June 2017 digital trumpet

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0 Letter From the Editors (03) Principal's ponderings (03) Amazing Grace (04) Interact (06) Rough it (08)


1 2

Fashion Statement (24)

Mr & Miss Knysna High (18)


#KnysnaRises (30)

Mayweather Who? (40)

Bianca laat die aap uit die mou… (31)

Skkaakmat! (41)

Lady of Substance (32)

Tuskie of the term! (42)

Matric Magic (34)

DSLR Photography Campion (44)

The ‘Mayne’ Couple (36)

Cell Phone Photography Campion (46)

Springbokke In Wording (38) 2

LETTER FROM THE EDITORS: What a term! It has been filled with high highs and devastating lows. Besides all the devastation that has hit Knysna and surrounding areas, the Tuskie family managed to pull through and created a successful, memorable and definitely an unforgettable term. Love and good wishes from the editors and editorial team to those who suffered any kind of loss during and after the disaster. You are all in our prayers. Ons hoop dat die uitslae goed lyk en dat u en u kinders trots is daarop. Hierdie kwartaal is baie kort en is beslis baie belangrik vir die matrikulante wat hulle rekordeksamen skryf en matriekafskeid vier. Dit is tye soos hierdie wat jou maak of breek. Onthou dit. Good luck, work hard, remember our values and keep your eyes on your goal. Much love - Frederik and Matthew.

PRINCIPAL'S PONDERINGS: Another term starts and another issue of The Trumpet has arrived. I am thrilled to be a part of this wonderful, dynamic school. I think the message for this term that I want to leave with you is to remember the importance of working hard every day in order to achieve your goals. One does not become a musician, an engineer or an architect overnight. This is something that takes dedication and hard work. It demands a continuous striving towards those goals. Your school career is where you start learning how to achieve this. Homework is not only about learning subject content but also the discipline needed to reach your dreams. Setting up study time now and doing a little bit of work every day on your subjects means doing more focused study time closer to the exams and therefore obtaining better results. Are you up for the challenge? Did you know that there are only 10 types of people in the world? Those who understand binary and those who don’t. Potassium and Oxygen went on a date. Apparently, it was OK.


The Amazing (G)Race kicked off with several groups participating in various challenges on consecutive days. One activity that stood out and made it to everybody’s favourite-list was the Lazarus challenge: one team member had to be transformed into a “mummy” by using toilet paper. On the 5th day, points given throughout the race were added, leaving the Emeralds victorious. Thank you to Mrs Chalmers, Mr Human, the CIA Leaders and all those learners who took part!

Join CIA and don’t miss out! - Karin van Tonder



INTERACT Over 75 learners, teachers and parents donated blood at our second blood drive. Something new that we became involved in this year, and will continue to do from now on, is helping KAWS with their annual Spay Day. We assisted both Loeriehof and the Child Welfare Society with their street collections: our members manned five points in town with smiles on their faces and tins in their hands. We still visit our friends at the missionary school every second week. We assist them with their homework, read to them, help them to learn their times tables and play games with them. Interactors also visit their ‘Grandfriends’ every second week - our aim is to make some of the residents at Loeriehof who never get visitors feel loved. Learners play games with their ‘Grand-friends’ or just sit down and listen to interesting stories. One of our biggest projects last term was the blanket drive. We sold over 500 pancakes at school and worked at Spur to raise funds to buy the blankets (we managed to collect 143 blankets in the end). These blankets will be taken to charities in our community to keep the less fortunate warm this winter. Thank you to everyone who supported our club this term. We are so privileged to have so many people who are willing be become involved with Interact. Always remember that small, kind gestures do not go unseen. Our motto is ‘Service Above Self’ and we aim to uphold it with everything we do. I trust that our Interact members are becoming Interactors for life and will continue to live the ‘Service Above Self’ way. - Lisa Bruwer




Grade 11s

R ugh it at Wilgewandel

The Grade 11s kicked off the new term with a bang as we embarked on our two-night leadership camp, which was held at Wilgewandel, outside Oudtshoorn. The camp was attended by a large majority of our Grade 11 learners, who no doubt enjoyed the plenty of activities and team-building exercises with which they were presented. These included a ‘Khoisan’-style survival adventure (in which we made fires, brewed concoctions and sculpted clay pots), a muddy obstacle course and many insightful presentations. Our free time was filled with interesting experiences like camel rides, ‘foefie’ slides and late-night kuiers with warm mugs of coffee. A last-minute visit to the Cango Caves before returning home was also certainly one of the highlights.









The camp allowed the learners in our grade to bond even as a unit and to get to know each other in a relaxed s which was all thanks to Mrs Lombard, without whom the would not have been possible. Mud, camels, caves and co the Grade 11 camp in a nutshell. - Slade van Rooyen


n more setting, e camp offee –




Ms KHS : Lisa van Reizig Mr KHS : Matthew Jablonksi 1st Princess : Sheree Harmsen 1st Prince : Chayse Norris 2nd Princess : Britney Syce 2nd Prince : Enock Molingila





FA S H I O N S TAT E M E N T After weeks of preparation and hard work, the big day finally arrived for six nervous a capella groups and many beautiful models preparing themselves for the stage. The evening kicked off with the talented voices of the winning a capella groups and the teachers’ number, “Lean on Me”. I am sure that everyone will agree when I say that Mr Fox missed his calling to be a lead singer. The guests enjoyed a meal consisting of various soups and bread to ward off the cold, excellently prepared by Mrs Opperman. Meanwhile, in the art room, models were sprinkling themselves with glitter whilst doing finishing touches to their hair and make-up.



After the break the crow presented with what is n known as ‘the best fashi fash that Knysna High has ev brought to stage’. With m expertly done by Rickus models could strut their style.


wd was now hion ion show ver music s Rosslee, r stuff in



This amazing event could not have taken place without the guidance of our art hero, Mrs du Plessis, who is always willing to lend a helping hand. So, dankie Juffrou vir al die harde werk en ondersteuning. Ons waardeer dit opreg. A big thank you also goes to Mr Bashford and the workers who put in a huge effort with the preparation of the hall. One thing is for certain‌ Tuskies have talent! - Karin van Tonder


# KNYSNARISES “It seems unreal, thinking about it now: the sky thick with smoke, flames rolling down the hills, people panicking, lines of cars and even some accidents. At the various evacuation points, people were crying, their eyes filled with fear as flames seemed to grow bigger and come closer. But, as the glow continued on the hills it wasn’t the only fire burning that night. When I looked around I saw a fire in the people. A strength that I did not expect to see. That following morning… in the midst of the ashes a people stood up. Selflessly giving, volunteering, putting out fires, packing clothes, making food - Tuskies, teachers, parents, kids, everyone... standing together against the tragedy. I have NEVER been more proudly South African. I’d like to use the analogy of a brick, an incredibly strong building material, and how it is made. Through fire… bonds are formed and the matter is strengthened. Likewise it is through this tragedy that Knysna, Brenton, Plett, Sedgefield, George, countless other places… and SOUTH AFRICA have experienced… WE have been made stronger. Hierdie is nie die einde nie…dit is n DRAAIPUNT. ‘n Tyd in geskiedenis waar ons kan sê… op die 7de Junie 2017, het almal saam gestaan. Everyone adding their brick of strength, built something greater... and a nation rose from the ashes. ‘’ So keep on rising. - Frederik Dippenaar


BIANCA LAAT DIE AAP UIT DIE MOU… Bianca deel haar geheime tot sukses— dit wil gedoen wees! Sowat 7 maande gelede het ek besluit om my lewe te verander. Ek het besluit om kleiner porsies te eet en het verder in die aande begin stap. Ek het 75kg geweeg voordat ek met my dieet begin het. Gedurende hierdie sewe maande was daar baie struikelblokke, maar ek moes net sterk wees. Ek het elke dag vir sowat 20-40 minute oefening gedoen, oefeninge soos ‘push-ups’, ‘sit-ups’, ‘lunges’, ‘squats’ en ‘crunches’. Huidiglik weeg ek 52,6 kg. Dus het ek 22,4 kg verloor! Almal wonder seker: ”Hoe het sy dit reggekry?! Wel, ek het vir my ma geluister toe sy sê: “ Eet jou grondboontjies!” HIER IS OOK N PAAR ANDER WENKE:  Sny alle stysel soos brood, aartappels en rys uit.  Eet ten minste 5 keer per dag ( NB: een porsie moet omtrent so groot soos jou vuis wees)  Vermy suiker  Drink swart koffie in die oggend  Drink ten minste twee koppies “green tea” per dag.  EN Luister na jou ma! - Bianca Botha


Congratulations to Lisa Bruwer for being awarded the Learner Service "Lady of Substance" award for learners in the Eden and Karoo region. She was given recognition by the Western Cape Education Department for her outstanding and ongoing involvement with community service in Knysna. The purpose of the award is to give recognition and encourage learners to serve their community. Keep up the good work, Lisa, and encourage others to do the same!




We all know how stubborn 2K17 is, so here are some tips and words of wisdom from Matrics to, well... Matrics!

No matter what challenges crossed your path throughout this busy year, they were not put there to get you down, but as an obstacle to prove your faith and perseverance. Matrics - climb over those obstacles and use all the negatives as a stairway to success to upgrade yourselves and your mind sets daily! Don't ignore that notification bubble in your brain. Instead, click “upgrade” each time and allow God to be your data planner in doing so. Remember, it is not the length of your life that matters, but the depth thereof. -Lisa van Reisig It's been a rollercoaster ride, but it was worth it. We came, we saw and we conquered more than expected. No one said the journey would be easy, but if we put our minds and souls to what we want to achieve, anything is possible. It is time for us to push ourselves and achieve the marks that we want, in order for us to live the lives we’ve always dreamt about. Dubai should become our second home! -Terrence Gova Matrics: We have all had experiences that taught us independence. If not, studying now should help you, or even give you a glimpse of next year. Even though life has knocked us down and a lot of us have been affected by the recent tragedy, we shouldn't forget what we were born to do. Our group is special because we stick together no matter what. Let's use our closeness positively and show everyone we're “vrek special!” -Mallissa Solomons

It's your last year of the studies and give joy it! -Tristan Bussack

Never settle for less there. Don't sell your -Khanyisile Magadl

To the matrics of 20 give in to weakness nature is clear eviden of the rest of your liv -Thandi Ndlovu

"Study till death feel - Mathew Davidson

Matriculants, dream survive. - Khanya Plaatjie


AGIC school, make the best of it. Put in extra effort with it your all. Do it all with passion, but mostly, en-

s because you are worth more than anything out rself short of greatness. la

017, good luck with the prelims. Be strong, don’t s.. Darkness is always followed by beautiful light, nce thereof. Don't feel discouraged, this is the start ves!

ls like second nature."

m big and make history. Strive to thrive, not just to


The “Mayne” Couple Couple of the Term

Mr Robert Mayne and Mrs Julie Mayne have been married for nearly 50 years and have agreed to share their ‘Mayne’ secrets to being a happy couple... - Ruben de Jong & Fedde-jan Elzinga

What do you

Mrs: Robert is derful. I

Mr:I can dep time. If the the What advice do you have for young couples in Knysna High? Mrs: Don‟t make any large commitments. You are still young, so go out and see the world Mr:You‟ve got to have respect for each other. It‟s not just for your benefit, you‟ve got to realise that.


How did you meet? Mr: At university, but I only really got to know Julie through her sister with whom I taught. She asked me out to a function and I met Julie at that function; the next week I asked Julie to go out with me.

u admire about your spouse?

s so patient, it‟s wonI‟m not, but he is.

end on Julie at any ere is a crisis, she‟s person I call. What‟s your least favourite

thing about your spouse? Mrs: He forgets the time — he‟s never on time for anything.



SPRINGBOKKE IN WORDING Baie geluk aan Delon van Buuren wat vir die SWD President-rugbyspan gekies is. Ons is baie trots op jou, Delon! En, ook geluk aan Lorihano Wagenaar, wat tydens die vakansie na Johannesburg genooi was om te speel vir die “SWD Rugby Academy”. Hou so aan julle!


M AY W E AT H E R W H O ? Chayse Norris represented KHS in Orlando, Florida, in the World Martial Arts Championships and obtained a gold medal. Well done Chayse. You’ve made Knysna High and South Africa proud! #ProudlyTuskie 40

S K A A K M AT ! Veels geluk aan Eleesh Gandhi wat vir die Eden-skaakspan gekies is. Hy het ook aan die Wes-Kaapse Skaakkampioenskappe in Vredenburg deelgeneem, waar hy HoĂŤrskool Knysna se naam hoog gehou het! 41

TUSKIE OF THE TERM Ons „Celebrity Tuskie‟ is Jeandré Vorster (“Vossie”) 1. Waaraan neem jy deel by die skool? Ek neem deel aan rugby en krieket en ek geniet dit baie. 2. Wat is een van jou beste ondervindings by KHS? Die graad 8-ontgroening — veral die kamp was baie lekker. 3. Wat doen jy in jou vrye tyd? Ek gaan uit saam met vriende, ry fiets en luister na musiek. 4. Wat maak Jeandré spesiaal? "Hy kon net sowel ‘n 'private investigator' gewees het" - Neil "Hy weet altyd alles van almal "- Jacci "Dit is lekker om saam met hom te wees" - Nathan 5. As jy iets vir jou " Tuskie fans" kon sê, wat sou jy sê? Leer hard, speel hard en maak altyd tyd vir jou medemens. Wees jouself en maak tyd om die lewe te geniet. -Dankie Jeandré. Jy is n awesome Tuskie! - Jante Du Plessis & Meghan




This photo is the winner of the DSLR camera category for KHS’s photography club. Taken by Danika Davis.




This photo is the winner of the cell phone camera category for KHS’s photography club. Taken by Matthew Williams

Advert for new writers JOIN THE NEWSPAPER! Are you a booklover, writer extraordinaire or just looking to brighten up your CV? Act now and join The Trumpet editorial team. Listen out for meetings, which are announced, and be sure to join our team! We are in urgent need of creative, dedicated writers! Talk to Matthew, Frederik or Mrs I Steyn if you have any queries.


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