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Company profile

The company founders and managing directors: Rudolf Pretzler (left) Josef Heissenberger (right)

The company Komptech We develop solutions and produce machinery and systems for the treatment of solid waste and biomass that bring about improvements for people and the environment. Komptech is a leading international technology supplier of machinery and systems for the mechanical and biological treatment of solid waste and for the treatment of biomass as a renewable energy source. As a future-oriented company, we are synonymous with a system of values that represents a pronounced, positive corporate culture, solid growth and continuity. We strive to achieve mutually successful, long-term partnerships with customers as well as employees and business partners. Our management principles are summed up in the main phrase of our group mission statement:

�Customer benefit is the focal point of our collective action“. As an internationally active organisation, we respect cultural differences and closely observe ethical principles. Our product, services and company management philosophy all attach the highest level of importance to environmental sustainability.

The “Komptech“ brand The Komptech brand has existed since 1992 and is synonymous with the highest level of customer benefit, in particular in regard to the following:

innovative products, excellent service and resulting from this an

optimal price-performance ratio. The Komptech brand is synonymous with innovative, powerful, reliable and energy-efficient machinery and systems. Furthermore, all products are particularly easy to operate, require low maintenance and are associated with a high level of costefficiency. A multitude of innovations has given rise to a range of patents that make Komptech products unique and that contribute to the market leadership position of the company. Excellent service is another reason for opting to purchase Komptech products. Comprehensive and rapid service allows cost-optimised usage of the machinery. Products and services from Komptech therefore offer costeffectiveness, quality and reliability on the highest level and provide an optimal price-performance ratio. All of these are reasons why the number of customers opting for Komptech products has risen continually over recent years.

“Innovation is the spawning of something new that offers a previously unknown benefit or a higher level of benefit than the previous and familiar level of technology.“

Products – areas of expertise Komptech’s product portfolio includes more than 30 different machine types, enabling the company to be active in the following fields of competence:

- treatment of solid waste and - treatment of biomass

Komptech products cover the major processing steps of modern waste treatment and biomass processing: • shredding technology • screening and separation technology • composting technology

Modular construction offering different performance categories simplifies combinations for complete systems. This comprehensive product portfolio covers the following sectors:

Mobile machines: Mobile machines from Komptech combine high performance in the most adverse of conditions with high mobility on different terrain, compact size and low weight for easy transportation.

Stationary machines: For large plants and in plant construction generally, the use of electrically-driven systems is a sensible option. Komptech offers a comprehensive range of shredding, screening and separation technology in the stationary sector.

System technology: Self-contained all-in-one solutions for mastering complex challenges (e.g. MBT, RDF, fermentation) can be created by combining products from our own portfolio with (potentially necessary) proven components from reputable manufacturers.

Treatment of solid waste Waste treatment technologies from Komptech are based on the globally varied development steps of waste treatment.

Composting In the case of separate collection of bio-waste streams, these can be converted into stabile, plant-friendly humus substances using composting technologies. The aim of machine technology from Komptech is the production of a qualitatively high product within a rotting period that is as effective and as short as possible, and at the same time generates low levels of emission.

Processing technology for fermentation Fermentation is the most sensible economical and ecological treatment method for a range of organic waste. The focus for Komptech is on the processing technology for these fractions. The dilutor process for waste with a high organic and contrary content, and the press process for wet biomass and combination of wet fermentation and composting, represent two different processes.

Volume reduction Volume reduction is often the first stage in well-regulated waste treatment. The reasons for this treatment step are savings in landfill volumes, transportation cost reductions and the necessity for shredding prior to subsequent recycling steps.

Treatment of solid waste Waste splitting For separation of fractions for material recycling or energy recovery out of the waste stream, a shredding process for homogenisation is necessary as the first stage in the treatment process. The subsequent screening stage separates out the material according to particle size (also according to physical properties in combination with ballistic sifting).

Mechanical biological waste treatment Applicable legislation determines whether waste volumes landfilled without pre-treatment are reduced or whether their landfilling is banned completely. This requirement necessitates intensive treatment with comprehensive mechanical and biological process steps. Komptech is concentrating on the process steps necessary for mechanical treatment, such as shredding and screening as well as complete processing lines. Biological treatment includes organic decomposition with closed composting in an intensive rotting process and a post-rotting stage for stabilisation. Conformance to landfill criteria is guaranteed through the separating of fractions rich in calorific value using screening and wind sifting technology.

Production of refuse derived fuels Recyclables can be separated out from commercial, production and bulky municipal waste, as well as from screen fractions from previous treatment stages, and fractions rich in calorific value can be processed further into defined refuse derived fuels. For this task, Komptech has a complex processing line that ensures the generation of quality-assured fuels irrespective of material composition. Depending on their calorific value, these are used in industrial fluidised bed firing plants, in cement works and in in-house RDF power stations.

Treatment of biomass The use of replenishable raw materials is the order of the day. The various guises of wood play an important role here – from wood trunks to waste wood. Along with the material recycling of woody biomass, it is energy recovery that is increasingly coming to the fore as a renewable energy source. Treatment of waste wood Treated waste wood is an important recycling product that, when shredded and freed of metal, is used in chipboard production (for example). Use of untreated waste wood as fuel in suitably adapted power plants is also an option. Treatment of untreated biomass Komptech’s expertise lies in the treatment of woody biomass and in the shredding and subsequent conversion to burnable fuel for energy recovery. Besides the production of quality wood chippings from wood trunks and fuel wood, other input materials suitable for the generation of fuel are also used. These can be forest wood residue, such as root stocks and branches, driftwood or green waste from gardening/landscaping.

Best Products – Best Service As a company operating on the international stage, Komptech is undertaking everything to satisfy customer requirements in regards to service. A high-level service and replacement parts network is guaranteed world-wide in conjunction with our partners.

First-class customer service Customers can place their trust in the experience of service technicians working at Komptech and our partners. Komptech has a service information system available across the globe and has established the Komptech academy for partners to ensure the technical knowledge of all service engineers is kept up-to-date at all times. In addition, product specialists are available in a supporting role in every competence centre. This enables the customer service team at Komptech to be a professional partner across the globe.

Optimal replacement part service As with new machines, highest quality is a matter of course for original replacement parts from Komptech. The emphasis of development work at Komptech is placed on high levels of reliability and accuracy of fit as well as continual enhancement/optimisation with the aim of benefiting the customer. Continual optimisation of worldwide replacement part logistics guarantees best possible availability.

Komptech Academy Continuous product innovation also requires accompanying training for the sales team, service technicians and replacement part specialists – both within the company and at partners across the world. A training program of the highest standard has been developed at the “Komptech academy for partners“. State-of-the-art media and specially qualified trainers ensure all employees at Komptech and at our partners are kept up-to-date in regards to technology.


KOMPTECH Anlagenbau GmbH A-1020 Wien Wehlistraße 150/ Top II [t] +43 1 219 91 31 - 0 [f] +43 1 219 91 31 - 10

Technology for a better

KOMPTECH GmbH A-8130 Frohnleiten, Kühau 37 environment [t] +43 3126 505 - 0 [f] +43 3126 505 - 505

Komptech GmbH Kühau 37KOMPTECH Vertriebsgesellschaft Deutschland mbH A-8130 Frohnleiten D-59302 [t] +43 3126 505 - 0Oelde, Herrenstraße 7 [t] 505 +49 2522 93 45 - 0 [f] +43 3126 - 505 [f] +49 2522 831 841 [e]

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