May 2019
Chapter President’s Message
Joe Corona Chapter President Fr. Philip Sullivan Chapter Chaplain Tony Ty Chapter Vice President Peter Parga Chapter Secretary Thomas Quintana Chapter Treasurer David Silva Chapter Marshal Dale Pittman Chapter Advocate Jose Magana District Deputy 101 Michael Stauffer District Deputy 102 Jerry Clyde District Deputy 103 James Knowles District Deputy 104 Mike Palos District Deputy 105 Bernard Duker District Deputy 106 Bill Ruiz District Deputy 107 David Ramos District Deputy 108
Hello my Brothers, with May in full swing and June coming quicker than we think, it’s time to pull everything together and complete a successful year. May is the time we begin the election process in our Councils, Chapter and State. As of May 1st Councils can hold elections and all Council elections must be completed by June 15th. Most of you have a slate of officers that have been moving through the chairs and keeping the Council growing. For some that is not the case. That’s a reason we want to continue to recruit new members into every Council. Today’s new member is tomorrow’s Grand Knight, Financial Secretary, etc.…. It’s not too late my Brothers we have a month and a half. Some Council’s with a very small goal of increased membership have yet to recruit 1 new member. If every active Council in our Chapter recruits just 4 new members in the next month our Chapter will have achieved its membership goal. I would like to ask each of you for your help with that. Like you, a Council leader wanting to make your year the best possible, as Chapter President and Joe Salaiz as State Deputy we want to have best year we can. But our success can only be achieved by your success. The Chapter has been here to help. Every month at the Chapter business meeting we offer information to help make your year a success and we aren’t going to stop. If there is something we can do to help you achieve your goal of Star Council, meeting your membership and insurance goal or anything else that will make your year a success let us help. Once you have completed your elections make sure to complete and submit REPORT OF OFFCIERS CHOSEN FOR THE TERM form# 185 electronically via member management or by mail. On May 2nd an email was sent with 2019-2020 Chapter Directory template, be sure to complete this form and return it to Mentioned was State Council elections. State Council elections take place this week during the State Convention. Your Chapter will be co-hosting a hospitality room and we hope to see you before and after the business sessions. (Continued on page 2)
Fidel David District Deputy 109
San Gabriel Valley Chapter PO Box 2503, Covina 91722
May 2019 (Continued from page 1)
You are all welcome to join us every morning, afternoon and evening for food, drinks and fraternity. Be sure to say hi! Following the State Convention our Chapter will be holding its election of officers. The 2019-2020 Fraternal Year slate of Chapter Officers includes Tony Ty: Chapter President, Peter Parga: Chapter Vice President, Tom Quintana: Chapter Secretary and David Silva: Chapter Treasurer. Elections will take place June 14th during the regular Chapter business meeting. Delegates submitted by each Council on the Chapter Directory form will be eligible to vote. As you can see my Brothers were it not for someone asking each of us to join the Knights of Columbus we would not have a State Council, Chapter or even Councils. Did you join in the hopes of being Grand Knight? Why has the Knights of Columbus lasted the last 137 years? Because Brother Knights, before us asked some to join. Who are you going to ask? Praised be Jesus Christ.., Joe Corona Chapter President Knights of Columbus San Gabriel Valley Chapter May 24, 2019 Chapter Business Meeting
May 17, 18 and 19th 2019 State Convention in San Diego
Our May Chapter Business Meeting will be pushed one week due to the State Convention. It will be held on Friday the 19th at St. Christopher Council hall 11331 Stewart St., El Monte, California 91731.
Brother Knights we hope that you will be able to attend the annual State Convention. This will be the last year the convention will be in San Diego. In 2021 it will be held in Ontario, California. If you have done so please ensure you book your room and come out and enjoy fellowship with your brother Knights.
We will begin with a Rosary at 7:00 PM; meeting begins at 7:30 PM. If you have not attended a previous meeting I encourage you to come. We will continue to plan for the success of the Councils in our Chapter.
Thank you!
San Gabriel Valley Chapter PO Box 2503, Covina 91722
May 2019 Council Elections for Columbian Year 2019-2020 Brother Knights, friendly reminder that every council should hold their council elections between May 1st and June 15th. Once your council elections have been completed please ensure you complete form 185 Report of Officers Chosen for the Term. E-mail the form to Supreme, State office and your District Deputy. If your council utilizes member management than it can be done on line by your Financial Secretary. Any questions please reach out to your District Deputy.
State Convention Donation
Brother Knights the SGV Chapter will hosting a hospitality room at the upcoming State Convention in May. We are asking every council to donate $100 that will go towards purchasing items for the hospitality room. On behalf of the Chapter we thank you for your support and look forward to having a successful hospitality room so that every brother Knight attending will enjoy.
God Bless!
Unplanned Movie surprises Hollywood at the Box Office!!! Unplanned spurred HUGE 40 days for life vigil turnout this past weekend, and it’s no wonder according to The Hollywood Reporter, the film’s box office performance more than DOUBLED expectations going into the weekend! As a result, the film will be on 600 more screens nationwide compared with the opening weekend! Today we know of 263 babies saved from abortion through YOUR prayers since March 6. THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!!! If you have not had a chance to see the movie please go out and see it. Below is what the movie is about. Unplanned is the inspiring true story of one woman’s journey of transformation. All Abby Johnson ever wanted to do was help women. As one of the youngest Planned Parenthood clinic directors in the nation, she was involved in upwards of 22,000 abortions and counseled countless women about their reproductive choices. Her passion surrounding a woman’s right to choose even led her to become a spokesperson for Planned Parenthood, fighting to enact legislation for the cause she do deeply believed in. Until the day she saw something that changed everything, leading Abby Johnson to join her former enemies at 40 Days for Life, and become one of the most ardent pro-life speakers in America. Brothers please continue to promote this movie within your council, with family and friends.
San Gabriel Valley Chapter PO Box 2503, Covina 91722
May 2019
San Gabriel Valley Chapter PO Box 2503, Covina 91722
May 2019
San Gabriel Valley Chapter PO Box 2503, Covina 91722
May 2019
San Gabriel Valley Chapter PO Box 2503, Covina 91722
May 2019
Upcoming Events
SGV Chapter Business Meeting, Friday May 24, 2019 – St. Christopher Hall 11331 Stewart St. El Monte, CA 91731. We will begin with the recitation of the Holy Rosary at 7:00 PM. All 3rd Degree members in good standing are encouraged to attend.
See Chapter website for Ceremonials schedule.
Make sure to "Like Us and Follow Us". All three pages can be found by looking up: @kofcsgvc
San Gabriel Valley Chapter PO Box 2503, Covina 91722