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Healt h • S o c ia l B us i n e s s • Eve nts • Business • V ision V oyage • L ifestyle • C i t i es

Dear Visioners!


rom the bottom of my heart I would like to congratulate you, my fellow-thinkers, with the birthday of our beloved Company, its nineteenth anniversary! Although the number “19” is not a round figure, it is already lit up with the lights of the upcoming glorious anniversary that we will be celebrating next year. All this fills up our hearts with great happiness and the thrill of anticipated great celebration, and at the same time it puts a tremendous responsibility on us for achieving the goals that we have set up for this pre-anniversary year. In the world of the sport of setting records the qualification process to participate in the major sports event of 2016 – Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro – is fully under way. In all continents thousands of athletes who are determined to strive uncompromisingly for the Olympic gold are doing the utmost at their daily work-outs and demonstrate the best results that they are capable of during the ongoing championships. The next twenty years will become in a certain sense an Olympic horizon for VISION as well, however, the “workouts” will mean our dedicated daily activity, and the “championships” – will mark our corporate events, whereas the Olympic Games themselves – will naturally highlight our twentieth anniversary. The Company did the utmost so that the calendar of events would allow

each distributor to spend this year in the most efficient manner both for the distributor, his/her company and for their clients. Among all these events, the most attended, popular and open are «Welcome to VISION», «Breakfast with the President», «My mother distributor» and «Zoo Kids». Almost everybody can and shall take part in these events. All together, they were planned by the Company as the single system of marathon. Having run this marathon, each participant will definitely improve his/her business performance and will reach an absolutely new level of revenues. The key requirement is to start in time and use all administrative, information and methodological support being generously provided by the Company. And in this instance, the efforts expected from you during the race will be properly assessed and the final result will undoubtedly become the subject of happiness and pride.


would like to congratulate you once again with the birthday of our beloved Company! I will be happy to see you among the participants of the events planned for this year, and we will meet many of you personally at the Millennium in Vietnam for the joint celebration of our nineteenth anniversary! Happy Birthday, VISION!

Sincerely yours, President Vision International People Group Dmitry Buryak


Mercedes OrgaNice from the President THE COMPANY ANNOUNCES A SPECIAL PROMOTION “Mercedes OrgaNice from the President” To participate in the promotion you have to meet the following requirements:


1. Being a constant OrgaNice participant from January to August 2015, i.e. each of these months ordering one of the OrgaNice programs (for new distributors joining the Company in the period from January to August 2015 — from the month of signing the contract until August inclusive).


2. In the period between January and August building new organizations whose distributors recruit people for OrgaNice. New distributors are firstline distributors who sign the contract between January and August 2015, and their organization distributors).

Details are available at the web-site go to the site





The time is now


Why VISION distributors do not care about the crisis and a small pension

President’s message

Exclusive interview with the President


p. 51

guards On-line-seminar Innovative format of event


Time for success – now! Alla and Oleg Andriychuk about new opportunities


Comments on the guards’ On-lineseminar Sharing impressions by distributors

p. 78


business pack


Business pack



Project of the year

The shortest way to financial success

Generator of cash flows




Editorial staff

42 45 48 50 52

welcome to vision Holiday for friends Event-kit The seminar of ideal solutions



We must take!

Siberian marathon Omsk gathering distributors together

84 90

Opening of a trading company in Moscow


International exhibition


Professionals meet together Lilita Tettere about the Baltic seminar


Trust yourself, the team and the leaders

Far East motor rally

Success May and June qualifications

Senior editor Irina Gutor Designer Elizaveta Vinokurova The issue was prepared by: Elena Mulenkova, Elena Polyakova, Evgeny Pushkarev, Yana Shatunova

Dragons differ

Sports Palace

Vision Planet

The meeting place cannot be changed

Monthly magazine of the company

Dreams come true with VISION

with the Department of Federal Service

Message by Lam Hoang Phong

The Baltic seminar


Dzintra Kolkovsky, leader of Latvian branch

History of the symbol Millenium 2015

Triumph in Vietnam

On the wave of optimism and cooperation

Uniting the hearts

760 kilometers of absolute happiness

Report on Rostov event

On-the-spot commentary




Probiotics Principally new approaches for use

distributor This publishing edition is registered for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media in Moscow and Moscow region. Mass media registration certificate PI № ФС 77-48792, 02.03.2012 Editorial office: Moscow, Volnaya Str., 35 Tel.: +7(495) 258-8698-296 e-mail:


Superfood Vitamin hitting the disease

Interview with Alla Bazarova




The Time Has Come Dear Visioners,


his June our Company enjoyed a truly historic occasion, the online Guardsmen Workshop. Its unique

character was not only in the new digital format of the event. The workshop’s contents – and primarily the Business Pack subject – conveyed much more importance and real life-changing significance for our common future. Although





scheduled for August, the June workshop in fact set going a mighty impetus for the promotion, and this autumn we are looking forward to the first convincing results of the program. We expect these results to come in form of skyrocketing rewards and a massive inflow of new blood in your network. This is why the “searchlights” of attention today aim at the Guardsmen. These frontline fighters of Vision’s guard received the most




valuable information during the workshop. Now they are

their best years in exchange for one, five, or even ten thou-

ready to transmit it like electrical current along wires, all the

sand dollars a month. We are necessary for all those who

way down their organization’s vertical line. They are ready

possess the key asset for success – desire; an overwhelming

to encourage all of us to get involved and set in motion the

and all-pervading desire to improve their life.

giant flywheel of success called the Business Pack.

These people need us. But being needed in theory and

If so, these last days before the start of the program all of

becoming needed in practice are different things. This is

us – top leaders and regular distributors, every one of us -

why today’s priority is not to whistle in the wind. Instead,

should become Guardsmen. Our Guard’s capital motto “Act

we have to be energetic, purposeful, persevere, responsible,

and Win!” must mobilize us all and make us a little more

timely, and efficient in order to communicate our new offer

concentrated , a little more willed strong-willed, a little

to the people I mentioned above.

more powerful, and a little more self-confident.

Visit higher education institutions and businesses. Use

When all this “a little” is brought together in a harmo-

social networks where people talk about ways of earning an

nious combination, the result will give a highly powerful

income. Renew your old contacts: a lot has changed since

momentum to the Company as a whole, and to the busi-

you last used your notebook. Give a reminder about your-

ness of each distributor. The result will follow soon; as they

self to those who have once been with VISION but for some

see it, many will never wish to get back to the “pre-guards”

reason have stepped out. Feel free to assert yourself in the

style of work.

network business.

The Business Pack is not merely a tool. All impurities

Remember: today you can describe something which is

have been removed. The Company’s knowledge and under-

really in-demand; therefore, you will be heard. We are not

standing have been acquired during nineteen years of ex-

talking here about abstract perspectives. We are talking

perience in managing quality of life, network distribution,

about a feasible, quick, and available opportunity to start

marketing communications, and training.

a safe and profitable business with moderate initial invest-

The Business Pack is not just another offer on the

ment and its return in the first month. It will allow us in a

market. This is a trustworthy mirror of current expec-

short time to reach a level of income that will match our

tations of many people, who are longing to realize their

expectations; and most importantly, to reach the corporate

personal potential at the difficult time when traditional

tradition of paying rewards of ten, fifty, one hundred and

business and employment schemes cannot provide op-

more thousand dollars a month.

portunities like this.

My dear friends! I wish you all great success in this

The Business Pack is not another marketing action

pre-anniversary year of Vision. I am absolutely sure that

of limited duration. This is a fundamental strategic project

anyone who is prepared to work honestly and hard has

which in half a year – a year at most – will make everyone

such an opportunity. Because all other conditions for suc-

talk about VISION with the same awe, interest, and admi-

cess are here to make use of: the Business Pack is one. And

ration that it enjoyed back in 1996 at the dawn of our suc-

it makes me once again recall the words of the great Victor

cess. We will once again experience the inexpressible ex-

Hugo: “Nothing else in the world is so powerful as an idea

citement when the scale of perspectives takes your breath

whose time has come”.

away, when you have goose bumps, and when everyone has a real chance of becoming a dollar millionaire. Let me say it again, EVERYONE! Today more than ever, we are necessary for active, ed-

President, Vision International People Group Dmitry Buryak,

ucated, and highly motivated young people who have nowhere to realize their good ambitions. We are necessary for those who lead a humdrum life in their offices and lose




Why VISION distributors distrib are not troubled crisis and small pension by the financial c

The President of Vision International People Group PLC Dmitry Arkadyevich Buryak talks in an exclusive interview about how the Company sees the current recession, if the Company is in danger, and about pension savings


VISION $ 1 200 000 000


Vision Planet Dmitry Arkadyevich,

DB We never rely on any support from

how does the financial crisis affect

the government, or a favorable market situ-


ation during the crisis period. We only rely

Dmitry Buryak In an excellent way,

on ourselves. This is why we develop a clear

demonstrating how to do business to those

strategy and new business offers to help

who doubted our viability. Having coped

our distributors carry on during the crisis.

with two previous recessions, we are sure

For example, we are presently introducing

that the Company will continue growing

a new business offer, the Business Pack. It

during the current, third crisis.

aims to help our distributors and attract more young people who find the crisis time

VP How can VISION hope for

quite painful. The Business Pack has been

growth while a large number of busi-

designed as an anti-crisis product to sup-

nesses are at best going through reces-

port business processes and facilitate the

sion, or at worst are falling apart?

Company development.

DB Conventional



conventional solutions, which are not working in the given circumstances. We, on the


VP Can you give us some figures to show that VISION is developing?

other hand, have an alternative offer at our

DB Certainly. Over nineteen years,

disposal, which secures good results of our

the Company has paid its distributors

work today. First of all, our business is inter-

$1,200,000,000 and the reward payment

national. For this reason, it doesn’t depend

figures are increasing every year. And during

on fluctuations in one single country. We

this crisis year it has grown up. What does

have a clear understanding of what tenden-

it mean? It means that the Company is pro-

cies lead to a crisis, and we advise on how to

gressing in spite of all external forces.

resist them. We share our experience with those who are not willing to rely on circumstances, and those who are willing to have an

Welln ss



VP What makes the Company so

Business Pack


independent income. Moreover, any reces-

DB First of all, its philosophy. Many

sion makes redundant a lot of hard-work-

companies tend to underestimate the value

ing and ambitious people, who in the end

philosophy and pay hardly any attention to

will join us. And if they start working for the

it. We on the contrary emphasize the crucial

Company, we will continue growing.

importance of health as a value. If people are healthy they take a responsible approach to

VP Is VISION taking any anti-crisis measures?

such an asset as health and they look after it. When people lose good health, there’s no


VISION $ 1 200 000 000


point convincing them that what they have

What do they do? They regulate the

lost is valuable. Following Maslow’s hierar-

number of institutions that treat patients. In

chy of needs, good health moves up to first

other words, they act when people are sick.

place. In the new circumstances caused by

Looks like the role of the Ministry of Health

losing good health, people also lose their

is not to prevent diseases but to treat them

position, their ambitions, and goals in all as-

when they have developed in people. What

pects of life. Even the fact that they worked

we put as a priority in the Company is dis-

a lot and have achieved a certain standard

ease prevention.

of living doesn’t help. This is why we say: “If you are working hard and earning money,

VP While diseases can be prevent-

today you are wasting your health. Later you

ed, old age cannot be avoided. What do

might have to spend this money on your

VISION pensioners feel like? Do they

health. So consider this, and convert some

have any preferences from the Com-

of the money into your health. We can show


you ways of managing your health”.

Welln ss



Maslow’s system or the hierarchy of needs – means and hierarchy model of the human needs, which describes the ideas of Abraham Maslow, US psychologist. The hierarchy of needs reflects one of the most popular and widely known theories of motivation – a theory of the hierarchy of needs. These ideas are provided in more detail in the books - Motivation and Personality (1954) and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (1943). The concept of hierarchy is widely used in the management theory 1


DB Unlike the Pension Fund, elderly

I want to be clear that we understand

people working in VISION get a residual in-

health not only as a physical state. In the

come. What is a residual income? Take me:

Company, we use the following concept:

I am an active leader of the Company, I set

Health is a harmony of the spiritual, physi-

up my own organization, I recruit, train, and

cal, intellectual, and social quality of life.

work with young people. Young people are eager to grow and reach the milestones of

VP In other words, VISION encour-

progress - VIP 1S, VIP 2S, then VIP Master

ages the population to use preventive

and so on. They are active people who have

treatment of diseases, unintentional-

chosen this business and will remain in it

ly pursuing the Act of the Ministry of

all their lives. I receive a commission from

Health of the Russian Federation “On

all their deals. This is how the system works

Prevention of Diseases and Formation

– once having signed a contract with me,

of a Healthy Lifestyle”?

they cannot abandon me; some percentage

DB The Ministry of Health carries out

will always come in from them. This is a re-

preventive measures on an unspeakably

sidual income. If I grow old and don’t feel

low scale, providing that they use the state

strong enough to keep working, I will still

resources. I hold that there is no public

be receiving the residual income, or devel-

health service. We do not have a ministry of

opment-based preferences from my distri-

health; rather, a ministry of pain.

bution network. As long as I live, the per-

Business Pack




$ 1 200 000 000

centage from my network’s income will rise

the Company’s business offer. For exam-

to me in the line. So, even after retirement,

ple, you are told: “Now, in addition to the

I can live on this residual income which is

range of products that you sell, we also

ten times higher than the state pension. I

have the Business Pack”. You say: “Fine, I

can also pass my business by inheritance.

will get it”. Why? Because with the Business Pack you can increase your income to the

VP This sounds a little unreal.

expected level if you do certain things that

Could you describe in general terms

will provide this so called “respectation”.

how it happens?

You think: “I believe five thousand dollars

DB In simplified form, the process of

would be fine. I could go on holiday in

building business and forming a residual

good resorts, I could buy a better car, repair

income is as follows. For instance, you are

my country house, and many more”. When

employed and you say to yourself: “I have

you have reached all that, and get a stable

two days a week and two hours a day of

income higher than your expected one,

free time. This is an opportunity to listen

you ponder: “I am not very young, I want

to the seminars and learn something new”.

to retire”. Then your income will fall a lit-

After listening to a course of seminars,

tle but you will still get a residual income.

you have created an additional income of

When you are working, your income rises,

$200–300 a month; this is your marginal

when you are not, you get your residual in-

income. Now you wonder: “If I have earned

come. This is your pension which far sur-

this money doing nothing much, spending

passes the state pension. This is the benefit

only two hours a day , then what happens

of our offer. It compares favorably to the

if I spend eight hours a day on doing this?”

state pension. VISION makes it possible for

And then you start working, your income

the Visioners not to worry about the crisis

changes its character, and becomes your

or poverty at old age.


main income. Now you earn more than you did at your regular work, where your

Welln ss



Business Pack

Interviewed by Irina Gutor

salary was let’s say $1000. You now earn $2000–4000. Then you have the so called “respectation”, an expected income. For example, you earn $2000 but you realize that you want and can earn $3000; this is your expected income. VISION business has become your main occupation. You can realize your expected income through




Guardsmen Workshop 5–6 June 2015

watch video

The Guardsmen Workshop of the VISION Company took place in June 2015. This time it was held in an innovative online format. It must be noted that the level of this event is growing steadily every year, meeting the world’s cutting-edge tendencies. The seventh Guardsmen Workshop has turned a new page in VISION’s life cycle, and has introduced a new information format for exchanging invaluable experience and knowledge of the people who form the President’s Guards




Success occurs when opportunity meets preparation. Zig Ziglar

he Guardsmen Workshop held on


Next to the studio, a preview room

5-6 June has developed into an occa-

was provided, where Dmitry Arkadyev-

sion of an innovative format which

ich, Margarita Victorovna, Lidiya Buryak,

differs radically from all previous events

and Chief Advisors to the

that VISION has had in its nineteen years of


experience. The 2015 convention brought

broadcast. From this room,

the Guardsmen together in a modern and

Dmirty Buryak answered

ultimate online format. This provided high-

the Guardsmen’s questions.

speed live information transmission from

Thanks to the new format,

the President and the Company’s top-lead-

for the first time a huge

ers to every leader who qualified for the

number of distributors and


staff of VISION had an op-



To organize an online event The Com-

portunity to take part in

pany enlisted the services of COMDI who

the Guardsmen Workshop.

are well known in the Russian market. They

Understanding the impor-

are experts in organizing online broadcasts,

tance of the occasion, and

web conferences and telebridges. COMDI

the desire of the leaders to

has done more than 15,000 hours of broad-

become participants in this

casting aimed at extremely diverse organi-

unprecedented event, the

zations: from small corporate events to in-

direction of the Compa-

ternational conferences and forums, some

ny decided to prolong the

with top state officials. The Guardsmen Workshop was a fullscale television program broadcast live with internet connection. Vision had at its disposal the Ostankino studio and control room, and the film crew of TV director, editors, sound and light directors, camera men, and others. A separate crew was in charge of a telebridge and skype connection with Vietnam. On behalf of Vision, managers had prepared the corporate content of the Workshop and worked closely with the speakers. A team of stylists and make-up artists was also involved.



VISION PLANET O7 / 2O15 qualifying term for the Guardsmen Work-

Guardsmen Workshop.

shop. This became possible thanks to the

Day One

new format of the event. The Guardsmen in all affiliated countries

The seventh Guardsmen Workshop on

of VISION received in advance personal in-

5 June 2015 began with a keynote speech

vitations and a present from the President.

by Dmitry Arkadyevich Buryak, the Presi-

This became a symbol of unity and personal

dent of Vision International People Group.

involvement in the occasion which brings

In his speech he welcomed all participants

together like-minded people through dis-

of the Workshop. The President of the

tance and time zones. Over 350 Guardsmen

Company serves for each VISION distribu-

accepted the President’s invitation and

tor as an assurer of sustainability, stability,

formed the team who get a personal unique

and success of the organization. He also

privilege of meeting the President and

noted that all participants of the Work-

learning from the top leaders and network

shop are beginning working in a new com-

marketing experts, the Chief Advisors to the

munication format which helps carry key

President. Thanks to modern technologies,

information to every leader of the Compa-

for the first time in the history of the Pres-

ny. VISION is developing; we have our own

ident’s Guard and Guardsmen Workshops,

vision, our own character, and a huge num-

every Guardsman could ask a question to

ber of followers and supporters. The Com-

the President in their own language, and get

pany’s offer of quality life improvement

an answer in a live broadcast.

has always been and will be in demand for both individuals and every family. In the framework of the Workshop on 5 and 6 June, the President and the Company’s top leaders talked to the Guardsmen about the innovative business offers to change the future of VISION. They also announced all important events scheduled for the nearest future. The working part of the seminar was opened by Chief Advisor to the President VIP Master 1S Svetlana Dubrova. She informed the listeners that on 1 July the Company will open a new Trade Center (TC) in


Krasnopresnenskaya embankment Street


in Moscow, in one of the most prestigious business centers of Russia’s capital. The lo-

company was

cation of the new TC will allow its visitors

opened in

to properly appreciate the Company’s re-

Moscow on

spectability. The new TC has everything necessary to facilitate easy, comfortable and

July 1st

presentable business operations. Svetlana



VISION PLANET O7 / 2O15 Dubrova invited all Guardsmen to the inau-

Russia and internationally. Popular Russian

guration of the new exciting VISION Trade

pop stars, world-renowned business coach-

Center in Moscow.

es, venerable researchers, and astronauts have taken part in this event. The next Mil-

The annual presentation of the Company Welcome to VISION will take place on 11 July in all TC and offices of the Company. The participants of this grand occasion will learn about the best offers which VISION has today

lennium will be held in Vietnam. Thanks to their active and dedicated performance, Vietnam’s VISION leaders have been honored with the distinguished right to host the legendary event of the Company. During the Workshop the Guardsmen of Vietnam had an opportunity to participate in the telebridge. The Company’s top leader, the man who was among VISION Vietnam

Welcome to VISION will start a mara-

pioneers, Chief Advisor to the President on

thon of events united by one slogan, Twen-

South-East Asia, VIP Lam Hoang Phong was

ty Years With Vision. To help those leaders

very enthusiastic in his speech about every

who will hold presentation events in their

President’s Guardsman’s priority: to bring

towns, the Company has prepared a new

to Millennium in Da Nang as many leaders

business instrument. The Event-Kit consol-

and distributors as possible. Only by attend-

idates a whole spectrum of beneficial infor-

ing events of such a level distributors can

mation, and has been adapted to organize

get information that is beneficial for their

events in any town with any number of

business, feel the true scale of the Compa-

participants. Each event of the Twenty Years

ny, get armed with new knowledge, and

With Vision campaign such as Welcome

charged with positive emotions. This en-

to Vision, Breakfast With The President,

hances their faith in the Company and the

My Mom Is A Distributor, and ZooKids will

reality of success with VISION. Millennium,

have a special Event-Kit. It will consist of all

the grand forum of thought which produc-

necessary presentational and video materials, marketing, layouts of marketing materials, and event programs to help distributors efficiently carry out events. A retrospective journey to the major event Millennium was made with love and certain nostalgia by Chief Advisor to the President on international development VIP Master 1S Pavel Dubrov. The audience immersed themselves in a kaleidoscope of breathtaking shots and images, and the people were united in recollections through time and distance. The main occasion of VISION occurs every year in Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, and other cities of




watch video es a lot of public response in the MLM com-

planning to work in network marketing,

munity, will steer each participant of the

and to turn to those who want to make

Anthony Atala

event in the future.

achievements in it. Today the Company is

and Aubrey de

During the Workshop, the Guardsmen

ready to offer an attractive and profitable

also met world renowned researchers who

business concept on the labor market. The

will become special guests at Millennium

Business Pack is designed for those who

the Guardsmen

2015. Anthony Atala and Aubrey de Grey

want to change their lives. These people


talked to the Guardsmen during the online

are worthy of doing business with and de-


serve the investment of time, knowledge,

the online

After a short break, the second part of the

and effort. Alla and Oleg demonstrated all

Guardsmen Workshop transformed into a

benefits of working with the Business Pack,

real master training event and was entirely

and they encouraged the Guardsmen to ef-

devoted to the presentation of a new busi-

fectively use this business offer with the aim

ness concept that the Company is presenting

of accelerating the process dynamics and

on the market this year – the Business Pack.

promoting their business to a new level.

Grey talked to


The Company’s leader VIP5S Svetlana Yefimova clearly demonstrated the Business Pack’s rewards plan which quickly facilitates the earning of a high income during the first month of working in the program. The Business-Pack is a choice of those who want to make good money; it is an opportunity to get into all rewards programs of the Company, and in a few months write one’s own story of success. Chief Advisors to the President on networking technologies VIP Master 1S Alla and Oleg Andriychuk added intensity to the most interesting speeches of the day. They suggested as a base for the new business an understanding that money is time correctly invested in correct people. The Business Pack will help filter out those who are not





Guardsmen Workshop.

of VISION. He described excellent perspec-

Day 2

tives involved in promoting the Business



Pack as a powerful recruiting tool. Today manag-

leaders of the VIP 2S qualification must get

er Yelena Mulenkova and the President’s

involved in recruiting new people to the

Guardsman VIP 2S Pyotr Gromov opened

first level. The time for action has come.

the second day with a news block about

The next speaker at the Guards business

the instruments that the Company has pre-

marathon was the mastermind of the Far

pared to render maximum help in doing

East car run, VIP 3S Mikhail Bizyaev. Mikhail

business; about the Avant-Garde magazine

and his supporters were set to promote the

edition published specially for the Guards-

business offer through the Auto Program.

men, the Brand-book with the corporate

They organized a car run Khabarovsk –

brand identity VIZION, and the Glossary

Vladivostok – Russky Island which attract-

which has combined all corporate notions

ed many followers who came to realize one

and terms of the Company.

important thing: success in networking

The Guardsmen Workshop has set

business is a function that depends on to

far-reaching plans and perspectives for the

how many people you can give faith and

Company distributors. VISION has a won-


derful tradition of beginning new plans

Speaker from Vietnam, the President’s

with good deeds. The video clip The Case

Guardsman VIP 5S Nguyen Dinh Tung talk-

Of Health took the Visioners ten years back

ed about his experience in promoting the

when MISSIA Charity Foundation launched

Auto Program in his country. He urged ev-

this project. This year The Case of Health

eryone to speak about the Auto Program ev-

started again.

erywhere, at events of all levels, because the

A live broadcast from Cyprus proved the vast geographical diversity of the Company.

Guardsmen are responsible to the President for the success of this program.

Top Leaders Yelena and Christoforos Chris-

The online format of the Workshop pro-

tofi continued the business marathon for

vided a unique opportunity for the Guards-

the Guardsmen. Yelena described the tech-

men to directly address the President with

nologies of promoting the Business Pack on

suggestions on improving the business in

the Internet, and talked about how to use

their regions, and to express their hopes

one of the Business Pack’s elements, the

and thoughts. A dialogue between business

Landing Page by creating a target flow of

partners was carried out in a live broadcast.

people. She also spoke about the Star Maker

The Guardsmen shared their experience and

Bonus, a team bonus for leaders who active-

know-how, and suggested their own ideas

ly develop their network, and about a new

about the development of the Company.

system of calculating the Branch Volume due to start on 1 July 2015.

In the final part of the Workshop the President of VISION Dmitry Arkadyev-

The Company’s novel business offer

ich Buryak spoke to the Guardsmen. The

was analyzed networking expert Christo-

Company’s Top Leader’s speech is always

foros Christofi in view of the complicated

expected by the Visioners with elation be-

economic situation in affiliated countries

cause his example and emotional words



VISION PLANET O7 / 2O15 inspire and encourage everyone to move

days equals opportunities, and also take in-

forward. The president talked about how

to account people’s expectations.

knowledge, a key element to business, can

The President paid special attention to

increase efficiency and make a cherished

working with young people. Today, young

dream a possibility.

people who are at the beginning of their

The structure and production of VISION

careers are often not in demand on the

were designed to help people remain

labor market. VISION can offer a business

healthy and earn money on improving

concept that corresponds with young peo-

health. Over the years, the Company has

ple’s expectations. The Business Pack is in

collected a large number of results from

fact a concentrated opportunity for young

people who used the products of Vision.

people to earn an additional income. Our

These results have formed the Company’s

priority task in 2015 is to spread infor-

famous exceptional reputation. Today VI-

mation about the Business Pack among

The primary

SION is introducing a cutting-edge offer on

young people.

goal in 2015

the market, which is based on simple con-

In conclusion the Chief Advisors to the

cepts: product quality, honestly, simplicity,

President addressed the Guardsmen with a

and clarity. Today the Company provides

farewell speech. They exhorted them called

tools to share these opportunities with the

to have a clear understanding of their mis-


customers. When this offer is presented

sion with which they came to VISION, and

about the

honestly and professionally, each distrib-

urged the participants not to wait until Au-

utor is likely to achive success. Having said

gust and realize the new opportunities of-

Business Pack

this, it is vital to notice changes taking place

fered by the Company. Much work and big

to the young

around us, track information which nowa-

acts are waiting ahead!


is to get across the




Time for success

is now! In VISION’s studio with us are Alla and Oleg Andriychuk, the President’s Advisors on network technologies, holders of VIP MASTER 1S, Companions of the Order of Brilliant Perfection, members of the Millionaire’s Club, whose international organization is working in fifty countries, and nineteen members of this network have become dollar millionaires, three times holders of the Galaxy award, and laureates of the MLMLeader of the Decade award. Experts in network marketing with nineteen years of experience in this area, they told us their opinion about the new format of holding the Guardsmen Workshop, and about the new opportunity for promoting the business, the Business Pack program



VISION PLANET O7 / 2O15 Vision Planet In




countries. Our Guardsmen Workshops have

Guardsmen Workshop was held in an

taken place in Hungary, Ukraine, Lithuania,

unusual online format. You both made

and Turkey. Learning a new culture, going

speeches at the event. What were your

on excursions, and meeting interesting

impressions of the occasion? Was it the

people all inspire powerful motivation to

first time when this format was used?

move ahead.

Alla Andriychuk It was a wonderful, new, and interesting experience. The online format certainly has some undeniable benefits. First of all, it is bet-

VP Do you believe that personal interaction is more appropriate for leaders’ meetings?

ter structured. Because of precise timing,

AA Yes, I am sure that personal commu-

you have to plan your speech thoroughly

nication in our Company is of paramount

so that in the end what you say is of prime

importance. For example, for each leader

importance.Preparing for an online work-

it is essential to meet Dmitry Arkadievich in

shop makes you concentrate on a particu-

person; that is to ask him a question and get

lar matter and present it in a more detailed

invaluable advice. Moreover, over the years

manner. In a different situation, some in-

we have developed family-like relations,

teresting ideas get lost while here they are

we miss each other, we want to see real life

presented in a clearer way, and they receive

emotions, and exchange energy. Oleg, and

a proper emphasis.

what do you think about it?

In my opinion, the online format is per-

Oleg Andriychuk I fully agree with Alla.

fect for large scale events, for new partners

The online format is great for various pre-

and guests. In a small town a leader finds it

sentations. Guardsmen workshops howev-

difficult working with new people; answer-

er require “live” meetings. For apart from

ing your distributors’ questions and doubts

the main program, the leaders also meet

takes a lot of time and energy. A large scale workshop with top leaders is a wonderful opportunity to invite a large number of new distributors, where the leaders will make them a business offer not to be missed, from a screen. An event like this can set a good rhythm and motivate people to develop. I however prefer a live format. It is of key importance for the leaders to meet people eye-to-eye and share their experience, new ideas, and emotions. Often times at meetings like this, leaders from different countries find unconventional and creative solutions to many important problems. In an online format it would be complicated. Visiting events are a great opportunity to make business contacts and also to see new




late in the evening and discuss the speech-

Three tips for beginners Alla and Oleg Andriychuk give valuable tips to those who are just starting their way to success with the VISION company:

es of the day and the latest news until very late. New ideas are generated, development strategies take shape, and plans for the future are discussed. Also, when you talk on stage, you can see the eyes of the people in

Tip #1 Forget all you knew before you signed the contract. At the first stage your education does not matter. You will need all of your life experience and your wisdom, but a little later. First of all you need to understand that network marketing is not like anything else, it is an entirely different field, a unique structure. And it lives by its own rules. It is very important to be smart enough to let yourself become stupid for awhile. To reach a higher peak you need to descend from the one you are currently standing on. Snobbery is a bad quality not only for our Company but also for any business in general. It is important to cleanse yourself for a new knowledge and absorb it like a sponge without layering this knowledge on your past experience. After all, as wise men of the East put it, you cannot pour anything into a glass which is already full.

the audience, and you feel how well they

Tip #2 You must remember that your Sponsor is always right. He must be the undisputable authority for you. He makes demands to his distributors not due to his willfulness but based on his knowledge of the laws of development of this kind of business. At the beginning of your career you should not waste your time trying to reinvent the wheel, but you should strictly follow the instructions that have been accumulated for years. You must believe this is one of the basic constituents of your future success. Learn to hear your Sponsors.


Tip #3 Set a time frame for yourself. You must give yourself at least one year for a hard daily 8-hour work. It is critical not to simulate a heavy activity but to really make every effort. Otherwise, if you just pretend to work, the business will not grow. A year is the optimal time to understand how the Company works and what is needed to achieve success. We are saying this based on our own experience. We were permanently involved in the process and would not leave it even for a minute. For example, while doing some household chores, we would listen to a training. On our leisure time we used to read literature and make notes to better memorize the very core of the business. Oftentimes we did not even cook and ate instant noodles to spend all our time on development. That is the very commitment you need to obtain high results in the Company. It is important to set goals for yourself and achieve them through painstaking work.

to take in all information, there is too much

accept and understand what you say. Live participation allows you to answer questions right after your speech, have a discussion, and make new conclusions. We all love communicating; perhaps that is why we have chosen this profession! VP Do you believe that the online format is more convenient for new distributors, where they can watch the workshop at home and learn new AA Yes, exactly for new distributors. But I would not recommend home watching. I think conferences like this should be organized collectively, in show rooms for instance. When you are in a room with other people, it is not customary to get up and go if you are not too interested. The thing is, at first new distributors find it complicated of it, and there are always many questions to ask. But when a person listens to several speakers, hears different opinions, it is easier to change one’s view, and he can see how attractive and interesting our offer is for him personally. Besides, there are too many distractions at home, and your concentration may fail. OA I am sure that large scale presentations can be well planned in an online format. People understand that the Company intends to teach them something, and that it makes an effort to do so. The online format also contains a psychological factor.




Business Pack People are used to trusting the television

and the Internet. The visual perception on

VP Do you think now is the right

time for networking business?

screen gives new distributors certain confi-

OA Now is not just the right time for

dence and trust, which will develop further

networking business. I would say today is

on during work.

optimal for developing it. Look: when all goes well - a stable income, material pros-

VP Was the Business Pack last

perity, a possibility of having even more, for

workshop’s hero? Which aspect of its

example, getting a loan and buying some-

announcement do you see as the key

thing - people won’t change things. On the


contrary, during a crisis, people review their

AA Right, last workshop was all about

budget, they start looking for new oppor-

the Business Pack. In fact, we had promot-

tunities and extra incomes. That is to say,

ed it before in various forms, but all details

extreme situations stimulate development,

were announced during the event. It is hard

and it is in network marketing where you

to emphasize one aspect only; this is a very

have the optimal conditions for earning an

interesting instrument, and it provides op-

income and developing personally.

portunities for growth and development.

AA A crisis is indeed a good stimulus,

There are many benefits of this program to

especially in the labor market. An example:

talk about; this is exactly what we did when

a person has been working for a large com-

we discussed the format of our workshops.

pany, has made good career progress, and





is moving towards his goal but during the

I am not philosophizing here; I am giving

crisis the company cannot secure the same

concrete facts. People who are waiting for a

perspectives, or even provide work. And

suitable moment to make changes or to use

this person realizes that ten years of his life

the opportunities will hardly be successful.


have been wasted, simply crossed out of his

After all, people become millionaires just

life. This is when he understands that one

when they come to understand that waiting


should work for himself, and do HIS OWN

is pointless, that you have to take all chanc-


business. The easiest and most brilliant an-

es life presents, and use them optimally.


swer is to concentrate on your own abilities



and make your experience and knowledge

VP Would it be right to say that a

work for you. The VISION Company in this

crisis brings in big numbers of people


respect is the optimal solution to start a

in network marketing?


business. You don’t have to plunge into the

AA People have come to our Company

unknown; you are accompanied by experi-

regardless of the economic situation. An-


enced leaders and can learn a new activity.

other thing is that a crisis brings in leaders,


The difference is, now your efforts are all

people who are able to lead and motivate

directed towards your personal success.

others. Strong personalities with bright

I mean, hard times give you a big im-

leadership qualities are the skeleton staff of

pulse to change your life. And many choose

the Company; they attract people and in-

to start these changes with our Company.

spire confidence in success.


In fact, really successful people follow one simple rule: it is always the best time! There are always opportunities to earn and devel-

VP What are your wishes to distributors?

op; one only has to want to see them! And

AA Well, our Guardsmen Workshop was

now is this kind of moment in life for many,

devoted to the Business Pack, a great oppor-

when one has to make the right decision.

tunity to invite new ambitious partners to an organization, and build new organizations

VP Did the Company see a lot of

with them, to make a career, receive a car,

people joing the Company during the

and enjoy all opportunities and presents

economic crises of 1998 and 2008?

that the Company gives to every distributor.

AA Of course. More than that, many

Today, this is the most profitable, promising,

people who came in VISION were entre-

and competitive offer in the labor market.

preneurs. Â This is a positive tendency for our

We are happy that it was our Company who

Company, because we need leaders, strong

made this offer, and at this time as well! The

and charismatic personalities.

Business Pack will give us lots of interesting work and brilliant results in the fall!

VP And VISION gives hope for the better future, right? AA I would say we do not give hope; we give confidence and stability. My expe-

We would like to congratulate all distributors of our Company on this fantastic opportunity and hope you can all realize your dreams with VISION!

rience of working in network marketing for over nineteen years entitles me to say this.

Interviewed by Irina Gutor




Reviews of the online Guardsmen Workshop After the online Guardsmen Workshop, the Company was showered with phone calls and letters. The distributors shared their impressions, suggestions, and ideas. Here are some of the reviews

Mikhail Bizyaev (Khabarovsk) VIP 2S I liked the format. It would be nice to alternate such events with live conventions! For me the benefits were a higher concentration on the process and no need for flying over eight time zones: I was thinking a lot more clearly than after a flight. A weak point was no live communication, the so-called meetings on the sidelines, and the energy of the audience.

Alla and Oleg Andriychuk (Moscow) VIP Master 1S We believe that an online format is a new and exciting experience but we are still favor the format of live communication. It is of key importance for the leaders to meet people offline and share their experience, new ideas, and emotions. The online format is perfect for mass occasions or for new distributors. It is also a good idea for giving presentations. Guardsmen workshops however require “live� meetings. For apart from the main program, the leaders meet late int he evening and discuss the speeches of the day and the latest news until very late. New ideas are generated, development strategies take a form, and plans for the future are discussed.




Dzintra Kolkovska (Latvia) VIP 3S We didn’t expect the event to be at such a high level. Everything was organized in a precise and professional manner, with a spirit of teamwork. People communicated at huge distances but we all felt near each other. The Workshop format was in tune with the ultimate achievements of new technologies. I am happy that the Company offered us an opportunity to test it. Even though I am not too good at computers, it was clear what to do: I had easy instructions on connecting to the online event. In my opinion, Svetlana Yefimova’s speech was one of the best: brief, informative, with no “milk-and-water”. The President’s speech gave a good motivational charge for further productive performance.

Alexandr Malakhov (Nizhnevartovskк) VIP 2S We, the President’s Guardsmen, for the first time had an opportunity to participate in the Guardsmen Workshop in a real time format. I welcome this form of holding the Workshop, which allows the participants to demonstrate and receive information in many parts of Russia and the world. I live in Nizhnevartovsk, and for me this form of participating in the Workshop means saved time and money. During the Workshop’s two days we acquired a lot of systematized knowledge. The Business Pack brought on special attention from the listeners. Now we need to systematize the acquired knowledge and implement it in work.




Andrey Konovalov (Khabarovsk) VIP 2S The biggest advantage for me were comfortable conditions! I was at home at my computer and watched the broadcast. Another benefit was that the Workshop did not require much investment. The speeches given at the Workshop were all performed at a high professional level, especially after the speakers got used to the new format. The Business Pack was the foremost message of the Guardsmen Workshop. Our leaders managed to convey information about it and to inspire the Guardsmen to act.

Zofia Kimla (Poland) VIP 2S The onle Workshop on 5–6 June was carried at the highest level. This format is innovative, modern, and interactive. It opens a wide range of new opportunities. I agree that we lacked the traditional meetings with other distributors, like-minded people, and friends. We also lacked “live” emotions; on the other hand, we could fully concentrate on the training seminars. The presentations and speeches were brilliant. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who prepared the Workshop and realized such a wonderful event.




build your business 27



The Business Paсk, the project of the year The VISION Company is more than just a business. This is a continuous process of self-development and personal growth. It looks like all has been done for comfortable working. But the Company again and again has proven the axiom of no limits to perfection and has presented an innovative tool, the Business Pack


he innovative tool the Business pack

was sitting in a park, deep in thought, over-

gives Visioners a limitless potential

taken by despair and helplessness. An elderly

for development and growth. This

man sat down on a bench next to him. They

is the product that the distributors needed in

started talking, and the businessman told

order to reach new heights in business. The

him about his misfortunes. The man listened

VISION Company is a truly unique structure

to him and suddenly said: “I think I can help

which is in a permanent state of develop-

you”, and wrote out a check for $500,000. “We

ment. At every event, leaders pay close at-

will meet at the same place in two years’ time,

tention to perspectives, business technol-

and you will give me back this money”, he said

ogies, and opportunities for improvement.

and walked away. The businessman looked

Prosperity of business is the key concept of network marketing. Because a network line is built in a way that all its parts strive for development and extension, there is no room for stagnation; it cannot but develop. This was proven by the presentation of the new unique business complex, the Business Pack.

You will get work satisfaction when you believe in yourself. Self-belief is the moral asset that is compulsory to make a successful career. What happened to an American businessman only demonstrates this postulate. The story which began, like many others, with problems in business, brought unexpected results. A businessman had debt commitments, he had no money to develop, and he even couldn’t pay his employees on time. He thought he wouldn’t cope with the difficulties and would lose his business. Once he



VISION PLANET O7 / 2O15 at the check in bewilderment. The signature

Suddenly he realized: he had saved his

said: “John Rockefeller”. His surprise was hard

company, it was not the money - real or

to put in words. He ran to his office at full

imaginary - but he himself! His confidence

speed but on the way he made a decision to

encouraged him to achieve everything that

use this money only as a last resort, and try to

he now had.

solve the problems on his own. He worked day and night, strained to the limit, knowing

This is how belief can move mountains. Belief is capable of many things!

that if things went wrong, he would use the

This story was told by Alla Andriychuk at

cherished check. Within three months, he

the Guardsmen Workshop, and she made a

managed to complete three big sales, he got

brilliant conclusion:

out of the red, and started making money and

“We all understand that self-belief is

developing his business. A year passed, and he

really important but we often don’t have

went back to the park with the same check.

enough of this belief. And a leader is a per-

When he saw the old man, he ran towards

son who shares his belief with other dis-

him but was outrun by a nurse. She grabbed

tributors, because this is exactly what they

the old man by the hand and said:

expect from us: our belief, our confidence,

“I am so glad we have found him! We

and our strength!”

have been looking for him all day. I hope

Every distributor dreams of earning

he did not bother you. He often runs away

big money, and that requires belief and

from home and tells people he is John

action. To build a successful career, one

Rockefeller”. And she led the sick man away.

has to master all business tools and strat-

The businessman stood there thunder-

egies. Clearly, many Visioners want to see a

struck. Throughout the year he was doing

cheap product that would sell itself as well.

business, selling and buying, risking many

They want to have an Internet shop, addi-

times, being absolutely sure that he could

tional advertisement, lots of opportunities

always use the millionaire’s half a million

to make good profits, but they want it to

dollars as succor. But it did not exist!

happen automatically, with no special ef-

International conferences and seminars

Global advertising

Youroun working hours

Generous earnings 29


VISION PLANET O7 / 2O15 fort. The substance is, an ambition to make

made over one hundred people dollar mil-

the least effort and get the most is not a

lionaires. This means a goal like this is at-

leader’s position, and it is unsuccessful. In

tainable by anyone who is prepared to work

VISION we have a different formula: the

and devote himself to the work they do.

more hardships there are, the bigger is the

The Business Paсk is of great value to

reward. The Company in its turn does ev-

the market. This is a competitive platform

erything possible to make this dream real-

which provides its holder with a lot more

ity. Now, Visioners have a new unique tool,

than the new-fashioned training seminars

the Business Pack, which can make your

on developing business. The Company has

dream of big money come true. Its cost is

offered a tool which does not only help to

not low but it certainly is effective.

sell products, but also to realize the opportunity to improve its clients’ health and take

The Business Paсk is a tool to make you a millionaire.

it to a completely new level.

The new Business Pack tool has been

high aims. First of all, the competition on

designed on the base of nineteen years of

the market weakens, because most people

experience, and it offers distributors every-

tend to take holidays at this season. And the

thing they might need for sucessful sales.

Company has come up with an innovation

It contains training seminars and teaching

which will allow us to seize the moment to

material, a whole set of advertising materi-

our advantage. In the fall, the making up

als, and a unique product and device that

will show how good the performance was.

will make your work more comfortable. A

The Company leaders are certain that the

Visioner gets everything required to build

result will pleasantly surprise you. There-

up a big business and to enter the inter-

fore, take your chance, grab the unique

national market. The Company has done

opportunities of VISION, and achieve your

everything possible to enable its distribu-

goals. You have everything necessary to be-

tors to earn millions of dollars. VISION has

come a millionaire!

Summer is a perfect time to achieve

World renowned products

Learning opportunities

Your own business

You are your own boss


business in a box 19 years of experience in the industry of beauty, health and longevity A world-known brand presented in more than 20 countries

118 people having earned over one million dollars in the Company Products having earned the excellent reputation all over the world

Guaranteed success! Easy and clear business-concept developed by VISION! Full information about the products and all necessary teaching aids

Your personal work schedule. High income

Extra bonuses and gifts

Training for newcomers and professionals



Svetlana Yefimova

Business Pack is the shortest way to financial success 32



The Business Pack is a unique product that all VISION distributors have been waiting for. This is a business tool which gives optimal opportunities for successful sales. For the readers to fully appreciate the financial attractiveness of this tool, we publish the calculations made by Svetlana Yefimova, VIP 5S, who gave a detailed report at the online Guardsmen Workshop about the order and terms of receiving dividends for the holders of the Business Pack


he Business Pack is the ultimate de-

the beginning of his career: “I am far from

velopment of the Company’s spe-

medicine. I am an electronic engineer by

cialists. This innovative business

profession. I came to this business because

tool has combined the Company’s nineteen

I found its key factors - simplicity and easi-

years of successful work to enable each dis-

ness - attractive”.

tributor to achieve their goals and build a

At the time the Company was founded,

successful career. It is easy to introduce the

a distributor had a set of eight products.

Business Pack into work, but it is important

There were no needless questions; it was

to consider all nuances and details of this

clear that the main purpose was cleansing

product for maximum efficiency.

the body, gaining extra power, energy, and facilitating the immune properties of the

The right sales concept

body. It was easy to earn money with a set

One of the reasons for developing a high

like this: all programs were clear and under-

level product like this was to maintain the

standable for each person. Today, VISION’s

right sales concept. Lately, we have seen dis-

product range includes over sixty names.

tributors lapse from the right business line.

And many distributors are trying to select

Take Bio-In for example. It is a wonderful

a product based on a client’s diagnosis and

opportunity to refill the body’s health re-

forget the preventive concept. Instead of

sources. Its unique products restore the mi-

building an easy and successful business

croflora of tissues, and therefore the whole

that would benefit people, they are trying

body. The undeniable benefit of this set is

to be Aesculapius.

that it is suitable for anyone. To gain positive

This tendency could not but influence

results, one doesn’t need to understand all

the rate of doing business. Oleg Andriychuk

health problems but has to realize its need

points out: “Earning big, healthy money is a

and importance.

lot better than trying to understand the nu-

Some distributors in their work howev-

ances of diseases. You are not a doctor. You

er are trying to use not only the therapeu-

will never know all interactions in the body

tic and resource effects of VISION’s health

or what has caused this or that problem”.

products, but they also launch into an ar-

The Business Pack will help many distribu-

gument about diagnoses using complicat-

tors return to the concept of easy and sim-

ed medical terms. Oleg Andriychuk recalls

ple business.



VISION PLANET O7 / 2O15 The dynamics of your business depends on who you invest your time in

keting plan: the Unilevel Bonus, the Infinity Bonus and leader’s bonuses. The Business Pack can be purchased

Alla and Oleg Andriychuk have many

when signing a contract or at any oth-

years of experience, and they have de-

er time. The program duration is twelve

signed an excellent formula: “Money is the

months; during this time distributors are

time that you invest in a right way in the

in the distribution program of 520 c.u. This

right people”.

figure is made up of three bonuses: the Re-

The financial result depends on what objectives the person you invest your

cruiter’s bonus, the Leader’s bonus, and the Guardsman’s bonus.

time in sets. It is one thing is when a per-

The Recruiter’s bonus is 300 c.u. This

son comes to the business to improve his

sum is distributed in a specific manner. It

health; it is another is when he comes de-

is paid to the immediate sponsor for ev-

termined to build a business. The Business

ery order of the Business Pack made by

Pack will differentiate these two categories

his first line. This is what it looks like in

of people. Its price will serve as a border line

more detail: after you enter the program,

behind which start financial ambitions. The

within first thirty days you will get 300 c.u.

price will act as an option for a leader and

for every Business Pack purchased in your

will form his team to do easy and comfort-

first line.

able business of large scale.

For example, you invite or motivate

The Business Pack provides an opportu-

three of your distributors to enter the pro-

nity to cover the labor market to the full. As

gram; then your bonus is 900 c.u. If you

Alla Andriychuk has noted, the Company’s

study the bonus chart carefully, you will see

strategy has been focused on the develop-

that the liquidity of the program is obvi-

ment of the health market recently, which

ous: you can earn around €1,000 in the first

shifted the personnel issue to second place.

month. And if you have the VIP 2S qualifi-

Thanks to the Business Pack, VISION today

cation, your reward will be €2,000. This in-

can provide people with the optimal con-

come will allow anyone to create his own

ditions for a high standard of business and

story of success in a short time.

good profits.

Another important rule about the Business Pack is that the participants of this

Liquidity of the Business Pack program

program will have an extra year added to

One of the options of the new product

tributor does not have any orders in the

is a stable and structured income. The max-

course of ten months, he is terminated.

imum result can be secured after studying

This term is different for the participants

the system carefully and forming its clear

of the Business Pack: if a distributor shows

understanding. Getting large reward pay-

no performance during twelve months, he

ments with the new tool is not an aim; it is a

is deleted from the system only after the

reality. The Business Pack is based on 190 CV.

same period of time. We hope that such a

Starting from this volume, the payments are

detailed description of the bonus calcula-

calculated according to the standard mar-

tion will leave no questions.

the termination period. Normally, if a dis-




The Business Pack provides its participants with unique career growth opportunities and a good income. In today’s difficult financial situation, it is an excellent chance to solve vital problems and also to fulfill dreams. The Business Pack program launch is due in August. It may well be considered the beginning of a new era of VISION. It is important to understand the unique character of this offer and enter the program with no time wasted, and start your way towards big business!

The Business Pack bonuses Paricipating in the Business Pack program. A distributor is considered a participant of the Business Pack program for twelve months, starting from the month of the purchase of the business Pack (the purchase month included).

Reward distribution for purchasing the Business Pack. The CV base of the Business Pack is 190 CV. The commission reward from the 190 CV is calculated according to standard terms and rules of Vision’s marketing plan. There is a special Business Pack bonus.

The Recruiter’s bonus – 300 c.u. Business Pack Bonus

the Recruiter’s bonus – 300 c.u. the Leader’s bonus – 170 c.u. the Guardsman’s bonus –

(the immediate sponsor receives)

300 c.u. within thirty days from the purchase of the program. 300 c.u. if he is an active distributor and a participant of the

50 c.u.

Business Pack program.

200 c.u. The Leader’s bonus – 170 c.u. (is distributed among participants of the Business Pack program in the VIP or higher qualification) The first superior

The first superior

VIP — 60 у.е. The first superior

Business Pack program.

50 c.u.

if he is an active distributor but not a participant of the Business Pack program.

The Guardsman’s bonus – 50 c.u.

VIP 4S — 10 у.е.

(is distributed among participants of the Business Pack program in the VIP 2S or higher qualification)

The first superior

VIP S — 60 у.е. The first superior

if he is an inactive distributor and a participant of the

VIP 5S — 10 у.е. The first superior

VIP S — 10 у.е.

VIP Master — 10 у.е.

The first superior VIP 3S — 10 у.е.

The bonuses of the Business Pack add up.

The first superior VIP 2S or higher — 10 у.е. The second superior VIP 2S or higher — 10 у.е. The third superior VIP 2S or higher — 10 у.е. The fourth superior VIP 2S or higher — 10 у.е. The fifth superior VIP 2S or higher — 10 у.е.

For instance, if a distributor buys the Business Pack and is on the first level of a VIP 2S distributor, the VIP 2S will receive: The Recruiter’s bonus – 300 c.u. The Leader’s bonus – 60 c.u. (VIP) + 60 c.u. (VIP 1S) + 10 c.u. (VIP 2S) = 130 c.u. The Guardsman’s bonus – 10 c.u.

Total 440 c.u.




money flow generator Using the latest business tools has always been a part of the VISION philosophy. The company is always in the process of growing and development looking for new possibilities that will make Visioners’ work the most comfortable and effective. This year we all witnessed one more breakthrough – appearance of an innovative device VIP-Rofes. A very exhaustive and detailed review of this device was given by Oleg Andriychuk during the on-line Guardsmen Workshop



VISION PLANET O7 / 2O15 The Importance of Perception

During the first meeting with a client in most

I would like to start with an insight in-

cases you can feel some tension with a tint

to my previous years practice. There was a

of distrust which is actually a natural reac-

period in our career when the sales rate sur-

tion. However after the first testing with the

passed sixty a month. And it was the result

help of this device the attitude of the client

of many factors. But I believe the fact that

drastically changes. The client starts to com-

we took a pair of small weigh-scales and a

municate with the distributor as if they have

brand new photo camera (the latest model

known each other for some time because

released for that moment) to the presenta-

from this moment they have a mutual and

tion was instrumental in it. People regarded

the most important topic - health.

these two objects as our professional tools.

It is very easy to work with VIP-Rofes

In fact one’s profession is defined by outer

because every reduced result shown on a

features in the first place: if you see a man

graph, i.e. any point different from five, is a

with a pipe wrench - he is more than likely

reason to offer our product. When a person

a plumber; a stethoscope or any other med-

sees marks 3 and 2 on the screen they start

ical tool can be carried only by a doctor and

to look for the problem solution and ask

so on. In other words some objects can es-

for the help of the distributor. And the most

tablish one’s credibility and a client under-

right answer that we give to a client is: body

stands that they have a professional in front

needs a «recharge», some additional energy.

of them, an expert who came to solve their

We offer a client our unique product and

problems. The conclusion is obvious: tools

they can not only feel the result of taking it

significantly raise status and make us stand

but also see the positive dynamic graphically.

out among the others. Appearance of the new hardware-soft-


Business Pack contains D4X which gives an immediate result.

ware complex VIP-Rofes is an absolute

Talking about our products which are

breakthrough in our business. It’s a one

produced in gelatin capsules, their positive

more tool of the Business Pack program

effect cannot be appreciated right away

which widens the Company’s horizons

because the uptake process and healthy

nearly without limit. Even now we get rave

substances accumulation takes time. As for

reviews from our leaders saying that people

line D4X products, it is health in pure form,

are in a waiting list to take a test on this de-

given that no capsule shells are used in their

vice and to evaluate their health condition.

production. This allows to get an immedi-

Use of VIP-Rofes changes the social atti-

ate result. Actually D4X effect is gained as

tude to distributors for the best. In the eyes


soon as a person took D4X.

of a client VIP-Rofes makes a representer

This product was specially chosen for

of the Company more respectable and out-

the Business Pack to demonstrate imme-

lines their professional level as well as helps

diate health improvement results togeth-

to obviate most of objections.

er with the hardware-software complex.


For the whole family

Moreover observing positive dynamics

Increasing Loyalty

after taking the product enhances our

VIP-Rofes device is a unique possibility to

Company’s credibility for the client. That

establish a contact with any client in no time.

way VIP-Rofes gives a unique possibility to



VISION PLANET O7 / 2O15 demonstrate the result immediately and

er professional level. After we had started

this increases loyalty with every even the

the sales we noticed one specific thing:

most incredulous client.

some regarded VIP-Rofes as a professional business-tool but some began to study

Necessary Control

medical issues even more profoundly and

VIP-Rofes allows a distributor to get a

try to make a diagnosis for a client.

repeated income: first time - while selling

The device gives a certain profile of

the device, then you continue to earn mon-

health condition but it is not a reason to

ey as the client orders products.

substitute a complete medical testing with

You have a possibility to control your cli-

it: nobody makes a diagnosis with the help

ents’ results as you receive them by e-mail.

of a thermometer. VIP-Rofes can be consid-

For example, I gave VIP-Rofes as a present

ered to be a health thermometer as it only

to my parents and now I know for sure how

warns about the problem and D4X prod-

they are feeling and what I can do to im-

ucts allow to reinforce immunodefence,

prove their health condition.

and start necessary processes to activate

Also, keep in mind the fact that the de-

body function. Our task is just to see spring-

vice triggers the virus advertisement mech-

ing tendencies because this device allows

anism, i.e., a person who has already pur-

to detect even those problems that a per-

chased a VIP-Rofes will test their relatives

son doesn’t feel yet. It is very important as it

and friends after which they would like to

gives a possibility to prevent negative body

become healthier and more full of energy.

processes at the beginning.

And, of course, they will come to you for the

Creation of the VIP-Rofes also had a

help. As I have already mentioned, VIP-Ro-

goal to form a certain traffic because our

fes as a part of the Business Pack is a real

business is a sorting business. We don’t per-

breakthrough and, I would like to empha-

suade people, we look for people appropri-

size it again, - a gateway to a new business

ate for us. And to realize this aspiration we

level. Formerly we had to constantly phone

need to make a succession of candidates in

our client and concern with their deals and

order to have some traffic. People can see

state of health defining what to offer almost

how busy and demanded we are and they

intuitively. Today people phone to their dis-

have a desire to be included in this active

tributor themselves. As the program points

process right away and stay with us to do

out the products that are essential for this or that person for improving their health level. The only thing that you have to do now is to deliver a product and to get the money. It is difficult not to agree that it is just a business one can dream of!

The Right Approach For now the device is only available for VIPs because they definitely have certain privileges in the Company and posses high-



VISION PLANET O7 / 2O15 a successful business. So to say interest

ibly increases. Market has not seen such a

creates a line-up and when the line-up ap-

thing yet. We do not have to give people

pears it arouses interest.

complex explanations and make them

It is also practical to revise the former

study all product details. From now it is

contacts database/ to communicate with

enough to deliver them the VISION busi-

people who used to work with us and left the

ness basic principles so that they could get

Company for different reasons. Presently we

a good income.

have a new offer for those people to change their lives and achieve desired success.

THE MAIN DIFFERENCE BETWEEN VIP-ROFES AND Magic Power of Duplication We all know that duplication is a very


important factor in our business. With


VIP-Rofes duplication is quite easy to


achieve. When you demonstrate the device works, it is very easy: everything you have to do is to wipe the arm, place the device

Up-market Duo

on the wrist, push one button, receive your

Business Pack is a really leading-edge

health condition report on the tablet and

offer in the sphere of high technologies.

see the recommended products list. In oth-

It contains not only a hardware-software

er words when a person can see the whole

complex VIP-Rofes but also a latter-day

process, they understand that it is an easy

tablet. These two gadgets perfectly com-

and clear business.

plete each other and are a unique duo. I

Until quite recently we had to thoroughly

spent a lot of time on studying the market

study the product suite, know all the details

and the results really surprised me. Neither

about biologically active supplements to

in Europe or Germany or Switzerland, or

understand what to recommend a client. At

America have such simple and easy ways

present time our work includes just a couple

to estimate health condition and provide

of simple manipulations which allow to very

necessary recommendations. Using the

easily achieve duplication, i.e., action which

latest innovations in the field of medicine

leads to doubling. A person notices the pro-

and electronics is not only handy but also

fessional brand equipment and realizes this

incredibly prestigious. That is why I believe

specialist worth dealing with in future. There

that you, and your candidates, will also like

are no other network marketing companies

such a reliable eye-filling business with up-

that work at such a high level and take care

to-date interface.

of their staff. VISION is the only company vations and is ready to design, test and hand

Drastic Changes and Innovations

over the latest tools for improving health

It is important to realize what is the re-

which understands the importance of inno-

condition and business.

al difference between VIP-Rofes and other

With the appearance of VIP-Rofes com-

similar devices in the market. The major

petitive ability of the business offer incred-

factor is a modified software which makes



VISION PLANET O7 / 2O15 this device a really unique offer. A usual test



with the help of a device doesn’t give such

and enjoy the result.

a result as VIP-Rofes does because other

And the final stage of

devices do not have the function of recom-

the program modification

mending products. Here we faced an interesting problem to modify the program in the way that it

immune system

regions of spine

is interface improvement. At the present time we have to scroll over quite a massive

provided maximum comfort in usage and

report on a screen and we

was fully adjusted to the specific character

would sure love to see the

of the Company’s business.

whole set of information in

The first stage of the work at the program is adding complex recommendations which appear in pop-up tips. In other words when we get to the section we need,

a screen format. It will make

heart and vessels

lungs and bronchi

the work even more efficient. In addition it would be great to add an option of

for example, «immune system», we can di-

mailing comparative reports

rectly see the list of recommended products

«before» and «after». We

from the whole VISION line for improving

are keen to make the inter-

indicants of this particular system.

face more user-friendly and

The next important stage is to add options of making reports and sending them

comfortable. Besides we will


via e-mail. You can add several addresses at

pancreatic gland

once and have a so called mailout. I have

add some more new options and buttons to make the work incredibly handy.

already mentioned that my parents use



VIP-Rofes. So their health condition reports

is a very important task.

are recieved not only by me but my brother

We make the equipment

as well. In the same reports you can see not


only general health condition but also recommended products which significantly


simplifies your tasks.

thyroid gland


almost individual for each person who does his/her business with VISION. Such

One more important thing is appear-

an approach will allow us

ance of «Consultant’s Settings» section.

to earn money repeatedly

When you sell the device you can install

just by selling the device to

your client’s program and set it according

a family. Now we have an

to your needs. The main thing is to enter a private consultant’s code into the settings


to get further orders by reference to this

suprarenal capsules

exceptional device it is easy, prestigious and stunning to do a business with. So I wish

code. It means that clients can make orders

you success, prosperity with

by themselves and you just get income out

this outstanding innovative

of it. As a result you have a kind of a money

device that has become a

generator with the help of which income is

part of Business Pack and

just accumulated on your account. For this

gives the opportunity to

it is enough to make one sale, launch a virus

urinary bladder


earn big money.


Welcome Vision Breakfast with to the President ooKids My Mom Zoo Kids Welcome to VISION t with the Presiden My Mom is a Distributor istributor ZooKid



Welcome to VISION – is a festival for friends Welcome to VISION has set into motion the event marathon devoted to the twentieth anniversary of VISION. A varied program and large scale presentations are only part of what awaits us this summer 42



11.О7.2О15 W

elcome to VISION is a presentational event that has been devised to tell people about the structure of the Company, its opportunities, and unique business offers. The first presentation

took place on 14 July 2014. It’s an open event; anyone can come. In fact, this event enjoys popularity. Last year showed that occasions of this format were held in nearly one hundred cities and town, and the number of participants exceeded eighty thousand people. Moreover, over one thousand contracts were signed. This is indeed an excellent outcome, which proves that events like this are necessary in the future too. This year, Welcome to VISION was scheduled for 11 July. All trade companies opened their doors to all those who are already part of the big VISION family, and to those who are only planning to join the Company. The event gathers a large number of people who are keen to learn as much as possible about doing business with VISION; therefore spacious and comfortable rooms were chosen for the occasion. Like last year, the organizers of Welcome to VISION have prepared exquisite snacks, practical presents, and special souvenirs at very agreeable prices. The program of this year’s occasion was quite rich and interesting. The visitors of Welcome to VISION could learn about the best and most beneficial special offers from Vision Airlines, and find out how to use them on board the liner flying to Da Nang to the major VISION event, Millennium 2015. The key topics of the presentation were the innovative Business Pack program, the Auto Program, the Luxury bonus, the software complex VIP-Rofes, the new D4X product, and of course the Bio-In program. These exciting topics and the Company’s news attracted many visitors to Welcome to VISION. This exclusive event provides an insight into the business of VISION. It also shows how close VISION’s team is whose aim is to improve people’s health and increase their standard of living. Without doubt, more contracts will be signed this year; for the unique opportunities that the Company



VISION PLANET O7 / 2O15 is happy to present will allow people to run

ready-made presentation, a plan, market-

a big business of international standing and

ing and presentation material, gift sets, and

earn really good money.

decoration elements. In other words, you

The Company leaders are interested in

will get a complete set for a high standard

holding Welcome to VISION in almost

event which will make it interesting, infor-

every city and starting the marathon of fur-

mative, and memorable.

ther events. This is why the management of VISION gives full support to those who


want to hold this event. To have the Com-


pany’s consent and support, a few requirements have to be met. A distributor has to


hold the VIP 1S qualification from January


to May. This condition was made to make sure that the organizers of Welcome to

Welcome to VISION is an event that

VISION have proven that they can bear

we have been waiting for throughout the

responsibility and can complete any task.

year to demonstrate what we can do, and

Moreover, there is another condition: the

to share valuable information with others

event must gather at least thirty people.

about how to be healthy, successful, and

All the above mentioned conditions

wealthy. After all, VISION does not give ab-

met, the Company provides the leader with

stract formulas. It gives a realistic chance of

everything required to hold the event: a

making a dream come true!




Event-Kit — A Workshop for Perfect Solutions Every year VISION prepares some surprises and innovations for us. Today it has a new offer which will let you organize high-profile events by yourself.


ISION’s events have always been notable for their perfect organization, abundance of information and events, as well as elegance of decoration. Today the Company shares

its experience in this area and offers you a unique business tool called Event-Kit which represents a set of tools intended to let you hold presentation events by yourself.

As of today four different Event-Kits, which cover the Company’s main events “Welcome to VISION”, “Breakfast with the President”, “My mom is a distributor”, and “ZOO KIDS”, have been developed. If you decide to organize one of these events in your city, you will find everything you need to prepare it on our website. You will not have to delete dates or any facts as the materials are prepared in such a way that you can adapt the sources to a date and place at your convenience. This is another proof of the Company’s care about its distributors. This simple action will let you save time and concentrate on more important issues. Event-Kit provides the Company with the confidence that every event will be held at proper level. As for you, it gives you the opportunity to hold a marathon of events, minimizing the preparatory work.

A marathon of events starts with «Welcome to VISION», one of the fundamental events, where people get all the necessary information about the Company and its philosophy 45


VISION PLANET O7 / 2O15 This Event is equally interesting for both beginners and experienced distributors. Besides, this information may catch the interest of the people who worked with VISION before but took a break for some reasons. It is “Welcome to VISION” event that vividly demonstrates that the Company gives people stability and confidence in the future and that this is an honest, healthy, and sustainable business.

The next significant event is “Breakfast with the President” – Dmitry Arkadievich Buryak Communication with this legendary man is a great opportunity to get valuable advice or motivation. The format of the event also includes familiarization with the Company, its news and major advantages. And, of course, all the participants of the event will have a unique opportunity to listen to the Company’s President, his personal appeal to everyone, and feel the pulse of this vast international organization that speaks many languages and is integrated with eternal values.

“My mom is a distributor” is a very interesting event This is an image-building event, where all the company’s offices are turned into one presentation ground. This year, the program includes a whole range of useful information on VISION products, a unique laboratory D4X’s operation concepts, as well as all the innovations in healthy nutrition.

This is followed by «ZOO KIDS», which is deservedly considered the most kind and energetic format of all VISION events as parents with children are invited. While adults get in-

my mom is a distributor watch video

formed about the Company’s capabilities, Junior Hit and other programs, children can play with «ZOO KIDS» characters, make an extraordinary face painting and just have fun. So, thanks to Event-Kit you have the opportunity to hold a marathon of these events on your own. On our website you can find scenarios for all the formats, clear and understandable instructions for their organization, all kinds of presentation materials and more. VISION is ready to support any initiative, help and guide those who understand the importance of such events. Each event makes your business even more prestigious and significant in the eyes of current and potential customers. Besides, it is also a unique opportunity to gather your own team, to find and attract people who just like you will decide to work with VISION conquering one peak of

watch video

a healthy business after another!


24.1O.2O15 Breakfast with the President



WE HAVE TO BUY IT! The Guardsmen Workshop’s presentations of a new promising product Business Pack had hardly finished when distributors from some regions got to work and without wasting time presented it in their cities. Rostov distributors proved to be very practical businessmen: they invited guests and told them about the new tool. Look how fast and smoothly they organized the event


ith a creative approach any event will be a success. This is what happened on 21st June

in a comfortable room of Pauling restaurant in Rostov-on-Don. Alongside other programs the new Business Pack was also presented. Rostov distributors have made it their good tradition to carry out seminars in prestigious restaurants in the historical center of the city. This way they emphasize the importance of the event, and show respect to their colleagues. The presentation was attended by distributors and guests from Belaya Kalitva, Bataisk, Taganrog, and Kagalnitzkaya village. A festive air was everywhere: in the participants’ fancy outfits, in people’s high spirits, in glasses of champagne offered at the entrance. The mood was set! After everybody sat down at the tables the presentation began with a solo performance of honored member of the Russian Music Society soloist of vocal group Kantilena, Aleksey Borovik. His style of performance and charming acting won everybody’s hearts.



VISION PLANET O7 / 2O15 MC Kira Sadysheva was excellent at con-

talked about working with the Business

ducting the event’s flow. She is one of those

Pack. Even after the presentation was over,

who “can hold the audience”. Kira main-

people did not want to go: they had lots of

tained good contact with the audience and

questions to ask their sponsors, and some

the speakers from the very beginning. Each

had the VIP-Rofes express test. In the end of

speaker had their own original way of pre-

the event there was a big promotion of the

senting their information. Galina Yurusova

festival in honor of the Company’s Birth-

talked about the ecological situation in the

day. Its program includes the recognition of

area in a humorous way. Tatiana Nikitina

new distributors who will sign the contract

highlighted special details of certain prod-

after June 21 and will close the VIP quali-

ucts in her speech on the Company’s prod-

fication until July 18 inclusive. Wondering

uct lines. Mikhail Shutov debuted with a re-

where the festival will take place? No need

port on the Company’s marketing plan, and

to take guesses: in one of the restaurants on

Galina Yurusova got to the stage another

the Don embankment, of course. Good tra-

time and gave a brilliant presentation on

ditions should be kept!

the Auto Program. The last speaker was VIP 2S leader Tatiana Lutchenkova from Rostov oblast. Her report on the Business Pack provoked a lot of interest: people saw a real opportunity not just to earn money, but to earn good money. In conclusion, Tatiana asked: “What prevents you from buying the Business Pack program?” The participants on the stage unanimously replied: “We have to buy it!” Isn’t it a brilliant result of the meeting? After the informative part, it was time for chats and tea. At the tables, the guests




Siberian Marathon Omsk has hosted “Siberian Marathon” which attracted new clients and distributors


arge historical and cultural center of Siberia, Omsk became the venue of the meeting for distributors from

Khabarovsk, Magadan, Vladivistok, Novosibirsk, Berdsk, Kazakhstan, and Tyumen oblast within the framework of “Siberian Marathon” which took place on 19-21 June 2015. The Company’s top leader, member of the Millionaire’s Club Tamara Pshennikova took part in the event. The presence of a leader of this level inspired the distributors: everybody felt moral and emotional support of the Company in the face of Tamara Vasilievna. They could sense the great spirit created by like-minded people and see the energy of success being able to influence the Company’s possibilities. The School for active distributors had a business-like character. The speakers – Tatiana Shevchishina, Olga Baranova, Nikolay Chebekov, Irina Mikhailova, Elena Muzychenko, Irina Chebykina, Valentina Derevyanko, and Natalia Zhdanova – shared their professional experience and secrets of success with other distributors. Unquestionably, the highlight of the Marathon was Tamara Pshennikova’s training “The Guardsmen Workshop: Results”. Yet again we saw that the Company is providin all possible conditions to enable each one of us to earn good money. The Health Day attracted the biggest number of participants. Tamara Pshennikova’s speech and the amazing examples proved that our high quality and efficient products provide people with wonderful




opportunities to improve their health and

played beautifully by Marina Tolshina, and

restore its resources. We have obtained new

socializing complemented the marvelous

clients and distributors.

meeting. Communicating with the Compa-

An air of festivity, animation, shared love and friendship was prevalent during the

ny’s top leader Tamara Pshennikova was an exceptional gift for qualification holders.

event. The presentation ended with a re-

Siberian distributors express their grati-

ception for the Company’s leaders. And no

tude to Tamara Vasilievna for her support,

festival can do without music! The sounds

enthusiasm, and belief in the product and

of the saxophone, singing with a guitar

wonderful business with VISION!




GRAND OPENING OF THE VISION TRADING COMPANY IN MOSCOW On the 1st of July Grand opening of the new selling complex in Moscow collected a lot of guests. By all accounts this prestigious and spacious complex is a perfect place for both business and meetings of friends

The VISION Trading Company (TC) is situated in the very centre of business Moscow on Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment, 14, building 1, in close proximity to the Moscow International Business Centre «Moscow-City», the Central Exhibition Complex «Expocentre» and the World Trade Centre with offices of more than 500 leading Russian and foreign companies which represent the world known brands. On the tight side of the VISION TC there is a Congress Centre, on the left-the Crown Plaza Hotel. Location of the TC provides immediate access to the Third Ring Road. You can reach it by metro, it will take you 10 minutes to walk from the «Vystavochnaya» metro station by the Church of St. Seraphim of Svarov.




The opening ceremony started at 11 o’clock in the morning. The festive atmosphere was everywhere, it seemed the nature was as happy as participants of the holiday. The weather was perfect-bright sun, blue sky and VISION flags blowing in the wind.




Company Leaders Valentina Makarenko, Tamara Sakharchuk, Galina Yakovleva, Yury Mitrokhin, Alla Andriychuk, Pavel & Svetlana Dubrov and of course the First Lade of the Company Margarita Buryak welcomed participants of the event. Products also sent their representatives-the D4X line presented its regards.




The First Lady of the Company together with Chief Advisors to the President cut the ribbon as the entrance to the VISION TC and invited everyone inside. “Welcome to the new home of your future success!” – Margarita Buryak said. Cold Champaign and strawberry met the guests.

With great pleasure guests saw over the premises decorated in VISION style and divided into functional areas: receptionVision Info, rest area, conference hall for 30 persons, order point. All necessary conditions for fruitful work are created in the new TC-modern technical equipment, advanced self-service systems, automated sale process. Here you can place an order with the TC manager, get information on its status on the panel of the Queuing system, pay and get an order and use self-service machines which accept not only banking cards but cash also. All this is available in one place to provide quick services and self-services for Company distributors.




It’s worth to mention that the surrounding area is well-developed, green and covered by tree branches. Due to this it is possible to hold meetings outside. Restless leaders immediately used this chance and started discussions. Many warm meetings, discussions and conversations happened at the event. The best place for this is the conference hall. There distributors stayed even Vision News and continued talking about business issues and Company innovations.




The conference hall is very modern and meets all requirements including technical and organizing. It is equipped with multimedia tools and may be used for holding of different events, trainings and conferences.

In the meantime a VISION cake arrived and the First Lady of the Company cut it. The guests duly appreciated this tasty and fresh cake and ate it with tea. Also they tried vanilla and chocolate shakes. Everyone was happy including Queens of Shakes who started dancing.




Some of guests were signing contracts, some told about huge sales. And behind the scenes, in TC rooms the work was humming. Company employees who were engaged in preparation and holding of the event kept working hard.

The guests left tired but happy. The Grand Opening finished. The new TC will become a perfect instrument for addressing key concerns: search for colleagues, planning of business meetings, signing of contracts, holding of presentations and trainings, comfort placing of orders using modern technologies. Come to our TC on Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment! Be with us! Be in the centre of events!




Vision’s triumph in Vietnam In June 2015 Tan Binh Exhibition and Convention Centre hosted the International Festival of Natural Products and Functional Foods — I3F Vietnam 2015


he exhibition was organized by the Agency of Food Safety of the Ministry of Health of Vietnam, Center for

technology implementation and development of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam, Vietnam Association of Functional Foods (VAFF) and Asia Trade Fair & Business Promotion (Holdings) (ATFA). The opening ceremony took place in the morning of June 5. Special emphasis was made on the importance of the event and useful and important information was given during the ceremony. Each of those present had a unique opportunity to learn more about functional products and contribute to the development of industry of the future. The exhibition was an important event for those who care about their health and prefer functional nutrition. Many of its participants discovered new and useful products that improve the quality of life. Immediately after the opening ceremony a lot of distributors, VIP guests, and partners hurried up to Vision’s exhibition booth. The widespread enthusiasm was encouraged by talented presenters, the Company’s distributors Pham Trong Hiep and Nguyen Thi Thanh Hang, who easily and naturally communicated with the visitors. After that Dr. Lam Quang Thu presented the Vision company, spoke about the areas of its activity and separately stressed the fact that Vision products meet the strictest international standards.



VISION PLANET O7 / 2O15 VISION’s exhibition booth had the ad-

ologically active food supplements as a

vantage of distinctive modern design and

means for the prevention of various diseas-

compactness. The distributors were pro-

es and health maintaining and protection”

vided with comfortable conditions, and so

at the main stage of the exhibition. The

were visitors who took an active interest in

subject of the report covered the most rele-

the Company’s products. For three days of

vant issues of our time: healthy lifestyle and

the exhibition the booth was surrounded

healthy nutrition as a trend of the 21st cen-

by the buzz of crowds.

tury and the use of biologically active food

Both distributors and guests, who were

supplements in this context. The speech

eager to learn more about VISION and its

turned out to be very interesting and abso-

products, took part in the Company’s dai-

lutely important for those who are interest-

ly presentations. Marketing materials for

ed in the subject.

the products and the business, special pro-

On June 7 two presentations which

grams for beginners who signed contracts

gathered an impressive audience were held

with the Company during the exhibition,

at the Company’s booth. There were so ma-

and, of course, videogame Bio-In played

ny people that there was not enough room

a major role in attracting visitors. The vid-

to accommodate all of them. But even those

eogame was interesting for absolutely ev-

who had to stand did not feel deprived. In

erybody - young and old. With the help of

spite of the inconvenience, they watched

these promotion tools the Company tried

everything going on with a great attention

to catch people’s interest, tell them about

and enthusiasm.

VISION and its values, as well as make them

The visitors eagerly took part in a quiz

a part of a large, friendly, and healthy family.

on VISION’s business and products. The

On June 6 the Company’s top leader

presenters proved to be true professionals

of the VIP 3S qualification Professor Dinh

here too rousing the interest of the audi-

Khac Lan made a presentation called “Bi-

ence and always keeping its attention.






During the exhibition the distributors were told in detail how to work with the Company’s products. Particular attention was paid to the work with the Bio-In program, as well as new products of Vision’s Smart Food line - D4X. When two delicate but very strong women, the Company’s top leaders Vo Thi Hai Anh and Nguyen Thanh Chau, took the stage, their performance attracted a lot of interest as they presented the Bio-In program and a new line of products called D4X. They also gave scientists’ opinion about the new and unique Vision products for these are very serious and complex subjects. But thanks to their professionalism, enthusiasm, and effort they managed with the task. One of the most important awards of the exhibition are gold certificates and medals for the best product. In 2013, they were given to a Vision’s biologically active food supplement Classic Hit. In 2014, they went to such products as D4X My Unit Dose, OsteoSanum, Coopers Neo, Mega, and LivLon +. This year Vision got 11 gold medals for its contribution to improving the health of the nation. The winners were the Company’s products that are part of the Bio-In program. Bio-In is the first personalized program for probiotics with anti-aging action. The program is suitable for both men and women. Bio-In was launched on the market just recently but it has already gained popularity among consumers in different corners of the world. We are sincerely grateful to everyone who was with us during all days of the exhibition and supported us. We appreciate our distributors for their well-coordinated and effective work at the Company’s booth, as well as all who got interested in VISION and are willing to share the Company’s philosophy and join its ranks. Because all the best things are created by you! See you at the exhibition next year! We will also be glad to see you at other VISION events!




In the mode of optimism and cooperation


he Baltic Workshop held in Riga in

purchased Bio-In in April, and also the new

2015 gathered guests from Poland,

distributors who completed the VIP qualifi-

Lithuania, Germany, Estonia, Belar-

cation and purchased Bio-In before May 15.

us, Russia, and Latvia in one of the confer-

The program of the Workshop was

ence rooms of comfortable Hotel Bellevue.

compressed and informative. On the first

The occasion’s program was the follow-

day, director of Research and Develop-

ing. On May 16 new Visioners who signed

ment at the DEM4 Laboratory Elmantas

the contract and are in the beginning of

Potsevichus gave a presentation on D4X.

their career with VISION were invited to the

The participants highly appreciated the

event. On May 17 the Workshop greeted all

level of the presentation and the speaker’s

participants of VIP Forum in Moscow who

ability to deliver information in an inter-

received the corresponding qualification or

esting and easy manner.




Young enthusiastic leader from Belarus Anatoly Somoseyev’s emotional speech about building VISION business on the Internet caused great interest and involvement. He readily shared practical recommendations with his colleagues. The Auto Program was presented by Victor Delikatny. Anna Zayazova from Russia talked about three ways of building business. Another Russian leader Svetlana Shinkevich explained how to hold a motivating rendezvous. Ludmila Milevska from Poland talked about the Luxury Bonus. Dzintra Kolkovska described in detail the strategy and tactics of doing business. Particular attention during the Workshop was given to Millennium. The presThe following topics were also dis-

ence of about forty-five distributors who

cussed: “Product Effects” (Natalia Markovs-

will go to Vietnam without doubt motivat-

ka), “Health and Happiness With No Limits”

ed the others to work more efficiently to be

(Alla Bazarova), “Devote Yourself To Suc-

able to join them on this trip.

cess” (Olga Polinkovska). Inara Sarma gave a presentation on LiveLon’ +.

The first day was closed with the ceremony of recognition: Elena Razumnova and Anna Fonika were to receive the VIP badges. Elena could not come, and Anna was handed the badge by the Company’s First Lady Margarita Buryak. This moved all those present greatly: not long before the Workshop Anna’s father died, but she wanted to participate in this event and meet Margarita Victorovna. Everybody felt very emotional about the situation and showed their support with long applause. Another exciting event marked the first day: greetings of Dzintra Kolkovska, whose birthday was on May 16. Margarita Victorovna congratulated her and gave her flowers and photographs in stylish frames. The present distributors joined in the cordial greetings. Those who brought the largest number of people to the Workshop received D4X samples.




Everybody anticipated the speech of Margarita Buryak, who raised the topic of MISSIA Foundation and thanked the distributors who took part in the “Warm Novemebr” project. Talking about managing a huge mechanism like VISION she expressed her hope that the Company’s activities will be supported by its numerous team, especially now, in the time of rapid changes. The audience were moved by the sincerity of the speech, which added an extra boost of energy. The final aspect of the first day was a banquet for all participants of the Workshop. Its festive atmosphere was colored by informal talks with Margarita Buryak. Live music made the pleasant evening even more exciting: the beauty of the music set everybody in a lyrical mood. Work continued on the second day. Practical training classes were given by European leaders. They shared their exclusive instructions, for example, how to develop your business step by step. They also talked about the training system and methods of personal development. They mentioned typical mistakes made by distributors and how to correct them. Svetlana Shinkevich, Anna Zayazova, Ludmila Milevska, and Dzintra Kolkovska made speeches. The Workshop resulted in a higher level of motivation to achieve new goals in business. The participants were so involved in the training process that the compressed days of the Workshop flew by very quickly. Everybody agreed that the presence of Margarita Victorovna was without doubt the highlight of the Baltic Workshop. The positive mood of the event and belief in common success were reinforced by her informative speech and emotional way of speaking, which transmitted the feeling of unity.




The Baltic Workshops:

meetings of professionals Over sixteen years, Latvia has kept an excellent tradition: twice a year — in spring and autumn — they hold the Baltic workshops


n 1999 in Yurmala, the new tradition began of gathering distributors from Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania for a two-day training course run on a regular basis by the

Company’s top leaders Svetlana and Pavel Dubrov, Inga Krukauskiene, Anna Zayazova, and Svetlana Shinkevich. Alla and Oleg Andriychuk, Ludmila Smirnova, Yuri Mitrokhin, Tatiana Suvorova, Valentina Doroshenko, Tatiana Klikova, Margarita Gribuleva, and Alexey Kukushkin also share their knowledge and experience. Thanks to these workshops distributors keep improving their public speaking skills. It

the workshop; he explained the purpose of the new D4X

may safely be said that leaders from the Baltic states have

line and confirmed the high standard of these products.

matured at these workshops.

The participants listened with great interest to the fol-

“Over the years, we have made friends with many lead-

lowing speakers: Ludmila Milevskaya, Anna ZAyazova, Svet-

ers of the Company, - says Lilita Tetere, - and we have always

lana Shinkevich, Lilia Shveytzer, Alla Bazarova, and Anatoliy

felt support from friends and colleagues. And the phrase

Somoseyko. They shared with the people in the audience

“VISION is a large family” has a deep meaning to us and

perfectly timed, necessary information.

is proven every day. Over time, our structures have grown

Then a banquet followed in a friendly and warm-heart-

and expanded, and so has the geographical diversity of our

ed atmosphere. Anna Zavyazova’s performance became

cooperation. 15 May this year was marked by festive and

the highlight of the evening: she performed affectionate

exciting events. In the morning Sandria Kudirkaite held a

Ukrainian songs.

wonderful training seminar for VIP, and after lunch at Riga

The eventful days of the Euro-Baltic workshop coincided

airport we met the Company’s First Lady Margarita Buryak”.

with the birthday of the President’s Guardsman, leader from

On 16-17 May Riga welcomed the first Euro-Baltic work-

Latvia Dzintra Kolkovskaya who had done a lot to organize

shop which gathered visitors from Latvia, Lithuania, Esto-

this event. She received well-deserved and sincere words of

nia, Poland, Russia, Germany, and Belarus. Margarita Buryak

gratitude, and lovely bouquets of flowers. This was a perfect

attended the workshop. Her presence added more impor-

ending of the Euro-Baltic workshop. The expectations now

tance to the occasion, and ensured high morale among the

are that the knowledge obtained at the workshop will help

participants. DEM4 Laboratory professor also took part in

to improve distributors’ structures and qualifications.





In this issue read an interview with VIP1S, speaker of the EuroBaltic Workshop Alla Bazarova. She talks about her impressions of the event and her seventeen-year experience of working with VISION 66


VISION PLANET O7 / 2O15 Vision Planet Alla, in May you were the participant and speaker at the Euro-Baltic Workshop. What is the role of the Workshop in developing the business in Europe? Аlla Bazarova The Euro-Baltic Workshop in May continued the tradition of VISION Baltic Workshops, which have been inspired and organized by Dzintra Kolkovsky, leader of the Latvian branch VIZION. During a working meeting in Poland we decided to facilitate cooperation between European distributors and leaders. Countries of the European Union are closely connected socially and form one business space. This is an excellent opportunity to design a European program of developing

ter classes, and by self-education. All of this

the business of VISION while considering its

grew to be the foundation of building the

specific character, experience, and distribu-

business. Therefore, the most valuable thing

tion network resources. The positive results

at the workshops is the quality of informa-

of this event proved a necessity of creating

tion and learning network marketing skills

European instruments and mechanisms of

from leaders and professionals.

maintaining the distribution network. The

Another aspect is personal meetings and

leaders have worked out the format and

brainstorm sessions with leaders, the Com-

preparation plan for the Euro-Baltic Work-

pany management, and research laboratory

shop in 2016.

and the opportunity of open discussions of current issues. One of the key events of

VP What do you think was the

the Euro-Baltic Workshop was meeting the

most valuable and important thing of

Company’s First Lady Margarita Buryak.

the Workshop? AB I recall my first meeting with VISION and the MLM industry in 1998. As a


doctor, I was excited about VISION’s natu-


ral preparations of European quality stan-


dards, but to be honest, I was nervous about


the lack of knowledge and experience in organizing business, financial planning


skills, marketing, management, and sys-


tematization. These knowledge gaps were


compensated at leaders’ workshops, spon-


sors’ training, specialized courses and mas-



VISION PLANET O7 / 2O15 This meeting affected everyone in a most

They are equally close to mine too; this is

positive way. It inspired trust, joy, and confi-

why I have been working with VISION for

dence in the future.

seventeen years.

VP How favorable do you think is

VP What kind of difficulties did

the current situation for VISION’s net-

you face in the beginning of your busi-

working business offer in Europe?

ness career?

AB Modern society and market are very

AB When I came to VIZION, I worked

dynamic thanks to communication inter-

as a full-time doctor, so I had to learn ways

net technologies. Applying internet mar-

of doing business and obtain complete-

keting instruments and internet training

ly new knowledge in a short time. I loved

is the platform for facilitating and scaling

it. People however, reacted differently to

your business. This is good news for us. An-


other favorable factor for development of

me, some laughed at me, and some even

entrepreneurship during recession is that

stopped talking to me. But my perseverance

people look for additional incomes. In Eu-

led to good results.




rope we have seen a large number of people

Getting new knowledge and skills at

becoming entrepreneurs after graduating

the beginning was hard and painful: I had

from higher educational institutions. Ener-

to break stereotypes and behavior pat-

getic, success-oriented young people who

terns, but the results gave me hope. Even

train fast, speak English, have a high activity

now, I am particularly inspired by the op-

in social networks: this is our marketing human resource, a new reality and new opportunities for our business. VP What key principles guide you in work? AB For me trust and a healthy team are very important. Systematic complex training is fundamental to become a professional networker, leader and coach in your business. As a doctor, I also see universal elements in the mechanisms of regulation of “vital powers” in business: congruity and synergy of the structural elements of business, the “intellect” of marketing and management, the “psyche” of relations and management, the “spirituality” of people’s self-sacrifice and mission in a team. Refining your personal philosophy, intellectual activity and creativity are the principles that are in tune with the Company’s philosophy.




portunity to teach people everything I can do. Self-developing is my understanding of working style. But I had to learn that as well, and for that I went through hundreds of hours of stage speaking and training sessions. When I see changes happening to people –like restored good health and a new quality of life – I feel especially happy. Over time, I have reached success; I can travel and get education. This makes me happy and inspires me! VP What were your financial expectations of working with VISION? When did you get first results in business? AB This is a very important question for people who start business in MLM. It was a key question for me too because I had to borrow money for the first order. Direct sales were easy to calculate and my sales were good. But as for the marketing plan rewards…Despite the plan being simple, deep in my heart I did not accept the rewards system. It is not easy to understand this thing: your mind understands everything but internally, you cannot accept the mechanism of receiving money. Unfortunately, at that moment I had a wrong attitude to money and destroying stereotypes about wealth and financial freedom. Only as one year passed, my understanding underwent transformation and then in 2000 I decided to move to Poland and start networking business with my sponsor Vsevolod Tatarinov and his team. This decision was partly encouraged by the fact that none of my friends wanted to build a network and train with me. After two years of working in Poland my income reached the average European level: this became my big success and an example for others.



VISION PLANET O7 / 2O15 VP Your cooperation with VISION

and social specific features of the European

has lasted over seventeen years. What

Union. This topic was also raised in talks

are the main factors of such a lasting

with Margarita Buryak.

and successful story?

I am convinced that successful work is

AB First of all, my family and I are grate-

only possible with the use of modern, ap-

ful users of VISION products: my daugh-

proved, and credible systems programs in

ter has grown to be a healthy and talented

the main area: professional network mar-

person mostly thanks to the Company’s

keting of Wellness profile.

products, and in my experience there have been over 23,000 patients with positive results. Secondly, the financial element of the


network income is important for the fam-


ily budget. The third essential factor is the complementary nature of VISION’s philosophy and programmatic approach and my


medical practice in a private medical clinic. For me, the value of ORGANICE complex health programs is indispensable.

VP What would you like to say to new distributors of VISION?

VP In your opinion, what are VISION’s



AB “Liberty means responsibility. That


is why most men dread it”. These are great

market now, and what is necessary for

Bernard Shaw’s words. Respect yourself and

successful development of business in

strive for liberty! As paradoxical as it seems,


most people would not put in any effort to

AB Europe has an established brand

be healthy and wealthy. You may wonder,

of effective VISION products, and this is

why. Because this is hard work; primarily

splendid. The Company’s leaders possess

self-development. Make your own respon-

approved systems of work and maintain-

sible choice, be honest to yourself and make

ing a distribution network. For example,

the decision. Learn a new profession; apply

in our team we use our own system of cli-

your skills and talent. Train your body: this

ent management, webinar programs, field

is your physical instrument. Train your skills

therapeutic seminars, and healthy lifestyle

and get new knowledge: this is your intel-

courses. The coaching program of goals and

lectual resource. Expand the geography of

planning is based on statistics and report-

your business, learn culture and traditions

ing. Of course, we also need a certain cor-

of different countries: this will enrich your

porate program with efficient marketing

relations and consolidate understanding

levers and business training, a stable and

of yourself. Participate in social non-com-

active development strategy for the near-

mercial projects with the VISION team: this

est five years. We are looking forward to the

will make your soul beautiful. Trust yourself,

introduction of the business support pro-

your team, and your leaders: this is the foun-

gram scheduled for August 2015. We hope

dation of belief. I wish you self-belief and all

that this project will consider the language

success! NEVER GIVE UP!




Dzintra Kolkovski:

Uniting Hearts

We met Dzintra Kolkovsky, the Latvian branch leader, VIP3S, the President’s Guardsman, Member of the Dollar Millionaire’s Club, to talk about the Baltic workshops and VISION’s business 71


VISION PLANET O7 / 2O15 Vision Planet Dzintra, you are the chief organizer and inspirer of the

tions in order to attend it and receive highly valuable lessons from our leaders.

European Baltic Workshops. How did the idea of this event appear? How of-

VP Distributors from which coun-

ten does it take place? How do these

tries have taken part in the Workshop?

workshops help you in your leader-

How do you make and maintain con-

ship work?

tacts with the Company’s top leaders

Dzintra Kolkovski The idea of hold-

from Russia and Europe? Why is it so

ing the Baltic Workshops arose when I

important to exchange experience of

achieved the VIP Master level. My former

leadership work?

experience encouraged me to organize this

DK This year we have taken a big step

event. In the past, I worked as a headmaster

forward and organized not the Baltic, but

of a private school and worked in the Min-

the Euro Baltic Workshop. This change to a

istry of Education. Part of my work respon-

new level was advised by Margarita Buryak

sibilities was organizing large seminars for

who saw that our event has been attended

participants from Latvia, Europe, and Amer-

by people from different countries of Eu-

ica. I had a good understanding of how to

rope for years. Incidentally, I have to men-

organize events of a high level. I knew that

tion that one of the key events of the last two

just holding a workshop was not enough;

years was Margarita’s visit. She promotes

its aim is also to unite people with common

the Company’s most advanced ideas on

ambitions and give them the opportunity

development. Our workshop has also been

of invaluable communication with profes-

attended by Lilia Shveytzer from Germany,

sionals. For it is this interaction with those

Polish leaders Ludmila Milevskaya and Alla

who reached certain heights that motivates

Baxarova, Russian leader Anna Zayazova,

more than anything and encourages people to achieve specific results. Now our workshops take place twice a year – in autumn and spring. Their aim is to give people an opportunity to learn the experience and knowledge of recognized leaders and facilitate the development of their business. I often invite Pavel Dubrov, my mental sponsor, so to speak, and his wife Svetlana Dubrova to the workshops. On different occasions, the Baltic Workshop was led by Inga Krukauskene – a top level professional; Ludmila Milevskaya, Alla Bazarova, Sandria Kudrikaite, and Anna Zayazova. Our workshops stimulate growth. Furthermore, the workshop program is so interesting that the Baltic Workshop itself can motivate people and encourage them to do qualifica-



VISION PLANET O7 / 2O15 and others. This year, Svetlana Shinkevich,

how great our Company is. An air of soli-

our superior sponsor, accepted the invita-

darity boosts energy and stimulates person-

tion too. The presence of leaders like these

al and professional growth. The principal

adds huge potential to the occasion. More

source of inspiration and motivation is our

people strive to complete qualifications to

President Dmitry Buryak. It is he who tells

be able to learn from international leaders

us about innovations, describes his plans

and to become part of the higher circles of

for the future of the Company, and presents


new products. I believe that motivation is

Why do leaders from other countries

the key aim of our events. People must not

visit us? The answer is easy – relationships

be led solely by a desire to work; they must

in the Company are built so that everybody

clearly understand that they can reach high

wants to support each other because we

goals in the Company, and our workshops

have common goals and philosophy. There

are another proof of success.

are no come-and-go people; only true believers of VISION ideas come here; they are people who want to contribute to the development of the Company. For many years I was part of the Brilliant team and a VIP Master: this is when I made friends with many people who were not just leaders, but strong, charismatic personalities, ready to share their unique knowledge with those


who are only starting their business with the Company. VP Dzintra,




VP What events do you usually

about your experience in employing

hold for your team, and how often do

non-standard event formats, such as

they take place? Can you formulate

“Workshops on wheels”, interactive

the main objective of your workshops

seminars, post-promotions of corpo-

in a few words?

rate events “on the road”. Could you

DK Every Wednesday we have presen-

tell us a little bit more about them?

tations. Once a month we carry out Latvi-

DK Yes, that’s true. Every year Latvia or-

an Workshops to which we also invite our

ganizes city events throughout the coun-

friends from Estonia. Twice a year we or-

try, so last year we went to Ventspils by car

ganize large scale workshops of European

and we organized a festive march of our

level that I have mentioned before. There is

Company in the city. The march with VI-

another major event, the VIP Forum in Mos-

SION flags was greeted by the town mayor

cow. But the main event is Millennium in

who is well known outside Ventspils too.

Vietnam; this year forty-five representatives

Like others, he understands only too well

from Latvia are planning to go. These large

that the Company aims at improving peo-

scale events are of paramount importance

ple’s health and sharing our philosophy.

because only they can allow us to realize

This experience proved quite successful,



VISION PLANET O7 / 2O15 and now we practice the same in other

motivate them, and what do you tell

cities of Latvia.

them first of all? DK As I have mentioned before, the

VP My next question today, during

Company is based on relationships. We are a

the Year of Childhood and Business,

close-knit team, almost a family working for

is about involving our children and

one common goal. It is no wonder that for

grandchildren in the business. When

many, VISION turns into a family business.

young people come to your organiza-

For example, the family of Delikatny are rais-

tion, what attracts them? How do you

ing a beautiful next generation of Visioners. Their son takes an active part in our events and has achieved the VIP2S qualification. It seems to me that young people come here because of the relationships, common ambitions of results, and secured perspectives of a career growth. VP You have been the organizer and leader of the distribution center in Riga for many years. How is the center’s work organized? Do you involve distributors from other cities? How do you unite and consolidate different leaders? DK I do not differentiate distributors by their geography. It doesn’t matter really where people are from, for we are one team and are doing one common work. Each one of us aims at personal development, and this growth develops the Company as a whole: as you see, one is impossible without the other. Every member of our team is a great asset, and this allows us to bring people from different cities and countries together in one team. As for the Leader’s Council, participation is open for any leader who has done a great job and has deserved a right to share his results with young Visioners. Leaders from different structures complement each other by sharing different views on work in the Company: every city has its own work character and priceless experience.



VISION PLANET O7 / 2O15 VP Latvia has seen a rather high level of economic immigration late-

and enrich it: this is why people come back again and again.

ly. How do you structure your work in

Modern technologies have made my

this situation? How do you maintain

work substantially easier. They have en-

contact with distributors and clients

abled me to inform people in a short time

who have moved abroad? Are modern

about our products and offers. I carry my

technologies of any help?

tablet with me all the time and I can answer

DK Indeed, over the past few years the

my clients’ questions in a real time format

economic situation in Latvia has not been

by just sending them a link to the site, where

too favorable. For example, a few years ago

they can find full information.

I was in the VIP Master qualification, now it

VISION is keeping pace with the times:

is a stable VIP3S. A large number of people

it can meet any requirement of a modern

have moved to Denmark, UAE, Germany,

client. Our President appreciates the signif-

and other countries.

icance of development: he keeps his finger

When we started eighteen years ago, every Saturday we held lectures given by

on the pulse and implements advanced technologies in our work.

renowned experts like Ilmara Vina who went into detail to explain the importance of VISION products, their huge benefits and

VP What are the benefits of working through GOS Europe?

potential for health. Without doubt, we

DK First of all, today a system like this

have kept this cult of health; moreover, our

is a necessity which allows the Company

Company knows how to create year-long

to apply ultimate technologies to improve

relationships with our constant clients. Ma-

our work in every branch. The moment our

ny of my clients who went to live abroad,

warehouse closed down, we thought it was

when visiting their family here come to see

a catastrophe. Very soon however, we real-

me to both purchase some products and al-

ized how easy and convenient GOS Europe

so to talk and tell me their news. European

services were.

level of life and service suggests a high level of client attention, and we can do that per-

VP Latvian leaders welcomed the

fectly well. We understand the importance

Company’s new business offer with

of health and we know how to reinforce

enthusiasm, and also the new projects, tools, and news that were announced during the last VIP-Forum. What in-


spired distributors most of all? Which campaign are they promoting most actively? What is the current priority: the software VIP-Rofes, the Auto Program, or the Luxury Bonus? DK Arguably the biggest enthusiasm was caused by the Auto Program. I for example, received a car from the Company ten years ago; it was my high aim, my dream.



VISION PLANET O7 / 2O15 In order to make that dream come true, I

Unquestionably, I will lead the car rally

had to put in a lot of effort and complete a

under the Company flags and demonstrate

very high qualification.

our power and strength.

Today it’s easy to become the owner of a Company car. All you have to do is believe

VP Belonging to some group is a

in yourself and make some effort. The steps

highly important feeling for every-

toward it are easy: first you need to earn the

body. For Latvian distributors a feel-

VIP qualification – which is not too hard

ing of national identity has a special

provided you work actively; then get one

significance. During corporate events

star, after which it’s easy to join the Auto

like VIP-Forum, Vision With No Limits

Program and get the Luxury Bonus. This

and others we watched Latvian videos,

can hardly be a dream: it is a feasible scheme

listened to Latvian national songs.

which the Company offers its distributors

How do you manage to incorporate

to improve their performance.

the feeling of national identity of Latvian distributors in visits of leaders

VP Some Latvian leaders have ad-

and distributors from other coun-

opted enhanced commitments and

tries to the Baltic Workshop? How can

are taking part in the special promo-

you get such a multinational group to

tion “Mercedes from the President”.

work in a teamwork spirit?

You are one of the key leaders in the

DK I am proud of coming from Latvia –

promotion of the European group.

the country I love. When I go on the stage in

What does it mean to you? Why is it so

any country, I have the main symbol of my

important to get a car from the Com-

country, the Latvian flag in my hand. Our


Company is beyond politics, and there are

DK In my opinion, at the heart of the

no national differences: our President has

leader concept is an ability to take respon-

taught us this. Even so, nothing can stop us

sibility and inspire people more by ac-

from feeling proud of our own country.

tions than by words. Since I am the Latvian

Sometimes I hear reproach for having

branch leader, I have to set a personal ex-

most of our events in Russian. But this is the

ample of recognizing my status and inspir-

language that most people understand and

ing new achievements.

speak and which allows us to deliver infor-

I work with people from all walks of

mation to every member of our team.

life and I have to find proper words to ex-

Our Company is indeed multinational,

plain to them why our products are good

and at every event we have people from

and what huge potential they have. Our

different countries who are united by VI-

products are unique and their advantage

SION’s philosophy. We never witness politi-

for both adults and children is obvious.

cal or national friction because we have one

Our chief victory is the gratitude from the

common goal: to promote the cult of health

clients who have changed their level of

and help people.

life thanks to our Company. I feel proud of

During our meetings we experience great

leading the Latvian branch of the Company

enthusiasm and energy uplift. People sing

which gives people good health.

and dance in unison and it does not matter



VISION PLANET O7 / 2O15 in what language we are singing; what mat-

tally, we have one hundred millionaires).

ters is that we all understand how well-in-

The foundation of all we have today is

tended our purpose is. Politics and nationali-

each leader’s ambition to improve people’s

ty are beyond our goals and ambitions.

health. I remember with what gratitude we were welcomed by people in Uzbekistan.

VP Tell us a few words about the

This is the main motivational factor – to

MISSIA Charity Foundation. What is

feel gratitude of millions of people and give

your role in this project?

them your energy, knowledge and skills

DK The MISSIA Foundation is a charita-

for the good of the VISION Company. Our

ble project organized by Margarita Buryak.

President has created this immense empire

In Latvia it is supervised by Mrs. Izvekova

for the sake of saving lives, so that millions

from Pavel Dubrov’s structure. The Foun-

of people could greet every new day with a

dation’s priority is helping children with no

smile. I am happy to be part of the team. I

parents and children in difficult life situa-

am happy to be able to improve the world:

tions. In Riga we helped the orphanage. In

this is the purpose of everyone’s life!

addition, we help talented children, whose parents cannot afford proper health care. We give these children our unique products free to help them do well at school. We gladly participate in all events which are organized in support of the Foundation: there is nothing more important than children. We cannot help everybody but we do help many. As they say, all kids are our kids. VP The Latvian team has always shown solidarity and incredible national identity. How do you manage to convey this high energy level to Latvian distributors? Why is motivation necessary in distributing work? DK Motivation is the key guide to a goal; it is what inspires people to great accomplishments. To motivate people you have to realize why you need it and what is behind your work. For me, the key foundation of my work is gratitude. Thanks to people like our President we have an opportunity to make the lives of millions of people better and help them solve their health problems. For the Company’s ultimate aim is not its leaders gaining millions of dollars (inciden-









my vision

Far East Car Run: 760 kilometers of complete happiness The road, taiga, swamps, a tiger spotted in the thicket, passes, centenarian cedar trees entwined by vines... Isn’t it a captivating picture? For several days, the participants of VISION car run saw all this and enjoyed unforgettable impressions.


my vision



he idea of a car rally arose after the last Forum. In this way Mikhail Bizyaev, leader of Khabarovsk branch,

decided to inspire his distributors, boost the morale of his team, and support the VISION Auto Program. We feel confident that this wonderful idea will be upheld and continued in other cities and countries. Mikhail Bizyaev talks about the run as a fantastic project. But it needs inspiration to realize it. VISION always guarantees this feeling of incredible enthusiasm! It is a known fact that enthusiastic people tend to spark others and lead them. This is what happened after the Forum, when the decision took shape to organize the car run to celebrate the launch of the VISION Auto Program.

er distributors, candidates, and just clients

Here’s what Mikhail says: “Why don’t

who attended our events, to the commu-

we arrange a car run? I remembered John

nity of VISION through participation in the

Kalench and his formula: “Success in net-

car run”. No sooner said than done!

work marketing business is a function of the

Leaders of the Far East were excited by

number of people with whom you shared

the idea and started the preparations. The

your belief and enthusiasm”. That was how

first thing to do was select the route. There

I came up with the idea of attracting all oth-

were no problems here: The Far East re-


my vision


gion is famous for its beautiful landscapes.

Before the launch of the car marathon, the

Khabarovsk-Vladivostok-island Russky: six

Company’s specialists helped design stick-

teams were set to travel the M60 for a dis-

er models to decorate the cars. Then it was

tance of 760 km. And the teams were made

time for an active promotion which lasted

up of very different people: distributors, nov-

over a month. At every presentation, the run

ices, and people (although distant from the

organizers talked about the event, described

business of VISION) still inspired by the idea

what was new and explained the details of

of this unusual trip. The teams were formed

the preparation. The project was taking real

from friends and acquaintances. The car run

shape, and every time more and more people

organizers however prepared a little sur-

wanted to take part in this exciting adven-

prise: they thought it would be a good idea

ture. We give the floor to the participants of

to change the teams from time to time. Their

the run who will better describe the exciting

aim was to allow the participants to meet

sensations that they experienced.

everyone during the long travel. The busi-

“So here we are at the start, - explains

ness strategy was another thing to consider:

Mikhail Bizyaev. – We put the logo stickers,

during this rotation the novices could see

unfold the flags of Russia, the Far East re-

their future work from different angles, hear

gion, and VISION; take a professional look

new stories, evaluate their perspectives, and

at the cars; test our pilots with VIP-Rofes.

learn from their colleagues’ experience.

The starting flag flies up, and the road is run-

During the preparation, another great

ning ahead of us! The road gave us unfor-

idea appeared: to ask one of the car show-

gettable sensations, high spirits, and a total

rooms to cooperate in this project. Official

emotional drive! The changing weather did

dealership representatives of Hyundai and

not spare its surprises: now rain, now sun,

Toyota were enthusiastic about the idea of

now taiga swamps. The cars going the op-

a test-drive in the framework of the car run.

posite direction greeted us with their horns



my vision

when they saw our car column adorned with flags. It is an indescribable feeling�. So many things happened to the participants during the run: stopovers with flashmobs, dances in the light of the headlamps, shared lunches, road adventures and funny stories. But most importantly, a real film was shot during the car run. The organizers did not just want to record the fact, their aim was to make a documentary and fiction film so that each participant could get unforgettable impressions and some acting experience. Some takes were shot several times; everyone had their own acting task. It was a kind of movie game for grown-up people who stepped back to their childhood for a short time. These sheer emotions played a positive role: by the end it proved to be a sort of a training seminar where everyone adopted several character types. That was an invaluable experience for people who do business with VISION. It was not by chance that the car run was organized in support of the Auto Program. The organizers had predicted well and had seen a wonderful opportunity to motivate people. Distributors had listened to presentations on the benefits of the new program in figures and facts many times; that did not give a full picture of the great perspectives awaiting them. During the test-drive in Vladivostok however, they could see the cars with their own eyes, control the steering wheel, try the numerous options, feel the comfort. Those were different emotions. The people lit up with desire to join the Auto Program, for nothing motivates better than a desire to reach your goal - to receive the best prize. Another productive result of the run was a presentation and an open training seminar given to the citizens of Vladivostok. The run gained a lot of popularity as it moved on; in-


my vision

VISION PLANET O7 / 2O15 stead of six, twenty cars and a big tourist bus

presentation we gave moved me to the bot-

arrived at the final destination. The partici-

tom of my heart. The fact is, I have not seen or

pants recall other cars joining the column on

felt such elation for about ten years! I watched

the way: casual travelers, truck-drivers. In oth-

the people who were there for the first time,

er words, everyone who felt the enthusiasm

and they had a totally different reaction to

which the participants shared generously

the audience. I saw how the ideas of VISION

with the others: some merely signaled, some

ignited interest in their eyes because our guys

gave a friendly smile from the passing car.

showed them the video clip, talked about the

The run participants, all to a man, proved

trip ecstatically, and shared their far-reaching

to be creative people: at the end they orga-

plans for the future. You cannot but agree that

nized a Neptune’s party. Indeed, how could

not every company can boast about events of

they do without the God of the Sea on the

this format, not every company can provide

coast of the Pacific Ocean! The marine tzar

such a powerful motivation and give people

and his mermaids treated the participants

live emotions and such outstanding events”.

with sea water with D4X.

The car run has taken place, and its big-

The final aspect of the car run was send-

gest result is probably the decision of the

ing letters to their future oversees distrib-

Far East branch to organize another one for

utors: virtual bottles with messages flew

the cars that will be received in VISION Au-

in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, and a

to Program.

stratosphere balloon with goals and desires written on it went up the sky. “When we arrived home after the car run, - Mikhail Bizyaev declared finally, - the first

Reports on this event will be published in the VISION PLANET magazine while the scent is still hot as they say. Keep track of our publications.




may 2015 new qualifications Jump Bonus VIP 2S NGUYEN THI BACH HUE



























may 2015 new qualifications VIP 4S russia























Russia Bulgaria 85



june 2015 new qualifications Jump Bonus VIP 3S NGUYEN VAN HOAI BAO























june 2015 new qualifications VIP 3S vietnam

































june 2015 new qualifications VIP 1S THAI HO TUAN PHONG

















Russia Kazakhstan





























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vision voyage


SOME DRAGONS are distinctive




vision voyage

you name your boat, so shall it float”, this famous saying is an accurate reflection of the Company’s choice of slogans and symbols for the main

event of the year, Millennium 2015. Every year, a creative team sets to work with this aim. The responsibility is great because the strategic meaning of the main idea of the festival will be embedded in these few words and will be symbolic during the promotion, the event, and throughout the year. Nineteen years of the Company’s history has had numerous bright, expressive slogans, for example Perpetum Mobile, The Legend of the Millennium, Be the Star. Mountain tops, myriads of stars, the Earth held by young VISION distributors are some examples of the symbols used for the event over years. 2015 is no exception but choosing the festival’s symbol has been more complicated: Millennium 2015 will be held in Vietnam, a distinctive country with ancient history and culture. Today, Vietnam is enjoying incredible economic boost, which serves as a safe foundation for expanding our business in Vietnam: each year the number of new VISION leaders in this country is growing. This is why when we selected the symbol for the event, a compulsory condition was to use a national symbolic element which brings luck to Vietnamese distributors. That’s how the Dragon was chosen, and this Dragon has his own legend:

‘In ancient Vietnam, six great royal dynasties reigned. Every ruler of the country created a protector for his dynasty, a Dragon. Over the history of Vietnam, six dynasties have changed, and six Dragons too, and each of them had his own special property. They were the dragons of the Le, Lee, Nguyen, Ho, Hong-Bang, and Trieu dynasties. Some dragons were aggressive defenders, some – kindhearted and cordial, others brought luck and love, and others initiated wars”. 91

vision voyage


When the VISION Company appeared in Vietnam

become one of the principal characters of the grand show.

twelve years ago, it attracted real people whose aim is to

Every distributor will be able to purchase souvenirs illus-

improve people’s live in all aspects. Each of these people

trating the symbol for good luck in business.

is working for their own good, for the good their families,

Millennium 2015 is the highlight event of the Year of

friends and anyone who chooses to improve their quality

Childhood and Business. Its slogan “Money. Freedom. Per-

of life. Today, the VISION country has grown so big, and its

spectives” precisely expresses the Company’s mission.

citizens have become so active that the spirit of the ancient

Money is the foundation of our profitable business. For

Dragon of the Seventh dynasty has awaken. It has com-

money we start our business. Today, when the financial cri-

bined the best qualities of previous Dragons. The Red Drag-

sis is swooping through the world, it is particularly import-

on of the Seventh dynasty is a defender, thinker, and inspir-

ant to speak about money. It is MLM which even during

er. Number seven according to numerology has a positive

economic hardships allows people to earn a stable income

character in all cultures. It is a happy coincidence that the

based on an easy, clear, honest business model and high

VISION Dynasty is the seventh “ruling” dynasty of Vietnam.

quality products.

Number seven is said to “bump into facts that seem beyond

Freedom is the key benefit of being a VISION distributor.

the reach of others, thanks to its analytical mind”. For this

Every distributor makes his own choice of where, when and

reason, number seven is more than others a discoverer and

how much to work, and therefore, sets his own income level.

inventor. The power of this number is in knowledge.

Perspectives originated from Latin perspicio (I see

The Red Dragon of Vision first appeared in 2014, imme-

clearly). Setting and recognizing perspectives is half the

diately after the announcement of the travelling country;

battle. In 2015 we are talking about great perspectives.

and in the spring the participants of VIP Forum in Mos-

The Company is constantly introducing new work meth-

cow were introduced the new symbol, and the President’s

ods and inspires even bigger enthusiasm in business. And

Guardsmen saw it in Hungary. The VISION leaders got in

the new perspectives open the doors of the Company to

touch with the rich culture of Vietnam. Top leaders from

new distributors. We can say with confidence that today

Vietnam added more stories about their country. Then the

reaching the first VISION million is a lot easier than years

image of the Dragon was published in corporate mass me-


dia and the symbol inspired distributors in their work and in preparations for the main event of 2015 in Da Nang. Soon this nice-looking wise Dragon will greet the participants of Millennium in Tien Son Sports Palace. He will

These three concepts will be fully explained at Millennium 2015 by the top leaders and the President of the Company. Surely, they will gain new perception, which will give an impulse to distributors in all affiliated countries.

Undoubtedly, Millennium 2015 will be one of the most exciting and life-changing events in the history of the Company. And it’s not only because it will happen in Vietnam. We are on the threshold of the anniversary year. For visitors of Millennium 2015 the future will be defined by VISION and the marathon of events leading to the celebration of the Company’s twentieth anniversary in 2016. A distinguished anniversary for a distinguished Company!




Tien Son Sports Palace: The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed The Company’s President Dmitry Buryak chose Tien Son Sports Palace as the venue of the festivities devoted to millenium-2015 watch video


large port and industrial city in Central Vietnam, third largest city after Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, Da Nang today is experiencing dynamic development and is getting more attractive each year.

Special attention is paid to facilitating sports, culture, and tourism development in the area. It is no wonder that Tien Son Sports Palace was constructed here, and in 2015 it will host the ambitious festivities of the Company’s Birthday Millennium 2015. The President of the Company Dmitry Buryak did not choose this Sports Palace by chance; a grand facility center like this deserves a more detailed description. The Palace was built in 2010 and designed by Korean architect Lee on the territory of a vast park as a multi-functional center for holding sports, culture events, and art exhibitions of national and regional scale. The amazing architecture of the building is hi-tech but it fits into the unique sky-



VISION PLANET O7 / 2O15 line of the city harmoniously. Tien Son Sports Palace can

room with comfortable chairs has one special thing: the

be seen from a great distance because it is constructed as a

chairs are positioned so that you can see the stage perfectly

huge flying saucer inclined towards the city center. To cre-

from any place.

ate the famous “cosmic” line curve, specific construction

During concerts or conferences the stage construction

technologies were employed. During the erection of com-

makes it possible to remove the seats, so the number of

plex parts, they used the technique of combining various

seating places is reduced. Our distributors should bear that

materials; thus the stately building has ideal functionality.

in mind when the entrance tickets are available on sale.

Korean architect Lee conceived the idea of the building

Besides the stadium cup, the building’s four floors house

in a manner that looks massive at first sight and hovering

a media center, several conference rooms, spacious and

over the park at the same time. This feeling of zero gravity

light foyers, and lounge zones. During Millennium-2015,

is conveyed by the parapets and ramparts around the build-

VISION distributors will be able to purchase souvenirs and

ing, and also stairs and panels of glass and reinforced plastic

receive presents in the complex building.

in the decor of the building. The roof was constructed from

Since its opening Tien Son complex has hosted hun-

more yielding materials which give it a feeling of lightness

dreds of large international, national, and regional scale

and idyllic beauty.

events. Among them are Miss Vietnam 2012, Asian Volley-

The Palace’s specific construction and unique elabora-

ball Tournament 2011, and the National and Asia Pacific

tion provide optimal lighting and air flow inside the com-

robot technology contest Robocon. Popular Vietnamese

plex, which makes it comfortable in any season.

musicians perform here several times a month. In short, the

The complex consists of four floors, each of which

best place for the best events.

is designed for a different function: both for organizing

Taking into account that Millennium is a festival of

sports events with the seating capacity of seven hundred

a high technology level requiring special effects and ad-

people, and for holding exhibitions, presentations, and TV

vanced technologies of show business, Tien Son is an ideal


venue for the Company’s ambitious plans.

The main events take place in the stadium’s cup: its total holding capacity is about six thousand people. This light

See you in the most stylish center of Da Nang in October 2015!





VISION dreams come true

The past Guardsmen Workshop was distinctive due to its innovative format: for the first time it was held online. But that was not the only high technology novelty. In the framework of the Workshop, a telebridge with Guardsmen of Vietnam was organized. The Company’s top leader, the man who was at the origins of VISION in Vietnam, Chief Advisor to the President on South-Estern Asia, VIP Master Lam Haong Phong addressed the participants with a memorable speech. Here are some excerpts from the address 95




ear friends! As we approach the big

cessful I was in my own eyes. But it was not

event – Millenium 2015 – first of

solely my success. Over ten years I have seen

all I would like to address the Pres-

my distributors build their own networks,

ident’s Guardsmen and ask them: what is

achieve financial success that they set for

your priority task? The answer is obvious:

themselves, and like myself, strive to be

invite to this event as many Visioners as

part of Millennium in order to demonstrate

possible. Being at the magnificent event in

their achievements to the team of VISION.

Da Nang can be considered the indicator of

Millennium is the largest and most grand

success because the more like-minded peo-

event of all VISION activities. It is here that

ple will gather there, the more successful

you can see and feel all the power and scale

each Guardsman will feel.

of the Company. And it is not only about

I have been in VISION business since

perfect organization and glamorous de-

2004, and my first Millennium was in Rus-

cor. This event allows distributors to learn

sia in 2006. Since then, each year I have

invaluable experience of their colleagues

brought more distributors to this event,

from other countries, to appreciate the op-

expanded my team, set myself over-stated

portunity of perceiving the business from

goals and achieved them. For me, attend-

different angles and economic situations.

ing Millennium has become a stimulus, a

In his speech the President emphasized

competition against myself if you like. The

that distributors will get the knowledge of

more people arrived with me, the more suc-

VISION, and this is indeed an invaluable



VISION PLANET O7 / 2O15 gift that promises success to everyone who

Over ten years of working I have visited

is ready to make business with VISION and

aver twenty countries. I doubt that anyone

understands how lucky he is to not just earn

outside VISION has such a large number

money but also give people health and im-

of countries on their list. You must always

prove their lives.

tell your Visioners about the benefits that

Modern market is rich and varied. You

the Company gives: travelling, training pro-


can try to find products similar to those of

grams, bonuses, and presents. Make sure


VISION of course, but no other company

they are aware of what awaits them in the

can boast so well trained distributors. Only

future if they believe in their own abilities,

VISION management provides people with

in Vision, and will follow our way.


complete information, trains and develops

Millennium will give each one of us an

Visioners, teaches them to be successful

understanding of our perspectives in the

and persevering. Apart from the opportuni-

Company. In the very beginning of the ca-

ty to have one’s own business, the Company

reer in the Company people find it difficult

gives its people a unique chance of learning

to answer the question: Will I be successful


to have a time-out, use every minute for

in this business? This grand event is a great


self-development. In VISION people come

way of visualization of future success.


to understand what it means not just to

Now what we have to do is put in all

dream but to make your dreams come true

our effort into preparing people for this

without a magician’s wand, but with your

trip. First of all, this is about the financial

own work and ambition to success.

matter. We have lots of work to do but to-

Millennium is a powerful motivation

gether we will complete the task and soon

tool. Anyone who has been there once will

we will all meet in Da at theevent of the

never forget the energy boost and the desire

year – Millenium 2015!



to work harder and achieve goals that they felt at the event. It is difficult to compare the emotions one feels during this event: it is like rediscovering yourself, your abilities and resources. Afterwards you sense that you can do anything and achieve everything you plan. The important thing is to fix this sensation and keep this enthusiasm light burning as long as possible. I would like to repeat my words and encourage all Guardsmen to do their best to invite as many Visioners as possible to this event. We all know from our own experience what it means getting recognition during Millennium. Feeling very proud of oneself and the Company is a great motivational force that makes our business stronger and larger.




PROBIOTICS: PRINCIPALLY NEW APPROACHES FOR USE The Bio-In family grows with new intensively focused mini programs Fast Fix and Express Solution


io-In’s unique synbiotic program has revolutionized the health and wellbeing market with its groundbreak-

watch video

ing application of probiotics to long term health improvement. Now the Bio-In experience has been made even more accessible, with two new mini programs – Bio-In Fast Fix and Bio-In Express

Solution – providing fast-acting, intensively focused probiotic solutions. Bio-In’s researchers at DEM4 Laboratory are constantly striving for new ways to unleash the huge potential of probiotics, consulting with users and customers to identify which uses of probiotics are most in demand. The full Bio-In program provides unparalleled results in rebalancing the body’s microflora and tackling chronic health conditions like early aging and weaknesses in the body’s defensive reactions. Now, the Bio-In mini programs offer fast, immediate results for sudden,



VISION PLANET O7 / 2O15 unpleasant symptoms at prices to match

ing results for one targeted body system,

all pockets.

helping improve functions such as respiratory health, immunity, oral protection

Tailored programs to suit every need The 8 stages of the full Bio-In program are consumed over 120 days to completely

and others.



Pioneering probiotic products

rebalance the body’s microbiome and reju-

As a set, Bio-In’s three specially de-

venate the body at a cellular level, because

signed programs provide unparalleled

120 days is the amount of time it takes our

choice and results in the use of probiotics

red blood cells to regenerate. What is more,

for health and wellbeing. Whatever the

the 120 day program is truly holistic in na-

needs of the user, whether they are after

ture, and has been designed to provide an

a short term fix, longer term prevention

all body fix. The two new members of the

or more lasting protection and regenera-

Bio-In family, meanwhile, are expressly

tion, Bio-In has the solution that is right

aimed at alleviating certain conditions.

for them. And Bio-In’s expert research-

At 14 days, Fast Fix is the shortest Bio-

ers are still in the laboratory, looking for

In program, providing the fastest results to

more ways to refine and develop the huge

rapidly relieve conditions such as abdom-

health-giving power of new generation

inal discomfort, stomach aches, and oth-

probiotic products.



120 days

er acute disorders. It is ideal for use when travelling because it provides rapid relief from food poisoning and diarrhea, and helps the digestive system adapt to new climates and conditions. Bio-In Fast Fix works by rapidly restoring damaged microflora and correcting digestive disorders. Users are also able to select one specific bodily function to target, allowing the effective suppression of symptoms such as allergies, exhaustion, joint pains and respiratory inflammation. Express Solution has a longer, 35 day duration and contains five stages. It has been created to offer concentrated and enduring results by enhancing the body’s microbial balance and normalizing digestive functions. It is well-suited for use after a course of antibiotics, or other drugs, and will aid the body’s recovery from severe viral infections and acute stress. Express Solution also provides longer last-




The present day life makes people to raise their requirements, and we created four new products to meet individual needs of each client.

D4X Get Active

D4X Get Young

D4X Get Smart

D4X Get Detox

Contains Spirulina, helps to stay energetic during physical activity and aids to get through simple daily routine.

Contains Acai berries and is a very delicious way of fighting aging processes.

Contains Matcha which improves brain function and helps to focus and keep concentration.

Enriched with Manuka honey restores the body, helps to gather inner strength and is very beneficial for immune system.






Superfood: a little goes a long way! New generation D4X Smart Food is finally out

watch video


xquisite products undergone truly unparalleled journey before they went out on sale. All the components were selected and tested in our state of the art labo-

ratories around the world. D4X Smart Food products were made from only the ingredients with highest bioactive properties from cleanest environment regions using the latest generation technology. In the set of articles we are going to analyse superfood ingredients, honey blends, and application of modern technologies creating these new generation D4X products. This publication is dedicated to nature’s gift – superfood – nutritionally dense food that offers tremendous dietary and healing potential. Superfood is a very special sort of food found in nature. By definition it is calorie sparse and nutrient dense meaning they pack a lot of punch for their weight as far as goodness goes. They are superior sources of anti-oxidants and essential nutrients - ones we need but cannot produce ourselves. Superfood turbo-charge the body, providing a rich resource of nutrients, giving the body what it needs for optimal health and vitality.

Nature’s gifts Green superfoods, like wheat or barley grass, wild bluegreen algae, spirulina, chlorella, and green leafy vegetables, have the highest concentrations of easily digestible nutri-




ents, fat burning compounds, vitamins and minerals to protect and heal the body. They contain a wide array of beneficial substances including proteins, protective photo-chemicals, and healthy bacteria helping you to build cleaner muscles and tissues, aid your digestive system function, and more effectively protect you against disease and illness. Fruit and nut superfoods as goji, cacao, maca, acai, coconuts, and noni are high in anti-oxidants that fight free radicals in the body. Free radicals are a natural occurrence through metabolism however extra and unnecessary load can be put on our bodies by external factors including pollution, cigarette smoke, radiation, burnt foods, deep fried fats, and cooked foods. When enough of these free radicals invade our immune system problems occur. This is when you need antioxidants to build up the immune system and fight off the free radicals in the form of superfoods or supplements. Most known bee superfoods are royal jelly, bee pollen, propolis, and manuka honey. The Egyptians wrote about honey healing properties back in 5500 B.C., the Indians used it for their religious ceremonies in 1000 B.C. and even the Babylonians have been noted to use it in their medicinal practices. The western cultures actually discovered the benefits of honey by accident during an investigation of native Russian beekeepers who regularly lived past 100 years of age, ate raw honey, rich in bee pollen, every day. The powerful antibiotic properties of bee products can help protect humans from bacteria and can strengthen our immune system. Also they are a natural antidote for fighting allergies particularly hay fever and sinusitis. Seaweeds are one of nature’s true wonder foods. They are one of the most nutritionally dense plants on the planet and also the most abundant source of minerals in the plant kingdom as they have access to all the nutrients in the ocean. Seaweeds will absorb the properties of the water in which they are grown, so it is important that they have been grown and harvested in unpolluted waters that are pure, and free from harmful chemicals. Herbs as nourishment offer the body a whole host of nutrients it may not have received either because of poor diet or environmental deficiencies in the soil or air. Herbs




as medicine are essentially body balancers that work with the body functions so that it can heal and regulate itself.

D4X full of superfood New generation D4X Get Active, Get Young, Get Smart, and Get Detox are enhanced with the superfood ingredients Spirulina, Acai berry, Matcha and Manuka 20+. How good are they? Acai berries have long been a part of the staple diet of the tribes in the Amazon. With the appearance of a purple grape and taste of a tropical berry it has been shown to have powerful antioxidant properties thanks to a high level of anthocyanins, pigments also found in red wine. Acai berries build a fortress in your body made of antioxidants and a complex of almost all known vitamins and minerals. It is also a very delicious way of fighting aging processes. Matcha is crucial for proper brain function. It is made from green tea leaves that contain L-Theanine and a small amount of naturally occurring caffeine (less than coffee!), both providing energy-boosting effects. Matcha helps to invigorate your metabolism gently lifting you without any energy slumps. It is an arsenal of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and amino acids. Spirulina is a micro-algae which has been consumed for thousands of years by the indigenous peoples in Mexico and Africa. It is one of the highest known protein sources on Earth and contains 70% complete protein, towering over steak which consists of only 25% protein once cooked. Studies have shown that spirulina can help control blood sugar levels and cravings thus making it a key food for diabetics, and can be used to assist in weight loss and as a general nutritional supplement. The beneficial level of Unique Manuka Factor (UMF) starts at UMF 5+; anything from UMF 16+ and up is considered superior quality. Superfood Manuka honey used in D4X has an ultra-high UMF 20+ rating, which makes it king of all honeys. Manuka is known for its unique antibacterial properties and restoration of the body’s natural functions, as well as properties to summon inner strength and restore the immune system. It “tunes-up� our detoxification organs and provides us with natural energy, strength, vitality, and health.




Extra step for extra quality To ensure superfood’s high bioactive properties harvesting process and the clean environment of the growth region is of no less importance. We made sure that ingredients for D4X production are of the highest quality. Acai berries are picked in Brazilian rain forest wetlands that are constantly flooded. They are lyophilised (freeze dried) and contain absolutely no additives. The lyophilising technology saves all nutritional properties and freshness, the same as if they were picked from the tree just few moments ago. Acai from this region are renowned for being rich in nutrients with long lasting bioactive properties. Matcha is produced in Japan, in the region of the Yahagi River, from leaves of tea trees. Due to unique production technology it retains most of the beneficial compounds that are lost in the production of regular green tea. A few weeks before harvest, the tea trees are covered from the sun and are grown in the shade to accumulate more chlorophyll and amino acids. Only the youngest leaves that have a high concentration of nutrients are used. The majority of Spirulina for D4X is collected in Central Africa and China. In big quantities it grows only in the cleanest warm and very alkaline waters. Under normal conditions it is one of many types of algae. In natural lakes nutrients feed the aquatic flora when the rain washes away the soil, and all the minerals and useful elements are flushed into the lake. These organic substances are extremely important for the growth of Spirulina. Every batch produced is thoroughly tested for pollution and nutrient properties. Though many competitive, budget products offer fake Manuka honey from China and other regions, the Manuka honey for D4X is outsourced only from New Zealand, where it is produced from the nectar of manuka tree. The bees that pollinate the blooms do not consume any sugar, which eliminates the risk of getting any synthetic substances into D4X products. D4X: Destined 4 eXcellence!




We would like to extend the words of our sincere appreciation to philanthropists for their support of educational and cultural charity programs. Thank you for your assistance aimed at the social adjustment and adaptation of children in the system of social relations and universal moral values

With love, MISSIA Team 105

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