3 works_2018

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PROFOLIO_ 3 works

Yang Kung-Min

Introduction This book is constituted of the collection of some words and its illustration. In my opinion, architectural viewpoints does not link one another as linear functions;they usually share ambiguous relations like tangled wool. Sometimes the wool of words knots together and then becomes proposals by my rumination. Accordingly, the conceptal keywords also help me to represent my works. Contents Font Instruction bold italic for keywords / regular for its illustration / italic for design descrption

Yang Kung-Min born 10.29.1992, Taiwan kmyang1029@gmail.com


Department of Architecture (National Cheng Kung University)


Tainan, Taiwan / 09.2011 - 06.2016 (5years)

Taipei, Taiwan / 08.2016 - 12.2016 (4months)


Guu architect

MAYU architect+

Kaohsiung, Taiwan / 09.2014 - 01.2015 (4months)

Tainan Art Museum Workshop Tainan, Taiwan / 07.2014

Cinemetrics International Workshop Tainan, Taiwan / 07.2015


(Traditional; Native)


Toeic(reading, listening); 825/990



Autocad Illustrator Photoshop Sketchup Rhino Indesign

advanced advanced advanced advanced intermediate intermediate

Contents 01 Introduction & CV 03 Slided Edge

2015 winter/ Adviser: Holing Chang

17 Tranquility

2013 winter/ Adviser: Chen Yu-Lin

31 House for Body

2015 spring/ Adviser: Chao Yi-Hsiang

Kaohsiung 04 Transprotation 06 Serial Segments 10 Tainan 18 School 20 Typical Space 21 Chapel 23 Void 26 Circle 27 Light 29 Taipei 32 Residence 33 Facade 35 Level 37 Human & Environment 39 Interior 41 Hierarchy 43 Roof 45 2

Slided Edge Landscape Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2.422km

It began a poem writen by Zhuo Zhao-Chang in Qing Dynasty. Slided Edge is a path by imitating how the poet haked on Mt. Shou and glance the view of sunset ocean. The project intented to discover the concealed scenes under human's occupation and find the way to experience things we lost.



Kaohsiung is a harbor city that began from a fishing village at the foot of Mt. Shou. It was already a freight station at 1700s under Chinese regime. Kaohsiung later became an international harbor after during the enforcement of the treaty between England and China. During WW II, the harbor was expanded and aimed to be the industry and military center toward east southern Asia under Japanese regime, which led to its modernization. 20 years later, the ports developed as the vessel-making, steel casting and export processing zone that stabilized Taiwan's economy during the 1960s' oil crisis. Now, the industrial facilities are moving to the southern of the ports and the old area is set for the cultural use.



"I tried to find the beginning of Kaohsiung."


The progress of transportation system shows the industrial development of a city. Harbor Before 1858/ fishing port 1858/ 1912/ first expansion into 7 docks 1937/ second expansion into 16 docks & 19 warehouses 1960/ repair and expansion after the war 1975/ expansion for export processing zone Railway 1908/ land reclamation for suger & rice induatries 1923/ beginning of railway shifting for woods 1941/ complete the station now for the military use


A Man Singing at the Slanting Bay -Zhuo Zhaochang Suddenly I heard a singing of woodman strolling down mountain slope. Wind came closely and the sunset shone on the man's back. Breeze brought the sound of coast ringing at the blooming bay. Birds song harmoniously, but stones just answered nothing. I hummed and deprecating myself "why not be an idler?" If someone had asked where I lived, I would said" there across the cloud."


"There are 3 paths from town to bay, and I choosed the tiring one." 8


tetrapods, and a ship

a surrounded beach

top of the dike

footbridge across the dike

parking lots near the dike

intersection in the college

going down to sea

hill path

sea sight from hill

banned road to a voltage tower

tow pound at the college back door

city view

a trench when a house tore up

small valley made by houses

roof adhering the road

old railroads

Serial Segment

Serial segments are used to represent such as movement, process, or timescape. The more frames are taken, the more true it appoachs, but contrastly the less imagination and relationship are included between every two shot. I abstracted and mapped them in my own scene; the segments can be link into experiencing path freely. There are 3 major things showing in the colletion: artifacts, mountain nature and sea.


9. Concealing When something is concealed, it will reappear more beautifully.


8. Creeping The path settled on a dike makes people walk warily. The mood of caution evokes our existence.

7. Correlating We will be surprised to see a intentedly framed view in which especially there is something you saw before.

6. Cutting Unlike other parts of the journey, the tranquil atmosphere overwhelms the passenger along the trail, like a silent break of life.

5. Crossing There is a valley without stream toward the fishing port, which crossing it can be the best experience.

4. Marking As a Chinese old saying goes, "a path is made by men's walking." It's not merely a metaphor; some paths were not made by paving but men's marking.

3. Bypassing For safety, the government set some concrete bricks and trees between the road and the mountian slope which also block the view. Thus we seek views from different ways.

2. Chiselling We are unable to recognize soil, rocks, drainage etc., at places covered by pitch and concrete. Chiselling is the most common way to understand geography conditions before architectural construction.

1. Watching We are always busy with the must-do trivials. Why don't we lean on the roof ...?



Text How long, haven’t we walked for from one place to another. It is a long time lost that we touched the real soil, rocks, vegetation, which is instinct earlier than knowledge. For surpassing the development, I tried to inherit the climbing of pioneer, bound to be a lonely traveler. Blanding weed, pushing stones, what they fought for just a beast path. The rocks behind casting, the ridge under roads, and the roots covered by wooden planes are continuously revealed. Go ahead and then see that heavy rain can flow along the valley, which also can drop down the crack comprising death corals until the deepest lichen shone at the bottom. Toward the west, there is shimmering water.


Mountain, 15

and Sea. 16

Tranquility Church Tainan,Taiwan 3,192m2

Tranquility is a proposal of church at a historical area in Tainan, th e first developed city in Taiwan. The main concept is to open its chapel to neighbors and provide a silent atmosphere for prayer by seperating the chapel from other spaces.



Tainan is the first city developed in Taiwan. At 1627, the Dutch built the castle called Zeelandia as a rule and trade hub of east southern Asia.After the dutch leaving, the Zheng and Qing regime also desidnated as capital of Taiwan until the war between France and China. There is the cultural center in Tainan, of which context consists of grid system from Qing and radial system from Japanese. A lot of historic buildings such as Confusius Temple, Former Tainan Prefectural Hall,Tainan Butokuden are located here.


runway shared by school and citizens


Zhongyi Elementary School

Confucious Temple



Confucius is the most respectable teacher in Chinese history; Confucius temples used to be schools in traditional Chinese society. Now the monument co-exist with a elementary school as it would be. Area of the school is open to general citizen without schooltime. The alley eastern to the temple was a route to worship before. Now it's a shop street featuring handicraft. historic gate

old shop street


Typical Space

Almost any architectural function can be accommodated in typical space, a place without characteristic. In Taiwan, churches,different from Europe, are always closed place in either physical or social aspect, which results from typical space. People who evangelize are considered as sales-men by non Christian. A good church building should honor the church instead of compressing their physical and social condition.


A building divided into two parts.


Chapel Being the soul of church building, a chapel should be the most powerful testimony and evangel persuading people to convert. Therefore, it have to open to not only Christian but people who says he or she never met god before. A chapel is to one mind what church is to society. In Tranquility, the chapel would open to the com-mon while there isn't a worship. When someone suffers, he or she can come here without any bother, or even make the confession to priest. Let the light and tranquility smooth every tired heart.


1st Floor A chapel for 300 people and a hall for exhibition.




A void in architecture is for the sake of creating a particular atmosphere. Section A-A' The space for praying and daily life seperated from each other and designed is intended to form the different conditions; one in chapel is for scared tranquility and another at the second floor is to connect the activity.



There are two characters of circle.One is centripetal; another is orbital. Both two makes the chapel penetrable.


2nd Floor As intersection of the building, the floor is connecting chapel and other rooms.

3rd Floor A bit quieter than 2nd floor, there are cafe tables and library here.



"The sun never knew how great it was until it hit the side of a building.",Louis I. Kahn said. I intented to create an impressing space with uncommon light casting. Grid beams used to transit the border of curve wall shape light into trangle. Angle and illumination of sunshine alters with daytime. Direction of light differenates the atmosphere of chapter and other space.


4th Floor A dinning area here provides churchmates with food after the regular conference.

5th Floor The place where priests and their families dwell supply some space they can shared each other.


House for Body Housing Tainan, Taipei 453m2

Most of citizens in Taipei in lives in housings above the land, which are reproduced everywhere with the same living conditions. Following the path of precursor, I tired to find the different relationship between housing and its location, and that between dwellers and their rooms.



Taipei is the capital of Taiwan since 1887. The overall urban plan now was arranged by Japenese regime at about 1930. The population is constitute of three major part: the orginal since Japenese era, the military and their relatives from main land China after the retreat, and the migrators in 1970s. The developing city which has two faces. One consists of highrises, broad squares and wide roads. Another is made of alleys, 5-level-hight housings and small parks. Taipei of which the road system is quite complex because most alleys are one-way however has the most completed railways net in Taiwan. It's a not only fantastic but chaotic city like other big cities as you think.



A traditional ideal Chinese residence is hierarchical, inward and dine-central. Hong Lu( 虹 廬 ,1964)is a masterpiece of Dahong Wang( 王 大 閎 ), the famous architect in Taiwan after the retreat, in his early career. The house decidedly opposing to messy urban environment is contructed 12 years earlier than Row House in Sumiyoshi by Tadao Ando.The plan is divided into 3 by 3 grids and the dinning room is disployed in the center of the plan, which inherits the ideology of traditional Chinese.


10 clues from place


wrinkle on brick wall, which can be peeled


fake surface, cheating appearance









ECG-like elevation, shaped by daily life

typical window, for typical lives

sharp shade, casting on nameless stroller

blur shade, growing from narrow slit

constructional sound, both disappoint and hopeful

interrupted movement, by a lot of obstacle

weight of desire, every dweller want more space

stain, by raindrop



Facades are the surface through which a building interacts with surroundings. The elevation of Hong Lu describes an attitute "city is annoying place that everyone want to escape." I intended to say another "city is annoying place but sometimes we want to take a look."


Facade, both welcoming and resisting



In traditional Japenese house, the earthern and tatami level are distinguished clearly for different activities. The house is designed with different levels for both standing and sitting/lying action, which intents to promote the hierarchy. Even we have an alternative to choose the western lifestyle now we lead or the lifestyle in ancient Asia.


1st Floor(Ground Floor) house to ground





Human & Environment

In ancient time, human changed the environment by their physical labor and establish the civilization. Without labor, we cannot truly recognize what we can do and how nature made. From this consideration, the house is designed to let residents easily interact with internal surrounding, such as different heights, uncovered columns.







Interior deployment and its texture are the real part that affect people daily behavior. The housing's inner part consists of two elements: concrete structure and wooden walls. Inhibatants can easily distinguish its constitution and realize how the house made. The interior dry walls are able to be shift if necessary.


2nd Floor house with deep wooden floor

3rd Floor house with wide earthen floor



Architects make space hierarchical for maintaining the level. The level means from public to private for residence. To avoid sudden transition, a spiral staircase surrounding the house is set to prolong the scene of alley from city to room; that is a good route for to change our mood. By the way, every kitchen here is placed near by stairs for dwellers' waiting for families or friends coming.


4th Floor the deepest house

5th Floor house with deep balcony



After <5 points toward a new architecture> from Le Corbusier, we see roof a amazing place to lead a new life. However in Taiwan, we have some facility especially water tank needed to be deployed. According to Bernoulli's principle, the tank should be set 2.5 meter higher than where water is used. That is to say, a floor between residence and water instrument without occupying is the new plane we've found.


1st Roof Floor view garden

2nd Roof Floor water tank



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