Riviera Rt Magazine -august epaper

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Underwater adventure Off the coast of Cannes

STEP INSIDE JOHNNY DEPP’S HOUSE Star’s hideaway goes under the hammer

COCO BEACH FOREVER! The story of the legendary restaurant

SUPER-YACHTS AHOY! 25 years of the Monaco Yacht Show



Editorial by Sarah Harvey

elcome to the August edition of the Riviera RT Magazine – your source of information on all the festivals, culture, art, lifestyle, gastronomy and other exciting happenings on the sun-soaked Riviera this month. I’d like to take the opportunity to introduce myself as the new editor, having taken over the reins from Cassandra Tanti. I started my journalistic career in London and have been writing for magazines, newspapers, websites and broadcast news for more than 10 years; arriving in Nice this summer directly from working in the Maldives and Sri Lanka. That’s a world away from the Côte d’Azur, you may be thinking! Well yes; and the tiny tropical islands I’ve been living on are indeed as stunning and secluded as you may imagine (perhaps you’ve already seen them for yourself!). However, after five years, I felt as though France was calling me back – and in particular, this stretch of Provence where I spent so many happy times during my teens and twenties.

My family and I have passed practically every summer since 1996 traversing the length and breadth of the area: from the spectacular gorges of the Verdon to the elegant winding streets of Monaco. The region holds some very fond memories for me; as the first place I ever tried scuba diving (St Raphael); took control of a small four-seater aeroplane (for all of ten minutes, near Cannes!), and explored the landscapes depicted by the great artists I studied at school (Matisse, Picasso, Monet, Van Gogh and Cezanne, to name but a few). I feel privileged to be back in one of the most beautiful, stylish and buzzing places in the world and I hope you will enjoy sharing our first-hand experiences, interviews and hottest recommendations in this edition.

In this issue OUTDOORS




Uncovered: one of the world’s top dive sites! Celebrating Prince Albert II’s 10th Jubilee LIVING

Johnny Depp’s bohemian estate up for sale GOURMET

The Coco Beach success story YACHT

Monaco Yacht Show reaches 25th milestone ART





Best of British art at Orange Tree Galerie Art Monaco: Art meets glamour

12 15 16





Monaco’s ambitious land reclamation plan TROPEZ

Nina Parker: Recipes & anecdotes EVENTS

What’s hot and where to go this August


Catch up on all the latest news and updates from across the Riviera

22 08


Cover photo: Gaby Fey

R T- N E W S

D E S I G N & C O N C E P T B Y K O N N Y S T R AU S S



Photo: Sotheby’s International Realty





Into the blue

Exploring the subaquatic ‘Wonderland’ of the Lerins Islands

One of the world’s most magnificent dive sites is waiting to be discovered on the doorstep of bustling Cannes BY SARAH HARVEY


Photo: Alberto Balbi

felt a surge of excitement as a blur of turquoise water and bubbles flashed in front of my eyes: I was upside down after rolling backwards off a boat, but couldn’t be happier. Rest assured it was no accident that I had ended up like that - I was on a scuba diving excursion to one of the Riviera’s most spectacular dive sites, ranked among the best in the world. It was 9.30am as we tumbled backwards off the side of the Sacre Bleu one by one; some of my companions letting out whoops of glee. I got my bearings and bobbed up to the surface. “Everything OK?” said my dive buddy, Patrick Mialot. I nodded and made the ‘OK’ diving signal with my thumb and forefinger. “Great – then let’s dive!”. With that, we both deflated the air from our BCDs (jackets) and sunk into the depths. Submerged beneath the yachts that dot the azure sea between Sainte-Marguerite and Saint-Honorat islands is the dive site known as Tombant de St-Ferreol . As if the pine forests and historical attractions of the picturesque islands aren’t enough on their own, this particular dive spot offers plenty of adventures, although many visitors to the island may be oblivious to what they are missing out on by not venturing beneath the waves. With an underwater wall facing the open sea (known as a ‘drop-off ’) - which plunges down to 40m deep - it has a superb reputation as a dive site. The co-owner of Easy Dive in Juan Les Pins, Alexandra Gran, told me the marine-life at the site usually includes barracuda,



OUTDOOR 05 octopi, moray eels, grouper, spiny lobster and gorgonian corals (sea fans). She even once saw a sea turtle there. “It’s a beautiful dive site because the water is very clear and also because the water is very deep around the islands, so the biodiversity is great,” Alexandra said. “In spite of the number of boats there, there are a lot of fish there because fishing isn’t allowed in the area.” It is also worth noting that this particular stretch of the Cote D’Azur was the birthplace of modern leisure scuba diving, with the first ever scuba diving club established just a stone’s throw away in Saint Raphael in the 1930s. By coincidence, St Raphael is also where I had my first ever experience of scuba diving (as an 18-year-old), so it seemed fitting that I was returning to the area some years later to explore again. My dive buddy, Patrick, a qualified instructor, travels all the way from Grenoble to dive at this site and others around Juan-Les-Pins most weekends (a four-hour drive each way) - his enthusiasm was certainly a good indication of the quality of the diving experiences in the area. Patrick was already several metres below me, the trail of bubbles from his regulator snaking their way past me and up to the surface. As I descended, I was both impressed and relieved to discover the visibility was at least 20 metres and I immediately picked out the sight of several ruby-red sea fans growing on the wall. The drop-off resembled a sheer cliff edge and was a hive of activity, bursting with colour. Unlike the kind of cliff found on the seashore, the colours were more vivid and the inhabitants more curious-looking in this underwater ‘Wonderland’. The rock was smothered in several different species of corals in shades of brilliant orange, pink and purple. Lobster antennae shyly peeked out of the rocks, a defiant moray eel defended his home with its snapping jaws. The list of magnificent discoveries continued: spiky green sea anemones, a brilliant yellow sponge, a feather duster worm so diaphanous and bizarre-looking that it almost resembled a creature Lewis Carroll himself might have conjured up… It was a comfortable 27c at the surface but as we descended below 20m deep the temperature began to drop to about 16c. For divers familiar with the Mediterranean that’s unremarkable, but as someone who has just moved from the Maldives (where I qualified as a PADI Advanced Diver in the balmy 29c waters of the Indian Ocean) – it was a tad concerning. However, thanks to a 5mm thick full-length wetsuit (complete with hood, gloves and booties) it wasn’t the rude awakening I was expecting. “The water around the islands never gets colder than 12c or 13c,” Alexandra told me later. “In the summer it can get up to 25c or 27c in the shallower areas, so you can dive here all year round.” After the first 20 minutes we turned a corner from the outside reef I saw the rippling water of a thermocline ahead. A thermocline resembles a heat-haze, but obviously is underwater. This rippling effect on the water is found where a colder body of water meets a warmer body of water. Despite being snug inside my wetsuit (apart from where the water was in direct contact with my cheeks), I happily swam towards it. By contrast it was like stepping into a warm bath. We swam over a plateau covered in seagrass with brilliant red starfish lurking amongst the green fronds. I recognised many of the Mediterranean ‘cousins’ of several species I know from my regular diving and snorkelling jaunts in the Indian Ocean, it was almost like seeing old friends again.

They included the tiny electric-blue damselfish with orange fins, and the hulking form of a large grouper. He took us by surprise towards the end of the dive as we passed by a crevasse he was hiding in: clearly I was happier to see him than vice versa. The 2m-long fish eyed us suspiciously as we swam past, continuing to watch us warily until we had passed right out of sight. All too soon our 45 minutes were up, and the bright rays of the sunlight lancing through the water were calling us back to the surface. As we made the regulatory ‘safety stop’ for three minutes at five metres deep I couldn’t help looking back down into the blue, wondering what other surprises it would yield next time I returned. “It’s both a great site for diving and a complicated site for diving,” Alexandra told me after we got back to the Easy Dive Centre at Port Gallice. “…It’s a great dive site because it’s very clear water and there are some very nice sites around the St Lerins Islands, including the Tombant de St-Ferreol which is one of the best dive spots in the world. “However, there are so many boats there in the summer that you can almost cross from one island to the other by walking across the boats! In some ways that’s great because it means everyone can see how beautiful it is here. But on the other hand a lot of boats cause damage with their anchors and by throwing their rubbish overboard. If they’re just staying for a few days they might not understand the damage they’re doing. We wish the area was a reserve, but it’s not. It’s a touristy spot, so it’s very important for Antibes that boats can go and anchor there, but education is important.” Although the Lerins Islands are not officially designated as a protected conservation zone, the local authorities in Cannes promote several initiatives to help keep the underwater environment as pristine as possible; hence the clarity of the water is still particularly good. Alexandra believes the initiatives have been effective in helping to maintain the area’s reputation as a world-class diving destination, although they could go slightly further. “They make an effort to protect it with a lot of underwater and beach cleaning initiatives, and they try to make people aware of the damage their anchors can do,” said Alexandra, who knows the area like the back of her hand, since she has been running Easy Dive in Juan-Les-Pins and Cannes with her husband, Gregory Poirier, for 14 years. The couple, along with other members of the community, have suggested to the authorities that large buoys should be installed around the Lerins Islands for boats to moor on, rather than dropping their anchors which can damage the underwater flora and fauna. “We’re trying to get buoys put near the islands so we can go and anchor on them rather than on the reef. We all need to work together to protect the marine environment.” With such an exquisite and delicate ecosystem living in parallel with one of the most popular tourist hotspots in the country, let’s hope the Lerins Islands dive sites retains its world-ranking and others will be able to explore its magical sights for many years to come. For more information on Easy Dive visit www.easydive.fr




Monaco’s ruler for 10 1

Hats off to you, Monseigneur! Reflections on the 10th Jubilee of Prince Albert II.



t must have been about 17 years ago. I was invited to the closing ceremony of the TV Festival of Monaco. Together with Prince Rainier and several hundred guests of honour, I listened to the speech by - then - Crown Prince Albert. One felt that he wasn’t comfortable in his own skin and I felt really relieved for him as he spoke the closing words. Since then a lot has happened in the Principality. The powerful sovereign, Prince Rainier, died in April 2005 after 56 years of rule, his son succeeded him on 12 July the same year. Many wondered at that time how successful this amiable, but also shy, Grimaldi would be, called by duty to follow in the footsteps of the esteemed Prince Rainier, known as ‘the builder’. It came as a great surprise: Albert carved his own path as the sovereign of Monaco. With each new step, with each new initiative, he appeared to grow stronger and gained more and more respect, even from those who were initially skeptical. Prince Albert has matured with his responsibilities and has come to distinguish himself as an environmentalist, advocate of sustainability and as a campaigner for a better planet. In April 2006, shortly after his accession to the throne he became the first statesman in the world to undertake an expedition to the North Pole, in order to raise awareness of the

issue of global warming. A man of actions, not just of words. It so follows that the nature-loving Prince established the “Fondation Albert II de Monaco” in June 2006. The scope of the Foundation is wide and varied, but the focus is always on human beings and the environment. He also is fighting to improve the image of his country and can take comfort in knowing that Monaco has disappeared from the OECD’s blacklist of tax havens. Furthermore, under his reign the economic situation of the principality has blossomed into a healthy state of affairs. How many other nations in Europe can say the same? “We have achieved this through rigorous management; we have focused on our strengths and by surrounding ourselves with the right people,” said the Prince speaking at the Monaco Press Club. “The expansion of our official territory towards the sea is one of our key policies for the future.” His greatest success of the last decade, however, is his marriage to Princess Charlene and the birth of their twins, Jacques and Gabriella. Whenever you ask him about his family, a broad smile spreads across his face. These children are not only part of his life, but also guarantee the continued existence of the Principality. Monaco is inseparable from its Prince and this union makes for the strength and uniqueness of the tiny Mediterranean state, as Mayor Georges Marsan said in his speech on the



occasion of the Jubilee on 11 July. The Monegasques love their ruler above all else. And not only the Monegasques. When in 2008 I accompanied Albert to a presentation on his Foundation in Dusseldorf, I saw for myself how hundreds of guests were captivated by his charm. When he talks with people face-toface, he is in his element. He has an increasingly rare gift: He knows how to listen and remembers people and their names. Whenever Prince Albert and I meet, he always has a kind word for me - in German too! On the occasion of the tenth Jubilee, finally Princess Charlene ventured to turn to her husband and say in French: “Prince Albert I was the explorer, Prince Rainier III was the builder; you are the prince hearts, you are the prince of my heart,” what else could Albert do…he was moved to tears. 1+2) Charlène and Albert: Celebrating their love at the 10th jubilee 3) We also want to celebrate! Jacques and Gabriella watch mum and dad from the palace balcony. As a belated christening present from the Monegasque people the little prince and princess were given a vintage Cartier watch, a belt buckle from 1925, and a belt. 4) Of course, the family had to be there too. Here Princess Caroline of Hanover is pictured with her grandson, son, daughter and nieces 5) Prince Albert with the Board of Monaco Press Club. On his right, club president Noël Mettey, on his left RT-chief Petra Hall. Photos: Palais Princier


0 years - a retrospective 2

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Prince Albert in an interview with the Riviera RT Magazine

In love with his twins

To celebrate his 10th Jubilee Monaco Press Club invited Prince Albert of Monaco to a conference at the Yacht Club. Before an au d i e n c e of hu n d re d s of m e mb e r s a n d g u e s t s he answered numerous questions on various topics. But when the conversation turned to his seven-month-old children, the sovereign beamed from ear to ear. In a subsequent private conversation with Riviera RT Magazine chief editor and press club board member Petra Hall, he spoke about life with his young family and his hopes for the little prince and princess.




he children are thriving and are very cheerful, laughing a lot,” said the proud father. “It is touching to see how close they already are to each other. We know from friends that this close relationship is not uncommon in twins,” he beams. The duties Albert must fulfill as Prince of Monaco require a lot of his time, and he admitted that he finds it hard to balance these responsibilities with family life. “It is extremely difficult for me to find time for the little ones. I am always juggling dates in order to see them as much as possible. August will be much more quiet, and I can finally devote more time to my family,” said the prince. Over the summer, the royal family lives in the Grimaldi mansion, Roc Agel, located high above the principality, far from the hustle and bustle of the coast. What are your hopes for your twins, Monseigneur? “I want our children to have a carefree childhood and to not be constantly in the public eye. That’s not easy, but it is possible. Also, my big wish is that they can live in a better planet.” The babies sleep for six to seven hours per night, Albert cheerfully reports, and he plans for them to be raised in a bilingual home, with Charlene speaking English and Albert in French. “Of course, they will be bilingual ​​- Charlene speaks English and I will converse in French with them,” he said. In addition, German is not to be excluded from the children’s education. In any case, they will be attending Monegasque public schools, like their father. It seems the parents have some great ideas for how their children should be raised; participating in sporting activities, but also not neglecting culture - according to their model. “We are so glad to have such healthy and happy babies!” With these words, the popular prince turns around: “Tonight, I’m free for the first time since the end of May!...” and he departs to his limousine accompanied by bodyguards, bound for a night in with his family in Roc Agel.



Johnny Depp’s home goes under the hammer Star restored ‘hameau’ to create characterful family estate

Film star Johnny Depp has put his French Riviera home up for sale, complete with furniture, artwork and other personal belongings. BY SARAH HARVEY AND CASSANDRA TANTI





he sprawling estate above Saint Tropez could be yours for a cool €23million. Purchased in 2001, Depp dedicated 14 years to lovingly restoring the estate for an estimated €10 million in order to create an attractive, secluded family home in which to raise his children. He reportedly enjoyed spending his time there growing vegetables, playing with his children and occasionally popping to the shops in the nearby villages. According to luxury real estate company Sotheby’s International Realty France, who has the exclusive listing, the Hollywood actor is selling his 37-acre estate to “close the chapter” on his life with the French singer and actress Vanessa Paradis, whom he split with in 2012 after a 14-year relationship. The stone buildings date back to 1812 and have been sympathetically renovated in order to retain a rustic aesthetic. “There’s a great simplicity at our place in France, at certain times of the day you could feel like it could be today, it could be mid-nineteenth century, or it could be the early 1600s, and I really love that about our place,” Depp was once quoted as saying. The estate in Plan-de-la-Tour, just 17 miles north of St Tropez, comprises of an entire converted private hamlet or ‘hameau’ consisting of several houses, a former church, a main house and several guest residences. In total there are 12 bedrooms and 12 bathrooms covering a living area of 1,000sqm on a 150,000sqm plot of land. Chairman and CEO of Sotheby’s International Realty France, Alexander Kraft, says: “Johnny’s used the property extensively to get away from the Hollywood hustle, recharge his batteries and reconnect with nature. “He truly loved this property which allowed him to lead a normal, tranquil life and enjoy life’s simple pleasures. It is here where he taught his kids, Lily-Rose and Jack, to appreciate such essential values as respect of nature and a healthy, down-to-earth lifestyle.”

Plant pots, wooden chairs and tables compliment the honeycoloured stone blocks, wooden beams and terracotta roof tiles which look as though they have endured the hot Provencal summers and cool winters for generations. It could almost be any sleepy rural residence in the area, if you didn’t know it was owned by one of the biggest stars in Hollywood. However the interior, much of which was decorated with flair by Depp himself, reveals Depp’s bohemian character. Most of the stone walls have been left exposed rather than covered in plaster, in harmony with the antique furniture made from natural materials like wood and wicker. Candlesticks, colourful rugs and baroque features add drama and elegance. One of the quirkiest highlights includes a wine-tasting cave influenced by the ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’, the money spinning films in which he stars as Captain Jack Sparrow. The grotto is decorated with bright fabrics in yellow, red and indigo and rich rugs, as well as exotic trinkets including skulls, metal candle-stick holders, colourful feather quills and a fur pelt. The main building features five bedrooms, three bathrooms and an art studio where Depp created several paintings. Surrounding the buildings, the 37 acres of gently-sloping land includes olive trees, vines, a vegetable garden, fountains and a large swimming pool with its own bar (surrounded by sand) plus a second, smaller, swimming pool. Also included in the multi-million dollar estate is a church that has been turned into a guest house, with the confessional turned into a wardrobe; a Provencal-style restaurant and bar ‘Chez Marceline’, a hunter’s cabin, a gym, playroom and a skate park built for Depp’s son Jack and daughter Lily-Rose. There is also a workshop, garage and staff quarters. Kraft continues: “The renovation of the estate has really been a true labour of love for Johnny. Over several years, he painstakingly restored and decorated all the houses of the village one by one, bringing his very personal touch to the project and creating a property of exceptional character. “Where else in the world can guests sleep in a converted village church, sample wines in a tasting cave that resembles a ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ – set, and in the evening meet in an authentic Provencal village restaurant and bar?” In February the 52-year-old married US actress and model Amber Heard, 23 years his junior, at a ceremony on a private island in the Bahamas.




Fish. Only fish. Since 1936! The location of Coco Beach in Nice is simply breathtaking.

Retro is most definitely in and plenty of places on the Riviera try extremely hard to artificially emulate the look. But it’s not necessary at Coco Beach because the legendary venue has remained virtually unchanged since its inception in March 1936. It was first opened by the Sicilian Jean-Baptiste Coco as a cabin on the cliffs on Nice’s coast, offering grilled fish and local wine. Today Jean-Baptiste Coco’s granddaughter Anne-Marie and her husband Pierre run the restaurant, which has preser ved its slightly bohemian charm over the generations... BY PETRA HALL AUGUST




f you’re looking for fancy decorations and an extensive menu of value-for-money dishes, you shouldn’t read any further. This article is only for people in search of an authentic experience; seeking genuine, simple cuisine (but cuisine which may also come with a high price-tag). Perhaps you’ll get goosebumps on your arms when you hear a story like that of the Coco family history. It goes something like this: In the first few decades of the 20th century there was a massive wave of immigration from Italy. Many of the Italians swept through France to sail to the USA from Marseille. A large number, however, remained in Nice and settled in the area around the harbour. Jean-Baptiste Coco moved in around 1930 from his Sicilian birthplace to the Mediterranean town. By profession a fisherman, he also imported natural sponges from Italy and Greece. They had to be rinsed and cleaned in seawater. The ideal spot for the enterprising young ‘Giovanni Battista’, as he probably was originally called, was on the rocks of Nice’s eastern coast. There was plenty of space for his 20-metre boat, the traditional ‘pointu’ that he christened ‘Tartane’. Then he needed to transport wine from Nice to Saint Tropez. Since he was a sociable man, “a Pagnol-type”, as his granddaughter says, he often was visited by friends, acquaintances and their families. What could be a more obvious step than to grill the fish he caught and sell them to his ‘copains’ with a glass of rosé? ‘Les Mouettes’, (‘Gulls’) is what Coco named the thatched villa. Very soon it became an extremely popular destination of the Nicois. During the Second World War, British and American servicemen working in Villefranche Marina were stationed in the Bay of Nice. They too were enthusiastic about Coco’s grilled fish and the legend of his insurmountable ‘pain bagnat’ soon spread like wildfire: “Let’s go to Coco’s Beach” was the common phrase used by his loyal patrons. And so the name was born which the restaurant

on Avenue Jean Lorrain still carries today: “Coco Beach”. More and more guests came, lured by the reputation; among them Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Marc Chagall and later Brigitte Bardot and many other celebrities. Jean-Baptiste was even summoned to the Elysée Palace to prepare his bouillabaisse for the then-President René Coty. Today, the entire city district is named “Coco Beach”, even a bus stop is named after him. Stars and artists still like to reserve a table at Coco Beachpreferably in the front row of the 30 seats on the terrace from where you can enjoy the breathtaking views of Nice’s Bay of Angels. The decorations haven’t changed since the 1960s. Certainly, the thatched hut is now built in stone and has a solid roof, and over the years, a dining room was added in the shape of a boat. The strong personality of Jean-Baptiste Coco, who died in 1978, is still present in the restaurant today. The photos on the walls picture him - always in a straw hat - with celebrity guests in his restaurant. Gern often reminds his granddaughter Anne-Marie, who studied at the Hotel Management School in Geneva, of anecdotes from his childhood. Such as when her mother Carmen, who was nicknamed Poupée by all, used to swim to catch more fresh fish and lobsters for the kitchen. “Today, although no one swims out to get fish the goods are nevertheless freshly caught! They now come from the area between Menton and Marseille. The principle always remains the same, “ said Anne-Marie and Pierre Quirino-Cauvin almost in chorus. “We don’t want to change and many of our guests want everything to stay this way too. We have fish. Only fish. Frozen or products from captivity do not come to our table. If we have run out of a particular variety, there simply is no more. We all know that wild fish is expensive. We calculate the price, as in all good fish restaurants, by weight. Our specialties



are shellfish Coco-style, fish soup, bouillabaisse, and of course charcoal-grilled fish. We are a ‘cabanon de luxe’ - in a luxury restaurant, the dishes would be much more expensive.” Two of the regular guests seemed to sum it up well: “Coco Beach has retained the charm it always has had, but it is not a museum - rather it is a place of pilgrimage for those who are in love with the 1960s and the carefree years before then,” says a faithful German patron. A visitor from Great Britain, however, had this to say: “Inexpensive Coco Beach is not. But I do not regret a single penny that I spent on this truly magical place. A real treat for the palate, and the soul!” Coco Beach is open at lunchtime on Saturdays from March until mid-November.

Pierre and Anne Marie Quirino manage the restaurant today, which grandfather Jean Baptiste welcomed numerous celebrities to, such as Brigitte Bardot and Pablo Picasso


Celebrating 25 years of the world’s premier yacht show The world’s greatest gathering of super-yachts reaches its silver anniversary in September

Since its inception in 1991, the Monaco Yacht Show has grown to become the ultimate event of its kind: this year’s show will be the most spectacular yet.


t all began 25 years ago, when just a handful of local companies and 30 yachts – with an average length of just 32m – were brought together in an attempt to promote yachting business, and highlight its importance within the Principality. Despite Monaco being a major international hub for large yacht owners and brokers, it had been missing a flagship industry event – a world-class expo which could bring together key players in the yachting business from around the world. And so the first Monaco Yacht Show was born. Since then, the Monaco Yacht Show has gone from strength to strength, growing in stature and popularity each year and

each time building on its success. In 2015, on the occasion of its silver anniversary, the largest ever Monaco Yacht Show takes place, with a record-breaking showcase of 120 superyachts with an average size exceeding 47 metres. No less than 500 exhibiting companies will display the most cutting-edge and bespoke products and services, representing the ultimate in the luxury yachting industry. With an average attendance of 34,000 visitors each year, including big business representatives and elite clients from all over the world, picturesque Port Hercules will become the international hub of the super-yacht business. This year a number of new features have been added

MONACO YACHT SHOW 13 and Quai Rainier III has been designated to host three of the show’s biggest and most extravagant superyachts as an exciting focal point of the show. Organisers say during the past few years the Monaco Yacht Show has started to attract younger buyers, who travel from around the world to seek out the latest luxury yachting toys and know-how. A spokesman for the event said: “Being part of the enjoyment of the Monaco Yacht Show is attractive to many in the industry and as the industry expands, there are many new faces eager to share in that same excitement. “In recent years there has been a surge in the younger buyer entering the superyacht market. Now instead of flying in from the USA or driving in from mainland Europe, wealthy visitors are flocking to Monaco from all over the world. They bring not just their money, but also a new enthusiasm for tasting the good life of luxury on the water. “For many years the world of superyachting had been one of the world’s best kept secrets, but the bubble has burst and this new blood is not only keen to taste the adventure but is also hungry enough to devour it.” Much of this can be credited to the promotional efforts of the show’s organisers working with partners in Asia, who have helped to awaken an understanding – and a thirst for – the superyacht concept. Events such as ‘Monaco Week’ in Shanghai and Beijing this January piqued the Riviera RT Magazine has been a proud media partner of the Monaco Yacht Show for 14 years. In the spirit of our longterm partnership and ongoing collaboration, subscribers can request 2 free tickets to the Monaco Yacht Show with our compliments.

interest of the Chinese social elite, and partnering with the Embassy of Monaco in China and Chinese Media Partner; Blu Inc, also played a role in capturing the imagination of this new sector of the market. With markets such as this in mind, the Monaco Yacht Show organisers have created the Sapphire Experience Pack – an exclusive limited edition package for some of the most prestigious clients visiting the show. It grants them allinclusive access to the show, encompassing permission to board superyachts plus lunch and champagne at the Upper Deck Lounge, as well as an invitation to the Monaco Yacht Show Gala Inaugural Party. Steps have also been taken, with the comfort of all the other guests in mind, to improve amenities. A fleet of shuttle boats will be ready to ferry visitors across the harbour, and in addition a new golf cart service will deliver visitors in comfort to the venue. Two new car parks offering 600 spaces and improved transport links will ensure everyone will be able to find getting to Monaco Yacht Show is easier than ever this year. The event takes take place between 10am and 6.30pm from Wednesday September 23 to Saturday September 26 at the iconic Port Hercules. One day entry to the show for members of the public costs €150, with tickets available at a booth at the event.


The tasteFamily-run of exception business

demonstrates generations of skill in producing award-winning wines.

In the loving hands of the Van Doren family for three generations, the Domaine de l’Anglade is the only winery in the heart of Le Lavandou, the Var.


urrounded by pine forests and Provence cane is a field of 40 hectares, 18 of which are dedicated to vines, integrated into lush vegetation and situated beside a glistening Mediterranean sea. It is here that owner-grower Bernard Van Doren produces his award winning wines. The Domaine de l’Anglade’s artistic skill in selecting grape varieties is matched by its ability to meet strict production conditions, allowing wines to bear the quality classification of Maures (Indication Géographique Protégée). Vines are cultivated traditionally, without herbicides or chemical fertilisers. Harvesting is done by hand in the early morning to preserve freshness and the subtle aromas of the berries. The grass covering the ground helps to improve the soil condition as well as benefitting the local biodiversity and acting as a natural defence against erosion. The cellar where the wines are left to age is built from natural rock, providing optimum temperature and humidity control. It also provides a wonderful setting in which to taste the wines in small groups (by appointment). With this combined magic, the wines from the Domaine de l’Anglade have, over the decades, secured their pedigree, enabling them to grace some of the greatest tables of France.

white wine, Le Blanc, reveals a dry and cool character. The three red wines: Rouge Grenache Syrah, Merlot Longue Macération, and the exceptional Cuvée du Brocard… are pure Cabernet Sauvignon aged in French oak.

2015 Award-winning wines The Cuvée Tradition 2014 rosé won silver medal at the ‘Féminalise’ world wine competition, silver at the ‘Mondial du Rosé’, and bronze at the ‘Decanter’ world wine competition. Rosé d’Anna 2014 secured silver medal at the ‘Elle à Table’ and bronze at the ‘Fair of Brignoles’. Le Blanc 2014 won silver medal at ‘Les Féminalise’, bronze in the ‘Independent Winegrowers’ competition, and was commended at ‘Decanter’. And Merlot Longue Macération 2011 collected gold medal at the competition.

Wine tastings at the Chai... Soft warm light, stone walls, wooden barrels… discover the unique setting for tastings and vineyard tours hosted by the talented young winemaker, Armeline Audibert.

The Domain de l’Anglade specialises in using several different varieties of grapes including six types of black grapes. It is between the end of August and early September that the harvest begins, in the purest tradition. The grapes are picked during the cool mornings by hand in order to preserve the freshness and integrity of the berries until they enter the press. For the rose and white wines, the grapes are de-stemmed before being trodden under foot. For red wines, the grapes are de-stemmed and placed in vats for maceration. Two rosé vintages are available: the fresh and delicious Cuvée Tradition and the fine and elegant Rosé d’Anna. Then the



Avenue Vincent Auriol 83980 Le Lavandou Tel: +33 (0)4 94 71 10 89



A palette of colours: pink, white & red

ART & CULTURE 15 has settled in well at the gallery, and the other three artists– Dr Leonard McComb, Meg Dutton and Lisa Lindqvist - meet each summer in Seillans. Seillans has a splendid history of hosting exceptional resident artists - perhaps Max Ernst being the best known to date - and the delightful ambience of the medieval village and peaceful countryside needs to be seen to be fully appreciated. Leonard, a Royal Academician, has previously exhibited his work at Royal Academy shows, which were extremely well received. He was born in Glasgow in 1930 and studied at Manchester School of Art, and afterwards at the Slade School. In 1990 Leonard was elected to the Royal Academy and was Keeper of the Royal Academy Schools from 1995 - 98. He is a draughtsman, painter, sculptor and printmaker. Leonard’s work, which can also be seen at the Tate Gallery, the V & A Museum

The London Connection Respected Provence gallery hosts some of the UK’s finest artists

THE ORANGE TREE GALERIE, SEILLANS, has over the years garnered a superb reputation for showcasing some of the best artistic talent in the region.


he latest exhibition of the spectacular artwork of four artists reveals a strong London theme, particularly since all four developed their artistic skills, from an early age, in the vibrant British capital. As The Orange Tree Galerie’s Artiste en Residence, Tessa Peskett

and the British Museum in London, is determined by concerns for the details of nature, the internal energies of nature’s forms and how they radiate light and colour. Meg Dutton lives and works in London. She studied Painting at Chelsea School of Art in the early 1970’s and became

involved in printmaking. She is a member, and past vicepresident, of The Royal Society of Painter Printmakers and also a member of The Royal Society of British Artists. Drawing and a fascination with pattern and detail in both the natural and man-made world forms the basis of her paintings, drawings and etchings. Meg exhibits her work regularly in London and abroad. Tessa Peskett was born in Three Bridges, Sussex, England. After gaining a B.A. Hons Fine Art degree she went on to obtain a Higher Post Graduate Diploma in Painting at City & Guilds of London Art School where she also obtained the Chadwick Healey Prize for painting. She was elected R.O.I. Mall Galleries, London in 1993 and regularly had her paintings selected for the Royal Academy Summer Shows and The Royal Institute of Painters in Oils. Tessa regularly exhibited in prominent galleries in London, New York and Paris before moving to France in 2003. Tessa’s harmonious compositions, created during her time at The Orange Tree Galerie, have found their way into hundreds of collector’s homes around the world. Lisa Lindqvist was born in Hampshire, England and in 1994 gained a B.A. Hons Fine Art Sculpture at Wimbledon School of Art, London. In 2000 Lisa was offered a student position at the Elisabeth Frink School of Figurative Sculpture in Staffordshire. Since then she has become increasingly inspired by large sculptures, and her works can be seen in many collections including several pieces at the Terre Blanche Resort in Tourrettes, France, and Kingston Lacey House in Dorset, England. The exhibition runs from 29 July through until end of October with the Galerie open from Wednesday till Saturday 2.30pm to 6.30pm, or by private arrangement.

Phone 04 94 67 98 82 or visit www.theorangetreegalerie.com


Art Monaco: where art meets glamour

One of the Western World’s most highlyanticipated, opulent & thrilling art fairs

S i n c e 2 0 0 8 A r t Mo n a c o h a s b e e n a t r a i l b l a z e r a m o n g s t a r t e x p o s i t i o n s – setting standards and surpassing expectations.


he stage was set in Espace Fontvieille, MonteCarlo, as Optus Eventi launched one of the most glamorous events in the art world this summer – the sixth consecutive Art Monaco event. From 9 to 12 July floods of art enthusiasts craving beauty, luxury and sparkle satisfied their desires at the spectacular exhibition. Amongst them were art galleries, institutions, art critics and art collectors, lured by the stellar reputation the annual event has built up over the six years since its inception. More than 4,000 pieces were on display (both for exhibition and for sale), and the most dedicated art appreciators were able to take home a piece of the magnificent three-day exhibition for themselves. It seemed fitting that Monaco, the “playground for the rich and famous” was host to the annual event. In harmony with the elegance and sophistication of the Principality, Art Monaco provides a platform for attendees to experience the most captivating and cutting-edge work of the fine art world. Works by some of the world’s most renowned artists, hand-picked by Art Monaco’s panel of experts, were showcased by well-established and emerging galleries alike. The panel, which is made up of respected figures from the global cultural scene, has a strict selection process to ensure the quality and excellence of the exhibition.

The exhibition featured works from the Angela Palmer Gallery (UK), Svenska Konstgalleriet (Sweden), Dorothy Circus Gallery (Italy), Classic Fine Art (USA), Treasure House (Russia) and Terrin Art (Canada/Mexico) amongst many more. The works of the international artists were created in an array of fine art mediums. These include acrylic, oil, and watercolour paintings; sculptures; photography; antiques and mixed media as well as the hand-crafted work of jewellery and furniture designers. A spokesman for the prestigious event said: “Maintaining a multi-layered approach in terms of the visual trends chosen to define this year’s fair, our team agreed to choose galleries and artwork based on the artist’s ability to express and embody his personal artistic language, as well as scouting new emerging talents that demonstrate a clearly defined creative potential.” It’s clear that Art Monaco has become one of the glittering highlights of the cultural calendar, having firmly established itself before a global audience. 1) 16 Candles - 2013, Charles Gitnik, USA 2) Art Show - 2015, Susan Sieg, Su-Art gallery, Germany (Both acrylic paint on canvas)






xpanding out into the Mediterranean from Anse du Portier the site will feature a landscaped park complete with an artificial hill rising to 17 metres high, as well as shops and offices. The government of Prince Albert II first invited bids for the luxury development two years ago in order to ease overcrowding in the tiny Principality, where 36,000 inhabitants currently share just two kilometres of land. It insisted on bids which demonstrate the most rigorous environmental standards with “sustainable urban design” being its guiding principle. Indeed, green areas are a strong theme in the winning bid, with several swathes of land surrounding the urban development set aside for trees and shrubbery. Deputy mayor, André Campana, said, “This new district takes into account the characteristics of an urban area, namely the continuity of pedestrian access, quality of public spaces, facades… “A feature of this space is notably the landscaped public park and the hill, around which the project is based, and the various pedestrian routes which compose it, such as along the sea front. The outdoor areas will also include public spaces and public facilities including parking and a 5,000 m² extension to the Grimaldi Forum.” The project will create around 60,000 m² of land, including housing for nearly 700 inhabitants and commercial areas. In addition there is a small port. Vehicles will have access to the new area but priority has been given to pedestrian and cyclist access. Monaco is not only the most densely populated country in the world but also the world’s smallest country, after the Vatican City. The land reclamation scheme will increase Monaco’s official territory by approximately 3%. Monaco abandoned plans in 2008 for a larger land reclamation project due to the global financial crisis and environmental consideration.


Monaco territory to expand 3% Land reclamation and development project gets green light

The municipal council has voted unanimously in favour of an ambitious land reclamation project which will add desperately-needed housing and greenspace to the world’s most densely populated country. BY SARAH HARVEY


Own a piece of paradise Mougins –

prime location – the place to be

Owner, Mark Silver


The renowned Le Mas Candille is offering the exclusive opportunity to a limited number of clients to join a unique hotel ownership concept.

he charming ‘Relais & Château’ hotel is nestled in the village of Mougins, only 6 kilometres from the glamorous ‘Croisette’ in Cannes and the famous beaches which surround it. With traditional architecture, contemporary amenities, a 4-hectare park, Michelin-starred restaurant and Shiseido Spa, Le Mas Candille has all the hallmarks of a world-class five star retreat, complete with impeccable service and contemporary amenities. It also has easy access to the airport (20 minutes) and the triangle of Cannes, Saint-Tropez and Monaco. The hotel has created a magnificent new concept for discerning clients; Fractional Ownership – which allows guests to invest in Le Mas Candille. But this is a rare opportunity; with only 12 shares available from €188,000, with no ‘taxe d’habitation’ or ‘taxe fonciere’ to worry about. The Fractional Ownership plan, which includes spa membership at the gorgeous Shiseido Spa and Fitness Centre, allows guests full use of their beautifully-designed apartment for up to 13 rotating week periods per year. If they wish, they can rent out the apartment to other parties during any time in the allocated period through the hotel management. The idea is to give the shareholder an opportunity for flexible ownership of a second home, as well as the potential to generate some return on their initial investment. Imagine waking in the morning to scenes of sweeping parkland, or strolling through the picturesque village of Mougins (in the footsteps of Pablo Picasso). Mougins is one of the most attractive traditional villages in the Cote d’Azur, with plenty to offer art-lovers in the form of galleries and

shops and a strong history of attracting famous artists; Picasso being amongst the most famous of Mougins’ former residents. “Mougins village is only a 5-minute walk up the hill, and the village is a typical south of France charming village - full of art galleries and restaurants,” said Le Mas Candille’s owner, Mark Silver. “There is also the most unique private museum - Museum Art Classique de Mougins (MACM). The village is peaceful, and does not get overrun by tourists in the high season, unlike some other villages. “Mougins is a great place to live, you are not far from the beaches – 6km – and the airport - 20 minutes - with its great connections; and the A8 highway (5 minutes). Yet in Mougins you are hidden away, whilst being able to be in most European capitals within 2-3 hours.” Mark Silver has sketched out designs for his vision to offer this unique hospitality opportunity, located in one of the most famous and desirable holiday regions in Europe. The HotelApartment is particularly well-suited to international corporations and private companies seeking attractive and flexible housing, as well as individuals. Le Mas Candille was founded whilst the owner, Mark Silver, was working as a spa consultant for various hotel groups in the late 1990’s. At the time, the property was a worn-looking hotel, with overgrown gardens and shrubs obscuring the terraces. “One of the groups were trying to buy the hotel, which at the time was a very tired 20 bedroom hotel, when I saw it the first time, all the grounds were covered with shrub, so I had no idea of all the terraces” said Mark Silver.



“The opportunity came to buy the hotel, so I took the decision without thinking about it too much - probably not a sensible way to do a business deal!” he added. But Mark Silver recognised the potential the property had, combined with its superb setting and proximity to the attractions of Mougins, and the wider Riviera area. He acquired the hotel in 2000, and by August 2002 it was fully open to the public. In 2009, six large suites were added to cater to guests seeking larger rooms and more privacy. In 2015, Le Mas Candille is continuing to expand its market, with the unveiling of the new Fractional Ownership scheme. “By buying one of our investment bonds, you are able to have a piece of Mougins; a suite you can call your own, whilst receiving a return on your investment, and having the peace of mind of knowing your investment is secure,” concluded Mark Silver. On request the company can send to interested parties its new brochure, containing detailed documents and descriptions of the apartments, as well as information concerning tax and legal issues.

TRY BEFORE YOU BUY - AN INSPECTION VISIT UPON REQUEST SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY Contact: Exclusive Sales Marketing – GIS – Brigitte Graf German office: +49 21 66-84 990 German mobile: +49 171 491 99 98 French mobile: +33 (0)6 89 90 24 42 E-mail: GIS@lemascandille.com


St Tropez calling

Nina Parker explores the town’s charm through recipes and anecdotes The chef, writer and company director takes a moment to chat with the Riviera RT Magazine about writing, food and her love affair with St Tropez. BY SARAH HARVEY


or chef and writer Nina Parker, it was love at first sight. The fascination began years ago, and since then nothing else has even come close to capturing the same feeling…We’re talking about the town of St Tropez of course – the place that captured Nina’s heart as a child and eventually inspired her to pen the culinary and lifestyle book Nina, St Tropez in 2014, which is about to hit the bookshelves in the USA. Nina’s culinary debut came after meeting Italian chef Francesco Mazzei at university; she learned the ropes in his awardwinning fine dining restaurant, L’Anima, in London. From there Nina went on to work with Monegasque chef Alain Ducasse at London’s prestigious The Dorchester hotel as well as in the renowned kitchens of The Ledbury and the Michelin-starred Locanda Locatelli, also in London. Although being based in London, where she is director of her own food company, Nina is still constantly in and out of St Tropez. Her debut book, Nina, St Tropez, was a huge success when it hit the bookstores a year ago. And all this by the time she is 30. Riviera RT Magazine caught up with Nina as she concluded her most recent trip to the Riviera in July. The first question on our mind – we know why we love St Tropez but what keeps pulling Nina back? “I have been going to the south of France my whole life, so it’s a bit like a second home to me,” says Nina. “I spent my childhood summers there and my family still loves it; we never seem to get bored of it. I can go on holiday somewhere else but then I come back to St Tropez and there is just something that doesn’t compare to any other place.” The young entrepreneur’s most recent trip, with friends, was “one of the best!” she exclaims. During their time in St Tropez they went to Nina’s favourite old haunts including Le Club 55 and a few restaurants near Port Grimaud such as La Table Du Mareyeur. “You just never know who you are going to

meet, and everyone is in a great mood,” Nina enthuses. Her love for St Tropez must be in the blood because it was the very place where her parents first met when they were young. “My parents met on the beach down here and my grandmother used to come here for holidays. So my family has a special love for the place because of this,” says Nina. “It’s perfect if you are any age, from nine to 90. I have countless memories, but I have some wonderful ones spent with my Polish grandmother, Bubi of her taking me out to lunch and eating oysters and crème brulée.” It’s clear the town of St Tropez has a very broad appeal, even for those who have only visited once - or simply people who daydream about it on a grey morning somewhere far away. So in many ways it was a canny idea of Nina’s to focus her first book on the eternally-fascinating and eternally-trendy hotspot. Nina agrees St Tropez has a universal charm; it appeals to all kinds of people, across a broad age range. “I think there is a lot about the place that doesn’t seem to change much, which maybe people are drawn to,” she muses. “The old town stays the same and some of my friends who come down here with me say this…I suppose there is something comforting about that. There are lovely beaches, the seaside, great food, amazing weather and it’s not too far from London, so I guess it ticks a lot of boxes.” Whenever Nina is in town she likes to indulge in one or two of her favourite local dishes – the famous Tarte Tropezienne (popularized by Brigitte Bardot while she was filming ‘And God Created Woman’ in the then-sleepy fishing village); or the anchoiade with raw crudités. Garlic, shallots, basil, lemon, tomatoes, aubergine and anchovies define local cookery, and all of these ingredients are of course features of the recipes in Nina, St Tropez. During her trips to the Riviera Nina also likes to revisit some of her favourite dinner spots; the Jardin de Robert in Grimaud



is her favourite restaurant on the Côte d’Azur “I find tons of great vintage clothes and antiques there,” she adds. But being on the Côte d’Azur, away from the hustle and bustle of London, gives Nina the chance to grab some precious downtime. Ideally she spends a few days on a boat with her family, reading. “I lead a very hectic life in London so I tend to not want to do too much when I’m out here,” she says. Speaking of which, could the golden sands of St Tropez possibly lure her away from London more permanently…? “In a dream world I would create another Del-Rey in Port Grimaud, which was an incredible waffle/ice cream parlour that I used to go to when I was growing up. But it’s a very short season so I’m not sure I would have my own place, and that would mean I would be working instead of enjoying it,” says Nina. “I want to do a popup restaurant night instead when I come back later this summer,” she adds. In the meantime, Nina has plenty on her – well - on her plate: The launch of Nina St Tropez in New York for the US market, she has just handed in the follow-up, NINA Capri, to her publisher, continuing to manage her company NINA Food and associated pop-up events plus keeping on top of all the blog posts and pictures on Instagram (which Nina personally updates herself). “I made a decision this year to dedicate time to my online presence and I have had a nice response which is very encouraging. It’s absolutely essential with my job now. “I have had a lovely response from the book, with lots of people who know St Tropez who have bought it. That’s been the best for me!” says Nina. “I have just given in my next book which is all about what I call the ‘Italian St Tropez’ and it will be called NINA Capri. I have been trained in French and Italian cuisine, so it seemed a natural direction to go in. I’m very excited about it!” she grins.


French Events Until 22nd August

M O N ACO “MONTE-CARLO SPORTING SUMMER FESTIVAL” Featuring international artists such as Enrique Iglesias (16th August). The Salle des Etoiles, Sporting Monte-Carlo. www.sportingsummerfestival.com

Until 29th August

MANDELIEU-LA NAPOULE “FESTIVAL LES NUITS DE ROBINSON” In Theatre Robinson in August are, among other rock artists, AC / DC Tribute. Starts at 9pm. www.mandelieu.fr

Until 16th August

CANNES “FESTIVAL PANTIERO” Pop and electro music. On 16th August: Dream Koala, Superpoze, Admission: €25. www.festivalpantiero.com

6th – 9th August

M O N TAU R O UX GUITAR FESTIVAL 16th international guitar festival. Main act: English rock band, The Yardbirds. Admission free www.tourisme-montauroux.fr

12th – 23rd August

VALBONNE CIRCUS The circus, Arlette Gruss, is touring the South of France with its show for its 30th anniversary. It includes elephants, tigers and the famous motorcycle ball. Daily performances. Prices start at €14 for children €17 for adults. www.cirque-gruss.com

15th August

TO U R R E T T E S - S U R- LO U P CONCERT Concert with the hits of Pink Floyd. Place du Scourédon / church from 9pm. www.tourrettessurloup.com S A I N T- J E A N - C A P - F E R R A T TRIBUTE TO ARETHA FRANKLIN Kristaa Williams performs songs of the famous soul singer. From 9pm at the Théâtre sur la Mer. Reservation under: 04 93 76 08 90 - www.saintjeancapferrat-tourisme.fr

16th August

V I L L E N E UV E - LO U B E T FILM SCREENINGS Every Sunday and Wednesday in August there will be films screened on a canvas at the Theatre de Verdure in Saint Georges. Films start at 9.45pm. Admission from €4 to €5.50. Tel. 04 92 02 66 16 MENTON “THE GLORY GOSPEL SINGERS” African-American songs on the Côte d’Azur. In the Eglise Protestante Unie at 9pm. Other concerts: Marseille on 22nd, Hyères on 23rd and Villeneuve-Loubet on 25th. All from €14. www.glorygospel.org

17th August

ROQUEBRUNE-CAP-MARTIN MUSIC AT THE CASTLE The Richard Galliano New Tangaria Quartet gives a concert in Château Parvis Rainier III. From 9pm. www.rcm-tourisme.com

19th August

S A I N T- J E A N - C A P - F E R R A T CHARLIE CHAPLIN The cult hero with a moustache and a bowler hat can be seen for free in one of his films in the Jardin du Presbytère. Starts 9pm. www.saintjeancapferrat-tourisme.fr

20th August

LE THORONET “CONCERTS GREGORIENS” Gregorian chants from the 7th and 8th centuries at the Chantres du Thoronet, Le Thoronet Abbey. Starts 8.30pm. €12. Tel. 04 94 60 10 94 - chantgregorien.over-blog.com

20th and 22nd August

CANNES RUSSIAN MUSIC THEATRE The Orthodox Choir of Saint-Petersburg combines with Cannes’ Theatre Music Singers before returning to pieces from home. Thursday in the Church of Notre-Dame de Bon Voyage, Saturday at the Notre-Dame des Pins. From 9pm. www.palaisdesfestivals.com

21st – 23rd August

VENCE FESTIVAL TROBAREA The medieval town of Vence invites you to a Troubadour extravaganza. Friday from 3pm and Saturday and Sunday from 4pm. Concerts in the Cathedral at 9pm except Sunday when they begin at 6pm. €10 each or €21 for all three concerts. www.lacompagniedelahulotte.com

23rd August

MANDELIEU-LA-NAPOULE MUSICAL FIREWORKS Motto of the event: “De l’Opéra à l’opérette”. With DJ. On the beach, Boulevard Général de Gaulle, From 10pm. Admission free. www.ot-mandelieu.fr

26th August

BIOT FILM SCREENINGS Comedy, «Les Dieux sont tombes sur la tête» starts 9pm in the Jardin Frédéric Mistral. If it rains, the film will run in Complexe Sportif Pierre Operto instead. www.biot-tourisme.com

28th August

NICE MUSIC SPECTACLE AT THE BEACH Different musicians play on the Promenade des Anglais from 10pm. Free admission. www.nicetourisme.com

29th August

S A I N T- L A U R E N T- D U - V A R DAY OF EARTH For the 29th time there will be mini-farms, carriage rides and workshops. Starts 10am on the Place de la Résistance and the Parc Layet. www.saintlaurentduvar.fr

29th August – 6th September

VALBONNE ANTIQUE MARKET 31 living rooms with contemporary pieces in the Espace du Pré des Arts. 80 exhibitors. 10.30am-7.30pm and Friday to 9.30pm. www.antiquaires-valbonne.com

4th – 6th September

NICE HISTORIC CAR RALLY This will be Nice Automobile Club’s 19th Jean Behra rally, a legendary three-day car race. Engines will be started at 12.30pm on the Place Massena. www.nicetourisme.com

6th September

TO U R R E T T E S - S U R- LO U P ARTISAN MARKET Porcelain, earthenware and pottery. Artisans exhibit in the streets of the village. www.tourrettessurloup.com MOUANS-SARTOUX GOURMET MARKET Farmers from the region will present their products on the Town Hall Square. www.mouans-sartoux.com

6th September – 5th October

VIILE FRANCHE-SUR-MER ART EXHIBITION Artists from Villefranche will display their work for one month Sainte-Elisabeth Chapel www.villefranche-sur-mer.fr

8th – 13th September

CANNES YACHTING FESTIVAL For six days, the port in Cannes is turned into a luxurious international gathering of yachts. Viewers pay €15 or a double ticket is €28. Free admission for children under 12. www.cannesyachtingfestival.com



10th – 13th September

VALBONNE “RENCONTRE DES ARTS” Gallery owners, artists and artisans exhibit at the Espace du Pré des Arts from 10.30am-7.30pm. Admission free. Tel. 04 93 34 65 65

11th September

CAGNES-SUR-MER JAZZ AT THE CASTLE The saxophonist from Pannonica Quartet brings the castle to life. Starts 9pm at the Palace Square. Tel. 04 93 22 19 25

11th – 12th September

ROQUEBILLIERE “3E RALLYE DE LA VÉSUBIE” For the third time, cars will be raced along the beautiful winding roads of the Alpes-Maritimes. More information will follow. Tel. 04 93 03 51 60

12th – 13th September

S A I N T- M A R T I N - V E S U B I E AGRICULTURAL FAIR Animal show at the Place des Allées. “Miss Cow” election before the town hall and horse competitions in the Parc de la Châtaigneraie. Flea market on 17th September on the Place de Gaulle. www.saintmartinvesubie.fr

12th – 18th September

S A I N T- J E A N - C A P - F E R R A T FINE ARTS BY THE SEA Exhibition of the series, Académie des Beaux-Arts. Contemporary art in Neptune at the marina. 2nd edition. www.saintjeancapferrat-tourisme.fr

18th September

NICE “ENSEMBLE BAROQUE DE NICE” Concert by Nice Baroque Ensemble with with violins. From Tartini to Bach. Starts at 8.30pm in the Sainte-Reparate cathedral. www.ensemblebaroquedenice.com

18th – 20th September

MOUGINS FOOD FESTIVAL The small town is transformed once again into an open-air theatre of different tastes. 10am-8pm each day and all over the village. www.lesetoilesdemougins.com

18th – 20th September

VALBONNE “FEST’IN‘VAL” In the cultural stronghold Valbonne, 80 different nationalities will be honored with film, theatre and music events. www.ville-valbonne.fr/Fest-inVal

19th – 20th September

SEVERAL PLACES DAY OF THE EUROPEAN MONUMENT Cultural events in different places of the Côte d’Azur. Guided tours, studio tours, excursions and more. In all the larger towns, but also in small towns like Mouans-Sartoux, Vence and Roquebilliere. www.journeesdupatrimoine.culturecommunication.gouv.fr

20th – 27th September

CANNES SAILING REGATTA The most beautiful yachts in the world will be in the bay and in the old Cannes Harbour. www.regatesroyales.com

23rd – 26th September

M O N ACO MONACO YACHT SHOW The 25th edition of the world’s biggest fair of superyachts invites you to Port Hercule. www.monacoyachtshow.com


Exhibitions Until 29th August

SEILLANS MARINE ARTS Beddington Fine Art presents artwork by Ramon Otting at the Salle du Cercle. The artist was inspired by different oceans - the Atlantic, the Pacific and, of course, the Mediterranean. Tuesday-Saturday, 11am-7pm. www.beddingtonfineart.com

Until 7th September

VALLAURIS PABLO PICASSO “La guerre et la paix”. Great works of a master of the art of seeing at the Musée National Pablo Picasso. www.musees-nationaux-alpesmaritimes.fr

Until mid-September

MENTON MODERN ART COLLECTION In honour of Charles Wakefield-Mori (1867-1959), curator of the Palace of Monaco and creator of the National Museum of Fine Arts in Monaco. Palais Carnolès. Admission free www.menton.fr/Musee-des-Beaux-Arts

Until 25th October

CANNES ART EXHIBITION Alberto Magnelli’s views of Mediterranean life. €10 for three exhibitions at the Centre d’Art la Malmaison, students may pay only €5. Tickets available until 30th August. Tel. 04 97 06 44 90

Until 9th November

S A I N T- PA U L - D E - V E N C E ART BY GERARD GAROUSTE «En chemin» is a tribute to the art of 1980th Fondation Maeght. Daily from 10am-7pm. Adults pay €15. www.fondation-maeght.com

Until16th November

MARSEILLE ANCIENT ART Exhibition of archaeological pieces in the Musée des Civilisations de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée. Entry €8-12. www.mucem.org

AUGUST IN SAINT-TROPEZ 04.08: Saint Tropez Fight Night, Citizens of Saint Tropez 04.08-13.08: Les Nuits Du Château de la Moutte, Concert and talk* 15.08: Festivities, Fireworks 18.08-20.09: Exhibition in honour of Collette, Salle Jean Despas 21.08: Délices sonores, Electro music evening, citizens of Saint Tropey 30.08: Maharaja Ranjit Singh Saint-Tropez Polo Cup, Polo tournament *Tickets will be available from Saint Tropez Tourist Office

Italian Events 11th, 18th, 20th, 21st and 23rd August PERINALDO “AL LUME DELLE STELLE” Various classical concerts under the open sky.

15th August

DIANO MARINA & ALASSIO “LUMINI IN MARE” 20,000 colourful lights float on the waters of the bay of Diano and Alassio. From 9.30pm.

21st August

Exhibitions Until 25th August

GENOA “LIGURIA: UN RITRATTO DAL CIELO. 40 ANNI IN VOLO” Aerial photos of Liguria from the last 40 years – works of photographer Roberto Merlo. Palazzo Ducale, Loggia degli Abati. Tuesday-Friday: 3pm-7pm. Saturday and Sunday: 10am-7pm. Tel. 010 8171600 APRICALE “L’INGANNO IN TUTTI I SENSI” Artistic installations throughout the City. Organized by Madrigaleria

DIANO MARINA “4. ESTATE MUSICALE DIANESE – TURANDOT” Opera in 3 acts with chorus and orchestra by Giacomo Puccini. Villa Scarsella. Starts at 9.30pm. Info: http://musicadianese.blogspot.it

Until 26th August

20th-23rd August

CERVO “CERVO IS MAGIC” International Chamber Music Festival on one of the most beautiful squares in Italy, Piazza dei Corallini. Tel. 339 5708301; www.cervofestival.com

FINALE LIGURE BORGO MEDIEVAL FESTIVAL This is a traditional festival in the old town of Finalborgo, one of the most beautiful villages in Italy. The journey through time leads to the 15th century with historical booths, Celtic music, fire-eaters and other performances. Begins each day at 6pm.

ALASSIO VIAGGI NELL’ARTE Copies of great artists. On the beach promenade from 6pm-9pm

Until 31st August

Until 15th September

CERVO “ACCADEMIA INTERNAZIONALE DI CERVO” International Summer Academy, Cervo. Master classes and Festival of Young Artists. Info: arnimcervo@aol.com

C A R PA S I O “UN GIORNO IN VALLATA AL PROFUMO DI LAVANDA” Various activities taking place daily in the Lavender Museum of Carpasio. Excursions involving working with lavender flowers from 10am. Registration required: info@museodellalavanda.it or Tel. 327 4590272

5th and 6th September

Until 27th December

1st-12th September


6th September

DIANO GORLERI “FESTA PATRONALE DI SAN NICOLA” Patronal festival at 4pm. Mass and procession at the chapel Città di Diano Marina.

11th-13th September

DIANO MARINA “LATIN MUSIC FESTIVAL 2015 DIANO” Music Festival and Latin American dance. Molo delle Tartarughe, 9.30pm.

ON 15TH AUGUST, ITALY CELEBRATES FERRAGOSTO This is one of the most important festivals in the country. Processions, fireworks and dancing take place almost everywhere.

D O LC E ACQ UA “VISITA GUIDATA DEL BORGO” Guided tour through the Old Town followed by tasting of Ligurian wine, “Rossese”. Enoteca Regionale della Liguria. Reservation necessary: € 10 per person. Tel. 0184 229507


C A N N E S : 15th and 24th August. The fireworks of international pyrotechnics. Both start at 10pm in the Bay of Cannes (close to the Palais des Festivals) Info: www.festival-pyrotechnique-cannes.com F R É J U S : «Les Nuits de Port Fréjus». 1st, 8th and 22nd August. Fireworks start from 10.30pm. M O N A C O : International Fireworks Competition. 1st and 8th August from 9.30pm. Port Hercule. www.monaco-feuxdartifice.mc 15TH AUGUST, ASSUMPTION DAY (HOLIDAY): On this day, dancing, music and fireworks occur in many cities of the Côte d’Azur. Nice (Promenade des Anglais), Théoule-sur-Mer (Place Général Bertrand from 9pm), Menton (Epi du Bastion, from 10pm) and Auron (Chapiteau, Boulevard Ours de St. Ferige from 10pm)

Keeping you up to date with all the important news and information concerning your community. From interesting news in brief and details on the latest government initiatives, to helpful classifieds and recommended restaurants, we bring you the fine points to make

your life easier in the French Riviera and Monaco.



23 26











NICE BIDS FAREWELL TO 25-YEAR-OLD JULES BIANCHI WHO HAD BEEN IN A COMA FOR NINE MONTHS. The funeral of young Formula One driver Jules Bianchi took place in his hometown of Nice on 21 July. The 25-year-old had been in a coma for nine months after a head-on collision at the Japanese Grand Prix. Bianchi suffered devastating brain injuries in the crash and passed away at Nice’s Centre Hospitalier Universitaire on 17 July. Bianchi’s family issued a statement saying: “Jules fought to the end, as he always has done, but yesterday he lost his battle. Our pain is immense and indescribable.” The funeral took place at the Sainte Reparate Cathedral in Nice. A message posted on Bianchi’s Twitter account invited the public to pay their respects. It said: “You can say goodbye to Jules on Tuesday 21 July at 10am at the Sainte Reparate Cathedral @ VilledeNice #CiaoJules.” A one minute silence was also held in advance of the Hungarian Grand Prix as the drivers line up on the grid on Sunday. Former Marussia driver, Max Chilton, dedicated his win in the Indy Lights race on 18 July to his former team-mate. The Briton rose through the junior ranks alongside Bianchi, competing together in karting before they were both selected to race at Marussia. The pair were teammates at Marussia for two and a half years during 2013 and 2014. “I’ve learned a lot from him, and he was part of that win,” said Chilton, 24. “I probably thought of him every five or 10

laps, because he was a driver destined to probably be a world champion. I’m dedicating this to Jules. He’d have driven the perfect race, as always.” Mayor of Nice and Chairman of Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolis, Christian Estrosi, also paid tribute to Nice’s home-grown F1 talent, and offered his condolences to the family. Bianchi, who was born in Nice in 1989, had been hotly-tipped as a future world champion and rumored to be a future prospect for the Ferrari team. He competed in 34 races for the British Manor-Marussia team after making his debut at the Australian Grand Prix at the start of the season in 2013. But on October 5 2014 at the Japanese Grand Prix he hit a recovery vehicle head-on in the torrential rain and suffered a diffuse axonal injury – a devastating brain injury across a widespread area. Bianchi was transferred to the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire in Nice where he remained in a coma and never regained consciousness. The young driver, who was unmarried, is the first F1 driver to have died from injuries sustained in a race since Ayrton Senna in 1994.

GRASSE WINS most popular town in france contest THE TOWN OF GRASSE HAS BEEN VOTED THE MOST POPULAR TOWN TO VISIT IN FRANCE IN AN ONLINE POLL. The competition organized by booking website ‘Hotel Info’ quizzed members of the public on their favourite tourist destination from a selection of 29 mediumsized French towns. The travel company drew up a shortlist of towns which had to meet the criteria of having less than 50,000 inhabitants in order to be considered for the top prize. The 29 towns were then unveiled to the public, who were invited to vote for their favourite over a three-week period. Grasse scooped 3752 votes to win the top award, followed by Chalons-en-Champagne in Marne in second place and Albi in Tarn in third place. The UNESCO World Heritage Site, Albi, was hotly-tipped to win first prize and Grasse only received a handful of votes during the first few days of the contest. However, Grasse was eventually victorious, receiving approximately a third of the votes. Grasse is considered to be the world capital of perfume (producing over twothirds of France’s natural aromas for perfume and for food flavourings) and was given the honour of being named as a “Ville d’Art et d’Histoire” (town of art and history). The three perfume factories are the biggest attractions in the town but the cathedral, perfume museum and art gallery, as well as the Old Town in general, are also popular amongst tourists; not to mention the Jasmine Festival which took place in early August.

Opinion By Riviera RT Magazine Editor SARAH HARVEY



BORG PLAYS last exhibition game

LEGENDARY SPORTSMAN BJORN BORG SURPRISED EVERYONE WHEN HE ANNOUNCED THAT HIS MATCH IN ST TROPEZ WAS TO BE HIS LAST EXHIBITION GAME. Borg had been taking part in the 5th edition of the Classic Tennis Tour when he issued the statement. The Classic Tennis Tour event saw former top ranking tennis players from around the world including Borg, Jimmy Connors, Marat Safin, Yevgeny Kafelnikov, Ilie Nastase and Mansur Bahrami compete in a series of matches set over two days in St Tropez. Borg, who previously won 11 Grand Slam tournaments, played his last exhibition game at 6.30pm yesterday in a doubles match. Borg said: “I’ll stay in tennis of course because it’s my world, but this is my last exhibition game. Every moment here was a pleasure; beautiful memories...” . Following the match, at an event at the Pen Dei Palais Hotel, Borg put the racket he used when he won the 1975 championship up for auction in aid of the Arthritis Foundation. The winning bid was for €22,000 from French TV and radio personality, Nagui. “I’m doing this to support medical research but I’m also taking home a piece of history,” said the TV host, who also counts himself as a friend of Borg. The Classic Tennis Tour was the brainchild of Christian Bimes, President of Sports TG and former president of the French Tennis Association. Following its launch four years ago it proved to be so successful that it spawned further events in Courchevel, Barcelona and Porto Vecchio. “We are honored that the Classic Tennis Tour is Bjorn’s last match,” said Bimes. “I hope that even if he does not play he will still come to visit us again because I know he appreciates especially this stage of the Classic Tennis Tour.” Organisers say this year was an ‘exceptional’ year, with more than 2,000 members of the public attending the event on 13 and 14 July.



he huge forest fire that swept through Fréjus at the end of July highlights the need for more to be done to combat the issue in the region. An unprecedented 10,000 tourists and residents were evacuated from three campsites and neighbouring homes in the Pin de la Lègue vicinity as the fire raged on July 27, leaving 30 hectares of scorched earth and an estimated 40 mobile homes destroyed. Thankfully everyone was evacuated with no delay from Pin de la Lègue, Holiday Green and Pierre Verte, and there were no reports of any serious injuries. The tourists were able to return to the holiday parks later that night. Although it was the biggest, it was one of just seven fires reported that day, with many more cropping up in the region throughout the summer. I’m sure I’m not the only person whose heart went out to the holidaymakers (who must have never bargained for such a nasty scare when they booked their holiday on the Riviera); not least because of my fondness for Fréjus due to an unforgettable camping adventure at the age of 16 with a schoolfriend at La Baume (thankfully it wasn’t affected by the fire). And let’s also not forget the staff who had to deal with safely evacuating the guests and dealing with their concerns. Within just a few hours the massive Fréjus fire was brought under control, and a huge debt is owed to the 200 firefighters, 50 fire trucks and water plane pilots who were mobilized to tackle the flames. Their bravery and resilience often goes overlooked amidst the drama of the headlines. But the air division of the fire-fighting teams has to fly all the way from Nimes to combat fires across the Côte d’Azur, after their base was relocated from Marignane (near Marseille), on the orders of the Interior Minister, Bernard Cazeneuve. Surely every minute counts when dealing with tinder-dry sun-scorched land, and winds upwards of 65km/hour (as it was with the Fréjus fire). And while those tourists will probably have returned home by now, what about the thousands who live across the Var, the Estérel, Verdon and the other forested parts of the region, for whom the risk of forest fires is an almost constant concern during the summer months. Plans are afoot to set up an alternative base in the Var, one of the most vulnerable areas in the region. The mayor of Nice and leader of the Republican Party in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Christian Estrosi, has written to the interior minister to highlight the issue and request for more to be done to help, including a more local base for water-bombing planes in Le Luc. Let’s hope his voice is heard.

Photo: Fabien Prauss


SERVICE LAUNCHED for people relocating to Nice

A NEW SERVICE FOR PEOPLE MOVING TO NICE HAS BEEN LAUNCHED WITH THE AIM OF HELPING TO THE ‘NOUVEAUX NIÇOIS’ SETTLE INTO THEIR ADOPTED HOMETOWN AND NAVIGATE THE RED TAPE. Nice Town Hall has just unveiled the service, which includes a dedicated phone number and email address for all questions regarding relocating to the

city. A team of staff is on hand to give a special welcome to new arrivals to Nice, help them find their way around, answer queries and, perhaps most importantly, understand the administrative formalities. Nice welcomes hundreds of new residents per year as people flock to the city for a multitude of reasons; often for work or family commitments but frequently also to take advantage of its enviable location on the Côte d’Azur. Undoubtedly the favourable climate, Mediterranean lifestyle and beautiful belle époque architecture further boost the city’s appeal. According to official statistics, Nice is the fifth biggest city in France and has the third highest birth-rate. It has the second busiest international airport in the country and is the second biggest tourist destination in France after Paris. A Nice Town Hall spokesman said: “Perfectly situated on the Côte d’Azur, the beautiful town of Nice hosts hundreds of new arrivals annually… thus demonstrating the attractiveness of our town, as well as the Town Hall’s commitment to our citizens.” Anyone interested in accessing the service can visit the ‘Nouveaux Niçois’ section on www.nice.fr, call the dedicated phone number 04 97 13 52 25 or emailnouveauxnicois@ville-nice.fr.


Brought to you by SRX - one of the world’s leading boutique security companies. This month we will focus on mobile security. Staying safe when you and your family are away from the comfort and protection of your property is often overlooked in any security plan, with not enough focus being placed on the ‘mobile threat’. Criminals will often choose to launch attacks in a public space where they can learn an area, then exploit this knowledge to control and dominate it.


again in a different place then it is possible you are under surveillance • Scooters – the chosen tool of the criminals due to their nimble manoeuvrability and ease of escape at speed. Be aware of scooters approaching you. • Parking – exiting and entering your car are particularly vulnerable periods, so always be aware of people and your surroundings when getting in or out of your car. Next month we will focus on cyber security and identify theft.

Employing the services of a private security company is the best way to ensure your safety when away from your property, but there are still a host of things you can do yourself to reduce the risk of being targeted. This month, SRX SECURITY we’ve got our five top tips for staying safe when Private security is not just the requirement of high out and about in your car: net worth people, it is something that we all need • Avoid a routine – use a different route when in a varying capacity, and SRX offer packages you drive somewhere frequently. This will make which are relevant to each client. We also offer a range of security assessments it more difficult to plan an attack at a particular and penetration tests, which will identify any time and place. weaknesses in your security plan. • Don’t stop – it is very difficult to attack a Our security teams are hand picked for each client moving vehicle, so try and read things like to ensure the team have the right skills experience, traffic lights changing and junctions to and personality. ensure you keep moving through them. • Awareness – look out for people and other Contact us: vehicles when you are driving, making mental or even physical notes of anything suspicious. If www.srx-group.com you observe the same person, or same vehicle security@srx-group.com


AQUA FUN in Monaco A SUMMER PROGRAMME OF AQUATIC ACTIVITIES IS IN FULL SWING AT THE STADE NAUTIQUE RAINIER III. Monegasques and residents aged over 65 are being offered free access every morning from 9am to 11.30am this year. Children under three can enter for free. In addition, the City Council’s Department of Sports and Associations is offering halfhour aqua-aerobics sessions every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 9.30, led by a lifeguard. For those who just want to relax at the pool, the Stade Nautique Rainier III is offering in partnership with the Library of Monaco the loan of magazines and books for children and adults. Since its launch in 2014, this initiative has proved to be very popular with bathers. The outdoor pool, located on the Port of Monaco, is Olympic-size (at 50m by 25m) and contains 3,000sqm of treated seawater, filtered and heated to a minimum of 27 °. Diving boards at 3m, 5m and 10m in height, a 45m-long water slide and beaches with sunbeds and umbrellas for hire add to the attractions. The pool is also fully accessible for people with disabilities. The pool is open until 6 September from 9am to 8pm but closes at 6pm on Mondays for draining. For more information call +377 93 30 64 83 or visit www.mairie.mc.


RESIDENTS ARE CONCERNED ABOUT LOSING ACCESS TO A PUBLIC BEACH AFTER BUILDERS WORKING FOR THE KING OF SAUDI ARABIA STARTED A CONSTRUCTION PROJECT ON THE SAND. The site in question is the public beach of Mirandola in Golfe-Juan, which is adjacent to former King Fahd’s villa in the exclusive Cannes-Eden neighbourhood. Passers-by were alarmed when they spotted concrete being poured onto a section of sand last week and just yesterday builders appeared to be installing a grill on the SNCF tunnel which members of the public use to access the beach. One Cannes-Eden resident, Daniel Guilleminot, told local paper Nice-Matin, “The workers said they work for the King. They advised me not to linger in the corner where they are working… “They do not have the right to do this. This land is in the public domain, no-one can take ownership of the site.” The neighbouring property, where a new opening has been made in the concrete wall of the terrace overlooking the site, was owned by King Fahd for many years and is now owned by Saudi Arabia’s new king, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al. Mayor of Vallauris Golfe-Juan, Michelle Salucki,


reported the incident to the sub-prefecture of Grasse. “Workers have poured a concrete slab on the sand,” said the mayor. “They installed barriers around it, and the work continues. “The dust and noise is preventing from enjoying this idyllic spot. The workers even said to one lady she should enjoy it, because soon there won’t be any possible access.” The deputy prefect of Grasse, Philippe Castanet, confirmed the beach will be temporarily closed to the public whilst the Saudi Royal Family are in residence at the villa but added that no permission was given for any construction work on the public beach. “These works were not authorised,” he said. “Perhaps some of the employees may have been jumping the gun a bit...” He added that although no agreements have been made yet with regards to perceived security issues, the authorities will be discussing the topic with King Salman when he visits. The question of whether or not the concrete slab will be removed and the beach restored to its former condition once the Royal Family has departed is also yet to be answered.

NEW ARRIVAL at Parc Phoenix

A FURRY BUNDLE OF JOY IS THE FIRST ADDITION TO A FAMILY OF LEMURS AT PARC PHOENIX IN NICE. The tiny primate was born at the wildlife park on 5 June and has now been deemed ready to make his public debut, much to the delight of visitors. The baby lemur is a ‘maki vari,’ a species of black-and-white-ruffed-lemur originating from the rainforests of Madagascar. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, lemurs are classed as critically endangered so the zoological team has extra reason to celebrate its success this summer. The parents first arrived at the park in 2013 under the breeding and conservation programme. Parc Phoenix told the Riviera RT Magazine, “This kind of event is of an exceptional nature as the species is critically endangered. Moreover, in varis, females are receptive to mating for only a few days in the year and newborns are very fragile during the first two weeks of life, resulting in high infant mortality.” The birth was the result of efforts led by Anthony Caucheteux, wildlife manager of the park. He has achieved previous successes with similar programmes with this species in Cap-Ferrat.


Multicultural countryside commune hosts an eclectic programme of festivals & events For such a tiny rural spot, in many ways Valbonne has more bite than a big city this summer. Whether it’s festivals, exhibitions or open-air cinema: most events are free for visitors – a firm pledge from mayor, Marc Daunis, and his team. BY AILA STÖCKMANN


highlight of the village’s annual calendar is the Fête de la SaintRoch. It rocks the town from August 14 to 16. As per tradition, it involves the circus Arlette Gruss, which will make a guest appearance in Valbonne from 12 to 23 August (Pré des Arts). Don’t miss the circus parade, which winds through the streets at 4.30pm on 14 August, with a subsequent show at 5pm on the fields. The festivities will climax on Sunday with a picnic on the City Hall lawn (8pm; 15 euros; reservations: Tel. 04 93 12 34 50). The month of September in Valbonne will be dedicated to art: antiques, as well as modern and contemporary art will be exhibited and made available for purchase at the 31st ‘Salon des Antiquaires’. The

exhibition runs from 29 August to 6 September at the Espace du Pré des Arts, admission is 5 euros. In addition, the ‘Rencontres des Arts’ exhibition runs from 10 to 13 September. Multiculturalism is part of the identity of Valbonne, and this is evident if you just take a look at the international population of the town (80 nationalities!) In celebration of this fact, the ‘Fest’in Val & Trans Ethnik’ festivities take place on the lawn in front of the town hall from 18 to 20 September. Films, exhibitions, dance, art and, of course, international cuisine, will all be on offer. This year the focus in on Spain, and its colourfull culture. Numerous other exhibitions are taking place throughout the year in various galleries and venues. A highlight is the ‘Victor


many other countries around the world including France, where around 20 departments are thought to be affected. Notably, they bite during the daytime as well as at sunrise and sunset. While tiger mosquitoes are known to be vectors for viral pathogens including dengue fever, chikungunya and yellow fever, so far there has only been one recorded outbreak on the European continent linked to them. That was in Ravenna, Italy, in 2007, when more than 200 people were infected with chikungunya.

THE TOWN OF VENCE IS GOING TO WAR AGAINST MOSQUITOES; TO BE SPECIFIC, THE STRIPEY-LEGGED ‘AEDES’ VARIETY COMMONLY KNOWN AS ‘TIGER MOSQUITOS’ - which have become the subject of a new bylaw. And Vence is calling on everyone to join the battle. Under the new regulations, everyone living in Vence must play a part in helping to reduce the population of tiger mosquitoes by taking steps to avoid attracting them, and reducing their opportunities to reproduce. The Vencoise’s obligations include emptying containers that contain standing water and getting rid of any other pools of stagnant water where possible. This is because mosquito larvae develop in standing water - even less than an ounce of water will suffice for the larvae to thrive. Tiger mosquitoes, distinctive by their black and white striped legs and bodies, are native to Southeast Asia but over the past few decades have invaded

Photo: Aila Stöckmann


Vasarely, Maître de l’Op Art’ exhibition - on show until 10 October in the Ada Loumani gallery (Old Town, open daily from 10am to 1pm and from 3.30pm to 8pm). The outdoor cinema will beckon guests to al fresco French-language screenings of movies until August 11, including ‘Les Vacances du Petit Nicolas’ (Nicholas on Holiday) and ‘La Planète des Singes’ (Planet of the Apes), at the monastery courtyard or at Ferme Bermond and on the City Hall lawn. The films always start at 9.30pm, admission is free.

FULL OF ENTHUSIASM AND ENGAGEMENT: The entire team from the municipality and several local associations collaborated together to draw up an inspirational programme of art, dance, cinema and cuisine. The cultural programme is worthy enough to grace any of Europe’s capitals – no small achievement for a commune that may be tiny in stature but is big in its visions.




The 8th annual marathon takes place in November This unmissable event, taking in a scenic stretch of coast, is open to people of all ages and abilities. On Sunday, November 8, thousands of people will come together to participate in the Alpes-Maritimes Nice to Cannes Marathon – the second biggest race of its kind in France after the Paris marathon. Last year a remarkable 14,100 participants took part with 32% travelling from overseas to join the challenge. This year will be even bigger and better than ever. Sponsored by the Alpes-Maritimes Department, with the support of the cities of Nice and Cannes. Since it began in 2008, the Alpes-



Maritimes Nice-Cannes Marathon has been renowned for the incredible beauty of the course; a unique coastal route surrounded by palm trees and framed by snow-capped mountains. Competitors will start in Nice’s Promenade des Anglais and finish in Cannes on the legendary Croisette. No less than three options are offered for participants: 42.195 km, 21.1 km and Marathon Relays. The relays are a superb way for companies to team-build together.




The tale of circus director Urs Pilz, his passion, and the inspirational concept for his shows. BY PE TRA H ALL The life story of Urs Pilz reads a bit like a fairy tale, intertwining the characters of a Prince and a Princess, wild animals, exciting stunts and funny clowns… And lots of affection for a world, which today is almost in danger of becoming extinct: the circus.


ven from an early age the circus was a major influence on his life, the charismatic Swiss told me during an interview in his cramped office in Fontvieille, Monaco. His parents were very close friends with the Knie family (a famous circus family); the grandmother was Urs’ godmother. But despite his fascination with this magical universe, Urs opted to take a “sensible” job and worked from 1971 to 2011 as a distribution manager at the Munich fashion company, Bogner. Even today, he is still a board member. But in 1980 circus fever caught up with him again. The Sembach-Krone family was appointed judges of the Monaco Circus Festival and Urs Pilz was asked to assist them by helping them as an interpreter. His support did not go unnoticed. Prince Rainier, who found it useful to have the services of a neutral figure from outside of the Principality, asked him a year later to take over the coordination of the Monaco Circus Festival jury. In October 2000 the sovereign handed over to Urs the entire responsibility for running


the world-famous festival. Fortunately, his boss, the former ski champion Willy Bogner, was just as crazy about the circus as Urs and let him take it on. And so, every January an audience of 3,500 spectators per evening arrives to watch the thrills and spills of the circus – the show is always sold-out. In 2016 the Monaco Circus Festival will run from 14 to 24 of January and will be celebrating its 40th anniversary. Certainly a great part of its success can be attributed to the support of the Grimaldi family. But Urs Pilz has undoubtedly also played a significant role. Why is this article coming out right in the middle of summer, you may now be wondering. Well, one day, Princess Stephanie, who took over the presidency of the Circus Festival following her father’s death in 2005 - and Urs Pilz had the idea to use the vacant tent in Fontvieille each August. The idea: a Circus Dinner Show could add variety to Monegasque evenings for families and circus freaks alike. And so, for the past four years, up to 350 inter-


national guests every evening have been attending the spectacular event, held inside the well air-conditioned and most beautifully-decorated Big Top. Artists perform throughout the evening and regale the audience with witty anecdotes. A large orchestra entertains the audience throughout the night; all this makes for wonderful atmosphere and an unforgettable evening. The talented chefs from Hotel Fairmont serve a four-course gold or silver-service menu, which also includes child-friendly dishes. “This kind of event is less well known than our circus festival,” says Urs Pilz, “But every year is a major success.”





t stood out as we strolled through the bustling crowds of tourists; crammed between the many other restaurants and shops was Le Milo’s - a quintessential French café but with a particularly warm, laid-back, Mediterranean twist. The large glass doors and windows (and elegant lighting which radiated through them, highlighting the terracotta walls and wooden dining tables) drew our eyes towards it, and conjured up a vibrant atmosphere. The menu offered a wide range of dishes, from classic pizzas and pasta to beautifully-cooked steak, or mussels served in white wine sauce.


THIS FRIENDLY BRASSERIE WITH A COLOURFUL MEDITERRANEAN VIBE IS A WELCOME RELIEF FROM THE CROWDS. It was difficult to not be tempted by the rather extensive list of indulgent desserts, such as the sticky profiteroles or sinfully-indulgent chocolate gateau. Admittedly, if you are looking for a quick, cheap snack on the go, Le Milo’s is not the answer; there are many more economical cafes scattered across the area. Nevertheless, it does offer good value for money. Despite the busy location, and it being the height of the tourist season, we didn’t wait long to be served and tables were turned over several times throughout the evening due to the venue’s popularity with the locals and tourists alike. Despite this, we felt in no hurry to leave; we absorbed the warmth and charm whilst watching the constant stream of passers-by, accompanied by some spontaneous live music played by musicians in front of the restaurant.

The Orange Tree Galerie



La Table de la Baume


The beautiful country house that is home to La Table de la Baume has a unique charm, set within 40 hectares of untamed nature. It dominates the Var hillside, with views across the Maures mountains. With a stone courtyard, antique furniture, a French garden, ponds, a chapel, an olive grove, an orangery and chattering waterfalls, La Table de la Baume has a creative and artistic soul at its heart. The menu is anything but dull highlights include shoulder of lamb with Ligurian olives, tender pigeon, sautéed purple artichokes, and a nougat parfait served with lemons from Menton. La Baume offers superb views and excellent cuisine, and in addition regularly hosts thematic dinners based around a product, such as truffle or game. Menus 40, 60 and 102 euros.

Dr. Leonard Mc Comb RA. Hon. RWS. RE. RP. RBA. Meg Dutton RE. RBA.Tessa Peskett, Artiste en Residence at The Orange Tree Galerie.


Why not make a day of it and include a visit to the delightful village of Seillans? Tel. 0494 679882 www.theorangetreegalerie.com

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othing could be more important and more desirable than a new awareness on how to cultivate great relationships or make those already existing stronger. Whether personal, professional or intimate, there’s no denying that we’re losing our grip on how to have solid lasting relationships and while we’re busy trying to make ends meet and create success, many of us are secretly suffering and feeling isolated. Emotional loneliness is perhaps the biggest poverty currently running the world and it’s proving to be harder to eradicate than physical poverty. Could many of the diseases and disharmonies pervading the world be remedied if we all manifested the kind of relationships that satisfy our hearts both personally and professionally? I believe it would greatly impact the world in a more positive way if we all acquired some skill that helps us live more in love and less in fear. After all, whether we are talking about a family or a business, success is a matter of engaging with the right people in the right way. Imagine how different your world could be once you learn how to attract the clients, friends and companion that you want. Building and attracting powerful prosperous relationships is simple and guaranteed to change your world for the better, and as one who’s learned how to start from scratch, you can be sure our one-of-a-kind, time-tested and proven world-class course on manifesting perfect relationships will move you to exponential success. CONTACT US FOR FULL DETAILS & BOOKINGS www.janettegetui.com https://twitter.com/janettegetui janette@janettegetui.com

lub Vivanova organises wine and dine events in five-star gastronomic restaurants, hotels and clubs across the French Riviera, attracting a niche group of international professionals and business leaders from the region. The focus is on premium wines, gourmet food, networking and generally having fun and meeting new friends; the club is reputed to be one of the best wine clubs on the coast. The name of this exclusive club was conceived by blending the European words for life and new; Vivanova unites interesting business people and entrepreneurs in unique locations to enjoy the finer essences of life. Contact Bradley Mitton for more information on club@clubvivanova.com www.clubvivanova.com



The Riviera Business Club is gearing up for the annual Business Person of the Year Awards, for which nominations open on 1 September. The winner will be announced at the grand Gala Dinner and Awards Ceremony on 3 December at the Marriott Riviera - La Porte De Monaco. The Riviera Business Club Business Person of the Year Awards is the most prestigious awards scheme for entrepreneurs in the PACA region, including the Principality of Monaco, and is supported by the CCI Nice Cote D’azur with representatives of the CCI on the Panel of Judges, amongst others. The two awards are for The Business Person of the Year 2015 and The Best Start UP 2015. Nominations close on 31 October and the panel of judges will commence interviews in the 1st week of November. Joining the Riviera Business Club, the largest and most active business club for expats in the region may be the smartest move you make for your business in 2015 - It has three different types of memberships available. Single at €40, Couple at €70 and Corporate at €100. (Corporate Membership entitles the Company concerned to 5 Memberships). For more details on nominations or to find out more about joining, visit www.rivierabusinessclub.fr, call 06 21 20 60 10 or write to info@rivierabusinessclub.fr


Dear Andy, My husband and I have just arrived in France with our visitor visas from the French consulate in Atlanta. We’ve been told that now we have to register at the OFII. What does that mean and what do we do? New in Nice Hi New, First of all, welcome to the wonderful French Riviera! We hope that you love it here and that we can help you smooth out any hiccups along the way. The OFII (the French office for Immigration and Integration) is in charge of welcoming everyone with a visa into France. Students, individuals married to French Nationals, visitors and employees all have the OFII as their first port of call upon arrival. In essence, their job is to make sure that you have arrived in France and that the reason that you told the Consulate you wanted to move to France is valid. In your case, the Consulate should have given you a form to send to the OFII. You must fill in the top part of the form and send it in along with a copy of your passport, copy of your entry stamp, visa, and any other specifics that the Consulate noted on this page. This has to be done by each spouse separately. Once this form has been received by the OFII office they will send you a letter in the mail to the address that you have stipulated, which will be an invitation or “convocation” to your OFII meeting. This meeting is an absolute must and you have to attend and complete a medical examination in order to legally stay in France, irrespective of the expiration date of your visa.


A lot of our clients get worried about the idea of a medical; don’t worry, it is simply a formality. They will x-ray your lungs to check for tuberculosis and ask a few general questions. The doctors act in strict confidence and they will speak English. To this meeting you will have to bring your documentation including your marriage and birth certificate (long form) translated by a legal translator. The translation (not the actual birth certificate or marriage certificate) needs to be dated less than three months. Once you have completed these steps the OFII will put a sticker in your passport which will validate your visa for a year.

Mon Ami Andy Rue Lascaris, Nice Port Tel: 04 83 50 84 78 jennifer@monamiandy.com



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NOTICE TO ALL PROPERTY OWNERS IN MONACO Given the outrageous and illegal

Contributors Aila Stöckmann, Madeleine Adey, Andrew Denison

practices of certain local real estate agents, I would like to contact you directly to alert you to my interest in the purchase of an apartment in Monaco. Desired features: Extensive sea views, between 100 and 250m2, garage / parking space and cellar. All reasonable proposals will be seriously considered, even if refurbishment is required. Chiffre 882



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Who, where and why

All the glitz, glam and fun of the French Riviera and Monaco…

At the opening of the new Maeterlinck-Residence in Nice, Riviera RT Magazine, in collaboration with Galerie Oscar, Sotheby’s IR, CPI Property Group and Barclays Monaco, invited some guests to join the celebrations. In the photo: Nora Market (l.) and daughter (r.) of Market Kitchen Bolzano, Petra Hall and interior designer Simone Steuten

The famous sculptress Anna Chromy (3rd from left), whose work adorns several cities along the Côte d’Azur, invited guests to a private view at the casino in Beaulieu-sur-Mer. Riviera RT Magazine had to be there, of course, especially Petra Hall, who has a long-standing friendship with the artist. A nice surprise: Enthusiastic readers also attended and were happy to pose for pictures. Credit Photo 3: Continental Art Gallery

Once again, the Compagnie Monégasque de Banque is joining the Philharmonic Orchestra of Monte Carlo as an official partner and active supporter for the new season. Pictured handing over a cheque are, from left: Cultural Director Jean-Charles Curau, Maestro Gianluigi Gelmetti, Interior Minister Patrice Cellario, Werner Peyer, CEO of CMB (2nd from right) and President of CMB Etienne Franzi (r.).

Air France has ambitious goals for the future: With an investment of 500 million euros, the airline will undergo a quantum leap in its long-haul services in an attempt to stand out from the competition. Under the motto “Air France, France is in the air”, the project was unveiled in Monaco recently. In the photo from left to right: Gérard Denuit, Jeanine Biache, Jérôme Jacquemard and Marc Bailliart

This soiree was the event of the summer in the Gulf of Saint Tropez: The 5 star hotel in Gassin, Villa Belrose, managed by director Robert van Straaten, joined up with the exclusive jewellery and watch manufacturer, Chopard, to invite 180 guests to a glamorous evening. Under the artistic leadership of co-president Caroline Scheufele, the haute couture runway models competed with the breath-taking beauty of the location. 3




1/2/3) The beach party was a wonderful evening of fun and glamour at the stunning Royal Riviera in Saint Jean Cap-Ferrat. There was a lively atmosphere, as people chatted and enjoyed the gentle summer sea-breeze and starlight long into the night, in what has to be one of the most picturesque settings on the Riviera.

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