Someone playing God

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Someoneis playingGod

©MarieRørvikSomeoneisplayingGod KolofonForlagAS2024


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Foreword by the author

WhyshouldIendupwritingabooklikethis?Isitbecause I'mequippedwithextracuriosity,orisitbecauseIhave antennaeforcontemporaryphenomena?Orisitbecause I have a particularly strong need for meaning and to contributetosociety?

Lifehasledmedownmanypaths.Inthemiddleofmy life,Ibecameateacherwithadditionalsubjectsindrama and mental health work. In addition to my academic education, I have studied art therapy and non-violent communication, NVC. NVC is a highly valued teaching, which has now reached most countries on the globe. It hasbeenthemostimportantlessoninmylife.Through it,Ihaveunderstoodmoreabouthumanbeingsandwhat drives us. The power of motivation lies in our innate, existential needs. The stories we tell ourselves can interferewiththispower.

The level of conflict in Norway and the world is currently increasing. Different ideologies are fighting each other. Meaninglessness and fear are spreading. What is the reason why humanity, which has the prerequisitestoliveinpeaceandabundance,nowfinds itself in what I perceive as an existential crisis? The human brain receives, molds and stores information. Stories are created that we believe in and live by. Are destructiveprogramsnowbeingallowedtorulethrough non-democratic organizations such as the World EconomicForum,theWorldHealthOrganizationandthe UN?Whyaren'ttheirplansbeingcriticallydebatedinour media, when we see that they are increasing their

censorship, pursuing frightening energy and health policiesandrestrictourfreedom.

Someone is playing God is the sequel to “Gjennom tankemurene” (Through Walls of Thaughts). An elderly ladyinvitessomeyoungpeopletojoinheronajourney of discovery. In “Gjennom tankemurene”, it's mostly aboutinnerdiscovery,whilein“Someone is playing God” thefocusismostlyoutwardonexternalsituations.

Thestorystartswiththecoronasituation.Whatthey find gives good reason for concern. These concerns are sharedbymoreandmorepeople.Canwedoanythingto orishumanitydestinedtocollapsebeforeaneweracan begin?

Themaincharactersinbothbooksarefictional.Inthis book, supposed facts are woven into the fiction. The experiences surrounding the Spotlight Conference in Stavangerarereal.Thebookcontainsinformationfrom the speakers there, and from other historians, medical experts, lawyers and others who have insight into the phenomena in our time. Getting the facts straight is considered essential if we are to save the fragments of ourdemocracies.

Thank you so much to everyone who has read and supportedmeintheprocess!

Foreword by Glenn Ager- Wick

Marie Rørvik is a trained lecturer and has worked in educationforanumberofyears.Sheissociallyengaged inhowaconstructivedialoguebetweenpeoplecanbe,so thatouressentialneedsaremet.Likemanyothers,Marie has noticed that freedom of expression is becoming increasinglylimited, whichlimitsdialogueanddemocracy.

Whenhumanrightsandtheconstitutionareneglected and become a threat to democracy, the protagonists in thenovelaskalotofquestionsandtrytofindoutwhat thereasonsmightbe.Istheresomeonewhohasabigger plan behind it all, which most people are not informed aboutorunderstand?It'sokaytospeculate,andit'sokay for you as a reader to think that the characters in the novel are coming up with "conspiracy theories". As a reader, you have the opportunity to check whether the opinions/questionsofthenovel'scharacterscanactually becorrect.

If many of the opinions of the novel's characters are likelytobecorrect,whatthen?

Youhaveanexcitingnovelaheadofyou,perhapsthe mostexcitingyou'veeverread.

"He who sleeps in a democracy wakes up in a dictatorship," said the former German legal historian OttoGritscneder(1914-2005).

1. The society of trust is breaking down

People don't realize how toughitistotellthetruthina worldfullofpeoplewhodon't realizethey'relivingalie.

Edward Snowden

InaspaciousapartmentinCamillaColletsGateinOslo, the two friends Margrete and Liv met to reflect on life. Good and full after sheep's cabbage, the favorite of the two newcomers from Western Norway, they enjoyed freshlybrewedcoffeeandliqueurservedinthelounge.

– ArewetheonlysurvivorsoftheBaileysgeneration?" wonderedMargrete,raisingherglassinatoast.

–In any case, it seems that we are the last in our interface to have withstood the pressure humanity has beensubjectedtoinrecentyears.

LivreachedacrossthecoffeetableandtoastedMargrete. Boththenputtheglassto theirmouthsand letthe tasty drinkflowontotheirtongues.Boththesenseofflavorand the brain functioned well in the eighty-year-olds. Liv leanedbackonthebrownleathersofa,ranherhandsover thecoverandsaid:

– Ifthissofahadearsandamemory,itcouldtellyoua

lot of things. Do you remember when we were both newlyweds,sittinghereinthelivingroomtalkingabout the freedom humanity could finally bask in? Oil extractionusheredinaneweraforthecountry.Agood education became possible for most people. The world wasatourfeet!

–Wesunbathedhereandthere,butyouneverhadthe gutstothrowawayyourbikinitop,grinnedMargrete.

–Kjellwasstrictlikethat,butIhavetoadmitthatIlet myselfbepersuadedoncewhenIwaswithsomefriends intheroyalpark.

– And then those freedoms diminished, Margrete sighed. Do you think it was labor immigration that did that?

– Ican'tremember,Livreplied,–butIdorememberthat CarlI.HagenwarnedagainstSwedishconditionsbackin 1977, and now it's become even worse than what he could have imagined almost 50 years ago. I thinkthere are more people wearing hijabs here in Oslo now than therewereinTehranin1970.

Livtuggedononeearlobe,lookedatMargretewitha frownandadded:

–Ifeelsorryfortheyoungpeoplewhoaregrowingup with all the contradictions that are currentlyunfolding. Didyouhearabouthumiliatingviolenceinschoolswhen wetookourteachertrainingprogram?


– Ididn'thearaboutthat,butrecentlyIheardabouta 13-year-old girl who was gang-raped somewhere in Europe. Afterwards, the parents of the boys posted videosofdegradingviolenceagainstthegirl.


–When will our authorities say stop? The cultural clashes in Sweden are increasingly taking on the characterofacivilwar.Onemonth,thepolicemanaged tostop30attacks.Assassinations!

The two womenleftthe lastwordhanging inthe air. From where Liv was sitting, she could see the antique pillars on the balcony, and she rememberedthe pillars that had so far sustained Western cultures after the Second World War. One of them was the hope of prosperityforall.Anotherwastrustinpoliticiansandthe judiciary.Athirdwasthemediaandfreedomofspeech, andafourthwasareliablehealthcaresystem.

In the 1980s, Liv and Margrete sought meaning in a growing New Age movement with the belief that humanity would ascend to the fifth dimension with higher consciousness - whatever that might be. On December 21st, 2012, according to someone's interpretation of the Mayan calendar, the end of the world was supposed to happen, but it didn't. Al Gore's scaryfilmfrom2006aboutdramaticallyrisingsealevels hadnotbecomerealityeither,butsomethingcompletely differentwasabouttohappen.Whywastherenodebate aboutOslobecomingaC40city?Whydidn'ttheClimate Realists join Solvang's debate, and why was a wellknownfacemaskburnermetwithanicystarewhenhe wasallowedtotakepartinthedebateonthePCRtest?


– No,ithasn'tgoneasweyoungsocialistshoped.Cars arebeingburnedbothhereandthere,andrapestatistics arerising.Stabbingsandmurdersarearegularfeaturein thenews,andthereareseveralreportsofdisrespectful behaviorinschools,butwewon'tmentiontheelephant


– MosabHassanYousef,thesonofoneofthefounders ofHamas,recentlyclaimedthatitisnowataboototalk about it. There are now 100 million members of the MuslimBrotherhood.Theirgoalistoconquertheworld byinfiltratingourorganizations.

Livknewitwasbad,butnotthatbad.Shestrokedher foreheadandsaid:

– You and I have known for a while that there are some other forces that are also building up. Your doomsdayclockreadsoneminutetotwelve. ThatlineledMargretedownanewpath:

- Transhumanism is simmering beneath the surface. Adherentsofthisschoolofthoughtbelieveitisnecessary toreducethenumberofhumanstohalfabillioninorder tosavetheplanet.Tenpiecesofadviceareengravedin eight languages in the Georgia Guidestones. Would you liketohearthem?

Livnodded,andMargrete took her brand-newsmart phone out of her bag. She searched with quick fingers andreadaloudsomeofthepoints:

Wise guidance in reproduction. Improve human physicality and diversity.

Unite humanity with a vibrant new language. Balancing personal rights with social duties. Appreciate truth, beauty, love and seek harmony with the infinite.

Don't be a cancer on the earth. Give space to nature.1

- Aren't these good values to remind humanity of exclaimedLiv.

–YouandIevenknowalanguagethatcanuniteusacross cultures.

ThethoughtofthepotentialsinMarshallB.Rosenberg's teachings, nonviolent communication2 , sent waves of wellbeingthroughLiv.Hisvisionwastocreateaworldwhere everyone's needs count and where we meet each other withempathy.


–What do you think about their advice to keep the numberofpeoplebelow500milliontoachievealasting balancewithnature?

–Whichmeansthat7.5billionofusmustberemoved! Whointheworldsetupsomethinglikethis?exclaimed Liv.

Margreteflippedthroughherextended,globalbrainand announced:

–It says here that Freemasons may have set up the stonesin1979toavertfuturedisasters.Inanycase,they became a favorite object for all kinds of conspiracy theories.

–TheFreemasonswillnowbeblamedforeverything,Liv sighed.

– Orthe Jews, Margrete added. –Some peopleseem toneedanenemyimageinorderforlifetohavemeaning.

–Lately, I've been strengthened in my belief that someone is playing a high-stakes game about our existence,saidLiv,pouringmorecoffeeintohercup.

–DoyourememberwhenwewatchedaTedTalkwith BillGatesfrom2010?3

– Youwithyoursupermemorymightbeabletohelp me-ifit'simportant.

– Important? Margrete said so loudly that Liv had to shush her. – It's perhaps the mostimportant thing that

needs to be trumpeted to the world before the WHO adoptsitsrevisedpandemictreatyinMay2024.

–In those days it was overwhelming, but now I am curious.WhatdidBillGatessay?Margreteaskedand glancedatLivbeforequotingBillGates'equation: CO2 = number of people x service per person x energy per person x CO2 per unit of energy.

–And then he said that each of the factors must be reducedtozeroandshowedapictureofagroupofpeople. If we do a good job with vaccines, healthcare and contraception,wemaybeabletoreducepopulationgrowth. Butconsumptionincreasesasmorepeoplearesharingthe growthofprosperity,andthenCO2emissionsincrease,so weneedanenergymiracle,hesaid.


–Yes.Hesaidweneedtoworkonallthefactors,and thatincludesyouandme.

–Irememberitnow,saidLiv,adding:–Inmymemory, the lecture was about energy policy and not about the mass extinction of men. It's true that he used the CO2 threat and said that we had 20 years to develop new forms of energy production. That hasn't happened, and nowthereareabillionmoreofusthanin2010.

Margrete listened with half an ear as she eagerly searchedonhermobilephone.

–SomebelieveitisaconspiracytheorythatBillGates wantstousevaccinestoreducethepopulation,andthat he is actuallyhelping people to improve their health so thattheythemselveschoosetohavefewerchildren.

Liv straightened her back, leaned towards Margrete andsaid:


reminderofBillGateshasturnedmycuriosityupseveral notches.Arethereanunspokengoalsbehindtheclimate narrative, health policy and large-scale population relocationwithassociatedculturalmixing?

Margrete scratched her hair before placing her right hand under her chin and looking into Liv's grey-green eyes:

–Iunderstandthatafifthgenerationofwarfareisgoing onrightnow.Theactorsbehinditarehardtospot.Some blame money and Freemasons, some blame Islamic expansion,andsomeblametheJews.Someevenbelieve that there are diabolical,Luciferianforcescontrolling it allinordertoachieveworldpower.

–Ithinkwe'llhavetodigdeeperintothisanotherday, saidLiv,pouringherselftherestoftheliqueur.




2. Something is happening, but what?

Therearetwowaystobefooled. Oneistobelievewhatisnottrue. Thesecondistorefusetoaccept whatistrue.

Søren Kierkegaard

Reddeningleaveslayquietlyaroundthetreesthatwere stillallowedtostandinthestreetsofOslo.Inside,Livsat with a head full of questions. The years had sat their marks on her thin body, but her brain cells kept going, andnowtheywereboilingwithasloganshefoundhard to understand. World leaders let the words fall as thoughtlessly as the lions outside: Little Greta said it. Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden and Barack Obama said it. Britain'srecentlyresignedPrimeMinisterBorisJohnson, Prince Harry and his father said it. From New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Canada's Trudeau, thewordscouldbeheard:BuildBackBetter.Operation Mockingbird4 seemedtosucceed.

The World Economic Forum's (WEF) lighthouse keeper, Klaus Schwab, was perhaps theone whosaidit most often. Liv called him Mister Global. He boasted about having managed to infiltrate most of the world's governments with his ideas, while King Charles was

probably the main architect of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, with the dramatic global transformations thattheWEFproudlyfacilitated.Theirannualmeetings in Davos and 700 employees were funded by astronomical membershipand attendance fees. In some hotel rooms, which were overpriced for the occasion, prostituteswererumoredtohavefoundtheirnests.

Perhaps they believe that such pleasures are important distractions when it comes to saving the planet-orwinningworlddomination,Livthought.What valueswerethesepeoplebasedon-really?

As Mister Global’ s obedient servant, King Charles's historicOxfordwastoshowsomeofthefirstclearsigns oftheGreatReset.People'smovementswereplannedtobe controlled with identity codes under the skin. The permitted distance from home was limited to 15 kilometers.LivhadreadthatOsloandKristiansandwere thefirsttorealizethisinNorway,andthataneagermayor was part of the management team for the C40 project.5 She had neither heard nor seen anything about this on thenewsbutfounditinaFacebookpost.

Thenewglobaldigitalinformationsystemwasalsoto register carbon footprints. Howmuch CO2 each person released into the atmosphere through their breathing, consumption andactivitywas to be counted, but in the Norwegianaccountstheyforgottoincludehowmuchthe forest absorbed of the vital gas. Now the globe and its climateweretobesavedfromdangerouscowpoopand humanactivity.Morethantwopiecesofmeatperweek would result in a negative carbon footprint for the government. And one Norwegian grocery chain had

already managed to slip carbon accounting into its membershipcard.

The climate of opinion is perhaps more dangerous thanhistoricallysmallweatherchanges,Livthought.She wonderedhowmanyyoungpeoplehadbeenfrightened bytheone-sidedalarmismthatthemoneyedpowersand mostpoliticiansmanagedtosqueezeoutofanotherwise nuanced climate report, a report that was used as a weapon for the allegedly necessary changes. Change to what? Totalitarian tyranny? Clearly, there were forces thatmanagedtopreventmostvoicesofdissent.Editors couldbefirediftheypublishedarticlesthatcontradicted thenarrative.

Patrick Moore was one of those who provided alternative information. Thousands of years ago, CO2 levelsweremanytimeshigherthantoday's420ppm.If itfellbelow180ppm,plantswoulddie.Socapturingand burying CO2 must be a fight against life itself and the mostabsurdwasteofmoneyever,Livthought.6

Bill Gates, one of Klaus Schwab's wealthy partners, had longsincedeclaredthe2020sthedecadeofpandemics.He set the tone for his verbal declaration of disaster with a satisfiedsmile.ThestartingshotwentinChina,whereactors felldowninthestreets. Itsentgluingimagesofhorrorinto people'smindsallovertheworld.Fromhisthroneinthe UK, the King warned that if we didn't build a new and greener world, if we didn't stop global warming, there would be more and more climate disasters and pandemics.

Through the German lawyer Reiner Füllmich's investigative process after the corona crisis arose, Liv

hadcaughtglimpsesofphenomenathatshedidn'tdare talk about with none other than Margrete. She looked back with horror at what Chinese people had to go through.Ininternmentcamps,childrenwereseparated fromtheirparentsifanallegedlife-threateningmicrobe was discoveredinone ofthe parties. Millions of people were locked up to keep viruses out. Elderly people starvedtodeathduetolackoffood.Apregnantwoman lost her baby because the hospital refused to admit patientswithoutdocumentationofanegativevirustest. A man was arrested when he broke quarantine to buy milkpowderforhisnewbornson.

Could something like this happen in Norway? What mechanismsinthehumanmindwereatwork?Wasthe worldthevictimofacynicalplan?

Livsearchedandfoundseveralpeoplewhosuspectedit wasallplanned.In2020,peopleweretoldthatCovid-19 was a new and unknown virus, but in 2017, containers with test equipment for Covid-19 were distributed around the world. Later that year, the message was announced that millions of people were going to die everymonthfromavirusfromChina.In2017,Fauci,the US's top health spokesperson and highest-paid bureaucrat, guaranteed that a surprise outbreak would occur within four years. Liv saw Fauci himself say it in thefilm"ThePlan",whichtheinformationplatformStop World Control published during the pandemic. The documentary showed that Dr Ralph Barik at the University of North Carolina had already signed a deal withModernaforthemRNAcoronavirusvaccine.7

Bill Gates warned of bioterrorism and organized Event

201in2019,wheretheypracticedsuchanattack.8 Why didn'tthosewithpowerandmoneyequiphumanitywith vitamins, minerals and good health advice, Liv thought. Why did they ban medicines that for years had helped againstviralinfections.Instead,asmuchfearaspossible was created through unanimous media channels, and peopleallowedthemselvestobevaccinated.

Six months before the Covid-19 outbreak, the Global VaccinationSummitalsomadeitspreparations,andthe head of the World Health Organization (WHO) immediatelyinstructedtheworld'sgovernmentsonhow to deal with the pandemic. The experimental vaccines were ready. "Day one is crucial to prevent alternative voices,"avirologistproudlyexplainedin"ThePlan".He thought it was wise to say that millions would die. The manworkedforavaccinemanufacturer.

November 2022 was almost over. Liv was sitting at a kitchentablefilledwithringbinders,stickynotes,crisp breadwithgoat'scheeseandalargemugofsteaminghot coffee.Outside,thesnowwasfallingaspeoplehuntedfor Christmas presents in a city decorated far too early for Christmas. While the plastic bags were being filled, the hospitals were filled with patients with infectious diseases.WouldtheWorldHealthOrganizationdeclarea newpandemicwithassociatedrestrictions?Wouldthey, inspiteofcoldrecordsinmanyplaces,makepeoplestill believe in man-made climate change? Would climate lockdownsbethenextmove?

Liv's big question was: Was there a secret agenda behind the seemingly positive measures for a healthier planet?CriticalaccountsoftheWEF'sthinkingusuallyfell

into the box of conspiracy theories, even though everything was on public display on their website. Groups of fact-checkers were established to calm skepticalvoicesofdissent.TVchannelsaroundtheworld were required to deliver the same message: "Sharing fake newshas becomealltoo commononsocialmedia. It'sextremelydangerousforourdemocracy,"sangwelldressed,attractivereportersinseverallanguages.Were theymanipulatedtocreateafreepassforSchwab'sBuild BackBetterandtheUN'sAgenda2030,with17so-called sustainability goals? What could be built back better? Whatkindoffuturewoulditbe?

Livsawapieceofthedrawing,andtearswelledupas shelingeredoverasentenceshehadwrittendownfrom "The Plan": Tyranny is 100% dependent on people's ignorance.

It had taken over a year to make the film. It was supposedlysubjectedto1,400cyber-attacksbutwasstill onbothYouTubeandRumble.

Liv's call to action was burning beneath the sagging hanging tits. The big question was: Would the beloved youngpeopleshetrainedinnon-violentcommunication before the pandemic be ready to take on such a controversial task like the one, she now had in mind? Maybeitwastimetogatheragainanyway.Whatifthey werevaccinated?Whatwoulditbelikeforthemtohear whatshenowsensedtheoutlinesof?

Suddenly, Amira stood in the doorway. The young Afghan woman had found refuge with Liv three years earlier.Nowshehadjustreturnedfromstudyingatwhat she called the University of Brewery and realized that therewasnofoodforheronthekitchentablewhereLiv



Amira smiled warmly and walked over to Liv with the Kleenexbox.Livpulledoutthreenapkinsandsaidwith hurtinhervoice:

–Someonehas tostand upto all the madnesses.You have no idea what researchers from all over the world have now found out. We urgently need to share informationaboutthisinNorway.

IttookfifteenminutesforLivtosharewithAmirathe mostimportantcontentofthefilm.Amirahadheardabit before,but"ThePlan’sstrongtestimonyfromscientists and other authorities put everything into a meaningful perspective. Thoughtfully, she said in an almost unaccentedNorwegian:

–Perhapsit'sastheysayin"ThePlan";thatwearein a third world war, and that few people understand the use of weapons. These are historically new strategies that technological developments have made possible, andtheysayitopenly!

– DidyouhearwhatHararisaid?Livalmostshouted, shiftinghergazefromherMactoAmira.

–HumanscannowbeprogrammedtobecomeGod,as if we are not already part of God´s energy. If we fail to establish a strong resistance movement, the whole of humanitywillgooverthecliff!

– DoyouthinkustwoladieshereinOslocanstopthis express train? asked Amira, checking if there was any morecoffeeinthepot.

–I've been thinking about whether we can get our youthgrouptogetheragain,saidLivinasubduedvoice.

–Why don't we throw ourselves into writing an

invitation to the group? suggested Amira excitedly, pulling an elasticated band out of her pocket and gatheringherthickblackhairintoaponytail.

–SoclosetoChristmas?Doyouthinkthey'rereadyto start something new now that it's so sour and dark outside?Andtheyareprobablybusywiththeirstudies.

–Where did you get this doubt from, you who tend to see opportunitiesinmostthings?

Livliftedherchinandstraightenedasolidgoldchain whilelettingAmira'squestionliveforawhile.


–Thenyou'llhaveatleastadecadetoperformasmall miracleforhumanity.Iknowwhatyoucando. Livcouldn'tresistandrespondedwithasigh:


Actually,shewasquitehappytohavemeaningfuldays. With new epidemics being used to mock people, itwas timetogetmorepeopletostanduptotheauthorities.

Together,theyformulatedanemailtothefour young peopletheyheldsodear.



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3. Kristin gets a shocking message

You'lldiscoveryourown strengthasitgrows withinyou.

Kristin'smobilephonerang,and,tohersurprise,shesaw thatitwasfromSvein'smother,eventhoughitwasthe middle of a Wednesday morning. She herself was at homeworkingonapsychologyassignment.Puzzled,she greetedherincomingmother-in-lawwithagentlehello. Thetearfulvoiceattheotherendwasunrecognizable.

–Sveinhascollapsed.YouneedtogettoUllevålHospital rightaway.Despitetheshock,Kristinmanagedtosayyes, pulledonherdownjacket,putontwodifferentshoesand borrowed her mum's car keys. She hardly found a car parkbeforerushingtotheemergencydepartment.

–I'm going to visit Svein Ravneli. Is he alive? she managed to squeeze out. One of the nurses in the duty roomnodded,cameoutandfollowedKristintotheward where Svein was lying. In a corridor almost filled with beds, sat his parents. They both stood up and wrapped Kristininawetembrace.

–It'llbefine,hiccuppedSynnøveasKristinfreedherself fromthetwo.

–He collapsed during training, but they were quick enoughtogethimtohospital.He'sinaroomwithothers, sowehavetowaitabit.Onlyonepersonisallowedinat atime.Youcangofirst,saidVictor.

After ten long minutes, Kristin was let in to see the blondsportsmanshewasreadytomoveallongwith,but now her joyful expectations had been overtaken by convulsive fear. As quietlyas possible,she walkedover to the nearest of the three beds. There lay her beloved covered by with measuring instruments. Gently, her hand searched her naked skin. Two blue-green eyes appeared as Kristin's eyes again filled with tears. Her voicebarelyheldasshepressedforward:



Kristin sat down in the guest chair and stroked his shoulderforthetenminutesshehadbeenallotted.This was not the time to poke at what had been a topic of conflictforsometime.

–I'll be back tomorrow. Remember, I need you," she whisperedandgavehis forehead a soft caress with her lips.

Svein's parents waited to hear how Kristin had experienced his condition before making their announcement:

– We'vebeentoldthatwecan'tcomeintodaybecause he's going to have more tests, but they assume that he has heart inflammation. It is supposed not to be lifethreatening.


– Doyouthinkitcouldbethedamnpoisontheyputon

himforthefourthtimetwodaysago?sheasked,ignoring Synnøve'sattitudetothecoronavaccines.

The fifty-year-old woman in the elegant woolen coat froze.Asanasthmatic,shehadbeenkeentogeteveryone in the family on what she thought was safe ground. Kristin took two injections to be able to travel to Spain with Svein, but when her friends started having abnormal bleeding, she stopped. Svein had chosen completefreedomwithacoronapassport.Hedidn'twant tohearthewarningsthatwell-trainedathletesweremore pronetoheartproblemsthanothers.Fromtimetotime, hethrewhimselfintothecommentssectionsandteased theso-calledanti-vexers.Suchjudgmentallabellingwas frustrating for Kristin, who had learned empathetic communication. Hopefully, Svein's illness would put an end to this kind of conflict, but what challenges would theynowhavetodealwith?

Itwasn'tuntilshegotbackinthecarthatsherealized the day's shoe choice. This gave her a few seconds' respite from her state of shock, but she needed more escapefromthesituation.Sometimesshefoundreliefon apsychiclady´sthewebsite.Thisday,shedid:

Right now, we're almost caught in a space where the old and the new potentials are fighting for attention. We are both anchored in the collective consciousness, and in the process of detaching ourselves from it at the same time. No wonder many homes are in complete chaos. Right now, it's important that we tread carefully. We have a big impact when we just realize what we are capable of.

Kristinwasprettysurethatshehadstartedonapath out of the unconscious darkness that 60-70 per cent of humanityfounditselfin.Totalitariangrouppsychology, somepeoplecalleditmasspsychosis,hadalmostgotthe better of her too. Thanks to the company of other doubters,sheeventuallymanagedtostandupforherself. Atthesametime,shewasabletoseewhatneedspeople were trying to meet by following the corona rules. A theory says that in a society with a lot of underlying undefined anxiety, most people sought belonging and securityratherthanfreedom.

Whataboutthetwoinjectionssheacceptedbeforeshe realizedmoreofthesituation?Couldtheyhaverendered her infertile? Perhaps that wasn't the worst thing that couldhappen.Statisticsshowedalarmingexcessmortality throughoutthewesternworld.DrGeertVandenBossche had feared a major immunodeficiency when an entire populationwasvaccinatedduringapandemic.

4. Fatima and Arne

Inmanyways,lifeislikeridinga bike.Tokeep yourbalance,you needtokeepmoving.

Likemostunmarriedgirlsherage,Fatimawasstillliving athomewithherparents.ThemorecriticismofIslamher parents experienced, the more they pressed for her to marryafellowbelieverfromPakistan.Hadtheyknown her secret, they would have mobilized the entire community to bring her into what they believed to be safety and protection from an infidel culture, with unrestrained alcohol consumption, radical gender theories and haram food. They didn't want their daughter to become too Norwegian, so they made sure shereceivedproperKoranictrainingandstrictlimitson whenandwhereshecouldgooutsidethehome.

She and Arne barely dared to flirt with each other in the library at Brewery University. She had to lie about stayingovernightwithfriendstogetsomeprivatetimein Arne's new apartment or travel out of town to relax in the presence of her boyfriend. Both of them ended up missingafewlectures,butforthreeyearstheymanaged tokeepitgoingthatway.

Fatima and Arne found each other in Liv's group during their final year of high school. One Sunday a monththeyusedtomeettolearnaboutlife.Theinsights shegainedthereledhertostudyforabachelor'sdegree

in social work. She was passionate about making life more meaningful for a certain group of immigrants in Oslo.Atthesametime,shegottostudyatthesameplace as Arne. He had chosen to become a teacher. Together they dreamed of travelling abroad and contributing to thedevelopmentofhumanity.

OnthisWednesday,Arnearrivedatthelibraryattwo o'clock as agreed. Luckily, they found a corner to themselves. After a light kiss, they sat down close togetheronasofa.ArnepulledouthisMacandsaid:

–Look,there'sanemailfromLivtoday.Sheasksifwe can come to her on Sunday. "It's urgent," she writes, "because things are happening in the world that are developingsoquicklythatweneedtogettogethertofind outifthere'sanythingwecancontributewith.Sheasksif wehaveinformation,wecansharewitheachotherand try to find a safe and constructive way out of the traps thatarecurrentlybeinglaidforhumanity.

–This sounds fiercely, Fatima replied, stretching halfway across Arne to read what Liv and Amira had written-andtogetsomemuch-neededbodycontact.

–Have the two ladies become hypersensitive? she wondered when she read something about the World EconomicForumandAgenda2030.

–They don't talk about this here at BU, and my impressionisthatourpoliceofficersworkforthegood ofpeopleandtheworld,shesaidwithdisbeliefallover herface.

–I've heard a bit about WEF because my mum has beenobsessedwithit,butIhaven'tbotheredtolookinto it.WhenLivandAmiratalkaboutitlikethat,itmakesme wanttogoandhearwhatthey'vefoundout.Itmightbe nicetomeettheothersagaintoo,saidArne.

– I'd like to go, because what those two ladies have givenmeisoneofthemostvaluablethingsI'vegainedin life-apartfromyou.

Fatima smiled and rubbed her shoulder against Arne's,Hepausedbeforeasking:

–Areyousurethatyoucanfindanalibisothatyoucan runawayfromtheguardianship?

Arne'swordssentastingthroughtheslim,beautifully brownfigure,butsheunderstoodthemasalongingfor freedomtospendmoretimewithher,andsoshereplied:

–Ihopeitgoeswellthistimetoo.YouandIwillsoon beabletofindapathtothelifewewanttocreate.

5. Jakob finds more information

Ourmoralresponsibilityis nottostopthefuture,but toshapeit.

Following in his father's footsteps, the 23-year-old manfromaJewishfamilywaswellintohistechnology studies at Brewery University. His motivation in his thirdyearwasnottocontributetothedevelopmentof artificial intelligence (AI), as many of his fellow students dreamed of, but rather to understand some of the processes of which he had had inklings. Elon Musk himself came forward with strong warnings aboutwhatwashappeninginSiliconValley,butthere wassomethingambiguousabouttheman.

In addition, Jakob was more interested in the soul andpsychethanmostpeople.Inavision,hehadseen howtheenergiesofexistentialneedslivedinwhathe called a quantum soup inside and outside all living beings. He saw these needs as spiritual motivational phenomena.Heunderstoodemotionsandthoughtsas the support functions of needs and called them tools forthesoul.

HowdoplantsknowtheyneedCO2whentheycan't think?Hehadseensomewherethattreescouldwarn

eachotherthroughtheirrootsthattherewasdanger ahead. Humans don't need to think to recognize the needforfoodanddrink,buthowcouldwerecognize theneedtocreateandcontribute?Nobiologicalcells had been found for these purposes, so Jakob maintained that they were purely spiritual phenomena that manifested themselves as longings. The need for human contact, empathy and support couldbelocalizedtocomplexsystemsinthebrain,one of them called theattachment system.Jakobbelieved this was something those working with AI had no insight into, and therefore the technology could be deadly. But like all things, AI could be used both constructivelyanddestructively.

Inrecentmonths,Jakobhadbecomeobsessedwith something a fellow student sharedwith him inspare moments. It was about Yuval Noah Harari. This man was closely linked to the World Economic Forum (WEF)andKlausSchwab.Oneoftheaimsofhisfourth industrial revolution was to create a new and better speciesofhumanbeing.WithAI,everythingwouldbe better, including the inner life. They believed that AI would be able to understand humans better thanwe areabletoourselves.

In the wee hours of the night, Jakob immersed himselfinplansandvideos from Schwab'sincredible life's work.9 WEF´s founder surrounded himself with headsofstate,financialgiantsandroyalties.Together they created detailed plans for a humanity free from poverty, disease, environmental problems and conflicts. Everyone would have equal access to everything: Opportunities for education, good health andaplacetolive.Flyingsaucerswouldbringfoodand

other necessities to high-rise apartment blocks. This wouldcertainlynotdestroynaturebutwouldreduce CO2levels.Onlycompanieswithanacceptablecarbon footprintwouldreceiveloans.

Thestrange thing was that Jakobcouldn'tfind any strategies other than vaccines to improve people's health.Atthesametime,heheardthatyoungpeople inCanadawerereceivingassistedeuthanasiabecause they were depressed or thought they were unsuccessful individuals. Was there a transhumanist agendabehindtheidealisticvisionsoftheWEF?Were theclaimsaboutvirusesandclimatecreatedtoreduce thenumberofpeopleonearth?

He had to dig deeper, and the more he dug, the strongertheintuitivealarmbecame,andthemorehe recognizedawebofconnections.

AfterafewminutesofsearchingMasoniclodges,he came acrossaninteresting bookbyDr JohnColeman from1991.10 Inhisworkasanintelligenceofficer,he begantowonderwhoreallyranBritainandtheUSA. Hecameacrossmaterialaboutthewell-knownsecret societies such as theRoyal Institutefor International Affairs(RIIA),theCouncilonForeignRelations(CFR), the Bilderberger Group, the Trilateral Commission, Zionists, the Illuminati, Freemasonry and the Club of Rome.

ColemanbelievedthattheClubofRomewasNATO's umbrellaorganizationandthattheIlluminatishaped NATO'spolicies.

JakobsavedapdfcopyofColeman'sbook,putthelid on the computer and closed his eyes. A darkness accompaniedbynauseawashedoverhimashefocused onNATO.Didhisbody'sreactionmatchwhathehadjust


It was certainly useful to learn new aspects of historyinordertounderstandwhatwashappeningin his own time. He would have loved to discuss with otherswhatwasgoingonintheworld,includingthe fourthindustrialrevolution.

Schwab&Coseemedtohavecaughtmanyintheir spider'swebandmanagedtoindoctrinatethemwith the most incredible things. The 40-year-old Danish socialistIdaAukenhadtakenpartintheWEF'sYoung Global Leader program. She wrote a post that had disappearedfromtheWEFwebsite,butsomeonehad seenandpublishedherdreamsofthefuture:

Welcome to the year 2030. Welcome to my city - or should I say our city. I don't own anything. I don't own a car. I don't own a house. I don't own appliances or clothes. It may seem strange to you, but it makes perfect sense to us in this city. In our city, we don't pay rent because someone else is using free space when we don't need it. My living room is used for business meetings when I'm not there. Every once in a while, I get annoyed by the fact that I have no real privacy. No place where I can go without being recorded. I know that everything I do, think and dream about is recorded. I just hope that no one will use it against me. All in all, it's a good life.11 Wastheyoungladyonablindjourneytowardsglobal dictatorship?

JakobrealizedthatKlausSchwabhadpulledoffthe masterstroke of gathering leadership spirits from all over the world. When they gained power, tyranny came to the surface. In both Canada and Australia, frightening situations arose during the corona era.

Peoplewhowentagainsttheflowcouldbedeprivedof accesstotheirbankaccounts.InAustralia,asinChina, people were locked up in internment camps for healthy people or giant blocks, with no opportunity to walkpetsorbuyfood.Wasittostopavirus,or wasittoseehowfarpeoplewouldallowthemselves tobedictatedto?KlausSchwabwasagreatadmirerof China'sregime.

Was a wet dream of reducing number of humans lurking behind idealistic goals? Jacob found out that King Charles was associated with transhumanistic organizations.

HowcouldNorwegiantoppoliticiansbeinvolvedin theWEF'splans,andwhatroledidtheCrownPrince Couple play in this technocratic revolution? Do they not realize that the bridge to hell is paved withgood intentions? Had ideology and fear of the future overcome reality everywhere, or was someone's desire to do good so great that the destructive intentionsofotherswentundetected?

In WEF's plans, Jakob also found something about behavioral psychology. From his pandemic days, he learnedhowpsychologicalprogramshadbeenusedto steer people into fear-based herd patterns. Mattias Desmet became a sought-after interviewee for his theories on psychological mass formation. Most alarming of all were Yuval Noah Harari's judgements about the future of humanity. Jakob created a word documentwiththechiefideologistofKlausSchwab's statements.Itstartedwith12

In 100 years’, time, people will look back and realize that the Corona pandemic ushered in a new era. The most important development of the 21st century was

that surveillance under the skin became a reality. It made it possible to hack people by searching for biometric data, analyzing it and understanding people better than they understand themselves.13

Hedoesn'tseemtoknowanythingaboutspiritand soul, Jakob thought, before working his way through the many videos available. He marked the following sentenceinred:

Soon some governments will be able to hack people.14

WasallofHarari'stalkreallymeantaswarnings?But whatifalloftheWEF'splansseemedtobedesignedto achieve something so absurd? Sure enough, he mentionedthatAIcouldbemisusedandleadtodigital dictatorship.

Jakob's list of WEF partners included Amazon, Apple, Nokia, Nestlé, Bloomberg, various Saudi Arabian companies, banks, the NASDAQ stock exchange,Boeing,thefinancialgiantsVanguard,State Street and BlackRock, which soon owned the whole world, Astra Zeneca and,lastbut not least, the Bill& MelindaGatesFoundation.TheMicrosoftfounderhad found a billion-dollar niche in tax-free humanitarian workandlucrativecontracts with the pharmaceutical industry.SeveralofthekeyplayersintheWEFcould belinkedtotranshumanistideas.Wasthisthegroup thatcouldcreateheavenonearth?Luckily,Jakobcame across the theories of Gregg Braden, a scientist who works to bring out divine potentials in people. In an interviewhesaid:

There are now 22 wars going on. The deepest battle is for our deepest humanity. We have been programmed to believe in limited possibilities. External problems keep us down. Technology can destroy our

consciousness. DNA is part of biology and the antenna of our divinity. With AI, we give away the drive to connect with the divine. Intuition and creativity are among the divine potentials in us. Separated from them, we are lost. Then we do not know who we are.15

ThesewordswerelikebalmforJacob'ssoul.Hehad foundoutforhimselfhowdangerousitwasforpeople nottoberaisedwithhealthyself-worth.Unconscious inferioritycouldleadtoextremeviolence.Thisapplied to school shooters in the USA, immigrant boys who harassed Norwegian children - and probably those who started wars. Without integrated self-respect, it couldbedifficulttorespectothers.

JakobwasdelightedthedayhereceivedLiv´semail. She invited inputs, and Jakob could contribute an entiresymphonyorchestraofthoughts,orperhapsit wasstillmorelikeadiscordantrockband.Infact,he had longed to returnto the meaningful gatheringsat Liv´s.Nowitwasextraimportant,becauseherealized thatchallengeswerequeuingup.



11. have-no-privacy-and-life-has-never-been-betteree2eed62f710





6. The First gathering

Manysmallpeopleinmanysmall placesdoingmanysmallthings, canchangetheworld. African proverb

Thejoyof reunionwas bubblinginLiv's largedining roominCamillaColletsstreet.Thefurniturewasfrom another century. The ceiling was decorated with the twelvesignsofthezodiac,whichiswhytheroomwas called Cosmos. The Advent decoration with one lit candlestoodinthecenteroftheantiquediningtable. Christmasmulledwineandthescentoffrankincense setthemood.

Fatima and Arne came hand in hand. Jakob had grownseveralcentimetersinconfidencesincethelast time thegroupwas together. Hewasthefirsttogive LivandAmira each a teddybear hug. Kristinarrived just before they sat down. She had become thinner, and her face looked drawn. She was both nervous aboutandlookingforwardtotheusualopeninground oftellingtheotherssomethingaboutherself.

True to tradition, Liv sat at the head of the table facing thetall windows.Amirasatatthebottomofthe table,andtheyoungestsatinpairsonthelongsides.The joy of reunion was transformed into solemnity and anticipation, so Liv had no trouble capturing their attention.

–Unfortunately,it'saspecialtimeforhumanitythat brings us together again, she said, fixing hergaze on Amira.

–It's Amira who has encouraged me to take this initiative.Eventhoughtheproblemfarexceedswhata small group in Oslo can solve, we can at least try to contribute somewhat. In any case, we can support eachotherthroughwhatcouldbenewtimesofcrisis. Now I'm curious to know if you've had a chance to reflectonthingsthathavehappenedsincelasttime.

Jakob couldn't wait. Without looking at the others, he threw himself forward with something that had beennaggingathimforthepast24hours:

–Thankyouforinvitingus,becauseIseewhatyou mean.IhavewithmesomeinformationthatI'vetaken noteoflately.It'saquotefromoneoftheideologuesat the World Economic Forum. Have you heard of the annual meetings in Davos, where several of our politicalleadersparticipate?

Liv and Amira nodded. Arne's voice was clearly sarcasticwhenhereplied:


Jakob pulled some sheets he had printed out from hislaptopbag.Theywerepassedroundthetableashe spoke:

–Yuval Noah Harari is one of those involved in disseminating knowledgeandvisions at the WEF.He says that humans are now hackable animals. Listen, Jakobsaidandread:

All these stories about Jesus rising from the dead and being the Son of God; that's fake news. Now humans are developing even greater powers than before. We are truly acquiring divine powers of creation and

destruction. We are upgrading humans to gods and gaining the power to reconstruct life. By hacking organisms, the elite can gain the power to reconstruct future life itself, because when you can hack something, you can also shape it. Science is now replacing the process of evolution with natural selection for evolution through intelligent design. Not some god in the clouds, but our intelligent design. The IBM cloud and the Microsoft cloud. They are the new drivers of evolution.16 Jacoblookedseriouslyattheothersandsaid:

– Thismanis a professorof historyat the Hebrew UniversityinJerusalem.Nowhebelievesthatwecould becomeaclassthatisuselesstotheelite.Hisspeechat the WEF in 2020 has provoked several thoughts in me.17

Jakobputthesheetonthetable.Thesilenceinthe room worried him. Had he been too hasty with the heavy material? Who didhe think he was? However, the shame did not stop him from talking about the othertopicshewaspreoccupiedwith,soheburstout withmore:

-Wedonothaveaclimatecrisis.Wedonothavea viruscrisis.Wedonothavearesourcecrisis.Wehave afactcrisis,wehaveanawarenesscrisis,andwehave distribution problems. Liv and Amira looked at each other thoughtfully. Jakob shrunk slightly, folded his handsandlookeddownatthetable.Livthoughtitbest tosaysomething:

- Thankyou for your brave words, Jakob. I think youareoneofthosewhofeelresponsibleforgetting information out before everything collapses. If not, manyarebeginningtorealize,humanitycouldendup in total destruction. In some places, the weather is

causing problems, far toomanypeopleare still poor, and some are becoming seriously ill with viruses. It seems to me though that the measures are more dangerousthantheproblemsthemselves.Now,more thanever,weneedwhatwe'vetalkedalotabouthere inthegroup:insightintoourrealandlife-givingneeds. The Earth has enough knowledge and resources for everyone to live safe andmeaningful lives. Why isn't this happening? Powerful forces are now driving a technological and so-called green drive that most people are unable to comprehend. Do you think our smallgroupcandoanythingtoraiseawarenessofwho weareaspeople,andwhatisatstake?

Before she could say anything else, everyone's attentionwasdrawntoKristin,whobegantocry.The slenderfigureshookasshetriedtohideherfaceinher hands.

–Was this too much negativity for you, Kristin? Amira askedgently.

– It'sSvein,myboyfriend,shewhisperedinreply.–Ithinkhe'savictimoftheforcesyou'retalkingabout. He's in hospital with heart inflammation. Nine days after he took the fourth corona shot, he could have died.Thesearedevilswe'redealingwith! The last sentence came from suppressed anger and despair.

– Doyouwanttotalkmoreaboutit,ordoyouwant tohearwhattheothershavetosayfirst?

Kristinchosethelatterandgratefullyacceptedthe Kleenex box, which Livalways had within reach. She waspleasedthatnoonetriedtocomfortherorgiveher

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