Kogan Page Academic Catalogue 2021 (USD)

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Table of Contents by Subject Business, Risk and Information Management Accounting & Finance Banking Business & Management Skills HR Research Methods Business Research Business Analysis Project Management Corporate Governance, Ethics & CSR Project Management Information, Knowledge & Data Management International Business Leadership Professional Services Risk Management Strategy Innovation & Creativity

Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Study Skills Career Development Specific Careers Job Seeking Testing Business English Workplace Skills

HR, Organizational Development & Coaching Introduction to HRM Human Resource Management International HRM HR Research Methods HR Analytics Strategic HRM Performance Management Reward Management Change Management Employee Engagement Employment Law & Relations Learning & Development Organizations Organizational Development Talent Management & Recruitment Coaching

Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management Intro Logistics & Supply Chain Logistics Global Logistics Operations Management Warehouse Management Retail Logistics & Supply Chain Transport Maritime Logistics Manufacturing & Production Procurement Organizations Procurement Supply Chain Finance Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Risk Management Supply Chain Technology Humanitarian Logistics & Supply Chain Sustainability

Marketing and PR

Advertising Digital Marketing Social Media Marketing Communications Consumer Behaviour B2B Marketing Sales & Key Account Management Branding Luxury Marketing Product Design Event Management Market Research Marketing Analytics Marketing Fundamentals Marketing Strategy Marketing Planning Public Relations Internal Communications Retail



Table of Contents by Title Business, Risk and Information Management Accounting & Finance

HR Analytics

Accounting and Finance for Managers Accounting for Non-Accountants Financial Technology The Financial Services Guide to Fintech International Finance The Handbook of International Trade and Finance Investment and Portfolio Management Financial Management for Technology Start-Ups Forensic Accounting and Finance Understanding Islamic Financial Services Anti-Money Laundering The Cryptocurrency Revolution How the Stock Market Works

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Retail and Digital Banking Relationship Management in Banking Commercial Lending Culture, Conduct and Ethics in Banking Green and Sustainable Finance Reinventing Banking and Finance

22 23 24 25 26 27

The Practical Negotiation Handbook Myths of Management

28 29

Research Methods in Human Resource Management


Business Research Practical Statistics

31 32

The Business Analysis Handbook


Understanding Project Management The Power of Project Leadership

34 35

The Business Guide to Effective Compliance and Ethics Responsible Business

36 37

Global Business Ethics


Knowledge Management The Knowledge Manager’s Handbook Ethical Data and Information Management IT Governance

39 40 41 42

Emerging Markets



Business & Management Skills HR Research Methods Business Research Business Analysis

Project Management

Corporate Governance, Ethics & CSR Project Management

Information, Knowledge & Data Management

International Business Leadership

Essential Leadership TheLeadership Skills Handbook Neuroscience for Leaders What Philosophy Can Teach You About Being a Better Leader Myths of Leadership Resetting Management

44 45 46 47 48 49

Strategic Tendering for Professional Services


Fundamentals of Risk Management Business Continuity Management The Organizational Resilience Handbook The Risk Management Handbook Cyber Risk Management Rethinking Reputational Risk

51 52 53 54 55 56

Management and Leadership in the 4th Industrial Revolution Strategic Decision Making Evidence-Based Management The New Strategist Radical Business Model Transformation Decision Making and Problem Solving The Business Models Handbook

57 58 59 60 61 62 63

Professional Services Risk Management


Innovation & Creativity Business Experimentation

Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship


The Business Plan Workbook Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation

67 68

The Return to Study Handbook


Good Work The Successful Career Toolkit Make Your Own Map Career Fear (and how to beat it)

70 71 72 73

The A-Z of Careers and Jobs Success After Service

74 75

Study Skills

Career Development

Specific Careers Job Seeking

Ultimate Cover Letters 76 Ultimate CV 77 Ultimate Interview 78 Ultimate Presentations 79 Great Answers to Tough Interview Questions 80 Assessment Centre Success 81 Superconductors 82 Ultimate Job Search 83 Ultimate New Job 84 The Job-Ready Guide 85


Ultimate IQ Tests Ultimate Aptitude Tests Ultimate Psychometric Tests How to Pass Numerical Reasoning Tests How to Pass Advanced Verbal Reasoning Tests How to Pass the QTS Numeracy and Literacy Skills Tests

Business English

How to Write Effective Business English Improve Your Global Business English

Workplace Skills

Improve Your Communication Skills Develop Your Presentation Skills Dealing with Difficult People How to Organize Yourself How to Manage People Confident Coding Confident Digital Content Confident Web Design Confident Cyber Security Confident Data Skills Be Data Literate

HR, Organizational Development & Coaching Introduction to HRM

86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104

Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice Human Resource Management at Work Human Resource Practice Introduction to Human Resource Management Human Resource Management for MBA and Business Masters Studying Human Resource Management Work and Employment in a Changing Business Environment People Practice Human Resource Management in a Business Context Human Resource Management Human Resource Management in Context

107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117

Armstrong’s Handbook of Management and Leadership for HR Competitive HR Leading, Managing and Developing People Flexible Working Building an Outstanding Workforce Artificial Intelligence for HR Gamification for Business Transformational HR Effective HR Communication Human Capital Management Standards

118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127

International Human Resource Management International Human Resource Management International Human Resource Management

128 129 130

Research Methods in Human Resource Management


Human Resource Management

International HRM

HR Research Methods



Predictive HR Analytics Introduction to People Analytics Learning Analytics Driving Digital Transformation through Data and AI Data-Driven HR

132 133 134 135 136

Armstrong’s Handbook of Strategic Human Resource Management Strategic Human Resource Management Introduction to HR Technologies Digital HR Strategy

137 138 139 140

Armstrong’s Handbook of Performance Management Performance Management Performance Management Building Top Performing Teams Armstrong on Reinventing Performance Management Motivation and Performance

141 142 143 144 145 146

Armstrong’s Handbook of Reward Management Practice Reward Management Reward Management

147 148 149

Making Sense of Change Management Managing and Leading People Through Organizational Change Consultancy, Organizational Development and Change Organizational Change Explained Managing Change The Effective Change Manager’s Handbook Neuroscience for Organizational Change Appreciative Inquiry for Change Management Engaging Change Leading Cultural Change

150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159

Designing Exceptional Organizational Cultures Employee Engagement Strategic Internal Communication Human Experience at Work

160 161 162 163

Managing Employment Relations Introduction to Employment Law Employment Law Employment Relations Employment Law Employee Relations

164 165 166 167 168 169

Armstrong’s Handbook of Learning and Development Learning and Development Practice in the Workplace Learning for Organizational Development Studying Learning and Development Designing, Delivering and Evaluating L&D Continuing Professional Development Learning and Development The Learning and Development Handbook Artificial Intelligence for Learning International Human Resource Development Experiential Learning Neuroscience for Learning and Development

170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181

Organizational Behaviour Organizational Management Myths of Work

182 183 184

Developing People and Organisations People and Organisational Development Networked, Scaled, and Agile The Energized Workplace The Agile Organization Organization Development

185 186 187 188 189 190

Resourcing and Talent Management Learning and Talent Development Inclusive Talent Management Neurodiversity at Work

191 192 193 194

How to Create a Coaching Culture Excellence in Coaching Systemic Coaching and Constellations Leadership Coaching Leadership Team Coaching Leadership Team Coaching in Practice Coaching and Mentoring Developing Employability and Enterprise

195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202

Strategic HRM

Performance Management

Reward Management Change Management

Employee Engagement

Employment Law & Relations

Learning & Development


Organizational Development

Talent Management & Recruitment


Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management Intro Logistics & Supply Chain

The Handbook of Logistics and Distribution Management Supply Chains in Action Logistics, Supply Chain and Operations Management Case Study Collection A Practical Guide to Logistics An Introduction to Macrologistics Mastering the Supply Chain The Logistics and Supply Chain Toolkit


Introduction to Global Logistics Global Logistics International Freight Transport Cross-Border Logistics Operations International Supply Chain Relationships

223 224 225 226 227

Business Operations Models The Operations Advantage The Inventory Toolkit

228 229 230

Warehouse Management Warehousing and Transportation Logistics

231 232

Logistics and Retail Management Managing the Retail Supply Chain

233 234

A Study Guide for the Operator Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) in Road Freight 2020 Lowe’s Transport Manager’s and Operator’s Handbook 2021 Road Passenger Transport Management Air Transport Management Aviation Logistics

235 236 237 238 239

Maritime Logistics Maritime Transport Port Management Smart Green Shipping Container Logistics Technology and the Blue Economy

240 241 242 243 244 245

Systems for Manufacturing Excellence International Standards for Design and Manufacturing The Tesla Way Toyota Methods and Operating Models Product Design and the Supply Chain

246 247 248 249 250

Strategic Sourcing Management Category Management in Purchasing The Technology Procurement Handbook Strategic Sourcing and Category Management Contract Management Supplier Relationship Management Negotiation for Procurement and Supply Chain Professionals The Buyer’s Toolkit A Practical Guide to E-auctions for Procurement

251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259

Leading Procurement Strategy


Global Contract Logistics


Operations Management

Warehouse Management

Retail Logistics & Supply Chain Transport

Maritime Logistics

Manufacturing & Production


Organizations Procurement

Supply Chain Finance Supply Chain Management Accounting Supply Chain Strategy and Financial Metrics Financing the End-to-End Supply Chain

262 263 264 265

Strategic Supply Chain Management Global Value Chain Management Supply Chain 4.0 Supply Chain Analytics and Modelling The Strategy-Driven Supply Chain Managing the Demand-Driven Supply Chain Building Effective Value Chains Supply Chain Disruption E-Business and Supply Chain Integration Successful Integrated Planning for the Supply Chain Demand-Driven Supply Chain Management Collaborative Principles for Better Supply Chain Practice The Logistics and Supply Chain Innovation Handbook The Lean Supply Chain Food Supply Chain Management and Logistics Global Supply Chain Ecosystems

266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281

Supply Chain Security Supply Chain Risk Management

282 283

Integrating Blockchain into Supply Chain Management Blockchain and the Supply Chain

284 285

Humanitarian Logistics Supply Chain Management for Humanitarians

286 287

Mastering the Circular Economy Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management A Circular Economy Handbook for Business and Supply Chains Green Logistics Global Waste Management Understanding Planned Obsolescence Sustainability in Global Value Chains Sustainable and Green Supply Chains and Logistics Case Study Collection Inspiring Green Consumer Choices The Road to Zero Emissions Decarbonizing Logistics Supply Chain Ethics

288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299

Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Risk Management Supply Chain Technology

Humanitarian Logistics & Supply Chain Sustainability

Marketing and PR Advertising

Essentials of Advertising Paid Attention

302 303

Digital Marketing Strategy Understanding Digital Marketing Optimizing Digital Strategy E-Commerce Website Optimization Mobile Marketing Native Advertising Video Marketing Podcasting Marketing Strategy Using Artificial Intelligence in Marketing

304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312

Social Media Strategy Understanding Social Media Myths of Social Media Influencer Marketing Strategy

313 314 315 316

Marketing Communications The Definitive Guide to Strategic Content Marketing Content - The Atomic Particle of Marketing Experiential Marketing Persuasive Copywriting

317 318 319 320 321

Digital Marketing

Social Media

Marketing Communications

Consumer Behaviour

The New Chameleons Decoding the Irrational Consumer

322 323

Innovative B2B Marketing B2B Marketing Strategy B2B Digital Marketing Strategy

324 325 326

Selling Transformed Sales and Marketing Channels Implementing Key Account Management Malcolm McDonald on Key Account Management Key Account Management A Practitioner’s Guide to Account-Based Marketing

327 328 329 330 331 332

Global Brand Management The New Strategic Brand Management International Brand Strategy Myths of Branding How Cool Brands Stay Hot Branding Inside Out Digital Branding Audio Branding The TV Brand Builders Brand Psychology The Escape Industry

333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343

The Luxury Strategy Kapferer on Luxury Adding Prestige to Your Portfolio The Power of a Prestige Brand Rethinking Prestige Branding The Management of Luxury

344 345 346 347 348 349

Design Management


Event Planning and Management Event Sponsorship and Fundraising

351 352

Market Research in Practice Using Semiotics in Marketing Questionnaire Design Games and Gamification in Market Research Geodemographics for Marketers

354 355 356 357 358

Marketing Analytics Predictive Analytics for Marketers Artificial Intelligence Marketing and Predicting Consumer Choice Advanced Customer Analytics Practical Text Analytics

359 360 361 362 363

Myths of Marketing


Advanced Marketing Management Marketing Strategy Stand Out Marketing Malcolm McDonald on Value Propositions

365 366 367 368

Malcolm McDonald on Marketing Planning How to Write a Marketing Plan

369 370

Planning and Managing Public Relations Campaigns Litigation PR Myths of PR PR Technology, Data and Insights Ethics in Public Relations Communicate in a Crisis

371 372 373 374 375 376

Influential Internal Communication Successful Employee Communications Internal Communications

377 378 379

Retail Innovation Reframed Retail Marketing Strategy The Retail Start-Up Book Omnichannel Retail Retail Disruptors

380 381 382 383 384

B2B Marketing

Sales & Key Account Management

Branding 205 206 207 209 210 211 214

Health and Safety in Logistics 215 The Logistics Outsourcing Handbook 216 E-Logistics 217 Packaging Logistics 218 Defence Logistics 219 Fashion Logistics 220 Marketing and Logistics Led Organizations 221 Urban Logistics 222

Global Logistics

Supply Chain Finance

Luxury Marketing

Product Design

Event Management Market Research

Marketing Analytics

Marketing Fundamentals Marketing Strategy

Marketing Planning Public Relations

Internal Communications Retail

Business, Risk and Information Management Innovation and Best Practice in Accounting & Finance Banking Business & Management Skills Business Research Project Management Corporate Governance, Ethics & CSR Information, Knowledge & Data Management International Business Leadership Professional Services Risk Management Strategy



Accounting and Finance for Managers A Business Decision Making Approach Edition: 3 Date: 12/28/2020 Price: $52.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789667516 ISBN Ebook: 9781789667523 Pages: 464 Format (mm): 240x170 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Accounting & Finance

This book

designed for business and management students who need to understand accounting « Specifically and finance information in order to make better-informed business decisions clear language accessible to students who have not studied finance previously and explains all « Uses key concepts in a logical manner analytical skills through exercises, comprehension questions, and the interpretation of « Develops real financial statements and worked examples from well-known businesses, such as Tesco, Ryanair and Whitbread PLC New to this edition: provides updates on new accounting standards and regulations, as well as featuring more modern real-world examples in extracts and in expert view sections. Online resources: bonus chapters containing guidance and teaching tips, additional questions and lecture slides for each chapter

« «

Description This textbook is the ideal guide for business and management students who need to understand accounting and finance information and develop analytical skills in order to make better-informed decisions. Accounting and Finance for Managers rebukes the myth that in order to excel in accounting and finance you need to be great at mathematics. Split into two broad sections which focus on financial accounting and management accounting and finance, this textbook uses clear, accessible language that will appeal to students from a variety of academic backgrounds. Taking a uniquely practical approach that focuses on the financial aspects of business decisions, the textbook covers all the core topics of accounting and finance, including basic bookkeeping, financial analysis, business planning, cash-flow analysis and investment decisions. Now in its third edition, Accounting and Finance for Managers contains updates on new accounting standards and regulations, as well as featuring up-to-date real-world examples of real options, value chain analysis and competitive advantage analysis. This textbook features ‘traditional’ accounting practices in detail, but also covers topics with a strategic focus to ensure students learn to think in broader strategic terms. Written for an international audience using International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) terminology with supporting online resources including additional exercise questions, curated further reading and lecture slides for each chapter.

Author Information Matt Bamber is an Assistant Professor in Accounting at Schulich School of Business, York University. He has taught a range of undergraduate, MBA and other postgraduate courses. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, with professional experience in the UK and US. Simon Parry is a Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Finance at Newcastle University. Over the last 22 years he has taught professional accounting courses for ACCA, CIMA, ICAEW, and CIPD, together with academic courses for Business, Accounting and MBA students. He is a Chartered Accountant (ICAEW, FCA) with 34 years’ professional experience in industry, practice and the public sector.


Business, Risk and Information Management

Table of Contents 1 Introduction to accounting 2 Accounting concepts and systems 3 Financial analysis: Part I 4 Financial analysis: Part II 5 Business planning 6 Budgets and performance management 7 Cash flow and working capital management 8 Pricing decisions 9 Investment decisions 10 Financing decisions 11 Operational decisions Appendix A  An introduction to double-entry bookkeeping Appendix B  International Accounting/Financial Reporting Standards Appendix C  Example earnings announcements Appendix D  Discount tables Appendix E  Annuity factors Appendix F  Useful web links

Accounting & Finance

Accounting for NonAccountants Edition: 12 Date: 05/28/2020 Price: $25.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789664300 ISBN Ebook: 9781789664317 Pages: 392 Format (mm): 236x157 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Accounting & Finance

This book

« Presents the basics of both financial and management accounting in an easy to follow format review questions in each chapter, with answers and workings where appropriate, to « Contains embed learning to this edition: fully updated with new content including reworked chapters on the current « New issues in accounting and economic issues that have an effect on accounting the reader up to date on UK GAAP accounting standards, International Financial Reporting « Brings Standards (IFRS) and International Accounting Standards (IAS) resources: Over 200 additional review questions to support the book and a glossary of key « Online terms Description Accounting has a reputation as a technical and jargon-heavy subject, but there is no reason why those without formal training cannot master the basics of interpreting accounts and making good decisions. Accounting for Non-Accountants assumes no prior knowledge of the subject area and is designed to serve as an introductory text for managers and non-specialists who wish to gain an oversight of the accounting discipline. The book covers both financial and management accounting in sufficient detail to allow data to be interpreted but in a clear and accessible manner so the reader can quickly gain an understanding of the basic principles of the subject area. Now in its 12th edition, Accounting for Non-Accountants has been fully updated to the latest regulatory requirements including the UK GAAP framework, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and International Accounting Standards (IAS). The final chapter focuses on the impact of changes in the economic environment on businesses and there are introductions to areas including tax, transfer pricing and creative accounting. This practical guide includes review questions in each chapter, with answers and workings where appropriate, and is supported online by over 200 questions and a glossary to develop a firm understanding of all topics.

Author Information David Horner has taught Accounting and related courses for over 25 years in the UK. He currently teaches at Birkdale school, Sheffield. He has written numerous textbooks aimed at students both for schools and university level. He has worked with AQA, a major examination board in the UK, for over 20 years.


Business, Risk and Information Management

Table of Contents 1 2 3 4

Financial Record Keeping Income Statements The Balance Sheet Further Adjustments to the Income Statement 5 Checking the Double-entry System 6 Accounting Concepts 7 Accounting for Other Business Organisations 8 An Introduction to Business Costing 9 Marginal Costing and Decision Making 10 Standard Costing 11 Budgeting 12 Working Capital Management 13 Capital Investment Appraisal 14 An Introduction to Limited Companies 15 Published Accounts of the Limited Company 16 Current Issues in Accounting 17 Statement of Cash Flows 18 Accounting Ratios 19 The Economic Environment

Accounting & Finance

Financial Technology Case Studies in Fintech Innovation Edition: 1 Date: 12/28/2020 Price: $52.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789665437 ISBN Ebook: 9781789665444 Pages: 272 Format (mm): 240x170 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Accounting & Finance

This book

theoretical and commercial perspectives informed by the author’s professional « Combines experience and academic research explains key technologies and emerging business models in a clear and accessible « Thoroughly manner for those with no technological background a mix of international case studies from large financial services organizations and smaller « Includes start-ups, including Lloyds Bank, TransferWise, Generali, Starling and Stocktwits the topics required for postgraduate and undergraduate Financial Technology courses and « Covers includes learning objectives and discussion questions based on case studies « Online resources: PowerPoint slides for lecturers and additional case studies.

Description With the continued success of fintech (financial technology) businesses around the world, financial services are becoming increasingly de-centralized, personalized, and automated. This new textbook strikes a balance between academic depth and commercial relevance in examining the advantages and challenges of these changes through the lens of various analytical frameworks. Financial Technology demystifies key technologies, such as blockchains, APIs, AI, machine learning, and cloud computing, in a clear and accessible style suitable for readers with no technological background. Real-world case studies from a variety of international organizations including Lloyds Bank, TransferWise, Generali, Starling and Stocktwits, bridge the gap between theory and practice and contextualize learning in terms of real businesses, from large incumbents to smaller start-ups. With coverage of robo-advisors, mobile-only banks, open banking and risk and regulation, this book also explores a range of analytical frameworks to critically examine new technologies and emerging business models. Financial Technology enables readers to understand the fintech movement in the context of recent financial history, examine the key drivers of change and form insights about the financial system in a forward-looking and global manner. Online resources include PowerPoint slides for lecturers and additional case studies.

Author Information Niels Pedersen is a Senior Lecturer on the MSc Financial Technology programme at Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, and a regular conference speaker on fintech. As a Chartered Accountant (ICAEW), he worked at PwC and the Financial Services Authority before coming to academia.

Table of Contents 1


3 4 5



8 9


Business, Risk and Information Management

Networks, APIs and fintech banking platforms – How technology is decentralizing finance Disruption and disintermediation – How financial innovation and cloud computing gave birth to the fintech revolution Behavioural economics and experience design – How to optimize user engagement Artificial intelligence and automation in fintech – AI and machine learning in practice Bitcoin, blockchain and cryptocurrencies – The applications of distributed ledger technology in finance Digitizing the price mechanism – The impact of automation and social media on financial markets Financial crime, cybersecurity and risk management – Pitfalls and opportunities in fintech Regtech and regulatory compliance – Financial regulation in a fintech context Looking to the future – Optimization, decentralization and personalization

Accounting & Finance

The Financial Services Guide to Fintech Edition: 1 Date: 01/28/2020 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749486372 ISBN Ebook: 9780749486389 Pages: 264 Format (mm): 235x156 Product Category: Professional Subject: Accounting & Finance

This book

how banks can collaborate with fintech firms to drive innovation in areas such as cash « Explores management, compliance and tax key fintech segments such as regtech, robo-advisory, blockchain and personal finance « Explains management case studies and business models of banks who have had successful partnerships including « Includes Barclays and Citibank « Covers key fintech hubs in Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America and the US

Description Fintech has emerged as one of the fastest growing sectors in the financial services industry and has radically disrupted traditional banking. However, it has become clear that for both to thrive, the culture between fintech and incumbent firms must change from one of competition to collaboration. The Financial Services Guide to Fintech looks at this trend in detail, using case studies of successful partnerships to show how banks and fintech organizations can work together to innovate faster and increase profitability. Written by an experienced fintech advisor and influencer, this book explains the fundamental concepts of this exciting space and the key segments to have emerged, including regtech, robo-advisory, blockchain and personal finance management. It looks at the successes and failures of bank-fintech collaboration, focusing on technologies and start-ups that are highly relevant to banks’ product and business areas such as cash management, compliance and tax. With international coverage of key markets, The Financial Services Guide to Fintech offers practical guidance, use cases and business models for banks and financial services firms to use when working with fintech companies.

Author Information Devie Mohan is a fintech industry advisor and analyst based in London, UK. She is co-founder and CEO of Burnmark, a fintech research company, a contributor to the ING group Think Forward Initiative, and sits on the Editorial Board for the Journal of Digital Banking. She has been listed in the top 10 of various fintech influencer lists. In 2019 she was included in the Financial Times’ list of the 100 most influential BAME leaders in technology.


Business, Risk and Information Management

Table of Contents 1

Banks versus fintechs during the economic crisis 2 Fintech for customer experience 3 Early collaboration models 4 Widening of the fintech ecosystem 5 Emerging markets driving innovation 6 Governments and fintech hubs 7 Fintech segments at play 8 B2B fintech 9 Collaboration models within fintech 10 Challenger banking 11 Data and analytics 12 Conclusion

Accounting & Finance

International Finance For Non-Financial Managers Edition: 1 Date: 01/28/2018 Price: $49.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749480011 ISBN Ebook: 9780749480028 Pages: 248 Format (mm): 235x156 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Accounting & Finance

This book

a highly accessible, engaging introduction to what can sometimes be a difficult, technical « Includes subject « Draws on examples from practice from around the world to offer a truly global approach « Offers an up-to-date approach to the subject post global financial crisis « Provides a glossary to accompany the text, offering instant access to key terminology « Online Resources: PowerPoint lecture slides

Description International Finance offers a clear and accessible introduction to the fundamental principles and practice of international finance in today’s world, from the international financial environment and exchange rates, to financing multinational companies and international investment. The theory and techniques are presented with the non-financial manager in mind, and the theoretical material is supplemented by case studies and a discussion of the appropriateness of the various techniques and principles to solve practical problems. This book draws from examples and practice around the world, helping students of international corporate finance, particularly non-specialist finance students, understand the complexities of modern Europe and comparative systems of finance globally. International Finance is essential reading for anyone studying international finance or needing an up-to-date, engaging resource to help them navigate the complicated and ever-changing global financial world. Key theories and terms are explained and defined, avoiding unnecessary jargon and acknowledging that many readers are coming to the subject with little or no prior knowledge of corporate finance at all. Online supporting resources include PowerPoint lecture slides.

Author Information Dora Hancock has over 30 years’ teaching experience at universities in the UK including Birmingham City University and Leeds Beckett University. Recently, her teaching has focused solely on finance, including international, corporate and investment finance on undergraduate, postgraduate and professional courses. She has taught UK and international students. The author is passionate about teaching and writing materials for students and lecturers to use.

Table of Contents 1 1 2 3 4 2 5 6 7 8 3 9 10 11 4 12 13 14 15 16


Business, Risk and Information Management

The International Financial Environment The Rise of the Multinational and the International Monetary System The Institutions and Participants that Make Up the Global Financial System The History of Exchange Rates, the IMF and the World Bank The Euro and the Global Financial Environment Exchange Rates Exchange Rate Regimes Parity Conditions and Forecasting Exchange Rates Currency Markets Measuring and Managing Exchange Risk Financing the International Company Financing International Trade Long Term Sources of Finance International Cash Management International Investment Investing Directly in Foreign Enterprises International Investment Appraisal Country Risk Analysis Long–Term Financing Capital Structure

Accounting & Finance

The Handbook of International Trade and Finance Edition: 4 Date: 08/28/2016 Price: $80.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749475987 ISBN Ebook: 9780749475994 Pages: 264 Format (mm): 235x160 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Accounting & Finance

This book

« Contains international case studies and examples of cross-border transactions from across the globe a section on risk management and its potential impact on the physical flow of goods and « Features the cost of insurance a comprehensive glossary to demystify all the key terms associated with international « Contains trade and finance to ensure that readers can use them confidently a complete and thorough assessment of all the issues involved in the international « Provides financing process as well as key insight into the financing process by describing it from the perspectives of both the buyer and the seller Is full of practical examples and easy-to-use templates to ensure practitioners are complying with best practice Online Resources: PowerPoint lecture slides

« «

Description International trade, and its financing, is now a key component of many undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications. For anyone involved in international sales, finance, shipping and administration, or for those studying for academic or professional qualifications in international trade, The Handbook of International Trade and Finance offers an extensive and topical explanation of the key finance areas. This essential reference resource provides the information necessary to help you to reduce risks and improve cash flow, identify the most competitive finance alternatives, structure the best payment terms, and minimize finance and transaction costs. This fully revised and updated 4th edition of The Handbook of International Trade and Finance also describes the negotiating process from the perspectives of both the buyer and the seller, providing valuable insight into the complete financing process, and covering key topics such as: trade risks and risk assessment; structured trade finance; methods and terms of payment; currency risk management and bonds, guarantees and standby letters of credit. The Handbook of International Trade and Finance provides a complete and thorough assessment of all the issues involved in constructing, financing and completing a cross-border transaction, as an indispensable guide for anyone dealing with international trade. The new edition also includes a section on risk management, which plays an increasingly important role in international trade from currency fluctuations to political risk and natural disasters. N.B. This covers the principles of international trade and finance that are common across the globe and is relevant to anyone wanting to understand the subject, wherever they are located. Specific national issues (such as the UK’s Brexit decision) do not affect the content. Online supporting resources include PowerPoint lecture slides.

Author Information Anders Grath has over 25 years’ experience in international trade and finance within major European financial institutions, as head of both international departments and corporate units. He is the author of a series of similar titles on individual country markets.


Business, Risk and Information Management

Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Trade risks and risk assessment Methods of payment Bonds, guarantees and standby letters of credit Currency risk management Export credit insurance Trade finance Structured trade finance Terms of payment The export quotation

Accounting & Finance

Investment and Portfolio Management A Practical Introduction Edition: 1 Date: 11/28/2017 Price: $80.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749480059 ISBN Ebook: 9780749480066 Pages: 616 Format (mm): 235x156 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Accounting & Finance

This book

« Introduces what can sometimes be a difficult, technical subject in a highly accessible, engaging way rooted in Europe rather than adapted from a US text, but draws on examples and practice from « Isaround the world a practical approach, drawing on the authors’ many years of experience working in the « Adopts financial sector to illustrate concepts with real-world examples and practice, making it the perfect choice for those preparing for a career in finance and investment

« Offers a concise introduction, supported with links to further reading and self-directional study « Online resources: Lecture slides and figures from the book Description For students of finance at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, or those preparing for professional examinations, Investment and Portfolio Management develops knowledge and understanding of the key financial products, investment strategies and risks in financial markets in the UK and internationally. With an emphasis on practice, Investment and Portfolio Management presents the theory and its relevance and application in the financial workplace. The authors draw on their experience working in the financial sector to illustrate concepts with case studies, examples and problems, including material relevant to candidates studying for professional examinations offered by the major professional bodies in the subject area (Charted Institute of Investment, CII & Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment, CISI). Each chapter is written in an easy-to-follow style, allowing readers to navigate their way through different topics without issue, avoiding complicated technical jargon, in favour of simpler terms and writing style. To meet the criteria for those studying for academic and professional courses, links are provided to more in-depth material and in-chapter features to encourage self-directional learning. Online supporting resources for this book include lecture slides and figures from the book.

Author Information Ian Pagdin is Course Leader for Banking & Finance Masters and a variety of finance and international finance courses at Sheffield Hallam University. His background is finance, having worked in the finance industry for 22 years, including 19 years as an independent financial adviser. Michelle Hardy is a senior lecturer and module leader for several key modules on a variety of finance and international finance courses at Sheffield Hallam University. Her background is corporate banking and international wealth management for 14 years. She is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales


Business, Risk and Information Management

Table of Contents 1 Introduction 1 Financial Markets 2 Main Market Participants 3 Global Fund Management Industry 4 Investment Theory 2 Investment Classes 5 Equity 6 Debt 7 Mutual Funds 8 Derivatives 9 Alternative Investments 3 Risk 10 Types of Risk 11 Financial Regulation and Supervision 4 Portfolio Management 11 The Advisor and the Client 12 Issues Involved in the Management of Retail Fund Management Products 13 Taxation

Accounting & Finance

Financial Management for Technology StartUps A Handbook for Growth Edition: 1 Date: 08/28/2017 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749481346 ISBN Ebook: 9780749481353 Pages: 240 Format (mm): 233x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Accounting & Finance

This book

on what is important in financial terms for technology-based and innovation-focused « Concentrates entrepreneurial businesses the simple, yet effective Tech start-up tracker, making this book a complete must-have « Features financial toolkit for managing technology-based start ups straight forward language and extensive practical illustrations and case studies to demonstrate « Uses how technology and innovation-based start ups can adopt and use a financial understanding that is effective and focused on their needs Covers accounting statements, financial ratio analysis, tech start-up metrics and funding valuation essentials, focusing entirely on tech-entrepreneurs’ needs


Description All start-up businesses must be founded on product expertise, a grasp of digitization, and being aware of market forces. Tech start-ups also need a unique understanding of accounting to succeed, knowledge which is required to power their more innovative business models, and the ways of working that drive technology-based businesses. Unlike traditional accounting manuals or those aimed more generally at small business operators, Financial Management for Technology Start-Ups concentrates on what is important in financial terms for technology-based and innovation focused entrepreneurial businesses. Featuring a simple yet effective ‘Start-Up Financial Control Loop’ and ‘Tech Start-Up Tracker,’ Financial Management for Technology Start-Ups offers a complete and must-have financial toolkit for launching and managing a tech start-up. The book covers all relevant facets of accounting and finance not covered by any other publication by using straight-forward language, extensive practical illustrations and case studies to demonstrate the financial understanding that has become essential to technology and innovation-based start-ups.

Author Information Alnoor Bhimani is Founding Director of LSE Entrepreneurship and Professor of Management Accounting at the London School of Economics. He is widely published and an established speaker to managers and business entrepreneurs, as well as scholars and accounting practitioners across the globe. He currently carries out research on the interface between business growth and digital technologies, including the Internet of Things, blockchain, AI and 3-D printing.


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Table of Contents 1 Now is the time 2 Tech start-ups: It’s a different world 3 Start-up contribution analysis 4 Start-up financial analysis 5 Start-up progress analysis 6 The importance of being liquid 7 What’s it worth to you 8 Tracking your start-up’s growth Appendix Glossary Appendix Resources

Accounting & Finance

Forensic Accounting and Finance Principles and Practice Edition: 1 Date: 08/28/2017 Price: $60.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749479992 ISBN Ebook: 9780749480004 Pages: 288 Format (mm): 215x140 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Accounting & Finance

This book

chapter is written by a high-profile specialist, in association with the Network of Independent « Each Forensic Accountants, bringing the latest industry insights to the topics covered the Forensic Accountant in practice, using case studies throughout from a number of « Considers different regions and sectors to demonstrate the link between theory and forensic accountancy in the professional world Offers comprehensive coverage of all key forensic accounting topics, such as taxation, financial analysis and modelling and auditing and reporting while also covering areas of current interest to the sector, including financial crime, fraud and cyber crime while sharing expertise on civil disputes and litigation and expert witnessing and dispute resolution Online Resources: PowerPoint lecture slides and links to regional updates

« «

Description A complete guide to Forensic Accounting and Finance, this book is ideal for advanced-level students and new or mid-level forensic accounting professionals looking to boost their specialist knowledge as part of their CPD, for accountants who wish to build more knowledge in this skills area or advanced undergraduates who feel ready to stretch themselves. Demand for expertise in this field is growing, and Forensic Accounting and Finance offers a complete, accessible and affordable guide, combining coverage of principle theory with the real and practical needs of the professional. Written by a strong academic and practitioner author team and in association with the Network for Independent Forensic Accountants, this book covers all forensic accounting topics from forensics as an extension of auditing and the basic principles of forensic accounting, to financial analysis and modelling, financial reporting, financial crime, and IT systems. Forensic Accounting and Finance shares current examples and case studies, highlighting cultural differences for key topics with updated regional legislation information available online for those looking for a truly global approach which is always up to date. Online supporting resources include PowerPoint lecture slides and links to regional updates.

Author Information Bee-Lean Chew is an experienced member of the forensic accounting team at Wilder Coe Ltd., a director of the Network of Independent Forensic Accountants and a provider of CPD training to solicitors and fellow business professionals. The author trained with Wilder Coe Ltd., becoming partner in 2005. A Chartered Accountant, Ms Chew has a Law degree from Kent University, a Master’s degree in Finance from the University of Strathclyde and is an ICAEW-accredited Forensic Accountant.

Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


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The forensic accountant in practice [Fiona Hotston Moore and Simon Martin] The forensic accountant as expert witness [Niamh M Brennan] Forensic accountancy and taxation [Tim Cook] Forensic accountancy and fraud [David Muggridge] Fraud prevention [Steven Toms] Professional negligence [Adam Stronach and Christopher Hatcher] Valuations [Brian Spencer and Christopher Hatcher] Audit and financial reporting [Bee-Lean Chew] Crime [Andrew Donaldson and Adam Calvert] Commercial disputes [Kate Hart] Forensic accountancy in matrimonial cases [Kate Hart] Insolvency [Norman Cowan] Personal injury [Christopher Hatcher]

Accounting & Finance

Understanding Islamic Financial Services Theory and Practice Edition: 1 Date: 04/28/2017 Price: $60.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749480516 ISBN Ebook: 9780749480523 Pages: 232 Format (mm): 235x156 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Accounting & Finance

This book

Islamic banking and finance as a multi-level service system, an approach which will « Considers enable students and professionals of Islamic finance to gain a more in-depth, holistic understanding of how the system functions

four cutting edge, in depth case studies that clearly demonstrate how the system operates in « Offers different types of financial systems written by Karim Ullah, a key player in Islamic finance in Pakistan, having played a major role in « Issetting up the Centre for Excellence in Islamic Finance there Presents a much needed up to date resource for a growing global industry thirsty for new sources « of knowledge.

Description WINNER: The HEC Outstanding Research Award 2019 Understanding Islamic Financial Services offers fresh insights on the Islamic financial system. The importance of this system cannot be underestimated. Experts expect that it is likely to sustain double digit growth globally over the next few years, and demand for professionals in the area has never been higher, both in the UK and around the world. While other texts on the subject look at the basic concepts, principles, contracts and financial products used in Islamic banking and finance, Understanding Islamic Financial Services goes one step further and provides a new context, identifying four levels on which the Islamic Financial system operates: product level, institution level, market level and inter-market level. It considers Islamic banking and finance as a multi-level service system, an approach which will enable students and professionals of Islamic finance to gain a more in-depth, holistic understanding of how the system functions. Understanding Islamic Financial Services covers contemporary developments in service science (e.g. service theories, service visualization tools and service co-creation concepts) and implications for the development and sustainability of Islamic financial services. Examples from practice enliven the text and allow the reader to relate the theories and principles discussed to current practice.

Author Information Karim Ullah is Assistant Professor and Islamic Financial Services Co-ordinator, Centre for Excellence in Islamic Finance at the Institute of Management Sciences. He has taught extensively in the areas of Islamic banking and finance, business finance and managerial finance, amongst others. Wafi Al-Karaghouli is Senior Lecturer in Operations and Project Management, Brunel University. He has extensive experience within multinational companies and Higher Education.

Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


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History and Development of the Islamic Financial System Islamic Law (Shariah), Economics, and Financial System Core Elements of the Islamic Financial System Multi-Level Islamic Financial System Product Level Development of Islamic Financial System Institution Level Development of Islamic Finance Market Level Development of Islamic Financial System Inter-Markets (Ecosystem) Level Development of Islamic Financial System Adaptability and Sustainability of Islamic Financial System

Accounting & Finance

Anti-Money Laundering A Practical Guide to Reducing Organizational Risk Edition: 1 Date: 05/28/2018 Price: $49.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749481896 ISBN Ebook: 9780749481902 Pages: 232 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Professional Subject: Accounting & Finance

This book

the needs of the non-specialist compliance professional from a range of industries, « Addresses backgrounds and experience the different elements of anti-money laundering (AML) practice to support compliance « Outlines professionals at any stage of their career to put effective controls in place in their own organisations readers with the global oversight needed to align activity to a cohesive plan, sharing case « Presents studies and examples of good and bad practice from around the world the EU 4th Directive, due to come into practice in July 2017; stays up-to-date with current « Includes regulations

Description It is estimated that between 2 and 5 per cent of global GDP (over $3 trillion) is laundered by criminals around the world every year. Once thought to be a problem which only affected banks and the financial services sector, high profile cases, such as the recent leak of the Panama Papers in 2016, have thrust the issue into the public arena, and governments around the world are being forced to put robust systems and controls in place. Anti-Money Laundering offers a cost-effective self-development tool for the busy compliance professional eager to progress their career and in need of an accessible, practical and jargon-free introduction to anti-money laundering (AML). Anti-Money Laundering offers a practical guide to navigate the maze of requirements needed to counter money laundering in an organization. This book separates the different elements of AML practice, featuring a range of case studies and scenarios highlighting issues and best practices around the world. The text demonstrates that it is by foresight and methodology that AML can be mitigated, and provides clarity on complex points to better enable readers to gain the expertise they need to achieve success in practice.

Author Information Rose Chapman is the Global Head of Compliance for a leading travel commerce platform and solutions provider. With over 20 years of experience working in compliance and ethics in global organizations, she is accustomed to the demands and challenges faced by business professionals and compliance teams working in fast-moving, culturally diverse and dynamic environments. She is a lecturer and training manual writer/ reviewer for the ICA in Post Graduate Diplomas and Certificates in Compliance, a member of the Institute of Money Laundering Prevention Officers Committee, UK, and a recognised speaker and expert voice on antimoney laundering.


Business, Risk and Information Management

Table of Contents ‌Introduction Reaction: The rise of antimoney laundering and counter-terrorist financing activity 2 Implementing an anti-money laundering risk control framework 3 Using the anti-money laundering strategy wheel 4 Applying the brakes at key moments 5 Country and people risk 6 Product and delivery channel risk 7 Regulators: External reporting and Financial Intelligence Unit activity 8 Navigating cultural change 9 Conclusion 1

Accounting & Finance

The Cryptocurrency Revolution Edition: 1 Date: 10/28/2020 Price: $25.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789665680 ISBN Ebook: 9781789665697 Pages: 280 Format (mm): 236x158 Product Category: Professional/ General Subject: Accounting & Finance

This book

together the most important takeaways from the growth of cryptocurrencies and blockchains, « Pulls looking at their potential impact on traditional business and finance the key value proposition of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies and how the landscape has « Explains evolved how blockchains can enable new financial products and efficiencies for incumbent banks « Explores and financial institutions the implications of Big Tech companies such as Facebook entering the digital currency « Examines market the attitudes of governments and regulators around the world to genuinely borderless « Compares technologies

Description The world of cryptocurrencies and blockchains was initially viewed as a niche space of little interest to mainstream business and finance sectors. With major banks now licensed to provide cryptocurrency custody solutions, and everyone from Facebook to governments using the underlying technology to create their own digital currencies, this has undoubtedly changed. The Cryptocurrency Revolution explains the most important takeaways from the continued growth of digital currencies and blockchain technology and explores the transformative possibilities of borderless payments, decentralized finance (‘DeFi’) and machine-to-machine transactions. Written in jargon-free and accessible language, this book examines the key value proposition of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies and how decentralized technologies could enable banks and financial institutions to become more efficient. It looks at the potential impact of company-backed virtual currencies (such as Facebook’s Libra) and how governments and regulators around the world are reacting to these innovations. With discussion of the principles of tokenomics and the difference between public and private blockchains, The Cryptocurrency Revolution is the essential guide for those wishing to understand the threats and opportunities of the changing world of payments and finance.

Author Information Rhian Lewis is a software engineer and former digital journalist at thetimes.co.uk. She co-founded the London Women in Bitcoin meetup in 2014 and co-developed the altcoin portfolio tracker countmycrypto.com. She is an international conference speaker and blogger on blockchain technology and cryptocurrency.


Business, Risk and Information Management

Table of Contents ‌Introduction 1 What is money? 2 The first 10 years of Bitcoin 3 Litecoin, Ethereum and a tidal wave of altcoins 4 Libra: how Big Tech moved in on digital currencies 5 Tokenomics and governance 6 Driving change with token economies: case studies 7 Public blockchains versus permissioned blockchains 8 ICO mania 9 Banking and financial services 10 A revolution in financial products 11 Regulation 12 State-issued digital currencies 13 Future digital currency trends

Accounting & Finance

How the Stock Market Works Edition: 7 Date: 08/28/2021 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781398601116 ISBN Ebook: 9781398601123 Pages: 160 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: General Subject: Accounting & Finance

This book

through the complex jargon that can alienate newcomers by providing a clear and accessible « Cuts overview on how the stock market and investing works guidance on how to safely invest, and covers the responsibilities of being a shareholder to « Provides the taxation regime « Is written by one of the UK’s top financial journalists and is endorsed by The Daily Telegraph to this edition: incorporates changes and fluctuations from 2021 onwards, including the UK’s « New exit from the EU as well as the rise of fake news and its’ impact on the financial world and decision making

Description Want to start investing your money wisely but not sure how? Get to grips with the UK investment and financial markets with this practical and easy guide that tells you everything you need to know about the stock market. In today’s economy it is clear to see how everyday politics and global events can have a lasting impact on your pension, savings and investments which can make you feel powerless to safeguard your future. Now more than ever, it is vital to understand how the markets work and what you can do to maintain financial security. This book gives concise and practical information that helps you understand how the stock markets work, breaking down what may seem like complex jargon to simple explanations. Fully updated for this seventh edition, How the Stock Markets Works aims to provide you with the tools needed to understand investing in the light of major events such as the UK’s exit from the EU. Chapters cover the basics such as explanations of shares, bonds and gilts and range to where to find help and advice when needed. With guidance on how to be a responsible shareholder and information on the taxation regime, this established guide will help you take control of your finances.

Author Information Michael Becket is a much-respected financial journalist and was The Daily Telegraph’s small business editor for over 10 years. He is the author of a number of successful books, including The Daily Telegraph’s An A to Z of Finance, published by Kogan Page.


Business, Risk and Information Management

Table of Contents 1 What and why are shares 2 What are bonds and gilts 3 The Complicated World of Derivatives 4 Foreign Shares 5 How to Pick a Share 6 Tricks of the Professionals 7 Where to Find Advice and Information 8 What Does It Take to Deal in Shares? 9 How to Trade in Shares 10 When to Deal in Shares 11 Consequences of Being a Shareholder 12 Tax

Accounting & Finance

Retail and Digital Banking Principles and Practice Edition: 1 Date: 10/28/2018 Price: $60.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749482718 ISBN Ebook: 9780749482725 Pages: 280 Format (mm): 235x160 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Banking

This book

the Chartered Banker Institute’s Personal and Private Banking module requirements and « Supports helps to prepare for assessment written by a banking sector expert with cutting-edge industry perspective, ideal to support « Isstudents of banking in professional training or at undergraduate and postgraduate level Aids work-based and professional development with a highly practical and applied « approach, bringinglearning learning to life with activities to carry out in the workplace as well as case studies, further reading recommendations and definitions of key terms throughout Offers thought leadership on retail and digital banking from an expert author with over 39 years of experience in the sector, endorsed by the Chartered Banker Institute Online resources: includes a glossary and updates to regulation

« «

Description Endorsed by the Chartered Banker Institute as core reading for the Personal and Private Banking module, Retail and Digital Banking looks at the changes that have occurred, including developments in onshore and offshore operations, call centres and the impact of technology and other critical factors in retail and digital banking. This book considers the evolution of retail banking services and the major role that technology has played in providing quality, cost-effective services to consumers. This fascinating text then goes on to offer expert thought leadership on the future of retail banking and what this could mean for existing established banks and disruptive new entrants. Retail and Digital Banking offers readers the opportunity to take a step back and consider the evolution of the sector in which they work and the tremendous level of change that has occurred over time for all operational activity. Retail and Digital Banking provides support for the Personal and Private Banking module assessment and features practical case studies from the banking sector. This essential text brings the journey of modern banking to life and considers what the future holds. Online supporting resources include a glossary and updates to regulation.

Author Information John Henderson has over 30 years’ experience in the banking sector, having held a number of roles for the Bank of Scotland, Sainsbury’s Bank, the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) and NatWest. He began his career working in retail branches but has also been Regional Training Manager, headed up the Treasury Department and other operational risk services, managed quality for an operational call centre business and also led branch design and distribution. His current role is with the RBS Group, where he manages the offshoring portfolio. The author is a Fellow of the Chartered Banker Institute.

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5 6 7 8 9


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‌Introduction The birth and development of retail banking The growth of retail banking and its place in the economy Problems and opportunities caused by financial crises Preparing for external trends and influences to deliver high-quality income and costeffective services Disruption in the market Distribution of retail banking services via a range of customer channels Multi-channel versus omnichannel The role of technology in the evolution of retail banking The impact of legislation and regulation on retail banking operations


Relationship Management in Banking Principles and Practice Edition: 1 Date: 10/28/2018 Price: $60.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749482831 ISBN Ebook: 9780749482848 Pages: 400 Format (mm): 235x156 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Banking

This book

the Chartered Banker Institute’s Personal & Private Banking and Commercial Lending « Supports modules requirements and helps to prepare for assessment written by banking sector experts with cutting-edge industry perspective, ideal to support « Isstudents studying banking at undergraduate and postgraduate level Aids work-based and professional development with a highly practical and applied « approach, bringinglearning learning to life with activities to carry out in the workplace as well as case studies, further reading recommendations and definitions of key terms throughout Offers thought leadership on relationship management from expert authors with over 50 years of combined experience in the sector, endorsed by the Chartered Banker Institute Online resources: includes a glossary and updates to regulation

« «

Description Endorsed by the Chartered Banker Institute as core reading for the Personal & Private Banking and Commercial Lending modules, Relationship Management in Banking supports and develops the need to be able to manage key customer relationships. The text considers the nature of commercial relationships and help the reader synthesise complex factors in order to develop a robust relationship management methodology. It will draw from bona fide case studies and examples that can demonstrate key relationship management concepts as well as bring learning to life and share examples of customers, good and bad, from a range of different sectors. Through case studies and providing online updates to regulations, Relationship Management in Banking considers how to critically analyze approaches to relationship management used for a variety of banking customer types and examine the impact of legislation, regulation, governance and technology on banking relationship management and customer acquisition and retention. Online supporting resources include a glossary and updates to regulation.

Author Information Steve Goulding worked for a UK Bank for 35 years, the majority of which were spent in Commercial and Corporate, as a Relationship Director. He is now an author, coach and mentor for a number of financial services personnel, and provides management consultancy services for a number of businesses. Richard Abley has operated within the banking industry since 1978, fulfilling a number of customer-facing and leadership roles in business and corporate banking. Simultaneously, he has lectured to many hundreds of bankers seeking to obtain their professional qualifications, and has coauthored several books on banking.


Business, Risk and Information Management

Table of Contents ‌Introduction Business customers Products and services Reputational risk and ethics The changing nature of banking 5 The changing nature of regulation and legislation 6 The role of the relationship manager 7 Tools and techniques to help relationship managers 8 Customer service and portfolio planning 9 Relationship strategies: customer retention, development and acquisition 10 Case study – gaining new business 11 Glossary 1 2 3 4


Commercial Lending Principles and Practice Edition: 1 Date: 10/28/2018 Price: $60.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749482770 ISBN Ebook: 9780749482787 Pages: 352 Format (mm): 235x156 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Banking

This book

the Chartered Banker Institute’s Commercial Lending module requirements and helps to « Supports prepare for assessment written by a banking sector expert with cutting-edge industry perspective, ideal to support « Isstudents of banking at undergraduate and postgraduate level Aids work-based and professional development with a highly practical and applied « approach, bringinglearning learning to life with activities to carry out in the workplace as well as case studies, further reading recommendations and definitions of key terms throughout Offers additional numeracy support to help readers with practical lending work, such as assessing balance sheets and understanding financial reports and documents Offers thought leadership on commercial lending from an expert author with over 30 years of experience in the sector, endorsed by the Chartered Banker Institute Online resources: includes a glossary and updates to regulation

« « «

Description Endorsed by the Chartered Banker Institute as core reading for one of the modules leading to the Institute’s professional qualifications and chartered status, Commercial Lending supports readers that wish to develop their ability to analyze the creditworthiness of a customer and their business in the context of the current economic climate, future market and sector expectations. Commercial Lending uses a series of practical exercises and case studies, and provides the tools needed for the reader to understand and appraise a customer’s business strategy. This will then enable the reader to provide appropriate funding solutions to meet the commercial needs of customers while reflecting the bank’s risk appetite. These tools include: how to assess the performance and creditworthiness of a business; how to critically evaluate the robustness of cash flow; and how to undertake sensitivity analysis to quantify sustainable debt repayment capacity. This practical text will present a critical analysis of financial and non-financial information to help readers identify key risks inherent in the customer’s lending proposition. Readers will go on to propose suitable funding solutions that mitigate risk and meet the needs of customer and bank. Online supporting resources include a glossary and updates to regulation.

Author Information Adrian Cudby runs his own financial training and consulting business based in Leeds, UK. His clients range from international financial institutions to individuals who require oneto-one mentoring and coaching. He is a professional banker (ACIB) with over thirty years’ experience in the industry. He has a Master’s Degree in Business Administration and holds a Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education.


Business, Risk and Information Management

Table of Contents 1

The relationship between the bank and the customer 2 The financial analysis of businesses 3 Cash analysis 4 How to structure a lending proposition 5 The strategic analysis of business 6 Securities for lending 7 Lending products 8 Management and leadership 9 Businesses facing financial difficulties 10 Glossary


Culture, Conduct and Ethics in Banking Principles and Practice Edition: 1 Date: 12/28/2019 Price: $52.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749482909 ISBN Ebook: 9780749482916 Pages: 376 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Banking

This book

the Chartered Banker Institute’s Professionalism and Ethics module requirements and « Supports helps prepare for assessment case studies, further reading and viewing recommendations, and definitions of key terms « Includes throughout the evolution of the bank’s role in society and examines the impact of legislation, « Analyzes regulation and governance on banking operations « Offers a range of ethical theories and their applicability to banking and finance « Online resources: a glossary and information on further sources

Description Endorsed by the Chartered Banker Institute as core reading for its professional qualifications, Culture, Conduct and Ethics in Banking emphasizes the importance of professionalism for banks, and explores how all staff play a key role in putting customers at the heart of their business. Taking an applied approach, it aims to develop the reader’s capability to: recognize and contribute towards balanced outcomes for consumers and organizations; understand the impact of reputational deficit; and understand the personal impact of an individual in the workplace. From a discussion of the main branches of ethical thinking to an overview of regulation and legislation in the UK and internationally, this book covers the theory and practice of conduct and professionalism in banking. Chapters contain activities and industry case studies, and further reading and viewing suggestions are included to help develop a deeper understanding of the topics covered. With fully referenced discussion of conflicts of interest, decision making models, the role of professional bodies, corporate governance, conduct risk management and the Global Financial Crisis 2007-08, Culture, Conduct and Ethics in Banking is the essential guide for finance professionals.

Author Information Fred Bell is an experienced career banker with extensive risk management leadership expertise. Working over 39 years in the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), he has held senior leadership roles including Head of Operational Risk in the RBS Wealth Division, Head of Risk at Tesco Personal Finance and Head of the RBS Bank of China Risk Programme. Bell established and ran RBS’s first dedicated business continuity function.


Business, Risk and Information Management

Table of Contents ‌Introduction 1 Ethics theory 2 Professionalism and ethics in banking 3 Ethical decision making in practice 4 A short history of banking 5 An overview of regulation and legislation in banking 6 Corporate governance 7 Conduct and culture in banking 8 Conduct risk management 9 Corporate social responsibility and environmental issues 10 Ethics and technology


Green and Sustainable Finance Principles and Practice Edition: 1 Date: /03/28/2021 Price: $65.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789664546 ISBN Ebook: 9781789664553 Pages: 424 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Banking

This book

how green and sustainable finance principles can be applied in banking, investment and « Explains insurance risk and regulation in green finance, international market frameworks and standards, and « Covers the role of a range of financial institutions and markets the range of green finance products and services, including those offered by fintech « Explores organizations « Considers ethics and professionalism, and how the finance sector can mainstream green finance by the Chartered Banker Institute as the core text for the benchmark Certificate in Green « Endorsed and Sustainable Finance

Description More than 120 countries have committed to net zero targets by 2050, requiring systemic economic transitions on an unprecedented scale and with the finance sector playing a leading role. Green finance will power the transition, ensuring capital flows to the firms, investments, projects and technologies looking to create a sustainable, low-carbon world. To achieve net zero, every professional financial decision must take climate change and broader sustainability factors into account. Green and Sustainable Finance provides a comprehensive guide to the application of common green and sustainable principles and practices in banking, investment and insurance to help finance professionals embed these in their daily activities and decision-making. Focusing on the necessity of mainstreaming green and sustainable finance globally, this book includes a clear explanation of the science underpinning climate change. Green and Sustainable Finance covers a wide range of green finance products and services in retail, commercial and corporate banking, insurance, investment and fintech. It provides an overview of emerging regulation and international market frameworks and standards, particularly in relation to climate and environmental risk. Consideration is also given to the ethical dimensions of green and sustainable finance, including how professionals can promote market integrity and take active steps to avoid greenwashing. Endorsed by the Chartered Banker Institute as the core text for the benchmark Certificate in Green and Sustainable Finance, this book is essential reading for finance professionals and students, and individuals working to embed sustainability in business, policy and regulation.

Author Information Simon Thompson is Chief Executive of the Chartered Banker Institute. He leads the UK’s Green Finance Education Charter initiative and is a former Vice President of the European Bank Training Network. Simon is a Fellow of the Chartered Banker Institute, a Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and holds an MBA from the University of Edinburgh.


Business, Risk and Information Management

Table of Contents I‌ntroduction [Sir Roger Gifford, UK Green Finance Taskforce Chair] 1 An introduction to green finance 2 Finance in our changing world 3 Greening our financial system – International, national, industry and institutional responses 4 Monitoring, evaluation and reporting 5 Risk in green finance 6 Retail, commercial and corporate banking 7 Green bonds and asset-backed securities 8 Central and development banks 9 Equity markets and investment funds 10 Insurance 11 Fintech in green finance 12 Mainstreaming green finance


Reinventing Banking and Finance Frameworks to Navigate Global Fintech Innovation Edition: 1 Date: 11/28/2020 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789664096 ISBN Ebook: 9781789664102 Pages: 280 Format (mm): 234x158 Product Category: Professional Subject: Banking

This book

advice for banking and finance professionals on the drivers and challenges of innovation, « Provides and the possibilities of collaboration and partnerships the emergence of global fintech hubs, including London, New York, Tel Aviv, the Gulf and « Explores Shenzhen, and how their specialisms distinguish them examples of companies leading in innovation and interviews with innovators and experts « Contains to capture multiple perspectives current technology trends in banking and finance such as AI, machine learning, blockchain « Covers and digital identity the background and building blocks of innovation in financial services and the key factors « Outlines which have shaped the industry such as mobile, cybersecurity and big data

Description The finance industry is currently going through a digital revolution, with new and developing technology transforming the world of banking and financial services beyond recognition. Banks and financial institutions worldwide recognize the pressing need to innovate to avoid disruption or displacement by highly agile and often smaller fintech companies. Reinventing Banking and Finance is an essential guide for finance professionals to current trends in fintech, innovation frameworks, the challenges of outsourcing or embedding innovation, and how to effectively collaborate with other organizations. Beginning with the history and background of how banking got to the era of fintech, the book provides a thorough overview of the global fintech ecosystem and the drivers behind innovation in technologies, business models and distribution channels. Examples of key institutions and interviews with innovators and experts shine a light on key financial innovation hubs in UK, US, China, Israel and more, and offer advice for institutions looking to choose the right market for their needs. Covering genuine innovations in AI, machine learning, blockchain and digital identity, Reinventing Banking and Finance offers expert insight into navigating the complex and multi-layered finance industry.

Author Information Helene Panzarino is a highly experienced fintech Programme Director, exited entrepreneur, educator and author. Her most recent role was MD of the global Rainmaking Colab fintech Programme, a world-first, postaccelerator programme for Series A+ fintechs and Tier 1 financial institutions. She is also an Associate Director of the LIBF Digital Banking Centre, the Lead Fellow and creator on a world-first fintech Pathway in a Masters in Tech Entrepreneurship Degree for UCL. She is a co-creator and lead delivery partner on the Imperial College Fintech Executive Education. Alessandro Hatami is the founder of advisory firm Pacemakers.io, specialising in digital transformation in financial services. He has been a practitioner of digital innovation in banking for over 15 years, holding senior executive roles at businesses such as PayPal, Lloyds Banking Group, PayPoint and GE Capital.


Business, Risk and Information Management

Table of Contents 1 The History of Banking 2 The Digital Threat 3 The Shape of the Perfect Neobank 4 The Journey from Bricks and Mortar to Digital 5 The Fintech Hubs 6 The Fintech Tribes 7 London 8 The Gulf 9 Paris 10 New York City 11 Tel Aviv 12 Shenzhen 13 Final Thoughts 14 Further reading


The Practical Negotiation Handbook Edition: 1 Date: 10/28/2021 Price: $32.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781398601802 ISBN Ebook: 9781398601819 Pages: 240 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Business & Management Skills

This book

how to follow a tried and tested five-step negotiation process using a solution-focused « Explains approach, from contextual analysis and goal preparation to building an offer best practice case examples, checklists and tools that can be applied at once without too « Includes much theory the importance of verbal and non-verbal communication skills, offers advice on virtual « Covers negotiations and addresses outdated beliefs about gender and negotiation on the author’s years of experience negotiating in different international settings across « Based business, academia and non-governmental organizations how to develop the right attitude and approach to get results as an ethical and respected « Explores negotiator

Description Effective negotiations lead to sustainable partnerships, help both parties to achieve higher goals than they would alone and allow organizations to avoid the costly price of conflict. This book outlines a simple and powerful method of negotiating, either face to face or virtually. The Practical Negotiation Handbook outlines a tried and tested five-step process for negotiating lasting agreements, with best practice case examples, checklists and tools. This thoroughly practical guide brings together over 25 years of the author’s experience negotiating in a variety of countries and contexts to give you the confidence to negotiate any kind of contract or agreement, large or small. Using a ‘solution-focused’ approach which centres around preferred outcomes rather than conflicts, and on questioning and listening to the other party rather than making assumptions, this pragmatic book will help build your profile as an ethical and respected negotiator. From contextual analysis and goal preparation to the importance of communication and building an offer, it cuts through the theory and clearly outlines the skills needed to influence the outcome and implementation of any negotiation.

Author Information Melissa Davies is a negotiation expert, professional trainer and coach based in Geneva, Switzerland. She is the founder of Negoservices and has over 25 years’ experience in negotiating agreements and building lasting partnerships around the world. She has led training in negotiation skills and conflict management for businesses, academia and non-governmental organizations and is a visiting lecturer at Geneva School of Business Administration, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland.

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Business, Risk and Information Management

‌ reface – Why this book fills a P market need Introduction and mind-set The five-step negotiation process Prerequisites and positioning your goal Step 1 – Contextual analysis Step 2 – Preparing your goal and your roadmap Step 3 – The encounter(s) Step 4 – The offer Step 5 – The implementation A few words on gender and negotiation Stand out as an excellent negotiator

Business & Management Skills

Myths of Management What People Get Wrong About Being the Boss Edition: 1 Date: 10/28/2017 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749480233 ISBN Ebook: 9780749480240 Pages: 248 Format (mm): 235x157 Product Category: General Subject: Business & Management Skills

This book

over 40 of the most pervasive myths that all managers and aspiring managers should be « Explores able to recognize and relate to, from the entertaining to the downright damaging on extensive and compelling research in management, organizational psychology and « Draws organizational behaviour which includes interviews with the likes of Charles Handy, Eve Poole, Henry Mintzberg, Tom Peters, Hermina Ibarra and Laura Empson Includes real-world business examples from a diverse range of global companies to provide authentic insights into myths in practice and how to overcome them Is written by Professor Sir Cary Cooper (President of the CIPD and Professor of Organizational Psychology and Health at Manchester Business School) and Stefan Stern (prominent journalist at The FT, The Guardian, The International Business Times and Director of the High Pay Centre) Tackles fascinating myths about management such as: working long hours will lead to success, only hire people who ‘fit in’, it’s lonely at the top and hierarchy is finished

« « «

Description Is it really true that working longer hours makes you more successful? Do you really need to hide your emotions in order to gain respect as a manager? Does higher pay really always lead to higher performance? The world of management is blighted by fads, fiction and falsehoods. In Myths of Management, Cary Cooper and Stefan Stern take you on an entertaining journey through the most famous myths surrounding the much-written about topic of management. They debunk false assumptions, inject truth into over-simplifications and tackle damaging habits head-on. Fascinating insights from psychology, leadership theory and organizational behaviour provide you with a compelling and practical guide to avoid falling into the trap of cliché, misinformation and prejudice. This engaging read offers you authentic insights into the reality of work, drawn from extensive research and real-world business examples, to give you the essential knowledge you need to become a better manager. Whether cheesy, naïve or even destructive, management myths could be holding you back and stifling your team’s potential. Myths of Management is the guide you need to become an enlightened manager.

Author Information Stefan Stern writes for the Guardian and the FT, where he was the management columnist between 2006 and 2010. He is visiting professor in management practice at Cass Business School and is Director of the High Pay Centre. Sir Cary Cooper CBE is the 50th Anniversary Professor of Organizational Psychology and Health at the Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester. He is President of the CIPD, President of the British Academy of Management and Editor-inChief of the Blackwell/Wiley Encyclopedia of Management.

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Business, Risk and Information Management

‌Introduction Myth 1 - There is One Right Way to Lead or Manage Myth 2 - It’s Tough at the Top Myth 3 - Long Hours Will Lead to Success Myth 4 - It’s Important Not to Show Vulnerability or Doubt Myth 5 - It’s Lonely at the Top Myth 6 - You Need to be the Smartest Person in the Room Myth 7 - Hierarchy is Finished Myth 8 - Consistency is Essential Myth 9 - Only Hire People Who Will Fit In Myth 10 - Leadership is More Important than Management Myth 11 - You Have to Pay Top Dollar to Get the Right Person Myth 12 - Annual Appraisals Help You Manage Performance Myth 13 - Information Must be Controlled and Limited Myth 14 - … but Women Don’t Really Want Top Jobs Myth 15 - Leaders are Born Not Made Myth 16 - Your First 100 Days in a New Job are Make or Break Myth 17 - You Have to Know Everything that is Going On

18 Myth 18 - Heroic Leaders Can Change Entire Organizations on their Own 19 Myth 19 - The Boss with the Best Strategy Wins 20 Myth 20 - It is Not Possible to Work Flexibly in Senior Roles 21 Myth 21 - Pay Must be Kept Confidential 22 Myth 22 - Psychology is Psychobabble and there’s No Need or Place for it 23 Myth 23 - The Robots are Coming to Take Your Job 24 Myth 24 - Leadership Must Be Transformational 25 Myth 25 - Conformity Leads to Success 26 Myth 26 - Feelings are Soft and for Losers 27 Myth 27 - Keep Your Distance if You Want Respect 28 Myth 28 - Be Yourself -- It’s All About Authenticity 29 Myth 29 - Date of Birth is Destiny 30 Myth 30 - People are Motivated by Money 31 Myth 31 - Fear Works and ‘Engagement’ is Unnecessary 32 Myth 32 - The Business Case Will Always Prove Persuasive

Business & Management Skills

33 Myth 33 - There’s Nothing Wrong with the Business, there’s just a Few Rotten Apples 34 Myth 34 - We Have Woken Up to the Problems Caused by Prejudice 35 Myth 35 - All the Power Resides at the Top 36 Myth 36 - People Will Learn if you Explain Things to them Clearly 37 Myth 37 - You Must Keep Up with all the New Management Ideas and Give Them a Try 38 Myth 38 - You’ve Got to Talk Like a Real, Serious, Grown-Up Business Person. Learn the Jargon 39 Myth 39 - You Can’t Manage People if You Can’t See Them 40 Myth 40 - Who Needs Employees Anyway? Get With the Gig Economy 41 Myth 41 - People Hate Change 42 Myth 42 - Big Data Will Fix Everything 43 Myth 43 - A Cool Office Will Make Everybody More Creative 44 Myth 44 - There are Only 44 Things to Get Wrong

Research Methods in Human Resource Management Investigating a Business Issue Edition: 4 Date: 12/28/2019 Price: $61.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749483876 ISBN Ebook: 9780749483883 Pages: 496 Format (mm): 247x190 Product Category: Textbook Subject: HR Research Methods

Author Information Valerie Anderson, Chartered MCIPD, is Reader in HRD at University of Portsmouth. She gained extensive HRM and HRD management and consultancy experience in a range of different public and private sector organizations before moving to a career in higher education. Rita Fontinha is a Lecturer of International Business and Strategy specialising in Strategic and International Human Resource Management at Henley Business School, University of Reading. Fiona Robson, Academic FCIPD is Director of Excellence in Learning & Teaching and Reader in Human Resource Management at Newcastle University Business School.

This book

detailed guidance through each stage of an HRM business project as well as collecting and « Provides interpreting both qualitative and quantitative data to this edition: international case studies, increased discussion of methodological issues, best « New practice sample literature reviews and real-life examples « Online resources: instructor’s manual, lecture slides and annotated web links

Description Research Methods in Human Resource Management is a key resource for anyone undertaking a research report or dissertation. It covers the planning and execution of HRM research projects, from investigating and researching HR issues to designing and implementing research and then evaluating and reviewing the results. Filled with international examples to provide a global perspective, this fully updated 4th edition of Research Methods in Human Resource Management balances theoretical frameworks and practical guidance. Fully updated throughout, this edition now includes increased discussion of methodological issues, more real-life examples and international case studies and best practice sample literature reviews and write-ups. ‘Review and Reflect’ sections at the end of each chapter help to consolidate learning and explain how it can aid professional development. This book is fully mapped to the CIPD Level 7 Advanced module on Investigating a Business Issue from an HR Perspective, and multiplechoice questions and a glossary of terms help students understand the key concepts and use the terminology confidently. Online supporting resources for lecturers include an instructor’s manual and lecture slides and there are annotated web links, further reading and new reflective questions for students.

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Business, Risk and Information Management

Investigating and researching HR issues First stages towards an HR project Finding and reviewing HR literature and information sources Ethics, professionalism, standards and HR research Planning the research process Finding and using documents and organisational evidence Collecting and recording qualitative data Analysing qualitative data Collecting and recording quantitative data Analysing quantitative data Writing up your project and making recommendations Making an impact – the relationship between research and practice

HR Research Methods

Business Research Enjoy Creating, Developing and Writing Your Business Project Edition: 1 Date: 11/28/2013 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749468958 ISBN Ebook: 9780749468965 Pages: 232 Format (mm): 235x155 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Business Research

This book

a clear, step-by-step narrative that links the student’s research to their aims of getting into « Provides their preferred organizations students comfortable and confident in selecting research methods to learn about « Makes organizations students to develop strong arguments and convincing stories that will convince examiners of « Helps their knowledge

Description Knowledge of business research is necessary for any business student, as all postgraduate business programmes and business-related disciplines require it. Business Research is a groundbreaking book for student researchers who need to conceive, conduct and complete a new research project for the first time. It concentrates on the business organization and gives invaluable practical advice on going out into the field and conducting interviews, researching problems and learning about organizations. Through its conversational, accessible style and its adoption of a student’s perspective, this book will make the process of learning about research enjoyable and the resulting research project outstanding. Business Research is essential reading for students who are studying for one or more modules in research methods for a postgraduate qualification in business and management; students who have a methodological component to one of their modules (eg a module in organizational behaviour); and students who have to conduct an investigation in a business and management field, for a dissertation or project report, and need guidance and assistance on how to approach, conduct and report every aspect of their project.

Author Information Wilson Ng leads and delivers business research methods modules for undergraduate and postgraduate students at the University of Roehampton. He is a Visiting Professor at two European universities: UNICA (Università degli studi di Cagliari) in Italy and BEM (Bordeaux Management School) in France. Prior to his academic career, Wilson was a senior investment banker with NM Rothschild in London and Singapore. Elayne Coakes has taught business research methods at the University of Westminster for many years. Her consultancy experience in large and small enterprises has provided Elayne with extensive applied business experience.


Business, Risk and Information Management

Table of Contents ‌Introduction Planning your project The nature of business research 2 Methodology and methods 2 ‘Doing’ your project 3 The project proposal 4 Collecting quantitative data 5 Collecting qualitative data through interviews 6 Collecting data as an ethnographer 7 Case study research 8 Collecting data: less common methods 9 Ensuring data saturation 3 Reporting your findings 10 Analysing quantitative data 11 Analysing qualitative data 4 Writing your report 12 Discussing project findings 13 Conclusion to your report 14 Reference lists 15 Writing your abstract 16 Conclusion 1 1

Business Research

Practical Statistics A Handbook for Business Projects Edition: 1 Date: 11/28/2013 Price: $24.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749468460 ISBN Ebook: 9780749468477 Pages: 184 Format (mm): 244x172 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Business Research

This book

« Enables readers and students to translate statistical data into comprehensive information readers at all levels of knowledge and experience through a two-level approach with ‘The « Supports essentials’ and ‘Tell me more’ sections « Encourages active distance and independent learners through case studies and simple explanations Description Practical Statistics is an introduction and reference guide for those studying business and management at postgraduate level, MBA students and professionals. It gives the reader a solid understanding of statistics without being too simple or mind-numbingly complex. It turns statistics, often perceived as being difficult and pointless, into something approachable and sensible. John Buglear emphasizes the importance of working back from results rather than working out results. He starts the book with basic concepts that get increasingly more complex, from simple diagrams to multivariate methods, as well as using simple metaphors to aid understanding. The book has a two-level approach, with sections headed ‘The essentials’ and ‘Tell me more’ to support learning at all levels. A rare book on business statistics that students and professionals can really understand, Practical Statistics supports active learning with use of applications and case studies, invaluable online learning materials and fully worked solutions to questions in the review section.

Author Information John Buglear is Head of the Division of Management at Nottingham Business School. He teaches quantitative methods and basic accounting on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. He has lectured in statistics, operational research and research methods on postgraduate international programmes: Azerbaijan (in collaboration with BP Exploration); the Czech Republic (in collaboration with PricewaterhouseCoopers) and Uzbekistan.


Business, Risk and Information Management

Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5

‌Introduction What you need to know before you start analysing data Analysing univariate data Analysing bivariate data Analysing multivariate data with dependency Analysing multivariate data for interdependency

Business Research

The Business Analysis Handbook Edition: 1 Date: 09/28/2019 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749497064 ISBN Ebook: 9780749497057 Pages: 280 Format (mm): 233x156 Product Category: Professional Subject: Business Analysis

This book

common problems which occur when conducting business analysis and how to handle « Explores them industry standard tools, techniques and methodologies, and explains which situations to use « Covers them in standard templates of key documents such as the business requirements document, the « Includes functional requirements document, the options paper and the business solution document « Offers advice on how to engage stakeholders, communicate effectively and handle conflict

Description FINALIST: Business Book Awards 2020 - Specialist Book Category FINALIST: PMI UK National Project Awards 2019 - Project Management Literature Category The business analyst role can cover a wide range of responsibilities, including the elicitation and documenting of business requirements, upfront strategic work, design and implementation phases. Typical difficulties faced by analysts include stakeholders who disagree or don’t know their requirements, handling estimates and project deadlines that conflict, and what to do if all the requirements are top priority. The Business Analysis Handbook offers practical solutions to these and other common problems which arise when uncovering requirements or conducting business analysis. Getting requirements right is difficult; this book offers guidance on delivering the right project results, avoiding extra cost and work, and increasing the benefits to the organization. The Business Analysis Handbook provides an understanding of the analyst role and the soft skills required, and outlines industry standard tools and techniques with guidelines on their use to suit the most appropriate situations. Covering numerous techniques such as Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), use cases and user stories, this essential guide also includes standard templates to save time and ensure nothing important is missed.

Author Information Helen Winter has over 20 years’ Business Analysis experience, having worked as a consultant on large-scale transformation programmes within the financial services, regulation, insurance and utilities sectors. She has the BCS International Diploma in Business Analysis and is a BCS certified Chartered IT Professional. She is an active volunteer for IIBA (International Institute of Business Analysis) and the founder of Business Bullet, an online magazine promoting business analysis and providing guidance for professionals.


Business, Risk and Information Management

Table of Contents 1

Preparation for business analysis 2 Effective working relationships 3 Business context and vision 4 Business context and business processes 5 Business context/ understanding requirements 6 System context/understanding requirements 7 Managing requirements 8 Enterprise business analysis 9 Templates

Business Analysis

Understanding Project Management Skills and Insights for Successful Project Delivery Edition: 1 Date: 05/28/2015 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749470555 ISBN Ebook: 9780749470562 Pages: 328 Format (mm): 240x170 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Project Management

This book

« Improves managers’ analytical skills and ability to recognise and manage projects independent and distance learners with online resources, activities and exercises similar « Supports to those on MBA courses into a range of business courses including MBAs and executive education schemes, allowing « Fits students to apply their practical experience in the workplace to their studies managers’ understanding of specific contextual challenges that are increasingly « Encourages common in the contemporary world of projects « Online resources: lecture slides and instructor’s manual Description Understanding Project Management takes an applied approach to the study of project management, carefully balancing reflective practice and methodology necessary for successful deployment of tools and techniques in the real world. Including plenty of practical examples as well as contemporary realworld case studies, it takes a unique approach to the study of project management with an emphasis on international aspects and dilemmas that are increasingly common in the contemporary world. With a host of features to encourage reflection and reinforce learning, it is the ideal complement for independent or classroom study on a range of business courses. Understanding Project Management helps managers understand project management, develop perspectives in application, and, through reflection, enables them to develop a project management capability, at an individual, organization or project level. The content throughout is guided by practice, making this an essential read for anyone wishing to make a success of the project management role. Online supporting resources include lecture slides and an instructor’s manual.

Author Information Gary Straw has delivered project management modules on MBA and Master’s and management development schemes for business schools in the UK and Eastern Europe, including Aberystwyth School of Management and Business, The Management Centre at Bangor University and Kingston Business School. He has also delivered ILM and CMI project management courses. His professional experience and insights into project management have developed through working within a number of private- and public-sector organizations, delivering projects in a range of market sectors.

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Business, Risk and Information Management

Projects in an ideal world An introduction to projects and project management Projects at the conceptual phase Planning within projects Projects in a real world After the planning: delivering projects Managing to completion Reviewing and learning in projects Projects in a challenging world Projects – a way of thinking Within and outside projects A global stage Managing and leading in project environments Developing a capability Managing and leading project enviornments A spectrum of project management roles Develop the capability

Project Management

The Power of Project Leadership Edition: 2 Date: 08/28/2019 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749493240 ISBN Ebook: 9780749493257 Pages: 336 Format (mm): 234x158 Product Category: Professional Subject: Project Management

This book

« Explains how to generate results for the project and client while being recognized in the process « Explores how leaders can foster collaboration, gain buy-in from stakeholders, and motivate a team interviews from dozens of leading experts from a variety of organizations, including « Includes Expedia, British Gas, Standard Bank, Verizon Enterprise Solutions, and the UK Government to this edition: more interviews with successful project leaders and new coverage of « New topics such as overcoming dysfunctional team behaviour, facilitation and conflict resolution, and collaborative planning

Description WINNER: PMI UK National Project Awards 2019 - Project Management Literature Category Projects and work environments are becoming increasingly complex, with more stakeholders, dispersed teams and an unprecedented rate of technological change. In order to adapt to this complexity and find new opportunities to innovate and build a high performing team, project managers must shift their mindset to one of project leadership. The Power of Project Leadership explains how to generate positive results for projects and clients while growing as a leader and empowering the team to fully contribute. Now in its second edition, The Power of Project Leadership contains new interviews with successful project leaders and discusses current topics such as the psychology behind high performing teams, coaching, facilitation and conflict resolution, collaborative planning and risk management. It outlines the capabilities, attitudes and behaviours needed to become a confident, driven and focused project leader, including leading with vision, continuously improving, empowering teams, building trust with stakeholders, and using powerful techniques. With examples of the most fundamental causes of project failure and how to avoid them, The Power of Project Leadership shows how to inspire teams, add real value and deliver outstanding projects.

Author Information Susanne Madsen is an internationally recognized project leadership coach, trainer and consultant. Prior to setting up her own business, she worked for almost 20 years in the corporate sector leading high-profile programmes for major global corporations. She is a fully qualified corporate and executive coach accredited by DISC, and a regular contributor to the Association for Project Management (APM). She is a frequent speaker at organizations and leading business schools and is also the co-founder of The Project Leadership Institute, which is dedicated to building authentic project leaders.

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Business, Risk and Information Management

‌Introduction The world is changing and so must you Your hidden drivers The 7 keys to project leadership Key #1 – Be authentic Key #2 – Lead with vision Key #3 – Improve and innovate Key #4 – Empower the team Key #5 – Get close to your stakeholders Key #6 – Establish a solid foundation Key #7 – Work with intent Making the transition happen

Project Management

The Business Guide to Effective Compliance and Ethics Edition: 1 Date: 08/28/2019 Price: $46.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749482978 ISBN Ebook: 9780749482985 Pages: 376 Format (mm): 234x157 Product Category: Professional Subject: Corporate Governance, Ethics & CSR

This book

compliance in broader terms than other books in the market, considering social, « Discusses psychological, global and cultural factors in order to better understand how to collaborate, communicate and engage others in the organization

precision, but also allows non-specialist readers to access the information provided, « Provides including expertise on the typical traps to be aware of, policy and process and how to develop an ethics and compliance strategy Provides an ideal self-development toolkit that readers can access on a day-to-day basis, offering a clear, simple route to quickly find and apply expertise Gives professionals clear guidance to key issues, using accessible language and cutting through jargon to define ethics and compliance and offer practical advice and ideas Uses storytelling and scenarios to help readers apply theory to real-life situations, bringing issues to life in the human, social and political contexts relevant to the workplace

« « «

Description Across the world, organizations continue to be damaged and brought down by systemic noncompliance or the misdeeds of a few, and newspapers abound with examples of corporate and NGO scandals and crimes. This is despite the increasing ethical demands stakeholders are making of business, the exposing power of social media, the proliferating requirements of compliance laws and regulations, and the burgeoning numbers of policies, procedures and compliance officers that have been put in place in response. So why isn’t compliance working? The Business Guide to Effective Compliance and Ethics examines how rules-based, tick-box, defensible compliance continues to fail, and lays out a new approach for organizations seeking to flourish and succeed. Written for any organization and businesses, this book provides clear, thorough and practical guidance for practitioners and decision-makers. It explains in layman’s terms the skills, tools and mindset needed to develop and deliver a best practice compliance and ethics programme - one that meets the requirements made by law, stakeholders and society, and protects your organization from risk of fines, penalties and reputational damage. But this is also a book for all those interested in how to build employee engagement and motivation. The Business Guide to Effective Compliance and Ethics demonstrates the value - including competitive advantage, career satisfaction, employee and customer loyalty, and brand enhancement - that a truly effective compliance and ethics programme can bring, when it works hand in hand with a values-based culture of shared ownership.

Author Information Andrew Hayward is a lawyer with more than a dozen years’ experience of compliance roles across sectors. Having previously worked for AstraZeneca and Balfour Beatty, he is now Head of Compliance and Ethics at Subsea 7, an engineering, construction and services contractor to the offshore energy industry. He worked with the British Standards Institute to develop the first anti-bribery standard (BS10500) and was part of the UK delegation on the development of the International AntiBribery Standard (BS ISO 37001:2016). Tony Osborn is an award-winning writer, creative consultant and content developer. He has worked with leading global corporations to help them find and tell their stories and connect with stakeholders. He helped shape and write Serco’s online and printed Code of Conduct, and, with Andrew Hayward, the award-winning Balfour Beatty Code of Conduct.


Business, Risk and Information Management

Table of Contents 1 Why compliance isn’t working 2 The meaning, origins and role of compliance and ethics 3 Barriers to success 4 Looking for answers 5 The anatomy of a compliance and ethics programme 6 Top-level commitment 7 Risk assessment and due diligence 8 Code of conduct and policies 9 Communication, education and training 10 Whistle-blowing hotline and speak-up culture 11 Procedures and controls 12 Investigations, remediation and enforcement 13 Assurance and continuous improvement 14 Implementation – The compliance and ethics function – and everyone else

Corporate Governance, Ethics & CSR

Responsible Business Making Strategic Decisions to Benefit People, the Planet and Profits Edition: 1 Date: 06/28/2018 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749480608 ISBN Ebook: 9780749480615 Pages: 280 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Corporate Governance, Ethics & CSR

Author Information Annemieke Roobeek is Professor of Strategy and Transformation Management at Nyenrode Business Universiteit (Netherlands). She was previously Professor of Technology and Economics at Nyenrode and Professor of Complex Issues in strategy and policy at the University of Amsterdam. Jacques de Swart is Professor of Applied Mathematics at Nyenrode Business University and partner within PwC, where he is responsible for the Data Analytics Group. Myrthe van der Plas is a GARP certified Financial Risk Manager. She works within the Data Analytics Group of PwC and also teaches courses on Strategic Decision Making at several universities.

This book

the added value to organizations of incorporating triple P (People, Planet and Profits) « Highlights considerations into investment decisions case studies from private and public sector, not-for-profit and social enterprise « Features organizations who have benefited from this approach including the Ellen MacArthur Foundation « Includes access to a ready-made business simulator tool for evaluating investment decisions

Description Until recently, profit has been the driving force for most business decisions. However, business leaders must now look more widely at their actions to assess the impact of these on people both inside and outside the organization as well as the environment. Responsible Business provides a seven step framework that eliminates internal bias and can be used to make decisions that increase profits, benefit staff and protect the environment as a whole. This means that personal values, ethics and morals can be aligned with business goals and overall company strategy. Responsible Business will enable business leaders to answer questions including: What values should be attached to financial and non-financial aspects of business decisions? How can these values be translated into concrete manageable actions? Which decisions best suit the strategic goals of the organization? Readers will have access to the business simulator tool which removes the complexity, ambiguity and stress of business decisions to allow leaders to manage the competing priorities in their organization and confidently make the best investment decisions for their business. With diverse case studies from organizations who have benefited from this approach, this book is essential reading for everyone needing to evaluate their investment decisions.

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7 8 9 10 11 12


Business, Risk and Information Management

‌Preface Working Towards Responsibility in Business and Society The Responsible Business Simulator at the Heart of the Decision-Making Process Shared Value as a Framework for Shaping the Strategy Innovation and Sustainability as a Catalyst for Responsible Growth Stakeholder Management and Interactivity in the DecisionMaking Process Strategic Decision Making based on Data and Dialogue via the Responsible Business Simulator Using the Responsible Business Simulator Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Putting Roof Renovation in a Strategic Context Choosing between Various Waste Collection Systems Creating a Healthy and Productive Working Environment Quantifying the Contribution of Sports

13 Responding to the Refugee Influx in Europe 14 Attracting Investment at a Social Enterprise 15 Conclusion

Corporate Governance, Ethics & CSR

Global Business Ethics Responsible Decision Making in an International Context Edition: 1 Date: 11/28/2015 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749473952 ISBN Ebook: 9780749473969 Pages: 248 Format (mm): 241x171 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Project Management

This book

readers the knowledge and confidence to make sound ethical decisions in all business « Gives activities easily implementable practical guidance in the form of decision-making trees and a model « Provides organizational ethics code detailed analysis of international ethical issues such as the conflict between Sharia law and « Features Western principles « Supports the student market with case studies and worked examples of dilemma-solving « Online Resources: Instructor’s manual, lecture slides and appendices

Description Corporate social responsibility, sustainability and acting ethically are all accepted business aims, but their meaning and implementation in a global context is far less clear-cut. Global Business Ethics cuts through the confusion to provide a coherent basis for ethical decision-making within the complications of the international business landscape. Underpinned by theory and including worked-through examples of ethical dilemmas and their solutions, this textbook will guide the reader beyond theory to real-world business decisions. Practical tools such as decision trees and suggested principles to apply in dilemma situations give readers the skills and confidence to tackle the ethical challenges they face. Global Business Ethics offers a unique working code of ethics provided as a model with guidance to readers for adaptation and implementation. Case studies include: Walmart, Hershey’s, Citibank, Ford, Nike, Johnson & Johnson, Harley-Davidson, The Body Shop and Procter and Gamble. A chapter on the legal aspects of ethics provides guidance on the complex relationship between law and ethics in international business. The final part takes an in-depth look at the practical application of ethics in business life. Covering all the major theories of ethics, including an examination of the role of quantification of ethics, Global Business Ethics demonstrates how their principles can be applied to inform better business decisions. Online supporting resources for this book include instructor’s manual, lecture slides and appendices.

Author Information Ronald D Francis is Professor Emeritus in Ethics and Governance at Victoria University, Melbourne. His experiences in ethics extends over decades, and includes a period as Chairman of a national ethics committee, and as a member of a psychologists’ registration board, as well as ten years on a research ethics committee. As a consultant, he has worked with corporations and universities to develop ethics codes and deliver practical business ethics training. Guy Murfey is a psychologist and lawyer, recently retired as the National Practice manager of the Australian Tax Office’s (ATO) Legal Services Branch, where he was responsible for the day to day running of litigation, ensuring that the highest ethical standards of practice were adhered to.

Table of Contents 1

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THE NECESSITY, JUSTIFICATION AND RESEARCH INTO CROSS CULTURAL BUSINESS ETHICS Background to ethics Justification for ethics Cross-cultural issues in business ethics Organizational factors in business ethics Individual factors in business ethics THEORETICAL ISSUES IN BUSINESS ETHICS Theoretical approaches Legal aspects of ethics SOLVING PROBLEMS Ethical gradualism, culture, quantification and codes Investigating ethical breaches International standards and first principles Ethical codes: ready reference guide (glossary of international codes related to ethics)

Project Management

Knowledge Management An Interdisciplinary Approach for Business Decisions Edition: 1 Date: 01/28/2020 Price: $52.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749494834 ISBN Ebook: 9780749496876 Pages: 384 Format (mm): 240x170 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Information, Knowledge & Data Management

This book

written specifically for business and management courses, focusing on issues such as how « Isknowledge management can be integrated with the business decision making process Covers the most advanced IT and information systems technologies and cutting-edge research on « topics such as boundary spanning Includes real world case studies, play scenarios, and “think back” and “critique discussion” « questions to encourage reflectiverole learning and critical thinking an international approach to knowledge management, for example comparing models from « Takes USA, UK and Japan « Online resources: PowerPoint lecture slides and exercise questions for students

Description As knowledge economies become increasingly important around the world, it is essential that organizations are able to transform their knowledge into a competitive advantage. This textbook offers an interdisciplinary approach to knowledge management written specifically for postgraduate students in business and management schools. Knowledge Management presents classic and advanced concepts, models and frameworks using a clear logical structure, which covers building knowledge competence, the knowledge lifecycle, and integration of knowledge management with business decision making. An overall framework illustrates links between chapters and ensures readers can gain a body of actionable knowledge rather than learning isolated, uncontextualized topics. Based on cutting-edge research findings and covering the most advanced IT and IS technologies, this book emphasises the need for knowledge management to span boundaries across organizations, supply chains and partnerships, rather than being limited to individual learning and sharing within businesses. Knowledge Management is international in scope and includes real world case studies and role play scenarios to show how theories are applied in practice, and “think back” and “critique discussion” questions to encourage reflective learning and critical thinking. This indispensable text provides a dynamic picture of the evolution of knowledge management and demonstrates its full potential to enable better business decisions. Accompanying online resources include PowerPoint slides for lecturers and exercise questions for students.

Author Information Shaofeng Liu is Professor of Operations Management and Decision Making at Plymouth Business School, University of Plymouth, UK. She teaches a Knowledge Management module every year to postgraduate students across several courses in the Faculty of Business. She is Senior Editor for Cogent Business & Management and Associate Editor for the International Journal of Decision Support System Technology and has published over 150 research papers in peer-reviewed books, journals and conference proceedings.

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Knowledge management – Key concepts and models Introduction to knowledge management Tacit and explicit knowledge Knowledge management process and lifecycle models Building knowledge competence in organizations Organizational learning The learning organization Organizational culture for knowledge sharing and learning Crossing knowledge boundaries Communities of practice Knowledge boundaries and boundary-spanning mechanisms Knowledge networks ICT-enabled knowledge management - Internet of Things and big data analytics Knowledge support for business decision making The business decision context Human decision-making processes and knowledge requirements Knowledge-based decision support systems

Information, Knowledge & Data Management

The Knowledge Manager’s Handbook Edition: 2 Date: 10/28/2019 Price: $52.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749484606 ISBN Ebook: 9780749484613 Pages: 448 Format (mm): 234x155 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Information, Knowledge & Data Management

This book

the reader through the essential steps of aligning knowledge management with « Guides organizational priorities to deliver long-term benefits best practice requirements from the first internationally recognised standard for knowledge « Covers management, ISO 30401:2018 « Provides practical checklists, guidelines and process templates to help with implementation case studies from a variety of organizations, such as Mars, Huawei and the Singapore « Includes Youth Olympics to this edition: clear guidance on ISO 30401:2018, new content on the impact of AI and data « New analytics, and updated case studies

Description WINNER: CILIP’s Knowledge and Information Management Award 2019 - Information Resources Print Category The way an organization manages and disseminates its knowledge is key to informed business decision-making, effectiveness and competitive edge. The Knowledge Manager’s Handbook takes you step by step through the processes needed to define and embed an effective knowledge management framework within an organization. This second edition now includes clear guidance on the best practice requirements from the first ever internationally recognised standard for knowledge management, ISO 30401:2018, as well as content on the impact of AI and data analytics. Nick Milton and Patrick Lambe work through each stage of creating and implementing a knowledge management framework for an organization’s specific needs, based around the four essential aspects of knowledge management: people, processes, technologies and governance. With updated international case studies from organizations of all sizes and sectors, along with user-friendly templates and checklists to help implement effective knowledge management procedures, The Knowledge Manager’s Handbook is the end-to-end guide to making a sustainable change in the knowledge management culture.

Author Information Dr Nick Milton is a director and co-founder of Knoco Ltd, an international knowledge management consultancy. He previously worked at BP, coordinating the BP Knowledge Management Community of Practice, and was a member of the working group for the development of ISO 30401:2018. Patrick Lambe is a founding partner of Straits Knowledge, a global consulting and research firm specializing in knowledge, learning and innovation. He is a Visiting Professor in knowledge management at Bangkok University, President of the International Society for Knowledge Development Singapore chapter and an editorial board member of the Journal of Knowledge Management.

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6 7 8 9 10 3 11 12 13


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‌Introduction Orientation to knowledge management implementation What is knowledge management? The stages of KM implementation Barriers and pitfalls Preparation and resources Knowledge management strategy The role, skills and characteristics of the knowledge management leader The KM team members The role of senior management Budget and timescale Aims and objectives for the KM implementation programme Finding partners to help you Assessment and planning Conducting the knowledge resources audit The knowledge management framework The knowledge discussion elements of the KM framework

14 The knowledge capture and documentation elements of the KM framework 15 The knowledge synthesis elements of the KM framework 16 The knowledge-finding and re-use elements of the KM framework 17 Knowledge organization 18 Influencing the stakeholders 19 Culture, communications and change 20 Preparing the KM implementation plan 4 The implementation activity 21 Building the KM champion network 22 Trials and pilots 23 Roll-out, embedding and governance 24 Setting up the KM metrics and reporting system 25 Dealing with bumps in the road 26 Transition to the operational team 5 Deepening and extending your KM programme 27 Working with external frameworks and standards 28 Working externally

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29 Knowledge management and digital transformation 6 Case histories 30 Implementing KM at Mars 31 NASA – emergence, evolution and resilience of a KM programme 32 Using the ISO KM standard 30401:2018 to sense-check KM at Petroleum Development Oman 33 KM implementation in a global oil and gas company 34 KM implementation at Huawei 35 KM implementation at the Singapore Youth Olympics 36 Implementing and sustaining KM in the Public Works Department Malaysia 37 Summary 38 Glossary 39 Index

Ethical Data and Information Management Concepts, Tools and Methods Edition: 1 Date: 05/28/2018 Price: $60.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749482046 ISBN Ebook: 9780749482053 Pages: 344 Format (mm): 233x156 Product Category: Professional Subject: Information, Knowledge & Data Management

Author Information Katherine O’Keefe is a Data Governance and Data Protection Consultant and Trainer at Castlebridge Associates, Dublin. She also delivers Data Ethics training for the Data Protection Certificate Data Round Table for the Law Society of Ireland. Daragh O Brien is a Data Governance, Data Quality and Data Privacy Consultant and Trainer. He is Managing Director and Lead Consultant at Castlebridge Associates. He is also an adjunct faculty member at the Law Society of Ireland Diploma School.

This book

« Is the first book of its kind written for information managers and data scientists written by internationally regarded experts in information governance, data privacy and « Isinformation ethics a detailed framework with practical tools and techniques for implementing an ethical « Provides information management strategy « Includes well-researched, road-tested material that the authors use in their training Description Information and how we manage, process and govern it is becoming increasingly important as organizations ride the wave of the big data revolution. Ethical Data and Information Management offers a practical guide for people in organizations who are tasked with implementing information management projects. It sets out, in a clear and structured way, the fundamentals of ethics, and provides practical and pragmatic methods for organizations to embed ethical principles and practices into their management and governance of information. Written by global experts in the field, Ethical Data and Information Management is an important book addressing a topic high on the information management agenda. Key coverage includes how to build ethical checks and balances into data governance decision making; using quality management methods to assess and evaluate the ethical nature of processing during design; change methods to communicate ethical values; how to avoid common problems that affect ethical action; and how to make the business case for ethical behaviours.

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8 9 10 11 12


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I‌ntroduction: why write a book on information ethics? Ethics in the context of information management Introduction to ethical concepts and frameworks Ethics, privacy and analytics Information ethics and artificial intelligence: concepts and thought experiments Ethics in the Data Management Body of Knowledge Developing an ethical architecture for information management Introducing the Ethical Enterprise Information Management (E2IM) framework Information ethics as an information quality system Information ethics and data governance Information ethics and risk: the rise of the Ethical Impact Assessment Making the ethical information management change And in conclusion…

Information, Knowledge & Data Management

IT Governance An International Guide to Data Security and ISO 27001/ISO 27002 Edition: 7 Date: 10/28/2019 Price: $65.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749496951 ISBN Ebook: 9780749496968 Pages: 408 Format (mm): 233x157 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Information, Knowledge & Data Management

This book

on the development and implementation of an information security management system « Advises that will meet the ISO 27001 specification « Outlines IT governance best practice for international organizations of all sizes and across sectors to this edition: changes in global regulation (including GDPR) and updates to standards in « New the ISO/IEC 27000 family, BS 7799-3:2017 (information security risk management) and the latest standards on auditing

topics such as risk assessment, asset management, controls, security, supplier relationships « Covers and compliance

Description Faced with the compliance requirements of increasingly punitive information and privacy-related regulation, as well as the proliferation of complex threats to information security, there is an urgent need for organizations to adopt IT governance best practice. IT Governance is a key international resource for managers in organizations of all sizes and across industries, and deals with the strategic and operational aspects of information security. Now in its seventh edition, the bestselling IT Governance provides guidance for companies looking to protect and enhance their information security management systems (ISMS) and protect themselves against cyber threats. The new edition covers changes in global regulation, particularly GDPR, and updates to standards in the ISO/IEC 27000 family, BS 7799-3:2017 (information security risk management) plus the latest standards on auditing. It also includes advice on the development and implementation of an ISMS that will meet the ISO 27001 specification and how sector-specific standards can and should be factored in. With information on risk assessments, compliance, equipment and operations security, controls against malware and asset management, IT Governance is the definitive guide to implementing an effective information security management and governance system.

Author Information Alan Calder is Group CEO of GRC International Group plc, the AIM-listed company that owns IT Governance Ltd.. He led the world’s first successful implementation of BS 7799 (now ISO 27001) and was involved in developing a wide range of information security management training courses, accredited by the International Board for IT Governance Qualifications (IBITGQ). Steve Watkins is Executive Director at GRC International Group plc, chair of the UK ISO/IEC 27001 User Group and contracted technical assessor for UKAS. He is a member of the international technical committee responsible for the ISO 27000 family of standards, and chairs the UK National Standards Body’s technical committee IST/33 (information security, cyber security and privacy protection) that mirrors it.


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Table of Contents 1

Why is information security necessary? 2 The UK combined code, the FRC risk guidance and Sarbanes–Oxley 3 ISO27001 4 Organizing information security 5 Information security policy and scope 6 The risk assessment and Statement of Applicability 7 Mobile devices 8 Human resources security 9 Asset management 10 Media handling 11 Access control 12 User access management 13 System and application access control 14 Cryptography 15 Physical and environmental security 16 Equipment security 17 Operations security 18 Controls against malicious software (malware) 19 Communications management 20 Exchanges of information 21 System acquisition, development and maintenance

22 Development and support processes 23 Supplier relationships 24 Monitoring and information security incident management 25 Business and information security continuity management 26 Compliance 27 The ISO27001 audit

Information, Knowledge & Data Management

Emerging Markets Strategies for Competing in the Global Value Chain Edition: 1 Date: 11/28/2015 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749474492 ISBN Ebook: 9780749474508 Pages: 272 Format (mm): 240x170 Product Category: Textbook Subject: International Business

This book

how companies can build their competitiveness by understanding the global value « Demonstrates chain in which they operate lessons for US, Japanese and European multinational companies as well as emerging market « Offers multinationals in how to understand the new business environment how to position your company to succeed in emerging markets and in traditional markets, « Explains and to take advantage of the benefits of both « Includes case studies from renowned international companies from both sides of emerging markets « Online Resources: Lecture slides of each chapter

Description The traditional dominance of international markets by companies from the US, Western Europe and Japan can no longer be taken for granted. Emerging market economies, from the powerhouse Chinese economy (set to pass the US in national income by 2020) to dynamic players such as Mexico, South Africa and Indonesia, are rapidly changing the competitive landscape. Companies that can successfully enter these emerging markets may reap rewards and benefits from cost reductions and market opportunities. By understanding their positioning in the global continuum of companies and customers - the global value chain - businesses can build their strategies for better competition, more effective resource allocation, cost reduction, and a heightened awareness of the risks and benefits. Packed with in-depth case studies of multinationals from both sides of emerging markets, including: Accenture, Walmart, Google, Nike, Novartis, PetroChina, Embraer, Tata Group and FEMSA; Emerging Markets is essential reading for anyone looking to understand the new competitive landscape and how they can maximise the business opportunities available. Online supporting resources include lecture slides that align with each chapter.

Author Information

Table of Contents

Professor Robert E. Grosse is Dean of the School of Business Administration at American University of Sharjah, and was 2012-2014 President of the Academy of International Business. He has taught international finance in the MBA programmes at Thunderbird, the University of Miami, the University of Michigan, the Instituto de Empresa (Madrid, Spain), and in many universities in Latin America, and he lectures on executive education programmes around the world. He was founding Director of Standard Bank Group’s (South Africa) executive education programme, the Global Leadership Centre, offering leadership development training to 11,000 managers and executives. He is a leading author on international business topics, and his latest book, Can Latin American Firms Compete? was published by Oxford University Press in 2007.

1 Introduction 2 Why emerging markets are the place to be 3 The time horizon 4 What is the challenge from emerging markets? 5 Competing in emerging markets 6 Competitive strategies of firms in China: MNEs, SOEs and private firms 7 Emerging market MNEs competing in industrial countries and globally 8 Innovation is key 9 Large, small, family-owned and state-owned companies from emerging markets 10 Conclusions


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International Business

Essential Leadership Develop Your Leadership Qualities Through Theory and Practice Edition: 1 Date: 02/28/2017 Price: $49.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749477400 ISBN Ebook: 9780749477417 Pages: 400 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Leadership

This book

all the essential and emerging theories and models of leadership to give students and « Contains practitioners a solid and rigorous academic underpinning to their leadership development this theory with practical guidance based on research in the field and case studies, « Combines allowing students and practitioners to unite academic background with real-life situations in order to strengthen themselves as leaders Self-assessment tools and reflective exercises enable students and practitioners to discover their personal leadership style, their strengths and weaknesses, and learn how to become better leaders Online Resources: PowerPoint lecture slides and an instructor’s manual

« «

Description Essential Leadership is a practical, accessible book that tackles theory and practice in an integrated and stimulating way. You are encouraged to engage with a wide range of leadership theories and frameworks as well as rate your own leadership skills and qualities, make realistic self-development plans and start to experiment with new or different approaches. Rather than offering one best way forward or becoming overly theoretical, this book is a pragmatic resource for new and experienced leaders looking to navigate the leadership literature and start to fully realize their own leadership potential. Supported by exercises, practical examples, rigorous self-assessments, advice and suggestions, Essential Leadership offers an important guide for those currently working, or planning to work, in a 21st century business environment with all its complexity and uncertainty. It provides an overarching framework of five essential leadership qualities that can be refined and combined as leaders grow, allowing them to be particularly responsive to the business context. The book allows readers to discover and develop their own leadership qualities, and master them through understanding, experimentation, feedback and reflection. Cutting-edge research into Millennial Leadership is also included, as are sections on developing your leadership maturity throughout life, and how leadership culture forms and changes. Online supporting resources include lecture slides and an instructor’s manual.

Author Information Esther Cameron has been experimenting with approaches to leadership and change for 25 years. She is a founding Director of Integral Change Consulting Ltd and was previously a lecturer for the University of Bristol. Together with Mike Green, she is co-author of Making Sense of Change Management (also published by Kogan Page). Mike Green is Director of Transitional Space Ltd, and a Visiting Fellow at Henley Business School where he tutors and coaches in Leadership and Change. Mike also delivers bespoke and accredited learning programmes in Change Management to managers and change agents globally.


Business, Risk and Information Management

Table of Contents 1 Introduction 1 Leading in a New Era 2 Leadership Frameworks and Research 2 Leadership Traits and Characteristics 3 Contingency Theories 4 Situational Leadership 5 Psychodynamics, Power and the Shadow 6 Transformational and Transactional Leadership 7 Strategic and Innovation Leadership 8 Change Leadership 9 Leadership Responsibility and Values 10 Leading across Organizations and Networks 11 Leadership Health – Mind, Body and Spirit 3 Learning to Lead in Practice 12 What Does 21st-century Leadership Require? 13 How do Leaders Learn? 14 Levels of Leadership Maturity 4 You and Your Development 15 Taking Stock and Self-Rating 16 Clarifying your Goals and Intended Outcomes 5 Developing and Using the Five Qualities


17 Overview of the Five Qualities Framework 18 The Tenacious Implementer Quality 19 The Measured Connector Quality 20 The Visionary Motivator Quality 21 The Thoughtful Architect Quality 22 The Edgy Catalyser Quality 23 Becoming Masterful 6 Leadership and Organizations 24 Defining Leadership Culture 25 Changing Leadership Culture 26 The Implications of Millennial Leadership

TheLeadership Skills Handbook 100 Essential Skills You Need to be a Leader Edition: 5 Date: 10/28/2020 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789666687 ISBN Ebook: 9781789666700 Pages: 328 Format (mm): 217x140 Product Category: General Subject: Leadership

This book

practical advice on over 100 leadership skills plus tips, exercises and examples, arranged in « Features an easy dip-in-and-out style you to create your own personalized formula for success, based on a combination of what « Allows works best for both the individual reader’s career and their company to this edition: exclusive new content on the changing demands of leadership in the current « New volatile and ambiguous business world by award-winning and best-selling author, Jo Owen, who has sold hundreds of thousands « Isof written copies of his books on leadership and management worldwide

Description WINNER: CMI Management Book of the Year 2013 - New Manager Category (previous edition) The Leadership Skills Handbook from best-selling author Jo Owen reveals the essential skills you need to be an effective leader. This book shows you what works in practice, not in theory, in crucial areas such as people skills, career skills, mindset skills, organization skills, personal values and behaviours. Each skill is presented in a concise, easy to follow format, with an accompanying framework to help you deploy it in your own life. The skills are about the real challenges real leaders must master, and as you observe and record real-life examples of skills in action, you will be developing your own unique formula for success in the context that matters to you. Based on research from over a thousand leaders throughout the world at all levels in the public, private and voluntary sectors, The Leadership Skills Handbook identifies the practical skills to make you even more successful, and offers guidance on all key topics. This updated new edition includes exclusive new content on the changing demands of leadership in the 21st century and 10 whole new skills. These include the need to influence rather than control, how you get people to commit to your vision rather than comply and how career is no longer a noun but a verb for new generations of workers.

Author Information Jo Owen is a best-selling and multi-awardwinning leadership author, keynote speaker and social entrepreneur. He is a founder of eight charities, including the UK’s largest graduate recruiter Teach First. His books The Mindset of Success, Myths of Leadership and Management Stripped Bare, all published by Kogan Page, have been translated into eight different languages. Jo Owen is the first person to win the Chartered Institute of Management Gold Award four times for four of his books.

Table of Contents ‌Introduction 1 Mindset skills 1 Positive leadership 2 Responsibility 3 High aspirations 4 Have courage 5 Be adaptable 6 Learn to be lucky 7 Managing stress 8 Honesty 9 Self-awareness 10 Working to win 2 Career skills 11 Your leadership journey - key principles 12 Managing your leadership journey - the map 13 Discover your rules of success 14 Build your career 15 Careers versus careering avoiding the death stars 16 How not to get promoted 17 Knowing when to move on 18 Coach yourself to success 19 Running the leadership marathon 20 Staying employable 3 People skills 21 Understand yourself 22 Understand others 23 Understand how you affect others

24 Delegating 25 Motivating 26 Coaching 27 Valuing others: cultural intelligence 28 Managing expectations 29 Managing performance 30 Managing professionals 4 Moment of truth skills 31 Taking control 32 Conflict management 33 Crisis management 34 Dealing with bullies 35 Negative feedback 36 Fighting battles 37 Power 38 Managing adversity 39 Knowing who to trust 40 Stepping up 5 Daily skills 41 Reading 42 Writing 43 Presenting 44 Storytelling 45 Listening 46 Doing numbers 47 Problem solving 48 Time management 49 Hearing feedback 50 Using technology 6 Organization skills 51 Making decisions

52 Making decisions in uncertainty 53 Being productive in an unproductive world 54 Effective meetings 55 Managing projects 56 Setting goals 57 Selling and persuading 58 Reorganizing 59 Selecting your team 60 Developing your team 7 Political skills 61 Influencing people 62 Achieving influence and power 63 Influencing decisions 64 Learning to say ‘no’ 65 The partnership principle 66 Negotiations 67 Networking 68 Altitude sickness - dealing with top management 69 Managing upwards 70 Flattery 8 Financial skills 71 Managing budgets 72 Negotiating budgets 73 Reviewing budgets 74 Understand the nature of your costs 75 Cutting costs 76 Balanced scorecard 77 Making an investment case

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Neuroscience for Leaders Practical Insights to Successfully Lead People and Organizations Edition: 2 Date: 10/28/2020 Price: $25.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789662146 ISBN Ebook: 9781789662153 Pages: 336 Format (mm): 235x158 Product Category: Professional/ General Subject: Leadership

This book

a comprehensive approach to leading people and organizations using the latest « Provides neuroscience findings « Offers leaders practical guidance in an easy to understand framework to this edition: new examples, activities and applicable leadership suggestions plus updates « New with the latest scientific developments in neuroscience relating to leadership « Relates theory to practice with real examples and a variety of individual and company examples « Presents primary research and academic research to help improve your leadership performance

Description Unlock your potential with the latest neuroscientific insights and succeed as a leader in complex business environments. As understanding of neuroscience increases, it is better understood how scientific insights can be applied to develop and enhance leadership. Neuroscience for Leaders captures the most up-to-date and important findings in neuroscience and links these to the business world. This guide offers a simple framework to put these principles into practice to make better decisions, take the right actions and find faster solutions. Now in its second edition, this book presents a comprehensive approach to leading people and organizations based on academic research. The authors’ ‘Brain Adaptive Leadership’ approach offers a step-by-step guide to enhancing the way leaders think, understanding and nurturing emotions, shaping automated brain responses and developing dynamic relationships. Examples, activities and practical suggestions are all designed to be clear and engaging. Neuroscience for Leaders is the essential guide for leaders who are ready to gain the business advantage scientifically.

Author Information Nikolaos Dimitriadis is an award-winning communications professional, educator and consultant. Based in Serbia, he is the Head of Neuro Consulting Services at OptimalHRGroup and the Country Manager for Serbia for The University of Sheffield International Faculty, City College. Alexandros Psychogios is a Professor of International HRM in Birmingham City Business School at Birmingham City University, UK. He is also a Visiting Professor at Cyprus International Institute of Management (CIIM) and a Research Associate in South Eastern European Research Centre (SEERC).

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I‌ntroduction – The leadership enigma and the human brain Pillar 1 thinking brain Powerful brain, powerful leader Clear mind, strong direction Higher performance, more followers Summary of pillar 1 Pillar 2 emotional brain More emotion, better decisions Right emotion, right action Summary of pillar 2 Pillar 3 brain automations Gut reaction, faster solution Summary of pillar 3 Pillar 4 relational brain More connected, more successful Brain communication, better persuasion Summary of pillar 4 Concluding remarks – The future, the brain and the BAL approach


What Philosophy Can Teach You About Being a Better Leader Edition: 1 Date: 10/28/2019 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749493165 ISBN Ebook: 9780749493172 Pages: 232 Format (mm): 235x158 Product Category: General Subject: Leadership

This book

how four great philosophers - Aristotle, Socrates, Kant and Nietzsche - would approach « Explores questions of empowerment, engagement, leadership, values and performance « Explains why modern organizational practices miss what matters the most - their people how leaders and their people can progress towards being more fully flourishing persons in « Reveals the workplace by smashing through seven common workplace fictions

Description For decades, we have looked to management theorists, organizational psychologists and economists to tell us how we can squeeze the most out of people at work. The result? People are uninspired, feel like cogs in a machine and prefer to leave traditional work structures behind. Numbers and productivity can only get you so far. What Philosophy Can Teach You About Being a Better Leader offers a different route that will allow you to reconnect with the humanist values of work. By turning to philosophy, and what it teaches us about finding fulfilment and living a good life, this book uncovers the ways you can re-engage your workforce by valuing its members as people, rather than just tools within the process. The four authors argue that the rise of the ‘omnipotent leader’, who focuses on telling rather than leading, risks creating a new generation of feudal CEOs and needs to be resisted. With the help of Aristotle, Socrates, Kant and Nietzsche, as well as a whole host of other brilliant minds, they turn traditional management practices on their head, showing how moving away from traditional, hierarchical, risk focused control structures can lead to improved employee engagement, increased productivity and better outcomes for the entire business.

Author Information Alison Reynolds is a business leader and consultant in strategy execution. She is part of the Faculty in Executive Education at Ashridge Business School. Jules Goddard is a Fellow of the Centre for Management Development at London Business School, where he has taught competitive strategy and creative marketing for 30 years. Dominic Houlder is an Adjunct Professor in Strategic and Entrepreneurial Management at London Business School. He is internationally recognised as a leading business strategist. David Lewis is Programme Director for Executive Education at London Business School and a renowned strategy and leadership expert.

Table of Contents I‌ntroduction – The dehumanized workplace 1 Who can reconnect us with our dreams? 2 Reason and passion in the humanized workplace 3 Humanizing strategy 4 Creativity and critical thinking 5 A question of example and fairness 6 The gift of authority 7 Meaning and communication 8 From engagement to encounter 9 Values and ethical pluralism 10 The freedom to do what you can 11 Index

The four authors met while undertaking a Master’s in Research in Philosophy at the University of Buckingham.


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Myths of Leadership Banish the Misconceptions and Become a Great Leader Edition: 1 Date: 10/28/2017 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749480745 ISBN Ebook: 9780749480752 Pages: 288 Format (mm): 234x154 Product Category: General Subject: Leadership

This book

over 40 of the most pervasive myths that all leaders and aspiring leaders should be able to « Explores recognize and relate to, from the entertaining to the potentially career damaging real-life examples from a diverse range of global companies and industries to show the « Contains reader how to spot myths in action written by the bestselling and award winning author Jo Owen (The Mindset of Success and The « IsLeadership Skills Handbook) compelling evidence from leadership theory, true business accounts and interviews to « Contains help the reader separate fact from fiction and become a better informed leader fascinating myths about leadership such as: leaders are born not made, leaders should be « Tackles the smartest people in the room, leaders should always be in control and the founder should always be the leader

Description WINNER: CMI Management Book of the Year 2019 - Aspiring Leaders Category The best leaders are born, not made. The best leaders are always in control. The best leaders are those with the highest IQs. But are they really? The thinking surrounding what makes the greatest leaders is increasingly muddled by stereotypes, snake oil promises and pseudo-science. The best leaders rely on fact, not fads. Myths of Leadership blasts away the fluff and confronts false legends head on. Jo Owen uses the most credible research to analyze each myth, using international business case studies, leadership theory and insightful interviews, to uncover the truth. This is a compelling and practical examination of the most pervasive misconceptions about leadership that will help you elevate your own leadership abilities, better inspire your team and empower your organization by thinking differently. Entertaining but evidence-based, Myths of Leadership throws out the management jargon and skewers over-hyped leadership trends to bring you the best practical tips you need to become a better leader.

Author Information Jo Owen is a best-selling and multi-award winning leadership author, keynote speaker and social entrepreneur. He is a founder of eight charities, including the UK’s largest graduate recruiter Teach First. His books The Mindset of Success, The Leadership Skills Handbook and Management Stripped Bare, all published by Kogan Page, have been translated into eight different languages.

Table of Contents 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

‌Introduction We Know What Leadership Is Myth 1 - We Know What Leadership Is Myth 2 - The Perfect Leader Myth 3 - Leadership is About Your Rank, Title or Position Myth 4 - Managers are Leaders Myth 5 - Leaders Know What Leadership Is Myth 6 - The Founder is the Leader Myth 7 - Leadership is Universal We Know What Leaders Do Myth 8 - We Know What Leaders Do - Top Level Leaders Myth 9 - We Know What Leaders Do - Your Leadership Journey Myth 10 - Leaders Motivate their Followers Myth 11 - Leaders Communicate Well Myth 12 - Leaders are Decisive Myth 13 - Leaders Set Goals and Give Directions Myth 14 - Great Leaders Build Great Teams

15 Myth 15 - The Leader Knows What’s Going On 3 We Know What Leaders are Like - Character and Traits 16 Myth 16 - Leaders are Born, not Bred 17 Myth 17 - Leaders are Visionary 18 Myth 18 - Leaders are Charismatic and Inspirational 19 Myth 19 - Leaders are Honest 20 Myth 20 - Leaders are Brave 21 Myth 21 - The Leader is the Smartest Person in the Room 22 Myth 22 - The Best Leaders are Clever 23 Myth 23 - Male and Female Leaders are Different 24 Myth 24 - Psychopaths Succeed as Leaders 25 Myth 25 - Leaders are Reasonable 26 Myth 26 - An Effective Leader is a Skilled Leader 4 We Know How Leaders Succeed 27 Myth 27 - Leaders Succeed on Merit 28 Myth 28 - Leadership is About Survival of the Fittest 29 Myth 29 - It’s Not What You Know But Who You Know

30 Myth 30 - Power Comes from Your Position 31 Myth 31 - Leaders Need Experience 32 Myth 32 - The First 90 Days 33 Myth 33 - You Have to Manage Before You Can Lead 34 Myth 34 - Sporting Heroes Show Us How to Lead 35 Myth 35 - You Can Teach Leadership 36 Myth 36 - Leaders Know When to Move On 5 We Have a Theory of Leadership 37 Myth 37 - The Great Man Theory of Leadership 38 Myth 38 - Servant Leadership 39 Myth 39 - The Humble Leader 40 Myth 40 - Distributed Leadership 41 Myth 41 - Transactional and Transformational Leadership 42 Myth 42 - Authentic Leadership 43 Myth 43 - Leadership is a Team Sport 44 Myth 44 - Leadership and Money - The Dog That Didn’t Bark 45 Myth 45 - Leaders are Like Tea Bags

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Resetting Management Thrive with Agility in the Age of Uncertainty Edition: 1 Date: 06/28/2021 Price: $25.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789667172 ISBN Ebook: 9781789667189 Pages: 232 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Leadership

This book

the ambiguity around on-trend buzzwords and explains how leaders can deliver « Dispels transformation at a strategic and organizational level case studies from companies including General Electric, Lego, Accor Hotels, ING, LVMH « Includes and Deutsche Telecom « Explains why agile is not just a method but that it requires a new leadership mindset diagnostic tools to measure organizational complexity, stability and agility and practical « Provides models to help any business become an agile company « Shows that embracing change is the key to overcoming the fear of business uncertainty

Description Being able to transform any business is essential for organizations in today’s turbulent world. How do you get behind on-trend buzzwords so that you can make your company fit for the future? Resetting Management helps leaders understand why being agile matters. It will release a new level of energy, innovation and entrepreneurship enabling organizations to respond to disruption while still delivering business strategies with rigour and efficiency. Using diagnostic tools and practical models, it describes how to master the essential components and principles of agile and respond to uncertain and fast changing environments. Featuring case studies from some of the world’s leading companies and illustrates how they have successfully implemented change - including Lego, General Electric, LMVH and ING, Stéphane J.G. Girod and Martin Králik provide leaders with the skills to master change processes and rapidly take control their own organizations. Resetting Management recognizes that every business is different, and each company has its own specific challenges. It explains how to own transformation in a way that matches reality exactly to the needs of a specific business, irrespective of the size or industry sector.

Author Information Stéphane J.G. Girod is Professor of Strategy and Organizational Innovation at the Financial Times number one ranked business school, IMD in Lausanne, Switzerland. His opinion pieces have been carried by Forbes, China Daily, The Economist, BBC News, Tribune des Geneve and the Times. Before joining IMD he was Manager of the Accenture Institute for High Performance, based in London. Martin Králik is an IMD external associate, based at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. Before IMD, he worked with Insead and the International Data Corporation.


Business, Risk and Information Management

Table of Contents 1

Part I. Stop optimizing for creativity: Embrace agility 1 Why agility 2 What is agility (a roadmap for the book) 2 Part II. Agility or how to optimize for uncertainty 3 Strategic agility in the digital age 4 Organizational agility: early stages 5 Organizational agility: agile methods in pockets 6 Organizational agility: the pioneers of new organizational forms 7 Leading with agility in uncertain times 3 Part III. How to transform for greater agility 8 Introducing agile processes: key success factors 9 Successful large-scale transformation 10 How to Become a more agile leader 11 Conclusion


Strategic Tendering for Professional Services Win More, Lose Less Edition: 1 Date: /03/28/2017 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749478513 ISBN Ebook: 9780749478520 Pages: 208 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Professional Services

This book

« Gives readers best-practice guidance to managing every stage of the proposals and bidding process on insights from proposals experts and voices from client procurement teams, uncovering « Draws their expectations and success criteria readers through the process with user-friendly charts and diagrams, concise summaries and « Leads key actions in every chapter the commercial processes and systems that are available to support pitch assembly and « Analyzes reporting, enabling readers to make informed choices improvement on an individual and business-wide level, with guidance that is scalable to « Supports all types and sizes of firm Description WINNER: Business Book Awards 2018 - Selling the Dream Category Competitive bidding for work is a long-established aspect of business within the professional services and consulting sector. For many markets, pitching has become a critical element of both attracting and retaining business. Combating clients’ demands and intense competition, firms that want to win and retain business need business development and marketing teams that are experts in creating compelling proposals. Strategic Tendering for Professional Services offers a masterclass in improving your pitching skills and processes. Drawing on insights from current pitch and proposal professionals and client-side procurement teams, Strategic Tendering for Professional Services provides end-to-end best practice guidance. From the crucial decision of which request-for-proposals (RFPs) to respond to, right through to the all-important face-to-face presentation and post-pitch follow-up, this practical handbook leads readers through all stages of the process on best practice and strategies for success. Packed with practical features to help readers put guidance into practice, Strategic Tendering for Professional Services also supports business-wide improvement with a clear analysis of the processes and systems available to support pitch assembly and reporting. Whether you are a bid and proposal professional looking for extra tools, a business development or marketing manager providing support and expertise to partners, or a professional wanting to improve pitching skills, this book will be key to winning opportunities that will set the firm apart.

Author Information Matthew Fuller has 25 years’ experience of working in the professional services sector. He has led global business development and marketing teams at Allen & Overy Herbert Smith and currently White & Case. He has run training programmes throughout the world advising partners on proposals best practice. Tim Nightingale is a founding director of Nisus Consulting, providing market research and client insight services to the professional services sector. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, a full member of the Market Research Society and a member of the Professional Services Marketing Group (PSMG).


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Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Introduction - Why use the Proposals Book? To pitch or not to pitch? What does the client want? Planning to win The procurement predicament Smart pricing Writing to win Presenting to win Following up and post pitch feedback Tools and technology There has to be a better way Appendix: How to manage a billion dollar pitch

Professional Services

Fundamentals of Risk Management Understanding, Evaluating and Implementing Effective Risk Management Edition: 5 Date: 07/28/2018 Price: $60.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749483074 ISBN Ebook: 9780749483081 Pages: 480 Format (mm): 240x170 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Risk Management

This book

regulatory developments affecting risks to reputation, the business model and strategy, « Includes along with improvements in risk management documentation and statutory risk reporting for assurance and reporting purposes

successful risk management with examples including Colgate Palmolive, Tesco and United « Explains Utilities to this edition: now completely aligned with the recently updated ISO 31000 standard and « New COSO ERM Framework « Online resources: lecture slides with figures, tables and key points from the book developments in enterprise risk management (ERM), loss control and the value of insurance « Covers as a risk management method

Description This fifth edition of Fundamentals of Risk Management is a comprehensive introduction to commercial and business risk for students and risk professionals. Providing extensive coverage of the core frameworks of business continuity planning, enterprise risk management and project risk management, this is the definitive guide to dealing with the different types of risk an organization faces. With relevant international case examples including Ericsson, Network Rail and Unilever, the book provides a full analysis of changes in contemporary risk areas including supply chain, cyber risk, risk culture and appetite, improvements in risk management documentation and statutory risk reporting. Now revised to be completely aligned with the recently updated ISO 31000 and COSO ERM Framework, this comprehensive text reflects developments in regulations, reputation risk, loss control and the value of insurance as a risk management method. Also including a thorough overview of international risk management standards and frameworks, strategy and policy, Fundamentals of Risk Management is the definitive text for those beginning or considering a career in risk. Online supporting resources include lecture slides with figures, tables and key points from the book.

Author Information Paul Hopkin is an internationally recognized risk management professional and was previously Technical Director at the Institute of Risk Management (IRM) and held the same role at Airmic for nine years previously. He was previously Director of Risk Management for The Rank Group and prior to that Head of Risk Management at the BBC. He is a Certified Fellow of the IRM. The IRM is the world’s leading professional body for risk management, driving excellence in managing risk to ensure organizations are ready for opportunities and threats of the future.

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Introduction to Risk Management Approaches to Defining Risk Impact of Risk on Organizations Types of Risks Scope of Risk Management Principles and Aims of Risk Management Approaches to Risk Management Risk Management Standards Establishing the Context Enterprise Risk Management Alternative Approaches Risk Assessment Risk Assessment Considerations Risk Classification Systems Risk Analysis and Evaluation Loss Control Defining the Upside of Risk Risk Response Tolerate, Treat, Transfer and terminate Risk Control Techniques Insurance and Risk Transfer Business Continuity Risk Strategy Core Business Processes Reputation and the Business Model Risk Management Context

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22 Risk Management Responsibilities 23 Control of Selected Hazard Risks 6 Risk Culture 24 Risk-Aware Culture 25 Importance of Risk Appetite 26 Risk Training and Communication 27 Risk Practitioner Competencies 7 Risk Governance 28 Corporate Governance Model 29 Stakeholder Expectations 30 Operational Risk Management 31 Project Risk Management 32 Supply Chain Management 8 Risk Assurance 33 The Control Environment 34 Risk Assurance Techniques 35 Internal Audit Activities 36 Reporting on Risk Management

Business Continuity Management A Practical Guide to Organizational Resilience and ISO 22301 Edition: 1 Date: 04/28/2021 Price: $52.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789668131 ISBN Ebook: 9781789668148 Pages: 344 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Risk Management

This book

« Explains how to implement the best practice contained in ISO 22301:2019 a maturity model to help plan and measure progress and Key Performance Indicators to « Includes help understand when resilience capabilities are working case studies of significant organizational crises and disruptions and explores the lessons « Features learned templates and checklists covering planning, response, reporting and assurance, including « Contains a Business Impact Analysis key issues including getting the Board engaged, obtaining real investment for resilience « Tackles building and making sure departments keep plans up to date Description Implement practical solutions in business continuity management and organizational resilience guided by international best practice from ISO 22301:2019. Business continuity management and organizational resilience are critical to maintaining a healthy business, but the process can easily become overly process-driven, too detailed and disengaging. As a consequence, many organizations either do nothing (leaving themselves exposed to disruption), take short cuts (leaving major gaps) or lose the interest of senior stakeholders. This book is a straightforward guide to implementing business continuity, including practical solutions built from the author’s personal experience delivering hundreds of projects in a variety of business settings. Business Continuity Management explains how business continuity should sit within a wider risk and organizational resilience framework and how to explain its importance to senior decision makers to ensure appropriate investment. Readers will benefit from case studies of organizational crises and disruptions, a maturity model to plan and measure progress, Key Performance Indicators and templates and checklists covering planning, response, reporting and assurance. This book is the essential reference for business continuity and resilience, with frameworks and examples which can be tailored to any organization.

Author Information James Crask is Global Lead for Resilience Advisory Services at Marsh, based in UK, working with clients to deliver resilience and business continuity solutions. He also chairs the International Standards Committee (ISO) responsible for all global Business Continuity and Organisational Resilience ISO Standards, including ISO 22301:2019. He previously worked for PwC where he was responsible for building the UK firm’s business resilience advisory services and has held roles for the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority in the UK and for the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).

Table of Contents 1 1 2 3 4 5 6

2 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


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Business continuity management and resilience An introduction to the basic concepts Quick start guide – What does good look like? A recent history of BCM and the emergence of resilience What can we learn from International Standards? How business continuity and resilience differs between industries Comparing incident management, crisis management and business recovery A guide to the core components of the BCM lifecycle Gaining the attention of the Board Setting the requirements for resilience Developing the governance Implementing resources Delivering the Business Impact Analysis Writing plans Incident response, crisis management and recovery Training and exercising Supply chain resilience

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16 Testing and auditing 3 Templates and checklists 17 Planning 18 Response 19 Reporting and assurance

The Organizational Resilience Handbook Edition: 1 Date: 08/28/2020 Price: $52.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789661842 ISBN Ebook: 9781789661859 Pages: 304 Format (mm): 235x159 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Risk Management

This book

a tool for organizational resilience capability which can be scaled and adapted to any « Introduces business regardless of size or complexity how to conduct detailed assessments, report on resilience capability, benchmark « Explains performance, and develop strategies for achieving greater resilience case studies analyzing House of Fraser, Mercedes, Alibaba, BP, Transport for London and « Features the WannaCry ransomware attack related topics such as knowledge management, security, organizational learning, compliance « Covers and business transformation « Avoids the common pitfalls of focusing solely on unexpected events and crisis management

Description For businesses to grow and be successful their approach to resilience must be defined by a holistic and risk-focused outlook, rather than one which is narrow and dominated by event-oriented continuity practices. The Organizational Resilience Handbook shows that success is as much to do with innovation and the speed with which new products are brought to market as it is with organizations having to deal with unexpected crisis situations. It comprehensively covers the full breadth and depth of the field and introduces related topics such as security, safety, e-commerce, emerging technologies and customer experience. Through adopting a strategic and progressive approach, practitioners can apply the book’s methodology to develop an in-depth understanding of resilience within their own organization and use it to effectively engage with the board and senior management in developing strategies for achieving greater resilience capability. A range of high-profile case studies, such as Mercedes, the UK’s National Health Service, Alibaba and BP, help to illustrate the concept of resilience by detailing characteristics and behaviours which confirm its meaning. The Organizational Resilience Handbook is a practical guide to self-assessment, benchmarking performance and implementing resilience frameworks in any organization.

Author Information Graham Bell is a consultant and trainer specialising in organizational resilience and the assessment and mitigation of business risks. He delivers a qualification course on organizational resilience regulated by Ofqual and has 30 years’ international experience in roles across manufacturing, telecoms, transport and energy sectors. He is a Fellow of the Institute for Strategy, Resilience & Security (ISRS), at University College London (UCL), and of the Institute of Strategic Risk Management (ISRM). He is also a member of the BSI Committee (CAR/001/01) tasked with the revision of BS 65000 Organization Resilience.


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Table of Contents ‌Introduction Contextual setting Definitions and references Reasoning and benefits Case studies The Organizational Resilience Capability Model® (ORCM) 6 Assessment and reporting 7 Other key issues and ideas 8 Application and implementation 1 2 3 4 5

Risk Management

The Risk Management Handbook Edition: 1 Date: 06/28/2016 Price: $60.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749478827 ISBN Ebook: 9780749478834 Pages: 336 Format (mm): 240x150 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Risk Management

This book

« Covers all the main areas of risk management in business, including cyber risk and political risk « Includes chapters from leading subject experts, outlining best practice and emerging developments the key emerging issues in risk management for business, drawing on cutting-edge « Highlights thinking a consistent framework to allow readers to easily compare practice in each area and apply « Uses insights Description Risk management is dynamic, with new risks continually being identified and risk management techniques adapting to new challenges. The Risk Management Handbook gives a clear snapshot of the current state of play in the risk management landscape, and a look ahead to the key emerging issues in the field. Drawing together leading voices from the major risk management application areas - from GRC to supply chain risk, operational risk to cyber risk - this edited collection showcases best practice in each discipline and provides a succinct and coherent picture of the field as a whole. Part One surveys these crucial application areas and provides a broad integrative framework for the differing contexts within which risk management is undertaken. Part Two explores emerging issues and techniques, from risk-based thinking to communicating uncertainty. The Risk Management Handbook offers readers knowledge of current best practice and a cuttingedge insight into new developments within risk management. Whether you are a risk professional wanting to stay abreast of your field, a student seeking a broad and up-to-date introduction to risk, or a business leader wanting to get to grips with the risks that face your business, this book will provide expert guidance.

Author Information Dr David Hillson is The Risk Doctor. He is an international risk management consultant, and leads The Risk Doctor Partnership (www.risk-doctor.com). He is recognized globally as an expert practitioner in risk management, and he has made several innovative contributions to the field. He consults, writes and speaks widely on the topic and has received many awards. David Hillson is an active Fellow of the Institute of Risk Management (IRM) where he was named the inaugural “Risk Personality of the Year” in 2010-11, and he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA) to contribute to its Risk Commission.

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Introducing risk [Dr David Hillson] Multidimensional risk management Enterprise Risk Management [Liz Taylor] Governance, Risk and Compliance [Robert Toogood] Operational Risk Management [Edward Sankey, with Dr Ariane Chapelle] Project, programme and portfolio risk management [Dr Dale F Cooper] Political risk management [Robert McKellar] Reputational risk [Arif Zaman] Supply chain risk management [Linda Conrad] Business Continuity Management [Ian Clark] Managing stakeholder risk [Dr Lynda Bourne and Patrick Weaver] Ethics in risk management [Giusi Meloni] Cyber risk management [Ben Rendle] Emerging trends Country risk management [Daniel Wagner] Communicating uncertainty [Dr Veronica Bowman]

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15 Risk-based decision making [Dr Keith Smith] 16 Risk leadership in complex organizations [Dr Richard Barber] 17 Resilience [Dr Erica Seville] 18 Organizational change management and risk [Dr Ruth Murray-Webster] 19 Risk culture [Alex Hindson] 20 Social media risk [Dr Greg KerFox] 21 Risk in development aid practice [Magda Stepanyan] Epilogue  The future of risk management [Dr David Hillson]

Cyber Risk Management Prioritize Threats, Identify Vulnerabilities and Apply Controls Edition: 1 Date: 06/28/2019 Price: $52.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749484125 ISBN Ebook: 9780749484132 Pages: 416 Format (mm): 232x157 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Risk Management

This book

guidance on managing common threats to confidentiality, integrity and availability « Provides including malware, data leakage, insider threat and Denial-of-Service examples and use cases including Yahoo, Facebook and TalkTalk, along with « Includes implementation review checklists at the end of each chapter « Explores how to prioritize relevant risks rather than those sensationalized by the media human factors around cyber risk and how they impact employee training and cyber « Covers awareness « Contains interviews with leading security and risk professionals from a variety of industries

Description Most organizations are undergoing a digital transformation of some sort and are looking to embrace innovative technology, but new ways of doing business inevitably lead to new threats which can cause irreparable financial, operational and reputational damage. In an increasingly punitive regulatory climate, organizations are also under pressure to be more accountable and compliant. Cyber Risk Management clearly explains the importance of implementing a cyber security strategy and provides practical guidance for those responsible for managing threat events, vulnerabilities and controls, including malware, data leakage, insider threat and Denial-of-Service. Examples and use cases including Yahoo, Facebook and TalkTalk, add context throughout and emphasize the importance of communicating security and risk effectively, while implementation review checklists bring together key points at the end of each chapter. Cyber Risk Management analyzes the innate human factors around risk and how they affect cyber awareness and employee training, along with the need to assess the risks posed by third parties. Including an introduction to threat modelling, this book presents a data-centric approach to cyber risk management based on business impact assessments, data classification, data flow modelling and assessing return on investment. It covers pressing developments in artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data and cloud mobility, and includes advice on responding to risks which are applicable for the environment and not just based on media sensationalism.

Author Information Christopher J Hodson is Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), EMEA at Tanium. He has 18 years’ experience across the financial, retail, energy and media industry sectors and was previously CISO, EMEA and Data Protection Officer at Zscaler. He holds an MSc in Cyber Security from Royal Holloway and retains an active role in the Infosec industry through directorship of the Institute of Information Security Professionals (IISP) and membership of CompTIA’s Cyber Security Committee.


Business, Risk and Information Management

Table of Contents 1 Contextualizing cybersecurity risk 1 Why now? The only constant is change 2 Technologies and security challenges 3 Data breaches 2 Cybersecurity programme management 4 What are cybersecurity and cybercrime? 5 Establishing a cybersecurity programme 3 Actors, events and vulnerabilities 6 Threat actors 7 Threat events 8 Vulnerabilities 9 Controls 4 Conclusion – The cybersecurity risk equation explained 10 Cyber risk management – A conclusion

Risk Management

Rethinking Reputational Risk How to Manage the Risks that can Ruin Your Business, Your Reputation and You Edition: 1 Date: 01/28/2017 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749477363 ISBN Ebook: 9780749477370 Pages: 336 Format (mm): 235x155 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Risk Management

This book

the underlying behavioural and organizational risks that can leave organisations vulnerable « Explains to what can be catastrophic reputational damage a framework and insights that will help risk managers and boards to focus on and deal « Provides with the fundamental behavioural risks that underlie reputational risks how and why these risks remain hidden for long periods before emerging unexpectedly, « Reveals giving readers the incentive to troubleshoot for their organizations well before trouble emerges a wide variety of real-life case studies - BP, Barclays, AIG, Volkswagen and the NHS - and « Uses examples of organizations that have suffered reputation damage to draw out insights

Description A company’s reputation is one of its most valuable assets, and reputational risk is high on the agenda at board level and amongst regulators. Rethinking Reputational Risk explains the hidden factors which can both cause crises and tip an otherwise survivable crisis into a reputational disaster. Reputations are lost when the perception of an organization is damaged by its behaviour not meeting stakeholder expectations. Rethinking Reputational Risk lays bare the actions, inactions and local ‘states of normality’ that can lead to perception-changing consequences and gives readers the insight to recognize and respond to the risks to their reputations. Using case studies, such as BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Volkswagen’s emissions rigging scandal, Tesco, AIG, EADS Airbus A380, and MidStaffordshire NHS Hospital Trust, and analysis of their failures, this hard-hitting guide also applies lessons drawn from behavioural economics to the behavioural risks that underlie reputation risk. An essential read for risk professionals, business leaders and board members who need to understand and deal with business-critical threats to their reputation, this book presents a new framework that will be invaluable for all involved in safeguarding an organization’s reputation.

Author Information Anthony Fitzsimmons is Chairman of Reputability LLP and an authority and leading thinker on reputational risk and the propensity of behavioural and organizational risks to cause reputational damage. Derek Atkins BSc PhD MIMMM CEng FCIM FCII Chartered Insurer was a visiting Professor at Cass Business School, London, teaching risk management, reputational risk, and insurance, and a partner in Reputability LLP. He was the co-author of a dozen books.


Business, Risk and Information Management

Table of Contents 1 Rethinking 1 Introduction 2 Reputation Basics 3 How Reputations are lost 4 What is Reputational Risk? 5 The hole in Classical Risk Management 6 Stakeholder Behaviour 7 Risks from failing to communicate and learn 8 Character, Culture and Ethos 9 Incentives 10 Complexity 11 Board composition, Skill, Knowledge, Experience and Behaviour 12 Risks from Strategy and Change 13 Incubation and complacency 14 The special role – and Risks – of leaders 2 Case studies 15 BP: Texas City Explosion 16 BP: Deepwater Horizon 17 Tesco PLC 18 American International Group (AIG) 19 EADS Airbus A380 21 Volkswagen 22 Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust (Stafford Hospital) 3 Practicalities

Risk Management

23 The way forward 24 System Basics – Getting to ‘go’ 25 Setting up the Reputational Risk Management System 26 Operating the Reputational Risk Management System

Management and Leadership in the 4th Industrial Revolution Capabilities to Achieve Superior Performance Edition: 1 Date: 11/28/2020 Price: $25.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789666809 ISBN Ebook: 9781789666816 Pages: 280 Format (mm): 235x152 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Strategy

This book

what businesses need to do to thrive in the increasingly uncertain context of the fourth « Explains industrial revolution, and how this can be achieved the importance of establishing long term strategy, despite the turbulence and « Illustrates unpredictability of the markets, and provides tools and techniques to make these decisions the dynamic capabilities firms require to achieve competitively superior performance, with « Outlines examples of good practice and advice on how to strengthen areas of relative weakness a self-assessment questionnaire to assess the dynamic capacity of your organization, which « Includes can be an indicator of future performance on robust research which tracked organizations over five years as well as the author’s « Draws experience as an international business consultant

Description The business world is currently experiencing fundamental disruption, in part driven by the technology enabled Fourth Industrial Revolution. Corporate value is created and lost in breathtakingly short periods, and the rise of ‘unicorns’ against the demise of once-venerated organizations has shown that how firms compete has changed. Management and Leadership in the 4th Industrial Revolution presents a framework for managing and winning in the new accelerated world of business, focusing on the key capabilities organizations now need to achieve competitively superior performance. Building on the ‘dynamic capabilities’ approach already familiar to strategists and based around his own research, Stephen Wyatt shows how executives can assess the dynamic capacity of their organization - a leading indicator of future performance in comparison to their industry peers. Written in an accessible style with best practice examples from companies and quotes from executives to support each insight, this book includes a self-assessment questionnaire to measure the dynamic capacity of your organization and advice on how to strengthen areas of relative weakness. Management and Leadership in the 4th Industrial Revolution offers timely insights on driving innovation and emphasizes the importance of long-term strategy, change management and new models of dynamic leadership.

Author Information Stephen Wyatt is Professor of Strategy and Leadership at the University of Bath. For over 25 years he has been a business consultant focused on developing leaders and enabling organizations to thrive in highly dynamic environments. He is also Affiliate Faculty at Singapore Management University and Industrial Associate at the University of Cambridge, and serves on the boards of the Global Innovation Management Institute and the Management Consulting Institute.


Business, Risk and Information Management

Table of Contents 1 Introduction 1 Competing for tomorrow, today 2 Build dynamic capacity Thrive in 4IR 2 Sense & Make Sense 3 Seize & Replicate 4 Reposition & Reconfigure 3 Drive audacious growth - Be purpose-led 5 Purpose-led, forward-leaning 6 Ambidextrous - ‘Both AND’ mindset 7 Continuous evolution 4 Win the 4IR talent race 8 The race to develop 4IR talent 9 Deploy talent with fluid teaming 10 Human-centred workforce management - Duty of care 5 Dynamic advantage 11 Superior performance in 4IR 6 Summary 12 Boosters and key themes


Strategic Decision Making A Discovery-Led Approach to Critical Choices in Turbulent Times Edition: 1 Date: 01/28/2018 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749472603 ISBN Ebook: 9780749472610 Pages: 256 Format (mm): 234x157 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Strategy

This book

what senior managers can do to make better strategic decisions in a business environment « Explores of uncertainty, ambiguity and confusion how to test, evaluate and refine strategic interventions before cascading throughout the « Shows whole organization « Provides guidance on how to combat decision-making bias and organizational inertia « Features examples from Ryanair, Netflix, HMV, Komatsu, Caterpillar, Ericsonn, Tesco and McDonalds

Description Making strategic decisions is a fundamental skill for leaders and managers. However, in a business environment that is in a constant state of change, making strategic decisions has never been more difficult. Strategic Decision Making addresses this challenge by providing a framework that can be used to make sound decisions in an uncertain world. Structured around the core concepts of framing, experimenting and scaling, this book will ensure that efforts are focused where the need is greatest, that interventions are tested, evaluated and revised if necessary and that successful initiatives are effectively rolled out across the business. Packed with real world examples and backed up by academic research, Strategic Decision Making will allow today’s leaders and the leaders of tomorrow to make successful and defensible business choices. It shows how to: avoid decision-making bias, overcome organizational inertia, manage the difficulties of rigid organizational structures and avoid being side tracked by outdated or irrelevant experience. Essential reading for business practitioners and management students alike, this comprehensive guide provides a robust approach to achieving strategic success.

Author Information Dr Simon Haslam is a Chartered Director, strategy consultant and strategy programme lead at the Institute of Directors. He is a Visiting Fellow at Durham University Business School and co-owns the research and consulting firm FMR Research. He consults internationally to public,private and third sector organisations. Dr Ben Shenoy helps organizations apply behavioural insights to a variety of business issues, through executive education, speaking engagements and applied research. He is a Visiting Professor at The London School of Economics and Director of the Business Insights Lab at the University of Surrey.


Business, Risk and Information Management

Table of Contents

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I‌ntroduction - Why Strategic Decision Making needs to become Discovery-led The World is Changing, but we don’t always see it Organizational Inertia - Why Enterprises find it Difficult to Change Top-down Decisions Middle-Out Decisions Discovery-Led Decision Making Mode I - Framing Mode II - Experimenting Mode III - Scaling Implications for Organisations The Force that is You


Evidence-Based Management How to Use Evidence to Make Better Organizational Decisions Edition: 1 Date: 09/28/2018 Price: $49.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749483746 ISBN Ebook: 9780749483753 Pages: 392 Format (mm): 233x158 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Strategy

This book

« Explains what information qualifies as evidence and how it can drive better organizational decisions how to improve the quality of organizational decisions by using data from multiple sources « Outlines including organizational data, professional expertise, stakeholder values and scientific literature « Shows how to critically analyze and evaluate evidence in order to get the most out of it « Online resources: Lecture slides, case studies, exercises and further reading Description Decisions in businesses and organizations are too often based on fads, fashions and the success stories of famous CEOs. At the same time, traditional models and new cutting-edge solutions often fail to deliver on what they promise. This situation leaves managers, business leaders, consultants and policymakers with a profound challenge: how can we stay away from trends and quick fixes, and instead use valid and reliable evidence to support the organization? In response to this problem, evidence-based management has evolved with the goal of improving the quality of decision-making by using critically evaluated evidence from multiple sources - organizational data, professional expertise, stakeholder values and scientific literature. This book sets out and explains the specific skills needed to gather, understand and use evidence to make better-informed organizational decisions. Evidence-Based Management is a comprehensive guide that provides current and future managers, consultants and organizational leaders with the knowledge and practical skills to improve the quality and outcome of their decision-making. Online resources include case studies, exercises, lecture slides and further reading.

Author Information Eric Barends is Managing Director of the Center for Evidence-Based Management and advises management teams and boards of directors on evidence-based management and decision-making. He is also a visiting lecturer at New York University, Australian National University and VU University Amsterdam. Denise M Rousseau is the H J Heinz II University Professor of Organizational Behavior and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University’s Heinz College and Tepper School of Business. She was formerly the President of the Academy of Management and is an adviser to numerous social enterprises, professional associations, and governmental and for-profit organizations.

Table of Contents 1 2 1 3 4 2 5 6 7 3 8 9 4 10 11


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Evidence-based management: the basic principles (with Rob Briner) ASK: Critical questions about assumed problems and preferred solutions Evidence from practitioners ACQUIRE: Evidence from practitioners APPRAISE: Evidence from practitioners Evidence from the scientific literature A short introduction to science (with Rob Briner) ACQUIRE: Evidence from the scientific literature APPRAISE: Evidence from the scientific literature (with Rob Briner) Evidence from the organization ACQUIRE: Evidence from the organization (with Martin Walker) APPRAISE: Evidence from the organization (with Martin Walker) Evidence from stakeholders ACQUIRE: Evidence from stakeholders APPRAISE: Evidence from stakeholders


12 AGGREGATE: Weighing and pulling together the evidence 13 APPLY: Incorporating the evidence into the decisionmaking process (with Alessandra Capezio) 14 ASSESS: Evaluate the outcome of the decision taken 15 Building the capacity for evidence-based management 16 Guidelines for critically appraised topics

The New Strategist Edition: 1 Date: 02/28/2020 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789661125 ISBN Ebook: 9781789661132 Pages: 336 Format (mm): 230x155 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Strategy

This book

how the role of strategist should adapt to face new challenges and drive the corporate « Explores agenda on original research from the prestigious Institute of Management and Strategy, University « Isof based St. Gallen on the day-to-day practice of strategy and the practical implications of current challenges « Focuses rather than the theory « Looks at various strategic roles, including managers, strategy consultants and Chief Strategy Officers « Allows strategists to reflect on and legitimate their own role

Description As organizations face an unprecedented rate of change, how should the role of the strategist adapt to address new challenges? Based on original research and consulting projects from the Institute of Management and Strategy, University of St. Gallen, The New Strategist is a practical guide which explains how to execute strategy, not just think about the theory. It examines day-to-day strategy work, explores the competences required by strategic leaders, and maps out the strategist’s tools of the trade, including processes, initiatives and discourse. Using a rich and unique data set, this book looks at the roles of different strategists in an organization and emphasizes the importance of managers and strategy consultants as well as Chief Strategy Officers and other leaders. Crucially, The New Strategist focuses on the practice of strategy rather than the theory, answering key questions around how professional strategists should work and which methods and techniques they should draw upon. This timely and authoritative text will support and strengthen managers in fulfilling their strategic leadership responsibilities, allowing them to contribute to the professionalization of the field and ensure their role is suitable for the future of business.

Author Information Prof. em. Dr. Günter Müller-Stewens is Professor Emeritus of Management (previously Executive Director) at the Institute of Management and Strategy at the University of St. Gallen. He is a member of multiple boards of international organizations, works as a consultant and trainer for a variety of companies, and is the recipient of several international awards. He researches and teaches on matters of strategic management and has co-authored nearly 400 publications, including Radical Business Model Transformation and The Management of Luxury (both published by Kogan Page).


Business, Risk and Information Management

Table of Contents 1 Professionalizing strategists 2 The executive as strategist 3 Chief strategy officer 4 Strategists at headquarters 5 Strategists’ competencies 6 A strategist’s tools 7 Looking ahead 8 Appendices 9 References 10 Index


Radical Business Model Transformation How Leading Organizations Have Successfully Adapted to Disruption Edition: 2 Date: 10/28/2020 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789661965 ISBN Ebook: 9781789661972 Pages: 368 Format (mm): 230x150 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Strategy

Author Information Carsten Linz is leading organizations to transform for the digital-intelligent age. During his 20 years in executive roles focused on software and data fueled growth, he has built several €100 million businesses and led company-wide transformation programs. His most recent roles include Group Digital Officer at BASF, Business Development Officer at SAP, and Global Head of the Center for Digital Leadership. He holds senior advisory roles, e.g. for the World Economic Forum’s ‘Digital Platforms and Ecosystems’ project, serves on the committee of Europe’s largest seed stage fund, and teaches in Executive programs at leading business schools. His blog is carstenlinz.com Günter Müller-Stewens is Professor Emeritus of the Institute of Management and Strategy at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. His most recent main research interest is corporate strategy, as well as the competencies and contributions of strategists in organizations. Alexander Zimmermann is Chaired Professor of Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management and Executive Director of the MBA in Technology and Innovation at the University of Liechtenstein. As well as teaching he acts as a moderator and coach to assist companies’ strategic and organizational transformation processes.


Business, Risk and Information Management

This book

business model transformation as a leadership challenge providing actionable tools and « Addresses guidance for companies « Provides insights into organizations that have made radical shifts including SAP, Netflix and Daimler to this edition: updated case studies with a global focus, new literature to keep up-to-date « New with the academic discourse and new chapters on areas such as Digital Transformation

Description How can organizations complete a major business model transformation and how can leaders successfully guide their business through this radical shift? As markets are constantly transformed by new technologies and disruptor competitors, once successful business models designed to function in a different time now struggle as the mainstream changes. This book is the guide for organizations looking to turn downward trends into upward momentum and gain an edge on the competition. Now in its second edition, this book offers practical advice on how to understand the fit of an existing business model and reconstruct it with a forward-thinking approach. New illustrative case studies of global organizations which have boldly transformed offer examples for change, including SAP, Netflix and Daimler. Business transformation is presented as a leadership challenge and methods to realize and implement opportunities for innovation company-wide are discussed in detail. Radical Business Model Transformation is essential reading for business leaders, transformation experts and MBA students interested in ensuring that their business model is future-proof and can withstand the new proliferation of innovations set to transform the business landscape.

Table of Contents 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 3 6 7 8 4 9

‌ bout the authors A Why business models need to radically shift How business model transformation became mainstream Working with the Business Transformation Board Navigating the business model transformation journey Drivers of business model transformation How to assess your current and target business model How to lead a radical shift of your business model Learning from successful transformational organizations Case studies of companies radically shifting the level of inclusiveness Case studies of companies radically shifting the level of customization Case studies of companies that sequence multiple radical shifts How to move forward Mastering the transformational leadership challenge


10 Designing your business model transformation path 11 Index

Decision Making and Problem Solving Break Through Barriers and Banish Uncertainty at Work Edition: 4 Date: 07/28/2019 Price: $12.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749492809 ISBN Ebook: 9780749492939 Pages: 120 Format (mm): 214x138 Product Category: General Subject: Strategy

This book

tried and trusted methods to evaluate your own decision-making processes and facilitates « Provides the implementation of decisions by the leadership guru and best-selling author John Adair, with over 500,000 books sold « Isandwritten translations into 25 languages part of the bestselling Creating Success series, which has sold over 1,000,000 copies and contains « Ispractical advice on essential and value-adding work skills to help you develop your career to this edition: New and improved practical features to aid learning, including useful « New templates, top tips, and interactive, reflective exercises

Description In Decision Making and Problem Solving, leadership guru John Adair provides the techniques and insights you need to find solutions, spark creativity and confidently make the right decisions. Fully updated for 2019, this 4th edition now features even more practical exercises, useful templates, and top tips to provide a clear framework that can generate ideas and inspire confidence in your team - so you can spot the solution in every problem, and create ideas to rival even the best strategists. The Creating Success series of books... Unlock vital skills, power up your performance and get ahead with the bestselling Creating Success series. Written by experts for new and aspiring managers and leaders, this million-selling collection of accessible and empowering guides will get you up to speed in no time. Packed with clever thinking, smart advice and the kind of winning techniques that really get results, you’ll make fast progress, quickly reach your goals and create lasting success in your career.

Author Information John Adair is acknowledged internationally as an authority on leadership. The world’s first Professor of Leadership Studies, he advises organizations and has received the Lifetime Achievement in Leadership Award. He continues to write and teach throughout the world, inspiring new audiences with his timeless and timely vision of leadership. He is the author of the best-selling classics Not Bosses But Leaders, The John Adair Lexicon of Leadership and The Inspirational Leader, all published by Kogan Page.


Business, Risk and Information Management

Table of Contents ‌Introduction 1 Your mind at work 2 The art of effective decision making 3 Sharing decisions with others 4 Key problem-solving strategies 5 How to generate ideas 6 Thinking outside the box 7 Developing your thinking skills


The Business Models Handbook Edition: 1 Date: 01/28/2019 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749481872 ISBN Ebook: 9780749481889 Pages: 336 Format (mm): 235x160 Product Category: Professional Subject: Strategy

This book

well-known and respected business models in their purest form, ensuring readers can trust « Presents them to dependably solve business challenges in any context and avoid the unreliable, re-purposed versions so often found online

a clear explanation of every model’s history, along with relevant theory, business « Provides application and real-world case studies readers add structure and clarity to business problems, and gives them templates they can « Helps apply to overcome their own professional challenges together 50 of the most valuable business models into one reliable resource, including AIDA, « Brings Branding Pentagram, Disruptive Innovation Model, Gap Analysis, Porter’s Five Forces, SWOT and many more Online Resources: lecture slides to support each chapter


Description Business frameworks sit at the heart of every successful business. They add structure and clarity to business problems and can help practitioners overcome the everyday challenges they face. The Business Models Handbook brings together the most helpful and widely used templates and frameworks into a single, invaluable resource. Each chapter focuses on an individual business framework, giving an overview of 50 of the best known frameworks and how it will help an organization grow and be profitable. Each supported by a real-world case study, these include ANSOFF matrix, Price-Quality-Strategy model, Stage-Gate model, Service Profit Chain and many more. Authored by a leading global market researcher with a background working on over 3,000 different research projects, The Business Models Handbook is an invaluable resource for any student or professional. Online resources include lecture slides that align with each chapter.

Author Information Paul Hague is the Founder of B2B International Ltd, a global market research company. He is fellow of the Market Research Society and the author of ten books, sharing 30 years of practical experience in market research and marketing. He is a visiting fellow at Manchester Metropolitan University and a guest lecturer at Manchester Business School. His books have been translated into Italian, Indonesian, Bulgarian, Polish, Portuguese and Chinese.

Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11


Business, Risk and Information Management

Introduction – An overview of business and marketing models The 4Ps – How to design your marketing mix ADL matrix – Strengthening a product portfolio or strategic business units AIDA – A business model for improving marketing communications Ansoff matrix – How to grow your company Benchmarking – Setting targets for business and marketing KPIs Blue ocean strategy – Kickstarting innovation and new product development Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix – Planning a product portfolio or multiple strategic business units Brand audit – Improving the strength of a brand Competitive intelligence – Assessing market strengths and weaknesses Conjoint analysis – Assessing optimum pricing and the value of component parts


12 Customer journey maps – Assessing the current performance of marketing and sales processes 13 Customer lifetime value – Estimating customer spend over their lifetime with the company 14 Customer value proposition – Creating a compelling purchase motive 15 Diffusion of innovation – Launching new products and services 16 Directional policy matrix – How to prioritize segments or new ideas 17 Disruptive innovation model – Identifying unique ways of beating the competition 18 Edward de Bono’s six thinking hats – Brainstorming problems and generating new ideas 19 EFQM excellence model – Improving an organization’s quality and performance 20 Four corners – Analysing competitor strategies 21 Gap analysis – Improving areas of weakness in a company

22 Greiner’s growth model – Recognition and transition through different phases of company growth 23 Kano model – Identifying purchase motivations 24 Kotler’s five product levels – Adding value to a product or service 25 Market sizing – Assessing the size and value of a served or potential market 26 Maslow’s hierarchy – Differentiating market positioning 27 McKinsey 7S – A company ‘health check’ audit tool 28 Mintzberg’s 5Ps for strategy – Devising a competitive strategy 29 MOSAIC – Setting objectives for current and potential opportunities and how to reach them 30 Net Promoter Score® – A tool for driving customer excellence 31 New product pricing (Gabor– Granger and van Westendorp) – Pricing new products 32 Personas – Improving the focus of marketing messages Click to expand

Business Experimentation A Practical Guide for Accelerating Innovation and Performance in Your Business Edition: 1 Date: 09/28/2021 Price: $32.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781398601673 ISBN Ebook: 9781398601680 Pages: 256 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Innovation & Creativity

This book

how carrying out experiments can introduce and reinforce the competences that support « Explains an innovative and agile organization case studies and examples of successful experiments concerning problem solving, « Includes performance improvement and strategic innovation downloadable templates, worksheets and activities to accompany each stage of the « Contains experimentation process how experimentation can be used to change behaviours as well as systems and processes, « Explores with evidence from the authors’ work with leading organizations the pressing need for organizations to re-assess their priorities and business direction in « Outlines today’s fast-changing climate

Description Business experimentation can not only create measurable value for organizations, it can provide the inspiration to break with the habits of the past by dealing with challenges and exploiting opportunities. This book is a step-by-step, practical guide to the six-stage business experiment process, from understanding the problem or opportunity to creating a hypothesis, planning the experiment and analysing the findings. It explores the top design criteria for successful and impactful business experiments and includes valuable case studies covering problem solving, performance improvement and strategic innovation. To support the process, Business Experimentation also includes downloadable, editable templates, worksheets and activities for use in ideation and planning sessions. This business experiment methodology can be used to support a one-off initiative or to underpin desired behaviours as part of a wider organizational change programme, as experimentation encourages people to be bold, take risks and seek new ways of doing things. Based on programmes the authors have run with a variety of leading organizations and with astonishing results, this practical guide provides businesses with the confidence to get started with experimentation and the tools to succeed.

Author Information Dr Jules Goddard is the leading proponent and practitioner of action learning programmes at London Business School, UK. He was the first person to be appointed The Mercers’ School Memorial Professor of Commerce chair and now serves on the Academic Council of the European Centre for Executive Development (CEDEP) at INSEAD. Rob James is founder and managing partner of TJP, a consultancy focusing on leadership and executive development, based in London, UK. As Programme Director at London Business School, he has designed, delivered and contributed content and instruction guides to experiment-focused executive programmes since 2008.


Business, Risk and Information Management

Table of Contents 1

Introduction to experimentation in business 2 What we really mean by ‘experiments’ 3 Ten principles of successful business experiments 4 A ‘typology’ of experiments 5 The benefits of experimentation – And what inhibits managers from using it 6 An overview of the experiment process 7 Identify 8 Discovery 9 Ideation 10 Define 11 Experiment 12 Evaluation

Innovation & Creativity

Employability, Careers and Entrepreneurship Innovation and Best Practice in Business Planning Entrepreneurship Innovation & Creativity Study Skills Careers Information Job Seeking Testing Workplace Skills



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How to Be an Even Better Manager

The Business Plan Workbook Edition: 10 Date: 02/28/2021 Price: $25.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789667370 ISBN Ebook: 9781789667387 Pages: 320 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Entrepreneurship

This book

readers to research and complete a winning business plan by highlighting 24 separate « Enables areas of development with corresponding assignments based on teaching methodology which was developed at one of the UK’s best business schools, « IsCranfield School of Management Contains close to 70 case studies of business planning that are behind a myriad of business « ventures that include Richer Sounds, Eat 17, The Northern Dough Company, Catalan and Secret Escapes New to this edition: Has been streamlined to ensure readers spend time where it matters and also includes updated information resources, new case studies and updated financial projection assignments Online Resources: Includes slide deck for lecturers and downloadable templates

« «

Description Lay down the foundations of a successful business venture through a thoroughly researched and competitive business plan. Based on tried and tested business methodology used at the leading business school, Cranfield School of Management, this 10th edition of The Business Plan Workbook guides you through all the necessary steps to constructing a winning business plan. This is a practical run-through of 24 key areas of development of strategic planning. It will allow you to think of these areas in isolation through the use of assignments that ensure you have stress-tested your business proposition. This guide covers how to - Come up with a winning business idea - Complete market and competitive research - Set up a winning marketing strategy - Forecast watertight financials and projections - Define realistic operations and staffing - Deliver an unforgettable pitch to potential backers and investors This new and fully updated edition includes 67 business case studies that show you how successful entrepreneurs have dealt with strategic planning in the past. The content has been streamlined to focus on the most critical parts of business planning, ensuring you spend time where it matters and stay competitive. With new information resources and financial planning consideration, this is an invaluable guide for entrepreneurs, business executives and students.

Author Information Colin Barrow has lectured in business schools in the UK, the USA, Australia, the Far East and throughout Europe. A former visiting fellow at Cranfield School of Management, he is the author of the 30 Day MBA series, Financial Management for the Small Business and Starting a Business from Home (all published by Kogan Page). Paul Barrow is a visiting fellow at Cranfield and also a consultant advising SMEs on growth strategies. Robert Brown is a visiting fellow at Cranfield and directed the Graduate Enterprise Programme there, where he led a course on entrepreneurship.


Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

Table of Contents 1 1

Strategy and Purpose Coming up with a winning idea for your business plan 2 Strategy – the big picture 3 You and your team 2 Market Research 4 Researching customers 5 Researching competitors 6 A plan for market research 3 Competitive marketing strategy 7 Products and/or services 8 Pricing 9 Advertising and promotion 10 Place and distribution 11 People, process and physical environment 12 Competing online 4 Operations and staffing 13 The selling methods plan 14 Making, outsourcing and supplies 15 Legal and regulatory factors 5 Reviewing financial requirements and options 16 The sales forecast 17 Cash-flow projections 18 The profit and loss account 19 The balance sheets 20 Break-even analysis 21 Estimating financing requirements 6 Business control


22 Financial controls 23 Sales and marketing controls 7 Writing up and presenting your business plan 24 Writing up and presenting your business plan

Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation International Case Studies and Practice Edition: 1 Date: /03/28/2016 Price: $34.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749475918 ISBN Ebook: 9780749475925 Pages: 304 Format (mm): 238x168 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Entrepreneurship

This book

innovative solutions to social problems through case studies from Africa, India, the « Showcases United States and Europe out the lessons learned by each innovator, enabling the reader to learn from their successes « Draws and mistakes the gap between business and social entrepreneurship by exploring new business models « Bridges to support social innovation inspiration and practical guidance for social entrepreneurs and those studying social « Provides entrepreneurship

Description Social innovation and social entrepreneurship look for creative and affordable solutions to specific societal problems. Fuelled by the spread of the internet and the ubiquity of mobile phones, there are more people working to solve pressing social and environmental problems in the world today than ever before. Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation presents the journeys of pioneering - and often accidental - social innovators who, faced with a problem, used their courage, tenacity and creative thinking to find a solution. Using their own words to reflect upon their experiences, these cases do not gloss over the setbacks and the dead-ends social entrepreneurs can face. Instead, readers will gain a realistic insight into the challenges and an engaging look at the problem-solving mindset needed to overcome them. From a life-saving project to bring solar-powered lighting to midwives in Nigeria, to a news dissemination service that’s grown from small beginnings to have a global impact, each case study draws out the lessons learnt by the innovators, providing guidance and advice for those looking to follow in their footsteps. Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation is an invaluable resource for social entrepreneurs and innovators looking for new ideas and insight into what really works - and what doesn’t.

Author Information Ken Banks, founder of global non-profit organization kiwanja.net, devotes himself to the application of mobile technology for positive social and environmental change in the developing world. He is a PopTech Fellow, a Tech Awards Laureate, an Ashoka Fellow and a National Geographic Emerging Explorer. He was appointed Entrepreneur in Residence at CARE International in 2015, elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in 2012, and in 2013 he was nominated for the prestigious TED Prize.

Table of Contents 1








Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

I‌ntroduction [Ken Banks of kiwanja.net] Wonders of the Solar System: Reducing Maternal Mortality in Developing Regions [Laura Stachel of We Care Solar] Closing Latin America’s Digital Divide [Rodrigo Baggio of Centre for Digital Inclusion (CDI)] Patent Wars: Fighting Big Pharma to Enable Access to Drugs for All [Priti Radhakrishnan of I-MAK] Data Science, Technology and Design for Social Justice [Jessica Anderson and Joumana al Jabri of Visualizing Impact] Bringing the Silicon Valley Revolution in Technology and Business to Global Healt [ Joel Selanikio of Magpi] Food Waste Meets Food Poverty: Closing the Loop [Kelvin Cheung and Michael Norton of Foodcycle] Innovation in Africa’s Silicon Savannah [Erik Hersman of Ushahidi]


8 Touch-Based Treatment for Autism [Louisa Silva of Qigong Sensory Training Institute (QSTI)] 9 Reconnecting the Disconnected: A Story of Technology, Refugees and Finding Lost Family [David and Christopher Mikkelsen of Refugees United] 10 Let a Billion Readers Bloom [Brij Kothari of Planet Read] 11 Keep Calm and Dream in Tunisia: Supporting Sustainable Development in Tunisia and North Africa Through Empowering Youth, Women and Farmers [Sarah Toumi of Dream in Tunisia] 12 The Reluctant Geneticist [Sharon Terry of Genetic Alliance] 13 Power to the People: Reengineering Democracy [Tarik Nesh Nash of Govright]

The Return to Study Handbook Edition: 1 Date: 09/28/2019 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749496906 ISBN Ebook: 9780749496913 Pages: 240 Format (mm): 235x156 Product Category: General Subject: Study Skills

This book

a one-stop, comprehensive guide for candidates on professional qualifications, mature students, « Isdistance or part-time learners, adults returning to study, and other non-traditional students, providing the full range of mental and practical skills you need to succeed

help you effectively manage your learning alongside the diverse and often conflicting priorities « Will of adult life, including full-time work or family responsibilities recommended technology tools, practical exercises, useful templates and inspirational and « Features aspirational case studies from a range of non-traditional, real-life students and graduates

Description Have you learned how to learn? Written especially for professional or distance learners, part-time or mature students, and formal CPD qualification candidates, The Return to Study Handbook will teach you how to study effectively, ace your ongoing education, and get the grades you need to advance in your career. Whether you need to balance your learning with full or part-time work, or overcome the ‘mindset gremlins’ stemming from a negative school experience, this book will empower you to effectively manage your own learning and provide you with the full range of mental and practical skills you need to succeed. Packed with practical tools, tips, exercises, case studies and strategies, plus the author’s own inspirational story, The Return to Study Handbook not only covers the study skills necessary for any student to be successful - such as effective note-taking; exam technique; and essay writing - but it specifically addresses relevant topics for non-traditional students. With advice on recommended technology aids; handling procrastination and distractions; dealing with overwhelm and avoiding burnout; managing distance learning; and overcoming the mental and emotional barriers of past experiences, this book will guide you through everything you need to achieve the grades and career you want.

Author Information Chloe Burroughs is a Graduate Ambassador for the Open University. Study coach, blogger, entrepreneur, and contributing writer for We Are The City; she specializes in using her own experience as a full-time professional and part-time distance learner, to help people overcome barriers to learning and achieve the grades they need to advance in their careers.


Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

Table of Contents ‌Introduction Getting ready for further study 1 Independent learning 2 Embrace your nontraditionalism as a student 3 How to prepare for higher education 4 Goal setting 2 Mindset and motivation 5 Mindset 6 Motivation 3 Organization and productivity 7 Organization 8 Productivity 9 The dark side of productivity 4 Classes, note taking and assignment skills 10 Classes 11 Note taking 12 Essay writing 5 Exam preparation 13 Exam revision 14 Exam performance 6 Personal development 15 Continuous improvement 1

Study Skills

Good Work How to Build a Career that Makes a Difference in the World Edition: 1 Date: 02/28/2021 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789665727 ISBN Ebook: 9781789665734 Pages: 256 Format (mm): 216x138 Product Category: General Subject: Career Development

This book

you through a clear step-by-step structure to help you get - and succeed in - a job that will « Guides have a positive impact on the world packed with practical tools, useful worksheets and helpful tips, to help you apply the advice to « Isyour own life and career path; from working out your own values and strengths, to figuring out how they fit in with what the world needs Features case studies from leaders in the sector, including a Director of Corporate Responsibility and a Chief Sustainability Officer


Description Do you want to have a positive impact on the world? Do you want have a successful career that makes a difference? In short... do you want to do Good Work? Let this step-by-step guide show you how. Packed with useful tools and exercises, this step-by-step guide will help you figure out your passion and purpose, and how to effectively harness it to make real and positive change - on the world, and on your career. Whether you want to battle climate change, promote diversity and inclusion, work in sustainability - or if you’re not sure, but just want to leave things a little better at the end of every work day - let this book support you in turning that passion into action. Written by corporate responsibility consultant and certified coach Shannon Houde, this book is part career guide and part job search help - and all purpose-driven. From understanding what the ‘purpose economy’ is and how you fit into it, to what jobs to go for and how to land them, Good Work is the helping hand you need to make a career out of changing the world.

Author Information Shannon Houde is the Founder and Managing Director of Walk of Life Coaching, an international career advisory consultancy focused on sustainable business, environmental, impact investing, international development and corporate responsibility. A speaker, consultant and certified coach, she works with clients around the world, across brands ranging from Google and Deutsche Bank to Virgin Airlines and the UN Foundation. Originally from Maryland, US, she has lived and worked in Washington DC, Chile, San Francisco, Phoenix, Sicily, Geneva and London, to name a few, and is now based in Cambridge, UK.

Table of Contents 1 1 2 2 3 4

5 3 6

7 8



Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

I‌ntroduction – making a difference The market landscape Lay of the land – what is an impact career anyway? The change makers – who do I want to be when I grow up? Aim your compass Narrowing the net – how do I figure out where I fit into the sustainability market? The two-way street of valuesbased organizations – how do I match my values & traits to theirs? Change your course – How do I gain experience in the impact space and fill my gaps? Map your story Be in their shoes – how do I know what the hiring manager really wants when I don’t know the lingo? Prove your skills – how do my skills translate for a missiondriven role? Wow them on paper – what are the best bits of my story that make me unique for the circular economy? Write a love letter using KISS – tell a compelling, missiondriven story

Career Development

4 Step into the market 10 Tell me so I’ll listen – how do I convert my unique story into a thought leader’s bio? 11 Sustainability jobs are all about partnering – how can I show I’m someone worth collaborating with on LinkedIn? 12 Recruiters are not your friends – where do I find the best impact roles? 13 Networking Sherpa – how can I walk the talk of collaboration and make new friends for a win-win? 14 Now in person at the interview – how do I show them in person that I’m the one they want for the job? 15 Conclusion

The Successful Career Toolkit Edition: 1 Date: 05/28/2019 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749484774 ISBN Ebook: 9780749484781 Pages: 232 Format (mm): 230x155 Product Category: General Subject: Career Development

This book

quick-reference support for a huge range of essential business skills - including self« Provides management, process management and people management - making it a valuable tool be referred to again and again throughout your career, from new jobs to senior management

quick access to tools and techniques to help you make considered decisions when faced with « Offers a challenge at work, including self-assessment questions, useful templates and interactive exercises you to feel confident in any work situation, using tried-and-tested coaching techniques « Empowers to give you the tools you need

Description As you progress in your career, you will face new challenges. From managing yourself, to managing processes, projects and people, what works for one situation may not work for another and you’ll need to be able to develop and apply what you know in a different way. The Successful Career Toolkit is a helpful survival guide to keep on hand no matter where your career takes you. With focused, skillbased topics in three broad areas - managing yourself, managing tools and processes, and managing others - this book uses tried-and-trusted coaching techniques to help you face any imaginable workplace challenge, from asking for a raise or managing a difficult conversation, to improving your presentation skills or giving constructive feedback to an employee. Written by experienced senior business leader, coach, and mentor Patrick Barr, this book does what it says on the tin - providing concise and empowering guidance on a range of essential business skills. With practical, interactive exercises throughout, The Successful Career Toolkit is a vital resource you will return to again and again as you progress in your chosen career.

Author Information Patrick Barr has over 20 years international leadership experience, having held senior roles in Ireland, the UK and the USA in the airline, FMCG and IT industry sectors. Owner and Managing Partner of Barr Performance Coaching, he is passionate about leadership development and performance management. He is a member of the Enterprise Ireland Mentor Panel and The European Mentoring and Coaching Council.


Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

Table of Contents 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Managing self Communication skills My curriculum vitae Career planning Induction (as an employee) Building good relationships Why mindset matters Personal work–life balance Managing stress Dealing with disappointing news at work 10 Resilience 11 Managing your personal brand 12 Effective networking 13 Leadership 2 Managing others 14 How to disagree 15 How to handle a difficult boss or peer 16 Leading teams 17 Supporting a team’s work–life balance 18 Performance discussions (as a manager) 19 Impact and influence 20 Challenging the status quo 21 Building a culture of innovation 22 Bringing about behavioural change 23 Overcoming resistance 3 Managing the task

Career Development

24 How to interview (as a candidate) 25 Performance discussions (as an employee) 26 One-to-one meetings with your boss 27 How to ask for a pay rise 28 Negotiation skills 29 How to handle an unethical request 30 How to resign 31 How to interview (as the hiring manager) 32 New employee induction 33 Succession planning

Make Your Own Map Career Success Strategy for Women Edition: 1 Date: 02/28/2021 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789668360 ISBN Ebook: 9781789668377 Pages: 248 Format (mm): 216x138 Product Category: General Subject: Career Development

This book

tried-and-tested strategic planning tools and practical exercises, borrowed from successful « Provides business practice, to apply to individual career paths written specifically for women, to account for and answer the particular challenges and « Isdifficulties that many women face in the workplace and with career planning Is based on material from the Oxford University’s first leadership programme for women, the « Women Transforming Leadership course from Saïd Business School

Description There’s no such thing as a pre-set path to career success. Following the footsteps of others can only get you so far - and for women, there are often additional obstacles. But what if you could design your own path to your career goals? What if you could Make Your Own Map? Based on material from the popular Women Transforming Leadership course from Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, Make Your Own Map will help you develop a resilient and aspirational strategy for your career - whatever your starting point. Effective methods of strategic planning have been tried and tested in the corporate business world, and this book shows you how to repurpose those methods for yourself, even if you’re not in the corporate world. Packed with strategic tools and practical exercises, this book will help you: -Assess and define your career goals -Make a plan -Implement your plan to find the work that fits your needs, your skills, and your direction. With your best career as the goal, this book will help you forge your own path and Make Your Own Map.

Author Information Kathryn Bishop is an Associate Fellow at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, where she has taught strategy development to organizations and individuals for over 20 years. She is the Programme Director for Women Transforming Leadership - Oxford University’s first leadership programme for women - and has worked with women from all over the world as they make their career and development plans. Her background includes IT and HR and she has worked as a line director and manager, a project manager, a consultant and as a non-executive director in both the private and public sectors.

Table of Contents

1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 3 7 8 9 10


Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

I‌ntroduction – What’s this book for and how do you use it? Examining the past and present to plan for the future How did you get here? – Your journey map What’s working well right now? – Your personal dashboard Envisaging your future – Four different approaches What work matters most to you? – The ikigai model What purpose do you serve? – The story of you How might you organise your working life? – Your life architecture What’s worth developing? – The strengths model Making strategy real How do you plan for change realistically? How do you turn your new strategy into action? – Planning and experimenting Where do you start? – Implementation tactics Final words – Getting underway

Career Development

Career Fear (and how to beat it) Get the Perspective, Mindset and Skills You Need to Futureproof your Work Life Edition: 1 Date: 08/28/2020 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789664621 ISBN Ebook: 9781789664638 Pages: 208 Format (mm): 217x139 Product Category: General Subject: Career Development

Author Information Somi Arian is a tech philosopher, international speaker, entrepreneur, awardwinning filmmaker and LinkedIn Top Voice among UK influencers. Her work focuses on the impact of technology on society at large, the future of work and digital marketing. She has given talks to industry leaders from organizations as diverse as the BBC, The Economist, Marie Claire, The Guardian, Amazon, HSBC, Virgin Atlantic and American Express. Her 2018 documentary The Millennial Disruption has been nominated for a dozen international film festival awards, winning the Worldfest Houston Silver Remi - Best Documentary Short Film (2019) and Idyllwild International Festival - Best Directory Documentary (2019).


Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

This book

a topic that feels overwhelming and abstract, and breaks it down into clear, practical steps « Takes that will reassure and help you take control of your career you through the process of understanding the career landscape of the past, present and « Guides future, and your unique place in it inspiring case studies, clear and practical examples, and tools such as decision-making « Features techniques to help you apply the theory to your own career path

Description What’s going on with the world of work? Will my job exist in five years’ time? What’s ‘disruption’ all about, and what does it mean for me? Jobs don’t look like they used to. In this age of innovation, staying in control of your work life can feel overwhelmingly challenging. So what does it take to have - and be in control of - a successful and fulfilling career? Career Fear (and how to beat it) will help you answer this question for yourself. In this practical and reassuring book, you’ll explore the perspective, mindset and uniquely human skills you need for a resilient and thriving career - without the fear. From understanding how the world of work is changing, to self-reflection and developing your critical thinking; author Somi Arian guides you through everything you need to be ready for an exciting and varied journey through life and work. Packed with clear, useful examples and inspiring case studies, Career Fear (and how to beat it) helps you beat that career fear and prepare to succeed - no matter where your career takes you.

Table of Contents ‌Introduction 1 PERSPECTIVE 1 A history of work 2 The modern career landscape 3 The future of work - AI and humanity 4 The future of work - Time, transition and machines 2 MINDSET 5 Knowing yourself 6 Your place in the world 3 (HUMAN) SKILLS 7 Emotional intelligence 8 Critical thinking 9 Contextual creativity 10 Mindfulness 11 Bringing it all together 12 Index

Career Development

The A-Z of Careers and Jobs Edition: 26 Date: 10/28/2020 Price: $25.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789664584 ISBN Ebook: 9781789664591 Pages: 384 Format (mm): 235x157 Product Category: General Subject: Specific Careers

This book

updated content for 2020, including new careers in the digital space such as Analyst and « Fully Influencer jobseekers with crucial and concise information: what qualifications are required, what « Provides does the job entail, what are the starting salaries and what are the opportunities in the industry as an easy-to-read and non-intimidating guide that is perfect for young people « Functions considering their career options « Covers over 300 different career paths available today careers advisers a one-stop reference guide to a huge range of career options, allowing them « Gives to easily direct students to the choices that best suit their ambitions and capabilities

Description From accountant to zoologist, this new edition of The A-Z of Careers and Jobs is your one-stop shop for insightful guidance on more than 300 different career areas in the UK. This book is designed to help identify what personal strengths fit to what kinds of work, what skills you should highlight on a CV and what you need to know about each job. This book is a quick and informative way to find out about what jobs and careers are out there, from traditional roles to new opportunities in the digital world. For those looking for their first job after school or university, or for anyone considering a change of career, this book provides reliable and upto-date advice on a wide range of professions to help you choose the right path for you. The A-Z of Careers and Jobs covers the practical issues you need to understand, such as the extent of job opportunities in each industry, what personal skills are needed, what experience is required, entry qualifications, training, as well as typical earnings and starting salaries. In an ever more competitive and changing job market, information will help maximize your chances of success. This handy and informative reference guide is also a valuable resource for careers advisers working in schools, colleges and universities who need to keep track of new developments - such as new roles and routes of entry, professional associations and exams - to offer the very best guidance to today’s job hunters.


Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

Specific Careers

Success After Service How to Take Control of Your Job Search and Career After Military Duty Edition: 1 Date: 10/28/2020 Price: $25.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789665932 ISBN Ebook: 9781789665949 Pages: 264 Format (mm): 235x157 Product Category: Professional Subject: Specific Careers

This book

a detailed checklist of career-related tasks, such as drafting a résumé, finding a mentor and « Includes accessing internships, to complete prior to transition insights and information from corporate hiring managers and recruiters regarding the skills « Offers gaps and culture differences veterans should address when applying practical resources for the US Department of Labor’s Transition Goal Plan Success (GPS) « Provides Program by an accredited expert in the civilian space on personal branding and military transition, « Written whose extensive experience in helping service members build civilian careers comes in motivational yet practical tips

Description Figuring out your next move after transitioning out of the military should start before your last day. Prepare yourself emotionally and professionally to put those hard-earned skills in context of the civilian world. The transition from military to civilian life is more than just a title change; it is a whole new life experience with the sense of excitement and possibility that accompany a transition. Whether you’re preparing to retire or separate, Success After Service is written to help all veterans succeed in the civilian workplace. Success After Service provides the tools, resources and strategies to help you adapt to the civilian workplace and evaluate post-military career options. Whether you become an entrepreneur, move into the corporate world or pursue higher education, you will learn how to develop a portfolio of career assets, including your résumé, elevator pitch, online profiles, interview acumen and professional network, empowering you to begin your new career with confidence and clarity. Success After Service is the perfect guide for transitioning military and veterans who seek a coherent set of strategies, resources and steps for building a meaningful, deliberate and rewarding post-military career.

Author Information Lida Citroën specializes in personal branding and reputation management online and in-person for a target audience, and is based in Englewood, CO. She volunteers to help transitioning military service members build their civilian careers by teaching personal branding and online reputation management in the TAP program at the United States Air Force Academy. She also consults with private Fortune 100 companies who are looking to hire and increase the number of veteran employees. She is the author of two veteranfocused books: Your Next Mission (2014) and Engaging with Veteran Talent (2017).

Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

‌Introduction Fundamentals of Career Readiness What to Do Before You Separate/Retire Evaluating the Path Forward – Employment, Education, or Entrepreneurship Building Your Personal Brand Career-Ready Tools to Gather – Resume and Cover Letter Getting Yourself Out There – Crafting Your Narrative and Networking in Person Getting Yourself Out There – Networking Online Finding Mentors, Apprenticeships, and Internships Researching, Applying, and Interviewing for a Job Choosing and Beginning Your Career, Education, and Business Venture Growing Your Career in the First Three Years Growing Your Career and Knowing When to Move On

Specific Careers

Ultimate Cover Letters Master the Art of Writing the Perfect Cover Letter to Boost Your Employability Edition: 5 Date: 08/28/2018 Price: $ ISBN Paperback: 9780749481667 ISBN Ebook: 9780749481674 Pages: 280 Format (mm): 235x160 Product Category: General Subject: Job Seeking

This book

sample cover letters, from a wide selection of industries, that the reader can adapt for « Includes their own use an indispensable list of useful key phrases that can help you create a compelling cover « Contains letter and write fluidly you through the entire cover letter process, from drafting, writing and sending it, to writing « Guides follow up emails, networking emails and emails following either acceptance or rejection « Is written by internationally best-selling author and job seeking expert, Martin John Yate of the successful Ultimate series, containing practical advice on essential job search skills « Isandpartoffering the best chance at getting the job you want

Description Does your cover letter have the X factor? How can you make sure that it communicates what employers really want? Ultimate Cover Letters, from best-selling author and careers expert Martin John Yate, describes how to write the very best cover letters, helping you to open doors to job interviews and offers of employment, and outshine all other candidates. From the very popular Ultimate series, the book offers sound advice on assembling letters and how to use key ‘power phrases’ to get results, as well as over 100 sample letters to cover a variety of situations. These include e-mail responses to online applications, speculative letters, letters to answer advertised vacancies, follow-up letters, networking letters and even acceptance and resignation letters. Now including a chapter on how to develop your professional image and integrate it into your job search letter, Ultimate Cover Letters 5th edition covers all aspects of this crucial part of the jobhunting process in an engaging and approachable way, ensuring you put every chance of success by your side. Ultimate Cover Letters will help you make the perfect first impression. About the series: The Ultimate series contains practical advice on essential job search skills to give you the best chance of getting the job you want. Taking you all the way from starting your job search to completing an interview, it includes guidance on CV or résumé and cover letter writing, practice questions for passing aptitude, psychometric and other employment tests, and reliable advice for interviewing.

Author Information Martin John Yate is an internationally bestselling author. He has held major posts as a director of training and personnel for several international companies. His best-selling book Great Answers to Tough Interview Questions is now in its 8th edition and has sold over 5 million copies. He is also the author of the highly successful Ultimate CV, both published by Kogan Page.

Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

‌ ead This First R Cover Letters – The Secret Weapon in Your Job Search The Six Types of Job Search Letters Know the Job, Know Your Customer Develop Your Professional Identity Elements of a Great Cover Letter Assembling Your Job Search Letter How to Polish and Edit Your Letters for Maximum Impact The Plan of Attack Sample Letters

Job Seeking

Ultimate CV Master the Art of Creating a Winning CV with Over 100 Samples to Help You Get the Job Edition: 5 Date: 08/28/2018 Price: $ ISBN Paperback: 9780749481537 ISBN Ebook: 9780749481520 Pages: 248 Format (mm): 234x158 Product Category: General Subject: Job Seeking

This book

written by renowned careers expert Martin John Yate, author of the companion title Ultimate « IsCover Letters and best-selling careers title Great Answers to Tough Interview Questions Contains everything you need to know to produce the perfect CV that will differentiate you from the « competition over 100 samples of winning CVs, tailor-made for different job descriptions and special « Includes situations, that you can adapt for yourself of the successful Ultimate series, containing practical advice on essential job search skills « Isandpartoffering the best chance at getting the job you want

Description Does your CV have the X factor? Do you want your CV to impress potential employers and show them exactly what they want? Ultimate CV, now in its 5th edition and part of the successful Ultimate series, provides you with the key guidance you need to create an irresistible CV that will grab any recruiter’s attention. This book will help you to stand out from other candidates, open doors to job interviews and maximize the potential for job offers. Careers and CV guru Martin John Yate shows you how to position plain facts into a powerful sales pitch that will get you the job you want. Ultimate CV covers every aspect of this crucial part of the job-hunting process. It contains hundreds of sample CVs, tailored to specific jobs and industries, that you can use and personalize for your own applications. Alongside insightful advice on hunting for jobs, this indispensable book will give you all the guidance you need to create a distinctive, professional CV so you can get that dream job. About the series: The Ultimate series contains practical advice on essential job search skills to give you the best chance of getting the job you want. Taking you all the way from starting your job search to completing an interview, it includes guidance on CV or résumé and cover letter writing, practice questions for passing aptitude, psychometric and other employment tests, and reliable advice for interviewing.

Author Information Martin John Yate is an internationally best-selling author and renowned expert on career matters. He has held major posts as a director of training and personnel for several international companies. His top selling title Great Answers to Tough Interview Questions, published by Kogan Page, is now in its 8th edition.


Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

Table of Contents 1 How to Make Your CV Shine 2 Get Inside Your Customer’s Head 3 The Basic Ingredients 4 Building Your Professional Identity 5 Choose Your Format 6 The Simplest, Smartest, Fastest Way to Write Your CV 7 How to Give Your CV Impact 8 Getting the Most from Your CV 9 Ready to Launch 10 The CVs…

Job Seeking

Ultimate Interview Master the Art of Interview Success with 100s of Typical, Unusual and Industry-specific Questions and Answers Edition: 6 Date: 07/28/2021 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781398602137 ISBN Ebook: 9781398602144 Pages: 256 Format (mm): 216x138 Product Category: General Subject: Job Seeking

This book

job-seekers effectively and confidently prepare for the most painful part of the job search « Helps the interview 100s of sample interview questions and sample answers from a diverse range of job types « Features including management, sales and marketing, administration, customer relations, technical jobs, creative jobs and practical jobs New to this edition: new and up-to-date advice on the future of work; developing resilience; blind selection processes; and working in the gig economy Is part of the successful Ultimate series, containing practical advice on essential job search skills and offering the best chance at getting the job you want

« «

Description Don’t let interview nerves get the better of you - present the best version of yourself and be ready for anything to wow your potential employer. Including hundreds of sample interview questions and answers to really help you nail it on the day, Ultimate Interview is the ideal tool to help you relax and show off your best side. The secret to stress-free interviewing is preparation, preparation, preparation, and this book will take you through everything you need to effectively prepare, including: -Understanding your interviewer and what they are looking for -How to highlight the evidence they want to see -How to stand out from the competition -Coping with difficult questions -Telephone, video and assessment centre interviews This fully updated 6th edition now contains new and up-to-date advice on the future of work; developing resilience; blind selection processes; and working in the gig economy. Getting a job doesn’t have to be painful - let this book help you give the Ultimate Interview. About the series: The Ultimate series contains practical advice on essential job search skills to give you the best chance of getting the job you want. Taking you all the way from starting your job search to completing an interview, it includes guidance on CV or résumé and cover letter writing, practice questions for passing aptitude, psychometric and other employment tests, and reliable advice for interviewing.

Author Information Lynn Williams is a career counsellor and trainer who runs workshops on CV writing and interview techniques, and writes regularly on job search and career issues. She is the author of the best-selling Ultimate Job Search, Readymade CV and Readymade Job Search Letters, all published by Kogan Page.

Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22


Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

‌Introduction Know Your enemy Prepare yourself Standing out Answering questions Starting in the interview Questions they ask everybody Questions for practical jobs Questions for creative jobs Questions for clerical and administrative jobs Questions for sales and marketing jobs Questions for technical jobs Questions for management jobs Questions for customer relations jobs Questions for school and college leavers Tackling the difficult questions Dealing with tricky questions Answering off-the-wall questions Your questions for the interviewer Variations on the theme Interview extras Looking the part What happens next?

Job Seeking

Ultimate Presentations Master the Art of Giving Presentations and Leaving a Lasting Impression with Prospective Employers Edition: 2 Date: 07/28/2021 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781398601765 ISBN Ebook: 9781398601772 Pages: 216 Format (mm): 216x138 Product Category: General Subject: Job Seeking

This book

everything you need to deliver outstanding presentations, including the aspects that people « Covers find most difficult: coping with the unexpected interruptions, controlling nerves and bad habits, and dealing with audience questions and interaction

practical exercises for you to practice your presentation skills, sample structures « Contains for presentations for you to adapt to your own purposes and case studies of successful (and unsuccessful) presentations New to this edition: Features a new chapter on presenting your personal brand, and well as new and improved examples, exercises and images Is part of the successful Ultimate series, containing practical advice on essential job search skills and offering the best chance at getting the job you want

« «

Description Presentations: they may fill us with dread, but they’re essential to getting ahead at work, and can be vital to landing your dream role to begin with. You don’t have to be frozen with fear, or bored to death with a dull PowerPoint deck! In Ultimate Presentations, business presentation expert Jay Surti guides you through the most common obstructions to giving good presentations and how to overcome them, from nerves and uncomfortable body language, to voice tone and physical habits. Insightful guidance on coping with the unexpected, such as interruptions, technology breakdowns or difficult questions helps you to feel prepared and confident, no matter what happens during your presentation. Ultimate Presentations covers every aspect of fantastic and effective presentations: -how to prepare -how to structure a great presentation -using technology and visual aids -communicating a strong message -tailoring your presentation to your audience Click to expand

Author Information Jay Surti is a business presentation coach, speaker and consultant. She works with executives, teams and MBA candidates to help them transform their presentations to make sure they engage with their audience and get their message across. She has been a Judge at MassChallenge UK and served as an Executive Board Member of Women in Banking and Finance. She has recently been appointed as a Board Member of the Governing Body of the University of Dundee and is a Council Member for the Women’s Engineering Society.


Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

Table of Contents ‌Introduction The importance of presentation skills 1 Why presentation skills are important 2 Giving presentations at interviews and assessment centres – the essentials 3 Giving presentations in your professional life – the essentials 2 The presentation 4 How to prepare for a presentation 5 How to structure your presentation 6 Time management 7 Presentation styles and techniques 8 Presenting as part of a group 9 Using technology and visual aids 10 Openings and endings 3 You 11 Personality and message 12 Personal brand 13 Overcoming nerves 14 Body language 15 Verbal communication 16 Coping with the unexpected 4 The audience 17 Tailoring your presentation to your audience 1

Job Seeking

18 Impressing potential employers in an interview presentation 19 Answering questions on the spot 20 Audience interaction or participation 21 Conclusion

Great Answers to Tough Interview Questions Your Comprehensive Job Search Guide with over 200 Practice Interview Questions Edition: 11 Date: 12/28/2020 Price: $ ISBN Paperback: 9781789666915 ISBN Ebook: 9781789666939 Pages: 296 Format (mm): 217x140 Product Category: General Subject: Job Seeking

This book

an end-to-end guide to securing a job: searching, applying, preparing, interviewing and « Gives negotiating « Has sold over 5 million copies across previous editions « Includes over 200 interview questions with expert tips for tackling them guidance on the trickiest issues facing jobseekers, such as salary negotiations and « Provides searching for jobs during tough economic times « New to this edition: brand new content on making a career change

Description Great Answers to Tough Interview Questions is the essential companion for all jobseekers. With over 5 million copies sold, this bestseller takes you through the whole process: from composing your CV and preparing for interviews, to interview techniques, answering tough questions and even negotiating your new salary. Crammed full of the difficult questions that interviewers might throw at you, Martin John Yate gives you expert tips and suggested answers to tackle the tricky ones including: Why should I give you the job? What is your biggest weakness? What are your salary expectations? How long would you stay with the company? What is your greatest strength? Why do you want to work here? Now in its 11th edition, Great Answers to Tough Interview Questions is your indispensable guide to blowing away the competition and landing your dream job.

Author Information Martin John Yate is an internationally bestselling author. He has held major posts as a director of training and personnel for several international companies and is widely respected as the expert on all career matters. He is also the author of Ultimate CV and Ultimate Cover Letters, both published by Kogan Page.


Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

Table of Contents ‌Introduction 1 The Well-Stocked Briefcase 1 The realities of job hunting 2 Transferable skills and professional values 3 The productive CV 4 Networking and the successful job search 5 Network-integrated job search tactics 2 Getting to Square One 6 Making contact 7 The telephone interview 8 Dressing for interview success 9 Body language 10 The curtain goes up on the job interview 3 Great Answers to Tough Interview Questions 11 The five secrets of securing a job offer 12 Why interviewers do the things they do 13 How to knock ’em dead 14 Questions of manageability and team spirit 15 The stress interview and illegal questions 16 Answering unanswerable questions 17 Welcome to the real world 18 The graceful exit 4 Finishing Touches

Job Seeking

19 Out of sight, out of mind? 20 Snatching victory from the jaws of defeat 21 Negotiating the offer 22 Multiple interviews, multiple offers 23 Index of questions 24 Index

Assessment Centre Success Your Ultimate Resource of Practice Exercises and Sample Questions to Help you Ace the Activities, Beat the Competition and Impress Employers Edition: 1 Date: 07/28/2018 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749483135 ISBN Ebook: 9780749483142 Pages: 248 Format (mm): 235x155 Product Category: General Subject: Job Seeking

This book

one of the highest numbers of practice exercises and questions on the market, developed « Contains and sourced by an expert Assessment Centre planner full of insider tips and tricks from author Tony Weightman, who has run Assessment Centres for « Ismajor clients including GSK, Nestle, Virgin Atlantic and Transport for London Helps job seekers gain confidence by giving them the tools to practice showcasing the kinds of skills « that top employers are looking for - from leadership and teamwork, to decision making and keeping calm under pressure Provides essential practice for all aspects of the Assessment Centre, including individual exercises, interviews, group exercises, presentations and psychometric testing


Description Assessment Centre Success is your road map to mastering the skills, exercises and challenges that you’ll be faced with when trying to secure that prized job offer. An Assessment Centre can be daunting: you are likely to face a full day of challenging exercises, tests and skilled competitors. However, with the right level of practice and preparation, you will be able to confidently tackle whatever employers may throw at you. Written by experienced Assessment Centre planner, Tony Weightman, Assessment Centre Success contains a bank of practice exercises and insider tips to help you succeed. Individual exercises are covered, including how to deliver good presentations, reports, interviews and analysis under pressure as well as group exercises such as problem solving and team presentations. Expert guidance on how to demonstrate the key skills employers are looking for helps you understand how to show yourself in the best possible light under challenging circumstances: including leadership, team work, industry knowledge, keeping calm under pressure, decision making, analytical skills, confidence and communication skills.

Author Information Tony Weightman has over 30 years’ experience as an HR consultant for major organizations including GSK, Nestle, Virgin Atlantic and Transport for London. He has developed and run assessment centres for some of the UK’s largest organizations across several industries including food, engineering, hospitality and the charity sector, as well as for MBA candidate development.


Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

Table of Contents ‌Introduction 1 What is an assessment centre? 2 What employers are looking for 3 How will it work? 4 How to prepare for an assessment centre 5 Individual exercises: communication 6 Individual exercises: analysis 7 Group exercises 8 Psychometric tests 9 The interview 10 Dealing with difficulties and how to perform on the day 11 Gaining feedback after the event 12 Conclusion Appendix 1  Model answer for identifying skills from a job description Appendix 2  Model answer for written report 1 Appendix 3  Model answer for written report 2 Appendix 4  Presentation planning template Appendix 5  Example of presentation feedback using POOSA Appendix 6  Model answer for intray prioritization exercise

Job Seeking

Superconductors Revolutionize Your Career and Make Big Things Happen Edition: 1 Date: 07/28/2018 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749482367 ISBN Ebook: 9780749482374 Pages: 224 Format (mm): 232x155 Product Category: General Subject: Job Seeking

This book

the reader to triumph over increasingly disrupted career paths by fully developing « Pushes themselves with the original, practical and hands-on exercises at the end of every chapter the reader how they can become irreplaceable, get an edge on the competition and stay « Shows valuable in a context of growing automation, AI, and increased outsourcing crucial skills that help the reader be the best they can be at creativity, charisma, relationship « Covers building, getting ahead, learning, story telling, and making their ideas reality inspiring interviews with cutting-edge experts, including entrepreneurs, podcasters, « Contains venture capital experts, digital storytellers and human behaviour specialists

Description The steady career path is a thing of the past: disruption is here to stay. You need to be able to keep learning, growing and reinventing yourself to stay valuable in the midst of this change. Those who succeed in this new world will be the ones who have skills that are always in demand and cannot be replaced. Creativity, charisma, confidence, constant learning, storytelling, adaptability and tribe building are the keys to having a thriving professional life and turning ideas into reality. Superconductors is your treasure trove of exclusive interviews and hands-on self-development exercises to inspire you and push you into action. Derek Loudermilk brings together some of the best minds to coach you on every skill, including entrepreneurs, podcasters, venture capitalist experts, human behaviour hackers, journalists and digital storytellers. Michael Margolis, Vanessa Van Edwards, Derek Muller, Jason Zook, Linda Rottenburg are just some of the people giving you original insights and advice to help you form your own path. If you’re ambitious and you want to carve your place in this chaotic, but exciting, new world of work then you need to be a superconductor: you need to have the creative energy, the ability to build great networks and the charisma to make big things happen. Whether you want to live as a digital nomad, an entrepreneur or be a formidable force in your chosen industry, Superconductors gives you the unique insight and hands-on tools to be the best you can be.

Author Information Derek Loudermilk is a serial US entrepreneur, business coach and international speaker. A dedicated professional adventurer and digital nomad, he is also the host of the Art of Adventure Podcast and the Uncharted Family Podcast.


Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

Table of Contents ‌Introduction Revolutionize your career Build a strong foundation Optimizing your creativity Do your best work Accelerate your learning Telling your story Portraying your best self: the science of charisma and confidence 8 Strategic relationships 9 Think big 10 Fun and games 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Job Seeking

Ultimate Job Search Master the Art of Finding Your Ideal Job, Getting an Interview and Networking Edition: 6 Date: 07/28/2021 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781398602175 ISBN Ebook: 9781398602182 Pages: 288 Format (mm): 216x138 Product Category: General Subject: Job Seeking

This book

everything job hunters need to know in one book on how to maximize their chances of « Provides securing a new role « Features sample CVs for different types of jobs and sector specific interview questions to this edition: new and up-to-date advice on the changing face of technology in job seeking; « New avoiding scams and other traps; developing resilience; and the future of work part of the successful Ultimate series, containing practical advice on essential job search skills and « Isoffering the best chance at getting the job you want

Description Finding the right job can be a job in itself - but this one-stop-shop guide will take you through every step. Covering everything from looking for jobs online to making a fantastic impression at interview, Ultimate Job Search is everything the ambitious job hunter needs. Take the stress out of job-seeking with comprehensive advice on: -Designing your job-search strategy -Building an online profile -Writing a stand-out cv/resume -Sample cover letters to help you sound both authentic and impressive -Giving a winning interview performance -Dealing with rejections and offers Now in its 6th edition, Ultimate Job Search now contains new and up-to-date advice on the changing face of technology in job seeking; avoiding scams and other traps; developing resilience; and the future of work. Let this invaluable guide help you on your way to your next dream job. About the series: The Ultimate series contains practical advice on essential job search skills to give you the best chance of getting the job you want. Taking you all the way from starting your job search to completing an interview, it includes guidance on CV or résumé and cover letter writing, practice questions for passing aptitude, psychometric and other employment tests, and reliable advice for interviewing.

Author Information Lynn Williams is a career counsellor and trainer who runs workshops on CV writing and interview techniques, and writes regularly on job search and career issues. She is the author of Ultimate Interview, Readymade CV and Readymade Job Search Letters, all published by Kogan Page.


Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

Table of Contents ‌Introduction 1 First things first 2 The highly employable candidate 3 Making a start 4 The skills they want from everyone 5 Your CV 6 CV problems 7 CVs with special considerations 8 CVs for specific jobs 9 Application forms 10 Covering letters 11 Telephone calls 12 The job search 13 Your online job search 14 Job search strategies 15 Interviews – making a great impression 16 Answering interview questions 17 Questions for specific jobs 18 Questions for school and college leavers 19 Interviews and more 20 Offers and rejections

Job Seeking

Ultimate New Job The Definitive Guide to Surviving and Thriving As A New Starter Edition: 1 Date: /03/28/2012 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749464097 ISBN Ebook: 9780749464844 Pages: 232 Format (mm): 242x168 Product Category: General Subject: Job Seeking

Author Information James Innes is an accomplished author and the Founder and Managing Director of The CV Centre - the UK’s leading CV consultancy. Following more than a decade of experience heading up The CV Centre, James is widely considered to be one of the UK’s leading careers experts. Visit his website at: http:// www.ineedacv.co.uk/.


Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

This book

every aspect of starting a new job or internship, tackling the top 15 questions that people « Covers ask when starting a new position « Includes essential advice, such as managing a difficult new boss and managing your image extra material available on The CV Centre’s website, offering interactivity, forums and a « Provides video blog


Table of Contents ‌Introduction A new job Handling the offer Leaving your last job Being prepared The first week D-Day – your first day Understanding your purpose Knowledge is power The people Managing your new boss Finding your place within the team 9 Handling your subordinates 10 Networking and socialising 4 The learning curve 11 Planning and organisation 12 Time management 13 Communication 14 Writing skills 15 Presentations 16 Meetings 17 Remote working 18 Working abroad 5 Coping with problems 19 Dealing with difficult people 20 Handling office politics 21 Pressure and stress 22 Coping with change at work 23 Imposing change at work 24 Feel like jumping ship? 6 Onwards and upwards 25 Training 1 1 2 3 2 4 5 6 3 7 8

Job Seeking

26 27 28 29 7

Performance appraisals Time for a pay rise? Getting promoted Moving on My five top tips to survive and thrive in your new job 30 Survive and thrive

The Job-Ready Guide Edition: 1 Date: 05/28/2019 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749483258 ISBN Ebook: 9780749483265 Pages: 248 Format (mm): 235x155 Product Category: General Subject: Job Seeking

This book

interviews with industry professionals, employers, and graduates, self-development « Features exercises and focused learning outcomes a one-stop shop with everything readers need to become job-ready, including developing the « Isskills that employers want, doing a successful job search, performing in interviews and assessment centres and planning for a dream career Empowers job-seekers to feel in control of their employability and career planning by providing practical advice and interactive self-assessment exercises


Description To get the career you want, you need to be job-ready. This is your all-in-one guide to understanding what employers want and how to prepare yourself with a personal career plan. From gaining work experience, to mastering essential skills and acing the application process, The Job-Ready Guide is a complete resource for standing out from the crowd and getting a job offer. It shows you how to build a strong CV, write an impressive cover letter, excel at interviews, and cultivate the professionalism that employers want. Moving from education into the workplace can be a challenge: the world of work demands skills that you may never have had to truly use - or think about - before. The Job-Ready Guide will help you to boost your employability, covering everything you need to prepare for and start a successful career. You’ll be able to conduct a systematic job search, learn how to network and develop a personal brand online, as well as hone valuable skills including leadership, teamwork, creativity and problem-solving. A highly practical, hands-on guide, this book is packed with useful features, including interactive exercises to help you in your real life; insider advice from employers; and tips from professionals at different stages in their careers who reveal ‘what they wish they’d known’.

Author Information

Table of Contents

Anastasia de Waal is director of I Can Be, a charity focused on breaking down barriers to opportunity for disadvantaged children and young people.


Before setting up I Can Be, she was Deputy Director of think tank Civitas and Director of the Family and Education Unit. A qualified primary school teacher and Chair of national parenting support charity Family Lives, Anastasia de Waal has written a number of publications on education and family issues.


Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

‌Introduction Setting yourself up for success 1 CV building 2 Career planning 3 Work experience and internships 4 Further study 2 Developing job-ready skills 5 Leadership and teamwork 6 Communication skills 7 Problem-solving 8 Industry knowledge 3 Looking for a job 9 Systematic job hunting 10 Understanding what employers want 11 Social media, personal branding and self-promotion 12 Networking 13 Budgeting and money skills 4 Applying for a job 14 Creating a winning CV 15 Covering letters and application forms 16 Interviews 17 Assessment centres 18 Giving presentations 19 Getting an offer 5 Starting a job 20 Planning and preparation 21 Twenty questions about your first day answered

Job Seeking

22 Making a good impression and building positive relationships 23 Planning your next move 24 Index

Ultimate IQ Tests 1000 Practice Test Questions to Boost Your Brainpower Edition: 3 Date: 08/28/2015 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749474300 ISBN Ebook: 9780749474317 Pages: 320 Format (mm): 240x170 Product Category: General Subject: Testing

This book

the biggest book of IQ practice tests available with 1000 psychometric test questions « Issubstantially more than the nearest competitor Is perfect for those facing an IQ test or for puzzle enthusiasts « every aspect of IQ testing, including verbal reasoning, diagrammatic reasoning and lateral « Covers thinking written by two of the undisputed masters of IQ testing, Philip Carter and Ken Russell, who have « Iscreated over 60 books on the subject

Description IQ tests are routinely encountered in recruitment for various industries, including for jobs in the government, armed forces, and education as well as industry and commerce. Competition is fierce and employers are determined to cut the weak from the strong so it is essential for candidates to be prepared. Ultimate IQ Tests is the biggest book of IQ practice tests available. Written and compiled by experts in IQ testing and brain puzzles, it contains 1000 practice questions organized into 25 tests, with a simple guide to assessing individual performance. With a brand new test in this edition, designed to be more challenging than the others so you can track progress, this is the best one-stop resource to mind puzzles. Working through the questions will help you to improve your vocabulary and develop powers of calculation and logical reasoning. From the best-selling Ultimate series, Ultimate IQ Tests is an invaluable resource if you have to take an IQ test, but it’s also great fun if you like to stretch your mind for your own entertainment - and boost your brain power.

Author Information Ken Russell and Philip Carter are IQ test experts who are continually devising new IQ tests and puzzles. They have produced over 60 books covering all aspects of testing, crosswords, puzzles and reasoning. These include the best-selling Test your IQ published by Kogan Page. Philip Carter is also the author of IQ & Psychometric Tests, The IQ & Psychometric Test Workbook, Test and Assess Your IQ, Advanced IQ Tests, IQ and Aptitude Tests, IQ and Personality Tests, Succeed at IQ Tests, all published by Kogan Page.


Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

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Test 1 - Questions Test 2 - Questions Test 3 - Questions Test 4 - Questions Test 5 - Questions Test 6 - Questions Test 7 - Questions Test 8 - Questions Test 9 - Questions Test 10 - Questions Test 11 - Questions Test 12 - Questions Test 13 - Questions Test 14 - Questions Test 15 - Questions Test 16 - Questions Test 17 - Questions Test 18 - Questions Test 19 - Questions Test 20 - Questions Test 21 - Questions Test 22 - Questions Test 23 - Questions Test 24 - Questions Test 25 - Questions


Ultimate Aptitude Tests Over 1000 Practice Questions for Abstract Visual, Numerical, Verbal, Physical, Spatial and Systems Tests Edition: 4 Date: 07/28/2018 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749482084 ISBN Ebook: 9780749482091 Pages: 272 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: General Subject: Testing

This book

1,000 questions of essential practice for recruitment tests and aptitude assessment « Contains procedures « Includes detailed explanations of answers to aid learning and test scoring abilities with a free suite of online tests which allow the reader to practise and score themselves « Comes against others readers the technical skills and practice opportunities so that they can impress prospective « Gives employers and get hired of the successful Ultimate series, containing practical advice on essential job search skills « Isandpartoffering the best chance at getting the job you want

Description Do you need to prepare for an aptitude test for an interview or selection process? Do you want to practise and improve your scores? Ultimate Aptitude Tests, now in its fourth edition and part of the best-selling Ultimate series, is the largest and most comprehensive book of its kind, boasting over 1000 varied practice aptitude questions with accompanying answers and explanations. In such a competitive job market, it’s the perfect book to ensure you’re entirely prepared to get those high scores and impress potential employers. Businesses use aptitude tests when recruiting; sometimes even to fast-track potential leaders. Providing essential practice, Ultimate Aptitude Tests includes tests like those you are likely to encounter, including abstract visual tests, verbal and numerical reasoning tests, practical skills and understanding tests, spatial and systems potential tests and logic and intuition tests of different types. This new edition also now includes a brand new section on online testing environments as well as free access to a separate full online test to evaluate your abilities. Ultimate Aptitude Tests is brilliant preparation for candidates wishing to outshine their competition and secure their dream job. About the series: The Ultimate series contains practical advice on essential job search skills to give you the best chance of getting the job you want. Taking you from your job search to completing an interview, it includes guidance on CV or résumé and cover letter writing, practice questions for passing aptitude, psychometric and other employment tests, and reliable advice for interviewing.

Author Information Jim Barrett is a chartered psychologist with years of experience in advising organizations on their selection procedures. He is a bestselling author and has written many testing books, including The Complete Personality Assessment, How to Pass Advanced Aptitude Tests, The Aptitude Test Workbook and he is co-author of Test Your Own Aptitude, all published by Kogan Page. Tom Barrett runs a online software development consultancy. He specialises in web software architecture, web standards, usability and content management. Tom is a psychology graduate and has developed the software for the online psychometric tests available at insight-tests.com.


Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

Table of Contents ‌Introduction 1 Abstract Visual Tests 1 Constructs 2 Sequences 3 Perceptual 2 Abstract Numerical Tests 4 Reasoning 5 Interpolation 3 Abstract Verbal Tests 6 Deduction 7 Analysis 4 Physical Tests 8 Dynamics 9 Tracing 5 Spatial Tests 10 Formation 11 3D Tests 6 Practical Numerical Tests 12 Reckoning 13 Arithmetic 14 Figure Work 15 Number Skills 16 Calculations 7 System Tests 17 Systems 18 Coding 8 Practical Verbal Tests 19 Word Usage 20 Vocabulary 21 Verbal Precision 9 Online Testing 22 Core Intelligence Test


Ultimate Psychometric Tests Over 1000 Practical Questions for Verbal, Numerical, Diagrammatic and Personality Tests Edition: 5 Date: 07/28/2021 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781398602380 ISBN Ebook: 9781398602397 Pages: 304 Format (mm): 216x138 Product Category: General Subject: Testing

This book

« Boasts over 1,000 practice questions, with supporting answers and explanations sample questions from every major type of test including verbal and numerical reasoning, « Features personality questionnaires, non-verbal and diagrammatic tests, spatial and recognition tests, situational awareness questions, quantities and conversions Is part of the successful Ultimate series, containing practical advice on essential job search skills and offering the best chance at getting the job you want


Description Don’t let a psychometric test - or your nerves - stand between you and your dream job. Many interviews and assessment centres include psychometric testing as part of the hiring process, and fears about testsare all too common and undermine confidence and performance on the day. But practice makes perfect - and with over 1,000 exercises from all the major types of test, Ultimate Psychometric Tests is the ideal tool to help you get to grips with: -verbal and numerical reasoning -personality questionnaires -non-verbal and diagrammatic reasoning -spatial recognition and visual estimation -situational awareness -quantities and conversion tests With each test supported by detailed answers and explanations, Ultimate Psychometric Tests will boost your confidence and your performance on the day, to help you land your next dream job. About the series: The Ultimate series contains practical advice on essential job skills to give you the best chance of getting the job you want. Taking you all the way from starting your job search to completing an interview, it includes guidance on CV or résumé and cover letter writing, practice questions for passing aptitude, psychometric and other employment tests, and reliable advice for interviewing.

Author Information Mike Bryon is an expert in psychometrics and training solutions, based in Newhaven, UK. He is the author of many testing books, including How to Pass Graduate Psychometric Tests, The Graduate Psychometric Test Workbook, How to Pass Advanced Numeracy Tests, The Advanced Numeracy Test Workbook and How to Pass the Civil Service Qualifying Tests all published by Kogan Page.

Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

Psychometric tests – what are they? How to pass psychometric tests and how to use this book Verbal reasoning Numerical reasoning Personality questionnaires Non-verbal reasoning, mechanical comprehension and data interpretation Answers and explanations


How to Pass Numerical Reasoning Tests Over 550 Practice Questions Edition: 3 Date: 06/28/2017 Price: $14.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749480196 ISBN Ebook: 9780749480202 Pages: 224 Format (mm): 218x140 Product Category: General Subject: Testing

This book

over 550 practice questions - the highest number of practice questions on the market - to « Contains help readers become as prepared as possible for numerical reasoning tests to this edition: brand new chapter on Data Sufficiency test questions, an increasingly « New common element in numerical reasoning tests written in a clear, accessible style to improve readers’ confidence and demystify numerical « Isproblems the essential numerical topics readers need to understand when preparing for the tough « Covers tests set by many employers

Description Containing the largest bank of test questions on the market, How to Pass Numerical Reasoning Tests provides advice, practice and exercises to help you prepare for the rigorous tests used by employers, helping you to build up speed, accuracy and confidence. An overview of the basics is followed by a step-by-step guide to numerical tests, covering: - Fractions and decimals - Rates - Percentages - Ratios and proportions - Data interpretation Also containing practice on mathematical problems in written word format to aid your analytical skills, How to Pass Numerical Reasoning Tests gives you everything you need to boost your ability and face the challenge head on.

Author Information Heidi Smith is the author of a number of best-selling books on psychometric testing. She has many years’ experience working in global consultancies in education and training and now runs her own consultancy providing Russian-language business services.


Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

Table of Contents ‌Introduction 1 Review the Basics 2 Fractions and Decimals 3 Rates 4 Percentages 5 Ratios and Proportions 6 Data Interpretation 7 Word Problems 8 Data Sufficiency Problems


How to Pass Advanced Verbal Reasoning Tests Over 500 Practice Questions Edition: 3 Date: 06/28/2017 Price: $14.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749480172 ISBN Ebook: 9780749480189 Pages: 256 Format (mm): 218x140 Product Category: General Subject: Testing

This book

a unique five-step winning approach to verbal reasoning tests to help readers beat the « Features competition written in a clear and accessible style to improve readers’ understanding and confidence with « Isdifficult verbal reasoning exercises Contains « reasoningover 500 practice questions and expert advice covering all aspects of advanced verbal

Description Containing the largest bank of test questions on the market, How to Pass Advanced Verbal Reasoning Tests provides advice, practice and exercises to help you prepare for the rigorous tests used by employers, helping you to build up speed, accuracy and confidence. Testing expert Mike Bryon offers practice on a range of areas, including: - English usage - Written assessments - Presentations - Group exercises - Assessment centres Including four timed realistic tests with interpretations of your score, How to Pass Advanced Verbal Reasoning Tests covers word links, word swaps, sentence sequence, decision analysis, reading comprehension as well as critical reasoning, giving you everything you need to boost your ability and face the challenge head on.

Author Information Mike Bryon is an expert in psychometrics and training solutions. He is also the author of many books including Ultimate Psychometric Tests, How to Master the UKCAT, Management Level Psychometric Assessments, The Verbal Reasoning Test Workbook, Great Answers to Tough Career Dilemmas and How to Pass Graduate Psychometric Tests, all published by Kogan Page.


Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5

Verbal Reasoning Tests The Winning Approach 110 Warm Up Questions 100 English Usage Questions 100 True, False or Cannot Tell Questions 6 Decision Analysis 7 Four Timed Realistic Tests with Interpretations of Your Score 8 Answers and Detailed Explanations


How to Pass the QTS Numeracy and Literacy Skills Tests Essential Practice for the Qualified Teacher Status Skills Tests Edition: 2 Date: 07/28/2016 Price: $34.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749478292 ISBN Ebook: 9780749478308 Pages: 264 Format (mm): 240x170 Product Category: General Subject: Testing

This book

« Provides more than 1,000 questions to help you prepare for the QTS Skills Test practice and review of basic maths and literacy as well as the more complex problems that « Provides feature in the test « Contains practice in verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning and abstract reasoning « Online Resources: MP3 audio files to test mental arithmetic and sample numeracy tests Description All trainee teachers in England and Wales have to sit numeracy and literacy skills tests in order to achieve Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) which permits them to continue or start teaching. How to Pass the QTS Numeracy and Literary Skills Tests includes both literacy and numeracy revision and mock tests. The numeracy section starts at a low level and includes a diagnostic test, a maths review, mental and general arithmetic practice, and revision of statistics. It gives the reader a good grounding in the skills needed to pass the test, particularly if maths has always been a weak subject or hasn’t been revised in years. The literacy section includes practice material on spelling, punctuation, grammar and comprehension. It highlights the areas where people commonly have problems, and provides easy to follow explanations and practice questions and answers. Online supporting resources for this book include MP3 audio files to test mental arithmetics and sample numeracy tests.

Author Information Chris Tyreman has 12 years’ experience coaching candidates in Maths, English and IQ tests. He is a tutor for distance learners studying for GCSE Maths and the QTS skills tests and the author of learning materials used in colleges of further and higher education. He is also the author of How to Master Nursing Calculations, and co-author of How to Master the UKCAT also published by Kogan Page.


Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

Table of Contents 1 Numeracy 1 Mental arithmetic 2 General arithmetic 3 Statistics 2 Literacy 4 Spelling 5 Punctuation 6 Grammar 7 Comprehension 3 Answers with Explanations and Glossary 8 Answers 9 Glossary


How to Write Effective Business English Your Guide to Excellent Professional Communication Edition: 3 Date: 09/28/2019 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749497293 ISBN Ebook: 9780749497309 Pages: 160 Format (mm): 218x138 Product Category: General Subject: Business English

This book

both native and non-native English speakers a solid grounding and confidence boost in « Gives writing for business; including email, CVs and cover letters, social media, common errors and how to avoid them, and global business English

international case studies to illustrate examples in context, including Innocent, Ogilvy and « Features Mather, and Virgin to this edition: New chapter on writing for different generations, clients and colleagues; « New updated content on instant messaging, gender-neutral pronouns, and the enduring power of paper

Description Do you need a confidence boost in your workplace communication? Whether you speak English as an additional language, or you’re a native speaker looking to take your writing to the next level, How to Write Effective Business English provides easy to apply guidance on how to express yourself in writing clearly, concisely, and confidently. With case studies from companies such as Innocent and Virgin which demonstrate how English is used internationally in business, and ideas to help you get your communications right first time, this book is ideal for multinational companies where communication is a priority. For native English speakers, it may mean un-learning things you were taught at school and learning how to save time by getting to the point more quickly in emails; for intermediate English speakers, it focuses on the areas that are easy to get wrong. Author Fiona Talbot uses real international business scenarios to help you develop and apply your skills, and provide you with answers that even your boss might not know. You will learn a system to help you quickly and easily write emails, letters, social media content, CVs and more. Featuring sections on punctuation and grammar, checklists to help you assess your progress, updated content on instant messaging and gender-neutral pronouns, and now with a new chapter on writing for different colleagues and co-workers, this third edition of How to Write Effective Business English will help you get your message across with impact.

Author Information Fiona Talbot is an internationally acclaimed business writing author. She works in the UK and internationally, training and advising on how to deliver premier written corporate communication for both native and nonnative English speakers in today’s digital, global economy. She has featured in major publications such as The Sunday Times, The Irish Times, The Press Association, Accounting Technician and Personnel Management, to name just a few. She is also the author of Improve Your Global Business English, Make an Impact with Your Written English, and Executive Writing Skills for Managers, all published by Kogan Page.

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Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

‌Introduction Why are you writing? Business writing for today Quality matters Writing across generations – For colleagues as well as clients Telling your story through social media Standard or variant english Writing globally? Or in multinational teams? E-mail and instant messaging Punctuation and grammar tips Practical conventions and common confusions Paper is here to stay Conclusion - What will you do differently – and better?

Business English

Improve Your Global Business English The Essential Toolkit for Writing and Communicating Across Borders Edition: 1 Date: 11/28/2012 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749466138 ISBN Ebook: 9780749466152 Pages: 256 Format (mm): 10x232 Product Category: General Subject: Business English

This book

you not only to master the basics, but to customize business English according to your own « Allows and your company’s values and culture « Grows your confidence in expressing yourself clearly and with tact, understanding and finesse « Includes quizzes, activities and worksheets for practical self-study and monitoring progress insights and examples from the authors’ international experience and their combined « Provides understanding of working in different cultures modern business realities, with chapters dedicated to mastering communication on social « Reflects media Resources: supplementary video, self-test questions and answers, templates and a case « Online study on going global

Description In a business world that spans several continents, it is no longer common for everyone to speak English as a first language. Whether you speak English as a first, second or even third language, intercultural business communication means that getting it right first time has never been more important for you and your organization. English can never be standardized in the global and digital marketplace; instead, we can learn how to customize business English according to our own values and culture and communicate successfully across borders. Improve Your Global Business English creates an awareness in the reader of what to avoid and how to ensure that communications are correctly understood. Very readable and hugely instructive, Improve Your Global Business English provides practical selfstudy with quizzes, activities and worksheets, helping you to fine-tune your written communication. By mastering the basics, defining your readers and tailoring your message to them, understanding the conventions of different media and understanding cultures, you can enhance your reputation as a truly global, modern player in today’s marketplace. If you want your messages to be perceived as you intended, to retain customers or to win new ones, Improve Your Global Business English gives you the background you need. Online supporting resources for this book include supplementary video, self-test questions and answers, templates and a case study on going global

Author Information Fiona Talbot runs TQI Word Power Skills, a Business Writing Skills consultancy. In addition to writing articles for Personnel Today, British Airways and CCF magazine, she is the author of the Better Business English series, published by Kogan Page. Sudakshina Bhattarcharjee is a lecturer at the Institute of Leadership in Kolkata, where she teaches journalism and mass communications for both undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Previous posts include Lecturing for Kingston College of Further Education and The London College. She lives both in India and the UK. www. sudakshinakina.com

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Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

‌Introduction Writing English for global business Why do we write in business? Deciding your business writing objectives in the digital age Common challenges in business English in a global workplace How does writing in a global economy affect us all? Writing e-mails Making an impact Using the global word power skills guide Report writing Writing agendas, notes and minutes of meetings Personal and company promotion in the digital age Using word power skills with social networking media Quality matters Writing tips for everyday business The kaleidoscope effect – further perspectives for global business English

Business English

Improve Your Communication Skills How to Build Trust, Be Heard and Communicate with Confidence Edition: 5 Date: 06/28/2019 Price: $12.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749486273 ISBN Ebook: 9780749486280 Pages: 176 Format (mm): 216x138 Product Category: General Subject: Workplace Skills

This book

a comprehensive guide to all types of communication at work, including useful tips, « Offers checklists and exercises for a direct impact on career development part of the bestselling Creating Success series, which has sold over 1,000,000 copies and contains « Ispractical advice on essential and value-adding work skills to help you develop your career New to this New and improved practical features to aid learning, including useful « templates, topedition: tips, and interactive, reflective exercises

Description Better communication skills will have a direct impact on your career development. Improve Your Communication Skills is your practical guide to effective communication in business. This fully updated 5th edition now features a handy self-assessment tool to help you profile your own preferred communication style, even more practical exercises, useful checklists and top tips, as well as content on influencing others and managing difficult conversations. This book provides vital guidance on improving your conversations, building rapport, giving effective presentations, writing excellent reports and networking successfully. With the help of Improve Your Communication Skills, you will be able to get your message across - every time. The Creating Success series of books... Unlock vital skills, power up your performance and get ahead with the bestselling Creating Success series. Written by experts for new and aspiring managers and leaders, this million-selling collection of accessible and empowering guides will get you up to speed in no time. Packed with clever thinking, smart advice and the kind of winning techniques that really get results, you’ll make fast progress, quickly reach your goals and create lasting success in your career.

Author Information Alan Barker is Managing Director of Kairos Training, a learning consultancy devoted to creativity and communication at work. He is the author of How to Manage Meetings, also published by Kogan Page.


Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

Table of Contents 1 What is communication? 2 What’s your communication style? 3 Seven ways to improve your conversa-tions 4 The skills of enquiry 5 The skills of persuasion 6 Tough conversations 7 Making a presentation 8 Putting it in writing 9 Networking – The new conversation

Workplace Skills

Develop Your Presentation Skills How to Inspire and Inform with Clarity and Confidence Edition: 4 Date: 07/28/2019 Price: $12.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749486358 ISBN Ebook: 9780749486365 Pages: 184 Format (mm): 215x138 Product Category: General Subject: Workplace Skills

This book

« Helps you face your performance demons, improve your skills and enhance your career prospects in-depth advice on how to cultivate successful interaction with an audience, find an « Provides authentic voice, and judge what’s expected of a presenter part of the bestselling Creating Success series, which has sold over a million copies and contains « Ispractical advice on essential and value-adding work skills to help you develop your career New to this New and improved practical features to aid learning, including useful « templates, topedition: tips, and interactive, reflective exercises Description Develop Your Presentation Skills offers step-by-step advice to prepare effectively and nail that presentation. Going beyond just handling nerves and presenting slides, this quick and easy guide provides a practical toolkit for developing a winning presentation and improving your confidence along the way. From unpicking the original brief and understanding just what the audience wants, to facing your performance demons and constructing compelling content, you will keep your audience rapt with attention. Complete with anecdotes and expert input to help you avoid disaster, Develop Your Presentation Skills also includes content to help you to deliver a presentation ‘stripped bare’ and to use new media to engage with your audience. Fully updated for 2019, this 4th edition now features even more practical exercises, useful templates, and top tips to help you find your voice and use it with style; to inform, to persuade, to impress. The Creating Success series of books... Unlock vital skills, power up your performance and get ahead with the bestselling Creating Success series. Written by experts for new and aspiring managers and leaders, this million-selling collection of accessible and empowering guides will get you up to speed in no time. Packed with clever thinking, smart advice and the kind of winning techniques that really get results, you’ll make fast progress, quickly reach your goals and create lasting success in your career.

Author Information Theo Theobald is a seasoned presenter, freelance writer and business consultant with a track record that includes positions in senior sales and marketing positions with the BBC and a creative writing career embracing major internet and audio production. He is the author of On Message, also published by Kogan Page.


Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

Table of Contents ‌Introduction 1 What’s your motivation? 2 Where do you begin? 3 What on earth are you going to say? 4 It’s time to write… now! 5 The power of storytelling 6 Using humour 7 Visual aids and other tools 8 Rehearsal 9 Finding your voice 10 Openings 11 Endings 12 Handling your nerves 13 Handling your audience 14 Question and answer sessions 15 Getting ready – Some practical aspects 16 As the moment approaches 17 Stripped bare 18 Advanced interactivity 19 Progress report 20 Confidence under pressure 21 What next?

Workplace Skills

Dealing with Difficult People Fast, Effective Strategies for Handling Problem People Edition: 4 Date: 06/28/2019 Price: $12.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749486419 ISBN Ebook: 9780749486426 Pages: 176 Format (mm): 216x138 Product Category: General Subject: Workplace Skills

This book

example scripts so you’re never stuck for what to say, as well as quick fire escapes and « Features negotiation tools, ensuring you keep your cool at home and at work part of the bestselling Creating Success series, which has sold over 1,000,000 copies and contains « Ispractical advice on essential and value-adding work skills to help you develop your career Is written highly respected speaker and broadcaster Roy Lilley and has sold over 50,000 « copies overbythethepast editions « Features free download: ‘Values & Beliefs’ worksheet

Description Dealing with Difficult People will help you navigate the bullies, nit-pickers, manipulators and complainers who drive you mad at work. With example dialogue, techniques and tips, it will help you avoid horrible situations and keep your cool. By understanding the motives and individual behaviours of difficult people, you can learn to manage aggression, reduce awkwardness and remain the better person. Updated for 2019, this 4th edition of the best-selling Dealing with Difficult People features practical exercises, useful templates, and top tips you need to get the best out of the worst, including how to deal with difficult customers, dealing with difficult people in the digital sphere, advice on beating bullies at their own game and how to deal with a boss who drives you barmy. The Creating Success series of books... Unlock vital skills, power up your performance and get ahead with the bestselling Creating Success series. Written by experts for new and aspiring managers and leaders, this million-selling collection of accessible and empowering guides will get you up to speed in no time. Packed with clever thinking, smart advice and the kind of winning techniques that really get results, you’ll make fast progress, quickly reach your goals and create lasting success in your career.

Author Information Roy Lilley is an established writer, broadcaster and commentator on health and social issues, speaking at conferences and seminars throughout the UK and overseas. He regularly contributes to The Today Programme, Newsnight, the Midnight Hour, BBC News 24, and BBC Radio Five Live. He writes for The Guardian, The Sunday Times, The Telegraph and other national papers and management periodicals.


Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

Table of Contents 1

A short course in human relations 2 The seven classic difficult types 3 Dealing with difficult bosses 4 Dealing with difficult colleagues 5 Dealing with difficult staff 6 Massaging the egoist 7 Handling aggressive people 8 Dealing with laziness 9 Beating the bullies at their own game 10 Moaners, groaners and critics 11 Perfectionists can be a pain 12 Manipulating the manipulators 13 Morale, attitude and how was it for you? 14 Fault-finders and nit-pickers 15 Gossip: a bush fire you can do without 16 The customer is always right – really? 17 Complaints: we love them 18 e-difficult@yourplace 19 Social networking 20 If things don’t change they’ll stay the same 21 A fast-track guide to conflict and how to handle it 22 And, finally, finally…

Workplace Skills

How to Organize Yourself Simple Ways to Take Control, Save Time and Work More Efficiently Edition: 6 Date: 07/28/2019 Price: $12.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749484798 ISBN Ebook: 9780749484804 Pages: 176 Format (mm): 215x138 Product Category: General Subject: Workplace Skills

This book

very practical tips that are easy to implement and will overhaul how you run your work and « Offers home life information on dealing with email overload, organizing digital files, and the latest notable « Includes software to give an immediate impact on how organized you are part of the bestselling Creating Success series, which has sold over 1,000,000 copies and contains « Ispractical advice on essential and value-adding work skills to help you develop your career « Features free downloadable time tracking tool to this edition: New and improved practical features to aid learning, including useful « New templates, top tips, and interactive, reflective exercises

Description How to Organize Yourself will help you to dramatically improve the way you work. With great tips on how to determine your goals, prioritize your tasks and manage your time, it also includes practical advice on how to: focus on the things that produce results; overcome distractions; build positive work habits; avoid information overload and make effective use of technology. Updated for 2019, this 6th edition now features even more practical exercises, useful templates, and top tips to help you get organized, as well as content on how to deal with the ubiquitous presence of smartphones and adapt to the ever increasing scope for interruption and procrastination in our 24/7 lives. How to Organize Yourself will enable you to take control of your workload, reduce stress and fatigue, and free up time for the things that really matter. The Creating Success series of books... Unlock vital skills, power up your performance and get ahead with the bestselling Creating Success series. Written by experts for new and aspiring managers and leaders, this million-selling collection of accessible and empowering guides will get you up to speed in no time. Packed with clever thinking, smart advice and the kind of winning techniques that really get results, you’ll make fast progress, quickly reach your goals and create lasting success in your career.

Author Information John Caunt is a freelance writer, drawing on his many years’ experience as a senior manager, trainer and life coach. He is the author of Stay Confident, How to Organize Yourself, Boost Your Self-Esteem and 30 Minutes to Manage Information Overload, all published by Kogan Page.

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Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

‌Introduction Know where you are going Organize your time Understand the way you work Organize information Organize the way you work with others Organize your space Organize filing systems Use technology effectively Organize yourself at home and away Keep up the good work

Workplace Skills

How to Manage People Fast, Effective Management Skills that Really Get Results Edition: 4 Date: 06/28/2019 Price: $12.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749484811 ISBN Ebook: 9780749484828 Pages: 216 Format (mm): 215x137 Product Category: General Subject: Workplace Skills

This book

a complete overview of people management, its most common issues and how to deal « Provides with them along with practical tools to get the best from teams by bestselling author Michael Armstrong, whose books have sold over a million copies and « Written been translated into twenty-one languages part of the bestselling Creating Success series, which has sold over 1,000,000 copies and contains « Ispractical advice on essential and value-adding work skills to help you develop your career « Includes free downloadable employee engagement survey template to this edition: New and improved practical features to aid learning, including useful « New templates, top tips, and interactive, reflective exercises

Description From bestselling author Michael Armstrong comes a new edition of the business staple, How to Manage People. Providing valuable insight into the skills required to be an effective manager, this one-stop guide to people management will help you get the best from your staff through motivation, reward and leadership. Fully updated for 2019, this 4th edition now features even more practical exercises, useful templates, and top tips, alongside advice on managing virtual teams, enhancing employee engagement and managing conflict. Essential reading for anyone who wants to get the best from their teams, How to Manage People distils the essence of good management into one handy, easy-to-use book. The Creating Success series of books... Unlock vital skills, power up your performance and get ahead with the bestselling Creating Success series. Written by experts for new and aspiring managers and leaders, this million-selling collection of accessible and empowering guides will get you up to speed in no time. Packed with clever thinking, smart advice and the kind of winning techniques that really get results, you’ll make fast progress, quickly reach your goals and create lasting success in your career.

Author Information Michael Armstrong is a bestselling author and people management expert. With over a million copies sold, his books have been translated into twenty-one languages. He is managing partner of E-Reward as well as an independent management consultant. Prior to this, he was a chief examiner of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). He is also the author of the bestselling How to Be an Even Better Manager, now in its 10th edition and also published by Kogan Page.


Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

Table of Contents 1

Managing people – what managers do 2 Treat people right 3 Leadership 4 Motivating people 5 Enhancing engagement 6 Organizing people 7 Team building 8 Delegating 9 Defining work 10 Managing performance 11 Helping people to learn 12 Selection interviewing 13 Rewarding people 14 Managing change 15 Managing conflict 16 Handling people problems

Workplace Skills

Confident Coding How to Write Code and Futureproof Your Career Edition: 2 Date: 09/28/2020 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789663082 ISBN Ebook: 9781789663099 Pages: 336 Format (mm): 216x138 Product Category: General Subject: Workplace Skills

This book

« Contains practical guidance on how to enhance your career through coding skills you how to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Python; debug and problem-solve; create your « Teaches own websites and apps for Android and iOS « Was the Bronze Runner Up at the Axiom Awards 2018 - Business Technology Category (1st edition) to this edition: new and improved step-by-step examples; a real-life visitor registration app « New you can create; Mac- and Windows-friendly « Features online coding exercises and activities, for you to practice and hone your new skills of the popular Confident series, which introduces and explains the key digital skills you need « Isto part enhance your career Description BRONZE RUNNER UP: Axiom Awards 2018 - Business Technology Category (1st edition) Coding is one of the most in-demand skills in the job market. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a recent graduate or a professional, you can supercharge your career simply by grasping the fundamentals, and Confident Coding is here to help. This new and improved second edition of the award-winning book gives you a step-by-step learning guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, building iPhone and Android apps and debugging. For entrepreneurs, being able to create your own website or app can grant you valuable freedom and revolutionize your business. For aspiring developers, this book will give you the building blocks to embark on your career path. For working professionals, coding skills can add a valuable edge to your CV. Whatever your professional profile, if you want to master the fundamentals of coding and kick start your career, Confident Coding is the book for you. About the Confident series... From coding and web design to data, digital content and cyber security, the Confident books are the perfect beginner’s resource for enhancing your professional life, whatever your career path.

Author Information Rob Percival is a web developer, author and entrepreneur who has taught over 500,000 students how to code through his online courses on Udemy. His courses have been translated into over five different languages and have taught people all around the world to become proficient and confident webdevelopers. Darren Woods is Managing Director of Synapture, a Cambridge-based Web/ Software Development Agency. Alongside his development work, he teaches a Pre-Diploma Computer Science course and A-Level Computer Science.


Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

Table of Contents ‌Introduction Why coding Why coding is important and what it can do for you 2 What coding is 2 Languages 3 HTML 4 CSS 5 JavaScript 6 Python 3 In practice 7 Website development 8 Building an android app 9 Building an iPhone/iPad app 10 Debugging 4 Futureproofing your career with coding 11 Using coding to enhance your career prospects 12 Coding and entrepreneurship – creating your own business or product 13 Pursuing coding further – becoming a developer 14 Conclusion 1 1

Workplace Skills

Confident Digital Content How to Create and Manage Amazing Social Media and Web Content for a Futureproof Career Edition: 2 Date: 09/28/2020 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789663365 ISBN Ebook: 9781789663372 Pages: 216 Format (mm): 215x140 Product Category: General Subject: Workplace Skills

This book

the basics of video creation, graphic design, photography, digital journalism and writing « Explains skills specialized to the digital world enhance all career paths, with advice on boosting creativity, career prospects, entrepreneurship « Can and leadership in the digital world and exercises to help you put your knowledge into practice to this edition: Covers the latest trends including fake news and social listening analysis; « New updated and improved case studies; and a new chapter on digital content campaign planning interviews with experts from Mumsnet, CNN International, HuffPost UK, Bunster’s Hot « Features Sauce and Crocstar Media of the popular Confident series, which introduces and explains the key digital skills you need « Isto part enhance your career

Description Are you considering a career in social media? Are you an entrepreneur or freelancer looking to boost your online content marketing? Maybe you’re looking for your next career pivot, or you’re simply seeking skills to give your CV that competitive edge? Wherever you are in your career, Confident Digital Content can help. Covering the essentials of online content, this book takes you through everything you need to know - from how to write effectively for online platforms, through to video, audio, graphic design and photography. Featuring inspiring case studies from individuals at companies including CNN International, Mumsnet, Bunster’s Hot Sauce and HuffPost UK, this practical beginner’s guide includes guidance on content marketing strategy, metrics and community management. This updated second edition features advice on the latest trends, including fake news, the importance of stories and social listening analysis. Though trends, fads and hashtags change, the principles of great online content remain the same - let Confident Digital Content give you the grounding you need to ace your social channels and supercharge your career. About the Confident series... From coding and web design to data, digital content and cyber security, the Confident books are the perfect beginner’s resource for enhancing your professional life, whatever your career path.

Author Information Adam Waters has been working in digital for fifteen years. He currently runs BFBS Creative. He’s a juror for the Royal Television Society Digital Journalism awards and a regular digital advisor to charities and government. Passionate about creating opportunities through digital skills, Adam is on the InsideOut Leaderboard and runs mentoring programmes for young people.


Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

Table of Contents ‌Introduction Why digital content skills are essential for your career 2 How to write for digital 3 Making great video 4 Graphic design, photography and audio 5 Digital community building 6 Evaluation 7 Social media 8 People 9 Campaign planning 10 Conclusion 1

Workplace Skills

Confident Web Design How to Design and Create Websites and Futureproof Your Career Edition: 1 Date: 09/28/2020 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789663457 ISBN Ebook: 9781789663464 Pages: 312 Format (mm): 215x138 Product Category: General Subject: Workplace Skills

This book

the essential skills and concepts you need, including coding languages, tools, creating, « Covers enhancing and publishing the website a step-by-step guide which enables you to build your own basic website by the end of the « Provides book, in easy-to-understand language practical online exercises, to allow you to test out your new skills and consolidate your « Features learning of the popular Confident series, which introduces and explains the key digital skills you need « Isto part enhance your career

Description Do you need a website to support your freelance business or entrepreneurial venture? Or are you considering a career in web design? Maybe you’re looking for your next career pivot, or you’re simply seeking skills to give your CV that competitive edge? Wherever you are in your career, Confident Web Design can help. The ultimate beginner’s guide to designing, building and publishing basic websites, this book features exclusive online exercises to help you practice your new skills in context. Covering the basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript, as well as giving you a thorough grounding in the real-life application of these principles, this book provides helpful examples, explanations of technical terms, and clear, easy-to-understand language - meaning your first website is only a few chapters away. Taking you on a practical journey to publish a basic website from scratch, the book’s structure is designed to break down each skill into manageable chunks. Wherever you are in your career, let Confident Web Design give you that cutting edge with vital programming and design skills. About the Confident series... From coding and web design to data, digital content and cyber security, the Confident books are the perfect beginner’s resource for enhancing your professional life, whatever your career path.

Author Information Kenny Wood, the founder of IndigoMelody, has over 12 years of experience in web design. He has created websites and apps for organizations including SkillPill, Globelynx, the University of Warwick, Crenshaw Associates, Lennon Wright, Gadfly Media and the British Forces Broadcasting Service. A regular blogger, he created IndigoMelody’s ‘How we Made It’ web design blog.


Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

Table of Contents ‌Introduction How the web works and the tools and languages of web design 1 HTML 2 HTML part 1 3 HTML part 2 2 CSS 4 CSS part 1 5 CSS part 2 6 CSS part 3 3 JavaScript 7 JavaScript part 1 8 JavaScript part 2 9 JavaScript part 3 10 JavaScript part 4 4 Putting everything into practice 11 Creating the website 12 Getting your website online 13 Conclusion 1

Workplace Skills

Confident Cyber Security How to Get Started in Cyber Security and Futureproof Your Career Edition: 1 Date: 09/28/2020 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789663402 ISBN Ebook: 9781789663419 Pages: 256 Format (mm): 217x140 Product Category: General Subject: Workplace Skills

This book

« Covers the basic principles of cyber security, a vital and in-demand skill area real-world case studies to help you apply your knowledge, from companies and people « Features such as Disney, the NHS, Taylor Swift and Frank Abagnale, plus examples from a range of industries including entertainment, social media influencers and property Includes practical exercises to help you hone your skills, as well as dedicated advice on how cyber security can enhance your career, wherever you are in your work life Is part of the popular Confident series, which introduces and explains the key digital skills you need to enhance your career

« «

Description The world is more digitally connected than ever before, and with this connectivity, comes vulnerability. It is therefore vital that all professionals understand cyber risk and how to minimize it. This means that cyber security skills are in huge demand, and there are vast career opportunities to be taken. Confident Cyber Security is here to help. This jargon-busting guide will give you a clear overview of the world of cyber security. Exploring everything from the human side to the technical and physical implications, this book takes you through the fundamentals: how to keep secrets safe, how to stop people being manipulated and how to protect people, businesses and countries from those who wish to do harm. Featuring real-world case studies from Disney, the NHS, Taylor Swift and Frank Abagnale, as well as social media influencers and the entertainment and other industries, this book is packed with clear explanations, sound advice and practical exercises to help you understand and apply the principles of cyber security. Let Confident Cyber Security give you that cutting-edge career boost you seek. About the Confident series... From coding and web design to data, digital content and cyber security, the Confident books are the perfect beginner’s resource for enhancing your professional life, whatever your career path.

Author Information Dr Jessica Barker is an award-winning global leader in cyber security. She is co-Founder and co-CEO of Cygenta, where she influences cyber security awareness, behaviour and culture in organizations around the world. She has been named one of the top 20 most influential women in cyber security in the UK, is the Chair of ClubCISO. and is a popular keynote speaker, including RSA San Francisco in 2020.

Table of Contents 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 4 7 8 9 10 5 11 12 13 14


Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

‌Introduction Why cyber security? What cyber security is Why it is important The technical side of cyber security Technical vulnerabilities The human side of cyber security Why people are so important in cyber security Social engineering Attacks that utilise social engineering The physical side of cyber security Why physical space matters in cyber security Attacks on the individual Attacks on organisations Nation state cyber security – Geopolitics The future of cyber security and what it means for your career Cyber security in different industries Cyber security at the board level The variety of cyber security careers Pursuing a cyber security career

Workplace Skills

Confident Data Skills How to Work with Data and Futureproof Your Career Edition: 2 Date: 09/28/2020 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789664386 ISBN Ebook: 9781789664393 Pages: 320 Format (mm): 215x140 Product Category: General Subject: Workplace Skills

This book

the most important techniques of working with data, including: visualization, modelling, « Covers preparation, presentation and communication several inspiring case studies that show you how data skills are applied in real companies « Contains from around the world, including Netflix, LinkedIn, Goodreads, Deep Blue, AlphaGo and Mike’s Hard Lemonade Co. Gives insightful guidance on how your new skills can boost your employability, enhance your career and make a difference to your chosen industry New to this edition: New and up-to-date case studies; content on neural networks and deep learning; content on the latest developments and opportunities in AI and deep learning Demystifies the seemingly difficult world of data and makes complicated techniques easy to understand through clear language and step-by-step instructions Is part of the popular Confident series, which introduces and explains the key digital skills you need to enhance your career

« « « «

Description Data has dramatically changed how our world works. Understanding and using data is now one of the most transferable and desirable skills. Whether you’re an entrepreneur wanting to boost your business, a jobseeker looking for that employable edge, or simply hoping to make the most of your current career, Confident Data Skills is here to help. This updated second edition takes you through the basics of data: from data mining and preparing and analysing your data, to visualizing and communicating your insights. It now contains exciting new content on neural networks and deep learning. Featuring in-depth international case studies from companies including Amazon, LinkedIn and Mike’s Hard Lemonade Co, as well as easy-to understand language and inspiring advice and guidance, Confident Data Skills will help you use your new-found data skills to give your career that cutting-edge boost. About the Confident series... From coding and web design to data, digital content and cyber security, the Confident books are the perfect beginner’s resource for enhancing your professional life, whatever your career path.

Author Information

Table of Contents

Kirill Eremenko is a data science entrepreneur, instructor and consultant. As Founder and CEO of SuperDataScience, he leverages data to drive business strategy, revamp customer experience, and revolutionize business processes. Kirill runs more than 50 online courses, taken by over 1,000,000 students worldwide.

1 1 2 3 2 4 5 6 7 3 8 9 10


Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

‌Introduction “What is it?” key principles Defining data How data fulfils our needs AI and our Future “When and where can I get it?” data gathering and analysis Identify the problem Data preparation Data analysis (part I) Data analysis (part II) “How can I present it?” communicating data Data visualization Data presentation Your career in data science

Workplace Skills

Be Data Literate The Data Literacy Skills Everyone Needs To Succeed Edition: 1 Date: /03/28/2021 Price: $25.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789668018 ISBN Ebook: 9781789668025 Pages: 240 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Professional Subject: Workplace Skills

This book

the reader how to improve their data literacy: the ability to analyze, find insight in, and « Shows communicate with data confidently how to use data to become a better decision maker by developing curiosity, creativity and « Explains critical thinking the different skills required for the four levels of analytics (descriptive, diagnostic, « Examines predictive, prescriptive) and for different aspects of the data literacy world, from data visualisation to data science and data architecture Includes tips, tricks and exercises to work through and examples from industries successfully implementing data literacy skills from a leading expert and trainer


Description In the fast moving world of the fourth industrial revolution not everyone needs to be a data scientist but everyone should be data literate, with the ability to read, analyze and communicate with data. It is not enough for a business to have the best data if those using it don’t understand the right questions to ask or how to use the information generated to make decisions. Be Data Literate is the essential guide to developing the curiosity, creativity and critical thinking necessary to make anyone data literate, without retraining as a data scientist or statistician. With learnings to show development and real-world examples from industries implementing data literacy skills, this book explains how to confidently read and speak the ‘language of data’ in the modern business environment and everyday life. Be Data Literate is a practical guide to understanding the four levels of analytics, how to analyze data and the key steps to making smarter, data-informed decisions. Written by a founding pioneer and worldwide leading expert on data literacy, this book empowers professionals with the skills they need to succeed in the digital world.

Author Information Jordan Morrow is Head of Data, Design and Management Skills at Pluralsight and a global trailblazer in the world of data literacy, having built one of the world’s first data literacy programs. He served as the Chair of the Advisory Board for The Data Literacy Project, has spoken at numerous conferences around the world and is an active voice in the data and analytics community. He has also helped companies and organizations around the world, including the United Nations, build and understand data literacy. He has won numerous awards for his work and is based in Utah, USA.

Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


Employability, Careers & Entrepreneurship

The world of data The four levels of analytics Defining data literacy The data literacy umbrella Reading and speaking the language of data Data literacy and the power to analyze Combining data literacy and the four levels of analytics The steps of data literacy learning The three Cs of data literacy Data-informed decision making Begin your data journey

Workplace Skills

HR, Organizational Development and Coaching Innovation and Best Practice in Introduction to HRM Human Resources Management International HRM HR Analytics Strategic HRM Performance Management Reward Management Change Management Employee Engagement Employment Law & Relations Learning & Development Organizations Recruitment & Talent Coaching



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Everyone Needs a Mentor

Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice Edition: 15 Date: 01/28/2020 Price: $59.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749498276 ISBN Ebook: 9780749498283 Pages: 800 Format (mm): 245x190 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Introduction to HRM

This book

with the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) profession map and « Aligns standards; ideal for both professionals and those studying undergraduate degrees and the CIPD’s level 5 and 7 qualifications

to this edition: chapters on the HRM role of line managers, evidence-based HRM, E-HRM and « New the gender pay gap, further case studies and updated content covering the latest developments and thinking Online resources: comprehensive handbooks for lecturers and students, lecture slides, all figures and tables, questionnaire, checklist toolkits, a literature review, glossary and bibliography Supports learning with a range of pedagogical features including source review boxes, key learning points summaries and case studies from international organizations such as IBM, HSBC and Johnson and Johnson Develops understanding of all the essential areas of the HR function, such as employment law, employee relations, learning and development, performance and reward

« « «

Description Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice is the bestselling and definitive resource for HRM students and professionals, which helps readers to understand and implement HR in relation to the needs of the business. It covers in-depth all of the areas essential to the HR function such as employment law, employee relations, learning and development, performance management and reward, as well as the HR skills needed to ensure professional success, including leadership, managing conflict, interviewing and using statistics. Illustrated throughout in full colour and with a range of pedagogical features to consolidate learning (e.g. source review boxes, key learning points, summaries and case studies from international organizations such as IBM, HSBC and Johnson and Johnson), this fully updated 15th edition includes new chapters on the HRM role of line managers, evidence-based HRM, e-HRM and the gender pay gap, further case studies and updated content covering the latest research and developments. Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice is aligned with the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) profession map and standards and is suited to both professionals and students of both undergraduate degrees and the CIPD’s level 5 and 7 professional qualifications. Online supporting resources include comprehensive handbooks for lecturers and students, lecture slides, all figures and tables, toolkits, and a literature review, glossary and bibliography.

Author Information Michael Armstrong is the UK’s bestselling author of HRM books. With over a million copies sold, his books have been translated into 21 languages. He is managing partner of e-reward and was previously a chief examiner of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). He is the author of a number of other books on HR published by Kogan Page. Stephen Taylor, Chartered CCIPD, is a senior lecturer in Human Resource Management at the University of Exeter Business School and a chief examiner for the CIPD. Before his academic career, he worked in a variety of management roles in the hotel industry and in the NHS.

Table of Contents 1

Fundamentals of human resource management 1 Human resource management 2 Strategic HRM 3 HR strategy 4 Human capital management 5 The context of HRM 6 HRM and performance 7 International HRM 2 Delivering HRM 8 The role of the HR function 9 The role of HR professionals 10 The HRM role of line managers 3 Human resource management processes 11 Evidence-based HRM 12 HR analytics 13 e-HRM 14 Artificial intelligence and HRM 15 Knowledge management 16 Competency-based HRM 17 The ethical dimension of HRM 18 Corporate social responsibility 4 Organization 19 Organizational behaviour 20 Organization design 21 Work design 22 Job design 23 Organization development 5 Factors affecting the behaviour of people at work

24 Motivation 25 Commitment 26 Employee engagement 6 People resourcing 27 Workforce planning 28 Recruitment and selection 29 Talent management 7 Employment practices 30 Managing employment 31 Managing diversity and inclusion 32 Managing flexibility 8 Learning and development 33 The basis of learning and development 34 The process of learning and development 35 Learning and development practices 36 Leadership and management development 9 Performance management 37 The concept of performance management 38 Performance management systems 39 Reinventing performance management 10 Reward management 40 The basis of reward management

41 The practice of reward management 42 Managing reward for special groups 43 The gender pay gap 11 Employment relations 44 The basis of employment relations 45 The employment relationship 46 The psychological contract 47 The practice of industrial relations 48 Employee voice 49 Employee communications 12 Employee wellbeing 50 The principles and practice of employee wellbeing 51 Health and safety 13 HRM policies and practices and employment law 52 HR policies 53 HR procedures 54 HR information systems 55 Employment law 14 People management skills 56 Strategic people management skills 57 Business skills 58 Problem-solving and decisionmaking skills 59 Analytical and critical skills 60 Research skills

Click to expand


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Introduction to HRM

Human Resource Management at Work The Definitive Guide Edition: 7 Date: 11/28/2020 Price: $64.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789664867 ISBN Ebook: 9781789664874 Pages: 568 Format (mm): 246x192 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Introduction to HRM

This book

reflective practice activities to encourage students to think critically about the content and « Includes self-test their learning progress fully with the new CIPD Advanced Level 7 qualification and is written by one of the experts « Aligns involved in its development human resource management (HRM) in a business context and includes case studies and « Puts practical examples to help prepare students for a professional HR role to this edition: Brand new chapter on organisation design and development including « New coverage of workplace culture, job design and change management as well as additional coverage of analytics, diversity and inclusion Online resources: lecture slides for each chapter and a lecturer’s guide


Description A leading textbook in its field, Human Resource Management at Work is a comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of HRM. Aligned to the CIPD Level 7 qualification yet also relevant on non-CIPD accredited HR masters courses, this book covers everything students need to excel in their academic studies and will ensure that they can hit the ground running in a practitioner role after university. Divided into four key parts, the first part of the book covers HRM strategy and the global context, the forces shaping HRM at work and international and comparative HRM. Part Two discusses the role of HR professionals and line managers in the workplace, and how the responsibilities for delivering effective HR vary in a changing world of work, Part Three has expert coverage of the key areas of HR including resourcing and talent management, learning and development (L&D), reward and employment relations. The final part examines the impact that HRM can have on business performance and also outlines the key knowledge and skills required to carry out a business research project. Fully updated through, this seventh edition now has new coverage of diversity and inclusion (D&I), workplace analytics, ethics, wellbeing and precarious work as well as additional coverage of the alignment of HRM with organisational strategy and the integration of different components of HRM. Human Resource Management at Work includes new global case studies, reflective practice activities to encourage critical thinking, exercises to help the consolidation of learning and ‘explore further’ boxes to encourage wider reading. Online supporting resources include an instructor’s manual and lecture slides.

Author Information Mick Marchington is emeritus professor of Human Resource Management at University of Manchester, UK and a Chartered Companion of the CIPD. Adrian Wilkinson is a professor and the director of the Centre for Work, Organisation and Wellbeing at Griffith University, Australia and a Chartered Fellow of the CIPD. Rory Donnelly is Professor of HRM at the University of Liverpool, UK and a Chartered Member of the CIPD. Anastasia Kynighou is a senior lecturer in Human Resource Management at Manchester Metropolitan University, UK and a Chartered Member of the CIPD.

Table of Contents 1 1 2 3 4 2 5 6 3 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 13 14


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

HRM, strategy and the global context HRM, strategy, and diversity and inclusion Forces shaping HRM at work HRM, alignment and integration International and comparative HRM Responsibilities for delivering HRM The changing roles of HR professionals 155 Line managers, leadership and HRM HRM practices and processes Resourcing and talent management 225 Performance management and development Learning and knowledge development Managing employment relations Employee participation, engagement and voice Reward management HRM and performance from a business perspective HRM and performance Research skills and project management

Introduction to HRM

Human Resource Practice Edition: 8 Date: 10/28/2020 Price: $62.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789665765 ISBN Ebook: 9781789665789 Pages: 416 Format (mm): 247x190 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Introduction to HRM

This book

a thorough grounding in all the core areas of HR including recruitment and selection, « Provides performance management, reward management and L&D a dedicated chapter on personal effectiveness to provide students with the skills they « Includes need to progress in a career in HR such as influence, resilience, empathy and handling difficult conversations Covers wider business topics including change management, organisational context and communication technology to ensure that students have a broad understanding of the business environment Includes reflective practice activities to encourage students to think critically about the content and self-test their learning progress as well as explore further boxes to help students read more widely and explore the content more deeply. New to this edition: Fully aligned to the new CIPD Level 3 qualification including additional information on job design, people analytics and employee mental health Online resources: instructor’s manual, lecture slides and annotated web links

« «

« «

Description Human Resource Practice is a practical and accessible guide for students and anyone looking to gain a thorough understanding of HR and is the definitive text for the CIPD’s Level 3 Foundation Certificate in HR Practice and covers all the core areas of HR including recruitment and selection, performance management, reward and learning and development (L&D). It also provides students with the broader coverage of the business environment that they need to succeed including topics such as change management, organisational context and the legal background to employment. This fully updated 8th edition of Human Resource Practice now includes new coverage of the changing nature and demographic of the workforce, the continuing impact of technology and new developments that may be used. There is also coverage of the importance of data and people analytics to HR as well as an enhanced final chapter which includes additional material on working in a team, influencing skills and the importance of empathy, resilience and emotional intelligence. Reflective activities, case studies and explore further boxes throughout encourage students to think critically about the content and understand how it applies in practice in the workplace. Online resources include an instructor’s manual, lecture slides and annotated web links.

Author Information Fiona Whiting is a freelance HR and organisational development consultant with over 20 years’ experience as an HR practitioner. She has held a number of executive board-level positions and has worked predominantly with the NHS, local authorities and academic institutions as well as in a variety of private sector organisations. Fiona Whiting is also the co-founder and director of The People Effect List.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents 1 Introduction and overview 2 The organisational context 3 The legal background to employment 4 Job analysis and design 5 Recruitment and selection 6 Performance management 7 Reward 8 ?Employee relations 9 Learning and development 10 Information and communication technology in HR 11 Change in organisations 12 Personal effectiveness

Introduction to HRM

Introduction to Human Resource Management A Guide to HR in Practice Edition: 4 Date: 10/28/2018 Price: $70.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749483685 ISBN Ebook: 9780749483692 Pages: 568 Format (mm): 245x190 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Introduction to HRM

This book

a comprehensive overview using straightforward language and key concept definitions « Provides to introduce those without industry experience to all the key aspects of HR and the role of the HR practitioner

beyond theory and encourages further thinking and reflective learning using ‘pause for « Goes thought’ boxes, activities, review questions, practical examples and wider reading to consolidate students’ learning and show how to apply this in the workplace Includes case studies from a range of organizations such as PwC, Rolls-Royce, Deliveroo and the BBC, as well as small and medium enterprises to show how HRM is applied in different organizations and international contexts New to this edition: international case studies, updates to legislation, coverage of zero-hours contracts, the gig economy, the continued rise of social media in recruitment and additional information on apprenticeships such as the UK apprenticeship levy Online resources: instructor’s manual, lecture slides, additional case studies and reflective questions for student self-study


« «

Description Introduction to Human Resource Management is a comprehensive and accessible guide to the subject of HRM. Drawing on the authors’ experiences in both the public and private sectors and underpinned by academic theory, this textbook follows the logical sequence of the employment cycle and shows how human resource management plays out in practice. It covers organizational culture, the role of the HR professional, HR planning, recruitment and selection, talent management, L&D, motivation and performance, health and safety, diversity and equality, employment law, change management and handling and managing information. With a range of pedagogical features, including contemporary case studies and review questions, Introduction to Human Resource Management maps to the CIPD Level 3 Foundation Certificate in HR Practice and is also ideal for foundation and undergraduate students encountering HRM for the first time. This fully updated 4th edition has been revised and expanded to include coverage of zero-hours contracts and the gig economy, social media and e-recruitment and the UK apprenticeship levy. Online supporting resources include an instructor’s manual, lecture slides and students’ resources including multiple choice questions, additional case studies and reflective questions for self-study.

Author Information Charles Leatherbarrow is now retired. His career led him into managing the HR and Training functions within the oil and gas exploration sector in locations around the world. His later life was in academia, lecturing, researching and writing about human resource management. Janet Fletcher, Chartered FCIPD, is a senior lecturer in HRM at the University of Wolverhampton, UK.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents 1 Organisations 2 Aspects of organisational culture 3 Human Resource Management (HRM) 4 The role of the HR practitioner 5 Human resource planning 6 Recruitment 7 Selection 8 Induction and retention 9 Learning and development – Key Concepts 10 Learning and development – The practical aspects 11 Employee motivation and performance 12 Employee reward 13 The employment relationship 14 Health, safety, well-being and work-life balance 15 Diversity and equality 16 Understanding employment law 17 Ending the employment relationship 18 Change management 19 Handling and managing information

Introduction to HRM

Human Resource Management for MBA and Business Masters Edition: 3 Date: 01/28/2017 Price: $65.00 ISBN Paperback: 9781843984429 ISBN Ebook: 9781843984597 Pages: 224 Format (mm): 246x190 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Introduction to HRM

This book

a solid foundation in both the theory and practice of HRM through a wide variety of « Offers pedagogical features to this edition: a greater international and contemporary focus, fresh case studies, coverage « New of the impact of new forms of employment and technology on HR and updated online resources resources: an instructor’s manual, videos, multiple-choice questions and additional case « Online studies for tutors plus multiple-choice questions and additional case studies for students

Description Packed with practical information and offering a solid foundation in HRM theory, Human Resource Management for MBA and Business Masters covers all the topics MBA students need to know in a concise, accessible way. One of the only texts available for HR non-specialist students doing a Masters or MBA, it looks at the changing world of the line manager and HR professional with regard to key topics such as HRM and strategy, employee resourcing, human resource development, employee relations and performance management. Annotated further reading for each chapter and questions for each case study help cement knowledge and understanding. Now aimed at a wider readership of management Masters students, this fully updated 3rd edition of Human Resource Management for MBA and Business Masters features a greater international and contemporary focus, fresh case studies, coverage of the impact of new forms of employment and technology on HR, and updated online supporting resources. With diagrams and models throughout, it covers topics such as CSR, organizational culture and change, performance management and talent management, the criticisms of HRM levelled by the Critical Management School and different HRM challenges as they relate to each chapter. Online supporting resources for tutors include an instructor’s manual, videos, multiple-choice questions and additional case studies; additional resources for students include multiple-choice questions and additional case studies.

Author Information Iain Henderson is a senior teaching fellow at Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University, UK.

Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Human Resource Management Employee Resourcing Learning and Development Employee Relations Human Resource Management and the Design of Work Managing Performance Managing Rewards The Global Context of HRM International and Comparative HRM Contemporary Issues and Future Trends

Introduction to HRM

Studying Human Resource Management Edition: 2 Date: 05/28/2016 Price: $70.00 ISBN Paperback: 9781843984153 ISBN Ebook: 9781843984405 Pages: 216 Format (mm): 245x190 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Introduction to HRM

Author Information Stephen Taylor, Chartered CCIPD, is a Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management at the University of Exeter Business School, UK and also a Chief Examiner for the CIPD. He previously taught at Manchester Business School and Manchester Metropolitan University Business School. Professor Carol Woodhams is an Associate Professor of Human Resource Management at the University of Exeter Business School, UK. She has held various positions within the CIPD including National Examiner for Designing and Delivering Training and Editor of the flexible learning materials at Intermediate and Advanced levels.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

This book

« Designed specifically to address the core units of the CIPD intermediate level qualification in HRM « New to this edition: new material on the HR function and the job of the HR manager resources: videos, podcasts, lecture slides with tutor notes, multiple choice questions, extra « Online case studies, annotated web links and a glossary Description Written by experts in the field with a wealth of academic and practical experience, Studying Human Resource Management is essential reading for all those studying the CIPD Level 5 Intermediate qualification in HRM. With its discussion of studying HRM, managing and co-ordinating the HR function and business issues in the context of HR, this is also invaluable reading for all students on undergraduate HRM and Business and Management degrees. Studying Human Resource Management also has extensive coverage of developing professional practice and using information in HR and now includes additional material on the HR function as well as new coverage of the job of the HR manager. Supported by brand new online resources including videos, podcasts and interactive multiple-choice questions as well as an instructor’s manual, lecture slides and additional case studies, this is a crucial book for all those teaching and studying human resource management.

Table of Contents 1 2 3

4 5 6

Studying HRM [Stephen Taylor and Carol Woodhams] Managing and Co-Ordinating the HR Function [Krystal Wilkinson and Stephen Taylor] Business Issues and the Contexts of Human Resources [Stephen Taylor and Krystal Wilkinson] Developing Professional Practice [Ted Johns and Graham Perkins] Using Information in Human Resources [Graham Perkins and Carol Woodhams] Developing the Knowledge and Skill of the HR Professional [Carol Woodhams, Graham Perkins and Krystal Wilkinson]

Introduction to HRM

Work and Employment in a Changing Business Environment Edition: 1 Date: 05/28/2021 Price: $59.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781398600201 ISBN Ebook: 9781398600218 Pages: 416 Format (mm): 246x189 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Introduction to HRM

This book

coverage of all the latest developments impacting work and employment including « Provides flexibility, sustainability, agility and ethics reflective practice activities to encourage students to think critically about the content and « Includes explore further boxes to help students read more widely and explore the content more deeply both the theory and practice of the topic so that students can hit the ground running in their « Covers future careers in the HR industry « Online resources: Lecturer slides, multiple choice questions and activity feedback

Description Work and Employment in a Changing Business Environment is the definitive textbook for the CIPD Advanced Level 7 module of the same name. It covers the theory and practice of the developments affecting the world of work and the HR industry including technology and globalisation through to labour changes, policy and regulation. Most importantly, this brand new textbook covers the key elements that students on HR masters courses need to implement and manage in their future careers including flexible working, agility, sustainability, wellbeing, diversity and ethics in the people profession. Including case studies to help students see how the theory applies in practice, reflective practice activities to help them think critically about the content as well as ‘explore further’ boxes to encourage wider reading. Work and Employment in a Changing Business Environment is ideal reading for all postgraduate students on both CIPD and non-CIPD accredited courses. Online supporting resources include an lecture slides, multiple choice questions and activity feedback.

Author Information Stephen Taylor, Chartered CCIPD, is a Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management at the University of Exeter Business School and a Chief Examiner for the CIPD. Before his academic career he worked in a variety of management roles in the hotel industry and in the NHS. Graham Perkins is Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management / Director of Education. University of Exeter Business School. Prior to a career in academic he held a number of HR and Learning and Development roles in both publica and private sector firms.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 Globalisation 3 Technology – past 4 Technology – present 5 Economy 6 Labour markets 7 Population 8 Society 9 Public policy 10 Regulation 11 Change 12 Agility & resilience 13 Flexibility 14 Innovation and creativity 15 Productivity and competition 16 Ethics and values 17 Sustainability 18 Equality, diversity and inclusion 19 Wellbeing 20 Working internationally

Introduction to HRM

People Practice A Complete Guide Edition: 1 Date: 09/28/2021 Price: $62.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781398602427 ISBN Ebook: 9781398602434 Pages: 360 Format (mm): 246x189 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Introduction to HRM

This book

to support the new CIPD Level 3 Foundation qualification by the team who developed the « Written syllabus guidance on workforce analytics to enable students to use data and evidence to make « Provides informed business decisions and add organizational value the core behaviours and skills for people professionals including, developing professional « Outlines courage, working ethically and managing change « Online resources: Lecturer manual, Powerpoint slides and student multiple choice questions key definition boxes, exercises, case studies and further reading to ensure a clear « Includes understanding of both the theory and practice, broad engagement with the subject and critical thinking skills

Description Use this brand-new textbook written to support the Level 3 CIPD Certificate in People Practice to succeed in your studies and launch your career as a people professional. Structured around the core knowledge and behaviours needed for the Level 3 CIPD qualification, People Practice provides a thorough understanding of the theory and practice of the key areas of the people profession. This includes business, culture and change in context, workforce analytics and the necessary skills and knowledge for people professionals. This book covers everything from understanding how external factors impact organizational goals, how to develop professional courage and build ethical and inclusive practices through to recruitment, performance, reward and supporting others. Written by the team who developed the new CIPD Level 3 qualification, this book will ensure that students learn both the theory and practice necessary for their academic studies and their future careers. Full of case studies, exercises, key definition boxes and reflective questions, this book will allow students to test their understanding, see how the theory applies in the workplace and develop their critical thinking skills. Further reading suggestions in each chapter encourage a wide and broad engagement with the subject. Online resources include PowerPoint slides, a lecturer’s manual and multiple choice questions for students.

Author Information Karen Waite is Lead External Quality Advisor for the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) and Founder and Director of Leap Like a Salmon Ltd. She is based in Leeds, UK. Kathy Beevers, Chartered FCIPD, is a qualified trainer, coach and author. She runs a learning and qualifications consultancy, Lightbulb Learning Ltd, and is also the Chief External Quality Advisor (CEQA) for CIPD. She is based in Halifax, UK. Nicky Small is an HR Lecturer at Solihull College, UK. She is based in Birmingham, UK. Keith Tomlinson is Curriculum Manager at Blasckpool and Fylde College, UK. Shazad Hussein is the Human Resources Director for Justice and Immigration at Serco, Ltd. He is based in Bradford, UK.


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Table of Contents 1 1 2 3 2 4 5 3 6 7 4 9 10 11 12 13 14

Principles, Culture and Change in Context Business Environment Workplace Behaviour Effective Management of Change Principles of Analytics Evidence-based Practice Creating Value Core Behavioours for People Professionals Ethics and Professional Practice Inclusive Working and Professional Courage Essentials of People Practice Employee Lifecycle Selections and Appointment Legislation and Organisational Practices Performance Management Motivation and Retention Supporting Skills and Knowledge Development

Introduction to HRM

Human Resource Management in a Business Context Edition: 3 Date: 06/28/2016 Price: $65.00 ISBN Paperback: 9781843984047 ISBN Ebook: 9781843984511 Pages: 608 Format (mm): 246x140 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Introduction to HRM

This book

the essential text for all postgraduate and undergraduate students studying the broader business « Iscontext within which HR operates New to edition: updated to include an even broader range of global case studies with « extendedthis coverage from China and India and updates to policies and legislation resources: additional case studies and activities, lecturer’s guides, PowerPoint slides and « Online annotated web links

Description Highly accessible and student-friendly, Human Resource Management in a Business Context is the core text for the CIPD Level 7 Advanced module, Human Resource Management in Context, and is also essential reading for other undergraduate and postgraduate HR and business degrees. In clear and easy to navigate chapters, which consider government policy, regulation, the world economy and demographic and social trends, this book provides the firm theoretical background that you can apply in practice. Human Resource Management in a Business Context is packed with international case studies, examples and activities that will actively engage you with the different areas of knowledge and allow you to work through the material step-by-step. This edition is fully updated to include an even broader range of global case studies with extended coverage from China and India and updates to policies and legislation. The online resources available have also been expanded on, and now provide additional case studies and activities, alongside lecturer’s guides, PowerPoint slides and annotated web links.

Author Information John Kew is an educational consultant and has written flexible learning material for the CIPD’s Professional Development Scheme. John Stredwick is Senior Lecturer at University of Bedfordshire and a well renowned author. He is Visiting Professor at Webster University (US) based in Regents Park.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents 1

Human Resource Management in Context 2 The Managerial Context of Human Resources 3 The Competitive Environment 4 Government Policy 5 Regulation 6 The World Economy 7 Demographic and Social Trends 8 Technology 9 Ethics, Social Responsibility and Sustainability 10 Strategic Management 11 HR Delivery, Strategy and Performance

Introduction to HRM

Human Resource Management People and Organisations Edition: 2 Date: 05/28/2016 Price: $65.00 ISBN Paperback: 9781843984160 ISBN Ebook: 9781843984412 Pages: 248 Format (mm): 242x190 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Introduction to HRM

This book

« Designed specifically to address the optional units of the CIPD intermediate qualification in HRM to this edition: new chapters on Human Resource Development; Improving Organisational « New Performance and Organisational Design and Development resources: videos, podcasts, lecturer slides with tutor notes, multiple choice questions, « Online glossary and annotated web links Description Written by experts in the field, Human Resource Management: People and Organisations is essential reading for all those studying the CIPD Level 5 Intermediate qualification in HRM. It contains essential coverage of key HR topics including resourcing and talent planning, reward management and contemporary developments in employment relations, making it equally valuable to all students on undergraduate HRM and Business and Management degrees. This 2nd edition of Human Resource Management: People and Organisations now includes three brand new chapters on Human Resource Development; improving organisational performance and organisational design and development as well as additional real-life case studies throughout, ensuring the most comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of people and organisations. Fully supported by online resources including new videos, podcasts and interactive multiple choice questions as well as a lecturer guide and powerpoint slides for instructors, this is an authoritative, informative and engaging guide essential for all HR students

Author Information Stephen Taylor, Chartered CCIPD, is a Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management at the University of Exeter Business School, UK and also a Chief Examiner for the CIPD. He previously taught at Manchester Business School and Manchester Metropolitan University Business School. Professor Carol Woodhams is an Associate Professor of Human Resource Management at the University of Exeter Business School, UK. She has held various positions within the CIPD including National Examiner for Designing and Delivering Training and Editor of the flexible learning materials at Intermediate and Advanced levels.

Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Human Resource Service Delivery (Gail Swift) Employment Law (Stephen Taylor and Krystal Wilkinson) Resourcing and Talent Planning (Krystal Wilkinson and Stephen Taylor) Employee Engagement (Ted Johns and Cecilia Ellis) Contemporary Developments in Employee Relations (Cecilia Ellis) Reward Management (Graham Perkins and Carol Woodhams) Human Resource Development (Graham Perkins) Organisational Design and Organisational Development (Claire Roberts) Improving Organisational Performance (Stephen Taylor)

Introduction to HRM

Human Resource Management in Context Insights, Strategy and Solutions Edition: 4 Date: 02/28/2015 Price: $70.00 ISBN Paperback: 9781843983583 ISBN Ebook: 9781843984023 Pages: 488 Format (mm): 247x190 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Introduction to HRM

This book

students understand, analyse and critically evaluate key issues including the managerial and « Helps business environment, how HR strategies are shaped, globalization and demographic, social and technological trends

to this edition: enhanced emphasis on the impact of the external environment on the HR « New profession, a discussion of the impact of technology and social media, increased coverage of ethics and CSR and links to the HR Profession Map Online resources: instructor’s manual, lecture slides, annotated web links and answers to/guidance for the chapter activities for lecturers


Description HR functions within both internal and external contexts. The understanding of both contexts is crucial for comprehending how and why they drive HR strategies and practices in organizations, as well as the rules and structures within which they work. Built around five major themes which impact upon the HR function, and mapping to the CIPD Level 7 Advanced module of the same name, Human Resource Management in Context enables students to understand the complex and changing organizational context in which HR operates today by providing a comprehensive breakdown of the concepts, theories and issues from globalization and government policy to demographic, social and technological trends. This fully updated 4th edition of Human Resource Management in Context includes a range of pedagogical features, balancing theory with practical analysis to form an engaging insight into the strategic side of HR. It includes enhanced emphasis on the impact of the external environment on the HR profession, a discussion of the impact of technology and social media, increased coverage of ethics and CSR and links to the HR Profession Map. Online supporting resources for lecturers include an instructor’s manual, lecture slides, annotated web links and guidance for the chapter activities.

Author Information David Farnham, Chartered Fellow of the CIPD, is an emeritus professor at the University of Portsmouth and visiting professor at the University of Greenwich, UK. He has been a visiting professor at the University of East London, a visiting senior research fellow at the University of South Wales and a visiting senior research fellow at the Catholic University Leuven. He is Chief Examiner for the CIPD and a member of the advisory board of the Personnel Policies Study Group of the European Group of Public Administration, Brussels.

Table of Contents 1

1 2 3 2 4 5 3 6 7 8 9 10


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Introducing Human Resource Management, Organisation and Management Human Resource Management and its External Contexts Contemporary Organisations and their Internal Contexts The Managerial and Business Contexts of Organisations Strategy Formulation and Implementation Developing Corporate Strategies Developing Human Resource Strategies The External Contexts of Human Resource Management Markets and the Competitive Context Globalisation and International Factors Demographic and Social Trends The Technological Context Government Policy and Legal Regulation

Introduction to HRM

Armstrong’s Handbook of Management and Leadership for HR Developing Effective People Skills for Better Leadership and Management

This book

aligns with the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) ‘Leading, Managing « Fully and Developing People’ and ‘Developing Skills for Business Leadership’ modules by the UK’s bestselling HRM author, whose books have sold over a million copies and been « Written translated into twenty-one languages « Online resources: lecture slides, an instructor’s manual, a student’s manual and a literature review the key concepts of leadership, management and people development as it relates to the « Explores HR function

Edition: 4 Date: 11/28/2016 Price: $65.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749478155 ISBN Ebook: 9780749478162 Pages: 472 Format (mm): 235x155 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Human Resource Management


Author Information

Table of Contents

Michael Armstrong is the UK’s bestselling author of Human Resource Management books including Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice and several other titles published by Kogan Page. With over a million copies sold, his books have been translated into twentyone languages. He is managing partner of E-Reward as well as an independent management consultant. Prior to this he was a chief examiner of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) and an HR director of a publishing company.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

To make an effective contribution, HR specialists have to be good at management, leadership and developing both themselves and others. They also need to be aware of the management and business considerations that affect their work. Armstrong’s Handbook of Management and Leadership for HR provides guidance on the processes of management and leadership with particular reference to what HR managers and aspiring managers need to know and do to make a difference. Written by renowned human resources expert and bestselling author Michael Armstrong, Armstrong’s Handbook of Management and Leadership for HR covers in one volume the ‘Leading, Managing and Developing People’ and ‘Developing Skills for Business Leadership’ Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) modules. It includes numerous practical features such as case studies, practitioner interviews, exercises and clear learning objectives to aid learning. This is the essential book for HR students and professionals looking to broaden their skills and understanding relating to management and leadership. Online supporting resources include lecture slides, an instructor’s manual, a student’s manual and a literature review.


Leading, managing and developing people fundamentals 1 Leadership 2 Management 3 Developing people 2 Human resource management and learning and development 4 The essence of human resource management 5 The practice of HRM 6 The practice of learning and development 7 The contribution of HRM and L&D in different types of organizations 8 The professional and ethical approach to HRM and L&D 3 People management processes 9 Motivation 10 Commitment 11 Employee engagement 12 Change management 13 Flexible working 14 Managing diversity and inclusion 4 Leadership, management and learning and development skills 15 Leadership skills 16 Management skills

17 People management skills 18 Learning and development skills 19 Managing interpersonal relationships at work 20 Managing oneself 21 Problem solving and decision making 22 Analytical, critical and consultancy skills 23 Information handling skills 24 Business and financial skills 25 Postgraduate study skills

Human Resource Management

Competitive HR Building an Exceptional People Function Edition: 1 Date: 09/28/2021 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781398601260 ISBN Ebook: 9781398601277 Pages: 256 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Human Resource Management

This book

how to develop an HR department which goes beyond policies, processes and procedures « Explains to add real business value guidance on how HR professionals can work with other senior stakeholders to deliver « Includes organizational success how to use employee experience, technology and a data-driven approach to HR to improve « Shows employee motivation, engagement and performance an HR development toolkit which enables practitioners to assess where their skills and « Includes capabilities are against those required to succeed both now and in the future

Description How can you drive individual employee and overall business performance? By aligning people strategy with business strategy through an exceptional HR team. Designed for senior HR professionals and people managers, this book explains the importance of a people strategy for business success. It covers how to move from simply developing policies, procedures and processes to crafting and utilizing employee experience, technology, organization development and data-driven approaches. There is also expert guidance on how HR managers can work with other leaders in the business to add value to the overall company strategy. Including an HR development toolkit section, Competitive HR enables practitioners to assess their function against the skills and capabilities required for success both now and in the future. Written by an author with extensive experience in both senior HR roles and senior business roles, this book provides the insight and practical advice needed to show how HR can add tangible value to the business.

Author Information Kevin Green, Chartered CCIPD, is based in Surrey, UK and is a non-executive director and strategic advisor to six fast growth human capital businesses. Prior to this, he was the Chief Executive of the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC), the HR Director at Royal Mail and founder and Managing Director of Qtab, a leading HR consultancy who advised organizations including First Choice, Unilever, BAE Systems and the UK Cabinet Office.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents 1

People strategy and Business Success 2 Moving beyond Policies, Processes and Procedures 3 Developing the HR Capability 4 Performance 5 Reward 6 Employee Experience 7 Learning and Development 8 Organization Development 9 Diversity and Inclusion 10 Innovation 11 Technology 12 Engaging Stakeholders 13 Working with the Business 14 Adding value 15 People Leader;s 16 The HR Development Toolkit

Human Resource Management

Leading, Managing and Developing People Edition: 5 Date: 04/28/2016 Price: $65.00 ISBN Paperback: 9781843984122 ISBN Ebook: 9781843984375 Pages: 376 Format (mm): 246x190 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Human Resource Management

This book

comprehensive coverage of key issues including leadership development, professionalism, « Provides motivation at work, employee engagement and retention to this edition: insights on cutting-edge issues and debates in the field including lean « New management as well as additional international case studies and increased theoretical links between topics Online resources: instructor’s manual, lecture slides, example essay questions as well as annotated web links, a glossary and additional case studies for students


Description Leading, Managing and Developing People is critical reading for all those studying the CIPD Level 7 Advanced module in Leading, Managing and Developing People as well as all HR and L&D practitioners. It provides extensive coverage of the aims, objectives and contribution of HRM such as the scope and nature of human resources, HR’s role when organisations grow and how to ensure professionalism and ethical behaviour when managing people. This book also includes discussion of major contemporary themes in leading, managing and developing people including leadership development, flexibility, agile working and the psychological contract. This ensures that readers are fully prepared to lead, manage and develop staff in the new world of work. With rigorous academic underpinning and clear theoretical exploration, Leading, Managing and Developing People also includes practical advice on key activities including recruitment, job design, performance management, motivation and reward. Supported by online resources including an instructor’s manual, lecture slides, international case studies, example essay questions and annotated web links, this is an indispensable guide for both students and practitioners.

Author Information Gary Rees is Head of the Organization Studies and Human Resource Management at Portsmouth Business School, UK

Table of Contents 1

Ray French was previously Principal Lecturer in Organizational Behaviour at Portsmouth Business School, UK 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10


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I‌ntroduction [Gary Rees and Ray French] The Scope and Nature of Human Resource Management and Human Resource Development [Gary Rees] HRM Contributions in Different Settings [Charlotte Rayner and Liza Howe-Walsh] Professionalism and Ethics in Managing People [Matthew Anderson and Charlotte Rayner] Leadership and Leader Development [Wenjin Dai & Alex Tymon] Managing Change [Gary Rees and David Hall] Flexibility and the Psychological Contract [Ray French] Organisational and Job Design [Ray French] Recruitment and Selection [Sally Rumbles and Ray French] Developing Employees [Alex Tymon and Margaret Mackay] Managing the Employment Relationship [Sally Rumbles and Peter Scott]

11 Performance Management, Motivation and Reward [Gary Rees and Alex Tymon] 12 Summary Themes and Future Trends [Ray French and Gary Rees]

Human Resource Management

Flexible Working How to Implement Flexibility in the Workplace to Improve Employee and Business Performance Edition: 1 Date: 12/28/2020 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789665895 ISBN Ebook: 9781789665901 Pages: 248 Format (mm): 235x157 Product Category: Professional Subject: Human Resource Management

This book

« Provides guidance on how to design and implement an effective flexible working policy different forms of flexible working including job sharing, compressed or altered hours and « Covers remote working how a proactive flexible working strategy creates more inclusive organizations and allows « Shows businesses to become more environmentally responsible how flexible working practices improve talent acquisition, development and retention, « Explains reduce workplace stress and increase employee engagement « Includes case studies from organizations including Zurich Insurance Description Flexible working is now a key concern for many employees. It spans genders, ages and family circumstances, with 37% of millennials declining a job offer if working flexibly isn’t an option and 78% of employees over 50 wanting more flexible hours. Flexible Working is a practical guide for HR practitioners showing how to develop an effective flexible working strategy to meet the needs of employees and the needs of the business. This book explains how to develop effective flexibility policies and processes as well as how to communicate and train line managers on these practices. It also includes advice on how to overcome barriers to flexible working, dispels common myths and offers guidance on the different forms of flexible working available to organizations. Flexible Working shows that working practices outside the standard 9-5, five-days-a-week in the office can benefit a company. It drives employee engagement and performance, reduces costs and workplace stress and improves talent acquisition from a more diverse talent pool. It also explains how a proactive flexible working strategy can have sustainability benefits and reduce a company’s carbon footprint. Including case studies from organizations such as Zurich Insurance, and supported by rigorous analysis of flexible working data, this is essential reading for all HR professionals.

Author Information Gemma Dale is a Senior HR professional, conference speaker, writer and coach with over 20 years’ experience. She is a lecturer at Liverpool John Moores University Business School, UK, and co-founder of The Work Consultancy where she helps business develop their people policies. She is a Chartered Fellow of the CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) and author of the award-winning HR blog, People Stuff.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents I‌ntroduction: Why flexible working and why now 1 The case for flexibility 1 Flexible working 2 The benefits and challenges of flexible working 3 Flexible working and the future of work 4 Flexible working and inclusion 5 Flexible working and wellbeing 6 Exploring flexible working myths 7 The barriers to flexible working, and how to overcome them 2 Introducing flexible working: The practical guide 8 From compliance to culture: Six elements of a truly flexible workplace 9 Developing a strategy for flexible working 10 Effective policy and process 11 Supporting implementation 12 Conclusions 13 Flexible working toolkit 14 Epilogue: Flexible working post Covid-19 15 Appendix 1: Sample tools for managers 15 Appendix 2: Sample tools for employees

Human Resource Management

Building an Outstanding Workforce Developing People to Drive Individual and Organizational Success Edition: 1 Date: 10/28/2019 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749497323 ISBN Ebook: 9780749497316 Pages: 512 Format (mm): 235x157 Product Category: Professional Subject: Human Resource Management

This book

the importance of strategic workforce planning, people analytics, the employer brand « Explores and employee value proposition, and the benefits of embracing diversity and inclusion and other aspects of corporate and social responsibility

guidance on how to motivate a multi-generational workforce with competing priorities « Provides and how to handle the challenges of developing co-located employees in the gig economy « Presents a new framework for people management in organisations to create more effective HR case studies from global organizations including Alibaba, Barclays Banking Group, « Includes Patagonia, Tata Group and Qantas

Description In an increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world, achieving sustainable competitive advantage has never been more important, or more difficult. However, the key challenge for CEOs, senior executives and HR professionals is how to unlock the potential of their people, building a culture that allows employees to perform to the best of their abilities and effectively attract, engage, develop and retain the staff needed for sustainable business success. Building an Outstanding Workforce is a must-have guide for all professionals looking to leverage the potential of their people and maximise value for all stakeholders. Including evolutionary psychology, neuroscience and personality psychology, this book takes an evidence-based approach to people management. With practical guidance, expert advice and case studies from companies including Alibaba, Barclays Banking Group, Patagonia, Tata Group and Qantas, Building an Outstanding Workforce covers all the key issues including how to tailor people management to address the motivations of different generations, the impact of emergent technology on the workforce, the shift in the skills employees now need to learn and develop and how to handle the new challenges of remote and flexible working and the gig economy. There is also essential coverage of strategic workforce planning, people risk, people analytics, human capital reporting, the employer brand and employee value proposition and the benefits of embracing diversity and inclusion, well-being and other aspects of corporate and social responsibility. It presents a new people-focused framework for people management that redefines the structure, roles and responsibilities of human resource management and addresses the problems of role ambiguity and conflict associated with HR to deliver people management that everyone needs and deserves.

Author Information Dr Paul Aldrich is Global Head of People and Performance for Pemberton Asset Management with over 25 years’ experience of talent management. He is a Visiting Fellow at Durham University Business School, Senior Lecturer in business and human resource management at the University of Roehampton and a Chartered Fellow of the CIPD. Andrew Pullman is a people management professional with 30 years’ experience in HR at firms including JP Morgan, Deutsche Bank and Dresdner Kleinwort. He founded People Risk Solutions to provide people management advice and a technology-based people compliance firm, PeopleClear. He is a Chartered Fellow of the CIPD and a lecturer at Cass Business School.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents ‌Introduction 1 People 1 Evolutionary psychology and neuroscience 2 Personality psychology and intelligence 3 Bias, stereotypes, group culture and decision making 4 Motivation 5 Leadership 2 Environment 6 Organizations 7 Technology and the future of work 8 Demographics 9 Culture 10 Social responsibility 3 Workforce planning 11 Planning and people risk 12 Human capital metrics and reporting 13 People analytics 14 Employee engagement and employee experience 15 Wellbeing 16 The future of people development 4 The future of professional people management 17 People functions 18 Professional people management

19 People - Creating an Outstanding Workforce

Human Resource Management

Artificial Intelligence for HR Use AI to Support and Develop a Successful Workforce Edition: 1 Date: 12/28/2018 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749483814 ISBN Ebook: 9780749483821 Pages: 240 Format (mm): 235x137 Product Category: Professional Subject: Human Resource Management

Author Information Ben Eubanks is an HR industry analyst and influencer. He is the Principal Analyst at Lighthouse Research & Advisory where he oversees the development of research, assets and insights to support HR, learning and talent executives. He is also the founder of HR community upstartHR, the co-founder of the HRevolution movement and host of the We’re Human podcast.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

This book

« Defines artificial intelligence (AI) for the non-expert and explains its impact on the HR function how AI, such as natural language processing and chat bots, will change the key HR functions « Shows of recruiting, developing and retaining staff case studies from global companies, including IBM and Unilever, which use AI in their HR « Includes teams to add business value Description HR professionals need to get to grips with artificial intelligence and the way it’s changing the world of work. From using natural language processing to ensure job adverts are free from bias and gendered language to implementing chatbots to enhance the employee experience, AI has created a variety of opportunities for the HR function. Artificial Intelligence for HR empowers HR professionals to leverage this potential and use AI to improve efficiency and develop a talented and productive workforce. Outlining the current technology landscape as well as the latest AI developments, this book ensures that HR professionals fully understand what AI is and what it means for HR in practice. Covering everything from recruitment and retention to employee engagement and learning and development, Artificial Intelligence for HR outlines the value AI can add to HR. It also features discussions on the challenges that can arise from AI and how to deal with them, including data privacy, algorithmic bias and how to develop the skills of a workforce with the rise of automation, robotics and machine learning in order to make it more human, not less. Packed with practical advice, research and case studies from global organizations including Uber, IBM and Unilever, this book will equip HR professionals with the knowledge they need to leverage AI to recruit and develop a successful workforce and help their businesses thrive in the future.

Table of Contents 1 A snapshot of HR today 2 The basics of artificial intelligence 3 General AI Applications with HCM 4 Core HR and workforce management 5 Talent acquisition 6 Learning and development 7 Talent management 8 Challenges of adopting AI technology 9 HR skills of the future

Human Resource Management

Gamification for Business Why Innovators and Changemakers use Games to break down Silos, Drive Engagement and Build Trust Edition: 1 Date: 12/28/2018 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749484323 ISBN Ebook: 9780749484330 Pages: 320 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Human Resource Management

Author Information Sune Gudiksen is associate professor in design and innovation management at Design School Kolding, Denmark. He has a PhD in co-creation through game tools and is the co-founder of GameBridges, a company that focuses on improving business innovation and performance through games. Gudiksen is also the founder of the Biz Games community platform. Jake Inlove is the co-founder of GameBridges where he is also the game designer and illustrator. He is also an innovation consultant.

This book

the business opportunities of simulations, event games, online games and gamification « Outlines design guidance on how to assess each type of business game to identify how it can make the « Provides biggest impact in an organization case studies from over 20 organizations who have implemented game-based solutions « Includes including Workz, Relation Technologies and Canmas

Description Gamification for Business shows how games and game-based design can be used to effectively tackle business challenges and improve organizational performance. From siloed working and information overload to the clash between ongoing operations and innovation, this book shows how to identify what type of game is best suited to each business issue. With guidance on online games, simulations, event-based games and gamified training, this book ensures that business leaders and senior decision makers feel confident in their ability to assess the opportunities of each type of gamification for their business. Including case studies from more than 20 organizations who have implemented a game-based solution, this book outlines the business issue in each company and the aim of the game, the impact the game had and key learning points to help readers implement a similar type of game in their own business. Based on extensive research into the effectiveness of games and real-world examples from companies who have experienced the benefits of serious games and design thinking, Gamification for Business is essential reading for all business professionals looking to improve employee motivation, boost engagement, create a cohesive team environment and facilitate innovation in their company for improved business performance.

Table of Contents 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 8 9 10 11 12 13


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Seven obstinate organizational challenges Challenge 1 – Breaking down silos Challenge 2 – Bursting out of the blah, blah, blah Challenge 3 – Closing the gap between theory and practice Challenge 4 – Mitigating the clash between ongoing operations and innovation Challenge 5 – Untangling complex problems Challenge 6 – Shaking up the roles we play Challenge 7 – Bolstering trustworthy relations A series of business game examples The Acid Test – An in-game demonstration of the learning cycle Add value – Know your customer Align – Implementing organizational values Bizzbuilder – How to sustainably grow a professional services business Business branching – Balancing ongoing operations and innovation initiatives Changesetter – Leading change

14 Changeskills – Implementation of change through a game of guiding questions 15 Exploring change – Mastering change and transformation 16 Innovate or dinosaur – A collaborative innovation game 17 Innovation diamond learning game – Creating an innovative mindset 18 Leadership development simulations – From the best of intentions to real-life balance 19 Linkxs – Team collaboration simulation 20 Managing your sales business – Improve results through effective management of your team 21 Ocean of culture – A dialogue tool for developing the organization’s culture 22 Pitch perfect – Reversing the sales process 23 Public professional – Know the effect on your communication 24 Stakeholder Management – Moving people while building positive relationships 25 Strategic Derby – Rapid strategic foresight with instant feedback on potential competitor moves

Human Resource Management

26 Tango – A pivotal element in change to develop leadership culture 27 The meeting design game – A dialogue tool to improve the process of planning and designing meetings and conferences 28 The way forward – Develop and communicate a coherent strategy 29 Quick games – Power-up group dynamics 3 A core understanding of business games 30 Structure in business games – Five cores 31 Facilitation in business games – A flow between progression and emergence 32 The history and future of business games from a Dutch perspective – Understanding and influencing complex systems 33 The history and future of business games from a UK perspective – Encourage novel, imaginative and subversive thinking 34 The history and future of business games from a Nordic perspective – Towards New Nordic management

Transformational HR How Human Resources Can Create Value and Impact Business Strategy Edition: 1 Date: 10/28/2017 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749481322 ISBN Ebook: 9780749481339 Pages: 280 Format (mm): 235x157 Product Category: Professional Subject: Human Resource Management

This book

a blueprint for HR professionals to become the transformational powerhouse they have « Provides the potential to be for their organizations examples from HR pioneers - who they are and why they’re succeeding - alongside case « Includes studies from a range of global organizations the latest developments in HR including Lean UX, holacracy, futurology, work-as-a-platform, « Covers Theory-U, conscious capitalism, generational differences and work in the gig economy

Description In our increasingly fast and competitive world, HR professionals are uniquely placed to prepare an organization for lasting success. Pioneers are leading the way using the latest developments in the world of work such as Lean UX, holacracy, futurology and work-as-a-platform. Endorsed by the CIPD, Transformational HR shows HR professionals how to unleash this potential and use these advances to make an impact on business strategy. This book puts transformational HR in context, exploring what has and hasn’t worked. It sets out a vision of what HR can be, providing examples of and lessons from HR thought leaders who have begun to transform their workplaces. In addition to presenting numerous examples, Transformational HR provides tools, models and advice for HR professionals aspiring to become more finely-tuned, responsive, forward-thinking and impact-led. Featuring case studies and references from companies from the USA, Mexico, Slovenia and the UK, it is a blueprint for turning the HR function into a powerhouse for organizational success and creating more fulfilling experiences for people.

Author Information Perry Timms is a renowned blogger, coach, consultant and an international and TedX speaker on the future of work and the transformative potential of the HR profession. He is the founder of People and Transformational HR Ltd in the UK as well as being the social media and HR adviser to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). He is also a visiting fellow at Sheffield Hallam University Business School, a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA) and the World’s only WorldBlu-certified Freedom at Work coach.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents 1 Context 1 Our ever Changing World – Where is the Hope and Hype? 2 Today’s Work – How Have We got to This? 3 The Story of the Human Resource Profession – A Problem Child of the PostIndustrial Era? 4 What’s HR ever done for Us? 2 Models 5 What is Transformational HR? 6 Transformational HR – The Models 7 The One Model to Rule them All? 3 Narratives 8 Transformational Tales from HR Game Changers 9 Transformational Organizations – Stories of the Future 4 Future 10 Transformational HR – Putting it all Together 11 Transformational HR – Strategic-Level Significant Shifts 12 Transformational HR – A Model at Play

Human Resource Management

Effective HR Communication A Framework for Communicating HR Programmes with Impact Edition: 1 Date: /03/28/2016 Price: $44.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749476168 ISBN Ebook: 9780749476199 Pages: 232 Format (mm): 233x157 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Human Resource Management

This book

« Provides the HR practitioner with the tools for designing and delivering communications campaigns checklists for each stage and tips from experts on ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ along the way, with « Includes case studies from leading companies the HR practitioner to demonstrate the value they are adding to the organization by « Enables effectively communicating the benefits of the projects and programmes they are implementing Description In today’s competitive environment where we are doing everything we can to compete for talent, effective communication ensures we are showcasing our HR programmes in a way which will help us attract, retain and engage talent. Effective HR Communication is a practical guide to develop and deliver effective communication campaigns, ensuring that teams have the knowledge, skills and tools to achieve the desired objectives. Whether introducing new HR programmes or re-launching existing ones, communications help us deliver the key messages so that employees understand, appreciate and action them to meet our HR and business objectives. Effective HR Communication introduces a six-step ‘IMPACT’ model to explain and demonstrate the critical steps to be followed when developing a communications campaign. This includes steps such as understanding the communication needs and requirements of employees, developing the most robust objectives, selecting and developing the appropriate medium, planning a campaign in an effective manner, leveraging the support of business partners, developing effective communications content, and measuring the success of the campaign. Using a combination of theory, examples, tips and tools from leading experts, this book provides practical information which can easily be used to create effective and impactful communications. Case studies from leading organizations such as BT, LV=, Merlin Entertainments and Reward Gateway are included to further illustrate how communication has been done effectively.

Author Information Debra Corey is an experienced HR professional, with over 30 years of experience as a rewards practitioner. She is currently the group reward director at Reward Gateway, having held similar roles at global organizations such as PageGroup, Merlin Entertainments, Quintiles, Honeywell and Gap. Debra has developed and led a variety of award-winning communication campaigns, and currently teaches a communications course through WorldatWork.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents 1 Investigation 2 Medium 3 Planning 4 Allies 5 Content 6 Testing 7 Case Study: BT employee share plan project 8 Case Study: LV= pensions project 9 Case Study: LV= !nnovate project 10 Merlin Entertainments 11 Case Study: Reward Gateway Project Solar 12 Conclusion

Human Resource Management

Human Capital Management Standards A Complete Guide Edition: 1 Date: 09/28/2019 Price: $52.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749484347 ISBN Ebook: 9780749484354 Pages: 344 Format (mm): 234x158 Product Category: Professional Subject: Human Resource Management

This book

practical guidance directly from those who created the Human Capital Management « Provides Standards « Shows how the Human Capital Management standards can be applied to organizations of any size organizations through the full standards accreditation process which is essential for winning « Guides government contracts « Includes a foreword written by Dr Scott Steedman, VP (Policy) ISO and Director of Standards, BSI

Description Human Capital Management Standards is a comprehensive guide to the BSI and ISO frameworks for people management. Providing internationally agreed definitions and best practice guidance, it offers a foundation for sustainable people management and development practices in organizations. Covering everything from organizational governance, workforce planning, diversity and inclusion to learning and development, this book explores the key areas of people management throughout the employment life cycle, from initial hire to the time people move on from the organization. There is also coverage of additional business standards such as those related to occupational health and safety as well as the implications of implementing standards in a globalized and interconnected organizational context. Human Capital Management Standards will allow people professionals and managers in organizations of all sizes and types to develop and implement effective people policies and processes based on robust research to create a supportive organizational environment for a more productive workforce. This book also includes essential coverage of the standards assessment process and tips and advice on how to achieve successful accreditation. With case studies from organizations that have made HR interventions based on these standards and a glossary to explain the language of standards, this is an indispensable guide for HR professionals, managers and standards specialists in all organizations.

Author Information Dr Wilson Wong is Head of Insight and Futures at the Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development (CIPD) and Chair of the Human Capital Standards Committee at the British Standards Institution (BSI). Prior to this, he worked in technology policy and financial/investment research. Dr Valerie Anderson is Reader in Human Resource Development at the University of Portsmouth. She has gained extensive HRM and HRD management experience in a range of different public and private sector organizations. Heather Bond is Standards Adviser at CIPD. Her professional expertise in people management and standards have been integral to the development of many standards in this book. Prior to this, she was responsible for CIPD qualifications development and regulatory compliance.

Table of Contents 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Governance, human capital and culture - the role of standards and standardization [Edward Houghton] It’s all a matter of standards [Heather Bond] Workforce planning [ Julie Sloan] Recruitment [Sandy J Miles] Learning and development [Valerie Anderson and Alaa Garad] Diversity and inclusion [Anne McBride and Helge Hoel] Occupational health and safety management [Martin Cottam] Moving on from the organization [Valerie Anderson] Cross-national, cross-sectoral and cross-functional issues [Alaa Garad] Assessment and accreditation [Angela Mulvie] The future of standards affecting human capital management and development [Wilson Wong]

Human Resource Management

International Human Resource Management A Case Study Approach Edition: 1 Date: 11/28/2017 Price: $49.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749480981 ISBN Ebook: 9780749480998 Pages: 304 Format (mm): 235x157 Product Category: Textbook Subject: International HRM

This book

examines the functional elements of International HRM including recruitment and selection, « Fully rewards and benefits, performance management, training and development, employment relations and job design

global case studies from a range of organizations such as Telefonica, McDonald’s, Toyota, « Includes Unilever and Volkswagen resources: additional case studies, lecture slides for each chapter and discussion questions « Online and self-test multiple-choice questions for students

Description In the face of globalization, multinational companies have become the norm, rather than the exception. HR professionals now need to manage across borders, cultures and time zones, meaning that a complete understanding of the theory and practice of International Human Resource Management (HRM) is essential. International Human Resource Management is a concise introduction for all students studying International HRM at the Masters level. It covers everything from the cultural and institutional contexts, international employment law and the role of International Framework Agreements to recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management, reward and benefits, job design and other functional areas of International HRM. With numerous industry examples and global case studies from companies such as Telefonica, Unilever and Volkswagen, International Human Resource Management goes beyond the theory to fully explore how International HRM works in practice. It is an indispensable textbook to prepare students for successful careers in human resources. Online supporting resources include additional case studies, lecture slides for every chapter, self-test exercises for students, discussion questions and further reading.

Author Information Daniel Wintersberger is a teaching fellow at Birmingham Business School in the UK, specializing in International Human Resource Management. He currently teaches on the MBA (HRM), MSc in Human Resource Management and the BSc in Business Management. Previously, Daniel lectured at Cardiff University Business School and Swansea School of Management. He has conducted research for the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and worked with the British Airline Pilots’ Association (BALPA). His professional and research experience spans Central and Eastern Europe, China, India and Brazil.

Table of Contents 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 7 8 9 10 11


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

The Context of International 12 Work Organization and Job Design across HRM National Contexts [Daniel Introduction and Background Wintersberger and Jorge to International HRM [Daniel Muniz Jr] Wintersberger] 13 Conclusions: Change or The Cultural Context of Continuance in National International HRM [Daniel Systems of HRM? Wintersberger] Leadership Across Cultural Contexts [Avis Tam] Cross-Cultural Communication [James Baba Abugre] The Institutional Context of International HRM [Daniel Wintersberger] Global Labour Governance and Core Labour Standards [Christina Niforou] Functional Areas of International HRM International Recruitment, Selection and Talent Management [Peter Foss] International Staffing in Multinational Companies [James Baba Abugre] International Reward [Daniel Wintersberger] International Training and Workforce Skills [Daniel Wintersberger] International Employee Relations [Geraint Harvey]

International HRM

International Human Resource Management Edition: 4 Date: 01/28/2016 Price: $65.00 ISBN Paperback: 9781843983750 ISBN Ebook: 9781843984184 Pages: 528 Format (mm): 246x192 Product Category: Textbook Subject: International HRM

This book

« Explores cross-cultural HRM, comparative HRM and international HRM in detail to this edition: extended coverage of cross-cultural management, a broader scope of « New countries and key topics such as global talent management, global leadership, global knowledge management, and differing national contexts Online resources: instructor’s manual, lecture slides and additional case studies


Description International Human Resource Management is a critically engaging and student friendly textbook for International HRM modules at all levels, including the CIPD Level 7 Advanced International HRM module. Providing wide international coverage and incorporating a global strategy perspective, it offers a particular focus on cross-cultural, comparative and strategic HRM issues, with a strong emphasis on culture and its impact on organizational behaviour and HRM. This fully updated 4th edition of International Human Resource Management includes extended coverage of cross-cultural management, a broader scope of countries and key topics such as global talent management, global leadership, global knowledge management, and differing national contexts. Filled with geographically diverse examples and case studies, and covering topics from culture and reward systems to managing expatriate assignment and diversity in international forms of working, it is an ideal textbook for all students of international HRM as well as HRM specialists and practicing managers. Online supporting resources include an instructor’s manual, lecture slides and additional case studies.

Author Information Chris Brewster is a professor of International HRM at Henley Business School, UK. Elizabeth Houldsworth is an associate professor of HRM at Henley Business School, UK. Paul Sparrow is the director of the Centre for Performance-Led HR and professor of International HRM at Lancaster University Management School, UK. Guy Vernon is an associate professor of Human Resource Management at Southampton University, UK.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents I‌nternational HRM - An Introduction 1 Cross-Cultural Human Resource Management 1 Differing National Contexts 2 The Impact of National Culture 3 Culture and Organisation Life 2 Comparative Human Resource Management 4 Employee Relations and Collective Communication 5 The Organisation of Work 6 Flexibility and Work Life Balance 7 Recruitment and Selection 8 Performance Management 9 Rewards 10 Training and Development 11 Global HRM Departments 3 International Human Resource Management 12 International HRM - Theory and Practice 13 Managing Expatriate Assignments 14 Managing Diversity in International Forms of Working 15 Integrating Global HRM Practices 16 Globalising HRM

International HRM

International Human Resource Management A Cross-Cultural and Comparative Approach Edition: 1 Date: 04/28/2013 Price: $70.00 ISBN Paperback: 9781843983002 ISBN Ebook: 9781843983538 Pages: 440 Format (mm): 245x189 Product Category: Textbook Subject: International HRM

This book

« Includes contributions from experts on HR in specific countries and regions for students studying International Human Resource Management for the first time or those « Ideal studying in their second language resources: Lecturer guide, powerpoint slides, case studies and a bonus chapter on new « Online directions in International HRM as well as annotated web links and self-test questions for students Description International Human Resource Management is an essential book for all students and HR professionals looking to really understand international HRM. Covering the context of International HRM, HRM and National Culture, HRM in different regions and international HRM policies, this book provides thorough discussion and comprehensive consideration of all elements of international HRM, Full of contributions from experts in specific regions including North America, the Middle East and North Africa, India, Russia and China, this book will provide readers with a thorough understanding of HRM around the world. With crucial coverage of international HRM issues including cross-cultural leadership, business ethics, global talent supply and management as well as performance management of international staff, International Human Resource Management is essential reading for all those working or looking to work in HR around the world, particularly those looking to work in multinational companies. Fully supported by online resources including powerpoint slides, a lecturer guide, additional case studies and a bonus chapter on issues and new directions in International Human Resource Management as well as annotated web links and self-test questions for students.

Author Information

Table of Contents

Paul Iles is Professor of Leadership and HRM at Glasgow School for Business and Society, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK

1 1

Dr. Crystal Ling Zhang is Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour at Leeds Business School, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK

2 3 2 4 5

6 7

3 8



HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Introduction and Context International HRM, National Differences and the Transfer of HRM (Paul Iles) National Difference, Culture and IHRM (Crystal Zhang and Paul Iles) Globalisation and IHRM Policies at the Enterprise Level (Paul Iles) HRM and National Culture Cross-Cultural Learning - Theories and Principles (Crystal Zhang and Paul Iles) Cross-Cultural and Global Leadership, Leadership Development and IHRM (Crystal Zhang and Paul Iles) Ethics, Culture and Corporate Social Responsibility (Paul Iles) IHRM, Culture and Knowledge Flows in International Alliances, Joint Ventures, Mergers and Acquisitions (Paul Iles) HRM in Different Regions HRM in North America and Western Europe - The emergence of a ‘Western’ HRM model? (Paul Iles) HRM in Russia and Central and Eastern Europe (Paul Iles)

International HRM

10 HRM in the Middle East and North Africa (Paul Iles & Niki Kyriakidou) 11 HRM in Sub-Saharan Africa (Paul Iles) 12 HRM in Latin America (Paul Iles) 13 HRM in India (Crystal Zhang, Shakiya Nisa & Paul Iles) 14 HRM in China (Paul Iles & Xiaoxian Zhu) 4 International HRM Policies in IES 15 Employee Resourcing Staffing, Recruitment and Selection in International Contexts (Paul Iles and Tingting Jiang) 16 Cross-Cultural Training and International HRD (Crystal Zhang & Paul Iles) 17 Global Talent Management (Paul Iles, Xiaoxian Zhu) 18 Managing the Performance of International Staff (Paul Iles) 19 Global Reward Management, Organisational Benefits and Employer Branding (Paul Iles and Tingting Jiang) 20 Employment Relations and Employee Voice in a Global Context (Paul Iles)

Research Methods in Human Resource Management Investigating a Business Issue Edition: 4 Date: 12/28/2019 Price: $61.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749483876 ISBN Ebook: 9780749483883 Pages: 496 Format (mm): 247x190 Product Category: Textbook Subject: HR Research Methods

Author Information Valerie Anderson, Chartered MCIPD, is Reader in HRD at University of Portsmouth. She gained extensive HRM and HRD management and consultancy experience in a range of different public and private sector organizations before moving to a career in higher education. Rita Fontinha is a Lecturer of International Business and Strategy specialising in Strategic and International Human Resource Management at Henley Business School, University of Reading. Fiona Robson, Academic FCIPD is Director of Excellence in Learning & Teaching and Reader in Human Resource Management at Newcastle University Business School.

This book

detailed guidance through each stage of an HRM business project as well as collecting and « Provides interpreting both qualitative and quantitative data to this edition: international case studies, increased discussion of methodological issues, best « New practice sample literature reviews and real-life examples « Online resources: instructor’s manual, lecture slides and annotated web links

Description Research Methods in Human Resource Management is a key resource for anyone undertaking a research report or dissertation. It covers the planning and execution of HRM research projects, from investigating and researching HR issues to designing and implementing research and then evaluating and reviewing the results. Filled with international examples to provide a global perspective, this fully updated 4th edition of Research Methods in Human Resource Management balances theoretical frameworks and practical guidance. Fully updated throughout, this edition now includes increased discussion of methodological issues, more real-life examples and international case studies and best practice sample literature reviews and write-ups. ‘Review and Reflect’ sections at the end of each chapter help to consolidate learning and explain how it can aid professional development. This book is fully mapped to the CIPD Level 7 Advanced module on Investigating a Business Issue from an HR Perspective, and multiplechoice questions and a glossary of terms help students understand the key concepts and use the terminology confidently. Online supporting resources for lecturers include an instructor’s manual and lecture slides and there are annotated web links, further reading and new reflective questions for students.

Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Investigating and researching HR issues First stages towards an HR project Finding and reviewing HR literature and information sources Ethics, professionalism, standards and HR research Planning the research process Finding and using documents and organisational evidence Collecting and recording qualitative data Analysing qualitative data Collecting and recording quantitative data Analysing quantitative data Writing up your project and making recommendations Making an impact – the relationship between research and practice

HR Research Methods

Predictive HR Analytics Mastering the HR Metric Edition: 2 Date: /03/28/2019 Price: $49.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749484446 ISBN Ebook: 9780749484453 Pages: 536 Format (mm): 240x175 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: HR Analytics

This book

a detailed yet accessible guide to understanding and working with people analytics and « Offers advanced statistical techniques numerous worked examples of analyses of various forms of HR data - such as employee « Contains engagement, performance and turnover - which are supported by SPSS screenshots and online datasets Shows how to use the results of such analyses to enable practitioners to develop effective evidencebased HR strategies New to this edition: new material on machine learning, biased algorithms, data protection and GDPR considerations, a new example using Kaplan Meier Survival analyses for tenure/turnover modelling, a new appendix showing main R coding for the focal analyses approaches in the book and updated screenshots and examples with SPSS version 25 Online resources: SPSS and Excel data sets and R syntax with worked case study examples

« « «

Description HR metrics and organizational people-related data are an invaluable source of information from which to identify trends and patterns in order to make effective business decisions. But HR practitioners often lack the statistical and analytical know-how to fully harness the potential of this data. Predictive HR Analytics provides a clear, accessible framework for understanding and working with people analytics and advanced statistical techniques. Using the statistical package SPSS (with R syntax included), it takes readers step by step through worked examples, showing them how to carry out and interpret analyses of HR data in areas such as employee engagement, performance and turnover. Readers are shown how to use the results to enable them to develop effective evidence-based HR strategies. This second edition has been updated to include the latest material on machine learning, biased algorithms, data protection and GDPR considerations, a new example using survival analyses, and up-to-the-minute screenshots and examples with SPSS version 25. It is supported by a new appendix showing main R coding, and online resources consisting of SPSS and Excel data sets and R syntax with worked case study examples.

Author Information Martin R Edwards is Reader in HRM and Organizational Psychology at King’s Business School, King’s College London. He has taught statistics to undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students for over 15 years and also teaches HR analytics to MSc students. As a consultant, he has delivered HR analytics workshops to FTSE-100 companies. Kirsten Edwards is HR Lead for Advanced Analytics and Data Science at Rio Tinto and has over 20 years’ broad international experience in analytics, HR and management consulting. She is a visiting lecturer at Kent Business School and at King’s Business School.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents 1 Understanding HR analytics 2 HR information systems and data 3 Analysis strategies 4 Case study 1 – Diversity analytics 5 Case study 2 – Employee attitude surveys – engagement and workforce perceptions 6 Case study 3 – Predicting employee turnover 7 Case study 4 – Predicting employee performance 8 Case study 5 – Recruitment and selection analytics 9 Case study 6 – Monitoring the impact of interventions 10 Business applications – Scenario modelling and business cases 11 More advanced HR analytic techniques 12 Reflection on HR analytics – Usage, ethics and limitations 13 Appendix R

HR Analytics

Introduction to People Analytics A Practical Guide to Data-driven HR Edition: 1 Date: 04/28/2020 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789661804 ISBN Ebook: 9781789661828 Pages: 352 Format (mm): 234x158 Product Category: Professional Subject: HR Analytics

This book

HR practitioners with little or no experience of analytics to feel confident in their ability to « Enables find and handle workforce data and use it to make better business decisions how to make an impact by starting small and building people analytics into business « Demonstrates processes how people analytics can be used to increase performance, improve efficiency and reduce « Shows costs « Includes case studies from AstraZeneca, Brompton Bikes, Swarovski, NHS and Experian

Description An understanding of people analytics is a crucial skill for all HR professionals. No longer limited to employees in data teams or those with analyst in their job titles, people analytics is now an integral part of every HR job. Introduction to People Analytics allows all HR professionals to get to grips with analytics, feel confident in their ability to handle employee and organizational data and use analytics to move from opinions to insights. From where to find data in an organization, how to collect it and analyse it through to how to use these findings to add business value, Introduction to People Analytics is essential reading for all HR professionals. With case studies and thought leadership insights from companies who have leveraged people analytics to improve culture and employee engagement, increase performance and reduce costs including NHS, Brompton Bikes, British Heart Foundation, King, Experian and AstraZeneca, FIS and Swarovski, this book shows how and where HR analytics can make a tangible difference to organizations. There is also expert guidance and practical advice on how to embed analytics into HR processes and adopt a data-driven approach to all workplace activities.

Author Information Nadeem Khan is a futurist, speaker, coach, industry writer and consultant in organizational strategy, digital transformation and the future of work. He is also the managing director of Optimizhr Ltd., a data and people analytics solution provider offering services that amplify and align organizational strategy with capability towards business optimization. Dave Millner has 30 years of consulting experience working with global organizations to offer a range of organizational development solutions underpinned by people analytics. He is also frequently referenced as one of the most influential HR practitioners to follow on Twitter (HRCurator).


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents ‌Preface Context for change Redefining HR: the context for change 2 The age of data and people analytics 2 Making the shift to a databased approach 3 The commercial HR mindset 4 Developing new ways of working 5 Working with data 3 People analytics delivering value 6 A people analytics framework 7 Business insights from people analytics 8 Delivering people analytics projects 4 Looking to the future 9 How to be more data-driven and people analytics-focused 10 The road ahead: turning intent into tomorrow’s people function through people analytics 11 Index 1 1

HR Analytics

Learning Analytics Using Talent Data to Improve Business Outcomes Edition: 2 Date: 04/28/2020 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789663006 ISBN Ebook: 9781789663013 Pages: 400 Format (mm): 232x156 Product Category: Professional Subject: HR Analytics

This book

how to measure and evaluate learning and development initiatives through analytics in « Shows order to maximise their impact and identify gaps for improvement L&D professionals to make the business case for their activities and deliver an evidence« Enables based service to their organizations case studies from organizations such as JetBlue Airways, Hilton Worldwide University and « Features Seagate Technology who have applied these approaches in practice to this edition: updates to the chapters on learning technology tools and moving beyond « New learning analytics to talent management analytics and fresh content on informal learning, instructor management, and a portfolio evaluation approach.

Description Effective evaluation and measurement of learning and development initiatives is critical to maximise the impact of training, identify gaps for improvement and ensure that efforts are aligned to the business’ needs. Learning Analytics outlines how analytical approaches can respond to these challenges, the types and benefits of technological solutions and how to ask the right questions of organizational data in order to build a learning organization that boosts performance and competitive advantage. Drawing upon case studies from organizations who have applied such approaches such as The Gap, Hilton Worldwide University and Seagate Technology, Learning Analytics will enable those involved in learning and development to make the business case for their activities and deliver an evidencebased service to their organizations. Alongside updated chapters on learning technology tools and moving beyond learning analytics to talent management analytics, this second edition also features new content on measuring informal learning, increasing data literacy, and framing L&D’s contributions through a portfolio evaluation approach.

Author Information John R. Mattox II is the Head of Talent Research at Explorance. He helps clients develop measurement strategies to improve business performance by measuring the impact of training. Prior to this, Mattox was a Principal Consultant with Gartner and led training evaluation teams at KPMG, PwC and Arthur Andersen. Peggy Parskey is a part-time managing consultant at Explorance. Based in Connecticut, she also runs her own consulting firm, Parskey Consulting, which provides organizational improvement initiatives to Fortune 500 firms.

Table of Contents 1 What is learning analytics? 2 Technology’s role in learning measurement 3 Linking learning to business impact 4 Scrap learning: the new leading indicator of success 5 Aligning L&D to business goals through needs assessment 6 Benchmarks 7 Optimizing investments in learning 8 Beyond learning analytics to talent management analytics

Cristina Hall is Vice President of Strategy at Explorance and is based in Chicago, Illinois. Before this, she worked at Gartner for over 10 years, where she was most recently director of product strategy.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

HR Analytics

Driving Digital Transformation through Data and AI A Practical Guide to Delivering Data Science and Machine Learning Products Edition: 1 Date: 11/28/2020 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789665390 ISBN Ebook: 9781789665406 Pages: 264 Format (mm): 235x158 Product Category: Professional Subject: HR Analytics

This book

how to build the organizational capability to deliver Data and AI products and drive « Explains immediate business results as new digital technologies significantly disrupt business best practices, tools and templates for managing the organizational and technological « Provides change process to become an AI-driven enterprise a variety of international case studies across several industries such as insurance, fashion, « Includes consumer goods, finance, technology and automotive « Outlines how to develop a product strategy, build teams and design the platform and architecture key principles for sharing knowledge, educating staff on data and AI, and effectively « Provides engaging top executives

Description Leading tech companies such as Netflix, Amazon and Uber use data science and machine learning at scale in their core business processes, whereas most traditional companies struggle to expand their machine learning projects beyond a small pilot scope. This book enables organizations to truly embrace the benefits of digital transformation by anchoring data and AI products at the core of their business. It provides executives with the essential tools and concepts to establish a data and AI portfolio strategy as well as the organizational setup and agile processes that are required to deliver machine learning products at scale. Key consideration is given to advancing the data architecture and governance, balancing stakeholder needs and breaking organizational silos through new ways of working. Each chapter includes templates, common pitfalls and global case studies covering industries such as insurance, fashion, consumer goods, finance, manufacturing and automotive. Covering a holistic perspective on strategy, technology, product and company culture, Driving Digital Transformation through Data and AI guides the organizational transformation required to get ahead in the age of AI.

Author Information Dr Alexander Borek is an independent advisor for data, analytics and machine learning strategy. He was previously the Global Head of Data, Analytics & AI at Volkswagen Financial Services, scaling data products across international markets. In his previous roles, he led the data transformation at Volkswagen Group and worked as management consultant at Gartner and IBM. Dr Nadine Prill is Head of Product at Taktile, a Berlin based tech company that provides a platform for machine learning model deployment, governance and explainability. Previously, she worked as product manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). She holds a PhD from the University of Oxford.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Introduction to delivering data and AI products Developing the data and AI product strategy and goals Setting up the data and AI product delivery organization Identifying and defining data and AI products Delivering high quality data and AI products Designing the data and AI platform and architecture Driving transformative change with data and AI products The future of data and AI products in your organization

HR Analytics

Data-Driven HR How to Use Analytics and Metrics to Drive Performance Edition: 1 Date: 04/28/2018 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749482466 ISBN Ebook: 9780749482473 Pages: 264 Format (mm): 234x158 Product Category: Professional Subject: HR Analytics

This book

how to take a data-driven approach to recruitment, engagement, safety, wellbeing, training « Shows and performance management HR professionals analyze the vast amount of company data to gain tangible organizational « Helps insights and drive performance guidance on how to ensure data collection is transparent and that employees understand « Includes what information is being collected and why

Description FINALIST: Business Book Awards 2019 - HR and Management Category Traditionally seen as a purely people function unconcerned with numbers, HR is now uniquely placed to use company data to drive performance, both of the people in the organization and the organization as a whole. Data-Driven HR is a practical guide which enables HR professionals to leverage the value of the vast amount of data available at their fingertips. Covering how to identify the most useful sources of data, collect information in a transparent way that is in line with data protection requirements and turn this data into tangible insights, this book marks a turning point for the HR profession. Covering all the key elements of HR including recruitment, employee engagement, performance management, wellbeing and training, Data-Driven HR examines the ways data can contribute to organizational success by, among other things, optimizing processes, driving performance and improving HR decision making. Packed with case studies and real-life examples, this is essential reading for all HR professionals looking to make a measurable difference in their organizations.

Author Information Bernard Marr is a Big Data guru and bestselling author. A strategic performance consultant, he has and advised many of the world’s best-known organizations including Accenture, Barclays, BP, DHL, Fujitsu, Gartner, HSBC, Mars, Microsoft, Oracle, The Home Office, NHS, Orange, Tetley, T-Mobile, Toyota, Royal Air Force, SAP and Shell on their business and data strategies. A frequent keynote speaker, he also writes on the topic of data and analytics for various publications including Forbes, the Huffington Post and LinkedIn Pulse. Bernard Marr is also the author of Data Strategy (2017) published by Kogan Page.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents 1 What is data-driven HR? 2 The evolution of intelligent (and super-intelligent) HR 3 Data-driven strategy: making a business case for more intelligent HR 4 Capitalizing on the data explosion: identifying key sources of HR-relevant data 5 Data-driven HR tools: turning data into insights with HR analytics 6 Potential pitfalls: looking at data privacy, transparency and security 7 Data-driven recruitment 8 Data-driven employee engagement 9 Data-driven employee safety and wellness 10 Data-driven learning and development 11 Data-driven performance management 12 The future of data-driven HR

HR Analytics

Armstrong’s Handbook of Strategic Human Resource Management

This book

how to align HR strategies, policies and practices with wider organizational goals and « Shows objectives to improve business performance key learning summaries, source reviews and real-life examples from organizations « Features including UNICEF and General Motors (GM) to this edition: chapters on evidence-based strategic HRM, employee wellbeing strategies « New and HR analytics, additional case studies and updated wider content to reflect the latest research and thinking Online resources: lecture slides and handbooks for lecturers and students which include selfassessment questions, case study exercises and a glossary and literature review

Improve Business Performance Through Strategic People Management


Edition: 7 Date: 12/28/2020 Price: $46.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789661729 ISBN Ebook: 9781789661736 Pages: 312 Format (mm): 234x159 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Strategic HRM

Armstrong’s Handbook of Strategic Human Resource Management is a complete guide to integrating HR strategies with wider organizational goals and objectives approaches to achieve sustained competitive advantage. Supported by key learning summaries, source reviews and practical real-life examples from organizations including UNICEF and General Motors (GM), it provides coverage of HRM strategies in key areas of the function such as employee engagement, talent management and learning and development, as well as strategic HRM approaches in an international context.

Author Information Michael Armstrong is the UK’s bestselling author of HRM books. With over a million copies sold, his books have been translated into twenty-one languages. He is managing partner of E-Reward and was previously a chief examiner of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).


This fully revised seventh edition of Armstrong’s Handbook of Strategic Human Resource Management contains new chapters on evidence-based strategic HRM, employee wellbeing strategies and HR analytics, as well as additional case studies and updated wider content to reflect the latest research and thinking. It remains an indispensable resource for both professionals and those studying HR qualifications, including undergraduate and masters degrees and the CIPD’s advanced level qualifications. Online supporting resources include lecture slides and comprehensive handbooks for lecturers and students which include self-assessment questions, case study exercises, and a glossary and literature review.

Table of Contents 1 1 2 3 4 5 2 6 7 8 9 10 3 11 12 13 14 15 16 17


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

‌Introduction Strategic human resource management (SHRM) Human resource management Strategic management The concept of strategic human resource management The evolution of SHRM The reality of SHRM People strategy in general The concept of people management The nature and practice of people strategy Developing people strategy Implementing people strategy The strategic role of people professionals Specific people strategies Organization development strategy Human capital management strategy Knowledge management strategy Corporate social responsibility strategy Organizational performance strategy Individual performance strategy Digital strategy for people management

Strategic HRM

18 Employee engagement strategy 19 Resourcing strategy 20 Talent management strategy 21 Diversity and inclusion strategy 22 Learning and development strategy 23 Reward strategy 24 Employment relationships strategy 25 Employee wellbeing strategy 26 International people management strategy

Strategic Human Resource Management An HR Professional’s Toolkit Edition: 1 Date: 02/28/2019 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749484040 ISBN Ebook: 9780749484057 Pages: 272 Format (mm): 235x160 Product Category: Professional Subject: Strategic HRM

This book

guidance on how to assess business needs including interpreting financial results and « Provides understanding markets and channels to ensure organizational objectives are supported by HR practices

career frameworks and personal and professional development to help enable you to make « Explores an impact in your organization and beyond how to meet the challenges of a changing business environment when building a talent « Shows pipeline and implement a workforce planning process

Description FINALIST: Business Book Awards 2020 - HR & Management Category HR’s contribution to the business goes beyond its traditional role of managing hiring, discipline and payroll. Strategic Human Resource Management is a practical guide for all those in HR roles to support wider organizational goals and objectives whilst developing and engaging individual employees through focussing on the concept of ‘People Experience’. Drawing upon tools, exercises and case studies, this complete resource covers the core areas that are essential to achieving competitive advantage through understanding yourself, your business, your industry and your profession. Strategic Human Resource Management shows how to hone the personal skills needed to excel in HR and leadership positions, such as authenticity, network building and managing stakeholder relationships, alongside the importance of focussing on self-care and mental wellbeing. This book provides guidance on building competitor awareness, markets and channels, trends and forecasting and interpreting financial results in order to build commercial acumen. Career frameworks, professional accreditation and the importance of continued personal and professional development are also explored, in addition to technological trends and the future of work in a changing business environment. This comprehensive toolkit is an indispensable resource for HR professionals who want to implement HR practices that benefit the business and its workforce, and make an impact within their organization and profession.

Author Information Karen Beaven is an executive coach and the founder of the HR Entrepreneur’s Network. She has operated at HR Director level for a number of years at companies including River Island and AllSaints, and has been ranked as one of the most influential HR practitioners by HR Magazine in 2016 and 2017. She was also recognised as HR Director of the year in 2015 and has been listed as a Global HR superstar by HRO Today.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents 1 1

Know your self Continuous personal development 2 Drive and passion 3 Comfort zone 4 Interpersonal skills 5 Bravery 6 Your personal network 7 Inspirational leadership 2 Know your business 8 Product 9 People 10 Productivity 11 Annual results 12 Commercial focus 13 Markets and channels 14 Technology 15 Culture 16 Purpose 3 Know your industry 17 Competition 18 Business environment 19 Rules and regulations 20 Trends and forecasting 21 Where’s the talent? 22 Workforce planning 23 Resources 4 Know your profession 24 Professional accreditation 25 Responsibilities 26 Advisory bodies 27 Career framework 28 Professional development

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29 The development of the industry 30 The future of work

Introduction to HR Technologies Understand How to Use Technology to Improve Performance and Processes Edition: 1 Date: 07/28/2021 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789665277 ISBN Ebook: 9781789665284 Pages: 288 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Professional Subject: Strategic HRM

This book

clear, accessible and jargon-free language to explain the technologies available to HR « Uses professionals how technology can improve performance in each of the core areas of HR activity « Explains including recruitment, reward and L&D a brand-agnostic approach to show how to assess the available technologies and identify « Uses which are worth investing in discussion of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and the Internet of Things (IoT) « Includes and explores what impact these will have on HR examples of how technology can improve efficiency by streamlining and speeding up « Provides processes to save both time and money

Description Technology can have huge benefits for the HR function. Whether it’s saving time by streamlining processes, boosting engagement by enabling analysis of people data or improving employee development by allowing staff to access the content they need on different platforms, wherever and whenever they need it; the opportunities are vast. However, with more apps, software and platforms than ever before, the volume and variety of available technologies can be overwhelming. This makes it extremely difficult for HR professionals to know where to start when assessing what technologies are out there and which are worth investing in. Introduction to HR Technologies addresses these issues in clear, accessible and jargon-free language and is an indispensable guide for HR professionals needing to get to grips technologies and understand how to use them to add tangible business value. Covering all the core areas of HR including recruitment, performance management, learning and development (L&D) and reward, Introduction to HR Technologies allows practitioners to identify areas where technologies can be used to drive performance and what to look for when assessing technological solutions. There is also discussion of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and the Internet of Things (IoT) and what they mean for HR. This book is essential reading for all HR professionals looking to use technology confidently to increase performance, improve processes and add value to both employees and the business as a whole.

Author Information Stacey Harris is Vice President of Research and Analytics at Sierra-Cedar in North Carolina. Prior to this, she was the VP of Research and Advisory Services at the Brandon Hall Group and the Director of Strategic HR at Bersin and Associates. Since 2017, Stacey Harris has been the Director of Education for the International Association for Human Resource Information Management.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents 1 What are HR technologies? 2 Different types of HR technologies 3 How can technology help? 4 What to look for 5 Recruitment 6 Learning and Development (L&D) 7 Performance management 8 Reward management 9 AI, machine learning and the Internet of Things

Strategic HRM

Digital HR Strategy Achieving Sustainable Transformation in the Digital Age Edition: 1 Date: 02/28/2020 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789661224 ISBN Ebook: 9781789661231 Pages: 312 Format (mm): 235x157 Product Category: Professional Subject: Strategic HRM

This book

guidance on how to build a strategy that uses digital advancements and new technologies « Provides to make HR processes more efficient, improve individual performance and increase company profits how to use insights from data and analytics to improve employee engagement and « Explains wellbeing how to recruit new staff and upskill existing employees so that the business has the « Demonstrates expertise it needs to succeed in the digital age case studies from companies who have effectively implemented a digital HR strategy and « Includes are seeing the benefits from it including Airbnb and PepsiCo HR professionals how to adapt to the new elements of their roles created by digital « Shows transformation and new technologies

Description We are living in an uncertain world that is rapidly changing with an overload of information and a continual rise of technologies. Automation, the gig economy, digital platforms and other innovations are changing the fundamental nature of work and are having a significant impact on the workforce, workplace and the HR function. Digital HR Strategy is crucial reading for all HR practitioners and leaders wanting to ensure that their organization adapts to this changing and increasingly competitive environment by creating a strategic approach for sustainable transformation which goes beyond conventional digital HR propositions. Featuring case studies from organizations including Airbnb and PepsiCo, it covers areas such as the importance of cultural change and creating a human-centric employee experience, leveraging value propositions, and harnessing data insights and analytics to improve performance. Digital HR Strategy also explores frameworks, strategies and opportunities for wellbeing initiatives, upskilling and reskilling workforces to respond to and establishing a culture of collaboration and innovation. Featuring tips, tools, and key questions to consider, it is an indispensable resource for all HR practitioners and leaders looking to build, develop and execute a digital HR strategy in order to achieve and sustain competitive advantage in this fast-changing digital age.

Author Information Soumyasanto Sen is the Founder and Future of Work Strategist at People Conscience, where he provides advice to communities dealing with digital transformation, the new world of work and HR strategy. He is an INSEAD alumni and currently also a HR IT Program Manager at large healthcare company. Prior to this, he was a Global HR IT Manager at one of the largest global automobile companies and a Senior Consultant at IBM Global Business Services. He is a regular conference speaker and commentator on all aspects of HR technology, digital transformation, people analytics and the future of work.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents ‌Introduction 1 Revolution 1 Growing the digital economy alongside disruptions 2 The need for transformation and having the right mindset 3 The game changers - culture, data and strategy 4 Creating value propositions that are fit for purpose 2 Survival 5 The demand for the humancentric experience 6 Evolving the future of work, jobs and the workforce 7 Ongoing augmentation, reskilling and collaboration 3 Sustainability 8 Recreating the organization as a living organism 9 Driven by innovation and led by people 10 A sustainable evolution and a fairer society 11 Conclusion 12 Index

Strategic HRM

Armstrong’s Handbook of Performance Management An Evidence-Based Guide to Delivering High Performance

This book

written by the UK’s bestselling HRM author, whose books have sold over a million copies and « Isbeen translated into twenty-one languages New to this edition: case studies from Microsoft, IBM and Expedia which show how the latest « developments in performance management are being implemented Online resources: instructor’s manual, student’s manual, lecture slides for each chapter, a glossary « of terms and a literature review


Edition: 6 Date: 12/28/2017 Price: $49.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749481209 ISBN Ebook: 9780749481216 Pages: 272 Format (mm): 240x170 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Performance Management

Armstrong’s Handbook of Performance Management addresses all areas of performance management, from performance pay and giving feedback to managing underperformers and having difficult conversations, so organizations can optimize staff performance. This fully updated and restructured 6th edition analyzes traditional as well as the latest developments in performance management including the shift from ratings and annual reviews. Veteran HR expert Michael Armstrong examines where these new approaches should be embraced and where traditional methods of performance management may be preferable. Packed with examples, exercises, checklists and new case studies from organizations such as Microsoft, IBM and Expedia, this book remains the most authoritative and engaging textbook on performance management.

Author Information

Table of Contents

Michael Armstrong is the UK’s bestselling author of Human Resource Management books including Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice and several other titles published by Kogan Page. With over a million copies sold, his books have been translated into twentyone languages. He is managing partner of E-Reward as well as an independent management consultant. Prior to this he was a chief examiner of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) and an HR director of a publishing company.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Supporting online resources for Armstrong’s Handbook of Performance Management include an instructor’s manual, a student’s manual, lecture slides, a glossary of terms and a literature review.


16 What’s Wrong with The Basics of Performance Performance Management Management and How is it Being Put Right 1 The Concept of Performance 17 Reinventing Performance Management Management 2 Performance Management Systems 3 The Impact of Performance Management 2 Performance Management Practice - the Ideal and Reality 4 Performance and Development Agreements 5 The Balanced Scorecard 6 Performance Reviews 7 Analysing and Assessing Performance 8 Managing Underperformance 9 Providing Feedback 10 Coaching 3 Applications of Performance Management 11 Managing Organizational Performance 12 Managing Team Performance 13 Performance Management and Employee Engagement 14 Performance Management and Reward 15 International Performance Management 4 Performance Management Reality and Reinvention

Performance Management

Performance Management Theory and Practice

This book

« Balances theory with practice to give students a full understanding of the subject « Maps to the CIPD advanced-level unit on Performance Management « Online resources: instructor’s manual, lecture slides, annotated web links for students

Edition: 1 Date: 08/28/2013 Price: $70.00 ISBN Paperback: 9781843983057 ISBN Ebook: 9781843983286 Pages: 344 Format (mm): 245x187 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Performance Management


Author Information

Table of Contents

Sue Hutchinson is an associate professor in HRM at the University of the West of England, where she is also Associate Head of the HRM teaching and research group. She teaches on a range of HRM postgraduate modules including Performance Management, and is actively involved in research. Her main research interests focus on the link between people management and performance, the role of line managers in HRM and involvement and consultation. Previous work experiences include research and teaching at Bath University, policy advisor for the CIPD and industrial relations advisor in the paper industry.

How do you systematically decide and communicate strategic performance aims, objectives, priorities and targets? How do you plan effective policies and practices? Which techniques, rewards and sanctions should you use to improve performance? How do you critically evaluate the effectiveness of performance management? Performance Management combines theory and practice to help students master these key concepts and apply their learning. Mapping to the CIPD Level 7 Advanced unit by the same name, the book is a core text for any student taking a performance management module at undergraduate or postgraduate level. Featuring examples from a range of sectors and organizations across the globe, Performance Management is packed with pedagogical features such as learning outcomes, case studies, activities, reflection questions and further reading to fully engage students with the subject. Online supporting resources include an instructor’s manual, lecture slides and annotated web links for students.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


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Setting the Scene - HRM and Performance Strategic Performance Management Motivation at Work The Role of Line Managers in Managing Performance Defining and Measuring Individual Work Performance Performance Appraisal and Feedback Integrating Learning and Performance Performance-Related Rewards Managing Under-Performance Absence Management International Performance Management Developing Performance Management

Performance Management

Performance Management A Practical Introduction Edition: 2 Date: 09/28/2018 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749483371 ISBN Ebook: 9780749483388 Pages: 224 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Performance Management

This book

part of the CIPD-endorsed HR Fundamentals series of succinct, practical guides for those in the « Isearly stages of HR Uses practical tools, assessments and more to demonstrate how to build a successful performance « management strategy to this edition: considers the major developments in the field and includes new case studies « New from companies such as Deloitte, who have dropped the formal appraisal process resources: downloadable templates and tools, including self-assessment questionnaires, to « Online be used in practice

Description Effective performance management is at the heart of organizational success, delivering able and motivated employees who are aligned to an organization’s values and goals. Using a combination of case studies, interviews, tools and diagnostic questionnaires, Performance Management is a complete and practical guide to getting the best out of people and achieving positive organizational outcomes through successful performance management. It covers all areas of the subject, from objective-setting, giving feedback, measuring performance and managing underperformance and absence, to effectively integrating systems and processes into organizational and HR strategies. This second edition of Performance Management contains new material on the ethical focus of the topic, promoting employee wellbeing through performance management, and the future of the annual appraisal, as well as new case studies and examples from Deloitte, Jumeirah Hotels, the CIPD and Hilton. Supporting online resources consist of additional activities and guidance for further research on the topic. HR Fundamentals is a series of succinct, practical guides for students and those in the early stages of their HR careers. They are endorsed by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), the UK professional body for HR and people development, which has over 145,000 members worldwide.

Author Information Linda Ashdown is an Assessment Manager at the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) and an HRM consultant through her own company Ashdown-Jones HR Ltd. She is also an Associate Lecturer at Portsmouth University Business School, specialising in performance management and employee engagement. She was previously on the board of a multinational advertising company as HR Director.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents 1

What is performance management? 2 Why is it important? 3 How does it fit with organization and HRM strategy? 4 How does it work? 5 How do you do it? 6 Planning and action 7 Measurement 8 Conclusion

Performance Management

Building Top Performing Teams Edition: 1 Date: 01/28/2021 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789666762 ISBN Ebook: 9781789666779 Pages: 304 Format (mm): 233x155 Product Category: Professional Subject: Performance Management

This book

how to develop a purpose-driven team with shared goals, vision and identity who can « Explains achieve greater business success than individual employees are able to how to manage internal team conflict that can arise from employees having different « Shows priorities, motivations and levels of experience diagnostic questions and reflective practice exercises in each chapter so that readers can « Provides identify how the content can apply in practice in their own team « Contains more than 40 tools which can be used when coaching virtually or face-to-face practical case studies from organizations including John Lewis, Mothercare, Carlsberg, « Includes PepsiCo and Unilever

Description The best way for a business to succeed is through its people. While there are gains to be had from streamlining processes, reducing costs or making a strategic change, the biggest potential for success comes through how humans collaborate. Specifically, the greatest gains are achieved through high performing teams, and teams of teams. Containing more than 40 tools which can be used in a virtual or in-person coaching environment, Building Top-Performing Teams is a practical guide for leaders, HR professionals, coaches, team coaches and anyone with management responsibility. It covers how to motivate, develop, engage and reward a team of employees with different levels of experience and priorities to achieve outstanding business success. Building Top-Performing Teams includes essential guidance, tools and techniques that show how to promote team ways of working rather than individual-focused processes. It also includes guidance on managing internal team conflict and ensuring that teams are purpose-driven and working towards a shared business goal. Each chapter includes diagnostic questions and reflective practice exercises to allow readers to identify how to apply each element of team development to their workforce. Supported by the authors’ experience in organizations such as the BBC, John Lewis, KPMG, Britvic, the NHS and BMW this is essential reading for anyone needing to unlock the value of teams to achieve greater business performance.

Author Information Lucy Widdowson MSc PCC is an accredited executive and team coach, Director of Performance Edge, and a lead tutor on team coaching at Henley Business School. During her 30 year corporate career she has worked as a HR Director and is a UK board member for team coaching for the ICF. Paul J Barbour MSc is an executive and team coach, with 20 years prior experience leading businesses and teams in Kerry Group plc. A writer and speaker with strong interests in human collaboration and conflict resolution, he is also a lead tutor on team coaching at Henley Business School.

Table of Contents 1

2 3

4 5 6 7

8 9 10


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Introduction - why the world needs top-performing teams and the argument for team coaching Beyond tools and techniques why is a team coach’s ‘way of being’ so important? Team coaching frameworks, models and approaches introducing the ‘Creating the Team Edge’ framework The purpose driven team - why does being purpose driven matter so much? Team identity - why is team identity so important? Team values and beliefs - why are team values and beliefs so important? Team awareness - why is it important to develop awareness both within and beyond a team? Team relatedness - why is building trust and connection so important? Team ways of working - how can teams keep reinventing how they work together? Team transformation - what do teams need to do to become transformational?

Performance Management

11 Conclusion - what does the future require of team coaching?

Armstrong on Reinventing Performance Management Building a Culture of Continuous Improvement Edition: 1 Date: 01/28/2017 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749478117 ISBN Ebook: 9780749478124 Pages: 240 Format (mm): 233x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Performance Management

Author Information Michael Armstrong is the UK’s bestselling author of Human Resource Management books including Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice and several other titles published by Kogan Page. With over a million copies sold, his books have been translated into twentyone languages. He is managing partner of E-Reward as well as an independent management consultant. Prior to this he was a chief examiner of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) and an HR director of a publishing company.

This book

by the UK’s bestselling HRM author, whose books have sold over a million copies and been « Written translated into twenty-one languages insights into innovative approaches organizations such as Deloitte, Expedia and Google are « Provides taking to build organizational performance how to build a culture of managing performance throughout the year which delivers results « Shows and reduces bureaucracy line managers to own the performance management process rather than HR, ensuring « Empowers that the process is effectively cascaded across the business

Description Armstrong on Reinventing Performance Management presents a holistic approach to performance management, drawing on Michael Armstrong’s vast research and experience. Most organizations have performance management processes in one form or another, but these are often based on formal annual reviews, forced rankings and directly linked to pay decisions. These traditional approaches are often at the expense of ongoing, continuous feedback and focus on looking back at what has or has not been achieved rather than looking forward. Direct links to pay decisions avert attention from people development, and managers often get lost in the bureaucracy of complex forms rather than fully engaging with their people. Armstrong on Reinventing Performance Management details how to build a culture of ongoing feedback and coaching and provides case studies of how this approach to building performance has been effective in organizations including Deloitte, Gap, Expedia and Google. Filled with practical advice, including how to deal with underperformers, it enables organizations to remove overly bureaucratic and ineffective systems based on top-down judgments and ratings, and demonstrates how to get line managers’ support for the process focusing on actionable feedback and growth.

Table of Contents 1

Performance Management – The Concept 2 Performance Management – The Reality 3 Effective Performance Management 4 What’s Happening to Performance Management? 5 Reinventing Performance Management - The Issues 6 Improve Objective Setting 7 Replace the Annual Performance Review 8 Abolish Rating 9 Enhance Personal Development 10 Provide Training 11 The Reinvention Programme 12 Conclusions

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144 Development & Coaching

Performance Management

Motivation and Performance A Guide to Motivating a Diverse Workforce Edition: 1 Date: 02/28/2017 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749478131 ISBN Ebook: 9780749478148 Pages: 256 Format (mm): 235x157 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Performance Management

This book

the science behind motivation to unlock productivity and high performance, and reduce « Explains staff turnover practical guidance on how to measure motivation, highlight areas for improvement, « Provides demonstrate which employee motivation programmes are working, and where costs can be reduced transform talent management and succession planning by explaining what motivates an « Helps employee to want to progress in an organization

Description Many organizations approach the issue of employee engagement and motivation by tapping into age, gender and other stereotypes. Motivation and Performance challenges these notions, bringing together evidence that group differences are often exaggerated and that getting to the heart of what really motivates individuals is what’s most important. This book is a practical guide to ensuring that organizations consider all motivators - job security as well as the need for personal growth - to improve employee satisfaction, boost organizational productivity and reduce staff turnover. Underpinned by original research, Motivation and Performance features case studies from finance, retail, the public and other sectors to show how the principles of motivating employees apply at all levels of the organization, not just at the leadership level, and how values and motivation can be changed and developed. Complete with a framework for conducting effective visits to front-line locations, it will help HR professionals ask the right questions, choose whether to implement external motivation-building programmes and make a real impact on an employee’s desire to progress in the company.

Author Information Adrian Furnham is professor of psychology at UCL, and adjunct professor of management at the Norwegian School of Management. He has written over 1,000 scientific papers and 70 books and is among the most well-known psychologists in the world. Ian MacRae is Director of High Potential, an organizational consultancy providing customised psychological tests and reports for improving performance, predicting potential and developing people. He is a PhD candidate at Maastricht University.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 A Model of Motivation 3 Generational Differences 4 The Biology of Stress and Wellbeing 5 Measuring Motivation 6 The Power of Communication and Conversations 7 Intrinsic Motivation 8 Work Engagement, Organizational Health and Culture 9 Extrinsic Motivation and Rewards 10 Culture and Values 11 The Importance of Motivation Gaps 12 Outsourcing Motivation 13 The Dark Side and Derailed Motivation 14 Best and Worst Practice from Real Companies

Performance Management

Armstrong’s Handbook of Reward Management Practice Improving Performance Through Reward Edition: 6 Date: 02/28/2019 Price: $80.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749484361 ISBN Ebook: 9780749484378 Pages: 392 Format (mm): 240x170 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Reward Management

This book

a detailed and comprehensive guide to understanding, developing and implementing « Offers effective reward systems the theoretical discussion to real-world examples and case studies, including General « Connects Motors (GM), the UK National Health Service (NHS), Tesco and BT to this edition: majorly revised and updated chapters on equal pay and the gender pay gap, « New employee benefits and total reward and a new chapter on employee financial wellbeing resources: lecture slides for each chapter and handbooks for lecturers and students which « Online include learning summaries, discussion questions and exercises, further case studies, literature reviews and glossaries

Description Armstrong’s Handbook of Reward Management Practice is the definitive guide to understanding, developing and implementing effective reward strategies. It covers all the essential aspects of improving organizational, team and individual performance through reward processes, including financial and non-financial rewards, job evaluation, grade and pay structures, rewarding specific employee groups and ethical considerations. This revised and updated sixth edition incorporates the latest research and developments and contains updated coverage of equal pay and the gender pay gap, employee benefits and total reward and a new chapter on employee financial wellbeing. As with all of Armstrong’s texts, Armstrong’s Handbook of Reward Management Practice bridges the gap between academic and practitioner and is ideally suited to both HR professionals and those studying for HR qualifications, including master’s degrees and the CIPD’s intermediate and advanced level qualifications. Tips and checklists and can be found throughout, alongside case studies from organizations including General Motors, the UK National Health Service and Tesco. Online supporting resources include lecture slides and comprehensive handbooks for lecturers and students, which include learning summaries, discussion questions and exercises, literature reviews and glossaries.

Author Information Michael Armstrong is the UK’s bestselling author of human resource management books including Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, also published by Kogan Page. His books have sold over a million copies and have been translated into 21 languages. He is a former Chief Examiner of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) and an independent management consultant. Duncan Brown is Head of HR Consultancy at the Institute for Employment Studies. He has more than 25 years’ experience in consulting and reward and he was previously the Assistant Director General at the CIPD.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents ‌Introduction Fundamentals of reward management 1 Reward management – An overview 2 Strategic reward 3 Total reward 2 Aspects of reward management 4 Factors affecting reward 5 Financial rewards 6 Non-financial rewards 7 Motivation and reward 8 Engagement and reward 9 Performance and reward 10 Financial well-being 11 The gender pay gap 12 The ethical approach to reward and performance management 3 Base pay management 13 Job evaluation 14 Market pricing 15 Grade and pay structures 4 Rewarding and recognizing performance 16 Pay progression through contingent pay 17 Bonus schemes 18 Team pay 19 Rewarding for business performance 20 Recognition 1

Reward Management

5 Rewarding special groups 21 Rewarding chief executives 22 Rewarding sales and customer service staff 23 Rewarding knowledge workers 24 Rewarding manual workers 25 International reward 6 Employee benefits 26 Employee pensions and benefits 27 Flexible benefits 7 The practice of reward management 28 Evidence-based reward management 29 Managing reward systems 30 Managing reward risk 31 Responsibility for reward 32 Reward management developments in the UK

Reward Management Alternatives, Consequences and Contexts Edition: 4 Date: 01/28/2020 Price: $61.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789661774 ISBN Ebook: 9781789661781 Pages: 496 Format (mm): 250x190 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Reward Management

This book

a complete theoretical grounding in reward management as well as practical examples and « Gives case studies so the theory can be applied in the workplace to this edition: Coverage of the latest developments in reward management including the « New gender pay gap, international reward, the impact of Brexit, executive reward and pay ratio reporting « Online resources: lecturer manual and lecture slides additional discussion of how different cultures impact reward management and why one « Includes size of reward doesn’t fit all

Description Reward Management is a comprehensive guide to all elements of reward in the workplace. From the theoretical frameworks and legal context of reward through to practical application in the workplace, this book provides all the essential information for both students of reward management and practitioners involved in reward management in organizations. Covering all the key areas of reward management including pay structures and pay setting, job evaluation and employee benefits, Reward Management is a key book for anyone studying the Level 7 CIPD reward management module or a postgraduate qualification in HR. This book also includes guidance on non-financial reward and new coverage of the gender pay gap, executive reward and pay ratio reporting. There is also extensive discussion of international reward including the impact of different cultures on reward, benefits for multi-local talent, rewarding expatriates and why one size of reward doesn’t fit all. Accompanying online resources include lecturer manual and lecture slides.

Author Information Stephen J. Perkins is ann Emeritus Professor at London Metropolitan University and a Research Fellow with the Global Policy Institute, London. A non-executive director and corporate adviser, he has previously held executive posts in industry as well as undertaking management consultancy in the UK and internationally. Sarah Jones is a Senior Lecturer in HRM and Organization Behaviour at the University of Northampton, UK.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents 1

Introducing the reward management system 2 Conceptual and theoretical frameworks 3 The legal, employment relations and market context 4 Base pay structures and relationships 5 Pay-setting, composition and progression 6 Variable pay schemes 7 Benefits 8 Pensions 9 Non-financial reward 10 Rewarding directors and executives 11 International reward management 12 Reward management within HRM

Reward Management

Reward Management A Practical Introduction Edition: 2 Date: 08/28/2018 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749483418 ISBN Ebook: 9780749483425 Pages: 280 Format (mm): 234x154 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Reward Management

This book

part of the CIPD-endorsed HR Fundamentals series of succinct, practical guides for those in the « Isearly stages of HR Uses practical tools, reflective questions and real life examples to build knowledge and skills in « order to implement a successful reward management strategy closely aligned to an organization’s wider objectives New to this edition: fresh material on the role of recognition and non-cash awards, and the psychological implications relating to financial incentives. New and updated case studies include insight from Marks and Spencer, Which?, The Royal Horticultural Society and Tata Consultancy Services Online resources: downloadable templates and tools to develop and implement reward management strategies

« «

Description Effectively and fairly rewarding employees is a critical component to help build organizational, team and individual performance and success. Reward Management is a practical guide to understanding and implementing successful reward strategies which are aligned with broader HR and organizational objectives. Drawing on case studies, reflective questions and practical tools, it covers key areas including pay and grade structures, job evaluation, pay reviews, bonus plans, non-cash reward, benefits, tax issues and provides the knowledge and skills needed to plan, implement and assess an effective reward strategy in any type of organization. This second edition of Reward Management has been updated to include the latest research and developments, such as the role of recognition and non-cash awards, and the psychological implications relating to financial incentives. New and updated case studies include insight from Marks and Spencer, Which?, The Royal Horticultural Society and Tata Consultancy Services, while supporting online resources include downloadable templates and further tools to be used in practice. The HR Fundamentals are a series of succinct, practical guides for students and those in the early stages of their HR careers. They are endorsed by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), the UK professional body for HR and people development, which has over 145,000 members worldwide.

Author Information Michael Rose is an author, speaker and independent reward consultant. He was formerly the Vice-President of reward at the CIPD, and has held a number of senior reward management positions, such as the Director of Total Reward for Aon Corporation and Head of Reward Management for TSB Bank plc. A regular international conference speaker, he has also appeared on radio and TV commenting on reward issues and has written a number of books and articles on the topic.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents ‌Introduction The fundamentals of reward management 1 Reward and reward strategy 2 Why reward is important and how it can make an impact 3 Relationship between motivation and reward 4 How reward fits together 5 How to get started with a reward strategy 6 Communications 7 Tax and National Insurance 2 Reward in practice 8 Grades and pay structures 9 Managing pay data and pay reviews 10 Bonus plans 11 Recognition and non-cash reward 12 Long-term plans 13 Benefits 14 Conclusions 1

Reward Management

Making Sense of Change Management A Complete Guide to the Models, Tools and Techniques of Organizational Change Edition: 5 Date: 11/28/2019 Price: $46.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749496975 ISBN Ebook: 9780749496982 Pages: 544 Format (mm): 240x168 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Change Management

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a comprehensive overview of the theories, frameworks and techniques of change « Provides management to enable organizations to successfully navigate through periods of change learning and understanding with features including checklists, tips, insights from industry « Supports expert contributors and ‘food for thought’, ‘stop and think’ and summary boxes « Contains examples from organizations including Google, Burberry and Volvo to this edition: chapters on digital transformation and becoming a sustainable business, « New material on resilience, wellbeing and effective leadership and updated wider content with the latest thinking and theories Online resources: international case study question packs and lecture slides with further reflective questions


Description This definitive, bestselling text in the field of change management provides comprehensive guidance of everything needed to successfully navigate times of change. Making Sense of Change Management provides a thorough and accessible overview for students and practitioners alike. Without relying on assumed knowledge, it comprehensively covers the theories and models of change management and connects them to workable approaches and techniques that organizations of all types and sizes can use to adapt to tough market conditions and succeed by changing their strategies, structures, mindsets, leadership behaviours and expectations of staff and managers. This completely revised and updated fifth edition contains new chapters on digital transformation and becoming a sustainable business, new material on resilience, well-being and effective leadership, and new examples from organizations including Google, Burberry and Volvo. Supported by “food for thought” and “stop and think” features to aid critical thinking and understanding, as well as checklists, tips and helpful summaries, Making Sense of Change Management remains essential reading for anyone who is currently part of, or leading, a change initiative. New and updated accompanying online resources include international case study question packs for lecturers and lecture slides with reflective questions.

Author Information Esther Cameron is a freelance change adviser and coach who supports senior leaders and their teams and organizations through change. Her recent clients include Shell, Tata Steel, Canaccord Genuity and several British government departments. Mike Green is the Managing Director of Transitional Space, a consultancy firm that specializes in change management, leadership development and individual and team coaching. He is a Visiting Executive Fellow at Henley Business School and also delivers accredited programmes in change management to senior managers and change agents in the UK, Africa and the Middle East.


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Table of Contents ‌Introduction 1 The underpinning theory 1 Individual change 2 Team change 3 Organizational change 4 Leading change 5 The change agent 2 The applications 6 Restructuring 7 Mergers and acquisitions 8 Culture and change 9 Digital transformation 10 Becoming a sustainable business 3 Emerging inquiries 11 Complex change 12 Leading change in uncertain times 13 Project- and programme-led change 14 Conclusion 15 References and further reading 16 Index

Change Management

Managing and Leading People Through Organizational Change Edition: 2 Date: 05/28/2021 Price: $46.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789667974 ISBN Ebook: 9781789667981 Pages: 384 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Change Management

This book

students and practitioners with the knowledge and skills to manage people through times of « Equips change and achieve sustainable operational performance the author’s evidence-based research to provide new models including a ‘Change Readiness « Uses Assessment Template’ global case studies to help apply the theory to practice, including Kodak, Nissan, Yahoo, « Includes Aegon Asset Management and BankCo to this edition: New chapters on implementing change and individual wellbeing, and new « New content on managing the impact of technological advances « Online resources: lecturer’s slides and discussion points for each chapter

Description Change in organizations is all about people: it is people who plan, prepare for and implement change, and who are affected by it in the daily course of their work. Yet there is a tendency to focus on quantifiable and often more easily solved technical aspects of implementing organizational change programmes, and ignore the complex ways that these will impact individuals. Providing an evidence-based analysis of change in organizations, Managing and Leading People Through Organizational Change is written for practitioners responsible for change programmes and postgraduate students of organizational change. This updated edition demonstrates the importance of understanding the effects of change on individuals and engaging them collaboratively through the transformation journey. Featuring new material on individual wellbeing and the impact of technological advances on the workplace, this book sets out frameworks, practical approaches and recommendations for communicating with and leading individuals, teams and organizations through change. Full of exercises, interviews and case studies from across the globe, this book is an essential resource for leaders and students enabling them to achieve sustainable benefits of change at work.

Author Information Dr Julie Hodges is an academic, author and consultant. She is currently Associate Dean for MBA Programmes at Durham University Business School, UK, and a lecturer and researcher into change in organizations. Before entering the academic world, she worked as a management consultant for over 20 years in several profit and non-profit organizations, including the British Council, Vertex, PwC and RBS. She is a founding Director of The Leading Well - a social enterprise for developing leaders in the public and third sectors.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents ‌Introduction 1 Understanding organizational change 1 The context and nature of change 2 Individual responses to change 2 The impact of organizational change on emotions 3 Individual sense- making processes 3 The role of leaders and managers 4 Leading people through change 5 Fostering commitment and ownership 6 Engaging people through dialogue 7 Changing elements of the organization’s culture 4 Building capabilities 8 Building capabilities for sustaining change 9 Sustaining change

Change Management

Consultancy, Organizational Development and Change A Practical Guide to Delivering Value Edition: 1 Date: 04/28/2017 Price: $49.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749478636 ISBN Ebook: 9780749478643 Pages: 328 Format (mm): 233x157 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Change Management

This book

how to plan a consulting intervention, from diagnosing what change is needed and « Shows identifying risks to ensuring ethical practice and demonstrating value global case studies and perspectives from internal and external consultants across a range « Provides of consultancies, from the ‘Big Four’ to boutique firms build the necessary skills to get work as a consultant, from putting the business case forward « Helps to establishing credibility

Description Organizations are increasingly investing in consulting capabilities to understand what changes they need to make to keep up the pace with the competition and future-proof their business. Consultancy, Organizational Development and Change is a guide for students and internal and external consultants needing to develop the necessary skills to consult in organizational settings where there is a great deal of complexity. It tackles the issues posing the greatest threat to the success of the change programme, including how to adapt to rapidly shifting needs, deal with the emotional and ethical issues that arise and ensure that the managers take full ownership for the change so that ‘business as usual’ is established. Complete with case studies from the ‘Big Four’ consultancy groups as well as boutique firms, Consultancy, Organizational Development and Change shows how to identify and execute interventions in a variety of organizational settings to deliver value. It provides guidance on how to develop a value proposition; define, write and present the business case for the proposed interventions; establish credibility and report on the results.

Author Information Dr Julie Hodges is a leading expert on organizational change. She is an Associate Professor at Durham University Business School and a Senior Fellow of the Foundation for Management Education. Before entering academia Julie worked as a management consultant for over 20 years in organizations such as PwC and the British Council. She has extensive experience of working on transformational change programmes with clients across the globe in the private, public and third sectors. Julie is the author of several books on organizational change, including ‘Managing and Leading People through Change’ (published by Kogan Page).


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Table of Contents 1 1

The Context of Consulting The Nature and Value of Consulting 2 Roles and Responsibilities of Consulting 2 The Consulting Cycle 3 Preparation and Contracting 4 Diagnosing the Need and Readiness for Change 5 Designing and Delivering Interventions 6 Transition 3 Consulting Capabilities 7 Building Capabilities for Consulting 8 Becoming a Consultant 9 The Shadow Side of Consultancy 10 Conclusions and Reflections

Change Management

Organizational Change Explained Case Studies on Transformational Change in Organizations Edition: 1 Date: 02/28/2017 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749475475 ISBN Ebook: 9780749475482 Pages: 384 Format (mm): 235x160 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Change Management

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« Uses real-world examples to show how issues and challenges have been overcome in organizations a wide range of organizational perspectives with examples from GlaxoSmithKline, the NHS « Covers and other large and small companies « Includes reflective questions for critically assessing and learning from the case studies Description The best way to learn how to navigate change successfully is to look at practical examples of change management programmes. Organizational Change Explained shares stories and insights from experienced change practitioners so professionals can reflect on their own work, respond critically to what others have done, and take away new tools and techniques to apply to their own change management practice. The book includes a range of cases from different sectors and countries including GlaxoSmithKline and the NHS to offer insights no matter the scale of the change management programme. Organized around central themes such as shaping and design, change leadership, and communication and engagement, Organizational Change Explained presents each case alongside an introduction, conclusion, list of key learning points, questions for reflection and sources of further reading. The book is invaluable to anyone tasked with leading or managing change within their teams, projects, departments or divisions, whether at local level or across geographic locations, countries and cultures.

Author Information Sarah Coleman is director of Business Evolution. Her clients include multinationals and established medium-sized enterprises across government and industry sectors including telecoms, professional and financial services, engineering and healthcare. Sarah is a Fellow and former Trustee of the Association for Project Management (APM) and Visiting Fellow at Cranfield and Lincoln universities. Bob Thomas is a highly experienced programme, portfolio, PMO delivery manager with a consulting and delivery background in airports, retail, government (central and local), insurance, logistics, health, financial services, transportation and management consulting. Bob also established Change Practitioner Groups for the APM.

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The Reality of Organizational Change Organizational development in the NHS Sparking change Changing the way we change Shaping and designing change Brain, behaviour and being the same or different Working with resistance to change Creating the resilient organization Leading change Employee communication and engagement during change Project Carpe Diem Operational readiness for change Managing change in Asia and the West Developing change capacity and capability in organizations Risk and organizational change Embedding and sustaining change Change innovation The Future of Organizational Change The future of change and management Leading the agile organization

Change Management

19 The shift from complicated to complex 20 The future and manufacturing 21 The future and local government 22 The future of healthcare

Managing Change A Critical Perspective Edition: 2 Date: 08/28/2010 Price: $70.00 ISBN Paperback: 9781843982418 ISBN Ebook: 9781843984528 Pages: 392 Format (mm): 245x187 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Change Management

This book

a critical perspective and challenges change management assumptions to facilitate a deeper « Offers understanding and appreciation of the subject to this edition: new chapters on perspectives, power and politics, ethics, agents and agency, « New HRM and evaluation; a revised structure to reflect strategic, group and individual change; a revised final chapter on evaluating the practice and theory of change management; and an appendix of twenty popular change management techniques Online resources: annotated web links for students, an instructor’s manual complete with commentary on questions and cases in the book, lecture slides and additional case studies for tutors


Description Managing Change: A Critical Perspective explores how and why change occurs in organizations and how the change process can be managed effectively. Complete with an appendix featuring twenty popular change management techniques, it is an ideal core textbook for change modules on HR and business degree programmes at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. It offers a critical perspective, challenging the main assumptions and ensuring that the complexity of the subject is understood and appreciated. This fully updated 2nd edition of Managing Change: A Critical Perspective includes new chapters on perspectives, power and politics, ethics, agents and agency, HRM and evaluation. Its revised structure reflects strategic, group and individual change, and a revised final chapter evaluates the practice and theory of change management. Online supporting resources include annotated weblinks for students, an instructor’s manual complete with commentary on questions and cases in the book and lecture slides and additional case studies for tutors.

Author Information Mark Hughes is a senior lecturer in organisational behaviour at Brighton Business School, UK.


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Table of Contents 1 Introduction 1 The Managing Change Conundrums 2 Organisational Change Classifications 3 History and Organisational Change 4 The Role of Paradigms and Perspectives 2 External and Internal Change Context 5 Why Organisations Change 6 Organisational Design and Change 7 Strategic Level Change 8 Group and Team Level Change 9 Individual Level Change 3 Managing Change 10 The Leadership of Change 11 Change Communications 12 Resistance to Change 13 Cultural Change 14 Organisational Learning 4 Developments in Managing Change 15 Power, Politics and Organisational Change 16 Ethics and Managing Change 17 Change Agents and Agency 18 HRM and Managing Change 19 Technological Change 5 Conclusions 20 Evaluating Managing Change

Change Management

6 Appendix - The Organisational Change Field Guide

The Effective Change Manager’s Handbook Edition: 1 Date: 11/28/2014 Price: $65.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749473075 ISBN Ebook: 9780749473082 Pages: 632 Format (mm): 240x172 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Change Management

This book

the official guide for the first ever Change Management Body of Knowledge, created by Change « IsManagement Institute and APMG Provides a strong base level knowledge for continuing professional development across the « discipline change managers to effectively advise and coach senior colleagues and those sponsoring or « Enables leading change initiatives

Description The Effective Change Manager’s Handbook helps practitioners, employers and academics define and practise change management successfully and develop change management maturity within their organization. A single-volume learning resource covering the range of knowledge required, it includes chapters from established thought leaders on topics ranging from benefits management, stakeholder strategy, facilitation, change readiness, project management and education and learning support. Endorsed by the Change Management Institute and the official guide to the CMI Body of Knowledge, The Effective Change Manager’s Handbook covers the whole process from planning to implementation, offering practical tools, techniques and models to effectively support any change initiative. The editors of The Effective Change Manager’s Handbook - Richard Smith, David King, Ranjit Sidhu and Dan Skelsey - are all experienced international consultants and trainers in change management. All four editors worked on behalf of the Change Management Institute to co-author the first global change management body of knowledge, The Effective Change Manager, and are members of the APMG International examination panel for change management.

Author Information APMG is a leading global Examination Institute and the Official Accreditor of the UK Government’s Cabinet Office and the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS). They accredit professional training and consulting organizations and manage certification schemes for knowledge-based workers. Richard Smith (Editor) is a specialist in organizational development-related people development issues. He works with clients as diverse as Unilever, Nestle, Mars and Harvard Business School. He is the Chief Examiner for APMG Change Management products and lead author of the first global Change Management Body of Knowledge (CMBoK) for the Change Management Institute. He is also a Fellow of the CIPD.

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A change management perspective – Richard Smith Defining change – Robert Cole, David King and Rod Sowden Managing benefits: Ensuring change delivers value – Stephen Jenner Stakeholder strategy – Patrick Mayfield Communication and engagement – Ranjit Sidhu Change impact – Caroline Perkins Change readiness, planning and measurement – Nicola Busby Project management: Change initiatives, projects and programmes – Ira Blake Education and learning support – Richard Smith Facilitation – Dan Skelsey Sustaining change – Helen Campbell Personal and professional management – Ray Wicks Organizational considerations – Tim Cole, Martin Lunn, Una McGarvie and Eric Rouhof

Change Management

Neuroscience for Organizational Change An Evidence-based Practical Guide to Managing Change Edition: 2 Date: 07/28/2019 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749493189 ISBN Ebook: 9780749493196 Pages: 288 Format (mm): 233x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Change Management

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a practical approach underpinned by neuroscience for engaging and supporting employees « Offers during times of change numerous examples of how these approaches have been applied in organizations « Contains including as Lloyds Banking Group and Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) key reflection points at the end of each chapter to aid planning and implementation of key « Includes steps and insights to this edition: new chapters on planning the work day with the brain in mind and « New overcoming the difficulties related to behavioural change, as well as updated wider content and further case studies

Description Organizational change can be unpredictable and stressful. With a better understanding of what our brains need to focus and perform at their best, organizations and leaders can increase employee engagement, productivity and well-being to successfully manage such periods of uncertainty. Drawing on the latest scientific research and verified by an independent neuroscientist, Neuroscience for Organizational Change explores the need for social connection at work, how best to manage emotions and reduce bias in decision-making, and why we need communication, involvement and storytelling to help us through change. Practical tips and suggestions can be found throughout, as well as examples of how these insights have been applied at organizations such as Lloyds Banking Group and GCHQ. The book also sets out a practical science-based planning model, SPACES, to enhance engagement. This updated second edition of Neuroscience for Organizational Change contains new chapters on planning the working day with the brain in mind and on overcoming the difficulties related to behavioural change. It also features up-to-the-minute wider content reflecting the latest insights and developments, and updated case studies from the first edition which give a long-term view of the benefits of applying neuroscience in organizations.

Author Information Hilary Scarlett is a writer, international speaker and consultant on change management and neuroscience. Her work, which has spanned Europe, the US and Asia, concentrates on the development of peoplefocused change management programmes, employee engagement and well-being. Hilary has been working with neuroscientists at University College London and in the US to apply cognitive neuroscience to practical management tools. She regularly works with leadership teams in the private and public sectors to help them build resilience and successfully introduce change.


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Table of Contents ‌Preface The challenge Introduction to neuroscience Brain facts Why our brains don’t like organizational change 2 What can we do? 4 Performing at our best during change 5 Our social brains: The role of leaders and managers 6 Managing emotions during change 7 Decision-making and bias 8 Communication, involvement and the role of storytelling 9 Planning change with the brain in mind 10 Changing behavior 11 Planning the working day to maximize productivity 12 Applying neuroscience in the organization 13 Index 1 1 2 3

Change Management

Appreciative Inquiry for Change Management Using AI to Facilitate Organizational Development Edition: 2 Date: 09/28/2016 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749477912 ISBN Ebook: 9780749477929 Pages: 304 Format (mm): 165x120 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Change Management

This book

readers to understand Appreciative Inquiry (AI) conversational techniques and implement « Enables them for change within their organizations the difference that AI can make through in-depth case studies from BP Castrol Marine, « Explores Nokia and Orbseal Technology Center to this edition: chapters on how positive psychology can enhance appreciative practice and « New appreciative coaching « Teaches new ways of authentically engaging with others in business to facilitate positive change

Description Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is a widely recognised process for engaging people in organizational development and change management. Based on conversational practice, it is a particular way of asking questions, fostering relationships and increasing an organization’s capacity for collaboration and change. It focuses on building organizations around what works, rather than trying to fix what doesn’t, and acknowledges the contribution of individuals in increasing trust and organizational alignment and effectiveness. Appreciative Inquiry for Change Management studies AI in depth, identifying what makes it work and how to implement it to improve performance within the business. Appreciative Inquiry for Change Management explains the skills, perspectives and approaches needed for successful AI, and demonstrates how a practical conversational approach can be applied to organizational challenges in times of change. Case studies from organizations that have already integrated AI into their change management practice, including Nokia and BP, reveal why the processes are valuable and how to promote, create and generate such conversations in other organizations. Written in jargon-free language, this second edition now includes chapters on how positive psychology can enhance appreciative practice and appreciative coaching, making it an essential resource for anyone looking to implement AI in their organization.

Author Information Sarah Lewis is an Associated Fellow of the British Psychological Society, a Principal member of the Association of Business Psychologists, and the owner of Appreciating Change, where she works as a facilitator and consultant. Jonathan Passmore is an award-winning professor of psychology with an international reputation for his work in coaching, change and leadership. He is managing director of Embrion and consults and speaks at conferences across the world. Stefan Cantore is the Principal Teaching Fellow in Organizational Behaviour and HRM and the Director for the MSc in Organizational Change Management at the University of Southampton. He is an experienced leadership and organizational development consultant.

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15 Case study: World Café Organizations as machines, enabling strategic change workers as cogs and at the American Society for management as a control Quality process 16 Case study: rapidly An alternative approach: transforming conflict into coorganizations as living human action at a South African coal systems mine The development of conversational approaches to 17 Case study: applying Appreciative Inquiry to deliver organizational change strategic change at Orbseal Appreciative Inquiry: how do Technology Center you do it? The power of the question The power of conversation Extending practice: working with story in organizations Extending practice: working with appreciative coaching How Positive Psychology enhances Appreciative Inquiry Developing your conversational practice Becoming an appreciative conversational practitioner How to introduce Appreciative Inquiry and related approaches to your organization Case study: using Appreciative Inquiry at BP Castrol Marine Case study: revitalizing corporate values in Nokia

Change Management

Engaging Change A People-Centred Approach to Business Transformation Edition: 1 Date: 05/28/2015 Price: $34.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749472917 ISBN Ebook: 9780749472924 Pages: 256 Format (mm): 234x155 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Change Management

This book

organizational change capability by driving engagement before, during and after the « Enhances change change managers the confidence and knowledge to assess an organization’s ‘change « Gives readiness’ and to manage these throughout the change life cycle « Provides guidance on how to institutionalize structural and behavioural change « Enables the reader to gain insights into the behaviour and motivations of others case studies from notable international companies who have successfully managed « Includes sustainable change

Description Any significant organizational level change initiative is dependent on the engagement of the people working in that organization. Without engagement, change will falter and ultimately fail. Engaging Change goes behind the scenes of change management to help managers, consultants and practitioners understand why some things work and why others don’t. Engaging Change addresses current challenges such as how to understand the environmental context driving the need for change; how to initiate and sustain momentum throughout the change programme; how to institutionalize structural and behavioural change; and how to create compelling visions. With case studies from Sony, Nestlé, Redcats (who own La Redoute, for example) and the British Army, the text provides practice-based insights into the realities of leading sustainable change.

Author Information Mark Wilcox is a business change expert with over 30 years’ experience in some of the world’s biggest companies, including a Director role at Sony Europe. He currently runs Change Capability Consulting Ltd in the UK where he has worked with clients such as Microsoft. He has contributed to the MBA teaching at Manchester Business School, Warwick Business School, Cranfield Business School and the International Master’s in HR Leadership at Bocconi University, Milan.

Table of Contents 1 Introduction and context 2 Leadership 3 Exploration 4 Envisioning 5 Engagement 6 Execution 7 Conclusions and reflections

Mark Jenkins enjoyed a 38-year career in the British Army before joining Cranfield University where he was the lead for Through Life Capability Management on the MSc in Defence Acquisition Management. He established Capability Management Consulting in 2011 and since then has advised public sector, commercial and not-for-profit organizations.


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Change Management

Leading Cultural Change Edition: 1 Date: 05/28/2015 Price: $49.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749473037 ISBN Ebook: 9780749473044 Pages: 240 Format (mm): 234x155 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Change Management

This book

« Helps readers to lead a successful cultural change intervention within their organizations the reader towards achieving sustained competitive advantage through organizational « Guides change « Provides a practical framework for the implementation and evaluation of cultural change « Enables managers to communicate cultural change successfully to their stakeholders a longitudinal case study of Cordia, a public-sector organization transitioning into an LLP, « Includes to enhance learning and understanding Description With coverage of the major theories and concepts alongside diagnostic tools and a practical framework for implementation, Leading Cultural Change will help the reader analyse and diagnose their current organizational culture, become aware of the key challenges and how to overcome them and learn how to adapt their leadership style, ensuring they are fit to lead a cultural change programme. Taking in core topics such as change context, language and dialogue as a key cultural process and the change team process, it uses a longitudinal case study of Cordia, a public sector organization transitioning into an LLP, to enhance learning and understanding. Leading Cultural Change is a unique text, rooted in behavioural sciences, which explores the topic as an organizational necessity to achieving sustained competitive advantage.

Author Information Professor James McCalman, formerly MD of Sotheby’s Institute of Art, is currently the Head of the Centre for Strategy and Leadership at the University of Portsmouth. He has previously enjoyed roles as MBA Director at the Universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde as well as at Ashridge Business School, before moving to senior leadership roles in the private and charitable sectors. Dr David Potter is the founder of The Cultural Change Company, which specializes in enabling cultural change interventions. He is a qualified NLP Practitioner and holds both an MBA and a PhD specialising in strategy design and cultural change dynamics. He frequently teaches and presents to students on MBA and Executive courses on the topic of cultural change, including at Adam Smith Business School University of Glasgow, University of St Andrews Business School, Glasgow Caledonian University and Glasgow University Business School.


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Table of Contents 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 10 11 12 13 14

‌Introduction Leading cultural change. Theoretical perspectives Cultural change management Organization development Cultural change literature A theory of culture Cultural management as a form of control Leadership as a cultural variable Leadership and the management of meaning Language as a cultural process Ethnography as a tool for cultural change Cultural and strategic tensions. When theory meets practice The client and its problem Change technologies What did the people think? Reflective learning Closing thoughts

Change Management

Designing Exceptional Organizational Cultures How to Develop Companies where Employees Thrive Edition: 1 Date: 02/28/2021 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789667219 ISBN Ebook: 9781789667226 Pages: 248 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Professional Subject: Employee Engagement

This book

how to create a structure that leverages peoples’ strengths allowing them to grow and « Shows develop assessments to define your organization’s core values and build a company culture around « Includes them « Explainshow to implement a strategic workforce plan that leverages the changing talent landscape how to deconstruct existing company cultures that are having negative business effects and « Shows rebuild them for success how to identify what competencies will be needed and how to hire for current and future « Shows success

Description Designing Exceptional Organizational Cultures is a practical guide for HR and OD professionals which explains how to proactively design, build and foster a culture that creates employee and business success. For a company to outperform the competition and achieve sustainable business growth, it needs a high performing, engaged and committed workforce with the skills the business needs both now and in the future. Attracting, motivating and retaining top talent can’t be done simply by attaching individual benefits to specific job roles. To be effective, companies need to build an exceptional company culture where people want to work and that allows them to develop and perform to their full potential. Designing Exceptional Organizational Cultures provides guidance on all elements of building a top performing culture including how to identify and define core company values and embed them throughout policies, processes and behaviours as well as how to create an organizational structure that leverages employees’ strengths for optimum performance. It also covers how to assess what roles the business needs, how to recruit for future success and make the most of non-traditional hires as well as covering employee engagement, motivation, reward, diversity and Learning and Development (L&D). With practical examples, tips and advice throughout , this is crucial reading for anyone needing to build a culture that attracts the very best talent and achieve sustainable business growth.

Author Information Jamie Jacobs is the co-founder of High Performanceology. For over 20 years she has built high-performing organizations and teams across the technology, financial services and hospitality industries as a HR and culture executive. Based in San Diego, California, she is President of the National Human Resources Association and a Professor at University of Southern California. Hema Crockett is an award-winning HR professional and the co-founder of High Performanceology. Prior to this she led the Total Rewards programme for LPL Financial and an HR Executive for Renovate America. Based in San Diego, California, she has also worked with Biotechnology companies and the US State Department.


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I‌ntroduction: C is for Conscious What is organizational culture? Why top performing teams don’t happen by accident Organizational structure Identifying and defining core values Skills for now and the future Attracting and retaining the right talent Engagement and motivation Total rewards Diversity, inclusion and belonging Moving to action

Employee Engagement

Employee Engagement A Practical Introduction Edition: 2 Date: 08/28/2018 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749483517 ISBN Ebook: 9780749483524 Pages: 264 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Employee Engagement

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part of the CIPD-endorsed HR Fundamentals series of succinct, practical guides for those in the « Isearly stages of HR Uses practical assessments and real-life examples from organizations including AXA PPP « Healthcare, EDFtools, Energy and Marks and Spencer, to build knowledge and skills to develop and measure an effective strategy for engaging employees New to this edition: new material relating to the increasing use of technology in engagement, the role and importance of purpose and trust and the relation of employee experience to engagement Online resources: downloadable templates and tools to be used in practice, including selfassessment questionnaires

« «

Description An engaged workforce is critical to the high performance and success of any organization. Employee Engagement offers a complete, practical resource for understanding and creating an effective engagement strategy that is aligned to wider business objectives. Supported by a variety of practical tools, features and templates, as well as numerous real-life examples and case studies from organizations such as AXA PPP Healthcare, Capital One, Charles Stanley, EDF Energy and Marks & Spencer, this handbook provides comprehensive coverage of all stages of the engagement process, from planning initiatives to building and measuring their success. This updated second edition of Employee Engagement considers the increasing use of technology in engagement, the role and importance of purpose and trust and the relationship between employee experience and engagement. New online supporting resources include diagnostic tools, templates and additional best-practice case studies. HR Fundamentals is a series of succinct, practical guides for students and those in the early stages of their HR careers. They are endorsed by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), the UK professional body for HR and people development, which has over 145,000 members worldwide.

Author Information Emma Bridger is an award-winning employee engagement specialist and Director of People Lab, an employee engagement consultancy that works with high-profile clients worldwide. She has designed and developed the CIPD range of public and in-house employee engagement courses and is a regular conference speaker. She contributed to the UK Government Review Engaging for Success and is a member of the Engage for Success movement as part of its “guru group”.

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‌Introduction What is employee engagement? Does engagement matter? Developing your employee engagement strategy How it works Employee engagement: How do you do it? Employee engagement tools and techniques Planning and action Measuring engagement The future of employee engagement

Employee Engagement

Strategic Internal Communication How to Build Employee Engagement and Performance Edition: 2 Date: 06/28/2017 Price: $49.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749478650 ISBN Ebook: 9780749478667 Pages: 232 Format (mm): 235x158 Product Category: Professional Subject: Employee Engagement

This book

improve employee engagement and performance by ensuring business goals are effectively « Helps communicated to staff theory and practice - including case studies from the author’s own experience - for « Combines confidently designing and implementing a strategic approach to internal communications to this edition: Specific guidance on how to use the Dialogue Box tool to communicate « New organizational restructures more successfully and avoid misunderstandings among employees

Description Previously restricted to cascading information and managing day-to-day conversations, internal communication is now essential to empowering employees to deliver business strategy. Strategic Internal Communication shows how to design and implement a strategy which will lead to engaged and motivated staff, increased productivity and consequently improved business performance. The book uses the author’s own Dialogue Box tool designed to help companies explore more thoroughly what kinds of conversations they need to have with employees to address internal and cultural challenges. It helps transform organizations into open and transparent communities to ensure that entire workforces are committed to the overall business vision. This fully updated 2nd edition of Strategic Internal Communication includes new information on how to use Dialogue Box during times of transition and organizational change. It also gives advice on how to manage difficult conversations and avoid damaging miscommunication and misinterpretation. Supported by examples and case studies from the author’s own experience, Strategic Internal Communication is an indispensable guide to creating an integrated and collaborative culture which will take your organization to the next level of success.

Author Information Dr David Cowan is a visiting scholar in the Communications Department at Boston College, USA. He has worked with a variety of clients, including SABIC, Honeywell Aerospace, SAP, Saudi Aramco, HewlettPackard, and has taught the Dialogue Box to over 600 participants in America, Britain, China, Netherlands, India, Saudi Arabia, Singapore and South Korea. He is former Global Head of Internal Communications at ArcelorMittal and has worked at the World Bank and as a finance and technology journalist. He holds degrees from the University of Oxford and the University of St Andrews, where he earned his PhD.

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‌Introduction The New Organizational Triangle – Internal Communications, Employee Engagement and HR Culture Shock – Corporate Culture Does Not Exist Communicating Through Change, Changing Through Communication Dialogue and the Digital World Zone 1 – Intelligence – How Organizations and People Think Zone 2 – Emotion – How Organizations and People Feel Zone 3 – Interpretation – How Organizations and People Understand Zone 4 – Narrative – How Organizations and People Agree (or Disagree!) The End Zone – Ensuring Effective Dialogue – How Organizations and People Talk Using the Dialogue Box

Employee Engagement

Human Experience at Work Drive Performance with a Peoplefocused approach to Employees Edition: 1 Date: 05/28/2021 Price: $25.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789667639 ISBN Ebook: 9781789667646 Pages: 240 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Professional Subject: Employee Engagement

This book

original research to show the performance and wellbeing benefits of a human-centric « Uses approach to work how to focus on employees as people rather than a commodity in order to attract, engage « Explains and retain the best talent guidance on how to embed a people-focused approach to employee practices and « Provides processes to improve business performance case studies from global organizations including GSK, Ford, IKEA, Fotile, Grenade, Huel, « Includes and Moneypenny

Description The only way for HR professionals to ensure sustainable top performance from their workforce is by taking a people-focused approach to their employees. To outperform their competitors, businesses need happy, engaged and committed employees performing to their full potential. Investing in new technologies or embracing people analytics won’t achieve this but a people-focused approach will. It not only improves staff engagement, productivity and wellbeing but also secures the benefits for the business with Deloitte reporting in 2019 that ‘organizations focusing on human experience are twice as likely to outperform their peers in revenue growth over a three-year period.’ Human Experience at Work is a practical guide for HR professionals and those responsible for talent management which provides advice, examples and guidance on how to embed people-centred approach to staff development. Human Experience at Work covers what human experience is, the benefits for the organization, the benefits for employees, how to make it part of a talent management and organizational development strategy and how to leverage it. There is also coverage of how focusing on people and allowing them to be themselves at work creates a more diverse and inclusive work environment. Supported by case studies, insights, and examples from companies including GSK, Ford, IKEA, Fotile, Grenade, Huel, and Moneypenny.

Author Information Ben Whitter is the Founder and Chief Experience Officer of the World Employee Experience Institute and the author of Employee Experience. He is also a guest lecturer and global mentor at The University of Nottingham Ningbo China. He is the Chair of the UK Employee Experience Awards and Global Ambassador for Engage for Success.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

What is human experience at work? Why does human experience matter? Experience and engagement Experience and recruitment Experience and performance Experience and wellbeing Experience and productivity Experience and motivation Experience and diversity People-focused processes People-focused practices Human experience and business strategy

Employee Engagement

Managing Employment Relations Edition: 7 Date: 02/28/2020 Price: $62.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789661453 ISBN Ebook: 9781789661460 Pages: 472 Format (mm): 245x190 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Employment Law & Relations

This book

a thorough and up-to-date grounding in the concepts and processes of employment « Provides relations as well as coverage of the legal context to this edition: brand new content on workers in the gig economy, the need for greater « New transparency in the employer-employee relationship and how to support and encourage diversity in the workplace Online resources: lecturer guides, lecture slides, sample essay questions and additional case studies for students and lecturers and annotated web links Covers managing conflict, workplace grievances, employee discipline and how to use mediation to resolve conflict

« «

Description Employment relations is concerned with the relationship between employees and their employers and is one of the most important aspects of an HR role. Managing Employment Relations will give students a thorough grounding in the processes, context and practical application of employment relations and give them the knowledge and skills they need for a successful career in HR. Covering everything from the legal aspects of employment relations, essential policies, strategies and the changing social context to conflict resolution, mediation, employee engagement and workplace discipline, Managing Employment Relations is an indispensable guide. With brand new content on gig economy workers, supporting diversity in the workplace, individual and group policies and the need for greater transparency in the employer-employee relationship, this book is a comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of employment relations. Mapped to the CIPD Level 7 module in employment relations and full of case studies and exercises to help students understand the practical application of the core topics, this is an essential textbook for postgraduate HR students and practitioners in an employment relations role. Online resources include a lecturer guide, lecture slides, sample essay questions and additional case studies for students and lecturers as well as annotated weblinks.

Author Information Tony Bennett is a Senior Lecturer at Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University, UK and a Visiting Fellow at the Institute for Research on Organizations, Work and Employment at the University of Central Lancashire, UK. Richard Saundry is a Professor of HRM and Employment Relations at the University of Sheffield, UK. Virginia Fisher is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Exeter Business School, Exeter, UK.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 The concepts and processes of employment relations 3 The context of employment relations 4 Employment relations and the law 5 The global environment 6 Employment relations strategies, policies and change 7 Employee engagement 8 Managing employment relations 9 Employee representation 10 Employee involvement and participation 11 Managing workplace conflict 12 Managing workplace discipline 13 Managing employee grievances 14 Managing redundancy 15 The role of mediation in conflict resolution 16 Conclusion – Thoughts for the future

Employment Law & Relations

Introduction to Employment Law Fundamentals for HR and Business Students Edition: 5 Date: 01/28/2019 Price: $60.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749484149 ISBN Ebook: 9780749484156 Pages: 320 Format (mm): 246x190 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Employment Law & Relations

This book

students with no prior understanding or experience of the UK legal system with a « Provides thorough grounding in the key employment law concepts and their application in the workplace with a dedicated study skills chapter

students’ learning with a range of pedagogical features including chapter objectives, « Supports tasks, ‘explore further’ sections, key learning points and examples to work through new and topical subjects such as defining employment status in the gig economy, gender « Covers pay reporting, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Brexit to this edition: new material exploring employment status in the gig economy, gender « New pay reporting, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the legal implications to be considered with Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union, alongside new and updated cases throughout Online resources: lecture slides, case studies, multiple choice questions, annotated weblinks and an instructor’s manual


Description Understand the theory and practical application of UK employment law without the need for any prior legal knowledge. Written specifically for HR and Business students, Introduction to Employment Law is a clear and accessible guide to employment law and how it applies in practice. Covering everything from employment tribunals and discrimination to redundancy and termination of employment, this textbook doesn’t assume any prior knowledge of the UK legal system and equips students with all the knowledge and skills that they need to take forward into the workplace. Fully revised with all the latest cases and legal developments, this new edition includes coverage of hot topics such as defining employment status in the gig economy, gender pay reporting, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the legal implications to be considered with Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union. Packed with pedagogical features to consolidate learning including chapter objectives, tasks, ‘explore further’ sections, key learning points and examples to work through, as well as a dedicated study skills chapter, Introduction to Employment Law is essential reading for all students studying the CIPD Level 5 Intermediate module in employment law as well as being a useful resource for those studying at level 3 and an accessible introduction for level 7 and those on undergraduate and postgraduate courses needing a thorough grounding in employment law. Online resources include lecture slides, case studies, multiple choice questions, annotated weblinks and an instructor’s manual.

Author Information Kathy Daniels is Associate Professor and Associate Dean: Learning and Teaching at Aston University. She teaches employment law and employee relations at both undergraduate and masters level and is the lead tutor for employment law programmes at the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). She writes and presents extensively for a variety of organisations and law firms, specialising in employment law. She is a lay member of the Employment Tribunals, sitting in Birmingham. Prior to these appointments she was a senior personnel manager in the manufacturing sector.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents 1

The formation of employment law 2 The employment tribunals and the employment appeal tribunal 3 Contract of employment 4 Atypical contracts and the variation of contracts 5 Individual protection rights 6 Forms of discrimination 7 Discrimination – The protected characteristics 8 Termination of employment 9 Redundancy and transfers of undertaking 10 Trade union legislation 11 Privacy and confidential information 12 Health and safety 13 Study skills in employment law 14 Glossary

Employment Law & Relations

Employment Law The Essentials Edition: 15 Date: 11/28/2019 Price: $59.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749493141 ISBN Ebook: 9780749493158 Pages: 456 Format (mm): 246x190 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Employment Law & Relations

This book

how employment law relates to all the key functions of HR including recruitment and « Covers selection, discrimination, health and safety, parental rights and redundancies to this edition: Up to date coverage of Brexit and new discussion of zero-hours contracts, « New shared parental leave and migrant workers’ rights « Online resources: lecturer guide, powerpoint slides and additional case studies « Is a CIPD Level 7 textbook mapped to the CIPD qualifications and the CIPD Profession Map 2.0

Description The most up-to-date guide on UK employment law available for CIPD and HR students. Employment Law is the core textbook for the CIPD Level 7 Employment Law module. It takes the reader step-by-step through everything that they need to know, including the formation of the Contract of Employment, discrimination, health and safety in the workplace, unfair dismissal and redundancy. Easy to read and navigate, and full of case studies and useful examples that encourage deeper thinking, this fully updated 15th edition provides a thorough theoretical grounding in employment law that can be applied in practice. This new edition of Employment Law is completely up to date with the latest cases and legislation, including zero hours contracts, migrant workers’ rights, shared parental leave and Brexit and provides an up-to-date analysis of anti-discrimination law, the national living wage and the ‘Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006’ (TUPE). Online resources include a lecturer guide, powerpoint slides and extra case studies to support learning and enable students to apply the theory in practice.

Author Information

Table of Contents

David Lewis is Professor of Employment Law in the Law School at Middlesex University, UK.


Malcolm Sargeant was Professor of Labour Law in the Business School at Middlesex University, UK.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

The sources and institutions of employment law 2 Formation of the contract of employment (1) – the sources of terms 3 Formation of the contract of employment (2) – implied terms of law 4 Recruitment and selection 5 Pay issues 6 Discrimination against employees (1) 7 Discrimination (2) – lawful discrimination, vicarious liability, burden of proof, enforcement and equality of terms 8 Parental rights 9 Health and safety at work 10 The regulation of working time 11 Variation, breach and termination of the contract of employment at common law 12 Unfair dismissal (1) – exclusions and the meaning of dismissal 13 Unfair dismissal (2) – potentially fair reasons and the concept of reasonableness 14 Redundancy

Employment Law & Relations

15 Unfair dismissal and redundancy claims 16 Continuity of employment and transfers of undertakings 17 Information and consultation 18 Trade unions and collective bargaining 19 Glossary 20 Index

Employment Relations A Critical and International Approach Edition: 1 Date: 02/28/2011 Price: $70.00 ISBN Paperback: 9781843982685 ISBN Ebook: 9781843983255 Pages: 392 Format (mm): 248x190 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Employment Law & Relations

Author Information Pauline Dibben is Senior Lecturer in Employment Relations at the University of Sheffield, UK. Gilton Klerck is Professor of Sociology at Rhodes University, South Africa. Geoffrey Wood is Professor in Human Resource Management at the University of Sheffield, UK.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

This book

« Covers both the conceptual debates and functional areas of employment relations « Considers the local, national and global effects on the practice of employment relations resources: lecturer guides, PowerPoint slides and additional cases as well as annotated web « Online links and further reading for students Description Drawing on the latest research, Employment Relations is a key text for anyone studying the CIPD Level 7 Advanced module Managing Employment Relations as well as all those looking to expand their knowledge and understanding in this area. Covering both the conceptual debates and contextual factors relating to employment relations as well as key management interventions, this is invaluable reading for anyone looking to understand both the theory and practice of employment relations. With coverage of the main players in employment relations - Trade Unions, Employers and the State and critical discussion of the local, national and global effects on employment relations, Employment Relations provides a thorough grounding in the international context of employment relations. With comprehensive consideration of key workplace issues including employee engagement, discrimination, conflict, downsizing and redundancies, this is ideal reading for students and practitioners alike. Packed with exercises, examples and case studies, this book allows readers to take a critical approach to this crucial topic. Online supporting resources include an instructor’s manual, lecture slides, additional cases, annotated web links and further reading.

Table of Contents ‌Introduction Conceptual Debates and Contextual Factors 1 The Main Players in Employment Relations - Trade Unions, Employers, and the State 2 Theories of Employment Relations 3 Employment Relations and Human Resource Management 4 Local, National and Global Effects on the Practice of Employment Relations 5 Power and Authority 2 Management Interventions in Employment Relations 6 Voice 7 Employee Engagement 8 Pay and Reward 9 Discrimination, Difference and Diversity 10 Discipline and Grievance 11 Conflict and Dispute Resolution 12 Downsizing and Redundancy 13 Conclusion: The Relevance of Employment Relations and Comparative Employment Relations 1

Employment Law & Relations

Employment Law A Practical Introduction Edition: 2 Date: 09/28/2018 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749483234 ISBN Ebook: 9780749483241 Pages: 240 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Employment Law & Relations

This book

part of the CIPD-endorsed HR Fundamentals series of succinct, practical guides for those in the « Isearly stages of HR Builds knowledge in the core areas, including immigration, contracts, discrimination, equal pay and « redundancy through practical tools, assessments and real life examples New to this new material on employment statuses, Gender Pay Gap Reporting, Shared « Parental Leave,edition: the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and disability discrimination, as well as updated case studies throughout Online resources: features brand new online resources for each chapter, which include templates, forms and checklists that can be downloaded and used in practice (including settlement offers, person specifications, appraisal forms, job induction checklists, preparation checklists for Employment Tribunals etc.), additional references and links to podcasts


Description To many, the world of employment law can seem complex and confusing. But, this important system that regulates the relationship between employers and employees is essential to understand. Employment Law is a clear and practical guide to understanding and applying the law effectively at work in the UK. It offers a complete overview of the fundamentals of employment law, exploring its importance for an organization, its employees and the HR function. Using a combination of practical tools, checklists, case studies and real-life examples, it builds legal knowledge in key areas including recruitment, contracts, discrimination, equal pay, health and safety and managing the end of the employment relationship. This fully revised second edition of Employment Law is updated to include the latest developments and changes in law and HR perspectives. It contains new material on employment statuses, Gender Pay Gap Reporting, Shared Parental Leave, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and disability discrimination, which is supported by updated case studies and a suite of new online resources. HR Fundamentals is a series of succinct, practical guides for students and those in the early stages of their HR careers. They are endorsed by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), the UK professional body for HR and people development, which has over 145,000 members worldwide.

Author Information Elizabeth Aylott is an experienced HR specialist and lecturer in the areas of employee relations and employment law. After a career in HR, both in industry and the charitable sector, she taught on CIPD programmes at all levels and lectured on HRM and business degree courses. She is also the author of Employee Relations, published by Kogan Page.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents ‌Introduction 1 Fundamentals 1 What is employment law? 2 The importance of employment law 3 Employment law and strategy 2 In practice 4 How it works 5 How you do it 6 Planning and action 7 Measurement 8 Conclusions and Government changes to employment law

Employment Law & Relations

Employee Relations A Practical Introduction Edition: 2 Date: 08/28/2018 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749483210 ISBN Ebook: 9780749483227 Pages: 224 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Employment Law & Relations

This book

part of the CIPD-endorsed HR Fundamentals series of succinct, practical guides for those in the « Isearly stages of HR Uses practical assessments and real-life examples to build knowledge and skills to plan, « implement andtools, manage employee relations and align strategy to the company’s broader objectives to this edition: fresh material on the gig economy, the virtual workplace, and recent « New legislation change, and new and updated case studies on trade unions and the future of employment relationships in the UK Online resources: templates, questionnaires and further tools to help evaluate and support the development of an effective employee relations strategy


Description Fostering positive relationships between employers and employees is crucial to ensure employee commitment and engagement, as well as overall business performance. Employee Relations is a practical guide to the principles and practice of employee relations in the workplace. Covering the key areas such as conflict and dispute resolution, dismissal and redundancies, rights and ethics, it equips you with the skills and knowledge you need to plan, implement and assess employee relations in any type of organization. Practical diagnostic tools and a variety of real-life examples from organizations including Amazon, HSBC and the UK Police Force are found throughout. This fully revised second edition of Employee Relations features new material on the gig economy, the virtual workplace, and recent legislation changes, and is more closely linked to the CIPD professions map. New online supporting resources include a series of templates, questionnaires and further tools to help evaluate and support the development of an effective employee relations strategy. HR Fundamentals is a series of succinct, practical guides for students and those in the early stages of their HR careers. They are endorsed by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), the UK professional body for HR and people development, which has over 145,000 members worldwide.

Author Information Elizabeth Aylott is an experienced HR specialist and lecturer in the areas of employee relations and employment law. After a career in HR, both in industry and the charitable sector, she taught on CIPD programmes at all levels and lectured on HRM and business degree courses. She is also the author of Employment Law, published by Kogan Page.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents ‌Introduction 1 Fundamentals 1 What is Employee Relations? 2 The importance of Employee Relations 3 Employee Relations and strategy 2 In practice 4 Employee Relations in practice 5 Planning and action 6 Measurement ‌Conclusion

Employment Law & Relations

Armstrong’s Handbook of Learning and Development A Guide to the Theory and Practice of L&D Edition: 1 Date: 11/28/2021 Price: $59.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781398601888 ISBN Ebook: 9781398601895 Pages: 336 Format (mm): 240x170 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Learning & Development

This book

blended, social, experiential and digital learning as well as learning analytics and how AI, « Covers augmented and virtual reality can be used to support learning the role and responsibilities of an L&D professional and the essential skills needed to « Outlines succeed the latest development in the area including micro learning, connected learning, « Examines personalised learning and learning experiences « Online resources: Lecture slides, Lecturer manual, student manual a thorough grounding in the theory of L&D including the components of L&D, the « Provides distinction between L&D and training and discussion of how people learn case studies and examples to put the theory in context, reflective questions to consolidate « Features learning and further reading suggestions to encourage broad engagement with the topic

Description This brand-new book from HRM expert and bestselling author, Michael Armstrong, is an ideal companion for those studying learning and development (L&D) at third year undergraduate and postgraduate level as well as practitioners in L&D roles in the workplace. Armstrong’s Handbook of Learning and Development provides an essential grounding in L&D theory including the components of L&D, the distinction between L&D and training, the relationship of L&D to human resources and knowledge management as well as coverage of the role of an L&D practitioner. In addition, this book covers emerging areas of learning such as digital, social and workplace learning as well as some of the latest developments including micro, connected and personalized learning as well as earning experiences. There is also coverage of how to use AI, gamification and curation to support learning and how to host both online and offline learning events. Supported by case studies and examples to put the theory in context, reflective exercises to consolidate learning and further reading suggestions to broaden knowledge and engagement with the topic, Armstrong’s Handbook of Learning and Development is crucial reading for academic success. The final part of the book includes additional aspects of L&D including apprenticeships, leadership development and personal and interpersonal skills development. Online resources include lecture slides for every chapter, a lecturer manual and student manual.

Author Information Michael Armstrong is the UK’s bestselling author of HRM books. With over a million copies sold, his books have been translated into 21 languages. Based in London, he is managing partner of e-reward and was previously a chief examiner of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). He is the author of a number of other books on HR published by Kogan Page including Armstrong’s Handbook of Performance Management and Armstrong’s Handbook of Strategic Human Resource Management.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents 1 FUNDAMENTALS OF LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT 1 The basis of learning and development (L&D) 2 The learning and development context 3 Strategic L&D 4 Learning cultures 5 Organizational learning and the learning organization 6 Individual learning 7 The contribution of L&D to organizational performance 8 Learning analytics 2 THE RESPONSIBILITYFOR LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT 9 The role of the L&D function 10 The role of the line manager 11 The role of the individual 3 HOW PEOPLE LEARN 12 Learning theory 13 Learner engagement 4 APPROACHES TO LEARNING 14 Forms of learning 15 Workplace learning 16 Social learning 17 Digital learning 18 Training 19 Learning and development techniques 5 LEARNING EVENTS

Learning & Development

20 21 22 23 24 6 25

Developing learning events Identifying learning needs Managing learning events Transferring learning Evaluating learning ADDITIONAL AREAS OF l&d Leadership and management development 26 Apprenticeships 27 Team building 28 Personal and interpersonal skills development

Learning and Development Practice in the Workplace Edition: 4 Date: 11/28/2019 Price: $61.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749498412 ISBN Ebook: 9780749498429 Pages: 352 Format (mm): 250x190 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Learning & Development

This book

to this edition: a new chapter on the role of an L&D practitioner, critical examination of « New apprenticeships and greater international coverage and case studies « Includes a ‘what next’ section in every chapter to extend learning in the subject area additional questions in every chapter which can be used by individuals to reflect on their « Provides learning or for further discussion with a group « Online resources: instructor’s manual, lecture slides, annotated web links and self-test questions. « Is a core CIPD Level 3 textbook mapped to the CIPD qualifications and CIPD Profession Map 2.0

Description Learning and Development Practice in the Workplace is the ideal textbook for anyone studying CIPD L&D qualifications and apprenticeships at Level 3 or Level 5, as well as for practitioners new to an L&D role. It covers what is required of an L&D professional and how to meet and exceed these expectations, how to align L&D activity with organisational strategy and, crucially, how to identify learning needs and design effective L&D practice. This new edition of Learning and Development Practice in the Workplace has been fully updated, reflecting the new CIPD Profession Map, and now has dedicated chapters on the different approaches to learning delivery, including face-to-face training and facilitation, technology-based learning, coaching, mentoring and social and collaborative learning. There is also expert guidance on learner engagement including insights from neuroscience and psychology, as well as advice on evaluating the impact of L&D. With case studies, activities and examples throughout, this new edition is an indispensable guide for students and new practitioners alike. Online supporting resources include lecture slides, annotated web links and self-test questions.

Author Information Kathy Beevers, Chartered FCIPD, is a qualified trainer, coach and author. She runs a learning and qualifications consultancy, Lightbulb Learning Ltd, and is also the Chief External Quality Advisor (CEQA) for CIPD. Andrew Rea, Affiliate MCIPD, is a trainer, coach and facilitator with a background in management. He works with a range of organisations, creating and facilitating L&D initiatives, and has contributed to several L&D textbooks. David Hayden, Chartered FCIPD, is the L&D Digital Learning Portfolio Manager at the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). He has been working with CIPD qualifications since 2007.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents ‌How to use this book 1 The L&D professional 2 The organisational context 3 Identifying learning and development needs 4 Designing learning and development activities 5 Delivery - Face-to-face training and facilitation 6 Delivery - Using technology 7 Delivery - Coaching and mentoring 8 Delivery - Social and collaborative learning 9 Engaging learners 10 Evaluating impact

Learning & Development

Learning for Organizational Development How to Design, Deliver and Evaluate Effective L&D Edition: 1 Date: /03/28/2017 Price: $49.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749477448 ISBN Ebook: 9780749477455 Pages: 288 Format (mm): 235x155 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Learning & Development

This book

up-to-date thinking on the issues and opportunities facing learning and development « Provides (L&D), including the role of L&D in talent attraction and retention case studies and reflective questions alongside the knowledge and understanding required « Includes for the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)’s intermediate level courses in learning and development Arms the professional with the evidence for L&D’s transformational impact, showing how to link L&D to individual performance and organizational success


Description Learning for Organizational Development presents how to design, deliver and evaluate effective learning and development (L&D) programmes. This definitive guide to L&D’s function in enhancing individual performance and organizational success is a core text for those studying for L&D qualifications such as the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Intermediate level as well as a useful handbook for L&D professionals looking to further their understanding of the latest developments. Complete with case studies and reflective questions to aid comprehension, Learning for Organizational Development considers the strategic business function of L&D for communicating the vital contribution that it makes to both individual performance and organizational success. It explores the role of L&D in talent development, showing how to support line managers in developing their people to drive retention and attraction. It also addresses the importance of developing the leadership capability within the organization, and provides practical guidance and examples of what works.

Author Information Eileen Arney is Teaching Director of Masters Programmes at The Open University Business School, UK. She is a Chartered Fellow of CIPD, has taught on level 7 CIPD programmes and has trained and practised as an executive coach. She has held senior civil servant posts including Assistant Director of National Police Training and has designed and delivered leadership programmes for senior managers in the UK and overseas.

Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Understanding Organizational Development The Role of Learning and Development in Talent Management Developing Leadership and Management Capability Using Facilitation Skills Implementing Coaching and Mentoring Evaluating Learning and Development in a Knowledge Economy

Learning & Development

Studying Learning and Development Context, Practice and Measurement Edition: 1 Date: 01/28/2017 Price: $70.00 ISBN Paperback: 9781843984146 ISBN Ebook: 9781843984603 Pages: 256 Format (mm): 150x190 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Learning & Development

This book

and edited by experts with a wealth of experience in teaching, writing and examining in « Isthewritten field of Learning and Development an easy to navigate structure that takes students step-by-step through developing the « Has knowledge and skills required for professional practice, the context of learning and development and fully utilising data in order to build a business case for its value within an organisation Online resources: multiple-choice questions for self-assessment, web links, extra case studies and a glossary of key terms, as well as lecturer slides, guides and test banks


Description Studying Learning and Development is the essential textbook for anyone studying the field in order to further their professional development, and HR practitioners wishing to extend their understanding of its background and practical application. With a clear layout that is easy to navigate, it takes you step by step through developing the knowledge and skills required for professional practice, understanding the broader context of learning and development - including the influential factors on achieving strategic objectives and developing policies that suit your organisational needs - and fully utilising learning and development data in order to build a business case for its value within your organisation. Written and edited by experts in the field with a wealth of experience in teaching, writing and examining, Studying Learning and Development is the first and only text to map the unit learning outcomes of the three core modules for the CIPD Level 5 Intermediate level qualification. Its broad coverage means that it is also ideal for any students studying Learning and Development as part of a wider HR or business degree and wanting to gain a deeper appreciation for the knowledge, skills and planning required for the success of its policies and activities in practice. The additional resources available online, including multiple choice questions for self-assessment, web links to further resources, extra case studies and a glossary of key terms, as well as lecturer slides, guides and text banks, will enhance learning of the text and ensure thorough grounding in the theory. There are also six ebooks available to support the CIPD Level 5 Studying Learning and Development optional modules.

Author Information Jim Stewart is Professor of HRD at Liverpool Business School, UK. He is also Chief Examiner of Learning and Development for the CIPD as well as Visiting Panel Chair and External Moderator. Patricia Rogers is part of the Postgraduate Taught Strategy and Development Group responsible for the development of postgraduate taught strategies across Coventry University, UK.

Table of Contents 1

The Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours Required of Learning and Development Practitioners 1 Introduction 2 Context for Learning and Development 3 Frameworks for Learning and Development 4 L&D Knowledge and Skills 5 Putting the Data to Work 6 Designing Effective Learning 7 How to Evaluate Learning 8 Effective Communication for L&D Professionals 9 Concept of CPD 2 Planning to Meet Personal Learning and Development Needs 10 Introduction 11 The Role of Self-Assessment in Developing Performance 12 Using Self-Assessment to Identify Development Needs 13 Using Knowledge to Map Development against Performance Related Criteria 14 Summary 3 Working Collaboratively as a Member of a Team or Working Group 15 Introduction

16 Groups and Teams 17 Working With Others 18 Meetings 19 Techniques for Influencing, Persuading and Negotiating 20 Assertiveness 21 Managing Relationships 22 Presentation and Report Writing 23 Summary 4 Applying CPD Techniques to Devise, Implement and Review a Personal Development Plan 24 Introduction and Overview 25 The Importance of CPD for Professionals in a Changing Environment 26 Using Reflective Practice to Enrich Your CPD Process 27 Stages of the CPD Cycle 28 CPD Learning Logs 29 Sustaining the Motivation for CPD 30 Summary 5 The Key Factors Influencing Achievement of Strategic Objectives in Varying Organisation 31 Contexts and their Impact on Learning and Development Policies and Practice

32 Introduction 33 Historical Development of Strategic Management 34 How to Carry Out a Strategic Analysis 35 Summary 6 The Nature of Organising and Managing in a Variety of Contexts 36 Introduction 37 The Organisation 38 Managing and Organising Organisations 39 Organisation Structures 40 Cross-Cultural Competence 41 Summary 7 Developing Learning and Development Policies and Activities to Respond to and Exploit the Limitations and Opportunities arising from Varying Contextual Factors 42 Introduction 43 Strategic Alignment 44 Trends in L&D Delivery 45 Considerations in Delivering an L&D Strategy 46 Developing the Business Case for L&D 47 Undertaking a Learning Needs Analysis 48 L&D Planning

Click to expand


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Learning & Development

Designing, Delivering and Evaluating L&D Essentials for Practice Edition: 1 Date: 05/28/2014 Price: $70.00 ISBN Paperback: 9781843983606 ISBN Ebook: 9781843983699 Pages: 224 Format (mm): 245x189 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Learning & Development

This book

« Mixes theory, case application and exercises to provide a comprehensive exploration of the topic a range of case studies from different countries to illustrate how key ideas and theories are « Includes operating in practice around the globe, and are accompanied by questions or activities for students « Online resources: instructor’s manual, lecture slides and web links Description As the global economy has changed and thus organizations with it, more learning is delivered at and through work and individuals are encouraged to utilise the opportunities that advances in technology have brought to take charge of their own learning. Essential reading for the CIPD Level 7 Advanced postgraduate unit Designing, Delivering and Evaluating Learning and Development Provision, Designing, Delivering and Evaluating L&D critically examines the contextual factors impacting upon these activities in organizations. With case studies from the public, private and voluntary sectors as well as examples of international practice, the book helps to identify some of the challenges L&D professionals face in a range of environments. Designing, Delivering and Evaluating L&D is suitable not just for students working towards a CIPD Level 7 qualification, but also for those studying more general business and management degrees, as well as anyone who may have studied the subject previously and wishes to engage in continuous professional development with regard to this key HR practice. Online supporting resources include an instructor’s manual, lecture slides and web links.

Author Information Peter Cureton is a former associate examiner for designing and delivering training with the CIPD. Jim Stewart is Professor of HRD at Liverpool Business School, UK. He is also Chief Examiner of Learning and Development for the CIPD as well as Visiting Panel Chair and External Moderator.

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HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Designing, Delivering and Evaluating Learning and Development (Peter Cureton and Jim Stewart) Individual and Collective Learning (Clair Doloriert, Jim Stewart and Sally Sambrook) The External and Internal Context (Amanda Lee, Sophie Mills and Dalbir Sidhu) Establishing Learning Needs (Tricia Harrison and Randhir Auluck) Designing Learning Interventions (Crystal Zhang and Niki Kyriakidou) Delivering and Facilitating Learning (Michelle McLardy and Nigel O’Sullivan) Evaluating Learning and Development (Marian O’Sullivan and Michael McFadden) Acting Professionally and Ethically (Peter Cureton and Maureen Royce) Themes and the Future of DDE ( Jim Stewart and Peter Cureton)

Learning & Development

Continuing Professional Development Edition: 2 Date: 01/28/2007 Price: $52.50 ISBN Paperback: 9781843981664 ISBN Ebook: 9780749482503 Pages: 176 Format (mm): 235x157 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Learning & Development

This book

the importance of continuing professional development (CPD) and the methods that can « Examines be used to create and implement a CPD plan to this edition: increased coverage of the critical debate about issues in CPD, an outline of « New how to organize and encourage CPD and guidance on how senior members of the profession can benefit from CPD Online resources: instructor’s manual and lecture slides


Description To maximise enjoyment of work and life requires a continual response to the changing world in which we live. Are you living to work or working to live? What would you like to be doing? We need to look within at our latent skills and abilities and explore ways of building on our current talents and developing new aspects of ourselves. Continuing Professional Development explores the importance of continuing professional development (CPD) and the different methods that can be used to analyse development needs and create and implement a CPD plan. It provides practical guidance and a theoretical overview of CPD, including examples and case studies. This fully updated 2nd edition of Continuing Professional Development includes increased coverage of the critical debate about issues in CPD, outlines how to organize and encourage CPD and provides guidance on how senior members of the profession can use and benefit from CPD. Activities and selfdiagnostic tools, critical debates about issues and coverage of how to organize and encourage CPD all bring the topic to life for CIPD students undertaking the Professional Development Scheme as well as general readers seeking to encourage CPD in the workplace. Online supporting resources include an instructor’s manual and lecture slides.

Author Information David Megginson is a professor of HRD at Sheffield Hallam University, UK. He is on both the membership and education committees of the CIPD and the CPD Working Group. Vivien Whitaker is a lecturer, researcher and consultant at Sheffield Hallam University, UK.

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HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Exploring Continuing Professional Development Clarifying Continuing Professional Development Understanding Continuing Professional Development Engaging in Continuing Professional Development Identifying Development Needs Prioritising Needs and Selecting Appropriate Activities Undertaking Development Activities Recording and Evaluating Development Organisational Contribution to CPD Consolidating Your CPD Achievements Celebrating Success Networking Your Future Empowering Career Creativity

Learning & Development

Learning and Development A Practical Introduction Edition: 2 Date: 08/28/2018 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749483494 ISBN Ebook: 9780749483500 Pages: 264 Format (mm): 233x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Learning & Development

This book

part of the CIPD-endorsed HR Fundamentals series of succinct, practical guides for those in the « Isearly stages of HR Uses practical tools, assessments and real-life examples to build knowledge and skills to implement « a successful L&D strategy New to this edition: on the latest trends and developments in the field, such as « e-learning, gamificationnewandmaterial Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), as well as new content on learning measurement and additional international case studies Online resources: video clips from L&D specialists, an annotated bibliography including links to additional materials, extended case studies and self-evaluation materials to support understanding and capability building


Description In today’s complex, uncertain and ambiguous business environment, it is essential to develop a workforce’s capabilities, skills and competencies to ensure continued organizational success. Learning and Development is a practical guide to the fundamental principles of designing and delivering training and L&D programmes effectively in any size of organization. It demonstrates how to link learning to strategic business goals and explores both the benefits and complexities associated with L&D. Using a combination of practical diagnostic tools, scenarios and case studies, this essential introduction builds knowledge in areas including identifying L&D needs, selecting the most appropriate types of intervention and the processes of measurement and evaluation. This updated second edition of Learning and Development covers the latest trends and developments in the field, such as e-learning, gamification and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), as well as new material on learning measurement and additional international case studies. Online resources include extended case studies, an annotated literature review and self-evaluation tools to support readers in understanding where they are and how to develop their capabilities. The HR Fundamentals are a series of succinct, practical guides for students and those in the early stages of their HR careers. They are endorsed by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), the UK professional body for HR and people development, which has over 145,000 members worldwide.

Author Information Rebecca Page-Tickell is a senior lecturer in Work Based Learning at the University of East London. A Principal Practitioner with the Association for Business Psychology, she has a particular expertise in self-managed learning, 70-20-10 delivery of L&D and providing coaching to senior managers and directors. She previously held a number of senior L&D and HR management positions across a variety of industries and in multinational corporations. She also authors educational materials for delivery face-to-face, on-line and in blended learning.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents 1

Fundamentals of learning and development 1 Defining learning and development 2 The importance of learning and development 3 Learning and development, organization and human resource management (HRM) strategy 4 How learning and development works 2 In practice 5 How do you do it? 6 Planning and action 7 Measurement 8 Conclusion

Learning & Development

The Learning and Development Handbook Edition: 1 Date: 02/28/2021 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789663327 ISBN Ebook: 9781789663334 Pages: 360 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Professional Subject: Learning & Development

This book

practical tips, tools and models to improve performance both immediately and for mid and « Provides long-term success « Shows how to embed digital and social learning into an organization’s L&D offering guidance on engaging stakeholders in learning and aligning L&D strategy with overall « Includes business strategy how to use neuroscience to deliver brain-friendly learning content for improved learning « Explains retention how to measure and evaluate the effectiveness of learning and build these insights « Demonstrates into future L&D decisions

Description The skills needed in today’s business world are not the same as they were in the past. Therefore, upskilling, reskilling and developing staff has never been more important. However, classroom training isn’t the best way to achieve this with employees forgetting more than 70% of what they’ve been taught within just one day. Learning outside the workplace is social, digital and immediate and companies need to embrace this to achieve the productivity, performance and revenue benefits that come from effective learning. The Learning and Development Handbook is a practical guide for L&D professionals wanting to move away from traditional classroom teaching but not sure where to start. Full of practical tips and advice, this is urgent reading for anyone in the learning profession. The Learning and Development Handbook includes advice on how to embed social and digital learning, make the most of blended learning, adopt brain-friendly learning and design more effective learning content for improved employee engagement and performance. This book also provides guidance on how to identify learning needs in an organization, gather evidence to engage stakeholders and align L&D strategy with overall business strategy. There is also expert guidance on how to evaluate and measure the effectiveness of learning, where to find the data needed to support learning activity. Written by an L&D practitioner, for L&D practitioners, this book is packed full of tips, hints, tools and models that can be used to improve both employee and overall business performance in the immediate, middle-term and long-term future.

Author Information Michelle Parry-Slater is an award-winning L&D professional with more than 15 years’ experience in the industry. She is the Founder and Director of Kairos Modern Learning, an L&D consultancy specialising in driving a shift from traditional courses to the best of digital, social and face-to-face workplace learning. Michelle Parry-Slater is also an L&D consultant for the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), the Lead Volunteer for L&D for Girlguiding UK and was listed as one of the Top 20 Corporate eLearning Movers and Shakers of 2018 by eLearning Industry.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents ‌Introduction Practical L&D Tips Practical L&D – Getting Started 2 Strategy for L&D 3 Stakeholder engagement 4 Consultative L&D 5 Data and Evaluation 6 Social Learning 7 Digital Learning 8 Blending Learning 2 Frameworks 9 ICE – Information, Communication, Education 10 EPC – Environment, Permission and Culture 11 The 3Rs – Required, Resourced, Referred 3 Strategies 12 Evolution or revolution 13 Reflective practice 14 Hold it lightly and celebrate success 1 1

Learning & Development

Artificial Intelligence for Learning How to use AI to Support Employee Development Edition: 1 Date: 08/28/2020 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789660814 ISBN Ebook: 9781789660821 Pages: 320 Format (mm): 235x157 Product Category: Professional Subject: Learning & Development

This book

« Shows how to use AI to curate and personalize learning content to improve learner engagement the myths around AI and explains how to cut through the hype and critically assess the « Debunks impact of artificial intelligence on L&D guidance on how artificial intelligence can be used to improve the assessment, evaluation « Provides and measurement of learning in organizations how AI can be used as an aid in employee learning and is not a replacement for L&D « Explains professionals case studies and real-world examples from companies including Netflix, British Airways, « Includes Vision Express and the NHS Description Artificial intelligence is creating huge opportunities for workplace learning and employee development. However, it can be difficult for L&D professionals to assess what difference AI can make in their organization and where it is best implemented. Artificial Intelligence for Learning is the practical guide L&D practitioners need to understand what AI is and how to use it to improve all aspects of learning in the workplace. It includes specific guidance on how AI can provide content curation and personalization to improve learner engagement, how it can be implemented to improve the efficiency of evaluation, assessment and reporting and how chatbots can provide learner support to a global workforce. Artificial Intelligence for Learning debunks the myths and cuts through the hype around AI allowing L&D practitioners to feel confident in their ability to critically assess where artificial intelligence can make a measurable difference and where it is worth investing in. There is also critical discussion of how AI is an aid to learning and development, not a replacement as well as how it can be used to boost the effectiveness of workplace learning, reduce drop off rates in online learning and improve ROI. With real-world examples from companies who have effectively implemented AI and seen the benefits as well as case studies from organizations including Netflix, British Airways and the NHS, this book is essential reading for all L&D practitioners needing to understand AI and what it means in practice.

Author Information Donald Clark has over 30 years’ experience in online learning, simulations, virtual reality, mobile and artificial intelligence projects. He was a founding member of Epic Group plc and the Founder and CEO of Wildfire Learning. He is a frequent global speaker, blogger, advisor and researcher on AI in learning and is also a Visiting Professor at the University of Derby.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents 1 Introduction 1 Homo technus 2 What is AI? 2 Teaching 3 Robot teacher fallacy 4 Teaching 3 Chatbots 5 AI is the new UI 6 Chatbots 7 Building chatbots 4 Learning 8 Content creation 9 Video 10 Push learning 11 Adaptive learning 12 Learning organizations 13 Assessment 5 Data 14 Data analytics 15 Sentiment analysis 6 Future 16 Future skills 17 Ethics and bias 18 Employment 19 The final frontier 20 Where next? 21 Index

Learning & Development

International Human Resource Development Learning, Education and Training for Individuals and Organizations Edition: 3 Date: 10/28/2012 Price: $70.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749461065 ISBN Ebook: 9780749461072 Pages: 536 Format (mm): 240x170 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Learning & Development

This book

the value of learning and development and shows you how to get the most out of « Substantiates investing in your workforce you identify learning needs and evaluate whether your training programmes have been « Helps effective the relationship between HRD and HRM and why this is important in increasing the « Demonstrates performance of your organization as a whole its arguments with case studies from experts in the field of human resource « Substantiates development worldwide « Supports you in encouraging constructive and positive learning and training

Description International Human Resource Development provides thought-provoking questions and stimulating answers to key issues in human resource development today, putting HRD in its strategic organizational context and examining in depth the process of learning from different perspectives. This third edition provides a thorough exploration of international human resource development, and has been completely updated and revised with a variety of case studies and contributions from a range of HR development experts, making it the most topical book in this field. It also addresses the increasingly important area of knowledge management, incorporating learning and development. Clearly structured and mapped against the current Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) standards, this comprehensive handbook covers each aspect of the training cycle, including the role and identification of learning, training and development needs in organizations, working in multicultural and multilingual settings, learning and competitive strategy, planning and design, delivering effective training programmes, assessment and evaluation, international development and managing the human resource function.

Author Information John P Wilson is a researcher and consultant with 40 years’ experience in education and training, working with a range of international organizations. He currently teaches at the University of Oxford and the University of Sheffield. He is also Director of the EU Commission project Call Centre Training and Knowledge Transfer. He is the author of The Call Centre Training Handbook and Experiential Learning (both also published by Kogan Page).

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HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

International human resource development and learning International human resource development – John P Wilson Strategic human resource development – Thomas N Garavan and Ronan Carbery What is learning? – John P Wilson Organizational learning Change management and organization development – John P Wilson Knowledge management – Eduardo Tomé National and international learning, education, training and human resource development National systems of education – John P Wilson UK vocational education and training – John P Wilson European vocational education and training – Martin Mulder National human resource development strategies: comparing Brazil, Russia, India and China – Alexandre Ardichvili, Elena K Zavyalova and Vera N Minina

Learning & Development

10 International development: policy learning as an approach to VET reform in transition and development countries – Sören Nielsen and Madlen Serban 11 Capacity development and human resource development – Dalia Al-Zendi and John P Wilson 4 The training cycle 4A Identification of learning needs 12 The identification of learning needs – Richard Palmer, Allan Claudius Queiroz Barbosa, Leandro Pinheiro Cintra, Junia Marcal Rodrigues and Juliana Barbosa e Oliveira 4B IDesign 13 Designing learning events – David Simmonds 14 Working in multicultural and multilingual environments: HRD professionals as learning and change agents in the global workplace – Maria Cseh and Beatriz Coningham 4C IDelivery 15 Delivering training – John Kirkham and Jacqueline Pattison

16 Informal, non-formal and work-based methods of learning – Jacqueline Pattison, John Kirkham and Mariana Gabriela Hudrea 17 Coaching and mentoring – Stephanie T Sturges 4D Evaluation 18 Assessment and evaluation – Tanuja Agarwala 5 Managing HRD 19 Leadership and management development – Ronan Carbery and Thomas N Garavan 20 Managing human resource development functions and services – Barney Erasmus and Pieter Loedolff 21 HRD practice and research: investigating business issues through applied social science research – K Peter Kuchinke 22 HRD and consultancy – Kiran Trehan and Clare Rigg 23 Learning spaces that change people and organizations – Colin Beard and Ilfryn Price 24 HRD and business ethics – Alexandre Ardichvili and Douglas Jondle

Experiential Learning A Practical Guide for Training, Coaching and Education Edition: 4 Date: 08/28/2018 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749483036 ISBN Ebook: 9780749483043 Pages: 376 Format (mm): 234x157 Product Category: Professional Subject: Learning & Development

This book

an in-depth theoretical analysis of experience-based learning with practical international « Combines case studies, examples and tools that address the main factors to consider when developing and delivering learning experiences

to this edition: fresh material on the mechanisms underpinning learning, mindfulness and « New wellbeing, experience and language and digital games in the design of multi-sensory experiences along with new international case studies and examples Online resources: ‘Introduction to Sensory Intelligence’ audio files


Description In a fast-paced and innovative world, traditional training methods can no longer be relied on to improve performance, engagement or promote behavioural change. Experience-based learning, in which the experience is central to the learning process, is more affordable, appealing and effective than ever before. Experiential Learning combines in-depth theory with international case studies from companies including KidZania, Shell and the UK National Health Service (NHS) and numerous practical tools for developing and delivering learning experiences in both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. It presents a simple model, the Learning Combination Lock, which enables trainers, coaches, facilitators and educators to select the best strategies for their circumstances to maximize comprehension, knowledge retention and application. Essential reading for anyone designing and delivering learning experiences, it covers areas such as experiential learning activities, indoor and outdoor learning environments, creative learning, working with the senses and emotions to help promote learning, and reviewing and evaluating initiatives. In addition to featuring new international case studies and examples, this updated fourth edition of Experiential Learning contains new material on the mechanisms underpinning learning, mindfulness and wellbeing, experience and language and digital games and the design of multi-sensory experiences. Online supporting resources consist of audio files exploring sensory intelligence.

Author Information Colin Beard is a professor and National Teaching Fellow at Sheffield Business School. He works with leading global public and private organizations to design and facilitate experiential learning strategies. He is the author of The Experiential Learning Toolkit, also published by Kogan Page. John P. Wilson holds positions at Sheffield and Oxford Universities. His experience in education and consultancy spans a variety of countries and sectors, including aerospace engineering, banking, law and pharmaceuticals. He has written and edited a number of books and articles, and has blogged for the CIPD.

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HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

10 Imagining, experiencing and A brief introduction to learning from the future experiential learning Experiential learning: foundations and fundamentals Practical answers to some theoretical questions Designing, delivering and evaluating experiential learning The Learning Combination Lock model The outer-world learning environment: other humans, other living creatures, and spaces and places (the belonging dimension) Experiential learning activities, behaviours and actions (the doing dimension) Sensory experience and sensory intelligence (SI) (the sensing dimension) Experience and emotions (the feeling dimension) Experience, knowing and intelligence (the knowing dimension) Deeper learning (the being dimension) Experiential learning and the future

Learning & Development

Neuroscience for Learning and Development How to Apply Neuroscience and Psychology for Improved Learning and Training Edition: 2 Date: 08/28/2019 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749493264 ISBN Ebook: 9780749493271 Pages: 312 Format (mm): 235x157 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Learning & Development

This book

practical tips and ideas underpinned by neuroscience on how to design and deliver « Provides effective L&D and training a scientific evidence base to help build a stronger business case to budget holders for L&D « Presents and training interventions examples from a range of international L&D practitioners who have applied such « Contains approaches in practice to this edition: new chapters on digital learning and the importance of rest and sleep to « New learning

Description In order to design and deliver effective learning and development initiatives, it is essential to understand how our brains process and retain information. Neuroscience for Learning and Development introduces the latest research and concepts, equipping L&D and training professionals with an understanding of the inner workings of the mind. Covering areas such as how to create effective learning environments, promoting motivation and how to make learning ‘stickier’ through the use of stories, the book offers practical tools and ideas that can be applied in a variety of contexts, from digital learning and in-person training sessions, to coaching conversations, to lectures and presentations. Neuroscience for Learning and Development also features insights from L&D practitioners who have applied these approaches. Readers will not only find new techniques they can implement straight away, but will also discover research that backs up what they are already doing well, enabling them to put convincing cases to budget holders. This updated second edition contains new chapters on digital learning and on the importance of sleep, as well as updated wider content and new material on mindfulness, learning through your senses and the neuroscience of habits.

Author Information Stella Collins MSc FITOL is co-founder and Chief Learning Officer at Stellar Labs, one of the Brain Ladies and the author of Neuroscience for Learning and Development. She has a clear understanding of the challenges faced by organizations in upskilling and reskilling their people, especially with digital change being so high on the agenda. She and her team pragmatically apply principles from neuroscience and psychology to consult, design and build practical performance focused solutions with measurable ROI. She has trained thousands of learning professionals in brain friendly principles over more than 20 years in L&D.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents ‌Preface Why neuroscience and learning are good companions 2 The science of your brain 3 What to do when someone says ‘neuroscience says…’ 4 The science of learning 5 Motivating learners from curiosity to persistence 6 Use your sense: Getting information from the outside world and into your head 7 Attention, learning and why Goldilocks deserves recognition 8 Making learning meaningful and valuing intelligence 9 Meaningful memories: From encoding to forgetting 10 Testing, experimenting, habits and practice 11 Review and reflect: Getting rid of the magic wand 12 Stickier stories and food for thought 13 Sleep and learning 14 Your brain and digital learning 15 The future is already with us 16 The end of this journey and the start of more 17 Answers to questions in Chapter 9 18 Index 1

Learning & Development

Organizational Behaviour People, Process, Work and Human Resource Management Edition: 1 Date: 01/28/2013 Price: $65.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749463601 ISBN Ebook: 9780749463618 Pages: 360 Format (mm): 234x157 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Organizations

Author Information Raisa Arvinen-Muondo works in HR management in Luanda, Angola. She has undertaken doctoral research at the University of Bedfordshire, on the career development of Angolan professionals within Western multinational organizations, focusing on the impact of experiences associated with international living. Stephen J Perkins is Dean of London Metropolitan Business School and a Visiting Research Fellow at Cass Business School. In addition to having served in several universities, he has held senior management posts in industry at times of transformational change and consulted with private and stateowned organizations internationally.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

This book

the gap between OB and HRM and shows you how to put effective people management at « Bridges the heart of your organization the role of corporate governance in shaping the scope of managerial choices in « Examines organizations and what this means in practice at the ethical dimensions of OB that are increasingly important to understand in the context « Looks of ‘good employers’ and global employment standards


Table of Contents 1 Introduction ‌Introduction – Stephen Perkins and Raisa ArvinenMuondo 2 Individuals at work under an employment relationship 1 Managing diverse identities at work – Janice Johnson and Christina Schwabenland 2 Perception, making decisions and people management – Raisa Arvinen-Muondo 3 Motivation at work: engagement and facilitation – Nahid Rozalin 3 Employing human resources to work together for a purpose 4 Managing performance – Caroline Bolam and Sarah Jones 5 Leadership, communication and organizational effectiveness – Linda Holbeche 6 Talent management – Raisa Arvinen-Muondo and Qi Wei 4 Shifting contexts for organizational behaviour 7 Conflict, power and politics – Philip Davies and Rod Smith 8 Organizational culture – Eliot Lloyd


9 Managing organizational change – Faten Baddar Al-Husan and Konstantinos Kakavelakis 10 Creativity, innovation and the management of knowledge – Pauline Loewenberger 5 Summation and reflection 11 Coda: HRM and OB – accenting the social – Stephen Perkins and Raisa ArvinenMuondo

Organizational Management Approaches and Solutions Edition: 1 Date: /03/28/2016 Price: $44.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749468361 ISBN Ebook: 9780749468378 Pages: 296 Format (mm): 240x171 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Organizations

This book

essential management theory and key topics from people management to performance « Covers metrics, as well as emerging specialist topics in management readers to understand the key issues involved in managing organizations and how to take a « Enables critical approach when planning, leading and executing the efforts of a workforce and its resources Resources: summaries, diagrams and case study scenarios to help readers easily « Online understand theories and contextualize experiences in the workplace by activities, revision questions and recommended reading to deepen learning and « Supplemented engagement, and includes online resources to support each chapter

Description Organizational Management is ideal for readers who need to understand modern organizations. This book enables students to understand the key issues of organizational behaviour and how to take a critical approach when planning, leading and engaging a workforce and its resources. The book provides fresh perspectives on known models and critical theories on leadership, teams, performance management, employee engagement and change. The authors also offer the reader innovative approaches to leading-edge issues such as trust, internet use, generational trends, the use of the arts in organizations and leadership from a systemic perspective. Organizational Management draws on examples from the authors’ international work across a range of business and industrial sectors, both public and private, and is supplemented by activities, revision questions, recommend reading and online resources to deepen learning. Rapid technological advances, constantly changing global environments and new kinds of workforce cultures mean that organizations are constantly being challenged. This book equips the reader with the ability to navigate this turbulent environment through both established and novel forms of organizational management. Online supporting resources for this book include summaries, diagrams and case study scenarios to help readers easily understand theories and contextualize experiences in the workplace

Author Information Peter Stokes is Professor of Business Management and Organization at Chester Business School. He has been visiting lecturer and academic advisor in businesses, universities and business schools in a range of contexts and countries, including France, Holland, Spain, Ireland, Germany, Senegal, Vietnam, Morocco, Hong Kong, China, India, Dubai and Japan. Neil Moore is Senior Lecturer and Postgraduate Coordinator at Chester Business School. Simon M Smith is Senior Lecturer in Leadership and Management at the University of Winchester. Caroline Rowland is Professor of Leadership and Management and Associate Dean of Chester Business School. Peter Scott is Senior Lecturer in Marketing and Management at Liverpool John Moores University.

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HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Management and organization: The 21st-century global and international context Historical and contemporary contexts: The representation and character of ‘modern’ organizations Using critical management approaches in managing people and organizations Leadership and management: The challenge of performance Employee engagement through effective communications Leadership and trust – how to build a trustworthy company: The importance of communication Effective team-working in contemporary organizations Managing internet user behaviour within organizations: Inter- and intragenerational trends Arts pedagogy in management development Viewing leadership from a systemic perspective Leading and managing people through change and resistance to change


Myths of Work The Stereotypes and Assumptions Holding Your Organization Back Edition: 1 Date: 10/28/2017 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749481285 ISBN Ebook: 9780749481292 Pages: 192 Format (mm): 235x157 Product Category: General Subject: Organizations

This book

over 27 of the most pervasive myths about the workplace - from the serious to the silly « Explores and debunks them through compelling research stereotypes and misinformation to help you become a better manager in the modern « Overturns workplace « Includes fascinating real life examples from organizations and industries around the world written by The Sunday Times columnist and performance expert Ian Macrae and best-selling « Isauthor Adrian Furnham, Professor of Psychology at UCL Tackles myths about workplaces such as: surveillance improves performance, computers « are goingfascinating to take all of our jobs, workplace romantic relationships should be banned and fads like table tennis tables will make your staff happier

Description Buying a table tennis table will make your staff happier. Working eight hours a day, five days a week, will result in the most productivity. Paying higher salaries will always result in higher motivation. But will it really? There are a staggering number of myths, stereotypes and out-of-date rules that abound in the workplace. This can make it feel impossible to truly know how to get the most out of your career, your team and your organization. In Myths of Work, Ian MacRae and Adrian Furnham take an entertaining and evidence-based look at the most pervasive myths about our working lives, from the serious to the ridiculous, to give you the insight you need to become a better manager in the modern workplace. Fascinating real life case studies from organizations around the world display the myths (and how to overcome them) in practice. Myths of Work takes the most up-to-date academic research in business and psychology and combines it with practical insights, a lively writing style and a handy dip-in-and-out structure to form your ultimate guide to becoming a better enlightened manager.

Author Information Ian MacRae is Director of High Potential, an organizational consultancy providing customized psychological tests and reports for improving performance, predicting potential and developing people. Adrian Furnham is Professor of Psychology at UCL and Adjunct Professor of Management at the Norwegian School of Management. He has written over 1000 scientific papers and 70 books and is among the most well-known psychologists in the world. Adrian is also a newspaper columnist at The Sunday Times. He has written regularly for The Financial Times, The Daily Telegraph and is a contributor to stations including the BBC, CNN, and ITV.

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HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Myth 1 - Staff Should Work 8 Hours a Day Monday to Friday Myth 2 - Working From Home Reduces Productivity Myth 3 - Social Media Should Never Be Used at Work Myth 4 - Listening to Music Whilst Working is Distracting Myth 5 - Health and Safety is the Enemy Myth 6 - Surveillance Improves Performance Myth 7 - Creating a GoogleStyle Office Environment Will Make Staff More Innovative Myth 8 - Mindfulness is the Answer to all Problems Myth 9 - Neuroscience is the Silver Bullet to Workplace Problems Myth 10 - Start-Ups Need a Different Type of Leader to Succeed Myth 11 - It’s Better to have Higher Self-Esteem at Work Myth 12 - We Only Use 10% of our Brain at Work Myth 13 - Making Workplaces Sustainable is a Burden Myth 14 - The Best Way to Motivate People is to Pay Them More


15 Myth 15 - Employees Who Work the Longest are the Most Valuable People 16 Myth 16 - People Should Retire at 65 17 Myth 17 - Perfectionists Make the Best Employees 18 Myth 18 - Women aren’t as Competitive as Men at Work 19 Myth 19 - People Personalities can be Categorised 20 Myth 20 - Sexuality and Gender should be Taken into Account at Work 21 Myth 21 - Millennials are Changing the Workplace 22 Myth 22 - Co-Workers Shouldn’t Form Romantic Relationships 23 Myth 23 - Teaching and Training are the Same 24 Myth 24 - Annual Appraisals are the Best Way to Measure Performance 25 Myth 25 - High Achievers Make Great Managers 26 Myth 26 - A Computer is Going to Take Your Job 27 Myth 27 - Open Plan Offices are Always the Best Option

Developing People and Organisations Edition: 1 Date: 08/28/2012 Price: $65.00 ISBN Paperback: 9781843983132 ISBN Ebook: 9781843983316 Pages: 240 Format (mm): 246x191 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Organizational Development

This book

students develop effective analytical and problem-solving skills as they understand key OD « Helps and HRD issues concepts and theoretical approaches clearly and provides activities to help cement « Explains understanding resources: instructor’s manual, additional case studies, multiple-choice questions and « Online annotated web links

Description Developing People and Organisations introduces and explores concepts relevant to the learning outcomes for the optional units in CIPD’s Level 5 Intermediate qualifications in human resource development (HRD) and organisational design and development. It provides a practical and accessible exposition of key theories informing the professional practice of HRD so students can explain and analyse the organisational context of HRD practice and describe, compare and critically evaluate a range of theories and approaches. Written and edited by CIPD-accredited experts in the field and mapped to CIPD’s HR Profession Map, Developing People and Organisations covers key topics such as organisation design and development, developing coaching and mentoring in organisations, meeting OD needs and developments in HRD. It includes reflective activities, annotated further reading, a glossary and case studies to encourage the application of theory to a practical working environment. Online supporting resources include an instructor’s manual, additional case studies, multiple-choice questions and annotated web links.

Author Information Jim Stewart is Professor of HRD at Liverpool Business School, UK. He is also Chief Examiner of Learning and Development for the CIPD as well as Visiting Panel Chair and External Moderator. Patricia Rogers is part of the Postgraduate Taught Strategy and Development Group responsible for the development of postgraduate taught strategies across Coventry University, UK.

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HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Organisation Design (Gary Connor, Ian McLean and Michael McFadden) Organisation Development (Sophie Mills, Kristen Stevens, Krish Pinto, Amanda Lee) Developing Coaching and Mentoring within Organisations (Terrence Wendell Brathwaite, Jill Ashley-Jones, Rosalind Maxwell-Harrison) Meeting Organisational Development Needs ( Jim Stewart, Dalbir Sidhu) Contemporary Developments in Human Resource Development ( Jim Stewart, Sharon McGuire) Knowledge Management (Carol Woodhams, Graham Perkins) Improving Organisational Performance (Patricia Rogers, Michelle McLardy, Raymond Rogers, Susan Barnes)

Organizational Development

People and Organisational Development A New Agenda for Organisational Effectiveness

This book

examples of emergent theories of OD and HRM and details of how these can be applied in « Provides the workplace « Includes international case studies showing both successful and unsuccessful attempts at change « Online resources: additional case studies and practical tools


Edition: 1 Date: /03/28/2012 Price: $70.00 ISBN Paperback: 9781843982692 ISBN Ebook: 9781843983279 Pages: 376 Format (mm): 247x192 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Organizational Development

People and Organisational Development is ideal for both practitioners and students alike. Setting out a new agenda for organisational effectiveness, this book not only covers emergent theories of organisational development and human resources management, it also gives practical examples for how these theories can be applied. Covering everything from how HR can support strategic change and how technology can be an agent of transformation to performance management, diversity, talent management and emotion at work, this book firmly places HR at the heart of a modern approach to OD.

Author Information

Table of Contents

Helen Francis is Director of the Edinburgh Institute of Leadership and People Management (EILPM) and Reader within Edinburgh Napier Business School, UK. Linda Holbeche is Visiting Professor at both the University of Bedfordshire and Cass Business School and an Associate at Ashridge Business School, UK. Martin Reddington was formerly Global Programme Director, HR Transformation, at Cable & Wireless. Since leaving Cable & Wireless, he blends academic research with consultancy.

Crucially, People and Organisational Development doesn’t just examine successful change initiatives, it also covers the unsuccessful attempts at organisational change and what can be learnt from these. There is also invaluable discussion of the OD role of HRD in ethics, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability. Packed with international case studies and examples, this is essential reading for all those studying the CIPD Level 7 Advanced Organisation Design and Organisation Development module and everyone wanting to make a difference to the development of their people and their organisation. Online supporting resources include additional case studies and practical tools.


2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Organisational Effectiveness - A New Agenda for Organisational Development (OD) and Human Resource Management (HRM) (Helen Francis, Linda Holbeche and Martin Reddington) The Strategic Context for The New OE (Linda Holbeche) The Historical and Theoretical Background to Organisation Development (Naomi Stanford) Developing an Organisational Strategy from an HR Perspective (Mark Withers) Organisational Culture and Cultural Integration (Valerie Garrow and Graeme Martin) An ER Perspective on Organisational Effectiveness ( John Purcell) Transforming HR to Support Strategic Change (Peter Reilly) Technology as an Agent of Transformation (Martin Reddington) Critical HRD and Organisational Effectiveness (Allan Ramdhony)

Organizational Development

10 The Role of Line Managers in HRM, Learning and Innovation ( John Castledine and Douglas W. S. Renwick) 11 Strategic Workforce Capability - Planning for a New Era (Roger Cooper and Melanie Wood) 12 Performance Management and Reward (Roger Cooper and Adrian Furnham) 13 Inclusive Talent Management and Diversity (Eddie Blass and Gillian Maxwell) 14 Employer Branding and Organisational Effectiveness (Helen Francis and Martin Reddington) 15 The OD Role of HRD in Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability (Carole Parkes) 16 Emotion at Work (Chiara Amati and Chris Donnegan) 17 The New OE - Future Prospects and Possibilities (Helen Francis, Linda Holbeche and Martin Reddington)

Networked, Scaled, and Agile A Design Strategy for Complex Organizations Edition: 1 Date: /03/28/2021 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789667790 ISBN Ebook: 9781789667806 Pages: 216 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Organizational Development

This book

examples from global companies going through transformation as well as high growth « Includes challengers how organization design can help mature companies better embrace and connect digital « Outlines capabilities, and how fast-growth companies can mature and scale a culture that was effective for a start-up but is now facing new competition Conveys contemporary concepts around organization design in practical, accessible language


Description While technology and geopolitical forces change the face of business today, the patterns and challenges of organizing humans to work together across organization, culture, language and time zone boundaries remain. To face these challenges, all organizations need to be agile, networked and scalable. Networked, Scaled, and Agile reveals how to shape organizations that will enable people to make faster and better decisions in a more complex world. By outlining the tension between the need for agility/differentiation and scale/integration, the book offers a new way to think about this debate using the models of the Tower (vertical integration) and the Square (horizontal integration). It addresses the role of the leadership team and how the organization design process can build C-suite leaders and successors. Each chapter concludes with a series of reflection questions for leaders as well as a summary of key concepts and tips. Including case studies from global organizations, Networked, Scaled, and Agile reveals how organization design can address three of the biggest business challenges organizations face today: how to build a new capability across the entire enterprise; how to make the entire organization more customer-centric; and how to allow for faster innovation.

Author Information Amy Kates, Greg Kesler, and Michele DiMartino are organization design practitioners that consult to senior executives in companies around the world and live in New York, NY, Turnbull, CT and St. Petersburg, FL respectively. They are Managing Directors at Kates Kesler Organization Consulting, which is part of Accenture. Kates Kesler is recognized as one of the leading organization design firms and their methodology has become the global standard. The firm has been named by Forbes as one of the best consulting firms annually since 2016.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents ‌Introduction The Central Design Problem Operating Models Organization Models Vertical Organization - The Tower 5 Horizontal Organization - The Square 6 Leadership in the Tower and the Square 7 Design Challenge - Enterprise Capabilities 8 Design Challenge - Customer Solutions 9 Design Challenge - Faster Innovation 10 Conclusion 1 2 3 4

Organizational Development

The Energized Workplace Edition: 1 Date: 08/28/2020 Price: $25.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749498665 ISBN Ebook: 9780749498672 Pages: 232 Format (mm): 235x158 Product Category: Professional Subject: Organizational Development

This book

why traditional organizational structures and processes are holding employees and « Explains businesses back and how to redesign them to allow both people and the business to reach their full potential

how technological advances that mean staff are connected to work in their evenings, « Shows weekends and on holiday are having a direct impact on employee wellbeing and how to tackle this international case studies from companies including Brewdog, Wegmans, CyberClick and « Includes Mind Valley

Description Productivity is flatlining, employee wellbeing is at an all-time low and stress at an all-time high. Mental health issues are now the biggest single disability affecting the UK and are estimated to cost the economy £105bn each year. Traditional company design, structures and processes are making these issues worse and leading to unprecedented levels of staff burnout. This not only impacts individual employees, there is also a detrimental effect on overall company performance when employees can’t perform to their full potential. It is the responsibility of Organizational Development and HR professionals to address these issues urgently and redesign work to allow people to flourish and businesses to thrive. Full of practical advice, tips and tools, The Energized Workplace provides a blueprint for how practitioners can redesign their organizations to support employees and ensure the business outperforms the competition. It covers everything from why existing structures are causing business output to decline, why traditional processes are holding organizations back and what the consequences of not addressing these design issues will mean for business including increased staff turnover, a rise in employee absence and a decline in company profits. Including case studies from organizations across a range of sectors who have successfully put people at the heart of their workplace design such as CyberClick, Mind Valley, Brewdog and Wegmans and with specific guidance on designing for five generations working side by side, across different countries and on separate time zones, The Energized Workplace will help OD and HR professionals confidently tackle the organizational issues putting their company success and employee health and happiness in jeopardy. This book is essential reading for practitioners needing to deal with the wellbeing crisis and productivity puzzle in the new world of work.

Author Information Perry Timms is a coach, consultant, international conference speaker and the founder of People and Transformational HR Ltd. He is also the social media and HR adviser to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). Named by HR Magazine as one of the most influential HR thinkers of 2017, he is a visiting fellow at Sheffield Hallam University Business School, a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA) and the world’s first WorldBlu-certified Freedom at Work coach. Perry Timms is also the author of Transformational HR, published by Kogan Page.

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HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

‌Introduction 2050 voyaging 20th-century design flaws 80/20 variances 1/20 or a 20 per cent probability The 5 x 20 life and the redesign of age 20:20 vision The 20 misuses of energy in the workplace The 2020 list of energized workplaces 20 minutes per day to energize yourself Tools for the next 20 years

Organizational Development

The Agile Organization Edition: 2 Date: 06/28/2018 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749482657 ISBN Ebook: 9780749482664 Pages: 344 Format (mm): 235x160 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Organizational Development

This book

readers with the strategies and methods to ensure their organization can respond rapidly « Equips and retain competitive advantage in the face of change checklists, guidelines and international case studies from organizations including the « Includes University of California, Berkeley, the UK National Health Service (NHS), SNC-Lavalin’s Atkins business and General Electric (GE) New to this edition: a new chapter on agile design and structuring and fresh material on agile people processes and customer-centricity, alongside new and updated case studies to illustrate each of these themes


Description In today’s volatile and ambiguous world, organizations need to have the capacity and flexibility to respond rapidly to changes in their environment, both internally and externally. The key to retaining this competitive advantage is agility, a set of capabilities that help organizations adapt with the full co-operation of their employees. Packed with helpful checklists, tips and advice, The Agile Organization is a practical blueprint to building both agility and resilience at individual, team and organizational levels. This revised second edition contains a new chapter on the latest approaches to agile organization design in light of digitization and customer-centricity, as well as new and updated case studies from the University of California, Berkeley, the UK National Health Service (NHS), SNC-Lavalin’s Atkins business and General Electric (GE). It remains the ‘go to’ guide for HR and OD specialists, senior leaders and managers who want to help bring about organizational transformation and build a sustainably agile business while enhancing employee engagement and resilience.

Author Information Linda Holbeche is an international consultant, researcher and author in the fields of HRM, leadership, change management and organization design and development. She was previously Director of Research and Policy at the CIPD, of Leadership and Consultancy at the Work Foundation and of Research and Strategy at Roffey Park. She is a member of several advisory boards, Visiting Professor at five UK universities, and a regular speaker at national and international conference. She is the co-author of Organization Development, also published by Kogan Page.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents ‌Introduction 1 Why go agile? 2 Why are agility and resilience so elusive? 3 The resiliently agile organization 4 Agile strategizing 5 Agile implementation 6 Agile linkages 7 Designing for agile 8 Agile people processes 9 HR’s role in building a highperformance work climate 10 Nurturing employee engagement and resilience 11 Change and transformation 12 Building a change-able culture 13 Agile leadership 14 Conclusion

Organizational Development

Organization Development A Practitioner’s Guide for OD and HR Edition: 3 Date: 06/28/2021 Price: $46.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789667912 ISBN Ebook: 9781789667929 Pages: 448 Format (mm): 240x170 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Organizational Development

This book

a complete guide for both students and practitioners to implementing effective OD to « Provides drive performance and growth theory overviews as well as tools, techniques and international case studies from « Includes organizations including Ernst & Young, Nationwide, Lockheed Martin and the University of Sheffield HR in relation to OD, and connected areas such as organization design, employee « Explores engagement, building organizational agility and resilience, and culture change to this edition: chapters on building an adaptive culture of learning and innovation, « New organization health and ‘use of self’, material on digitization, OD in SMEs, competence profiles and OD education and development, new case studies and practice suggestion boxes at the end of each chapter

Description Organization Development (OD) is key to ensuring that organizations and their people can adapt to and engage in ongoing change in today’s fast-paced and competitive world. How can those responsible for managing change determine the most appropriate course of action for their organization’s needs and maximize capability? Written by two of the leading experts in the field, Organization Development is an essential guide to the theories, practices, tools and techniques for achieving success. It explores the role of HR in relation to OD, and connected areas such as organization design, building organizational agility and resilience, and culture change. Alongside international case studies from organizations including Ernst & Young, Nationwide, Lockheed Martin and the University of Sheffield, UK, this revised third edition of Organization Development contains new chapters on building an adaptive culture of learning and innovation and organization health and ‘use of self’. With fresh material on digitization, OD in SMEs, and competence profiles, this is an indispensable handbook to understanding, communicating and implementing organization development approaches for both experienced practitioners and students.

Author Information Mee-Yan Cheung-Judge has over 30 years’ experience of delivering transformational change in a range of international organizations, including the BBC and Singapore’s public sector agencies. A widely published author and international conference speaker, she was voted a Top Influential Thinker by HR Magazine in 2018 and 2019. Linda Holbeche is Adjunct Professor at Imperial College London Business School, UK, and Visiting Professor at four other UK universities. She is President of the Institute for Organisational Development, and was previously Director of Research and Policy at the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). She is the author of The Agile Organization, also published by Kogan Page.

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HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

19 Building the context for An OD practitioner’s employee engagement guide for Organization 20 Developing effective Development leadership What is OD? Its brief history Theories and practices of OD: a theory overview The OD cycle and the entry and contracting phase The diagnostic phase The intervention phase The evaluation phase Living at the edge of chaos of change Organization health Back room and front room change matters Can behavioural change be made easy? The Organization Development practitioner ‘Use of self’ Power and politics and Organization Development HR in relation to OD HR in relation to OD Organization Design Transformation and culture change Building an adaptive culture of learning and innovation Building organizational agility and resilience

Organizational Development

Resourcing and Talent Management Edition: 7 Date: 11/28/2018 Price: $70.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749483852 ISBN Ebook: 9780749483869 Pages: 512 Format (mm): 245x190 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Talent Management & Recruitment

This book

a comprehensive look at all areas of resourcing and talent management, from recruitment « Takes and retention to retirement and redundancy to this edition: international case studies, a new chapter on global resourcing, new « New information on social media and e-recruitment and additional discussion of flexible working resources: instructor’s manual, lecture slides, case studies, articles, feedback on exercises « Online in the book and web links for each chapter for students

Description Resourcing and Talent Management provides broad and accessible coverage of key topics such as employment markets, flexibility, fairness, diversity, human resource planning, recruitment, employer branding, retention and retirement. Including in-depth discussion of dismissals and redundancy, this textbook is the essential companion for the CIPD Level 7 Advanced Resourcing and Talent Management module. This fully updated 7th edition of Resourcing and Talent Management includes new information on social media and e-recruitment, additional discussion of flexible working and a brand new chapter on global resourcing. Including new international examples and case studies throughout this is essential reading for all students studying a resourcing, recruitment, selection or talent management module on HR or business masters degree. Online supporting resources for lecturers include an instructor’s manual, lecture slides and feedback on exercises included in the book. There are also brand new student resources including multiple choice questions, reflective questions and further reading.

Author Information Stephen Taylor, Chartered CCIPD, is a senior lecturer in Human Resource Management at the University of Exeter Business School. He is also a Chief Examiner for the CIPD. Before his academic career he worked in a variety of management roles in the hotel industry and the NHS. He is co-author of Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, published by Kogan Page.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 Employment markets and regulation 3 Flexibility 4 Fairness and diversity 5 Human resource planning 6 Job analysis and job design 7 Recruitment advertising 8 Alternative recruitment methods 9 Employer branding 10 Selection – The classic trio 11 Advanced methods of employee selection 12 The new employee 13 Succession planning 14 Measuring and analysing employee turnover 15 Improving employee retention 16 Retirement 17 Dismissals 18 Redundancy 19 Resourcing and talent management strategies 20 Global resourcing 21 The future of work

Talent Management & Recruitment

Learning and Talent Development Edition: 1 Date: 01/28/2011 Price: $70.00 ISBN Paperback: 9781843982500 ISBN Ebook: 9781843983422 Pages: 392 Format (mm): 245x189 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Talent Management & Recruitment

This book

the nature and benefits of a critical understanding of and approach to the professional « Shows practice of learning and talent development « Case studies help students focus on particular concepts and prepare for professional practice resources: web links for each chapter, lecture slides and an instructor’s manual complete « Online with lecture handouts and additional case studies per chapter

Description Written for the CIPD Level 7 Advanced module of the same name, Learning and Talent Development combines a clear and concise structure and writing style with an academic and critical approach to the subject. It analyses and evaluates a range of learning and talent development theories and strategies so students can learn how to take the lead and confidently initiate, develop and implement these strategies, interventions and activities in the workplace. Covering key topics such as the national and organizational context of learning and talent development, concepts related to individual and organizational learning and the functions associated with managing learning and talent development in the context of professional practice, Learning and Talent Development equips individuals to meet the expectations placed upon those performing specialist roles in developing others and is therefore also ideal for undergraduate and postgraduate students of human resource management or business students taking a module in human resource development or learning and development. Online supporting resources include web links for each chapter, lecture slides and an instructor’s manual complete with lecture handouts and additional case studies per chapter.

Author Information Jim Stewart is Professor of HRD at Liverpool Business School, UK. He is also Chief Examiner of Learning and Development for the CIPD as well as Visiting Panel Chair and External Moderator. Clare Rigg lectures at the Institute of Technology, Tralee, Ireland.

Table of Contents 1 1 2 3 4 2 5 6 7 3 8 9


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

‌Introduction The Nature, Purpose and Context of Learning and Talent Development Organising and Managing Learning and Talent Development International and National Contexts Various and Varying Organisation Contexts The Politics of Learning and Talent Development The Process of Learning and Talent Development Individual and Organisation Learning in Talent Development Establishing Needs and Solutions to Talent Development Learning and Talent Development Practical Strategies The Management of Learning and Talent Development Designing and Evaluating Talent Development Accessing and Managing Resources

10 Ethics and Professionalism in Learning and Talent Development 11 Doing a Student Research Project 12 Conclusion

Talent Management & Recruitment

Inclusive Talent Management How Business can Thrive in an Age of Diversity Edition: 1 Date: 07/28/2016 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749475871 ISBN Ebook: 9780749475888 Pages: 280 Format (mm): 241x145 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Talent Management & Recruitment

This book

how to attract the best candidates and keep them by building cultures in which they feel « Shows valued evidence for how better diversity and inclusion practices lead to increased creativity, « Provides openness to change, new ideas and understanding of new markets original research from globally recognised organizations including Goldman Sachs, NHS, « Includes Telefonica, Unilever, KPMG, Royal Mail, Hitachi, Oxfam, Novartis and the Rio 2016 Olympic Games on how diversity and inclusion activities can improve talent attraction, management and retention

Description SHORTLISTED: CMI Management Book of the Year 2017 - Practical Manager Category Organizations traditionally have had a clear distinction between their policies on diversity and inclusion and their talent management. The main driving force behind diversity and inclusion has been being seen to be a good employer, to be able to make claims in the annual report and to feel as though a positive contribution is being made to society. On the other hand, talent management activities have been driven by a real business need to ensure that the organization has the right people with the right skills in the right place to drive operational success. Inclusive Talent Management aligns talent management and diversity and inclusion, offering a fresh perspective on why the current distinction between them needs to disappear. Featuring case studies from internationally recognised brands such as Goldman Sachs, Unilever, KPMG, Hitachi, Oxfam and the NHS, Inclusive Talent Management shows that to achieve business objectives and gain the competitive advantage, it is imperative that organizations take an inclusive approach to talent management. It puts forward a compelling and innovative case, raising questions not only for the HR community but also to those in senior management positions, providing the practical steps, global examples and models for incorporating diversity and inclusion activities into talent management strategy.

Author Information Stephen Frost works with clients worldwide to embed inclusion into their decision making. He teaches at various business schools and was formerly Head of Diversity and Inclusion for the London Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games. Danny Kalman is a talent management consultant, executive coach and regular speaker on leadership development. He was Director of Global Talent at Panasonic Corporation from 2008-2013.

Table of Contents

1 1 2 3 4 2 5 6 7 8 9


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

‌ hallenge - The Addiction to C Likeness in an Age of Diversity = Sameness The Fierce Urgency of Now Homogenous Talent Management History – How a Segregated Mindset Evolved The Future – Diversity is Local, Inclusion is Global The Case for Inclusive Talent Management How to Meet the Challenge ITM in Recruitment – Finding Diverse Talent ITM in Development – Growing Diverse Talent ITM in Retention – Keeping Diverse Talent Leadership – How You Can Make a Difference Resolution: Change the System (Unconscious Nudges) + Change Your Behaviour (Conscious Leadership) = Inclusion

Talent Management & Recruitment

Neurodiversity at Work Drive Innovation, Performance and Productivity with a Neurodiverse Workforce Edition: 1 Date: 08/28/2021 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781398600249 ISBN Ebook: 9781398600256 Pages: 288 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Professional Subject: Talent Management & Recruitment

This book

« Explains what neurodiversity is and how it creates performance, productivity and financial benefits guidance on how to optimize recruitment and talent management processes to attract, « Provides acquire and retain neurodiverse employees case studies and interviews from IBM, LinkedIn, UK Cabinet Office, Autotrader and « Includes Heathrow Airport « Covers how to adapt policies and workplaces to ensure that they work for all employees Description An organization’s employees are its biggest competitive advantage. Performance gains can be achieved through cost saving, process improvement or technology adoption, but the biggest difference is made by people. This means that recruiting, engaging and retaining the very best talent has never been more important. Crucially, these employees should be a diverse group of people with different approaches, skills and strengths in problem solving and driving innovation. As well as focusing on gender, race, age and class, it is critical that businesses also develop a neurodiverse workforce if they are committed to outperforming the competition and achieving sustainable business growth. Neurodiversity at Work is a practical guide that explains what neurodiversity is, why it’s important and what the benefits are. It covers how to attract, recruit and engage neurodiverse talent and provides guidance on how to adapt HR policies, processes and workplaces to ensure that all employees, including the 2 in 10 employees in the UK who are neurodiverse, can reach their full potential. Neurodiversity at Work is packed full of case studies from leading organizations who are already seeing the productivity, performance and financial benefits of neurodiversity in the workplace including Microsoft, Ford and EY. Also featured are interviews with people who have successfully adapted their HR processes for neurodiversity, including the Head of Talent Acquisition at IBM and the Head of People and Culture at Autotrader. Including tips, advice, examples and ‘how to’ actions in every chapter, this is essential reading for every HR professional.

Author Information Professor Amanda Kirby is the Founder and CEO of Do-IT Solutions and a registered GP. Based in the UK, she is an advisor to the Department of Work and Pensions on Neurodiversity as well as a lecturer at the University of South Wales. Theo Smith is the Recruitment Manager at NICE (The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence). Based in the UK, he was selected to be part of the Resourcing Leaders 100 (RL100), Europe’s leading network of resourcing leaders. Prior to this he was the Resourcing Manager at TMP Worldwide.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents 1 What is Neurodiversity? 2 Why is Neurodiversity important? 3 Words and Labels 4 Neurodiversity and Recruitment 5 Inclusive job adverts and applications 6 Assessments and Interviews 7 Inductions and Onboarding 8 Employee Engagement 9 Employee Retention 10 Policies and Processes 11 Workpaces and Places 12 Health and Wellbeing

Talent Management & Recruitment

How to Create a Coaching Culture A Practical Introduction Edition: 2 Date: 09/28/2018 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749483272 ISBN Ebook: 9780749483289 Pages: 248 Format (mm): 234x155 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Coaching

This book

part of the CIPD-endorsed HR Fundamentals series of succinct, practical guides for those in the « Isearly stages of HR Uses practical assessments and real life examples to build knowledge and skills in order to « implement an tools, efficient and effective coaching culture that empowers people and delivers business results New to this edition: demonstrates how a coaching culture should be closely aligned with broader business concerns, including bottom line results, productivity and agility in the VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) environment. It shows how to link productivity and growth, how to adopt principles that naturally encourage coaching and engagement, how to develop autonomous teams, how to develop tools that foster flexibility, how to assess organisational readiness for change, and includes new international case studies Online resources: a suite of downloadable templates and tools for use in practice, including a diagnostic tool to check ‘coaching culture health’ and a corresponding report, development plan, monitoring templates, and training course assessment forms



Description Management approaches and workplace culture help determine employee productivity, morale, talent acquisition and retention, and organizational adaptability. How to Create a Coaching Culture is a practical guide to embedding effective coaching behaviours within an organization to empower and engage employees to perform at their best. Using a combination of practical tools, assessments, case studies and examples, it provides guidance on how to plan and develop a strategy aligned to your organization and its goals, engage the board to secure ‘buy-in’, and how to effectively measure and evaluate initiatives in every stage of the employee lifecycle. This fully updated second edition of How to Create a Coaching Culture contains new material on promoting employee engagement, reinventing performance reviews, and new and updated case studies from HarperCollins, British Airways and Leanintuit. Online resources include a series of downloadable templates and tools to use in practice, including a board report, communication strategy, development plan, and pre- and post-course training assessment. HR Fundamentals is a series of succinct, practical guides for students and those in the early stages of their HR careers. They are endorsed by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), the UK professional body for HR and people development, which has over 145,000 members worldwide.

Author Information Gillian Jones is Managing Director of Emerge, a development consultancy that specializes in leadership, organizational development and executive coaching. Working with a number of high-profile international organizations, she has extensive experience of implementing coaching and mentoring strategies and facilitating cultural changes. Ro Gorell is a change strategist and business coach. She is co-director of Change Optimised, which focuses on developing and coaching the workplace of the future. She is also author of Group Coaching and the co-author with Gillian Jones of 50 Top Tools for Coaching, also published by Kogan Page.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents ‌Introduction 1 Fundamentals 1 What is a coaching culture? 2 Is having a coaching culture important for your organization? 3 Aligning the coaching culture with organizational strategy: getting the right fit 2 In practice 4 Creating a coaching culture: the key components 5 Planning and developing the right strategy for your organization 6 Measurement tools for evaluating coaching 7 Conclusion


Excellence in Coaching Theory, Tools and Techniques to Achieve Outstanding Coaching Performance Edition: 4 Date: 02/28/2021 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789665475 ISBN Ebook: 9781789665482 Pages: 392 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Coaching

This book

a complete resource for best practice coaching from industry experts including Sir John « Provides Whitmore, Peter Hawkins and David Clutterbuck all the fundamental areas of coaching, from making the personal and business cases for « Covers coaching, to using goal setting, questions and reflection and coaching evaluation and accreditation a range of coaching models and techniques in both theory and practice, to allow readers to « Explores tailor their approach to specific situations to this edition: new chapters including neuroscience coaching, systemic coaching, existential « New coaching, coaching contracts, reflection practice in coaching alongside updates to incorporate new research and models published since the last edition

Description How can you achieve coaching excellence? Use the latest research and insights from some of the biggest industry names in this fully revised fourth edition, which provides a diverse range of theory, tools and models for students and practicing coaches alike. Excellence in Coaching is a comprehensive guide presenting the latest cutting-edge thinking in the field of workplace coaching. Published with the Association for Coaching, this book covers all key components of the coaching process, and examines a diverse range of coaching models including behavioural and transpersonal coaching, enabling coaches and trainers to adapt their approach and excel in their professional practice. With updates to incorporate the latest thinking and insights, this revised fourth edition of Excellence in Coaching also contains a wealth of fresh material, including new chapters on establishing a coaching business, neuroscience coaching, psychodynamic coaching and understanding the coaching relationship. Featuring tips, checklists and tools, and a collection of best-practice material from some of the biggest names in the profession including Sir John Whitmore, Peter Hawkins and David Clutterbuck. This remains essential reading for practising coaches as well as for students.

Author Information Jonathan Passmore is the Director of The Henley Centre for Coaching at Henley Business School, University of Reading. He works with leaders from business, politics and the public sector to help them improve individual, team and organizational performance through coaching. He is also an award-winning researcher, a regular international conference speaker, and the author and editor of a number of publications and books, including Leadership Coaching and Mastery in Coaching, also published by Kogan Page.

Table of Contents 1 1 2 3 2 4 5 6 3 7 8 9 10 4 11 12 13


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Understanding coaching and what it can do for you Coaching – Defined and explored [Jonathan Passmore] Coaching – The personal case [Rebecca Jones] Coaching – The business case [Andromachi Athanasopoulou] Understanding yourself and your clients Understanding yourself as a coach [Alison Hardingham] Understanding your clients [Caroline Rook] Understanding the coaching relationship [Erik De Haan] Coaching skills Goal setting in coaching [Gordon Spence & Michael Cavanagh] Questions in coaching [David Clutterbuck] Listening in coaching [Stephen Burt] Using summaries, reflections and affirmations [Tim Anstiss] Coaching approaches Behavioural coaching [Graham Alexander] Person centred coaching [Stephen Joseph] Solution focused coaching [Anthony M Grant]


30 Establishing your coaching 14 Cognitive behavioural business [Michael Beale] coaching [Michael Neenan] 15 Transpersonal coaching [John Whitmore & Hetty Einzig] 16 Psychodynamic coaching [Catherine Sadler] 17 Existential coaching [Michael Moral] 18 Systemic coaching [Natalie Lancer] 19 Integrative coaching [ Jonathan Passmore] 20 Somatic coaching [Aboodi Shabi] 21 Neuroscience coaching [Patricia Riddle] 22 Narrative coaching [David Drake] 23 Team coaching [Kate Lanz] 5 Coaching issues 24 Coaching ethics [Eve Turner] 25 Coaching contracts [Dave Tees] 26 Coaching evaluation [Alison Carter & David B Peterson] 27 Coach accreditation [Alison Whybrow & Dianne Brennan] 6 Beyond coaching 28 Supervision in coaching [Peter Hawkins] 29 Reflection practice in coaching [Ann James]

Systemic Coaching and Constellations The Principles, Practices and Application for Individuals, Teams and Groups Edition: 3 Date: 08/28/2020 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789662849 ISBN Ebook: 9781789662856 Pages: 368 Format (mm): 230x155 Product Category: Professional Subject: Coaching

This book

how to draw out and overcome systemic and relational issues in organizations to improve « Shows coaching approaches and performance a wide range of practical exercises which coaches can use for their own development and « Contains with clients, both in one-to-one and group settings case studies from a joint ICF/EMCC constellation workshop and examples from coaches « Includes around the world, including Australia, Mexico, France, Spain, the US and the Netherlands « Includes answers to the most frequently asked questions in workshops and training sessions to this edition: a chapter on systemic supervision, material on team coaching, systemic « New questions and resourcing constellations as well as fresh case studies and updates to wider research and thinking

Description Systemic Coaching and Constellations offers a refreshingly uncomplicated path into a potentially complex subject, demonstrating how to understand and manage intricate relationship systems as part of a powerful coaching agenda. It provides a comprehensive introduction to the principles that sustain systems, how to map and explore them through constellations, as well as a step-by-step guide to integrating these principles and practices into coaching. Featuring a variety of case studies from around the world to illustrate different facilitation styles and approaches, it also contains practical exercises which can be used in a variety of contexts, including one-to-one coaching, group coaching, leadership development coaching and managing conflict in teams. This updated third edition of Systemic Coaching and Constellations contains a new chapter on systemic supervision, new material on team coaching, systemic questions and resourcing constellations as well as new and refreshed case studies and updates to wider research and thinking. Whether used in an initial selection meeting or to underpin all coaching conversations and interventions, it remains an indispensable resource for coaches of all levels of experience and in all remits looking to transform their practice, as well as for those studying coaching as part of a degree or coaching qualification.

Author Information John Whittington is an individual and team coach with a broad portfolio of clients that includes entrepreneurs, executive leaders and public figures. He facilitates regular systemic workshop interventions in corporate environments and leads a small teaching team who share the systemic coaching and constellations approach with other professional coaches internationally. He is also a guest tutor at Henley Business School for students of the Msc in Coaching and Behavioural change in the UK and South Africa.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents ‌Acknowledgements 1 Outside in, inside out 1 Outside in 2 Ingredients 3 Inside out 2 Principles 4 Belonging 5 Conscience, guilt and innocence 6 The universal language of systems 7 The time is now 3 Practices 8 Map making 9 Living maps 4 Tabletop to workshop 10 One to one: principles and practices in action 11 One to many: systemic team coaching 12 Sticky moments 13 Extending your practice: further practices and applications 14 Systemic supervision 5 Familiar themes 15 Human being 16 The F word 17 Appendix: Resources and further reading 18 Meet the team 19 Postscript: Outside in, inside out


20 FAQs: Answers to frequently asked questions 21 Index

Leadership Coaching Working with Leaders to Develop Elite Performance Edition: 2 Date: 07/28/2015 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749473297 ISBN Ebook: 9780749473303 Pages: 384 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Professional Subject: Coaching

Author Information Jonathan Passmore is well known for editing the Association for Coaching series, as well as for other titles in leadership and organisational psychology. He is an occupational psychologist with an international reputation, having spoken at conferences across the world from Harvard University, to Denmark, South Africa and Israel. He is also the Series Editor for the Wiley Blackwell Industrial Psychology series and has authored/co-authored Top Business Psychology Models, AI for Change Management and The Facebook Manager over the last four years. In 2010, Jonathan was awarded the AC Global Coaching Award for his contribution to practice and research. He divides his time between academia, where he works as a professor of psychology at the University of East London, and business, where he works as a practicing psychologist.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

This book

wide-ranging, up-to-the-minute coverage of the leadership models and coaching « Includes frameworks most relevant to coaches working with business leaders together a group of international experts, with each chapter providing a research-grounded « Brings overview of a particular approach, and illustrating this with a real-life case study to this edition: Four brand new chapters on conversational leadership, team leadership, « New strengths focused leadership and complexity based leadership


Table of Contents 18 Coaching for team leadership: 1 Leadership coaching using the Belbin ‘team roles’ 2 Coaching for authentic model leadership 19 Coaching for strength-based 3 The integrated leadership leadership model 20 Coaching with complexity4 Coaching for emotionally informed leadership intelligent and inspiring leadership 5 The Leadership Radar™ 6 An Asian perspective on leadership coaching: Sun Tzu and The Art of War 7 Coaching for Icarus leadership: helping leaders who can potentially derail 8 Coaching for integral leadership 9 Coaching political leaders 10 Leadership coaching with feedforward 11 Coaching from a systems perspective 12 Coaching for transactional and transformational leadership 13 Coaching for leadership style 14 Strategy coaching 15 Coaching global top teams 16 Coaching using leadership myths and stories: an African perspective 17 Coaching for conversational leadership


Leadership Team Coaching Developing Collective Transformational Leadership Edition: 4 Date: 06/28/2021 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789667455 ISBN Ebook: 9781789667462 Pages: 408 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Professional Subject: Coaching

This book

a complete resource for coaching leadership teams, as well as international, virtual, project « Provides and account teams and executive and non-executive boards the key techniques and tools to be used at each stage of the coaching process, as well as « Explores guidance on common challenges and pitfalls to avoid case studies from organizations including Deloitte and General Electric (GE) to illustrate « Includes how these approaches have been applied in practice to this edition: discussion of agile teaming, using digital team coaching apps and AI, « New and training team leaders to coach their own team; new and refreshed case studies; updates to incorporate new developments and research

Description Organizations are most effective when the teams responsible for their success work together collectively and in a dynamic relationship with the rest of the company. For those involved in developing leadership teams, understanding coaching practices and techniques is essential for enabling the best performance. Leadership Team Coaching provides a comprehensive roadmap for team coaching, explaining all the key elements alongside practical tools and techniques for developing international and virtual teams, executive and non-executive boards and project and account teams in all types of organizations. Featuring case studies and insights from organizations including Deloitte and General Electric (GE), it also contains guidance on choosing the best team coach, creating a team-based culture and common pitfalls to avoid. This fully updated fourth edition of Leadership Team Coaching contains new material on agile teaming, using digital team coaching apps and AI, and training team leaders to coach their own team. It remains an indispensable resource for coaches and senior leaders as well as for those studying coaching as part of a degree or coaching qualification.

Author Information Peter Hawkins is Professor of Leadership at Henley Business School, UK, and a visiting professor at the University of Bath, UK, and Oxford Brookes University, UK. The President of the Association of Professional Executive Coaching and Supervision (APECS) and the founder and emeritus chairman of Bath Consultancy Group and chairman of Renewal Associates, he has worked with many leading companies internationally, co-designing and facilitating major change projects and coaching boards and leadership teams. A regular keynote speaker at international conferences, he is also the author of several books including Leadership Team Coaching in Practice, also published by Kogan Page.

Table of Contents 1 1 2 3 2 4 5 6 3 7 8 4

9 10 5


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

High-performing teams Why the world needs more high-performing leadership teams The high-performing team and the transformational leadership team The five disciplines of successful team practice Team coaching What is team coaching? The team coaching process and journey Coaching the five disciplines – Systemic team coaching Coaching different types of teams Many types of teams Coaching the board The next frontier for systemic team coaching – Beyond the high-performing team Disrupting and renewing team coaching New dimensions for ecosystemic team coaching Creating shared leadership, selecting, developing and coaching your own team – Advice to chief executives and other team leaders


11 Selecting the players for a high-performing team 12 Key steps for CEOs in creating a high-performing team with shared leadership 13 How to find, select and work with a good team coach 14 Developing as a team coach 15 Supervising team coaching 16 Team coaching methods, tools and techniques 17 Conclusion

Leadership Team Coaching in Practice Case Studies on Developing HighPerforming Teams Edition: 2 Date: 06/28/2018 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749482381 ISBN Ebook: 9780749482398 Pages: 392 Format (mm): 234x157 Product Category: Professional Subject: Coaching

This book

best practice case studies, including Finnair, the NHS and the Australian pharmaceutical « Uses industry, alongside templates and reflective questions to help develop approaches to fostering collective transformational leadership across teams, whatever the business sector and type of team

to this edition: fresh international case studies that address some of the hottest topics in « New executive coaching such as how to work across multiple teams, inter-team coaching and coaching tech start-ups and other entrepreneurial businesses

Description Organizations are increasingly complex, requiring flexibility to implement significant, rapid change that goes beyond the ability of an individual leader or CEO. A high-performing and cohesive leadership team is critical for success. Leadership Team Coaching in Practice presents enlightening case studies on how leadership team coaching techniques have been applied internationally across a variety of team types and industries, including professional services, pharmaceuticals, airlines, healthcare and finance. With expert contributions from chief executives, team coaches, team leaders and consultants, this practical guide illustrates best practice tailored to the needs of each organization. This updated 2nd edition of Leadership Team Coaching in Practice includes new case studies and addresses hot topics in systemic leadership coaching theory. Answering questions such as how do you get the most from working across multiple teams? how should inter-team coaching be approached? and how do you coach millennials and tech start-ups?, it helps foster collective transformational leadership, whatever the business sector and type of team. Ideal for executive coaches, organizational development consultants (OD), HR leaders and aspiring managers, it shows how to develop leadership teams that can implement strategic change effectively and sustain competitive advantage.

Author Information Peter Hawkins is Professor of Leadership at Henley Business School, University of Reading, UK, as well as the founder and emeritus chairman of Bath Consultancy Group. In addition, he is the Honorary President of the Academic of Executive Coaching, the chairman of Renewal Associates, a visiting professor in executive coaching at Oxford Brookes University and a visiting professor in leadership and change at the University of Bath. He has worked with many leading companies internationally, co-designing and facilitating major change projects, coaching boards and leadership teams. He is the author of several books including Leadership Team Coaching, also published by Kogan Page.

Table of Contents 1

2 3






HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Introduction – Highly Effective Teams; The Latest Research and Development [Peter Hawkins] What are Leadership Team Coaching and Systemic Team Coaching? [Peter Hawkins] Learning from Case Studies and an Overview of Published Case Studies [Peter Hawkins, Catherine Carr and Jacqueline Peters] Coaching the Commissioning and Clarifying – A Case Study of a Professional Services Leadership Team [Hilary Lines] Coaching the Co-Creating within the Team – Two Case Studies from Canada [Catherine Carr and Jacqueline Peters] Coaching the Connecting between a New CEO, Her Leadership Team and the Wider Middle Management in a UK National Health Service Organization [ Jacqui ScholesRhodes and Angela McNab] Coaching the Team Working with its Core Learning [Sue Coyne and Judith Nicol]


8 Team Coaching as Part of Organizational Transformation – A Case Study of Finnair [David Jarrett] 9 Team Coaching for Organizational Learning and Innovation – A Case Study of an Australian Pharmaceutical Subsidiary [Padraig O’Sullivan and Carole Field] 10 Inter-Team Coaching – From Team Coaching to Organizational Transformation at Yeovil Hospital Foundation Trust [Peter Hawkins and Gavin Boyle] 11 Developing an Effective ‘Team of Teams’ Approach in Comair [Barbara Walsh, Danny Tuckwood, Erik Venter, Geraldine Welby-Cooke, Tracey Mccreadie, Justin Dell, Peter Hawkins] 12 Empowering the Next Generation of Team Leaders in Fast-Moving Startups [Shannon Hall] 13 Evaluation and Assessment of Teams and Team Coaching [Peter Hawkins]

14 Coaching the Board – How Coaching Boards is Different from Coaching Executive Teams, with Case Examples from the Private, Public and Voluntary Sectors [Peter Hawkins and Alison Hogan] 15 Embodied Approaches to Team Coaching [Peter Hawkins and David Presswell] 16 Developing the Personal Core Capacities for Systemic Team Coaching [Peter Hawkins] 17 Training Systemic Team Coaches [Peter Hawkins and John Leary-Joyce] 18 Team Coaching – Where Next? [Peter Hawkins]

Coaching and Mentoring Practical Techniques for Developing Learning and Performance Edition: 3 Date: 12/28/2016 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749477622 ISBN Ebook: 9780749477639 Pages: 352 Format (mm): 235x159 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Coaching

This book

a clear, accessible and unbiased introduction to coaching and mentoring at individual, « Provides team and organizational levels how to align coaching and mentoring to an organization’s overall business strategy and « Shows measure its transformational impact to this edition: chapters on the organizational value of coaching and mentoring with case « New studies from retail, oil and gas and professional services companies

Description Start measuring the impact of coaching activities and align coaching and mentoring to an organization’s overall business strategy. Over the last 15 years, Coaching and Mentoring has become the go-to guide for anyone looking to develop their coaching and mentoring skills at individual, team or organizational level. Clear and accessible, it uses practical tools and best practice to demonstrate how to relate theoretical models to specific situations to gain real benefits. It provides strategies that can be applied to any situation, including life coaching, business coaching and community mentoring. Now in its third edition, Coaching and Mentoring has been fully updated to cover the latest thinking and developments in this area including extended coverage of coaching supervision. There is also a brand new section on practical applications of coaching and mentoring for organizations, which includes advice on how to align coaching and mentoring strategies to overall business goals and how to provide evidence for its transformational impact on employee performance. Full of practical advice, case studies and examples, this comprehensive guide will be of value to everyone involved in any aspect of coaching and mentoring.

Author Information Eric Parsloe was an experienced international executive coach-mentor, one of the founders of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council and founder of The OCM. Melville Leedham is an associate lecturer at The University of Northampton. He runs his own coach-mentoring business specializing in improving the performance of individuals, teams and organizations and also trains, supervises and assesses other coaches. Diane Newell is the Managing Director of Coaching Services at The OCM, and an experienced coach-mentor working with individuals and teams to catalyse success.

Table of Contents 1

17 Coach-mentoring in the The purpose, nature and system and the impact of practice of coaching and culture mentoring 18 What’s next? 1 In the mainstream? 2 Models of coaching and mentoring 3 Community mentors and life coaching 4 Helping people to learn how to learn 5 Awareness of individual differences 6 Feedback that builds confidence and success 7 Observant listening 8 Questioning 9 Situational supervision? 10 An industry or a maturing profession? 2 How to effectively implement coaching and mentoring in organizations 11 Why invest in CAM? What and where is the need? 12 Coaching and mentoring: what they are and how they are used in organizations 13 Implementing coaching and mentoring 14 Roles and responsibilities in coaching and mentoring 15 Supervision in practice 16 Coaching the team

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200 Development & Coaching


Developing Employability and Enterprise Coaching Strategies for Success in the Workplace Edition: 1 Date: 10/28/2016 Price: $44.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749478476 ISBN Ebook: 9780749478483 Pages: 296 Format (mm): 235x155 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Coaching

This book

how to support clients in developing resilience, confidence, motivation, interpersonal skills « Shows and entrepreneurial skills - important outcomes missed by traditional career support which focuses on how to find a job

you to help clients develop attributes and behaviours that are valued by employers as well « Enables as useful in developing opportunities and managing careers credible psychometric measures and tools, CARRUS and MTQ48, for assessing and « Provides developing employability guidance on how to work with people of all needs and backgrounds, with sections on « Includes social mobility and disadvantage

Description Developing Employability and Enterprise shows how to help others develop the behaviours and attributes needed to thrive in the modern workplace. It offers coaches, career advisors and educators a complete guide to what employability looks like in the 21st century, both for new entrants to the world of work and those finding themselves in situations where they need to secure a new job or even career. The book shows how employability can be measured and how skills and attributes such as resilience, confidence, motivation, dealing with others, overcoming challenges and entrepreneurship can be developed through coaching and mentoring. Supported by the latest research from academia, government bodies, and practitioners, Developing Employability and Enterprise brings together some of the most influential thinkers around the world to offer a new approach to career management that looks beyond simply offering advice on résumés and CVs, job applications, job searches and interviews. It offers practical guidance on what attributes to develop and tools for how to do this including assessment options, sample exercises, notes on how to use the concepts in practice and global case studies.

Author Information Doug Strycharczyk is Managing Director of AQR, a consultancy and provider of psychometric tests, tools and development programmes. Doug has held a variety of HR and consultancy roles in the private and public sectors. He is the co-author of Developing Mental Toughness, co-author of Developing Resilient Organizations and a contributor to Psychometrics in Coaching, all published by Kogan Page. Charlotte Bosworth is Director of Skills and Employment at OCR, which develops employability and enterprise programmes for schools and colleges around the world.


HR, Organizational Development & Coaching

Table of Contents 1 Why employability 2 The growing importance of employability 3 Models of employability 4 Developing employability and enterprise: Tackling the challenge of youth unemployment and social mobility 5 Developing mental readiness for the world of work – building confidence and understanding employment journeys 6 Giving young people a clear line of sight to work 7 Helping individuals develop self-confidence and interpersonal skills 8 Making the best choices for jobs, careers and study 9 Presenting personal information for employers 10 Selection – Interviews and assessments centres/tests 11 Work placements and internships 12 Delivering effective work experience 13 Enterprise – More than being Richard Branson 14 Coaching for employability and enterprise


15 Developing mindset and mental toughness 16 Global perspectives – China and the Far East 17 Lifelong learning is the key to employability and economic vitality 18 Employability and enterprise 19 Employability training and coaching to clients with mental health problems 20 The role of sport in developing life skills, employability and enterprise

Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management Innovation and Best Practice in Intro Logistics & Supply Chain Global Logistics Transport Logistics Humanitarian Logistics & Supply Chain Maritime Logistics Warehouse Management Operations Management Manufacturing & Production Procurement Retail Logistics & Supply Chain Supply Chain Finance Supply Chain Management Sustainability



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The Inventory Toolkit

The Handbook of Logistics and Distribution Management Edition: 6 Date: 01/28/2017 Price: $85.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749476779 ISBN Ebook: 9780749476786 Pages: 912 Format (mm): 240x170 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Intro Logistics & Supply Chain

This book

breadth and depth of coverage of supply chain strategy and logistics/distribution including « Unique step-by-step strategic accounts of setting up and operating supply chains for maximum value and the tactical elements of logistics and distribution

examples using current real-world data (flow charts, tables, maps, equations) from the « Worked authors’ first-hand experience bring the concepts to life resources: lecture slides (featuring tables, images and formulae from the text), glossary of « Online terms, weblinks, blog articles, video interviews and infographics and flow charts show how the elements of supply chains are interdependent, and a « Figures dedicated chapter on supply chain integration brings them together to this edition: Updated with the latest key topics and developments in globalization, « New technology, digital/data and sustainability. Revised and re-ordered chapters, including Logistics Costs and Trade-Offs; Inventory Planning and Forecasting; Road Freight Transport: Vehicle Routing & Scheduling; Logistics Outsourcing and Humanitarian Logistics. New material on reverse logistics and new warehouse equipment (e.g. robots in multi-level grid systems), environmental best practice and cool chain as well as a brand new chapter on International Freight Forwarding

Description Get a complete coverage on all the key aspects of distribution, logistics and supply chain planning and management with clear and straightforward explanations from the definitive guide to supply chain philosophy, strategy and the practicalities of logistics and distribution. The Handbook of Logistics and Distribution Management is a step-by-step guide to setting up and managing supply chains to add maximum value to the organizations they serve. Benefiting from the author team’s years of practical experience in some of the most challenging environments across the world (from developed economies to third-world countries and war zones), this book will enthuse students and be an invaluable desk reference throughout their careers. Packed with worked examples and real-world data, The Handbook of Logistics and Distribution Management offers complete coverage on all the key aspects of distribution, logistics and supply chain planning and management with clear and straightforward explanations. This is not a compilation of work drawn from a disparate collection of research papers and miscellaneous projects, but a logical and complete view of how supply chains fit together, including minute details of distribution and logistics. Click to expand

Author Information Alan Rushton is a Director of Dialog Consultants, and was formerly the Director of Graduate Programmes at the Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management at Cranfield University. He is also a Chartered Fellow of the CILT (UK). Phil Croucher is an independent supply chain consultant and lecturer, has an MSc in Logistics and Distribution Management from Cranfield University and is a Chartered Fellow of CILT (UK). Dr Peter Baker is an independent consultant and lecturer, a Visiting Fellow at Cranfield University and a Chartered Fellow of CILT (UK).

Table of Contents 1 1 2 3 4 5 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 3 14 15 16 17 4 18

Concepts of Logistics and Distribution Introduction to Logistics and Distribution Integrated Logistics and the Supply Chain Customer Service and Logistics Channels of Distribution Key Issues and Challenges for Logistics Planning for Logistics Planning Framework for Logistics Logistics Processes Supply Chain Segmentation Logistics Costs and Trade-Offs Logistics Network Planning Logistics Management and Organisation Omnichannel Fulfilment Manufacturing Logistics Procurement, Inventory and Demand Forecasting Procurement and Supply Inventory - The Basic Concepts Inventory and the Supply Chain Inventory Planning and Demand Forecasting Warehousing and Storage Principles of Warehousing

19 Storage and Handling Systems (Palletised) 20 Storage and Handling Systems (Non-Palletised) 21 Order Picking and Packing 22 Receiving and Despatch 23 Warehouse Design 24 Warehouse Management and Information 5 Freight Transport 25 International Logistics - Modal Choice 26 Maritime Transport 27 Air Transport 28 Rail and Intermodal Transport 29 Road Freight Transport Vehicle Selection 30 Road Freight Transport Vehicle Costing 31 Road Freight Transport Planning and Resourcing 32 Road Freight Transport Vehicle Routeing & Scheduling 33 International Freight Forwarding 6 Outsourcing Logistics 34 Outsourcing - Operations & Services 35 Outsourcing - Decision Criteria 36 Outsourcing - The Selection Process 37 Outsourcing Management 7 Operational Management

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204 Chain Management

Intro Logistics & Supply Chain

38 Cost and Performance Monitoring 39 Benchmarking 40 Information and Communication Technology in the Supply Chain 41 Security and Safety 42 Logistics and the Environment 43 Humanitarian Logistics

Supply Chains in Action A Case Study Collection in Supply Chain, Logistics, Procurement and Operations Management Edition: 1 Date: 10/28/2019 Price: $210.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749483708 ISBN Ebook: 9780749483715 Pages: 264 Format (mm): 240x160 Product Category: Reference Subject: Intro Logistics & Supply Chain

This book

from in-depth case studies which deliver insights and perspectives on current and emerging « Learn issues, trends and significant new areas of research insights into a variety of topics including technology-related issues, setting and reviewing « Gain budgets, managing economic performance and managing costs from first-hand experiences from subject matter experts in industry and academia regarding « Learn how to reach business objectives and overcome considerable obstacles unique perspectives that demonstrate how leading organisations stay competitive « Understand across the globe in a variety of geographical contexts to this edition: Covers hot new topics and vital new areas of research which will guide future « New strategies, as well as being edited by industry expert and highly respected academic, Richard Wilding

Description Volume 2 of Logistics, Supply Chain and Procurement Case Study Collection contains new case studies tackling Supply Chain and Procurement issues, aiming to provide solutions affecting a range of different businesses. Comprehensive in scope and scrupulous in detail, this collection includes actual events experienced by businesses of every size, from SMB’s to some of the most successful corporations in manufacturing, transportation, maritime and other industries. Readers will discover proven tactics and innovative solutions for handling uncertainties, solving problems and circumventing risk, plus a wealth of information to guide strategy and decision making. Readers involved in logistics and supply chain management will find the Logistics, Supply Chain and Procurement Case Study Collection full of: immediate application of strategies and tactics to situations and challenges; valuable tools for testing management proficiency in crisis mitigation and resolution; independent learning modules and professional training programmes; expanded questionand-answer sections designed to measure knowledge transfer and lessons learned; engaging, topical situations highly relevant to the fields of logistics, supply chain management and operations. Students and prospective managers will learn crucial skills to meet current challenges, qualify for professional advancement and achieve success.

Author Information Professor Richard Wilding OBE is recognised globally for his thought leadership in Logistics & Supply Chain Management. Richard is a highly acclaimed presenter and regularly speaks at Industrial Conferences and has undertaken lecture tours of Europe and Asia at the invitation of local Universities; Confederations of Industry. As Chair (Full Professor) in Supply Chain Strategy at the Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Cranfield School of Management UK, Richard works with European and International companies on Logistics and Supply Chain projects in all sectors including pharmaceutical, retail, automotive, high technology, food, drink and professional services to name a few. He has published widely in the area of Supply Chain Management and is Editorial Advisor to a number of top journals in this area. He is currently Chair of CILT.

Table of Contents 1 1



4 2 5


Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

Supply chain process design Efficient integration of shipping into intra-regional supply chains [Anastasia Christodoulou, Zeeshan Raza, John Woxenius] Overcrowding in a hospital emergency department – A supply chain management referral pathway to reduce overcrowding [Ingrid Hunt, Noreen Spillane] X company’s OTD (On-Time Delivery) performance improvement – The application of lean six-sigma methodology [Gendao Li, Alireza Shokri, Kyrill Nussbaum] Developing best-practice in operational workforce planning [Peter Hilton] Supply chain network and infrastructure design Why procurement should want to pay for performance – A case study of how buyer and sellers aligned to create the most profit for both [Todd C Snelgrove]

6 Closing the cycle from tree to product, x company’s sustainability journey [Gendao Li, Alireza Shokri, Jie Ma] 7 Environmentally responsible packaging in global supply chains [Henrik Pålsson] 8 Freight transport, storage and distribution organisations to be able to identify customer requirements [Graham Heron, Erica Ballentine] 3 Supply chain information system design 9 Protecting supply chains from counterfeit products [Mark Manning, Daniel Stanton] 10 The same but different; a comparative analysis of common reverse logistics and closed loop supply chain issues in the UK multiple retail sector [Graham Heron, Erica Ballentine] 11 Supply chain disruption [Steve O’Sullivan] 12 Defence support chain performance dashboard development [Alan Woods]

Intro Logistics & Supply Chain

Logistics, Supply Chain and Operations Management Case Study Collection Edition: 1 Date: /03/28/2016 Price: $210.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749475956 ISBN Ebook: 9780749477493 Pages: 384 Format (mm): 24x156 Product Category: Reference Subject: Intro Logistics & Supply Chain

This book

case studies deliver insight and perspective on current and emerging issues, trends and « In-depth significant new areas of research in the fields of logistics, supply chain and operations cover a variety of topics including how to tackle technology-related issues, setting and « Cases reviewing budgets, managing economic performance and managing costs first-hand experiences and knowledge from subject matter experts in industry and academia « Shares regarding how to reach business objectives and overcome considerable obstacles unique perspectives that demonstrate how leading organisations stay competitive across « Imparts the globe in a variety of geographical contexts « Covers hot new topics and vital new areas of research which will guide future strategies « Foreword by Martin Christopher

Description The Logistics, Supply Chain and Operations Management Case Study Collection contains real-life scenarios from leading companies including Volvo, Vortex, Honda of America, Green Cargo and Swedish Transport Administration. It includes a foreword by Martin Christopher. Comprehensive in scope and scrupulous in detail, this collection includes actual events experienced by businesses of every size, from SMB’s to some of the most successful corporations in manufacturing, transportation, hospitality and other industries. Readers will discover proven tactics and innovative solutions for handling uncertainties, solving problems and circumventing risk, plus a wealth of information to guide strategy and decision making. Readers involved in logistics and supply chain management will find the Logistics, Supply Chain and Operations Management Case Study Collection full of: immediate application of strategies and tactics to situations and challenges; valuable tools for testing management proficiency in crisis mitigation and resolution; independent learning modules and professional training programmes; expanded questionand-answer sections designed to measure knowledge transfer and lessons learned; engaging, topical situations highly relevant to the fields of logistics, supply chain management and operations. Students and prospective managers will learn crucial skills to meet current challenges, qualify for professional advancement and achieve success.

Author Information Professor David B. Grant is Professor of Logistics at Hull University Business School. He has over 175 publications and is on the editorial boards of numerous journals.

Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9


Foreword by Martin Christopher Introduction by David B. Grant Part 1 - Editor’s Introduction to the Operations Management Cases The Nuclear Effect of Computer Malware by Lucian Tipi Real World Effects of Cyber Attacks by Lucian Tipi Jewelry Design and Manufacture Operations by Brian Lawrence Sustainability in the Hotel Industry by Arvind Upadhyay, Francesco Pomponi and Céline Vadam The Closure of a Bank Department by Brian Lawrence Demand Covering and Service Level Estimation in Public Services Planning by Mike Simpson and Andrea Genovese Job Shop Layout at Jones Medical Laboratories by Mike Simpson and Andrea Genovese

11 Monument Engineering Ltd by Mike Simpson and Andrea Genovese 12 The Mortgage Advisor by Mike Simpson and Andrea Genovese 13 SABE Tractors by Mike Simpson and Andrea Genovese 14 Lawnmower Engines Ltd, Variable Costs, Breakeven Points and Profit by Mike Simpson and Andrea Genovese 15 Make or Buy Decisions at Sports Co. Ltd by Mike Simpson and Andrea Genovese 16 Using Operational Research to Calculate the Cost of Quality by Mike Simpson and Andrea Genovese 17 The Use of Deseasonalisation Techniques in Demand Forecasting by Mike Simpson and Andrea Genovese 18 Part 2 - Editor’s Introduction to the Logistics and Supply Chain Management Cases 19 The Maintenance Stores Dilemma by Gwynne Richards

20 Communication in Business Practice by Xia Zhu 21 Collaborative Distribution Considering Economic and Environmental Performance by Vahid Mirzabeiki 22 Data Sharing Between Supply Chain Actors by Vahid Mirzabeiki 23 Supply Chain Design for e-Retailing Companies by Vahid Mirzabeiki 24 Delays Entering a Container Port by Brian Lawrence 25 Drivers and Barriers in Implementing Information Management Systems in European Micro Enterprises by Francesco Pomponi, Lorenzo Coccia, Arvind Upadhyay 26 Growth Strategies of Logistics Service Providers by Nigel Caldwell and Christian Konig 27 Managing Sustainability in the Fashion Supply Chain by Piyya Muhammad Rafi-Ul-Shan, Patsy Perry and David Grant 28 Supply Chain Dreams and Nightmares by Gerard Chick 29 Uncertainty, Disruption and Resilience by Brian Lawrence

Click to expand

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206 Chain Management

Intro Logistics & Supply Chain

Logistics, Supply Chain and Operations Management Case Study Collection Get access to dozens of real-life examples you can share with your students. Invaluable for students needing to understand key concepts and their real-life application, our case study collection brings operations management, supply chain management and logistics to life. You can access these resources in one of three ways: 1. Buy EPDF access to individual case studies for use in teaching. If you’re interested in licenses for multiple users, please contact kpinfo@koganpage.com 2. Ask your university library to buy a copy of the complete Logistics, Supply Chain and Operations Management Case Study Collection in print or ebook format. Under the CLA (Copyright Licencing Agency) rules you can print/copy 10% of the book in teaching (which roughly equates to 3 cases) 3. Get your library to buy a print or ebook copy of the collection for reference

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A Practical Guide to Logistics Edition: 1 Date: 07/28/2019 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749486310 ISBN Ebook: 9780749486327 Pages: 384 Format (mm): 239x169 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Intro Logistics & Supply Chain

This book

a step-by-step guide to all aspects of logistics, from the warehouse to delivery, giving « Presents newcomers to the industry a complete overview of all the logistics processes practical, accessible, up-to-date information on the field of logistics, covering today’s best « Provides practices illustrations, reference charts and tables which provide useful visual explanations for both « Features students and professionals « Online resources: Lecture slides and bonus Figures

Description Few people come into logistics management with knowledge and experience of all aspects of the profession. Some may have worked their way up from driving a vehicle but know little of warehouses, others may find themselves taking responsibility for logistics as part of a wider remit such as operations. A Practical Guide to Logistics aims to equip them with the necessary knowledge to move on to the next stage, with simple non-technical explanations of the options available, and impartial advice on how to choose the right option for their business. It is also an excellent primer for students studying logistics for the first time, on BSc or MSc courses, as well as practitioners on professional training courses. A Practical Guide to Logistics is a straightforward guide taking readers through all aspects of this fascinating industry, covering packaging, transportation, warehousing and exporting and importing of goods. There is a real need for this basic knowledge, both for practitioners starting out in the industry or more experienced practitioners who may have gaps in their knowledge. The book examines each aspect of logistics in turn and the text is supported by numerous illustrations.

Author Information Jerry Rudd is a Logistics and Supply Chain professional with over 25 years’ experience. He has worked with companies such as Ford, Peugeot, the Bank of England and Wincanton.

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Introduction – What is logistics? First steps – Strategic decisions Storage – The physical infrastructure Warehouse handling equipment Warehouse operations Warehouse management systems Packaging and customer requirements Road vehicles Abnormal indivisible loads Vehicle operations – Costs and their reduction Legal requirements and compliance Vehicle routing and networks Rail and other inland transport Seafreight and airfreight Terms and conditions and insurance Customs and imports Export documentation requirements Miscellaneous supply chain topics Appendix list of suppliers of services

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Intro Logistics & Supply Chain

An Introduction to Macrologistics Edition: 1 Date: 05/28/2020 Price: $65.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789664010 ISBN Ebook: 9781789664027 Pages: 320 Format (mm): 233x157 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Intro Logistics & Supply Chain

This book

« Explains measurement processes for macrologistics, looking at GDP and freight flow measurements « Includes case studies examining the use of freight-flow and logistics cost models « Based on vital research from Stellenbosch University « Online resources: lecture slides Description Macrologistics is a strategic view of logistics as a production factor on national scales to support a shift towards sustainability. The book details logistics’ evolution from a functional discipline to a value chain optimiser and, ultimately, an enabler of sustainability, including the evolution of metrics to support this shift. Macrologistics instrumentation involves striving towards the lowest total cost of ownership for national economies where, to improve decision-making, these costs should ultimately include the societal and ecological costs incurred due to logistics activities. From Logistics Strategy to Macrologistics represents macrologistics research outputs for a number of developing economies, identifying distinctive macrologistics policy and infrastructure investments themes to address national logistics challenges in developing economies. The book culminates in a discussion on the potential future role of logistics to support the shift to a more sustainable society, where an acceptance of a degrowth paradigm might be required, and even advisable, for a more secure, fulfilling future. Logistics (and economics) scholars, researchers and practitioners should steer their work towards contributing to the development of an ecologically sustainable society, where resources and returns are shared widely, sustainably and equitably.

Author Information Jan Havenga is a Professor of Logistics at Stellenbosch University. He is one of the pioneers of the field of macrologistics, including the development of the theory, measurement tools and strategies to support logistics’ role in society and macroeconomics, with a specific focus on applications in developing economies. He works closely with government and industry to support the development of freight logistics policy and guide national freight logistics infrastructure investments. Ilse Witthöft is a freelance writer and researcher with a current focus on developing the body of knowledge in the emergent field of macrologistics, with a special focus on how it relates to developing economies. She leverages a career in organisational strategy development and strategic consulting, which included the inception stages of the development of macrologistics measurement tools for developing economies.

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An introduction to logistics and macrologistics Business logistics and its role in customer service Measuring and communicating the value of logistics An introduction to strategy Logistics strategy Strategy implementation and change management The need for macrologistics The instrumentation of macrologistics Macrologistics strategy Logistics and the future

Anneke de Bod is a lecturer at the Department of Logistics, Stellenbosch University. Her consulting engagements with government and industry focus on the role of organisational culture and change management principles in facilitating logistics’ successes, with a current interest on how to translate this to support macrologistics implementation. Click to expand

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Intro Logistics & Supply Chain

Mastering the Supply Chain Principles, Practice and Real-Life Applications Edition: 1 Date: /03/28/2019 Price: $49.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749484484 ISBN Ebook: 9780749484491 Pages: 296 Format (mm): 239x171 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Intro Logistics & Supply Chain

This book

a holistic view of the many complex, real-life scenarios that supply chain managers face, « Establish in the context of a real company situation a better understanding of the challenges of supply chain management and develop effective « Gain problem solving skills how to deliver optimal performance by integrating the business, technical and leadership « Discover dimensions of supply chain management « Learn how to tear down silos and create the right cross-functional mindset resources: free access to the online business simulation game The Fresh Connection, « Online supporting templates, frameworks and PowerPoints

Description Mastering the Supply Chain is an introduction to supply chain management. The book integrates theory with practice and aims to create a cross-functional mindset in students and practitioners. It provides a wide overview of relevant supply chain concepts and sets out the challenges that need to be overcome in order to find practical ways of implementing these in a real company situation. Readers are continuously asked to actively reflect on the choices they make, thus experiencing first-hand the many challenges that good and effective supply chain management presents. Mastering the Supply Chain presents a different way of learning that puts the reader at the heart of a life-like situation, so that they experience the impact of every decision they make, not just in their own ‘silo’ but across the business. In this way, they will learn that many supply chain concepts are relatively simple to understand, but not so easy to apply in reality. Chapter 6 helps students to pull everything they’ve learned together and see how the concepts play out in the real world by guiding them through an interactive demonstration of the online business simulation game The Fresh Connection (free access is included with the book). This is a key text for students on supply chain management BScs and MScs as well as background reading for students playing the full version of The Fresh Connection Business Simulation game.

Author Information A freelance trainer and consultant, Ed Weenk is also a senior lecturer in Supply Chain at Maastricht School of Management, EADA Business School in Barcelona and the Antwerp Management School.


Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

Table of Contents ‌Preface Supply chain – General introduction 2 Introduction to the business dimension of supply chain management 3 Introduction to the technical dimension of supply chain management 4 Introduction to the leadership dimension of supply chain management 5 Scenarios in a fresh food company 6 Knowledge in action, with a supply chain simulation 7 Mastering the technical dimension of supply chain 8 Mastering the leadership dimension of supply chain 9 Supply chain in a VUCA world 10 Imagining business challenges for the supply chain 11 Imagining technical challenges for the supply chain 12 Imagining leadership challenges for the supply chain 13 Epilogue 14 References 1

Intro Logistics & Supply Chain

The Logistics and Supply Chain Toolkit Edition: 3 Date: /03/28/2020 Price: $59.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789660869 ISBN Ebook: 9781789660852 Pages: 424 Format (mm): 230x155 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Intro Logistics & Supply Chain

This book

Presents models such as the 8D approach and Decision Matrix Analysis (DMA) as well as examples of how they are used in practice

over 100 tools that cover every function of warehousing, transport and inventory « Provides management resources: downloadable tools such as supply chain audits and supply chain strategy « Online decision charts to this edition: resource planning and productivity spreadsheets, CSR in supply chain audits « New and supply chain strategy decision charts

Description The Logistics and Supply Chain Toolkit provides practical tools for warehouse, inventory and transport managers and students to help them tackle the challenges of logistics and supply chain management. It is full of practical ideas and information to optimise the management of logistics and supply chain processes. The Logistics and Supply Chain Toolkit offers solutions and plans spanning across a variety of subdisciplines such as warehousing, logistics, supply chain management, inventory and outsourcing. Each toolkit addresses key principles within its area of discipline, providing the reader with a precision approach to be used in complex and sensitive circumstances. The toolkit presents a number of major management tools such as Fortna’s Product Flow Smart Design, SMART, DMAIC and Gantt charts. General management, performance management and problem-solving tools have also been included to provide a broader, transferable scope of tools for the reader.

Author Information Gwynne Richards has over thirty years’ experience in warehouse management and logistics. As well as running his own successful logistics consultancy he provides a number of courses on warehouse and transport management for practitioners. He lectures at Warwick and Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is also the author of Warehouse Management. Susan Grinsted has over thirty years’ experience of improving material flow through supply chains, directly or indirectly, as a business manager, consultant, educator and trainer. She is co-founder of HowToLogistics. com, an associate at Apprise Consulting (UK) and a Principal Fellow of WMG at Warwick University (UK).


Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

Table of Contents ‌Introduction Warehouse management tools and guides 2 Transport management tools 3 Inventory management tools 4 Supply chain management tools 5 Outsourcing tools 6 General management tools 7 Performance management tools 8 Financial management tools and ratios 9 Problem-solving tools 10 Appendix 1 Useful websites 11 Appendix 2 Imperial/metric conversions 12 Appendix 3 Automatic identification (autoID) 13 Index 1

Intro Logistics & Supply Chain

Health and Safety in Logistics Assessing and Avoiding Risk in Warehousing and Transportation Edition: 1 Date: 09/28/2020 Price: $52.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789663259 ISBN Ebook: 9781789663266 Pages: 464 Format (mm): 234x155 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Logistics

This book

health and safety from the basic principles such as establishing the best culture, through « Outlines to issues relating to physical and mental health, personal protection equipment, manual and mechanical handling, and safe transport operations

the most up to date regulatory information on health and safety, such as the Health and « Provides Safety at Work Act (HASAWA) on assessment and elimination of risks, compliance and the avoidance of unsafe practices « Focuses in logistics and transportation

Looks at vehicles, their maintenance and driving standards as well as the important role of managers in safe operation, for example by optimum vehicle routing

Description Logistics is a complex industry that exposes employees to a whole variety of risks. These include not only accidents on the road and deaths and injuries resulting from unsafe use of forklifts, but also the consequences of poor fire safety, long-term health risks due to poor manual handling technique and problems relating to mental health. Many thousands of incidents are recorded every year. This book examines each aspect of health and safety in turn, with a focus on warehousing and transportation. Health and Safety in Logisticsinforms managers about potential hazards found in the industry and explains in detail how they can make the workplace as safe as possible.

Author Information Jerry Rudd is a logistics consultant. He was formerly Logistics Manager at Gefco and Business Unit Director at Wincanton, working with Waitrose, Sainsbury’s and British Airways.

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Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

Introduction – The importance of health and safety Basic principles of health and safety Physical health issues Mental health Drug and alcohol issues Personal protection equipment Safe storage and warehouse layout Manual handling Materials handling equipment Fire safety Yard safety Vehicle loading Road vehicle specifications, maintenance and compliance Accident prevention during vehicle operations Transport of dangerous goods by road Vehicle mounted loading equipment Seafreight, rolling motorway and airfreight Miscellaneous issues Health and safety monitoring and audit


The Logistics Outsourcing Handbook A Step-by-Step Guide From Strategy Through to Implementation Edition: 1 Date: 12/28/2019 Price: $59.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749484620 ISBN Ebook: 9780749484637 Pages: 384 Format (mm): 234x155 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Logistics

This book

a life-cycle approach to logistics outsourcing, with tried and tested processes for decision« Provides making and implementation informative case studies from large companies such as Asda, British Airways and KFC, as « Includes well as major 3PLs at the benefits of outsourcing, such as enhancing customer satisfaction and reducing « Looks liabilities

Presents current statistics for logistics outsourcing and analyses why contracts are both awarded and terminated

Resources: Includes examples of decision tables, RFP/metrics/selection criteria as excel and « Online word downloadable templates, as well as PowerPoints for students

Description For any business involved in today’s supply chains, logistics services are critical. Companies have to decide whether to retain their own logistics operations or place their trust in third-party suppliers. This potential move away from the traditional approach of managing these processes internally can lead to improved service and reduced cost although this isn’t always the case. The Logistics Outsourcing Handbook provides step by step guidance on the process of logistics outsourcing and explains how to apply this information for commercial success. Vital advice is given on benchmarking existing operations, how to shortlist companies, produce a request for a proposal, choose the optimum supplier and implement and manage the contract. The Logistics Outsourcing Handbook analyses outsourcing from both an industry wide perspective, while also drilling down into specific individual considerations. The book provides valuable guidance in terms of contractual relationships, cost models and the integration of information technology systems. By analysing current statistics and surveys, looking into factors behind why contracts are awarded and terminated important insights can be acquired. This book contains tools, models, online resources and case studies on the outsourced relationships of companies including Intel KFC and BA to further develop the reader’s knowledge which makes this book an informative and essential resource.

Author Information Gwynne Richards has over 35 years of experience in warehouse management and logistics outsourcing. As well as running his own successful logistics consultancy, he produces and runs a number of courses on warehouse management and logistics outsourcing for practitioners. Jo Godsmark is a supply chain professional and consultant with over 20 years experience in manufacturing and logistics. She is Chair of Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport’s Outsourcing and Procurement Forum.


Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

Table of Contents ‌Introduction 1 Logistics outsourcing 2 To outsource or not to outsource? 3 The logistics services marketplace 4 Supplier or partner? 5 The outsourcing lifecycle 6 Third-party logistics contracts and pricing mechanisms 7 Performance measurement and management 8 The risks associated with outsourcing 9 Managing relationships 10 IT in logistics outsourcing 11 The future of logistics outsourcing 12 Appendix I LSP warehouse audit checklists 13 Appendix II LSP transport audit checklists 14 Appendix III Sample nondisclosure agreement 15 Appendix IV LSP outsourcing contract – typical headings 16 Appendix V Sample receiving process flow 17 Appendix VI Sample customer questionnaire 18 Appendix VII Useful websites 19 References and further reading 20 Index


E-Logistics A Guide to Supply Chain Information Systems and Technology Edition: 2 Date: 09/28/2021 Price: $65.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749496883 ISBN Ebook: 9780749496890 Pages: 400 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Logistics

This book

the latest insights from leading thinkers to keep readers up to date with the growth and « Provides evolution of e-logistics key technological and business developments, such as cloud computing, social technology « Explains and distributed leger technology, and how they can be applied the strategic role of e-logistics in managing information and information flows within and « Examines between organizations to this edition: new chapters on AI, machine learning and autonomous vehicles, Internet of « New Things, Immersive technology, robotics, drone and last mile deliveries « Online resources: lecture slides, instructor’s manuals and self-test questions and answers

Description E-Logistics serves as the nerve system for the whole supply chain and enables smooth information flow within and between organizations. This new and updated edition provides the latest and most comprehensive coverage on digitalization in logistics and supply chain. It covers all transport modes and the role of ICT in supporting an integrated freight and supply chain network. E-Logistics provides a cross-academic and industry perspective with leading academics and practitioners as contributing authors. A variety of successful e-logistics business approaches are discussed covering a range of commercial sectors and transport modes. Subsequent chapters address in depth support systems for B2C and B2B e-commerce and e-fulfilment, warehouse management, RFID, electronic marketplaces, global supply network visibility and service chain automation. Industry case studies are used to support the discussion. The new edition also covers emerging technologies such as AI, machine learning and autonomous vehicles, Internet of Things, Robotics, drone and last mile deliveries.

Author Information Dr Yingli Wang is a lecturer in logistics and operations management at Cardiff Business School. Her research focusses on e-logistics and has attracted funding from various funding bodies. Before embarking on her academic career, she worked at Nestlé China in various senior managerial roles. Dr Stephen Pettit is a member of the Transport and Shipping Research Group within the Logistics and Operations Management Section at Cardiff Business School. He has been involved in a wide range of transport-related research projects and has recently focused on international logistics, port operations and management, and the application of information and communication technology in the fields of transport, logistics and supply chain management.

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Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

E-logistics development E-logistics – An introduction Emerging technology Supporting ICT infrastructure for future logistics E-logistics for transport modes and nodes ICT for airfreight management ICT for rail freight management ICT for efficient road freight transport Electronic bills of lading Port-centric ICT system Automating e-logistics B2C e-commerce and fulfilment The challenges of e-commerce on warehousing in the future Advanced warehouse management systems and innovations RFID in logistics The role of GS1 in logistics and e-procurement Automating a logistics service chain Regional and global e-logistics Regional electronic marketplaces to improve logistics


16 Trade and transport electronic single windows 17 Single window systems for global supply chain management 18 End-to-end global visibility and order management for integrated supply and demand chains 5 Future outlook 19 ICT in multimodal transport and technological trends

Packaging Logistics Understanding and managing the economic and environmental impacts of packaging in supply chains Edition: 1 Date: 06/28/2018 Price: $60.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749481704 ISBN Ebook: 9780749481711 Pages: 248 Format (mm): 234x157 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Logistics

This book

key characteristics of industrial and consumer packaging in a variety of companies, using « Explores examples and case studies from practice the different ways that packaging adds value to logistics and supply chain, such as cost« Examines effectiveness and packaging aesthetics concrete tools, methods and guidelines that help reduce the cost of materials handling, « Provides and increase safe and efficient storage at environmentally friendly and innovative packaging solutions which help promote « Looks sustainability and cut costs the track and trace capability of packaging through ICT, the technology included in « Examines packaging to enable tracking through the supply chain

Description Packaging has a major impact on supply chain performance, as it affects all logistics activities in supply chains. Effective and efficient packaging can significantly improve the performance of companies by generating value and reducing costs and the negative environmental impacts in supply chains. Packaging Logistics uses a systems approach to examine all the essential roles of packaging in supply chains, from the purchasing of raw materials to the production and sale of finished products, as well as transport and distribution. It examines the strategic role of packaging and its operational importance, explains the theoretical basis, presents useful methodologies, tools and concepts, and provides decision support for packaging innovation. It provides several examples of the total environmental impacts of packaging: on logistics and transport efficiency, on product waste and from the packaging material. Packaging Logistics covers essential topics such as one-way and reusable packaging, industrial and consumer packaging, ICT, end-of-life, environment, innovation, e-commerce, and future trends and challenges. This research-based and practical book takes the reader through every stage of packaging and relates it to supply chain and logistics, illustrated by many case studies.

Author Information Henrik Pålsson is Associate Professor at Lund University, Sweden. He has conducted research and taught master’s students within packaging logistics since 2004.


Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

Table of Contents 1 Defining Packaging Logistics 2 Packaging performance in supply chains 3 Packaging performance methodology 4 Environmental performance of packaging logistics 5 Managing packaging waste 6 Managing ICT features of packaging 7 Reusable packaging systems 8 Industrial packaging evaluation 9 Decision support for industrial packaging 10 Organising packaging development 11 Packaging innovation capability 12 Managing packaging logistics in e-commerce channels 13 Managing packaging logistics in developing countries 14 References


Defence Logistics Enabling and Sustaining Successful Military Operations Edition: 1 Date: 02/28/2018 Price: $80.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749478032 ISBN Ebook: 9780749478049 Pages: 384 Format (mm): 230x150 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Logistics

This book

the entire supply chain in a defence context through real-life case studies, examining issues « Covers such as circular logistics in defence and contracting vital insights from international academics and professionals currently working in defence « Provides logistics areas such as distributive manufacturing and performance management coverage of recent developments and technologies affecting defence logistics, such as 3D « Includes printing and issues such as obsolescence, counterfeiting and sustainability

Description The management of logistics and supply chain operations is of vital importance in the defence sector. Defence Logistics looks at established theories and their practical utility, providing insights into current thinking for postgraduate and undergraduate students, lecturers, researchers, practitioners and professionals through real-life case studies. Defence Logistics focuses on key areas of logistics and supply chain management in context, such as sustainability, inventory management, resilience, procurement, information systems and crisis response. This comprehensive and up-to-the-minute collection includes contributions from international academics from a range of universities, academies and defence schools, along with practitioners who are currently working in the field of defence logistics.

Author Information Jeremy Smith manages modules on the Defence Acquisition Management and the Programme and Project Management MScs at Cranfield Defence and Security, UK. He developed and leads several logistics short courses and workshops pitched at strategic and practitioner levels. He served for 25 years in the British Army as a logistician and Ammunition Technical Officer.

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6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

‌Introduction Defence logistics definitions and frameworks Defence logistics - an historical perspective Defence logistics in context Resilience in defence supply chains Integrating mission and support systems through the life cycle - Integrated logistics support and maintenance strategies Supportability analysis for supportable and supported mission systems Achieving dependability in defence systems Planning and executing defence operational logistics Procurement for defence logistics support Managing performance in defence logistics Optimizing the defence inventory Accounting and finance in defence logistics Decision support in defence logistics Defence logistics and crisis response


15 Defence logistics information systems 16 A look to the future

Fashion Logistics Insights into the Fashion Retail Supply Chain Edition: 2 Date: 11/28/2019 Price: $59.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749493318 ISBN Ebook: 9780749493325 Pages: 256 Format (mm): 235x156 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Logistics

This book

« Provides a holistic view of both fashion retailing and fashion logistics. major forces driving change in the fashion retail industry and how manufacturers can adapt « Studies their working practices accordingly. to this edition: content has been restructured to include updated case studies, key « New objectives, summary q&a’s and ‘how to put into practice’ textboxes. Description Retailers are being advised to review their supply chains in a bid to accelerate their speed to market. Fashion Logistics assesses the growth and changes in the industry as well as the drivers of change in the market. Supply chain networks and operations play an integral role in distributing product across the retail industry and significant changes within those networks have altered the way in which they function. Manufacturers therefore need to rethink their supply chains to make them resilient to shock, agile enough to respond quickly to sudden change, flexible enough to customize products and efficient enough to protect margins. Fashion Logistics assesses these forces and changes and how manufacturers should adapt their working practices accordingly. This second edition of Fashion Logistics includes revised CSR and reshoring sections, updated case studies and new content on how manufacturers can adapt their working practices and the further demise of the department store sector.

Author Information John Fernie is Emeritus Professor of Retail Marketing at Heriot-Watt University, Scotland. He has written and contributed to numerous textbooks and papers on retail management, especially in the field of retail logistics. He was the founder editor of the International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management and is on the editorial board of numerous marketing and logistics journals. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Logistics and Transport. He holds an Honorary Professorship at St Andrews University and several visiting positions at European universities. David B Grant is Professor of Supply Chain Management and Social Responsibility at the Hanken School of Economics, Finland. David has over 250 publications in various refereed journals, books and conference proceedings and is on the editorial board of several internationally ranked journals. Honours in 2019 include the award of the Bualuang ASEAN Chair Professorship at Thammasat University in Thailand.


Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

Table of Contents 1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9

Introduction to fashion logistics The changing nature of fashion retailing: Implications for logistics Offshore sourcing and outsourcing in the international fashion supply chain Corporate social responsibility (CSR) in international fashion supply chains International logistics In-store consumer service Online consumer service Luxury fashion and supply chain management Sustainable fashion retailing and logistics


Marketing and Logistics Led Organizations Creating and Operating Customer Focused Supply Networks Edition: 1 Date: 10/28/2017 Price: $60.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749478735 ISBN Ebook: 9780749478742 Pages: 280 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Logistics

This book

at how bringing marketing and logistics together is a powerful way of improving customer « Looks service and increasing competitiveness how to deal with digitalisation and successfully integrate it into marketing and « Demonstrates logistics strategies a range of examples from a range of sectors such as retail, transport and the service « Presents industries « Includes case studies such as Toyota and Value and Tesco and the club card how to deal with scenarios such as Black Friday and Online Monday, where marketing is « Examines promising something logistics can’t deliver

Description Logistics and marketing stand out as two disciplines which are connected, and both are critical to the provision of customer value. Marketing and Logistics Led Organizations looks at marketing-led logistics and logistics-led marketing. In the current business world, the idea of a single supply chain has been replaced by an integrated multi-channel approach. The authors therefore examine how to optimise profit and control costs through the coordination of these two functions. Marketing and Logistics Led Organizations takes an in-depth look at physical supply chains where manufacturing of a product occurs from groceries to pharmaceuticals, and from automotive to construction. The authors examine omni-channel, how this affects the customer experience and the need for a joined-up strategy which is operationalised across all channels. They also look at the challenges of digitalisation and the customer interface with the growth of the internet as well as the intensification of competition across all sectors.

Author Information Robert Mason has a business background, mainly in a variety of roles with M&S. He is now a Reader in Logistics and Operations Management (LOM) at Cardiff Business School and has led many business research projects with Tesco as a partner. Barry Evans’ early career involved roles in Logistics/Distribution with Watney Mann, Rank Hovis McDougall and Royal Mail. This was followed by roles in Tesco plc, including Lean Process Manager in Tesco Supply Chain Development. He joined the Lean Enterprise Research Centre at Cardiff Business School as a Senior Research Associate. Mr Evans is now retired.

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7 8


Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

An Introduction – Setting the Scene Customer Value – What is it? Organisations have to be More Capable Today than Ever Before – Why? How Purpose is Achieved – A Marketing and Logistics Led Approach What Great Operational Process Capability Looks Like Marketing and Logistics in Harmony – Building and Sustaining Operational Excellence Integrated with a Marketing Orientation Finding Logistics Solutions – How Logistics is Responding to Modern Challenges Conclusions – Logistics is Business Critical


Urban Logistics Management, Policy and Innovation in a Rapidly Changing Environment Edition: 1 Date: 12/28/2018 Price: $80.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749478711 ISBN Ebook: 9780749478728 Pages: 392 Format (mm): 235x157 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Logistics

This book

fascinating cases that identify the key stages in the development of city logistics initiatives « Provides in London, New York, Paris, Sao-Paulo, Tokyo, Beijing, Delhi and Gothenburg urban supply chains for major cities, with cases looking at urban food supply chains, « Examines services and the special logistics requirements involved, construction, waste management, e-commerce and home delivery Includes toolkits to help policy makers and managers devise and work with new initiatives Presents and is based on original research from the University of Gothenburg and Chalmers in Sweden, the Centre for Infrastructure, Transportation and the Environment in New York and the University of California

« «

Description Approximately 80 per cent of European and American citizens live in an urban environment. Due to their large populations and extensive commercial establishments, urban areas require large quantities of goods and services for commercial and domestic use. This results in increasing levels of demand for freight transport services. Freight transport in towns and cities is a major contributor to environmental impacts, particularly to local air pollution and noise. Urban Logistics addresses public policy makers, freight transport companies and receivers of supplies, providing them with the information and guidance to affect change in the logistics of the city. Urban Logistics is written by an outstanding team of international editors combining their expertise and using their research from leading business schools in Sweden and the US. There are also valuable contributions from academics and industry experts from companies and universities from all over the world. The book includes clear examples of initiatives that work and business case developments, as well as toolkits for policymakers and managers who are devising new initiatives. There is an in-depth examination of different aspects of urban logistics, such as retail logistics for cities, urban food supply chains, services and the special logistics requirements involved, construction, waste management and e-commerce and home delivery. There is also a focus on networks and partnerships and an analysis of innovation as a new constant.

Author Information Michael Browne is Professor of Logistics and Urban Freight Transport at the University of Gothenburg. Sönke Behrends is a senior researcher at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Gothenburg. Johan Woxenius is Professor of Maritime Transport Management and Logistics at the University of Gothenburg. Genevieve Giuliano is Professor and Margaret and John Ferraro Chair in Effective Local Government at the University of Southern California. She is also Director of METRANS Transportation Center. José Holguín-Veras is William H Hart Professor and Director of the Center for Infrastructure, Transportation and the Environment at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York.


Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

Table of Contents 1 Setting the scene 1 Introduction to urban logistics 2 Metropolitan economies and the generation of freight and service activity – An international perspective 3 Urban logistics – The regional dimension 4 Urban planning policies for logistics facilities: a comparison between US metropolitan areas and the Paris region 5 The dualism of urban freight distribution – City vs suburban logistics 6 Port cities and urban logistics 2 Urban logistics diversity 7 The logistics of parcel delivery – Current operations and challenges facing the UK market 8 E-commerce trends and implications for urban logistics 9 Food and urban logistics – A fast-changing sector with significant policy and business implications 10 Consolidation centres in construction logistics 11 The socio-economic benefits of off-peak hour distribution – The case of Stockholm


3 Making change happen 12 Stakeholder engagement and partnerships for improved urban logistics 13 Multi-actor multi-criteria analysis as a tool to involve urban logistics stakeholders 14 Off-hour deliveries – The importance of outreach and proper planning 15 The procurement process – A key to improved urban logistics efficiency 16 Future developments in modelling and information

Introduction to Global Logistics Delivering the Goods Edition: 2 Date: 11/28/2016 Price: $70.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749478254 ISBN Ebook: 9780749478261 Pages: 384 Format (mm): 235x155 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Global Logistics

This book

« Offers a step-by-step guide to global logistics in-depth definitions, descriptions and explorations of the strategic principles and practices « Provides in transportation modes and supply chain verticals, including: freight forwarding, contract logistics, shipping, road freight, air cargo and express Examines important trends and developments that are shaping the industry, including 3D printing, megacities, and post-harvest food losses Online resources: Chapter-supporting lecturer slides

« «

Description Introduction to Global Logistics offers a step-by-step guide to global logistics. Covering the breadth of logistics, this highly accessible text is illustrated by engaging case studies of market leaders. In this comprehensive second instalment of Global Logistics Strategies, John Manners-Bell provides an indepth definition, description and exploration of the strategic principles and practices in transportation modes and supply chain verticals, including: freight forwarding, contract logistics, shipping, road freight, air cargo and express. The book also examines major sectors, including automotive, chemical, pharmaceutical, retail, consumer, and high tech. Introduction to Global Logistics offers a detailed examination of key topics, including: how the logistics industry has developed, how it is influenced by macro-economic factors and demand-side trends, what the risks are to the industry, and how it will develop over the coming years. It examines important trends and developments that are shaping the industry, including 3D printing, megacities, and post-harvest food losses. Online resources available: Chapter-supporting lecturer slides.

Author Information John Manners-Bell is the founder and CEO of Transport Intelligence, a leading supplier of market solutions to the global logistics industry. He is Honorary Visiting Professor at the London Metropolitan University, adviser to the World Economic Forum and a former Chairman of the Supply Chain Council of the World Economic Forum. Prior to establishing Transport Intelligence, he worked as an analyst in consultancies specializing in international trade, transport and logistics. John Manners-Bell is author of Logistics and Supply Chains in Emerging Markets and Supply Chain Risk.

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Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

‌Introduction What’s shaping the global logistics market? An industry in transformation: towards consolidation Logistics market development by geography The emergence of logistics clusters International freight forwarding Contract logistics European road freight Express parcels Air cargo Container shipping The European rail and intermodal sectors Supply chain technologies Supply chain dynamics of vertical sectors Risks in global supply chains The e-commerce logistics phenomenon Supply chain innovation and disruption Ethical and sustainable supply chain strategies

Global Logistics

Global Logistics New Directions in Supply Chain Management Edition: 8 Date: 06/28/2021 Price: $65.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781398600003 ISBN Ebook: 9781398600010 Pages: 504 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Global Logistics

This book

research from leading academics and practitioners on fundamental, cutting-edge and « Provides trending topics in logistics and supply chain management guidance on how to apply key learnings, tools, and methods for use globally in the real world « Offers scenarios the supply chain from start to finish to teach readers the importance and the nuisances of « Examines each stage of supply chain management to this edition: a revised structure and focus, a range of new topics including the supply « New chain of the future, ethical supply chains and supply chain leadership « Online resources: student manual including key learning outcomes from each chapter

Description Logistics and supply chain management are at the heart of almost every organization globally, as such developing a well-rounded understanding of these areas has never been more important. Learn from leading sector specialists about key topics, such as supply chain leadership, resilience, technology, design, and more with this guide. The new edition of Global Logistics is fully revised and restructured to provide a clear rationale throughout. This book offers a varied and international approach to a range of topics within logistics and supply chain, such as the importance and the future of supply chains. With expert insights from academia and experienced practitioners, this book presents the latest research and how these theories are being applied within the industry. Readers will understand how to improve logistics, supply chain management and operational effectiveness as well as how to navigate global supply chains, ensure sustainability and engineer for the future. The eighth edition also covers important topics such as: - How to optimize international supply chain relationships - Different approaches to supply chain talent management - The importance of ethical supply chain management

Author Information Edward Sweeney is Professor of Logistics and Systems, and Director of the Aston Logistics & Systems Institute at Aston University, United Kingdom. He is a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) and Chairman of the Logistics Research Network (LRN) conference organised by the association. Previously, he was Director at the National Institute for Transport and Logistics (NITL), Ireland. He is a member of the international editorial boards of several leading academic journals and an advisor to Dubai-based Supply Chain and Logistics Group (SCLG). Donald Waters is a retired Professor of logistics and operations management. He worked at various universities including the University of Calgary, Canada.

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Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

Background, definitions and context Introduction [Edward Sweeney] What is SCM and why is it important? [Edward Sweeney] New directions in logistics [Martin Christopher] The strategic dimension of SCM [Daniel Park] Linking supply chain management to shareholder value [Heimo Losbichler and Farzad Mahmoodi] Strategic issues in contemporary logistics and SCM Risk in the supply chain [Lars Stemmler] Managing supply chain vulnerability [Alan Braithwaite] Building a resilient supply chain [Richard Wilding] Building more agile supply chains [Remko van Hoek] Using marketing and logistics to fulfil customer needs [David B Grant] Improving logistics and SCM operational effectiveness New procurement directions in SCM [Louise Knight]

Global Logistics

12 Optimizing the movement of freight by road [Alan McKinnon] 13 Retail logistics [John Fernie] 4 Managing global supply chains 14 Trends and strategies in global logistics and supply chain management [Christian F Durach, Frank Straube and Andreas Wieland] 15 Global sourcing and supply [Alan Braithwaite] 16 Outsourcing: the result of global supply chains? [Stephen Rinsler] 17 International supply chain relationships [Patrick Daly] 18 Developments in Western European strategies [Michael Browne, Julian Allen and Allan Woodburn] 19 Logistics strategies for Central and Eastern Europe [Grzegorz M Augustyniak] 20 Recent development of e-tailing and its logistics in China [James J Wang] 21 North American logistics [ Jean-Paul Rodrigue and Markus Hesse] 5 Sustainability and the people dimension

22 Delivering sustainability through supply chain management [Kirstie McIntyre] 23 People powering contemporary supply chains [ John Gattorna] 24 Supply chain leadership [Richard Atkinson] 25 Supply chain talent management [Bethany Fovargue and David Leach] 26 Ethical SCM [Steve New] 27 Key issues in humanitarian supply chains [Yasmin Sabri and George Fenton] 6 Engineering the supply chain of the future 28 Effective deployment of technology in supply chains [Witold Bahr and Edward Sweeney] 29 Performance measurement and management in the supply chain [Alan Braithwaite] 30 Supply chain design [Aris Matopoulos] 31 Supply chain programme and project management [Shan Rajegopal] 32 The supply chain of the future? [Edward Sweeney]

International Freight Transport Cases, Structures and Prospects Edition: 1 Date: /03/28/2017 Price: $85.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749474348 ISBN Ebook: 9780749474355 Pages: 376 Format (mm): 240x155 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Global Logistics

This book

« Overviews global container transport, including shipping networks and inland/multi-modal aspects « Focuses on operational models and cost structures, including multimodal « Discusses key origins and destinations, main routes and service types, and key players in the sector by industry experts and respected academics who have advised the Department of « Written Transport and the United Nations Description International Freight Transport presents the key changes and issues in the fast-moving industries of trade and transport. It includes coverage of regional trade groupings, the emergence of new large economies (i.e. BRIC countries), and pivotal regions such as the Middle East and Central America where major projects, such as new and widened canals, are underway or planned. These changes could redraw the trade map with major implications for transport patterns and solutions. Blending geography, economics, politics and trade, International Freight Transport provides insight into a wide range of topics, including: globalisation; demand versus supply; buyers and sellers; transport regulation, geography, modes and methods; transport ownership; alliances; and safety and security. The book is the only comprehensive and accessible book on international transport available.

Author Information Professor Anthony Beresford is Programme Director for the MSc International Transport at Cardiff University and Director for the suite of Masters Programmes within Logistics and Operations Management. Professor Beresford has travelled widely in an advisory capacity within the ports and transport fields in Europe, Asia and North America. Dr Stephen Pettit is a researcher for the Transport and Shipping Research Group in Cardiff Business School. He has been involved in a range of transport related research including a ground-breaking project for the Department of Transport.

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I‌ntroduction – Cases, Structures and Prospects Trade and the Transport Environment Demand, Supply and Freight Rates – The Shipping of Global Trade [Hassiba Benamara, Jan Hoffmann and Frida Youssef] Trade and Customs Procedures in International Freight Transport – Requirements, Issues and Trends [Andrew Grainger] International Freight Transport in Practice Multimodal Transport Solutions for Grain Exports from Kazakhstan [Timur Bimaganbetov, Anthony Beresford and Stephen Pettit] The Transport of Oil and Gas [Hance D Smith and Azmath Jaleel] Global Container Transport [Rolf Neise] Car Shipping [Paul Nieuwenhuis] Trading Regions International Freight Logistics in South East Asia – The Indonesia–Malaysia–Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) [Ruth Banomyong]

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8 North America’s Evolving International Freight Transport – Challenges and Responses [Michael Ircha] 9 International Freight Transport in South America – The Case of Colombia [David B Grant, Rodrigo Britto, Juan Pablo Soto, Marcus Thiell] 10 International Freight Transport in Southern Africa [Christopher Savage] 11 Freight Transport in Korea and Taiwan [Su-Han Woo, Po-Lin Lai, Doori Kim and Jungeun Kim] 4 Challenging Environments and Transport Futures 12 Overcoming International Freight Transport Challenges in a Disaster Response Context [Peter Tatham and Gyöngyi Kovács] 13 Transport Futures – Reconciling the On-Demand Economy with Global Production Chains [Peter Wells]

Cross-Border Logistics Operations Effective Trade Facilitation and Border Management Edition: 1 Date: 08/28/2021 Price: $79.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789666724 ISBN Ebook: 9781789666748 Pages: 320 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Global Logistics

This book

a comprehensive overview of cross-border logistics from an operational and strategic « Provides perspective on operational and regulatory requirements, their impacts on business and ways to reduce « Focuses those impacts illustrative case studies and examples and extracts from relevant regulations and « Includes international recommendations trade facilitation and frictionless trade, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) Trade « Covers Facilitation Agreement, Customs Partnership Programmes and Region Trade Agreements « Online resources: summary tables of regulations and international recommendations

Description At every port and border international freight operations are exposed to trade and customs procedures. With considerable turmoil in international trade and logistics and recent changes to legislation, standards and trade agreements, it is more important than ever to understand trade and customs issues and their impact on logistics operations. Cross-Border Logistics Operations is a comprehensive guide to the cross-border trade and customs environment and its implications for international business supply chains. Written to the World Customs Organization (WCO) Professional Standards (also known as the PICARD Standards), it covers all the operational and legal aspects of cross-border logistics operations as well as trade facilitation and frictionless trade. This book is the essential guide to meeting the demands of globalization by applying new management techniques and technologies. Bringing together the political, administrative, technological and economic drivers of cross-border trade, the book includes contributions from the World Trade Organization (WTO), the UN’s International Trade Centre and the World Bank. Cross-Border Logistics Operations includes illustrative case studies, examples and extracts from relevant regulations and international recommendations.

Author Information Dr Andrew Grainger is a trade facilitation practitioner, academic and educator based in Nottingham, UK. He is the Director of Trade Facilitation Consulting and Honorary Associate Professor at the University of Nottingham. He was formerly the Deputy Director for Trade Procedures at SITPRO, the UK’s former trade facilitation agency, and Secretary for EUROPRO, the umbrella body for European trade facilitation organizations. He has served as a witness to the UK Parliament, an expert for the European Commission and has produced studies for the European Parliament.


Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

Table of Contents 1

The cross-border environment 1 Introduction and context 2 Laws and regulations 2 Customs laws and procedures 3 Other government agencies and their laws and procedures 3 Operational practices 4 Commercial and business arrangements at the border 5 Administrative practice and underlying expectations 6 Business and government partnership arrangements 4 Economics 7 Border related friction and transaction costs 5 Trade facilitation and frictionless trade 8 The WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement, customs partnership programmes and region trade agreements 9 Trade facilitation measures 6 Implementation 10 Building relationships between business and government at the border 11 Holding parties accountable to reform 7 The future 12 Important new technologies and their uses

Global Logistics

International Supply Chain Relationships Creating Competitive Advantage in a Globalized Economy Edition: 1 Date: 02/28/2019 Price: $60.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749480035 ISBN Ebook: 9780749480042 Pages: 232 Format (mm): 235x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Global Logistics

This book

the myriad ways in which companies are configuring themselves to compete in an « Examines internationalized economy the shared benefits and metrics which are crucial for the long-term sustainability of « Explains international supply chain business relationships case studies of long-term strategic relationships, which are critical for success, as well as « Presents short-term alliances designed to address specific tactical goals, projects or initiatives « Online resources: audio Q&A clips with Patrick Daly

Description Multinational corporations have developed networks of production that stretch across the globe. They have done this in order to maximize their ability to service their customers in markets worldwide, exploit greater opportunities for growth, maximize their profitability and increase their business value. It is the strength and quality of the relationships and connections that we build with other players that will ultimately determine the effectiveness and the success of our business. International Supply Chain Relationships looks at these complex connections, covering long-term inter-organizational relationships, situational inter-organizational relationships, multi-disciplinary global engineering teams, technologies and innovations, supply chain communication, supply chain coordination, and future trends. International Supply Chain Relationships aims to provide supply chain practitioners in any type of business with ideas, tools and strategies that they can readily access, interpret and put into practice speedily and pragmatically to create value for their own international business. In many instances, supply chain projects bring together people from different disciplines who may come from different cultures and ethnic backgrounds. Add in long distances and different time zones and the complexities and challenges of sustaining successful working relationships increase even more. This book provides case studies which illustrate how to manage these arrangements effectively.

Author Information Patrick Daly has been a consultant for almost 20 years working in international supply chain and logistics with some of the world’s top international corporations, including PepsiCo Worldwide Flavours, Pfizer, Proctor & Gamble, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck Millipore and many more. He has worked with these clients all around the world including China, India, Middle East, Europe, North America and South America.

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Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

The globalization of business and the supply chain management concept The world is not flat – Geography still matters Culture – An evolutionary strategy for success We’re getting hitched – Longterm inter-organizational relationships Let’s make a movie – Situational interorganizational relationships Why bother? The whole is greater than the sum of the parts Do you speak my language? Supply chain communication Right stuff, right place, right time – Supply chain coordination Finger on the pulse – Control and measurement Looking around the block – Future trends

Global Logistics

Business Operations Models Becoming a Disruptive Competitor Edition: 1 Date: 05/28/2015 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749473310 ISBN Ebook: 9780749473327 Pages: 264 Format (mm): 235x155 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Operations Management

This book

« Looks at common strands that can inform strategy from a practical operating perspective the core fundamentals that business leaders should be guided by in order to achieve « Highlights organizational success « Offers a framework for achieving super performance Description Most successful companies have operations management at their heart. It enables strategy and should be part of boardroom discussions. However, Cranfield research has shown that business strategy barely recognises the world of operations management. Recognising that operations management needs to be more strategic, Business Operations Models is a revolutionary new title that looks at the interrelationship of operations management and strategy. In Business Operations Models, Martin Christopher and Alan Braithwaite identify the characteristics of market-leading businesses that have transformed their markets and delivered super performance for their stakeholders. It points to the theory gap between strategic thinking and operations and how many high-performing businesses arrive at their new operating models as much by chance as judgement. Unpacking those observations leads to some clearly defined features of winning competitors, including eliminating waste, leveraging technology, and utilising transformative business models. Business Operations Models offers a framework for achieving super performance and understanding when and how a company may be able to leverage its capabilities to outperform. The book provides detailed international case studies that illustrate how the principles work in practice, including Apple, Dell, Amazon, John Lewis, Southwest Airlines, Aldi, Toyota and many others.

Author Information Alan Braithwaite is Visiting Professor at Cranfield University and specializes in supply chain strategy and operational excellence in the retail, manufacturing and service sectors. He is the founder of LCP Consulting, which collaborates with over 400 companies internationally. Martin Christopher has been at the forefront of the development of new thinking in logistics and supply chain management for over 30 years. He is Emeritus Professor of Marketing and Logistics at Cranfield University, where he helped build the Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management into a leading centre of excellence. His published work is widely cited by other scholars and he has been invited to participate in academic and industry events around the world.

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Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

What we mean by business operations models – and why are they important? The characteristics of superperforming businesses The customer lens – understanding compelling value The strategy operations gap Unpacking the business operations model framework The technology dimension to being a disruptor Market-changing models – driving transformation Competing through the basics Optimization of the business operations model Making it happen – becoming a disruptor Guiding principles to building a competitive edge through business operations models

Operations Management

The Operations Advantage Edition: 1 Date: 04/28/2017 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749473549 ISBN Ebook: 9780749473556 Pages: 312 Format (mm): 233x158 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Operations Management

This book

« Shows how effective operations can have a huge strategic impact throughout the organization guidance on how to respond to the most important challenges facing the practice of « Provides operations management « Offers direction on how to set the agenda for developing operations capabilities Description The study and practice of operations has shifted to reflect the new challenges and uncertainties of how to thrive in today’s ever-changing world. The Operations Advantage identifies the most significant challenges to the practice of operations management and gives guidance on how businesses can respond. Leaders need to link the strategic objectives of the business clearly and logically to its operations performance objectives. The book presents a series of ten activities that will help them to do this and therefore make operations work better, such as designing and configuring internal processes and resourcing the operations appropriately. Based on the global teaching, training and consultancy conducted by the author, The Operations Advantage looks at the application of operations management across a range of sectors, including finance, healthcare, professional services, oil and gas industries. Although these diverse sectors require operations practitioners to apply knowledge in different ways, they essentially deal with the same set of processes. The book is an indispensable and unique guide for anyone with an operational role in any organization, as well as operations management students and academics.

Author Information Nigel Slack is Emeritus Professor of Operations Management and Strategy at Warwick Business School, Coventry, UK and the former head of its Operations Management Group. He acts as a consultant in many sectors, including Financial Services, Utilities, Retail, Professional Services, General Services, Aerospace, FMCG, and Engineering Manufacturing.

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Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

Exploit the Power of Operations Establish an Operations Capability Culture Make Operations a Strategic Asset Set Your Performance Framework Resource Your Operation Appropriately Establish Internal Processes Networks Shape Your External Supply Networks Learn from Day-to-day Control Setting Improvement Priorities Position Your Improvement Process Master the Mechanics of Improvement

Operations Management

The Inventory Toolkit Edition: 2 Date: 07/28/2019 Price: $46.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749482121 ISBN Ebook: 9780749482138 Pages: 448 Format (mm): 239x171 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Operations Management

This book

extensive guidelines to the key parameters used when planning inventory at the detailed « Provides item operational level and tools required to plan inventory at a strategic level. case study examples to provide broader understanding of tools and techniques and to « Presents demonstrate where each tool is best applied a comprehensive list of tools used in inventory planning, essential for both students and « Includes practitioners to this edition: chapters on balancing and control, inventory stack and flow, future « New developments in inventory management and new tools and case studies. resources: supporting excel spreadsheets to aid understanding and implementation of « Online inventory planning, with ready-to-use formulae.

Description Looking beyond the complexity and theory of inventory management, authors Geoff Relph and Catherine Milner examine managing inventory and achieving targets. Whilst the first edition mainly focused on planning, this new edition of The Inventory Toolkit includes three new chapters that go beyond planning to implementation. Amongst other topics, the new chapters cover holding and moving inventory, working with suppliers and using stack and flow to identify pinch points and facilitate lean and agile operations. This comprehensive second edition of The Inventory Toolkit includes case studies from diverse industries such as retail and aerospace, and worked examples and regular exercises which illustrate how the inventory tools can be used in an operational setting. It is an invaluable reference guide for students and practitioners focusing on inventory management and operations management in manufacturing and retail, as well as operational staff involved in the implementation of the MRP and inventory management modules of ERP systems.

Author Information Geoff Relph has extensive experience in inventory and business systems management in the operational, consulting and academic sectors. He is an associate lecturer at the Warwick Manufacturing Group, University of Warwick, UK, and delivers modules for the MSc Programme in the UK and internationally. Catherine Milner is a chartered engineer and project manager with experience working in aerospace, petrochemicals and telecommunications. She has managed many successful projects on electronic data exchange with customers, forecasting, MRP, supply chain management, and business process re-engineering. She is a managing consultant, and a visiting lecturer at the University of Warwick.


Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

Table of Contents ‌Introduction Introduction to inventory management 2 Business systems and business 3 Inventory balancing and control 4 The complexity of inventory management within business systems 5 Stack and flow inventories 6 Traditional thinking in inventory optimization 7 k-curve methodology 8 The practical application of k-curve 9 Case study examples of k-curve planning approach 10 Review, summary and what to do next 11 Appendix A 12 Appendix B 13 Appendix C 14 Useful websites 15 Index 1

Operations Management

Warehouse Management A Complete Guide to Improving Efficiency and Minimizing Costs in the Modern Warehouse Edition: 3 Date: 11/28/2017 Price: $80.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749479770 ISBN Ebook: 9780749479787 Pages: 528 Format (mm): 235x158 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Warehouse Management

This book

« Provides essential advice on how to tackle the challenges faced by today’s warehouse managers the reader with practical guidance on how to operate an efficient and cost-effective « Equips warehouse « Delivers new case study initiatives directly relevant for application in the workplace to this edition: definitive updates on warehouse design, technology and robotics and the « New increasing challenges of e-commerce resources: downloadable warehouse tools and audit checklists for analysis and application « Online into own operational environment, along with PowerPoint slides as study aids for students Description Offering comprehensive advice on all aspects of managing a warehouse, the third edition of Warehouse Management is an ideal guide and detailed reference book for anyone looking to gain a real insight into warehouse operations. It examines everything from the latest technological advances, operations and people management to current environmental issues. This third edition of Warehouse Management includes definitive updates across the industry, such as the vast expansion of warehouse technology and robotics, warehouse design and the increasing challenges posed by e-commerce. Gwynne Richards tackles the core challenges for today’s managers, offering experienced advice on how to reduce lead times, increase productivity and improve customer service. Revamped with more practical case studies and an array of downloadable warehouse tools, this new edition of Warehouse Management includes useful warehouse audit checklists and is firmly supported with insightful photographs, video links and projections.

Author Information Gwynne Richards has over 30 years of experience in warehouse management and logistics. As well as running his own successful logistics consultancy, he provides a number of courses on warehouse and transport management and logistics outsourcing for practitioners. He is also the co-author of The Logistics and Supply Chain Toolkit with Susan Grinstead, also published by Kogan Page. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport.


Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

Table of Contents ‌Introduction 1 The Role of the Warehouse 2 Role of the Warehouse Manager 3 Warehouse Processes: Receiving and Put-away 4 Warehouse Processes: Pick Preparation 5 Picking Strategies and Equipment 6 Order-picking Methods 7 Warehouse Processes from Replenishment to Despatch and Beyond 8 Warehouse Management Systems 9 Warehouse Layout 10 Storage and Handling Equipment 11 Resourcing a Warehouse 12 Warehouse Costs 13 Performance Management 14 Outsourcing 15 Health and Safety 16 The Warehouse and the Environment 17 The Warehouse of the Future ‌Appendix 1 – Warehouse Audit Checklists ‌Appendix 2 – Barcodes ‌Websites of Companies That Have Contributed to This Book and Other Useful Websites

Warehouse Management

‌ lossary of Terms and G Abbreviations

Warehousing and Transportation Logistics Systems, Planning, Application and Cost Effectiveness Edition: 1 Date: 04/28/2018 Price: $85.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749482206 ISBN Ebook: 9780749482213 Pages: 680 Format (mm): 241x170 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Warehouse Management

This book

the complex detail of warehousing and transportation logistics in a clear and digestible « Presents way full-colour technical drawings, structural models and tables which clearly illustrate « Provides technical issues from the original German bestselling book, Transport-und Lagerlogistik, published by « Translated Springer Nature. « Includes valuable tools for planning and making economic efficiency calculations more than 200 examples with worked solutions and gives the reader targeted practice « Provides with 250 questions and answers

Description Warehousing and Transportation Logistics offers an overview of transport, warehousing and assembly logistics, including order picking, packaging, handling and management. The key focus is on the management techniques in transport and warehousing and the logistics-focused perspective runs throughout the entire book. The author examines different applications and planning techniques and includes examples of supporting economic calculations and questions and answers. Warehousing and Transportation Logistics looks at unit creation, material flow or goods storage as well as systems and management for planning or information to identify objects, control and processing of orders. It is a practice-oriented book for students with a multitude of useful information and ideas. It is also a workbook for professional practitioners, production, planning and industrial engineers, who are specifically concerned with the planning side of this specialist area. The examples at the end of each chapter deepen and complement the content and there are comprehensive notes with each figure providing additional information on the topic.

Author Information Professor Heinrich Martin was a lecturer at the University of Applied Science in Hamburg for over 30 years, and has been a visiting lecturer in universities around the world. His areas of expertise include transportation systems, warehousing systems, order picking systems, material flow systems and factory planning. Dr Martin has lead multiple projects with numerous organisations.


Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

Table of Contents 1

Logistics Structures Within Companies 2 Material Flow Logistics 3 Transporting Goods – Packaging, Loading Unit 4 Basic Transport Logistics 5 Continuous Conveyor 6 Discontinuous Conveyor 7 Switching 8 Handling 9 Basic Warehouse and Picking Logistics 10 Warehouses and Shelves 11 Picking Systems 12 Planning System and Project Management 13 Information Logistics

Warehouse Management

Logistics and Retail Management Emerging Issues and New Challenges in the Retail Supply Chain Edition: 5 Date: 11/28/2018 Price: $80.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749481605 ISBN Ebook: 9780749481612 Pages: 344 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Retail Logistics & Supply Chain

This book

« Focuses on specific logistics and supply chain issues relevant to retail management internationalization, corporate social responsibility and green logistics, and explores « Includes practical examples from Tesco and Schuh to this edition: New material on the luxury fashion industry and the logistical challenges of « New e-commerce « Features contributions from leading academics in the field and retail logistics practitioners Description Logistics and supply chains play a vital role in the overall success of retail management. This fifth edition of Logistics and Retail Management covers the major strides made in retail logistics and the challenges which remain, providing students and professionals with the current thinking and research in this strategic field. Including chapters on internationalization, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and green logistics, the book also explores examples from successful organizations such as Schuh and Tesco. Fully updated with the latest international developments and on-going changes in the field, Logistics and Retail Management, 5th edition is a multi-contributed collection from leading academics and practitioners and an expert editor team. The new edition also includes material on the luxury fashion industry and the logistical challenges of e-commerce. Logistics and Retail Management, 5th edition is the essential text for students of retail logistics and supply chain management.

Author Information John Fernie is Emeritus Professor of Retail Marketing at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. He has written and contributed to numerous textbooks and papers on retail management, especially in the field of retail logistics. Leigh Sparks is Professor of Retail Studies at the Institute for Retail Studies, University of Stirling, Scotland. He is on the editorial boards of several leading marketing and business journals.

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Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

Retail Logistics – Changes and challenges [John Fernie and Leigh Sparks] Relationships in the supply chain [John Fernie] The internationalization of the retail supply chain [ John Fernie] The international fashion supply chain and corporate social responsibility [Patsy Perry, John Fernie and Steve Wood] The footwear supply chain – The case of Schuh [ John Fernie and Colin Temple] Supply chain strategy in the fashion and luxury industry [John Fernie and Patsy Perry] Tesco’s supply chain management [Leigh Sparks] On-shelf availability in UK retailing [John Fernie and David B Grant] The development of e-tail logistics [John Fernie, Suzanne Fernie and Alan McKinnon] The greening of retail logistics [Alan McKinnon and Julia Edwards]

Retail Logistics & Supply Chain

Managing the Retail Supply Chain Merchandising Strategies that Increase Sales and Improve Profitability Edition: 1 Date: 01/28/2018 Price: $60.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749480622 ISBN Ebook: 9780749480639 Pages: 288 Format (mm): 235x156 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Retail Logistics & Supply Chain

This book

retail supply chain and merchandising from the very basics, up to strategic and senior level « Explores challenges « Includes an academic presentation of theories and models used to aid practical understanding tools and case studies to help supply chain managers and merchant planners work more « Includes effectively the differences between industries in retail (i.e. the supply chain function in a supermarket « Explores is different to a merchandising function in a fashion retailer) « Bridges the gap between research-based texts and those aimed solely at managers

Description Buying, merchandising and the supply chain are inextricably linked. Product merchandisers play a key role within retail, as profits can be affected by how successfully they undertake their work. Merchandisers set prices to maximise profits and manage the performance of ranges, planning promotions and mark-downs as necessary. They also oversee delivery and distribution of stock and deal with suppliers. Their connection with and understanding of the supply chain is vital. Supported by theories, explanations and real-life examples, Managing the Retail Supply Chain looks at concepts and core themes that run across all sectors. Many businesses use a one-size-fits-all solution for any issues which arise, leading to big problems. Managing the Retail Supply Chain presents numerous examples of different business models adopted by a variety of companies. Covering basic principles of retail supply chain, KPIs, merchandise planning and demand planning as well as omnichannel, vertical integration, on-shelf availability and e-commerce, Managing the Retail Supply Chain is an essential guide for anyone involved in or studying retail supply chains and merchandising.

Author Information James Topps has worked in retail supply chain for Kraft (Formerly Cadbury), Ted Baker and Morrison’s. He currently heads up the merchandise planning (formerly supply chain) for Maplin Electronics, Rotherham. Glenn Taylor is currently Merchandise Planning Director at Maplin Electronics. He has been Merchandise and Supply Chain Director in companies such as Dreams, B&Q and BonMarche, developing best practice through periods of expansion and growth for business on and offline, in the UK and overseas.


Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 Foundations of retail and supply chain and merchandising 3 Merchandise planning 4 Branch merchandising 5 Buying and sourcing 6 Logistics 7 Finance 8 Omni-channel retailing 9 Tools, reports and documents 10 Technology 11 Roles within supply chain and merchandising 12 Vertical integration and manufacturing 13 The fashion industry 14 Supermarket and food retail 15 Electronics retailing 16 Big ticket retailing 17 SME retail 18 Troubleshooting common issues in supply chain and merchandising 19 The future for supply chain and merchandising in retail

Retail Logistics & Supply Chain

A Study Guide for the Operator Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) in Road Freight 2020 Edition: 3 Date: 02/28/2020 Price: $79.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789665031 ISBN Ebook: 9781789665048 Pages: 400 Format (mm): 232x157 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Transport

This book

the entire CPC 2020 syllabus (as laid out in EC regulation 1071/2009), including all the set « Covers examination questions and factual notes needed to pass the exams the needs of those wishing to take either of the two most popular routes available to pass « Meets the CPC: the OCR and CILT examinations summaries of key learning points, spaces for notes and self-test sections throughout the « Provides book to this edition: updated sections on operator licencing, drivers’ hours, tachographs, vehicle « New testing, vehicle tax, vehicle registration, civil law, international driving and documentation

Description A Study Guide for the Operator Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) in Road Freight 2020 is a vital study guide that offers the thorough preparation needed to pass the tough CPC exams in the UK. It covers the examination method used by the Oxford, Cambridge and RSA (OCR) and the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT). This is the Level 3 standard qualification overseen by The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OFQUAL) and the Welsh Assembly Government, which is required by any person wishing to operate vehicles over 3,500 kg, the maximum authorised mass for hire and reward, in the UK and internationally. A Study Guide for the Operator Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) in Road Freight 2020 has been extensively revised to include all the new legislation. It covers the eight study sections that the directive requires: civil law; commercial law; social law; fiscal law; business; financial; management of the undertaking access to the market; technical standards and technical aspects of the operation road safety. It features many case studies, examples, diagrams and graphics. New to this edition: updated sections on operator licencing, drivers’ hours, tachographs, vehicle testing, vehicle tax, vehicle registration, civil law, international driving and documentation.

Author Information Clive Pidgeon served as Chair on the Freight Transport Association (FTA) Welsh Freight Council for four years whilst with the PO. He joined OCR as a CPC examiner as a chief examiner. He also worked with HMG when the CPC qualification was reviewed in 1996. He serves as examination database manager for CILT Level 5 qualifications, a CILT Distance Learning Advisor, an examiner and verifier for CILT and an author of various CILT textbooks and training materials.


Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

Table of Contents ‌Introduction Civil Law Commercial Law Social Law Fiscal Law Business and Financial Management 6 Access to the Market 7 Technical Standards and Technical Aspects of Operation 8 Road Safety 1 2 3 4 5


Lowe’s Transport Manager’s and Operator’s Handbook 2021 Edition: 51 Date: 02/28/2021 Price: $79.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789668285 ISBN Ebook: 9781789668292 Pages: 648 Format (mm): 240x170 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Transport

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essential information on professional competence, technical standards and goods vehicle « Provides operations « Offers a definitive one-stop reference source for those working in the haulage industry to this edition: the latest guidelines and regulations and streamlined content to focus on key « New issues

Description Maintain your understanding of the rules governing road transport operators in the UK, Ireland and Europe to ensure the safe and legal operation of your fleet. Lowe’s Transport Manager’s and Operator’s Handbook 2021 is the complete guide to the operational rules and guidelines governing the UK, Ireland and the EU’s road transport operators. Written and designed for transport managers, fleet operators, owner-driver hauliers and those working in the sector, this book contains all the relevant and technical detail required to run a compliant, safe and efficient transport operation. Now in its 51st edition Lowe’s Transport Manager’s and Operator’s Handbook 2021 remains an essential resource to stay informed on the most pressing issues facing the transport industry. It covers all aspects relating to goods vehicles and their operators from vehicle registration, maintenance and load management (including abnormal and dangerous loads) to professional competence, operator training and driver testing. Road traffic law is explained alongside how to ensure safety on the road and at work. Meeting operating standards, keeping up to date with the latest industry changes and complying with the law, all while running sustainable transport operations, has never been simpler with the help of this guide.

Author Information Glen Davies is a transport and logistics specialist and founder of AtoH Solutions based in Derbyshire, UK. Previously, he led the freight safety and environment programme at Transport for London following a 23 year career in military logistics. He is a Fellow of the Charted Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) and active in their Transport & Logistics Safety Forum. David Lowe has been involved in the road haulage industry for many years and is an experienced consultant and freelance writer based in Norfolk, UK. He has written notable books on transport including The Professional LGV Driver’s Handbook and The Pocket Guide to LGV Drivers’ Hours and Tachograph Law.

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9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


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‌Introduction Goods Vehicle Operator Licensing Professional Competence Goods Vehicle Drivers’ Hours and Working Time Goods Vehicle Drivers’ Records Tachographs – Fitment and Use Requirements Driver Licensing and Licence Penalties Driver Testing and Training Vehicle Registration, HGV Road User Levy, Excise Duty and Trade Licences 209 Vehicle Registration Insurance (Vehicles and Goods in Transit) and Conditions of Carriage Road Traffic Law Goods Vehicle Dimensions and Weights Construction and Use of Vehicles Vehicle Lighting and Marking Goods Vehicle Plating, Annual Testing and Vehicle Inspections Light Vehicle (MOT) Testing Vehicle Maintenance and Maintenance Records


17 Safety – on the Road and at Work 18 Loads – General, Livestock, Food, etc 19 Loads – Abnormal and Projecting 20 Loads – Dangerous Goods and Waste 21 Light Vehicles 22 Vehicle Fuel Efficiency 23 Digital Communications and Technology 24 Transport and the Environment 25 International Operations

Road Passenger Transport Management Planning and Coordinating Passenger Transport Operations Edition: 1 Date: 09/28/2020 Price: $59.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749497019 ISBN Ebook: 9780749497026 Pages: 352 Format (mm): 234x157 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Transport

Author Information Anthony Francis is a consultant providing guidance on operating and commercial issues affecting the road, rail and aviation transport industries to passenger transport companies. He previously worked in senior strategic roles for the Department of Transport, the Strategic Rail Authority and Arriva. David Hurdle is an independent transport consultant and a transport and town planner. He has written and spoken extensively on sustainable transport issues. He has worked for local government and the public transport industry.


Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

This book

« Essential guide to cost-effective, sustainable road passenger transport management a complete set of management tools equipping readers for success in the passenger « Features transport field essential guidelines on topics such as coordinating staff training, putting together « Includes performance reports for directors and arranging vehicle maintenance « Online resources: sample performance reports and target assessment forms. Description Road passenger transport management is an important role, involving the planning and coordinating of passenger transport operations, including routes and schedules. Managers ensure that passengers reach their destinations safely, on time and in the most cost-effective way. Road Passenger Transport Management covers all the essential tasks a transport manager is expected to master. Road Passenger Transport Management provides tips and tools for working with customers, planning routes and scheduling delivery times, as well as managing a team of supervisors, administration staff and drivers. The authors include guidelines for coordinating staff training and arranging vehicle maintenance, MOTs and tax payments, as well as organizing vehicle replacements and managing contracts and developing new business. This is a contributed book, with expertise shared from wellknown academics and practitioners who have spent many years in the passenger transport field. The tools and case studies in this vital new guide will enable readers to learn new skills or build on existing expertise. Online supporting resources include sample performance reports and target assessment forms.

Table of Contents 1 1

How the bus business works 19 Appendix I (by Cyril McIntyre) – Regulation of road Definition of road passenger passenger transport in the transport Republic of Ireland 2 History, heritage, current 20 Appendix II (by Gavin Booth) – challenges Scotland’s buses 3 The legal and regulatory 21 Index framework 4 Planning 5 Vehicles and fuels 6 Operations 7 Fares, ticketing and other revenue – turning a social service into a business 8 Human resources case study: Metroline 2 Wider engagement 9 The present and potential market for public transport 10 Bus provision and land use planning 11 Bus priority 12 Planning and operating a rural bus service 13 Further partnerships between bus operators, local authorities and employers 14 The bus industry in Wales 15 Working with the public 16 The value of the bus to society 17 Presentation 18 The future and new technology


Air Transport Management Strategic Management in the Airline Industry Edition: 1 Date: 11/28/2019 Price: $59.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749484569 ISBN Ebook: 9780749484576 Pages: 384 Format (mm): 235x155 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Transport

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« Delivers an in-depth investigation of the full scope of the airline industry « Includes industry analysis of competing business models and the impact of airline alliances an assessment of airline performance, examining core competencies, dynamic capabilities « Provides and key performance indicators from case studies including Monarch, Air Berlin, Niki, Sabena, examining airline capacity « Learn management, risk models and fuel hedging Description The aviation industry is a major driver of world trade. As global markets and economies are constantly evolving, practitioners and academics need more quality information and a broader perspective of aviation management rather than just silo-based knowledge, particularly if they wish to move up the management ladder and progress. Air Transport Management presents the dynamic shifts which have influenced structural changes in the aviation industry, such as the emergence of low cost carriers. These changes have transformed the market, leading to deregulation and consolidation. The author provides a viable road map aimed at giving students and managers in the aviation industry a rigorous understanding on how to manage strategically in complex and turbulent market conditions. Air Transport Management examines the airline industry structure in terms of entry barriers, competition dynamics and competing business models. With the inclusion of fascinating case studies, this handbook assesses different business models used by international companies and proposes best fit management practices which airlines should follow in order to survive.

Author Information Prof Dr Eyden Samunderu (PhD) is a leading expert and well trusted advisor in the area of air transport with extensive international consulting experience. He is Program Director for a Master’s programme at the International School of Management (ISM) in Dortmund Germany. He is currently a Board Advisor at Aviation Partners Africa London as well as sitting as Advisory Board Member for the Hamburg Aviation Conference. His research interests are in air transport economics, airport infrastructure financing, container and shipping logistics, competition policy, multimarket contact and strategic group theory in air transport.


Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

Table of Contents 1

The scope of the airline industry 2 Growth and change in the airline industry – Air transport liberalization 3 The airline alliances 4 Airline industry analysis – A structure-conductperformance perspective 5 Airline competing business models 6 Airline competition dynamics 7 Measuring airline performance 8 Strategic groups in the airline industry 9 The future outlook of air transport 10 Conclusion 11 Index


Aviation Logistics The Dynamic Partnership of Air Freight and Supply Chain Edition: 1 Date: 02/28/2016 Price: $70.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749472702 ISBN Ebook: 9780749472719 Pages: 208 Format (mm): 234x155 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Transport

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how the rapidly evolving global logistics industry works in close partnership with the « Explains aviation operators to achieve fast and efficient facilitation at air freight and how carriers are responding to market demands with new and better « Looks methods and technologies « Reviews changes in manufacturing and production methods « Illustrates how different challenges are met in varied markets through insightful case studies contributions from a team of experts, including: Oliver Evans, Chief Cargo Officer at Swiss « Features International Airlines Ltd and Stan Wraight, who has over 40 years of industry experience gained through both senior management and board level positions at KLM Cargo, Atlas Air and AirBridge Cargo Online resources: Air Cargo News’ Freighter Directory


Description Aviation Logistics looks at the function of the air cargo business and its role in global supply chains and logistics. As global economies are constantly evolving, the supply chain business with its transport partners must be proactive for the future. Technology and its resulting efficiency and transparency are therefore a central part of this book. Aviation Logistics examines how carriers are coming up with new methods and technologies to improve ground handling and road transport, traceability systems and barcoding, security and screening, and safe delivery of perishable items (such as in the pharmaceutical and medical sectors). Endorsed by The International Air Cargo Association (TIACA), Aviation Logistics is supplemented with case studies and contributions from a team of experts including Oliver Evans and Stan Wraight, both industry experts. Online resources available: Air Cargo News’ Freighter Directory.

Author Information Michael Sales specializes in press relations and consultancy for the transport industry. He has handled a number of prestigious clients, including Airports of Paris, Air France Express, Athens International Airport, Cologne Bonn Airport, ECS, Basque regional industrial promotion, Düsseldorf Airport, Budapest Airport and many more. He is also a freelance journalist.


Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

Table of Contents 1 Air cargo – trying harder 2 The world of air cargo, Oliver Evans, former TIACA 3 Air cargo history 4 Airport connections 5 Cargo handling agents – the impact of IT 6 Road feeder service 7 Freight forwarder 8 Cool logistics 9 Express and mail 10 Special air cargoes 11 Cargo security and risk 12 Environment 13 Innovation and trends in air logistics 14 Views on the future 15 The law – organizations and regulations governing international aviation 16 Glossary of common air freight terms


Maritime Logistics A Guide to Contemporary Shipping and Port Management Edition: 2 Date: 04/28/2015 Price: $85.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749472689 ISBN Ebook: 9780749472696 Pages: 480 Format (mm): 240x155 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Maritime Logistics

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« Provides a comprehensive overview of maritime logistics « Examines latest logistical developments within the port and shipping industry the vast range of experience of its editors and contributors, who are all international experts « Shares in the field Description Globalisation and the rapid increase in world trade in the past decade have contributed to greater demand for international transport and logistics and, consequently, the expansion of the maritime industry. The dramatic changes in the mode of world trade and cargo transportation make it more important than ever to have a clear understanding of the way in which freight is transported by sea and the role of ports in this exchange. At the cutting edge in its assessment of the industry, Maritime Logistics covers the whole scope of maritime logistics and examines latest logistical developments within the port and shipping industry. With a range of new international contributors, this new edition has been thoroughly revised and updated. There are new chapters on port centric logistics, hinterland logistics and global supply chains, maritime transport and logistics as a trade facilitator, and future trends and developments. Written by a team of international experts with over fifty years’ experience in the field, Maritime Logistics provides a truly global perspective. The book covers everything that students of logistics, as well as those working within the industry, need to know about maritime logistics, including shipping lines, containers, tankers, dry bulk, port-centric logistics, and much more.

Author Information Dong-Wook Song is Professor of Transport and Logistics at the Transport Research Institute, Edinburgh Napier University. His work is well-recognised in the field and he has received a number of The Best Paper Awards from academic associations and communities. He sits on the editorial board of established journals in transport and logistics. Dong has worked as a consultant for a number of private and public organisations including the UN, OECD, ADB and World Bank. He has served as an elected council member at IAME since 2012. Photis M Panayides is Professor in Shipping Economics, Department of Commerce, Finance and Shipping at Cyprus University of Technology. He reviews for several major journals in the field and has pioneered the development of academic and professional programmes in shipping and logistics. He sits on the editorial board of established journals in the field.


Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

Table of Contents 1 Introduction 1 Introduction to maritime logistics – Dong-Wook Song and Photis M Panayides 2 Maritime transport and logistics as a trade facilitator – Albert W Veenstra 3 International maritime trade and logistics – Funda Yercan and Turkay Yildiz 4 Defining maritime logistics and its value – Eon-Seong Lee, Hyung-Sik Nam and DongWook Song 5 Hinterland logistics and global supply chains – Rickard Bergqvist 6 Human elements in maritime logistics – Cecilia Österman and Anna-Lisa Osvalder 2 Shipping logistics 7 Intermodal freight transport and logistics – Katsuhiko Hayashi and Toshinori Nemoto 8 Developing liner service networks in container shipping – César Ducruet and Theo Notteboom 9 Supply chain integration of shipping companies – Photis M Panayides, Robert Wiedmer, Panayiotis C Andreou and Christodoulos Louca

Maritime Logistics

10 Logistics strategy in container 19 Logistics performance of supply chain-oriented ports shipping – Alfred J Baird – Su Han Woo, Stephen Pettit 11 Tanker shipping logistics – and Anthony Beresford Robert Desrosiers 4 Conclusion 12 Dry bulk shipping logistics – Claude Comtois and Romuald 20 Looking ahead – Photis M Panayides and Dong-Wook Lacoste Song 3 Port logistics 13 Dry ports in concept and practice – Violeta Roso and Andrea Rosa 14 Port-centric logistics in concept and practice – Nikolaos Valantasis-Kanellos and Dong-Wook Song 15 Container hub ports in concept and practice – HyungSik Nam and Dong-Wook Song 16 Multinationalizing container ports: Business models and strategies – Francesco Parola 17 Public–private partnerships and port logistics performance – Jasmine Siu Lee Lam, Francesco Parola and Photis M Panayides 18 Port and logistics chains: Changes in organizational effectiveness – Cimen Karatas Cetin

Maritime Transport Shipping Logistics and Operations Edition: 1 Date: 05/28/2020 Price: $65.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789662467 ISBN Ebook: 9781789662481 Pages: 224 Format (mm): 230x160 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Maritime Logistics

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the ability to understand complex decision making approaches in international maritime « Develop logistics and transport settings « Gain a critical understanding of international maritime transport from a strategic perspective analytical skills to assess the role of logistics service providers and other stakeholders in « Develop international maritime transport and logistics from insightful case studies covering topics such as: Gothenburg dry land transport; traffic « Learn between Helsinki and Tallinn; Russian transit traffic; IKEA transport operations; ship strategies: Greece vs Norway

Description Maritime transport is the transport of people or goods by water. It is the backbone of world trade and globalization. Twenty-four hours a day and all year round, ships carry cargoes to all corners of the globe. Maritime Transport focuses on the operational side of this important industry, covering many topics such as sea traffic currents, passenger transport, short sea shipping and dangerous cargoes. Parts one and two of Maritime Transport present the concepts, theory and background information, then part three presents more complex and deeper issues such as the maritime transportation of the future. It covers topics such as intelligent shipping, data exchange at sea and maritime security. In addition, the book includes fascinating case studies and examples, such as maritime transport in the Baltic sea, ship strategies in Norway and Greece and the benefits of slow steaming. At the end of each chapter there are questions that will help students to gain a deeper understanding of the many topics covered.

Author Information Ulla Tapaninen is a Senior Transport and Logistics Specialist for the City of Helsinki. She is also in charge of Helsinki City maritime cluster programme, focusing on the city’s unique arctic and smart marine industry with start-up companies. She is an adjunct professor of maritime logistics and was previously at the University of Turku. She has worked in key positions in two Finnish shipping companies, Finncarries Oy Ab and ESL Shipping.

Table of Contents 1 Global shipping 2 World trade patterns 3 Globalization and growth in shipping 4 Sea traffic currents 5 Passenger traffic 6 Logistics definition 7 Logistics costs 8 Transport costs 9 Transport modes 10 Short sea shipping 11 Cargoes 12 Vessels 13 Employment issues 14 Sea transport market 15 Cargo review 16 Ship structure 17 Port time 18 Ship size 19 Freight ticket registers and subsidies for shipping 20 Other expenses 21 Funding 22 Operational cost accounting of the vessel 23 Relocation agreement and shipping documents 24 Cargo formation 25 Delivery clauses and shipping conditions 26 Operational operations of the port 27 Cargo handling

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28 Environmental impacts of sea transport 29 Dangerous cargoes 30 Ship recycling 31 Maritime security and social responsibility 32 Supervision and regulation of shipping 33 Developments in maritime safety regulations 34 Security culture 35 Logistics exchange 36 Information exchange in the port 37 Data exchange at sea and in shipping companies 38 Intelligent shipping by sea

Port Management Cases in Port Geography, Operations and Policy Edition: 1 Date: 12/28/2017 Price: $85.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749474324 ISBN Ebook: 9780749474331 Pages: 576 Format (mm): 235x155 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Maritime Logistics

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by two leading academics who have conducted research for The Department of Transport « Edited and the United Nations research-based findings from an international team of contributors as well as invaluable « Includes insights and international case studies on the big picture, which differentiates it from other available texts which are regional (e.g. « Focuses Europe, Asia) or focus on specific aspects (e.g. privatisation, competitiveness) « Online resources: Includes lecture notes, lesson plans and PowerPoints

Description Port Management looks at the numerous types of business interactions that occur at active ports. These include cooperating with other ports, coordinating deliveries with ships, overseeing port development, advertising and promotion, and enforcing security and environmental protection initiatives. Including research, practical insights and case studies, this book looks at quantitative methods and market analysis, maritime logistics, port planning and pricing, and commercial law. Port Management covers all the main aspects of management, administration and policy, and fills existing gaps in the literature in this area. Edited by two leading academics who have conducted research for the Department of Transport and the United Nations, this text is international in scope and includes research-based findings from a global team of contributors. It provides fascinating insights into the geography, economics, politics and trade involved in port management. Online supporting resources include lecture notes, lesson plans and PowerPoints.

Author Information Dr Stephen Pettit is a researcher for the Transport and Shipping Research Group in Cardiff Business School, UK. He has been involved in a range of transport-related research including a groundbreaking project for the UK Department of Transport. Professor Anthony Beresford is Programme Director for the MSc International Transport at Cardiff University, UK and Director for the suite of Masters Programmes in Logistics and Operations Management. Professor Beresford has travelled widely in an advisory capacity within the ports and transport fields in Europe, Asia and North America.

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Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

Global Challenges and Port Governance Value Creation and Value Capture in the Ports’ Business System The Governance of Ports under Global Challenges – What Next? Effect of Global Supply Chain Developments on the Governance of Port Regulation Port Governance Reform in Spain Port Resilience, Transport Logistics and the Environment Port Resilience – A Perspective from UK Ports Quantifying Resilience in Seaports – An Application to Ports in the Hamburg-Le Havre Range Understanding Australian Port Resilience and the Development of a Port Resilience Framework Green Pricing Decision-Making – Tackling Uncertainty In The Case Of Port Infrastructure The Implications of the SECA for Ports and Hinterland Transport in Sweden

Maritime Logistics

10 The Role of Ports in the Offshore Wind Industry 3 Port Policies and Competition Strategies 11 Canadian Ports Policy – An Evolutionary Approach 12 Port Policies and Private Investments – Insights from Latin America and Caribbean Countries 13 The Operations Management and Governance of Cruise Terminals in Hong Kong 14 Competition Strategies in the Spanish Port System and Their Relationship with Port Authority Efficiency 15 Assessing the National Port System – The Case of Vietnam 4 Port Choice and Ports in Shipping Systems 16 Supply Chain Modelling for Container-Port Choice – Case Study of a West-Mediterranean Transhipment Port 17 Port-centric Logistics – The Seaport Versus Inland Location Dilemma 18 Port Management Implications from Economies of Scale in the Liner Container Shipping Industry

Smart Green Shipping Building Regenerative Business Systems in Maritime Edition: 1 Date: 12/28/2021 Price: $200.00 65.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789667837 ISBN Ebook: 9781789667844 Pages: 288 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Professional Subject: Maritime Logistics

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the issue of the reduction of maritime emissions, as new ships operating today, which have « Tackles a typical 30-year lifetime, must work in a zero-emission world. « Examines the business plans behind the building of 100% renewable powered ships. autonomous shipping as the future of the maritime industry - as disruptive as the « Presents smartphone, the smart ship is revolutionising the landscape of ship design and operations methods of implementation and collaborative efforts by corporates, shipping companies « Introduces and associations, supported by case studies

Description 90% of all goods are moved by sea, so the impact of smart shipping is huge in the maritime world. It’s an important topic in the industry and lots of companies are setting up projects to remain in-sync with this development. Smart ships of course have environmental impacts, as they drive sustainability there is a small terminal footprint and all the equipment drives power regeneration. Smart Green Shipping presents the new designs, technologies and strategic road maps needed for the successful implementation of smart green ships. It includes case studies from large corporates, ship owners and associations who are currently collaborating on this, such as Drax, the International Maritime Association and IMechI (The Institute of Mechanical Engineers). The technologies are already there, the problem being faced is how to implement them. Customers, the cargo-owners, are demanding that the way they shift freight changes, they want to buy clean shipping. Smart Green Shipping looks down the supply chain, illustrating that to make emissions savings is a natural commercial response to achieving that objective.

Author Information Diane Gilpin designed and leads The Smart Green Shipping Alliance, SGSA. It is a collaborative industry initiative created to build technically, commercially and environmentally superior systems solutions for the shipping sector. It accelerates projects through co-creation, transferring technology and knowledge from offshore yacht racing, F1, renewable energy, aviation and defence to complement deep commercial maritime expertise.

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7 8 9

Building the right team, systems design Adapting time-tested technology for 21st century Combining proven tech in new ways Approach Shift - the impact of the Paris Treaty Traction and cultivating the right environment with Demand Pull, interlocking systems, using renewables Systems Innovation - the 3 Horizons approach, working tech and digital and finance simultaneously Collaboration in action with shared purpose, conflict and resolution Cutting steel, new business models Ship manufacturing in 21st century, progressive business models

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Container Logistics The Role of the Container in the Supply Chain Edition: 1 Date: 05/28/2018 Price: $80.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749481247 ISBN Ebook: 9780749481254 Pages: 448 Format (mm): 235x155 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Maritime Logistics

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container logistics from the shippers perspective, tackling issues that are central to the « Examines role of organising and overseeing the transportation of goods and commodities, a unique angle which is not covered in other maritime transport books

insights into ways of managing container logistics as an integrated part of a shipper’s « Provides global supply chain covering planning, procurement and execution and collaboration of logistics activities Provides shared knowledge from a team of international contributors such as the CEO of Hamburg Port Authorities, the International Logistics Director of Michelin, the Senior Vice President of Global Customer Solutions, Kuehne + Nagel and the Global Procurement Director, Mondi Features research and innovations from the supply chain and the maritime business perspective, covering topics such as empty container logistics, terminal & port optimisation and intermodal freight Includes vital tools and case studies to help supply chain managers and shippers work more effectively in complex areas, such as design thinking and real-time data management Online resources: Powerpoints of key diagrams and tables and chapter summaries

« «

« «

Description Whilst the maritime container business has been studied in depth, the impact on shippers and how shippers deal with the given challenges has not been fully examined. Container Logistics bridges this gap and looks at the maritime business from a customer’s perspective. The book examines the challenges, solutions and the latest developments in the container industry as well as the interaction between the different actors involved, such as freight forwarders, supply chain managers and shippers. Current hot topics from the supply chain and the maritime business perspective are included. From the supply chain perspective, Container Logistics covers areas such as the purchase of transportation services from ocean carriers and transport management, to effective and efficient logistics execution. From the maritime business perspective, the book covers topics such as intermodal freight optimisation and hinterland transportation, and terminal and port optimisation. With the inclusion of clear examples of best practice and bona fide case studies, as well as invaluable contributions from an international team of experts, Container Logistics is an essential guide for supply chain managers and shippers, as well as academics and industry professionals working in the maritime business. Online supporting resources include images from the book and chapter summaries.

Author Information Dr Rolf Neise was the Global Head of Logistics Operations at BAT (British American Tobacco plc.) responsible for defining Logistics Excellence in the End-to-End Supply Chain. Prior to BAT, Dr Neise worked in several consultancies where he collected in-depth experience in reorganization and optimisation projects in different industries (automotive, telecommunication, chemistry) and companies across the world. He currently works as a lecturer at the International School of Management (ISM) in Germany and as a senior consultant supporting multinational companies in optimising their supply chain management and logistics structures.

Table of Contents 1 1



2 4



Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

The Maritime Container Logistics Chain (MCLC) Global Container Trade – The Past and the Future [Eyden Samunderu, International School of Management (ISM), Dortmund, Germany] The Maritime Container Transportation Chain (MCTC) [Rolf Neise, International School of Management (ISM), Hamburg, Germany] History and Usage of Containers in Logistics and Beyond [Hildegard Buschmann, Merle & Sheppard, Wuppertal, Germany / New Zealand] The Effective Management of the MCLC Empty Container Logistics – A Prospective Local Approach in the Port Of Hamburg [Marco Hofmann and Lillian Schmidt, Hamburg Port Authorities (HPA), Hamburg, Germany] Port and Terminal Operations [Maik Ullrich and Michael Baumert, HPMPORT, Hamburg, Germany]

Maritime Logistics

6 Multimodal Transport of Mining Equipment from Germany to Kazakhstan [Zhanat Abdugalimov, Anthony Beresford, and Stephen Pettit, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff, UK] 7 Cooperation and Collaboration between Shipping Lines [Alan Robertson, Webster Robertson Ltd, London, UK] 8 Collaboration in the Container Shipping Industry – New Technologies Enabling Collaboration between Shipping Lines and Terminals [Robert Inchausti, XVELA, Oakland, California, USA] 3 The Integration of the MCLC into Global Supply Chain Management 9 Global SCM and Resulting Shippers’ Requirements [Rolf Neise, International School of Management (ISM), Hamburg, Germany] 10 Advanced Benchmarking and Market Intelligence – A Key Instrument in Optimising Container Logistics Procurement [Björn Klippel, TIM Consult, Mannheim, Germany]

11 Formation of a Shipper Council to Improve Data Quality and Share Best Practices [Gregory Kefer, Infor Corporation, San Francisco, USA] 12 IoT Solutions in Maritime Logistics: Transports of Perishable Dairy Goods [Stefan Viehmann and Hans-Thoralf Bieber, Kuehne + Nagel (AG & Co. KG), Hamburg, Germany] 13 The Service-Dominant Perspective to Create Value in the Maritime Business [Qeis Kamran, International School of Management (ISM), Dortmund, Germany] 14 Industry Trends and Opportunities [Rolf Neise, International School of Management (ISM), Hamburg, Germany]

Technology and the Blue Economy From Autonomous Shipping to Big Data Edition: 1 Date: 09/28/2019 Price: $59.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749483951 ISBN Ebook: 9780749483968 Pages: 288 Format (mm): 234x158 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Maritime Logistics

This book

the high commercial value of the seas and oceans and the current areas of technological « Discusses development within the blue economy « Explains how to target and capitalise on the potential for maritime innovation within specific areas insights into important innovations such as spatial data infrastructures and hydrography « Provides for maritime economies; the evolution of eNavigation and GNSS vulnerability; near or real time situational awareness

case studies from organisations who have successfully integrated new technologies into « Presents their existing business models

Description 70 per cent of the planet is covered by water, and 90 per cent of global economic trade is transported by sea. The world’s seas and oceans are big business. Based on gross marine product, the ocean can be considered the world’s seventh-largest economy, with the total global value of the Blue Economy predicted to rise to $3 trillion by 2030. Grounded in detailed market research, and brought to life through over 250 meticulously researched case studies, Technology and the Blue Economy presents a compelling overview of an inspiring and innovative sector that includes offshore renewable energy, ports and harbours, shipping, maritime surveillance, cyber security, aquaculture and ocean conservation. It tackles questions like these: · With Earth observation satellites providing unprecedented levels of data about the ocean, can machine learning capabilities develop at pace to make sense of all this new information? · How can ships protect themselves when one shipping firm alone records 50,000 daily attempts to breach its cyber security systems? · With floating wind farms now pushing further out to sea to convert natural energy, what role do robots have in managing essential maintenance in these more remote environments? · When passenger ferries are already sailing themselves and self-docking in port without human intervention, are we entering an age where human error is eradicated? · With fish farming predicted to account for 62 per cent of all the seafood consumed globally by 2030, how can 3D imaging cameras and net-cleaning robots help to stop mass deaths of fish that can run into millions in a single incident? Click to expand

Author Information Nick Lambert is co-founder and director of NLA, a Blue Economy solutions company, which specializes in the Blue Economy and tech innovation in associated domains. He advises corporates on a wide range of marine and maritime issues, and regularly hosts and delivers keynote speeches at high-profile conferences. Andy Hamflett is co-founder and director of NLA and a journalist, researcher and innovation expert on new technologies. He leads innovative research projects that explore the emerging potential of Big Data for social impact.

Table of Contents 1

An introduction to the blue economy 2 Shipping 3 Ports and harbours 4 Offshore renewables 5 The cruise industry 6 Maritime surveillance 7 Aquaculture 8 Hydrography and bathymetry 9 Ocean observation 10 Sustainable fisheries 11 Subsea monitoring 12 Safety of life at sea 13 Conclusion

Jonathan Turner is co-founder and director of NLA and specializes in customerfocused organizational process design, lean methodology and performance measurement through analytical skills and practical use of data.

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Systems for Manufacturing Excellence Generating Efficient and Reliable Manufacturing Operations Edition: 1 Date: 01/28/2020 Price: $52.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749496999 ISBN Ebook: 9780749497002 Pages: 344 Format (mm): 235x155 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Manufacturing & Production

Author Information Nick Rich is Professor of Operations Management at Swansea School of Management. He teaches Socio-Technical Systems Design. Nick Rich is a Fellow at Toyota Motor Corporation of Japan. Mohamed Afy-Shararah is an industrial engineer experienced in the manufacturing and distribution sectors. He was awarded his doctorate in strategic operations management and received formal training at the Toyota Lean Management Centre.

This book

the real secrets of highly effective production processes in winning organizations, such as « Examines Rolls Royce, Toyota and Land Rover, as well as Tesco and Unilever « Explains socio-technical systems and their design through in-depth case studies of best practice « Investigates high performing organisations and their use of six sigma and lean manufacturing tools to help managers improve processes and the sustainability of improvement such as « Presents sand cone models and the supportive model of manufacturing « Online resources: powerpoint diagrams of models, as well as surveys and exercises

Description Many production managers have de-stocked excessively large inventories, gone lean, experimented with continuous improvement processes and introduced new working practices. These interventions have largely failed. Businesses have also failed to invest in the workforce that undertakes improvements. This means that cash flow stops quickly, stocks are depleted to zero and customers lose confidence. Systems for Manufacturing Excellence looks at how people and technology work effectively together to generate high performance manufacturing and service operations. Not everyone is a Toyota but that does not mean we cannot learn from such businesses. The book will present a logic, variety of approaches and methods that underpin the different models of high performance used by ‘world class’ businesses. The authors use examples from their training with Toyota, work with Tesco, and many world class manufacturing businesses that form their research agenda. The book will help teams run each part of their production process for effectiveness and efficiency, with a high level of discipline that supports excellence in performance.

Table of Contents 1 Operational excellence 2 The real issues and DNA of winning organizations 3 Socio-technical systems and their design 4 High performing organizations (six sigma and lean) 5 TPM and maintaining (reliability focused and OEEbased flow improvement) 6 Highly reliable organizations (organizational level preoccupations) 7 Operations management by design of new processes 8 The safety case 9 Improving processes and the sustainability of improvement 10 The new agenda for change 11 Conclusions

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International Standards for Design and Manufacturing Quality Management and International Best Practice Edition: 1 Date: 11/28/2019 Price: $59.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789660425 ISBN Ebook: 9781789660531 Pages: 368 Format (mm): 231x155 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Manufacturing & Production

This book

the theory behind international standards and their application in industry, with case « Presents studies from Bosch, BP, M&S, Bodyshop, Toyota, Tesco, McDonalds, Benetton and Royal Mint. at how product and technical standards have evolved to help shape the way in which we « Looks manage entire businesses and their interactions with customers, suppliers and the consumer examples of standards working in practice, resulting in safer ways of working, better « Introduces health and safety, better quality, better regulatory compliance, better environmental performance

Includes insightful seminar topics and sample exam questions.

resources: Full lecture slides for seminars as well as links to videos and revision materials « Online for students

Description International standards ensure that organisations operate the right processes to support their objectives. International Standards for Design and Manufacturing is an accessible guide for manufacturing and production managers and students. It guides readers through the standards needed to build operating systems which are robust, integrated and used to drive the continuous improvement of business performance. International Standards for Design and Manufacturing is based on many years of research collaboration between Swansea University and leading manufacturing and production practitioners from key companies from around the world. Each chapter includes an introduction to the standards being discussed, definitions, examples of using the standards in practice, why these standards are important, conclusions, seminar topics and mock exam questions to allow the reader to test their knowledge and understanding.

Author Information Nick Rich is Professor of Socio-Technical Systems Design at Swansea School of Management. He is an academic with a specialist interest in high performance and highly reliable businesses. He has gained international acclaim and has received a significant number of awards for his research work. F. Tegwen Malik is an academic at Swansea University and focuses her research on biomimetics, product design and innovation (for all applications including the life sciences sector) and the application of international management standards to industry and service sectors.

Table of Contents 1 The importance of standards 2 The evolution of Total Quality Management (TQM) 3 Introduction to management system standards 4 Quality management system standards 5 Operational excellence (OpEx) 6 Environmental management systems standards (EMS) 7 Occupational health and safety management systems 8 Information security management 9 Business continuity and uninterrupted product flow 10 Supply chain management, design and international standards 11 Developing a learning organization and auditing 12 Leadership and international standards 13 Implementation, resistance to change and sustaining change 14 Conclusions and looking forwards

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The Tesla Way The disruptive strategies and models of Teslism Edition: 1 Date: 08/28/2019 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749497033 ISBN Ebook: 9780749497040 Pages: 224 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Manufacturing & Production

This book

how to reinvent modern manufacturing processes through following the Tesla business « Investigates strategy some of the features of Tesla’s ground-breaking model, such as their continuous « Examines improvement indicators and cycles that can drastically reduce and better sort waste, save energy, increase renewable energy and enable self-sufficiency Includes case studies from Michelin, Mass and other innovative consumer goods manufacturers such as Bosch and Kimberley Clarke Online resources: sample templates for analysing efficiency of processes on the factory floor

« «

Description Tesla disrupts the automotive industry by creating many innovative pieces that fit together. Its marketing, production, sales and technology strategies are all notably different from its competitors. The Tesla Way is an elongated case study looking at Tesla’s business model and how this can be applied to existing manufacturing and production strategies in other companies. The author also includes case studies from Michelin, Mass and other consumer goods manufacturing companies. The Tesla Way will look at the origins of Tesla, its journey to success, new business models and what will come next. The author includes a mixture of the theory behind the Tesla business model and its applications, examining the combination between the manufacturing world and the digital world. He has also interviewed a cross-section of Tesla’s current employees in both the USA and France. At the end of each chapter an interview with a CEO or top manager of an industrial firm is featured: among others, the stories of Luxor Lighting, ThyssenKrupp, Bosch or Kimberley Clarke. There are also insightful questions for managers. Online supporting resources include sample templates for analyzing efficiency of processes on the factory floor.

Author Information

Table of Contents

Michaël Valentin is Associate Director at OPEO, a consultancy specialized in industrial transformations. Having accumulated significant experience both as an operational manager in the automotive sector and as a McKinsey & Company consultant, Valentin now helps small to medium enterprises (SMEs) and large groups become industries of the future.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Hyper manufacturing Cross integration Software hybridization Tentacular traction Story making Start-up leadership Men & machine learning The 3 concentric circles of Teslism – A systemic model 9 Case studies

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Toyota Methods and Operating Models Achieve Business Success with the Toyota Way Edition: 1 Date: 04/28/2020 Price: $46.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789663044 Pages: 256 Format (mm): 234x157 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Manufacturing & Production

This book

a case study of an organizational development programme, which transformed a small « Presents business into an international success through applying the Toyota methods and values « Provides a detailed analysis of Toyota methods and operating models advice on how to grow a business and achieve commercial success through the application of « Gives learnings from Toyota Toyota’s superior logistics networks as well as its development of an advanced and highly « Presents successful supply chain

Description Toyota Methods and Operating Models presents a case study of a small, traditional Italian manufacturer in the Toyota Industries Corporation Group, which began an important process of transformation until it became a successful, modern and advanced international business: Toyota Material Handling. Toyota management made internal changes and developed the commercial networks, successfully applying the Toyota Production System (TPS, or Lean Production) as well as the values of the Toyota Way. Author Stefano Cortiglioni led the transformation project, which took four years. Toyota Methods and Operating Models presents the continuing success story. The authors analyze the Toyota methods and operating models that can be directly applied to your business in order to reach excellence in operations and industry 4.0. It provides tangible advice on how to grow a business and achieve commercial success, with superior processes and logistics networks, as well as the development of an advanced and highly successful supply chain.

Author Information Stefano Cortiglioni is the Toyota Lean Academy Italy Director and a senior specialist in T.P.S and regional manager of Toyota Material Handling Europe. International Consultant optimizing business processes, He was formerly Operations Director at Toyota Material Handling Manufacturing, and General Manager of LTE Italy. Leonardo Salcerini is the Managing Director of Toyota Material Handling Italia, President of Toyota Service Centre, Bologna, President of MBT, Chairman of the Academy and Logistics Solutions, Toyota Material Handling Italia, Bologna. Danilo Verga is an international consultant working in business transformation through Toyota methods and practices.

Table of Contents 1

From CESAB to Toyota Material Handling Manufacturing Italy 1 The Toyota Group 2 The History of CESAB 3 The product 4 From Push to Pull 5 The production lines 6 The model 7 The 2S (Seiri and Seiton) 8 The Logistics 9 The organisation of Toyota 10 Standardisation 11 Quality 12 Visual Management 13 Kaizen and efficiency 14 Starting from the bottom up 15 Examples of the implementation of TPS in other organisations 16 Monozukuri and Hitozukuri (important men at the centre of the transformation) 17 Toyota and Business 18 Kaizena and Financial Results 19 TPS and Industry 4.0 2 The implementation of the Toyota Way into commercial processes and sales operations 20 The Toyota Academy 21 Problems faced, interviews with central figures

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22 The Italian market 23 The Toyota Way, values, interpretations and lean 24 The new model A.C.C.E.S.S 3 Appendices

Product Design and the Supply Chain Competing Through Design Edition: 1 Date: 12/28/2018 Price: $60.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749478230 ISBN Ebook: 9780749478247 Pages: 264 Format (mm): 234x154 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Manufacturing & Production

This book

how to design and manufacture products that meet the diverse needs and demands of « Explains customers, covering a number of different industries, such as textiles, automotive, electronics, aerospace and retail

how to compete in a global market by integrating product design into the supply chain « Describes and looks at key issues, such as resource footprints and risk valuable insights from leading businesses who are known for their successful product « Provides design, such as Egil Moller Nielsen, former Group-Vice President for Global Distribution and Logistics at LEGO

Description Product design touches every aspect of modern life, determining the form and function of the products and technologies that we use every day. Product design is not just concerned with the appearance and functionality of products; it has an important role in determining the cost, pricing, risk and profitability profile of those products. Product Design and the Supply Chain shows how decisions taken at the design stage of a product’s life cycle go on to affect that product’s subsequent value to a company. Eighty percent of a product’s eventual supply chain costs are already present at the early stages of product design and development. This book allows companies to make informed design decisions that have significant positive through-life implications for risk, complexity and responsiveness, thus allowing them to create a ‘moat’ that is difficult for competitors to sidestep or surmount. Product Design and the Supply Chain contains fascinating content applicable to industry. It is full of useful and insightful real-life cases and examples. This book sets out to show how design impacts: sales revenues, pricing, time to market, manufacturing and supply chain costs, supply chain risks, brand loyalty, and competitiveness.

Author Information Omera Khan is Professor of Supply Chain Management at Royal Holloway University of London. She’s also a Visiting Professor at the University of Agder in Norway and adviser in logistics and supply chain management to many other universities around the world. She is internationally recognized in the fields of supply chain risk management, supply chain resilience and cyber risk, supply chain responsiveness, sustainability and the impact of product design. Omera Khan’s work in this area has been widely published in practitioner articles and academic publications.

Table of Contents 1 Setting the design agenda 2 The interface between product design and the supply chain 3 Product design and supply chain risk 4 Product design and the pursuit of agility 5 Product design and sustainability 6 Building bridges – Making the change

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Strategic Sourcing Management Structural and Operational Decisionmaking Edition: 1 Date: 12/28/2016 Price: $85.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749476991 ISBN Ebook: 9780749477004 Pages: 720 Format (mm): 239x170 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Procurement

This book

wisdom from one of the most respected academics in the field and a team of contributors « Shares who are both academics and industry experts purchasing concepts, frameworks and best practice from esteemed business school HEC « Covers Paris « Covers strategic and tactical standpoints, including strategic thinking and specific thought processes « Shows how to optimise specific aspects of purchasing

Description Strategic Sourcing Management examines procurement and supply management in detail, covering the three dimensions of competitiveness, effectiveness and efficiency. Written by Olivier Bruel, Professor Emeritus HEC Paris, and a team of contributing experts from academia, consulting and industry, the book is organised into four parts: strategic decisions; operational management of procurement and related supply chain; management of human resources and dedicated information systems; management of performance and change. This book has been written with a comprehensive global and coherent approach but the chapters are self-standing, enabling the reader to dip into different sections according to need. Strategic Sourcing Management considers both tactical and strategic perspectives that link with a corporate strategy and it includes dedicated chapters on how to set up a Strategic Sourcing function. The text is enriched with clear graphics and solid examples of best practice. Strategic Sourcing Management is a robust text based on both research and experience, so an essential reference for practitioners and academics working in or studying procurement and supply management. It is suitable for anyone involved in procurement and supply management at a senior level but also for general management enabling them to understand the mechanisms of value creation through Strategic Sourcing.

Author Information Olivier Bruel is Professor Emeritus of the Information Systems and Operations Management Department at HEC Paris. He has also been conducting many consulting activities and is Founder and Honorary President of the ACA (Association Cesa Achats et Supply Chain).

Table of Contents 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 8 9

10 11


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Strategic decisions and supplier policies Procurement: its integration in a company’s general strategy Procurement marketing: segmentation and strategies Definition of requirements and upstream procurement practices Supplier policy: sourcing, panel and SRM Globalization and international procurement Sustainable procurement: stakes and implementation Outsourcing, “make-orbuy” decisions and simple subconctracting Operational management of procurement Quantitative forecasting and requirements planning Economic optimization: tco minimization, service level for internal clients and shared cash management Calls for tenders: major stages, selection process and postprocurement follow-up Procurement of services CAPEX procurement


12 The financial stakes of procurement: mechanisms for protecting currency and energy and commodity purchases 13 Public procurement: French and European contexts 14 The practice of international operations 15 International procurement: legal considerations 3 Organization and management of resources 16 Organization, structure and positioning of the procurement department 17 Procurement professions and human-resources management 18 Procurement information systems and dedicated web tools 4 Performance and change management 19 Procurement communication plan 20 Procurement performance: measurement indicators and reporting systems 21 Procurement performance: steering change management 23 The co-authors 24 Glossary

Category Management in Purchasing A Strategic Approach to Maximize Business Profitability

This book

a full collection of the essential tools and templates for practitioners to apply category « Includes management and deliver value and cost savings when sourcing and purchasing procurement theory and practice through case studies including IKEA, The Body Shop, the « Connects UK’s National Health Service (NHS), Heinz and GlaxoSmithKline to this edition: Examples and case studies from businesses who have successfully used the « New tools in practice, as well as an analysis of the effects of international developments, such as Brexit, on the procurement function Allows readers to analyze complex sourcing situations quickly and clearly, and develop innovative and creative proposals for sourcing

Edition: 4 Date: /03/28/2019 Price: $85.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749482619 ISBN Ebook: 9780749482626 Pages: 520 Format (mm): 242x165 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Procurement


Author Information

Table of Contents

Jonathan O’Brien is the CEO of Positive Purchasing Ltd, the international procurement and negotiation consultancy and training provider. With over 27 years of experience working in purchasing, he has worked all over the world to help global organizations increase their purchasing capability through training, education and working directly with practitioners and executive teams to drive in the adoption of category management and other strategic purchasing methodologies. He is also author of Supplier Relationship Management, now in its second edition, The Buyer’s Toolkit and his award-winning title Negotiation for Procurement Professionals, all published by Kogan Page.


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Description Category Management in Purchasing is a comprehensive guide to strategic category management which provides a step-by-step guide to its implementation and use, and enables readers to deliver value and cost savings when sourcing and purchasing. Now in its fourth edition, this text has cemented its place as the essential reference for category management practitioners. In this new edition, Jonathan O’Brien shows how a strategic approach needs to integrate with other approaches, such as supplier relationship management and how the procurement function negotiates. Additionally, this new edition includes some new insights, based upon the experience of senior practitioners in industry, on how to make category management a success in the organization. It also includes some general updates and contextualizes the future procurement function and an ever increasing digitally enabled, de-globalized, post Brexit world. There is also additional material on the effect of international developments on procurement, updated tools and templates, and examples of how these have been successfully used in industry. Category Management in Purchasing, 4th edition connects theory and practice and provides readers with the tools to analyze complex sourcing situations quickly and clearly, and so develop innovative and creative proposals for sourcing.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

‌Introduction Introducing category management The principles of category management Laying the groundwork for success Stage 1 – Initiation Stage 2 – Insight Stage 3 – Innovation Stage 4 – Implementation Stage 5 – Improvement Making category management happen Guaranteeing success – Now and for the future


The Technology Procurement Handbook Edition: 1 Date: 04/28/2020 Price: $65.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789662108 ISBN Ebook: 9781789662115 Pages: 328 Format (mm): 235x157 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Procurement

This book

« Provides a holistic, non-technical view of the strategic sourcing process for complex technologies clear explanations of the end-to-end costing model for digital buying, tied to a service « Presents lifecycle, project milestones and deliverables, illustrated with case studies « Enables procurement managers to gain vital digital and analytical skills, helping them to realize business innovation and growth

« Online resources: sample audit sheets, workflows and checklists Description With the rise of cloud services and the digitization of all business units, procurement managers need to understand how to buy technology services in order to generate revenue, drive innovation and retain customers. The Technology Procurement Handbook provides a structured and logical view of the digital buying process. It includes invaluable advice on how to manage digital demand, prepare sourcing strategies, analyze the cost and benefits of proposed solutions and negotiate and implement comprehensive agreements. The Technology Procurement Handbook examines the multiple streams of data that feed into the technology procurement process, such as ITIL service lifecycle data, PMI project management and cloud and software contract provisions. The book includes case studies and extensive practical advice based on the authors experience from recent procurement projects. There is also a chapter on modular contracting for the US market, explaining the use of agile contracts for IT projects.

Author Information Sergii Dovgalenko is the CPO at Ukrainian Railways. He specializes in technology procurement and used to manage IT category portfolios across multiple companies and geographies. His recent projects included full procurement support of new digital sales and communication channels, Agile development outsourcing from major Indian and Easter European hubs, SAP and Ariba implementation, various procurement transformation initiatives and many more.


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Table of Contents 1

Setting the scene for the next-generation technology procurement 2 Four pillars of technology procurement 3 Technology basics for procurement professionals 4 Relationship management in procurement 5 Deep dive into the procurement process 6 Practical advice and case studies on technology procurement 7 US legislation and regulation on agile deployment and contracting and performancebased management 8 Procurement 3.1 – Agile, lean, and value delivery today 9 Conclusion


Strategic Sourcing and Category Management Lessons Learned at IKEA Edition: 2 Date: 05/28/2019 Price: $60.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749486211 ISBN Ebook: 9780749486228 Pages: 296 Format (mm): 234x157 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Procurement

This book

the extraordinary global sourcing methods of IKEA, one of the largest and most influential « Explores companies in the world practical guidelines on how purchasing teams can real create value and tangible results in « Presents category sourcing at how category sourcing, beyond the initial consolidation of the supplier base, can be « Looks successfully implemented and managed to this edition: focus on Ikea as a good example of how to create cost leadership by creating « New value, exploration of new ways of helping practitioners to really understand the fundamental ideas in category sourcing, and not just rely on models and processes, with case studies from Maersk, Carlsberg, P&G and Aldi

Description How is it possible to sell a kitchen at 30 per cent below market price? Why are hot dogs cheaper in IKEA than in the supermarket? How can IKEA sell the Lack table at half the price it was when it was launched 35 years ago and how can it be achieved with a substantial profit? Strategic Sourcing and Category Management examines how IKEA - and other cost leading companies - use category management to create advantages with direct and indirect sourcing. With 25 years’ experience from IKEA, where he had the responsibility to develop and execute the company’s purchasing strategy, author Magnus Carlsson shares his insights on important topics: when category management is profitable and why; how teams repeatedly create value and results; what the main approaches are in different categories; how a company implements category management; the difference between success and failure. In this new edition of Strategic Sourcing and Category Management, Magnus Carlsson has added new themes including examples and references from companies such as Maersk, Carlsberg, P&G and Aldi, illustrating the application of cost leadership that spans far beyond IKEA. Even there, the cost leadership lessons are not limited to home furnishings as the company is sourcing categories such as food, components, materials, transports and indirect materials, with a total purchasing spend of approximately €7 billion. But maybe even more importantly, the book illustrates how teams create value by thinking differently and asking the right questions, allowing an understanding that goes beyond mere tools and processes.

Author Information Magnus Carlsson has 25 years’ experience as a strategic sourcing expert at IKEA. He also has 10 years’ experience with leadership and training within the Swedish defence forces and is an advisor in strategic sourcing for Kingfisher.


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Table of Contents ‌Introduction 1 Lessons learned at Ikea 2 What is category management? 3 Leading category sourcing 4 The hunt is on 5 Where is the money? 6 Creating value 7 The moment of truth 8 Control performance and create more value 9 Different categories and other perspectives 10 From theory to practice 11 Success or failure? 12 Appendix tools and models 13 Notes 14 References and further reading


Contract Management Core Business Competence Edition: 1 Date: 07/28/2017 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749480646 ISBN Ebook: 9780749480653 Pages: 280 Format (mm): 235x155 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Procurement

This book

a practical handbook for procurement and supply chain managers who need to review « Provides their own skills and practices « Provides tools to help organizations move towards best practice « Equips the reader with accompanying PowerPoint slides that illustrate the tools and skills « Presents broad commercial skill-sets which are internationally applicable

Description Contract management is a key management skill, yet it is underplayed in most organizations, which usually default to project management skills as a proxy for contract management skills. Whilst project management skills are equally essential, they are not the same thing. Contract Management looks at the wider contract management picture from an industrial-commercial perspective, and helps set-out typical structures and processes that assist the contract management task. The author uses diagramatic representations to depict complex ideas. Contract Management includes “learning points” in each chapter, looking at handling problems, procedural changes and enhancing commercial performance.

Author Information Peter Sammons is a commercial/ procurement specialist with 35 years in field. He is now a consultant who provides commercial support and develops/delivers training seminars

Table of Contents ‌Introduction Contract Management as a Value Driver 2 What is the Task? 3 Role and Importance of Effective Contract Management 4 Contract Administration 5 Commercial Strategy 6 Contract Design 7 Mobilization 8 When Things Go Wrong 9 Managing for Success 10 Practical Tools and Checklists 1

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Supplier Relationship Management

« Delivers a valuable toolkit and process framework for direct application in business to this edition: stand-alone model on supplier management; an additional section on « New contract management; a useful rating table and methods for a single supplier determination; an

Unlocking the Hidden Value in Your Supply Base


Edition: 2 Date: 06/28/2018 Price: $85.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749480134 ISBN Ebook: 9780749480141 Pages: 464 Format (mm): 235x155 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Procurement

This book

enhanced section on segmentation Explores links between procurement and supply chain management, and explains how to assemble the ‘Orchestra Model’ into a supply base and align aspects like contract management to meet all of the latest industry standards

Description Supplier Relationship Management enables organizations to secure vast value from their supply base by determining the suppliers that are important or hold potential and, based upon what makes them important or even strategic, putting in place interventions unique to each supplier to unlock real tangible benefits. This second edition delivers a framework of resources for anyone who manages or interfaces with important suppliers, for contract management, to understand and manage the supply chain or to establish joint, collaborative relationships with the critical few strategic suppliers who can help bring new competitive advantage. A proven approach for supply base segmentation is included, together with tools and approaches for supplier performance measurement and driving improvements. Written by an award-winning author and leading practitioner in the field, the fully revised second edition of Supplier Relationship Management clarifies links between procurement and supply chain management, and explains how ‘The Orchestra of SRM®’approach helps design a highly effective SRM program that will give the greatest return for our efforts. “This book is an ideal companion to Category Management in Purchasing and Negotiation for Procurement Professionals, also published by Kogan Page. Used together, these books provide a complete and powerful strategic purchasing toolkit.”

Author Information Jonathan O’Brien is the CEO of Positive Purchasing Ltd, the international procurement and negotiation consultancy and training provider. With over 27 years of experience working in purchasing, he has worked all over the world to help global organizations increase their purchasing capability through training, education and working directly with practitioners and executive teams to drive in the adoption of category management and other strategic purchasing methodologies. He is also author of Category Management in Purchasing, now in its third edition, The Buyer’s Toolkit and his award-winning title Negotiation for Procurement Professionals, all published by Kogan Page.

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‌Introduction What we need from our supply base is... Five good reasons to get close to our suppliers Introducing the Orchestra of SRM Segmenting the supply base Supplier performance measurement Building a supplier performance measurement system Acting upon measurement Supplier improvement and development Supplier management Contract management Relationship management Supply chain management Strategic collaborative relationships Innovation from suppliers The Orchestra of SRM is ready to play ‌Glossary


Negotiation for Procurement and Supply Chain Professionals A Proven Approach for Negotiations with Suppliers

This book

a ground-breaking new approach to delivering winning negotiations in procurement and « Offers supply chain management « Provides the vital tools and comprehensive tactics for a detailed, planned approach to negotiation purchasers to evaluate a supplier in advance, assess the sales team, and tailor their « Helps negotiation strategy to this edition: changing themes in procurement such as near shoring, update of contextual « New global factors to negotiation.

Edition: 3 Date: 08/28/2020 Price: $65.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789662580 ISBN Ebook: 9781789662597 Pages: 480 Format (mm): 235x157 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Procurement


Author Information

Table of Contents

Jonathan O’Brien is the CEO of Positive Purchasing Ltd, the international procurement and negotiation consultancy and training provider. With over 30 years of experience working in purchasing, he has worked all over the world to help global organizations increase their negotiation and purchasing capability through training, education and working directly with practitioners and executive teams to drive in the adoption of negotiation and other strategic purchasing methodologies. He is also author of Supplier Relationship Management, now in its second edition, The Buyer’s Toolkit and Category Management in Purchasing, now in its fourth edition, all published by Kogan Page.


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Highly effective negotiation skills are an essential element of a purchasing and supply chain professional’s toolkit. Negotiation for Procurement and Supply Chain Professionals provides a stepby-step approach to delivering winning negotiations and getting game-changing results. It provides purchasers and supply chain managers with the necessary tools and tactics for a detailed, planned approach to negotiation. Negotiation for Procurement and Supply Chain Professionals allows the purchasing professional or the buying team to evaluate the supplier in advance, assess the sales team, and tailor their negotiation strategy depending on concession strategies, cultural influences and game theory. Negotiation for Procurement and Supply Chain Professionals provides a strong framework for discussion in advance of the meeting, allowing the negotiator to plan their agenda, objectives and tactics. Based upon the Red Sheet® Methodology, this book is a proven and collaborative technique used by many companies globally. The new edition includes supply chain planning, updates on multi-party negotiation for supply chain negotiations, Brexit as a retrospective example of negotiation and how the negotiation capability will need to change in the future.

1 Introducing negotiation 2 Countering the seller advantage 3 Red sheet 4 Planning the negotiation 5 Negotiation across cultures 6 Personality and negotiation 7 Power 8 Game theory 9 Building the concession strategy 10 The negotiation event 11 Winning event tactics 12 Body language 13 Managing what you say and how you say it 14 Post-negotiation activities 15 Negotiation as a key enabler for success 16 Appendix - The Red Sheet negotiation templates


The Buyer’s Toolkit Edition: 1 Date: 09/28/2017 Price: $60.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749479817 ISBN Ebook: 9780749479824 Pages: 288 Format (mm): 235x155 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Procurement

This book

an understanding of core principles from category management, SRM, negotiation, « Provides contract management and supply chain management the reader with simple toolsets and frameworks, translated from complex models and « Equips concepts easily understood concepts that can be applied with no prior training or knowledge in this « Provides area tried and tested methods to transform your business and increase its profit and value gained « Uses from the supply base

Description In order to buy well it is important to understand a few basic principles and apply a series of tools and approaches in given situations. The Buyer’s Toolkit distills all the best practice tools for professional buying and negotiating into a simple, jargon-free framework that can be picked up and applied by anyone who buys. The book seeks to transform how individuals view and practise buying so they know when to influence a situation and what to do to buy well. The Buyer’s Toolkit has a simple chapter layout, contains graphics and models, and a simple flow of tools through the book with an overarching framework, that glues them together. Covering different buying scenarios, understanding and defining the requirements, choosing the right deal and supplier, negotiation, managing the contract and the suppliers, fixing problems and sustainable buying, this comprehensive guide will help you boost your advantage as a buyer.

Author Information Jonathan O’Brien is the CEO of the international purchasing consultancy and training provider, Positive Purchasing Ltd. With over 27 years’ experience working in purchasing, he has worked all over the world to help global organizations increase their purchasing capability through training, education and working directly with practitioners and executive teams to drive in the adoption of category management and other strategic purchasing methodologies. He is also author of Category Management in Purchasing, Supplier Relationship Management and Negotiation for Procurement Professionals, all published by Kogan Page.


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Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

How to Buy Really Well The Size of the Prize What Stops Us Being Good The 5D Power Buying Process Step 1: Define the Need Step 2: Discover Our Position Step 3: Determine How to Buy Step 4: Securing the Best Deal Step 5: Delivery - Ensuring We Get What We Agreed 10 Getting Good at Power Buying


A Practical Guide to E-auctions for Procurement Edition: 1 Date: 02/28/2021 Price: $59.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781398600287 ISBN Ebook: 9781398600294 Pages: 272 Format (mm): 233x157 Product Category: Professional Subject: Procurement

This book

how to develop a successful e-sourcing and e-negotiation strategy using insights « Demonstrates from Maersk’s award winning program « Explains e-auctions, when and how they should be applied and their numerous benefits practical learnings from more than 10,000 e-sourcing programmes across all spend « Features categories a new perspective on the future of e-auctions which includes the increased development « Provides of AI and Robotic Process Automation within the negotiation discipline

Description A Practical Guide to E-Auctions for Procurement provides guidance to procurement professionals on how to realize the potential of e-auctions. Now is the time to optimize your e-negotiation strategy using key insights from the author Jacob Gorm Larsen, who is responsible for one of the most success and award-winning e-sourcing programs in the world. A Practical Guide to E-Auctions for Procurement presents a proven process for developing an e-auction and e-negotiation strategy, along with a catalogue of change management initiatives for securing buy-in internally in the organization. The different e-auction formats and benefits are explained in detail and demonstrated with practical examples, templates and advice that can be adopted by the reader. Jacob and the team at Maersk are at the forefront when it comes to developing robots that execute e-auctions from end-to-end and are kicking off a transformation that will fundamentally change how we consider e-auctions and negotiations. In addition, with learnings from more than 10,000 e-auctions globally, this is the book for those in procurement looking to implement, deliver and maintain a thriving e-auction program.

Author Information Jacob Gorm Larsen is Head of Digital Procurement in Maersk with responsibility for the execution of the digital transformation of procurement. For the past 15 years he has been part of the procurement team at Maersk including responsibility for developing and operating the e-sourcing program for more than a decade.

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Understanding eSourcing and eNegotiation What is an eAuction? Applicability, when can you use eAuctions? The history of eAuctions Value in a theoretical perspective eNegotiation strategy Game theory - eNegotiations as a strategic game Negotiation theory eAuction formats eNegotiation strategy objectives Supplier relationships maintain relationships eNegotiation strategy framework Bidder engagement The value proposition for suppliers Supplier communication Supplier Training Driving usage and adoption Introduce a Center of Excellence (COE) for Support, Technology and Governance Ensure executive support to eAuctions Make it strategic Drive it with hard KPI’s Address the myths


20 Re-inventing yourself every year 21 Examples of best-practice 22 The selling never stops 5 The future of eNegotiation 23 The accelerating digitization of negotiations 24 AI powered negotiation guides 25 Automating negotiation processes 26 The future of eAuctions, cup half full or half empty

Leading Procurement Strategy Driving Value Through the Supply Chain Edition: 3 Date: 09/28/2021 Price: $65.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781398601581 ISBN Ebook: 9781398601598 Pages: 304 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Organizations

This book

key strategic insights and guidance on formulating and implementing a robust « Delivers procurement strategy real world case studies from leading organizations including Tesco, Coca-Cola, P&G, IBM « Provides and Tata to this edition: the latest on the future of procurement and digitalization, updates on green « New and socially responsible procurement powerful practical tools for managing procurement and supply, brought to you by the « Offers authors, who have consideration professional and academic experience

Description Delivering successful procurement programs has helped businesses like Coca-Cola, IBM and P&G maximize the potential of their resources and gain the competitive advantage. Learn how to develop similar strategies, that meet the needs of the business, customers and suppliers, and lead their implementation using insights from the experts in procurement strategy. Leading Procurement Strategy provides readers with a complete overview of the skills, knowledge and tools needed to implement a successful procurement strategy. The expert author team of Carlos Mena, Remko van Hoek, and Martin Christopher present practical advice and guidance underpinned by academic theory and supported by an extensive range of real-world case studies including Tesco, Coca-Cola, P&G, IBM and Tata. Readers are shown how to develop, deliver and sustain procurement performance with clear and accessible guidance. The third edition offers the latest insights into the future of procurement and digitalization, updates on green and socially responsible procurement and a revised structure. The key issues affecting the procurement function are covered and tips for developing the best practices in teams are found throughout.

Author Information Carlos Mena is the Nike Professor of Supply Chain Management at Portland State University (PSU), USA. Previously, he was a faculty member at Michigan State University, USA and Cranfield University, UK. Remko van Hoek is Professor of Supply Chain Management at the University of Arkansas, USA. Previously, he was Chief Procurement Officer at the Walt Disney Company, California, USA and he held executive roles at Nike, Cofely (GDF SUEZ) and PwC. Martin Christopher is Emeritus Professor of Marketing and Logistics at Cranfield School of Management, Bedfordshire, UK.

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4 Sustaining procurement Procurement strategy performance Introduction: the strategic role 11 Sustainable procurement [Dr of procurement [Dr Carlos Carlos Mena] Mena] 12 The future of procurement: Procurement and the pitfalls and pathways to organization: organizing for progress [Dr Remko van Hoek] the future [Dr Remko van Hoek] The strategic procurement cycle [Dr Carlos Mena] Procurement and the supply network Supplier relationship management [Dr Remko van Hoek] Global sourcing [Dr Martin Christopher] Delivering performance in procurement The impact of procurement on financial results [Dr Simon Templar] Strategic cost management [Dr Lisa M Ellram] From cost to value in procurement [Dr Remko van Hoek] Supply chain risk management [Dr Martin Christopher] Information technology in procurement [Dr Farooq Habib and Dr Martin Christopher]


Global Contract Logistics Best Practice Toolkit for Planning, Negotiating and Managing a Contract Edition: 1 Date: 07/28/2019 Price: $46.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749475932 ISBN Ebook: 9780749475949 Pages: 224 Format (mm): 232x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Procurement

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« Provides an overview of contracting logistics and the complexities of procurement and acquisition « Gives clear guidelines for successfully planning, negotiating and managing a contract interesting examples of successful procurement projects from different industries, such as « Features defence, aviation and ship building. case studies from Ministry of Defence, Heathrow Airport and Cross-Rail based on the « Includes author’s experience of leading the procurement and acquisition projects. « Online Resources: contract templates for procurement and acquisition projects Description The role of a contracting professional begins well before the award of a contract and doesn’t end until the benefits of the acquisition have been realised, long after the deliverables arrive in a box on a loading dock. Global Contract Logistics tackles the growing complexity of contracting in a technologically accelerating world. The author looks at the common errors and the ten phases of a successful acquisition. Global Contract Logistics examines what it takes to be an intelligent client, one who employs contracting or procurement professionals to obtain goods and services on their behalf. It debunks many commonly held myths involving contracting, procurement and acquisition and outlines ten vital steps towards success for intelligent clients and their supporting acquisition professionals. The text is supported by case studies of projects that the author Steve Morgan has led, during his time with the Ministry of Defence and BAA. Online supporting resources include contract templates for procurement and acquisition projects.

Author Information Steven Morgan was Director of Commercial Operations at the UK’s Ministry of Defence (MoD). He was also responsible for the training, qualification, mentoring, and deployment of Commercial professionals throughout the MoD in collaboration with the Defence Academy. He was previously Capital Programmes Director for BAA, where he was responsible for capital projects and procurement. He has also previously worked at Sellafield as director of commercial and contract management.

Table of Contents ‌Introduction Professional growth in procurement 2 Defining the need 3 Specifying the requirement 4 Chunking the work (aka acquisition strategy) 5 Competitively selecting the ideal source 6 Devising an incentivized contract for alignment 7 Supporting the contractor 8 Enforcing the contract 9 Integration 10 Commissioning 11 Assessing effectiveness 12 Conclusions 1

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Supply Chain Finance Risk Management, Resilience and Supplier Management Edition: 1 Date: 12/28/2018 Price: $85.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749482404 ISBN Ebook: 9780749482411 Pages: 280 Format (mm): 235x158 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Supply Chain Finance

This book

at the benefits of the supply chain finance (SCF) approach, including reduction of working « Looks capital and increased profitability through the supply chain the role of innovative technologies to support SCF, such as blockchain and the Internet of « Examines Things (IoT) solutions and programmes that help mitigate and better manage financial flows within and « Presents across the supply chain essential theory and practical case studies, making this a vital text for MSc, PhD and MBA « Contains students « Links the field of SCF to that of the overarching problem of sustainability « Online resources: self-test multiple-choice and essay questions for each chapter

Description Supply Chain Finance is a contributed book looking at the two major perspectives of managing finance across the supply chain. The first is more short-term, focused on accounts payables and receivables. The second is a more overarching perspective, focused on working capital optimization in terms of inventory and asset management. It includes chapters from a variety of research perspectives, as well as from business and policymakers. The authors look at the benefits of the supply chain finance approach including reduction of working capital, access to more funding at lower costs, risk reduction, as well as an increase of trust, commitment, and profitability through the chain. Supply Chain Finance includes theory as well as practical case studies addressing advances in the area of supply chain finance. The editors and contributors look at how to design and implement supply chain finance in supply chains and examine what the future holds for this important area. Online supporting resources include self-test multiple-choice and essay questions for each chapter.

Author Information Wendy Tate is the William J. Taylor Professor of Business and Cheryl Massingale Faculty Research Fellow, Department of Supply Chain Management at the Haslam College of Business, University of Tennessee in Knoxville, Tennessee. Lydia Bals is Professor of Supply Chain & Operations Management at Mainz University of Applied Sciences, Germany and Visiting Professor at the Department of Strategy & Innovation, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. Lisa M. Ellram is the Rees Distinguished Professor of Supply Chain Management in the Department of Management at the Farmer School of Business, Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.

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12 Foundational premises and Supply chain finance – value drivers of blockchainSolutions for financial driven supply chains – The sustainability, risk trade finance experience management and resilience in the supply chain Supply chain finance – History and future directions Suppliers, customers, and firms’ financial decisions Supply chain finance – Definition, modern aspects and research challenges ahead Optimizing cash flows for a retail supply chain coordinator Supply chain finance opportunities by managing payables discounts Mapping and managing the financial supply chain Supply chain finance and cyber risk – An illustrative case study Commodity risk management at BMW – Price indices and contracts A business partners’ view on decision-making challenges in the supply chain Exploring fragmentation in the supply chain finance (SCF) ecosystem

Supply Chain Finance

Supply Chain Management Accounting Managing Profitability, Working Capital and Asset Utilization Edition: 1 Date: /03/28/2019 Price: $49.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749472993 ISBN Ebook: 9780749473006 Pages: 392 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Supply Chain Finance

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at the relationship between supply chain decisions and financial performance, measured by « Looks financial statements including the income statement, balance sheet and key financial and nonfinancial performance indicators

the applications of traditional and contemporary costing approaches and how they « Examines support supply chain management decision making at the development of financially sustainable supply chain operations that have incorporated « Looks supply chain finance, working capital management and risk management a capital investment appraisal toolkit to construct the business case for investing in « Introduces supply chain assets or considering an outsourcing or insourcing decision resources: invaluable study questions and worked solutions to reinforce the learning as « Online well as multiple-choice questions with solutions and PowerPoint activities

Description The need to contain costs across the business is as strong as ever and the search for cost reduction opportunities is intensifying. There still remains one last major opportunity to take out costs - through the supply chain. Ultimately all costs will make their way to the final marketplace to be reflected in the price paid by the end user. Smart companies instead seek to make the supply chain more competitive through the value it creates and the costs it reduces overall. They have realized that the real competition is not company against company but rather supply chain against supply chain. Supply Chain Management Accounting looks at how the evolution of supply chains has been dramatic over the last few years, with more and more companies moving to sourcing overseas, distributing finished goods to overseas markets, and increasing their international operations. The seeking of low-cost country sourcing, optimizing manufacturing, and exporting products and services has created new challenges to demand forecasting and supply chain planning. Supply Chain Management Accounting presents a wide range of approaches and ground-breaking research findings. The book covers profitability, liquidity and asset utilization, product costing, activity-based costing, investment appraisal, customer profitability analysis, budgeting and sales and operations planning. Online supporting resources include invaluable study questions and worked solutions to reinforce the learning as well as multiple-choice questions with solutions and PowerPoint activities.

Author Information Simon Templar is a qualified accountant with 20 years industry experience as well as a lecturer on supply chain and procurement MScs in Cranfield and Plymouth. The author is a founding member of the Supply Chain Finance Community, a not-for-profit association which aims to share best practice and new research in an open, collaborative environment.

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S‌ upply chain accounting Profitability, liquidity and asset utilisation Supply chain management and firm performance Product costing – Comparing marginal costing with full costing Activity based costing and time based process mapping Investment appraisal Total cost of ownership and life cycle costing Target costing and new product development Introduction to supply chain finance Customer profitability analysis Budgeting, sales and operations planning, standard costing and variance analysis

Supply Chain Finance

Supply Chain Strategy and Financial Metrics The Supply Chain Triangle Of Service, Cost And Cash Edition: 1 Date: 05/28/2018 Price: $60.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749482572 ISBN Ebook: 9780749482589 Pages: 288 Format (mm): 240x155 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Supply Chain Finance

Author Information Dr Bram DeSmet is the CEO of Solventure where he helps global production and retail organizations in the domain of Strategy, Supply Chain and Operations. He is a Professor in Operations & Supply Chain Management at Vlerick Business School, Belgium.

This book

the ‘inventory’ or ‘working capital’ angle, which is overlooked in many of the more « Examines strategic supply chain management texts a practical road map on how to improve a business and facilitate an improved Return-on« Includes Capital-Employed resources: Includes worksheets covering basic financial concepts such as cash flow and « Online working capital, with example data sets and guidelines/exercises to make it interactive insightful case studies examining successful supply chain transformation programmes « Provides employed in a wide variety of international companies

Description Supply Chain Strategy and Financial Metrics is a step-by-step guide to balancing the triangle of service, cost and cash which is the essence of supply chain management. Supply chains have become increasingly strategy-driven, and this Supply Chain Triangle approach puts the supply chain at the heart of the strategy discussion instead of seeing it as a result. Supply Chain Strategy and Financial Metrics fully reflects the ‘inventory’ or ‘working capital’ angle and examines the optimisation of the supply chain and Return on Capital Employed. Including case studies of Barco, Casio and a selection of food retail companies, this book covers building a strategy-driven KPI dashboard, target setting and financial benchmarking. Regular examples and diagrams illustrate how different types of strategies lead to different trade-offs in the Supply Chain Triangle. This groundbreaking text links supply chain, strategy and finance through financial metrics, therefore creating value for the shareholder. Online supporting resources include worksheets covering basic financial concepts such as cash flow and working capital, with example data sets and guidelines/exercises to make it interactive.

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The Supply Chain Triangle of Service, Cost and Cash Strategy in the Supply Chain Triangle Financial Benchmarking in Two Dimensions Financial Target Setting in Two Dimensions The Impact of Strategy on Financial Benchmarking and Target Setting Redefining the Service Corner into a Value Corner Building a Strategy Driven KPI Dashboard Implementing a Strategy Driven Supply Chain Appendix – Financial Templates – Inventory Management Appendix – Financial Templates – The Cost of Inventory – Rent, Room, Risk

Supply Chain Finance

Financing the Endto-End Supply Chain A Reference Guide to Supply Chain Finance Edition: 2 Date: 08/28/2020 Price: $59.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789663488 ISBN Ebook: 9781789663495 Pages: 448 Format (mm): 235x158 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Supply Chain Finance

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readers with a comprehensive understanding of the financial synergies across the supply « Provides chain theory and practice to tackle key issues and adapt supply chain finance to individual « Combines organizations’ circumstances several initiatives to coordinate and develop cross-border financing from institutions such « Presents as the World Bank to this edition: interviews from SCF platform providers, new examples on working capital « New management, additional learning activities and a terminology list

Description Financing the End-to-End Supply Chain provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of the financial synergies across the supply chain. It demonstrates the importance of the strategic relationship between the physical supply of goods and services and the associated financial flows. The book provides a clear introduction, demonstrating the importance of the strategic relationship between supply chain and financial communities within an organization. This book links together treasury, banking, supply chain, systems, IT, and key stakeholders. Financing the End-to-End Supply Chain will help senior supply chain practitioners to build collaboration, improve relationships and enhance trust between supply chain partners. With its combination of theory and practice it tackles vital issues including physical, information and financial flows, and tailoring supply chain finance to individual organisations’ circumstances. Recognizing that supply chain finance means different things in different countries, the authors also consider various initiatives to harmonize and develop cross-border financing as well as including an agenda for national and international policy makers. The new edition features interviews from SCF platform providers on how ecosystems are involved in supply chain finance, additional learning activities for students and new examples on working capital management.

Author Information Simon Templar is a founding member of the Supply Chain Finance Community, a non-forprofit association. Simon Templar is a qualified accountant with 20 years’ industry experience as well as a lecturer on supply chain and procurement MSc’s at Cranfield University. Erik Hofmann is Head of Supply Chain Finance-Lab at the University of St.Gallen in Switzerland. He is also Director of the Institute of Supply Chain Management (ISCMHSG) and Boardmember of the Supply Chain Finance Community (SCFC). Charles Findlay is an experienced Business Strategy, Supply Chain and Procurement consultant , an agel investor and a Director of State of Flux.

Table of Contents ‌Introduction The background The nucleus – Supply chains and financial performance 2 The big issue – Working capital management 3 The flows – Towards an integrated view of supply chain processes 2 The current practice 4 The concept – A case for supply chain finance 5 The ecosystem – Who is involved in supply chain finance? 6 The value proposition – Solutions for supply chain finance 7 The implementation – Bringing supply chain finance programmes to life 3 The future 8 The global setting – Supply chain finance in the context of cultural and geographical dispersion 9 The look beyond – Factors impacting the future of supply chain finance 10 Index 1 1

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Strategic Supply Chain Management Creating Competitive Advantage and Value Through Effective Leadership Edition: 1 Date: 10/28/2019 Price: $52.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749478841 ISBN Ebook: 9780749478858 Pages: 200 Format (mm): 233x155 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Supply Chain Management

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« Offers a theoretical underpinning with supporting supply chain management tools and strategies examples of best practice, including case studies of companies such as Nestlé and « Provides organisations from the Gartner Supply Chain Top 25 essential supply chain technologies, such as RFID, barcodes, logistics technology, « Presents automated warehouses, omnichannel, as well as future trends, such as big data, the Internet of Things (IoT) and autonomous systems

at how effective supply chain strategy can boost a company’s competitive advantage and « Looks examines the importance of talent management and organisational strategy

Description Supply chains, including logistics, are the functional elements of an organisation’s operations. To formulate a strategy for this operation to work seamlessly the organisation needs to align these operations with the corporate and business strategy. Strategic Supply Chain Management provides a discussion on effective supply chain strategic leadership for managerial teams who have previously been operating on a tactical or operational level, as well as students who need to learn about applying the theories of strategic supply chain management in practice. Strategic Supply Chain Management introduces concepts and tools which will enable successful buyer-supplier relationships and effective organizational leadership and talent management. Samir Dani provides a concise but important outlook on the connection between business strategy and supply chain strategy. The book delves into topical issues of risk, resilience, and sustainability and how these influence both business and supply chain strategy. The book also considers strategies for procurement, buyer supplier relationships, and sales & operations planning. An important aspect of this book is to consider the leadership and talent aspects of the humans in the supply chain and how this influences strategy and creates competitive advantage.

Author Information Samir Dani is Professor of Logistics and Supply Chain Management in Huddersfield Business School at the University of Huddersfield, UK. He is the recipient of the 2015 Prix des Associations prize at the Les Plumes des Achats & Supply Chain awards for his book Food Supply Chain Management and Logistics published by Kogan Page.

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Elements of strategy Sales and operations planning Sourcing and purchasing Supplier relationships and collaboration Risk and resilience The circular economy and supply chain strategy Talent management Other factors important for supply chain strategy Appendix - Factors influencing the supply chain strategy

Supply Chain Management

Global Value Chain Management Edition: 1 Date: 11/28/2020 Price: $59.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749484422 ISBN Ebook: 9780749484439 Pages: 440 Format (mm): 230x150 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Supply Chain Management

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how to integrate customer responsiveness and agile supply chains into the overall « Demonstrates value chain strategy research-based models and frameworks which introduce new ways of driving effective « Provides strategic decision-making « Presents an interdisciplinary approach, highlighting the important field of systems sciences real-life examples of how to increase competitive advantage through effective value chain « Includes management, from large corporates such as BAT and Maersk

Description A supply chain is the process of all parties involved in fulfilling a customer request, while a value chain is a set of interrelated activities a company uses to create value and a competitive advantage. In Strategic Value Chain Management the authors bring together a variety of disciplines, showing how to move from traditional supply chain management to value chain management. Research from the (ISM) International School of Management, Germany, originating from a network of companies in a range of sectors, is integrated with case studies to demonstrate particular concepts. Strategic Value Chain Management brings together theory and practice and presents tangible ways of creating competitiveness in a changing world through the use of effective models and frameworks. Challenging the traditional Porters Five Forces Model, the authors introduce the important academic disciplines of cybernetics and systems sciences as essential drivers of strategy within the supply chain, supported by case studies illustrating their implementation.

Author Information Prof. Dr. Sc. Qeis Kamran (MBA-GM, MBA- PPM, MBL-HSG, LLM, PhD Scholar and researcher at University of Twente, the Netherlands) is the full Professor of Strategy, Cybernetics and Design Science at ISM International School of Management, Dortmund, Germany. He previously worked in sales, management, entrepreneurship and leadership roles in retail, energy, oil, petrochemicals and consulting industries.

Table of Contents ‌Introduction Michael Porter – the founder of competitive strategy 2 A treatise of cybernetics, system sciences and complexity sciences 3 Introducing the six forces model 4 Global value chain management strategies and models for competitive advantage 5 Economic dimension of the six forces model and practical implications 6 Conclusion 7 Appendix – Economic layer, supply chain and collaboration 8 Index 1

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Supply Chain 4.0 Improving supply chains with analytics and Industry 4.0 technologies Edition: 1 Date: 02/28/2021 Price: $65.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789660739 ISBN Ebook: 9781789660746 Pages: 312 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Supply Chain Management

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the theory behind Supply Chain 4.0 and its application in practice, examining existing and « Explains emerging technologies, such as IoT, autonomous vehicles and big data guidelines for designing and implementing innovative methods and techniques in order to « Provides address logistics problems effectively and systematically « Explores the significant value of smart and integrated logistics operations case studies of “Logistics 4.0” solutions in action, from companies such as Tesco, DHL and « Includes Waitrose

Description ‘Supply Chain 4.0’ has introduced automation into logistics and supply chain processes, exploiting predictive analytics to better match supply with demand, optimizing operations and using the latest technologies for the last mile delivery such as drones and autonomous robots. Supply Chain 4.0 presents new methods, techniques, and information systems that support the coordination and optimization of logistics processes, reduction of operational costs as well as the emergence of entirely new services and business processes. This edited collection includes contributions from leading international researchers from academia and industry. It considers the latest technologies and operational research methods available to support smart, integrated, and sustainable logistics practices focusing on automation, big data, Internet of Things, and decision support systems for transportation and logistics. It also highlights market requirements and includes case studies of cutting-edge applications from innovators in the logistics industry.

Author Information Professor Michael Bourlakis is the Head of the Logistics, Procurement & Supply Chain Management Group at Cranfield School of Management. He is a member of the European Technology Platform (Food for Life, European Commission). Dr Emel Aktas is a Senior Lecturer in Cranfield School of Management at Cranfield University. She specializes in supply chain analytics, using mathematical modelling and decision analysis in transport, retail and manufacturing sectors. Dr. Vasileios Zeimpekis is a lecturer at the Hellenic Open University. He is a transportation expert in the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and in the Hellenic Committee for Competitiveness and Development for Logistics. He is the Vice President of Operations at the board of directors of the Hellenic Logistics Association. Professor Ioannis Minis is a Professor in the Department of Financial and Management Engineering of the University of Aegean. He is also the chairman of the National Council for Supply Chain Growth and Competitiveness, an advisory body to the Greek government.


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Review of state-of-the-art “Supply Chain 4.0” systems and technologies Assessment of “Supply Chain 4.0” systems Optimization of supply chain operations via “Supply Chain 4.0” technologies Presentation of innovative “Supply Chain 4.0” system architectures Protocols, algorithms, methodologies embedded in “Supply Chain 4.0” systems Security and integration aspects of “Supply Chain 4.0” systems Supply Chain 4.0 and supply chain processes transformation Implications in “Supply Chain 4.0” technology acceptance Human factor in business transformation Presentation of results from real-life applications Presentation of case studies and lessons learned Presentation of best practices and future challenges

Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Analytics and Modelling Quantitative Tools and Applications Edition: 1 Date: 04/28/2021 Price: $65.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749498603 ISBN Ebook: 9780749498610 Pages: 320 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Supply Chain Management

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a detailed explanation of the most frequently used business analytics models in the supply « Provides chain, the challenges these present and the impact on different parts of the supply chain models in all areas of business analytics such as descriptive, predictive and prescriptive « Includes analytics, with fully solved examples that can be easily followed and adopted new research for developing, implementing and evaluating business analytics models « Presents within a complex supply chain environment the most recent developments in the field of supply chain analytics, which have been « Highlights driven by new technologies « Online resources: lecturer slides

Description An incredible volume of data is generated at a very high speed within the supply chain and it is necessary to understand, use and effectively apply the knowledge learned from analyzing data using intelligent business models. However, practitioners and students in the field of supply chain management face a number of challenges when dealing with business models and mathematical modelling. Supply Chain Analytics and Modelling presents a range of business analytics models used within the supply chain to help readers develop knowledge on a variety of topics to overcome common issues. Supply Chain Analytics and Modelling covers areas including supply chain planning, single and multiobjective optimization, demand forecasting, product allocations, end-to-end supply chain simulation, vehicle routing and scheduling models. Learning is supported by case studies of specialist software packages for each example. Readers will also be provided with a critical view on how supply chain management performance measurement systems have been developed and supported by reliable and accurate data available in the supply chain. Online resources including lecturer slides are available.

Author Information Nicoleta Tipi senior lecturer at The Open University, UK in the area of operations and supply chain. She has was senior lecturer at the University of Huddersfield where she has gained experience lecturing in the area of supply chain modelling and logistics operations. Nicoleta Tipi has considerable industry experience, having worked in different roles involving modelling and analytics for Unilever.

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Introduction to business analytics The role of modelling in the supply chain The role of data in the supply chain Big data and data visualization Supply chain performance measurement systems Business analytics models Supply chain analytics The future of supply chain analytics

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The Strategy-Driven Supply Chain Edition: 1 Date: 05/28/2021 Price: $59.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781398600454 ISBN Ebook: 9781398600478 Pages: 320 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Supply Chain Management

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the concept of the strategy-driven supply chain by exploring the effect of a poor strategy « Introduces on supply chains and how strategy should translate into supply chain design practical guidance on implementing the strategy-driven supply chain concept in an « Offers organization from the top down or bottom up the need for strategic integrated value planning and execution as the next step beyond « Emphasises S&OP and IBP the financial context of how Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) links to other financial « Explores metrics and targets like growth, EBITDA and free cash flow and fully expands on the fundamental concepts of Bram DeSmet’s previous book, Supply « Builds Chain Strategy and Financial Metrics

Description Different strategies lead to different supply chains, and a lack of strategic choices leads to a blurred focus. This book introduces the concept of the ‘strategy-driven supply chain’, which changes the role of supply chain from operational-tactical to tactical-strategic. Building on the fundamentals of the author’s previous bestselling book, Supply Chain Strategy and Financial Metrics, this new work defines a mission and purpose for supply chain management which puts supply chain at the heart of the triangle of service, cost and cash. The Strategy-Driven Supply Chain explains the need for integrated value planning and execution as the next step beyond S&OP and IBP and how to use a strategy-driven scorecard with a focus on Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) as the overall value metric. The Strategy-Driven Supply Chain includes numerous tools to put these ideas into action, including a method to analyse financial metrics and compare them to key competitors, and exercises to define an organization’s strategic choices (or lack thereof). It also features real-life examples of how to use the supply chain triangle to engage sales, finance and operations and case studies that illustrate the impact of strategy on the supply chain and financial metrics. This practical guide outlines a seven-step approach to integrating the people, process, tooling and analytics aspects of the change journey to the strategy-driven supply chain.

Author Information Dr Bram DeSmet is the CEO of Solventure where he helps global production and retail organizations in the domain of Strategy, Supply Chain and Operations. He is a Professor in Operations & Supply Chain Management at Vlerick Business School, Belgium and a visiting Professor at Peking University, China.

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The Supply Chain Triangle of Service, Cost and Cash Strategy in the Supply Chain Triangle Strategy-Driven S&OP The Strategy-Driven Enterprise The Strategy-Driven Scorecard Implementing the StrategyDriven Enterprise Appendix – Financial Templates – Inventory Management Appendix – Financial Templates – The Cost of Inventory – Rent, Room, Risk

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Managing the Demand-Driven Supply Chain How to build resilience, responsiveness and sustainability in a market-driven network Edition: 1 Date: 11/28/2021 Price: $65.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781398600591 ISBN Ebook: 9781398600607 Pages: 288 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Supply Chain Management

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« Examines the advantages of moving from a forecast push approach to demand planning « Presents methods to effectively manage inventory to meet variations in supply and demand « Includes step-by-step advice on how to significantly reduce lead times and costs of solid theory and research supported by practical examples of using these methods in « Consists industry « Online resources: Lecture slides, teaching notes and reading lists Description Effective demand planning is the key to better production, delivery and inventory management, resulting in efficient supply chain management with distributors, manufacturers, suppliers and customers all benefiting. Alongside the latest research and theory, this book gives examples of how to successfully integrate demand planning into the supply chain and provides vital information on how to adopt the demand planning process. Managing the Demand-Driven Supply Chain explains the important function of demand planning in detail and its role in supply chain management. Using a worked example of a hypothetical company throughout, this book engages the reader by covering the different challenges experienced when implementing demand planning. With coverage from procurement and supplier sourcing to network design and issues of inventory such as cycle and safety and lead-time management, it also explores sustainability and reverse logistics. This essential guide provides insights on how to maintain the ‘end-to-end’ replenishment process once integrated into the supply chain and how to build resilience. Online resources include lecture slides, teaching notes and reading lists.

Author Information Sebastian Kitching is Senior Lecturer at Swansea University, UK with ten years’ experience of teaching Operations and Supply Chain Management modules at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Prior to academia, he spent a number of years implementing automated inventory management systems for major retailers in the UK as well as Japan.


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Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 Supply Chain Components of Structure, facilities, transportation 3 Procurement, Supplier Sourcing, Selection and Relationships 4 Network Design Options and strategies for delivering products/services 5 Responsiveness and meeting customer demand 6 Issues of Inventory such as cycle and safety, lead-time management, postponement principle etc 7 Dynamics of a Demand Driven Approach 8 Achieving an Integrated Supply Chain and barriers, IT facilitation 9 Vulnerability and Resilience 10 Sustainability and Reverse Logistics

Supply Chain Management

Building Effective Value Chains Value and its Management Edition: 1 Date: 08/28/2016 Price: $60.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749473761 ISBN Ebook: 9780749473778 Pages: 248 Format (mm): 233x157 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Supply Chain Management

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« Demonstrates how to add value and improve efficiency through effective resource management the private and public sectors and the comprehensive chains of value which support « Encompasses them « Considers how to eliminate the weakest links in your value chain and foster the best practice case studies from both the public and private sector that illustrate how the methodology « Includes can be applied to different value chains Description The value chain describes the full range of activities that firms and workers do to bring a product from its conception to its end use and beyond. This includes activities such as design, production, marketing, distribution and support to the final consumer. Value chain activities can occur within or between firms, within a single geographical location or spread across wider areas, and can produce goods or services. The overall goal of the value chain is to create value that exceeds the cost of providing a product or service, thus generating a profit margin. The concept of the value chain is at the early stages of a journey and many people still think conventionally. Building Effective Value Chains challenges this notion, helping people to think differently and to pursue the right goal in business. Building Effective Value Chains gives practical, easily understood advice on enhancing the value chain, supported by case studies from the public and private sector that illustrate how the methodology can be applied to different value chains. The book also considers the commercial value of the value chain as well as the academic origins of the value chain. Author Tom McGuffog shares his knowledge and experience from working in Rowntree and Nestle, the UK Procurement Agency, the Defence Logistics Organisation, and NHS Purchasing and Supply. Taking a global perspective, the issues discussed in this book are applicable internationally. Building Effective Value Chains includes executive summaries at the end of each chapter, useful online materials, and a comprehensive list of references.

Author Information Tom McGuffog was Executive Director at Rowntree and Nestle for Supply Chain, Purchasing, Logistics, IT and E-Business. He was also non-exec director of the UK Procurement Agency, Defence Logistics Organisation, and NHS Purchasing and Supply.

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Supply Chain Disruption Aligning Business Strategy and Supply Chain Tactics Edition: 1 Date: 08/28/2019 Price: $52.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749484101 ISBN Ebook: 9780749484118 Pages: 272 Format (mm): 233x158 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Supply Chain Management

This book

disruptive technologies as the enablers or drivers of new business models, products, « Presents services and overall solutions how to create and implement superior process improvement solutions across the entire « Maps supply chain case studies of organizations that have successfully integrated new technologies into their « Features existing business models and supply chains, such as BT, Morrisons and Aramex « Features a foreword by world-leading thought leader, John Gattorna

Description Disruptive technologies have the power to upend supply chains, adding uncertainty, cost, and complexity to any business. These technologies can also create competitive advantage, but only if organizations strategically build them into their supply chains. Supply Chain Disruption, with a foreword by John Gattorna, provides the vital knowledge that supply chain managers need in order to implement disruptive technologies strategically. This essential book avoids a one-size-fits-all approach and encourages the reader to consider customer needs first before aligning appropriate technologies with each supply chain application. Supply Chain Disruption focuses on information systems, analysing how companies currently integrate and implement potentially disruptive technologies into their supply chain roadmaps. It presents new ways of planning more effectively and efficiently through the use of new tools and techniques, creating improvements in agility, customer service and cost.

Author Information Steve O’Sullivan is a supply chain and logistics specialist with extensive twodecade international experience in complex business-critical environments for firms across multiple industries, such as aviation and consumer electronics. As an academic scholarpractitioner, Steve consistently creates and implements superior process improvement solutions across the entire supply chain process, while supporting international management teams in meeting and exceeding established targets.

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‌ reface – Setting the scene P An introduction to supply chain disruption Supply chain strategic friction Ad omnia paratus – Prepared for anything Humanitarian disasters and the supply chain The art of responding to disruption through the physical supply chain Pharmaceutical supply chain disruption – A policy perspective Corporate breakdowns and the supply chain A conceptual process model – Reducing the gap of pain through dynamic strategic alignment

Supply Chain Management

E-Business and Supply Chain Integration Strategies and Case Studies from Industry Edition: 1 Date: 02/28/2018 Price: $80.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749478452 ISBN Ebook: 9780749478469 Pages: 272 Format (mm): 235x155 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Supply Chain Management

Author Information Dr Ozlem Bak is Senior Lecturer at Huddersfield University, UK. She lectures on courses in operations management, purchasing, and supply chain management at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Before entering academia she worked in the automotive industry for companies such as Daimler Chrysler and Hyundai.

This book

trends, issues and challenges associated with integrating e-business with supply chain « Discusses management an overview of the use of B2B and B2C technologies in supply chains in different « Provides industries, such as HE institutions, multinational automation corporations and healthcare bona fide case studies from industry and academia which highlight concerns and problems « Uses such as e-technology security and collaborative system use at how to use e-technologies to increase the efficiency of logistics, production, distribution « Looks and other related activities

Description Using e-business technologies to manage supply chains increases the efficiency and performance of logistics, production, distribution and other related activities. E-Business and Supply Chain Integration explains how a number of tools can be used to produce an e-supply chain and achieve higher productivity. This essential book examines supply chain theories along with real life cases and examples from industry to illustrate how e-business can enhance supply chain integration and highlights the negative outcomes when it is poorly managed. Dr Ozlem Bak and a team of expert contributors from practice and academia assess the impact of e-business on numerous different sectors, such as automotive, healthcare, logistics, higher education, and professional services. E-Business and Supply Chain Integration explains the strategic implications of new technologies and provides guidance on effective supply chains in e-businesses.

Table of Contents 1








Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

E-integrated healthcare supply chains: tracking and monitoring medical devices in the National Health Service (NHS), UK [Dr Ying Xie and Dr Liz Breen] Smart technologies: disruptive technologies and the agrifood industry – fit for practice? [Professor Kim P Bryceson and Dr Asif Yaseen] Digital technologies in the professional services industry: aligning human capital supply with market demand [Georg Juelke] Implementation of e-health to improve healthcare [Wenqi Jacintha Hee, Dr Geoffrey Jalleh and Dr Chad Lin] E-learning in higher education: a case of doctoral dialogue in a virtual space [Dr Mark Readman] E-government: assessing the impact of e-business technologies on government service supply chains [Dr Ozlem Bak] Cloud technology: China’s e-business approach to market development – the case of `Alisports [David Cockayne]

Supply Chain Management

8 Supply chain integration through e-business-enabled enterprise systems: the case of the UK automobile sector [Professor Vikas Kumar, Dr John Loonam, Archana Kumari, Professor Jose Arturo Garza-Reyes and Hieu Van Ngo] 9 The role of business-tobusiness platforms and their implications for supply chains: a case from the European automotive industry [Dr Ozlem Bak] 10 E-freight: prospects and challenges of the digitalization of the air cargo supply chain [Alicja Gajewska and Dr Eric Tchouamou Njoya] 11 E-learning in higher education: an account of student autonomy within the context of a UK-based e-learning environment [Dr Ozlem Bak]

Successful Integrated Planning for the Supply Chain Key Organizational and Human Dynamics Edition: 1 Date: /03/28/2018 Price: $60.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749477684 ISBN Ebook: 9780749477691 Pages: 280 Format (mm): 235x155 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Supply Chain Management

Author Information Richard Lloyd is Associate Director of the Supply Chain Centre of Excellence at TATA Consultancy Services, Mumbai. The author has worked for lots of international companies designing and managing supply chains such as NOKIA, where he was responsible for driving their global supply chain. He is a visiting lecturer at Cranfield University, Bedford, UK.


Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

This book

Integrated Business Planning frameworks and how they can be applied to supply chain « Explains management the application of academic theories to real-world problems, such as how to build an « Encourages honest and open supply chain change and how to implement it through learning from examples provided by a range of « Discusses supply chain professionals: academics, practitioners, consultants and service providers numerous international case studies illustrating the successful and unsuccessful « Includes implementation of change

Description Managing changes to the supply chain comes with its unique challenges. Supply chain planning presents an especially complex challenge for the change practitioner as multiple stakeholders and functions are involved. Successful Integrated Planning for the Supply Chain evaluates different approaches to change interventions and explores how Integrated Business Planning could be implemented in any organization to create sustainable improvements. Using frameworks based on extensive academic research, Richard Lloyd considers the potential blocks to an effective supply chain, and advises on how to deal with and identify uncertainties within an organization. Numerous international case studies included throughout show that every project has its own set of unique problems. Successful Integrated Planning for the Supply Chain is an invaluable guide for anyone who needs to implement change in the supply chain.

Table of Contents 15 Case study re-imagined 1 Introduction 16 Next steps 2 The supply chain challenge 1 Context. Situation. Outsidein 3 An outside-in view of an organization 4 Who works here and why? 5 Digging to understand how we got here 2 Complication. What is really going on? 6 Incongruities and uncertainties: a look behind the scenes 7 Theory of action: linking behaviour to assumptions 8 The politics of information technology: patronage and partnership 3 Implications. Interpreting our findings 9 Wicked problems: understanding the challenge 10 Leadership approaches to change 11 Realpolitik and ideals: projects 4 Conclusions. Decisions. Shaping interventions 12 Conclusions 13 Platforms and tools for change 14 Getting to agility faster 5 Wrap-up: Case study reimagined. Next steps

Supply Chain Management

Demand-Driven Supply Chain Management Transformational Performance Improvement Edition: 1 Date: 04/28/2017 Price: $60.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749479978 ISBN Ebook: 9780749479985 Pages: 280 Format (mm): 234x158 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Supply Chain Management

Author Information Simon Eagle is a senior supply chain planning and strategy consultant with over 20 years of international industry experience and significant expertise in S&OP and demand-driven supply chain management. He works with manufacturing and distribution companies that wish to make a transformational improvement in their E2E operations and supply chain performance and does so through helping them to adopt ‘demand-driven’ planning and execution.


Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

This book

how to transform your company’s operational performance by implementing demand« Explains driven supply chain management a very simple, but effective, way to segment your supply chain and achieve your planned « Provides service levels from up to half the average inventory while using significantly less capacity « Understand how to reduce capacity - delivering cost savings of approximately 20% « Online resources: Full-colour figures from the book

Description Many manufacturing and distribution companies are moving from the traditional ‘forecast push MRP’ to demand-driven supply chain management (SCM). Demand-driven SCM is an ‘end-to-end’ supply chain planning and replenishment process that enables companies to achieve their planned service levels from up to half the average level of inventory and requiring significantly less throughput capacity - irrespective of the level of demand volatility or lead-time length. Demand-Driven Supply Chain Management is the go-to source for industry supply chain/operations executives and students. It describes the ‘what, how and why’ of the demand-driven SCM process. The key themes in the book are: what is demand-driven? why is demand-driven so effective? how to operate a demand-driven supply chain? and how to adopt the demand-driven process in your company? Readers can quickly grasp the essential concepts from one of numerous self-contained sections that present the book’s key concepts from different perspectives. Online resources available include full-colour figures.

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Introduction and Summaries What is Demand-Driven SCM? Why Demand-Driven SCM? How to Operate a DemandDriven Supply Chain 5 Demand-Driven SCM and Lean 6 Why Aren’t We Already Using Demand-Driven SCM? 7 The Demand Driven Institute, Demand-Driven MRP and SaaS 8 What Next – Control Theory? Postscript: From Supply Chain – An Apology to Our Commercial Colleagues The Story Behind DDMRP: Contribution by Chad Smith and Carol Ptak, Co-founders of the Demand Driven Institute

Supply Chain Management

Collaborative Principles for Better Supply Chain Practice Value Creation Up, Down and Across Supply Chains Edition: 1 Date: 09/28/2018 Price: $49.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749480493 ISBN Ebook: 9780749480509 Pages: 296 Format (mm): 233x155 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Supply Chain Management

Author Information Norman McLennan is a cross-industry leader in the area of supply chain management and business improvement. He is a visiting professor with the Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen. His professional industry experience spans over 30 years split between the oil and gas/energy, engineering and traditional construction sectors working in the UK, Europe and internationally with extensive supply chain management and commercial project management experience. The author is regularly invited to speak at related industry and professional bodies’ events and conferences.

This book

best practice examples of collaborative working to help streamline working practices and « Provides drive waste and inefficiency out of supply chains the role that government, industry bodies, regulators and contractor trade associations « Examines can play in driving collaborative innovation « Provides insights into future digital collaborative knowledge-cube based procurement solutions « Online resources: Bonus chapter and roadmap

Description Hyper competition and globalization mean that markets are changing. There is aggressive competition, shortening product life cycles, financial pressures and ever more demanding customers and consumers. Companies need to adopt new practices and new ways of thinking, so they are looking at collaboration across supply chains to become more sustainable, efficient and economical. Collaborative Principles for Better Supply Chain Practice looks at behavioural and commercial collaborative business principles and their application by means of case studies which showcase collaboration success across the private, public and 3rd sectors. Collaborative Principles for Better Supply Chain Practice covers different perspectives: the client looking down the supply chain, the suppliers looking up the supply chain and the inter-dependencies of organizations horizontally across the supply chain. The book explores operational and projecttype environments in different industry sectors, which will help you think about your supply chain differently and optimize your processes to achieve supply chain excellence. Online supporting resources include a bonus chapter and a roadmap on negotiations.

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Knowledge Architecture Around Collaboration Introduction - the rationale for collaborative business practices across supply chains and why collaboration can be the jewel in the crown Collaborative arrangements - different supply chain perspectives, drivers and interdependencies Raising the game - ISO 44001 - the evolution and emergence of a new global standard for collaborative working The importance of stakeholder engagement in harnessing the benefits of collaborative working practices Pan industry supply chain collaboration - an exemplar of solutions developed by the industry for the industry Commercial risk and pricing considerations associated with collaborative versus traditional contracting arrangements Case Studies Of Exemplar Historical Collaborative Practice The team marine story - putting logic back into logistics

Supply Chain Management

8 Captain - the impossible dream 9 Building supply chain functional excellence through collaboration with internal partners 10 Envoi - value creation through collaborative outsourcing of acquisition and divestmest (A&D) in upstream exploration and production (E&P) sector 3 Case Studies Of Exemplar Collaborative Practice In Play Or Evolving 11 Humanitarian relief - food for the hungry (daring to be different through collaborative innovation) 12 The oil and gas technology centre (OGTC) 13 All together now: improvements in collaboration in the pharmaceutical & biomedical life science sectors 14 The emergence of digital procurement in the IT sector 15 Referencing 16 Further reading 17 Index

The Logistics and Supply Chain Innovation Handbook Disruptive Technologies and New Business Models Edition: 1 Date: 07/28/2019 Price: $52.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749486334 ISBN Ebook: 9780749486341 Pages: 280 Format (mm): 232x150 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Supply Chain Management

Author Information John Manners-Bell is the CEO of Ti (Transport Intelligence), a leading supplier of market research solutions to the global logistics industry. He is also Visiting Professor at the Guildhall School of Business and Law, London Metropolitan University. Ken Lyon specializes in the use of advanced information systems to manage the operations of 3PL, 4PL and lead logistics providers and their trading partner networks. He is the Chair of an international logistics software group and sits on the board of Ti

This book

a detailed overview of all the major trends transforming the supply chain and logistics « Offers industry, such as automation and blockchain case studies of companies such as Amazon, Alibaba, Maersk, UPS and DHL who have « Presents successfully integrated new technologies into their business models how disruptive technologies will transform supply chain dynamics in vertical sectors « Investigates such as automotive and fashion practical guidelines, tools and frameworks to assist the development of new innovative « Provides business plans for future supply chains and logistics operations « Online resources: comprehensive resources including PowerPoints and sample case studies

Description The Fourth Industrial Revolution is now transforming logistics and supply chain industries. Consumer habits are changing fast and supply chains are having to adapt to meet the challenges created by this dynamic new environment. Traditional logistics operating models are under threat. Incumbent freight operators across the entire transport and warehousing spectrum have been forced to develop strategies to effectively compete with new start-ups. The Logistics and Supply Chain Innovation Handbook provides a comprehensive overview of all the major new technologies and business models currently under development and looks at this process of disruption in detail. The Logistics and Supply Chain Innovation Handbook covers many important topics, such as crowd sourcing and shipping, on-demand delivery, autonomous vehicles, automation in the warehouse, electric vehicles and alternative fuels. It provides readers with a straightforward and easy to understand assessment of these innovations and their impact on the industry. Online supporting resources include PowerPoints and sample case studies.

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Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

The fourth industrial revolution and the anatomy of innovation Breaking the paradigm - The rise of the disruptors Lessons from the past - What present day disruptors can learn from the containerization of the shipping industry Sector case study - Disruption in the express parcels market The internet of things, ‘big data’ and artificial intelligence Control towers and supply chain visibility 3D printing - A review of its implications for the supply chain and logistics industry The disruptive potential of robots and automation Blockchain in supply chains Digital logistics marketplaces On-demand delivery and crowd-shipping Autonomous vehicles and delivery robots A guide to alternative propulsion systems The digitization of international freight forwarding

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15 Disrupting trade finance blockchain, banks and freight forwarders 16 The disruptive power of e-retailing 17 The ultimate disruptors amazon and alibaba 18 Conclusion - the future of the supply chain and logistics industry 19 Index

The Lean Supply Chain Edition: 2 Date: 12/28/2018 Price: $60.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749482060 ISBN Ebook: 9780749482077 Pages: 336 Format (mm): 234x159 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Supply Chain Management

This book

how Tesco has tackled all the recent challenges by revitalizing itself under Dave Lewis and « Reviews facing down threats from discounters and Amazon to this edition: Chapters on rebuilding customer trust and Tesco’s Corporate Social « New Responsibility agenda « Uses real examples and academic research to explain the benefits of a Lean supply chain the key principles behind Tesco’s success: customer loyalty, simplicity of operations and « Examines Lean thinking « Winner of the prestigious Prix des Assocation 2016, in Les Plumes des Achats & Supply Chain

Description WINNER: Les Plumes des Achats 2016 - Prix des Associations (1st edition) Over the last two decades Tesco has emerged as a dominant player in the UK market and a leading global retailer. The Lean Supply Chain explores how Tesco, over the last 20 years or so, has built its business around supply chain excellence. As a mega-retailer, Tesco has learnt to create a balanced supply chain system, supporting suppliers’ needs as well as customers’ requirements. This perspective, and an ambition to act sustainably, has underpinned a rebuilding of trust in the Tesco brand and a resurgence in commercial fortunes. This fully updated edition of The Lean Supply Chain contains new chapters on Tesco’s current strategy, rebuilding brand trust and its CSR agenda. It charts the principles of lean thinking, customer loyalty and simplicity which were used by Tesco to frame its supply chain strategy and draws upon the authors’ deep knowledge of how the retailer has dealt with challenges and market changes to provide lessons for other businesses, large or small, who wish to place how they manage their supply chains at the heart of their competitive strategy.

Author Information Barry Evans has held roles at Tesco including Lean Process Manager in Supply Chain Development. He was part of the Lean Enterprise Research Centre at Cardiff Business School as a Senior Research Associate until his retirement. Robert Mason is Professor of Logistics and Programme Director, MSc Sustainable Supply Chain Management, at Cardiff Business School. He has led numerous business research projects, including working with Tesco as a partner.


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Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 Tesco past and present 3 Tesco and strategy – Managing the what, why and how! 4 Customer insight – To drive the Tesco supply chain 5 Lean and the Tesco supply chain – ‘Mastering the supply chain’ 6 Tesco and their CSR agenda 7 Rebuilding trust 8 Tesco and continuous improvement – Debunking seven myths of conventional business thinking 9 Current challenges – Aligning corporate and supply chain strategies to a changing macro environment 10 Conclusions

Supply Chain Management

Food Supply Chain Management and Logistics Understanding the Challenges of Production, Operation and Sustainability in the Food Industry Edition: 2 Date: 06/28/2021 Price: $65.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781398600126 ISBN Ebook: 9781398600133 Pages: 320 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Supply Chain Management

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the latest research on trends, challenges and technologies actively shaping food supply « Provides chains, such as veganism, supply shortages and blockchain the fundamentals of food supply chain management including how food is produced, « Covers retailed and regulated international case studies from leading companies such as Cargill, Nestlé and Starbucks to « Offers show theory in practice to this edition: topics including food innovation, emerging trends, such as data analytics « New within the food supply chain, post-Brexit challenges to food supply chains and veganism, as well as online resources Online resources: lecture slides, additional case studies and test questions


Description First edition WINNER: ACA-Bruel 2015 - Prix des Associations Food supply chains are integral in ensuring that food makes it from the farm to the table. Understanding how these operate has never been more important. The new edition of Food Supply Chain Management and Logistics is the guide to all aspects of food supply chains. This book examines food production, operational challenges and the future challenges of the industry and sustainability. The emergence of new technologies, which are key in increasing the efficiency of processes, such as blockchain and data analytics, are discussed. As are wider trends including veganism and local sourcing. Food Supply Chain Management and Logistics embeds learning using case studies from Cargill, Nestlé and Starbucks. This book is structured to provide readers with an understanding of the basics of food supply chain management and logistics before expanding the scope to cover more a range of topics. Online resources include lecture slides, additional case studies and test questions.

Author Information Samir Dani is Professor of Operations Management and Head of Marketing, Management, and Organisation at Keele University, United Kingdom. He has experience of leading and working on various research projects in a diverse range of management and supply chain related topics, including projects relating to food supply chain risks, food sustainability and food value chains.

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Introduction to food supply chains Food production Food production Food manufacturing Operational challenges Food retailing Food logistics Challenges in international food supply chains Collaboration and relationships Food sourcing and procurement Risk management Technology trends in food supply chains Sustainability and future challenges Food regulation, safety and quality Food innovation Sustainability challenges in food supply chains Food sector and economic regeneration Food security and future challenges

Supply Chain Management

Global Supply Chain Ecosystems Strategies for Competitive Advantage in a Complex, Connected World Edition: 1 Date: 06/28/2015 Price: $65.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749471583 ISBN Ebook: 9780749471590 Pages: 288 Format (mm): 232x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Supply Chain Management

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invaluable advice on how to address the volatility and vulnerability of global inter-connected « Gives networks and build resilient, reliable and effective supply chains that drive competitive advantage practical examples, strategies and recommendations that you can implement immediately, « Provides improving short-term performance as you prepare for longer-term issues real-life case-studies taken directly from the author’s industry projects and extensive « Features experience a multi-dimensional geographic view, including opportunities and challenges in developing « Presents markets, multi-modal options of the New Silk Route, the diversity within Asia and developments in emerging Africa

Description Twenty-first-century supply chains have evolved into world-wide inter-connected supply-and-demand networks comprising vastly more complex operations, with profound inter-dependencies and exposure to greater volatility in our uncertain world. The linear concept of a chain is therefore no longer adequate to describe these complex international networks of suppliers, stakeholders, partners, regulators and customers that are involved in ensuring the efficient and effective movement of products, services, information and funds around the world we are firmly in the era of Global Supply Chain Ecosystems. Exploring the latest market trends and industry developments across emerging, developing and developed markets, in Global Supply Chain Ecosystems industry leader Mark Millar presents detailed and practical insights that will help you capitalise on market opportunities, overcome supply chain challenges and make better informed business decisions. In addition to highlighting key supply chain shifts such as the move beyond globalisation back towards regionalisation, this ground-breaking new publication explores several critical aspects of global supply chain ecosystems - including visibility, resilience, sustainability and collaboration.

Author Information Mark Millar is an internationally known industry expert who leverages over 30 years of global business experience to deliver practical knowledge and educated insights that help companies navigate the complex landscapes in Asia, develop new business opportunities, improve the efficiency of their supply chain ecosystems and make better informed business decisions. Acknowledged as an engaging and energetic presenter, the author has completed over 450 speaking engagements at corporate events, client functions and industry conferences across 26 countries. A Visiting Lecturer at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the author is recognised in the ‘China Supply Chain Top 20’, as one of ‘Asia’s Top 50 Influencers in Supply Chain and Logistics’ and in the 2017 USA listing of ‘Top Pros-to-Know in Supply Chain’.

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Global supply chain ecosystems Supply chain visibility Sustainability and green supply chains Risk and supply chain resilience Free trade for all – navigating the FTA landscape The Asian Era The New Silk Road connecting Europe and Asia Integrated logistics hubs Human capital – the talent pool Omni-channel supply chains Africa – is it the next Asia? Supply chain innovation

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Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Security Strategies for Improving Supply Chain Transparency and Integrity Edition: 1 Date: 10/28/2021 Price: $65.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789666632 ISBN Ebook: 9781789666649 Pages: 320 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Supply Chain Risk Management

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how supply chain security relies on understanding the origins of every part of the supply « Explains chain numerous innovative security tools that can help to establish supply chain integrity, « Explores including RFID, nanotechnology, IoT and blockchain advice on tackling related social issues such as slave labour, conflict minerals and « Offers environmental sustainability case studies on implementing different solutions for different supply chains, from the « Includes aerospace sector to the cosmetics industry « Online resources: PowerPoint slides with case studies

Description As global manufacturing and distribution capabilities have blossomed, the trade in substandard products has exploded. This trend is being amplified by the success of online marketplaces which make it easy to sell counterfeit or stolen goods, expired products and more. As a result, manufacturers, retailers, and end users are becoming frequent targets for product fraud. In the past, supply chain professionals focused primarily on price or brand when making purchasing decisions, but today they need to start considering product integrity. Supply Chain Security shows how to assess these threats and develop strategies to mitigate the risk, including the use of new technologies such as RFID and blockchain. This practical guide explores the importance of understanding the provenance of your upstream supply chain, which is also key to addressing social issues such as slave labour, conflict minerals and environmental sustainability. Specifically, it focuses on the flow of physical materials and provides frameworks for assessing risk and developing effective countermeasures. It offers case studies from a variety of industries including aerospace, automotive, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, electronics, industrial equipment and fashion brands. With Supply Chain Security, readers will be armed with the knowledge of where to look for threats and how to secure their own supply chains.

Author Information Daniel Stanton is co-founder and president of SecureMarking, based in Charlotte, North Carolina, which fights the spread of counterfeit products with innovative supply chain security tools including nanotechnology, IoT, and blockchain. He is a best-selling author, an online course instructor and Adjunct Professor of Supply Chain Management at Bradley University. He has been recognised by IBM Watson Supply Chain as a Supply Chain Futurist.


Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

Table of Contents 1

What is supply chain security and integrity 1 Product liability and pricing leverage 2 Brand value 3 Warranty costs, equipment damage and reliability 4 Relationship to supply chain strategy and review of the literature 2 Threats to supply chain integrity 4 Forms of product fraud 5 Drivers, motivations and Profit 6 Organized criminal networks 7 Foreign state actors, terrorist networks, mercenaries, lone wolves 3 Process solutions 8 Supplier audits 9 Chain of custody records 10 Voluntary reporting (GIDEP) 11 Legal remedies 4 Technology solutions 12 Blockchain and Databases 13 RFID 14 Labels, Inks, Marks, Taggants, and Dyes 15 Environmental Sensors 16 Tamper Resistance (coatings, films, labels) 5 Regulations 17 Embargoes and trade rules

18 Dodd-Frank and conflict minerals 19 Aviation hardware 20 U.S. military hardware 21 Pharmaceuticals 5 Case Studies 22 Aerospace (Honeywell GoDirect Trade Blockchain) 23 Defense (Electronic components with DNA) 24 Fashion (Fossil watches and iTRACE) 25 Retail (Amazon) 26 Automotive (Mercedes, Australian oil filters) 27 Industrial Equipment 28 Alcohol (Chinese wines) 29 Pharmaceuticals 30 Tobacco (Pakistan counterfeits) 6 Strategic Recommendations and Frameworks

Supply Chain Risk Management

Supply Chain Risk Management How to Design and Manage Resilient Supply Chains Edition: 3 Date: 11/28/2020 Price: $65.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789666373 ISBN Ebook: 9781789666380 Pages: 368 Format (mm): 235x156 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Supply Chain Risk Management

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first edition, Supply Chain Risk Management, won the ACA Bruel Special Mention Prize in Paris « The for its contribution to the purchasing and supply chain industry key areas of supply chain risk management, such as cargo crime, climate change and « Explains cyber-crime case studies, such as Dell’s response to climate changes, the Port of Antwerp cyber breach « Provides and the Yemen Air Cargo Plot, to embed learning using applicable examples to this edition: a new chapter on ‘The threat of supply chain cyber crime’, additional case « New studies, the latest thinking on political risk as well as updates throughout « Online resources: lecture slides

Description From political uncertainty to trade disrupts and cyber threats, the risk environment is continuously evolving, and new challenges frequently arise demanding immediate attention to avoid disruption to supply chains. Supply Chain Risk Management is the guide to recognizing, reviewing and reacting to these risks to ensure continued operations and optimal service. This book is a practical learning tool which offers a comprehensive framework to understanding risk and how to engineer resilience into the supply chain. The third edition of Supply Chain Risk Management details how to approach various threats, including black swan events, natural disasters, climate change, cargo crime and piracy, and terrorism and security. Using case studies and recent, topical examples, this book demonstrates how to successfully manage these risks and apply learnings in practice. Objectives, summaries and key point checklists in each chapter also help the reader grasp these key concepts and understand how to keep supply chains resilient. Online resources include lecture slides.

Author Information John Manners-Bell is the CEO of Transport Intelligence, a leading supplier of market solutions to the global logistics industry. He is also Visiting Professor at the London Guildhall Faculty of Business and Law, London Metropolitan University.

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A framework for understanding risk Engineering supply chain resilience Industry sector resilience to supply chain threats Natural disasters and pandemics Climate change and emissions policy Economic risks to the supply chain Societal risks to supply chains Corruption in the logistics industry Cargo crime and piracy The threat of supply chain cyber crime Political risks in supply chains Illicit supply chains Terrorism and security

Supply Chain Risk Management

Integrating Blockchain into Supply Chain Management A Toolkit for Practical Implementation Edition: 1 Date: 11/28/2019 Price: $59.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749498269 ISBN Ebook: 9780749498252 Pages: 264 Format (mm): 235x155 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Supply Chain Technology

Author Information Remko van Hoek, is Professor of Supply Chain Management in the Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas. Formerly Chief Procurement Officer for the Walt Disney Company, he has held senior supply chain executive roles in the US and Europe at several companies, including Nike and PwC. He also is the Chair of the Board of Directors of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP). Brian Fugate is the Oren Harris Chair in Transportation, Chair of the Department of Supply Chain Management at the University of Arkansas, and MIT Fulbright Senior Research Scholar. Marat Davletshin was formerly an Operations Manager with Amazon and is currently at the University of Arkansas.

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« Demystifies blockchain technology and its intrinsic relationship to supply chain management. multiple case studies of how a variety of businesses are using blockchain in the supply « Provides chain, including companies such as Walmart, Coca-Cola and Microsoft practical tips, frameworks, and tools so readers can assess the business case for using « Offers blockchain and implement it within their supply chain an invaluable benchmark survey on the state of play of blockchain in supply chain « Includes management. Description Blockchain provides a secure ledger of transactions, programmable smart contracts, and real-time trustworthy visibility and insight into the supply chain process. For all the promises it offers to supply chain professionals, however, there’s very little guidance available on how organizations should begin evaluating and using it. Integrating Blockchain into Supply Chain Management provides that much needed step by step guidance. Integrating Blockchain into Supply Chain Management is a very practical book of tools, frameworks and case studies. It will help students and supply chain managers to evaluate the value proposition blockchain brings. It will then guide them through essential processes for making informed, practical, timely, and business-savvy decisions for using blockchain as an effective supply chain tool. It includes a valuable benchmark survey of the state of play in blockchain in supply chain management, including organisations such as Tyson Foods, IBM and Coca Cola, as well as downloadable frameworks and tools.

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Understanding blockchain technology Using blockchain as a new database Common blockchain features How to adopt blockchain and bridge the gaps Supply chain operations and blockchain Blockchain as a supplier of a stable and secure supply chain system The implications of traceability across the supply chain Blockchain technology and advantages for marketing products and services What is the business case for embracing blockchain?

Matthew A. Waller is the Dean of the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas, where he also serves as the Sam M. Walton Leadership Chair and a Professor of Supply Chain Management.


Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Technology

Blockchain and the Supply Chain Concepts, Strategies and Practical Applications Edition: 1 Date: 05/28/2019 Price: $60.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749484026 ISBN Ebook: 9780749484033 Pages: 320 Format (mm): 234x158 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Supply Chain Technology

This book

how effective new business models are not about digitization, but automation: machine« Examines to-machine transactions, without human involvement clear guidelines on how to derive a blockchain strategy from the overall business and « Includes supply chain strategy, with examples from companies such as Maersk at the strong business case for integrating blockchain into supply chain management and « Looks provides actionable frameworks case studies of successful implementation of blockchain and supply chain automation, « Provides such as the self-booking container, based on research by the Fraunhofer Institute, and examples from IBM, Maersk-Line, ABN-AMRO

Description Blockchain can transform companies when successfully integrated into existing supply chain ecosystems and practices. The key benefits include dispute resolution, foolproof track and trace, event management, operational as well as financial transparency, speed to market, visibility, elimination of heavy reliance on intermediary, integration of IoT technology, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Blockchain and the Supply Chain highlights how to use blockchain as an enabler and key driver for solutions in the end-to-end supply chain. Blockchain and the Supply Chain examines the business case for blockchain, including increased efficiency of transactions. It also covers the broader set of technologies relevant to supply chains, such as IoT, Big Data and Cyber Security basics and the capabilities they offer. The team of authors look at the evolution of the network, systems and finance, as well as basics of blockchain such as peer-to-peer transactions, consensus-based algorithms and smart contracts. The book includes cases which highlight the opportunities within the different nodes of systems, sales and operations planning and provide practical examples from specific supply chains, such as the movement of temperaturecontrolled goods, dry goods and precious commodities, as well as general cargo flow.

Author Information Nick Vyas is the Executive Director and Co-founder of USC Marshall’s Center for Global Supply Chain Management and Assistant Professor of Clinical Data Sciences & Operations. He teaches GSCM and Lean Six Sigma and global supply chain management to leaders from various industries at Cal Polytechnic University, Pomona. Previously Vyas managed global operations for Duty Free International, Sears, Federated Stores, and Toys R Us, where he integrated technology, directed teams, and oversaw strategic transformation initiatives that both optimized speed-to-market and managed cost and quality. Aljosja Beije is co-founder of Blocklab and a PhD candidate at the Politecnico di Milano, where his research focusses on blockchain and SCM. Bhaskar Krishnamachari is Director of USC Viterbi Center for Cyber-Physical Systems and the Internet of Things and Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Professor in the University of Southern California, LA.

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Evolution of supply chain How we got here Supply chains in 2018 – Costly, fragile, and increasingly complex Basics of blockchain Internet of things, data analytics and other information technologies Blockchain strategy – The why, what and how of blockchain What supply chain management processes and metrics will be affected by blockchain? Blockchain projects in practice – Case study Blockchain use cases in supply chain Economic impact and future outlook

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Humanitarian Logistics Meeting the Challenge of Preparing For and Responding To Disasters Edition: 3 Date: 05/28/2018 Price: $85.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749481445 ISBN Ebook: 9780749481452 Pages: 376 Format (mm): 233x157 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Humanitarian Logistics & Supply Chain

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the principal challenges faced by humanitarian logistics practitioners and offers « Assesses suggestions for best practice when supporting natural disasters and complex emergencies to this edition: contains new chapters on providing support for complex emergencies, waste « New management and reverse logistics, the application of value stream analysis and the potential of new technologies Provides international perspectives through a series of multi-contributed essays written by practitioners and academics, including abstracts and references Gives particular focus to pre-disaster preparation, rather than post-disaster assistance

« «

Description Effective logistics play a critical role in disaster preparation and response, but how can those working in this field deliver in environments which are often dangerous and unstable? Humanitarian Logistics provides thought-provoking guidance and discussion of the core issues facing practitioners involved in managing the logistics of disaster relief. With insights from academics and practitioners who have worked in these situations, this multi-contributed book offers suggestions for best practice and international perspectives on the nature of the humanitarian logistics challenge. Now in its third edition, Humanitarian Logistics is fully updated and contains new chapters on providing support for complex emergencies, waste management and reverse logistics, the application of value stream analysis and the potential of new technologies such as 3D printing, cash transfer programmes and drones. With a particular focus on pre-disaster preparation and inter-agency cooperation, this book is essential reading for anyone who needs to understand how to respond effectively during a disaster or crisis.

Author Information Professor Peter Tatham is a leading international researcher in the field of humanitarian logistics, and is the Head of the Department of International Business and Asian Studies at Griffith Business School, Queensland, Australia. Martin Christopher is Emeritus Professor of Marketing and Logistics at Cranfield University, UK. His work in the field of logistics and supply chain management has gained international recognition. He is a regular contributor to conferences and workshops around the world.

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I‌ntroduction [Peter Tatham and Martin Christopher] Process Improvement – A Matter of Life or Death for Non-Governmental Organizations [Paul D. Larson] Impacts of Funding Systems on Humanitarian Operations [Tina Wakolbinger and Fuminori Toyasaki] Introducing Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) Into Humanitarian Programming [Laura Eldon and Anna Kondakhchyan] Technology Meets Humanitarian Logistics – A View on Benefits and Challenges [Peter Tatham, Graham Heaslip and Karen Spens] The Increasing Importance of Services in Humanitarian Logistics [Graham Heaslip] An Exploration of Horizontal Supply Chain Integration for Humanitarian and Disaster Relief [Jihee Kim, Stephen Pettit, Anthony Beresford and Irina Harris]

7 Humanitarian logistics and supply chain management in Africa [Charles Mbohwa, Tatenda Chingono and Paul Buatsi] 8 An Inquiry into Public Procurement for the Civil Preparedness Space – A Case Study in Finland [Hlekiwe Kachali and Isabell Storsjö] 9 Supply chain and logistics competencies for the humanitarian logistician [Graham Heaslip, Alain Vaillancourt, Peter Tatham and Gyöngyi Kovács] 10 Application of centre-ofgravity analysis in network design for pre-positioning of emergency relief items [Gerard de Villiers] 11 Humanitarian logistics – The Functional Challenges Facing Field Offices [Ira Haavisto, Peter Tatham, Hanna-Riitta Harilainen, Cécile L’Hermitte, Magnus Larsson and Alain Vaillancourt]

Humanitarian Logistics & Supply Chain

12 Supply Chain Improvement at ShelterBox – A Case Study of the Application of Lean Principles and Techniques in a Disaster Relief Organisation [David Taylor and Darren Moss] 13 Emergency Management and Logistics Responsiveness – A Study of the Christchurch Earthquakes 2011 [Mark Wilson, Shaun Fogarty, Walter Glass and Paul Childerhouse] 14 What next for Humanitarian Logistics? A Practitioner’s Perspective [George Fenton and Rebecca Lewin] 15 Where next? A glimpse of the future of humanitarian logistics [Gyöngyi Kovács]

Supply Chain Management for Humanitarians Tools for Practice Edition: 1 Date: 08/28/2016 Price: $60.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749474683 ISBN Ebook: 9780749474690 Pages: 416 Format (mm): 234x157 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Humanitarian Logistics & Supply Chain

This book

vital insights on supply chain management from key practitioners and academics in the « Offers humanitarian field. highly practical cases and examples, written by practitioners from international companies « Provides and associations. how to integrate collaboration and coordination into working practices, one of the current « Shows biggest challenges in the humanitarian community.

Description Supply Chain Management for Humanitarians provides an in-depth insight into the management of supply chains in the context of humanitarian logistics. This accessible and practical book considers humanitarian logistics from a strategic and operational perspective. The overarching theme is collaboration and coordination, one of the biggest challenges in the humanitarian community. Supply Chain Management for Humanitarians takes a problem-based learning approach, featuring real cases and examples from leading organizations including Oxfam, Unicef, and The Red Cross. Each chapter is self-standing, relating the content in each chapter to the supply chain as a whole. This enables the reader to easily dip into different sections. At the end of each chapter, there is a case study written by a leading practitioner currently working in the humanitarian field. Supply Chain Management for Humanitarians fills a much needed gap in the market and is essential reading for humanitarians worldwide.

Author Information Dr Ira Haavisto is the Director of the HUMLOG Institute. She teaches Supply Chain Management and Social Responsibility at Hanken School of Economics in Finland. Professor Karen Spens is the Dean of Education at Hanken School of Economics, and a professor in Supply Chain Management and Social Responsibility. She is widely published in the logistics and supply chain industry. Dr Gyöngyi Kovács is the Erkko Professor in Humanitarian Logistics at the Hanken School of Economics, and the Director of the HUMLOG Institute. She also lectures in supply chain management and corporate geography. She is widely published in the logistics and supply chain industry.

Table of Contents 1

Logistics and supply chain management in the humanitarian context 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Exploring logistics competences and capabilities in not-for-profit environments: the case of Médecins Sans Frontières 2 Setting up a supply chain network 2.1 Setting up a humanitarian supply network 2.2 Service triad case study 2.3 Setting up a supply chain network in the Kenyan nutrition sector 3 Supply chain strategy 3.1 Supply chain strategy 3.2 Case study: partnerships – supply chain strategy 4 Decision making in the supply chain 4.1 Decision making in humanitarian logistics 4.2 Forecasts, financing and acceleration of humanitarian logistics: from supply chain to value chain 5 Procurement 5.1 Procurement in humanitarian supply chains

5.2 Joint tender for freightforwarding services: promises and pitfalls 5.3 A procurement project in the Philippines 5.4 Partnerships and innovative procurement as enablers for sustainable development goals 6 Transportation, fleet management, delivery and distribution 6.1 Transport in humanitarian supply chains 6.2 Humanitarian aid supply corridors: Europe–Iraq 7 Warehouse and inventory management 7.1 Warehousing in humanitarian logistics 7.2 The ABC analysis 8 Information technology 8.1 Information systems for humanitarian logistics: concepts and design principles 8.2 GDACSmobile: an IT tool supporting assessments for humanitarian logistics 9 Sustainability, performance measurement, monitoring/ evaluation and exit strategy 9.1 Logistics competency for humanitarian relief: the case of Médecins Sans Frontières

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9.2 Community-managed rural water supply in Ethiopia 9.3 Managing supply chain sustainability risks 9.4 Using three-dimensional printing in a humanitarian context: challenges and solutions 9.5 Making performance measurement work in humanitarian logistics: the case of an IT-supported balanced scorecard 9.6 Boko Haram: the security and supply chain management challenges of providing relief 9.7 Measuring the supply chain performance of humanitarian organizations: the case of Thai Red Cross in Chiangmai

Mastering the Circular Economy A Practical Approach to the Circular Business Model Transformation Edition: 1 Date: 05/28/2021 Price: $46.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781398602748 ISBN Ebook: 9781398602762 Pages: 296 Format (mm): 240x170 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Sustainability

This book

a deeper understanding of the circular economy with a mix of theory and practice to « Gain encourage experiential learning how different roles in supply chain management, purchasing, finance and sales must « Explores collaborate to create the right circular strategy for the business the wider societal context of the circular economy and its applications to an individual « Examines company, focusing on business models, profitability and transformation reflections, exercises and examples to aid understanding of the challenges, opportunities « Includes and practical implications of transforming to a circular business model resources: free introductory access to the online business simulation game The Blue « Online Connection, supporting templates, videos and example course designs

Description Global consumption of raw materials currently goes beyond the earth’s regenerative capacity, but the circular economy offers a more sustainable model which also provides new business opportunities. Mastering the Circular Economy is an introduction to circularity from a business and supply chain management perspective. With many reflections and exercises throughout, the book draws a direct link between relevant recent theory and practice and offers students and practitioners a deeper understanding of the topic. It looks at both the macro and micro context of the circular economy, from the government and societal view to the impact of new business models in an individual company. Starting from the corporate imperative of moving from linear to circular business models, Mastering the Circular Economy covers the associated opportunities and challenges for organizations, from regulation and risk to value chain collaboration, reverse logistics and product quality. Part two of the book helps students to pull together everything they’ve learned and see how the concepts play out in the real world by guiding them through an interactive demonstration of the online business simulation game The Blue Connection (free basic access is included with the book). Readers are continuously asked to reflect on the choices they would make in different roles to demonstrate a full understanding of the strategic and operational implications of the circular economy.

Author Information Ed Weenk is Senior Lecturer of Global Supply Chain Management at Maastricht School of Management and Senior Associate Professor at EADA Business School Barcelona. As a freelance trainer and consultant he also teaches at many other business schools around the world. He is based in Maastricht, the Netherlands. Rozanne Henzen is a researcher and innovation consultant within the Sustainable Transformation Lab (STL) of Antwerp Management School, based in Antwerp, Belgium. She is currently recognized as one of the Sustainable Young 100 of 2020 in the Netherlands.


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Table of Contents 13 Circularity – imagining the 1 Exploring circularity transformation from the 1 Introduction to circularity perspective of leadership 2 Circularity – exploring the 14 Circularity – imagining the company perspective transformation from the 3 Circularity – exploring the perspective beyond the leadership perspective company frontier 4 Circularity – exploring the 15 Conclusion perspective beyond the company frontier 5 The corporate circular imperative 2 Mastering circularity 6 Knowledge in action – The Blue Connection 7 Circularity – mastering the company perspective 8 Circularity – mastering the leadership perspective 9 Circularity – mastering the perspective beyond the company frontier 10 The corporate circular imperative (2) 3 Imagining the transformation from linear to circular 11 The transformation from linear to circular 12 Circularity – imagining the transformation from the perspective of the company


Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management Principles and Practices for Sustainable Operations and Management Edition: 2 Date: 04/28/2017 Price: $60.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749478278 ISBN Ebook: 9780749478285 Pages: 304 Format (mm): 233x157 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Sustainability

Author Information Professor David B. Grant is Professor of Logistics at Hull University Business School, UK and Professor of Supply Chain Management and Social Responsibility at Hanken School of Economics, Finland. He has over 175 publications and participates in editorial boards for numerous journals. Dr Alexander Trautrims is a Lecturer in Supply Chain and Operations Management at Nottingham University Business School. His research focuses on sourcing, compliance and supply issues. Professor Chee Yew Wong is Chair of Supply Chain Management at Leeds University Business School. He has extensive consultancy experience in operations, purchasing, production, inventory and distribution management.

This book

to this edition: updated content on compliance and auditing, demand and inventory « New planning, plus strategic, operational and public policy perspectives « Online resources: Include instructor manuals; compiled lists of tables and figures a comprehensive overview of sustainability science, as well as an understanding of « Provides sustainability as it affects the supply chain « Examines all the key areas in sustainable logistics and supply chain management carefully reviewed research-led applications and topical case studies based on extensive « Provides research by experts in the field

Description Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management is the essential guide to the principles and practices of sustainable logistics operations. Based on extensive research, this book covers the whole scope of sustainable logistics. The case studies, with particular attention for use in a teaching context, relate the theoretical concepts to practice and what is happening ‘on the ground’. Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management examines all the key areas in sustainable logistics and supply chain management, including: sustainable product design and packaging; sustainable purchasing and procurement; environmental impact of freight transport; sustainable warehousing and storage; and much more. Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management is a highly accessible guide to sustainable supply chain management. It provides an excellent insight into the topic that will help managers, students, and scholars grasp the fundamentals of green supply and logistics management. A vital teaching resource for courses on sustainable logistics, this revised edition includes valuable supporting online materials.

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‌Introduction Logistics and Supply Chain Management Science of Sustainability Freight Transport Sustainable Warehousing Product Design, Cleaner Production and Packaging Sustainable Purchasing and Procurement Reverse Logistics and Recycling Risk, Resilience and Corporate Social Responsibility Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management Strategy

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A Circular Economy Handbook for Business and Supply Chains Edition: 2 Date: 11/28/2020 Price: $52.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789665314 ISBN Ebook: 9781789665321 Pages: 496 Format (mm): 235x160 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Sustainability

This book

guidance on how to move away from the ‘take, make, dispose’ approach towards a circular « Provides economy model that regenerates goods into new products how to create value instead of waste at every stage in the supply cycle, with real examples « Explains and case studies covering ecodesign, food waste apps, industrial manufacturing and key legislation changes effecting circular economies New to this edition: circular economy framework 2.0, ecodesign, food & agriculture, recycled fabrics in fashion logistics, new chapter on packaging and examples from Africa, India and other developing countries Online resources: lecture slides with figures and tables from every chapter

« «

Description WINNER: 2018 Les Plumes des Achats & Supply Chain - The Committee Special Prize As we learn more about the climate and biodiversity crisis, it is clear that how we make and consume things is a major part of the problem. Extraction and processing of materials, fuels and food makes up about half of global greenhouse gas emissions and over 90% of biodiversity loss and water stress. Many modern businesses deplete resources, destroy ecosystems and dump waste and pollution at every stage - harming human health along the way. Governments, businesses and think-tanks see the circular economy as the way forward. Now in its second edition, A Circular Economy Handbook is a guided tour through the concepts and the practicalities. A unique framework systematically explores the range of circular interventions, including product and supply chain design, material choice and supporting business models. How does it really work for business? What circular approaches are emerging in food, fashion, consumer technology, packaging and other sectors? How do these reduce risk, improve resilience and build profitable, future-fit organizations? With over 300 real examples from around the world, this is a must-read for businesses, students and policymakers. This new edition has been extensively updated to include the latest trends, thinking, research and solutions, with a new chapter on packaging and 30 new company snapshots.

Author Information Catherine Weetman helps entrepreneurs and business leaders to rethink their businesses for a circular, regenerative and fair economy. A trained industrial engineer, she is fascinated by the ‘sweet spot’ where strategy, supply chain and sustainability come together. She hosts the Circular Economy Podcast and is an international speaker, coach and advisor.

Table of Contents ‌Introduction An overview of the circular economy 1 The circular economy 2 The design and supply chain 3 Circular business models 4 Enablers and accelerators 2 How are businesses adopting circular economy models? 5 Drivers for change 6 Food and agriculture 7 Fashion and textiles 8 Consumer electricals and electronics 9 Industrial manufacturing 10 Packaging and plastics 3 What does this mean for supply chains? 11 Supply chain strategy and planning 12 Supply chain operations: Sourcing and procurement, manufacturing, distribution and reverse logistics 4 Implementation 13 Making the business case and starting the journey 14 Glossary 15 Index 1

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Green Logistics Improving the Environmental Sustainability of Logistics Edition: 3 Date: 02/28/2015 Price: $60.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749471859 ISBN Ebook: 9780749471866 Pages: 448 Format (mm): 235x157 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Sustainability

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« Examines the most pressing issues and current trends in green logistics « Analyses the environmental consequences of logistics and how to deal with them ways of reducing these externalities and achieving a more sustainable balance between « Examines economic, environmental and social objectives « Provides insightful international case studies that illustrate the impact of green logistics in practice « Online resources: Graphics, tables, chapter summaries, and guidelines for lecturers Description Leading the way in current thinking on environmental logistics, Green Logistics provides a unique insight on the environmental impacts of logistics and the actions that companies and governments can take to deal with them. It is written by leading researchers in the field and provides a comprehensive view of the subject for students, managers and policy-makers. Fully updated, the 3rd edition of Green Logistics has a more global perspective than previous editions. It introduces new contributors and international case studies that illustrate the impact of green logistics in practice. There is a new chapter on the links between green logistics and corporate social responsibility and a series of postscripts examining the effects of new developments, such as 3D printing, distribution by drone, the physical internet and the concept of peak freight. Other key topics examined include: carbon auditing of supply chains; transferring freight to greener transport modes; reducing the environmental impact of warehousing; improving the energy efficiency of freight transport; making city logistics more environmentally sustainable; reverse logistics for the management of waste; role of government in promoting sustainable logistics. The 3rd edition of Green Logistics includes indispensable online supporting materials, including graphics, tables, chapter summaries, and guidelines for lecturers.

Author Information Alan McKinnon is Professor and Head of Logistics at Kühne Logistics University, Hamburg. He has been researching and teaching in freight transport and logistics for 35 years and has published in journals and books. He’s been an adviser to several governments and international organisations on environmental aspects of logistics. Michael Browne is Professor of Logistics at the University of Westminster, London. He has worked on studies for Transport for London, the European Commission, the UK Department for Transport, Research Councils and commercial organizations. Maja Piecyk is Associate Professor in Logistics at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. Much of her research focuses on the optimisation of supply networks, carbon auditing of logistics and long-term trends in the energy requirements and environmental impacts of logistics. Anthony Whiteing is Senior Lecturer in the Institute for Transport Studies at the University of Leeds. An academic with 30 years’ experience, he’s been involved in various UK and European research projects primarily in the field of freight transport.

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Assessing the environmental effects of logistics Environmental sustainability: A new priority for logistics managers – Alan McKinnon Assessing the external impacts of freight transport – Maja Piecyk, Sharon Cullinane and Julia Edwards Carbon auditing of companies, supply chains and products – Maja Piecyk Evaluating and internalizing the environmental costs of logistics – Maja Piecyk, Alan McKinnon and Julian Allen Strategic perspective Green logistics, sustainable development and corporate social responsibility – Maja Piecyk and Maria Björklund Restructuring road freight networks within supply chains – Irina Harris, Vasco SanchezRodrigues, Mohamed Naim and Christine Mumford Transferring freight to ‘greener’ transport modes – Allan Woodburn and Anthony Whiteing

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8 Development of greener vehicles, aircraft and ships – Alan McKinnon, Julian Allen and Allan Woodburn 9 Reducing the environmental impact of warehousing – Peter Baker and Clive Marchant 3 Operational perspective 10 Optimizing the routeing of vehicles – Richard Eglese and Daniel Black 11 Opportunities for improving vehicle utilization – Alan McKinnon 12 Increasing fuel efficiency in the road freight sector – Alan McKinnon 13 Alternative fuels and freight vehicles: Status, costs and benefits, and growth – Jacques Leonardi, Sharon Cullinane and Julia Edwards 4 Key issues 14 Sustainability strategies for city logistics – Julian Allen, Michael Browne and José Holguín-Veras 15 E-business, e-logistics and the environment – Alan McKinnon, Yingli Wang, Andrew Potter and Julia Edwards

16 Reverse logistics for the management of waste – Tom Cherrett, Sarah Maynard, Fraser McLeod and Adrian Hickford 17 The food miles debate: Is shorter better? – Tara Garnett 5 Implications for public policy and the future of supply chains 18 The role of government in promoting green logistics – Alan McKinnon

Global Waste Management Models for Tackling the International Waste Crisis Edition: 1 Date: 04/28/2020 Price: $65.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789660777 ISBN Ebook: 9781789660784 Pages: 416 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Sustainability

This book

at the international trade of waste between countries, where hazardous and non-hazardous « Looks wastes are exported from developed to developing countries theory and research supported by fascinating case studies looking at trans-boundary waste « Features transfer, covering essential topics such as the Chinese ban on waste imports and the huge issue of plastic waste Includes governance and management models and strategies for dealing with the waste crisis Presents vital data and statistics on the waste crisis, examines possible causes and introduces different discourses and strategies Performs a comparative analysis between the current main laws that regulate waste at international, European and Brazilian levels

« « «

Description WINNER: 2020 International Solid Waste Association Publication Award Among other factors, rapid global population growth, our development model and patterns of production and consumption have increased waste generation worldwide to unsustainable rates. This rise has led to crises in many countries where waste management practices are no longer sound. Global Waste Management outlines the emerging global waste crisis considering the perspectives of developed and developing countries around the world and the international relationships between them. This book provides an ecological viewpoint as well as studying these problems from a legal and justice standpoint. Global Waste Management contextualises the problems faced when dealing with waste including the causes and origins. Focus is given to cross border waste transfer, as an ongoing and controversial practice, making waste management a global matter. This book scrutinizes existing international, European and Brazilian regulation on waste to highlight the complexity of the subject and the weaknesses of the law. Using a critical and socio-ecological approach, the book proposes an original model of governance to support a new system of global waste management that takes into account ecological sustainability and social justice to overcome the waste crisis. To create these models, a theoretical framework on socio-ecological justice is developed and combined with different discourses and theories described throughout the book. This is the essential guide to understanding the global waste crisis and the future of waste management.

Author Information Dr. Kamila Pope is an environmental lawyer and researcher. She is a member of the World Commission on Environmental Law (WCEL/IUCN), the Experts Committee at Halte à l’Obsolescence Programmée (HOP), and Harmony with Nature Knowledge Network Experts (HwN/UN). She has won two international awards for research on sustainability and her PhD thesis was elected the best Brazilian legal thesis of 2019, a prize awarded by the Ministry of Education and Research of Brazil.


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Table of Contents ‌Introduction The socio-ecological problem of waste 1 The waste crisis – origins and causes 2 Waste as a problem of justice 3 Models to overcome the waste crisis 2 A new waste management system for a sustainable and just future 4 Waste as a legal problem 5 Legal regulation of crossborder waste transfer 6 Global governance and the management of waste 7 Conclusion 8 References and further reading 9 Index 1


Understanding Planned Obsolescence Unsustainability Through Production, Consumption and Waste Generation Edition: 1 Date: 01/28/2017 Price: $85.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749478056 ISBN Ebook: 9780749478063 Pages: 240 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Sustainability

Author Information Kamila Pope is an Environmental Law and Bio-law lecturer, researcher and lawyer. She has published a plethora of articles, chapters and papers covering Environmental Law, Sustainability, Planned Obsolescence and Waste Management. She holds a Master’s in Law, Environment and Political Ecology and is studying a PhD in Law, Politics and Society.

This book

« Examines the ethical, social and economic causes and their negative consequences how the sustainability ideal aligns with Economics and Law, and how manufacturers and « Clarifies supply chain practices can integrate it into their processes « Outlines theoretical frameworks for tackling planned obsolescence real-life case studies which give insights into production, consumption patterns and « Presents planned obsolescence « Online resources: Chapter-by-chapter lecturer slides Description Planned obsolescence is a strategy used to make products obsolete, leading to their premature replacement. The result is the over-exploitation of natural resources, increased waste and detrimental social impacts. It is a known practice in consumer electronics and affects other industries as they put profit before consequence. A ground-breaking new book, Understanding Planned Obsolescence looks at the causes, cost and impact of planned obsolescence. It considers the legal and economic frameworks to overcome the practice and how to mitigate its effects. It also unearths new patterns of production and consumption highlighting more sustainable development models. Including a wide range of case studies from Europe, USA and South America, Understanding Planned Obsolescence is a vital step forward for the future of business and academia alike. Online resources now available include chapter-by-chapter lecturer slides.

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‌Introduction Identifying the causes, consequences and history of planned obsolescence Consumer society: A product of the growthist economy Planned obsolescence as an instrument of the growthist economy and its socioenvironmental consequences How to overcome planned obsolescence: from theory to practice Sustainability in Economics and Law: The greening of sciences in the search for a new paradigm The sustainability paradigm as the foundation to tackle planned obsolescence: New perspectives Final considerations


Sustainability in Global Value Chains Measures, Ethics and Best Practices for Responsible Businesses Edition: 1 Date: 02/28/2021 Price: $65.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789662627 ISBN Ebook: 9781789662634 Pages: 304 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Sustainability

This book

vital research from leading academics on sustainable supply chains, from the German « Presents Research Foundation - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - the self-governing organization for science and research in Germany

examples of best practice in sustainable value chains from a cross-section of industries, « Provides such as agriculture, energy and retail the impact of digitalization as an enabler for sustainable supply chains and a facilitator of « Examines high performance

Focuses on increasing cost savings, profits and revenue

Description Sustainability can create greater efficiency and cost savings in the supply chain. Supply chains, which are more complex and global than ever before, are full of both risks and opportunities. The risks range from inconsistent or poor quality to supply disruptions to health and safety concerns to corruption. Businesses face pressure to adopt sustainable supply chain practices from various stakeholders and motivations typically come from one or more of four sources: customers, compliance, costs, competitive advantage. Sustainability in Global Value Chains is the guide to understanding all aspects and approaches of sustainable supply chains using in-depth research from leading academics from sixteen different universities. Sustainability in Global Value Chains focuses on how to make supply chains sustainable, with an emphasis on new technologies and digitization. The research featured covers topics such as KPIs in production and supply chains, the role of standards, blockchain technology and algebraic models. This comprehensive book presents real world issues, problems in implementing sustainability in the supply chain and examples of best practice.

Author Information Michael Henke is Chair of Enterprise Logistics at TU Dortmund University, Director of Enterprise Logistics, IML Dortmund, Professor for Strategic Sourcing and Procurement at Louvian School of Management, Paris and Professor for Supply Chain Management at Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland. Holger Kohl is Director of Corporate Management at Fraunhofer IPK (Fraunhofer Institute for Design and Technology) and Head of Department in Sustainable Corporate Development at TU Berlin


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Table of Contents 1 About the book 2 The importance of supply chain management for sustainability in global value chains 3 Interdisciplinary research works in the field of SSCM 1 Ethical principles of sustainable value chain management 4 Start-ups as relevant supporters and initiators of sustainability attributes in global value chains of the future [Stephanie Rabbe, Christoph von Viebahn, Marvin Auf der Landwehr] 5 Global value chain sustainability governance: implications for management research and practice [Klaus Fischer] 2 Measuring sustainability in global value chains 6 Sustainability controlling in integrated value chains [Harry Müller] 7 Measuring diversity among competing supply-value chains [Kristian Schneider]


8 Sustainable buyer behavior in value chains: determinants and marketing implications [Guido Grunwald, Valérie Swaen] 9 Tactical planning measures for sustainable and efficient international transportation networks [Michael Dircksen] 3 Actions to continuously improve sustainability in global value chains 10 Biomimetic principles for improved organizational information processing: toward sustainable supply chains [Lydia Bals] 11 (How) Can research in the field of sustainability become more forward-looking and future-shaping? [Carsten Reuter] 12 Success factors of voluntary sustainable supply chain management sector initiatives [ Julia Schwarzkopf, Klaus Fischer, Martin Müller] 13 An institutional framework of urban logistics: policy options and the role of the government [Marcus Sidki, Igor Ivanov] 14 Index

Sustainable and Green Supply Chains and Logistics Case Study Collection Edition: 1 Date: 11/28/2021 Price: $210.00 ISBN Paperback: 9781789668216 ISBN Ebook: 9781789668223 Pages: 384 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Reference Subject: Sustainability

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in-depth case studies written by leading, international academics, which deliver insights « Contains and perspectives on global sustainability trends examples of sustainable practices across different industries, such as food, manufacturing « Provides and construction, including Coca-Cola India ways to reach sustainable business objectives and overcome considerable obstacles, with « Examines lessons learned from experts in industry and academia « Explores hot new topics and vital new areas of research which will guide future strategies

Description Sustainability is an increasingly urgent and important factor in logistics and supply chain management, impacting the whole supply chain lifecycle from product design and development, to supplier management, packaging, transportation, warehousing and distribution. The third volume of the Supply Chain Case Study Collection, the Sustainable and Green Supply Chains and Logistics Case Study Collection contains real-life scenarios from leading companies who are pursuing a sustainability agenda. Cases cover sustainability and ‘green’ practices in a range of different industries, from food through to manufacturing and construction, and in a variety of organization sizes. They are written by leading international academics and feature cutting-edge research from countries including India, Vietnam, Brazil, China and the UK. By exploring examples of waste reduction, supplier management, the circular economy and crossindustry collaboration, the Case Study Collection focuses on how organizations are currently trying to meet sustainability goals and achieve success in greening supply chains.

Author Information Dr Ozlem Bak is a Senior Lecturer in Operations Management at Brunel Business School, based in London, UK. Her academic activities are underpinned by industrial and commercial background which included experience in the automotive industry for companies such as Daimler, Chrysler and Hyundai. Her current research interests lie in supply chain management, particularly organisational transformation and e-business implementations in supply chains.

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Waste reduction at a print and 8 The Circular Supply Chain – Study of a cross-industry packaging company (SME) [Dr collaboration [Prof. Joe Mike Simpson] Miemczyk and Anne Sustainable Supplier Ratsimandresy] Management at Coca Cola India: Creating a Green EcoSystem [Dr Tom McNamara and Irena Descubes] Factors Affecting Sustainability Adoption in Small and Medium-sized Manufacturing Enterprises (SMMEs) in Vietnam [Huy. Phan, Mohammed Saad and Prof. Vikas Kumar] Sustainability practices in food SME’s supply chains – a case from Brazil [Dr Daiane Neutzling and Dr Frediano Jales] Circular Economy in Manufacturing and Service Solutions [Dr Weimu Yu and Mira Valkjärvi] Green construction supply chains – a benchmark study between China and the UK [Dr Ying Xie and Dr YiQing Zhao] Connecting dynamic markets in a circular economy – The case of SAICA [Dr Desirée Knoppen]

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Inspiring Green Consumer Choices Leverage Neuroscience to Reshape Marketplace Behavior Edition: 1 Date: 09/28/2021 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781398601000 ISBN Ebook: 9781398601017 Pages: 256 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Sustainability

This book

neuroscience to explain the “say-do” gap in sustainable consumer behavior and how to « Uses overcome it how marketers can design informational campaigns to encourage more sustainable « Outlines selections how to leverage psychological framing effects, design choice architecture and pricing « Explains strategies to disrupt habits and promote sustainable behavior

Description While many consumers profess a desire to help end climate change by engaging in more sustainable behaviors, consumer behavior experts note the “say-do” gap between expressed intention and behavior. How do we explain this? What, if anything, can consumers be encouraged to do to close this gap and purchase sustainable products and services? Inspiring Green Consumer Choices explains the factors that underlie the discrepancy between consumers’ expressed preferences and their incongruous behavior in the marketplace. Drawing from advances in neuroscience, behavioral economics and experimental psychology, the author reveals how marketplace behavior is not always rational. Instead it is frequently the product of mental shortcuts, triggered by situational cues and colored by implicit emotional responses. In making purchasing decisions, routine consumer behavior is governed less by intention than by mental habits and unconscious response biases. These tendencies are difficult (but not impossible) to change. Inspiring Green Consumer Choices outlines how techniques such as psychological framing, design of choice architectures and pricing strategy can be used to disrupt habits and promote sustainable behavior. The author also addresses the role that legislative policy and changing social norms can play in accelerating and sustaining behavior change. Illustrated with case studies and filled with best practices, Inspiring Green Consumer Choices helps marketers understand how consumers make purchase decisions in order to shift consumption choices towards a more sustainable future.

Author Information Michael E. Smith is an applied cognitive neuroscientist and consumer insights professional with over three decades of research experience in the human brain and behavioral sciences. He is Principal Scientist and Founder of Adaptation Research and is based in La Jolla, California. He previously served as Vice President of Consumer Neuroscience at Nielsen and was President of CorTechs Labs Inc. He was also Program Officer in Cognitive Neuroscience at the US National Science Foundation. He has held numerous research and teaching positions, written for peer-reviewed journals and trade publications, and speaks at industry conferences.


Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

Table of Contents ‌Introduction Conscious Resource Limits and Mental Shortcuts 2 Reward Anticipation and Approach Motivation 3 Habits and their Triggers Along the Path to Purchase 4 Making it Easier to Change Habitual Behaviors 5 The Role of Policy in Incentivizing Consumption Changes 6 Reprogramming the “Behavioral Immune System” 7 Using Social Norms to Accelerate and Sustain Behavior Change 8 Overcoming Resistance to Behavior Change 9 Conclusion 1


The Road to Zero Emissions The Future of Trucks, Transport and Automotive Industry Supply Chains Edition: 1 Date: 09/28/2020 Price: $65.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789665604 ISBN Ebook: 9781789665611 Pages: 312 Format (mm): 235x158 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Sustainability

This book

the new technologies, artificial intelligence systems and applications needed to drive a « Examines sustainable trucking industry how the acceleration of the adoption of zero emission transport will be linked to « Explains infrastructure investments, supported by case studies from companies such as Jaguar, Land Rover and Honda Presents the many other factors that will impact the survivability of Diesel as an energy source in the future, for the global manufacturers of Diesel cars and trucks Details new players in freight sustainability across four continents and examines future plans and models, which manufacturing companies are planning to role out by 2050

« «

Description The transport industry has an important role to play in addressing climate change and the environmental challenges facing governments, businesses and individuals. Achieving net zero emissions by 2050 will require this sector, which is a large contributor of emissions, to innovate, adapt and drive positive change. New technologies including batteries and alternative fuels will all be significant, as will developing different approaches and outlooks. The Road to Zero Emissions is the comprehensive guide for those in the transport industry to understanding what can and is being done to tackle climate change. Through examining established companies and new entrants in the automotive space, readers are provided with examples of the importance of infrastructure, business innovation and financing for the future. In addition to this, the role of governments in establishing policies, such as zero-emission zones, is also discussed. Progressing towards zero emissions requires immediate change and this book will start you on the journey.

Author Information Dennis Evans has held senior positions in truck manufacturing companies around the world, most recently with a division of VW Commercial Vehicles. He has worked in the UK, Europe, USA, South America, Middle East and Africa, with all of the major vehicle manufacturers. Des Evans is an honorary Professor within the Advanced Services Group at Aston University Business School. He was awarded an O.B.E. for services to the Motor Industry. Alistair Williamson started as a technical engineer with Bedford Trucks and graduated through senior engineering roles at Scania UK and MAN AG, becoming Global Marketing Director for MAN AG based in Munich. He has operated his own successful Marketing consultancy for 14 years.

Table of Contents ‌Introduction 1 The road to zero emissions 2 The fall of the diesel engine and the rise of the electric motor 3 Climate change action and the Paris Agreement 4 The climate change challenge 5 Infrastructure challenge and the role of government 6 ‘Shock waves’ in the global battery market 7 Global energy systems and the impact of electric vehicles 8 EV development and the world’s ‘top 10’ commercial vehicle manufacturers 9 ‘New kids on the block’ – new entrants into the EV market space 10 Alternative fuels to diesel and electricity for trucks and transportation 11 Business innovation in the automotive sector 12 Financing the future 13 Journey milestones 14 The journey continues – 2050 and beyond

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Decarbonizing Logistics Distributing Goods in a Low Carbon World Edition: 1 Date: 06/28/2018 Price: $60.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749483807 ISBN Ebook: 9780749480486 Pages: 328 Format (mm): 235x160 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Sustainability

This book

« Provides original research conducted by the Kühne Logistics University, Hamburg vital insights into how different companies have tackled decarbonisation with a focus on « Presents transportation a new decarbonisation framework within which external factors can be classified and « Includes systematically assessed by companies the external factors likely to influence the carbon reduction in logistics, such as freight « Explains transport demand, truck fuel consumption and related CO2 emissions Description Logistics accounts for around 9-10% of global CO2 emissions and will be one of the hardest economic sectors to decarbonize. This is partly because the demand for freight transport is expected to rise sharply over the next few decades, but also because it relies very heavily on fossil fuel. Decarbonizing Logistics outlines the nature and extent of the challenge we face in trying to achieve deep reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from logistical activities. It makes a detailed assessment of the available options, including restructuring supply chains, shifting freight to lower carbon transport modes and transforming energy use in the logistics sector. The options are examined from technological and managerial standpoints for all the main freight transport modes. Based on an up-to-date review of almost 600 publications and containing new analytical frameworks and research results, Decarbonizing Logistics is the first to provide a global, multi-disciplinary perspective on the subject. It is written by one of the foremost specialists in the field who has spent many years researching the links between logistics and climate change and been an adviser to governments, international organizations and companies on the topic.

Author Information Alan McKinnon is Professor of Logistics at Kühne Logistics University, Hamburg. He has been researching and teaching freight transport and logistics for almost forty years and has published extensively in journals and books. He was a member of the European Commission’s High Level Group on Logistics, Chairman of the World Economic Forum’s Logistics and Supply Chain Industry Council and a lead author of the transport chapter of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s fifth assessment report. He has spent many years researching the links between logistics and climate change and been an adviser to governments, international organizations and companies on this topic.


Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management

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Climate change: the nature and scale of the challenge Developing a decarbonisation strategy for logistics Reducing freight transport intensity Shifting freight to lower carbon transport modes Improving asset utilisation in logistics Transforming energy use in road freight transport Transforming energy use in maritime, air cargo and rail freight sectors Decarbonising logistics at the national level: the case of the united kingdom


Supply Chain Ethics Using CSR and Sustainability to Create Competitive Advantage Edition: 1 Date: /03/28/2017 Price: $60.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749479459 ISBN Ebook: 9780749479466 Pages: 296 Format (mm): 235x160 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Sustainability

This book

Outlines suitable and safe conditions in which to manufacture products Clarifies issues on waste and what it does to the environment Depicts how to analyse the impact of the transportation of goods in terms of pollution Looks at ways road freight operators, warehouse companies, shipping lines and airlines can mitigate their impact on the environment

case studies including CEVA, ASOS, Apple, Intel, Exol Lubricants, ProLogis, Sports Direct, « Explores Unilever, Citylink, Deliveroo/Ubereats and Hewlett Packard

Description It is increasingly clear that traditional supply chains which focus on sourcing products from the lowest possible cost suppliers are failing to exploit their full potential. Supply Chain Ethics, through case studies, surveys and unique research, identifies and outlines best practice employed by global manufacturers, retailers and logistics companies. It examines the so-called ‘triple advantage’ that accrues to businesses when strategies that combine bottom line profits, sustainable environmental practices and positive societal impact are employed. Narrow supply chain strategies which focus on only one of these three factors will inevitably fail. Supply Chain Ethics covers the following issues which affect senior supply chain, operations and manufacturing managers: ‘triple advantage’ best practice and how it can create value for global businesses; product design; sourcing and warehousing; transportation and recycling; environmental practices of logistics companies and suppliers; supply chain technologies. There is also an invaluable Ethical Supply Chains survey of top global companies.

Author Information John Manners-Bell is Founder and CEO of Transport Intelligence Ltd, Bath, UK, which since 2002 has developed a market-leading position in the provision of market research to a range of blue chip customers and governmental organisations. He is former Chair of the Logistics and Supply Chain Global Agenda Council of the World Economic Forum, attending meetings in the UAE, China and South Africa as well as speaking and moderating at the annual Davos meeting. He is regularly quoted in the trade and national press (FT, Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal, Economist) and has spoken at conferences worldwide.

Table of Contents 1 1 2 3 4 2 5 6 7 8 9 3 10 11 12 13

‌Introduction New Thinking and Business Models Profit, People and Planet – The Triple Advantage Supply Chains in the ‘Circular Economy’ The Role of Supply Chain Technologies Sustainable Supply Chains Survey Public Policy and Industry Response Government Policy and Industry Response to Climate Change Implementing a CSR Strategy Sustainable Warehousing and Distribution Sustainable Packaging Initiatives Global or Local? The Ethical Debate Ethical Issues in the Supply Chain Societal and Environmental Supply Chain Responsibility Ethics in the Supply Chain – Societal Impact Ethical Supplier Relationships Treatment of Workers in the Modern Logistics Sector

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Marketing and PR Innovation and Best Practice in Advertising Digital Marketing Social Media Marketing Communications B2B Marketing Branding Consumer Behaviour Product Design Event Management Luxury Marketing Market Reseach Market Research Marketing Analytics Marketing Fundamentals Marketing Strategy Not-for-Profit Marketing Public Relations Retail Studies Sales & Key Account Management



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Understanding Digital Marketing

Essentials of Advertising Edition: 1 Date: 02/28/2017 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749478391 ISBN Ebook: 9780749478407 Pages: 240 Format (mm): 238x170 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Advertising

This book

a cross-disciplinary approach, explores the diverse ways advertising is interpreted by « Takes psychologists, sociologists, economists, historians, marketers, and media researchers - giving students the skills to respond sensitively to any advertising challenge

big picture, theoretical concepts down to earth, linking them to everyday practice with « Brings thought-provoking examples from international companies awareness of the different ways advertising is interpreted across industries, enabling « Builds students to develop careers aligned with their abilities and interests, both client and agency side in-depth coverage of ethics, encouraging students to think critically about advertising « Includes in different contexts, and respond appropriately when faced with ethically subjective situations throughout their careers Online resources: Lecture slides, self-test questions, group activities, case studies, figures, and web-links to industry body research, magazines, relevant research, blogs, podcasts, videos and documentaries


Description As a subject, advertising affects us all - it surrounds us every day. Yet there is a great deal of variety in the way advertising is interpreted, and practitioners and academics from different backgrounds and disciplines study advertising in vastly different ways. For example, psychologists try to understand what happens to our brains when we see adverts, while economists try to understand whether money spent on advertising is worth it. Essentials of Advertising is designed to help students navigate their way through the field of advertising. It will introduce readers to the key concepts of advertising as they have been developed not only by psychologists and economists, but also by sociologists, historians, marketers and media researchers - not to mention advertising practitioners themselves. Meticulously researched, Essentials of Advertising will allow readers to understand not just what different research traditions say about advertising, but why they say it. This will help students develop key analytic skills to critically evaluate and exploit existing research on advertising, based on a greater understanding of where it comes from. This allows them to develop greater perception and awareness professionally, and acts as a springboard for students to jump into the wider area of advertising studies and to develop their careers according to their interests. Online resources include lecture slides, self-test questions, group activities, figures, and case studies for specific chapters, plus web links to industry body research and relevant further reading.

Author Information Dr Robert Cluley is assistant professor at Nottingham University Business School, teaching in the fields of branding, advertising and marketing communications. He has contributed to a range of texts on branding and advertising, along with a plethora of research publications and edited collections.

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Marketing and PR

The Essentials of Advertising – What Are Adverts and Why Study Them? Big Questions – Advertising, Communication, Rhetoric and Persuasion Art or Science – What do Legendary Advertisers Think about Advertising? Ad Work – Management and Organizational Perspectives on Advertising Information and Value – The Economics of Advertising The Hierarchy of Effects – The Psychology of Advertising The Society of the Spectacle – The Sociology of Advertising The Magic System – Cultural Studies of Advertising The Medium is the Message – Media Studies and Advertising The Distorted Mirror – Advertising and Ethics Next Steps – The New Essentials of Advertising


Paid Attention Innovative Advertising for a Digital World Edition: 1 Date: 04/28/2015 Price: $24.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749473600 ISBN Ebook: 9780749473617 Pages: 216 Format (mm): 235x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Advertising

This book

the shifts due to rapid changes in communication technologies and proposes new « Discusses commercial advertising models tools for working in the new media environment, with handy tips and case studies « Provides throughout readers generate new ideas and package them using a creativity toolkit in Chapter 8 inspired « Helps by the author’s own practice resources: Additional toolkits with advice, techniques and best practice on brand behaviour, « Online new ideas and effective communication

Description As ever, the onus is on brands to find compelling ways to earn the attention of the consumer. Yet content scarcity has given way to overload, fixed channels have dissolved into fluid networks, and audiences have become participants in consumer-driven conversations. This shift requires a new course of action for brands; it demands new marketing imperatives. Paid Attention is a guide to modern advertising ideas: what they are, why they are evolving and how to have them. Spanning communication theory, neuroscience, creativity and innovation, media history, branding and emerging technologies, it explores the strategic creation process and how to package ideas to attract the most attention in the advertising industry. Packed with real-world examples of advertising campaigns for companies including Sony, Red Bull, HP and many more, Paid Attention provides a robust model for influencing human behaviour. Referencing a wide body of theory and praxis, from behavioural economics and sociology to technology and even science fiction, Faris Yakob maps advertising onto a wider analysis of culture. Containing practical advertising and branding templates, including a new advertising planning toolkit, it is ideal for students and practitioners looking to get noticed in today’s cluttered marketplace. Online resources include additional toolkits with advice, techniques and best practice on brand behaviour, new ideas and effective communication.

Author Information Faris Yakob is the founder of Genius Steals LLC, an ideas and innovation consultancy. Previously he was Chief Innovation Officer at MDC Partners and Executive Vice President, Chief Technology Strategist at McCann Erickson. He regularly writes about brands, media, communications and technology in publications such as the Financial Times, Forbes, Advertising Age and Media Week. He is a frequent speaker at international conferences and lectures at MIT and USC. He is also a contributor to What is a 21st Century Brand?, also published by Kogan Page.

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Marketing and PR

11 Prospection: Planning for the Paid attention future we want ‌Introduction: Paid attention – how much is it worth? Logocentrism: What’s in a name? Attention deficit disorders Uncovering hidden persuaders: Why all market research is wrong Advertising works in mysterious ways: Modern theories of communication Is all advertising spam? Communication planning in an on-demand world The spaces between: The vanishing difference between content, media and advertising Attention arts and sciences Do things, tell people: How to behave in a world of infinite content Recombinant culture: Talent imitates, genius steals Combination tools: How to have ideas: a genius steals process Advertising for advertising: Is the industry paying attention? Integrative strategy and social brands: Be nice or leave!


Digital Marketing Strategy An Integrated Approach to Online Marketing Edition: 2 Date: 04/28/2019 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749484224 ISBN Ebook: 9780749484231 Pages: 384 Format (mm): 233x157 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Digital Marketing

This book

costly trial and error to identify and streamline a measurable digital marketing strategy « Reduce tailored to business objectives essential theory with global business practice using practical templates, case studies and « Balance expert contributions such as display advertising and SEO to new edition: New chapters on marketing automation, messaging and email and « Updates expansion on social selling, data protection laws and technology advances like AI, big data, consumer behaviour plus online and offline integration Online resources: Lecture slides, activity sheets, test banks, practical implementation guides and templates


Description Optimize your digital channels and ensure your marketing strategy aligns with business objectives, with this second edition of the bestselling guide to digital marketing recommended by the Chartered Institute of Marketing. There is no shortage of digital marketing resources yet finding a book that covers all disciplines can be a challenge. This essential and highly readable book provides an accessible, step-by-step framework to the planning, integration and measurement of each digital platform and technique, all tailored to achieve overarching business objectives. Now featuring cutting edge updates on social media, SEO, content marketing, user experience and customer loyalty, Digital Marketing Strategy is an ideal road map for navigating: -Marketing automation, personalization, messaging and email -Online and offline integration -The power of technologies, such as AI -New data protection and privacy strategies Accompanied by downloadable practical implementation guides spanning SEO, paid-search, email, lead-generation and more, Digital Marketing Strategy will show you how to effectively select, align and manage digital channels and operations, to streamline a winning digital marketing strategy for measurable, optimized results. It is an essential guide for any marketer to build an effective and practical digital strategy.

Author Information Bestselling author Simon Kingsnorth is a recognized digital leader and strategist, and is currently Global Head of Digital Marketing at Citi Private Bank, based in the UK. Highly experienced at leading teams in digital marketing, digital transformation and user experience, he is a regular keynote speaker and contributor to industry publications.

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Marketing and PR

I‌ntroduction – How will this book transform your digital marketing strategy? The foundations of digital marketing Knowing your business objectives and your customer Understanding the digital ecosystem Integrating digital into wider organization strategy Understanding the evolving digital consumer Barriers, considerations and data protection in digital marketing strategy Integrating digital change into your wider organization Enabling technologies for online marketing and digital transformation Planning your digital marketing strategy – Objectives, teams and budgeting Using channel strategy to reach your customers SEO strategy and organic techniques Building and optimizing a winning paid search strategy

Digital Marketing

10 Display advertising and programmatic targeting 11 Tailoring your social media strategy 12 Marketing automation, messaging and email marketing – The unsung heroes 13 Lead generation that delivers results 14 Content strategy – A key pillar of success 15 Personalizing the customer journey and digital experience 4 Conversion, retention and measurement 16 Effective design, e-commerce and user experience (UX) 17 Managing loyalty, CRM and data 18 Providing a smooth online service and customer experience 19 Measuring success through data analytics and reporting 5 Tailoring your final digital marketing strategy 20 Putting together your digital marketing strategy 21 Index

Understanding Digital Marketing A Complete Guide to Engaging Customers and Implementing Successful Digital Campaigns Edition: 5 Date: 11/28/2020 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789666014 ISBN Ebook: 9781789666021 Pages: 448 Format (mm): 235x158 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Digital Marketing

This book

tips on how to best connect with customers in a rapidly changing climate of engagement « Provides and interaction current and emerging trends which are shaping the industry, including voice-based « Explores marketing, influencer marketing and data insights to this edition: updated content on martech, consumer data and privacy considerations, « New programmatic and content marketing, SEO & paid search and new global case studies and expert views Online resources: bonus contributor views and additional case studies on Kwik Fit, Battersea Dogs Home and Yves Saint Laurent


Description The world of digital media is constantly changing, as technologies continue to transform the way we interact and communicate on a global scale. In this climate, Understanding Digital Marketing provides a practical, no-nonsense guide to digital marketing, from strategy and digital transformation to bestpractice basics and trends. Clear, informative and packed with case studies and examples, it gives an essential grounding in SEO, email marketing, social media, content marketing, performance marketing and much more. This fifth edition of the bestselling Understanding Digital Marketing is fully updated to reflect the latest global developments in the industry. Complete with first-hand accounts of what success in digital marketing looks like, this book is an essential resource for practitioners and students alike. It is now required reading for more than 100 universities and colleges, and has received endorsements from Harvard University, Hult Business School and the Chartered Institute of Marketing.

Author Information Damian Ryan is a media and marketing expert with over 30 years’ experience. He created the Golden Spider Awards for internet excellence, before establishing the first digital agency in the UK and Ireland in 1997. He went on to successfully build and sell three digital marketing businesses and is now a specialist adviser in mergers and acquisitions in corporate finance. Ryan is now a partner with BDO where he covers deals in media marketing communications and marketing technologies. He is also author of Understanding Social Media and The Best Digital Marketing Campaigns in the World, both published by Kogan Page.

304 Marketing and PR

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Introduction - Digital transformation Digital marketing strategy setting Being online: Welcoming the world Search - Being found online Email marketing Mobile marketing Social media Content marketing and native content Programmatic marketing Performance marketing How to form meaningful insights from data

Digital Marketing

Optimizing Digital Strategy How to Make Informed, Tactical Decisions that Deliver Growth Edition: 1 Date: 12/28/2018 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749483722 ISBN Ebook: 9780749483739 Pages: 248 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Digital Marketing

This book

techniques that will ensure the reader gets the most out of existing digital strategies « Outlines before investing more on the latest ‘must have’ technologies case studies from global brands including the Financial Times, O2, Regus, L K Bennett and « Features The Economist clear strategies for developing a customer-centric approach to implementing processes « Provides and technologies such as programmatics, AI and automization practical exercises, infographics and visuals that will help the reader apply the principles to « Includes their organization

Description Optimizing Digital Strategy explores the choices facing organizations in the rapidly changing world of technology-enabled business. From performance marketing through to personalization, on-demand retailing and AI, this book maps out commercial and customer-focused challenges and explains how leaders can get the most out of their digital strategies. Rather than rushing headlong into adopting the latest digital platforms, tools and technologies, the book challenges leaders to step back from the demands for constant investment in new technology and drive better returns from existing assets. Presenting a sustainable model of e-commerce that is appropriate to any individual organization’s needs, Optimizing Digital Strategy addresses the repetitive dilemma between even more investment in technology and the need to improve margins and grow revenue. Illustrated by the authors’ own digital work for global brands such as The Economist, Sky, O2, Regus, the Financial Times, Lidl and L.K.Bennett, this book shows how to balance the need to remain competitive, fully deliver customer expectations, and put resources behind investments that will deliver the best return.

Author Information Christopher Bones is co-founder of GoodGrowth, He is an established thought leader in organizational strategy and change management in companies such as Diageo, Cadbury, Schweppes and Shell. He is Professor of Creativity and Leadership at Alliance Manchester Business School. James Hammersley is a co-founder of GoodGrowth whose clients include Bupa, The Open University, Barclays Connector and O2. Nick Shaw is Director of Digital for Good Growth. He has over 10 years of experience in leading and helping a variety of organizations to improve their sales effectiveness and innovation performance.

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Marketing and PR

Building digital strategy that works Why digital strategies fail and how to recognize failure Levers for digital growth and how to use them The importance of innovation in driving success The dark side of digital Emerging digital business models The e-commerce system Building a customer-centric culture Making digital choices that differentiate success from failure This is the business of transformation

Digital Marketing

E-Commerce Website Optimization Why 95% of Your Website Visitors Don’t Buy, and What You Can Do About it Edition: 2 Date: 12/28/2020 Price: $25.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789664423 ISBN Ebook: 9781789664430 Pages: 272 Format (mm): 235x158 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Digital Marketing

This book

the most effective changes to undertake on your e-commerce site, demonstrating how to « Highlights focus valuable time on tangible efficiencies and revenue gains how to gain insights into online customers’ behaviour and identifies free or inexpensive « Shows tools to help access them the transition to becoming a data-driven organization, helping to adopt a scientific « Supports approach to implementing an optimized e-commerce website to this edition: new content on test metrics, prioritization and personalization, plus updated « New case studies and recommended tools

Description Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is a complex field and one that is rapidly evolving. It’s about understanding people and their behaviour, not simply website visits. E-commerce Website Optimization provides an all-encompassing guide, explaining the how and why, before focusing on techniques and tools to increase the percentage of visitors who buy from the site, and subsequently the amount that these visitors spend when they buy. Grounded in best-practice theory and research, it brings together usability, analytics and persuasion to offer a detailed, step-by-step guide to improve conversion rates, increase ROI from online marketing campaigns, generate higher levels of repeat business and increase the e-commerce value of websites. In the fast-moving world of e-commerce, this fully revised second edition includes updates on test metrics, prioritization and personalization, alongside updated case studies and newly recommended tools. E-commerce Website Optimization is an invaluable book for those seeking to implement a datadriven ethos for their organization’s e-commerce programme, for everyone from chief digital officers and heads of online sales, to entrepreneurs and small business owners.

Author Information Dan Croxen-John is CEO of AWA Digital, a global e-commerce conversion optimization agency. He is a certified Web Analyst, a Fellow of the Institute of Direct Marketing, and has served on advisory boards for numerous associations. Johann van Tonder is COO at AWA Digital, working with brands such as Canon, Avis and Interflora. He has trained and coached big and small e-commerce businesses around the world, and is a regular speaker at international conferences.

306 Marketing and PR

Table of Contents 1

Introduction to e-commerce website optimization 2 The kick-off 3 How people buy 4 Essential research 5 Add depth with further research 6 Merchandizing analytics 7 Creating the optimization plan 8 Hypotheses and creative work 9 Testing your hypothesis 10 Personalization 11 Optimizing the optimization 12 People and culture 13 Persuasive website copywriting 14 Launching a new website

Digital Marketing

Mobile Marketing How Mobile Technology is Revolutionizing Marketing, Communications and Advertising Edition: 2 Date: 02/28/2017 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749479794 ISBN Ebook: 9780749479800 Pages: 272 Format (mm): 216x139 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Digital Marketing

This book

« Is a clear-cut guide on how to structure mobile marketing in a planned and coordinated way terms, tools and techniques, helping readers connect and coordinate the different « Demystifies dynamics across their business high-profile case studies including Heineken, Nike Training Club, Google Play and « Includes MailChimp since the last edition include two new chapters (Mobile & Email, Location-Based Devices « Changes and Beacons), plus cutting edge updates on wearable technology, mobile payments, virtual reality and understanding the multi-screen journey Checklists chapter and practical frameworks such as how to create a mobile marketing strategy and how to develop an app Online resources: digital marketing instructors manual, lecture slides, example exam and self-test questions, and a content calendar template

« «

Description Mobile Marketing is a clear, practical guide to harnessing the mobile consumer and tackling the rising challenges of divided user attention across multiple screens at the same time. It demystifies the vast spectrum of tools and techniques now available and explains how to optimize these dynamics into an innovative and effective mobile marketing strategy. Now that website search rankings take into account mobile optimization, no serious marketer can do without a thorough understanding of mobile. The first edition of Mobile Marketing won the Judge’s Choice Award in Social Media at the Small Business Trend’s 2014 Book Awards. This fully revised 2nd edition includes straightforward explanations on mobile optimized content, app development, social media and proximity based marketing. It has also expanded to include two brand new chapters on mobile and email and on location-based devices, plus cutting-edge updates on advances in wearable technology, mobile payments, virtual reality and strategies for the changing user journey. Integrated with tactical checklists, easy application frameworks and powerful case study insights such as Heineken, WordPress, MailChimp, Nike Training Club (NTC), Google Play and Moz, it provides a full overview from service provision and technology integration to content strategy, ready to capture fast-moving consumers on the go. Online resources include a digital marketing instructors manual, supporting lecture slides, example exam and self-test questions, and a content calendar template.

Author Information Daniel Rowles has worked in digital marketing for almost 20 years on both the client and agency sides. He is a Course Director for the CIM, lecturer at Imperial College London and Cranfield School of Management and lead judge of the CIM Marketing Excellence awards. He is also the host of the Digital Marketing Podcast, a global top-ten business podcast on iTunes. His company TargetInternet.com has helped clients of all types to use digital marketing more effectively, including the BBC, Vodafone, Sony, Oracle and Tesco.


Marketing and PR

Table of Contents 1

20 Introduction Mobile Marketing in 21 Checklists Perspective 22 Conclusions 1 Introduction 2 Understanding the User Journey 3 Technology Change and Adoption 4 Disruption and Integration 5 Devices, Platforms and Technology 6 The Future of Mobile Marketing 2 The Tactical Toolkit 7 Introduction 8 Mobile Sites and Responsive Design 9 Mobile and E-mail 10 How to Build an App 11 Social Media and Mobile 12 Mobile Search 13 Mobile Advertising 14 Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) 15 Quick Response (QR) Codes 16 Location-based Devices and Beacons 17 Near Field Communication (NFC) and Mobile Payments 18 Instant Messenger (IM) Apps and Short Messaging Service (SMS) 19 Mobile Analytics 3 Mobile Marketing Checklists

Digital Marketing

Native Advertising The Essential Guide Edition: 1 Date: 10/28/2017 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749481162 ISBN Ebook: 9780749481179 Pages: 248 Format (mm): 235x155 Product Category: Professional Subject: Digital Marketing

This book

« Authored by the Chief Digital Officer of Adyoulike, the foremost native advertising platform practical advice and straightforward explanations on key topics that marketers need to « Offers consider when embracing native advertising, including content marketing, ad-blocking, social media and publisher monetization Features real world examples, interviews and case studies, from big brands like The New York Times and The Independent, down to solo enterprises


Description Native advertising: paid-for media that looks and behaves like the content around it. It affects us all. If you own a smartphone, use social media or read content online, you will have been exposed to it - often without realizing. Influenced by digital trends such as mobile advertising, programmatic advertising, ad-blocking, fake news and artificial intelligence, native advertising is a multibillion-dollar industry. It is central to the digital success of many leading brands and companies. This comprehensive study by one of the industry’s foremost authorities explores the rise of this exhilarating new channel - its impact on the digital media space, and what marketers and businesses need to know about it. Native Advertising explores the future of digital advertising and explains why its growth is inevitable, using real-life examples and interviews from marketing leaders around the world and a range of case studies including The New York Times and The Independent. Native Advertising goes beyond sponsored posts on Facebook, promoted tweets and BuzzFeed branded articles. It looks at the heart of the matter: audience, budget, content and success measurement. It is full of first-hand advice for any marketer wanting to make the most of digital innovation.

Author Information Dale Lovell’s career at the forefront of digital advertising spans editorial, publishing, marketing and advertising technology. He is Chief Digital Officer at ADYOULIKE and a member of the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) Native and Content Council, UK. In 2015 Dale Lovell was named one of the British Interactive Media Association’s Hot 100.

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Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 How Did We Get Here? 3 Why Native Advertising Really Matters: It’s Not Another Buzzword 4 Who Can Benefit From Native Advertising? 5 Getting Started With Native Advertising – What You Need to Know 6 The Different Types of Native Advertising – Which is Right for You? 7 Creating Native Advertising – What You Need to Know 8 Is It Working? 9 Questions to Ask about Native Advertising 10 The Future

Digital Marketing

Video Marketing Edition: 2 Date: 08/28/2021 Price: $25.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781398601147 ISBN Ebook: 9781398601154 Pages: 256 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Professional Subject: Digital Marketing

This book

step-by-step guidance for creating and activating effective video marketing and measuring « Provides its success how to create and edit video campaigns for all budgets, including DIY approaches using « Shows DSLRs and smartphones case studies and examples from well-known international brands including adidas, « Contains Kleenex, Lenovo and Red Bull resources: video links for campaigns discussed in the book and a downloadable strategy « Online planner to this edition: chapters on understanding your audience and buying media space on ad « New networks and social media, content on personal and personalized content and avoiding potential pitfalls such as frauds and fake views

Description In a ‘video first’ world, video is one of the most effective tools marketers can use to raise brand awareness, engage consumers, drive website traffic and increase sales. Video Marketing takes a step-by-step and in-depth look at planning and creating great video campaigns, as well as activating, testing and measuring their success. Featuring case studies from global household names such as adidas, Kleenex, Lenovo and Red Bull, it explores which video types and platforms brands should use, using multi-video campaigns, live videos and webinars, as well as creating and editing video campaigns on a budget using DSLRs and smartphones. Updated with the latest developments, this second edition of Video Marketing contains new chapters on understanding your audience and buying media space on ad networks and social media, as well as further content on personal and personalized content and avoiding potential pitfalls such as frauds and fake views and updates. Accompanying online resources consist of video links for campaigns discussed in the book and a downloadable strategy planner for readers to complete and put into action.

Author Information Jon Mowat is the founder and MD of Hurricane, an award-winning video marketing agency which has worked with organizations including BMW, Axa, Costa Coffee and UN Environment. With decades of experience in the industry, he previously produced documentaries for the BBC, and now turns his expertise to create video content to meet clients’ business objectives. Based in Bristol, UK, he is a regular international conference speaker and has been published in a wide range of marketing publications including Adweek, Brandwatch, CIM, Smart Insights and Social Media Today.

Table of Contents 1 1 2 3 4 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 11 12 4 13 14 15

309 Marketing and PR

Video marketing strategy an introduction What is video marketing? Why video marketing works Understand your audience Video types and platforms Creating great videos The basics of video marketing Planning effective video campaigns Storytelling and creative that changes behaviour Activation, measurement and testing Buying media space on ad networks and social media The dark underbelly of video advertising - how to avoid losing money DIY video projects Filming and editing Filming on a smartphone and DSLRs Creating effective video campaigns Steps 1 and 2 - where your brand content is now and setting goals Step 3 - content planning and programming strategy Step 4 - building the perfect content hub

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16 Step 5 - creating high-volume video content - and making it easy 17 Step 6 - multi-video campaign activation and testing (how to grow ROI)

Podcasting Marketing Strategy A Complete Guide to Creating, Publishing and Monetizing a Successful Podcast Edition: 1 Date: 05/28/2019 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749486235 ISBN Ebook: 9780749486242 Pages: 264 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Professional Subject: Digital Marketing

This book

how to use podcasts effectively for content building, branding and business « Demonstrates development to spread your organization’s message « Reveals why podcasting is a key way to stand out from the noise of social media how people really listen and how to use these insights to build personal engagement with « Explains listeners how to build the audience of your podcast through blogging and SEO, advertising and « Understand email marketing

Description Take advantage of the skyrocketing popularity of podcasts and learn how your business can use the unique opportunity to stand out and drive loyal engagement with target audiences, using this complete guide to podcast marketing - written by the hosts of the global top ten iTunes podcast, The Digital Marketing Podcast. Podcasting is a hugely persuasive, yet under-utilized channel accessed by an affluent and influential demographic. In a crowded and noisy digital environment, it gives organizations, brand builders and marketers the unique opportunity to stand out and drive engagement with target audiences, with accurate and measurable levels of allegiance that can only be dreamed of on other digital channels. This book is the complete guide to the podcast environment. It describes the importance of podcasting for businesses and explains why, uniquely, it has the highest level of consumer commitment than any other social media. Written by award-winning author Daniel Rowles, and his co-host of the global top ten iTunes podcast, The Digital Marketing Podcast, this book: -Explains how podcasting can drive business results -Advises on how to record, edit, and advertise your content -Provides a unique digital marketing toolkit -Is supported by case studies from influential organizations around the globe Quite simply, Podcasting Marketing Strategy is the definitive authority to making and publishing podcasts that deliver quantifiable results.

Author Information Daniel Rowles is a CIM Course Director, lecturer at Imperial College London, and lead judge for the CIM Marketing Excellence Awards. He is the host of the Digital Marketing Podcast, an iTunes top 10 business global, and CEO of TargetInternet.com, where clients include the BBC, Mastercard, and Warner Brothers. He is the author of Building Digital Culture, category winner of the 2018 CMI Management Book of the Year. Ciaran Rogers is the marketing director of Target Internet. He has worked for and trained a large number of international brands including QA, Liz Earle, Elemis, Time to Spa, Highlands & Islands Enterprise, UKSA, Jubilee Sailing Trust, The Sustainable Food Trust, Hershesons Bliss, REN Skincare and FatFace.

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Podcasting in perspective Stand out from the social media noise - Why you should be podcasting Podcast adoption - Growth and expansion of podcasting as a popular medium Understanding how people really listen to and absorb audio content Building genuine personal engagement through podcasting Building your business case and plan How to use podcasts to drive business results Understanding the role of podcasts in the user journey An introduction to podcast marketing What differentiates a great podcast? What is digital branding and how does business development fit in? Defining your content plan and using content calendars Driving action from podcasts Building your podcast and making it a success

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25 Where next for podcasting? 12 The importance of landing conversational design, pages and show notes (and artificial intelligence and getting SEO right) machine learning 13 Defining your podcast 26 Future-proofing your podcast audience and content strategy for the ever-changing 14 Understanding and selection user journey of different podcast formats 27 Index 15 Preparing your podcast recording environment 16 Choosing your recording hardware and software 17 An overview of podcast editing options and how to do it 18 Using interviews with influencers to maximize your podcast strategy 19 Show branding intros and outros - Making the right first impression 20 Podcast advertising and monetization - Where to begin and how to manage 21 Publishing and distributing your podcast 22 Measuring success - Tapping into how and why people listen to your podcast 23 The podcast marketing toolkit 24 The value of web analytics Measuring the impact of your podcast activity 4 The future of podcasting

Using Artificial Intelligence in Marketing How to Harness AI and Maintain the Competitive Edge Edition: 1 Date: 02/28/2019 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749483395 ISBN Ebook: 9780749483401 Pages: 224 Format (mm): 235x158 Product Category: Professional Subject: Digital Marketing

This book

a real-world framework for the confident application and integration of AI for marketing « Delivers strategies and campaigns time-saving marketing efficiencies such as chatbot customer service, market research « Outlines samples, big data insights and brand safe content creation how to manage both the advantages and ethical questions that arise in computer-based « Clarifies decision making, in line with individual business objectives fascinating interviews from IBM, Tesco, Ocado and BT, plus case studies from Reiss, PwC and « Shares Gartner

Description Artificial intelligence (AI) marketing is paving the way for the future of marketing and business transformation, yet many organizations struggle to know exactly how and where to integrate it. With AI forecasted to boost global GDP by 14% by 2030, an efficient and sustainable AI marketing strategy is now essential to avoid losing the competitive edge. Using Artificial Intelligence in Marketing provides the definitive, practical framework needed for marketers to identify, apply and embrace the opportunity to maximize the results and business advancement that AI can bring. Streamlining efficiencies into every business practice, AI automates simpler, repetitive tasks with unrivalled accuracy, allowing sales and marketing teams to return their attention to where human interaction is most valuable: strategy, creativity and personal connection. Using Artificial Intelligence in Marketing outlines key marketing benefits such as accurate market research samples, immediate big data insights and brand-safe content creation, right through to the on-demand customer service that is now expected 24/7. It also explores the inevitable myths, concerns and ethical questions that can arise from the large-scale adoption of AI. This book is an essential read for every 21st century marketer.

Author Information Katie King is a CEO and Business Transformation consultant with over 28 years’ experience. She has advised many of the world’s leading brands and business leaders, including Richard Branson, o2, Orange, Accenture, PA Consulting, Arsenal Football Club and Harrods. King has delivered numerous TEDx talks and is a frequent commentator on BBC TV and radio, and is a regular speaker on the international conference circuit.

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7 8



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The AI wake-up call – The strategic transition of marketing The personalization paradox – Global appetite for AI and the changing customer journey Transformational marketing and AI in tourism – A glimpse at the Asia Pacific region Transformational marketing and AI in Europe – Case studies from telecoms, banking and built environment Transformational marketing and AI in North America – Case studies from banking and retail Transformational marketing and AI in technology and venture capital – With a special focus on the Middle East Framework for success – Democratization of AI The new marketing paradigm – Reinventing the role of marketing, ethics and transparency The future of marketing has arrived – AI’s wider impact on education, policy and politics

Digital Marketing

Social Media Strategy A Practical Guide to Social Media Marketing and Customer Engagement Edition: 1 Date: 10/28/2019 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749497071 ISBN Ebook: 9780749497088 Pages: 272 Format (mm): 233x155 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Social Media

This book

a long term customer engagement strategy rather than short term activity with minimal « Create ROI, using interviews with global practitioners, template examples and case studies from National Geographic, Lush, South West Airlines, Dreams Beds and Mumsnet

« Measure and interpret social media activity into actionable data insights for the business community engagement, integrated content marketing, reputation, audience « Maximize segmentation and channel investment with speed and clarity on big-picture strategy rather than micro-level social media management, so the « Focuses frameworks and methods discussed remain relevant over time « Online resources: digital versions of the templates featured in the book Description Create a long-term, integrated customer engagement strategy using effective social media campaigns that will enhance ROI across digital channels, using structured and practical guidance plus global case studies from National Geographic, Lush, South West Airlines, Dreams and more. Organizations often talk of digital planning but struggle to know which channels to invest in, how to integrate them with content marketing activity, or fail to develop measurable outputs that align with business objectives. This book provides a clear road map for efficient planning, deliverance and financial accountability of social media’s contribution to the business. Social Media Strategy provides a simple, structured way to create integrated customer engagement and social media campaigns that work, delivering practical guidance on key areas, such as: -Identifying and targeting audience segments -Methods of two-way community engagement -Reputation management -Being present on the right channels -Driving action through influencers -Identifying the relevant tools and platforms to audit, track and measure business impact and customer engagement With example templates, interviews and global case studies including National Geographic, Lush, South West Airlines, Dreams, Mumsnet and more, this professional guide delivers a long-term solution for maximizing social media led business development for any business.

Author Information Julie Atherton is a business leader, public speaker, consultant and strategist with 30 years’ experience gained working with global brands including Nissan, ITV, Deloitte Digital, Asos and St John Ambulance. Awarded IDM Educator of the Year in 2018, she trains marketing professionals and business leaders in digital, brand, social media and content marketing. She is also an experienced trustee and non-executive director for a range of organizations including the IDM Qualifications Advisory Board and Union of Brunel Students.

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9 Measuring and benchmarking The role of social media in success – How and when do business, marketing and you know your social media customer expectations strategy is working? Integrated customer engagement – Understanding 10 Crisis and reputation management for social how and why your social media – A clear guide for the media strategy will enhance unpredictable your PR and strategic business development Getting started – Aligning social media goals and KPIs with your wider business objectives, PR and marketing campaigns The power of social listening – How to profile your audience and customer insights for a global social media strategy A quick-step guide to channel selection, digital integration, niche social and being present on the relevant channels How to drive action and engagement through integrated content marketing on social media Customer or celebrity? Identifying and attracting the right influencers to advocate your brand Examples, tools and templates – What does a great social media strategy look like?

Social Media

Understanding Social Media How to Create a Plan for Your Business that Works Edition: 1 Date: 04/28/2015 Price: $24.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749473563 ISBN Ebook: 9780749473570 Pages: 304 Format (mm): 234x157 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Social Media

Author Information Damian Ryan is founder and chairman of The Global Academy of Digital Marketing, a collaborative movement comprised of digital marketers seeking knowledge, case studies, contacts and credible data to help them prosper. He is also a partner with Mediaventura, the UK’s leading corporate finance firm for the TIME (Technology, Internet, Media and Entertainment) sector. He is also the author of Understanding Digital Marketing and The Best Digital Marketing Campaigns in the World.

This book

topics such as how to develop a strategy and programme, budget for activities, set KPIs, « Covers determine ROI, create a dashboard and build a team the relationship between search and social, analytics, customer experience and risk « Addresses assessment and management in social media « Helps readers gauge their own social media score with crib notes and practical exercises « Serves as both a reference guide for professionals and study guide for marketing students

Description Understanding Social Media is the essential guide to social media for students and professionals alike. Drawing on the experience, advice and tips from dozens of digital marketers and social media superstars, it is an extensive crowd-sourced guide to social media platforms. Illustrated throughout with case studies from both successful and failed campaigns, Understanding Social Media democratizes knowledge of social media and promotes best practice, answering questions such as ‘How do you create a compelling social media campaign?’, ‘How do you build and engage with an audience?’ and ‘Where is the line between online PR and social media drawn?’ It is the most comprehensive and practical reference guide to social media available.

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Getting started – how to create a compelling social media programme Rules governing the relationship between search and social How to budget for social media activities Setting KPIs and measuring success Understanding social media ROI – what matters and what doesn’t Why social media is central to customer experience How to build a social media team – how to pick the right suppliers Understanding the relationship between online PR and social media The future for social media and the vastly changing landscape Risk assessment and risk management in social media

Social Media

Myths of Social Media Dismiss the Misconceptions and Use Social Media Effectively in Business Edition: 1 Date: /03/28/2020 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749498719 ISBN Ebook: 9780749498726 Pages: 240 Format (mm): 230x155 Product Category: General Subject: Social Media

Author Information Michelle Carvill is Founder of Carvill Creative - a social media marketing agency whose clients include the BBC, Nuffield Health and Norbord. Passionate about the digital future she advises clients on online marketing communication and social media strategies, and leads a team delivering practical social media planning and daily management. She is the author of Get Social, published by Kogan Page. Ian MacRae is a work psychologist, consultant, speaker, author and Managing Director of High Potential Psychology. He works with, and writes about, a wide range of topics relating to psychology and the workplace. He developed the High Potential Traits Inventory (HPTI), a personality assessment which has been translated into dozens of languages and used by over 50,000 people around the world. Myths of Social Media is his fifth book, he is co-author of Motivation and Performance and Myths of Work, also part of the Business Myths series.


Marketing and PR

This book

40 of the most commonly held myths and fictions about the use of social media as a « Banishes business tool « Helps readers understand the very real commercial benefits - and costs - of social media with instructive and entertaining examples and case studies of what should and shouldn’t « Isbepacked done with social media

Description Everyone knows that social media is free, millennials are all adept social media experts, that businesses always have to be available 24/7 and ultimately none of it really matters, as the digital space is full of fake news and online messaging is seen as inauthentic. Don’t they? The use of social media as a business tool is dominated by falsehoods, fictions and fabrications. In Myths of Social Media, digital consultant Michelle Carvill and workplace psychologist Ian MacRae dismiss many of the most keenly-held misconceptions and instead, present the reality of social media best practice. Using helpful and instructive, sometimes entertaining and occasionally eye-watering examples of what you should and should not do, Myths of Social Media debunks the most commonly held myths and shows you how to use social media effectively for work and at work.

Table of Contents 1 Social media is free 2 Social media is a waste of time 3 Social media is the best use of my time 4 Social media is a fad 5 Social media is for posting photos of your breakfast 6 Social media replaces real-life networking 7 Social media is the best source of information 8 Social media is full of fake news 9 Social media creates information “bubbles” 10 Social media means my business has to be available 24/7 11 People’s personal information on social media should not be used by businesses 12 Businesses should ignore negative comments on social media 13 Social media use detracts from business relationships 14 All my customers/clients are on social media 15 I’ve had a few glasses of wine and, people on Twitter will really appreciate my sense of humour right now

Social Media

16 Millennials are all social media experts 17 Digital natives understand how to use social media for business 18 Social media cannot be done in-house 19 Social media is just for connecting with people outside the company 20 Businesses should be on every social media platform 21 Social media is purely for broadcasting my business’s information 22 Social media can replace the traditional business website 23 It’s not possible to measure ROI on social media 24 Sharing too much on social media will reveal trade secrets 25 Sharing more content is always better

Influencer Marketing Strategy How to Create Successful Influencer Marketing Edition: 1 Date: /03/28/2021 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789667257 ISBN Ebook: 9781789667264 Pages: 304 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Professional Subject: Social Media

This book

the importance of maintaining control of the brand message while still giving the « Discusses influencer the freedom to create posts in their natural style readers understand the key facets of influencer marketing, walking them through the process « Helps of preparing their own influencer marketing strategy in-depth case studies from the beauty, fashion, gaming, travel, health and tech industries, « Features to showcase the variety of influencer marketing strategies that can be adopted. Examples include Mumsnet, Fyre Festival, Dermalogica and Ryan’s Toys Offers advice on incorporating influencer marketing into a wider content marketing strategy


Description Create an influencer marketing strategy that benefits both brand and the influencer with this fascinating guide, rich in case studies from the biggest and the best and the small and specialist. Influencer marketing can no longer be ignored. Whether it’s broad scale celebrity endorsement, or micro-influencers with niche, highly targeted followings, influencer marketing has become a natural extension of content marketing. However, while the opportunities are vast, the very nature of influencer marketing means that a brand must relinquish control of their marketing message to allow the influencer to communicate in their natural style. This can be unnerving, and it’s therefore imperative to have a clearly defined campaign that mutually benefits and protects both the brand and the influencer. Influencer Marketing Strategy gives readers everything they need to create influencer marketing strategy. It will walk readers through the key considerations, and offer insight into decisions such as choosing the right influencer, planning content, and how to incorporate influencer marketing into your wider marketing strategy. This book presents fascinating, in-depth case studies from the beauty, fashion, gaming, travel, health and tech industries, demonstrating the variety of ways that influencer marketing can be utilized, and the huge opportunities it presents for organizations and industries of all sizes. Influencer Marketing Strategy is the ultimate guide to developing a successful influencer marketing strategy - and building campaigns that create real value.

Author Information Gordon Glenister, based in Cambridgeshire, UK, is Global Head of Influencer Marketing for the Branded Content Marketing Association, and has over 25 years’ experience in promotional marketing. He is the host of Influence the global podcast that shines a spotlight on influencer marketing He also runs his own consultancy, and regularly speaks around the world on influencer marketing, membership and merchandise. Gordon Glenister was Director General of the British Promotional Merchandise Association for 11 years.


Marketing and PR

Table of Contents 1 About influencer marketing 1 What is influencer marketing? 2 The influencer strategic framework 3 Choosing and working with influencers 4 The A-Z of running an influencer marketing campaign 5 Understanding the analytics 6 Influencer ethics, and staying above board 7 Measuring Influencer Marketing Success 2 Influencer marketing in action - In-depth influencer marketing case studies 8 Mumsnet 9 Fyre festival 10 Dermalogica 11 Ryan’s toys

Social Media

Marketing Communications Integrating Online and Offline, Customer Engagement and Digital Technologies Edition: 7 Date: 12/28/2019 Price: $52.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749498641 ISBN Ebook: 9780749498658 Pages: 672 Format (mm): 245x189 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Marketing Communications

This book

the strongest focus on online and offline integration of any marketing communications « Has textbook, offering a blended approach that is key for the industry big picture theory in real-world practice with case studies from cutting-edge global « Grounds companies, including Snapchat and Spotify how the latest technologies, including AI, Internet of Things, Big Data, AR/VR, and « Demonstrates marketing automation, have been used in successful marketing campaigns the key themes of customer engagement, experience and journey, equipping students with « Covers a truly customer-focused mindset that will be highly sought after by future employers in this edition: Increased focus on online and offline integration; customer experience; « New the opportunities and risks of social media; navigating ethical and data management challenges; cutting-edge digital technologies, and updated case studies and examples

« Online resources: lecture slides per chapter, multiple choice question bank and video reviews Description “The authors have the uncommon knack of taking the complex and explaining it in a clear, compelling way. I recommend it if you want to learn the principles of strategic communications and get structured suggestions to create better campaigns.” Dave Chaffey, Co-founder and Content Director, Smart Insights This book has the strongest focus of online and offline integration of any marketing communications textbook. A blended approach to marketing is in its DNA. Compared to the competition that too often uses a bolts-on approach to integration, this book is essential for giving students the precise skills employers will look for - to be able to implement genuinely integrated marketing campaigns. This new, seventh edition combines professional and academic expertise to ground big picture theory into real-world case studies, drawing from cutting-edge global companies like Snapchat and Spotify, that will teach students the why behind the how. With increased focus on social media and the latest digital technologies, this new edition will teach students: - How AI, the Internet of Things, Big Data, AR/VR and marketing automation can be used successfully in campaigns - The opportunity and risks of social media - How to navigate ethical and data management challenges - How to use the current preferred digital marketing tools and technology Covering the key themes of customer engagement, experience and journey, this book will allow students to become truly confident working in an environment of ongoing technological transformation.

Author Information PR Smith is a marketing consultant, bestselling business author and inspirational speaker. He has helped hundreds of businesses, from innovative start-ups to established blue-chip companies. He is founder of SOSTAC® Planning framework, voted in the Top 3 Business Models worldwide by the Chartered Institute of Marketing’s Centenary Poll, and created the Great Sportsmanship Programme. Ze Zook is an integrated marketing author, lecturer, producer and consultant specializing in helping the creative industries fulfil both their missions and business goals. He is a visiting academic at Regent’s University London and consults on digital marketing for private-sector disruptive start-ups.


Marketing and PR

Table of Contents 1 Communications background and theories 1 New integrated marketing communications 2 Branding 3 Customer relationship management 4 Buyer behaviour 5 Communications theory 6 Marketing communications research 7 Marketing communications agencies 8 International marketing communications 9 The marketing communications plan 10 The changing communications environment 2 Communications tools 11 Selling, social selling, marketing automation and martech 12 Advertising 13 Publicity and public relations 14 Sponsorship 15 Content marketing and other sales promotion 16 Direct mail, email, messaging and chatbots 17 Exhibitions, events and experiential marketing

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18 Merchandizing and point of sale 19 Packaging 20 Owned media – websites and social media 21 Index

The Definitive Guide to Strategic Content Marketing Edition: 1 Date: 07/28/2018 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749482220 ISBN Ebook: 9780749482237 Pages: 288 Format (mm): 240x160 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Marketing Communications

This book

contributions from leading academics, industry experts, thought leaders and influencers « Features around the globe a wealth of varying perspectives on content marketing grouped into key subject areas, « Presents allowing the reader to move through the book according to their interests and absorb the most useful aspects of each discussion Includes coverage of core subjects including media publishing, text vs visuals vs gaming, the ethics of native advertising, content marketing measurement, content blockers, storytelling through data, and much more Brings together numerous, and often opposing, perspectives to present a unified, definitive appraisal of content marketing as a whole Online resources: Bonus chapters


« «

Description Understand content marketing best practice from a new perspective with exclusive insight and contributions from leading academics, experts, global thought leaders and influencers in the industry on key topics, to create a truly unique resource - including a foreword by Tom Goodwin and bonus online chapters. Marketers everywhere are talking about content, but not everyone is saying the same thing. Some professionals love content and believe it has revolutionized the practice of marketing. To others, it is mere hype: a new name for what marketers have always done. The Definitive Guide to Strategic Content Marketing brings together all these diverse perspectives, structuring them around useful key topics that provide insight into the multi-faceted nature of content marketing, weaving together different voices to present a balanced view of the subject. Grouping the discussion around relevant subjects such as content monetization, native advertising, visuals vs video, and the challenge of measuring results, this book allows readers to cherry-pick the most useful aspects of each discussion according to their interests and apply it to their own marketing initiatives. With a foreword written by Tom Goodwin (author of Digital Darwinism and EVP, Head of Innovation at Zenith USA) and containing contributions from brands such as GE, General Motors, HSBC, Football Association, Diageo and Pernod Ricard, plus agencies including Oglivy Group UK, Havas, Zenith, Vizeum, Accenture, this book is a truly unique resource. Click to expand

Author Information Lazar Dzamic is the former Google ZOO Head of Brand Planning for North and Central Europe (NACE), a creative strategist, writer and academic. He is an award-winning Planning Director in several integrated agencies, and lectures at the Faculty for Media & Communications at the Singidunum University in Belgrade. Justin Kirby is a consultant, educator and thought leader with a 20+ year career in industry as a digital strategist, producer and entrepreneur. He chairs and speaks at conferences around the globe, judges industry awards, and advises brands and agencies.


Marketing and PR

Table of Contents I‌ntroduction: mapping the Content marketing territory 1 Content marketing: a new and better promise? 1 Why Content is seen as the solution to current marketing challenges 2 Experience Economy: brand and customer experience as Content enablers 3 How Content can help build sustainable brands with better purposes 2 How Content changes the way we all do business 4 Creative agency perspective: how Content impacts creativity, process and revenue 5 Media agency perspective: how Content impacts creativity, process and revenue Online Chapter 01  Client perspective: how Content impacts creativity, process and revenue Online Chapter 02  Publisher perspective: how Content impacts creativity, process and revenue 3 Data, new formats and the role of Content in the consumer journey

Marketing Communications

6 Content distribution and its role in the consumer journey 7 Content and storytelling in the age of user data abundance 8 The evolution of Content formats: from text to video to AR/VR to AI… 4 How to measure and evaluate Content marketing 9 Key measurement issues relating to Content marketing 5 Content marketing: not such a new and better promise? 10 The rejecter’s manifesto: key arguments against the Content marketing ‘mirage’ 11 Content marketing and ethics: challenges, threats and balancing acts ‌Conclusions

Content - The Atomic Particle of Marketing The Definitive Guide to Content Marketing Strategy Edition: 1 Date: 06/28/2017 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749479756 ISBN Ebook: 9780749479763 Pages: 240 Format (mm): 230x155 Product Category: Professional Subject: Marketing Communications

This book

written by global industry thought-leader Rebecca Lieb, who has conducted and published more « Iscontent marketing research than anyone else Shares the of deep quantitative research and hundreds of hours of interviews with senior « marketers atresults the world’s most respected brands the value content can not only bring to owned media initiatives, such as company websites « Reveals or blogs, but the essential role content plays in all other marketing initiatives, from social media to advertising to offline channels Empowers readers to make the best organizational, tool and process decisions necessary to get content up and running across departments and organizational silos


Description DISTINGUISHED FAVOURITE: NYC Big Book Awards 2017 Content, in all its forms, is the single most critical element of any marketing campaign. Finding a successful equilibrium between content marketing and content strategy is difficult, but essential. Content - The Atomic Particle of Marketing goes beyond superficial descriptions of how to produce engaging social media content to offer the results of many years of deep quantitative research, and hours of interviews with senior marketers at some of the world’s leading brands. Written by a recognized industry thought leader, Content - The Atomic Particle of Marketing explores how content functions in the broader framework of all marketing, as well as organizational concerns and IT decision making. It demonstrates the value content brings not only to “owned” media initiatives, such as a company website or blog, but also the essential role content plays in all other marketing initiatives, from social media to advertising to offline channels. It will enable readers to make the organizational, staffing, tools and process decisions necessary to get content up and running across divisions and organizational silos. Deeply researched and insightful, Content - The Atomic Particle of Marketing is, quite simply, the definitive research-based guide to content marketing.

Author Information Rebecca Lieb is a strategic advisor, research analyst, keynote speaker, author and columnist. She works with many of the world’s leading brands on digital marketing innovation. Clients range from start-ups to non-profits to Fortune 100 brands and regulated industries, including Facebook, Nestlé, Adobe, Fidelity, IBM, Save the Children, Pinterest, Cisco and The Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Previously, she was Altimeter Group’s digital advertising and media analyst, and prior to that she was Vice President at Econsultancy. Lieb was VP and Editor-In-Chief of The ClickZ Network for over seven years.


Marketing and PR

Table of Contents 1 The shift to content marketing 2 Content marketing versus content strategy 3 Converged media 4 Native advertising 5 Organizing for content 6 A culture of content 7 Global content strategy 8 Real-time marketing 9 Content marketing software 10 Content marketing performance 11 Contextual campaigns

Marketing Communications

Experiential Marketing A Practical Guide to Interactive Brand Experiences Edition: 2 Date: 12/28/2017 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749480967 ISBN Ebook: 9780749480974 Pages: 320 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Marketing Communications

This book

how to integrate immersive brand experiences into marketing strategies, using targeted « Explains outreach for a live social media domino effect practical steps to plan, inspire, activate and evaluate tangible results from experiential « Provides initiatives to this edition: four new chapters on digital experience and merged realities, the experience « New economy, customer experience and the ‘Pop-Up’ phenomenon resources: practical checklists, workbooks and sector -focused content on drinks, cosmetics, « Online FMCG, automotive, retail, fashion and technology

Description The immersive brand experience is revolutionizing brand engagement. Experiential Marketing, second edition, cuts through the jargon with clear practical guidelines on how to magnify marketing strategies to a powerful new level. This book emphasizes that experiential marketing is not just about creating a live event. A unique, immersive experience allows businesses to generate a surge of brand engagement, which is amplified immediately by a niche target of consumers through live content sharing and social media streams. This comprehensive second edition of Experiential Marketing pinpoints exactly where this innovative strategy fits in with the current marketing and events climate, including a step-by-step outline to plan, integrate and evaluate its game-changing results. The completely fresh content analyzes the latest industry advances and case studies, including four new chapters on the digital experience and merged realities, plus the experience economy and creative explosion of the ‘Pop-Up’ phenomenon. Accompanied with a digital toolkit of downloadable resources, this book is essential reading for marketing, business, media and events professionals alike, providing strategic decision makers with a unique competitive advantage in a vibrant new era of marketing strategy.

Author Information Shirra Smilansky is CEO and Executive Creative Director of Electrify Worldwide Ltd, an international brand engagement agency working with clients such as L’Oreal Luxe, Carling, Selfridges, Harvey Nichols, Lancome and Yves Saint Laurent. She is the Co-founder of an MA degree ‘Experiential Meets Digital’ and former Visiting Professor at London Metropolitan University. With over 15 years in the industry, Smilansky is an impactful thought-leader, entrepreneur and innovator in experiential marketing, co-founding her first company BlazinStar Experiential back in 2003.

Table of Contents 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 2

7 8 9


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An experiential revolution: the accelerating transformation of business and marketing What is experiential marketing? A whole new world: millennials, brand experiences and social media The experience economy is here Concept stores, the future of retail and pop-ups Digital experiences, artificial intelligence in marketing and merged realities The BETTER creative model: how to create unique experiential marketing ideas SET MESSAGE: an activation framework for your experiential marketing strategy Situation and background: exploring the business context for experiential marketing Experiential objectives: how to creatively define and set your goals Target audience: gathering holistic insights and understanding of your customers

Marketing Communications

10 Message: key communication of your brand message using experiential marketing 11 Experiential strategy: how to develop live brand experience strategies and frameworks 12 Selected locations and brand ambassadors for your experiential marketing strategy 13 Systems and mechanisms for measurement for experiential marketing planning 14 Action: how to deliver and project manage live brand experiences 15 Gauging effectiveness: creating a real-world test-andlearn approach for experiential marketing environments 16 Evaluation: interpreting and monitoring tangible results from experiential marketing 17 Conclusion: planning for the future of experiential marketing

Persuasive Copywriting Cut Through the Noise and Communicate With Impact Edition: 2 Date: 01/28/2019 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749483661 ISBN Ebook: 9780749483678 Pages: 296 Format (mm): 233x157 Product Category: Professional/ General Subject: Marketing Communications

This book

how to amplify engagement by tapping into consumer emotions with practical, « Explains psychology-driven techniques the confidence and dexterity to sell and deliver stand out copy in a variety of creative « Inspires contexts exclusive interview insights across the creative industry from high profile copywriters, ad « Includes agencies and market leaders to this edition: four new chapters placing copywriting in context: content marketing, « New creativity, storytelling and the impact of mobile and social channels; how to sell, quantify, brief and critique copy; plus brand new interview insights directly from the industry

Description Enhance your copywriting skills with psychology-driven techniques to create stand out copy that taps into consumer decision making and sells, using this second edition of the ultimate copywriting survival guide for the 21st century - essential to every marketing or creative professional’s bookshelf. With many professionals now developing their skills on the job, it is notoriously difficult to benchmark successful copy. This book provides a step up for those who already know the basics of writing copy, and are seeking more advanced, psychology-driven techniques to gain the competitive edge. With practical insight into human decision making and consumer engagement, it will inspire the clear-cut confidence needed to create, quantify, and sell stand out copy in a cluttered marketplace. Complementing the ‘how to’ perspective of copywriting, with impressive interviews from leading ad agencies and copywriters across the globe, this second edition addresses the everyday issues faced in a multitude of roles, including: -Practical advice to measure and benchmark effective copy -Guidance on creating and critiquing briefs -New chapters on how to weave copywriting skills into the wider industry -Storytelling and content marketing -The impact of evolving channels like mobile and social media Practical, inspiring and extremely digestible, Persuasive Copywriting is the only vibrant, allencompassing guide to copywriting that you need.

Author Information Andy Maslen is Managing Director of Sunfish, a writing agency specializing in corporate communications, direct marketing and digital content, and CEO of the Andy Maslen Copywriting Academy. A lifetime fellow of the Institute of Direct and Digital Marketing, Maslen works globally with clients such as the NHS, Prudential, The Economist, BBC Worldwide, Hamleys, London Stock Exchange, RSPB, The New York Times and PricewaterhouseCoopers. He is co-founder of the Copy Cabana conference and a bestselling author of numerous fiction and non-fiction books.

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Copywriting in context Creativity – A genuinely marketable skill? The right and wrong way to judge copy The impact of new channels – From mobile to social Blood brothers or ugly sisters – How do copy and content fit together? Motivation versus reason – Tapping into your customer’s deepest drives Harnessing the power of emotional copywriting to persuade your prospects Three big ideas you should use for copy before highlighting the “benefits” A powerful process for developing customer empathy through copy Copywriting hacks – Flattery will get you everywhere The ancient Greek secret of emotionally engaging copy Copywriting and connecting on social media Creating calls to action – Top tips to bring home the bacon The pleasure principle – Making your writing more enjoyable and compelling

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12 Balancing pleasure and profit – Five techniques to write fantastic copy 13 How to engage your imagination and free your creativity 14 Tone and technique in copy – Finding your voice (and that of others) 15 The definitive guide to when grammar matters in copywriting 16 Injecting life into your sales pitch – An age-old method

The New Chameleons Edition: 1 Date: 02/28/2021 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781398600041 ISBN Ebook: 9781398600058 Pages: 296 Format (mm): 216x138 Product Category: General Subject: Consumer Behaviour

This book

« Identifies the unique and complex relationships modern consumers form with products and services how many of the most fundamental assumptions marketers use to understand customers « Discloses actually don’t make sense anymore the breaking of traditional boundaries using examples such as bitmojis, avatars, video « Illustrates games, Augmented Reality, the sharing economy and unisex clothing brands Description Consumers are changing but the marketing categories used to identify them have not. Engage with this new generation of consumers who increasingly take for granted that products and advertising will blend their multiple brand identities rather than market to them as a specific subculture. Male or female, work or play, online or offline. These and other market categories are no longer relevant as modern consumers defy traditional boundaries and identify as members of multiple subcultures. The New Chameleons reveals how to engage with this new generation and how to stand out among the competition. Global consumer behavior expert Michael R. Solomon directs marketers to move beyond their traditional categories and communicate with consumers as individuals rather than as a market segment. He explains how traditional marketing is based on the assumption of boundaries between us and them, the individual and the collective, producer and consumer, work and play, humans vs. computers, and editorial vs. commercial. He then shows how those boundaries are blurring: people identify with members of multiple subcultures; individuals seek collective advice before making a purchase; consumers no longer distinguish between purchases online or in-store; consumer-generated content becomes the norm; gender identity is fluid; gamification strategies turn work into play; and identity marketing becomes more popular. Combining history, data, experience and examples, The New Chameleons is written for every marketer (or reader) who wants to offer products and services that resonate with consumers now and in the future.

Author Information Michael R. Solomon is professor of marketing in the Haub School of Business at Saint Joseph’s University and he resides in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He advises global clients in leading industries on marketing strategies to make them more consumercentric. He is the author of several leading textbooks on marketing, consumer behavior, advertising and social media.

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‌Introduction The evolution of marketing categories Consumers who defy demographic labels Consumers who defy traditional purchasing behavior Consumers who defy the bricks vs. clicks debate Consumers who defy buyers vs. sellers Consumers who defy traditional sex roles and gender stereotypes Consumers who defy the separation of brand and identity Consumers who defy boundaries of traditional media A fond farewell to dichotomies we love

Consumer Behaviour

Decoding the Irrational Consumer How to Commission, Run and Generate Insights from Neuromarketing Research Edition: 1 Date: 08/28/2015 Price: $34.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749473846 ISBN Ebook: 9780749473853 Pages: 224 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Consumer Behaviour

Author Information Darren Bridger works as a consultant to marketers, advising on using and analysing data that tap into consumers’ non-conscious thinking and motivations. He was one of the original pioneers of the consumer neuroscience industry, co-founding both the world’s first full-service agency, Neuroco, and the first agency dedicated to serving the public relations industry, MindLab International, then joining the world’s largest agency, Neurofocus, as its second employee outside of the US.


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This book

practitioners with all the key conceptual and theoretical tools to take control of « Endows understanding subconscious responses and become neuro-literate behavioural economics, eye-tracking, implicit response measures, facial coding and other « Covers research tools which can measure and illuminate the irrational drives of consumers with new understandings in behavioural science and developments in data-processing « Aligns technology to meet the demand for new insights into decision making « Online resources: Online guide for students and lecturers with helpful chapter summaries

Description Decoding the Irrational Consumer is written to help marketing practitioners demystify neuromarketing, a relatively new field of marketing research used to understand consumer response to marketing stimuli. Decoding the Irrational Consumer presents in plain terms the key theoretical tools required to implement neuromarketing studies and achieve desired research outcomes. Marketers and researchers will learn how to effectively and confidently brief data processors, and confer with neuroscientists and technicians. They will gain keen understanding of recent developments in behavioural science and data-processing technology, as well as sophisticated neuromarketing tools used to understand subconscious responses including behavioural economics, eye-tracking, implicit response measures, and facial coding. The author discusses when to apply these techniques and others, how to combine them effectively and how to correctly interpret resulting data to generate valuable insights that aid in decision making. The book is also suppotrted by an online guide for students and lecturers with helpful chapter summaries.

Table of Contents 1 1

Theoretical insights The irrational consumer: introduction 2 The brain: attention, memory and emotion 3 Neuroaesthetics 4 Behavioural economics 2 The new research tools 5 Guidelines for experiments 6 Eye-tracking 7 Implicit response measures 8 Facial action coding 9 Biometrics 10 Neuro-measures 3 Putting it all together 11 Computational neuroscience 12 Smarter survey design 13 Combining techniques 14 Conclusions

Consumer Behaviour

Innovative B2B Marketing New Models, Processes and Theory Edition: 1 Date: 08/28/2017 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749480806 ISBN Ebook: 9780749480813 Pages: 312 Format (mm): 235x158 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: B2B Marketing

This book

by one of the Chartered Institute of Marketing’s leading professional trainers, who has « Authored designed and currently directs a multitude of relevant professional courses how the modern B2B marketing landscape has changed, with traditional marketing « Demonstrates methods (such as funnels and swim lane advertising) being replaced by innovative new models and processes (such as lead nurturing and modern events marketing) Cuts through the inundation of noise surrounding B2B marketing to provide clear, comprehensive coverage of all of the most recent developments, including social marketing, B2B-specific brand building, channel strategy, and much more Online resources: include case studies, web links to insightful videos and articles, and lecture slides with practical models and templates



Description Innovative B2B Marketing is a clear, practical guide that demystifies modern aspects of B2B marketing, including marketing models, processes and thought leadership pieces. New customer buying habits, the digital era and the new industry landscape (influenced by the application economy) have all had a great impact, with marketing professionals consequently facing a shift away from traditional practices. The focus of Innovative B2B Marketing is to cut through the noise and make sense of the new models, methods and processes that have recently emerged in the B2B marketing sphere. Authored by Simon Hall, an ex-CMO who brings over 20 years’ senior level experience as one of the leading voices in the B2B sphere actively working with the CIM, the IDM, and other major associations, Innovative B2B Marketing brings together a wealth of insight and information sourced from the author’s own first-hand experience. Featuring real-life examples from diverse sectors, plus topical discussion points and problems from key B2B marketing forums and associations, marketers will find new approaches, models and solutions to help deal with any B2B marketing challenge.

Author Information Simon Hall is a marketing innovator with over 20 years’ experience in Technology and Services Marketing. He has served as UK Chief Marketing Officer for Dell as well as senior roles at Acer, Microsoft and Toshiba. In 2016 Simon founded NextGen Marketing Solutions. Simon is a Course Director with the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), a B2B council member with The Institute of Direct and Digital Marketing (IDM), the Internal Consulting Group’s (ICG) Global Thought Leader for B2B Marketing, and a member of the European CMO Council.

Table of Contents 1 1 2 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 10 11 12 13 14 15 4 16


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Introduction to Innovative B2B Marketing Developing Your Marketing Strategy The New Marketing Mix B2B Strategy & Planning Improve B2B Customer Centric Marketing B2B Buyers and Their Changing Behaviours Acquisition Marketing Customer Loyalty & Retention – the Stickiness Factor Understanding C-suite Marketing B2B Product & Solutions Marketing B2B Influencer Marketing ‘Transform’ Through Content and Digital Marketing B2B Digital and Content Marketing Landscape B2B Digital Marketing Channels B2B Digital Marketing Planning and Strategy B2B Content Marketing B2B Social Marketing B2B Brand Building ‘Collaborate’ with Channel Partners The Channel Landscape

B2B Marketing

17 Marketing to Channel Partners and Enabling Them 18 How to Market Through Channel Partners 19 Channel Strategy, Planning and Control 5 Optimizing Marketing Performance and Execution 20 Sales and Marketing Alignment 21 Account Based Marketing 22 Lead Generation and Nurturing 23 Modern Events Marketing 24 Marketing Performance Management

B2B Marketing Strategy Differentiate, Develop and Deliver Lasting Customer Engagement Edition: 1 Date: 12/28/2017 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749481063 ISBN Ebook: 9780749481070 Pages: 216 Format (mm): 235x157 Product Category: Professional Subject: B2B Marketing

This book

on the outcome of marketing, rather than the tactics used in marketing, as the only way to « Refocus win ongoing customer engagement and refutes widely accepted, but misguided, beliefs that are currently dominating the « Confronts B2B marketing realm, and uses case studies and evidence to prove how they are misleading practical advice and real-world case studies including Apple, Volvo & NHS, to identify the « Features model’s effectiveness in real-world B2B marketing environments a completely original model - the 3D Marketing Strategy - to shift focus from continually « Presents changing technologies and channels to lasting customer engagement and measurable results

Description B2B marketing is functioning in an increasingly fast-paced and complex business landscape, with a wealth of new technologies, tools and channels, and where customers are more in control of the buying process than ever before. With the imperative to become ‘digital’, B2B marketers have become consumed by the marketing activity itself - the tactics - instead of the outcomes marketers want and need to achieve for customers and businesses. B2B Marketing Strategy provides fresh insight into the challenges marketers are facing in such an environment and offers a new framework for developing B2B marketing strategy and plans. Written by an internationally recognised and award winning senior marketing strategist, B2B Marketing Strategy is a thought-provoking and comprehensive exploration of the state of B2B marketing. Expertly examined, this book will challenge the perspective of B2B marketers by confronting and refuting the many fallacies that currently dominate the industry. Filled with real-world case studies and practical, actionable insights, B2B Marketing Strategy takes the reader through three phases of thinking, doing and being different in order to make B2B marketing memorable in the hearts and minds of customers, creating lasting customer engagement.

Author Information Heidi Taylor is a consultant, speaker and prolific blogger with a significant global following. Her expertise is in strategy and creating powerful multi-channel, multiformat marketing campaigns. In 2015 Heidi Taylor was named a top 25 UK B2B Marketing Influencer by Onalytica. She has won two awards at the Chartered Institute of Marketing’s prestigious annual Marketing Excellence Awards, including the coveted overall Marketer of the Year.

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‌Introduction Think Different - Fallacy #1; Marketing Has Forever and Fundamentally Changed Change Happens – The Seismic Shift in Our B2B Marketing Environment All That Glitters – B2B Marketing’s Obsession With the Latest Tools and Tactics 5 Essential Steps to Think Different Do Different - Fallacy #2; The Marketing Plan is The Marketing Strategy Getting Back to Basics – Brand, Strategy, Customers and Measurement An Introduction to 3D Marketing - Differentiate, Develop and Deliver 5 Essential Steps to Do Different Be Different - Fallacy #3; The Purpose of Marketing is Lead Generation What is the Purpose of Marketing? 7 rules of Engagement For The Social Era Taking a Big Idea to Market – 5 Lessons

B2B Marketing

10 5 Essential Steps to Be Different 4 Conclusion 11 Tactics are For The Moment, Ideas are Forever

B2B Digital Marketing Strategy How to Use New Frameworks and Models to Achieve Growth Edition: 1 Date: 08/28/2020 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789662542 ISBN Ebook: 9781789662559 Pages: 352 Format (mm): 230x155 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: B2B Marketing

This book

clear, direct explanations of the more advanced aspects of digital B2B marketing, and makes « Gives these accessible and user-friendly explains the most up-to-date digital frameworks relevant to the B2B marketing sphere, « Expertly and shows how to implement these to achieve lead generation, customer retention and data management Is due to be the set text for the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM)’s course Advanced B2B Digital Marketing, and recommended reading for the courses B2B Acquisition and Retention Marketing, and Introduction to B2B Digital Marketing Includes a wealth of global case studies, featuring companies such as Danfoss, American Express, IBM, Schneider Electric and more

« «

Description B2B Digital Marketing Strategy is a decisive guide to the most recent developments in the field. It gives readers an overview of the latest frameworks and models, and shows how these can be used to overcome the everyday challenges associated with account targeting, data utilization, and digital campaign management. Intensely practical, B2B Digital Marketing Strategy helps readers get to grips with some of the more advanced and complex elements of B2B marketing. It expertly explains how to incorporate the latest digital methodologies into critical processes such as lead generation, customer retention and customer experience personalization. Packed with global case studies and examples, this book is an invaluable resource for any professional operating in the B2B space.

Author Information Simon Hall is a marketing innovator with around 25 years’ experience in Technology and Services Marketing. In his former career, he served as UK Chief Marketing Officer for Dell as well as many senior European roles at Acer, Microsoft and Toshiba. In addition to running courses and workshops with companies on various B2B marketing and digital marketing areas, Simon Hall also lectures final year university students and degree apprentices in strategy, and marketing at Pearson Business School (University of Kent). He is a member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, of the DMA B2B Council, and a Global Thought Leader in B2B Marketing for the ICG Group (a global consulting company). He is the founder of NextGen Marketing Solutions and author of Innovative B2B Marketing, also published by Kogan Page.

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The new evolving business landscape DEVELOPING THE B2B DIGITAL STRATEGY B2B digital marketing strategy B2B customer journeys and the customer experience B2B personalization marketing and buyer personas B2B customer insights and data management THE EARLY BUYER JOURNEY STAGE Generating awareness B2B SEO and search strategies B2B websites and website strategies Digital for lead generation and lead nurturing B2B digital marketing for lead generation B2B digital and lead nurturing Digital campaign management and integration B2B content marketing B2B digital marketing campaign planning Digital integration marketing in B2B Digital marketing and sales Measuring digital marketing

B2B Marketing

5 Digital for retaining customers 16 Types of digital retention marketing 17 Digital retention marketing channels 6 B2B social media and digital marketing platforms 18 B2B social media marketing strategy 19 B2B digital marketing technologies and platforms 20 Index

Selling Transformed Develop the Sales Values which Deliver Competitive Advantage Edition: 1 Date: 12/28/2020 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789665352 ISBN Ebook: 9781789665369 Pages: 272 Format (mm): 235x159 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Sales & Key Account Management

This book

a new framework that will help sales people dramatically improve their performance by « Introduces providing a better customer experience a range of case studies from diverse global organizations including Starbucks and Hewlett « Presents Packard models, diagrams and self-assessment questionnaires which will help sellers develop more « Provides customer-focused mindsets

Description For years, sales people have struggled with cliched views of how they sell, while at the same time customers have become more sophisticated and discerning, stopping off at different or unconventional places in the sales funnel. The result is that the technique of sales people controlling the sales conversation and learning how to influence the customer no longer works. Selling Transformed introduces the new world of selling, and addresses the reasons why sales people are so poorly perceived. Selling Transformed provides fresh, tangible ideas on how to develop better sales practices. Focusing as much on the customers as on the sellers, it explains key theories of selling effectively and introduces four proven strategies that are based on the values customers look for in sales people: authenticity, client-centricity, proactive creativity and being tactfully audacious. Explaining what customers look for in sales people, and advising on how to develop and deliver these values, this is a new type of sales manual guaranteed to improve sales performance.

Author Information Dr Philip Squire is CEO of Consalia, a sales consulting group. Based in Surrey, UK, he has for over 20 years provided sales consulting education services and training to brands including Apple, AT&T, Ford, Hertz, HP, Pirelli, Royal Caribbean, SAP and Zurich Financial Services. He is a subject matter expert for the UK Trail Blazer undergraduate apprenticeship sales degrees and is co-founder of the International Journal of Sales Transformation.

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‌Introduction How history informs current sales practice Sales psychology and the pressure of time Changing sources of competitive advantage require a new selling paradigm A new paradigm of selling based on values - the research journey Values creating a positive or negative selling experience Values that are an antecedent to trust Principle one - the value of authenticity Principle two - the value of client-centricity Principle three - the value of proactive creativity Principle four - the value of tactful audacity Royal Caribbean International case study: turning a potential disaster into an opportunity The role of leadership in transforming sales Looking to the future

Sales & Key Account Management

Sales and Marketing Channels How to Build and Manage Distribution Strategy Edition: 3 Date: 04/28/2018 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749482145 ISBN Ebook: 9780749482152 Pages: 384 Format (mm): 230x150 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Sales & Key Account Management

This book

a complete economic framework for analyzing any channel partner (distributor, reseller or « Provides retailer) and a new series of multi-sector insights « Enables a defined go-to-market strategy and forecasting for emerging channels and technology the allocation of scarce resources for the highest returns, and channel negotiation from « Supports positions of market strength or weakness to this edition: multi-sector focus, the emergence of the cloud, new consumer channels, the « New switch from products to services, the ‘gig economy’ and monetizing intellectual property resources: Bonus chapters on how to engage with retailers, franchised systems, and « Online managing the people-based business model

Description Analyze, plan and manage profitable channels to market with this economic framework, ensuring maximum leverage of channel partners at every stage of the go-to-market process, with this fully revised third edition of the global bestseller, Distribution Channels - an essential toolkit for strategizing new and existing routes to market. Unprecedented upheavals in routes-to-market are challenging businesses of all types. Products are becoming services, online and offline channels are integrating, and new distribution channels are dictating terms to producers. Placing market access at the heart of business and marketing strategy, this revised edition of Sales and Marketing Channels (originally Distribution Channels) addresses emerging business models and buying behaviours with practical steps, offering an efficient structure to extract tangible commercial value from partner relationships. Often referred to as the “Place” P in the marketing mix, this book and its host of downloadable resources integrate innovative case studies like AirBNB, the largest seller of rooms without ownership of any; Transferwise, the peer-to-peer Forex; plus, the rise of online retailers like Amazon and ASOS versus the decline of traditional stores like Macy’s or BHS. Other updates include: -The impact of cloud technology -Advancing consumer channels -Monetizing the distribution of intellectual property -Plus the evolving ‘gig economy’, led by Uber and Deliveroo

Author Information Julian Dent is Chairman of VIA International, a specialist routes-to-market consultancy. He has more than 35 years of global experience in distribution, specializing in channel strategy and implementation at global, corporate and regional levels. His clients include Barclays, Esso, Hewlett-Packard, Hyatt, Microsoft, Philips, Subway and Xerox. Michael White is EMEA General Manager of Quadmark, a global channels and sales enablement consultancy. He has been a worldwide routes-to-market specialist for 30 years across multiple industries, leading commercial consumer channel strategy from formulation through to execution. His clients include Apple, Caterpillar, Cisco, Electrolux, PayPal and Procter & Gamble.


Marketing and PR

Table of Contents 1 Introduction 1 How to get the best out of this book 2 The business of getting products and services to market 3 Major trends and developments in market access 2 Distributors, wholesalers and intermediaries 4 The role of the distributor for sales and marketing channels 5 How the distributor business model works 6 Managing distributors – margins and profitability 7 Managing distributors – working capital 8 Managing distributors – productivity 9 Managing distributors – sustainability 10 Managing distributors – managing growth 11 Understanding the distribution landscape 12 How to get the best from distribution strategy 3 Managing final-tier sales and marketing channels 13 The roles of the final-tier channel players

14 How the business model works for final-tier channel players 15 Managing final-tier channel players – sales and utilization 16 Managing final-tier channel players – gross margin and recoverability 17 Managing final-tier channel players – working capital management 18 Managing final-tier channel players – value creation and growth 19 How to get the best from finaltier channel players 4 Managing distribution in individual industry sectors 20 Introduction to managing distribution in individual industry sectors 21 Insights from managing capital goods distribution 22 Insights from managing consumer goods distribution and retailers 23 Insights from managing services distribution 24 Insights from managing hotels, restaurants, catering and travel distribution

Sales & Key Account Management

25 Insights from managing intellectual property distribution 26 Insights from managing franchised distribution Appendix  Key ratios Appendix  Glossary of technical terms

Implementing Key Account Management Designing Customer-Centric Processes for Mutual Growth Edition: 1 Date: 08/28/2018 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749482756 ISBN Ebook: 9780749482763 Pages: 352 Format (mm): 239x169 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Sales & Key Account Management

Author Information Javier Marcos has designed and delivered programmes globally for clients such as Barclays, Cap Gemini, GKN Aerospace, RollsRoyce and Unilever. Mark Davies acts as Visiting Fellow for Cranfield School of Management and facilitates the Cranfield KAM Best Practice Research Club. Rodrigo Guesalaga is Senior Lecturer at Cranfield School of Management, Associate Professor at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, and Visiting Professor at Vlerick Business School. Sue Holt is Director of the Cranfield School of Management’s flagship Open Programme on KAM.

This book

case studies from diverse sectors including professional services (Ernst & Young), financial « Features services (FM), manufacturing (Rolls-Royce), services (EMCOR, FM Global), pharmaceuticals (Pfizer), and engineering (AMEY)

ground-breaking research with experience from recognized thought leaders of Cranfield « Combines School of Management an integrative Key Account Management framework that senior executives can use to design « Offers or further develop strategic customer management programmes

Description Implementing Key Account Management is a highly practical handbook that guides readers through the realities of rolling out a functional key account management programme. The book offers an integrated framework for key account management (KAM) that businesses can use to design or further develop strategic customer management programmes, enabling them to overcome the obstacles that organizations often face when rolling out their strategies. Bringing together the experiences of leading experts within this field, Implementing Key Account Management draws on two decades of research and best practice from Cranfield University School of Management, one of the foremost centres for researcher and thought leadership in KAM. Between them, the authors have designed and delivered programmes globally for clients such as Rolls-Royce, Unilever, Vodafone, The Economist and many more. Rigorously researched, well-grounded and practical, this book is - quite simply - the definitive, go-to resource for implementing key account management programmes.

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Introduction to implementing 13 Epilogue: Final word on implementing KAM from a key account management global practitioner at Unilever Re-engaging strategic Food Solutions customers Adopting key account management Building customer understanding and value planning Developing customer relationships Developing winning offerings Creating compelling customer value propositions Co-creating value with key customers Designing customer-centric approaches and processes The role of the key account manager and the KAM team Measuring KAM performance Motivating, incentivizing and rewarding for KAM KAM and procurement: the buyer’s perspective and valuebased negotiation International key account management Assessing your KAM programme: a framework The KAM Framework

Sales & Key Account Management

Malcolm McDonald on Key Account Management Edition: 1 Date: 08/28/2017 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749480776 ISBN Ebook: 9780749480790 Pages: 248 Format (mm): 235x158 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Sales & Key Account Management

This book

the balance between achieving growth through the development of key accounts and « Understand serving key accounts, without letting costs become prohibitive best practice in key account management in a confident and successful manner through « Implement a highly practical, step-by-step approach from rich learning features, including mini-cases, narratives, examples, diagrams, and « Benefit visually represented models resources: include a bonus chapter, case studies, self-test questions, figures and tables, a « Online template for creating your own KAM plan and suggested further reading by authors with over 20 years experience researching, teaching and consulting on key « Written account management

Description Malcolm McDonald on Key Account Management explores the challenges of winning, retaining and developing key accounts. Key accounts are customers who help their suppliers grow, and consequently, they wield significant power. Although they are the key to market share and revenue growth, the costs of serving key accounts can erode profitability unless they are thoroughly understood and managed. Malcolm McDonald on Key Account Management takes a step-by-step approach to presenting best practice in key account management. Whether your business is starting up or well-established, there is always more to discover about improving the way value is created between you and your most important customers. Malcolm McDonald and Beth Rogers have spent over twenty years researching, teaching and consulting on key account management, and have condensed their knowledge into this book, focusing on making it clear, concise and easy to use.

Author Information Professor Malcolm McDonald was formerly a Professor of Marketing and Deputy Director at Cranfield University School of Management and is now an Emeritus Professor. Based in the UK, he is also an Honorary Professor at Warwick Business School and the author of Malcolm MacDonald on Marketing Planning, also published by Kogan Page. Dr Beth Rogers was formerly a Business Development Manager at Portsmouth Business School and chaired project board developing National Occupational Standards for UK professional sales. Based in the UK, she is now the Director of two organisations and writes articles for business publications.


Marketing and PR

Table of Contents 1

Introducing key account management 2 The role of key accounts in achieving business growth 3 Selecting the right key accounts 4 Understanding buying decisions 5 Key account plans 6 Understanding account-based marketing 7 People and skills for key account management 8 Going global with key accounts 9 The risks of key account management 10 The future of key account management Appendix 1  The McDonald and Rogers 10 guidelines for profitable key account management Appendix 2  A quiz for key account managers Appendix 3  Important research articles on key account management

Sales & Key Account Management

Key Account Management Tools and Techniques for Achieving Profitable Key Supplier Status Edition: 6 Date: 02/28/2015 Price: $49.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749469405 ISBN Ebook: 9780749469412 Pages: 416 Format (mm): 240x170 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Sales & Key Account Management

This book

« Focuses on practical implementation rather than the theory of account management boost account management effectiveness with practical tools including new and updated « Helps online resources the elements of key account management together to help practitioners form and « Brings implement their own strategy « Online resources: Helpful templates, guides for students and lecturers, and self tests Description An organization’s key accounts are its lifeblood. Key account management focuses on the long-term investment of resources in customers that can offer an exceptional return on resources. But which are the key accounts? Are they the ones growing the fastest? The ones that are most financially secure? Or are they the ones that shout the loudest? Key Account Management puts forward a straightforward and effective planning methodology. This fully updated 6th edition of Key Account Management takes a long-term, team-selling strategic view of the whole process, from defining the customer, to managing the relationship and achieving key supplier status. With coverage of latest best practice including IT’s role in account management, plus new case studies, online supporting resources and a new section comparing how different industries/ markets approach key account management, it stands alone as the premier book on managing key customers. Online resources include helpful templates, guides for students and lecturers, and self tests to ensure that best practice is being followed.

Author Information Peter Cheverton is Director of Insight Marketing & People, now established as the leading international training and consultancy firm in KAM implementation, working in more than thirty countries including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Poland, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, the United Kingdom and the United States, with a client list that includes some of the world’s major blue chip companies. He is also the author of Understanding the Professional Buyer and Global Account Management (both published by Kogan Page).


Marketing and PR

Table of Contents 1 Definitions and purpose 1 The key account approach 2 Why Key Account Management? 3 The spectrum of KAM ambition 4 What is a key account? 5 What is Key Account Management? 2 Analysis: opportunity and value 6 Knowing the market, knowing your value 7 Knowing the people, knowing your value 3 Relationship management 8 From ‘bow-ties’ to ‘diamonds’ 9 Decision mapping and contact strategies 10 The good, the bad, the sad and the ugly 4 Achieving key supplier status 11 The purchasing revolution 12 Supply chain management: seeking value 13 Purchasing organization: rationalization and centralization 14 Supplier positioning: managing suppliers 5 Achieving strategic supplier status

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Being of strategic value How do they plan to grow? How do they aim to win? What drives them? A shared future? The value proposition The customer’s total business experience 21 The customer’s activity cycle 22 Measuring the value – securing the reward 23 Making the proposal 7 Planning and joint planning 24 The key account plan 25 Joint planning 8 Targeting 26 Customer classification 27 Customer distinction 28 Global Account Management 9 Making it happen 29 Sins and requirements 30 Leadership and organization 31 Skills, attitudes and behaviours 32 The role of information technology 33 Measuring customer profitability 34 The implementation plan 35 Training and further help

Sales & Key Account Management

A Practitioner’s Guide to AccountBased Marketing Edition: 2 Date: 06/28/2021 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781398600874 ISBN Ebook: 9781398600898 Pages: 288 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Professional Subject: Sales & Key Account Management

This book

step-by-step guidance on harnessing account-based marketing techniques and setting up « Provides ABM programmes to deliver successful B2B marketing guidance on developing the competencies needed for account-based marketing and « Includes managing your ABM career case studies from organizations including Microsoft, Accenture, O2 and Fujitsu and « Contains insights from experienced ABM professionals to this edition: updates to the ABM adoption model, further material on quantified value « New propositions, new and updated case studies and examples and updated wider research

Description As some of today’s major and complex companies are worth more than the GDPs of some countries, traditional marketing approaches, such as glossy corporate campaigns, will have limited returns. Account-based marketing, also known as client-centric marketing, treats important individual accounts as markets in their own right, to help strengthen relationships, build reputation, and increase revenues in important accounts. A Practitioner’s Guide to Account-Based Marketing outlines a clear, step-by-step process for readers to harness ABM tools and techniques and set up ABM programmes. Featuring insights from practising professionals and case studies from organizations including Microsoft, Accenture, O2 and Fujitsu, it also contains guidance on developing the competencies needed for account-based marketing and managing your ABM career. This updated second edition contains further discussion on how ABM initiatives can go from a pilot to being embedded in a business, new material on quantified value propositions and updated wider research. Meticulously researched and highly practical, A Practitioner’s Guide to Account-Based Marketing will help all marketers to deliver successful B2B marketing.

Author Information Bev Burgess, based in East Sussex, UK, is Senior Vice President at ITSMA, leading its Global Account-Based Marketing Practice and delivering consultancy and training on the design, development, and implementation of ABM programmes. The first to codify this new B2B marketing strategy in 2003, she has personally helped companies around the world to accelerate account growth using ABM techniques. Dave Munn, based in Lexington, MA, is the President and CEO of ITSMA, where he oversees defining, documenting, and inspiring marketing excellence with the ITSMA global membership community. Prior to this, he held senior field positions with Oracle and Apple.

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Marketing and PR

Setting up an account-based marketing programme The essentials of accountbased marketing Building the right foundations for account-based marketing Investing in the right tools and technologies Deciding which accounts to focus on The ABM adoption model Account-based marketing step-by-step Knowing what is driving the account Playing to the client’s needs Mapping and profiling stakeholders Developing targeted value propositions Planning integrated sales and marketing campaigns Executing integrated campaigns Evaluating results and updating plans Developing your career as an account-based marketer The competencies you need to do account-based marketing Managing your ABM career

Sales & Key Account Management

Global Brand Management A Guide to Developing, Building & Managing an International Brand Edition: 1 Date: 11/28/2019 Price: $52.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749483609 ISBN Ebook: 9780749483616 Pages: 328 Format (mm): 240x167 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Branding

This book

students to manage an existing global brand, as well as providing the basic considerations « Prepares and strategies for developing and building a new one perspectives from world class practitioners to demonstrate the crucial importance of « Features global brands effectively adapting to different languages, cultural values and commerce laws the essential role that flex and elasticity play in enabling a brand to maintain a « Demonstrates distinct and unified identity across global borders detailed case studies from Oreo, McDonalds, Harley Davidson, Tropicana and Xiaomi, and « Includes guest contributions from a range of international entrepreneurs, strategists and marketers « Online Resources: Chapter PowerPoints, chapter summaries, test banks, sample syllabus a foreword by Mark Tungate: Editorial Director of the Epica awards, and author of multiple « Features books on branding published by Kogan Page

Description In today’s hyper-connected world, any brand with a website or digital presence is ‘global’ by its very definition; yet in practice it takes an enormous amount of strategic planning and adaptability to successfully manage an international brand. Global Brand Management explores the increasingly universal scope of brand management. In an era when many brand managers will find themselves working for large multinationals operating across varied territories, categories and consumer groups, developing an understanding of both the opportunities and risks of multinational brands is truly essential. Meticulously researched, Global Brand Management shows readers how to manage an existing global brand, while simultaneously equipping them with the skills to build one from scratch. The text uses fascinating case studies including Oreo, Harley Davidson and Xiaomi to demonstrate the challenges of maintaining a stable brand identity when operating across territories with different languages, cultural values and logistics. With helpful pedagogy throughout and built-in features to enhance classroom learning, Global Brand Management is the perfect springboard for students to appreciate, enjoy and embrace the nuances and complexities of brand management on an international scale.

Author Information Laurence Minsky is Associate Professor, School of Media Arts, Columbia College Chicago, and author of many leading books on advertising, branding, and marketing. He is also an award-winning marketing strategist, creative director, and copywriter focused on creating innovative and effective branding and cross-discipline marketing solutions. His consulting practice serves a broad range of B2C and B2B clients from the emerging to global leaders. Ilan Geva is Adjunct Professor at the University of Chicago and DePaul University, and was formerly Design Head and Creative Director at Ogilvy & Mather, Leo Burnett, Frankel & Co., and several internationally renowned agencies. He currently runs Ilan Geva & Friends, a leading branding consultancy based in Chicago.

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Marketing and PR

Theoretical and strategic foundations A definition of brands and branding The strategic role branding plays Internal branding vs. external branding MarTech, Programmatic, and more technological innovations Practical and tactical applications Brand foundational development Brand actualization Branding and the marketing communication ecosystem Brand management Branding issues and opportunities Branding in a global economy Brand architecture Speciality application areas Digital asset management (of branding elements)


The New Strategic Brand Management Edition: 5 Date: 01/28/2012 Price: $70.00 ISBN Paperback: 9780749465155 ISBN Ebook: 9780749465162 Pages: 512 Format (mm): 245x188 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Branding

This book

« Reveals and explains the latest branding techniques used by companies worldwide « Includes expert advice on best practice for adding culture and content into brands students and practitioners to stay up to date with targeting, adding recent research and « Enables market knowledge to the discipline a section on brand valuation which illuminates the complex strategies behind how brands « Contains are ranked in the media Description Adopted internationally by business schools and MBA programmes, this book is the ultimate resource for senior strategists, positioning professionals and postgraduate students to understand and overcome the challenges of brand management and strategy today, written by the leading international expert of branding, Jean-Noël Kapferer. The New Strategic Brand Management is simply the reference source for branding professionals and postgraduate students. Over the years it has not only established a reputation as one of the leading works on brand strategy, but also has become synonymous with the topic itself. Using an array of international case studies, this book covers all the leading issues faced by brand strategists today, with both gravitas and intelligent insight. It reveals new thinking on topics such as putting culture and content into brands, the impact of private labels and the comeback of local brands. This updated fifth edition builds on the book’s already impressive reputation, including new content that will help students and practitioners stay up to date with targeting, with relevant research and market knowledge to support the discipline. With dedicated sections for specific types of brands (luxury, corporate and retail), international examples and case studies from companies such as Audi, Nivea, Toyota and Absolut Vodka; plus models and frameworks such as the Brand Identity Prism; The New Strategic Brand Management remains at the forefront of strategic brand thinking.

Author Information Jean-Noël Kapferer is one of the world’s foremost thought leaders on luxury brands. An active researcher, he is an HEC Paris graduate and holds a PhD from Northwestern University’s Kellogg Business School. Kapferer is author of Kapferer on Luxury and co-author of The Luxury Strategy (both published by Kogan Page). He is a sought after speaker, leading seminars on luxury worldwide at institutions including HEC Paris, Tsing Hua University Beijing, Seoul Luxury Business Institute and LBI Shanghai. He is also advisor to the president of Inseec Business School (Paris).

Table of Contents

1 1 2 3 4 5 2 6 7 3 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 4


Marketing and PR

I‌ntroduction - Building the Brand when the Clients Are Empowered Why is Branding So Strategic? Brand Equity in Question Strategic Implications of Branding Brand and Business Models Brand Diversity - How Specific Are Different Sectors? Managing Retail Brands The Challenges of Modern Markets The New Brand Management Brand Identity and Positioning Creating and Sustaining Brand Equity Launching the Brand Growing the Brand Sustaining a Brand Long Term Brand and Products - Identity and Change Growth Through Brand Extensions Brand Architecture Multi-Brand Portfolios Handling Name Changes and Brand Transfers Brand Turnaround and Rejuvenation Managing Global Brands Brand Valuation


18 Financial Valuation and Accounting for Brands

International Brand Strategy A Guide to Achieving Global Brand Growth Edition: 1 Date: 01/28/2021 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789666298 ISBN Ebook: 9781789666304 Pages: 272 Format (mm): 233x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Branding

This book

the necessary tools to create more informed marketing strategies, enabling brands to « Provides thrive in foreign markets « Delivers a proven, repeatable methodology that can be adapted to any product, industry or region organizations engage more effectively with buyers in the foreign market, and seize market « Helps opportunities promptly clear, practical tips to recognize and avoid the most common pitfalls when entering new « Contains markets readers understand the dynamic of product, price and value from a foreign market’s « Helps perspective

Description In theory, the Internet allows all brands to market internationally. But in practice, most companies struggle to compete outside their home market. Written from a marketing practitioner’s perspective, International Brand Strategy evens the playing field with clear, actionable techniques to guide any organization going through the process. This book helps companies build sales in foreign markets, but just as important it helps them thrive by maintaining price integrity and building brand equity at the same time. With the guidance provided in International Brand Strategy companies hit the ground running in foreign markets. This provides a competitive advantage from day one, empowers companies to avoid costly mistakes, and saves months of trial and error. The book lays out a unique methodology for managing brands abroad that can be implemented for any product in any market. These methods have proven their value for companies large and small across six continents. The book guides readers with pragmatic models and a wealth of examples from the Americas, Europe, and Asia. International Brand Strategy was written for those who are planning to enter a new market and for those who are already there but wish to improve their brand’s performance. It helps the reader recognize some of the most common pitfalls and how to avoid them, provides practical tips to understand the dynamics of price, product and value from a foreign buyer’s perspective, and defines a conceptual framework to assess and improve brand equity at home and abroad.

Author Information Sean Duffy is founder and CEO of Duffy Agency, based in Boston MA, USA and Malmö, Sweden. He is Adjunct Professor in International Strategic Marketing at Lund University School of Economics & Management, Sweden and contributes to its Masters Programme in Entrepreneurship. He has served two terms as European Governor of TAAN Worldwide, and was previously creative director with MullenLowe Group / IPG, Sweden.


Marketing and PR

Table of Contents 1 Preparation 1 Why brands fail abroad 2 The business case for entering a foreign market 3 Choosing the right market 4 The difference between domestic and international brand building 5 Defining an approach to international markets 6 Preparing the brand for travel 2 The new market 7 Understanding the mechanics of building brand equity abroad 8 Setting realistic expectations 9 Dealing with language 10 Assembling the right team 11 Segmenting the market and targeting 12 Understanding local buyers in foreign markets 13 Understanding local competitors from the buyer’s POV 14 Seeing your product from the local buyer’s POV 15 Seeing your product’s price from the local buyer’s POV 16 Seeing your brand’s value from the local buyer’s POV 17 Creating an international web presence


18 3 19 20

Responding to the market Get moving Engaging company leadership A different type of management 21 The renewed importance of vision and mission 22 Distinguish between marketing and sales 23 Defining success 24 Evaluating risk 4 Conclusion

Myths of Branding A Brand is Just a Logo, and Other Popular Misconceptions Edition: 1 Date: 01/28/2019 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749483098 ISBN Ebook: 9780749483104 Pages: 256 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: General Subject: Branding

This book

the most pervasive and entertaining myths about the world of branding, including ‘a good « Explores brand can save a bad business’; ‘brands don’t matter in every business’; and ‘branding is all about visual identity’, debunking them with up-to-date research and evidence

« Includes fascinating examples from the world’s leading brands and foremost branding agencies in the topical and successful Myths Of series, debunking the most popular myths and « Features misconceptions in the business landscape Description A brand is just a logo - everyone knows that, don’t they? After all, it’s not as though a good brand can save a bad business, and besides, the digital revolution is making branding irrelevant... Myths of Branding, written by renowned branding experts Andy Milligan and Simon Bailey, explores the huge number of misguided, mistaken and blatantly false myths that abound in the branding arena. From the belief that developing brands is nothing more than fiddling with logos, to the perception that it’s a ‘soft’ area of marketing that doesn’t go beyond visual identity - these myths are all surprisingly entrenched, yet could not be further from the truth. Myths of Branding takes the most up-to-date research and evidence to debunk these popular misconceptions, and replaces them with the reality of what it’s really like to work in the world of branding. Jam-packed with entertaining anecdotes and useful information that practitioners can learn from, it guarantees a deeper, sharper understanding of the realities of branding and brand management.

Author Information Andy Milligan is a leading international branding consultant. He has worked for almost 20 years advising major organizations on strategies for brand building, customer experience and internal culture, and comments regularly in the media on brand issues. He is the co-author of On Purpose and Bold. Simon Bailey is an experienced business leader and brand specialist who advises CEOs on using their brand to drive business growth. He was formerly European CEO of Interbrand and UK CEO of WPP agency the Brand Union. His agencies have twice been awarded ‘Agency of the Year’ by Marketing Magazine.

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Myth 1 – Brands are just a way 14 Myth 14 – In certain businesses, brands really don’t of charging you more for the matter same product 15 Myth 15 – Branding has Myth 2 – Once lost, brand nothing to do with the trust can never be rebuilt customer experience Myth 3 – A good brand can 16 Myth 16 - Branding is all about prop up a bad business the product Myth 4 – Technology is diminishing the power of brands Myth 5 – Branding is just about identity Myth 6 – Brands don’t have any real economic value Myth 7 – There is no such thing as brand loyalty Myth 8 – The customer is always right Myth 9 – It takes large resources and years of effort to build a global brand Myth 10 – A brand is ‘owned’ by the marketing department Myth 11 – Brand purpose is about effective corporate social responsibility Myth 12 – Customers are seeking a conversation with your brand Myth 13 – There are no real tools to help you manage your brand


How Cool Brands Stay Hot Branding to Generations Y and Z Edition: 3 Date: 04/28/2016 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749477172 ISBN Ebook: 9780749477219 Pages: 312 Format (mm): 235x158 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Branding

This book

« Includes an entirely new chapter on Generation Z based on detailed new research what drives Generations Y and Z, and how these groups have been impacted by recent « Reveals events like the recession along with the rise of social media and mobile marketing interviews with global marketing executives of successful brands such as Converse, « Features Heineken, DIESEL, Coca-Cola, MasterCard, eBay and the BBC tools and guidance for developing brand strategies that effectively target Generations Y and « Offers Z, as well as a critical comparison of Generation X and Baby Boomers Description WINNER: Berry-AMA Book Award 2012 (1st edition) WINNER: Expert Marketing Magazine’s Marketing Book of the Year Award 2011 (1st edition) How Cool Brands Stay Hot analyses Generations Y and Z, the most marketing savvy and advertisingcritical generations yet. It reveals how millennials think, feel and behave, offering proven strategies to market to these groups more effectively and remain a relevant, appealing brand. Featuring interviews with global marketing executives of successful brands such as the BBC, Converse, Coca-Cola, eBay and MasterCard along with case studies from companies including H&M, MTV and Diesel, it guides readers in developing the right strategies to leave a lasting business impact. This fully revised 3rd edition of How Cool Brands Stay Hot goes beyond the discussion of Generation Y, expanding its reach with an entirely new chapter on Generation Z and a detailed analysis of the impact that issues such as recession, social media and mobile marketing have had on these consumers. Based on new figures, case studies and interviews, it provides a fresh take on what remain critical issues for anyone hoping to market to those who come after Generation X.

Author Information Joeri Van den Bergh is the co-founder of InSites Consulting, a global new generation research agency with offices in Belgium, the UK, France, Switzerland and the Netherlands. His clients include global customers such as Lego, Nokia, Sony, MTV Networks, Danone, Unilever and Coca-Cola.


Marketing and PR

Table of Contents 1 Defining Generation Y 2 Developing a Brand Model for the New Consumer 3 What Cool Means to Brands 4 The Real Thing: Brand Authenticity 5 We All Want Unique Brands 6 Self-Identification with the Brand 7 Happiness: Gen Y’s Adoration for Branded Emotions 8 Who’s Next? Generation Z


Branding Inside Out Internal Branding in Theory and Practice Edition: 1 Date: 10/28/2017 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749478902 ISBN Ebook: 9780749478919 Pages: 224 Format (mm): 230x155 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Branding

This book

readers to implement their own internal branding strategies, improving the power and « Inspires reach of their external brand messages chapters written by a range of relevant academics and professionals, edited by renowned « Features branding expert Nicholas Ind, who has authored more than 11 books including the bestselling Living the Brand Demonstrates the effective use of internal branding in real world contexts through detailed case studies from companies such as DNV GL, Adidas and Patagonia Online resources: Supporting PowerPoint slides and case studies for each chapter

« «

Description Internal branding is the cultural shift that occurs within an organization when employees become more customer-focused. By getting employees to truly commit to a brand’s ideology internally, companies will find that their brand messages are conveyed externally much more effectively. Branding Inside Out is a multi-contributor text containing chapters from an array of senior professionals and academics, edited by the renowned branding expert and prolific author Nicholas Ind. Branding Inside Out contains both new thinking and new practice on internal branding. The new thinking chapters in the book feature original research on the principles that underpin effective internal branding programmes, while the new practice chapters provide examples of how such companies as Patagonia, NN Group and Adidas both attract new employees and build employee engagement. Taken together, these contributions and case studies form a vital book to help any marketer understand and implement successful internal branding programmes, and win the active involvement of their people. Online resources include supporting PowerPoint slides and case studies for each chapter.

Author Information Nicholas Ind is an associate professor at Kristiania University College, Oslo, and a partner in Equilibrium Consulting. He is a former director of the Design Business Association (UK), a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Brand Management. He was a founding member of the Medinge Group, an international branding think tank. Nicholas is the author of eleven books including Beyond Branding, Living the Brand and Brand Together (all published by Kogan Page). He also co-edited Brands with a Conscience.

Table of Contents 1 2


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Marketing and PR

10 How adidas Attracts and The Changing World of Retains Talent [Steve Fogarty] Internal Branding [Nicholas 11 Internal Brand Management: Ind] Employees as a Target Group Living Brand Orientation: How for Brand Management a Brand-Oriented Culture [Christoph Burmann and Rico Supports Employees to Live Piehler] the Brand [Holger J Schmidt] Unleashing the Internal Fan Community through BrandOriented Leadership [Felicitas Morhart] Bond Dickinson: Leading by Example [Erika Uffindell] Internal Branding: A Roadmap to Brand Value Co-Creation [Fathima Saleem and Oriol Inglesias] Transforming Brand and Culture at NN Group [Marije Scholma, Remco Barbier and Chris Kersbergen] ‘Living the CSR Brand’: Model, Best Practices and Recommendations [Carsten Baumgarth] Participation Builds the Brands: VSO’s People Brand [Nick Pullan and Hannah Gilman] Living Brands: The Characteristics of Living Brand Companies [Rik Riezebos]


Digital Branding A Complete Step-by-Step Guide to Strategy, Tactics, Tools and Measurement Edition: 2 Date: 12/28/2017 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749481698 ISBN Ebook: 9780749481681 Pages: 232 Format (mm): 235x154 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Branding

This book

« Frames a process to plan, analyze, optimize and measure tangible results on brand campaigns « Includes a practical checklist for the digital branding process and tools to implement it to this edition: Advances in mobile marketing, augmented/virtual reality, mobile payments « New and a full overhaul of industry tools, models and case studies « Simplifies complex terms and techniques for straightforward understanding and application « Written by a highly respected industry expert at the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) Description Use digital branding to enhance your online identity and learn how to plan, analyze, optimize and measure the tangible results of your digital brand campaigns, with this second edition of the bestselling book by Daniel Rowles - a respected CIM fellow, course leader, and industry thought leader. Ideal for any marketer or brand strategist to enhance their online brand identity, Digital Branding provides step-by-step, practical guidance on how to build a brand online and quantify it through tangible results. Drawing together each of the core marketing avenues such as content marketing, social media, search engine optimization and web analytics, it delivers a robust framework for brand planning, identity, channel selection and measuring the effectiveness of campaigns. Featuring new high-profile case studies from Accenture, Tesco and Imperial College London, this second edition contains a complete overhaul of tools and techniques with updates on: -Social media guidelines and policy -How to tackle advancements in mobile marketing and mobile payments -Augmented and virtual reality As well as featuring a toolkit of free and paid tools, including a valuable checklist (outlining the digital branding process from start to finish), plus measurement devices for multiple channels and purposes.

Author Information Daniel Rowles has more than 20 years of digital marketing experience on both client and agency sides. A CIM fellow and course director, he is lead judge for their CIM Marketing Excellence award. Rowles also lectures at Imperial College London and Cranfield School of Management, and cohosts the Digital Marketing Podcast, a global top-ten business podcast on iTunes. His digital marketing company TargetInternet.com supports clients such as the BBC, Vodafone, Sony, Oracle and Tesco.


Marketing and PR

Table of Contents ‌Introduction Digital branding in perspective 1 What digital branding really means 2 Focusing on value 3 Considering the user journey 4 Objectives and authenticity 2 The digital toolkit 5 Social media 6 Search 7 Mobile 8 Online advertising 9 E-mail marketing 10 CRM and marketing automation 11 From integration to transmedia campaigns 3 Digital brand strategy and measurement 12 Measuring digital branding 13 Primaries and indicators 14 The role of analytics 15 Bridging the gaps 16 The importance of asking questions 17 Conclusions 1


Audio Branding Using Sound to Build Your Brand Edition: 1 Date: /03/28/2017 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749478575 ISBN Ebook: 9780749478582 Pages: 232 Format (mm): 236x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Branding

This book

« Features a foreword by Dr Philip Kotler why audio branding (examples of which include the Skype intake of breath, the noise an « Explains iPod wheel makes as it clicks, and the sound a particular brand of car makes when a key is inserted in the ignition) is a crucial element of brand development Explores immediate and upcoming topics such as audio-enabled devices, digital touch points, and continuous partial attention Provides practical, step-by-step instructions to enable readers to build an audio language to enhance their brand Draws real life relevance with insightful case studies on companies which have developed successful audio brands in differing ways, including Peugeot, Atlanta Convention & Tourism Bureau, and Michelin Written by authors with unique insider knowledge, having worked at the forefront of the audio branding industry and been involved with some of the world’s leading audio branding campaigns

« « « «

Description Audio Branding is a concise, practical guide on the influential world of audio branding - what it is, why it’s important, and how it can be used to enhance a brand. Consider the familiar tune of a branded ringtone, the bubbly sounds of Skype, and even the chosen sound bite for a branded car unlocking as the driver presses the key. How do these choices tie into a wider brand identity? Which emotions do they spark, and most importantly, how do these choices enhance brand association with the consumer? Audio Branding delivers fascinating insights into this area of marketing, underpinned by practical step-by-step guidance and cutting-edge research to enhance brand loyalty through user experience. Written by authors who have contributed directly to the development of this field, the book contains an enlightening set of case studies, including companies such as Renault (a surprisingly emotional audio brand) Atlanta Convention & Visitors Bureau (a warm, energetic audio brand), and Michelin (a globally coherent audio brand). Covering issues such as the dominance of audio-enabled devices and the phenomenon of continuous partial attention, Audio Branding demonstrates how brands can infuse sound into so many different aspects of their identity, building in a subtle longevity of brand presence through daily user experience.

Author Information Laurence Minsky is Associate Professor, School of Media Arts, Columbia College Chicago, and author of many leading books on advertising, branding, and marketing. He is also an award-winning marketing strategist, creative director, and copywriter focused on creating innovative and effective branding and cross-discipline marketing solutions. His consulting practice serves a broad range of B2C and B2B clients from the emerging to global leaders. Colleen Fahey is US Managing Director of Sixième Son, the world’s leading audio branding and sound design agency. Throughout her career, Colleen has worked for major marketing organizations on some of the leading brands in the US, Europe, Latin America and Asia.


Marketing and PR

Table of Contents 1

Wake up to the Power of Audio Branding 2 Audio Branding in the Digital Age 3 It’s Time We Came to our Sensory Marketing 4 Welcome to the World of Audio Branding 5 The Search for your Sound 6 What Gets Measured 7 The Audio Branding Process 8 How to Launch your Audio Brand 9 Maintaining and Evolving your Audio Brand 10 Music and Sound Design in Environments 11 Glossary


The TV Brand Builders Edition: 1 Date: 04/28/2016 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749476687 ISBN Ebook: 9780749476700 Pages: 328 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Branding

This book

a wide range of examples from major broadcasters around the world to expertly illustrate the « Uses marketing, advertising and design approaches that work best in television 50 interviews with leading practitioners in global TV brands, providing the insider « Includes perspective on the challenges and opportunities of marketing television programmes examples drawn from globally recognised channels and networks, Sky TV, BBC, Fox, ITV, « Includes NBCU, AMC, Comedy Central, HBO, UKTV etc. It also includes examples drawn from universally loved television shows including Doctor Who, Mad Men, Game of Thrones, American Horror Story, and major sporting events such as the Olympics and Paralympics. Online resources: Bonus chapter on TV channel design in a multi-screen world, and a Student and Instructor’s Manual with chapter summaries


Description The TV Brand Builders is the definitive account of how the biggest television networks, channels and programmes are created as brands, with rare privileged access to the marketing strategies and creative thinking behind culturally defining TV promos, digital and social media campaigns and design identities. Written by two leading practitioners responsible for work as famous as the BBC One hippos, the creation of a TV channel called Dave and the re-launch of Doctor Who, and featuring interviews with 50 leading industry experts from 8 countries, from HBO to ESPN, from DreamWorks to CANAL+, The TV Brand Builders combines practical advice and strategic insight with exclusive stories from the ratings front line. Online resources include a bonus chapter on TV channel design in a multi-screen world, plus a ‘Student and Instructor’s Manual’ with chapter summaries.

Author Information Andy Bryant is Managing Director of Red Bee, a London-based, internationally acclaimed creative agency. He is a recognised thought leader and frequent speaker at leading industry conferences globally on TV brand strategy, marketing and creativity. He is Honorary Professor in Film and Media at the University of Nottingham. Charlie Mawer is Executive Creative Director of Red Bee, responsible for their global creative output. A BAFTA nominee and former Promax UK chairman, Charlie has lectured around the world including for a number of universities, TEDx, the BFI and D&AD.

Table of Contents 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 3 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

340 Marketing and PR

The context Marketing in the world of television Building tv channel brands What’s the point of a tv channel brand? Relaunching a tv channel: waving a flag on the horizon The 800lb gorillas: building a big broadcast brand The risk takers: building a TV channel brand with attitude Idents: giving a channel a personality Building and promoting tv programme brands Marketing drama: glimpsing the future, unravelling the helix and speed dating Timing and other secrets: a guide to promoting TV comedy Selling the news Promoting entertainment shows: scrubbing the shiny floors Documentaries and reality: stories and storytellers Faster, higher, stronger, longer: the hyperbolic world of TV sports promotion Marketing to children: nailing jelly to a moving train


4 Building brands in the age of online tv 14 Storyworlds: blurring the lines between content and marketing 15 Social media: from viewers to fans to friends 16 The future of tv marketing: seismic change, timeless principles Additional online-only chapter: TV channel design in a multiscreen world (online-only chapter at www.koganpage. com/TheTVBrandBuilders please scroll to bottom of page and complete form to access)

Brand Psychology Consumer Perceptions, Corporate Reputations Edition: 1 Date: /03/28/2015 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749471736 ISBN Ebook: 9780749471743 Pages: 440 Format (mm): 235x155 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Branding

This book

practical ‘how to’ advice in areas such as media relationships, crisis management and « Combines more with an exploration of reputation psychology and consumer motivation tools and techniques to internally and externally deal with a crisis situation that affects a « Provides brand’s reputation « Presents a robust vision for modern brand reputation strategy

Description Why do we trust some brands more than others? How important is integrity for a brand’s survival? How can brand confidence be rebuilt during a crisis? Using both new and classic insights from social psychology, cognitive psychology and neuroscience, Brand Psychology reveals the hidden processes behind why certain brands command our loyalty, trust and - most importantly - disposable income. Reputation management authority Jonathan Gabay takes readers on a tour of the corporate, political, and personal brands whose understanding of consumer psychology has either built or broken them. Suitable for marketing, branding and PR professionals, reputation management specialists and students, Brand Psychology takes examples from e-cigarette legislation, the iPhone 5S’s fingerprint ID technology, Barclays’ branded bikes and the London 2012 Olympics, Miley Cyrus and the UK National Health Service’s big data to reveal how to build a meaningful brand that resonates with the public.

Author Information Jonathan Gabay is a creative strategist, educator and writer. He has held several major advertising and marketing roles, including that of Group Creative Head at Saatchi and Saatchi Direct, where he worked with some of the most respected names in creative advertising, marketing, PR, the media and education. His books and business insights are featured throughout academia and regularly sought by news media including CNN, ABC, BBC and Bloomberg.

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‌Introduction Believing is not seeing. Seeing is believing Lies, excuses and further justifications for inconvenient truths Brains, brands, bytes, Bolshevik brawls and teenage tantrums Cloud-high reputations, big media personalities and bigger data Smoke and mirroring Rings of confidence Egg whites, whitewash and snowflakes Flattered trusted minds and fluttery trusting hearts Under the influence From addictive self-interests to interesting selves Brand me Maslow: misunderstood? The church of brand ideology. Open for redemption 24/7 In the spotlight Can we still be friends? IDs and CEGOs You don’t have to be mad to work here: brand leadership and psychosis Big boys don’t cry The authentic employer brand


20 Brand stories: tell – don’t yell 21 Rhetoric, rules, reasoning 22 The final question first

The Escape Industry Edition: 1 Date: 10/28/2017 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749473501 ISBN Ebook: 9780749473518 Pages: 248 Format (mm): 233x155 Product Category: Professional Subject: Branding

This book

« Reveals the branding secrets of travel’s legendary players and new digital innovators how online booking, user-generated review sites, CRM, ebooks and other digital « Explains developments have transformed the industry fascinating discussion of some of the most iconic and best known travel brands, including « Features Thomas Cook, Pan Am, the Orient Express, the Ritz, AirBnB, Couchsurfing, TripAdvisor and many more

the final frontier of travel - space tourism - with lively discussion of brands like Virgin « Explores Galactic, SpaceX and Space Adventures, and the inroads that individuals like Richard Branson and Elon Musk are making in “the new space race”

Description Travel as a concept is universally attractive and the opportunities for fun, engaging branding and marketing in this sector are arguably limitless. Glamour and appeal aside, travel is a hugely competitive, multi-million pound industry and marketers of all sectors can learn important lessons from it. Catering for mass consumer travel, from business travel and adventure travel, to specialist and niche interests, the providers of escape have been impacted as much by technology as they have by the changing habits and desires of travellers themselves. The Escape Industry presents an expert view of travel marketing and branding, focusing particularly on how travel has been utterly transformed for both consumers and providers since the beginning of the 21st century. Mark Tungate focuses on some of the travel industry’s most famous brands and shares how all marketers can learn from the industry’s rich experience of digital transition. Tungate traces the evolution of this fascinating industry, from nineteenth century trailblazers such as Thomas Cook and The Ritz, to today’s innovations such as TripAdvisor, Couchsurfing and Airbnb, and explores the branding secrets that have enabled them to survive. A lively read full of incidents, anecdotes, unexpected encounters and a ground-breaking report from the final frontier and space tourism, The Escape Industry is at the cutting edge of this attractive sector, examining some of the biggest names in the industry. It will take travel and tourism students, as well as marketing and branding practitioners, on a journey to the heart of a rapidly changing business.

Author Information Mark Tungate is a British journalist based in Paris. He is the author of several books, including Fashion Brands and Adland. His articles have appeared in publications including Campaign, Advertising Age, The Financial Times and The Daily Telegraph. He is a regular contributor to the ad industry intelligence site AdForum. Tungate is also editorial director of the Epica Awards, where journalists who are specialists in their field celebrate excellence in design, advertising, PR and branded content. He lectures on advertising and branding at universities and conferences globally.


Marketing and PR

Table of Contents ‌Introduction 1 Grand Tourists 2 The enterprising Mr Cook 3 Legendary havens: the rise of the grand hotel 4 From rags to Ritz 5 The return of the Orient Express 6 The battle for the high seas 7 The airline pioneers 8 Pan Am: from seaplanes to the jet age 9 Business or pleasure? 10 How boutique became chic 11 Rivals in the sky 12 Flying for less 13 Lastminute and other dotcoms 14 Mobile and social explorers 15 Special agents 16 The world between two covers 17 Rise of the ‘poshtel’ 18 Airbnb and the sharing economy 19 The only way is ethics 20 The final frontier 21 Conclusion


The Luxury Strategy Edition: 2 Date: 09/28/2012 Price: $49.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749464912 ISBN Ebook: 9780749464929 Pages: 408 Format (mm): 241x166 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Luxury Marketing

This book

Identifies the rules for marketing luxury products and implementing a luxury strategy

« Provides the depth insight required to master luxury marketing strategies « Includes coverage of human resources and financial management in the luxury space Description

Discover the secrets to successful luxury brand management with this bestselling guide written by two of the world’s leading experts on luxury branding, Jean-Noël Kapferer and Vincent Bastien, providing a unique blueprint for luxury brands and companies. Having established itself as the definitive work on the essence of a luxury brand strategy, this book defines the differences between premium and luxury brands and products, analyzing the nature of true luxury brands and turning established marketing ‘rules’ upside-down. Written by two world experts on luxury branding, The Luxury Strategy provides the first rigorous blueprint for the effective management of luxury brands and companies at the highest level. This fully revised second edition of The Luxury Strategy explores the diversity of meanings of ‘luxury’ across different markets. It rationalizes those business models that have achieved profitability and unveils the original methods that were used to transform small family businesses such as Ferrari, Louis Vuitton, Cartier, Chanel, Armani, Gucci, and Ralph Lauren into profitable global brands. Now with a new section on marketing and selling luxury goods online and the impact of social networks and digital developments, this book has truly cemented its position as the authority on luxury strategy.

Author Information Jean-Noël Kapferer s an internationally recognized thought leader on brands and brand management. A professor at HEC Paris, he holds a PhD from Northwestern University (USA) and is an active consultant to many European, Asian and American corporations. He is the author of 12 books, including the international bestseller New Strategic Brand Management, and Reinventing the Brand (published by Kogan Page). Vincent Bastien is one of the most experienced senior managers in the luxury business. Formerly MD of Louis Vuitton Malletier and CEO of Yves Saint Laurent Parfums, he has held senior posts at some of the world’s most prestigious luxury brands. He is now Affiliate Professor at HEC Paris, teaching Strategy in Luxury.

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Back to luxury fundamentals In the beginning there was luxury The end of a confusion: premium is not luxury Anti-laws of marketing Facets of luxury today Luxury brands need specific management Customer attitudes vis-à-vis luxury Developing brand equity Luxury brand stretching Qualifying a product or service as luxury Pricing luxury Distribution and the internet dilemma Communicating luxury Financial and HR management of a luxury company Strategic perspectives Luxury business models Entering luxury and leaving it Learning from luxury Luxury and sustainable development: convergences and divergences

Luxury Marketing

Kapferer on Luxury How Luxury Brands Can Grow Yet Remain Rare Edition: 1 Date: /03/28/2015 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749474362 ISBN Ebook: 9780749474379 Pages: 240 Format (mm): 235x158 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Luxury Marketing

This book

the need to demonstrate growth in the face of the many unique challenges to the luxury « Addresses sector « Offers expert strategies that help sustain luxury growth at higher volumes without risking dilution recent and authoritative international research into the basis of the luxury dream and a « Includes fresh approach to the specific obstacles to perceived exclusivity posed by the Internet

Description This book addresses the No 1 challenge of all major luxury brands today: How can these brands pursue their growth yet remain luxury? How do you reconcile growth and rarity? Kapferer on Luxury offers a selection of the most recent and insightful articles and original essays on the luxury growth challenge from Jean-Noël Kapferer, a world-renowned luxury analyst. Each chapter addresses a specific issue relating to the luxury growth challenge such as sustaining the ‘luxury dream’, adapting the internet to luxury demands, re-widening the gap with premium brands’ competition, and the importance of non-delocalization. It also explores in detail facing the demand of the Chinese clients, rising sustainable quality and experiential standards, developing real luxury services and managing luxury brands within groups without diluting their equity and more. As such, Kapferer on Luxury is the perfect and timely resource for luxury executives, communication managers, luxury observers and advanced students willing to deepen their understanding of this major luxury challenge.

Author Information Jean-Noël Kapferer is one of world’s foremost thought leaders on luxury and its brands. An active researcher, HEC Paris graduate and PhD-holder from Northwestern University’s Kellogg Business School (USA), Kapferer is co-author of The Luxury Strategy and The New Strategic Brand Management and has written many seminal articles. He is a sought after speaker, leading seminars on luxury all around the world at institutions such as HEC Paris, Tsing Hua University Beijing, Seoul Luxury Business Institute and LBI Shanghai. He is also advisor to the president of Inseec Business School (Paris).

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10 The LVMH–Bulgari agreement: I‌ntroduction: Growth issues what changes in the luxury for luxury market lead family companies How luxury is changing to sell up? Sustaining the luxury dream: 11 Developing luxury brands challenges and insights within luxury groups: Abundant rarity: the key to synergies without dilution? luxury growth The artification of luxury: from artisans to artists Specific issues and challenges Luxury after the crisis: pro logo or no logo? Why luxury should not delocalize: a critique of a growing tendency Internet and luxury: underadopted or ill-adapted? Does luxury have a minimum price?: an exploratory study into consumers’ psychology of luxury prices All that glitters is not green: the challenge of sustainable luxury The business side of luxury brands’ growth Not all luxuries act alike: the distinct business models of luxury brands

Luxury Marketing

Adding Prestige to Your Portfolio How to Use the Creative Luxury Process to Develop Products Everyone Wants Edition: 1 Date: 01/28/2021 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789666090 ISBN Ebook: 9781789666106 Pages: 216 Format (mm): 235x158 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Luxury Marketing

This book

examples from global brands such as Harley-Davidson, Caterpillar, Disney, Apple, « Provides Madecraft, LinkedIn, Johnson & Johnson, Nestle, FedEx, and Gillette among others luxury as a series of attributes or “switches” that create greater perceived value in the « Redefines eyes of consumers a detailed step-by-step formula to transition any part of your portfolio, regardless of « Introduces industry, to luxury status resources: sample syllabi for classroom use, templates for application of framework, case « Online studies, discussion questions

Description Expand your existing portfolio by using the creative luxury process to elevate specific products and provide greater value to customers. Contrary to popular belief, luxury is a well-defined code that can be reapplied to any other product or service to enhance its value. Adding Prestige to Your Portfolio reveals how non-luxury companies can apply the principles of luxury and creativity to transition parts of their portfolio to luxury status. Adding Prestige to Your Portfolio describes how companies can elevate any product or service at each step of the customer buying journey (awareness, search and compare, purchase, use, advocate). By applying the creativity technique Closed World Principle, readers can determine which luxury benefits (security, fun, self-respect, self-fulfillment, accomplishment, recognition, relationships or belonging) would best map to their product or service and garner the greatest business impact at that particular stage of the customer buying journey. Illustrated with examples from industries as diverse as healthcare and industrial equipment, Adding Prestige to Your Portfolio shows companies how to borrow the elements of luxury and sprinkle them throughout the customer experience in order to strengthen loyalty and increase their appeal to potential new customers. Online resources include sample syllabi, templates to aid in application of framework, case studies and discussion questions.

Author Information Drew Boyd is Associate Professor of Marketing and Innovation at the University of Cincinnati in Mason, Ohio. He trains, consults and speaks on the topics of innovation, persuasion and marketing strategy at Macy’s, Toyota and Procter & Gamble. He spent 17 years at Johnson & Johnson in marketing, mergers and acquisitions, and international development, where he also earned his first of five patents for medical devices. His work has been featured in business publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Industry Week, Psychology Today, and Strategy+Business.


Marketing and PR

Table of Contents 1

The Luxury Opportunity – Upscale and Grow 2 Switching on Luxury – The Tools of Creative Luxury 3 Transforming a Product or Service to Luxury 4 Transforming the Shopping and Buying Experience 5 Transforming the Usage Experience 6 Transforming the PostPurchase Experience 7 Driving Prestige into Your Culture 8 Conclusion

Luxury Marketing

The Power of a Prestige Brand Edition: 1 Date: 01/28/2021 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789664669 ISBN Ebook: 9781789664676 Pages: 304 Format (mm): 233x155 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Luxury Marketing

This book

« Explains how any marketer, in any category, can benefit from knowing about prestige branding actionable checklists and advice on how to apply the power of prestige to their own brand « Provides and how to build a B2B prestige business « Includes answers to key questions such as how to operate a luxury brand on social media with case studies from leading global brands including Airbnb, Acqua di Parma, Burt’s Bees, « Packed Lakrids, Starbucks, TerraCycle, and YouTube Description How can a brand become one of those peerless ‘Ueber-Brands’ we all admire and are willing to pay a premium for? - Is there a proven process? - Where should we start? Brand Elevation explains the main drivers behind brands becoming peerless and priceless and how to harness these principles to develop a winning brand strategy. Written for marketers and brand managers of all levels of experience, and for both those working in start-ups and established players, it proposes a six-step, easy-to-follow program to elevate your brand. Brand Elevation explores challenges such as creating a distinct and brand-guiding mission, mediating between exclusivity and inclusion and mastering the art of seduction. Featuring case studies and expert accounts from organizations including Airbnb, Acqua di Parma, Burt’s Bees, Lakrids, Starbucks, TerraCycle, and YouTube, Wolfgang Schaefer and JP Kuehlwein skilfully explain how any brand regardless of sector and industry - can become a modern prestige brand.

Author Information Wolfgang Schaefer is CEO and Founder of zwoelf consulting, specialized in narrative brand strategies. Based in Berlin and NYC, he lectures at XU Exponential University Potsdam and other schools in Europe and the US. For the past 25 years as chief strategist he has worked with many of the world’s top marketers at LVMH, P&G, Miele, Swarovski, Coty and Unilever et al. JP Kuehlwein is the Founder of marketing consultancy Ueber-Brands. He’s also Adjunct Professor of Marketing at NYU Stern and Columbia Business School and leader of the Marketing Institute at The Conference Board think tank. Previously, he was Executive Vice President at Frederic Fekkai & Co as well as Brand Director and Director of Corporate Strategy at Procter & Gamble.

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RECAP – THE PRINCIPLES OF UEBER-BRANDINGTM Principle 1 - Mission incomparable – Having a distinct, brand-guiding Mission Principle 2 - Longing vs belonging – Balancing exclusivity and inclusion Principle 3 - Un-selling – Mastering the art of seduction Principle 4 - From Myth to meaning – Giving the brand soul Principle 5 - Behold the product! Making your product manifest the Myth Principle 6 - Living the dream – Letting the brand radiate from the inside out Principle 7 - Growth without end – Balancing scaling and brand building HOW TO – SIX STEPS TO ELEVATE YOUR BRAND Step 1 - Set Your Mission Step 2 - Write Your Myth Step 3 - Realize Your Dream Step 4 - Live Your Dream Step 5 - Find Your UeberTarget Step 6 - Ignite All Targets

Luxury Marketing

22 References and further 14 Summing up – The Ueberreading Branding Model 23 Index 3 LESSONS – UEBERBRANDING IN ACTION 15 Case 1 - TerraCycle – From Mission to Myth to movement, or – How to ‘eliminate the idea of waste’ 16 Case 2 - Acqua di Parma – The power of a mythical core, or – How to build your business and your equity simultaneously 17 Case 3 - Burt’s Bees – Growing an Ueber-Brand ground up, or – How purpose and profit can live in harmony 18 Case 4 - Starbucks – The renaissance plan, or – How to leap ahead by going back to quality and service 19 Case 5 - Airbnb – The importance of culture, or – How Airbnb found, launched and lives its purpose 20 Case 6 - Lakrids – Growth without end, or – How to scale a dream 21 Case 7 - YouTube – Platform or brand of the future, or – How to be one when you are many EPILOGUE: Crises – Times of Ueber-Opportunities

Rethinking Prestige Branding Secrets of the Ueber-Brands Edition: 1 Date: 05/28/2015 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749470036 ISBN Ebook: 9780749470043 Pages: 272 Format (mm): 235x150 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Luxury Marketing

This book

premium marketing skills by helping readers understand how the prestige marketing model « Hones seeks to attract the media, analysts and consumers insight into both the practical marketing of prestige brands and how consumers respond « Provides to them psychologically and emotionally how to upgrade brands facing the ‘squeeze in the middle’, a polarization to high-end/lifestyle « Shows or commoditized retailer brands

Description What makes someone covet a Kelly bag? Why are Cirque Du Soleil or Grey Goose so successful despite breaking all the conventions of their categories? What does Gucci’s approach to marketing have in common with Nespresso’s? And why do some people pay a relative fortune for Renova toilet paper or Aesop detergent even though they hardly ever ‘advertise’ and seem to have none of the ‘functional performance advantages’ conventional marketers would seek to demonstrate? Prestige brand experts JP Kuehlwein and Wolfgang Schaefer have dedicated themselves to studying what drives the success of prestige brands. Rethinking Prestige Branding collects their insights. Uncovering the secrets of why and how some brands are created more equal than others, Rethinking Prestige Branding includes over 100 case studies from Apple and Abercrombie & Fitch to Tate Modern and Tesla. Rather than re-telling brand success stories or re-hashing long-standing marketing principles, it takes readers on a colourful journey behind the scenes of today’s marketing pros. This book will fascinate marketing professional just as much as those who are simply curious as to how premium brands tick.

Author Information Wolfgang Schaefer is Chief Strategic Officer at SelectNY, one of the world’s leading premium brand building networks. He has been building global brand strategies for over 20 years in Europe, the US and Asia Pacific for companies as diverse as PepsiCo, P&G, Unilever, Coty and Nestle. His main expertise lies in prestige brands such as Davidoff, Chopard, Swarovski, Lancaster amongst others. Holding an MA from the University of the Arts Berlin, he is a frequent lecturer at universities and conferences in the US and Europe. JP Kuehlwein is Executive Vice President at Frédéric Fekkai, a New York-based prestige salon operator and hair care brand and an Outside Director of Smith & Norbu, a luxury optical frame maker in Hong Kong. He draws on over twenty years of hands-on experience in managing brands at Procter & Gamble across markets in Europe, North America and Asia. He holds degrees in international management and business analysis from the universities of Reutlingen (Germany), Reims (France) and Lancaster (UK).

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Table of Contents 1 1 2 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Rethinking prestige branding The times they are a-changing From marker to myth – a brief history of branding A new kind of prestige – or what we mean by UeberBrands™ The seven secrets of UeberBrands Principle 1: Mission incomparable – the first rule is to make your own Principle 2: Longing versus belonging – the challenge is both Principle 3: Un-selling – the superiority of seduction Principle 4: From myth to meaning – the best way up is to go deep Principle 5: Behold! – the product as manifestation Principle 6: Living the dream – the bubble shall never burst Principle 7: Growth without end – the ultimate balancing act

Luxury Marketing

The Management of Luxury Edition: 2 Date: 06/28/2018 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749481827 ISBN Ebook: 9780749481810 Pages: 496 Format (mm): 235x155 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Luxury Marketing

This book

« Explains how to streamline marketing and management processes across a luxury business unique strategies from more than fifty luxury thought leaders across Europe, Asia, « Contributes Australia and the Americas to this edition: how to manage the changing Asian markets, the digitalization of sales, « New communication and product, new strategies for the evolving market and business of luxury « Shares high profile insights to case studies such as Louis Vuitton, Leica and Moët-Hennessy Description Examine luxury branding on a global scale, with more than fifty cutting edge contributions from the foremost thought leaders in luxury management and marketing. The Management of Luxury, second edition, presents a unique snapshot of best practice insights into the increasing challenges faced in luxury business, with contributions shared by more than fifty global leaders on luxury management. The highly renowned editors draw these together into one essential handbook, ranging from luxury brand strategy, luxury consumer behaviour and market positioning, through to management succession, heritage, counterfeiting and competing effectively as a luxury SME. Fully updated in its second edition, The Management of Luxury explores the newly evolving direction of Asian market trends and how to integrate digitalization into sales and product strategies. Both are crucial for competitive advantage in the luxury market, featured alongside iconic case studies such as Burberry, Louis Vuitton and Leica. The book’s value is not only in streamlining management processes and return on investment; but equally for those who marvel at an industry unlike any other, striving to trust both in the conventional and innovate new paths towards the extraordinary. Highly influential, applicable and enlightening, it is a vital addition to every luxury business manager’s collection.

Author Information Benjamin Berghaus is Head of the Competence Center for Luxury Management at the Institute of Marketing of University of St.Gallen (HSG), Switzerland. Günter Müller-Stewens is Professor of Management and Organization at the University of St.Gallen (HSG), Switzerland, and Director of its Institute of Management. Sven Reinecke is Associate Professor of Business Administration, specialized in Marketing, and Director of the Institute of Marketing at the University of St.Gallen (HSG), Switzerland.

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‌Preface The luxury market The market and business of luxury: an introduction [Günter Müller-Stewens and Benjamin Berghaus] Classifying luxury and prodigality [Michael Jäckel] Exploring luxury consumer behaviour [Prokopsis Theodoridis and Sofia Vassou] Identity-based luxury brand management [Klaus Heine, Michel Phan and Vera Waldschmidt] Luxury brand strategy Public luxury representatives [Michael Breazeale, Christopher R Long and Daniela Ott] Curating the creative genius in luxury firms [Charles Aaron Lawry and Sabrina Helm] Arts meet luxury brands [Carsten Baumgarth, Nicole Lohrisch and Olga Louisa Kastner] Luxury as societal mentor [George Panigyrakis and Eirini Koronaki] Preserving luxury exclusivity through art [Claude Chailan and Ivan Valek]

Luxury Marketing

10 Brand charismatic legitimacy and marketing of adoration [Delphine Dion and Eric Arnould] 11 Digital media in monobrand stores [Marcus SchÖgel and Timo Tischer] 3 Luxury business strategy 12 Gravity shift from West to East [Philip Beil, Fabian Sommerrock and Alexander Gaus] 13 The Chinese market: entry modes [Rui Wang, Kaibin He and Yue Wen] 14 Entering the Chinese market [Rui Wang, Kaibin He and Yue Wen] 15 Managing brand extensions in the luxury industry [KlausPeter Wiedmann, Christiane Klarmann, Nadine Hennigs, Stefan Behrens and Alexander Stigelski] 16 Luxury brands enter the online market [Elisa Arrigo] 17 Competing as a luxury SME [France Riguelle and Didier Van Caillie] 18 Insisting on luxury to survive [Michael Reinhold and Emil Annen]

19 Managing price fluctuations of raw materials through innovation [Anne-Flore Maman and Camille Depigny] 20 The Counterfeit Timer© [Anne-Flore Maman] 21 Acting on luxury counterfeiting [Ludovica Cesareo and Alberto Pastore] 22 Luxury brands as employers [Verena Batt and Benjamin Berghaus] 23 The impact of luxury brands on employees [Benjamin Berghaus and Sven Reinecke] 4 Luxury responsibility 24 Heritage of luxury and responsibility [Duane Windsor] 25 Luxury organizations and responsibility: a toolbox [Farah Montesa and René Rohrbeck] 26 Luxury organizations and social responsibility: a case study [David S Waller and Anurag G Hingorani] 27 Index

Design Management The Essential Handbook Edition: 1 Date: 11/28/2017 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749478414 ISBN Ebook: 9780749478421 Pages: 256 Format (mm): 240x170 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Product Design

This book

a complete overview of the development, key issues and future directions of design « Provides management, giving students the holistic knowledge they need to practice design management across a wide range of industries

students the skills to get design management recognised at board level, enabling them to « Gives effect revolutionary new initiatives and changes in their companies awareness of the changing nuances of design management practice at varying levels, « Builds including macro, organizational and individual-project level, allowing students to develop their studies and careers in accordance with their skills and interests

theory to practice with in-depth case studies and thought-provoking contributions from « Links actively practicing professionals Resources: PPT slides, review questions, project questions, activity worksheets, further « Online reading

Description Design Management is the essential handbook to all things design. As a discipline, design management is continually in motion; changing, responding and adapting to the dynamics of social and business transformation. As a business function, it combines project management, design, strategy and supply chain techniques to enable the creation of more effectively designed products, services, communications and brands. As such, it is relevant to a very broad range of industries and sectors, and Design Management recognizes this by structuring content around four key universal perspectives: values, horizons, visions, and futures. These perspectives give an overview of the development, key issues and future direction of design management. Meticulously researched, Design Management goes beyond individual project-level implementation to explore design strategy at both organizational and macro levels. By showcasing its impact all the way up to industrial and national application, students will gain a deep understanding of the nuances, scope and scalability of design. Filled with vibrant case studies and guest perspectives from a spectrum of industry leaders and policy makers, this book is an invaluable real-world commentary on design’s role as a key asset in organizational activity. The book’s engaging and accessible style provides students and practitioners with everything needed to foster a climate of creative engagement. Online resources include a valuable toolkit of PowerPoint slides, review questions, project questions, activity worksheets and further reading.

Author Information Dr David Hands is a senior lecturer in Design Management at Lancaster University. He is also Course Leader for MA Design Management at Lancaster Institute for Contemporary Arts. He has written and published extensively on all aspects and themes surrounding strategic design management theory and practice.

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‌Introduction Design Values - Design and the Organization Design Management in Action - Case Studies Design Horizons - Fluid Strategies for Success Design Strategies in Action Case Studies Design Vision - A National Asset Design - A Possible Instrument for Growth and Innovation (Mexico) Design Futures - Design as an Enabler for Change Looking Ahead and Discussions on the Future of Design Management

Product Design

Event Planning and Management Principles, Planning and Practice Edition: 2 Date: 11/28/2018 Price: $49.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749483319 ISBN Ebook: 9780749483326 Pages: 368 Format (mm): 238x178 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Event Management

This book

a structured, practical framework of essential theory and application, specifically the « Provides logistical planning, promotion and delivery of events time sourcing, understanding and applying complex safety, risk management and legal « Saves admin, helping to minimize stress on the day and resolve issues as they arise to this edition: How to manage an event on the day, fresh international case studies and « New exploring live brand experiences for experiential marketing resources: Downloadable checklists, step by step processes, planning templates, lecture « Online slide pack, and real-world case studies with discussion questions

Description Event Planning and Management, second edition, is an ideal resource for those seeking a step by step formula to plan and deliver a successful event. With the vital balance of professional experience behind them, the authors teach the next generation of event planners with unrivalled knowledge, ensuring an effective event process from start to finish. This book delivers practical understanding of the theory and practice needed to activate each stage of planning, from initial venue selection, budgeting and programme content, to managing stakeholders and sponsors, promotion, risk assessment, safety and post-event evaluation. Fully revised, the second edition of Event Planning and Management expands on managing events on the day, and explores the PR and experiential marketing boom for live brand experiences. Including updated real-world case studies from around the globe, it also features an invaluable toolkit of templates, planning checklists and budget sheets. Accompanied by a host of downloadable resources, this book is the ideal end to end resource for both event planning modules and certifications, plus busy marketing and PR professionals facing the new wave of live brand and customer experiences.

Author Information Ruth Dowson has more than 30 years of experience in strategic development, management and delivery of events, conferences, seminars and exhibitions, in both the public and private sectors. She is a senior lecturer in events management at the UK Centre for Events Management at Leeds Beckett University. David Bassett is an experienced event organizer and educator in events management, leisure, sport and tourism. He is former senior lecturer at the UK Centre for Events Management and now provides training to industry professionals. He is also a leadership development consultant for Leeds Business School, UK.


Marketing and PR

Table of Contents 1 Introduction to events 2 Putting event planning into motion 3 Location, location, location! Destination and venue selection for events 4 Developing your events programme and content 5 Understanding site planning and safety essentials for events 6 How to build and develop an events team 7 Drawing in the crowds Promotion and publicity for events 8 Budgeting, finances and procurement for events management 9 A practical guide to managing an event on the day 10 Measuring success – Postevent evaluation and insights 11 Future-proofing your events

Event Management

Event Sponsorship and Fundraising An Advanced Guide Edition: 1 Date: 11/28/2018 Price: $49.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749480929 ISBN Ebook: 9780749480936 Pages: 288 Format (mm): 240x170 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Event Management

This book

the subjects of event sponsorship, fundraising, partnerships and relationship « Introduces development, in the context of the Integrated Marketing Communications Mix, allowing readers to see the role they play in overall events management

discussion questions and recommended reading sections, with each chapter structured « Includes around specified learning outcomes fascinating discussion on the future of fundraising and sponsorship, including burgeoning « Reveals developments such as crowdfunding « Online resources: Comprehensive set of downloadable teaching aids

Description Securing sponsorship and other sources of funding for events is becoming increasingly competitive, making differentiation and delivery vital. Event Sponsorship and Fundraising explores this complex area of event management, drawing on both experiential marketing and consumer behaviour theories, and developing critical insights on the dynamics of successful event sponsorship. Its coverage includes professional guidance on prospecting for sponsors, brand activation and evaluation, as well as advice on relationship management, proposal writing and pitching to potential sponsors. Event Sponsorship and Fundraising places each of these concepts at the heart of the Integrated Marketing Communications Mix, alongside cutting edge literature on the topic. Written by two highly experienced industry practitioners, both of which now teach on two of the UK’s leading event management degree courses, and supported by a comprehensive set of online resources, this book is an invaluable go-to resource for event management students, tutors and professionals alike.

Author Information Tom Lunt is the Programme Leader for International Events Management at the University of Surrey. He is former senior lecturer at London Metropolitan University and spent nine years working in fundraising events with organizations such as Christian Aid and the Royal Star & Garter Home for disabled servicemen and women. Eva Nicotra is Senior Lecturer at London Metropolitan University, teaching event planning, events marketing and sponsorship, and live music events promotion. She is an accomplished events and music industry professional and previously ran her own events management company for live events, charity fundraisers, concerts and festivals.

Table of Contents 1


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Introduction to event sponsorship, fundraising, partnerships and relationship development Event sponsorship at the centre of the integrated marketing communications mix Delivering event sponsorship campaigns Identifying and securing sponsors and funding opportunities Prospecting for grant funding and sponsorship: case studies from Scottish cycling events Preparing and delivering a sponsorship pitch Managing relationships with sponsors and funding bodies Legal issues in event sponsorship and fundraising Evaluating sponsorship and grant-making relationships Where next for event sponsorship and fundraising? Practical templates to kickstart your event sponsorship and fundraising Afterword – building your career in sponsorship and fundraising

Event Management

Statistics for Research online course Are your students struggling to grasp statistics?

Created in collaboration with the Market Research Society (MRS), this course covers the fundamentals of statistics in market research, theory and practice. Equipping students with a core understanding of the statistical concepts that underpin business, this interactive course offers students the opportunity to develop their skills set when working with statistics. By the end of this course, your students will be able to: • Understand different types of data and methods of summarizing • Test the accuracy of survey data • Calculate confidence intervals • Determine appropriate sample sizes • Understand how to test for real differences in data using significance testing

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Market Research in Practice An Introduction to Gaining Greater Market Insight Edition: 3 Date: /03/28/2016 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749475857 ISBN Ebook: 9780749475864 Pages: 400 Format (mm): 240x172 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Market Research

This book

how to use market research tools and methods to obtain the most reliable results, taking « Explains examples from companies including Adidas, Marks & Spencer, Grohe and General Motors « Helps readers negotiate the intricate bends of conducting effective market research « Shows anyone who commissions market research how to manage a project « Demonstrates the value of market intelligence in business strategy « Online resources: accompanied by a range of tools, templates, surveys and guides.

Description Market research has never been more important. As organizations become increasingly sophisticated, the need to profile customers, deliver customer satisfaction, target certain audiences, develop their brands, optimize prices and more has grown. Lively and accessible, Market Research in Practice is a practical introduction to market research tools, approaches and issues. Providing a clear, step-bystep guide to the whole process - from planning and executing a project through to analyzing and presenting the findings - it explains how to use tools and methods effectively to obtain reliable results. This fully updated third edition of Market Research in Practice has been revised to reflect the most recent trends in the industry. Ten new chapters cover topical issues such as ethics in market research and qualitative and quantitative research, plus key concepts such as international research, how to design and scope a survey, how to create a questionnaire, how to choose a sample and how to carry out interviews are covered in detail. Tips, and advice from the authors’ own extensive experiences are included throughout to ground the concepts in business reality. Accompanied by a range of online tools, templates, surveys and guides, this is an invaluable guide for students of research methods, researchers, marketers and users of market research. Online resources include a range of tools, templates, surveys and guides.

Author Information Paul Hague is MD of B2B International. With 35 years of experience running market research agencies, his clients include some of the largest corporations in Europe and the United States. He has written, co-authored and contributed to numerous publications on market research, its tools and techniques. Matthew Harrison holds a degree in international management with French from the University of Bath. He is CEO of B2B International and previously set up and ran the company’s offices in Beijing and New York. He has 16 years of experience in business-to-business market research and intelligence. Julia Cupman is a global director of B2B International, where she has led market research projects for over 70 large companies across a variety of industry sectors. In 2011, Julia pioneered the Net Value Score - a tool used for assessing the perceived value of brands - which has since been incorporated into several hundred research studies to guide companies on their brand positioning and brand equity. Oliver Truman is a director of B2B International and has a responsibility for technical development. He is a graduate in linguistics from Manchester University and began life as a market research interviewer

Table of Contents 1

Planning a market research study 1 Introduction 2 Market research design 3 Uses of market research 2 Qualitative research 4 Qualitative research 5 Desk research 6 Focus groups 7 Depth interviewing 8 Observation and ethnography 3 Quantitative research 9 Quantitative research 10 Sampling and statistics 11 Questionnaire design 12 Face-to-face interviewing 13 Telephone interviewing 14 Self-completion questionnaires 15 Online surveys 16 Data analysis 4 Using market research 17 Using market research to segment markets 18 Using market research to improve a brand position 19 Using market research to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty 20 Using market research to achieve optimum pricing 21 Using market research to enter a new market

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Market Research

22 Using market research to test advertising effectiveness 23 Using market research to launch a new product 24 Reporting 5 The market research industry 25 International market research 26 Research trends 27 Ethics in market research

Using Semiotics in Marketing How to Achieve Consumer Insight for Brand Growth and Profits Edition: 1 Date: /03/28/2020 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789662078 ISBN Ebook: 9781789662085 Pages: 280 Format (mm): 230x155 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Market Research

This book

truly fascinating insight into what semiotics is, why it matters, and how it enables marketers « Gives to tap into consumers like never before through the end-to-end process of running a commercial semiotics project, from « Guides commission and design right through to analysis of results how to convert those results into brand strategy to guide business development and increase « Shows profit margins « Packed with fascinating case studies from around the world showing semiotics in action « Written by one of the original founders of commercial semiotics

Description Semiotics is big business. It is most famous for its unique ability to decode visual images, and is the only market research method which provides a systematic, reliable and culturally sensitive method for interpreting what visual images mean. Semiotics sheds new light on consumers and the world they live in, stimulates creativity and innovation, guides brand strategy, and finds solutions to a plethora of marketing problems. Using Semiotics in Marketing will help marketers looking to launch new brands, reposition existing brands, or rejuvenate established brands. In what can seem a complex and abstract field, it is an invaluably clear, practical resource on how to seize the tremendous opportunity that semiotics offers. Written by one of the original founders of commercial semiotics, Using Semiotics in Marketing outlines precisely what semiotics is and why it matters, before moving on to demonstrate how to run a successful commercial semiotics project. Packed with fascinating case studies proving how visual imagery is interpreted differently across cultural, racial and social demographics, it provides essential insights into understanding consumers. This results in better ads, websites, packaging and social media content - ultimately driving brand growth and profits.

Author Information Dr Rachel Lawes is recognized as one of the original founders of commercial semiotics. She has convened the Market Research Society (MRS) Advanced Qualitative Methods Masterclass for over ten years, and was previously a Principal Lecturer in Marketing at Regent’s University London. She has supplied brand strategy and consumer insight to major brands globally, including Unilever, P&G, Kraft, Tesco and The Discovery Channel.

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Marketing and PR

‌Introduction Semiotics will change your career in marketing or market research An explosion of semiotics in business How to do research using semiotics – A blueprint for marketers Images, language and other semiotic signs Society, culture and other big influences on consumers Creativity and innovation – Semiotic tools for thinking How to do semiotic field trips Combining semiotics with ethnography and discourse analysis Data – insight – strategy Sharing the findings of semiotic research Industry debates and the future of semiotics Inspiration – How to continue teaching yourself to do semiotics

Market Research

Questionnaire Design How to Plan, Structure and Write Survey Material for Effective Market Research Edition: 4 Date: 04/28/2018 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749481971 ISBN Ebook: 9780749481988 Pages: 384 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Market Research

Author Information Ian Brace is a fellow of the Market Research Society (MRS), running training courses on Questionnaire Design and a member of the MRS Market Research Standards Board. He has previously been director of research methods at TNS UK, a visiting professor in market research at Bristol Business School and has worked for MAS Survey Research, NOP, Esso Petroleum, BJM Research and NFO WorldGroup. Ian Brace has earned industry awards from AMSO (Research Effectiveness Awards), the Academy of Marketing and ISBA.

This book

« Provides a toolkit to structure, compose and design questionnaires for business application the rising challenge of mobile devices such as acquiring more data in less time and « Addresses decreasing attention spans, plus the new ways to measure and collect data « Examines the various software options available and how to select for different research purposes to this edition: advances in data privacy, how to increase engagement at planning stages, « New and optimizing new design and measurement tools for mobile devices Description Market research in business is changing. Questionnaire Design, fourth edition, delivers a complete handbook for the mounting challenge of acquiring more data in less time, generating an entire rethink on how data is collected. The growth in mobile devices is limiting the readability of traditional measurement tools, new consumer channels are altering access, whilst time spent answering questions is decreasing exponentially. This book provides practical guidelines to plan, structure and compose questionnaires across all industries and purposes, ensuring valuable data insights are captured with accuracy and efficiency. Fully updated, the fourth edition of Questionnaire Design includes a new chapter on how to navigate the multiple software options available, with guidance on how to engage and retain respondents earlier on at planning stage, using new mobile design approaches and measurement tools. Updates also cover advances in data privacy, maximizing international reach and managing the transition from face-to-face surveys towards soft launches online. Whether applying to business positioning, consumer insights, employee feedback or product analysis, the ability to gauge a market snapshot on a global scale is escalating the demand for online survey and questionnaire data, making this is an essential addition to every professional’s shelf.

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Marketing and PR

Objectives in Writing A Questionnaire The Data Collection Media Planning the Questionnaire Types of Questions Data Types Rating Scales Behavioural Questions Attitude and Image Measurement Writing the Questionnaire The Look of the Questionnaire Questionnaire Design Software Engaging the Respondent Online Piloting the Questionnaire Ethical Issues Social Desirability Bias International Surveys

Market Research

Games and Gamification in Market Research Increasing Consumer Engagement in Research for Business Success Edition: 1 Date: 11/28/2018 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749483357 ISBN Ebook: 9780749483364 Pages: 360 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Professional Subject: Market Research

This book

readers how to create intrinsic engagement through gamification, and use this engagement « Shows to glean more meaningful consumer insights insight into the contexts in which gamification can be used, and the specifics of designing « Provides and making games for research purposes by one of the UK’s leading designers of Research Games, Betty Adamou, who has been « Written named one of seven women shaping the future of market research

Description Games are the most engaging medium of all time: they harness storytelling and heuristics, drive emotion and push the evolution of technology in a way that no other platform has or can. It’s no surprise, then, that games and gamification are revolutionizing the market research industry, offering opportunities to reinvigorate the notoriously sluggish engagement levels seen in traditional surveying methods. This not only improves data quality, but offers untapped insights unattainable through traditional methods. Games and Gamification in Market Research shows readers how to design ResearchGames and Gamified Surveys that will intrinsically engage participants and how best to use these methodologies to become, and stay, commercially competitive. In a world where brands and organizations are increasingly interested in the feelings and contexts that drive consumer choices, Games and Gamification in Market Research gives readers the skills to use the components in games to encourage play and observe consumer behaviours via simulations for predictive modelling. Written by Betty Adamou, the UK’s leading research game designer and named as one of seven women shaping the future of market research, it explains the ways in which these methodologies will evolve with technologies such as virtual reality and artificial intelligence, and how it will shape research careers. Alongside a companion website, this book provides a fully immersive and fascinating overview of game-based research.

Author Information Betty Adamou is the Founder and Chief ResearchGame Designer at Research Through Gaming. In addition to developing ResearchGames on behalf of Fortune 500 companies and academic institutions alike, Adamou also guest lectures, writes about and gives keynote presentations and talks on Game-Based Research Methods. Adamou has won multiple awards for her work in entrepreneurship and innovation in market research.

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Marketing and PR

World of understanding – Overview The impact of low participant engagement in market research The surprising similarities between digital games and online surveys Debunking common misconceptions in market research about games and gamification Games and gamification: exploring definitions and why games are so engaging The differences and similarities between games and gamification An ontology of game-based research methods – defining research-games, gamified research and surveytainment The scientific foundation for using game-based research methods – the six vital states and their benefit to market research Game culture – a showcase of intrinsic engagement to help market researchers

Market Research

9 How games and gamification are used for engagement and data collection outside of research and entertainment 10 The Triple E Effect – games as engaging, emotive and experiential simulations for research and insight 11 Case studies and results from game-based research 12 Five things to consider before using games and gamification for market research 2 World of design – Overview 13 Fifteen ethics guidelines for designing and making gamebased surveys 14 A vocabulary of play for game-based research – Game terminologies and inspiration 15 Game-based research design – Ten tips for building the right foundations 16 Introducing Smart Intuition and Meaningful Creativity (SIMC) 17 Overcome these four concerns about game-based survey design 18 Design your game-based research – Play ‘20 for 20’ 3 World of making – Overview

19 Stakeholder onboarding and preparing to build your gamebased survey design 20 Tailor-made versus readymade game-based surveys – Differences, benefits and drawbacks 21 Build mode – Create, playtest, maintain and launch your game-based survey 22 Analysing the quality of gamebased research designs 4 A new market research world – Overview 23 Building a career in gamebased research 24 The future of game-based research 25 Final words

Geodemographics for Marketers Using Location Analysis for Research and Marketing Edition: 1 Date: 01/28/2016 Price: $34.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749473822 ISBN Ebook: 9780749473839 Pages: 232 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Market Research

This book

how to implement and improve the use of geodemographics across industries and « Demonstrates sectors case studies from the automotive industry, the telecommunications industry, retail, the « Features Scottish Referendum, the 2011 UK Census, Callcredit’s international CAMEO classifications and more to bring the field to life Incorporates the newly introduced generation of geographical classifications and discusses the key census changes proposed for 2021 Online resources: Figures, practical sessions and learning feedback


Description Geodemographics, the process of analyzing survey data to profile economic and demographic characteristics of populations, is a successful data-driven analysis tool for marketers. Geodemographic classifications are widely embedded in customer databases and market research datasets. Written by a leading UK authority on geodemographics, Geodemographics for Marketers provides marketers with the know-how to leverage it as an effective research tool to identify location-based segments for highly targeted marketing. International in scope and impartial in its approach, this book demonstrates how to implement geodemographics techniques for practical application in retail, financial services and telecommunications as well as the public sector. Geodemographics for Marketers includes numerous case studies, from the automotive, retail and telecommunications sectors to the public sector, that illustrate core concepts and how they can be applied to gain positive results. It is also supported by a range of online resources, including figures, practical sessions and learning feedback. The book also incorporates the newly introduced generation of classifications, as well as a discussion of the key decisions of the proposed 2021 census.

Author Information Dr Barry Leventhal is a leading UK authority on geodemographics. He chairs the Census and Geodemographics Group (CGG), an advisory board of The Market Research Society (MRS), and is a leading voice in the UK information industry.

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‌Introduction An overview of geodemographics Big data and geodemographics Key data sources Geodemographic classification systems Other types of geodemographic discriminators The mechanics of using geodemographics Applications in various industry sectors Choosing a geodemographic classification The international perspective Creating your own information products Looking to the future

Market Research

Marketing Analytics A Practical Guide to Improving Consumer Insights Using Data Techniques Edition: 2 Date: 04/28/2018 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749482169 ISBN Ebook: 9780749482176 Pages: 240 Format (mm): 230x150 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Marketing Analytics

This book

intimidating data, segmentation and predictive analytics tools for everyday use in « Simplifies business, using real-world marketing problems to apply to a range of practical scenarios « Provides accessibility and insightful application of techniques regardless of experience level to this edition: Three new chapters on panel data regression, insights and how to collect, « New separate and analyze data using big data analytics; added tools such as tobit analysis - a customer lifetime value framework

« Online resources: Downloadable data sets and test bank resources Description Who is most likely to buy and what is the best way to target them? How can businesses improve strategy without identifying the key influencing factors? The second edition of Marketing Analytics enables marketers and business analysts to leverage predictive techniques to measure and improve marketing performance. By exploring real-world marketing challenges, it provides clear, jargon-free explanations on how to apply different analytical models for each purpose. From targeted list creation and data segmentation, to testing campaign effectiveness, pricing structures and forecasting demand, this book offers a welcome handbook on how statistics, consumer analytics and modelling can be put to optimal use. The fully revised second edition of Marketing Analytics includes three new chapters on big data analytics, insights and panel regression, including how to collect, separate and analyze big data. All of the advanced tools and techniques for predictive analytics have been updated, translating models such as tobit analysis for customer lifetime value into everyday use. Whether an experienced practitioner or having no prior knowledge, methodologies are simplified to ensure the more complex aspects of data and analytics are fully accessible for any level of application. Complete with downloadable data sets and test bank resources, this book supplies a concrete foundation to optimize marketing analytics for day-to-day business advantage.

Author Information Mike Grigsby is vice president of customer insights and advanced analytics at Brierley and Partners in Texas, US. With more than 25 years of experience, he is the former vice president of strategic business analysis and advanced analytics at Targetbase, director of marketing science for Millward Brown and has held leadership positions at Hewlett-Packard and Gap.


Marketing and PR

Table of Contents I‌ntroduction to marketing analytics 1 Overview – how can marketing analytics help you? 1 A brief statistics review 2 Brief principles of consumer behaviour and marketing strategy 3 What is an insight? 2 Dependent variable techniques 4 What drives demand? Modelling dependent variable techniques 5 Who is most likely to buy and how do I target them? 6 When are my customers most likely to buy? 7 Panel regression – how to use a cross-sectional time series 8 Systems of equations for modelling dependent variable techniques 3 Inter-relationship techniques 9 What does my (customer) market look like? Modelling inter-relationship techniques 10 Segmentation – tools and techniques 4 More important topics for everyday marketing

Marketing Analytics

11 Statistical testing – how do I know what works? 12 Implementing Big Data and Big Data analytics 5 Conclusion 13 The finale – what should you take away from this? 14 Glossary

Predictive Analytics for Marketers Using Data Mining for Business Advantage Edition: 1 Date: 02/28/2018 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749479930 ISBN Ebook: 9780749479947 Pages: 272 Format (mm): 234x154 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Marketing Analytics

This book

an impartial overview of the various solution vendors and software providers available, « Provides enabling readers to select the most appropriate predictive analytic tools for their needs international case studies gleaned from the author’s more than 25 years of industry « Features experience, and contains supplementary articles from recognised thought-leaders in the field a holistic, balanced overview of predictive analytics, the universal branch of advanced « Gives analytics used to make predictions about unknown future events

Description Predictive analytics has revolutionized marketing practice. It involves using many techniques from data mining, statistics, modelling, machine learning and artificial intelligence, to analyse current data and make predictions about unknown future events. In business terms, this enables companies to forecast consumer behaviour and much more. Predictive Analytics for Marketers will guide marketing professionals on how to apply predictive analytical tools to streamline business practices. Including comprehensive coverage of an array of predictive analytic tools and techniques, this book enables readers to harness patterns from past data, to make accurate and useful predictions that can be converted to business success. Truly global in its approach, the insights these techniques offer can be used to manage resources more effectively across all industries and sectors. Written in clear, non-technical language, Predictive Analytics for Marketers contains case studies from the author’s more than 25 years of experience and articles from guest contributors, demonstrating how predictive analytics can be used to successfully achieve a range of business purposes.

Author Information Dr Barry Leventhal is a leading UK authority on geodemographics and a marketing analytics expert. He is Emeritus Chair of the Census and Geodemographics Group (CGG), which is an advisory board of The Market Research Society (MRS) and a leading voice in the UK information industry. He was recently awarded the MRS Gold Medal Award - the association’s rarest accolade, presented for the first time since 2008 - in recognition of his lifetime of exceptional achievement and contribution to the research profession.

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Marketing and PR

I‌ntroduction to predictive analytics How can predictive analytics help your business? Using data mining to build predictive models Managing the data for predictive analytics The analytical modelling toolkit Software solutions for predictive analytics Predicting customer behaviour using analytical models Predicting lifetimes – from customers to machines How to build a customer segmentation Accounts, baskets, citizens or businesses – applying predictive analytics in various sectors From people to products – using predictive analytics in retail How to benefit from social network analysis Testing the benefits of predictive models and other marketing effects Top tips for gaining business value from predictive analytics

Marketing Analytics

Artificial Intelligence Marketing and Predicting Consumer Choice An Overview of Tools and Techniques Edition: 1 Date: 04/28/2017 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749479558 ISBN Ebook: 9780749479565 Pages: 272 Format (mm): 234x154 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Marketing Analytics

This book

to integrate widely disparate approaches to predicting consumer choice via artificial « Serves intelligence marketing, showing the strengths, weaknesses and best applications of each method and point of view.

methods and techniques including Discrete Choice Modelling, Conjoint Analysis and « Covers Machine Learning Models, placing all of these in the wider context of predictive analytics and artificial intelligence marketing. Explores the human side of advanced analytics - using data to predict what people will choose. Includes extensive diagrams and charts, pointers on tools and techniques, definition boxes and practical hints and tips. Online resources: bonus chapters on AI, ensembles and neural nets, and finishing experiments, and a range of multiple or single product simulators

« « «

Description The ability to predict consumer choice is a fundamental aspect to success for any business. In the context of artificial intelligence marketing, there are a wide array of predictive analytic techniques available to achieve this purpose, each with its own unique advantages and disadvantages. Artificial Intelligence Marketing and Predicting Consumer Choice serves to integrate these widely disparate approaches, and show the strengths, weaknesses, and best applications of each. It provides a bridge between the person who must apply or learn these problem-solving methods and the community of experts who do the actual analysis. It is also a practical and accessible guide to the many remarkable advances that have been recently made in this fascinating field. Online resources: bonus chapters on AI, ensembles and neural nets, and finishing experiments, plus single and multiple product simulators.

Author Information Dr. Steven Struhl PhD, MBA, MA has more than 25 years’ experience in consulting and research, specializing in practical solutions based on statistical models of decisionmaking and behavior. In addition to text analytics and data mining, his work addresses how buying decisions are made, optimizing service delivery and product configurations and finding the meaningful differences among products and services. Steven also has taught graduate courses on statistical methods and data analysis. He speaks at conferences and has given numerous seminars on pricing, choice modelling, market segmentation and presenting data.

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360 Marketing and PR

Who Should Read this Book and Why? Getting the Project Going Conjoint, Discrete Choice and Other Trade-offs: Let’s Do an Experiment Creating the Best, Newest Thing: Discrete Choice Modelling Conjoint Analysis and its Uses Predictive Models: Via Classifications that Grow on Trees Remarkable Predictive Models with Bayes Nets Putting it Together: What to Use When

Marketing Analytics

Advanced Customer Analytics Targeting, Valuing, Segmenting and Loyalty Techniques Edition: 1 Date: 10/28/2016 Price: $34.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749477158 ISBN Ebook: 9780749477165 Pages: 264 Format (mm): 234x157 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Marketing Analytics

This book

« Full of case studies and examples demonstrating the use of the analytic techniques. the specific features of retail that set it apart from other disciplines, such as proximity « Considers to customers and the interface with merchandising, putting forward effective solutions to the challenges these present. Employs a pervasive example retail analyst as the vehicle to explain how theoretical concepts can be applied in practice across the range of data challenges. Online resources: Supported by a selection of datasets in relation to specific chapters.

« «

Description Advanced Customer Analytics provides a clear guide to the specific analytical challenges faced by the retail sector. The book covers the nature and scale of data obtained in transactions, relative proximity to the consumer and the need to monitor customer behaviour across multiple channels. The book advocates a category management approach, taking into account the need to understand the consumer mindset through elasticity modelling and discount strategies, as well as targeted marketing and loyalty design. A practical, no-nonsense approach to complex scenarios is taken throughout, breaking down tasks into easily digestible steps. The use of a fictional retail analyst ‘Scott’ helps to provide accessible examples of practice. Advanced Customer Analytics does not skirt around the complexities of this subject but offers conceptual support to steer retail marketers towards making the right choices for analysing their data. Online resources include a selection of datasets to support specific chapters.

Author Information Mike Grigsby has been involved in marketing science for more than 25 years. He was marketing research director at Millward Brown and has held leadership positions at Hewlett-Packard and the Gap. With a wealth of experience at the forefront of marketing science and analytics, he now heads up the strategic retail analysis practice at Targetbase. Mike is also known for academic work, having written articles for academic and trade journals and taught at graduate and undergraduate levels. He is a regular speaker at trade conventions and seminars.


Marketing and PR

Table of Contents 23 RFM vs. segmentation 1 Overview 2 Regression and Factor Analysis 24 Marketing strategy 3 Retail 4 Retail 5 Understanding and estimating demand 6 Price elasticity and discounts 7 Valuing marketing communications (marcomm) 8 Forecasting future demand 9 Targeting the right customers 10 Maximizing the impact of mailing 11 The benefits of product bundling 12 Estimating time of purchase 13 Investigating the time of product purchase 14 Increasing customer lifetime value 15 Modelling counts (transactions) 16 Quantifying complexity of customer behaviour 17 Designing effective loyalty programmes 18 Identifying loyal customers 19 Introduction to segmentation 20 Tools for successful segmentation 21 Drawing insights from segmentation 22 Creating targeted messages

Marketing Analytics

Practical Text Analytics Interpreting Text and Unstructured Data for Business Intelligence Edition: 1 Date: 07/28/2015 Price: $34.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749474010 ISBN Ebook: 9780749474027 Pages: 272 Format (mm): 233x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Marketing Analytics

This book

« Provides real-world guidance on the application of text analytics for marketing professionals « Bridges the gap between marketers and data analysis experts by cutting through jargon « Helps marketers to frame the right questions and apply the results successfully resources: Self-test questions, chapter review Q&A and an Instructor’s Manual with text « Online sources and instructions Description In an age where customer opinion and feedback can have an immediate, major effect upon the success of a business or organization, marketers must have the ability to analyze unstructured data in everything from social media and internet reviews to customer surveys and phone logs. Practical Text Analytics is an essential daily reference resource, providing real-world guidance on the effective application of text analytics. The book presents the analysis process so that it is immediately understood by the marketing professionals who must use it, so they can apply proven concepts and methods correctly and with confidence. By decoding industry terminology and demonstrating practical application of data models once reserved for experts, Practical Text Analytics shows marketers how to frame the right questions, identify key themes and find hidden meaning from unstructured data. Readers will learn to develop powerful new marketing strategies to elevate customer experience, solidify brand value and elevate reputation. Online resources include self-test questions, chapter review Q&A and an Instructor’s Manual with text sources and instructions.

Author Information Steven Struhl PhD, MBA, MA has more than 25 years’ experience in consulting and research, specializing in practical solutions based on statistical models of decisionmaking and behaviour. In addition to text analytics and data mining, his work addresses how buying decisions are made, optimizing service delivery and product configurations and finding the meaningful differences among products and services. Steven also has taught graduate courses on statistical methods and data analysis. He speaks at conferences and has given numerous seminars on pricing, choice modelling, market segmentation and presenting data.

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Who should read this book? And what do you want to do today? Getting ready: capturing, sorting, sifting, stemming and matching In pictures: word clouds, wordles and beyond Putting text together: clustering documents using words In the mood for sentiment (and counting) Predictive models 1: having words with regressions Predictive models 2: classifications that grow on trees Predictive models 3: all in the family with Bayes Nets Looking forward and back

Marketing Analytics

Myths of Marketing Banish the Misconceptions and Become a Great Marketer Edition: 1 Date: 01/28/2020 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749483913 ISBN Ebook: 9780749483920 Pages: 224 Format (mm): 233x153 Product Category: General Subject: Marketing Fundamentals

This book

and debunks the most deeply entrenched myths about marketing, exposing them through « Explores academic research and examples readers clarify and improve their own understanding of the marketing industry, allowing « Helps them to become more effective marketers fascinating examples and real world case studies from a diverse range of companies and « Features sectors

Description It’s common knowledge that marketing is nothing but advertising, and if your business comes through word of mouth then you don’t need marketing anyway. Besides, everyone knows that social media is the best form of free marketing there is... don’t they? The world of marketing is abound with a staggering number of misconceptions, fallacies and falsehoods. In Myths of Marketing, recognized industry expert Grant Leboff takes readers on a fascinating and entertaining journey through some of the most deeply entrenched stereotypes that exist in the industry, from the idea that sales and marketing are basically the same and that getting people’s attention costs a lot of money, to the notion that demography is the best way to segment your market and ‘content is king’. Using a combination of academic research, amusing examples and industry case studies, Myths of Marketing effectively debunks many of the most pervasive myths and assumptions, leaving readers with a clearer, more perceptive understanding of marketing as a whole, to improve their own practice and marketing strategy.

Author Information Grant Leboff is one of the UK’s leading sales and marketing experts. He serves as a nonexecutive director and runs Sticky Marketing Club, a sales and marketing strategy consultancy. He speaks regularly at global conferences and contributes to publications including the Daily Telegraph, the Independent, and the Financial Times, and is the author of Sticky Marketing and Stickier Marketing, both published by Kogan Page.

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Marketing and PR

Myth 1 - Marketing communications haven’t fundamentally changed Myth 2 - Marketing is just communications Myth 3 - Sales and marketing are basically the same Myth 4 - I don’t need marketing – My company is too small and business comes from word of mouth Myth 5 - I don’t need a marketing plan Myth 6 - Marketing is solely the responsibility of the marketing department Myth 7 - Ultimately, people buy on price Myth 8 - Pricing is a matter of charging the highest amount possible Myth 9 - The purpose of a brand is to build awareness Myth 10 - Every business is a brand Myth 11 - Business-to-business purchases are purely based on logic Myth 12 - Business-to-business and business-to-consumer marketing are completely different

Marketing Fundamentals

13 Myth 13 - Effective marcom means running a series of great campaigns 14 Myth 14 - A successful business requires a compelling USP 15 Myth 15 - Market positioning is all about the product or service on offer 16 Myth 16 - Visuals are the most important aspect of any marketing communications 17 Myth 17 - Our offering must attract the largest audience possible 18 Myth 18 - Demography is the best way to segment your market 19 Myth 19 - The focus of marketing communications should be a company’s products or services 20 Myth 20 - We are operating in a service economy 21 Myth 21 - The customer buying journey is no longer a linear process 22 Myth 22 - I instinctively understand my customer 23 Myth 23 - Marketing can still rely on the traditional purchase funnel

24 Myth 24 - Creating content takes too much time and money 25 Myth 25 - Social media is nothing more than some alternative channels to market 26 Myth 26 - Every business requires a ‘higher purpose’ 27 Index

Advanced Marketing Management Principles, Skills and Tools Edition: 1 Date: 11/28/2018 Price: $49.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749480370 ISBN Ebook: 9780749480387 Pages: 320 Format (mm): 239x170 Product Category: Textbook Subject: Marketing Strategy

This book

a well-rounded approach to the new realities of marketing professions, including discussions « Offers of multidisciplinary skills, tools, and the updated 4Ps (Product, Price, Promotion & Place) a variety of cutting-edge business issues from the wider business world into a focused « Adapts marketing context a large body of literature and academic research on new developments in marketing « Summarizes management, making them accessible and actionable case studies from significant brands and multiple real-world examples in a comprehensive « Explores way « Online resources: Lecture slides and further questions for group discussion

Description Marketing as a practice is facing unprecedented challenges: a changing media landscape, an increasingly complex customer journey, innovative technologies, start-ups which disrupt traditional channels and a new generation of tech-savvy clients. How should students and practitioners adapt to this shifting landscape and address the skills gap that many of today’s marketers face? Advanced Marketing Management prepares students for this new world of marketing. Since traditional marketing approaches fail to provide convincing solutions to modern business realities, a new approach is urgently needed if marketers are to regain trust within their organizations. Using contemporary examples, business case studies and supporting pedagogy, Advanced Marketing Management will provide a critical exploration into the more advanced aspects of marketing management, including the gap that exists between formal marketing literature and real-world practice, discussion of multidisciplinary tools, and the crucial evolution of the ‘4Ps’. Summarizing a large body of literature and academic research on new developments, this book is the go-to guide for students, lecturers and practitioners, wanting to succeed as modern marketers. Online resources include lecture slides and further questions for group discussion.

Author Information Dr Nikolaos Dimitriadis is an award-winning educator and consultant and the CEO of Trizma Neuro, a neuromarketing and neuroHR company. He is also Regional Director of The University of Sheffield International Faculty, CITY College, for the Western Balkans. Dr. Neda Jovanovic Dimitriadis is an academic researcher and guest lecturer on brand strategy, consumer behaviour and marketing communications. She specializes in behavioural research in marketing, branding and media planning. Dr Jillian Ney is a consultant and guest lecturer on social media intelligence in the UK and Europe. Her work has featured at global conferences and has been used by Fortune 500 companies.

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364 Marketing and PR

The need for the new marketer Neuroscience skills – Marketing and the human brain Predictive skills – Marketing and data intelligence Innovation skills – Marketing and creative thinking Adaptability skills – Marketing and decision making The 4EPs marketing mix, part 1 – Empathic product and experiential price The 4EPs marketing mix, part 2 – Ever-present place and engaging promotion Reorganizing the marketing function Marketers – The new transformational leaders

Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy Overcome Common Pitfalls and Create Effective Marketing Edition: 1 Date: 05/28/2021 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789667417 ISBN Ebook: 9781789667424 Pages: 256 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Marketing Strategy

This book

an easy-to-follow framework for creating a marketing strategy which is scalable and « Presents adaptable and can be applied to any business or industry by thought-leader Jenna Tiffany, who has been recognized as one of the top 100 female « Written marketers to follow worldwide by Search Engine Journal the most common pitfalls in everyday marketing practice and provides tools to pre« Identifies emptively avoid them key concepts with practical tasks for the reader to complete, to cement their « Supports understanding of the tasks discussed

Description Tasked with creating marketing strategy? This book is for you. Learn about the most useful tools and models, dodge common mistakes, and optimize your marketing strategy success, with this practical and adaptable framework from thought-leader Jenna Tiffany. Create an effective marketing strategy for your business with Marketing Strategy, which offers a clear, easy-to-follow overview of why strategy is important, how to create it, how to implement it, and - crucially - how to measure its success. Packed with global examples and case studies, the book opens by discussing the role strategy plays in any organization’s long-term vision. It also discusses the key models and frameworks that can be used to analyze the marketing environment, and offers information on segmentation, targeting and positioning. Importantly, it will outline some of the key challenges likely to crop up, and gives pre-emptive tools for avoiding them. Marketing Strategy is highly practical in approach. Chapters are supported by short tasks to complete throughout, to cement the reader’s understanding of the concepts discussed. Put together, these tasks create an easy to follow, step-by-step framework for creating a marketing strategy. The framework is adaptable and can be applied to any industry or business. Marketing Strategy also includes input from leading marketing strategists including Mark Ritson, Mark Lantrok and Nichola Stott.

Author Information Jenna Tiffany is Founder and Strategy Director at marketing agency Let’s Talk Strategy and was recognized in 2019 as one of the top 100 female marketers to follow worldwide by Search Engine Journal. A Chartered Marketer and awarded fellow of the IDM, she has worked with brands such as Shell, Hilton and World Duty-Free, and is an elected member of the prestigious DMA UK Email Marketing Council. Jenna Tiffany is also an international conference speaker and a thought-leader on marketing trends.


Marketing and PR

Table of Contents 1 Why is a strategy important? 2 Scenario - where is the business now? 3 Defining your strategy & tactics 4 Planning your marketing campaign 5 Implementing a marketing strategy and plan 6 Measuring success 7 Common pitfalls in marketing strategy

Marketing Strategy

Stand Out Marketing Edition: 1 Date: 12/28/2020 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789664829 ISBN Ebook: 9781789664836 Pages: 264 Format (mm): 235x158 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Marketing Strategy

This book

fascinating original research comparing the websites and social media feeds of over 30 « Presents organizations from various sectors, proving how consumers are dealing with a ‘sea of sameness’ with many of them saying the same thing

a clear, seven-step, values-based framework that will help organizations break away and « Offers differentiate themselves from the competition companies identify the exact capabilities, attitudes and behaviours that need to be adjusted « Helps to escape the ‘herd instinct’, enabling them to meet consumers’ needs more effectively, and therefore stand out from the competition

organizations create differential value for their customers, by re-focusing on the consumer « Helps and the kinds of solutions they want, rather than the kinds of solutions the organization has traditionally offered

Description “How do we get customers to choose us over our competitors?”In a crowded market it’s imperative to demonstrate that you understand what your customers value and can communicate how you can solve their problem better than the competition. Stand-out Marketing presents original research which compares the content produced by organizations in a range of sectors which demonstrates that customers are left swimming in a “sea of sameness” by copycat marketing that makes choice difficult. On the back of this unique and fascinating research, Stand-out Marketing sets out a framework of five competencies for business leaders, marketing and sales professionals to successfully differentiate themselves from competitors. These include seeing the next competitive move, staying in tune with your customers and becoming indispensable to them, activating and evaluating initiatives, as well as building an organizational culture which enables these competencies. Featuring interviews with industry experts, tools and exercises throughout, Stand-out Marketing is an essential resource to help companies stand out, deliver genuine value, and achieve competitive advantage.

Author Information Dr Simon Kelly is President of Shake Marketing, and was formerly Marketing Director (SVP) of British Telecom. He is also Senior Lecturer in Marketing at Sheffield Business School, and Lecturer in Marketing and Sales at University of York. Dr Paul Johnston is a visiting lecturer at Nottingham Trent University, Sheffield Hallam University in the UK and the IESEG management school in Paris. Stacey Danheiser is CEO and founder of Shake Marketing. She is also CEO and Course Creator for Customer Value Link.

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366 Marketing and PR

B2B organizations are stuck in a Sea of Sameness Why does sameness happen in B2B marketing? The V.A.L.U.E. competency framework – core competencies for B2B differentiation The role of sales and marketing in B2B organizations – what is important? The visionary – competencies for seeing the next competitive move The activator – competencies for getting things done The learner – competencies for staying in tune with your customers Usefulness – competencies for becoming indispensable to your customers The evaluator – competencies for making good decisions Building a V.A.L.U.E. competency culture Using V.A.L.U.E. competencies to stand out from your competitors

Marketing Strategy

Malcolm McDonald on Value Propositions How to Develop Them, How to Quantify Them Edition: 1 Date: 10/28/2018 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749481766 ISBN Ebook: 9780749481759 Pages: 256 Format (mm): 230x157 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Marketing Strategy

This book

readers with a simple, direct methodology to develop and financially quantify their value « Provides propositions research that demonstrates the impact that quantified value propositions have on a « Includes company’s financial performance, and why successfully implementing them will make a company more profitable Features a wealth of tools, frameworks and templates for the reader to apply to their own day-today business practices, and additional downloadable templates and resources


Description A value proposition is an innovation or feature that clarifies a company’s core purpose and identity. In the same way profit lies at the heart of every business, so does the value proposition, communicating how its service or products fulfil the needs of their customers. While many organizations understand the importance of having a clearly defined value proposition to help them become more profitable, many businesses struggle to use them effectively. Malcolm McDonald on Value Propositions is a stepby-step guide to understanding exactly why financially quantified value propositions will help readers to increase revenue and deliver tangible results. Highly practical and filled with useful tools and checklists, this succinct guide explains the process of developing a value proposition from start to finish, how to use segmentation appeal to the relevant key accounts, and to ensure it is both financially grounded and has resonance with customers. From understanding how buying decisions are made, through to financial dashboards and value quantification tools, Malcolm McDonald on Value Propositions is perfect for anyone looking to integrate financial success into their proposition, and gain understanding of how it can be used to deliver and communicate value.

Author Information Professor Malcolm McDonald is Emeritus Professor at Cranfield & Honorary Professor at Warwick Business School. He is Chairman of six companies, and works with the operating boards of some of the world’s leading multinationals. He has written over 40 books including the best-selling Marketing Plans: How to prepare them, how to use them. Grant Oliver is MD at 90 Day Action Plan, and has over 20 years’ experience in software and management consultancy. He has been interim IT director in the NHS, Finance Director of a software company, and NonExecutive Director of a Housing Association.

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13 Value-celling – How to ‌ n important introduction – A maximize value creation in getting the best out of your supply chains value proposition 14 Financial analysis, value How financially quantified quantification tools and value propositions will make financial dashboards you richer 15 Summary of the value Quantifying the emotional proposition process elements of value propositions What exactly is a financially quantified value proposition? An overview of the value proposition process – where to start Why it is critical to understand how key buying decisions are made Which key accounts should you develop value propositions for? Which segments should you develop value propositions for? Understanding key account and segment needs before building a value proposition Understanding our own asset base and capabilities Developing value propositions Creating and financially quantifying value propositions Developing and presenting value propositions that resonate with customers

Marketing Strategy

Malcolm McDonald on Marketing Planning Understanding Marketing Plans and Strategy Edition: 2 Date: 11/28/2016 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749478216 ISBN Ebook: 9780749478223 Pages: 192 Format (mm): 233x157 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Marketing Planning

This book

« Written by the internationally acknowledged authority on marketing planning, Malcolm McDonald. « Explains the key concepts and principles of marketing planning in an accessible, engaging fashion. compact guide for busy professionals, containing all essential info in a user-friendly, « Apedagogically rich format featuring helpful margin notes and key points. adaptable business templates and tools that the reader can use when establishing their « Includes own marketing plans. « Online resources: multiple templates as a practical toolkit for marketing planning. Description A primer for marketing professionals and students, the second edition of Malcolm McDonald On Marketing Planning provides a clear guide to marketing planning. Focusing on the practical application of marketing planning, this book will guide readers through the production of a marketing plan that has real world application. Key content includes defining markets and segments, setting marketing objectives and strategies, advertising and sales promotion strategies, and price and sales strategies. With an emphasis on practicality, this fully revised second edition has been thoroughly overhauled to contain new content on the essentials of marketing planning and the strategic marketing process. Online resources include multiple templates as a practical toolkit for marketing planning.

Author Information Professor Malcolm McDonald is a global leading authority on marketing. He was until recently Professor of Marketing and Deputy Director at Cranfield University School of Management, and is now an Emeritus Professor at the University as well as being an Honorary Professor at Warwick Business School and Academic Advisor at the Oxford College of Marketing. He has consulted many major companies in strategic marketing and is Chairman of numerous companies for some of the world’s leading multinationals. He has written more than 40 books including the best-selling Marketing Plans: How to prepare them, how to use them.

368 Marketing and PR

Table of Contents 1 Let’s get real 2 Getting rid of that big managerial nonsense 3 Understand the real meaning of customer value 4 A very practical way to begin planning a profitable future 5 Market segmentation 6 What do our customers want? 7 How to set marketing objectives 8 How to set marketing strategies 9 A step-by-step strategic planning system 10 How to deal with adversity

Marketing Planning

How to Write a Marketing Plan Define Your Strategy, Plan Effectively and Reach Your Marketing Goals Edition: 6 Date: 06/28/2019 Price: $12.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749484835 ISBN Ebook: 9780749486167 Pages: 192 Format (mm): 215x138 Product Category: General Subject: Marketing Planning

This book

« Provides a step-by-step guide to formulating a workable and successful marketing plan « Includes up-to-date information on email shots, web usage and e-marketing and social media part of the bestselling Creating Success series, which has sold over 1,000,000 copies and contains « Ispractical advice on essential and value-adding work skills to help you develop your career « Features a free downloadable marketing plan template to this edition: New and improved practical features to aid learning, including useful « New templates, top tips, and interactive, reflective exercises Description How to Write a Marketing Plan provides a step-by-step guide to creating a successful marketing plan: from carrying out a marketing audit, setting objectives and devising budgets to writing, presenting and implementing the plan. With content on producing mini-plans and seizing new opportunities quickly, it also contains the most current information on email marketing, web usage, mobile commerce and social media. Fully updated for 2019, this 6th edition now features even more practical exercises, useful templates, and top tips to help you develop this all-important business skill. Including helpful chapter summaries and a detailed sample marketing plan, How to Write a Marketing Plan is essential reading for anyone who wants to boost their product or business. The Creating Success series of books... Unlock vital skills, power up your performance and get ahead with the bestselling Creating Success series. Written by experts for new and aspiring managers and leaders, this million-selling collection of accessible and empowering guides will get you up to speed in no time. Packed with clever thinking, smart advice and the kind of winning techniques that really get results, you’ll make fast progress, quickly reach your goals and create lasting success in your career.

Author Information John Westwood has held a wide variety of senior sales and marketing positions and is currently an independent marketing consultant. He is the author of The Marketing Plan, 30 Minutes to Write a Marketing Plan, The Marketing Plan Workbook and Marketing Your Business, all published by Kogan Page.

369 Marketing and PR

Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 Situation analysis – The marketing audit 3 Objectives 4 Strategies and action plans 5 The distribution plan 6 The advertising and promotions plan 7 Costs and budgets 8 Writing the plan 9 Presenting the plan, follow-up and revision 10 Mini-plans and quick plans 11 Appendix – Marketing plan for the UK market

Marketing Planning

Planning and Managing Public Relations Campaigns A Strategic Approach Edition: 5 Date: 12/28/2020 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789663204 ISBN Ebook: 9781789663211 Pages: 352 Format (mm): 235x158 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Public Relations

This book

all aspects of planning and managing campaigns in a structured way, from research and « Covers analysis, to objectives, strategy and tactics, timescales, resources, evaluation and review best-practice examples from organizations including Procter & Gamble, Co-op, McDonalds « Features and the UK Government to this edition: material on the latest developments such as online influencers, the role of big « New data in stakeholder identification and disruptive models « Online resources: extended case studies, lecture slides, discussion questions and assessment tasks

Description Taking a public relations campaign from planning through to implementation can seem overwhelming. Planning and Managing Public Relations Campaigns provides a blueprint for success, and is widely regarded as one of the best ‘how-to’ guides for students and practitioners. Digestible and easy to read, this fifth edition presents a 12-point plan for ensuring success of campaigns of all sizes, covering vital areas including the role of public relations in organizations, the importance of context, research and analysis, setting objectives, strategy and tactics, timescales and resources, evaluation and review. With discussion of new developments in the industry, from the gig economy and online influencers, to disruptive models, this fully updated new edition addresses the need for agile planning and draws on fresh case studies to provide up-to-date examples of best practice. Supported by a suite of online resources, Planning and Managing Public Relations Campaigns is an invaluable guide for students and practitioners alike. Online resources include extended case studies, lecture slides, discussion questions and assessment tasks.

Author Information Dr Anne Gregory is a professor of corporate communication and leading international academic. She is based in the School of Business and Law at the University of Huddersfield, and previously spent many years in public relations practice with senior experience both in-house and in consultancy. She remains a consultant and an advisor at board level to several large organizations.

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Marketing and PR

Planning and managing – The context Public relations in context Starting the planning process Research and analysis Communication theory and setting aims and objectives Knowing the public and messages Strategy and tactics Timescales and resources Knowing what has been achieved – Evaluation and review

Public Relations

Litigation PR A Practical Guide to Managing Reputations in Legal Disputes Edition: 1 Date: 08/28/2021 Price: $52.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789667332 ISBN Ebook: 9781789667349 Pages: 280 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Professional Subject: Public Relations

This book

the challenges of creating a synchronized team of PR professionals, lawyers and clients « Addresses to manage reputations and achieve legal aims with fascinating international case studies, including claims against a UK High Street bank, « Packed a Central Asian manufacturing company, and repatriation of funds in a multi-million international fraud case Gives clear guidance on achieving strategic aims, including how best to reach key stakeholders with messaging through the media and independent voices


Description Become an expert in one of the newest, most dynamic branches of PR, which in involves managing reputations through communication processes during legal disputes. Often pure legal advice is at odds with pure PR advice, so litigators increasingly need a good feel for the balance between the priorities of the law and reputation management, just as specialist litigation PR experts must understand the legal reporting restrictions, the finer details of the case and the client’s wider objectives. Written by a recognized legal expert, Litigation PR is an essential handbook for PR and communications professionals to this unique and challenging area. Highly practical in approach, Litigation PR emphasizes the importance of building and maintaining a compelling narrative that appeals to the press while still serving their legal aims. Featuring numerous fascinating international case studies, it gives clear guidance on establishing a communications strategy that will act as an anchor throughout the entire litigation process, from first claim to judgement day. It will also help all PR practitioners work in harmony with litigators and clients to ensure that reputational damage is contained, and that the client will win in the court of public opinion regardless of what happens in the courtroom.

Author Information Tim Maltin is a recognized expert in Legal and Litigation PR and Reputation Management. Based in London, UK, he runs his own agency, Maltin PR and was previously Chairman of City PR firm Lehmann Communications. He is ranked in Chambers and Partners for his litigation support work and is a regular contributor to industry publications on PR matters, including the Legal 500 Litigation Country Comparative Guide. A holder of the CIPR’s Communications Award for Excellence, he was named ‘Outstanding Individual of the Year’ at the Citywealth Brand Management and Reputation Awards in 2019.


Marketing and PR

Table of Contents I‌ntroduction – what to expect from Litigation PR? 1 Building a strategy 1 Building a narrative 2 Introducing other voices 3 Avoiding the pitfalls 2 Engaging with the press 4 Pre-trial/hearings 5 During the trial/hearings 6 Judgement day 3 Managing your reputation 7 Managing your reputation throughout the litigation 8 Countering the opposition 9 Countering disinformation 10 Social Media engagement 11 Conclusion

Public Relations

Myths of PR All Publicity is Good Publicity and Other Popular Misconceptions Edition: 1 Date: 04/28/2017 Price: $19.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749479596 ISBN Ebook: 9780749479602 Pages: 224 Format (mm): 233x156 Product Category: General Subject: Public Relations

This book

a critical look at the world of PR by exploring a number of myths that endure, and offers « Frames frank discussions of what they reveal about the industry fascinating PR myths, and provides genuine insights into where these have stemmed from « Explores and what lessons they offer startup owners, brand marketers, communications practitioners and students Written in an engaging, anecdotal style while still being underpinned by research and clear, evidence-based conclusions


Description Myths of PR uses popular myths about the theory and practice of public relations as a vehicle for helping startup owners, brand marketers, communications practitioners and students to distinguish between fads and tried-and-tested PR practice. Its purpose is to shatter widespread misconceptions about PR, and grant readers insights into why these myths have endured in spite of clearly demonstrable evidence to the contrary. By exploring topics that readers will relate to (though many might frequently misunderstand), Myths of PR will shed new light on essential PR methodology. From the assumption that PR is a neverending party, propagated by the way the industry is shown in the media and entertainment, to more potentially damaging misconceptions such as the often-repeated ‘all publicity is good publicity’, it is an engaging, anecdotal read that offers authentic insights into the reality of PR practice from one of the brightest and most exciting young communication experts in the UK.

Author Information Listed in PR Week’s 29 under 29 list and named one of ‘the brightest young social media communicators’, Rich Leigh has a rich and varied PR background, having led award-winning campaigns and household name accounts at digital agency 10 Yetis and consumer agency Frank PR. He now runs Radioactive PR, working with brands big and small, as well as a range of personal PR clients. Rich Leigh created PRexamples.com, dedicated to the best in up-to-date PR stunts and campaigns. He also co-founded blogger outreach service bloggabase, used by brands including Disney, Ralph Lauren and Tesco.


Marketing and PR

Table of Contents ‌Introduction PR is all Spin, Smokescreens and Lies 2 PR Results Can’t Be Measured 3 All Publicity is Good Publicity 4 The Press Release is Dead 5 The Media Ignores Good News 6 You Have to Pay to See Social Media Benefits 7 PR is Glamorous 8 Calling the Media is a No-No 9 That You Can Make Something Go Viral 10 You Have to Be an Extrovert to Succeed in PR 11 PR is the Silver Bullet 12 Good People and Products Market Themselves 13 The More You Pay, the Better the Job Done 14 PR Results are Instant 15 Consumers Want Conversations With Brands 16 Working In-House is Easier 17 Media Relationships are Especially Important 18 Gender Wage Gap Figures 19 Conclusion 1

Public Relations

PR Technology, Data and Insights Igniting a Positive Return on Your Communications Investment Edition: 1 Date: 04/28/2021 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781398600409 ISBN Ebook: 9781398600416 Pages: 216 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Public Relations

This book

the specific purpose-built technologies, data assets and actionable insights that PR « Reveals professionals can use to inform better executive decisions how you can use technology, data and insights to quantify PRs contribution to business « Outlines objectives case studies from Mastercard, Cisco, Southwest Airlines, Adobe, Oracle, Bill & Melinda « Includes Gates Foundation, KPMG, Bank of NY Mellon, Wells Fargo, Visa, Audi, IBM, FedEx, NFL, Airbus and General Motors

Description Data, technology and insights have forever changed the way PR objectives are set and evaluated, and how messages and campaigns are developed. PR professionals risk losing organizational investment by not taking advantage of these additional assets available to them. While “building buzz” or “breaking through the media clutter” may have been adequate measures of success in the past, PR and communications professionals today are expected to manage relationships, results and ROI, all while making tangible contributions to the organization. Senior leaders now expect corporate communications and PR professionals to understand the fundamentals of business and how PR efforts demonstrate (and generate) a positive contribution towards the organization’s objectives. PR Technology, Data and Insights helps communications professionals understand the purpose-built technologies, data assets and actionable insights that are available to them and how to apply these assets in order to improve PR performance over time, versus objectives and against competitors. Using case studies from industries as varied as Mastercard, Cisco, Southwest Airlines and General Motors, PR Technology, Data and Insights shows communications professionals how to take advantage of technology, lead with data, quantify PR’s ability to convert outputs to outcomes and deliver insights to assist senior executives in decision-making.

Author Information Mark Weiner is the Chief Insights Officer for Cision, based in New York City, NY. He is an advisor for The University of Florida Public Relations Advisory Council and a trustee for the Institute for Public Relations. He is the 2018 recipient of the Institute for Public Relations Jack Felton Medal for Lifetime Achievement. He was the Chief Executive Officer for PRIME Research after serving as Global Director and Senior Vice President of Ketchum Research. He has lectured at public relations programs at Columbia University, The University of Texas at Austin, UNC-Chapel Hill and New York University.


Marketing and PR

Table of Contents ‌Introduction Applying Purpose-Built Technologies to Drive Business Results 2 Identifying and Applying Data to Improve PR Processes 3 Deriving Actionable PR Insights to Inform Strategy 4 Landscape Analysis--Revealing Stakeholder Preferences and Competitor Activity 5 Objectives-Setting--Aligning Resources to Meet or Beat Established Targets 6 Strategy & Tactics : Bringing X to Life(new title needed) 7 Evaluation and Attribution-Measuring Performance Against Objectives 1 Conclusion 1 New Methods for Driving ROI 2 Conclusion 2 Optimizing the PR Process 1

Public Relations

Ethics in Public Relations A Guide to Best Practice Edition: 3 Date: 04/28/2016 Price: $34.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749477264 ISBN Ebook: 9780749477271 Pages: 192 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Textbook/Professional Subject: Public Relations

This book

that an individual’s sense of morality has an impact on decision making and ethical « Demonstrates business behaviour, and helps managers account for this in business practice practitioners understand and react to ethical consequences in the face of fast-moving « Helps technological advances the concept of personal ethics spilling into the professional realm in relation to topical « Explores issues such as sexual harassment and social media « Relates underlying ethical issues such as utilitarianism and moral relativism to everyday issues

Description The weight of social responsibility in public relations (PR) has never been more pronounced. Ensure the professionalism and credibility of your business using the practical tips and guidance in this book, written by a leading academic in the field and recommended for PR students and practitioners alike. Ethical practice in any professional discipline is guided by age-old philosophical perspectives, but its modern parameters are continually evolving. Ongoing developments in technology, social media and social contexts mean that public relations and its practices are constantly changing, and so do the ethical questions faced by practitioners in the field. Face the ethical questions and dilemmas that are inherent to public relations and ensure you practice across the public relations spectrum in an ethical and socially responsible manner with this fully updated guide, packed with useful tools and insights to support those in PR and corporate communications. Engaging and accessible, Ethics in Public Relations offers a lively exploration of the key ethical concerns present in the public relations world today, written by an accredited academic with over 26 years’ professional experience in the field. Fully updated, this third edition includes an entirely new chapter on the uses of ethics in social media, covering topical issues such as blogger engagement and the relationship between employee social media activity and organizational reputation.

Author Information Patricia J Parsons APR, FCPRS spent 26 years as a faculty member and former chairman in the Department of Communication Studies at Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Canada retiring recently as a full Professor. Her research, writing and teaching focused on public relations ethics and strategy, and healthcare communication. She is the author of a dozen books and numerous papers for the professional and lay press. She is accredited in public relations and is a member of the Canadian Public Relations Society’s College of Fellows. Prof. Parsons lives in Toronto and can be reached via email at ethicsinpr@gmail.com or via Twitter @ ethicsinpr.

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Marketing and PR

What Lies Beneath Before we begin: New profession... or one of the oldest? Lies, truth and honesty: their role in PR practice Truth, trust and the virtue of being ‘good’. Whose rights are right? The trouble with rules Utilitarianism: Right acts and wrong reasons Ethics and the Practitioner Your moral development: Cultivating respect and humility Codes of ethics: The good, the bad and the (almost) ugly Conflicts of Interest: Sex and other relationship issues (Very) personal ethical decisions: Whistle-blowing and moonlighting Strategies and Dilemmas Public Relations ethics and traditional media Public Relations ethics and social media Persuasion propaganda and advocacy: The ethics of influence Supporting ‘good causes’: bad ethics or bad taste?

Public Relations

15 Deceptive authorship: Ghostwriting and plagiarism 4 Organizations, Ethics and PR 16 Making decisions: The true reality of everyday ethics 17 PR and the corporate ethics programme 18 The future of ethical PR: education and leadership 19 Appendix 1: For your bookshelf 20 Appendix 2: Chartered Institute of PR Code of Conduct 21 Appendix 3: Guidelines for the ethics audit

Communicate in a Crisis Understand, Engage and Influence Consumer Behaviour to Maximize Brand Trust Edition: 1 Date: 08/28/2019 Price: $25.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749486501 ISBN Ebook: 9780749486822 Pages: 256 Format (mm): 235x158 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Public Relations

Author Information Kate Hartley is co-founder of Polpeo, a crisis simulation training consultancy that works with some of the biggest brands in the world. Hartley has 25 years’ agency-side experience in crisis and reputation management and corporate PR. She has spoken and run workshops on the impact of social media on crisis management at international events including SXSW, The Global PR Summit, PR Week’s Crisis Comms, and Social Media Today’s Social Shake Up. She is a member of the CIPR and the PRCA, and sits on the PRCA’s digital steering committee which is designed to shape digital best practice in the PR industry.

This book

a coordinated crisis response plan to overwhelming and often misinformed media and « Clarifies public reaction on social media organizations to maximize positive customer engagement with a practical, step by step « Enables understanding of how a crisis spreads, the peaks and troughs of consumer reaction and how to turn it into an opportunity Embeds a ‘bottom-up’ crisis culture, including how to differentiate a daily problem from a crisis, engage in early mitigation and legally sound stakeholder response Features case studies from leading global brands, as well as personal anecdotes from front-line industry experience

« «

Description Communicate in a Crisis is the definitive guide for any PR or marketing professional to recognize, plan and respond to a sudden wildfire of consumer-led reaction, ‘manipulated outrage’ sparked from interaction on news feed algorithms, fuelled by social media and the constant demand for an instantaneous response. This book turns the traditional crisis management approach on its head, starting by understanding changing consumer behaviours and the new ‘threat’ for brands, then outlining practical steps to prepare, synchronize and execute a coordinated brand response across all channels - under pressure. It reveals why we love to hate our favourite brands, how to recognize a day to day problem from a crisis, and offers valuable advice, such as using influencers and brand advocates to address social media trolls, rumours and the impact of fake news. With unique case studies, interviews and anecdotes from global leaders, Communicate in a Crisis will embed a bottom-up culture of long-term reputation management, always ready to face the unexpected.

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Understanding how consumer behaviour has changed Kick a brand when it’s down – Why we love to hate our favourite brands The issue of declining trust in the spread of fake news Who do I trust? The rise of individual influencers versus declining traditional media It’s outrageous! Understanding the new response to outrage and bad news, and the role of social media I want it now – Managing consumer expectation for instant information Profile of a troll – Understanding and dealing with trolling behaviour The conscious consumer – The question complex and pressures of brand transparency The role of changing consumer behaviour in crisis management and response The new challenges – Understanding the impact of changing consumer behaviour on crisis management strategies

Public Relations

9 What is acceptable in a crisis? How to differentiate business as usual versus crisis management 10 The social media Hydra: Principles of transparency versus suppression of information in crisis mitigation 11 Crises in action: Lessons learned from crisis responses from five major brands 12 The importance of telling the truth and its role in crisis and reputation management 13 Withstanding the attack: The importance of resilience in your communications teams 3 Building your crisis communication strategy and response 14 The brain’s response to a crisis and training your team to cope 15 Insights from crisis communication influencers on managing the threats facing brands 16 The role of leadership in a crisis and preparing your crisis team

17 Showing humanity and empathy in a crisis: When it counts and when it’s empty 18 What do I do first? Getting your priorities right in a crisis 19 Harnessing the crowd: Using influencers and advocates to calm the crisis: An interview with Scott Guthrie 20 The role of technology in crisis management: Using predictive analysis, social listening, search data and insights 21 Practical steps to prepare, execute and analyse a crisis response (and avoid common pitfalls)

Influential Internal Communication Streamline Your Corporate Communication to Drive Efficiency and Engagement Edition: 1 Date: 04/28/2021 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781789666137 ISBN Ebook: 9781789666144 Pages: 248 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Internal Communications

This book

a clear, repeatable methodology that will transform an organization’s IC practices from « Delivers chaos to calm data and statistics to prove the impact that IC has on profit margins, and gives practical tips « Uses for getting board members on side for IC initiatives relevant research, comments and input from leading industry figures including Seth « Highlights Godin and Brené Brown practical case studies from companies such as Perrigo, SSP and transport organizations like « Includes fire services and airports

Description Streamline your organization’s communication with the powerful and easy-to-follow methodology presented in this book, featuring insight from experts including Simon Sinek and Brené Brown. Better communication will mean better business practice company wide... increased employee engagement, happier clients, and stronger profits. As the title suggests, Influential Internal Communication proves just how influential internal communications (IC) is, and the measurable impact it has on an organization’s growth. For many organizations, IC often slips down the list of priorities when there are high pressure, high stakes business situations to cope with. This causes a sense of chaos and confusion within the organization that will - eventually - permeate to external customers and clients. Influential Internal Communication presents a clear, adaptable methodology that will help readers identify, diagnose and fix their own communication challenges, thereby transforming the chaos into calm. Backed up with data and statistics from industry reports on workplace culture, Influential Internal Communication is based on The Field Model and draws on research with CEO’s some of the best insights into people, organisations and chaos The theory is backed up with real world case studies, showing how the model has worked in a range of organizations of varying size and industry. Written by the 2020 President of the CIPR and the former Chair of CIPR Inside group, Influential Internal Communication will streamline any organization’s IC practices, and help to drive engagement, efficiency and profit across the board.

Author Information Jenni Field has nearly 20 years’ experience in communications and is based in Hampshire, UK. She has worked at Director level for numerous organizations including the global pharmaceutical company Perrigo. Jenni Field is President of the CIPR, and is both Chartered and a fellow and was listed on the Institute of IC’s 30 under 30, and Inspiring Workplaces top 101 influencers in employee engagement. She now runs her own consultancy, Redefining Communications, and speaks regularly at industry events.


Marketing and PR

Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Introduction to internal communication Understanding organizations Understanding people The Field Model Data and diagnostics The fix Long term approaches From the inside out

Internal Communications

Successful Employee Communications A Practitioner’s Guide to Tools, Models and Best Practice for Internal Communication Edition: 1 Date: 06/28/2019 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749484521 ISBN Ebook: 9780749484538 Pages: 256 Format (mm): 215x170 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Internal Communications

This book

readers how to apply the tools, models and practices from communication campaigns that « Shows have been successful in a range of organizations « Advises how to communicate change effectively and bring clarity and stability to difficult situations an easy-to-follow framework for delivering communication strategies that engage « Outlines employees and managers and executives case studies from global companies including Unilever, John Lewis, HSBC, KPMG, Volvo « Features Group, BBC, Cisco, Body Shop, and Centrica

Description Communicate change effectively and bring stability and clarity in difficult situations through insight and lessons from global brands including Unilever, John Lewis, HSBC, and KPMG, with this essential guide for anyone responsible for managing the communications around employee engagement, motivation, retention, and change management. Communicating a company’s goals, strategy, and tactics, change processes and brand values effectively within the workplace, makes a real difference to the success of any business. When handled professionally, it will have a positive impact on employee engagement, organizational culture, and performance. This new book written by leading PR and internal communications experts shares the exclusive stories of leading practitioners across sectors and industries, including manufacturing, telecoms, pharmaceuticals, professional services, FMCG and more, to demonstrate the tools, models and practices that have overcome a variety of challenges in a range of organizations. Explaining how to make the case for internal communications at all levels including: -Advice on how to set objectives -Selecting the right communication channel -The best way to deliver tough messages -How to evaluate and collect effective data Successful Employee Communications delivers an essential and easy-to-follow framework for delivering engaging communication strategies that work.

Author Information Sue Dewhurst spent 15 years working as a senior internal communicator in house and in consultancy. For the past decade, she has focused on learning and development, serving as internal communications trainer and coach for thousands of leaders and professional communicators. Her models and frameworks are used in organisations worldwide. Liam FitzPatrick is experienced in change management, PR and internal communications. He has worked both inhouse and for major consultancies the last three decades running change campaigns, developing communications teams and advising on metrics and evaluation. Liam lectures on developing teams, research and planning, and has served as an external examiner at UK universities.

Table of Contents 1






7 8


Marketing and PR

Making the case for employee communications – Understanding the value leading practitioners add Conducting your own employee communications audit – Tools and tips from experts Setting objectives – Considerations and templates that work based on real life examples Understanding your audience – Building a realistic profile of your workforce and how to use it Defining your messages – Insights from pros on why it matters, how to define them, get them agreed and stick to them Channel choices for employee communications – What to consider when choosing and using methods Line managers as communicators – How to help them add the most value Making it happen – Overcoming obstacles and project management when implementing employee communications

Internal Communications

9 Change and transformation – Understanding the differences for effective employee communication 10 Communicating in tough times – Preparing leaders for delivering tough messages 11 Is it working? – Evaluation and measurement of an employee communication strategy that adds value 12 Communicating on purpose – Helping employees find meaning in the modern workplace

Internal Communications A Manual for Practitioners Edition: 1 Date: 08/28/2014 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749469320 ISBN Ebook: 9780749469337 Pages: 272 Format (mm): 232x154 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Internal Communications

This book

a refreshingly practical introduction to internal communications which covers all the core « Offers concepts and models, skills and processes readers both understand key theories and put them into practice with tools and advice « Helps throughout ready-to-use templates for communications in a variety of situations, including crises, « Includes health and safety, branding, redundancy and bad news, mergers and acquisitions, customer service and new business strategies Supported by online resources, including slides for lecturers


Description Get internal communications right in your organization and the benefits are clear: motivated staff, better financial performance, a strong external reputation and delighted customers are just a few of the reasons why getting your message over to staff effectively matters. Internal Communications explores what good practice in internal communications looks like, providing a no-nonsense, step-by-step approach to devising an internal communications strategy. Written by experts with extensive experience as consultants and in-house leaders in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors, Internal Communications covers how to build an internal communications team and plan; devise messages and decide which channels to use; work with line managers and senior leaders; research and evaluate internal communications and support change within an organization. Supported by easy to follow models, example explanations of the core theory, and case studies, it provides students and internal communicators alike with the practical tools and advice they need to make a difference in an organization. The book is also supported by online resources, including slides for lecturers.

Author Information Liam FitzPatrick is Joint Managing Partner of change communication consultancy Agenda Strategies. He has worked both in-house and for major consultancies running change campaigns, developing communications teams and advising on metrics and evaluation. Liam co-founded the Black Belt series of training for internal communicators and lectures and has served as an external examiner at UK universities. A Fellow of the UK Chartered Institute of Public Relations, he has been involved in planning the education and training of PR practitioners. He is a also member of the Global Certification Council of the International Association of Business Communicators.

Table of Contents 1

What internal communication is and why it matters 2 Organizing internal communication 3 Planning 4 Audiences 5 Messaging 6 Channels 7 Why line managers matter and how to support them 8 Working with senior leaders 9 Change 10 Research and evaluation for internal communicators 11 Developing yourself and the team

Klavs Valskov is Joint Managing Partner of change communication consultancy Agenda Strategies. Since 1999 he has worked in PR, marketing and communication with organisations including L’Oreal, Accenture, Nordea Bank and the Danish Government. From 2008-2013 Klavs was the award-winning Global Director of Communication in Maersk Line managing a team around the world working on public relations, crises, internal communications, social media and customer campaigns. Klavs is part of the Advisory Board at the Institute of Business Communication at Copenhagen Business School. He holds a double MA in Communication and Business Studies.


Marketing and PR

Internal Communications

Retail Innovation Reframed How to Transform Operations and Achieve Purpose-led Growth and Resilience Edition: 1 Date: /03/28/2021 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9781398600911 ISBN Ebook: 9781398600935 Pages: 304 Format (mm): 234x156 Product Category: Professional Subject: Retail

This book

insights from leading industry experts for retailers on how to navigate innovation and « Provides manage retail operations in a disruptive environment the latest thinking on how to demonstrate the value and opportunities innovation can bring « Offers to clients and organizations at the right ways to analyze and test new innovations, providing evidence, tools and business « Looks operations models to ensure change is sustainable « Features case studies of Walmart, Amazon, Starbucks and Warby Parker resources: templates include interview sheet and observation sheets and a testing card for « Online innovation ideas

Description Retail is defined by disruption; companies either adapt or are replaced by those that will. More so than ever learning how to reframe your business, apply change and stay innovative is key to continued success and survival. Innovation is hard for any organization, even more so for retailers where executing retail basics can often be seen as enough. But the difference between success and failure is increasingly becoming the ability to reframe your approach to innovation and use it to win the competitive edge, as Retail Innovation Reframed explains. Changing your business operations to solve customers’ biggest challenges is how established household names and emerging businesses now thrive. Featuring case studies including Walmart, Warby Parker, Starbucks and Amazon, Retail Innovation Reframed demonstrates how to weave innovation into the operating fabric your company to remain ahead of the curve. Start your journey to innovation and learn how to use change to succeed. Online resources include templates for testing and analyzing new innovations.

Author Information Gareth Jude is Co-Founder and Asia Pacific Leader of ThinkUncommon based in Sydney, Australia. He was formerly group wide merchandise/marketing and store planning manager for the DSE division of Woolworth’s where he led the launch of Australia’s first full range, fully trading website by a traditional retailer. He has had several senior leadership or CEO roles in retail and is a highly respected influencer in Australian retail. He is passionate about educating the next generation of retailers and has done so at Sydney, Macquarie, University of Technology Sydney and Shanghai Jiao Tong Universities. Andrew Smith is Co-Founder and Manging Partner for the Americas of ThinkUncommon, based in New York, New York. He has formerly held roles including the Head of Customer Experience Strategy and the Head of Retail Operations for Telstra in Australia as part of a retail career focused on experience and technology innovation. He brings a decade of successful execution of innovation as a process in retail across two continents, with a focus on the new skills required for retailing during disruption.


Marketing and PR

Table of Contents ‌Introduction Why the retail industry needs to reframe 1 Why retail needs to be reframed 2 Why innovation is hard for retailers 3 Retail innovation as a process 2 Your Innovation quest 4 Stage 1 – Resetting the foundations and building an innovation Launchpad 5 Stage 2 – Filter the right ideas using the golden rule 6 Stage 3 – Get innovation-ready 7 Stage 4 – Analyse and design the solution 8 Stage 5 – Make the design and scale it 9 Stage 6 – Embedding and making it the new normal 3 The different paths of innovation 10 Urgent innovation 11 Innovation in small retail businesses 12 Weaving innovation into the operating fabric of your business 13 Conclusion 14 Index 1


Retail Marketing Strategy Delivering Shopper Delight Edition: 1 Date: 11/28/2015 Price: $39.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749476915 ISBN Ebook: 9780749476922 Pages: 296 Format (mm): 235x158 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Retail

This book

« Includes current insights derived from neuromarketing research into consumer behaviour « Provides practical tools that are robust and easy to use to translate the theory into tangible results new models for retail brand management based on first-hand experience at major global « Contains retailers and suppliers Description Basing shopper marketing strategy on customer insights is what differentiates market leading retail brands from weaker competitors. Many retail organizations lack business development and strategic departments that collect experiences, set benchmarks and create models and manuals. Retail Marketing Strategy makes the information available to drive new ways of thinking and make retail practice more agile for everyone. Outlining the five key capabilities required for retail excellence, namely in-store execution; organizational development; fact-driven decision making; multi-channel operations, and understanding customers, Retail Marketing Strategy answers some of the most difficult questions in retail including how to innovate to develop new ways to interact with customers across multiple channels, and how to replicate online success stories from other sectors. Practical steps are put forward for collating and interpreting the data generated in shopper activity, helping to make sense of trends and build effective strategy. Guidance is based throughout on neuromarketing research, providing a clear framework for building in experiential elements such as scent or music into the retail environment to really engage with consumers on an emotional level. If you are a marketing, branding or supply chain professional working in retail seeking straightforward and research-driven techniques for building lasting customer loyalty, or you are responsible for driving retail strategy in your organization, let Retail Marketing Strategy be your guide.

Author Information Constant Berkhout is a passionate practitioner of retail marketing and shopper insights. As Founder and Owner of Rijnbrug Advies, a consultancy based in the Netherlands, and based on more than twenty years’ experience at major companies including Ahold, De Boer Winkelbedrijven, Kraft Foods, Gillette/P&G and PepsiCo, he develops new ways to grow retail categories and connect with the shopper for a diverse range of food, non-food and supplier clients.

Table of Contents 1 1 2 2 3 4 3 5 6 4 7 8 9 5 10 11 12 13 6 14 15

380 Marketing and PR

16 Shopper marketing: new Shopper happiness phase of trade marketing Delivering shopper happiness 7 Embracing the shopper Shoppers are people 17 Retailers in action to increase The myth of impulse shopper happiness purchasing Tapping into irrational shopper behaviour Understanding the shopper brain through neuro research Channel choices Channel preference: the future of the hypermarket channel What the shopper wants from online shopping channels Fact-driven decision making Getting your assortment right Really making loyalty card programmes work Making big data digestible In-store execution The unstoppable growth of private labels and opportunities for A-brands The unexplainable effect of music Can scents work wonders? Self-scanning is more than savings Organizational development The birth of category management True customer understanding


The Retail Start-Up Book Edition: 1 Date: 05/28/2019 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749484729 ISBN Ebook: 9780749484736 Pages: 272 Format (mm): 240x160 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Retail

This book

how to plan and deliver a successful retail vision, master the best routes to market and « Learn communicate effectively with new and existing customers « Shows how to set KPIs to balance sales against overheads and use data to keep an eye on profits the science of shopping, how to research customer behaviours and optimize staff for the « Teaches greatest customer satisfaction resources: Templates and spreadsheets for cash flow, stock turn, gross profit margin « Online calculations and asset depreciation

Description The retail market in the UK is worth more than £400 billion annually and employs over 3 million workers, while in the US 29 million people create over USD $4 trillion of revenue through the industry. Despite the challenge to establish stores and big-box retailers, there’s a rapid increase in the number of retail start-ups and consistent growth in the independent sector. From beard shops and barbers, through cafes and coffee shops, to ‘retailment’ concept stores and boutique consumer-focused experiences, the specialist retail sector is booming. The Retail Start-Up Book provides clear guidance and advice on how to develop a winning retail strategy that seamlessly merges online and offline tactics. Introducing the science of shopping and how to understand customer behaviours and needs, it explores the essential steps of developing a business plan, marketing and promoting a business and advising on buying and visual merchandising. Building on years of retail experience nationally and internationally, in large groups and with independent retailers, The Retail Start-Up Book meticulously provide invaluable practical insights to help new retailers hit the floor running, or more established organizations grow their business and nurture their profits.

Author Information Rowland Gee is former Chief Executive of Moss Bros Group plc. Under his leadership, Moss Bros entered a strategic business relationship with Hugo Boss, resulting in the UK establishment of the brand. He is cofounder of Grey4Gold Ltd, a professional skills matching service for retail. Danny Sloan was BAA Director of Planning 2012, ensuring BAA airports delivered the First and Lasting Impression for the UK across its airports during the London Olympics. He is co-founder of Grey4Gold Ltd. Graham Symes is an experienced finance director in retail and wholesale fashion, with clients including Harrods, Harvey Nichols, Selfridges, and Christian Lacroix.

Table of Contents 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

3 9 10 11


Marketing and PR

‌Introduction Getting to grips with retail The issues facing the UK retail trade today Creating your retail marketing plan Analysing and positioning your retail business in the existing market Generating a powerful SWOT analysis for your retail business Planning your retail marketing strategy Building your retail marketing mix Winning in retail – know your market, know your customer Understanding the basic principles of shopping Attracting and retaining customers online, using on-brand content and social media Effective finance planning and control How to kickstart your retail business Generating a results-driven business plan A straightforward guide to sales, stock and profit


12 Selection and management of retail systems and controls 4 Buying and visual merchandising 13 Step one to procurement and merchandising – Understand your business and the marketplace you will be entering 14 Efficient buying techniques to make money 15 Controlling and measuring product performance and establishing KPIs 16 Building and maintaining relationships in retail for longterm returns 17 Understanding customers’ behaviour and information overload – The need to make the product focused, visually clear and correctly pricepositioned 18 Maximizing customer feedback and the visual experience 19 Visual merchandising – Managing space performance, layout and add-on selling to encourage purchase 20 Creating your global signpost through online merchandising

5 Challenges for bricks-andmortar retailers 21 Understanding your lease – and how local authorities can benefit you 6 How good should become sensational 22 Why good today is not good enough in the current retail trade 23 Conclusion – Your journey

Omnichannel Retail How to build winning stores in a digital world Edition: 1 Date: 04/28/2019 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749484460 ISBN Ebook: 9780749484477 Pages: 224 Format (mm): 233x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Retail

This book

the multi-million revenue concept of ‘research online, buy offline’ (ROBO) to build real and « Exploit profitable relationships with your best customers how to use the digitally augmented store to face challenges affecting retailers in all sectors, « Learn from high street chains, through to out of town stores « Understand how to use artificial seasonal peaks, such as ‘Black Friday’ to commercial advantage « Work out how loyal customers can create a more stable foundation for your retail business « Discover how customer data can have an accurate impact on range decisions

Description FINALIST: Business Book Awards 2020 - Sales and Marketing Category According to many reports, the physical retail experience is in crisis as more and more consumers shift to internet shopping. Despite this, the majority of global purchases still happen offline, from 90% of sales in the US through to 92% of sales in the UK and 94% in China. The big change is that today’s shopper seeks content and advice online before buying in store. Omnichannel Retail celebrates all the advantages of the physical shopping experience, from its sensory selection through to try-beforeyou buy, and its potential for providing an instant and profitable retail solution, while explaining the imperative of bringing the power of digital and an omnichannel experience to everyday shopping. Connecting the digital customer to the physical customer, Omnichannel Retail delivers a wealth of opportunities for the bricks and mortar store, including an enhanced customer journey, effortlessly tailoring specific products to a particular customer, exploiting surge pricing, upselling lucrative products and above all, building real, and profitable, relationships with your best customers. Based on over thirty years in loyalty marketing, Tim Mason diligently addresses the challenges facing retailers, providing tangible and proven solutions to capitalize on the changing retail landscape.

Author Information Tim Mason has over 30 years’ experience within the grocery and retail industries, with a strong background in strategic marketing and customer loyalty. He was the Deputy CEO of Tesco from January 2010 to December 2012 and held a number of senior roles in the Tesco Group including CMO, where he was responsible for the launch of Clubcard and Tesco.com. He is currently CEO of Eagle Eye, an SaaS technology company, working with leading grocery chains, the casual dining sector and non-food retailers. Miya Knights is Head of Eagle Eye Solutions with 20 years’ experience as an analyst, journalist and editor, specializing in enterprise technology use in retail. She owns Retail Technology magazine, is ranked one of Vend’s top 50 retail influencers and has recently appeared on the BBC, ITN and Sky News, as well as regularly speaking at or moderating industry events.


Marketing and PR

Table of Contents ‌Introduction The digital imperative Analogue learnings Loyalty is dead Your location in the physical world 5 The digitally augmented store 6 Mobile makeover 7 Data-based retailing 8 Performance marketing 9 The importance of e-commerce 10 New media, new content 11 Lessons learned 12 Index 1 2 3 4


Retail Disruptors The Spectacular Rise and Impact of the Hard Discounters Edition: 1 Date: 10/28/2018 Price: $29.95 ISBN Paperback: 9780749483470 ISBN Ebook: 9780749483487 Pages: 264 Format (mm): 233x156 Product Category: Supplementary Text/ Professional Subject: Retail

This book

the retail strategies and business models behind the leading hard discounters such as Aldi, « Explains Lidl and Trader Joe’s traditional retailers with the tips, strategies and techniques needed to remain competitive « Provides in the face of hard discounting disruption whether or not hard discounters can feasibly replace traditional mega retailers, such as « Questions Walmart and K-Mart

Description Hard discounters are stores that sell a limited selection of consumer packaged goods and perishables typically fewer than 2,000 Stock Keeping Units - for prices that are usually 50-60% lower than national brands. The best known hard discounters are Aldi and Lidl, but global brands include Trader Joe’s, EuroSpin, Biedronka, Netto and Leader Price. Their rise has been monumental; they have irrevocably changed the face of retail in Europe and Australia, and are making steady inroads into the US. Retail Disruptors explores the very real threat that hard discounters pose to traditional retailers and brand manufacturers. Retail Disruptors is the first book that explores this upheaval, providing expert insight into the business models of the leading hard discounters, and what mainstream retailers and brand manufacturers can do to remain competitive in the face of disruption. Meticulously researched by two of the leading authorities in retail strategy, private labels, branding, and hard discounting, Retail Disruptors is essential reading for all brand manufacturers and retailers who want to retain the competitive edge.

Author Information Dr Jan-Benedict Steenkamp is Distinguished Professor of Marketing at University of North Carolina, USA. He is Honorary Professor at the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Fellow of the European Marketing Academy, and Fellow at the Institute for Sustainable Growth at Fudan University (Shanghai). His work has received over 38,000 citations and been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times and the Economist. Dr Laurens Sloot is Professor of Retail Marketing at the University of Groningen. He founded the EFMI Business School at Erasmus University, which has since developed into a leading educational and research institute.


Marketing and PR

Table of Contents 11 Co-opetition – generating How hard discounters are successful sales in hard disrupting the traditional retail discounter stores model 12 A look into the future of 1 Hard discounter strategies disruptive retailing 2 Understanding the hard discounter business model 3 Strategies of key hard discounters: Aldi, Lidl, Trader Joe’s and DIA 4 Hard discounter success around the world 5 The next frontier – dissecting the US grocery retailscape 2 Competitive counterstrategies for conventional retailers 6 How are conventional retailers being impacted by discounter entry? 7 How conventional retailers can compete with hard discounters 8 Strategies to reduce procurement costs 3 Brand manufacturer strategies versus hard discounters 9 Competition – creating winning brand propositions versus private labels 10 Cooperation – producing private labels for hard discounters 1


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Index of titles Accounting and Finance for Managers 9 Accounting for Non-Accountants 10 A Circular Economy Handbook for Business and Supply Chains 290 Adding Prestige to Your Portfolio 346 Advanced Customer Analytics 362 Advanced Marketing Management 365 Air Transport Management 238 An Introduction to Macrologistics 210 Anti-Money Laundering 19 Appreciative Inquiry for Change Management 157 A Practical Guide to E-auctions for Procurement 259 A Practical Guide to Logistics 209 A Practitioner’s Guide to Account-Based Marketing 332 Armstrong on Reinventing Performance Management 145 Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice 107 Armstrong’s Handbook of Learning and Development 170 Armstrong’s Handbook of Management and Leadership for HR 118 Armstrong’s Handbook of Performance Management 141 Armstrong’s Handbook of Reward Management Practice 147 Armstrong’s Handbook of Strategic Human Resource Management 137 Artificial Intelligence for HR 123 Artificial Intelligence for Learning 178 Artificial Intelligence Marketing and Predicting Consumer Choice 361 Assessment Centre Success 81 A Study Guide for the Operator Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) in Road Freight 2020 235 Audio Branding 340 Aviation Logistics 239 B2B Digital Marketing Strategy 326 B2B Marketing Strategy 325 Be Data Literate 104 Blockchain and the Supply Chain 285 Branding Inside Out 338 Brand Psychology 342 Building an Outstanding Workforce 122 Building Effective Value Chains 272 Building Top Performing Teams 144 Business Continuity Management 52 Business Experimentation 64 Business Operations Models 228 Business Research 31 Career Fear (and how to beat it) 73 Category Management in Purchasing 252 Coaching and Mentoring 201 Collaborative Principles for Better Supply Chain Practice 277 Commercial Lending 24 Communicate in a Crisis 376 Competitive HR 119 Confident Coding 99 Confident Cyber Security 102 Confident Data Skills 103 Confident Digital Content 100 Confident Web Design 101 Consultancy, Organizational Development and Change 152 Container Logistics 244 Content - The Atomic Particle of Marketing 319 Continuing Professional Development 175 Contract Management 255 Cross-Border Logistics Operations 226 Culture, Conduct and Ethics in Banking 25 Cyber Risk Management 55 Data-Driven HR 136 Dealing with Difficult People 96 Decarbonizing Logistics 298 Decision Making and Problem Solving 62 Decoding the Irrational Consumer 323 Defence Logistics 219 Demand-Driven Supply Chain Management 276 Designing, Delivering and Evaluating L&D 174 Designing Exceptional Organizational Cultures 160 Design Management 350 Developing Employability and Enterprise 202 Developing People and Organisations 185 Develop Your Presentation Skills 95 Digital Branding 339 Digital HR Strategy 140 Digital Marketing Strategy 304 Driving Digital Transformation through Data and AI 135 E-Business and Supply Chain Integration 274 E-Commerce Website Optimization 307 Effective HR Communication 126 E-Logistics 217 Emerging Markets 43 Employee Engagement 161 Employee Relations 169 Employment Law 166 Employment Law 168 Employment Relations 167 Engaging Change 158 Essential Leadership 44 Essentials of Advertising 302 Ethical Data and Information Management 41 Ethics in Public Relations 375 Event Planning and Management 351 Event Sponsorship and Fundraising 352 Evidence-Based Management 59 Excellence in Coaching 196 Experiential Learning 180 Experiential Marketing 320 Fashion Logistics 220 Financial Management for Technology Start-Ups 16 Financial Technology 11 Financing the End-to-End Supply Chain 265 Flexible Working 121 Food Supply Chain Management and Logistics 280 Forensic Accounting and Finance 17 Fundamentals of Risk Management 51 Games and Gamification in Market Research 357 Gamification for Business 124 Geodemographics for Marketers 358 Global Brand Management 333 Global Business Ethics 38 Global Contract Logistics 261 Global Logistics 224 Global Supply Chain Ecosystems 281 Global Value Chain Management 267 Global Waste Management 292 Good Work 70 Great Answers to Tough Interview Questions 80 Green and Sustainable Finance 26 Green Logistics 291 Health and Safety in Logistics 215



How Cool Brands Stay Hot 337 How the Stock Market Works 21 How to Create a Coaching Culture 195 How to Manage People 98 How to Organize Yourself 97 How to Pass Advanced Verbal Reasoning Tests 90 How to Pass Numerical Reasoning Tests 89 How to Pass the QTS Numeracy and Literacy Skills Tests 91 How to Write a Marketing Plan 370 How to Write Effective Business English 92 Human Capital Management Standards 127 Human Experience at Work 163 Humanitarian Logistics 286 Human Resource Management 116 Human Resource Management at Work 108 Human Resource Management for MBA and Business Masters 111 Human Resource Management in a Business Context 115 Human Resource Management in Context 117 Human Resource Practice 109 Implementing Key Account Management 329 Improve Your Communication Skills 94 Improve Your Global Business English 93 Inclusive Talent Management 193 Influencer Marketing Strategy 316 Influential Internal Communication 377 Innovative B2B Marketing 324 Inspiring Green Consumer Choices 296 Integrating Blockchain into Supply Chain Management 284 Internal Communications 379 International Brand Strategy 335 International Finance 13 International Freight Transport 225 International Human Resource Development 179 International Human Resource Management 128 International Human Resource Management 129 International Human Resource Management 130 International Standards for Design and Manufacturing 247 International Supply Chain Relationships 227 Introduction to Employment Law 165 Introduction to Global Logistics 223 Introduction to HR Technologies 139 Introduction to Human Resource Management 110 Introduction to People Analytics 133 Investment and Portfolio Management 15 IT Governance 42 Kapferer on Luxury 345 Key Account Management 331 Knowledge Management 39 Leadership Coaching 198 Leadership Team Coaching 199 Leadership Team Coaching in Practice 200 Leading Cultural Change 159 Leading, Managing and Developing People 120 Leading Procurement Strategy 260 Learning Analytics 134 Learning and Development 176 Learning and Development Practice in the Workplace 171 Learning and Talent Development 192 Learning for Organizational Development 172 Litigation PR 372 Logistics and Retail Management 233 Logistics, Supply Chain and Operations Management Case Study Collection 207 Lowe’s Transport Manager’s and Operator’s Handbook 2021 236 Make Your Own Map 72 Making Sense of Change Management 150 Malcolm McDonald on Key Account Management 330 Malcolm McDonald on Marketing Planning 369 Malcolm McDonald on Value Propositions 368 Management and Leadership in the 4th Industrial Revolution 57 Managing and Leading People Through Organizational Change 151 Managing Change 154 Managing Employment Relations 164 Managing the Demand-Driven Supply Chain 271 Managing the Retail Supply Chain 234 Maritime Logistics 240 Maritime Transport 241 Marketing Analytics 359 Marketing and Logistics Led Organizations 221 Marketing Communications 317 Marketing Strategy 366 Market Research in Practice 354 Mastering the Circular Economy 288 Mastering the Supply Chain 211 Mobile Marketing 308 Motivation and Performance 146 Myths of Branding 336 Myths of Leadership 48 Myths of Management 29 Myths of Marketing 364 Myths of PR 373 Myths of Social Media 315 Myths of Work 184 Native Advertising 309 Negotiation for Procurement and Supply Chain Professionals 257 Networked, Scaled, and Agile 187 Neurodiversity at Work 194 Neuroscience for Leaders 46 Neuroscience for Learning and Development 181 Neuroscience for Organizational Change 156 Omnichannel Retail 383 Optimizing Digital Strategy 306 Organizational Behaviour 182 Organizational Change Explained 153 Organizational Management 183 Organization Development 190 Packaging Logistics 218 Paid Attention 303 People and Organisational Development 186 People Practice 114 Performance Management 142 Performance Management 143 Persuasive Copywriting 321 Planning and Managing Public Relations Campaigns 371 Podcasting Marketing Strategy 311 Port Management 242 Practical Statistics 32 Practical Text Analytics 363 Predictive Analytics for Marketers 360 Predictive HR Analytics 132 Product Design and the Supply Chain 250 PR Technology, Data and Insights 374

Questionnaire Design 356 Radical Business Model Transformation 61 Reinventing Banking and Finance 27 Relationship Management in Banking 23 Research Methods in Human Resource Management 30 Research Methods in Human Resource Management 131 Resetting Management 49 Resourcing and Talent Management 191 Responsible Business 37 Retail and Digital Banking 22 Retail Disruptors 384 Retail Innovation Reframed 380 Retail Marketing Strategy 381 Rethinking Prestige Branding 348 Rethinking Reputational Risk 56 Reward Management 148 Reward Management 149 Road Passenger Transport Management 237 Sales and Marketing Channels 328 Selling Transformed 327 Smart Green Shipping 243 Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation 68 Social Media Strategy 313 Stand Out Marketing 367 Strategic Decision Making 58 Strategic Human Resource Management 138 Strategic Internal Communication 162 Strategic Sourcing and Category Management 254 Strategic Sourcing Management 251 Strategic Supply Chain Management 266 Strategic Tendering for Professional Services 50 Studying Human Resource Management 112 Studying Learning and Development 173 Success After Service 75 Successful Employee Communications 378 Successful Integrated Planning for the Supply Chain 275 Superconductors 82 Supplier Relationship Management 256 Supply Chain 4.0 268 Supply Chain Analytics and Modelling 269 Supply Chain Disruption 273 Supply Chain Ethics 299 Supply Chain Finance 262 Supply Chain Management Accounting 263 Supply Chain Management for Humanitarians 287 Supply Chain Risk Management 283 Supply Chain Security 282 Supply Chains in Action 206 Supply Chain Strategy and Financial Metrics 264 Sustainability in Global Value Chains 294 Sustainable and Green Supply Chains and Logistics Case Study Collection 295 Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management 289 Systemic Coaching and Constellations 197 Systems for Manufacturing Excellence 246 Technology and the Blue Economy 245 The Agile Organization 189 The A-Z of Careers and Jobs 74 The Business Analysis Handbook 33 The Business Guide to Effective Compliance and Ethics 36 The Business Models Handbook 63 The Business Plan Workbook 67 The Buyer’s Toolkit 258 The Cryptocurrency Revolution 20 The Definitive Guide to Strategic Content Marketing 318 The Effective Change Manager’s Handbook 155 The Energized Workplace 188 The Escape Industry 343 The Financial Services Guide to Fintech 12 The Handbook of International Trade and Finance 14 The Handbook of Logistics and Distribution Management 205 The Inventory Toolkit 230 The Job-Ready Guide 85 The Knowledge Manager’s Handbook 40 TheLeadership Skills Handbook 45 The Lean Supply Chain 279 The Learning and Development Handbook 177 The Logistics and Supply Chain Innovation Handbook 278 The Logistics and Supply Chain Toolkit 214 The Logistics Outsourcing Handbook 216 The Luxury Strategy 344 The Management of Luxury 349 The New Chameleons 322 The New Strategic Brand Management 334 The New Strategist 60 The Operations Advantage 229 The Organizational Resilience Handbook 53 The Power of a Prestige Brand 347 The Power of Project Leadership 35 The Practical Negotiation Handbook 28 The Retail Start-Up Book 382 The Return to Study Handbook 69 The Risk Management Handbook 54 The Road to Zero Emissions 297 The Strategy-Driven Supply Chain 270 The Successful Career Toolkit 71 The Technology Procurement Handbook 253 The Tesla Way 248 The TV Brand Builders 341 Toyota Methods and Operating Models 249 Transformational HR 125 Ultimate Aptitude Tests 87 Ultimate Cover Letters 76 Ultimate CV 77 Ultimate Interview 78 Ultimate IQ Tests 86 Ultimate Job Search 83 Ultimate New Job 84 Ultimate Presentations 79 Ultimate Psychometric Tests 88 Understanding Digital Marketing 305 Understanding Islamic Financial Services 18 Understanding Planned Obsolescence 293 Understanding Project Management 34 Understanding Social Media 314 Urban Logistics 222 Using Artificial Intelligence in Marketing 312 Using Semiotics in Marketing 355 Video Marketing 310 Warehouse Management 231 Warehousing and Transportation Logistics 232 What Philosophy Can Teach You About Being a Better Leader 47 Work and Employment in a Changing Business Environment 113

Index of titles by author Abley, Richard Adair, John Adamou, Betty Afy-Shararah, Mohamed Aktas, Emel Aldrich, Paul Al-Karaghouli, Wafi Anderson, Valerie Anderson, Valerie Anderson, Valerie APMG Arian, Somi Armstrong, Michael Armstrong, Michael

Relationship Management in Banking 23 Decision Making and Problem Solving 62 Games and Gamification in Market Research 357 Systems for Manufacturing Excellence 246 Supply Chain 4.0 268 Building an Outstanding Workforce 122 Understanding Islamic Financial Services 18 Human Capital Management Standards 127 Research Methods in Human Resource Management 30 Research Methods in Human Resource Management 131 The Effective Change Manager’s Handbook 155 Career Fear (and how to beat it) 73 Armstrong on Reinventing Performance Management 145 Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice 107 Armstrong, Michael Armstrong’s Handbook of Learning and Development 170 Armstrong, Michael Armstrong’s Handbook of Management and Leadership for HR 118 Armstrong, Michael Armstrong’s Handbook of Performance Management 141 Armstrong, Michael Armstrong’s Handbook of Reward Management Practice 147 Armstrong, Michael Armstrong’s Handbook of Strategic Human Resource Management 137 Armstrong, Michael How to Manage People 98 Arney, Eileen Learning for Organizational Development 172 Arvinen-Muondo, Raisa Organizational Behaviour 182 Ashdown, Linda Performance Management 143 Atherton, Julie Social Media Strategy 313 Atkins, Derek Rethinking Reputational Risk 56 Aylott, Elizabeth Employee Relations 169 Aylott, Elizabeth Employment Law 168 Bailey, Simon Myths of Branding 336 Baker, Peter The Handbook of Logistics and Distribution Management 205 Bak, Ozlem E-Business and Supply Chain Integration 274 Bak, Ozlem Sustainable and Green Supply Chains and Logistics Case Study Collection 295 Bals, Lydia Supply Chain Finance 262 Bamber, Matt Accounting and Finance for Managers 9 Banks, Ken Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation 68 Barbour, Paul J Building Top Performing Teams 144 Barends, Eric Evidence-Based Management 59 Barker, Alan Improve Your Communication Skills 94 Barker, Jessica Confident Cyber Security 102 Barrett, Jim Ultimate Aptitude Tests 87 Barrett, Tom Ultimate Aptitude Tests 87 Barrow, Colin The Business Plan Workbook 67 Barrow, Paul The Business Plan Workbook 67 Barr, Patrick The Successful Career Toolkit 71 Bassett, David Event Planning and Management 351 Bastien, Vincent The Luxury Strategy 344 Beard, Colin Experiential Learning 180 Beaven, Karen Strategic Human Resource Management 138 Becket, Michael How the Stock Market Works 21 Beevers, Kathy Learning and Development Practice in the Workplace 171 Beevers, Kathy People Practice 114 Behrends, Sönke Urban Logistics 222 Beije, Aljosja Blockchain and the Supply Chain 285 Bell, Fred Culture, Conduct and Ethics in Banking 25 Bell, Graham The Organizational Resilience Handbook 53 Bennett, Tony Managing Employment Relations 164 Beresford, Anthony International Freight Transport 225 Beresford, Anthony Port Management 242 Berghaus, Benjamin The Management of Luxury 349 Berkhout, Constant Retail Marketing Strategy 381 Bhattarcharjee, Sudakshina Improve Your Global Business English 93 Bhimani, Alnoor Financial Management for Technology Start-Ups 16 Bishop, Kathryn Make Your Own Map 72 Bond, Heather Human Capital Management Standards 127 Bones, Christopher Optimizing Digital Strategy 306 Borek, Alexander Driving Digital Transformation through Data and AI 135 Bourlakis, Michael Supply Chain 4.0 268 Boyd, Drew Adding Prestige to Your Portfolio 346 Brace, Ian Questionnaire Design 356 Braithwaite, Alan Business Operations Models 228 Brewster, Chris International Human Resource Management 129 Bridger, Darren Decoding the Irrational Consumer 323 Bridger, Emma Employee Engagement 161 Brien, Daragh O Ethical Data and Information Management 41 Brown, Duncan Armstrong’s Handbook of Reward Management Practice 147 Browne, Michael Green Logistics 291 Browne, Michael Urban Logistics 222 Brown, Robert The Business Plan Workbook 67 Bruel, Olivier Strategic Sourcing Management 251 Bryant, Andy The TV Brand Builders 341 Bryon, Mike How to Pass Advanced Verbal Reasoning Tests 90 Bryon, Mike Ultimate Psychometric Tests 88 Buglear, John Practical Statistics 32 Burgess, Bev A Practitioner’s Guide to Account-Based Marketing 332 Burroughs, Chloe The Return to Study Handbook 69 Calder, Alan IT Governance 42 Cameron, Esther Essential Leadership 44 Cameron, Esther Making Sense of Change Management 150 Cantore, Stefan Appreciative Inquiry for Change Management 157 Carlsson, Magnus Strategic Sourcing and Category Management 254 Carter, Philip Ultimate IQ Tests 86 Carvill, Michelle Myths of Social Media 315 Caunt, John How to Organize Yourself 97 Chapman, Rose Anti-Money Laundering 19



Cheung-Judge, Mee-Yan Cheverton, Peter Chew, Bee-Lean Christopher, Martin Christopher, Martin Christopher, Martin Citroën, Lida Clark, Donald Cluley, Robert Coakes, Elayne Coleman, Sarah Collins, Stella Cooper CBE, Cary Corey, Debra Cortiglioni, Stefano Cowan, David Crask, James Crockett, Hema Croucher, Phil Croxen-John, Dan Cudby, Adrian Cupman, Julia Cureton, Peter Dale, Gemma Daly, Patrick Danheiser, Stacey Daniels, Kathy Dani, Samir Dani, Samir Davies, Glen Davies, Mark Davies, Melissa Davletshin, Marat de Bod, Anneke den Bergh, Joeri Van Dent, Julian DeSmet, Bram DeSmet, Bram de Swart, Jacques de Waal, Anastasia Dewhurst, Sue Dibben, Pauline Dimitriadis, Neda Jovanovic Dimitriadis, Nikolaos Dimitriadis, Nikolaos Donnelly, Rory Dovgalenko, Sergii Dowson, Ruth Duffy, Sean Dzamic, Lazar Eagle, Simon Edwards, Kirsten Edwards, Martin R Ellram, Lisa M. Eremenko, Kirill Eubanks, Ben Evans’, Barry Evans, Barry Evans, Dennis Evans, Des Fahey, Colleen Farnham, David Fernie, John Fernie, John Field, Jenni Findlay, Charles Fisher, Virginia FitzPatrick, Liam FitzPatrick, Liam Fitzsimmons, Anthony Fletcher, Janet Fontinha, Rita Fontinha, Rita Francis, Anthony Francis, Helen Francis, Ronald D French, Ray Frost, Stephen Fugate, Brian Fuller, Matthew Furnham, Adrian Furnham, Adrian Gabay, Jonathan Gee, Rowland Geva, Ilan Gilpin, Diane Girod, Stéphane J.G. Giuliano, Genevieve Glenister, Gordon Goddard, Jules Goddard, Jules Godsmark, Jo Gorell, Ro Goulding, Steve Grainger, Andrew Grant, David B

Organization Development Key Account Management Forensic Accounting and Finance Business Operations Models Humanitarian Logistics Leading Procurement Strategy Success After Service Artificial Intelligence for Learning Essentials of Advertising Business Research Organizational Change Explained Neuroscience for Learning and Development Myths of Management Effective HR Communication Toyota Methods and Operating Models Strategic Internal Communication Business Continuity Management Designing Exceptional Organizational Cultures The Handbook of Logistics and Distribution Management E-Commerce Website Optimization Commercial Lending Market Research in Practice Designing, Delivering and Evaluating L&D Flexible Working International Supply Chain Relationships Stand Out Marketing Introduction to Employment Law Food Supply Chain Management and Logistics Strategic Supply Chain Management Lowe’s Transport Manager’s and Operator’s Handbook 2021 Implementing Key Account Management The Practical Negotiation Handbook Integrating Blockchain into Supply Chain Management An Introduction to Macrologistics How Cool Brands Stay Hot Sales and Marketing Channels Supply Chain Strategy and Financial Metrics The Strategy-Driven Supply Chain Responsible Business The Job-Ready Guide Successful Employee Communications Employment Relations Advanced Marketing Management Advanced Marketing Management Neuroscience for Leaders Human Resource Management at Work The Technology Procurement Handbook Event Planning and Management International Brand Strategy The Definitive Guide to Strategic Content Marketing Demand-Driven Supply Chain Management Predictive HR Analytics Predictive HR Analytics Supply Chain Finance Confident Data Skills Artificial Intelligence for HR Marketing and Logistics Led Organizations The Lean Supply Chain The Road to Zero Emissions The Road to Zero Emissions Audio Branding Human Resource Management in Context Fashion Logistics Logistics and Retail Management Influential Internal Communication Financing the End-to-End Supply Chain Managing Employment Relations Internal Communications Successful Employee Communications Rethinking Reputational Risk Introduction to Human Resource Management Research Methods in Human Resource Management Research Methods in Human Resource Management Road Passenger Transport Management People and Organisational Development Global Business Ethics Leading, Managing and Developing People Inclusive Talent Management Integrating Blockchain into Supply Chain Management Strategic Tendering for Professional Services Motivation and Performance Myths of Work Brand Psychology The Retail Start-Up Book Global Brand Management Smart Green Shipping Resetting Management Urban Logistics Influencer Marketing Strategy Business Experimentation What Philosophy Can Teach You About Being a Better Leader The Logistics Outsourcing Handbook How to Create a Coaching Culture Relationship Management in Banking Cross-Border Logistics Operations Fashion Logistics

190 331 17 228 286 260 75 178 302 31 153 181 29 126 249 162 52 160 205 307 24 354 174 121 227 367 165 280 266 236 329 28 284 210 337 328 264 270 37 85 378 167 365 365 46 108 253 351 335 318 276 132 132 262 103 123 221 279 297 297 340 117 220 233 377 265 164 379 378 56 110 30 131 237 186 38 120 193 284 50 146 184 342 382 333 243 49 222 316 64 47 216 195 23 226 220

Grant, David B. Grant, David B. Grath, Anders Green, Kevin Green, Mike Green, Mike Gregory, Anne Grigsby, Mike Grigsby, Mike Grinstead, Susan Grinsted, Susan Grosse, Robert E. Gudiksen, Sune Guesalaga, Rodrigo Haavisto, Ira Hague, Paul Hague, Paul Hall, Cristina Hall, Simon Hall, Simon Hamflett, Andy Hammersley, James Hancock, Dora Hands, David Hardy, Michelle Harrison, Matthew Harris, Stacey Hartley, Kate Haslam, Simon Hatami, Alessandro Havenga, Jan Hawkins, Peter Hawkins, Peter Hayden, David Hayward, Andrew Hayward, Andrew Henderson, Iain Henderson, John Henke, Michael Henzen, Rozanne Hillson, David Hodges, Julie Hodges, Julie Hodson, Christopher J Hofmann, Erik Holbeche, Linda Holbeche, Linda Holbeche, Linda Holguín-Veras, José Holt, Sue Hopkin, Paul Horner, David Houde, Shannon Houlder, Dominic Houldsworth, Elizabeth Hughes, Mark Hurdle, David Hussein, Shazad Hutchinson, Sue Iles, Paul Ind, Nicholas Inlove, Jake Innes, James IRM Jacobs, Jamie James, Rob Jenkins, Mark John, Martin John, Martin John, Martin Johnston, Paul Jones, Gillian Jones, Sarah Jude, Gareth Kalman, Danny Kamran, Sc. Qeis Kapferer, Jean-Noël Kapferer, Jean-Noël Kapferer, Jean-Noël Kates, Amy Kelly, Simon Kesler, Greg Kew, John Khan, Nadeem Khan, Omera King, Katie Kingsnorth, Simon Kirby, Amanda Kirby, Justin Kitching, Sebastian Klerck, Gilton Knights, Miya Kohl, Holger Kovács, Gyöngyi Králik, Martin Krishnamachari, Bhaskar Kuehlwein, JP Kuehlwein, JP


Logistics, Supply Chain and Operations Management Case Study Collection 207 Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management 289 The Handbook of International Trade and Finance 14 Competitive HR 119 Essential Leadership 44 Making Sense of Change Management 150 Planning and Managing Public Relations Campaigns 371 Advanced Customer Analytics 362 Marketing Analytics 359 Warehouse Management 231 The Logistics and Supply Chain Toolkit 214 Emerging Markets 43 Gamification for Business 124 Implementing Key Account Management 329 Supply Chain Management for Humanitarians 287 Market Research in Practice 354 The Business Models Handbook 63 Learning Analytics 134 B2B Digital Marketing Strategy 326 Innovative B2B Marketing 324 Technology and the Blue Economy 245 Optimizing Digital Strategy 306 International Finance 13 Design Management 350 Investment and Portfolio Management 15 Market Research in Practice 354 Introduction to HR Technologies 139 Communicate in a Crisis 376 Strategic Decision Making 58 Reinventing Banking and Finance 27 An Introduction to Macrologistics 210 Leadership Team Coaching 199 Leadership Team Coaching in Practice 200 Learning and Development Practice in the Workplace 171 The Business Guide to Effective Compliance and Ethics 36 The Business Guide to Effective Compliance and Ethics 36 Human Resource Management for MBA and Business Masters 111 Retail and Digital Banking 22 Sustainability in Global Value Chains 294 Mastering the Circular Economy 288 The Risk Management Handbook 54 Consultancy, Organizational Development and Change 152 Managing and Leading People Through Organizational Change 151 Cyber Risk Management 55 Financing the End-to-End Supply Chain 265 Organization Development 190 People and Organisational Development 186 The Agile Organization 189 Urban Logistics 222 Implementing Key Account Management 329 Fundamentals of Risk Management 51 Accounting for Non-Accountants 10 Good Work 70 What Philosophy Can Teach You About Being a Better Leader 47 International Human Resource Management 129 Managing Change 154 Road Passenger Transport Management 237 People Practice 114 Performance Management 142 International Human Resource Management 130 Branding Inside Out 338 Gamification for Business 124 Ultimate New Job 84 Fundamentals of Risk Management 51 Designing Exceptional Organizational Cultures 160 Business Experimentation 64 Engaging Change 158 Great Answers to Tough Interview Questions 80 Ultimate Cover Letters 76 Ultimate CV 77 Stand Out Marketing 367 How to Create a Coaching Culture 195 Reward Management 148 Retail Innovation Reframed 380 Inclusive Talent Management 193 Global Value Chain Management 267 Kapferer on Luxury 345 The Luxury Strategy 344 The New Strategic Brand Management 334 Networked, Scaled, and Agile 187 Stand Out Marketing 367 Networked, Scaled, and Agile 187 Human Resource Management in a Business Context 115 Introduction to People Analytics 133 Product Design and the Supply Chain 250 Using Artificial Intelligence in Marketing 312 Digital Marketing Strategy 304 Neurodiversity at Work 194 The Definitive Guide to Strategic Content Marketing 318 Managing the Demand-Driven Supply Chain 271 Employment Relations 167 Omnichannel Retail 383 Sustainability in Global Value Chains 294 Supply Chain Management for Humanitarians 287 Resetting Management 49 Blockchain and the Supply Chain 285 Rethinking Prestige Branding 348 The Power of a Prestige Brand 347


Kynighou, Anastasia Lambe, Patrick Lambert, Nick Larsen, Jacob Gorm Lawes, Rachel Leatherbarrow, Charles Leboff, Grant Leedham, Melville Leigh, Rich Leventhal, Barry Leventhal, Barry Lewis, David Lewis, David Lewis, Rhian Lewis, Sarah Lieb, Rebecca Lilley, Roy Linz, Carsten Liu, Shaofeng Lloyd, Richard Loudermilk, Derek Lovell’s, Dale Lowe, David Lunt, Tom Lyon, Ken MacRae, Ian MacRae, Ian MacRae, Ian Madsen, Susanne Malik, F. Tegwen Maltin, Tim Manners-Bell, John Manners-Bell, John Manners-Bell, John Manners-Bell, John Marchington, Mick Marcos, Javier Marr, Bernard Martin, Heinrich Maslen, Andy Mason, Robert Mason, Robert Mason, Tim Mattox II, John R. Mawer, Charlie McCalman, James McDonald, Malcolm McDonald, Malcolm McDonald, Malcolm McGuffog, Tom McKinnon, Alan McKinnon, Alan McLennan, Norman Megginson, David Mena, Carlos Millar, Mark Milligan, Andy Millner, Dave Milner, Catherine Milton, Nick Minis, Ioannis Minsky, Laurence Minsky, Laurence Mohan, Devie Moore, Neil Morgan, Steven Morrow, Jordan Mowat, Jon Müller-Stewens, Günter Müller-Stewens, Günter Müller-Stewens, Günter Munn, Dave Murfey, Guy Neise, Rolf Newell, Diane Ney, Jillian Ng, Wilson Nicotra, Eva Nightingale, Tim O’Brien, Jonathan O’Brien, Jonathan O’Brien, Jonathan O’Brien, Jonathan O’Keefe, Katherine Oliver, Grant Osborn, Tony O’Sullivan, Steve Owen, Jo Owen, Jo Pagdin, Ian Page-Tickell, Rebecca Pålsson, Henrik Panayides, Photis M Panzarino, Helene Parry, Simon Parry-Slater, Michelle Parskey, Peggy Parsloe, Eric Parsons, Patricia J Passmore, Jonathan

Human Resource Management at Work 108 The Knowledge Manager’s Handbook 40 Technology and the Blue Economy 245 A Practical Guide to E-auctions for Procurement 259 Using Semiotics in Marketing 355 Introduction to Human Resource Management 110 Myths of Marketing 364 Coaching and Mentoring 201 Myths of PR 373 Geodemographics for Marketers 358 Predictive Analytics for Marketers 360 Employment Law 166 What Philosophy Can Teach You About Being a Better Leader 47 The Cryptocurrency Revolution 20 Appreciative Inquiry for Change Management 157 Content - The Atomic Particle of Marketing 319 Dealing with Difficult People 96 Radical Business Model Transformation 61 Knowledge Management 39 Successful Integrated Planning for the Supply Chain 275 Superconductors 82 Native Advertising 309 Lowe’s Transport Manager’s and Operator’s Handbook 2021 236 Event Sponsorship and Fundraising 352 The Logistics and Supply Chain Innovation Handbook 278 Motivation and Performance 146 Myths of Social Media 315 Myths of Work 184 The Power of Project Leadership 35 International Standards for Design and Manufacturing 247 Litigation PR 372 Introduction to Global Logistics 223 Supply Chain Ethics 299 Supply Chain Risk Management 283 The Logistics and Supply Chain Innovation Handbook 278 Human Resource Management at Work 108 Implementing Key Account Management 329 Data-Driven HR 136 Warehousing and Transportation Logistics 232 Persuasive Copywriting 321 Marketing and Logistics Led Organizations 221 The Lean Supply Chain 279 Omnichannel Retail 383 Learning Analytics 134 The TV Brand Builders 341 Leading Cultural Change 159 Malcolm McDonald on Key Account Management 330 Malcolm McDonald on Marketing Planning 369 Malcolm McDonald on Value Propositions 368 Building Effective Value Chains 272 Decarbonizing Logistics 298 Green Logistics 291 Collaborative Principles for Better Supply Chain Practice 277 Continuing Professional Development 175 Leading Procurement Strategy 260 Global Supply Chain Ecosystems 281 Myths of Branding 336 Introduction to People Analytics 133 The Inventory Toolkit 230 The Knowledge Manager’s Handbook 40 Supply Chain 4.0 268 Audio Branding 340 Global Brand Management 333 The Financial Services Guide to Fintech 12 Organizational Management 183 Global Contract Logistics 261 Be Data Literate 104 Video Marketing 310 Radical Business Model Transformation 61 The Management of Luxury 349 The New Strategist 60 A Practitioner’s Guide to Account-Based Marketing 332 Global Business Ethics 38 Container Logistics 244 Coaching and Mentoring 201 Advanced Marketing Management 365 Business Research 31 Event Sponsorship and Fundraising 352 Strategic Tendering for Professional Services 50 Category Management in Purchasing 252 Negotiation for Procurement and Supply Chain Professionals 257 Supplier Relationship Management 256 The Buyer’s Toolkit 258 Ethical Data and Information Management 41 Malcolm McDonald on Value Propositions 368 The Business Guide to Effective Compliance and Ethics 36 Supply Chain Disruption 273 Myths of Leadership 48 TheLeadership Skills Handbook 45 Investment and Portfolio Management 15 Learning and Development 176 Packaging Logistics 218 Maritime Logistics 240 Reinventing Banking and Finance 27 Accounting and Finance for Managers 9 The Learning and Development Handbook 177 Learning Analytics 134 Coaching and Mentoring 201 Ethics in Public Relations 375 Appreciative Inquiry for Change Management 157

Passmore, Jonathan Passmore, Jonathan Pedersen, Niels Percival, Rob Perkins, Graham Perkins, Stephen J Perkins, Stephen J. Pettit, Stephen Pettit, Stephen Pettit, Stephen Pidgeon, Clive Piecyk, Maja Pope, Kamila Pope, Kamila Potter, David Prill, Nadine Psychogios, Alexandros Pullman, Andrew Rea, Andrew Reddington, Martin Rees, Gary Reinecke, Sven Relph, Geoff Reynolds, Alison Richards, Gwynne Richards, Gwynne Richards, Gwynne Rich, Nick Rich, Nick Rigg, Clare Robson, Fiona Robson, Fiona Rogers, Beth Rogers, Ciaran Rogers, Patricia Rogers, Patricia Roobeek, Annemieke Rose, Michael Rousseau, Denise M Rowland, Caroline Rowles, Daniel Rowles, Daniel Rowles, Daniel Rudd, Jerry Rudd, Jerry Rushton, Alan Russell, Ken Ryan, Damian Ryan, Damian Salcerini, Leonardo Sales, Michael Sammons, Peter Samunderu, Eyden Sargeant, Malcolm Saundry, Richard Scarlett, Hilary Schaefer, Wolfgang Schaefer, Wolfgang Scott, Peter Sen, Soumyasanto Shaw, Nick Shenoy, Ben Simpson, Zane Slack, Nigel Sloan, Danny Sloot, Laurens Small, Nicky Smilansky, Shirra Smith, Andrew Smith, Heidi Smith, Jeremy Smith, Michael E. Smith, PR Smith, Richard Smith, Simon M Smith, Theo Solomon, Michael R. Song, Dong-Wook Sparks, Leigh Sparrow, Paul Spens, Karen Squire, Philip Stanton, Daniel Steenkamp, Jan-Benedict Stern, Stefan Stewart, Jim Stewart, Jim Stewart, Jim Stewart, Jim Stokes, Peter Straw, Gary


Excellence in Coaching 196 Leadership Coaching 198 Financial Technology 11 Confident Coding 99 Work and Employment in a Changing Business Environment 113 Organizational Behaviour 182 Reward Management 148 E-Logistics 217 International Freight Transport 225 Port Management 242 A Study Guide for the Operator Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) in Road Freight 2020 235 Green Logistics 291 Global Waste Management 292 Understanding Planned Obsolescence 293 Leading Cultural Change 159 Driving Digital Transformation through Data and AI 135 Neuroscience for Leaders 46 Building an Outstanding Workforce 122 Learning and Development Practice in the Workplace 171 People and Organisational Development 186 Leading, Managing and Developing People 120 The Management of Luxury 349 The Inventory Toolkit 230 What Philosophy Can Teach You About Being a Better Leader 47 The Logistics and Supply Chain Toolkit 214 The Logistics Outsourcing Handbook 216 Warehouse Management 231 International Standards for Design and Manufacturing 247 Systems for Manufacturing Excellence 246 Learning and Talent Development 192 Research Methods in Human Resource Management 30 Research Methods in Human Resource Management 131 Malcolm McDonald on Key Account Management 330 Podcasting Marketing Strategy 311 Developing People and Organisations 185 Studying Learning and Development 173 Responsible Business 37 Reward Management 149 Evidence-Based Management 59 Organizational Management 183 Digital Branding 339 Mobile Marketing 308 Podcasting Marketing Strategy 311 A Practical Guide to Logistics 209 Health and Safety in Logistics 215 The Handbook of Logistics and Distribution Management 205 Ultimate IQ Tests 86 Understanding Digital Marketing 305 Understanding Social Media 314 Toyota Methods and Operating Models 249 Aviation Logistics 239 Contract Management 255 Air Transport Management 238 Employment Law 166 Managing Employment Relations 164 Neuroscience for Organizational Change 156 Rethinking Prestige Branding 348 The Power of a Prestige Brand 347 Organizational Management 183 Digital HR Strategy 140 Optimizing Digital Strategy 306 Strategic Decision Making 58 An Introduction to Macrologistics 210 The Operations Advantage 229 The Retail Start-Up Book 382 Retail Disruptors 384 People Practice 114 Experiential Marketing 320 Retail Innovation Reframed 380 How to Pass Numerical Reasoning Tests 89 Defence Logistics 219 Inspiring Green Consumer Choices 296 Marketing Communications 317 The Effective Change Manager’s Handbook 155 Organizational Management 183 Neurodiversity at Work 194 The New Chameleons 322 Maritime Logistics 240 Logistics and Retail Management 233 International Human Resource Management 129 Supply Chain Management for Humanitarians 287 Selling Transformed 327 Supply Chain Security 282 Retail Disruptors 384 Myths of Management 29 Designing, Delivering and Evaluating L&D 174 Developing People and Organisations 185 Learning and Talent Development 192 Studying Learning and Development 173 Organizational Management 183 Understanding Project Management 34


Stredwick, John Struhl, Steven Struhl, Steven Strycharczyk, Doug Surti, Jay Sweeney, Edward Symes, Graham Talbot, Fiona Talbot, Fiona Tapaninen, Ulla Tate, Wendy Tatham, Peter Taylor, Glenn Taylor, Heidi Taylor, Stephen Taylor, Stephen Taylor, Stephen Taylor, Stephen Taylor, Stephen Templar, Simon Templar, Simon Theobald, Theo Thomas, Bob Thompson, Simon Tiffany, Jenna Timms, Perry Timms, Perry Tipi, Nicoleta Tomlinson, Keith Tonder, Johann van Topps, James Trautrims, Alexander Truman, Oliver Tungate, Mark Turner, Jonathan Tyreman, Chris Ullah, Karim Valentin, Michaël Valskov, Klavs van der Plas, Myrthe van Hoek, Remko van Hoek, Remko Verga, Danilo Vernon, Guy Vyas, Nick Waite, Karen Waller, Matthew A. Wang, Yingli Waters, Adam Waters, Donald Watkins, Steve Weenk, Ed Weenk, Ed Weetman, Catherine Weightman, Tony Weiner, Mark Westwood, John Whitaker, Vivien Whiteing, Anthony White, Michael Whiting, Fiona Whitter, Ben Whittington, John Widdowson, Lucy Wilcox, Mark Wilding, Richard Wilkinson, Adrian Williams, Lynn Williams, Lynn Williamson, Alistair Wilson, John P. Wilson, John P Winter, Helen Wintersberger, Daniel Witthöft, Ilse Wong, Wilson Wood, Geoffrey Woodhams, Carol Woodhams, Carol Wood, Kenny Woods, Darren Woxenius, Johan Wyatt, Stephen Yakob, Faris Yew, Chee Zeimpekis, Vasileios Zhang, Crystal Ling Zimmermann, Alexander Zook, Ze

Human Resource Management in a Business Context 115 Artificial Intelligence Marketing and Predicting Consumer Choice 361 Practical Text Analytics 363 Developing Employability and Enterprise 202 Ultimate Presentations 79 Global Logistics 224 The Retail Start-Up Book 382 How to Write Effective Business English 92 Improve Your Global Business English 93 Maritime Transport 241 Supply Chain Finance 262 Humanitarian Logistics 286 Managing the Retail Supply Chain 234 B2B Marketing Strategy 325 Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice 107 Human Resource Management 116 Resourcing and Talent Management 191 Studying Human Resource Management 112 Work and Employment in a Changing Business Environment 113 Financing the End-to-End Supply Chain 265 Supply Chain Management Accounting 263 Develop Your Presentation Skills 95 Organizational Change Explained 153 Green and Sustainable Finance 26 Marketing Strategy 366 The Energized Workplace 188 Transformational HR 125 Supply Chain Analytics and Modelling 269 People Practice 114 E-Commerce Website Optimization 307 Managing the Retail Supply Chain 234 Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management 289 Market Research in Practice 354 The Escape Industry 343 Technology and the Blue Economy 245 How to Pass the QTS Numeracy and Literacy Skills Tests 91 Understanding Islamic Financial Services 18 The Tesla Way 248 Internal Communications 379 Responsible Business 37 Integrating Blockchain into Supply Chain Management 284 Leading Procurement Strategy 260 Toyota Methods and Operating Models 249 International Human Resource Management 129 Blockchain and the Supply Chain 285 People Practice 114 Integrating Blockchain into Supply Chain Management 284 E-Logistics 217 Confident Digital Content 100 Global Logistics 224 IT Governance 42 Mastering the Circular Economy 288 Mastering the Supply Chain 211 A Circular Economy Handbook for Business and Supply Chains 290 Assessment Centre Success 81 PR Technology, Data and Insights 374 How to Write a Marketing Plan 370 Continuing Professional Development 175 Green Logistics 291 Sales and Marketing Channels 328 Human Resource Practice 109 Human Experience at Work 163 Systemic Coaching and Constellations 197 Building Top Performing Teams 144 Engaging Change 158 Supply Chains in Action 206 Human Resource Management at Work 108 Ultimate Interview 78 Ultimate Job Search 83 The Road to Zero Emissions 297 Experiential Learning 180 International Human Resource Development 179 The Business Analysis Handbook 33 International Human Resource Management 128 An Introduction to Macrologistics 210 Human Capital Management Standards 127 Employment Relations 167 Human Resource Management 116 Studying Human Resource Management 112 Confident Web Design 101 Confident Coding 99 Urban Logistics 222 Management and Leadership in the 4th Industrial Revolution 57 Paid Attention 303 Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management 289 Supply Chain 4.0 268 International Human Resource Management 130 Radical Business Model Transformation 61 Marketing Communications 317

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