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Pro Bono Project


Pro Bono Project Attorney Legal Aid of East Tennessee

Serving the Legal Community in Assisting Low-Income Persons To Navigate the Justice System


“You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.” - Winston Churchill

The pandemic changed the way most Americans worked and lived. Many of us got into the routine of isolating at home, and many Americans feel more disconnected than ever. The pandemic revealed how important our social connections were to our mental and spiritual health. As we resume our regular work and social patterns, I encourage you to reengage with pro bono service as a way to refresh a vital connection to your profession, your colleagues, and your community.

Try Something New

When we do the same thing day after day, we risk becoming stuck in a rut. Volunteering at clinics or taking cases outside your typical practice is a great way to diversify your legal experience and learn about new areas of the law. Legal Aid of East Tennessee offers training, support, templates, and mentorship all designed to help attorneys expand their legal practice to these new areas of law. Repetition is often draining, why not stimulate yourself by trying something completely new?

Feel Good

Doing good is the number one reason attorneys give for engaging in pro bono services. The pandemic hit marginalized and underserved populations hardest, and their need for legal help is greatest. The satisfaction in helping someone navigate a challenging part of their life and being part of a triumphant family moment is its own rich reward. Doing good to feel good is a low-cost, high-reward opportunity all attorneys should consider.

Be Part of Your Community

“Pro bono service helps my wellness because it helps the community I live in. And when a community thrives, and has access to the resources they need, everyone benefits.” Alex D. Brinson, Associate General Counsel/Family Services Attorney ETCH.

We all serve our community through our professional efforts, but these services aren’t accessible to everyone. Pro Bono volunteer work connects our in-need community with high quality legal services. In exchange, attorneys engage with their neighbors when they otherwise could not. Use your professional skills to benefit those in need and forge deep connections with the community you live in. By doing so, you nourish both our community and your soul.

Enjoy Collegiality

Clinics are a wonderful opportunity to socialize with the broader bar, law students, and non-legal volunteers. At July’s Family Law Clinic at the YWCA’s Phyllis Wheatley Center, attorney and law student volunteers came from Oak Ridge, London Amburn, Held Law Firm, LMU Duncan School of Law, UTK School of Law, and Legal Aid of East Tennessee. There is ample time between clients to consult with colleagues about a legal issue, catch up with old friends, make new ones, and mentor law student volunteers eager to network with established attorneys. We can break the isolation of our day to day routine with these clinics and find a sense of belonging with other members of your profession dedicated ensuring access to justice.

COVID Safe Volunteering

We recognize that COVID-19 is still a very real concern for many. We offer a variety of ways to volunteer including virtual and phone options. All our clinics are mask friendly, and we have found clients are more than happy to wear a mask if asked. We are also eager for volunteers willing to commit to 2-3 hour phone clinic shifts on a semi regular basis. Check out the upcoming clinics listed below or take a case off of Pro Bono Matters on our website. We hope you’ll take the opportunity to help yourself by helping others.

Clinic Opportunities for 2022

Legal Advice Clinic for Veterans: In person at the Public Defender’s Community Law Office at 1101 Liberty Street in Knoxville. Phone advice options available. • Wednesday September 14th Noon – 2pm • Wednesday October 12th Noon – 2pm • To sign up, please use the form on the KBA Website or email ctorney@laet.org.

Debt Relief Clinic: In person at the Public Defender’s Community Law Office at 1101 Liberty Street in Knoxville. • Saturday September 10th 9:00am – Noon • Saturday November 19th 9:00am - Noon • To sign up, please use the form on the KBA Website or email ctorney@laet.org.

Loudon County POA Clinic: In person at Church of the Resurrection 917 Pond Rd Loudon, TN. Supervise law students as they help draft and execute POAs/HPOAs/Living Wills. • Saturday October 1st 9:00am – Noon

Virtual Statewide Debt Relief Clinic: Via Zoom. Volunteer to provide advice only on debt related issue ranging from bankruptcy to collections virtually. • Saturday October 8th 10:00am – 12:30pm. (Attorneys can join at 10:30am).

Lincoln Memorial University Duncan School of Law Wills Clinic: In person at Duncan School of Law. Supervise law students as they draft and execute simple wills. • Saturday November 12th 9:00am – Noon.

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