Living the cool life
Live Roof can help:
Contents The Works Stay Cool
pg. 04
pg. 06
The Urban Heat Island
pg. 08
No puddles
pg. 10
Keep Quiet
pg. 12
pg. 14
Burn Proof
| pg . 04
You Got The Works You wouldn’t want a patchy lawn in front of your place. So why would you want a patchy rooftop garden? No worries, we got you.
Live R oof | pg . 05
THE MODULAR LIVE ROOF SYSTEM Each Live R oof module arrives to the job site with full gr own plants inside the container . This container is then simply set in place on when the modules are installed your roof will look lush without the patchy spots or awkwar d grid pattern s. U nique patent -pending soil elevators ar e then r emoved for a seamless fit. No need to start with a brown roof and farm it for years .
Live Roof | pg . 06
Stay Cool Have you ever visited the city in the summer? Does it feel like you’ve just walked into a large oven? It’s not you, it’s a disturbing phenomena
Live Roof | pg . 07
The urban heat can even be said to contribute to violent weather events within urban settings . Live roof doesn’ t believe you should sacrifice your quality of life because you live in the city . G reen roof vegetation helps by cooling the ai r, slowing air movement and acting as a substrate for pollution to settle out .
Heat Multipliers CONCRETE : Our cities are large concrete monument s. This mix of sand and water let’s us mold our habitat into almost any imaginable shape and size . However concrete absorbs heat and holds onto it even into the night. Raising night time temperatures considerably more than outlining rural areas . BRICK : E ver heard of a brick oven. W ell the same thing happens in a brick building. Brick building are beautiful and become even more unique as time goes by . Howeve r,
METAL : There ’s a reason why all the pots and pans you use to cook are made of metals. This is because metal is an e xcellent conductor of heat. The is gr eat in the kitchen when you’re boiling up some lobste r, but no so good when you’re cooking in
Live R oof | pg . 08
Live Roof | pg . 09
X heat mitigation
Y miles from cit y
THE URBAN HE AT ISLAND EFFE CT There ar e several causes of a UHI. The principal r eason for the night time warming is compar atively warm buildings blocking the view to the r elatively cold night sky see thermal radiation. Two other reasons ar e changes in the thermal properties of surface materials and lack of evapotranspi ration in urban area s. Materials commonly used in urban areas , such as conc rete and asphalt, have capacity and thermal conductivity) and surface radiative pr operties albedo and emissivity than the sur rounding rural areas . This causes a change in the energy balance of the urban area, often leading to higher tempe ratures than sur rounding rural ar eas.
Live R oof | pg . 10
No Puddles Would you like to see less puddles around you’re place ? Are you tired of wet socks. Wet socks that could lead to nasty colds ?
Live Roof | pg . 11
REDUCTION OF S TORM W ATER RU NOFF The soil in gr een roof systems acts like a sponge and absorbs excess r ainwater. Research has shown that extensive green roof roofs reduce the impact of each new building on the municipal storm drainage system and surrounding watershed. They reduce flooding,erosion and artificial heating of water which helps pr eserve the integrity fisheries and many other forms of aquatic lif e.
| pg . 12
Keep Quiet How does anyone get any sleep? Urban areas can be noisy places. Cars honking their horns the train speeding past your window, and the dog down the street.
Live Roof | pg . 13
NOISE REDU CTION Plants, soil, and air trapped in the soil are g reat acoustic insulators . Tests that have been conducted in the field of sound dampening indicate that green roofs can reduce indoor sound by as much as 40 decibels. This is of great benefit to occupants of urban areas wh o’s
of the cities we live in.
Live R oof | pg . 14
Burn Proof Be safe. The summer can be really hot. Dry leaves, twigs and dead folliage on your roof can be perfect kindling fodder. We’ll protect you.
Live R oof | pg . 15
FIRE PREVENTIO N We can provide your household or business , and company with protection from the dangers of your hottest seasons . Succulent green r oof plants planted by our live r oof experts can help reduce the risk of fire. Our live roof systems vegetation cools the air around your propert y, and slows air movement and acts as a substrate for pollution to settle out and detoxif y. Your roof is alive and unlike dry leaves and twigs that accumulate in the f all and summer the lush green garden that we install on you r oof will help keep you’re house safer fr om the dangers of unexpected house fire .