“We Deeply Love Hα llyu ” and Korean Cuisine!
Captivate νietnamese Palates Vietnam Is the Largest Export Market of Korean Foods among Southeast Asian Countries···<2014 K-Food Fair in Ho Chi Mi파1> Will Be Held in May Will Promote Korean Hot Sellers such as Mushrooms, Ginseng, and Ice Cream
l팽e m따때때e빼for鋼뼈S <K-
Food Fair>, was held in Hanoi, the capital of
Vietnam, for four days from September 26, 2013.
Many Southeast Asian buyers and Vietnamese con
sumers who like Hallyu (Korean culture wave) 띠sited the
fair and showed a high interest in Korean foods. Local
people flocked an hour before each tasting event started. It
is estimated that some 50α)() Vietnamese came to the fair and 띠ed many different types of Korean foods. K-Pop and
snacks and beverages adve띠S떠 by Ha따u stars.
Vietnam Has Become One of the Five Largest Exp rt Markets for Korean Foods
This year Korea and Vietnam celebrate the 22nd an
niversary of establishing diplomatic relations. Since 1992,
brisk economic, soci떠, and cultural exchanges have <level O뼈d between the two countries.
From the late 잉OOs, Vietnam has emerged as a m멍or
Korean dramas were introduced to Vietnam a little over
export market for Korean foods. In 2009, Korean food ex
coun따,. Soon, the interest of local people in Hallyu trans
미lU어 to inC11않se to USD$153 million in 2010, USD$275
Now we can see easily a Vietnamese housewife buying
USD$423.0 million last year. In 2009 and 2010 Vietnam
five y않rs ago. Since then, Hallyi‘ has spread 떠1 over the lated into increasing purchases of Korean foods.
Korean agri-products mushrooms, chicken, ramen (in stant noodles)
at a large supermarket and young
Vietnamese consumers in their teens and 20s picking up
ports to Vietn없n reached USD$100 million and then con
million in 2011, USD$338.5 million in 2012, and was No. 9 in total imports of Korean foods. By 2011, it
reached the sixth position. In 2012 and last year it was the fourth largest importer.
<Exports of Korean Foods to the Vietnamese Market During the Last Five Years> Year Exports
USD$109.8 million
USD$153.0 million
USD$275.0 million
USD$338.5 million
USO없23.0 million