PROFOLIO_thesis design
Yang Kung-Min
Introduction This book is constituted of the collection of some words and its illustration. In my opinion, architectural viewpoints does not link one another as linear functions;they usually share ambiguous relations like tangled wool. Sometimes the wool of words knots together and then becomes proposals by my rumination. Accordingly, the conceptal keywords also help me to represent my works. *Contents Font Instruction bold italic for keywords / regular for its illustration / italic for design descrption *Addtional Caution: This book is full of a lot of unrealistic ridiculous fiction.
Yang Kung-Min born 10.29.1992, Taiwan
Department of Architecture (National Cheng Kung University)
Tainan, Taiwan / 09.2011 - 06.2016 (5years)
Taipei, Taiwan / 08.2016 - 12.2016 (4months)
Guu architect
MAYU architect+
Kaohsiung, Taiwan / 09.2014 - 01.2015 (4months)
Tainan Art Museum Workshop Tainan, Taiwan / 07.2014
Cinemetrics International Workshop Tainan, Taiwan / 07.2015
(Traditional; Native)
Toeic(reading, listening); 825/990
Autocad Illustrator Photoshop Sketchup Rhino Indesign
advanced advanced advanced advanced intermediate intermediate
Contents 01 Introduction & CV
2016 spring/ Adviser: Gu Jue-Zhi (for the whole project)
03 Statement City observsation & Collage / Section Study
09 Place Yonghe
13 Skinny City
Tuning_ Chapter_Integration Chapter_Superimposition Chapter_Void Chapter_End
Road Baudelairean Flâneur Estate Integration Section Reality Yonghe_1 Yonghe_2 City Residence Public Facility Post-Foadism School Hierarchy Typical Space Superimposition Serial Segments Slope Void Human & Environment
04 05 05 08 10 10 12 14 14 16 18 18 20 20 22 23 27 28 33 2
imagination of patch city
City observsation & Collage Section Study
How cities will be?
Cities become more complicated as everyone knows. Circulations of buildings contact each other through their covered street, suspended footbridge, shopping area underground, or even basic structure. Image of cities are transforming from plane landscape ,sculptural obstacles to interior scene of big artifacts comprising different kind of buildings.
"The town affords a market for surplus produce of the country...the inhabitants of country exchange it for something else which is in demand among them." -Adam Smith <The Wealth of Nations>
Thus, the beginning of a city is based on exchanging network which works through the roads. 4
Baudelairean Flâneur
A person who walk for experi-encing the urban cityscape and observaing directly. Department stores, shopping malls, movie theater and so on are usually located near by and link by footbridge or covered corridor one another for agglomeration economies, which provide the ideal place
Shinsaibashi-Suji Shopping Center
for flâneurs.
Capitalism makes buildings big and combine together;it also makes the sense of human scale becomes invalid.
Estate Integration
For reducing development cost and promoting benefits, estate developers usually integrate and merge lands together to build a large hybrid. I tried to make some fake commercial poster by using the main splendor space of those integrated buildings which consist of mall, railway station, hotel, market, housing. Most of them are big enough to touch the borderline of building and city. However, stores in them are almost typical brand everyone knows: Uniqlo, H&M, Le Costes...which are not regional like building itself. The only difference among them are those splendor space.
Gion Shopping Street
Motion Study by Etienne Jules Marey
Namba Walk
Section is an invisible but imaginable representation originally used in architecture contruction. As the progress of cities, section has also been used to illustrate the complicated urban system such as drainage, railway or underground street. In particular, I compared the collective void for the metropolitan scenes.
Yonghe, Taiwan
5.7138 km2 222,531 population The densest city in Taiwan
Both boringly and abundantly, Reality is always more dramatic than drama and worth to learn.
Yonghe is a residential city without public space; there are only streets that people can lead their daily life. Nevertheless, the events spontaneously happening on the congested alley are attractive and hospitable.
1950s military dormitory
1960s housing with shop
1960s duplex
1970s apartment
1990s housing constructed with MRT station
2010s highrise
Yonghe,a satellite city, is at the south of Taipei. It is about 300 years from the construction of aqueduct Yongfeng that the inhabitants here led agricultural lives.Until the migration of the retreat from China at 1950 and of the labors from the southern of Taiwan at 1970, the original farm landscape was rapidly covered with a quantity of concrete clone buildings, because of the fact that Yonghe as a satellite planned at 1954 has loosen the responsibilitiy of preventing from overexpansion of urban situation. It has become a barn of labors without public spaces and facilities.
Skinny City
Tuning_ Chapter_Integration Chapter_Superimposition Chapter_Void Chapter_End
City is modules that can accommodate events happening in. If something happens without proper place, a new module will born for it. According to the fact that the essence of city is exchange, and collective. I set a module, a life style, along the streets that people live in the sense of city scale.
Tuning_ Residence
More than 70% of buildings in city are residences. In Yonghe, the proportion is upto 90%.
Type of Housing
Public Facility
As attractors in city, public facilities which is plugged in between residential elements provide various opportunities that citizens meet each other.
Type of Function
They are placed across the street void in skinny city for exposed surface, an obvious reason.
Chapter _Integration
Chapter_I consists of hotel and suites in which inhabitants(or temporary ones) play as terminal byte. Their shifting, transition, movement...compose the foundament of the city and the public facilities vary bytes as functions in mathematics, making the diversity of human society.
Contrasted with Fordism, the system of working on a production line, Post-Fordism ,which base on information and communication technology, features small-batch production, flexible specialization( both products and jobs).
Learning is no longer sitting and listening in class any more. Schools are everywhere in which people absorb or exchange knowledge. There is a kind of city which is intented to generate citizen.
Hierarchy controls the behavior of people in tradional architecture; However, it is ineffective in internet era.
Typical Space
"Typical plan is an American Invention...It belongs to New World."Rem Koolhaas <S,M,L,XL> Public facilities, forming circulations, play as attra-ctor to activate the flow of people. xxxx
Chapter _superimposition
Line, in landscaping theory, is an element by which visitors can experience surrounding. The exposure of cityscape leans on these unrealistic lines. Any existence, planning, imagination can be superimposied on the same map, revealing potential of a city. Then these linear drawings will take audiences through distinct city sights.
Technology makes superposition possible. The planned roads system is quiet different from the exsistent, which means if the plan should be realized, the government had to levy and tear up the old military dormetaries and block the market exsisting now. I tried to make them coexist. The new structure set to establish the subjectivity of street from occupation realizes the city plan and public facilities lacked can be constructed above the road to solve the city's problem. It wil be the birth of new congestion.
Serial Segment
Serial segments are used to represent such as movement, process, or timescape. 23
A singal segment is like an output of math function( it is usually called "y"), and the function is a path to bring the changing of landscape for us.
Chapter _void
Yonghe, an infinite swirl of crowd, leans on massive transportation to satisfy its lack of function. Buses, cars and more motorbikes jam in roads originally planned for 1/7 population now. There are always out of parking lots and filled with scolding drivers. A paradox said that there is always a space for a motorbike between another two... Center of the blackhole, a naked singularity, like a atrium without contraction and seeking for uninterrupted flow, is constitute of spiraling double helix absorbing the crowd flood in the city and then finally solidifying into a Babel of density.
entertainment axis
Hedonism helix
shopping axis
Slope is an effective machine for architectual promenade. There is no roads on the ground. It is the last solution.
A void in city is for the sake of attracting crowd. In this congestive city which always runing out of spaces, chapter_V works as extended urban streets that including single shops, chain stores at lower floors and flagships, theaters, restaurants at upper floors as anchors to activate the flow of crowd. The unlimited end of spiral at the top is a floating park in which strollers can survey city view.
City _End
Technology and our new inventions make cities infinite along the Z-axis, creating Broadacre Cities vertically. City constituted of net system gets thin in the horizonal aspect, self-satifying and no concerned with nature environment outside. In the wall, citizens' sociability and mentality go stronger ever before. Contrastly demand of space is smaller and smaller. Ultimately the souls transcend bodies. The city becomes heaven. Off the wall, exiles in ruins establish their own civilization. A new reincarnation begins.
Twelve Cautionary Tales for Christmas, Superstudio, 1971
Exchanging network system,it is no concerned with nature outside.
Non Stop City, Archizoom, 1969
We live in big collective space, tiny rooms, We are nameless, faceless. We are produced by this city, by the reoranization of social condition. We are just carriers of biologic information. But all of us are living in our imanigation, dream and perspective, having own mind to rejuct the reality. That is the biggest resistance aganist the world.
Human & Environment
Humans have two characteristics: one is concerned in biology, such as our bodies, desires or curiosity; the other is concerned in society, such as relationship, morality or social characters. The room metaphors dilemma conditions that we need to fit ourself to the existing society and in unconsciousness, want to yelling at world with primitive desire.
Thanks for your reading.