Koleinu 2nd Edition

Page 1

INSIDE Of Baseball And Shalom Bayit 2


What’s In A Name? By Shmuel Katz . . . . . . . . . . . . .



A m e m b e r o f t h e 5 To w n s J e w i s h T i m e s F a m i l y o f N e w s p a p e r s 4

Heard In The Bagel Store By Larry Gordon. . . . . . . . . . . . .


Halachic Musings By Rabbi Yair Hoffman . . . . . . .


A Time To Write By Ben Brafman . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Middle East Wrapup By Samuel Sokol . . . . . . . . . . . .


Under The Sun: A Survey Of Bet Shemesh News By Rabbi Dov Lipman . . . . . . . .

MARCH 1, 2011

SITTING ALONE IN A ROOM BY SHMUEL KATZ Last week my kids commented to me that we have lived in Israel for 1,700 days. I did not understand how they could be so exact, until I noticed that morning’s daily newspaper. On the front page was a story marking the 1,700th day of captivity for Gilad Shalit. In actuality, my kids were wrong. We made aliyah on July 6, two weeks following his kidnapping. Sometimes it seems like it was just yesterday, and other times I have a hard time remembering how we lived before we came here. Readers of


By Joel Berkowitz . . . . . . . . . . .


my column in our sister paper, the 5 Towns Jewish Times, shared in our trials, small and large, and witnessed our successes and failures (hopefully more of the former than the latter).

Continued on Page 13

FIRST EVER BNEI MENASHE OFFICER IN IDF MAKES HISTORY History was made on last Wednesday, February 16, when Shalem Gin became the first IDF officer from the Bnei Menashe community, who are descended from one of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. Gin received the rank of Second Lieutenant in front of friends and family at a ceremony held at the Bahad 1 military base in the Negev. Gin, 20, was born in Manipur, a state in northeastern India. He and his family made aliyah to Is-

Photo by Michal Fattal

By Michele Justic . . . . . . . . . . .

rael in 1995. Gin joined the IDF in 2009 and enlisted in the Combat Engineering Corps, where he finished near the top of his class in his commanders’ course.

Continued on Page 7


Chessed Corner By Sharon Berkley . . . . . . . . . . 10

Insights On The Torah By Rabbi Eli Lewis . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Why You Made Aliyah By Shmuel Sackett. . . . . . . . . . 14

Invest In Real Estate Now? By Aaron Katsman . . . . . . . . . . 15

Associate Editor Larry Gordon and Rabbi SImcha HaKohen Kook in the Churva shul. More on his visit to Israel on page 6.

Shmu’s Shmooze

Kineret water level -213.39m +28cm

The Jerry Meyer Studio

By Shmuel Katz . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

A Baseball Wedding — Page 2

Dear Editor, As we drank our morning tea, we noticed Koleinu on our children’s breakfast table. It looked familiar, yet not so. Then we saw your name as editor, and we realized what your new career opportunity was before we even read your announcement. And we get to read Volume 1 Issue 1! What a zechut! Hatzlachah Rabbah and thanks for making us feel at home away from home. Tzvi and Rachel Roseman Woodmere, NY Dear Editor, I am a blogger on Jewish and Israeli issues for a fairly popular blog called Life in Israel. I read the editorial by Rav Aryeh Ginzberg entitled, “Those Killer Comments.” Many people suspect that Rav Ginzberg really has the goal in mind of stopping the blogging phenomenon, and uses the phenomenon of nasty anonymous comments as a tool to that end.

I don’t know if that is his goal or not, though I would not be surprised if it is, as many in the mainstream have gone on the attack against blogs. The blog is the first open forum that provides people the ability to publicize their views, to question the standard accepted authority, and to want to understand more. The existence of the blog means no more taking everything the way it is fed to us by the askanim. If his goal is to shut down all blogs, under the guise of lashon ha’ra, I disagree with his goal. Blogs are here to stay, and his efforts would be better served in trying to shape the blogs into responsible mediums of conversation rather than banging his head against a wall to try to get them to disappear. However, despite my disagreement with that goal, I do agree that he makes a good point. People do hide behind

Continued on Page 14

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