June 1 Koleinu

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Kineret water level

-212.37 m -3 cm


INSIDE Saluting Israel in NY . . . 2 Field of Dreams By Rochelle Maruch Miller . . . .


Bibi and DSK By Larry Gordon. . . . . . . . . . . . .


‫ פרשת נשא‬- ‫כ‘‘ח אייר תשע‘‘א‬

Binyamin Z. Munk . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Reflections on Camp Koby By Libby Sebrow . . . . . . . . . . . .


Shmu’s Shmooze By Shmuel Katz . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Our Water Plan By Goldie Katz . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

An Olah Chronicle By Tuvia Brodie . . . . . . . . . . . .


Only in Israel By Eric Grosser. . . . . . . . . . . . .


Under the Sun By Rabbi Dov Lipman . . . . . . .


Counting on an Inheritance By Aaron Katsman . . . . . . . . . . 14

Chelm-on-the-Med By Daniella Ashkenazy . . . . . . 14

Terra Olivo 2011 By Dr. Jay Levinson. . . . . . . . . 15

Letters to the Editor. . . 15 Scoring Arab Points By Ron Jager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Kashrut Alerts Jerusalem Kosher News . . . . . 16

JUNE 1, 2011

A m e m b e r o f t h e 5 To w n s J e w i s h T i m e s F a m i l y o f N e w s p a p e r s

Owning Our Own Little Corner Of The Land

The Akdamot Tune By Rabbi Cantor


L’Yisrael (KKL, the organization whose USA arm is the Jewish National Fund), had abrogated its mission to purchase and own land in Israel, and that led him to found the Israel Land Fund, Keren L’Admut Yisrael. Arieh asserts that for political reasons, KKL no longer uses its funds for the furtherance of Israel as a Jewish State. While he admits that it is performing functions and funding projects that are vital to the country, he laments that they no longer focus on what was their stated goal

BY SHMUEL KATZ We have just celebrated Yom Yerushalayim, the anniversary of the reunification of Yerushalayim as a city wholly under Jewish control after thousands of years. Land, borders, ownership, rights—all these issues have been hot topics of late as we contend with the future of our country. Yet, if we are not careful, we may win the battle but lose the war. I refer to the war which has been fought over the years by stalwart pioneers from various organizations who have sought to reclaim for Jewish use, foot by foot and parcel by parcel, the ownership and usage of land and buildings here in Israel. Their goal, as was the goal in setting up the many yishuvim and moshavim in Gaza, Yehuda, and the Shomron, is to continue to expand the Jewish presence in our land, solidifying our claim and our ownership. I recently had the opportunity to meet Arieh King, the founder and director of the Israel Land Fund. In our interview, which lasted slightly over an hour, Arieh explained how he came to found ILF and how they view their role in fostering the purchase of land and properties in Israel by Jews. Arieh was born on Kibbutz Alumim and says that he would never have thought he would live in Yerushalayim (he currently lives with his wife and their six children in Maaleh Hazeitim, the new

Arieh King (L - with shoulder bag) surveying the entrance to the newly reclaimed home on parcel 18 in Nahalat Shimon

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Jewish neighborhood on Har Hazeitim). He only came to Yerushalayim to pursue his degree at the Hebrew University. At that time, he was asked to oversee a project in Har Hazeitim. It was that involvement that sparked his dedication to seeing Israeli land returned to Jewish ownership. “Fourteen years ago the situation there was catastrophic,” he told me. “There was graffiti on the tombstones. Arab residents would bring their donkeys, sheep, and horses there and used it as a garbage dump.” “We used to stay in one building that was bought by Moskovitch and walk to the Kotel. We would walk through the street between Silwan and the cemetery and we would be walking on tombstones! This was happening not in Europe, but Yerushalayim!” Arieh continued to work in developing the land for Jews and reclamation of the land for Jews. In 2006, it was his view that the Keren Kayemet

Continued on Page 2


The annual parade up Fifth Avenue in Manhattan with more than 30,000 marchers and hundreds of thousands of spectators is now called the Celebrate Israel Parade and will feature a host of new guests and attractions.

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