Issue 4 camea connect

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22 – ECO Vision 2050 04 – IPEX Show Success 06 – Staff Profile 16 – Service Preparation Guide 21 – MPlus - Project Management Education Track 23 – Follow Us

11 – Did we choose the right medium?

COUNTRY NEWS 14 – Jordan Education & Technology Fair 23 – Malta A new corporate identity

LATEST NEWS 10 – Konica Minolta on the Move in Kenya 15 – Unifying design and functionality 18 – NEW(s) in the Office 19 – New European President



EXHIBITIONS 18 – Upcoming Events for CAMEA Area

08 – CAMEA OPS Launch - Part 1

Scan the QR code for direct access to the digital version with working links of CAMEA Connect.

Please email your stories to CAMEA Connect Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe GmbH Oftec Business Centre 2 Notabile Road Birkirkara Malta Layout Design: Oliver Ukat Text: Pauline Galea, Robert Mifsud and Diana Lavender. Front cover & page 3 image: © Robert Mifsud.


Hello and Welcome Konica Minolta is on the “Move” During a 3 month campaign, 15 busses will be featuring two of the product ranges of Konica Minolta – Office Printing Solutions and Production Printing Solutions – in a full bus wrap. But this is not the only move Konica Minolta made in April, we also closed FY13. We experienced a strong move upwards compared to FY12 and increased business by 17% in CAMEA. Many countries gained a stronger market share in color and production printing business. Thank you, to all business partners for such a great effort towards this success! The new FY14 has started and we are already in the process of organizing several exhibitions and open house events to launch the new fantastic production printing products as was done successfully at IPEX in London at end of March. For sure you are already considering the best way on how to launch these new products for your business. Let us help you with the organization, so that your event will be one of the next success stories featured here in “CAMEA Connect “. Please enjoy reading Issue 4 of CAMEA Connect. Yours,

Mark Oldfield Senior Area Manager CAMEA & Head of Malta Offices Business Operations Division Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe

Konica Minolta will drive through €3.5 million new business from IPEX show success Konica Minolta, the largest exhibitor at IPEX 2014, is celebrating after a show success that is set to net €3.5 million worth of new business as it continues to expand into new markets.

Visitors to the 1200 sq metre stand that had 12 live-running print systems and market-leading software and systems demonstrations throughout each of the six days have helped the business enabler to reap the rewards. One of the top attractions was the KM-1, the B2+ UV inkjet colour sheetfed press, which was demonstrated three times a day. At the show it was confirmed that beta testing will start later this year at customer sites in Japan, North America and Europe, with full production starting in 2015. The press will help commercial printers produce high-quality print jobs capturing new market opportunities on the back of brand owners looking to develop highly personalised short run packaging The KM-1 is especially designed for short print runs, extremely tight deadlines and variable data processing. The demonstrations were of particular

interest to commercial and packaging printers, as well as folding carton printers. In another technology showcase at Ipex for the first time, Konica Minolta demonstrated roll-to-roll label printing at up to 18m/min with its Konica Minolta bizhub PRESS C70RLC. Konica Minolta’s growing portfolio covers commercial production, packaging, wide format, document printing, corporate, on-demand publishing, direct mail, labels and photo-printing markets, as well as workflow automation areas and other partner pre-press and postpress solutions, plus cross media applications. Olaf Lorenz, General Manager, International Marketing Division, Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe, said: “Ipex has been everything we wanted it to be and

has fulfilled all our objectives. We have been getting 600 qualified leads per day and already have collected more than 40 letters of intent, as well as have closed some sales. Based on our experience of these types of shows, we are confident that Ipex will net us over €3.5 million worth of new business.” He added: “From all the discussions our teams of experts have been having with hundreds of visitors every day, it is clear that there is a world of opportunity for print providers to optimise their revenues through enabling new, profitable business by creating value through the many new applications in an increasingly digital world. And we are proud to be at the forefront of the new media age revolution where print is still recognised as a central driver and crucial part of the communication mix.”


WORKING ENVIRONMENTS IN STEP WITH TODAY‘S WORLD Our exclusively designed range of highly efficient and perfectly compatible multifunctionals extends from entry-level office devices, including laser printers and small all-in-ones, to cutting edge, high-performance production printing systems. Find out more and enable your business:

Models shown: left bizhub C224e and right C3850, below bizhub Press C1060/1070.

We have Partners in the following countries: Algeria, Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cyprus, Gabon, Georgia, Ghana, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Madagascar Malta, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Uzbekistan and Zambia.



Business Support Manager North and West Africa In our forth issue of CAMEA Connect we have the pleasure of introducing Beatrix Dancs. Originally from Hungary, Beatrix now lives and works in Malta and is the Business Support Manager for North and West Africa. She has kindly allowed us a little peek in her life.

Could you tell me a bit about yourself? I am always looking with curiosity at people and places around me, happenings in my life. I believe that everything happens for a reason and when we find the reason behind this, we have learned that lesson. Life is an endless learning process. Everybody has bad and good times, sometimes up and sometimes down, but the most important thing is: take a decision at the right time, don’t look back and never give up. What is your background? I graduated from the University of Pecs in Hungary. During my university studies I had the possibility

to study in different countries, I spent half year in Finland, studied at the University of Jyvaskyla and half year in Moscow. My interest in the African continent started when I began to work for an oil and gas equipment manufacturing company in Hungary. There I was responsible for the supply of equipment to projects in African countries and Russia. From that time I liked these countries and enjoyed doing business in Africa. Was there a person in your career who really made a difference? I cannot mention only one particular person. There were and there are many people I met in my career who made a difference and I have learned a lot from them.

Can you describe a typical day or week in your position? I think that there is no typical day in my position. Every day is different, always with new challenges which I need to handle. There are only two things which are fixed every day. At start of my day: studying the actual Sales Overview and my morning coffee. What is your personal mission statement? My personal mission statement is related to the fact that I am a woman. There are many women and children in developing countries and everywhere in the world suffering every day and life seems hopeless


and nothing else’. The title of this movie is not really a true reflexion of the movie contentis, it’s a comedy. What would you do if you won the lottery? I don’t want to win the lottery. I am probably the only person who does not want to win the lottery. I don’t play lottery, because I am afraid if I play I would win. Who is/are your hero(es)? I think that every single person is a hero of the story in his/her life. Be proud of yourself, because you are also a hero. If you could choose one super hero power, what would it be and why?

for them. One day I would like to be in a position to have the power to help these people, to give them possibility to work for a better life. When I was younger I wanted to be a First lady, because a First lady has the chance and the possibility to have an impact, show the way and make things better. What do you like to do most in your spare time?

What are your lifelong dreams? I have many little and also big dreams. I am that type of person who likes to dream big and try to make that dream come true. At the moment of creation the dream always seems a ‘mission impossible’ and I don’t know the how I can do it. I only know if I believe and work for it, the dream can become true.

I have one: My smile :) Actually everybody has that one. Sometimes it can work better than any super hero power. Just need to practice and use it in the right time.

What’s the last book you read? In my spare time I like to run, dance and laugh. I started running 5 years ago. This year I participated in the International Malta Marathon and completed the Half Marathon distance, 21.1km. Whilst running I can switch off everything in my mind, which is a very important thing sometimes. After certain kilometers there is only me and the road. My brain is not busy anymore, only my muscles doing the running. Apart from running I learned Latin dances in my spare time and I like dancing a lot. For me dancing is one way to express myself as a woman.

The last book I read is The Valkyries from Paulo Coelho. He is my favorite author; I have read almost all of his books. He is talking in his books about the real meaning of life and of a person, the endless search of finding out who you truly are through spiritual and real journeys. What’s the best movie you’ve seen in the last year? I am not a movie fan, I watch movies not very often. The last movie I have seen, that was few weeks ago and it was a Hungarian movie, ‘Just sex

In the next issue of CAMEA Connect we will be talking to Paul Tihn - Konica Minolta CAMEA Business Support Manager for East Africa.

CAMEA OPS Launch Part 1 - PrintFleet Training

by David Fava - Business Development Specialist

Over the past few months, we have been working over board to successfully initiate the launch of the OPS (Optimized Print Services) in our region. The project kicked off with our first training which was hosted at our European Headquarters in Langenhagen, Germany. This took place on the 15th and 16th of April. A total of 7 participants from 7 different distributor companies took part in this training launch. The first part of the training, was dedicated to the PrintFleet Tool. For those of you hearing about PrintFleet for the first time, in simple terms, is a managed print services software. PrintFleet is an online tool that collects data from all Printers who support SNMP or PJL. Yes, all printers, even nonKM devices, since it is not a vendor dependent tool. It is able to scan the network and give an overview of the Printers over at the customer’s side. Via this tool, one can also manage a fleet of printers and analyse any printed pages from a company and narrowing down to a department or

The Konica Minolta European Head Office in Langenhagen - Germany.

even, to a printer! In addition, various printer reports on the devices in the system can be created, along with customisable alerts. The benefits this tool offers are numerous. It serves as a device guide for all manufacturers’ devices; promotes relatively easy access via the internet; no expensive hardware is required at customer’s end; individual reports can be created with particular customer preferences; fast readings and collection of data

From left to right: Danil Barabash (Infoland LLC - Kazakhstan), Vishal Shah (Express Automnation - Kenya), Pambos Jonis (NewCytech - Cyprus), Charles Vassallo (OGL - Malta), Robert Mifsud (Konica Minolta - Malta Office), Michael Stappenbeck (Konica Minolta - BEU), David Fava (Konica Minolta - Malta Office), Shane White (Konica Minolta BEU), Henning Streck (Konica Minolta - BEU), Vladimer Sultanishvili (Halal - Azerbaijan). Bottom left to right; George Abdel-Massih (TESCO - Jordan)and Mohammed El Khouteiri (ARKEOS - Morocco)

such as toner, counter and supply status. A complete Managed Print software solution, PrintFleet provides customizable reporting capabilities that allow you to create straightforward reports with any combination of data fields through a user friendly interface. The attendees for this training were all chosen from a technical perspective, considering the fact that this is the technical part of the project. The second part of the OPS Launch Training will again take place at BEU Headquarters in Langenhagen, from the 6th to the 8th of May. This part will be about the OPS Consult Stage and also training on the Vendor tool – thus calling attendees from the Sales area rather than technical who will be ultimately responsible for the sales contact with the client as well as putting together the Optimization Proposal to show the (cost) advantages of the proposed setup against the current situation. However, this is a topic that will be discussed in the next issue after completion of the second training. Get your OPS on! This IS the next big thing!


nOW I CAn TAkE MY EFFICIEnCY TO An EVEn HIGHEr LEVEL I want to optimise processes and workflows to save valuable resources like time and money. With Konica Minolta, I’ve found a partner who provides innovative hardware, software and services that let me take my efficiency to an even higher level. Find out more and enable your business:


Konica Minolta on the Move in Kenya Konica Minolta is proud to announce the launch of the “Konica Minolta on the Move” campaign. On the 24th of April, the official launch took place of the “Konica Minolta on the Move” campaign in Nairobi, Kenya. During this campaign 15 busses will be featuring two of the product ranges of Konica Minolta – Office Printing Solutions and Production Printing Solutions – in a full bus wrap. The project is the first of its kind for Konica Minolta globally and also the largest full bus wrap project ever under taken in Kenya to date. Through this, the market leader in the office colour segment (A3 and A4) in Europe as well as in the midproduction colour print systems (Production Printing) expresses its commitment to the growing market of Kenya. The campaign “Konica Minolta on the Move is conducted together with the local Konica Minolta partner, Express Automation, in order to raise brand awareness and to change the perception of the Konica Minolta brand. Local based company, Tria – Transit Media, was responsible for

From left to right: Mili Shah from Express Automation, Paul Tihn - Konica Minolta BSM for East Africa, George Wanyoike - Konica Minolta Consultant for East Africa and Trushar Kethia - CEO Tria Transit Media.

the execution of the full vehicle wrap on all vehicles. The campaign was launched

with a convoy from Jomo Kenyatta International Airport towards Kencom, followed by a press tour that took the invited members of the press to the Pride Inn Hotel for a media briefing and a question and answer session. After the briefing were plenty of photo opportunities during the flagging off ceremony. A lunch was provided for all attendees and after a short demonstration of Konica Minolta solutions, the members of the press were invited back on the bus to conclude the tour.

The busses on the move through Nairobi, a colourful sight during a 3 month period.


Marketing Evaluation Did we choose the right medium? In the past different advertising mediums where utilised on different occasions and campaigns. For this project we felt we need to add an extra dimension and that was quickly found. Our advertising would be moving arround, no more static, but opportunities to increase brand awarenss on the move.

For the first Konica Minolta - CAMEA brand awareness campaign we decided to “try” some different alternatives then billboard advertising. Our choice for this project fell on to a full vehicle wrap. Did we choose the right medium?

Numbers don’t lie. During the first period of the campaign we found out that the numbers are easier to measure with this medium than when using a billboard. Route analysis was done and staggering numbers came out. And this was just regarding the passengers our busses would carry. On average 459 people would enter our Konica Minolta bus and over a 3 month period our busses would carry over half a millon people. And we were not even tallking about the number of people in the street...

77% had seen the bus advert in the last 3 months. 13% had not seen it. 10% Don’t pay attention or no comment.

After the first few weeks a survey was held under 189 members of the general public. The outcome was unexpected. General Public Findings: • 77% had seen a bus advert in the last 3 months. • 86% of passangers, 76% of motorists and 69% of pedestrians

has seen bus adverts in the last 3 months. 70% of the members of the general public deemd the bus adverts effective.

Some of the comments made by the members of the general public were: • Great means of informing people about new products. • The people like the adverts and said they are unique. In this case the campaign worked well and was greatly received but not every country is the same. Investigate what would work best for your country, what brings the highest number of contact opportunities and be creative with the budget available. You can only spend it once. ;)

Konica Minolta print sample. Should you wish to order the sample please send an email to: and quote “6148677 - food�.

TESCO - JORDAN Education & Technology Fair As a part of Tesco’s continued efforts to position Konica Minolta business solutions as the unique value adding and total solution platform provider for many verticals in the local markets, Tesco participated in the first education and technology fair (MENA ET 2014) The fair was held from the 15th to 17th of April in Jordan. Under patronage of her Royal Highness Princess Sumaya Bint El Hassan, the Jordanian Computer Society (JCS) during the MENA-ET 2014 had spotted how technology can enable and improve the education process as one of the main factors behind solid human resources development. In the light of the ever growing demand in the region to improve education and training systems, the organizers and stakeholders of the MENA-ET 2014 were confident that this event will provide the opportunity to address technology challenges in this field, and to provide a networking platform for all interested parties in the subject. As expected it was a very rewarding experiment to meet so many clients whom are eager to find complete solutions that address the special and ever growing requirements for the educational, training and academic clients. Tesco highlighted the solutions offered by Konica Minolta with a strong lineup of products backed with the latest technology. One of the

solutions, SafeQ print management, allows the clients to easily manage, track and back charge the increasing print and copy charges to the end users, i.e. clients , visitors ,staff and students. Various printing authentication methods were demonstrated to the clients via smart cards, user access codes, through embedded and hardware terminals, suggesting possible scenarios for many real life cases, while doing this we highlighted the unparalleled advantages for similar integrated solution in efficiency improvement, cost cutting, time saving and environmental consideration. For many other visitors Tesco emphasized on the very efficient production systems from Konica Minolta. Targeting CRD and large educational institutes, where quality and productivity matters. Some other visitors had showed a keen interest in Konica Minolta color lineup i.e. C224e, C364e,C454e Tesco highlighted the excellent media handling features in these models,

From left to right: Raed Abdul Hadi and Mohammed Khawaldeh from TESCO - Jordan.

and demonstrated the ultimately low running cost for these color models. Tesco is confident that similar events with their excellent follow up for different clients requirements will help them to rightfully position Konica Minolta as the premier supplier for integrated and complete office automation solution in the local Market.


Unifying design and functionality for a smarter office Konica Minolta’s bizhub C554e series and bizhub C3850 series win Red Dot Award 2014 Konica Minolta Business Solutions convinced the 40-member expert panel of the Red Dot Award of its bizhub C554e series and bizhub C3850 series high design quality. The submitted products, five models of the bizhub series A3 color-multifunctional peripherals and two models of the bizhub series A4 color MFPs were evaluated according to the highest standards including the degree of innovation, functionality, formal quality, ergonomics, durability, symbolic and emotional content, product periphery, self-explanatory quality and ecological compatibility. The Konica Minolta bizhub C554e series and bizhub C3850 series outperformed the other entries in product design for the category “Computer and Information Technology” and received the coveted Red Dot quality seal as its deserved reward. “Form follows function – that has been misunderstood. Form and function should be one, joined in a spiritual union,” said Frank Lloyd Wright. Making this quote its motto, Konica Minolta unites design and functionality and brings it into today´s offices. The number one in the colour segment

(A3+A4) in Europe in office printing1 proves once again that excellence in business services can apply to both dimensions – quality and style. Having won last year’s iF design award for the bizhub C554e series is another proof to this quest of Konica Minolta. Besides design features, environmental aspects have also been considered in the awarded products. Both series are characterised by green technology for reduced power consumption and less environmental impact, leading to a more ecological

footprint and reducing the total cost of ownership (TCO). For example, the C554e series systems are able to scan without engine warm-up and, therefore, use less energy. Features like the dynamic eco timer in the C554e series, which analyses working conditions and automatically adjusts sleep mode and ready timings, further contribute to outstanding ecological performance. Another powersaver for both serieses is Konica Minolta’s next generation of Simitri HD polymerised toner implemented in the new bizhub systems. Additionally, based on the principle “know one – operate all”, all MFPs of the bizhub C554e and C3850 series use the same graphical user interface. The smart MyTab feature allows individual printer driver customization. This additional flexibility is available to customize the printing process. Enhancing user comfort and productivity, the systems also inherit Konica Minolta’s compact and functional 360-degree universal design as part of its brand DNA. The two winning Konica Minolta bizhub system serieses are: • bizhub C554e/ C454e/ C364e / C284e / C224e • bizhub C3850 / C3350

WORKING ENVIRONMENTS IN STEP WITH TODAY‘S WORLD As a service provider for the production printing industry, Konica Minolta offers you integrated workflows and applications as well as professional and sophisticated hardware products to enable your business. Find out more and drive your business forward:

Models shown: top bizhub Press C1060/1070, below bizhub C3850 and C224e.

We have Partners in the following countries: Algeria, Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cyprus, Gabon, Georgia, Ghana, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Madagascar Malta, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Uzbekistan and Zambia.


Service Preparation Guide by Adrian Paul Debono & James Cremona Technical Specialists CAMEA, Support Competence Center Malta, Service & Support Division

We would like to bring to your attention the Service Preparation Guide, which is released for all our Konica Minolta Production Printing and Office Printing machines. The purpose of these guides is to help you to prepare your service and support activities based on the included information. It also provides you with a collection of valuable information as well as an overview of already fixed procedures to and from European Head Quarters. For example, some included information contains: • Machine Specifications • Options and System Configurations • Consumables yield

Overview of Service Preparation Guide.

• Machine yield and definition of ideal conditions • New features • Comparison of machine spec with other competition in the market.

We highly recommend that you go through the information in this guide and also implement the suggested procedures in your daily tasks as these will help you and your team to provide the optimal service and maintenance on your client’s machines. These guides are available in InfoHub. How to download your Service Preparation Guide from InfoHub: • Log into InfoHub, • Go to the Marketing tab • In the Individual Search String type “Service Preparation Guide” • Choose the appropriate guide for your machine. Alternatively you could opt to search for a particular model’s guide straight away. Feel free to contact us at: should you have any queries.

Configuration example - bizhub C3850/C3350

NEW(S) in the office


state-of-the-art in colour MFP market (segment 3 / 4 / 5).

With the “Competitive Encounter” for the bizhub C224e to C554e sales representatives will get a helpful tool pointing out outstanding strengths to show the competitiveness of this new colour device. The specifications are weighted against each other and marked with traffic lights to indicate the weaknesses and disadvantages of the that competitor’s It is with great pleasure we pass systems. Fourteen new the congratulations on tocompetitor our own models Business were recently All CAMEA Development judgements aretime. based upon the current members this

Well represented Royalty in Malta

Complete URL to Competitive Encounter bizhub C224e to C554e v2.0 / December 2013 Document (Word and PDF) on InfoHub Web Server: 6D65003A2928/0/3CDBEC98EC55E B83C1257C3E003ABB85?OpenDocu ment Robert Mifsud Andrea Peresso David Fava and Complete URL to Side by Side database bizhubBusiness C224e toDevelopment C554e v2.0 Specialist - Production Printing, Andrea Peresso Robert Mifsud - Business Development Manager and David Fava Business Development Specialist - Office Solutions, all successfuly managed to pass Prince2 Foundation Level.

Upcoming Events in the Konica Minolta CAMEA Area During the next few weeks the following events in the CAMEA Area are taking place: April Morocco: 29th/30th of April Arkeos - IDC Summit May Morocco: 6th of May Arkeos - bizhub PRO 1060 launch Gabon: 15th of May BS Gabon - Open House June Kenya: 15th of June Express Automation - Open House Nigeria: 26th/27th of June Skysat - Sign & Outdoor exhibition Please let us know if there are some events coming up in your area or provide us with feedback so we can feature your event in our next issue.

NEWS 18/19

Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe announces new President Ikuo (Indy) Nakagawa succeeds Ken Osuga, who will transfer to Headquarters in Tokyo, Japan. Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe GmbH announced an important change to their executive board. On 1st April 2014, Ikuo (Indy) Nakagawa assumed the role of President of Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe GmbH. He succeeds Ken Osuga, who has been at the top of the European executive board for the last three years. Mr. Osuga will move to the position of Chief Financial Officer at Konica Minolta Headquarters, Konica Minolta Inc., in Tokyo, Japan. Ikuo (Indy) Nakagawa started his career in 1982 at Minolta Company Limited in Osaka, Japan, and has enjoyed more than 30 years of success at Konica Minolta. During that time, he has held various management positions in sales and marketing, in corporate and strategic planning as well as holding senior management positions in the USA and Asia. His last position was that of President of Konica Minolta Business Solutions China. “It is a great honour to serve as President of Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe, our strongest region by sales.” Between 2003 and 2013, Konica Minolta’s European sales grew from 1.3 to 2.2 billion euros, an increase of 67 per cent. Konica Minolta currently employs nearly 9,000 people in Europe, almost twice as many than in 2003. “Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe has experienced a decade of change, innovation and growth, and I am confident Ikuo (Indy) Nakagawa will keep us on this successful path”, comments Ken Osuga, who has been working for Business Technologies for many years. After over 15 years in Europe, with three of them as President

of Konica Minolta´s European Headquarters, Mr. Osuga will now leave Europe to take on the CFO position at Konica Minolta Inc. in Tokyo, Japan. Here he will be responsible for the corporate functions of all businesses in the Konica Minolta Group. Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe has evolved into a customer-oriented provider of hardware-based managed services with an impressive track record: nearly 3,500 of Konica Minolta customers in Europe have a contract for the company’s Managed Print Services known as Optimised Print Services, or OPS. Konica Minolta’s Managed Content Services enjoys solid positioning with its SharePointbased in-house brand, dokoni SUITE, an innovation that enables companies to easily manage unstructured information. The company`s expertise in Infrastructure Management Services (IMS) as

well as Managed Content Services (MCS) are represented by Konica Minolta’s specialist companies Raber+Märcker, Serians and Koneo. Konica Minolta continues to excel in its core competence field of office and production printing: In 2013, the company reached the number one European position in the colour segment (A3 + A4) on the office printing sector (20.5%, InfoSource), and has proudly defended its leading position in the small and mid-size Production Printing market for many years (41.3% in 2013, InfoSource). Konica Minolta successfully upholds its commitment to enabling Production Printing businesses, by generating new opportunities that benefit its customers’ growth. Such opportunities include consultancy, insight information and programmes such as its Digital1234 business-building programme or its Marketing Print Management / Marketing Management Services (MPM/MMS) through Charterhouse.

PRINCE2™ FOUNDATION Build up your project management skills

The PRINCE2™ Foundation WBT target audience: • Project and program managers • Managing directors and general managers • Team managers and support staff • Staff with a defined role within a project (e.g. steering committee members, work package owners, etc.) • Targeted group size is approximately 20 students The PRINCE2™ Foundation training program requires: • € 415,- per participant • Total study time of 20 to 40 hours (depending on individual learning speed) • Attending the virtual classroom sessions and exam is mandatory!

Participants qualify for the training if: • They currently have an active role in one or more projects and/or • They will play a part in a project right after the training Training contents: • PRINCE2 overview and principles, including the structure of a PRINCE2 project • PRINCE2 processes • PRINCE2 themes like organisation, planning, and progress • PRINCE2 case study • PRINCE2 exam technique • PRINCE2 Foundation exam simulator • PLUS: The PRINCE2 template manager

System requirements: • Internet connection • Mplus account • Headset recommended


Project Management Education Track

Communication is one of the key success factors in Project Management. To enable all project members to speak the same language, our Project Management Education Track (PMET) aims to give you the right vocabulary for successful project communication. In fact, PMET offers a specific career path for Project Managers in the Company. Training Concept: PMET comprises 5 different levels, with each one having its own learning objective. The Bronze, Silver & Gold Levels have been custom built for Konica Minolta and are designed to meet our specific business requirements. The enrollment, the courses and the online exams take place on our eLearning platform Mplus. The two Prince2 courses and examinations have to be booked separately as they lead to official certifications. However, these exams are the precondition for participating to the Silver and/or Gold level. The Bronze Level covers basic project management principles such as knowing the roles in a project or understanding what factors ensure a project’s success. It is beneficial for any employee who is regularly involved in any type of project. The aim of the Prince2 Foundation qualification is to understand the principles of the PRINCE2 method. This qualification targets all project managers and selected team managers who are regularly involved in complex or high-risk projects.

The aim of the PRINCE2 Practitioner qualification is to equip the participant to apply and tailor PRINCE2 to a particular scenario. A successful Practitioner should be able, with suitable guidance, to start applying the method in a real project. This qualification targets selected, full-time programme and project managers who regularly manage complex or high-risk projects. The ultimate Gold Level course teaches participants how to understand earned value and risk management strategies and provides useful knowledge which will increase your leadership competencies.

Infoland, Kazakhstan. Mr Ovcharov has successfully finished the majority of the exams available on COMPASS! So a BIG well done for his great performance and we hope that many other students follow his example.

Prizes for the MPLUS Competiton Winner!

MPLUS COMPETITION WINNER! The next highest Silver Level covers a variety of specific project management techniques and teaches soft skills-related competencies.

And‌. We have our third winner for our Mplus competition! Our prize goes to Mr Illarion Ovcharov from

Make sure to register on MPlus today (https://mplus.konicaminolta. eu) or send me a mail directly on for further assistance.

Where we are going? ECO Vision 2050 Our long-term environmental vision at Konica Minolta - Eco Vision 2050 – charts our course to environmental sustainability. In practical terms, Eco Vision 2050 involves acting to reduce global warming, ensuring that finite resources are used responsibly and effectively, and supporting the restoration and preservation of our planet’s biodiversity. At the same time, we are working to reduce the environmental impact of all our processes and developing innovative products with an even better ecological performance. Our mission: 1. Reduce CO2 emissions by 80% from fiscal 2005 levels throughout product life cycles by 2050 2. Maximize the effective use of the Earth’s limited resources 3. Promote the restoration and preservation of biodiversity We’re green and you Profit! Companies today know that environmentally friendly technologies can bring economic benefits. At Konica Minolta we have applied our extensive experience and expertise in office printing to ensure our technologies deliver added ecological end economic value. And since we take our responsibility as a global company very seriously, we consider environmental protection to be an essential aspect of our management philosophy – the Creation of New Value. This has led to the development of green technologies that offer you benefits such as : Lower energy consumption: Every new generation of our machines uses less power, e.g. through system-on-a-chip technology, induction heating fusing technology, the dynamic eco timer (a weekly timer with a learning function) and LED-based scanner lights.

Reduced input of resources: Paper is a valuable resource. Our machines feature several technologies that reduce paper input and avoid wastage, such as duplex printing, n-up printing (combining several document pages onto a single sheet), proof print and preview copy (to avoid wasted output) and automatic skipping of blank pages. Improved carbon footprint: Our polymerized Simitri HD toner reduces the environmental impact of the timer in production and recycling while enabling a significantly lower fusing temperature than conventional toners. The biomass in our black toners and the bioplastics

used for machine parts are further examples of our carbon reduction initiatives. Easily available environmental information: All you need is one click and our eco meter will display the usage patterns of all users (duplex printing or copying, n-up ratio, color ratio, hours per operation mode). This helps you to influence user behavior. Stay tuned and look out for our Environmental Section in our next issue of CAMEA Connect for the latest news of Konica Minolta’s environmental activities and technologies!


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Office Group, Malta A new corporate identity Absolutely – there is no better time in the running of a company to become “aggressive” with a new marketing image than during a restructuring process. Change creates change and makes room for even more change. Organizations are changing continuously in an attempt to keep developing and cope with the increasing competitive markets. Adapting new strategies and restructuring the organization is a must nowadays. Office Group is also going through a restructuring exercise and they believe that the change of strategy goes hand-inhand with the attempt to improve the corporate image and strengthen the brand. These changes include marketing communication, company logo and branding, new website and social media package. The new logo design with the circled font connecting letters to each other signifies the core values of the company which are unity, integrity and stability whilst the coloured images represent document management reflecting the business industry the company operates in. In parallel they are proud that besides their new corporate identity they have just launched their new website which keeps their customers informed at all times with the latest developments from Office Group. They are now also present in various social media networks amongst others Facebook, LinkedIn,

YouTube and Google+. Apart from product information and latest news, they intend to keep their social pages lively by posting photos of internal team building events and also interesting articles which would create interest for their followers to read. They believe that marketing is about providing the right information to the right customer at the right time. Another strategic change within Office Group is the implementation of a marketing plan that compliments a major organizational shift which will revitalize the company’s image and re-energize the market position of the company. Office Group will continue to enhance their products and systems to keep abreast with the development and give their clients the most reliable and efficient after sales service. In this ever increasing world of technology, they want that their success is achieved by meeting the challenges of their customers. ‘In a World of Technology, Your challenge is our progress’

Daily updates are posted on Facebook containing the latest developments, so why not hit the “Like” button and keep up to date with CAMEA. Click on the Facebook logo for a direct link to the CAMEA Facebook page.

Or enjoy a little “Tweet” with us on Twitter. You can follow our tweets by clicking on the Twitter logo above.

Follow us on YouTube. Konica Minolta has their very own channel and with loads of educational and informative videos to choose from, there should be something for everyone. Just click on the logo and subscribe to the channel.

Contact Us...

 If you have an editorial contribution available you would like to feature in the next issue of CAMEA Connect, please feel free to submit your contribution before the 21 st of May 2014. You can email this to: camea_newsletter@ We will be in touch! All other ideas, feedback and suggestions are more than welcome too! We look forward to receiving your emails. Until we meet again.

Expanding our mutual collaboration, for a partnership with a strong future and joint success in transforming business together, adding value to our customers’ business:

NOW I CAN REALLY RELAX ABOUT DATA SAFETY I want to establish reliable security standards to safeguard my documents, networks and information. With Konica Minolta, I’ve found a partner who provides state-of-the-art technology that allows me to feel really relaxed about data safety. Find out more and enable your business:


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