untypical fashion whims. Occasionally we have judges who pick their BOB - not for true type - but for having fl ash and dash enough to impress in the group competition. Breeders always x-ray for hip dysplasia, test for patella luxation and eye test their stock and most make use of the DNA tests (PRA, LL, CCL and RCD4). Some breeders choose to test the puppies mentality in order to be able to make the best match between the puppies and the owners. Inbreeding with a coeffi cient higher than 6.25% is discouraged by the Danish Kennel Club. Th e same applies to the excessive use of stud dogs. We have no recent studies of the health status of the TT. We see odd cases of cancer, allergies and deafness, but in general we feel that we can still boast of having a healthy breed and we enjoy our dogs normally get very old. About half of the breeders breed only “pure Lamleh”. Th e resolution adopted by the last congress, stating “We shall all work as one united TT community - regardless of blood lines”, has not yet gained acceptance.
Social events
We continue to arrange social events of diff erents sorts. We meet and have a jolly time - and we might even learn a thing or two. And the TT have a ball!
Th e TT Group in Denmark Hanne Mathiasen - Breedrepresentative Tine Boutrup - Substitute