Find Financial and technical partners
Manage the finance of the conference
Create financial documents (Budget, proposal)
Deliver final report of all finance activities of the conference
OCP Team coordination (first responsible of the team; representation of the team, ensure team cohesion) Responsible with the OCVP F & sales of the financial management of the event Provide weekly reports for the conference manager and the Agenda manager
Logistics and Special Events
Find the venue for the conference in collaboration with the ER and MaC
Market segmentation and sales of the conference
Find both financial and technical partners
Find all the others logistical needs for the conference
Raise food needed for the conference and ensure the quality
Create all the documents of the conference such as proposal, partnership letter, potential partners’ database, planning all the activities etc…
Design a menu for the whole conference
Raise schools for the YS
Organize and coordinate the needs of the delegates
Deliver special and good experiences
Deliver a final report to the OCP
Organize and coordinate all the special events and activities of the conference (Global village, opening ceremony, youth speak forum, social agenda and parties, diner gala, etc…) -
Deliver a final report of all the activities
Ensure the logistical requirements of the conference
Deliver final report of the activities
Marketing and promotion Responsible of all internal and external communication content and channels of the conference Design the conference logo and all documents concerning the conference Develop communication and the promotion of the conference (posts, videos, blogs, banners, flyers, t-shirts, etc…) Find and negotiate the conference venue with the OCP and the ER -
Deliver a final report of all the activities
Ensure the logistical requirements of the conference
First Name Last Name Date and place of birth Nationality Current address Phone number E-mail Skype
Date Domain Position Tasks
Gained Skills
Gained Skills
Date of engagement with AIESEC
According to you what is NTMS? What is the necessity of organizing it? Why have you decided to apply for this functional area? Give your strengths and weaknesses. How will they affect your team experience? Which challenges do you think you would face according to your responsibilities and how would you manage them? 5- How important is it for you to be part of the organizing committee? II-SPECIFIC QUESTIONS OCP 123456-
What is your real motivation to be OCP NTMS 2017? What is your vision for this seminar? Tell us about the key innovations in this seminar organization What is leadership according to you? What will be your strategies to manage your team? Make a SWOT analysis of NTMS 2014, 2015 and 2016 and define your new ideas and strategies What is your action plan? What will be your strategies to work with the LCEB and MCEB while running NTMS 2017 and how will you involve them into your activities?
Finance 12345-
What key strategies will you implement to ensure financial sustainability of the conference? Design 3 activities which can bring money to your OC before and during the conference What is budget and cash flow? What is their utility? Make a budget for the seminar. List ten (10) financial partners (potentials) for the seminar
Marketing and Promotion 1234-
What is your personal goal for applying to this functional area? Create a marketing plan for the seminar Design 2 relevant logos and 2 posts of NTMS 2017. As OCVP MaC what will be your innovation to showcase NTMS 2017 and have a lot of delegates (Both national and international). 5- During the conference how will you insure NTMS 2017 Live for delegates who will not have the chance to attend it? Talk about your strategies and the logistic you will use. ER 1-
Make a draft database of 30 potential partners for the seminar and how will you attract them?
-Analyze how AIESEC can capitalize on NTMS 2017.
3 -Assume until one week to the seminar you did not signed any partnership, what will you do? List all possible options you have.
Provide a detail planning of activities before, during and after the seminar
5If both MOOV and TOGOCEL are really interested to the seminar, which of them will you choose? And what will propose to it. Logistic and Special events 1- What are the key logistical factors that will impact the delegation in the conference and how will you find them? Which single one do you think will be the most important? Why? 2- Describe a venue characteristic for NTMS 2017. Give 5 venues and tell us more about your choices. 3- List all logistics tools that will be needed for the seminar. What will be your plan to find them on time? 4Assume that at day 0 all the logistic which is supposed to be used to welcome the delegates has been damaged. What will be your reaction and how will you manage the situation? 5-
Propose a list of dishes that will be served during the seminar. How will you procure them?
How many persons will you need in your tasks? Why? And how will you manage them?
-Make a day planning according to the food that will be served during the seminar.
How will you ensure the quality of the foods that will be served?
How will you manage the delegates’ complaints about the food, especially the international delegates?
Assume that an international delegate cannot eat Togolese food. How will you manage that situation?
Suggest innovative events and ideas. Give the strategies you will use
Application Procedure 1- Application questionnaire (General and specific questions). These questions should not exceed 10 pages. Make sure to answer all the questions and Feel free to design your application form as prefer. 2- Send your application form named ‘First name_Last name_Position’ to: and borisalihonou@gmail.comand aiesectogo
Deadline: wednesday 16th August 2017
Interview: Friday 18th August 2017 at 7:30 am
For further information contact +22891254548/91457588