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Barrister Bullets
Plan now to attend the Barristers monthly meeting on Wednesday, September 14, starting at 5:15 pm at outdoor patio at The Firefly at the Hilton, located at 501 W. Church Avenue, Knoxville. Social time starts at 5:00 pm. Register by clicking September 14 on the event calendar at www. knoxbar.org.
Constitution Day 2022 will take place this upcoming September 9 and 16 at local elementary schools. Attorney volunteers are needed on each date to (1) speak with a local elementary school class about the Constitution on September 9, and (2) appear a week later on September 16 with a local judge to observe a class project related to the Constitution. Interested volunteers should contact Richard Graves (rgraves@fmsllp.com) and Christine Knott (christineknott@knottlaw.org) with their availability on September 9 and 16.
The Veterans’ Legal Advice Clinic is a joint project of the KBA/Barristers Access to Justice Committees, Legal Aid of East Tennessee, the Knox Co. Public Defender’s Community Law Office, the UT College of Law, LMU- Duncan School of Law, and the local Veterans Affairs office. This is a general advice and referral clinic which requires attorney volunteers for its continued operation. The next Veterans Legal Clinic will be held in person at the Knoxville Community Law Office on September 14. Sign up at https://www.knoxbar.org/?pg=Upcoming-Legal-Clinics.
The Volunteer Breakfast is a recurring event on the 4th Thursday of each month at 6:15 a.m. at the Volunteer Ministry Center, located at 511 N. Broadway, Knoxville, Tennessee. The Barristers Volunteer Breakfast Committee always needs volunteers to serve food or sponsor. The cost is $150 for sponsoring, and we need 4-5 volunteers. If you are unable to fund the breakfast, the Barristers will subsidize the cost of the breakfast. We meet at 6:15 a.m. and serve breakfast to approximately 30-40 individuals, generally leaving the site around 7:30 a.m. It’s a great way to serve the community! Please contact either Matt Knable at (865) 360-5044 or Laura Wyrick at (865) 297-5511 with any questions and/or about volunteering.
The Barristers would like to thank the law firm of Butler, Vines and Babb for sponsoring the June breakfast at the Volunteer Ministry Center.
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Brews for Backpacks a BIG Success!
The Barristers Hunger and Poverty Relief Committee would like to thank everyone who attended and donated to our 4th Annual Brews for Backpacks event on August 4 at Xul Beer Co. We collected more than 20 backpacks filled with school supplies and raised over $1,000 to purchase more school supplies to donate to ChildHelp Foster Family Agency of East Tennessee! The Barristers would also like to thank our event sponsor, TCV Trust & Wealth Management, for helping make this event possible.
Jason Collver, Meagan Collver, Jimmy Snodgrass, Isaac Westling
Chuck Sharrett, Kelsey Osborne, Michael Deel, Alex Wright Jordan Houser & Jimmy Snodgrass, Chairs of the Barristers Hunger & Poverty Relief Committee Kate Harris of TCV Trust & Wealth Management, Garry Ferraris