HELLO MY NAME IS By: Jennifer Franklyn
Leitner Williams Dooley Napolitan, PLLC
BRIDGET PYMAN This month’s “Hello My Name Is…” q-and-a features Bridget Pyman, who is an Associate Attorney at Arnett, Draper and Hagood LLP, where she practices primarily healthcare liability defense litigation. Although she is a recent addition to the bar, Bridget has already become quite involved in the KBA, as a Member of the Barristers’ Hunger and Poverty Relief Committee as well as a Co-Chair of the Barristers’ High School Mock Trial Committee. She is a two-time alumna of Michigan State University, for her undergraduate degree (2016) and her J.D. from the Michigan State College of Law (2021). Bridget brings a unique perspective that is evident in her q-and-a responses, and after you learn more about her, I think you will agree with me that the KBA is lucky to have this rising star within its ranks. Describe the most significant experience you had prior to becoming a lawyer that influenced your career today. During the summer after my 1L year, I clerked for the Knox County Circuit Court Division II. Fortunately, there were two trials before Judge Ailor that summer, both of which I was able to observe. These two trials were the first trials I’d ever seen, and—fully acknowledging how cliché this is—while watching Rick Powers present his opening statement to the jury, I had an “aha!” moment from which I unequivocally knew that I wanted to be a trial attorney. During the second trial that summer, while Rachel Hurt was cross-examining a witness, I had a second significant moment that seamlessly conjoined with the first: I knew I wanted to be a trial attorney, and I needed Rachel to teach me how to be an excellent one. Now, I’m an associate with Arnett Draper and Hagood, and Rick and Rachel are my mentors; both sponsored my admission to the Bar, and both were present with me while I was sworn in to practice law in Tennessee.
addiction is becoming increasingly visible and prevalent, I sought out the book for use as a starting point for developing an informed perspective on the issue. Let’s say you are having a bad day. What do you do to turn things around? I try to zoom out from whatever problem I’m facing and recalibrate my perspective. A few years ago, I asked my running coach what she listened to during her long runs. At the time, she was training for a 100-mile race, and I was mystified that she would run 36 miles at a time without getting bored. She told me she doesn’t listen to anything while she runs. Instead, she focuses on every step she’s taking. My running coach has had a few battles with cancer, and she has won them. Her resultant mantra was that simply having the ability to run and a body that works is a privilege that, in and of itself, deserves deep reflection and gratitude. I’ve tried to adopt her perspective and lean on it when days are challenging. When I can do that and recalibrate successfully, I find comfort and gratitude in the reality that my bad days are still incredibly privileged, which usually makes the present feel much lighter.
What is your favorite place in East Tennessee? Easily, my parents’ flower garden. What book are you currently reading? I’m re-reading In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction, written by Dr. Gabor Maté. In the book, Dr. Maté describes his experiences as a physician working on Vancouver’s skid row, treating primarily homeless individuals suffering from severe substance use disorder. He examines and explains the complex biological, medical, and social interactions comprising addiction incidence and prevalence, and he discusses various similarly complex treatment forms. Since opioid June 2022