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N AT I O N A L M U S E U M O F KO R E A   |   Q UA R T E R LY M AG A Z I N E



VOL.36 SUMMER 2016

Special Exhibition Pensive Bodhisattvas: National Treasures of Korea and Japan Overseas Exhibition Earth, Fire, Soul—Masterpieces of Korean Ceramics

DISCOVERIES FROM THE SINAN SHIPWRECK june 26 – september 4, 2016 special exhibition gallery The National Museum of Korea is holding a special exhibition to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the excavation of the Sinan shipwreck. The excavation of the Sinan shipwreck off the waters of Sinan, Jeollanam-do Province 40 years ago surprised not only Koreans but the whole world. The enormous quantity of cultural heritages excavated at the time became critical materials to understand East Asian culture in the first half of the 14th century. Unfortunately, the general public’s memory of the Sinan shipwreck has gradually faded with time. In this regard, the NMK is holding a special exhibition titled, Discoveries from the Sinan Shipwreck, in order to promote the importance of cultural heritage from the Sinan shipwreck. This exhibition aims to show vivid records of the excavation of cultural heritage from the Sinan shipwreck and other kinds of salvaged trading goods, while also presenting how these goods were closely related to people’s lives and culture in East Asia at the time. On top of the excavated objects from the Sinan shipwreck, the museum will introduce related cultural heritage from China and Japan. After the show in Seoul, this exhibition will continue at the Gwangju National Museum from November 22, 2016 to February 19, 2017 as a traveling exhibition.

ISSN: 2005-1123

VOL .36  SUMMER 2016

celebrating the 40th anniversary of the excavation

Special Feature Red, the Color of Power Curator’s Talk The Color Red in Buddhist Paintings

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