The Ultimate To Do List India, Bhutan & Sri Lanka Prospectus 2013-14

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THE ULTIMATE TO DO LIST INDIA | BHUTAN | SRI LANKA 2014-15 Travel is a business of dreams when you target travellers aspirations your profits grow


high end travellers to make their travel dreams come true.


No one needs a holiday.

People want a holiday — one that suits their self-image and their hopes. Aspirations are key. PRODUCT MEETS CONSUMER ASPIRATIONS



The Internet has made travel a commodity. On most travel websites, price and availability override just about everything else, including quality, service and brand image. But when people take a holiday, they’re not buying commodities. They’re buying a life-changing event.

The world’s affluent are getting richer. They will pay more to fulfil their travel aspirations — but less if they perceive travel as just a commodity. That’s where Koolivoo comes in. We create strategies and resources that aim squarely at travellers’ aspirations. Our products encourage travellers to see your services as tickets to adventure, relaxation and rejuvenation. And when you sell dreams rather than commodities, your only limits are affluent travellers’ imaginations.


EXPERIENCES When a tour operator delivers authentic memorable experiences they foster enormous brand loyalty. We support our tour operator partners with high quality, yet cost effective, printed and online promotion materials, captivating the traveller and providing maximum marketing impact. The partnership marketing programme is themed “The Ultimate To Do List India, Bhutan and Sri Lanka” - providing many inspiring experiences to appeal to their clients travel aspirations. The outcome is increased sales and yield growth. “The world is getting richer and customers will pay more to meet their aspirational needs, but less when a product is perceived as a commodity.”

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TARGET MARKET Luxury travellers are looking for that special experience and new sensations in a very comfortable and individual setting. They demand customised and personalised services and have no interest whatsoever in standardised and run-ofthe-mill experiences. What we are witnessing is a collector’s culture: travellers collect destinations and exceptional places. People are increasingly in pursuit of something unique.

UPPER AFFLUENT Household net worth: $10 million to $100 million. Worldwide population: More than 2 million households Chief source of wealth: Business ownership, equity, salaries Trip expenditure: $20,000 - $200,000

MIDDLE AFFLUENT Household net worth: $10 million Worldwide population: 7.5 million households Chief source of wealth: Salaries, small business, equity Trip expenditure: $10,000 - $60,000

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CYCLE The tour operators challenge is to convert new and existing clients who are generally interested in destinations into paying travelling clients. In each step of the purchase cycle, they need to engage clients and inspire them to use their services. White labelled resources add punch to this process. Tour operators can stimulate their clients’ ultimate purchases and travel through a variety of resources, each leveraging touch points within the cycle. Our assets allow for cost-effective marketing, reducing risk and the initial outlay of resources whilst increasing return on investment. The Ultimate To Do List India, Bhutan and Sri Lanka ensures that your services can be leveraged and presented to your highly valued clients throughout the travel purchase cycle.

Social Media

24 - 12 MONTHS 12 -3 MONTHS



18 - 6 MONTHS




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PUBLICATION A few years ago, “experts� said the printed travel brochure would no longer be relevant in a world increasingly dominated by the internet. However, it turns out that many people still prefer to lie back on the couch on a Sunday afternoon with a beautiful travel publication that inspires them to travel and helps them plan their trip. A brand-building publication is an incredibly powerful way to convert mere interest in a destination to an actual trip. Clients have an enduring relationship with publications. They use them as a springboard for discussing their planned or completed trip with friends, family and colleagues. Often, the publications have pride of place on the family coffee table. White Label Publications: The Ultimate To Do List is a highly customised significant marketing asset, presenting the branding requirements and capabilities of the tour operator partner. Partners include their unique itineraries and translated copy, this is not an over branded publication.



Please take a moment to review the below web links of the 2012 Latin America version of The Ultimate To Do List which will be very similar in layout and design to the new Ultimate To Do List India, Bhutan and Sri Lanka

Please click web link to view the Latin America brochure

Est. 1992

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Founded in 1992 and based in Munich , Art of Travel is today amongst the leading deluxe travel organisations in the Germany speaking world. Art Of Travel specialises in servicing the discerning traveller and their regular clients travel extensively with them worldwide. They maintain honest dealings with their customers and are very loyal to their supplier partners.






Art of Travel has successfully aligned their business with many of the premium brands in Germany and they also wholesale through significant high end retail networks in both Germany and Austria Indian Subcontinent Product Manager Oliver Engelhardt DMC India: Indian Vistas Manager, Mona Kapoor DMC Sri Lanka: Jetwings Eco Holidays Manager, Gangarath Weerasinghe Please click below to view the other Art Of Travel Ultimate To Do List Publications: 1) Africa 2) Latin America 3) Australia , New Zealand & Fiji

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With offices in Holland and Antwerp Thika Travel are the Netherlands leading African , Indian Subcontinent and Latin American travel specialist. With over 25 years experience in providing high end travel experiences to discerning clients Thika provide bespoke itineraries which are extremely committed to nature, conservation and fostering sustainable tourism practises with their partners. Should clients prefer to travel in a small group of likeminded travellers the special interest themed program under the Thika Travel Premium Tours brand is offered. With National Geographic Benelux Thika have co-created a highly regarded and well received themed program under the National Geographic Reizen brand, again aimed at small groups for which the ‘yellow key’ can open doors that remain closed for others. Thika also run a fully fledged incentive division, Thika Incentives.

I N DI A | BH U T A N | S R I L A N K A

Indian Subcontinent Product Manager Freek Vermeulen DMC: India: Dynamic Tours General Manager, Sanjay Ojha DMC Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka In Style Marketing Manager, Zoe Thomas DMC Sri Lanka: Jetwings Eco Holidays Manager, Ganganath Weerasinghe Please click below to view Thika Travel’s The Ultimate To Do List Campaigns: 1) Africa 2) Latin America 8 | India | Sri Lanka | Bhutan


The Classic Safari Company commenced operations in 1992. Our team of safari specialists are addicted to Africa, India and South America and have genuine passion for the wilderness, travel and the creation of the perfect safari. Our success was and continues to be borne out of searching out destinations and journeys which are out-ofthe-ordinary. Over and above this, personal care is taken in providing our clients with quality service and at all times we seek out operators that excel in providing a ‘luxurious bush experience’, exceptional hospitality, professionalism in the fields of guiding and conservation and who have an affinity for offering clients the most authentic and unobtrusive wilderness experience. Sarah Hoyland Owner DMC: India: Trans India Holidays Owner, Kapil Goswamy DMC: Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka In Style Marketing Manager, Zoe Thomas Please click below to view The Classic Safari Company’s other The Ultimate To Do List publications: 1) Africa 2) Latin America 3) Indian Ocean

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Auderney Excellence Travel has offices in Paris and Belgium. With 18 years of operation in the travel industry, Auderney has extensive experience specialising in bespoke private journeys to Africa, Latin America , South Asia ( India , Bhutan , Sri Lanka). Each destination sold by Auderney is presented utilising the Ultimate To Do List ( The Ultimate To Do List ) marketing asset’s. Since utilising the The Ultimate To Do List asset’s Auderney Travel in the past 4 years has experienced significant growth and is expanding through its commitment to personalised service with a very strong customer base comprised of industry captains and lawyers travelling with friends or family.


Direct mailing to a consumer database of 25,000 consumers three times each year complements local and national advertising, consumer and trade show presence and various special events dedicated to promoting luxury travel to the affluent Parisian market and beyond. Vincent Moens, Director DMC: India & Bhutan Abercrombie and Kent Manager, Vinay Dhall DMC Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka In Style Marketing Manager, Zoe Thomas Please click on the following weblinks to view Auderneys The Ultimate To Do List publications: 1) Africa 2) Latin America 3) Australia, New Zealand & Fiji 4) Canada

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A fresh print presentation designed with inspirational images, authentic and extraordinary journeys. We compose this beautifully crafted brochure to captivate the client and showcase unique Canadian ultimate experiences. The publication is white labelled and customized by each of our tour operator partners for their specific markets.

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We create interactive digital versions of our printed publications that work on the web, iPads, iPhones and Android devices. Our team reworks the existing content to integrate • video content • social media integration • web links bookmarking • animation and reader • audio content behaviour tracking • in-app browsing


We have developed the XML technology to deliver the rich, quality product content to our partners’ web sites via white labelled microsites. These microsites complement the publication’s content and allow the reader to learn more about products and services in depth.


Most of our tour operator partners are using Facebook pages to share new product information, endorsements, offers and specials with clients. The content of which can be fed from our publications and micro sites to their Facebook pages.


This publication includes informative destination introductions featuring maps and suggested itineraries. Product pages are designed to inspire and motivate with high quality imagery and consistent copy.


Heaven Resort Paro - Dias con expliqui ulparchic te ne nonseque nobis a sime maiorae ab ilist am repe planihilique Dias con expliqui ulparchic te ne nonseque nobis a sime maiorae ab ilist am repe planihilique culpa dist fugit, vel mi, voluptas aut aute ne am quatibea quos magnam dolor modit optiossustis evelicipsam, que vere consequatem ius re nimpelendit omnisi doloria de late es nosse voluptatet quam fugia volorem nihitat. Obita quiam rem sitas explaut erit, odi ape pos etus, sit voluptatiunt reperum reperfe ruptatem lata doluptaquam, non pres ulliqui ut quae volenis ariorat ullabor essimagnatur rem venihil igenimenis sunt aceseque coreicius reserro exceat acient. Ut utatur? Ut prepersperum dem et exeremp osapere ptaecum eserro tecus atio test verehendi quatem raerfernam fugit officie ndignati con nis soluptatium, con conem que mo excestiur as imus dolessi sum aliqui reptam, nullaborpore nonseribea volor am, corunducipid quam exersperciet idicatiur? Quidendit aut am is vitae consequo et ex et autatque voloresed maxim nullupt atiorpo ratiis escipsam enet oditius inistias noneces tiaerion pratius seque dolenim

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1 Page Full Elite 1.

Bor apideli gnihil et e

320 words up to 4 images

08 46

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This publication includes informative destination introductions featuring maps and suggested itineraries. Product pages are designed to inspire and motivate with high quality imagery and consistent copy.


Khang Residency

Listing 60 words

Incium Ventinis

1 image

1/4 Page

Volum harcimillent molorerit quidus inis discimo luptae cus sum saeratur am qui aperum di ullupta sperum illit, atur andicid ulparum quibust aut vitiumquo occaborerum aceremo loriam ius quodipid modi nobis dis esequam quod quo blabore res suntibus ex ea volor aut etur? Busa delitatum simus aut iducimo sseriae incilliqui berae idis et est, to culparum nusa sus, sit fuga. Apitatur, voloreiur? Del iuntota simolup tassit, aut et volorro voloreici ditibus, utem illaborecto eaquae et voluptae praturibus ma vendandic te iliscid ellaccum acia doloreribus, undus natibea tecuptasim que .

100 words up to 2 images

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Pages: 96 + 4 (covers)

Allow Okuti Camp to cater for your group of up to 18 guests in large, beautifully appointed curved thatch tents. Each room features en-suite bathroom, showers, hot and cold running water, and flush toilets. Five units are twin-bedded and two family rooms consist of two bedrooms with shared bathroom. Birders delight in the open boma overlooking the waters’ edge, evening campfires bring travellers together, and the swimming pool offers cool relief.

Size: 304 x 242mm landscape Weight: 0.44 kg Cover: matt lamination, 260gsm matt Paper: 115gsm matt Binding: perfect bound Taj Tashi Thimphu - Learn how Duba Plains, located on a private 77,000-acre reserve in the northern reaches of Botswana’s Okavango Delta, embodies the soul of ‘wild Africa’.

Namgay Heritage - You will love the large shady trees at Mombo Camp, overlooking their floodplain teeming with wildlife. Recharge on Mombo Island, just off the northern tip of Chief’s Island, in the heart of the Okavango Delta, Botswana.


Print Brochure Specifications:

Nak-sel Hotel & Spa

Incium erem venitis rem repedi nonsece scides alit fugit eum facim sit volo cusdaer esciet, ipsa dolor sunto doluptatet quam facerunt eum aut rem. Itaecae del in et aborecum sitat.

Single Page Presentation

Koolivoo engages a leading production house and advanced print process to ensure the highest quality publication possible.

Hidden jewel set on Xudum River in Okavanga Delta’s southwest. This unique area encompasses necklace of islands dotted with palm, fig, and ebony trees, and a myriad of birds, plants and wildlife. Guests are accommodated in eight spacious, twin-bedded tents, set on raised teak decks, offering breathtaking waterway views. This true delta camp boasts a wide variety of excitement and amenities set in the beauty of the ever-fluctuating delta phenomenon.

1/8 Page

Mombo Camp comprises nine spacious tents raised off the ground, all built to maximise the vistas over the plains. Explore the savannah and floodplain while on informative wildlife game drives, delight at natural mosaics of Chief’s Island wildlife viewing, and relish the camp’s personal service, great food, and luxe accommodations. Your super game viewing experience starts in Mombo Camp’s verandahs seat.

Complemented by permanent channels and larger wooded islands, wildlife diversity is guaranteed year-round. Meander on permanent waterways providing extraordinary bird watching and steady supply of water for passing elephant herds. See red lechwe, hippo, crocodile, kudu, impala, mongoose, warthog and tsessebe dot the landscape, with leopard an increasingly common sight. Lions are renowned for their pursuits of the buffalo herds here. Open plains’ nutritious grasses, coupled with clean, clear waters, create the perfect habitat for the buffalo, with the lions never far behind. Duba’s lions are most active during daylight, and many of their famous buffalo hunts will occur in your full view. A perfect stay at Duba is three, perhaps four nights, giving you the opportunity to learn about the lion pride dynamics, and appreciate the complexity of the Delta’s ecosystem.

1/2 Page Preferred 150 words up to 3 images


This publication includes informative destination introductions featuring maps and suggested itineraries. Product pages are designed to inspire and motivate with high quality imagery and consistent copy.

Double Page Spread Filler Image

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This publication includes informative destination introductions featuring maps and suggested itineraries. Product pages are designed to inspire and motivate with high quality imagery and consistent copy.



Sri Lanka




Trincomalee •

• Puttalama



Batticaloa •

Kalmunai • Matale • Kandy •


• Colombo • Moratuwa

• Galle

A city of alluring contrasts, Dubai is a combination of old and new, deserts and beaches, and blended cultures that create an exciting, cosmopolitan metropolis. Its elevation as a business, travel and economic hub of the Middle East has also inspired a fun, safe and lavish environment. The city prides itself on offering guests a bigger and better experience than its luxury-playground counterparts: Accommodations are unparalleled, service is outstanding, meals are a gastronomic delight, and the activities are endless.


Dubai is a great destination for those seeking a unique, luxurious experience with several options to relax and play. The Jumeirah beach area boasts stunning resorts that take advantage of the gorgeous white shoreline. Burj Khalifa – the world’s tallest building – heralds the bustling downtown area, which offers gold-and-spice souks, high-end shopping and exciting nightlife. Inland, the saltcrusted coastal plains give way to a north-south running line of dunes where premium resorts offer guests a more tranquil experience amidst desert beauty.

There are also notable resorts just outside of Dubai in Abu Dhabi and across the border in Oman that make the greater Dubai area a truly one-of-a-kind destination. Long thought of as a stopover city, Dubai is now easily a destination in itself but can be combined with any number of cities and islands as flights arrive into Dubai from many places around the world including New York, Washington D.C., Atlanta, Houston, San Francisco, and Los Angeles in the U.S.

Double Page Spread Destination Introduction

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INCLUSION COSTS Participation is inclusive for all five tour operators version of The Ultimate To Do List. Please note The Ultimate To Do List India, Bhutan and Sri Lanka is the core Indian subcontinent presentation for each tour operator and they will not be producing any other publication. Rates US Dollars


1/8 Page Listing

$ 500.00 US

1/4 Page Feature

$ 650.00 US

1/2 Page Prefered

$ 1100.00 US

Full Page Elite

$ 2200.00 US

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KOOLIVOO Worldwide it is believed that the next level of competitive advantage will come from alliance companies, which excel at interconnecting their resources to their joint business objectives, vision, strategy and performance. Koolivoo exclusively specializes in creating and implementing strategic alliances to target new evolving markets in tourism today. The art of the alliance is the strategy of maximising reach, servicing and satisfaction of target markets whilst minimising costs.


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INFORMATION To confirm your participation, please email or phone Chris McKinley on the below details.

Chris McKinley Director of Sales & Marketing Level 1, 143 Lake Street Po Box 7099, Cairns 4870 Australia phone +61 7 4041 2822

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