Children's Books from Lithuania. Bologna Children’s Book Fair

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C h i l d r e n ' s Bo o k s f r o m Lithuan ia Bologna Children’s Book Fair

24–27 March, 2014


Mįslės Riddles Compiled and illustrated by I r e n a Dau k š a i t ė Published by Žara, Vilnius, 2008 This is a collection of Lithuanian folk riddles with new illustrations. This unusual book can be dipped into at will. The riddles can be solved easily, as the answers are thinly concealed and even painted. If a painting is not complete, then the reader can finish it. The book was selected by the Lithuanian Section of IBBY as the Most Artistic Book of the Year 2008.

51 pages, hardback 230 × 250 mm ISBN 978-9986-34-201-4 Age: 5+ r

Pirštinė The Glove Written and illustrated by Ma r i u s Zava d s k i s Published by Versus aureus, Vilnius, 2013 The Glove is an incredibly lively and playful fairy tale, about animals living in a lost glove that organise a feast there. It came from the wonderful imagination of the artist Marius Zavadskis. Astonishingly colourful and painterly illustrations complement the text, and invite us to read it aloud. The author won a prize for this book in Lithuania’s Most Beautiful Book Competition of 2013.

31 pages, hardback 150 × 260 mm ISBN 978-9955-34-399-8 Age: 3+ www.v e r s u

Iš kur atsirado Pūkis? Where did Pukis Come from? By Vytauta s V. La nd s b e r g i s Illustrated by Da l i a K a r pav i či ū t ė Published by Dominicus Lituanus, Vilnius, 2013 This is a story for very small readers about five small foxes. Four of them are long-nosed and naughty fox cubs, while the fifth is a cuddly ball of fur called Pukis. Pukis is very curious, and keeps asking who brought him into the lair. Not receiving an answer to his question at home, he goes into the woods to try and find out where he came from. This is the first book in a series about this lovable and cuddly fox.

22 pages, paperback 220 × 200 mm ISBN 978-9955-811-61-9 Age: 3+ www.d o m i n i c u

Kiškis Smaližis Sweet Tooth the Hare By Pran as Ma š i ota s Illustrated and published by I e va B a b i l ai t ė Vilnius, 2014 Sweet Tooth the Hare likes to visit people’s vegetable gardens and eat their vegetables. After covering himself in dry leaves and tar from a garden fence, he looks like a horrible monster. This way, he will scare the fox. The bear too will get a fright. This fairy tale was written 100 years ago by a classic author of children’s literature. Now it has come back to life with very original and unusual illustrations.

20 pages, paperback 190 × 250 mm Age: 3+ www.i e va b a b i l a i t e.e u

Apie daiktus. Trumpos istorijos Short Stories about Things Written and illustrated by K ę st u t i s K a s pa r av i č i u s Published by Nieko rimto, Vilnius, 2013 Kęstutis Kasparavičius brings inanimate objects to life brilliantly. Objects are the main characters in the stories. They seem to live a normal, everyday life. If you listen carefully, though, you might hear how a knife argues with a fork in the kitchen, how a kettle invites his friends in for tea, how a toothbrush is afraid of being chewed and swallowed by a man. And many other things that happen without us knowing about them. These stories introduce you to the world of humanised objects. They are suffused with the artist’s strange sense of humour, incredible imagination, and feel for the bizarre.

56 pages, hardback 250 × 220 mm ISBN 978-609-441-138-0 Age: 6+ www.n i e ko r

Povandeninė istorija An Underwater Story Written and illustrated by K ę s t u t i s K as pa r av i č i u s Published by Nieko rimto, Vilnius, 2013 The artist’s imagination transports the reader to the blue waters of the sea, the home of a host of a funny little fish. Heavy storms raging in the sea leave a lot of mess, and the little fish have to put everything back in order. When the storms are frequent, the little fish have no time to rest! When the storm washes a steamboat ashore, they have to grab the anchor and give it a good pull. And when dark clouds cover the sun, they have to chase them away immediately. And although the little fish work happily, sometimes they also dream of having a decent holiday in another sea. Luckily, the Octopus, who lives at the bottom of the sea, lends a helping hand... The author won a prize for this book in Lithuania’s Most Beautiful Book Competition of 2013.

32 pages, hardback 250 × 220 mm ISBN 978-609-441-100-7 Age: 5+ www.n i e ko r i

Nojaus arka Noah’s Ark By Al don a Va si l i ū ni e nė Illustrated by E va l da s M i k a l au s k i s Published by Bokartas, Vilnius, 2011 The book tells children the biblical story of Noah’s Ark, and how Noah used it to rescue people from the flood. According to the story in the Bible, there were many mean and sinful people on Earth, and God decided to get rid of all the people and the animals in a flood. But in order to save the righteous Noah and his family, God commanded him to build a boat and told him how to save himself. The flood lasted for 40 days and 40 nights, and everyone on the Earth was drowned, except for those who were in the Ark. Afterwards, Noah built an altar to express his gratitude, and God put a rainbow in the clouds as a sign of his peace and blessing. Evaldas Mikalauskis won a prize for this book in Lithuania’s Most Beautiful Book Competition of 2011.

16 pages, hardback 280 × 210 mm ISBN 978-609-95203-0-8 Age: 7+ www.b o k ar

Bumba Dumba ir Visatos sukūrimas Bumba Dumba and the Creation of the Universe Written and illustrated by To mas S. B u t k u s Published by Vario burnos, Vilnius, 2012 A newborn baby’s surprise, a child’s playfulness, an adult’s logic, and the wisdom of old age are all woven together in this book. The book is poetic, and abounds in fantastic images, each time seen in a different way by the constantly amazed protagonist, a little man in the shape of an egg, a symbol of life. The author tries to show how unique this world appears when it is seen through the eyes of a child, every morning at the moment of waking: to some extent it is familiar, but it is still to be experienced, and it is brimming with the promise of strange events and encounters. The book introduces key shapes in the surrounding world in an exciting way: the triangle, the square and the circle. Tomas S. Butkus won a prize for the book in Lithuania’s Most Beautiful Book Competition of 2012. It was selected by the Lithuanian Section of IBBY as the Most Significant Debut in Children’s Literature of the Year 2012.

48 pages, hardback 180 × 250 mm ISBN 978-609-95464-0-7 Age: 6+ r i o b u r n o m

window on the secrets of the world fairy tales

Senojo bokšto gyventojai The Dwellers of the Ancient Tower Written and illustrated by Le ona r da s G u tau s k as Published by the Lithuanian Writers Union Publishers, Vilnius, 2010 The dwellers of the ancient tower, Dwarf Dust, Raven the Croaker and Benediktas the Spider, and their regular visitor Homeless Wind, spend beautiful evenings by the light of a candle. They talk about great natural wonders, and tell all kinds of mysterious stories. From them, we can learn of the royal water-lily Victoria Regina, of tornados and mirages, of the Northern Lights, of gigantic silkworms, and luminous mushrooms. In order to make geography, botany and physics more attractive to the reader, the author presents them in an artistic way in fairy-tale form. The author won a prize for this book in Lithuania’s Most Beautiful Book Competition of 2010. The illustrations were exhibited at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair in 2011.

88 pages, hardback 300 × 210 mm ISBN 978-9986-39-632-1 Age: 9+ www.r s l e i dy k l

Iš pasakų krašto. Rinktinės įvairių tautų pasakos From the Land of Fairy Tales. Selected Tales from Various Countries Compiled by J o na s M e k a s and A d o lfas M e k a s Illustrated by E ug e ni j us Va r k u l e v i č i u s - Va r k a l i s Published by Dominicus Lituanus, Vilnius, 2014 Jonas Mekas is a prominent Lithuanian filmmaker, poet and Fluxus artist. He has studied the fairy tales of various nations, together with his brother Adolfas. They translated them into the style of Lithuanian fairy tales for this collection. The book contains 17 tales, which reflect the lifestyles, values and identities of eight different nations. The Danes tell a story about three trolls, while the Lithuanians tell one of three brothers. The Latvians tell a story about a clever woodcutter, while the Norwegian story is about a married rabbit. The fairy tales are distinguished by their humour and playfulness, and adults are impressed by their underlying wisdom.

64 pages, hardback 210 × 200 mm ISBN 978-9955-811-63-3 Age: 8+ www.d o m i n i c u

Slibinas Jurgis ir kitos istorijos Jurgis the Dragon and Other Stories Written and illustrated by Ma r i u s Jo n u t i s Published by Tyto alba, Vilnius, 2010 This is the third book from this famous Lithuanian artist. It includes three fairy tales based on the Bible, old Lithuanian tales, and stories from antiquity. The intellectual and playful narrator wittily interprets well-known themes, and makes readers of all ages think. In the stories, some readers will recognise their own unbridled imaginations, and will remember their enjoyment in forcing serious adults to give awkward answers. Others will have the opportunity to take a fresh look at mundane things through the eyes of a child, who is unaffected by preconceived notions.

208 pages, hardback 220 Ă— 210 mm ISBN 978-9986-16-795-2 Age: 15+ www.tytoalb

Kirminas paukštis: tavo pirmoji knyga apie skraidymo meną The Worm Bird: Your First Book about the Art of Flying Written and illustrated by Ma r i u s J o n u t i s Published by Tyto alba, Vilnius, 2009 This unusual book consists of two layers. Every other double-page spread is in colour, and tells an allegorical story of a worm who asks a bird to teach him to fly. Black-and-white double-page spreads ask questions about the worm’s story, and give readers some practical tasks. They also explain some of the words in the story. However, it is not the main meanings, but some unexpected and possible meanings that are explained. This exploratory, even philosophical, dimension to the book encourages young readers to think, and to observe the world around them, as well as themselves. The author won a special prize for originality from the Lithuanian Section of IBBY in 2009, and in 2012 he was included in the IBBY Honour List. The illustrations were exhibited at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair in 2011.

96 pages, hardback 170 × 150 mm ISBN 978-9986-16-686-3 Age: 14+ www.tytoalb

Apie žuvėdrą ir katiną, kuris išmokė ją skraidyti The Story of a Seagull and the Cat who Taught her to Fly Original title: Historia De Una Gaviota Y Del Gato Que Le Enseñó A Volar By Luis Se p úlv e da Illustrated by Li na D ū da i t ė Published by Nieko rimto, Vilnius, 2008 A seagull dying from the effects of an oil spill lands on a balcony, where Zorba the cat promises not to eat the egg she is about to lay, to take care of the egg until it hatches, and to teach the chick to fly. This funny tale shows how the cat and its friends keep their promises. The book deals with several questions and themes, including life and death, friendship, devotion, courage, and the damage that humans inflict on nature, but the main message of the book is diversity and tolerance. Lina Dūdaitė won a prize at the 2009 Tallinn Illustration Triennial for the illustrations to this book, and in 2010 she was included in the IBBY Honour List in the illustrators category. The illustrations were exhibited at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair in 2011.

84 pages, hardback 260 × 230 mm ISBN 978-9955-683-55-1 Age: 8+ www.n i e ko r i

Pinokio nuotykiai Adventures of Pinocchio By C arlo Collo d i Illustrated by K ę s t u t i s K a spa r av i č i u s Published by Nieko rimto, Vilnius, 2014 The famous book about a wooden puppet was written more than 130 years ago. It is an undisputed classic of children’s literature. The Adventures of Pinocchio is one of the favourite books of the artist Kęstutis Kasparavičius. According to the artist, it is a story about a careless child becoming a responsible grown-up. And we all know how difficult it is to make this change! For some people, it can take a whole lifetime. Perhaps this is why the artist treated the characters in Collodi’s book so sensitively, and with such a delicate sense of the grotesque.

144 pages, hardback 90 × 210 mm ISBN 978-609-441-183-0 Age: 5+ www.n i e ko r i

Kotonai Paryžiuje Kotons in Paris Written and illustrated by Ul a Š i m u ly n a i t ė Published by Ula Šimulynaitė and Petro Ofsetas, Vilnius, 2010 Kotons are creatures like cats with woolly fur that walk on two legs. They are friendly, clever, and some of them even write poetry. This book tells the story of two kotons that travel to Paris to investigate some obscure signs, in order to fulfil an ancestor’s final wish. After many adventures, and after overcoming many challenges, they inherit a huge castle. They flee from Paris and ride to the castle on a luxurious motorbike. And here begins the sequel. The author won a prize for this book in Lithuania’s Most Beautiful Book Competition of 2010. The illustrations were exhibited at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair in 2011.

64 pages, hardback 210 × 210 mm ISBN 978-609-420-102-8 Age: 8+ www.u l ai n the b m

little steps poetic texts

Juokų maišelis A Sack of Jokes By Mar ty na s Va i ni l a i t i s Illustrated by R i ma nta s R ol i a Published by Kronta (not in operation), Vilnius, 2006 This book was written by a classic of Lithuanian children’s poetry. Amusingly rhymed verse tells us about colourful dwarves, the kiss of the sun, a cat’s guitar, a rabbits’ castle, a frog’s flu, frosted berries... The poems charm the reader with their levity, simplicity and picturesque language. The artist Rimantas Rolia has used his wild imagination and sense of humour to illustrate his favourite childhood poems. He depicts strong characters, and infuses them with life and playfulness.

104 pages, hardback 310 × 220 mm ISBN 9955-595-60-4 Age: 5+

Aukso karietaitė The Little Golden Carriage By Sigitas G e da Illustrated by R i ma nta s R o l i a Published by Kronta (not in operation), Vilnius, 2006 Sigitas Geda is one of Lithuania’s most innovative children’s poets. This book, which is unusual both in its form and its content, is an emotional and unique postmodern work for children. Its originality lies in the dialogue between the painting child and the father, who writes the book. They discuss old truths (How did the world begin? How were things, and poetry itself, created?) The visual aspect of the book catches the eye. Expressive characters, unexpected compositions and accurate details help us to understand separate phrases and unfinished sentences. The book’s illustrations were exhibited at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair in 2011.

72 pages, hardback 250 × 220 mm ISBN 9955-595-93-0 Age: 8+

Žiemos išdaigos Winter Frolics A collection of poems Illustrated by R i ma nta s R ol i a Published by Alma littera, Vilnius, 2012 This is a collection of folk tales and poems by Lithuanian poets about the hoary winter and its frolics. The seasonal verse by Kostas Kubilinskas, Salomėja Nėris and Julius Janonis evokes the smell of weeping fir trees and fresh snow. Wrapped in a fairy-tale blanket, gnomes doze in snowdrifts, the animals of the forest dance in grandpa’s dropped mitten, while the mischievous hare laughs at the cold until his eyes pop out. Rimantas Rolia won a diploma for this book in Lithuania’s Most Beautiful Book Competition of 2012.

32 pages, hardback 310 × 220 mm ISBN 978-9986-16-795-2 Age: 5+ www.alma l i tt e r

Bebenčiukas ir kvailutė Bebenčiukas and the Fool By Kostas K ub i l i nsk a s Illustrated by Va i va Li ngyt ė, P ORAORO Published by Vaga, Vilnius, 2010 This poetic fairy tale about three sisters and their brother Bebenčiukas, who are caught by a witch, is based on Lithuanian folk tales. Only the third sister (the Fool) manages to save their brother, after overcoming several difficult challenges, because, unlike her sisters, she has helped unfortunate people on her way.

32 pages, hardback 260 × 170 mm ISBN 978-5-415-02165-9 Age: 4+ www.l e i dy k l a.vag

Kuosos Kro gyvenimas ir atvirkščiai The Life of Kro the Jackdaw and the Other way Round By Vladas B r a z i ūna s Illustrated by S i g ut ė Chl e b i nsk a i t ė Published by Versus aureus, Vilnius, 2011 The poet Vladas Braziūnas likes birds, and is especially fond of jackdaws. He has written a series of poems about the life of Kro the jackdaw. Together with the artist Sigutė Chlebinskaitė, they have created a book intended to help the reader learn about shapes, birds and poems. The poet evokes the unique world of the jackdaw, and tells us about the bird’s thoughts and feelings. Sometimes the jackdaw is a ‘home-bird’, sometimes Kro travels to the Baltic Sea, visits a writers’ home in Sweden, or goes on a journey across vast oceans. Sometimes the bird sees the movement of the Universe, and reflects on love and death. These cheerful poems, brimming with philosophical wisdom, will be appreciated equally by children, their parents and their grandparents. Sigutė Chlebinskaitė won a prize for the book in Lithuania’s Most Beautiful Book Competition of 2011. It was selected by the Lithuanian Section of IBBY as the Best Children’s Poetry Book of the Year 2011.

72 pages, hardback 230 × 150 mm ISBN 978-9955-34-289-2 Age: 8+ www.v e r s u

Vaizdai iš gyvenimo bobulytės ir kt. Scenes from Granny’s Life and More By An tan as Š i m k u s Illustrated by I e va B a b i l a i t ė Published by, Vilnius, 2012 Antanas Šimkus takes a humorous story about old age and tells it for children. The book features episodes and events from the life of an old woman. The poet uses blank verse to show how ‘cool’, ‘wild’ and ‘different’ this granny is: she shovels snow outside blocks of flats, climbs a ladder in search of the spring, invents something unusual to rescue a cat, and finds her own way to help children and the crowd to cross the street. Daily problems and difficulties are easy for this clever little old lady, who can compete with even the biggest pranksters. Ieva Babilaitė won a prize for the book in Lithuania’s Most Beautiful Book Competition of 2012. It was selected by the Lithuanian Section of IBBY as the Most Beautifully Illustrated Children’s Poetry Book of the Year 2012.

44 pages, hardback 300 × 190 mm ISBN 978-609-8086-02-7 Age: 7+ www.i e va b ab i l ai t e.e u

the cognition of identity and history fairy tales, realistic short stories

Erelio sakmė The Tale of an Eagle By Vytauta s V. La nd sb e r g i s Illustrated by R i m v y d a s K e p e ž i n s k a s Published by Dominicus Lituanus, Vilnius, 2012

The book depicts events in 15th-century Lithuania. The romantic tale transports us to medieval times when the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was attacked by the Teutonic Order. Historic figures and events are inventively woven together in the book, while at the centre of the story is the friendship between Gediminas and his pagan high priest Lizdeika, from their childhood until the ruler’s death. The tale is composed of several smaller narratives, about the siege of the town of Anykščiai, the discovery of a baby, an eagle nurturing a human baby, about the Good Bear, Gediminas’ death and Lizdeika’s non-death, and the immortalisation of his lord.

76 pages, hardback 240 × 220 mm ISBN 978-9955-811-44-2 Age: 9+ www.d o m i n i c u

Varlė bunkeryje A Frog in the Bunker By Vytauta s V. La nd sb e r g i s Illustrated by K r i s t i na N or v i l a i t ė Published by Dominicus Lituanus, Vilnius, 2011

This is a story about a 12-year-old boy called Adam, whose parents go to Ireland to work, and leave him behind with his aunt in a remote Lithuanian village. The boy finds himself unexpectedly caught up in a postwar detective story. In 2010, Kristina Norvilaitė was awarded a prize by the Lithuanian Section of IBBY for the Most Artistic Children’s Book of the Year.

Interactive ebook – available for download with iBooks Developed by Apps Libri, 2012 Languages: English, Swedish The interactive ebook features the diary of a real partisan, along with historic photographs, videos and other contextual material.

50 pages, hardback 200 × 180 mm ISBN 978-9955-811-23-7 Age: 8+ www.d o m i n i c u

Lėlė The Doll Written and illustrated by N om e da Mar č ė n a i t ė Published by Tyto alba, Vilnius, 2011 A five-year-old girl, whose mother has gone abroad to work, lives with her grandmother in a country village. She discovers the head of a china doll in the attic and creates a body for it from sackcloth. The doll is now the girl’s best friend. While waiting for her mother to return, the two of them explore the surrounding village. The girl, who likes changing her name, looks for a new body for her doll. Although told through the eyes of a child, the story deals with serious issues. The author talks about each person’s search for an identity, about parent-child relationships, about love and faith, and old age and death, in a delicate and sympathetic way, just as a small child perceives these things. The book was chosen by the Lithuanian Section of IBBY as the Most Significant Debut in Children’s Literature and the Best Book for the Youngest Readers of the Year 2011. The author won a prize in Lithuania’s Most Beautiful Book Competition of 2011, and the Patriot Award in 2012 for this book.

81 pages, hardback 250 × 210 mm ISBN 978-9986-16-862-1 Age: 5+ www.tytoalb

Milžinas mažylis The Giant Tot Written and illustrated by Kot ry n a Z ylė Published by Aukso žuvys, Vilnius, 2014 The artist has invented a story about Kernius, the last Lithuanian giant, and his journeys across the ancient land. Kernius travels across legendary places, where other giants wander silently in meadows, and where lakes float in the sky, while stones speak to each other when rolling downhill. The author shows us the impressive world of Lithuanian mythology, and wants us to believe in miracles, in order to see Lithuania as a country of ancient and wonderful creatures. Children and their parents are invited to use the map included, and to visit legendary places in the the countryside where sprites and goblins dwell, where pixies sing their chants, and mountains speak.

132 pages, hardback 210 × 210 mm ISBN 978-609-8120-01-1 Age: 8+ k s o z u v

Serija: Mažųjų Lietuvos istorija Series: Lithuanian History for Younglings Published by Aukso žuvys, Vilnius, 2012 The series of educational colouring books is aimed at children as their first introduction to key figures and events in the history of the Lithuanian state. By reading these books and colouring in the artists’ illustrations, children will get a feel for the historical context, and the political and everyday life and culture of the times. Four books in the series have been published: Forest Soldiers, The Battle of Grunwald, Barbora Radvilaitė and King Mindaugas. By telling the family story of a little boy called Jonas, Forest Soldiers reflects the anti-Soviet resistance in the Lithuanian forests. In The Battle of Grunwald, the historian Gediminas Kulikauskas describes the famous battle in 1410 when Lithuanian and Polish troops, led by their valiant military leaders Vytautas and Jogaila, defeated the Teutonic Order. In the book Barbora Radvilaitė, little readers will find plenty of colourful details from the lives of Grand Duke Sigismund Augustus and his beautiful wife Barbora, and the everyday life of the nobility in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 16th century. King Mindaugas is a simple and vivid account aimed at children of how Mindaugas, the first and only King of Lithuania, would not be intimidated by his foes, but unified the Lithuanian lands, thus creating the Lithuanian state.

31 pages, paperback 170 × 240 mm Age: 7+ www.auk so z u v

Miško kariai: Lietuvos partizanų kovų istorija Forest Soldiers: The Story of the Lithuanian Partisan Resistance By Aukso žuvys Illustrated by K a r ol i s Str au t n i e k as ISBN 978-609-95287-1-7

Žalgirio mūšis: lietuvių karinės pergalės istorija The Battle of Grunwald: The Story of the Lithuanian Military Victory By Gedimi na s K u l i k ausk a s Illustrated by K a r ol i s Str au t n i e k as ISBN 978-609-95287-2-4

Barbora Radvilaitė: karališkosios meilės istorija Barbora Radvilaitė: A Story of Royal Love By Aukso žuvys Illustrated by B i r u t ė Zok a i tytė ISBN 978-609-95287-3-1

Karalius Mindaugas: Lietuvos valstybės kūrimo istorija King Mindaugas: The Story of Building the Lithuanian State By Lin a Kul i k au s k i e nė and Ge d i m i n as K u l i k au s k as Illustrated by A nta na s D ub r a ISBN 978-609-95287-4-8

Supported by The Ministry of Culture of The Republic of Lithuania

Lithuanian illustrators at

Published by The International Cultural Programme Centre Lithuania, 2014 Contact person Rūta Nanartavičiūtė Texts by Roma Kišūnaitė Illustration by Kęstutis Kasparavičius Illustrations by Rimantas Rolia Layout by Sigutė Chlebinskaitė

Printed by Petro Ofsetas, Lithuania Circulation 400 ISBN 978-609-8015-44-7

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