Fax Registration
Registration for the Enterprise 2.0 SUMMIT on March 20 and 21, 2013 in Paris
Date Enterprise 2.0 SUMMIT March 20, 2013 9.00 am - 6.30 pm March 20, 2013 from 8.30 pm March 21, 2013 8.50 am - 4.30 pm
1st Conference Day Enterprise 2.0 Meetup @ Soleilles Cowork 2nd Conference Day
Venue Le Cercle National des Armées 8, place Saint Augustin 75008 PARIS Telephone: +33-1-44902626 www.cnaparis.com
Included Services • Admission to the conference on March 20 and 21, 2013 • Access to the online download area including conference documentation • Drinks, lunch & coffee breaks
ZIP code, city, country
Conference Fee
1. Conference Participant
Booking Options
Early Bird until Jan 31,13
Regular until Mar 15, 13
Late Booking from Mar 16, 13
Conference Pass
EUR 1.290,-
EUR 1.490,-
EUR 1.790,-
Conference Pass, March 20 and 21, 2013 Consultant Pass, March 20 and 21, 2013 Vendor Pass, March 20 and 21, 2013
Enterprise 2.0 SUMMIT
Additional participants from the same company receive a 15% discount.
Firstname name
Vendor Pass EUR 2.590,EUR 2.690,EUR 2.790,As „vendors“ we define software solution providers in the field of Enterprise 2.0 and Social Business. Please note our sponsoring options instead.
Telephone number
Prices are exclusive of VAT. Value-added tax will be charged when legally applicable according to European law. When you provide your company's VAT-ID number coming from the EU (except Germany) VAT will not be added. Reverse charge will apply.
Email address 2. Conference Participant (15% price reduction) Conference Pass, March 20 and 21, 2013 Consultant Pass, March 20 and 21, 2013 Vendor Pass, March 20 and 21, 2013
Cancellation or Change of Attendee A cancellation of up to 30 days before the date of the event is free of charge. For a cancellation between 29 to 14 days before the event, a cancellation fee of 50% of the ticket price will apply. For cancellations of less than 14 days, a cancellation fee of the full ticket price will apply. For a cancellation a written notice is required by fax, email or mail to Kongress Media GmbH. A cancellation will be confirmed in writing by Kongress Media. Either a written confirmation by Kongress Media or other prove of delivery of the cancellation is mandatory. A change of the attendee can be made any time after booking and is free of charge.
Telephone number
Email address
The following billing address
VAT identification number Please provide the VAT-ID number of your company if you come from a company based within the EU. The VAT will not be added to the invoice if we receive your VAT-ID number. The reverse charge will be applied according to European Tax Laws.
Registration Confirmation You will receive a confirmation of your registration within 24 hours via email. Registration at the conference venue is possible 30 minutes before the start of the congress. Contact Kongress Media GmbH Tegernseer Landstr. 29 D-81541 Munich GERMANY Telephone: +49-89-20001463 Fax: +49-89-20001464 Email: cp@kongressmedia.de
www.e20summit.com Signature
For further information and online registration please visit Date
European Conference about Enabling and Developing the Social Enterprise (R)Evolution Topics
Data Protection Policy I am aware that my data are being stored, processed and used according to the rules of the German Federal Data Protection Act ( Bundesdatenschutzgesetzes – BDSG). All data will be stored according to legal principles. My personal data will not be made available to third parties. External service support to the event organizer that needs to process the data in order to fulfill the service on behalf of Kongress Media GmbH and co-organizers, are also required to abide to the legal principles. They are not considered third parties in this context. If you do have any questions or concerns regarding the use of your data please contact datasecurity@kongressmedia.de or call us at +49-89-2000-1462.
Firstname name
Billing information Please send the invoice to The address mentioned above
Paris, March 20 – 21, 2013 Le Cercle National des Armées
Consultant Pass EUR 690,EUR 890,EUR 1.090,As „consultants“ we define freelancers and staff members of consulting companies with 20 employees or less.
• Adoption Lifecycle Management • Digital Workplace Integration • Human Capital Management 2.0 • New Management & Organizational Principles • Social Performance Measurement & Analytics • Social Process Framework
Best Practices • • • • • • • • •
Amadeus IT Group BASF Continental Deutsche Bank Électricité de France (EDF) Seixal Municipality Simply Market Sonae Wells Fargo Bank
• Insights on E2.0 Project Management & Practice Excellence • Interactive Workshops on the Future Management & Organization Model
Dave Gray Dachis Group USA Jon Husband Work Design Associates Canada
Prof. Zwi Segal Motiva Israel
Euan Semple euansemple.com UK Platinum Sponsors
Conference Partners
Enterprise 2.0 SUMMIT Paris, March 20 – 21, 2013
First Conference Day: March 20, 2013
Who should attend? • • • • •
Social Business Manager Enterprise 2.0 Manager Internal Communications Knowledge Manager Intranet Manager
• • • • •
Operations Manager HR Manager Information Manager Business Developer Collaboration Manager
Registration & Welcome Coffee
Opening & Welcome Note
Keynote Session: Enabling the Social Enterprise (R)Evolution
10:40 11:10
Track 2: Social Practice Excellence
Track 3: New Management Excellence
Social Business Assessment
Social Skillset Management
Establishing a Learning Organization
Social Knowledge Organization
Management 2.0 Hackathon 1: Future Leadership
Social Workplace Ethics
Design Thinking for Social Business
Social Customer Integration
Management 2.0 Hackathon 2: Future Organization
Featured Speakers Wells Fargo Bank
Coffee Break Track 1: E2.0 Project Management Excellence
Électricité de France (EDF) NextModernity
Dachis Group
Dachis Group
Work Design Associates
Lunch Break E2.0 Adoption Practices
14:30 14:40
Session Break E2.0 Project Governance & Analytics
15:30 16:00
Coffee Break E2.0 Maturity Strategies
16:50 17:00 Kelli CarlsonJagersma, USA
Richard Collin France
Carine De Usatorre France
Bertrand Duperrin France
Dave Gray USA
Dion Hinchcliffe USA
Jon Husband Canada
Amadeus IT Group
Deutsche Bank
Seixal Municipality
Session Break Keynote Session: Organizational Challenge of the Social Enterprise (R)Evolution
Keynote Discussion: How are HR Executives evaluating the Social Enterprise (R)Evolution?
Enterprise 2.0 Meetup @ Soleilles Cowork Program details and session speakers can be found online.
Second Conference Day: March 21, 2013
Elodie Kolasniewski France
Cordelia KrooĂź Germany
Jane McConnell France
Jamil Ouaj Germany
Sonae Industria
CĂ©lia Pestana Portugal
Harald Schirmer Germany
Prof. Zwi Segal Israel
Ludovic Dubost, xWiki, France Llois Font, Zyncro, Spain Efrat Fridman, Amdocs, Israel Myriam Gorlier, Simply Market, France JoĂŁo GĂĽnther Amaral, Sonae, Portugal BĂ©atrice Javary, Simply Market, France Dr. Hans JĂĽrgen Sturm, Amadeus IT Group, Germany Euan Semple UK
Rawn Shah USA
Ana Silva Portugal
Luis Suarez Spain
Welcome Coffee
Keynote Session: From Big Data to the Adaptive Enterprise
10:20 10:50
Coffee Break Track 2: Social Practice Excellence
Social Process & Collaboration Design
Social Engagement Facilitation
Management 2.0 Hackathon 3: Human Capital 2.0
Digital Workplace Integration
Social Business Transformation Management
11:40 11:50
Track 3: New Management Excellence
Track 1: E2.0 Project Management Excellence Session Break Social Business Performance
Lunch Break
Result Discussion: Hackathon & Demo, Design, Game Play Corner
Keynote Discussion: Is the Future Technology Infrastructure a Hybrid One?
Conference Results & Closing Note
Closing & Get Together
Program details and session speakers can be found online.
A Conference to Make a Difference
Hands-On Corners
Management 2.0 Hackathon
Practice-based Discussion
Keynote-Session on Organizational Challenge
Keynote-Session on Technology Challenge
• Holistic conference approach with insights from project and expert experiences as well as a strong interactive conference format. • Keynotes with new impetus on HR & organizational development as well as technological trends for social business projects. • Practice-based discussion of excellence factors for Enterprise 2.0 project panagement, social business practices and the design of the social enterprise.
Three interactive areas to collaboratively design, sketch and test the „Social Enterprise (R)Evolution”: • Defining a E2.0 project roadmap: Visual documentation of key learning from the E2.0 project management track. • Sketching the social ecosystem: Lego Serious Game to collaboratively build the social ecosystem. • Testing the digital workplace: scenario-based solution demos to determine a technological framework.
The „Management 2.0 Hackathon” consists of three different workshops with the objective to discuss and define the management principles in a social business environment • Workshop 1: Future Leadership • Workshop 2: Future Organization • Workshop 3: Future Human Capital 2.0 Management
Each session on the E2.0 project management track and the social business practices track is based on short introductional case studies for the specific topics.
Insights on challenges & strategies on how to integrate HR & OD into the social business project in order to enable and sustain the „Social Enterprise (R)Evolution”. Keynotes from • Prof. Zwi Segal, Motiva • Dave Gray, Dachis Group • Euan Semple, euansemple.com • Jon Husband, Work Design Associates Discussion panel with HR Executives (among others) • Yves Grandmontagne, Microsoft France • Efrat Fridman, Amdocs
Insights, challenges & strategies on how to design the future social business infrastructure.
Including practices from • BASF • Wells Fargo Bank • Amadeus IT Group • Simply Market
Media Partners
Follow us
Academic Partners
Community Partners
Keynote from • Dion Hinchcliffe, Dachis Group Discussion panel with technology evangelist (among others) • Llouis Font, Zyncro
Program is subject to change.
www.e20summit.com Conference blog: enterprise20blog.com
www.xing.com/net/ enterprise20
www.twitter.com/ enterprise20, #e20s
www.facebook.com/ e20summit
group: Enterprise 2.0 SUMMIT
Enterprise 2.0 SUMMIT Paris, March 20 – 21, 2013
First Conference Day: March 20, 2013
Who should attend? • • • • •
Social Business Manager Enterprise 2.0 Manager Internal Communications Knowledge Manager Intranet Manager
• • • • •
Operations Manager HR Manager Information Manager Business Developer Collaboration Manager
Registration & Welcome Coffee
Opening & Welcome Note
Keynote Session: Enabling the Social Enterprise (R)Evolution
10:40 11:10
Track 2: Social Practice Excellence
Track 3: New Management Excellence
Social Business Assessment
Social Skillset Management
Establishing a Learning Organization
Social Knowledge Organization
Management 2.0 Hackathon 1: Future Leadership
Social Workplace Ethics
Design Thinking for Social Business
Social Customer Integration
Management 2.0 Hackathon 2: Future Organization
Featured Speakers Wells Fargo Bank
Coffee Break Track 1: E2.0 Project Management Excellence
Électricité de France (EDF) NextModernity
Dachis Group
Dachis Group
Work Design Associates
Lunch Break E2.0 Adoption Practices
14:30 14:40
Session Break E2.0 Project Governance & Analytics
15:30 16:00
Coffee Break E2.0 Maturity Strategies
16:50 17:00 Kelli CarlsonJagersma, USA
Richard Collin France
Carine De Usatorre France
Bertrand Duperrin France
Dave Gray USA
Dion Hinchcliffe USA
Jon Husband Canada
Amadeus IT Group
Deutsche Bank
Seixal Municipality
Session Break Keynote Session: Organizational Challenge of the Social Enterprise (R)Evolution
Keynote Discussion: How are HR Executives evaluating the Social Enterprise (R)Evolution?
Enterprise 2.0 Meetup @ Soleilles Cowork Program details and session speakers can be found online.
Second Conference Day: March 21, 2013
Elodie Kolasniewski France
Cordelia KrooĂź Germany
Jane McConnell France
Jamil Ouaj Germany
Sonae Industria
CĂ©lia Pestana Portugal
Harald Schirmer Germany
Prof. Zwi Segal Israel
Ludovic Dubost, xWiki, France Llois Font, Zyncro, Spain Efrat Fridman, Amdocs, Israel Myriam Gorlier, Simply Market, France JoĂŁo GĂĽnther Amaral, Sonae, Portugal BĂ©atrice Javary, Simply Market, France Dr. Hans JĂĽrgen Sturm, Amadeus IT Group, Germany Euan Semple UK
Rawn Shah USA
Ana Silva Portugal
Luis Suarez Spain
Welcome Coffee
Keynote Session: From Big Data to the Adaptive Enterprise
10:20 10:50
Coffee Break Track 2: Social Practice Excellence
Social Process & Collaboration Design
Social Engagement Facilitation
Management 2.0 Hackathon 3: Human Capital 2.0
Digital Workplace Integration
Social Business Transformation Management
11:40 11:50
Track 3: New Management Excellence
Track 1: E2.0 Project Management Excellence Session Break Social Business Performance
Lunch Break
Result Discussion: Hackathon & Demo, Design, Game Play Corner
Keynote Discussion: Is the Future Technology Infrastructure a Hybrid One?
Conference Results & Closing Note
Closing & Get Together
Program details and session speakers can be found online.
A Conference to Make a Difference
Hands-On Corners
Management 2.0 Hackathon
Practice-based Discussion
Keynote-Session on Organizational Challenge
Keynote-Session on Technology Challenge
• Holistic conference approach with insights from project and expert experiences as well as a strong interactive conference format. • Keynotes with new impetus on HR & organizational development as well as technological trends for social business projects. • Practice-based discussion of excellence factors for Enterprise 2.0 project panagement, social business practices and the design of the social enterprise.
Three interactive areas to collaboratively design, sketch and test the „Social Enterprise (R)Evolution”: • Defining a E2.0 project roadmap: Visual documentation of key learning from the E2.0 project management track. • Sketching the social ecosystem: Lego Serious Game to collaboratively build the social ecosystem. • Testing the digital workplace: scenario-based solution demos to determine a technological framework.
The „Management 2.0 Hackathon” consists of three different workshops with the objective to discuss and define the management principles in a social business environment • Workshop 1: Future Leadership • Workshop 2: Future Organization • Workshop 3: Future Human Capital 2.0 Management
Each session on the E2.0 project management track and the social business practices track is based on short introductional case studies for the specific topics.
Insights on challenges & strategies on how to integrate HR & OD into the social business project in order to enable and sustain the „Social Enterprise (R)Evolution”. Keynotes from • Prof. Zwi Segal, Motiva • Dave Gray, Dachis Group • Euan Semple, euansemple.com • Jon Husband, Work Design Associates Discussion panel with HR Executives (among others) • Yves Grandmontagne, Microsoft France • Efrat Fridman, Amdocs
Insights, challenges & strategies on how to design the future social business infrastructure.
Including practices from • BASF • Wells Fargo Bank • Amadeus IT Group • Simply Market
Media Partners
Follow us
Academic Partners
Community Partners
Keynote from • Dion Hinchcliffe, Dachis Group Discussion panel with technology evangelist (among others) • Llouis Font, Zyncro
Program is subject to change.
www.e20summit.com Conference blog: enterprise20blog.com
www.xing.com/net/ enterprise20
www.twitter.com/ enterprise20, #e20s
www.facebook.com/ e20summit
group: Enterprise 2.0 SUMMIT
Fax Registration
Registration for the Enterprise 2.0 SUMMIT on March 20 and 21, 2013 in Paris
Date Enterprise 2.0 SUMMIT March 20, 2013 9.00 am - 6.30 pm March 20, 2013 from 8.30 pm March 21, 2013 8.50 am - 4.30 pm
1st Conference Day Enterprise 2.0 Meetup @ Soleilles Cowork 2nd Conference Day
Venue Le Cercle National des Armées 8, place Saint Augustin 75008 PARIS Telephone: +33-1-44902626 www.cnaparis.com
Included Services • Admission to the conference on March 20 and 21, 2013 • Access to the online download area including conference documentation • Drinks, lunch & coffee breaks
ZIP code, city, country
Conference Fee
1. Conference Participant
Booking Options
Early Bird until Jan 31,13
Regular until Mar 15, 13
Late Booking from Mar 16, 13
Conference Pass
EUR 1.290,-
EUR 1.490,-
EUR 1.790,-
Conference Pass, March 20 and 21, 2013 Consultant Pass, March 20 and 21, 2013 Vendor Pass, March 20 and 21, 2013
Enterprise 2.0 SUMMIT
Additional participants from the same company receive a 15% discount.
Firstname name
Vendor Pass EUR 2.590,EUR 2.690,EUR 2.790,As „vendors“ we define software solution providers in the field of Enterprise 2.0 and Social Business. Please note our sponsoring options instead.
Telephone number
Prices are exclusive of VAT. Value-added tax will be charged when legally applicable according to European law. When you provide your company's VAT-ID number coming from the EU (except Germany) VAT will not be added. Reverse charge will apply.
Email address 2. Conference Participant (15% price reduction) Conference Pass, March 20 and 21, 2013 Consultant Pass, March 20 and 21, 2013 Vendor Pass, March 20 and 21, 2013
Cancellation or Change of Attendee A cancellation of up to 30 days before the date of the event is free of charge. For a cancellation between 29 to 14 days before the event, a cancellation fee of 50% of the ticket price will apply. For cancellations of less than 14 days, a cancellation fee of the full ticket price will apply. For a cancellation a written notice is required by fax, email or mail to Kongress Media GmbH. A cancellation will be confirmed in writing by Kongress Media. Either a written confirmation by Kongress Media or other prove of delivery of the cancellation is mandatory. A change of the attendee can be made any time after booking and is free of charge.
Telephone number
Email address
The following billing address
VAT identification number Please provide the VAT-ID number of your company if you come from a company based within the EU. The VAT will not be added to the invoice if we receive your VAT-ID number. The reverse charge will be applied according to European Tax Laws.
Registration Confirmation You will receive a confirmation of your registration within 24 hours via email. Registration at the conference venue is possible 30 minutes before the start of the congress. Contact Kongress Media GmbH Tegernseer Landstr. 29 D-81541 Munich GERMANY Telephone: +49-89-20001463 Fax: +49-89-20001464 Email: cp@kongressmedia.de
www.e20summit.com Signature
For further information and online registration please visit Date
European Conference about Enabling and Developing the Social Enterprise (R)Evolution Topics
Data Protection Policy I am aware that my data are being stored, processed and used according to the rules of the German Federal Data Protection Act ( Bundesdatenschutzgesetzes – BDSG). All data will be stored according to legal principles. My personal data will not be made available to third parties. External service support to the event organizer that needs to process the data in order to fulfill the service on behalf of Kongress Media GmbH and co-organizers, are also required to abide to the legal principles. They are not considered third parties in this context. If you do have any questions or concerns regarding the use of your data please contact datasecurity@kongressmedia.de or call us at +49-89-2000-1462.
Firstname name
Billing information Please send the invoice to The address mentioned above
Paris, March 20 – 21, 2013 Le Cercle National des Armées
Consultant Pass EUR 690,EUR 890,EUR 1.090,As „consultants“ we define freelancers and staff members of consulting companies with 20 employees or less.
• Adoption Lifecycle Management • Digital Workplace Integration • Human Capital Management 2.0 • New Management & Organizational Principles • Social Performance Measurement & Analytics • Social Process Framework
Best Practices • • • • • • • • •
Amadeus IT Group BASF Continental Deutsche Bank Électricité de France (EDF) Seixal Municipality Simply Market Sonae Wells Fargo Bank
• Insights on E2.0 Project Management & Practice Excellence • Interactive Workshops on the Future Management & Organization Model
Dave Gray Dachis Group USA Jon Husband Work Design Associates Canada
Prof. Zwi Segal Motiva Israel
Euan Semple euansemple.com UK Platinum Sponsors
Conference Partners