2009 EXPO
The 2009 Candy Coat It Expo, held May 19-21, 2009 in Chicago, Ill., USA, delivers the most new products that are proven performers in this economy. In these tough economic times, retailers are seeking out confectionery and snack products because they are profitable, expandable, promotable and recession resistant. The 2009 EXPO is your one-stop shop. The Candy Coat It Expo, sponsored by the National Confectionery Association, is billed as the largest confectionery, cookie and snack show in the Americas and will feature more than 450 companies showcasing the most confectionery and snack products in one place, making it the most valuable, time-effective event in the industry. The 2009 Expo is all about new. We expect close to 100 new exhibiting companies this year, a bigger, better Gourmet Marketplace, the debut of the Retail Merchandising Solution Center and that’s just the beginning,” noted Tom Joyce, Candy Coat It Expo Chairman and vice president, customer & industry affairs for The Hershey Company. “In addition, more than 2,000 new confectionery and snack products are introduced every year our New Product Showcase is the source to find the brightest of the new releases. Keep ahead of the curve of the confectionery and snack industries. The 2009 Candy Coat It Expo Educational Program includes sessions on the hottest new trends, the economy’s impact on confectionery and what the future of snacking will look like.
Healthy Treats
02 • 03
Candy Tech
04 • 05
Gourmet Candy
06 • 07
Traditional Candy
08 • 09
Attention Buyers
10 • 11
List of Buyers
12 • 13
Attention Sellers
14 • 15
List of Sellers
16 • 17
Expo Map
18 • 19
PG 02
PG 03
Want to make candy sales skyrocket? Tell everyone it’s good for you. That’s the approach many candy companies are taking. Chocolate behemoth Hershey is selling sugar-free versions of some of its most popular candies, such as Twizzlers and New York Peppermint Patties. Mars is also launching a new snack line called CocoaVia that is supposed to promote heart health with a patented cocoa formula . Many new and innovative products are introduced each year at the Candy Coat It expo and emerging trends and hot, new products are the number one reason people attend each year. By calculating the scans the Candy Coat It Expo stay’s ahead of the game in new candy trends.
WHAT YOU WILL FIND The largest selection of healthy treats from around the world to exhibit their products. New products for the health conscious consumer. With different healthy treats from low carb to organic. 12,000 qualified industry professionals in attendance, with the knowledge and experise of the products .
PG 04
Thousands of new and innovative products are introduced each year at the at the Candy Coat It expo commented Larry Graham, and but if president of the National Confectioners Association which sponsors the EXPO. “Emerging trends and hot, new products are the number one reason people attend each year and by calculating the scans. More than seven thousand products and companies were scanned this year at the expo. The majority of new products in the and but Showcase fell into at least one of the seven emerging trends as identified by the NCA earlier this year including Authentic & Artisan, Helpful Helpings, if Chocolate Evolution, Traditional Twists, Sensory Experiences, Play Time Innovations.
WHAT YOU WILL FIND Over 200 new candy companies that have traveled here from around the world to exhibit new candy trends. The largesr range of cutting edge packaging innovations in the Marketplace that you wont see anywhere else. A vast amount of qualified industry professionals to explain and demonstrate all the new technology on the market.
PG 05
PG 06
PG 07
Candy consumption has always been related to a craving for indulgence rather than an effort to meet nutritional needs or even the demands of hunger. For that very reason, one of the fastest-growing segments in the confectionary business today is gourmet candy, which continues to move upscale while making its way into more mainstream retail outlets. Many new and delicious gourmet products are introduced each year at the Candy Coat It expo commented Larry Graham, president of the National Confectioners Association which sponsors the EXPO. Gourmet candies are showing some muscle in the mass-market arena with exceptional branding that is making gourmet indulgence a household phenomenon.
WHAT YOU WILL FIND Over 450 gourmet companies that have traveled here from around the world to exhibit their products. Newly-expanded Gourmet Marketplace that has returned for third consecutive year. 12,000 qualified industry professionals in attendance, with the knowledge and experise of the products .
PG 08
Traditional Candy companies such as Hershey’s and Mars return year after year to showcase their new and innovative products at the Candy Coat It expo Emerging trends and hot, new products are the number one reason people attend each year and by calculating the scans. Seven thousand products and companies were scanned this year at the expo. The majority of new products in the Showcase fell into at least one of the seven emerging trends as identified by the NCA earlier this year including Authentic & Artisan, Helpful Helpings, Chocolate Evolution, Traditional Twists. Keep ahead of the curve and mix with other leading professionals that will help you boost your profits.
WHAT YOU WILL FIND Over 200 companies that have traveled here from around the world to exhibit their products. New products from the Traditional Candy Vendors that continue to return year after year. 12,000 qualified industry professionals in attendance, with the knowledge and experise of the products .
PG 09
PG 10
This is the only show that is geared specifically toward confectionary and snack buyers in all major trade channels both domestically and around the world, If you manufacture confectionary and snacks this is the best place for you to find the right buyer for your products. Confectionary and snack products categories produce billions of dollars worldwide. In the U.S. that translates to $72.7 billion dollars. Are you growing your share of these expandable categories? Manufacturers of Chocolate, candy, gum, salty snacks, cookies, biscuits, popcorn, granola bars, breakfast snacks, nutrition bars, fruit snacks are all eligible to exhibit at the Candy Coat It candy expo.
PG 11
Traditional Candy total sales: $136 billion dollars
Gourmet Candy total sales: $53 billion dollars
Heatlthy Treats total sales: $25 billion dollars
Candy Tech total sales: $12 billion dollars
PG 12
Confectionary and snack products categories produce billions of dollars worldwide. In the U.S. that translates to $72.7 billion dollars. Are you growing your share of these expandable categories?
Supermarkets Albertsons Food 4 Less Kroegers Lowes Raley’s Ralph’s Grocery Safeway Save A Lot Trader Joes Whole Foods WinCo
Grocery Wholesalers AWI California Associated Grocers Bozzuto’s C&S Central Grocers Certified Midwest Dearborn Whistle Grocers Supply Merchants Distributors Super Value Western Family Foods
Wharehouse Clubs BJ’s Costco Sam’s Club Smart and Final Pack n Save Safeway Bulk Grocery Outlet Wallmart Kmart
Drug Stores CVS Duane Reade Kerr Drug Lewis Drug London Drugs Longs Rite Aid Sav On Drugs Shoppers Drug Mart USA Drug Wallgreens
Department Stores Bed Bath & Beyond Hudson Bay Co. Homegoods USA JC Penny Macy’s Marmax Mervyns Neiman Marcus Nordstroms Ross Stores Sears
Mass 99 Cent Stores Only Beales Big Lots Bi Mart Cost plus Dollar General Family Dollar Office Max Sears / Kmart Target Wallmart
PG 13
BENEFITS FOR BUYER Over 370 candy companies. Newly-expanded market showcases 10,000 qualified industry professionals in attendance
Convenience Stores 7-11 Southland Arco BP Oil Casey’s Chevron Dodge Stores E-Z Mart Family Express Quik Trip Shell Oil Valero Xtra Mart
Candy Wholesalers American Food Auburn Merch. Banner Wholesale Bradley Candy Century Distributing Coast To Coast DPI Eby Brown Fritz Candy Co. Nassau Candy Redstone Foods Weaver Nut
Specialty Retailer Barnes and Noble Cracker Barrel Friendly Ice Cream FTD Hallmark Cards Hickory Farms Michael’s Oriental Trading Party Superstores Starbucks Swiss Colony Tuesday Morning
Candy Stores Bulk Barn Candy Express Confectionary Counter Dylan’s Fannie May LongGrove Confectionary Mr. Bulky Sweet Treats The Bulk Bin The Candy Barrel The Spot
Other Key Buyers Amazon.com AMC Theatres Ben and Jerry’s Best Buy Dot Foods Euro Disney Gordon Food Service Home Depot Mc Donalds Sea World Weight Watchers Int.
International Buyers Costco Canada Costco Japan Costco Korea Costco Taiwan HEB Mexico Waldo’s Mexico Wal-Mart Wal-Mart Canada Conoco Phillips International Wholesale BP International
PG 14
Confectionary and snack products categories produce billions of dollars worldwide. In the U.S. that translates to $72.7 billion dollars. Are you growing your share of these expandable categories? Keep ahead of the curve and learn from proffesional industry experts in the areas of consumer trends, gourmet retailing, snack food marketing, in store merchandising, industry sustainability, commodities updates and much more. The marketing efforts at the expo continue each year. When you exhibit, not only do you get the best tradeshow exposure in the industry, but you also get consistent customer exposure and awareness year round.
PG 15
Mass Market
Super Market
Convenience Stores
Drug Stores
Wharehouse Clubs
Dollar Stores
Total (In Billions)
PG 16
The EXPO brings the industry together to experience thousands of new and innovative products, new exhibitors and the latest in emerging trends. Here’s just a sampling of what’s new at the 2009 expo.
Action Candy Across Foods American Candy Co. Amplitude
B&R Classics Bartons Confections Brookvale National Brown & Haley
Cadbury Adams CandyRific Carousel Candy’s Charms Co.
Desobry Dan’s Chocolates Dulces Vero Del Mar International
Eda’s Sugarfree Elmers Candy Co. Eagle River Enjoy Life Foods
Ferrero USA Fusion Gourmet Fairhaven Co. Funky Chunky
Ghirardelli Chocolates Georgia Nut Co. General Mills GeniSoy
Herr Foods Hosta USA Inc. Hazelnut Council Hillside Candy
International Glace Island Candy Impact Confections Co. Innovative Candy Concepts
Jelly Belly Joseph’s Gourmet Jacobson Bakery J.Morgans Confections
Kimmie Candy Co. Kinagro Inc. Kraft Foods Kholer Co.
Lindt & Sprungli USA LaLa Booties Libery Orchards Lukas Confections
PG 17
BENEFITS FOR SELLER Over 450 new and exciting companies. Newly-expanded Marketplace 12,000 qualified industry professionals in attendance
Mars Snackfood Co. Mayfair Merlin Candy’s Mellvile Candy Co.
Necco Nassau Candy’s NuGo Nutrition Nestle USA
Oakfield Farms Old fashioned Foods Ora Labs Otis and Betty’s
Pez Candy Inc. Palmer Candy Co. Premier Brands Papko Foods
Ralcorp Russell Stovers Ricola Rudolf Fods
Sweet Works Sunflower Food Co. Snack Club Signature Snacks
The Hersey Co. Tasty Adventures Tootsie Roll Industries Twinkle Candy’s
Universla Food Co. Uncle Ray’s Utz Quality Foods Toy Tech
Valor Chocolates Value Quest Foods Ver Mints Vista Marketing
Walker Shortbread Inc. Webb candy Co. Wonder Treats Whole Alternatives
Yik Chi Candy Toys Yummy Earth Yippy Candy Co. Yum Mints
Zachary Confections Inc. Zed Candy Co, Zaloom Marketing Inc. ZDS
PG 18
Gourmet Candy
Candy Tech
PG 19
Traditional Candy
Healthy Treats
See you next year...