Nationalmuseumofkoreavol31 en

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curator's talk Baekje Gilt-bronze Incense Burner: Exquisite Representation of

special exhibition The Story of Bohemian Glass rnm exhibition. 1 Cultural Heritages of Wolchulsan Mountain rnm exhibition. 2 Goryeong Jisandong Daegaya Tumuli

published by the nmk spring 2015

VOL .31  SPR ING 2015

ISSN: 2005-1123

special feature Delicacy: A Close Look at Ipsa Wire Inlay Techniques


N AT I O N A L M U S E U M O F KO R E A   |   Q UA R T E R LY M AG A Z I N E

Polish Art: An Enduring Sprit is the first large-scale exhibition of Polish art to ever be held in Korea. The exhibition traces the history and trends of Polish art from the Middle Ages to the 20th century through a collection of some 200 works in different media such as paintings, drawings and sculptures and handicrafts, on loan from 17 major Polish institutions, including the National Museum in Warsaw. The artists represented are also diverse, covering the range of anonymous sculptors from the Middle Ages to young 19th century artists and contemporary graphic artists. Notably, works related to famous figures from Poland such as Copernicus and Chopin will also be shown.

National Museum of Korea

Baekje Ancient Paradise

POLISH ART: AN ENDURING SPRIT june 5 – august 30, 2015 special exhibition gallery

quarterly magazine

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