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Men’s Health Style Guide Spring 2012


team color combos

Your game-day threads needn’t be cheesy.

photographs by nicky woo


Jimmie Johnson, in neutral

The Nascar star slows down long enough to talk style. photographs by peter yang

Photograph by



what winners wear

The timeless fashion secrets of three iconic athletes. photographs by john midgley


uniforms are for losers

Dennis Rodman’s fashion sense was kind of a joke. What if we took it seriously?

p e t e r ya n g ; s t y l i n g : B r i a n B o y é a n d M o i r a L a w l e r ; g r o o m i n g : S a r a h S a b i a / S e e M a n a g e m e n t ; l o c a t i o n c o u r t e s y o f B K M C a r S e r v i c e , L o n g I s l a n d C i t y, N e w Yo r k

Sports and style have been playing partners since man first pulled on a uniform. (The ancient Greeks used to compete naked, so the uni was real progress.) Over time, athletic apparel and street clothes blended— athletes became fashionable, and fashion became sporty. Today the two camps draw mutual inspiration; our spring Guide to Style is devoted to exploring the connection. Inside you’ll earn your new-school varsity jacket and learn how to dress up a lowly pair of sweatpants. You’ll also learn which cologne to buy, why perforated leather has those holes, and (finally!) what the bezel on your dive watch actually does.

written by kiera aaron, brian boyé, moira lawler, nick marino, and sandra nygaard model photographs by nicky woo still-life photographs by joshua scott

Jimmie Johnson wears a boss selection jacket ($1,000) and polo ($175), (800) 484-6267; and an iwc Aquatimer Automatic 2000 ($5,600), iwc.com

m e n ’ s h e a lt h s p r i n g s t y l e g u i d e 2 0 1 2


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