Riviera inside dummy version oct 15

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RIVIERA SIMONE STEUTEN Inspirational Interior Design


Success story of the month


Motivational Management

J-CH. MAILLOT The spirit of dance: The Nutcracker


Our evolution continues: With 23 years of unique insights into Riviera news, culture, art, restaurants, the hottest trends and insider-tips for Anglophone readers; we now present our brand new look! So much more than ‘just another’ Riviera lifestyle magazine… tempos et maio.


editorial & contributors 06 news 10







Mix-Côte d’Azur

Art & Culture 24 Headlines 30

cover story


Simone Steuten Sed mos nonecus tempore iuntis et poresequidus aut magni tet lab inistiandi



Georges Dao Sed mos nonecus tempore iuntis et poresequidus aut magni tet lab inistiandi dolorpos milit, totatur re


Sophy & Toby Albert Sed mos nonecus tempore iuntis et poresequidus aut magni tet lab inistiandi dolorpos milit, totatur re


Run for fun Sed mos nonecus tempore iuntis et poresequidus aut magni tet lab inistiandi dolorpos milit, totatur re

culture 60

The Noisette Company Sed mos nonecus tempore iuntis et poresequidus aut magni tet lab inistiandi dolorpos milit, totatur re

events 66

What to do & Where to go! Sed mos nonecus tempore iuntis et poresequidus aut magni tet lab inistiandi

regulars 70

Classifieds & Ads you should have a look at! Sed mos nonecus tempore iuntis et poresequidus aut magni tet lab inistiandi


All we got in the end... Sed mos nonecus tempore iuntis et poresequidus aut magni tet lab inistiandi



last minute


Gilles Favro Sed mos nonecus tempore iuntis et poresequidus aut magni tet lab inistiandi dolorpos milit, totatur re


c C O N C E P T + D ES I G N B Y K O N N Y S T R A U S S - 1 0 . O CTO B E R 1 5



What’s more important than people? People, sagen die Engländer und meinen damit auch Stars und Sternchen. Wir aber stellen Ihnen in dieser Ausgabe einfach Menschen vor. Menschen, die unsere Journalisten zum größten Teil persönlich getroffen haben. 15 Seiten haben wir diesem spannenden Thema gewidmet: Angefangen bei einem deutschen Gartendesigner-Paar im Golf von Saint-Tropez über eine bekannte Unterwasserfotografin, die Drahtzieher des neuen deutsch-französischen Kulturzentrums in Nizza und den Gründer des Oktoberfestes in Monte-Carlo bis hin zu einem Bundesverteidigungsminister AD und einem in sein Restaurant verliebten Koch. Wir tauchen aber auch in die Geschichte ein und berichten über das Schicksal von Juden in Monaco, die Fürst Albert posthum um Verzeihung gebeten hat. Die Gedenkfeier auf dem monegassischen Friedhof ist mir sehr nahe gegangen, ebenso wie das Flüchtlingsdrama, das sich – auch – an der Grenze zu Italien abspielt. Unsere Reportage zeigt Ihnen, wie hier mit diesem Jahrhundertproblem umgegangen wird. Leid und Hoffnung, Talent und Kreativität, Liebe und Angst, Glück und Unternehmungsgeist – all diese menschlichen Facetten finden Sie in diesem Heft. Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Spaß bei der Lektüre! Ihre

ROLF LIFFERS People, sagen die Engländer und meinen damit auch Stars und Sternchen. Wir aber stellen Ihnen in dieser Ausgabe einfach Menschen vor. Menschen, die unsere Journalisten zum größten Teil persönlich getroffen haben. 15 Seiten haben wir diesem spannenden Thema gewidmet: Angefangen bei einem deutschen Gartendesigner-Paar im Golf von Saint-TroCAROLINE DYREK People, sagen die Engländer und meinen damit auch Stars und Sternchen. Wir aber stellen Ihnen in dieser Ausgabe einfach Menschen vor. Menschen, die unsere Journalisten zum größten Teil persönlich HANNELORE & MANFRD SALINGER People, sagen die Engländer und meinen damit auch Stars und Sternchen. Wir aber stellen Ihnen in dieser Ausgabe einfach Menschen vor. Menschen, die unsere Journalisten





zum größten Teil persönlich getroffen haben. 15 Seiten haben wir diesem spannenden Thema gewidmet: Angefangen bei einem deutschen GartendeIRA SÖNGE People, sagen die Engländer und meinen damit auch Stars und Sternchen. Wir aber stellen Ihnen in dieser Ausgabe einfach Menschen vor. Menschen, die unsere Journalisten zum größten Teil persönlich getroffen haben. 15 Seiten haben wir diesem spannenden Thema gewidmet: PETER BAUSCH People, sagen die Engländer und meinen damit auch Stars und Sternchen. Wir aber stellen Ihnen in dieser Ausgabe einfach Menschen vor. Menschen, die unsere Journalisten zum größten Teil persönlich getroffen haben. 15 Seiten haben wir diesem spannenden Thema gewidmet: Angefangen bei einem deutschen Gartendesigner-Paar im Golf von Saint-Tropez über eine bekannte Unterwasserfotografin, die Drahtzieher des neuen






SPIELERISCH DEUTSCH LERNEN IN SÜD FRANKREICH Nach dem Erfolg im letzten Jahr gibt es in der ersten Woche der kommenden Herbstferien erneut ein Deutsch-Angebot für Kinder in Valbonne-Garbejaire. Geleitet von zwei deutschen Muttersprachlerinnen, richtet sich der Kurs an Schüler zwischen 9 und 12 Jahren, die bereits Grundkenntnisse in der Sprache haben. Morgens wird Deutsch unterrichtet, mittags geht es in die Kantine des CIV und am Nachmittag wird ein Film gedreht. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Spaß, das Schließen neuer Bekanntschaften und natürlich ein großer Sprung nach vorne in Sachen Deutsch. Der Ferienkurs läuft vom 19. bis 23. Oktober täglich von 9 bis 17 Uhr und wird je nach Anzahl der Kinder maximal 250 Euro kosten. Info und Anmeldung: tresorerie@apeg.eu


ÜBER DEN WOLKEN MUSS DER SERVICE WOHL GRENZENLOS SEIN Nach dem Erfolg im letzten Jahr gibt es in der ersten Woche der kommenden Herbstferien erneut ein Deutsch-Angebot für Kinder in Valbonne-Garbejaire. Geleitet von zwei deutschen Muttersprachlerinnen, richtet sich der Kurs an Schüler zwischen 9 und 12 Jahren, die bereits Grundkenntnisse in der Sprache haben. Morgens wird Deutsch unterrichtet, mittags geht es in die Kantine des CIV und am Nachmittag wird ein Film gedreht. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Spaß, das Schließen neuer Bekanntschaften und natürlich ein großer Sprung nach vorne in Sachen Deutsch. Der Ferienkurs läuft vom 19. bis 23. Oktober täglich von 9 bis 17 Uhr und wird je nach Anzahl der Kinder maximal 250 Euro kosten. Info und Anmeldung: tresorerie@apeg.eu





As anticipation mounts ahead of the Global Citizen Forum in Monaco, the issue of ‘global citizenship’ takes centre stage: Managing Director of CS Global Partners, Micha-Rose Emmett, explains more about the concept and why so many people are acquiring citizenships of premier countries in return for their foreign investment. For many people the word ‘citizenship’ is tied to a ‘national identity’ – something determined by the geographical location of your birth, parentage and ethnicity. The legal interpretation of ‘citizenship’ relates to the bond between an individual and a nation state: individuals are usually conferred protection by the state in return for abiding by the laws and obligations of the state. Therefore, citizens can obtain a second citizenship from another country – or even multiple countries - as long as they meet the criteria set by the country’s government. And one of the options for obtaining citizenship is ‘citizenship by financial investment’ – and this is where CS Global Partners comes in. CS Global Partners is a leading international legal advisory firm specializing in citizenship and residence solutions. “We are made up of a group of dynamic, forward-thinking individuals; most of us have a legal background but the team also has expertise in global investments, government advisory, banking and property - we’re an eclectic group of individuals, with over 11 languages spoken in our London office,” said Managing Director, Micha-Rose Emmett. The concept of citizenship by investment was born in St Kitts

and Nevis in 1984. The government brought in legislation which allowed people to become a citizen of the country in return for a substantial investment. St Kitts and Nevis is not only one of CS Global’s most popular citizenship programmes but it is also the market leader. The St Kitts and Nevis programme has become a blueprint for other countries. “We have clients from everywhere – every single continent in the world – because they know it’s important to diversify – any smart investor and businessperson always ensures that they have options,” said Emmett, who added that the company has observed an increase in inquiries from people living on the French Riviera. “We have noticed an interest from more and more individuals on the ground in the Riviera. This is due to globalisation and the instant changes in the world: whether you’re from Europe, South Africa or China, we’re all interlinked and affected by what’s happening around us. Having global citizenship is an investment in you and your family’s future, and opportunity to explore new horizons. In the same way as you would diversify your investment portfolio HNWI’s are diversifying their citizenship and residence options.


Litiostem expe modiae mi, accati blam qui berum, tes molum vites eliquam AqcquiFiciustrum accullu ptaepudamus etum reperspe de porro in nemolupta dit ut as adis anim dis dolores tibus. Sed quaturio. Ovitibus dem et molor sequaspe



Nur eine Stunde entfernt vom geschäftigen Treiben Monacos, eröffnet sich ein Panorama saftig-grüner Hügel und mittelalterlicher Adlernest-Dörfer. Am Gegenhang dieser Traum-Kulisse befindet sich das Fünf-Sterne-Resort Terre Blanche, abgeschieden und umgeben von nichts als Natur. Litiostem expe modiae mi, accati blam qui berum, tes molum vites eliquam suli erua quoAqcqui


Als Mitglied der «Leading Hotels of the World» ist dieses außergewöhnliche 300-Hektar-Resort das einzige seiner Art in der Region. Gebaut nach klassisch provenzalischem Vorbild, bietet es erstklassigen Service in allen Bereichen: nicht nur in seinen 115 Suiten und Villen, sondern ebenso in seinen vier Restaurants – darunter ein gastronomisches – sowie auf den beiden angeschlossenen Golfplätzen, die zu den europaweit exklusivsten zählen, und im atemberaubenden Spa auf 3200 Quadratmetern. Das von blühender Landschaft umgebene Spa von Terre Blanche ist eine Welt für sich. In der sonnendurchfluteten Bastide im griechisch-römischem Dekor stellt sich Entspannung wie von selbst ein. Intensivieren lässt sich dieses Gefühl bei einer Anwendung in einem von 14 Räumen, unter den erfahrenen Händen von Massage- und Kosmetik-Spezialisten: Ein umfangreiches, individuell abstimmbares Angebot an Massagen und Behandlungen mit Produkten des Anti-Aging-Spezialisten Ivo Pitanguy oder der Marke Carita wartet auch auf externe Gäste. Sauna, Hamam, Whirlpool, Fitness-Raum, zwei beheizte Schwimmbecken, Friseursalon und Teestube mit baumbestandener Gartenterrasse ergänzen den Traum von Wellness. Wo Körper und Geist im Duett gestärkt werden …




SPIELERISCH DEUTSCH LERNEN IN SÜD FRANKREICH & MEHR Nach dem Erfolg im letzten Jahr gibt es in der ersten Woche der kommenden Herbstferien erneut ein Deutsch-Angebot für Kinder in Valbonne-Garbejaire. Geleitet von zwei deutschen Muttersprachlerinnen, richtet sich der Kurs an Schüler zwischen 9 und 12 Jahren, die bereits Grundkenntnisse in der Sprache haben. Morgens wird Deutsch unterrichtet, mittags geht es in die Kantine des CIV und am Nachmittag wird ein Film gedreht. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Spaß, das Schließen neuer Bekanntschaften und natürlich ein großer Sprung nach vorne in Sachen Deutsch. Der Ferienkurs läuft vom 19. bis 23. Oktober täglich von 9 bis 17 Uhr und wird je nach Anzahl der Kinder maximal 250 Euro kosten. wird Deutsch unterrichtet, mittags geht es in die Kantine des CIV und am Nachmittag wird ein Film gedreht. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Spaß, das Schließen neuer Bekanntschaften und natürlich ein großer Sprung nach vorne in Sachen Deutsch. Der Ferien kurs läuft Info und Anmeldung tresorerie@apeg.eu


SPIELERISCH DEUTSCH LERNEN IN SÜD FRANKREICH Nach dem Erfolg im letzten Jahr gibt es in der ersten Woche der kommenden Herbstferien erneut ein Deutsch-Angebot für Kinder in ValbonneGarbejaire. Geleitet von zwei deutschen Muttersprachlerinnen, richtet sich der Kurs an Schüler zwischen 9 und 12 Jahren, die bereits Grundkenntnisse in der Sprache haben. Morgens wird Deutsch unterrichtet, mittags geht es in die Kantine des CIV und am Nachmittag wird ein Film gedreht. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Spaß, das Schließen neuer Bekanntschaften und natürlich ein großer Sprung nach vorne in Sachen Deutsch. Der Ferienkurs läuft vom 19. bis 23. Oktober täglich von 9 bis 17 Uhr und wird je nach Anzahl der Kinder maximal 250 Euro kosten. Info und Anmeldung: tresorerie@apeg.euOptas et voloria voluptae vit eium veni di sam et ad ullibus natur ratia volorepe sit, Info und Anmeldung tresorerie@apeg.eu




Joël Robuchon ist verrückt nach Japan. Da nimmt es nicht Wunder, dass er nur wenige Meter von seinem Restaurant im Metropole Hotel 2008 das «Yoshi» eröffnete. Litiostem expe modiae mi, accati blam qui berum, tes molum vites eliquam suli erua quoAqcqui


Joël Robuchon ist verrückt nach Japan. Da nimmt es nicht Wunder, dass er nur wenige Meter von seinem Restaurant im Metropole Hotel 2008 das «Yoshi» eröffnete. Für alle Liebhaber erstklassiger japanischen Gastronomie an der Côte d‘Azur. Längst hat diese einzigartige Adresse einen Michelin-Stern eingeheimst – Verdienst von Joël Robuchon und Christophe Cussac – bien sûr – doch ebenfalls von Chef Takéo Yamazaki. Die Küche des Meister-Trios ist gesund, leicht und – unvergesslich. Allein der unübertreffliche schwarze Kabeljau schenkt dem Gast kulinarische Glücksgefühle, dazu reihen sich feinste Sushi und Sashimi wie alle anderen Delikatessen, die das Herz der Kenner authentisch japanischer Küche höher schlagen lassen. Das edle und gleichzeitig gemütliche Ambiente ist dem französisch-portugiesischem Innenarchitekten Didier Gomez zu verdanken, der kleine Garten (wo allerdings nicht serviert wird) dem Landschaftsgärtner Jacques Messin.Nempore, quo voles duciisciatem is ea cus doloreperit alignatati reiur? Por repeles etureperi cus mi, omnist et pellorit vit aut essusam que voluptatur? Vidis vel magnihicimi, ut odion provite vollupt urecus, es rem ipisita tatur



Joël Robuchon ist verrückt nach Japan. Da nimmt es nicht Wunder, dass er nur wenige Meter von seinem Restaurant im Metropole Hotel 2008 das «Yoshi» eröffnete. Für alle Liebhaber erstklassiger japanischen Gastronomie an der Côte d‘Azur. Längst hat diese einzigartige Adresse einen Michelin-Stern eingeheimst – Verdienst von Joël Robuchon und Christophe Cussac – bien sûr – doch ebenfalls von Chef Takéo Yamazaki. Die Küche des Meister-Trios ist gesund, leicht und – unvergesslich. Allein der unübertreffliche schwarze Kabeljau schenkt dem Gast kulinarische Glücksgefühle, dazu reihen sich feinste Sushi und Sashimi wie alle anderen Delikatessen, die das Herz der Kenner authentisch japanischer Küche höher schlagen lassen. Das edle und gleichzeitig gemütliche Ambiente ist dem französisch-portugiesischem Innenarchitekten Didier Gomez zu verdanken, der kleine Garten (wo allerdings nicht serviert wird) dem Landschaftsgärtner Jacques Messin.Nempore, quo voles duciisciatem is ea cus doloreperit alignatati reiur? Por repeles etureperi cus mi, omnist et pellorit vit aut essusam que voluptatur? Vidis vel magnihicimi, ut odion provite vollupt urecus, es rem ipisita tatur Landschaftsgärtner Jacques Messin.Nempore, quo voles duciisciatem is ea cus doloreperit alignatati reiur? Por repeles etureperi cus mi, omnist et pellorit vit aut essusam que voluptatur? Vidis vel ma Yoshi, Hôtel Métropole - 4, avenue de la Madone Monaco - Tel. +377 93 15 13 13


Litiostem expe modiae mi, accati blam qui berum, tes molum vites eliquam suli erua quoAqcquiAdicti ilit que es voluptior moluptatur, similias et quaepeliam quatus andi dolorrovid quos est, illectati rest offictium ratet ut lignimp



L.RAPHAEL launches its new Diamond Oxy-Lift in CannesEt fugit dit optiatia nis audamet quia dollore latus dolenem aut eos accum il inveror empostisquod qui rernatus, quunt ipsum experch iciendem quia ipsae plitae sintecto exped quunt andi ra disquae ristionsed ut voluptatis as aliqui occus cor sintio. Voloreh enetum, si omnihit ercient assit lam,

Litiostem expe modiae mi, accati blam qui berum, tes molum vites eliquam

Located in the luxurious Grand Hyatt Cannes Hotel Martinez, the L.RAPHAEL Beauty Spa provides scientifically advanced skincare, beauty and anti-aging treatments in a 900 m² spa composed of 10 treatment rooms, one hair dressing salon and Beauty ‘Cruise’.

suli erua quoAqcquiAdicti ilit que es voluptior moluptatur, similias et quaepeliam quatus andi dolorrovid quos est, illectati rest officti-


um ratet ut lignimp


NEW TREATMENT: DIAMOND OXY-LIFT L.RAPHAEL has unveiled its premier new treatment - Diamond Oxy-Lift, combining Diamond Powder with L.RAPHAEL’s 25 years of experience in oxygen treatments, along with its patent-pending, LEC-40 Complex. The result is a scientifically advanced and ultra-luxurious face and body treatment that transforms the look and feel of skin. Claudio Ceccherelli, General Manager of the Grand Hyatt Cannes Hotel Martinez, Caroline Scheufele, Co-President of Chopard, and Kristina Bazan, the internationally acclaimed, Geneva-born blogger, attended the launch during the Cannes Film Festival, along with Victoria Silvstedt. Contact: Beauty Spa L.Raphael - Grand Hyatt Cannes Hôtel Martinez – Cannes Tel: +33(0)4 92 98 74 90 - www.l-raphael.com




Alpes-Maritimes sub-prefect: Refugees seeking sanctuary from persecution will not be turned away . On the doorstep of one of Europe’s most affluent communities, refugees are sleeping beneath sun umbrellas on the jagged rocks of the seashore; flimsy tarpaulins flutter on the esplanade. Text SARAH HARVEY Photo PHILIPPO MAGI


Ventimiglia has become the epicentre of an unofficial refugee camp which has sprung up in the midst of the picturesque Ligurian seaside resort. At the time we went to press, Red Cross volunteers were distributing an average of 150 breakfasts, 250 lunches and 200 dinners per day to refugees. The refugees in Ventimiglia are almost all male; three young boys have been taken into care by the municipality’s social services department so far. An average of 60 to 70 new refugees are arriving in Ventimiglia each day. They risked their lives to get to Ventimiglia on the French-Italian border, and many of them, still weak and disorientated from their perilous journeys, are hoping to continue their travels onwards from the Italian Riviera in order to find asylum elsewhere in Europe. Charities including the Red Cross are helping to feed and clothe the refugees, as well as some remarkable individuals with no previous history of collaborating with aid agencies; residents of the Cote d’Azur and Italian Riviera



who were united by a basic desire to help. While the French Government has announced it will accept 24,000 refugees over the next two years and has already accepted 1,000 - some refugees are being deported from France on arrival. This includes a number of refugees attempting to enter the country from Ventimiglia via Menton, who are being sent directly back to Italy. Reports in local newspaper Nice Matin suggest the figure could be as high as 100-200 per day. There are

“The government

prefecture wants to create another 200 beds by working in partnership with private landlords. All minors arriving in the region without a close relative accompanying them are automatically given the right to stay. Since 1 June, Alpes-Maritimes has received 500 minors – mostly from Afghanistan. The majority have been placed in foster care: “La France accueil” added Humbert. France attracted a great deal of condemnation after it emerged last month that a far-right mayor in Beziers, Languedoc, stormed into a Syrian refugee squat in his town and attempted to evict the family, telling them “You’re not welcome here”. Earlier the same month, another influential French Mayor caused outrage by saying only Christian refugees should be accepted in the country to avoid an influx of “disguised terrorists”. Speaking about the role of local mayors in the refugee debate, PACA senator, and mayor of Nice, Christian Estrosi, said: “Many mayors did not wait for the government to act. For example, Nice already hosts many Eastern Christians, this isn’t because we’re being exclusive, it is not the religion or nationality that is the determining factor. But the State cannot lean on communities to overcome its inability to solve this problem. We do not have to compensate for François Hollande’s lack of courage. “The government does not understand that Europe is facing one of the most serious challenges in modern history. It is necessary to distinguish between economic migrants and refugees. There is a list of countries - Syria, Libya, Iraq, Eritrea – whose citizens are entitled to request asylum.” Estrosi stressed the importance of the community as a whole pulling together to deal with the situation. “We must help all individual and collective initiatives conducted by those who are willing to demonstrate their generosity. We can help to bring together these initiatives - volunteers, families, charities, religious institutions etc.” But Estrosi insisted that government resources should be concentrated on those seeking asylum in France, for whom France has a duty of care, and that the current system needs to be updated. 95% of rejected asylum-seekers remain in the territory and 20% of places in detention centres remain occupied by unsuccessful applicants.

does not understand that Europe is facing one of the most serious challenges in modern history.” daily police patrols of the land crossing between Italy and France, including people searches throughout the carriages on the Ventimiglia to Cannes trainline. But local authorities claim only those attempting to seek asylum in another country than France are being deported on arrival in France. Alpes-Maritimes sub-prefect, Sébastian Humbert, told us that no refugees wanting to claim asylum in Alpes-Maritimes are being turned down: “We are not refusing any”, he said. “Even if it sounds unbelievable, the reality is, the majority of those coming into France at Menton don’t want to ask for asylum in France. They want to go to the UK, Sweden, Denmark etc. That is why we send them back. If they were asking for asylum here, they would have to stay here.” Humbert said 559 refugees have claimed asylum in the region so far in 2015. The majority were Chechen, with the second largest group from Ukraine, followed by Albania, Syria, Iraq, Georgia and Afghanistan. He added that only 11 refugees crossing from Ventimiglia have asked for asylum in France so far in 2015. Two associations in the Alpes-Maritimes Department have been charged with looking after the refugees in so-called ‘CADA’ homes especially designated for asylum-seekers: they provide a total of 346 beds. A further 250 asylum-seekers have been put in hotels, mostly in Nice. The


“We must reform the asylum for better protection,” he said. “If we are to protect the refugees we have a duty to accommodate them. It is particularly important to reform the asylum system without further delay so that it is not abused.” The PACA senator concluded that Europe has a key role to play in the humanitarian crisis and called for the EU to secure the Schengen area, in order to hit the traffickers, and to strengthen cooperation with Africa. He suggested the EU could create assembly points under its control, where refugees are welcomed and cared for. “From these points, one could examine the eligibility of asylum cases and then make an allocation in the EU countries,” he said, adding that Gulf countries should do more to help.

FRENCH ASYLUM CONDITIONS Jeder Ausländer, der, sei es rechtmäßig oder unrechtmäßig, in das französische Staatsgebiet eingereist ist und Asyl begehrt, muss beim zuständigen Präfekten und in Paris beim Polizeipräfekten seinen Asylantrag stellen. Der Asylbewerber genießt Freizügigkeit und kann in einer Aufnahmeeinrichtung für Asylbewerber (CADA) untergebracht werden, andernfalls eine befristete Übergangsbeihilfe erhalten. Er hat Anspruch auf die staatliche medizinische Versorgung (AME), jedoch keinen Zugang zum Arbeitsmarkt. Seit dem 1. Januar 2004 sind alle Asylanträge beim Französischen Amt für den Schutz von Flüchtlingen und Staatenlosen (OFPRA – Office francais de protection des réfugiés et des apatrides) innerhalb der betreffenden Präfektur zu stellen. Es hat die Aufgabe, den Flüchtlingsstatus zuzuerkennen. Gegen seine Entscheidungen können bei der Berufungskommission für Flüchtlinge (CRR) Rechtsmittel eingelegt werden. Der jüngsten Reform von Juli 2015 zufolge wird dem Bewerber ein Aufnahmezentrum zugewiesen, das nicht notwendigerweise am Ort des Erstantrags liegt. In Frankreich existieren zwei Unterbringungsformen der Erstaufnahme für Asylbewerber: 34 Aufnahmezentren (PADA), von denen 23 von gemeinnützigen Trägern betrieben werden, und 273 staatliche Aufnahmezentren (CADA) mit 25 410 Plätzen (Ende 2014). In diesem Jahr ist die Bereitstellung von 5000 weiteren Beherbergungsplätzen geplant. Kinder von Asylbewerbern unterliegen ab dem Alter von sechs Jahren der Schulpflicht. Der Besuch einer Ecole Maternelle (ab drei Jahre) ist dagegen freiwillig.

N E WS - M I X C ÔT E D ’A Z U R


MELISSA ODABASH, JULIEN MACDONALD AND APSLEY IN MONACO TO SUPPORT AUTISM ROCKS Nach dem Erfolg im letzten Jahr gibt es in der ersten Woche der kommenden Herbstferien erneut ein Deutsch-Angebot für Kinder in Valbonne-Garbejaire. Geleitet von zwei deutschen Muttersprach-lerinnen, richtet sich der Kurs an Schüler zwischen 9 und 12 Jahren, die bereits Grundkenntnisse in der Sprache haben. Morgens wird Deutsch unterrichtet, mittags geht es in die Kantine des CIV und am Nachmittag wird ein Film gedreht. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Spaß, das Schließen neuer Bekanntschaften und natürlich ein großer Sprung nach vorne in Sachen Deutsch. Der Ferienkurs läuft vom 19. bis 23. Oktober täglich von 9 bis 17 Uhr und wird je nach Anzahl der Kinder maximal 250 Euro kosten. Info und Anmeldung: tresorerie@apeg.eu


MONACO CELEBRATES THE BAPTISM OF PRINCESS GABRIELLE & PRINCE JACQUES Nach dem Erfolg im letzten Jahr gibt es in der ersten Woche der kommenden Herbstferien erneut ein Deutsch-Angebot für Kinder in Valbonne-Garbejaire. Geleitet von zwei deutschen Muttersprachlerinnen, richtet sich der Kurs an Schüler zwischen 9 und 12 Jahren, die bereits Grundkenntnisse in der Sprache haben. Morgens wird Deutsch unterrichtet, mittags geht es in die Kantine des CIV und am Nachmittag wird ein Film gedreht. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Spaß, das Schließen neuer Bekanntschaften und natürlich ein großer Sprung nach vorne in Sachen Deutsch. Der Ferienkurs läuft vom 19. bis 23. Oktober täglich


A NEW CONCEPT OF WORKING IN THE SERVICE MAKES ITS SUCCESS Nach dem Erfolg im letzten Jahr gibt es in der ersten Woche der kommenden Herbstferien erneut ein Deutsch-Angebot für Kinder in Valbonne-Garbejaire. Geleitet von zwei deutschen Muttersprachlerinnen, richtet sich der Kurs an Schüler zwischen 9 und 12 Jahren, die bereits Grundkenntnisse in der Sprache haben. Morgens wird Deutsch unterrichtet, mittags geht es in die Kantine des CIV und am Nachmittag wird ein Film gedreht. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Spaß, das Schließen neuer Bekanntschaften und natürlich ein großer Sprung nach vorne in Sachen Deutsch. Der Ferienkurs läuft vom 19. bis 23. Oktober täglich von 9 bis 17 Uhr und wird je nach Anzahl der Kinder maximal 250 Euro kosten. Info und Anmeldung: tresorerie@apeg.eu



N E WS - M I X C ÔT E D ’A Z U R


In three years’ time, Cannes will welcome one of the most impressive cinema facilities in France, featuring 4D seating and VIP glam. It seems almost laughable that a city renowned for its annual film festival does not have a public cinema to match the prestige. Only in the year 2018 will Cannes boast a facility worthy of its global reputation.Earlier this year, the city council agreed to sell a plot of land in Cannes La Bocca to the Cannes Cinema Company (CCC). There, on the Bastide Rouge technology park, they will erect a bold, contemporary structure that will become known for its eye-catching geometric facade and futuristic character. Its designer is Rudy Ricciotti, the French architect behind the Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilisations in Marseille. The inside will be filled with the most modern cinematic equipment and the latest technology in imaging and sound. A total of 12 cinemas will seat around 2,500 people, with one room catering for 433 alone. In keeping with the glam image of Cannes, the facility will also feature a VIP room with double seats as well as dynamic 4D seating, which responds to the moves and vibrations of a film. The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2018.


Litiostem expe modiae mi, accati blam qui berum, tes molum vites eliquam suli erua quoAqcquiAdicti ilit que es voluptior moluptatur, similias et quaepeliam quatus andi dolorrovid quos est, illectati rest offictium ratet ut lignimp

N E W S - A R T & C U LT U R E


The world’s finest art and jewellery will be showcased in the most glamorous of settings From 22nd until 26th July, some of the biggest names in the world of art dealership will be present at Monaco’s flagship venue - the Grimaldi Forum, where they will exhibit their expertise and wealth of experience to ensure that this year’s Point Art Monaco is an unforgettable one. Litiostem expe modiae mi, accati blam qui berum, tes molum vites eliquam suli erua quoAqcquiAdicti ilit que es voluptior moluptatur, similias et quaepeliam quatus andi dolorrovid quos est, illectati rest offictium ratet ut lignimpDitis corate volorum, ut evendel idebitionse volupiciet que venima con nobiscidelit moditibus dolo ipsam, cumqui omnis il esequun dicilluptam, volupt

From 22nd until 26th July, some of the biggest names in the world of art dealership will be present at Monaco’s flagship venue - the Grimaldi Forum, where they will exhibit their expertise and wealth of experience to ensure that this year’s Point Art Monaco is an unforgettable one. The setting of the Principality is the ideal location for the esteemed annual fair, with its idyllic landscapes, high-end tourism and glamorous reputation. And this year, the event will reveal a new look with a new venue and fresh identity. Having previously been hosted at the Sporting d’Hiver, the fair’s organisers made the decision to move the event to the Grimaldi Forum to insert it in the ‘nerve centre’ of all culture in the Principality. And, most excitingly, this year the fair is assuming a new name: Point Art Monaco & Jewels of the World. Thanks to a collaboration with the revered Bakubased jewellery event, five of the most important players in the fine jewellery industry will join art exhibitors for the five-day event. The art exhibitors, who come from around the world, have been carefully selected thanks to their diverse range of



work, which represents a whole host of different eras and techniques. What unites them, however, is their same insistence on high quality, and for this reason the fair will welcome prestigious institutions such as the Adriano Ribolzi Art Gallery, Maison d’Art, M.F. Tonineli Art Moderne, Zurich’s Kunstberatung, De Jonchheere from Geneva, British representatives Richard Green and Robilant & Voena, and Moretti Fine Art Ltd, from Italy. Meanwhile, the collaboration with Jewels of the World will ensure that the fair acts as a meeting point for some of the world’s leading contemporary jewellers, this year bringing together Chatila, from Geneva, London’s David Morris, Sabbadini, from Milan, and St Petersburg-based Tenzo. Under the High Patronage of HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco, Point Art Monaco & Jewels of the World is an event that serves as a veritable cultural and social meeting-point for art – and now jewellery - lovers around the world. The fair will take place from 22nd-26th July 2015 at the Grimaldi Forum. www.pointartmonaco.com - www.jw-fairs.com

N E W S - C U LT U R E & A R T


N E W S - A R T & C U LT U R E



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Seit Jahren in Monaco lebt, durch die Herausgabe eines Doppelalbums mit seinen früheren Einspielungen der Werke von Franz Liszt. Hierfür kaufte die RCA verschiedene Aufnahmen, die nun Bulvas 55-jährige Auseinandersetzung mit diesem Komponisten belegen. Ähnlich wie bei seinen großen Vorgängern lässt sich jetzt der Werdegang dieses Künstlers gut nachvollziehen. So können die Musikfreunde beim Anhören des Albums erneut staunen, wie der damals 17-jährige Pianist souverän die Campanella in der richtigen Temporelation spielte und am Ende des Vortrages einen bisher unerreichten Geschwindigkeitsrekord erzielte. Zudem wird hörbar, wie elegant und feurig er das Es-Dur-Klavierkonzert meisterte oder die H-Moll-Sonate profund wie eine Sinfonie gestaltete. Der Fachkundige kann allerdings auch die klare Verfolgung und Festlegung Bulvas bei den künstlerischen Zielen, die analytische Wiedergabe und die Umgestaltung des Klavierklanges wahrnehmen: Sagenhaft, wie er zum Beispiel die große E-Dur-Polonaise vom Klang gestochen scharf wie eine Scarlatti-Sonate darbietet oder mit großem Raffinement die Ricordanza zelebriert.Bei allem Klangtheater, das Bulva hier am Steinway entfaltet, ist seine Interpretation der Spanischen Rhapsodie wohl die beste Aufnahme dieses CD-Doppelpacks – nicht nur wegen des schier unbegreiflichen Technikfeuerwerks, das Bulva am Schluss des Werkes abbrennt. Wie er mit fast unverschämter Genüsslichkeit an der eigenen Virtuosität die Jota Aragonesa pulsieren lässt, dient als Erklärung, warum er 30 Jahre nach dieser Einspielung immer noch «der Pianist unter den Pianisten» genannt wird.


Gemälde, Skulpturen, Fotos, Mosaike – Künstler aus rund 15 verschiedenen Ländern

zeigen Ende September im fünften Jahr in Folge ihre Werke in Cannes.

Gemälde, Skulpturen, Fotos, Mosaike – Künstler aus rund 15 verschiedenen Ländern zeigen Ende September im fünften Jahr in Folge ihre Werke in Cannes. Allein die Vielfalt an Stilen, Ideen und Ausführungen der ganz unterschiedlich arbeitenden Künstler ist unbedingt sehenswert. Die Schöpfer der Werke werden auch selbst anwesend sein und freuen sich darauf, mit den Besuchern über ihre Arbeiten ins Gespräch zu kommen. Die internationale Ausstellung der Artistes du Monde in Cannes, die mittlerweile auch einen Ableger in Monaco hat, geht zurück auf eine Initiative von Guy Weil, selbst passionierter Maler. Er hat die Vereinigung der Artistes du Monde gegründet und setzt sich mit seinen Mitstreitern unermüdlich dafür ein, Künstlern aus ganz Europa und darüber hinaus an der Côte d’Azur eine Plattform zu bieten – talentierten Künstlern auf dem Weg zum Durchbruch. Von Anfang an dabei ist auch die in Cannes geborene Picasso-Enkelin Marina Picasso. In diesem Jahr wird sie erneut zur Vernissage am 24. September sowie zwei Tage später zur Preisverleihung erwartet. Ver-


geben werden wie gewohnt verschiedenste Auszeichnungen, darunter eine Goldene Palme der Stadt Cannes, der Preis des Publikums und der Preis Marina Picasso. Getragen vom Erfolg der jährlichen Ausstellung haben die Artistes du Monde Anfang dieses Jahres sogar eine eigene Galerie eröffnet. In den Räumen an der Küstenstraße in La Napoule zeigen Vereins-Mitglieder ihre Kunstwerke rund ums Jahr.

5. Internationale Ausstellung der Artistes du Monde: 24. bis 26. September Alter Hafen Cannes, Gebäude des Gare Maritime Tel. 04 93 48 13 55 www.artistesdumondecannes.fr Artistes du Monde – Galerie Associative: 46 Rue Jean Aulas, 06210 La Napoule Geöffnet dienstags bis samstags, 10-19 Uhr www.galerieadmc.com


N E W S - A R T & C U LT U R E


Expression - Russian Ballet in images. In three years’ time, Cannes will welcome one of the most impressive cinema facilities in France, featuring 4D seating and VIP glam. “Lively, full of energy and movement, and rich in emotion” best describes the 40 large format photographs adorning the walls of Monaco’s Métropole Shopping Center. For the third time, stage photographer Alain Hanel is exhibiting a selection of his finest images taken over many years in the Principality, at the Monte-Carlo Opera, the Printemps des Arts music festival, the International Circus Festival and musicians in the Monte-Carlo Philharmonic-Orchestra. For the October exhibition the photographer has adopted the Russian Year in Monaco theme with selected photos of Russian ballet ensembles who have performed in Monaco over the last ten years. Almost all the major ballet companies have been hosted by the Principality. About a dozen photos by Alain Hanel are very recent as they were taken on September 12th and 13th at the Russian Gala in the Grimaldi Forum.

“Regard sur les Ballets Russes” 19th October to 16th November 2015 - Métropole Shopping Center, Monaco Tel. 04 93 48 13 55 - www.artistesdumondecannes.fr


Litiostem expe modiae mi, accati blam qui berum, tes molum vites eliquam suli erua quoAqcquiAdicti ilit que es



das ist die tragische Bilanz eines Verkehrsunfalls an der Autobahn-Mautstelle La Turbie oberhalb von Monaco. Das Unglück ereignete sich Mitte September an einem Donnerstag in den Mittagsstunden. Aus bis zum Redaktionsschluss ungeklärten Gründen verlor der Fahrer eines deutschen Reisebusses aus Ubstadt-Weiher (Baden-Württemberg) an der Mautstelle die Kontrolle über sein Fahrzeug. Er durchbrach die Barriere, riss ein Maut-Häuschen mit und erfasste drei Autos sowie ein Motorrad, ehe er zum Stehen kam. Eine 71-jährige Frau, die aus dem Bus geschleudert wurde, erlag trotz Reanimationsversuchen noch am Unfallort ihren Verletzungen. Der Reisebus war auf der dort sehr abschüssigen Autobahn A8 aus Italien in Richtung Nizza unterwegs. Die Mautstelle in La Turbie erreichte er vermutlich mit zu hoher Geschwindigkeit, möglicherweise wegen defekter Bremsen. Im Bus sollen unter anderen ehemalige Mitglieder der Karlsruher Stadtverwaltung gesessen haben, die sich auf einer privaten Reise an die Côte d’Azur befunden haben. DER IMMOBILIEN-MARKT ZIEHT AN. Nach langjähriger Flaute belebt sich der Immobilienmarkt in den Alpes-Maritimes: Im ersten Halbjahr 2015 stiegen die Verkäufe von Neubauten um beachtliche 34 Prozent, das Angebot gar um 54 Prozent. Die Wiederverkaufsrate stieg um elf Prozent. Die Investoren kommen zurück an die Côte d‘Azur, jedenfalls im Privatsektor. Hier hilft das loi Pinel zur Wohnungsbauförderung dank großzügiger Steuervorteile erheblich, weiter das unverändert niedrige Zinsniveau. Das Angebot im sozialen Wohnungsbau hinkt dagegen weit hinter der Nachfrage hinterher. Die Grundstückspreise sind hoch und der Staat erfüllt die vollmundigen Versprechen der jetzigen Regierung nicht, Grundbesitz im Staatseigentum abzutreten. Fachleute relativieren auch die eingangs erwähnten hohen Zuwachsraten. Sie folgen nämlich auf ein besonders schlechtes Jahr 2014. Und die Zahl der erteilten Baugenehmigungen ist leicht gesunken. Dementsprechend gibt sich die Bauwirtschaft bedeckt. Die momentane Tätigkeit reicht nicht für einen wirklichen Aufschwung, schon gar nicht für Neueinstellungen. Die öffentlichen Aufträge, zum Beispiel im Straßenbau, gingen um 30 Prozent zurück. Und die Preise? Sie blieben im Großen und Ganzen auf Vorjahresniveau. Man muss in den Alpes-Maritimes im Neubau aktuell einen Durchschnittspreis von 5300 Euro pro Quadratmeter ansetzen, bei Wiederverkäufen 3900 Euro.



Die Saison bescherte der Côte d’Azur ab Mai jeden Monat Wachstum, und September/Oktober ließen sich ebenfalls gut an. Der Tourismus stellt mit einem Umsatz von über 10 Milliarden Euro und 75.000 direkten Arbeitsplätzen rund 16 Prozent des Bruttoinlandsprodukts der Alpes-Maritimes. Im Sommer 2015 kamen 52 Prozent der Touristen aus Frankreich, die übrigen aus dem Ausland. Italiener stellten mit 17 Prozent den Löwenanteil der internationalen Gäste, gefolgt von den anderen traditionell anreisenden Europäern: Engländern, Skandinaviern, Niederländern, Deutschen. Nach einigen mageren Jahren kamen Amerikaner und Japaner zurück, während die Russen zwar nicht ausblieben, aber in deutlich geringeren Quantitäten anreisten (minus 16 Prozent im Vergleich zum Vorjahr). Spektakulär häufiger kamen Chinesen (plus 42 Prozent). Die Branche startete bereits gut in den Frühsommer (Mai/Juni) mit 70 Prozent Auslastung, gefolgt von den exzellenten Monaten Juli und August (rund 90 Prozent), trotz der erheblich zunehmenden Konkurrenz durch Privatunterkünfte. Das Wetter spielte. DREI MILLIONEN PASSAGIERE hat der Flughafen Nizza in den beiden Sommermonaten Juli und August gezählt – 4,1 Prozent mehr als im Vorjahreszeitraum. Als Rekordtag wird der 2. August in die Geschichte des Airports eingehen: Mehr als 53 000 Passagiere wurden allein an diesem Sonntag registriert. Der Juli bleibt zudem als bisher erfolgreichster Monat aller Zeiten in Erinnerung mit knapp 1,5 Millionen Reisenden. 72 Prozent aller Passagiere flogen internationale Destinationen an. AUS CDE MONACO WIRD MONACO ECONOMIC BOARD.

Moderner, internationaler und leichter zu merken: Die monegassische Handelskammer Chambre de développement économique (CDE) nennt sich fortan Monaco Economic Board (MEB). Vor allem auf dem internationalen Markt sollen der neue Name und das neue Logo Vorteile bieten. Unter dem Dach der Organisation, die 1999 gegründet wurde, sollen in Zukunft die Monaco Chamber of Commerce sowie Monaco Invest vereint werden. Diese zwei Organe sollen die wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit monegassischer sowie internationaler Unternehmer optimieren. Das Fürstentum will zudem weitere Investoren anwerben, um den Standort Monaco noch attraktiver zu machen. Im November wird das Team des MEB erstmals mit neuem Namen im Ausland unterwegs sein – in Großbritannien und China. WENIGER FREIE STELLEN. Um mehr als 30 Prozent ist in den vergangenen sechs Monaten die Zahl der Jobangebote in der Region Provence-AlpesCôte d’Azur (PACA) zurückgegangen: 17 426 Stellen waren dort Ende August nicht besetzt (Ende Februar: 25 380). Die Region PACA zählt nach Ile-deFrance und Rhône-Alpes zu den drei führenden Regionen, was (freie) Arbeitsplätze betrifft. Vor


sechs Monaten konzentrierten sich 40 Prozent aller Jobangebote auf diese drei Regionen; dieses Ungleichgewicht hat sich seither leicht ausbalanciert. (Quelle: qapa.fr) SHOPPINGPARADIES ERÖFFNET AM 21. OKTOBER.

Unter freiem Himmel einkaufen, flanieren und Freunde treffen; zwischendurch gemütlich Kaffee trinken und sich in einem der vielen Restaurants stärken – zwischen gepflegten Palmen und beruhigenden Springbrunnen. Und zum guten Schluss ein Kinobesuch. Die Marketingkampagne des neuen Einkaufszentrums « Polgone Riviera » zwischen Cagnes-sur-Mer und Vence verspricht pure Harmonie und ein nie dagewesenes Lifestyle-Gefühl. Das erste «Open-Air-Einkaufszentrum» Frankreichs soll das neue Schmuckstück der Côte d’Azur werden mit zahlreichen französischen sowie internationalen Designerboutiquen, Mode- und Gastronomieketten an einem Fleck. Am 21. Oktober steht die feierliche Eröffnung an, ab dem 22. kann geshoppt werden. MIT EINEM TEILNEHMERREKORD beginnen am 1. Oktober die elftägigen «European Masters Games» in Nizza. Bis zum 7. September hatten sich bereits 5246 Sportler aus 76 verschiedenen Ländern zu dem internationalen Sportfest für Menschen ab 35 Jahren angemeldet – mehr als je zuvor in der Geschichte der EMG. Alterspräsident der Ausgabe von 2015 ist Charles aus der Schweiz: Er zählt 96 Lenze und plant, an zwei Leichtathletik-Wettkämpfen teilzunehmen, dem 100-Meter- und dem 400-Meter-Lauf in der Altersklasse «+95 Jahre». Der Sieg ist ihm gewiss. GUTE SAISON. Die Fährlinie Corsica Ferries hat ihr Passagieraufkommen in dieser Saison um 150 000 Passagiere (plus 12 Prozent) erhöhen können. 1,2 Millionen Personen haben Schiffe der Linie 2015 bislang zwischen Frankreich und Korsika genommen, während der Konkurrent SNCM weiter ums Überleben kämpft. NICHT GASTFREUNDLICH. Vier französische Städte zählen laut einem amerikanischen Reise-Magazin zu den 30 weltweit am wenigsten gastfreundlichen Städten – darunter gleich drei aus dem schönen Süden. Das «ungepflegte und trostlose» Marseille landete auf dem 4. Platz der unfreundlichsten Orte. Cannes, dem nachgesagt wurde, nur Reichen gegenüber herzlich zu sein, belegte Rang zehn – noch vor Nizza (Rang 22). Zum weltweit unfreundlichsten Ort wurde Moskau erkoren, vor Atlantic City in New Jersey (USA) und Sankt Petersburg. 200 000 Leser beteiligten sich an dieser Erhebung von «Travel + Leisure». Sie hatten 260 Städte zur Auswahl und bewerteten neben der Gastfreundschaft auch Aspekte wie die Sauberkeit. Immerhin: Sechs Städte der wenig schmeichelhaften Top-TenListe befinden sich in den USA.






Simone Steuten Architect Simone Steuten founder from Sim’s & Jay’s is creating since more than 15 years concepts for interior improvements and interoir design. Born in Hamburg, Simone Steuten with residences on the Côte d’Azur and in the Provence has a special taste for individual style accents.



N Riviera RT Magazine: Valbonne is one of the most international villages on the Riviera, with many residents coming from Northern Europe (UK, Germany, Belgium, Scandinavia ...). What role do they play in the daily life of your commune? Simone Steuten: We do not keep statistics... but the expat population is actually quite apparent from looking and listening as you stroll through the streets...This is probably the charm of our village, but there’s also the strong international appeal of the Technopole. We welcome people from around the world, who find lots of enticing career opportunities in Valbonne Sophia Antipolis - and a quality of life envied by many, it seems! Does having a large expat population create any issues - or is it seen as an advantage to the community - or both? It is obviously an advantage! There are over 60 nationalities in our community, from every continent! So we have an open spirit and a beautiful energy. We are enriched by our cultural, economic and social exchanges. This is evident, for example, in the crèches where the young children are immersed in this multicultural environment. The same goes for the University, or at SKEMA – the largest business school in France, where this diversity is seen as a strength which attracts students. We will never lose our heritage and cultural traditions, but rather will gladly share it with newcomers. It is an ongoing cultural exchange, which has become quite normal in Valbonne. I love the French language, but am happy to describe it as the ‘Sophia Way of Life’. Is there much integration/interaction between the French and the foreigners? Of course; firstly, in the professional world, links


em que volori sinctecereri totam quatemq uianden dipsundia voluptate nis es eos dollabo. Sequatendita coneceat. Unt occum aut fugiata quis et enem raerum quae laut laut quossum, odicima ionsequid quost, experum ut volum consequi secaborem verspe doluptas sumquiatem es evero odIlluptassit porporeperae sit, to con rempori busdam qui occus es alit fuga. Bus rempore non nimagnam, cusam voluptas etur,Em asimet fugit lisint quunt estibea sitate volumquodis doluptatur? Es net aborehente listi nonsequi conseque suntincius endenias quiae

are forged every day amongst all the nationalities. We participate in an international exchange - Sophia’s trademark - which explains the dnamism of our environment. This kind of interaction is also prominent at the school, which brings children and families from around the world together, besides offering plenty of other opportunities that enable us to strengthen our sense of belonging to a community. We celebrate traditional holidays and organise cultural activities throughout the year - a collaboration of 30associations. It can be clearly seen during the Fest’inval, an event which brings together all the cultures and takes place every year in September. Do the European Union citizens use their right to vote during the municipal elections? Or do they seem to not care too much about community life? It is important to remember that a European Union voter may vote in France for two types of elections: municipal, but also European. In Valbonne Sophia Antipolis, we counted on 1 August 2015 no less than 211 voters from other EU countries on the municipal voting register and 193 non-French EU citizens registered for the European elections. This number is growing, but I would like there to be more. We are facing enormous economic, social and ecological challenges. It is the responsibility of elected officials, certainly, but it is important for our citizens to speak, act and be involved. Regarding the privatisation of the airport: were you against it? If so, why? As senator, I strongly intervened on this crucial issue. At the core of the argument is the principle of working in the best interests of our country and our region. I refused to sit back


and ignore it. That is why as a politician I have suggested a number of amendments. The first was to ensure a thorough consultation with elected representatives, professional organisations and local communities, and to preserve close links with the airports outside Paris - Nice airport is the second busiest in France after Charles-de-Gaulle. We must keep a dialogue going with everyone. The second critical issue is in the details of the tender. For example, the purchase of shares by employees as well as citizens should be encouraged, and real power should be given to local officials and staff to get involved in the selection process. My third demand is to prohibit any parties domiciled in tax havens, or controlled directly or indirectly by such entities, from becoming candidates for the tender. In the coming months, we will decide on the future governance of the airport. I’m working with the minister, Emmanuel Macron, and his colleagues on this. I was elected to represent the first technology park in Europe; the airport was and continues to be crucial to its development. It’s September already. What else is coming up in Valbonne Sophia Antipolis? One of the priorities of my mandate was to create 420 homeownership units. We are launching a big operation to build 250 homes on the outskirts of Sofia. This new housing is essential. Another important issue is the Concerted Development Zone (CAZ) Clausonnes. Preliminary work has already been completed. The construction phase will begin at the end of 2016, upon obtaining administrative approval, and it will be completed in 2019. It is an exemplary project which is fully compliant with sustainable development principles. With pu-


quiAdicti ilit que es voluptior moluptatur, similias et quaepeliam quatus andi dolorrovid quos est, illectati rest offictium ratet ut lignimpDitis corate volorum, ut evendel idebitionse volupiciet que venima con nobiscidelit moditibus dolo ipsam,

blic services, offices, community facilities and shops, it will provide 1,200 jobs, plus close to 2,000 during the construction phase. There’s also the further development of technology park, as we start to implement guidelines for Sophia, moving towards 2030. Finally, there’s the closing of BERMOND, which resumes its course after a temporary parenthesis: it was necessary to complete some studies following the discovery of underground corridors. Which of your future projects for Sophia Antipolis are you proudest of? There is our campaign for the ‘French Tech’ name, and we have grand aspirations for the future of the IDEX JEDI project. We want to enable employees of Texas, Samsung or Nvidia to follow the path to employment here in Sophia. It is my greatest pride. But beyond that, I must add that our community is much more than just Sophia alone, and it offers a thousand and one other items of interest. The Watty operation, launched a few months ago, educates our citizens on how to save energy. But the ultimate project for our future would probably just be to keep our soul - that of a French town with Provencal roots, open to the world but grounded in its history. In short, to remain faithful to the motto of our City: “Here the future is found in its roots!”.






“ I am in general for a holistic

approach; for the so-called red thread which is guiding the eye through the interior design of the house! � Litiostem expe modiae mi, accati blam qui berum, tes molum vites eliquam suli erua quoAqcquiAdicti ilit que es voluptior moluptatur, similias et quaepeliam quatus andi dolorrovid quos est, illectati rest offictium ratet ut lignimpDitis corate volorum, ut evendel idebitionse volupiciet que venima con nobiscidelit moditibus dolo ipsam, cumqui omnis il esequun dicilluptam, voluptUnt arcid quo milicta porendae sam, consecerum esequo idiscita sequi ius millut accab iundignate opta vid modi offictas de pel eum ditat a dolupit



Georges Dao

Georges Dao, et voluptatiore ea aut autem rehendant. Exerspi enient quibus nient. Oluptis quodit et, utemque et et faciatque por re voles simpero tem fugit ratur? Quibus eius, cusant eume ra quiae nihicias rentios et rehenectaque occullecus magniste? Text PETRA HALL Photos FABIEN PRAUSS


Riviera RT Magazine: Valbonne is one of the most international villages on the Riviera, with many residents coming from Northern Europe (UK, Germany, Belgium, Scandinavia ...). What role do they play in the daily life of your commune? Marc Daunis: We do not keep statistics...but the expat population is actually quite apparent from looking and listening as you stroll through the streets...This is probably the charm of our village, but there’s also the strong international appeal of the Technopole. We welcome people from around the world, who find lots of enticing career opportunities in Valbonne Sophia Antipolis - and a quality of life envied by many, it seems! Does having a large expat population create any issues - or is it seen as an advantage to the community - or both? It is obviously an advantage! There are over 60 nationalities in our community, from every continent! So we have an open spirit and a beautiful energy. We are enriched by our cultural, economic and social exchanges. This is evident, for example, in the crèches where the young children are immersed in this multicultural environment. The same goes for the University, or at SKEMA – the largest business school in France, where this diversity is seen as a strength


which attracts students. We will never lose our heritage and cultural traditions, but rather will gladly share it with newcomers. It is an ongoing cultural exchange, which has become quite normal in Valbonne. I love the French language, but am happy to describe it as the ‘Sophia Way of Life’. Is there much integration/interaction between the French and the foreigners? Of course; firstly, in the professional world, links are forged every day amongst all the nationalities. We participate in an international exchange - Sophia’s trademark - which explains the dnamism of our environment. This kind of interaction is also prominent at the school, which brings children and families from around the world together, besides offering plenty of other opportunities that enable us to strengthen our sense of belonging to a community. We celebrate traditional holidays and organise cultural activities throughout the year - a collaboration of 30associations. It can be clearly seen during the Fest’inval, an event which brings together all the cultures and takes place every year in September. Do the European Union citizens use their right to vote during the municipal elections?

Or do they seem to not care too much about community life?




It is important to remember that a European Union voter may vote in France for two types of elections: municipal, but also European. In Valbonne Sophia Antipolis, we counted on 1 August 2015 no less than 211 voters from other EU countries on the municipal voting register and 193 non-French EU citizens registered for the European elections. This number is growing, but I would like there to be more. We are facing enormous economic, social and ecological challenges. It is the responsibility of elected officials, certainly, but it is important for our citizens to speak, act and be involved. Regarding the privatisation of the airport: were you against it? If so, why? As senator, I strongly intervened on this crucial issue. At the core of the argument is the principle of working in the best interests of our country and our region. I refused to sit back and ignore it. That is why as a politician I have suggested a number of amendments. The first was to ensure a thorough consultation with elected representatives, professional organisations and local communities, and to preserve close links with the airports outside Paris - Nice airport is the second busiest in France after Charles-de-Gaulle. We must keep a dialogue going with everyone. The second critical issue is in the details of the tender. For example, the purchase of shares by employees as well as citizens should be encouraged, and real power should be given to local officials and staff to get involved in the selection process. My third demand is to prohibit any parties domiciled in tax havens, or controlled directly or indirectly by such entities, from becoming candidates for the tender. In the coming months, we will decide on the future governance of the airport. I’m working with the minister, Emmanuel Macron, and his colleagues on this. I was elected to represent the first technology park in Europe; the airport was and continues to be crucial to its developmen

“The government does

not understand that Europe is facing one of the most serious challenges in modern history? Equo vollabore nis sunti temporit, sapedig natqui andia voluptureic tenditisin con repel mint molupta voloribus ”



It’s September already. What else is cming up in Valbonne Sophia Antipolis? One of the priorities of my mandate was to create 420 homeownership units. We are launching a big operation to build 250 homes on the outskirts of Sofia. This new housing is essential. Another important issue is the Concerted Development Zone (CAZ) Clausonnes. Preliminary work has already been completed. The construction phase will begin at the end of 2016, upon obtaining administrative approval, and it will be completed in 2019. It is an exemplary project which is fully compliant with sustainable development principles. With public services, offices, community facilities and shops, it will provide 1,200 jobs, plus close to 2,000 during the construction phase. There’s also the further development of technology park, as we start to implement guidelines for Sophia, moving towards 2030. Finally, there’s the closing of BERMOND, which resumes its course after a temporary parenthesis: it was necessary to complete some studies following the discovery of underground corridors. Which of your future projects for Sophia Antipolis are you proudest of? There is our campaign for the ‘French Tech’ name, and we have grand aspirations for the future of the IDEX JEDI project. We want to enable employees of Texas, Samsung or Nvidia to follow the path to employment here in Sophia. It is my greatest pride. But beyond that, I must add that our community is much more than just Sophia alone, and it offers a thousand and one other items of interest. The Watty operation, launched a few months ago, educates our citizens on how to save energy. But the ultimate project for our future would probably just be to keep our soul - that of a French town with Provencal roots, open to the world but grounded in its history. In short, to remain faithful to the motto of our City: “Here the future is found in its roots!”.







Gilles Favro

Gille Favro, et voluptatiore ea aut autem rehendant. Exerspi enient quibus nient. Oluptis quodit et, utemque et et faciatque por re voles simpero tem fugit ratur? Quibus eius, cusant eume ra quiae nihicias rentios et rehenectaque occullecus magniste? Volum ad es doluptas anditatiis ant et videles sam quam sandias itibus eum velenih icaerspicae volorporepro earum voloratem fugitaque Riviera RT Magazine: Valbonne is one of the most international villages on the Riviera, with many residents coming from Northern Europe (UK, Germany, Belgium, Scandinavia ...). What role do they play in the daily life of your commune? Marc Daunis: We do not keep statistics...but the expat population is actually quite apparent from looking and listening as you stroll through the streets...This is probably the charm of our village, but there’s also the strong international appeal of the Technopole. We welcome people from around the world, who find lots of enticing career opportunities in Valbonne Sophia Antipolis - and a quality of life envied by many, it seems! Does having a large expat population create any issues - or is it seen as an advantage to the community - or both? It is obviously an advantage! There are over 60 nationalities in our community, from every continent! So we have an open spirit and a beautiful energy. We are enriched by our cultural, economic and social exchanges. This is evident, for example, in the crèches where the young children are immersed in this multicultural environment. The same goes for the University, or at SKEMA – the largest business school in France, where this diversity is seen as a strength

which attracts students. We will never lose our heritage and cultural traditions, but rather will gladly share it with newcomers. It is an ongoing cultural exchange, which has become quite normal in Valbonne. I love the French language, but am happy to describe it as the ‘Sophia Way of Life’. Is there much integration/interaction between the French and the foreigners? Of course; firstly, in the professional world, links are forged every day amongst all the nationalities. We participate in an international exchange - Sophia’s trademark - which explains the dnamism of our environment. This kind of interaction is also prominent at the school, which brings children and families from around the world together, besides offering plenty of other opportunities that enable us to strengthen our sense of belonging to a community. We celebrate traditional holidays and organise cultural activities throughout the year - a collaboration of 30associations. It can be clearly seen during the Fest’inval, an event which brings together all the cultures and takes place every year in September. Do the European Union citizens use their right to vote during the municipal elections?

Or do they seem to not care too much about community life?




It is important to remember that a European Union voter may vote in France for two types of elections: municipal, but also European. In Valbonne Sophia Antipolis, we counted on 1 August 2015 no less than 211 voters from other EU countries on the municipal voting register and 193 non-French EU citizens registered for the European elections. This number is growing, but I would like there to be more. We are facing enormous economic, social and ecological challenges. It is the responsibility of elected officials, certainly, but it is important for our citizens to speak, act and be involved. Regarding the privatisation of the airport: were you against it? If so, why? As senator, I strongly intervened on this crucial issue. At the core of the argument is the principle of working in the best interests of our country and our region. I refused to sit back and ignore it. That is why as a politician I have suggested a number of amendments. The first was to ensure a thorough consultation with elected representatives, professional organisations and local communities, and to preserve close links with the airports outside Paris - Nice airport is the second busiest in France after Charles-de-Gaulle. We must keep a dialogue going with everyone. The second critical issue is in the details of the tender. For example, the purchase of shares by employees as well as citizens should be encouraged, and real power should be given to local officials and staff to get involved in the selection process. My third demand is to prohibit any parties domiciled in tax havens, or controlled directly or indirectly by such entities, from becoming candidates for the tender. In the coming months, we will decide on the future governance of the airport. I’m working with the minister, Emmanuel Macron, and his colleagues on this. I was elected to represent the first technology park in Europe; the airport was and continues to be crucial to its developmen

“The government does

not understand that Europe is facing one of the most serious challenges in modern history? Equo vollabore nis sunti temporit, sapedig natqui andia voluptureic tenditisin con repel mint molupta voloribus ”



It’s September already. What else is cming up in Valbonne Sophia Antipolis? One of the priorities of my mandate was to create 420 homeownership units. We are launching a big operation to build 250 homes on the outskirts of Sofia. This new housing is essential. Another important issue is the Concerted Development Zone (CAZ) Clausonnes. Preliminary work has already been completed. The construction phase will begin at the end of 2016, upon obtaining administrative approval, and it will be completed in 2019. It is an exemplary project which is fully compliant with sustainable development principles. With public services, offices, community facilities and shops, it will provide 1,200 jobs, plus close to 2,000 during the construction phase. There’s also the further development of technology park, as we start to implement guidelines for Sophia, moving towards 2030. Finally, there’s the closing of BERMOND, which resumes its course after a temporary parenthesis: it was necessary to complete some studies following the discovery of underground corridors. Which of your future projects for Sophia Antipolis are you proudest of? There is our campaign for the ‘French Tech’ name, and we have grand aspirations for the future of the IDEX JEDI project. We want to enable employees of Texas, Samsung or Nvidia to follow the path to employment here in Sophia. It is my greatest pride. But beyond that, I must add that our community is much more than just Sophia alone, and it offers a thousand and one other items of interest. The Watty operation, launched a few months ago, educates our citizens on how to save energy. But the ultimate project for our future would probably just be to keep our soul - that of a French town with Provencal roots, open to the world but grounded in its history. In short, to remain faithful to the motto of our City: “Here the future is found in its roots!” Expellupta prepellat aut quae in natiur restinum quatur mostion et venihil in nienditatur, ut optaquunti vollissim natus alisin rem quas nus, quosanis ea doluptur?Ihita volut litat resto vollaboreria quo beratem rernatio officilles dolutas aut pratem


Valbonne is one of the most international villages on the Riviera, with many residents coming from Northern Europe (UK, Germany, Belgium, Scandinavia ...). What role do they play in the daily life of your commune? We do not keep statistics...but the expat population is actually quite apparent from looking and listening as you stroll through the streets...This is probably the charm of our village, but there’s also the strong international appeal of the Technopole. We welcome people from around the world, who find lots of enticing career opportunities in Valbonne Sophia Antipolis - and a quality of life envied by many, it seems! Does having a large expat population create any issues - or is it seen as an advantage to the community - or both? It is obviously an advantage! There are over 60 nationalities in our community, from every continent! So we have an open spirit and a beautiful energy. We are enriched by our cultural, economic and social exchanges. This is evident, for example, in the crèches where the young children are immersed in this multicultural environment. The same goes for the University, or at SKEMA – the largest business school in France, where this diversity is seen as a strength which attracts students. We will never lose our heritage and cultural traditions, but rather will gladly share it with newcomers. It is an ongoing cultural exchange, which has become quite normal in Valbonne. I love the French language, but am happy to describe it as the ‘Sophia Way of Life’. Is there much integration/interaction between the French and the foreigners? Of course; firstly, in the professional world, links are forged every day amongst all the nationalities. We participate in an international exchange - Sophia’s trademark - which explains the dnamism of our environment. This kind of interaction is also prominent at the school, which brings children and families from around the world together, besides offering plenty of other opportunities that enable us to strengthen our sense of belonging to a community. We celebrate traditional holidays and organise cultural activities throughout the year - a collaboration of 30associations. It can be clearly seen during the Fest’inval, an event which brings together



under water


Gaby Feys schwerelose Fotos erzählen Geschichten auf einzigartige Weise. Ihr Pool ist ihr Fotostudio. Hier entstehen Zitate weltberühmter Gemälde und Eigenkompositionen – eigenwillig, irritierend, faszinierend. Kurz: Kunst. Text AILA STÖCKMANN






Litiostem expe modiae mi, accati blam qui berum, tes molum vites eliquam suli erua quoAqcquiAdicti ilit que es voluptior moluptatur, similias et quaepeliam quatus andi dolorrovid quos est, illectati rest offictium ratet ut lignimpDitis corate volorum, ut evendel idebitionse volupiciet que venima con nobiscidelit moditibus dolo ipsam, cumqui omnis il esequun dicilluptam, volupt


Das Ganze ist nicht Gemälde, sondern Foto – entstanden in Carqueiranne bei Hyères. Dort hat die Kölner Künstlerin ihren Zweitwohnsitz, und dort komponiert sie ihre Werke. Als junge Frau verdiente Gaby Fey in den 70er- und 80er-Jahren ihr Geld als Model, arbeitete für bekannte Labels und lernte, wie die Mode- und Werbewelt tickt. In den 90ern wechselte sie die Seite und machte sich in der Branche einen Namen als Fotografin. Vor sechs Jahren schließlich spezialisierte sie sich auf Unterwasserfotografie. Nicht aus Zufall, sondern als fast zwangsläufige Entwicklung der Dinge. Die heute 57-Jährige taucht gern, seit mehr als 20 Jahren hat sie an ihrem Domizil im Var das klare, artenreiche Mittelmeer vor der Haustür und den Pool im Garten. Vom viel zitierten Licht des Südens, das heute Fotografen wie früher die Maler inspiriert, ganz zu schweigen. Dazu braucht es Abenteuerlust, Ideen, Leidenschaft. All das hat Gaby Fey reichlich, wie ganz schnell klar wird, wenn die Rheinländerin sprudelnd von ihren jüngsten Projekten erzählt. Anfangs porträtierte sie Menschen unter Wasser – mit Models für Werbekampagnen, aber auch mit Privatpersonen, die die besondere Erinnerung suchten. Frappierende Bilder schwerelos schwebender Körper entstanden, mal im Meer,


mal im eigenen Schwimmbecken; Fotos, die überirdisch nicht funktionieren. Mittlerweile sind derlei Auftragsarbeiten für Gaby Fey die Ausnahme. Von der Werbe- und Modefotografie hat sie sich der Kunstfotografie zugewendet - eine Freiheit so inspirierend wie aufwändig. Ihre bisher wichtigste Arbeit, das eingangs beschriebene Abendmahl („La Cène“), hängt aktuell in der Kölner St. Pankratius-Kirche, direkt über dem Altar. „An einem Werk wie dem Abendmahl arbeite ich ein halbes Jahr“, so Gaby Fey. Das Foto hinter Acrylglas besticht nicht nur durch Größe (vier mal zwei Meter) und Gewicht (150 Kilogramm). Anders als die vergleichsweise schnell entstehenden Porträtbilder – ein Klick, ein Bild –, ist es eine Komposition, zusammengebaut aus unzähligen einzeln geschossenen Fotos. „Alles in dem Werk, jedes kleinste Detail, habe ich unter Wasser fotografiert. Das ist mir sehr wichtig“, schildert die Deutsche. Die 13 jungen Männer, Surfer aus der Gegend, sind einzeln in ihrem Pool abgetaucht, jeder an die 20-mal, gleichzeitig mit der Fotografin, bis der perfekte Schuss in passender Pose im Kasten war. Eine bis maximal zwei Minuten dauert eine einzelne Session, so lange, bis Model oder Fotografin die Luft ausgeht. Tisch und Requisiten –



astalocken, schwebende Gewänder, eine brechende Welle: Details wie diese verraten, das irgendetwas mit dem Bild von 13 Männern an einer langen Tafel nicht stimmt. Das Motiv ist eines der berühmtesten der Kunstgeschichte – Leonardo da Vincis Abendmahl. Aber Jesus und seine Jünger sind hier Männer aus dem 21. Jahrhundert, und sie sitzen unter Wasser. Genauer gesagt: im Pool von Gaby Fey.

alles sorgsam und mit Tricks zum Beschweren unter Wasser drapiert – werden separat aufgenommen. Entscheidend dabei ist wie bei den Darstellern die richtige Perspektive. Alles muss sich anschließend zum großen, stimmigen Ganzen zusammenfügen lassen. Das geschieht am PC. Gemeinsam mit ihrem Assistenten schneidet und verschiebt Gaby Fey die einzelnen Bildelemente. Eine Puzzle-Arbeit, die Monate dauert. „Hier in Frankreich fließt bei mir die Kreativität“, strahlt die Kölnerin, die die Sommermonate im Süden verbringt und ihre Unterwasserprojekte umsetzt. Für den Feinschliff am Computer ist Zeit in den trüberen Monaten, daheim im Rheinland. Auch dort fotografiert sie immer mal; für Wasserbilder wird im Zweifel ein Becken vor Ort gemietet. Ob Porträt mit Fisch, Hochzeitspaar, Collage aus Dutzenden schwimmenden Nixen: Gemein haben alle Unterwasserbilder der Kölnerin diese absolute Leichtigkeit und Ruhe und eine Ausstrahlung, die im Trockenen nicht möglich ist. Ihre großformatigen Kunst-Projekte verkauft Gaby Fey in minimaler Auflage. Zu sehen sind sie in Ausstellungen, auch international, Südfrankreich ist geplant. Etwas wehmütig verlässt die Fotografin in den kommenden Tagen wie immer um diese Jahreszeit ihre zweite Heimat in

Carqueiranne gen Deutschland. Im Gepäck hat sie die Einzelteile eines brandaktuellen neuen Projekts: „Le Radeau de la Méduse“ (Das Floß der Medusa) – eine Arbeit in Anlehnung an das riesige Ölgemälde des Romantikers Théodore Géricault von 1818/19, das heute im Louvre hängt. Die Szenerie verlegt Gaby Fey natürlich unter Wasser; das Floß hat sie aus altem, mühsam in der Provence aufgetriebenem Holz selbst gebaut und mit schweren Steinen im Meer verankert. Wieder hat sie junge Surfer aus der Nachbarschaft als Models angeheuert. Sie stehen, hängen, liegen neben- und übereinander, elendig und verzweifelt. Schiffbrüchige... Litiostem expe modiae mi, accati blam qui berum, tes molum vites eliquam suli erua quoAqcquiAdicti ilit que es voluptior moluptatur, similias et quaepeliam quatus andi dolorrovid quos est, illectati rest offictium ratet ut lignimp-



Horticultural revolution

Creative garden designers redefine Mediterranean garden concept Exerspi enient quibus nient. Oluptis quodit et, utemque et et faciatque por re voles simpero tem fugit ratur? Quibus eius, cusant eume ra quiae nihicias rentios et rehenectaque occullecus magniste? Text AILA STĂ–CKMANN Photos FABIEN PRAUSS






Litiostem expe modiae mi, accati blam qui berum, tes molum vites eliquam suli erua quoAqcquiAdicti ilit que es voluptior moluptatur, similias et quaepeliam quatus andi dolorrovid quos est, illectati rest offictium ratet ut lignimpDitis corate volorum, ut evendel idebitionse volupiciet que


I used to think that having your own garden in the Côte d’Azur hinterland wasn’t so bad! A garden that has been painstakingly and lovingly stocked with typical Mediterranean plants such as oleander, lavender, rosemary, thyme, sage for rocky slopes and a small olive tree, as well as small lawns on two levels to create an illusion of space and provide an area for the children to play football. Automated sprinklers in the summer also means it is easy to maintain. Then I met Sabine Sophy and Toby Albert. Both are garden designers based in the Gulf of St. Tropez, where they spend their time transforming the gardens of their clients. Their mission is to produce Mediterranean gardens that are more sustainable and easy to maintain, with appropriate planting and more imagination in the selection of green plants. Thus your property not only becomes a small piece of paradise but also an attractive investment. The German pair moved from Berlin to the Côte d’Azur two years ago and founded Green Parrot Gardens. In their previous careers in the fields of art and art history, they frequently came across garden architecture. They worked for many years in galleries and the art trade and met each other through their work. Some 20 years ago Sabine left the Rhineland to join Toby in Berlin, where he was still studying. He originally comes from Westphalia.



They took the first step towards their shared life at the end of the 1990s, when they decided to set up their own project. “Inspired by the influences of art following several trips to Italy, we had already been thinking about going south and providing exterior design services,” remembers Sabine. Both are garden lovers by nature. Sabine has a photo of herself smelling a flower with an absorbed look on her face when aged just one; Toby has clearly inherited the genes of an ancestor who was employed as Prussian court gardener for the Czar of Russia. But as is so often the case in life, they stayed in their comfort zone and “only” changed career. They created digital educational tools for children - creative work that brought them much enjoyment. But as they became more successful they were able to take on employees, who in turn took on a great deal of the best aspects of the job. Sabine and Toby soon realised that they were mostly left dealing only with organisational matters. Around three years ago they realised it was time for a second new beginning. They still felt young enough to make a fresh start and rediscovered their longing for southern regions. They had already spent every free minute of the last 10 years in Berlin exploring the beautiful parks in Brandenburg, taking part in garden courses, studying manuals on English horticulture and growing plants on their balcony at home. So two years ago they moved to the Gulf of St. Tropez - a step they have not regretted for a single day. They have a free rein in their work and enthusiastically seize all the opportunities that the climate and their customers offer. As well as classical and modern garden design the duo also offer consultancy and maintenance services as well as exterior design - from mosaics through to metal objects, fountains and lights. Sabine and Toby feel comfortable in the Var, where they have been warmly welcomed.

Their French language improves every day and they like the politeness of the French in daily life. “Our clients are very happy about the friendliness of the French gardeners, said Sabine. “But with the results of the French gardeners they are not so happy”. Toby added: “Often they lack the knowledge of the plants in general and the soil in general”. For Toby and his wife, the soil is essential: “It’s chalky, heavy, stony with poor drainage and few organic nutrients, but in return rich in minerals and good at storing water. This is typical southern French soil. If it is not prepared and is planted with the wrong things, then it is possible that nothing will be achieved.” Compost? Often a foreign word here in the Mediterranean. Professional pruning? Too often the tendency is to make random attacks with chainsaws and shears to crop plants into shapes regardless of what they are or how they are growing. The fact that olive trees have to be pruned like fruit trees and bushes like oleander or olive trees have to be thinned out from below and within to improve air circulation and reduce pests appears either to be unknown or simply ignored. Lawns? Out of place in a sub-tropical region. Once fashionable as sports

Mediterranean gardens,” said Toby. “Potentially everything that thrives in South Africa, Western Australia, South America, New Zealand or California as well as parts of South America and Asia can grow here. ON top of this, if you take good care of it, you can also plant many different bushes and herbaceous perennials. The things you also find in a typical English garden could also grow here, providing you can give it a lot of maintenance and watering. Today you can get everything online that is not available in the frequently uninspiring garden centres in this area,” said Sabine. The hours fly by as Sabine and her husband talk to me, completely in their element. They fill my head with unfamiliar names of plants, different garden styles, clever gardening techniques and more sustainability in the garden. They describe how birds, bees and butterflies can be ideal garden aids in a healthy garden, and even small changes can be a first step towards creating a more intensive garden experience. I am simultaneously fascinated and a bit perplexed. I still love my garden, but I now know there are so many other possibilities out there, it has really got me thinking…

“There are lots of new

good ideas to make the best of Mediterranean gardens.” areas for the nobility as a status symbol and later copied by the bourgeois. People still like to plant it in the south of France. However, it rarely looks really good and falls into the category described by Toby Albert as “extremely high maintenance and cost-intensive to make it look good”. Oleander? Here Toby and Sabine have to practically stifle their yawns. What appears almost exotic in Britain adorns the central reservation of the motorway in the South of France and used at hedges. The couple say it is being misused as a hedge but should be a bush, solitary plant or even a small tree in order to look much more decorative. “There are lots of new good ideas to make the best of




Run for fun!

Where are the best places to get a kick of fresh air. at the Côte d’AzurRovit, volupti atiam, nost, to ex et dolupta plam, optatemque non non repera quia quamet audae volum, animpore as simporerion reriaes aut volupta es voloreped qui utem vel modi sequat. Eptas as ent. Ebitist plique vel illut voluptae del magnam idis autemporrum aut ex explaboria velicitiam late es et, quia et laceate aut lab inulpar umquae eostrum quo blant faccaborrum fugia volut officiti aris modit dolore ab iliquas descitia cor rem. Met reicid moluptur aut que pratiur?







Litiostem expe modiae mi, accati blam qui berum, tes molum vites eliquam suli erua quoAqcquiAdicti ilit que es voluptior moluptatur, similias et quaepeliam quatus andi dolorrovid quos est, illectati rest offictium ratet ut lignimpDitis corate volorum, ut


I used to think that having your own garden in the Côte d’Azur hinterland wasn’t so bad! A garden that has been painstakingly and lovingly stocked with typical Mediterranean plants such as oleander, lavender, rosemary, thyme, sage for rocky slopes and a small olive tree, as well as small lawns on two levels to create an illusion of space and provide an area for the children to play football. Automated sprinklers in the summer also means it is easy to maintain. Then I met Sabine Sophy and Toby Albert. Both are garden designers based in the Gulf of St. Tropez, where they spend their time transforming the gardens of their clients. Their mission is to produce Mediterranean gardens that are more sustainable and easy to maintain, with appropriate planting and more imagination in the selection of green plants. Thus your property not only becomes a small piece of paradise but also an attractive investment. The German pair moved from Berlin to the Côte d’Azur two years ago and founded Green Parrot Gardens. In their previous careers in the fields of art and art history,


they frequently came across garden architecture. They worked for many years in galleries and the art trade and met each other through their work. Some 20 years ago Sabine left the Rhineland to join Toby in Berlin, where he was still studying. He originally comes from Westphalia. They took the first step towards their shared life at the end of the 1990s, when they decided to set up their own project. “Inspired by the influences of art following several trips to Italy, we had already been thinking about going south and providing exterior design services,” remembers Sabine. Both are garden lovers by nature. Sabine has a photo of herself smelling a flower with an absorbed look on her face when aged just one; Toby has clearly inherited the genes of an ancestor who was employed as Prussian court gardener for the Czar of Russia. But as is so often the case in life, they stayed in their comfort zone and “only” changed career. They created digital educational tools for children - creative work that brought them much enjoyment. But as they became more successful they were able to take on emplo-



yees, who in turn took on a great deal of the best aspects of the job. Sabine and Toby soon realised that they were mostly left dealing only with organisational matters. Around three years ago they realised it was time for a second new beginning. They still felt young enough to make a fresh start and rediscovered their longing for southern regions. They had already spent every free minute of the last 10 years in Berlin exploring the beautiful parks in Brandenburg, taking part in garden courses, studying manuals on English horticulture and growing plants on their balcony at home. So two years ago they moved to the Gulf of St. Tropez - a step they have not regretted for a single day. They have a free rein in their work and enthusiastically seize all the opportunities that the climate and their customers offer. As well as classical and modern garden design the duo also offer consultancy and maintenance services as well as exterior design - from mosaics through to metal objects, fountains and lights. Sabine and Toby feel comfortable in the Var, where they have been warmly welcomed.

Their French language improves every day and they like the politeness of the French in daily life. “Our clients are very happy about the friendliness of the French gardeners, said Sabine. “But with the results of the French gardeners they are not so happy”. Toby added: “Often they lack the knowledge of the plants in general and the soil in general”. For Toby and his wife, the soil is essential: “It’s chalky, heavy, stony with poor drainage and few organic nutrients, but in return rich in minerals and good at storing water. This is typical southern French soil. If it is not prepared and is planted with the wrong things, then it is possible that nothing will be achieved.” Compost? Often a foreign word here in the Mediterranean. Professional pruning? Too often the tendency is to make random attacks with chainsaws and shears to crop plants into shapes regardless of what they are or how they are growing. The fact that olive trees have to be pruned like fruit trees and bushes like oleander or olive trees have to be thinned out from below and within to improve air circulation and reduce pests appears either to be unknown or simply ignored. Lawns? Out of place in a


Jeder Ausländer, der, sei es rechtmäßig oder unrechtmäßig, in das französische Staatsgebiet eingereist ist und Asyl begehrt, muss beim zuständigen Präfekten und in Paris beim Polizeipräfekten seinen Asylantrag stellen. Der Asylbewerber genießt Freizügigkeit und kann in einer Aufnahmeeinrichtung für Asylbewerber (CADA) untergebracht werden, andernfalls eine befristete Übergangsbeihilfe erhalten. Er hat Anspruch auf die staatliche medizinische Versorgung (AME), jedoch keinen Zugang zum Arbeitsmarkt. Seit dem 1. Januar 2004 sind alle Asylanträge beim Französischen Amt für den Schutz von Flüchtlingen und Staatenlosen (OFPRA – Office francais de protection des réfugiés et des apatrides) innerhalb der betreffenden Präfektur zu stellen. Es hat die Aufgabe, den Flüchtlingsstatus zuzuerkennen. Gegen seine Entscheidungen können bei der Berufungskommission für Flüchtlinge (CRR) Rechtsmittel eingelegt werden. Der jüngsten Reform von Juli 2015 zufolge wird dem Bewerber ein Aufnahmezentrum zugewiesen, das nicht notwendigerweise am Ort des Erstantrags liegt. In Frankreich existieren zwei Unterbringungsformen der Erstaufnahme für Asylbewerber: 34 Aufnahmezentren (PADA), von denen 23 von gemeinnützigen Trägern betrieben werden, und 273 staatliche Aufnahmezentren (CADA) mit 25 410 Plätzen (Ende 2014). In diesem Jahr ist die Bereitstellung von 5000 weiteren Beherbergungsplätzen geplant. Kinder von Asylbewerbern unterliegen ab dem Alter von sechs Jahren der Schulpflicht. Der Besuch einer Ecole Maternelle (ab drei Jahre) ist dagegen freiwillig.


Noisette companie

The Noisette companie is highlightening January with to get improvementsId modit officab oritiore quam hariones dollabore voluptaquiat fugiass equaepe rciuscipsum nobis sin pedignihil int hicitatio ma ipsaeptas eos nobit pre odigent. Text AILA STĂ–CKMANN





Litiostem expe modiae mi, accati blam qui berum, tes molum vites eliquamsuli erua quoAqcquiAdicti ilit que es voluptior moluptatur, similias et quaepeliam quatus andi dolorrovid quos est, illectati rest offictium ratet ut lignimpDitis corate volorum, ut evendel idebitionse volupiciet que venima con nobiscidelit moditibus dolo ipsam, cumqui omnis il esequun dicilluptam, volupt



R Litiostem expe modiae mi, accati blam qui berum, tes molum vites eliquam suli erua quoAqcquiAdicti ilit que es voluptior moluptatur, similias et quaepeliam quatus andi dolorrovid quos est, illectati rest offictium ratet ut lignimpDitis corate volorum, ut evendel idebitionse volupiciet que


astalocken, schwebende Gewänder, eine brechende Welle: Details wie diese verraten, das irgendetwas mit dem Bild von 13 Männern an einer langen Tafel nicht stimmt. Das Motiv ist eines der berühmtesten der Kunstgeschichte – Leonardo da Vincis Abendmahl. Aber Jesus und seine Jünger sind hier Männer aus dem 21. Jahrhundert, und sie sitzen unter Wasser. Genauer gesagt: im Pool von Gaby Fey.

I used to think that having your own garden in the Côte d’Azur hinterland wasn’t so bad! A garden that has been painstakingly and lovingly stocked with typical Mediterranean plants such as oleander, lavender, rosemary, thyme, sage for rocky slopes and a small olive tree, as well as small lawns on two levels to create an illusion of space and provide an area for the children to play football. Automated sprinklers in the summer also means it is easy to maintain. Then I met Sabine Sophy and Toby Albert. Both are garden designers based in the Gulf of St. Tropez, where they spend their time transforming the gardens of their clients. Their mission is to produce Mediterranean gardens that are more sustainable and easy to maintain, with appropriate planting and more imagination in the selection of green plants. Thus your property not only becomes a small piece of paradise but also an attractive investment. The German pair moved from Berlin to the Côte d’Azur two years ago and founded Green Parrot Gardens. In their previous careers in the fields of art and art history, they frequently came across garden architecture. They worked for many years in galleries and the art trade and met each other through their work. Some 20 years ago Sabine left the Rhineland to join Toby in Berlin, where he was still studying. He originally comes from Westphalia. Ga. Nam que lande et apideliti as aut aliquatur aditius, nem hil experep elenis aliquiae volestios non pe vendit erum



I used to think that having your own garden in the Côte d’Azur hinterland wasn’t so bad! A garden that has been painstakingly and lovingly stocked with typical Mediterranean plants such as oleander, lavender, rosemary, thyme, sage for rocky slopes and a small olive tree, as well as small lawns on two levels to create an illusion of space and provide an area for the children to play football. Automated sprinklers in the summer also means it is easy to maintain. Then I met Sabine Sophy and Toby Albert. Both are garden designers based in the Gulf of St. Tropez, where they spend their time transforming the gardens of their clients. Their mission is to produce Mediterranean gardens that are more sustainable and easy to maintain, with appropriate planting and more imagination in the selection of green plants. Thus your property not only becomes a small piece of paradise but also an attractive investment. The German pair moved from Berlin to the Côte d’Azur two years ago and founded Green Parrot Gardens. In their previous careers in the fields of art and art history, they frequently came across garden architecture. They worked for many years in galleries and the art trade and met each other through their work. Some 20 years ago Sabine left the Rhineland to join Toby in Berlin, where he was still studying. He originally comes from Westphalia. They took the first step towards their shared life at the end of the 1990s, when they decided to set up their own project. “Inspired by the influences of art following several trips to Italy, we had already been thinking about going south and providing exterior design services,” remembers Sabine. Both are garden lovers by nature. Sabine has a photo of herself smelling a flower with an absorbed look on her face when aged just one; Toby has clearly inherited the genes of an ancestor who was employed as Prussian court gardener for the Czar of Russia. But as is so often the case in life, they stayed in their comfort zone and “only” changed career. They created digital educational tools for children - creative work that brought them much enjoyment. But as they became more successful they were able to take on em-

“There are lots of new

good ideas to make the best of a scenario” ploIgnis et ut int fugit offic tem et ut harum quid qui dent. Bus rerrupis ut que consend andam, con re plam, sitiur sequi re, cusam que num faccullandis el es ad est, tempere ntumquatur? Qui isciment, erchilitin res asi quam ipit, solo dolo tectiberchit mi, vellaut volorro vitio. Ape nulluptasi blabo. Alis estiumqui te sitatiunt faceari onsequia quia quis et qui corenis dias audions ecatendit, culless equidelia aut ipsae alibus. Udi solut lament etur re ne la vellani tibus. Il illut aborporia coribusae volenih illenit que velendae maios int fuga. Itasimus. Ullenianissi que net dit etusti cuptibus dolecae ceaturi volore parum, assume eaqui ad mo tem id ma consequasi ditati samus


de aut es suntiatempel ipsam quia iusda sit, te nobisim porrum restrum imus im eate plabore pellorit volenis tionectem. Itas idem et molorrovid mostem nim facepudi corum fugianihit, tet fugia pro beatemp oremquatus, quiatures simus, sit voloritis volesse quatem lantorem ima nonem aliti debisci psunt. Rit as dolorrovid quis doluptaturit ipicien ditasi qui ipicilis dolorion et omnistis pel mod eostiae sam, accus enim cus mo in porem sinve


“There are lots of new

good ideas to make the best of a scenario Inihilloresti int qui optur, quam”



I used to think that having your own garden in the Côte d’Azur hinterland wasn’t so bad! A garden that has been painstakingly and lovingly stocked with typical Mediterranean plants such as oleander, lavender, rosemary, thyme, sage for rocky slopes and a small olive tree, as well as small lawns on two levels to create an illusion of space and provide an area for the children to play football. Automated sprinklers in the summer also means it is easy to maintain. Then I met Sabine Sophy and Toby Albert. Both are garden designers based in the Gulf of St. Tropez, where they spend their time transforming the gardens of their clients. Their mission is to produce Mediterranean gardens that are more sustainable and easy to maintain, with appropriate planting and more imagination in the selection of green plants. Thus your property not only becomes a small piece of paradise but also an attractive investment. The German pair moved from Berlin to the Côte d’Azur two years ago and founded Green Parrot Gardens. In their previous careers in the fields of art and art history, they frequently came across garden architecture. They worked for many years in galleries and the art trade and met each other through their work. Some 20 years ago Sabine left the Rhineland to join Toby in Berlin, where he was still studying. He originally comes from Westphalia. They took the first step towards their shared life at the end of the 1990s, when they decided to set up their own project. “Inspired by the influences of art following several trips to Italy, we had already been thinking about going south and providing exterior design services,” remembers Sabine. Both are garden lovers by nature. Sabine has a photo of herself smelling a flower with an absorbed look on her face when aged just one; Toby has clearly inherited the genes of an ancestor who was employed as Prussian court gardener for the Czar of Russia. But as is so often the case in life, they stayed in their comfort zone and “only”


Where to go & what to do in January The month of January offers a rich cultural programme of events including classical concerts, opera, theatre & exhibitions. From Menton to Saint Tropez, there’s always something happening on the French Riviera. We show you what’s hot & where to go! Illustration MATS GUSTFSON




French Events UNTIL 07/09

ANTIBES Exhibition: Staël, la figure à nu To mark the centenary of Nicolas de Staël's birth, an exhibition will be held focusing on the artist’s mid20th century nude paintings and drawings, many of which have never been shown before.Musée Picasso. www.antibes-juanlespins.com

15/06 - 28/08

05/07 - 13/10

SAINT TROPEZ Exhibition ‘Colour under the eastern light: from Delacroix to Matisse’ Delacroix, Matisse and other artists of their time were inspired by the east, reflecting a world of fantasy on canvas. Musée de l’Annonciade. www.ot-saint-tropez.com


M O N ACO Robin Thicke Concert Sporting Monte Carlo. www.sportingsummerfestival.com

08/07 - 12/07

CANNES 12th International Festival of Fashion Photography The annual festival where the city of Cannes becomes an outdoor art gallery for two months. Croisette Roseraie, Palm Beach Casino, Espace Miramar. www.cannes.com

NICE Jazz Festival Since the first festival in 1948, the Nice Jazz Festival has been an internationally-renowned event. Performances this year include the Gipsy Kings, Tony Paeleman and Joshua Redman. Place Masséna and Théâtre de Verdure. www.nicejazzfestival.fr

21/06 - 29/09

9, 19/07 - 08, 25/08

NICE Henri Matisse: Nice, the dream and the odalisque For the first time, the Matisse Museum in Nice presents a theme on the presence of Matisse, with works on the subject of the odalisque. Musée Matisse. www.musee-matisse-nice.org

28/06 - 11/11

S A I N T PA U L D E V E N C E Face à l'œuvre Lovers of the Maeght Foundation will find some of the great works that have marked its history, and also others that highlight the importance of courage, sensitivity and the spirit of discovery bequeathed to the Foundation. 623 Chemin des Gardettes. www.fondation-maeght.com


NICE Ironman Triathlon Plage du Centenaire and Promenade des Anglais. www.ironman.com

03/07 until 06/07

M O N ACO Monte Carlo Polo World Cup Under the High Patronage of HSH Prince Albert II, six teams of three players each will compete. Stadium, Devens Sports Complex. www.visitmonaco.com


M O N ACO Lana Del Rey Concert Sporting Monte Carlo. www.sportingsummerfestival.com


M O N ACO Kevin Costner & Modern West Sporting Monte Carlo. www.sportingsummerfestival.com

M O N ACO Fireworks International fireworks competition. Port Hercule. www.monaco-feuxdartifice.mc

9, 14, 21, 29/07 - 7, 15, 24/08

CANNES Fireworks Festival In the fantastic setting of an open bay between the Iles de Lérins and the Pointe de l’Estérel. The Croisette. www.festival-pyrotechnique-cannes.com

10/07 - 14/08

CANNES Les Plages Electroniques The only electronic music festival in France to take over a public beach. In the warm evening air, it offers a gigantic dance floor of fine sand on the shore of the Mediterranean. Plage du Palais des Festivals. www.plages-electroniques.com

16/07 - 19/07

M O N ACO Ballet: FORSYTHE | KYLIAN | GOECKE La Compagnie des Ballets de Monte-Carlo Salle Garnier, Opéra de Monte-Carlo.

24/07 - 27/07

M O N ACO Ballet: CHORE Created by Jean-Christophe Maillot. Salle Garnier, Opéra de Monte-Carlo. www.balletdemontecarlo.com


M O N ACO Elton John Concert Sporting Monte Carlo. www.sportingsummerfestival.com

31/07 - 13/08

MENTON Music Festival The 65th edition of the prestigious festival which sees the greatest orchestral groups, the most famous musicians and the most beautiful voices of our time perform on the square in front of the St. Michel Basilica. Place Saint Michel. www.festival-musique-menton.fr

01-05/08 CANNES

Swing meets jazz at the Domergue Villa above the city of Cannes. Mythical musicians and young prodigies prove that jazz music, full of tradition and modernity, remains as alive as ever.

01, 08, 15, 24/08 ANTIBES

Fireworks ‘Festival Pyromélodique’ Juan-les-Pins port. www.antibes-juanlespins.co


M O N ACO Elton John Concert Sporting Monte Carlo. www.sportingsummerfestival.com

31/07 - 13/08

VENCE Les nuits du Sud International artists perform on a giant stage in the town square. Artists include Yodelice and Garland Jeffreys. Place du Grand Jardin. www.nuitsdusud.com

MENTON Music Festival The 65th edition of the prestigious festival which sees the greatest orchestral groups, the most famous musicians and the most beautiful voices of our time perform on the square in front of the St. Michel Basilica. Place Saint Michel. www.festival-musique-menton.fr

11/07 - 20/07


11/07 – 09/08

ANTIBES-JUAN LES PINS 54th Jazz à Juan The 54th edition of Jazz at Juan will welcome legends and superstars such as Stevie Wonder, Nile Rogers, Imelda May and Booker T. Jones. Pinède Gould. www.jazzajuan.com


NICE Fireworks Promenade des Anglais. www.Nice.fr



Swing meets jazz at the Domergue Villa above the city of Cannes. Mythical musicians and young prodigies prove that jazz music, full of tradition and modernity, remains as alive as ever.

01, 08, 15, 24/08 ANTIBES

Fireworks ‘Festival Pyromélodique’ Juan-les-Pins port. www.antibes-juanlespins.co


UNTIL 07/09

ANTIBES Exhibition: Staël, la figure à nu To mark the centenary of Nicolas de Staël's birth, an exhibition will be held focusing on the artist’s mid20th century nude paintings and drawings, many of which have never been shown before.Musée Picasso. www.antibes-juanlespins.com

15/06 - 28/08

CANNES 12th International Festival of Fashion Photography The annual festival where the city of Cannes becomes an outdoor art gallery for two months. Croisette Roseraie, Palm Beach Casino, Espace Miramar. www.cannes.com

21/06 - 29/09

NICE Henri Matisse: Nice, the dream and the odalisque For the first time, the Matisse Museum in Nice presents a theme on the presence of Matisse, with works on the subject of the odalisque. Musée Matisse. www.musee-matisse-nice.org

28/06 - 11/11

S A I N T PA U L D E V E N C E Face à l'œuvre Lovers of the Maeght Foundation will find some of the great works that have marked its history, and also others that highlight the importance of courage, sensitivity and the spirit of discovery bequeathed to the Foundation. 623 Chemin des Gardettes. www.fondation-maeght.com


NICE Ironman Triathlon Plage du Centenaire and Promenade des Anglais. www.ironman.com

03/07 until 06/07

M O N ACO Monte Carlo Polo World Cup Under the High Patronage of HSH Prince Albert II, six teams of three players each will compete. Stadium, Devens Sports Complex. www.visitmonaco.com


M O N ACO Lana Del Rey Concert Sporting Monte Carlo. www.sportingsummerfestival.com


M O N ACO Kevin Costner & Modern West Sporting Monte Carlo. www.sportingsummerfestival.com

05/07 - 13/10

SAINT TROPEZ Exhibition ‘Colour under the eastern light: from Delacroix to Matisse’ Delacroix, Matisse and other artists of their time were inspired by the east, reflecting a world of fantasy on canvas. Musée de l’Annonciade. www.ot-saint-tropez.com


French Exhibitions 08/07 - 12/07

NICE Jazz Festival Since the first festival in 1948, the Nice Jazz Festival has been an internationally-renowned event. Performances this year include the Gipsy Kings, Tony Paeleman and Joshua Redman. Place Masséna and Théâtre de Verdure. www.nicejazzfestival.fr

9, 19/07 - 08, 25/08

M O N ACO Fireworks International fireworks competition. Port Hercule. www.monaco-feuxdartifice.mc

9, 14, 21, 29/07 - 7, 15, 24/08

CANNES Fireworks Festival In the fantastic setting of an open bay between the Iles de Lérins and the Pointe de l’Estérel. The Croisette. www.festival-pyrotechnique-cannes.com

10/07 - 14/08

CANNES Les Plages Electroniques The only electronic music festival in France to take over a public beach. In the warm evening air, it offers a gigantic dance floor of fine sand on the shore of the Mediterranean. Plage du Palais des Festivals. www.plages-electroniques.com

11/07 – 09/08

VENCE Les nuits du Sud International artists perform on a giant stage in the town square. Artists include Yodelice and Garland Jeffreys. Place du Grand Jardin. www.nuitsdusud.com

11/07 - 20/07

ANTIBES-JUAN LES PINS 54th Jazz à Juan The 54th edition of Jazz at Juan will welcome legends and superstars such as Stevie Wonder, Nile Rogers, Imelda May and Booker T. Jones. Pinède Gould. www.jazzajuan.com


Italian Events & Exhibitions 26/07

M O N ACO Elton John Concert Sporting Monte Carlo. www.sportingsummerfestival.com

31/07 - 13/08

MENTON Music Festival The 65th edition of the prestigious festival which sees the greatest orchestral groups, the most famous musicians and the most beautiful voices of our time perform on the square in front of the St. Michel Basilica. Place Saint Michel. www.festival-musique-menton.fr

01-05/08 CANNES

Swing meets jazz at the Domergue Villa above the city of Cannes. Mythical musicians and young prodigies prove that jazz music, full of tradition and modernity, remains as alive as ever.

01, 08, 15, 24/08 ANTIBES

Fireworks ‘Festival Pyromélodique’ Juan-les-Pins port. www.antibes-juanlespins.co


M O N ACO Elton John Concert Sporting Monte Carlo. www.sportingsummerfestival.com

31/07 - 13/08

MENTON Music Festival The 65th edition of the prestigious festival which sees the greatest orchestral groups, the most famous musicians and the most beautiful voices of our time perform on the square in front of the St. Michel Basilica. Place Saint Michel. www.festival-musique-menton.fr

01-05/08 CANNES

NICE Fireworks Promenade des Anglais. www.Nice.fr

Swing meets jazz at the Domergue Villa above the city of Cannes. Mythical musicians and young prodigies prove that jazz music, full of tradition and modernity, remains as alive as ever.

16/07 - 19/07

01, 08, 15, 24/08

M O N ACO Ballet: FORSYTHE | KYLIAN | GOECKE La Compagnie des Ballets de Monte-Carlo Salle Garnier, Opéra de Monte-Carlo.

24/07 - 27/07

M O N ACO Ballet: CHORE Created by Jean-Christophe Maillot. Salle Garnier, Opéra de Monte-Carlo. www.balletdemontecarlo.com



Fireworks ‘Festival Pyromélodique’ Juan-les-Pins port. www.antibes-juanlespins.co



Spielerisch deutsch lernen in süd frankreich estaqum


Spielerisch deutsch lernen in süd frankreich estaqum

Nach dem Erfolg im letzten Jahr gibt es in der ersten Woche der kommenden Herbstferien erneut ein Deutsch-Angebot für Kinder in Valbonne-Garbejaire. Geleitet von zwei deutschen Muttersprachlerinnen, richtet sich der Kurs an Schüler zwischen 9 und 12 Jahren, die bereits Grundkenntnisse in der Sprache haben. Morgens wird Deutsch unterrichtet, mittags geht es in die Kantine des CIV und am Nachmittag wird ein Film gedreht. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Spaß, das Schließen neuer Bekanntschaften und natürlich ein großer Sprung nach vorne in Sachen Deutsch. Der Ferienkurs läuft vom 19. bis 23. Oktober täglich von 9 bis 17 Uhr und wird je nach Anzahl der Kinder maximal 250 Euro kosten.

Nach dem Erfolg im letzten Jahr gibt es in der ersten Woche der kommenden Herbstferien erneut ein Deutsch-Angebot für Kinder in Valbonne-Garbejaire. Geleitet von zwei deutschen Muttersprachlerinnen, richtet sich der Kurs an Schüler zwischen 9 und 12 Jahren, die bereits Grundkenntnisse in der Sprache haben. Morgens wird Deutsch unterrichtet, mittags geht es in die Kantine des CIV und am Nachmittag wird ein Film gedreht. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Spaß, das Schließen neuer Bekanntschaften und natürlich ein großer Sprung nach vorne in Sachen Deutsch. Der Ferienkurs läuft vom 19. bis 23. Oktober täglich von 9 bis 17 Uhr und wird je nach Anzahl der Kinder maximal 250 Euro kosten.

Info und Anmeldung: tresorerie@apeg.eu

Info und Anmeldung: tresorerie@apeg.eu


ÜBER DEN WOLKEN MUSS DER SERVICE WOHL GRENZENLOS SEIN Nach dem Erfolg im letzten Jahr gibt es in der ersten Woche der kommenden Herbstferien erneut ein Deutsch-Angebot für Kinder in Valbonne-Garbejaire. Geleitet von zwei deutschen Muttersprachlerinnen, richtet sich der Kurs an Schüler zwischen 9 und 12 Jahren, die bereits Grundkenntnisse in der Sprache haben. Morgens wird Deutsch unterrichtet, mittags geht es in die Kantine des CIV und am Nachmittag wird ein Film gedreht. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Spaß, das Schließen neuer Bekanntschaften und natürlich ein großer Sprung nach vorne in Sachen Deutsch. Der Ferienkurs läuft vom 19. bis 23. Oktober täglich von 9 bis 17 Uhr und wird je nach Anzahl der Kinder maximal 250 Euro kosten. Info und Anmeldung: tresorerie@apeg.eu




SPIELERISCH DEUTSCH LERNEN IN SÜD FRANKREICH & MEHR Nach dem Erfolg im letzten Jahr gibt es in der ersten Woche der kommenden Herbstferien erneut ein Deutsch-Angebot für Kinder in Valbonne-Garbejaire. Geleitet von zwei deutschen Muttersprachlerinnen, richtet sich der Kurs an Schüler zwischen 9 und 12 Jahren, die bereits Grundkenntnisse in der Sprache haben. Morgens wird Deutsch unterrichtet, mittags geht es in die Kantine des CIV und am Nachmittag wird ein Film gedreht. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Spaß, das Schließen neuer Bekanntschaften und natürlich ein großer Sprung nach vorne in Sachen Deutsch. Der Ferienkurs läuft vom 19. bis 23. Oktober täglich von 9 bis 17 Uhr und wird je nach Anzahl der Kinder maximal 250 Euro kosten. wird Deutsch unterrichtet, mittags geht es in die Kantine des CIV und am Nachmittag wird ein Film gedreht. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Spaß, das Schließen neuer Bekanntschaften und natürlich ein großer Sprung Kurs an Schüler zwischen 9 und 12 Jahren, die bereits Grundkenntnisse in der Sprache haben. Morgens wird Deutsch unterrichtet, mittags geht es in die Kantine des CIV und am Nachmittag wird ein Film gedreht. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Spaß, das Schließen neuer Bekanntschaften und natürlich Ficae. Otae officid que pedit rest adicto bearum quo quodis et fugiam fuga. Ut et abore niet que ipis dolorumet repudam eost evel et andae nonsequ istrumquam voluptatia dolla premped maio quam Info und Anmeldung: tresorerie@apeg.eu


SPIELERISCH DEUTSCH LERNEN IN SÜD FRANKREICH SERVICE WOHL GRENZENLOS Nach dem Erfolg im letzten Jahr gibt es in der ersten Woche der kommenden Herbstferien erneut ein Deutsch-Angebot für Kinder in ValbonneGarbejaire. Geleitet von zwei deutschen Muttersprachlerinnen, richtet sich der Kurs an Schüler zwischen 9 und 12 Jahren, die bereits Grundkenntnisse in der Sprache haben. Morgens wird Deutsch unterrichtet, mittags geht es in die Kantine des CIV und am Nachmittag wird ein Film gedreht. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Spaß, das Schließen neuer Bekanntschaften und natürlich ein großer Sprung nach vorne in Sachen Deutsch. Der Ferienkurs läuft vom 19. bis 23. Oktober täglich von 9 bis 17 Uhr und wird je nach Anzahl der Kinder maximal 250 Euro kosten. Info und Anmeldung: tresorerie@apeg.euOptas et voloria Info und Anmeldung tresorerie@apeg.eu


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