The arts and crafts movement The kelmscott Press Designs Inspirations Ideas and reflections
Arts and crafts movements……………………….. 3
William Morris…………………………………………… 4
Reflections………………………………………………… 5
Designs and inspirations…………………………… 6
- Arts and crafts was a movement against the industrial revolution that consisted of artists, architects, designers, craftsmen and writers. Formed into various crafts guilds to try do recreate the dignified working environment that existed in the medieval crafts guilds.
- one of the great legacies left us this movement was the integration of the design with the artistic education.
- Members of this movement believed that the decline of artistic standards was caused by industrialization and was linked with the social and moral decline of the nation.
William Morris was a leading member of arts and crafts movements. He is best known for his pattern design, particularly on fabrics and wallpapers.
Morris was an artist, designer, printer, typographer, bookbinder, craftsman, poet, writer and champion of socialist ideals. He was expert in a wide range of arts and crafts. He is famous for his wallpaper designs, he also founded the Kelmscott Press.
Morris said, ‘’Have nothing in your house that you don’t know to be useful, or to be beautiful’’.
Morris thought that nature was the perfect example of God’s design. He saw this as the spiritual antidote to the decline in social, moral and artistic standards during the industrial Revolution. He saw the he medieval guilds looked like everyone expresses according to their skill levels. The medieval crafts guilds were groups of artists, architects, and craftsmen who formed an alliance to maintain high standards of workmanship, regulate trade and competition, and protect the secrets of their crafts. Morris believed that the art and design of his own time was inferior and unworthy. He felt that this was due to the poor quality of life during the Industrial Revolution.
‘’Trellis’’ (1862) Technique: Pencil and watercolour sketch for wallpaper design.
‘’Tulip and willow’’ (1873) Technique: Pencil and watercolour sketch for print design
‘’African marigold’’ (1876) Technique: Pencil and watercolour sketch for textile design.
‘’windrush’’ (1881-1883) Technique: Pencil and watercolour sketch for textile design.
‘’The journal of the centrury guild hobby horse’’ Edition No. 1 (1884)
‘’The nature of gothic’’ (Kelmscott press 1892)
‘’Neptune’s horses’’ (1893) Under William Morris's influence Technique: Oil on canvas
‘’typefaces’’ (1897) Printed page
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