Ko Whi Myeon Andon Soj
ried Chick
CONTENTS June 2014 Issue 225
Photo by Kim Ji-hoon ofToraii Republic www.toraii.com
Topok짜 (stir-fired rice cake) and gimmali fritter (deep fried
seaweed roll) are representa tive Korean street foods. In Myeong-dong and Dongdaemun Market, both fre quented by fαeigners, these street foods can always be seen. Let ’s find a way to cook them easily even outside of Korea! P.32-37 08 THEME in Chinese
FRESH FOOD 28 KING OYSTER MUSHROOM in Japanese Jirisan Mushroom produces clean and fresh 힘ngoys없 mushrooms based on thorough quality and S때itary control.
PROCESSED FOOD <2014 K-Food Fair inShanghai> will be held June 27-29. πris trade fair will include both export con sultations and Korean food experience events. 31 Korean food exporters w파 meet Chinese con sumers and buyers to promote a variety of items.
32 FROZEN FOOD in Chinese Easy to Cook! Just Heat the Product on a Frying Pan or in a Microwave, Saongwon ’ s Frozen KoreanStreet Foods
18 SPECIAL I To celebrate the beginning of the 2014 Br,없1 World Cup, <Korea Agt꿇0여〉 is introducing the most popular Korean foods in Brazil under the title of “K-Food World Cup."
38 TEA BEVERAGE in Chinese Hadong County has tea plantations with 1αm years of history. 단oc · essed foods made of Hadong green tea are knocking on the door of foreign markets.
26 SPECIAL in Chinese Which Korean Foods Received the Most Attention at <2014SIAL CHINA>?
42 ALCOHOLIC DRINK in Chinese A GrandSlam at the World ’ s Top πrree Brewery Competitions, Myeon밍n AndongSoju