Outdoor Lifestyle Magazine Summer 2017

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Luxury estate design and buiLd starting at $200,000. NaturalLandscapeGroup.com



ON THE COVER 26 BOHO LOVE AFFAIR Mix, match, and blend your inner Bohemian 47 BBQ EVOLUTION We’ve come a long way, baby! 53 CULTIVATING CANNABIS Carson Arthur teaches us about the plant that’s about to take centre stage

60 MURRAY MCLAUCHLIN Canada’s most soulful voice

STYLE 14 OUR FAVOURITE THINGS Weekend essentials 17 GET DRESSED Sustainable clothing. Cuz you can’t run around naked! 22 TRENDING Showering alfresco 24 HAVE WHEELS, WILL TRAVEL Alternative Boho transportation


DESIGN 30 DESIGNER PROFILES Top Canadian landscape designers 36 HGTV’s PAUL LAFRANCE Wants you to release your inner Bohemian 40 THE QUEBEC QUONNECTION The lighter side of Glenn Curtis



42 CREATE Imagine the things you can do 45 THE GREEN LID Two young Canadian men, brilliantly making a recycling difference

48 MANNY NEVES YouTube sensation builds his dream tree house 72 DIY Create your own Boho patio lighting...easy peasy


LIVING 56 CANADA’S TOP MIXOLOGIST And she just so happens to be a woman! 68 CHEF DAN MENGA Moving forward while living in the moment 72 PATIO FARE It’s patio season in Canada! Here are some of the best

DISCOVER 79 MAN AND THE MOON Using the moon’s energy to cleanse your spirit 80 THE YUKON Travel adventures like no other 82 WELLNESS Using crystals to improve your health 88 HOMEGROWN Man! Can Canada make music 92 FRANKIE FLOWERS Helping you create your own Boho gardens 94 COMIC RELIEF Our special guest comedian pokes fun at Hipsters 96 PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY WINES Some of the best wines in Ontario 98 NOT SO AVERAGE JOE A well deserved pat on the back for one of our own

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Dave Maciulis CLD

Editor IN CHIEF L.A. Sweezey

Creative Director+designer Susan Vogan






Copy EditorS Larry Boyd Kimberley Fowler

Staff Writers

Lori Sweezey Frankie Ferragine Manny Neves Glenn Curtis Brie Jarrett Peter Vogler Deborah Rent Patrick Dixon Cedric Lizotte Faye Arcan Bryen Dunn Kimberley Fowler Stephanie Link Dominic Brown Larry Boyd

Photography/video Anisa Rrapaj - Cover Peter Michael Wilson Jeff McNeill, McNeill Photography Byron Seon


For advertising opportunities please email: info@outdoorlifestylemagazine.com PUBLISHED BY Koru Creative Group President Alan Carroll Phone: 289-238-7910 Email: info@outdoorlifestylemagazine.com Outdoor Lifestyle Magazine is published twice annually: Spring and Fall Single copy price is $8.95 Subscription Rates Canada USA 1 year (2 issues) - $17.90 2 years (4 issues) - $33.95 1 year 3 years (6 issues) - $48.95 (2 issues) - $22.95 USD

Mail payment to: Outdoor Lifestyle Magazine 103 King Street, E Dundas, ON L9H 2W2

Printed by Solisco Printing

Available at Chapters, Indigo, Coles, and Atlantic News Stands across Canada.

Delivered to bookstores by Disticor Magazine Distribution Services. Copyright 2016/2017. All rights reserved. Reproduction without express written consent is prohibited by law.

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contributors Well, it’s time to celebrate! Happy 150th birthday Canada!! We really are the best country on the planet. OLM’s question to the contributors for this issue is…“what is your favourite part of being Canadian?” Oddly, back bacon and beer were missing from their responses! What’s up with that, eh?

Alex Pavone

is one funny Canadian guy, eh? You can catch one of his high energy shows on the Canadian comedy circuit or sometimes, he hangs out with our neighbours to the south… and gawd knows there’s enough material there to last a lifetime! His favourite part of being Canadian? “Justin Trudeau’s hair and chest.” Feel a SNL skit coming on??




BUCKET LIST What are the top ‘to do’ items on your Canadian Bucket list?

Send OL your wish list and you could win a 1 year subcription and your story may be included in an upcoming issue! Email all entries to, info@outdoorlifestylemagazine.com

Cameron Irving

is a first time contributor to OLM. He loves to write about spiritually based topics, and we’re happy to be publishing his first piece. “It’s awesome to be Canadian…our strength lies in our equality, acceptance, compassion and diversity under one flag.”

Anabelle Bernard Fournier

is a freelance writer based in Victoria, B.C. The clean air, green trees year-round, and the ability to wear yoga pants on a date are a few of her favourite things about her city. Why does she love being Canadian? “Our society is one of the best in the world. There’s still work to do, but people are willing to work together to make things better for everyone”

Dave Dolejsi

is a Toronto-based writer and marketer. Cross-country road trips, world travel and the great outdoors with his family top his list of favourite things. “The best part of being Canadian is feeling secure in the knowledge, and gratitude, that my children can dream their dreams with an innocent confidence that they just might come true, and the fishing.... yeah, the fishing.”

Christa Lynn

is a master crystal healing practitioner and teacher based out of Vancouver, B.C. Why does she love this country? “I appreciate Canada’s multicultural tapestry. My life and work have been greatly enriched from getting to know and working with people from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds.”

If you would like to contribute to future issues, please submit your idea to: info@outdoorlifestylemagazine.com



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letter from the publisher

FREE SPIRITED FUN When our team sat down to brainstorm about the upcoming themes of our magazine, I thought they were all a little bit crazy when they overruled me and decided to choose “Boho Culture” as the theme for this issue. Besides Freddie Mercury’s Bohemian Rhapsody … it wasn’t a term I’d heard a lot, so I set out to investigate what, exactly, it meant! I began with the Webster’s Dictionary… BO-HE-MI-AN 1. Vagabond, wanderer, gypsy 2. A person (such as a writer, musician or an artist) living an unconventional life, usually in a colony with others of like mind. And then I looked at the plethora of other “urban dictionary” type definitions. Words like free spirit, non-conformist, alternative, offbeat, eclectic and informal all seemed to jump off the pages at me. When applying these words and their meanings to your outdoor spaces and the experiences you have in these settings…well, sounds like pure heaven to me! It conjures up thoughts of freedom and feelings of nostalgia. Ah, the good ole days. There is nothing about the Bohemian style that is stifling or restrictive. It’s a virtual palette of bright colours and comfortable, casual space that transports you to another time and place. Even the most conservative hardscapes can be transformed with a little imagination! Take a look around your outdoor space…maybe you’ll find the perfect spot to create a little bit of free-spirited fun for yourself and your guests; something off the beaten path…a place to connect to your inner hippie…your inner flower child. Enjoy your summer. Peace, love and all things Bohemian!

Dave Maciulis, CLD

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LETTER FROM the editor Being a child of the 60’s was a great experience. It was a time of awareness, freedom and change…totally Bohemian! It was also a time of bell-bottoms, fort building, banana seats with high handlebars, Red Rover and, “you better be home by the time the streetlights come on!” I’m not sure exactly how one becomes Bohemian or lives the lifestyle. Is it something that just happens or is it something you strive for? Is it inherently built into our DNA? Or is it a learned behaviour? I mean, I don’t want to over analyze this whole thing but… I think I may have given birth to and raised a Bohemian! I should have known. All of the telltale signs were there as far back as Kindergarten; a blatant disregard and questioning of conventional social norms.


Her symptoms included… - An inability to keep her socks on at school (in the middle of a cold northern Ontario winter.) - Sleeping in the bathtub as if it were a yurt! - Wearing the Disney Store’s Princess dress everyday for weeks on end…with leggings. - A propensity for long, flowing dresses and floppy hats… all mismatched of course. - Wild, long, curly hair that morphed into dreadlocks if they weren’t brushed out at bath time. - An overwhelming urge to help the underdog. As crazy as my little non-conformist made me, her stance on life was refreshing. It was simple and straightforward. I tried so very hard not to squash that spirit in her, but as she grew, I saw less Bohemian and more “every teenage girl” on the planet; parties, shopping, heels that a podiatrist would cringe at, and so self absorbed that I thought she’d disappear into herself! A couple years spent in Whistler, BC., summers in Venezuela and a few trips to Europe and Asia later, and my little Bohemian is now a Mom and raising one of her own. Funny enough, I see the same spirit in my Grandson. I’m beginning to think that we are all born with a Bohemian soul. It’s simply a matter of nurturing that and finding ways to incorporate the lifestyle into our own. Because let’s face it…it’s fun, it’s freeing and it’s adventurous! How can this ever be a bad thing?! Lori Sweezey, Editor in Chief

We welcome letters and emails from our readers. Our vision is to explore the needs and challenges of outdoor living and landscaping specific to all Canadian regions, and to captivate your imagination. Your input is important to us, so please let us know how we are doing. Snail Mail: Outdoor Lifestyle Magazine 103 King Street East Dundas, ON L9H 1B9




alue best v

Please be sure to include your name, address and telephone number. Letters and emails may be condensed for publication. Pictures will not be returned.

O u t d o o r L i f e s t y l e M a g a z i n e. c o m

EDITORS LETTER from the outdoor LIFESTYLE editor I love the term Bohemian…especially when it comes to outdoor spaces! For me, a Bohemian design is a little bit of anything that makes you happy with absolutely no rules. This is very liberating for the backyard, but at the same time, it’s not for everyone! This year, Bohemian principals are very evident in several of the emergent design trends. Farm-to-table backyards continue to drive gardeners to embrace vegetables in their outdoor spaces. Growing what you eat and eating what you grow has officially landed in our backyards. Urban farmers are trying to grow new foods from near and far, increasing our food diversity beyond what we can find at the grocery store. HOLISTIC SPACES Increased awareness of what we put into our spaces is driving a movement towards more natural items being used. Think ‘yoga studio in the jungle’ when trying to picture these spaces. Homeowners seek to create spaces that they can disappear into and feel at one with nature. Unconventional bird feeders and wind mobiles fit well in these spaces. COLOUR-BLOCKED GARDENS Colour blocking in the yard is taking a big step forward. Whether it’s using one colour group of plants or actually painting the surrounding fence and walls…adding bright solid sections of colour in the yard is replicating the indoor trend. Homeowners who are gravitating towards these pops of colour say they find their yards “more joyful” and “full of positive energy.” FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Reasons to be in the backyard instead of in front of the television are being included in 2017 design. Parents are reconnecting with their children by trying to get them outside playing games and being active. Items like bocce pits, badminton nets and mini sports courts are on the radar for savvy designers. There is one thing that is very clear no matter what trend is right for you, gardens are moving! No longer are they trapped up against the fence and down the sides of the yard. Homeowners are growing vegetables in the front yard, in vacant urban lots and even vertical spaces on the balcony. They are bigger and better than ever in 2017…and I couldn’t be happier! Carson Arthur, HGTV Personality

LETTER from the RENOVATION EXPERT How do I renovate? Why do I renovate? I have never been that “arrive on site and swing a hammer” sort of contractor. There is a lot of thought behind my suggestions and actions. It’s never about my portfolio or me; I build for clients, for families, for neighbourhoods and for generations. In the end it is never my home, I’m simply a houseguest visiting with a few interesting renovation ideas. Nature and being outdoors has a lot to do with how I envision and create. My suggestions at first might seem off base but when further explained to my clients, they usually see the bread crumbs and follow the path. It could be a particular time of day, the beginning or ending of a season, or the chaos of morning traffic but inspiration and a solution to my renovations can arrive at any given moment. Once the creativity begins (based on a brief from clients), the problems quickly rear their heads. Then it’s a matter of solving those issues and working the problem over and over, until I am confident that the clients will love it and embrace the inspiration. Renovations should clearly be thought through from pencil and paper, to that first cut and the last drop of glue. Let your imagination fly! Happy summer! Manny Neves, HardCore Renos


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CROWN POINT CANDLES Made in the Crown Point neighbourhood of Hamilton, Ontario, Crown Point Candles are made with sustainable crop EcoSoya wax and scented with pure essential oils. Just pure goodness! crownpointcandles.ca

BUDDHA HEAD GARDEN STATUE No garden is completely zen without the presence of ‘the awakened one.’ Get your ‘om’ on. wayfair.ca

ROCK BOTTOM VESSEL-1 LITRE FLASK Thermal mass concrete and tempered glass together create a versatile serving piece for hot or cold liquids. A whole bottle of wine, infused water, tea... Experience it. Love it. Use it. studio50.ca

KALA BRAND MUSIC CO. WATERMAN UKULELE This tough little uke goes from ski cabin to campsite to add live music to your down time. Includes a manual to get you started with a few simple tunes. mec.ca

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WAYUU MOCHILAS BAG Handcrafted by Wayuu women in Colombia, where La Guajira Desert meets the Caribbean Sea, this bag - “mochila” takes 15 days to finalize and reflects the culture and strong weaving traditions of the Wayuu indigenous group. summerforever.ca


Thank you to all of our 2017 sponsors and exhibitors for making the inaugural Backyard Living Expo a success! Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for backyard, patio and balcony inspiration along with updates for our 2018 event!

TheBackyardLivingExpo.com Sponsors and Media Partners


style district

AU NATUREL Brown Oak Keyhole Sunglasses $124 keepwoodeyewear.com

vegan leather. Votch Watch with Vegan Leather Strap $190 imperativelife.com

Barcelona Pant - Bamboo $169 zennomad.ca

Keen Elsa Sneaker $95 keenfootwear.com

Renny Eco-Lux Leggings $68 saltsandwest.com


style district

Industrial Chic

1 3 2 1 Surya Pouf 92 - lowes.ca 2 Leather Palapa Lounge Chair - pacificwonderlandinc.com 3 Farm Metal Stool - wayfair.ca 4 Succulent Plant Pot, Pink - ikea.com 5 Klingle Beige Area Rug - wayfair.ca Inspiration image from Dobbin St. | A collaboration between Chellise Michael Photography, Rent Patina Furniture and Dobbin St. | dobbinst.com

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LOVE YOUR OUTDOORS At Plantenance, we believe that any outdoor space when well designed and crafted, can become the home of a lifetime of memories. Discover a creative, collaborative and enjoyable landscape experience that always begins and ends with you!



style district





Scandinavian Style 5

20 I outdoorlifestylemagazine.com

1 Woven All Weather Resin Pendant light - casualife.ca 2 Morten Stool - Grey Stool - roveconcepts.com 3 African Mudcloth Pillow no.23 - rugandweave.com 4 Jute Rug - casualife.ca 5 Upright Metallic Garden Stool - wayfair.ca




Ask for the original LECHUZA Self-Watering Planter at your local retailer

trending 22 I outdoorlifestylemagazine.com

Photography by Neil Landino Jr.


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1 Downpour Shower Head - wayfair.ca 2 Coffee Scrub Coconut/Manuka Honey - beanbodycare.com 3 Monaco Turkish Towel - summerforever.ca 4 Hampton Outdoor Shower Enclosure - wayfair.ca 5 Biodegradable Bam Brush Toothbrush - bambrushes.com Inspiration image provided by dhda.com


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HAVE WHEELS Back to the Basics of Transporting Yourself By PETER VOGLER – WHISTLER, BC


e live amongst the most profound glories of wheeled transportation these days. We have bicycles, skateboards, unicycles, scooters, Segways, recumbents, velotilts and the ever-challenging “bicycle built for two”. Yet it’s only been 150 years or so since the first bike was invented. It was called the velocipede and they must have been tougher back then because I can’t imagine putting anything called a velocipede between my legs! We tend to think of the wheel as having been invented around the same time as fire and cave drawings, but no! It was only invented around 3,000 BC, after humans had harnessed the skills and materials to make the metal tools that were required to finely craft the axle for a wheel. A wheel without an axle just kind of falls over… think unicycle. Back in those days the wheel was used for making pottery, not for transportation. Today’s wheels offer such a plethora of movement it’s hard to know where to start. Mountain biking has turned the otherwise sedate urban bicycle into a mountain-defeating monster. Back in the old days metal rims on wood were used for tires and those bikes were called “boneshakers”… with good reason. Today’s inflatable tires can turn even the gnarliest trails into a soft ride. The newest of these are “fat bikes” and their massively over-sized tires allow you to ride comfortably on any terrain. For decades, skateboarding has had its own unique and identifiable culture. A more recent development is long boarding, which takes fourwheeled travel back to its basics. Create a really long skateboard with enough stability to hit the highest speeds, and then race down the steepest roads at 4am. The romance is all Jimmy Dean and drag racing at midnight! And the bonus of course is that parents and the authorities hate it! Wheeled technology has evolved by leaps and bounds over the last twenty years and it often focuses on leaving a very small environmental footprint. You might cough up a bunch of greenhouse gases during a bike ride but that is nothing compared to any automobile in traffic. In Holland they have developed the velotilt, a recumbent tricycle with a roof, whose wheels tilt with you to maximize power, comfort and control. Adding a bit more technology, but with a slightly larger “footprint”, is the Solo wheel. Like a Segway without handlebars, you step on and its surprising gyroscopic technology keeps you standing as it threads you through pedestrian traffic on the sidewalk. The look on people’s faces as you hover past them is priceless. My personal nostalgic favourite…a bicycle built for two, sporting a basket on the handlebars filled with a baguette, wine and cheese for a picnic with your sweetie. There is something to be said for a simpler way of life and transporting yourself in a way that feels like you’re being good to yourself and Mother Nature. Ride on!!

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am sitting in my backyard, drinking a glass of wine, doing absolutely nothing but being…watching, breathing. The birds are chirping as the bumblebees gently hover above my colourful flowers. In one of my crab apple trees, there are tiny, brilliant yellow finches. It’s glorious. Peaceful. I am surrounded by beautiful things and I’m in my happy place. A person very dear to me once told me… “Life is complicated but in the end nothing else matters but love. Be with people you love, do what you love and surround yourself with love”. It’s in this space where I can truly exhale. It’s the place where my eclectic, rambling soul feels it’s being embraced, massaged and maybe even hugged. My serenity seeps through in every nook and cranny. It’s where my unconventional life is grounded. It’s my Bohemian love affair. Love and design mesh together so beautifully. Creating your own personal Bohemian love affair is not about trying to replicate what you’ve seen in design magazines or on television. It’s being able to reach into your heart and trusting your instincts while choosing what resonates with you emotionally. Your patio, backyard or garden retreat should be the place where every care in the world melts away. As I sit in my space my heart slows down, and I pause and exhale. Gracefully weathered wicker chairs surround the fire pit near the flowering fruit trees. They are coordinated but mismatched… each cushion adorned with a different pattern. An old wooden harvest table is home to potted herbs and lavender. I have a time worn, much loved, Persian carpet below my feet OUTDOORLIFESTYLEMAGAZINE.COM

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and an old re-purposed crystal chandelier, (now solar powered), hanging in a nearby tree. At night it looks magical. It’s free spirited, cozy and lush, with a timeless European feel. I am surrounded by what I love. And that, my friends, is the key to creating your own Bohemian Rhapsody. Bohemian style is unconventional and as individual as each person. That’s why it’s always joyful. With each serene Bohemian space, you can get a sense of what’s in a person’s soul…and how cool is that? The style looks effortless but it takes some serious time and thought-sometimes years as you layer pieces and add treasures. So exactly what does it take to tap into your own Bohemian vibe? It’s throwing caution to the wind, and trusting what makes you feel good. If you love it, others will too because it’s a reflection of you. Jennifer Harrison is the owner and interior designer at Fleamarketfab. She understands that Bohemiamn isn’t just a design style, it’s a lifestyle. “There’s a soulful meaning behind each piece that allows a story to be told. It’s an eclectic mix of natural surroundings. Lots of plants bring lots of life to the space,” she says. “When creating an outdoor space you want to think of mixing woods and natural elements along with rugs or things you may have collected organically with love and meaning. They have a story and it will become a part of yours. You will always have comfort in that space.” Lynzie MacIssac of Amazing Space Interiors, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, adds, “Definitely use a mix of metals, woods and fabrics. Treat your outdoor space like your indoor space with the use of textures and lighting. Pick up pieces you love, here and there, over time. It’s not about buying matching patio furniture from the big box store. For a true Bohemian experience, use lots of candles and maybe even fire pots to create a warm atmosphere. Bohemian design is about sophisticated comfort by mixing antiques with new treasures.” Authentic Bohemianism is anything but contrived. It’s the practice of an unconventional lifestyle, by surrounding yourself with interesting people…artists, writers, poets and spiritualists. Like the merging of different textures and patterns, your friends create more interest and depth in your life as well. A true Zen-like experience feels authentic and rich. Ultimately your Bohemian love affair should not look forced. It should feel like a much needed hug. You can never go wrong by surrounding yourself with what you love. Give it a try. But stock up on wine, because you may never want to leave your house again! Images and styling provided by Jennifer Harrison, Fleamarketfab Photography by Anisa Rrapaj OUTDOORLIFESTYLEMAGAZINE.COM

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JP Bartle grew up on 15-acres of lush farmland. His days were spent building forts, playing in ponds and digging in dirt. He remembers many summers at his Grandfathers cottage fondly…always there to learn and help out in Grandpa’s perennial garden. His love of the outdoors began to take on a life of its own…his vision was expanding and a force greater than the little boy began to lead him in a direction that would end up being his life’s work. After high school, Bartle felt confident in choosing a career as an architect, but another course of study caught his eye. He read the course outline for landscape design and knew immediately that this was the direction he would take. It was perfect. Now he would be able to combine his love of the outdoors, his propensity for design and explore his creative side. “It was everything that architecture was… drafting, drawing and designing… but in an outdoor setting,” Bartle explains. A three-year diploma program in landscape design at Fanshawe College in London, Ontario, that included a co-op program, enabled him to work for a design/build firm… affording him the opportunity to learn, hands on, what he was getting himself into. As it turned out, this only fortified his aspirations. Now with a whole lot of knowledge and a bit of experience under his belt, Bartle set out, eyes wide opened, to find himself gainful employment in the field he loved so much. Nine years later, Bartle finds himself creating extraordinary,

sustainable landscape designs for Quiet Nature Landscape in Ayr, Ontario. The best leaders are hands-on and work their way up through each department within a company. They understand and learn first hand, the process that leads to a finished product. Bartle began as a crewmember working in the field. By year two he was a foreman. Then things took a turn for Bartle. “The company slowly began to remove me from the in-field/construction work and nudging me in the direction of sales, designing and client care. I still like to get my hands dirty and work outside though. I’m still young and I can do that. I’ve learned that I love building things as much as I love designing and drawing them.” Understanding the complete process of design and build in landscaping has undoubtedly created a well-rounded landscape designer in Bartle. “I spend a lot of time studying natural elements and trying to replicate those into my designs. I create a design that looks like it was put there by nature herself; as if a home were dropped into the landscape instead of the landscape being built around the home,” Bartle explains. Making the connection between a client’s home and its surrounding elements by creating a space with a lower negative environmental impact (and may even possibly benefit it), are all key to Bartle’s great designs.


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What does a talented graphic designer do when she gets tired of working in the familiar confines of her office every day, in front of the same two dimensional monitor screen? In Glenna Partridge’s case she takes all of her considerable visual and graphic skills and applies it to the bright and fragrant task of designing gardens through her self-titled landscape design company. As one of Vancouver’s premier landscape designers, Glenna Partridge is absolutely swamped with work at this time of year. Yet she is gracious enough to take some time out between clients to chat with me at a downtown Vancouver cafe. She spends way more time these days among the downtown high-rises than she ever thought possible when she started her company in 2000. It’s the inevitable consequence of a profound demographic shift that sees her longtime clients in upscale Vancouver areas like Shaughnessy, Dunbar and Jericho, downsizing and trading in their beautiful, well-appointed homes for the high-rise condos of the downtown core. Transplanting even a slightly sizeable house and yard into a small condo is not without its problems. Partridge points out that parking a landscaping truck on a downtown street is difficult enough, let alone fitting a too-large tree into a too-small elevator, or the potential disaster of transporting a whole lot of dirt over a white

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carpet on its way to the patio deck. The gracious horizontal space of a detached house is becoming a thing of the past but it can be somewhat reinvented inside the confines of an urban apartment with new designs such as a “living wall” that makes up for a lack of floor space by emphasizing the vertical plane. A variation of the macramé plant hangers of the 1970’s but spiced up to reflect a modern sensibility, living walls create the illusion of space and Partridge designs it so that the eye is led out through the skyscraper glass and onto a planted and designed patio… a continuous flow created with colour, seasonal shades, and even such subtle details as scent and sound. Partridge’s favourite new trend is the “edible garden” which replaces the traditional garden with - as the name suggests - edible vegetables, berries and herbs. Recently, one of her clients requested an “edible garden” to remind them of their gardens back home (on the Prairies). Everyone was pleased when the new garden attracted not only hummingbirds and bees, but the small hands of their six year old who discovered that farming is mostly just playing in the dirt! After seventeen years in the business of landscape design Partridge has decided to branch out (pun intended) and explore some new options related to the job she loves. To that end, she has not only begun to lecture, but is also publishing a book of her landscape design work. Utilizing her previous skills as a graphic designer, she is presently in the process of laying the book out, coming full circle in her design career. Keep yourself posted at glennapartridge.com or find her on Houzz.com



Melanie Rekola didn’t choose landscape design as a career…it chose her. In reality, there really was no other path that her life could have taken. The writing was on the wall. Her Grandmother was a famous metal sculptor in Finland, her Mother - a professional artist, and her Father, an entrepreneur. All of these influences set deeply in her DNA, would later play a major role in her own career. This self proclaimed “Scandinavian Snow White” remembers her childhood with fondness, “I was forever saving injured or abandoned animals or chasing the crows away from bird nests. I have great respect for all living things,” One hundred acres in the countryside was the pallete that created this artistic, high energy, forest-loving, talented young woman. “I grew up in a forest and watched it grow and change over the years. I continue to visit the forest every day. Sometimes I walk in it, sometimes I run in it and sometimes I even take my business calls in it! It’s a soulful place that helps me re-energize and connect to nature.” After a successful career as a hairstylist, Rekola began to design beautiful gardens around the grounds of the home she purchased when she was 25. To her surprise, she began receiving awards for those very gardens, from the Barrie Garden Club and Cities in Bloom. She couldn’t contain her enthusiasm for designing and creating in the great outdoors! To this day it consumes her. “I love the randomness of nature. Although I’m all about clean lines and modern elegance of the hardscapes and structures in my projects, the unpredictability and juxtaposition of plant life keeps me forever captivated,” she explains. “For my entire life I’ve been interested in art and science. Land-

scape design feels like a natural progression to me because it encompasses both. I do have a signature style in my designs, but I wouldn’t consider this mundane…I call it ‘specialized’. My taste is very modern, but this includes classic modern, midcentury modern and ultra modern just to name a few. Just because a landscape design is modern, that doesn’t mean that it has to be devoid of plant life. On the contrary! My design work is always full of lush plantings. Inte re sting ly, midcentur y mo der n st y le or ig inate d in Fin l and, w h ich is my her it age and I’m natura l ly draw n to t h is st y le.” Rekola also loves pool design. “I believe that water is an integral part of a landscape. I love to incorporate swimming pools into the mix. Being a pool designer is a niche within a niche.” Much of Rekola’s work is done in tandem with local contractors. “I feel like it makes me a better designer when I am able to watch the whole design come to fruition,” she explains. Just as she has the ability to envision her designs long term, Rekola sees a long, bright future for herself in the industry. “I see myself achieving Genesis 3 Watershape Designer status and planning landscapes around the world.” She is nothing less than an environmental visionary. Her talent and energy will no doubt take her there. OUTDOORLIFESTYLEMAGAZINE.COM

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These days almost everything that we use was manufactured somewhere else: German cars, smartphones built in China, American software, textiles from South Asia...the list goes on. Globalization has brought many benefits, but also challenges, which has spurred a resurgence of domestic manufacturing. The pottery movement was forged from this demand, a grassroots effort to bring manufacturing back to Canada and the household. Before the industrial revolution, goods were produced either through cottage industries, or were made in the home. The pottery movement that is sweeping the US, UK, and Canada today reintroduces this philosophy.

More and more people are making their own pottery and ceramics either at home, or at the specialty pottery studios that are springing up around the country. In contrast to the mass manufactured goods that dominate our modern world, each piece of pottery produced is unique. Hand-crafted pottery communicates not only the style of the potter who made it, but also their story.

Virtually all plants can thrive in clay or ceramic pots, but you should be wary of plant species that require wetter conditions. Clay pots regulate the moisture level of soil by absorbing excess water, they also ‘breathe’ better than plastic or metal alternatives, allowing more oxygen to flow to the roots. If you frequently forget to water your plants, then this could spell trouble. You should use a slightly deeper clay pot than plastic to avoid drying plants out. For example, if you want to transplant something growing in an 8” plastic pot, then you should opt for a 10” or 12” clay pot. For over-waterers, however, the fact that clay is ‘thirsty’ means that you have an extra level of protection if you’re prone to drowning your plants in love. According to Home Guides, clay also helps regulate temperature better because its natural thickness holds warmth longer into the night while preventing plants from overheating because of the increased moisture exchange.

Of course, compared to plastic or store-bought alternatives, creating your own outdoor pottery is far better for the environment. It circumvents the emissions-heavy manufacturing, shipping, and storage processes, and clay pots can be easily recycled or repurposed. But there’s more to the movement than that. You start with a wet lump of earth, painstakingly craft it into a beautiful piece, forge it amongst the fire, then return it to the earth, from which it originated. The process itself is as beautiful as the end product. Learning more about the pottery movement, and how to get involved is just a quick “Google” search away. Find your local pottery studio and sign up for some classes, or watch an online tutorial and you’ll be creating your own custom pottery for your outdoor space in no time. 34 I outdoorlifestylemagazine.com

we’re no one trick monkey.


“CUSTOM BUILT, DECKED OUT, HOME TO WIN & DISASTER DECKS” Transform any space with the help of HGTV’s Paul Lafrance. Custom Interiors, Outdoor Living Spaces and One of a Kind Furniture. HGTV is a trademark of Scripps Networks, LLC; used with permission.


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am all about breaking stigmas…and the world is full of them. Stigmas program us because they are based on popular belief, but popular belief is based on lazy thinking. For example, when you think of someone who is a Bohemian, what do you picture? Close your eyes and put together the image in your mind. Take your time. So who was it? Did you picture someone with a glazed over look in their eye who looked like they were wearing someone’s ridiculously colourful drapes? Were they dancing on a street corner to a song in their head? Long hair protruding out from a bandana or head scarf? More necklaces than the human frame can support? Oversized jewelry in places where you wouldn’t think jewelry could be displayed? Clothing colours that should never go together? Mismatched socks… for sure, right? Was I close? Basically a weirdo. A freak. Here’s how the American College Dictionary defines a Bohemian. “A person with artistic or intellectual tendencies, who lives and acts with no regard for conventional rules of behaviour.” So what are these conventional rules of behaviour that dictate how we must act, speak, dress, and basically spend the waking moments of our lives? The majority of “adults” I know who are playing out their


lives following these conventional rules of behaviour, all seem to be stressed out, overworked, and generally unhappy. This is why I left the world of adults a long time ago. So this got me thinking. I’ve been told I’m a touch on the weird side. I’m definitely a rule-breaker. I don’t follow popular trends. I rarely wear pants that aren’t air-conditioned. My spikey hair has been registered as a lethal weapon. I don’t do idle conversation and I tend to be a tad on the creative side. OH MY GOD…AM I A BOHEMIAN?? All I know is that I spend the vast majority of my time promoting childlikeness. Why? Because children dance like nobodies watching…that’s why. They aren’t afraid of how their creative ideas will be judged. They sing at the top of their lungs even if they are off-key. They aren’t afraid to dream. They stop and take note of the world around them. They watch clouds. They climb trees. They jump into the water even though it’s still freezing. They don’t care what they wear. They don’t care how they look. They just want to really live! Sounds a little Bohemian to me. When you’re a kid, you can’t wait to grow up, but the minute you enter the world of adults, you wish you were a kid again. I’ve never said those words and had a “grown-up” not nod in agreement. Which leads me to why I love my job so much. I don’t transform backyard spaces so people can keep up with the Joneses. I do it because I want people to be able to go outside and play…like they used to. I want people to be able to leave the world behind and go to a place where they can reflect on what is truly important, and what is not. I want people to remember how free they once were…and choose to reclaim it. I want people to re-embrace that child within them…or their inner Bohemian. Sounds like the same thing to me.

design district

CARSON’S CONSIDERATIONS things that make you go hmmmmmmm… By


For the last 100 years, scientists have been exploring the extreme temperatures that occur in the city, compared to the rural areas surrounding them. This phenomenon, called an urban heat island, is a direct result of our own doing. Unfortunately, with global warming, this increased heat continues to go up in areas with lots of stone and concrete like parking lots and even in our own backyards. Even though more cities are investing in green spaces and promoting green roof technology, several online sources state that over 70% of all of the surfaces that we are currently installing in our landscaped spaces are concrete, pavement, stone or pavers. We are turning our own backyards into mini urban heat islands! Make sure to include trees and shade in your design plan to help break up the heat!

hgtv star carson arthuR


What was once something we dreamed about while flipping through the home-design magazines from southern California has finally become a reality in Canada…and homeowners are embracing it like never before! Outdoor kitchens and appliances are no longer just for those living in warmer climates. We now have all of the ingredients for making our own outdoor kitchens that will withstand our winter climates. Anything you can imagine in a gourmet kitchen inside your home is now available for outside. When it comes to recouping money spent, outdoor kitchens are almost the same as indoor with an expected ROI of 60% according to MoneySense, April 2015.


This is the time of year when I personally think the containers in a garden really start to out-shine the perennial beds. The potted plants have really taken off with the sun and the rain and now our patio planters are getting all the praise. This also happens to be the time of year when we start to enjoy outdoor locations for dining and entertaining which is probably why I start to have container-envy. I love seeing different interpretations and how homeowners are able to express their own creativity using pots and plants!


While water in the garden is always fashionable, I’ve noticed a big movement away from ponds and into self-contained fountains, urns and water features. These units may range in size, shape, colour and volume but they have one thing in common; the irresistible sparkle of water droplets in the sun. As a designer, I always try to include a water element in every residential space for both the aesthetic value and the tranquil sounds.

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Stock up on pantyhose! My grandma was infamous for her shorts and knee-high pantyhose ensemble when she worked in the garden. Occasionally she’d even come back inside without one of her stockings on because she’d use it to tie up a leggy plant. Recently, I’ve been buying pantyhose for that very reason. Nylon stockings are the absolute best for safely tying up plants without damaging stems. They are soft and flexible, perfect for protecting plants in windy climates because the plants don’t rub against those harsh ties.

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Landscape designers get bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at the mention of a challenge! If you eat, sleep and breathe [insert your passion here], you’ll know what we mean when we say crafting an outdoor space you’ll fall in love with is what we live for. Every industry has its share of ‘oh dear’ moments. Here are some lighthearted, landscape-oriented situations and a few tips on how to avoid them.

“It’s kind of a big project…” (Just kidding! That’s what we live for.)

If you’re planning on making your property into your private oasis, you’ll find us chomping at the bit. Want to brainstorm your perfect dreamscape? We’ d love to, by carefully detailing your plan so everything fits together perfectly and the only surprises left are good ones. Watching your eyes light up when you see the finished product is our goal…that and getting out alive.

“I basically just want poison ivy from the house to the fence.”

We don’t like to question your expectations, but we’ll definitely put our foot down when it comes to big, red, ugly, itchy rashes.

“It’s going to rain tomorrow…and the day after that. All week, really.”

That means paperwork time, which we find far less enjoyable than being knee-deep in dirt.

“So, we’ve gotten some complaints from the neighbours…”

While the beautiful results of your makeover will increase the value of your home, (as well as theirs) it’s also going to cause a bit of noise and dust. Your landscape team should inform your neighbours of the impending facelift with an information sheet and contact info so they know who to call to voice their concerns. The site should be left impeccably clean every night. We get the night off, so should you. “But they had it done in an hour on that TV show!” Nope, they just made it seem that way. Tricksters! Contrary to popular belief, we have no control over the weather, suppliers, acts of god or the health of our team members. Sad but true.

“Is it ok if my kids play in the yard while you work?”

Ummmm NO! That sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen! We care for their safety, so we’d prefer they stay away from the heavy machinery. It’s all fun and games until somebody loses an eye!

“While you’re sanding the deck, can you throw in a last-minute hot tub?”

When we sit down to discuss your dream property, we make sure every single detail you’ve thought of shows up in the design. If you’re asking that question, either we haven’t done our job right or you’re watching too much HGTV…

“Can I have a maintenance-free design?”

If anyone is claiming they can offer you such a thing, RUN!! Unless your design calls for an entire yard filled with cement. We know you’re busy and we can work with that, but there is no such thing as a completely maintenance free anything!

“Can we just use faux plants instead of real ones?” Well, yeah… but why?

“Our pool looks amazing now that it’s finished! Could you move it two inches to the right?” *UGH!*

“The shipment of yard gnomes, pink lawn flamingos and leaning cowboy cutouts is in… Where should we put them?” Can we move your pool two inches to the right instead?

“We’re out of coffee.” S*#T!

Glenn Curtis is the President of Plantenance Landscape Group, creating extrordinary outdoor spaces for 35 years | plantenance.com

Stop trying to trap mosquitoes








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Visions in White This waterfront property celebrates its rural heritage while taking in spectacular waterfront views. The all white plant palette captures light and glistens in the shade, giving depth to the varying textures and neutral hues of green. The terraced gardens lead guests from the lower great lawn, to the pool terrace and coach house beyond.

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Rendered concept sketches by Wentworth Landscapes Photography by Jeff McNeill Photography

Photography by McNeill Photography


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Composting Canadian Style By STEPHANIE LINK – TORONTO, ON

The key to the success of The Greenlid lies in its leak proof container. It is made of 100% end-of-life recycled cardboard, mixed with an environmentally friendly secret solution, which holds it together. It is this innovative combination that makes the container leak-resistant for up to 10 days (or up to 1-2 months when emptied regularly). “It’s a 100% bio-based additive that prevents leaking but will still compost later on in a facility or in your backyard compost pile,” says Morgan. In other words, The Greenlid can be tossed directly into the compost as-is. Not only does this eradicate the use of a messy plastic bag, but it also eliminates the need to constantly clean a plastic container. “Being on Dragon’s Den gave us the money in order to be able to produce in Canada, which is important for us, and brings about awareness for retailers to give us a shot. That’s where everything started to happen,” Morgan explains. Since then, business has expanded rapidly across Canada and plans to expand to the United States and parts of Europe are well underway”


melly, leaky plastic bags used in your kitchen-composting container have always been the pet peeve of many-a-Canadian. Brothers, Morgan and Jackson Wyatt, from the small town of Brockville, Ontario, have revolutionized the way Canadians will forever compost. Driven by concerns over climate change and the will to make a positive impact on the world, The Greenlid was born. Morgan, the company’s CEO explains… “We thought there might be a better way to do this and that eventually led to the simplest solution, which was to create something that was a completely compostable container itself.” The co-founding brothers took their prototype to Kickstarter, the world’s largest funding platform, where they were backed by 350 sponsors, earning over $25,000 for their start-up project. Not long after, the Wyatt’s found themselves pitching their product to a panel of venture capitalists on the popular reality TV series Dragon’s Den. They were able to seal a deal and partner with marketing tycoon Arlene Dickinson and author/investor David Chilton. This was the break they needed to get their product off the ground.

Adding to the ease and eco-friendliness of the product, “The container can be composted in ALL municipal compost facilities,” explains Morgan, “unlike the compostable plastic bags which are not always accepted.” The next step in the brothers’ project is to develop a larger, family-sized format of the container. They have already started partnering with schools and larger corporations. The Wyatt’s hope that this will help to encourage individuals to reduce waste in landfills on a large scale. They are currently testing their patented waterproof formula in the form of a biodegradable mosquito trap. Morgan says he would also like to continue making a green impact on the world. With ongoing innovate ideas, and with a little help from their new partners, the Wyatt’s are destined for great success.


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Mary Mary, quite contrary…how does your garden grow? I’m not really sure that Mary has a clue about her garden, really. I mean, does she really know what’s in her soil? I think not! I’m going to call her out on this!

T When most people begin and work through a landscaping project, most times the questions asked are… What style is best for our space? How long will it take to complete? What will the gardens look like once the plantings are mature?

he things that most homeowners neglect to ask about are things like the infrastructure of the project base, drainage, conduit lines and, (most important for the plants), the soil. Your landscape professional should be able to educate you on all aspects of good design and proper build techniques. This includes the topic of soil and how important it is for the longevity of your (sometimes costly) plants. Bad or diseased soil can destroy an entire garden in no time flat. The soil of choice for the pros is triple-mix. It is simply the best on the market for two reasons. Firstly, the balance of natural organic matter is calculated and mixed in balanced proportions, not haphazardly thrown into a tumbler. Secondly, the soil is audited by an independent lab and checked for any toxins or hazardous chemicals. With the correct levels of natural fertilizers and micronutrients, the soil is like “brown gold”. Always ask you contractor where your soil came from and if it has been tested under a soil audit. With these questions answered honestly and no “dirty little secrets” looming, your plants should be warrantied for at least two years. So ya dig? Get the dirt on your dirt, and be an informed customer.


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ne of my very first renos was a project in the Bloor St. West Village of Toronto. It began as a sandbox and turned into the most incredible tree house, now referred to as the Bunky. While on-site to build a Hardcore deck, my clients wondered if I, (a big kid at heart), could create an area for their boys to play. That’s when the imagination of my inner little boy took over. I collected a “must-have” list from the boys and a few details from the grown-ups, which included a sandbox, swings, a balcony, a ladder and a slide. It also needed to be weather and raccoon proof. Luckily, there is no right or wrong way to build a Bunky. A project like this is very client driven. You become the driver of the creative train and you’re doing it for your kids, your nieces and nephews, and every single child in the neighbourhood. It began with four simple posts in the ground. Really, this was my first “new home build” because that’s exactly how I built it — just smaller and slightly crooked. The Bunky’s steps have a reduced four-and-ahalf-inch rise. Its railings stayed at 24-inches but I did keep the spindles at three-and-

a-half-inches apart. Once the post-holes were dug, the concrete poured and cured, I built the Bunky’s deck. Just like any other deck, I used cedar lumber for the entire project. With the cedar tree already in place and the use of cedar for the build, I knew this Bunky would stand the test of time. When it was time to begin the main structure, I picked my corner and framed like any other real home with 2x4 lumber, except I cut the ends on five or 10-degree angles… those were my magic numbers. I have to say, it’s refreshing to build off angle; it wasn’t at all complicated. Just remember which wall is at what angle, and build it all the same way; one wall at a time. We needed a roof, so I stood inside the Bunky and thought to myself, “I’m 5’9”… so let’s make the peak 6’0” high”. It worked out wonderfully. Mom and dad can be inside and stand up without worry of hitting their heads. I positioned a ridge board and then common rafters. I sheathed the new roof and just like a new build, I applied an ice and water shield membrane over the top. For the sake of cohesiveness, I went with cedar shakes instead of asphalt shingles to complete the look.

Installing cedar shakes is fairly easy. You install one row at a time and use a 2x4 to guide you as you install each row. Just remember to avoid placing joints on top of each other and stay an inch or two away from the sides of each shake. As I was building the Bunky and picking my angles, the wall nearest to the cedar tree ended up touching the trunk. It was a pleasant mistake, so I decided to cut out a half circle to avoid contact. The proximity of the wall to the cedar tree now made the Bunky look more like a tree house! For the wall sheathing, I went with barn board plywood. For the windows and door, I grabbed some fence boards and cedar, and ripped them down to one-inch thick stock. Measuring twice and cutting once, I doubled up on each window piece in order to sandwich the Plexiglas between the two, then added mullion bars for a traditional look, and applied the same details to the door. The door hinges were positioned at a 90-degree angle to ensure it would be able to stand strong and on its own without swinging. I set a strike latch to keep the raccoons from setting up house. The railings were built like any other set of railings — top and bottom with spindles. For the staircase I used two of the left over deck boards as my stringers and then sandwiched the treads every 4.5 inches. I figured out the angle of the treads by placing them from the top deck to the ground. I opted to go with rope railings in order to add a little colour and texture within the design. On the underside of the structure, I installed two swings… one made in the shape of a skateboard and for the other I used a tire. In between the four main posts I dug down three-feet and then filled it with brick sand. Why three-feet? I didn’t want the kids to ever get to the bottom. I covered the rest of play area in pea gravel, that way they wouldn’t track dirt into the house and it made for more fun running around. All that was left to complete now was the paint and accessories. If you’re thinking of tackling your own backyard Bunky, you can add or subtract what you like or don’t like on this project. How you finish it is all up to you! Ready? Set! RENO!


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Do it Yourself? BIRCH POLE FAIRY LIGHTS WHY NOT! You’re a capable and crafty human being. You can do anything you want! Pinterest is your bible and you’ve nailed every project you’ve tried. Or not! For this issue’s DIY project, we thought we’d make something magical. Something that will light up your life!


Galvanized metal buckets Quickcrete cement Water Birch tree trunks String lights (vintage style preferred) Boho vibe If the creative director and the editor can do this project…anyone can do it! I promise you that. We fell in love with this quick and easy endeavor. It’s a great way to add ambiance and warmth to your outdoor space. Portable, sturdy and, let’s just call a spade, a spade….gorgeous! 1 Mix cement and water together according to the direc-

tions on the packaging

2 Place the pole in the center of the pail, and fill the pail

with the cement. You may have to find a creative way to keep the trunk standing straight until the cement sets

3 After the cement has cured, place a nail, or hook at the

top of the tree trunk

4 String your lights from the top of each pole 5 Have an awesome backyard Bohemian themed party

It’s that easy!

Furniture and selected accessories provided by 50 I outdoorlifestylemagazine.com

string lights

birch pole boho vibe

Photography by McNeill Photography


galvanized bucket Photography by Peter Michael Wilson


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hgtv star carson arthuR


rowing Cannabis is taking the country by storm. Whether it’s licensed growers, greenhouse companies, or even home gardeners, Marijuana has become a crop that people are paying attention to. Just to be clear, no one should be rushing out to invest in marijuana for their property without first understanding the rules and the expectations that come with these garden plants. Until the federal rules are truly set, growing marijuana in your back yard is illegal. There are medicinal licenses for home growers; however, you need to do the research to fully understand the laws governing pot growing. That said, this could all change by July 2018, as more provinces, states and countries around the world look to legalize the green weed. Much of this is due to the research being done on the benefits of this plant for pain management, epilepsy, glaucoma, chemotherapy side effects, anxiety, arthritis and diet. Marijuana is grown primarily for the THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) that is the psychoactive element in the plant that makes you ‘high’. The level of THC present in available varieties of plants has increased over the years through breeding programs, making today’s marijuana significantly stronger than plants of the 60’s…the boom of pot usage. Also present is CBD (cannabidol), which affects the brain without the high. Unfortunately, the cannabidol properties have been reduced through breeding programs designed to increase the THC levels.

Marijuana is a flowering plant that has both male and female sexed plants with the females producing the buds and seeds. It is treated like an annual in northern climates. These plants smell strong...really strong… like ‘Oh HELL NO!’ strong. Planting on a patio or in the backyard may piss off your neighbours because of the intense skunk-like funk of these budding plants. To grow these plants well, you need about 16 hours of sunlight a day. The increased sun encourages root and leaf growth that are important to the health of the plant but are not what most growers are looking for. The THC resides in the buds of the cannabis plant. The plant will set buds when light levels begin to drop. Through selective breeding programs, there are many strains of marijuana that are auto-flowering and will set flowers earlier in the season, even when the days are long.

“Cannabis is harvested when the white hair like pistils begin to look ‘rusty’. This orange colour is a sign that the buds have matured.”

54 I outdoorlifestylemagazine.com

When it comes to choosing plant strains, there are some terms you should be aware of. Sativa plants are tall and scraggly and prefer hot and moist conditions as they are commonly found in Mexico and southern Asia. These plants can grow between 8’ and 12’ tall, easily towering over everything else in the garden. Indica are shorter, bushier plants and better suited towards growing in colder and harsher climates. Don’t let their stature fool you, Indica plants are known for the strength of buzz from the THC. Both varieties need some special care when it comes to planting in the garden. The roots of these plants are very important. They need to be cared for with good, loose soil. They do not do well in heavy clay situations. When container planting, provide LOTS of space for heavy root development. Also ensure that your containers have adequate drainage. Marijuana plants need significant watering, however the roots are susceptible to drowning. Here are some simple tricks for growing healthy cannabis plants…

1 2 3

Mist them with a soluble solution high in Nitrogen. Beware of adding fertilizer to the soil to avoid root-burn. Damaging the roots of these plants definitely impacts bud production. Always start your plants from seeds. Many professional growers will use clones or cuttings for propagation, but this has to be done in a carefully controlled situation to prevent the genetic spread of weak strains.

Make sure to plant female seeds to ensure that you get buds. If you are purchasing your seeds from a reputable supplier, they are able to guarantee you some feminized seeds. If you are growing out some seeds from your neighbour, grow more than you think you need to ensure that you get at least one female plant.


Cannabis is harvested when the white hair-like pistils begin to look ‘rusty’. This orange colour is a sign that the buds have matured, however some growers prefer to harvest early and more frequently to test levels of THC present.


Cure your buds in a dark, dry place that has some airflow. The curing process will bring out a more mellow flavour, as the healthy bacteria will break down the sugars and chlorophyll. Pay attention though, you can over dry your bud, losing potency. Whatever your personal opinion of the efficacy of growing marijuana, this plant continues to be popping up all around us and like all of the other plants in the garden, knowledge is key. As the government has stated, the plant isn’t the problem, it’s how we use it. Many other garden specimens (like Castor beans, Rhubarb, Datura and Monkshood) have more ominous uses that we choose to over look. Maybe one day cannabis will be the same… just another herb in the kitchen garden.

Photography by Olivia Sari Goerlach



living district



hough she’s one of the world’s most highly regarded mixologists, Lauren Mote doesn’t much care for the term—she’d rather be called a bartender. “Everything else I do is important - the ingredients, the recipes, the program design, the training - but in the end it all comes down to handing a drink across the bar that will make someone happy.” For Mote, her job is about deftly combining physical surroundings, social interaction, ingredients, technique, and the psychology of food and drink. Mixology sounds like something you do in a lab—what she does is social, convivial, and hospitable. Back in 1999, Mote’s career as an artist of the cocktail didn’t look very different from what a million other young people do: she needed a job in high school, and found herself behind the taps at a sports bar. To begin with it was just a way to relieve the tensions of school—a change from books and classrooms. Not that Mote didn’t get on well in academia—she was a bright student fascinated by people, and her guidance counselor recommended a demanding university program in information systems and human behaviour. Not the usual background for a bartender, but she’s put it to good use. At the beginning of this century, Mote followed her elder brother into math and computer programming at George Brown College. Though she did well, it didn’t quite click, and after a year she moved on to the University of Waterloo and later the University of Toronto, studying languages and political science, especially international relations. There, she was getting into something more personally engaging. “I like understanding what makes people think and act the way they do—the surroundings that encourage one behaviour over another. I’m interested in how people

work, how they sit down and talk, what drives them.” By this time she was an expert bartender, and applied what she’d learned at school to that very particular environment. “The ingredients and drink chemistry are vital, of course, but it’s because social interactions are lubricated by drinks. Socializing is so often awkward, but alcohol reduces inhibition and helps people past points where conversation could get stuck. Plus, physically handling something, having something to fiddle with, takes away the tension of not knowing what to do with your hands. Beautiful food and drink steer conversation to a comfortable space, and give people something to talk about when inspiration fails for a moment.” Along the way, Mote found a superb partner in her husband Jonathan, a chef with whom she operates her business, Bittered Sling, making a range of unique cocktail bitters and selling them worldwide. She has gained notoriety as a sommelier, a judge of spirits and cocktails, and a writer and international ambassador of cocktail culture. Her list of awards is as long as your arm, and is still growing. As a consultant, Mote creates food and drink programs for hotels and bars across several continents—not just drink recipes, but food pairings, costing and oper-


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Photography by Aaron Aubrey

ational guidance, perhaps most crucially, the training that makes programs successful and profitable. Training, says Mote, is where her love of people finds its highest expression. She’s served as a mentor to some fifteen up-and-coming mixologists, some of whom are now respected instructors themselves. “That’s a great joy—the mutual loyalty, knowing that people would walk through fire for one another. It’s not a conductor role; it’s more about love and devotion to the craft. Most people in the business have something worth developing. You need to be confident and well adjusted to pass on what you know, and it’s so satisfying when a team really takes ownership of a program, and you see all your passion bear fruit.” “I’ve made a lot of incredible mistakes, and I’ve had incredible triumphs. Success for me is in the richness of one’s life, and right now I feel as though I have the richest life imaginable.” bitteredsling.com

Expat Booster Old World meets the tropics Johnnie Walker Black, Amaro + Cold Brew Espresso, Floral Black Tea + Banana, Western Haskap Bitters INGREDIENTS: 1.50 oz Johnnie Walker Black Blended Scotch Whisky 0.50 oz Giffard Banane du Brasil Liqueur 0.50 oz Amaro Lucano 2.00 oz Cold Brew Espresso 0.25 oz Black Tea Syrup 2 dashes Bittered Sling Western Haskap Bitters METHOD: Shake all ingredients together, and strain over fresh cubed & crushed ice in a Collins glass lined with a strip of banana leaf and one dehydrated citrus wheel.


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Photography by True North Records

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urray McLauchlan has been honing his skills as a musician for decades, writing and performing since his late teens. Born June 30, 1948, McLauchlan is best known for his Canadian hits Farmer’s Song, Down by the Henry Moore, On the Boulevard, and Whispering Rain. He has eighteen albums and eleven JUNO awards to his credit. His latest album, Love Can’t Tell Time, is a barebones, grassroots repertoire of originals and classic covers. “They are a great collection of songs I love to play when I have no other agenda than just to enjoy playing music,” he says. This is exactly how the album should be listened to as well. While living in Italy in 2013, McLauchlan rediscovered the joy of playing the guitar. “I started learning a whole new language and found, to my great joy, that I could play a lot of music I’d loved but wouldn’t have attempted before,” he confesses. “This is a simple record. I recorded it live off the floor. No artificial flavours or colours and no preservatives. Just me and my 1938 Hensell, one old tube mic, and Victor Bateman on the doghouse bass.” The violin parts of Drew Jurecka and the steel of Burke Carroll were mixed in later.


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Photography by Kevin Kelly

The lyrics reveal a very personal reflection of, not only his past, but the present and future as well. The new album opens with Pick Yourself Up. His voice and guitar playing are front and centre on each track. The tune was originally written for the film Swing Time (1936), and introduced by Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. It also served as the theme song for The Johnny Carson Show. On this new album there are a few other timeless tunes that he chose to cover, however he still considers them his songs as well. “I’ve made them my own. They’ve seen me through some dark times and helped me to see the clouds from the other side,” he confides. The Luckiest Guy is a tribute to McLauchlan’s wife Denise Donlon, who forged her own career in the entertainment industry. I’m Not Gonna Waste Another Minute of My Life is more or less what the title states…take the time to enjoy every minute of life we have here on this planet. “Of the songs I wrote or co-wrote, Love Just Can’t Tell Time and Little White Lies have a special place in my heart. They were co-written with my friend Alison Gordon, a take-no-prisoners gal who was a sportswriter, a novelist, and broadcaster. She passed away before I finished this record, but she lives on in these songs,” he reminisces. McLauchlan is also one-quarter of the mega-songwriter group, Lunch at Allen’s. With four CDs under their belts, they continue to sell out venues across Canada. The band consists of McLauchlan, Cindy Church, Marc Jordan and Ian Thomas. As individuals, they have penned hits for Chicago, Josh Groban, Bonnie Raitt, America, Santana, Cher, and Rod

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Stewart, just to name a few. McLauchlan has always been unabashedly passionate about Canada, and that great love collided with his love of aviation, when he piloted a circumnavigation of the entire country in 1986, from Atlantic to Pacific to Arctic, in a Cessna 185 floatplane. He was followed by a film crew, which resulted in the TV special Floating Over Canada. After reuniting with Doris McCarthy (a past art school teacher) and one of Canada’s great landscape painters, McLauchlan rediscovered his love for painting. He had a couple gallery showings last year, and sees painting as “an existential experience similar to music.” Recently one of Murray’s donated works was auctioned off to raise money for the Nature Conservancy. Some are also now hanging on the walls of EMI, and the home of Pamela Wallin.

They’ve seen me through some dark times and helped me to see the clouds from the other side In 2016, he was inducted into the Canadian Country Music Hall of Fame, and produced a concert called Voices that Care at the Glenn Gould Theatre in Toronto, a benefit for the Room 217 Foundation, a social enterprise dedicated to caring through music. Blue Rodeo’s Jim Cuddy, Molly Johnson and Corner Gas star Eric Peterson showed their support at this inaugural event. In May of this year, he produced a second edition featuring Margaret Atwood, Natalie MacMaster, and Donnell Leahy. This year McLauchlan turns 69…but age is only a number. “I’m going to hold onto that for as long as I can,” he chuckles. He toured Ontario earlier this year playing all of his classic tunes as well as his new material. Along with the upcoming Lunch at Allen’s dates, this only proves how dedicated he still is to playing music and entertaining fans…for many more years to come. murraymclauchlan.com


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TAKE US WITH YOU. outdoorlifestylemagazine.com

living district



nyone growing up in the 70’s remembers the apex of RV/camper culture. A time of Winnebagos and Airstreams that had its roots in the Bohemian counterculture of the sixties. A time of wanderlust and personal freedom set to a tableau of olive, orange and brown interiors, 8-tracks and shag carpet. Consumers are once again looking for experiences in their own land – and in doing so, they are re-discovering the open road and freedom to stay in places not readily accessible. Though there are a lot of 70’s RVs being retrofitted and making their way back on the road, ownership is still an expensive prospect. RVezy is a Canadian company making its mark as the Airbnb of RV and camper sharing – making the dream of RV travel vacations an affordable reality to renters, and a beneficial revenue stream for owners. Created by friends Mike McNaught and Will Thompson, RVezy is a platform that gives RV owners the chance to make money from their investment during down time, by connecting them to aspiring vacationers dreaming of taking that family vacation in a comfortable RV. An RV owner himself, McNaught rented out his own vehicle privately for several years. Though lucrative, there were difficulties in meeting qualified renters. From the renter’s side, there was the issue of insurance and they too, needed assurances on what they were renting. “I loved sharing my RV with others who shared my passion for travel. I found it a little stressful however, not knowing whether I was properly insured, or whether my renters were qualified drivers,” says McNaught. The barrier until now? Canada has never had an on-demand insurance product available for the RV sharing economy. RVezy however, has just secured a major insurance product insuring motorhomes and trailers rented from their platform, a first in the Canadian marketplace. “Proper insurance was our number one priority. We worked diligently with the same team that developed insurance for Uber, to ensure that the insurance provided to our users was built for Canadians by a Canadian company. Not all insurance products are created equally. A reliable and sustainable insurance relationship is what we provide to our users.” Another benefit to renters is cost. Renting from a fleet is expensive. Thompson explains that an RVezy rental can generally come in at 40% less than a rental company. “Private owners don’t have the same overhead as the traditional fleet rental option. Renters on RVezy. com typically save up to 40% from traditional options. What’s great is that owners will often include their personal items like BBQ, toys, linens - even an occasional case of beer for their renters - very Canadian!” There is a strong, friendly culture around the RVing community. RVers trade hacks, wave to one another on the open road – even Walmart supports RVs parking overnight in their lots (rules do apply). It is a genuine throwback to a friendlier time – and thanks to RVezy. com, it has never been more accessible or affordable to all.


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SPIRIT OF 150 VICTORIA Eleven days of free outdoor events in the city’s Inner Harbour, featuring over 100 cultural and musical performances, local food vendors, craft beer, cider, and soda. Programming includes National Aboriginal Day, La Celebration de la Francophonie, Canadian Multiculturalism Day, Youth Day, Folk Roots Day, and many more. The Main Stage on the Legislature Lawn will host local and nationally renowned talent, including headliners Tegan and Sara (June 30) and The Arkells (July 1). Canada Day will feature the Coast Capital Savings Living Flag, and culminate with a large-scale firework display. June 21 - July 1, 2017 spirit150victoria.ca



JACQUES CARTIER BRIDGE ILLUMINATION MONTREAL Montreal has double the reason to celebrate, as it’s also the city’s 375th birthday. One of the most anticipated projects is the illumination of the Jacques Cartier Bridge, with a massive installation of LED lights. They will be activated in real time by the human and natural connections that make up the pulse of the city, as well as the changing of the seasons. Lighting will be directed to four areas of the bridge’s steel superstructure: the turrets, piers, interior core, and exterior skin. The bridge will come to life at sunset, mark the new day at the stroke of midnight, and go into sleep mode at dusk. Throughout 2017 illuminationMTL.ca

BONAVISTA BIENNALE NEWFOUNDLAND The Bonavista Biennale is a visual art installation of 26 artists from across the country that stimulates exploration and imagination along a 50-km loop that takes visitors through picturesque towns, historic out ports and spectacular coastal landscape. “Art Encounters on the Edge” offers a wide variety of works presented in non-gallery sites. These include heritage buildings, a microbrewery, a church, an old schoolhouse, a café, a former salt fish plant, a root cellar, a beach and more. A map/guide is available on the website and at various locations, and admission is free unless otherwise noted. August 17 -September 17, 2017 bonavistabiennale.com

Canada is known for its unique community festivals, celebrating everything from culture to cannabis. Here are three that should be on your to-do list for 2017. 66 I outdoorlifestylemagazine.com

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hef Dan Megna, host and producer of Cable 14’s “Hamilton Eats”, is also the proprietor of Twisted Lemon Restaurant in Cayuga, Ontario, Lake Road restaurant in Hamilton, Ontario and runs his own catering company. As if that weren’t enough, he is also an instructor of private cooking classes. To say his schedule is demanding, is an understatement. “Life is too short to not get out there and be a part of it,” says Megna. “The only failure is not trying.” This extremely passionate and outgoing person had his sights set on an acting career after high school. To support himself, he took jobs in restaurants as a cook and found out that he had a real passion for creating incredible food! As a child, Megna had spent a great deal of time in the kitchen preparing food with the adults, mostly to escape his five younger sisters. It was here that he fell in love with the importance of food and how it brought people together in a shared experience. On a new trajectory, Megna earned his degree in Culinary Management from Humber College. He honed his culinary skills in some of the top restaurants in the Toronto area such as Mark McEwan’s North 44, the Rosewood Bistro, Oliver’s, and the Metropolitan Hotel. His life changed though, the night he met his wife, Laurie Lilliman, a fine dining server with an extensive resume in top restaurants around the world. “I’ll never forget the day she walked around the corner, as cliché as

that sounds,” gushed Megna, “because in that moment my entire future changed.” They say that behind every successful man is a great woman, which Megna would never dispute. It is Lilliman who is prominent in the “front of the house” with service and bar, while Megna toils away in the “back of house” creating his mouth-watering masterpieces. Together, they form a passionate partnership, sharing their love of food, service and family. In 2005, the couple decided to move out of the Greater Toronto Area, where they purchased an old church in the small town of Cayuga, Ontario, to raise their children in. While still commuting to Toronto and working full-time jobs, they began a catering business out of their home and began hosting private cooking classes. Eventually, they realized it was “now or never” if they wanted to realize their dream of owning and operating their own restaurant. They made the decision to build it in their own living room - the former 1400-square-foot congregation space of the old church. After getting approval from their residential neighbours and the city, Twisted Lemon Restaurant and Flavour Junkies was born, with the concept of “redefining dining” by taking the best elements of fine dining, food, beverage and service and placing it in a non-pretentious setting. Exceptional food and service, combined with locally sourced ingredients, has put Twisted


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Lemon on the map, winning the Hamilton Spectator’s Reader’s Choice Awards for several years running. Megna and Lilliman, expanded their growing empire in 2015, opening Lake Road Restaurant on trendy James Street in Hamilton, Ontario, offering a Mediterranean influenced menu with a modern twist… a little different than the classic French influenced menu of Twisted Lemon. With its much larger footprint of 4,000-square-feet, Lake Road could expand upon their wine, cocktail, and craft beer offerings, as well as provide live entertainment. The name Lake Road pays homage to his adopted city…it was the original name of what is now James Street. “It’s our love letter to the city,” said Megna. Megna also gives back to his adopted city by hosting and producing Cable 14’s Hamilton Eats, a program dedicated to highlighting the newly thriving restaurant movement in Hamilton, Ontario. It is here that he gets to share with the viewers his passion for food, and provide the much needed exposure to many up and coming restaurants in the area. As it turns out, his acting career is actually sort of happening! Megna is always pushing the envelope. For years the Twisted Lemon has been tending a garden, which supplies the two restaurants with fresh, organic produce. This summer Megna will kick it up a notch and design his recipes based on what is grown, rather than growing to supply his recipes. Also in the works is a Hāngi inspired dinner under the stars, which is a traditional New Zealand Māori method of cooking using heated rocks buried in a pit. Beside the pit will be a custom-built carving station, and lucky patrons can delight in this original and unique dining experience under the stars in the newly designed garden. Where does this high-energy, inspirational Chef see himself in ten years? “For me that is energy wasted. I live in the moment… evolution… that’s what I want to spend my energy on, constantly evolving.” When asked if he ever sleeps, Megna just lets out a hearty laugh. www.twistedlemon.ca | www.lakeroadrestaurant.ca

Blueberry Whiskey BBQ Sauce

Torched sea scallops with blueberry whiskey BBQ sauce. On panko crusted vine tomatoes

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INGREDIENTS: 1 Cup Forty Creek Whiskey 2 cups blueberries 1 tsp chopped garlic ½ cup wine vinegar/cider vinegar ¼ cup diced onion ¼ cup molasses ½ cup brown sugar ½ cup ketchup S+P to taste 1 tsp paprika 1 tsp chili powder 1 tsp onion powder Pinch cayenne to taste

METHOD: 1 Sweat diced onion with a little olive oil until clear 2. Add chopped garlic and blueberries 3 Stir in whiskey and flambé 4 Add ketchup 5 In a separate pan, warm vinegar, sugar and molasses 6 Stir in to blueberry mixture 7 Simmer for about 10-15 min and puree smooth 8 Add in remaining seasonings and adjust to your taste

HEALTHY NATURAL EFFECTIVE SKIN CARE Before we began to trust large corporations with our health…there was nature. When did we stop trusting nature? It has always held the secret to health. We love these products from Mela Bath… must haves for anyone spending any time out in the Canadian elements. Handmade, natural products with organic ingredients. Don’t we all deserve that?

lemon grass soap

lip balm

bath bomb


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British Columbia SMACK DAB








In the heart of British Columbia’s Okanagan Valley, you’ll find Kelowna. It’s home to breathtaking views, nature at your doorstep, and locals who embrace their little piece of paradise. All that Kelowna has to offer, comes together just off the beaten path, smack dab in front of Okanagan Lake, and smack dab in the middle of Manteo Resort Waterfront Hotel and Villas, and it’s there that you’ll find Smack DAB Lakeside Patio. Serving three meals daily, Smack DAB allows diners many choices. It’s an easy-going dining experience with a touch of wow, topped with unique flavours, and surrounded by natural ambiance. As General Manager, Heather Schroeter says, “The Smack DAB name and location are memorable and inviting. It’ll take you on your own lip smacking adventure as the casual dining experience envelops you with its stunning lakeside location.” Smack DAB is a place where you can relax and soak in the atmosphere, good food, and simply be yourself. “The food at smack DAB is made 100% from scratch. Whether it’s french fries, calamari, or pizza…nothing comes from a box. The menu leans towards an Italian palate and the kitchen goes above and beyond to ensure freshness. We’ll go that extra step to make sure your get what you want,” Schroeter continues. “If you require gluten free or vegetarian, the menu offers many choices. We want our guests, to

enjoy the entire experience at Smack DAB.” Smack DAB is also right smack dab in the middle of fruit producing country. “The unique and special tastes of the area are brought into the menu as often as possible”, boasts Schroeter. “Features include fragrant fruits like peaches, apricots and cherries.” The restaurant is family friendly, non-smoking, and the patio seats 166 comfortably. There are heaters to help shake the evening chill, and umbrellas to protect you from the hot sun. If it’s a glass of liquid relief you’re after, Smack DAB can help you there too. With one of Kelowna’s largest selections of craft beer sourced throughout the Pacific Northwest, the fivecount circular flight sampler is a popular choice with guests. For those who prefer wine, naturally, the BC wine sampler would be the best choice. The resort also hosts educational nights where registered guests can polish up their “tasting and pairing” skills. A special treat for guests often takes place on the lake, smack dab in front of them. Flying kite-surfers show up to take advantage of the winds and water. Their spectacular moves and athletic prowess can entertain a crowd for hours! The resort also has five designated boat slips, welcoming visitors who travel by water. Whether it’s to enjoy a cocktail on the patio, or a freshly sourced meal…have a seat and relax at a table, all are welcome.


living district CENT R






TORONTO, Ontario LIVE ORGANIC When Live Organic Food Bar opened in 2002, vegan culture was a relatively new phenomenon in Toronto. In those days, the burgeoning movement might have been dismissed as a hippie fad diet. The terms “raw” and “organic” had yet to reach the popular vernacular. Instagram was still years away from being the reliable source of close-cropped and heavily filtered food pics that it is today. Since 2017, the demand for natural meal options has increased exponentially, and Live continues to lead the way. The Live Organic Food brand currently consists of two downtown locations, as well as a factory kitchen that crafts products for more than 150 health retailers across Canada. Superstar siblings Jennifer and Christopher Italiano get all the credit for making Live Organic Food Bar a mainstay on the Toronto restaurant scene. Growing up in a household of Italian and Ukrainian influences, the appreciation for good food was alive and well. Jennifer in particular had developed the culinary skills and a passion for raw food that would lay the foundation for Live’s eclectic menu. Live is all about building that same sense of community. They don’t promote vegan elitism. That’s not their jam. Rather than putting their efforts into appeasing one particular niche, Live aims at appealing to a larger segment of the population. The focus here is on providing flavourful offerings using raw, organic, and gluten-free whole food ingredients. Plus, their foods are locally sourced whenever possible. That’s something all Torontonians, vegan or not, can get behind. Even the staunchest of meat eaters will find something to love among the nifty creations being served every day at Live Organic Food Bar. The Pulled Burdock Burrito is one of Live’s most popular dishes, combining burdock, kim chi, guacamole, and sweet potatoes in a brown rice tortilla. Also a favourite among patrons since its inception in 2002, is the Raw Combo sample platter. Perfect for first time visitors, the current incarnation of this constantly evolving meal-size medley includes jicama pierogies with crispy shallots, tostadas, and raw teriyaki noodles. When the warm weather rolls around, Live’s backyard patio is bustling. The 40-seat terrace is bright, colourful and, fittingly enough, lush with foliage and natural greenery. The Toronto landmark Casa Loma can be spotted in the distance, and a large graffiti mural provides patrons with a feast for the eyes. Live’s selection of cocktails, such as the Dark and Stormy and the Majic Margarita, make perfect patio companions. The overall theme is what Jennifer Italiano likes to describe as “bohemian urban chic.” It’s a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere, furthering the notion that Live’s dining experience is all about inclusion. Live Organic Food Bar is so much more than a vegan restaurant. It is a place where brilliant culinary creations are born, and where people with open minds and curious palettes can experience the art of natural food. 74 I outdoorlifestylemagazine.com

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living district



“Parents who have children that play hockey or figure skate, spend all of their free time at the arena. That’s why we MONTREAL, opened l’Enclave. Arena food doesn’t L’ENCLAVE have to – and probably shouldn’t – be just poutine and hot dogs. Why not make it enjoyable?” These are the words of Marc-André Plante, owner of the restaurant at the arena in Varennes, a town on the south shore of Montreal. The arena is an iconic gathering point for any small-town community in Canada, and Varennes is no exception. Its arena is busy all-year round. And if the inside of the restaurant is part sports-bar, part post-industrial design, then the patio is an all-Canadian forest rendition. Everything, including the tables and bar, has been crafted from wood. Can it get more Canadiana than this? Well, yes, it turns out that it can: the menu is a “greatest-hits” of North American contemporary food. “Our focus is freshness. We get our ingredients locally, as often as possible. Of course we sometimes have to buy certain things in bulk to get through the tough winter months. But when we can, we buy local”, says Plante. A long list of tartars crowns the menu. “We’re all about raw foods. We want to showcase the freshness of our ingredients, and there’s no better way to do so than by leaving them raw on the plate”, explains the owner. “And for people that aren’t as adventurous, our burgers are also amazing.” One specific item on the menu stands out… the fries. Fresh, never frozen potatoes are turned into golden brown, crispy goodness with a creamy centre. “Our chef has always refused to tell me how he does this. Which is fair enough! But I know, for a fact, that these are the best fries in town, hands down.” Mr Plante is the proprietor of several other bars and restaurants, mostly in Montreal (La Grenade, M. Smith, Huis Clos, Bar Inc.), and for him, as with all of his establishments, affordability is a key component to his success. “Montreal and the surrounding areas have something that other big cities don’t have: affordability. In town, you can show up with $20 and have a pint of beer and a very satisfying meal, and be comfortable while doing so. Pretty much anybody can afford to


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eat at l’Enclave. For us, that’s a point of pride.” A quick look at the website will convince anyone that what he says is true: the patio is elegant and spacious, the menu has plenty of options below $15, and for anyone who’d like to splurge, there’s a complete list of exotic rums sold by the glass. “For the couple who spends $50 or the family that spends $500 the service will be exactly the same, which is to say, to the best of our ability.” Arenas, hockey and a patio…pure Canada.



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The Colonial Line The Colonial line is generous in it’s proportions with an ultra relaxed look and feel. Settle into the deep love-seat/daybed for your morning coffee, an afternoon with your favourite book, or a glass of wine and the sunset! With teak wood construction this piece will weather naturally into a beautiful grayed patina. casualife.ca

Vintage Moroccan Floor Pouf Floor poufs can be used for multiple things throughout any indoor or outdoor space. Made from vintage rugs, these poufs are one of a kind. They are very casual and versatile, which makes them easy to use for floor seating, ottomans, coffee tables, or even a dog bed. The fun patterns, bright colors, and different textures from each unique rug adds a perfect punch of fun to any space. fleamarketfab.style.com

ZenShed The little building that could. Everybody has a need for his or her own quiet, personal space. ZenShed lets you explore just what your own Zen is. A place to meditate, read, paint, write, or work out. You decide‌and let ZenShed provide the setting. The possibilities are endless. zensheds.com

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MAN AND THE M OON ously worked with. A commonly used ritual for transmuting these energies is the fire ritual. In some cases, a piece of paper with a symbol or a written intention of what you would like to attract or release, is ceremoniously thrown into a fire and released into the universe… or holding your intention in your mind and blowing (it) into the fire also works. There are a plethora of tools one may use in a new moon ceremony. Smudging is one of the most common rituals used by our Original People and has been adopted by many Canadians looking at making changes in themselves and their surroundings. Burning white buffalo sage and Palo Santo can clear stagnate and negative energy, while sweet grass is burned to attract positive energy. A Paua shell, a wooden match and hawk feather add to the authenticity of this great, historical practice. Recently, scientists have confirmed the benefits of smudging and state that it actually clears pathogens (or negative energy) from the air. Drums, rattles and even your voice can be used in song, chanting, or mantras during any ritual. Your ritual will be a very personal choice. If your intentions are pure and your thoughts concise… do not be amazed when the things you asked for start to come to fruition.

ns tual clea ing and ene r g , spir y ual rit


ituals have been used throughout the ages to bring good fortune and prosperity. The Sun and the Moon play major roles in many rituals, as do the cycle of the seasons and their displacement of one another. We know that the 28-day Moon cycle directly affects every ocean, lake and stream…including the water within our body. The earth’s tides are much larger and more powerful at the time of a new moon due to the renewed energy produced by the Sun and Moon. This is a great time to manifest some positive energy into your life! Farmers who plant their crops during a new moon will experience a much more bountiful crop. This is the time when the Moon is in direct alignment with the Sun and there is a strong magnetic pull on the Earth. When there is a full moon, the Moon and the Sun are on opposite sides of the earth. This is a good time for releasing and letting go. We all know that during a full moon “the crazies come out.” Ask anyone who works in emergency services! Crazy things happen when our bodies are releasing (unconsciously and inharmoniously), what does not serve us well. This is where the term “lunatic” comes from. Rituals were created so that these energies could be identified, controlled and harmoni-


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n o k u Y The Thriving with Adventure and Natural Wonders By BRYEN DUNN – TORONTO, ON

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f you’re looking for an “off-the-grid” outdoor experience, then the Yukon is where it’s at. There are just over 35,000 people in the whole territory, with the majority living within the vicinity of the capital of Whitehorse. To put things in perspective, the population density of the Yukon is just one resident per 13km (8.1mi), so there’s plenty of room to navigate. There may not be much to see in terms of typical tourist attractions, but the beauty of the expansive landscape and outdoor adventure opportunities, is the ultimate bucket list check off. Many use Whitehorse as a starting point for their adventures, or a nice ending to some time spent roughing it in the wild. If you’re there during one of the many festivals that take place during your visit, then a couple nights might be warranted. There’s a thriving arts and music community, as well as plenty of recreational sporting events, and the locals are always proud to showcase their northern culture. Most people who opt to visit the Yukon are driven by their love of nature and the great outdoors. One of the major drawing points are the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis), which are at their prime in late summer/early fall. To witness this magical display of natural fireworks is a trip in itself. A visit would not be complete without seeing Mount Logan, Canada’s highest mountain, located within Kluane National Park. The upper peaks remain ice-capped all year round with a permanent glacial covering. There are ways to get up into the mountains and actually walk on one of the lower glacial reaches. The more adventurous will throw on some crampons and make the challenging trek even further upward. However, for a truly one-of-a-kind experience, both Icefield Discovery and Kluane Glacier Air Tours offer helicopter flights that will take you up and beyond, offering a birds eye view of one of nature’s most stunning phenomenon. The abundance of open trails for hiking and backcountry trekking, and rivers for canoeing and kayaking, make for an outdoor enthusiasts paradise. For a truly unique Yukon experience, venture out to the Tatshenshini River for some class 3 and 4 white-water rapids. Tatshenshini Expediting has been offering white-water rafting tours in the Yukon since 1982. While there’s plenty of opportunity to kick back

and enjoy the scenery, there are also times when you have to “dig” and “back paddle” to avoid going overboard. Even then, a good soaking is often inevitable. The lunchtime riverside stop with warm beverages and campfire heat helps remedy any accidental plunges. Travelling by vehicle some 500km along the near desolate Klondike Highway between Whitehorse and Dawson City is an experience like no other. Dawson City is best known as being the central point of the late 19th century Klondike Gold Rush, when the population totalled around 40,000 people… more than the current population of the whole territory. Today, there are less than 1,500 year-round residents, but during the summer months this picturesque town is teaming with life. Diamond Tooth Gerties Gambling Hall is Canada’s oldest casino, complete with nightly can-can floor shows that get more risqué as the night progresses. For those who dare, step into the Downtown Hotel and ask for Captain River Rat; then purchase a shot of Yukon Jack Whisky, pledge the ‘Sourtoe Oath’ while the Captain drops a dehydrated human toe into your shot, then chuck it back. Be sure to remember the most important rule: “You can drink it fast, you can drink it slow, but your lips have gotta touch the toe.” Since its inception, the club has acquired (by donation) over 10 toes, and over 100,000 people have taken the oath. When hunger hits, make sure to visit one of the many local eateries. Klondike Kates offers an amazing Sunday Brunch, prepared with local ingredients, such as Yukon-made herbs, produce, fish and more. The Drunken Goat Taverna brings the Mediterranean to Dawson City with Greek specialties and delicious platters for sharing. One the biggest attractions of the Yukon summer season is most definitely the Dawson City Music Festival. Since 1979 this event has grown from a weekend barbeque in a field, into the highlight of the Yukon summer. Entertainment is spread out over three days and six venues, with performances continuing amidst the setting midnight sun. The festival offers a small town vibe, with big name acts from across the country. It’s an opportunity to see 20+ bands for less than the price of one in most major city centres. The next DCMF happens July 21st to 23rd 2017. So what are you waiting for? Head to the far north for a truly Canadian adventure this year! Visit travelyukon.com

discover district



Throughout the ages, people have been intrigued by the beauty of crystals and gemstones. In ancient cultures, people wore crystals and gemstones as jewelry, but not only because of their dazzling beauty. Many believed that they contained healing properties. One prominent historical figure from the 12th century, writer, composer, herbalist and mystic, Hildegard Von Bingen, was famous for healing the sick with herbs, music (and yes), gemstones. Much of today’s crystal healing knowledge is derived from her extensive work. Quartz crystals are said to store, amplify and transmit energy, making them a wonderful tool for boosting positive emotions and for helping to enhance the healing process. It’s important to understand that crystals need to be energetically cleansed regularly to help keep their vibration high and to release any negative energy they’ve absorbed. The simplest way to cleanse a crystal is to leave it in a dish of dry sea salt for a few hours each day


Enhance motivation, energy and passion. If someone were feeling fatigued, it is believed that donning a piece of carnelian will boost energy, motivation and productivity. In ancient times, carnelian was placed at each corner of the bed before a lovers’ rendezvous to enhance libido and sensuality.


A reputation for releasing stress and tension, It’s believed that wearing amethyst jewelry will promote a state of relaxation. Holding a piece of amethyst to the forehead can also help soothe mental tension and alleviate stress headaches. Placing amethyst under the pillow encourages a good night’s sleep.



ROSE QUARTZ Reputed to be the crystal of love and romance. Worn as jewelry, it is said to boost the radiance and beauty of the wearer and to attract love. Gifted between lovers, it can help deepen their bond. And it can help heal the hearts of those scorned by a past lover.


Believed to boost confidence, joy, mental clarity, creativity and prosperity. Keeping a citrine crystal in a place of business can help attract customers and wealth. Wearing citrine jewelry is said to enhance confidence, joy and mental clarity and can help professionals shine. Citrine can also enhance the imagination, making it a great stone for artists.


Can increase vitality, longevity and good fortune and can help foster an enjoyable life. It is said that wearing Jade jewelry brings harmony to interactions with other people, making it a great stone to wear to meetings and social events. Wearing Jade daily can also promote a healthy, jovial state.

Disclaimer: crystal healing is not a substitute for allopathic medicine. If you have a health concern, always consult a physician. Crystal healing does not diagnose, treat or prescribe medications. To learn more about crystals and gemstones go to learncrystalhealing.com 82 I outdoorlifestylemagazine.com



Piece: Quartz Crystal - CELESTIA Orb

AGA AZRA Agnieszka Tarnawska (AGA AZRA) is a Toronto based self-taught artist who has been specializing in multidimensional sculptural dreamcatchers since 2001. Her art is her own personal evolution on the ancient tribal craft of dreamcatcher weaving. Inspired by Aboriginal tribal culture and the abundant beauty of Mother Earth, she continues to find new ways of presenting this Sacred Geometric weave to the world. Her triple-hoop designs have received international recognition since the viral launch of her Atom design in January 2016, while her first Orb was created in 2003. agaazra.com


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Piece: Round vase with “S” curved feet Carol Smeraldo creates one of a kind, gallery quality artwork handmade from porcelain, raku and stoneware clays in her lakeside studio in Nova Scotia. Smeraldo’s work showcases her exclusive combination of form, texture, technique and glaze. Educated at the Rhode Island School Of Design, Massachusetts College of Art and NSCAD University, she has received the first Nova Scotia Cultural Life Award and the Progress Club of Canada’s Women of Excellence Award in Arts and Culture. Smeraldo is designated as a Master Artisan, and she founded and directed the Halifax Studio School of Pottery and developed the school at Atlantic Pottery Supplies. Her work is included in public and private collections in Canada, USA, England and Japan including the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Mount St. Vincent University and New Brunswick Museum. Smeraldo has been a full time clay artist, sculptor and potter since 1971. smeraldopottery.com

Piece: Mandala Plates With degrees in philology (of Russian literature) and music education under her belt, Russian born painter, Tatiana Azaryeva now calls Toronto, Ontario, her home. Each piece of Azaryeva’s work is as unique as its creator. Her painting techniques (point to point) are admired by collectors world-wide. With intricate detail and a penchant for colour, her pieces seamlessly blend together a plethora of diverse cultures. craftazartat.etsy..com


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oronto’s Birds of Bellwoods play an interesting mix of folk and rock, combining lush harmonies, rustic melodies and haunting lyricism. The band was originally formed in 2014. Stevie Joffe (Mandolin/Lead Vocals) and Adrian Morningstar (Guitar/Vocals) have BRYEN TORONTO, knownBY each otherDUNN since– they were 9ON and 10 years old, when they worked together in a production of Peter Pan at the Elgin Theater. They reached out to Kintaro Akiyama (Upright Bass/Vocals), who had just returned from Montreal where he was studying upright bass. Within days of conception they stumbled upon Chris Blades (Banjo/Vocals), whom they met on a rowdy night out. Each member has a creative background, either in music, theater, or both. Joffe works regularly as an actor, and will be in the upcoming Netflix/CBC co-production of Alias Grace. Morningstar also started in acting and has performed with Canadian Stage and Soulpepper. He also worked briefly with Will Bowes (of Gold Complex), on a duo project called ‘Bowes/Morningstar’. Akiyama has been playing music his whole life, and has worked with a number of Canadian artists including River Tiber, Jesse Gold, Midnight Vesta, Half Mad Moon, and more. While Blades has both a music and theater background, he is classically trained in piano, trumpet, and voice, and his Toronto acting credits include Alex Poch-Goldin’s The Life of Jude and David Ferry’s collective theater heritage piece The Postman which premiered as part of the Pan Am Games cultural expo. The band is currently in the process of rebranding their sound and image. “After [our EP] ‘The Fifth’ came out, we evaluated the kind of shows we were playing and the future we envisioned for ourselves. We wanted our shows to be bigger, louder, and frankly sweatier. So a lot of the rebrand has to do with a transition from Folk aesthetics to Rock. The songs will be thicker, but more efficient. Empathy you can dance to, with a bit more focus on accessibility. Less button down, more throw down.” The band has toured across Canada but hasn’t played outside the country yet. That is likely to change with the release of their upcoming album, scheduled for a fall release date. “We’re recording our new album in Toronto, working with a young producer named Jack Emblem, who

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fans will also know as our current drummer. We hope to hit the road pretty hard after the album is released. We want to get to Europe for sure, and make a strong impression in the United States. We’re consistently at our best/worst when we’re touring and prefer it that way.” “There’s nothing better than a live show. Our energy has to meet and overpower the energy of hundreds, even thousands. Once you are on top of that wave it becomes an absolute addiction. People come from all over to forget about their issues, or at least move through them, and get lost with us for a while. When you deliver that successfully, it feels amazing, and everything gets a little less scary.” Follow them at birdsofbellwoods.com

Seriously Folks... Deciding what you are going to do with your outdoor living space is serious business – Just look at the serious face on this guy! Making such an investment can be confusing and overwhelming at the best of times. You want to get the most for the money you work so hard for. Hiring a Certified Landscape Designer and having a plan and budget will help you to move forward with no surprises and will certainly keep your blood pressure in check! Need some help determining what will work for your space? Just Ask Dave! He’s got this. Dave Maciulis is a certified landscape designer at Natural Landscape Group, public speaker and all ‘round landscape guru with more than 25 years of hands-on experience in the field.

For free landscaping advice


home grown




on Middleton wears the official West Coast uniform for a grey, drizzly spring afternoon; touque, hoodie, jeans, and running shoes. He orders organic tea as I sip on my locally-made, naturally-sweetened lavender lemonade, sitting on a bench carved out of reclaimed wood in one of Victoria’s most popular (and artsy) coffee houses, bordering the less touristy part of the Inner Harbour. Middleton is one half of the local folk band Jon & Roy, with their eighth album, The Road Ahead Is Golden, released just this May. “Why start a band?” I ask him first. I want to get a sense of his reasons for choosing the difficult path of artistic life, something I am also familiar with. “I remember just feeling a sense of elation and joy at listening to music as a child, and being drawn to play myself. Once you strum a chord, you just keep going.” The band’s folk style is also rooted in Jon’s childhood. “My dad used to play acoustic guitar when we went camping in the Rockies. He’d bring it out around the fire and play some songs for us. Acoustic guitar has that nostalgic, warm feeling to it.” Acoustic guitar around the camp fire is exactly how I would describe Jon & Roy’s music…warm and cozy, like a blanket of soothing sounds under which we can contemplate our lives or catch a shooting star in the night sky. I ask him about his relationship to the landscape and the outdoors. “Acoustic guitar is connected to the land, the people and the earth. It’s made out of wood, and you don’t need amplification or electricity to play it. When we first

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started out, we’d often just go to the beach and play. Roy and Lou (the band’s bassist) and I often go on hikes together.” If he could go camping anywhere in Canada, he would choose the Yukon: “I’ve been to the Yukon only one time, and it was very special. It’s so open, so vast.” Surprisingly, though, his early influences come from completely different directions, namely metal and rap. “It wasn’t until after high school that I started getting into people like Bob Dylan, and some of the old folk blues musicians all the way back to the 20s. I like the acoustic parts of metal, and I feel like there’s a lot of freedom in rap music. It still has an edge to it, with an ability to say what you want.” Jon & Roy have a few tour dates coming up, with three days at the Tall Tree Music Festival in Port Renfrew, BC, in late June, and a visit to Cornwall, UK, in early August. “Playing live is all about getting a feeling from the crowd, and it helps you get in the zone to perform well,” Middleton says. You can catch their upbeat, captivating tunes at a show, or listen to their new album around your campfire this summer, sipping on a local beer and breathing the clean forest air from which their music comes.


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Frankie Flowers loves...

FRANKIE FERRAGINE Bohemian chic – what does that mean? Bohemian is to be a free spirit, an artist, a writer, creative and a nonconformist. In the world of gardening, flowers of any kind are Bohemian just in their nature… however here are five of my favourite free flowing beauties in bloom!

Cosmos - Sonata Mixture

Cosmos are awesome! This annual produces silky daisy shaped flowers that abundantly bloom all summer long. A classic in the cottage garden, a perfect flower for a bridal bouquet and also attracts both bees and butterflies. My favourite is the Sonata Mix, a Bohemian blend of pastel pinks. They’re easy to grow, heat tolerant, low maintenance and one of the best preforming garden cosmos. Exposure: Full sun

Shasta Daisy - Becky Leucantheumu x superbum

A perennial, Shasta Daisy Becky is boho chic with large white flowers and bright yellow centers, held on strong stems that don’t need staking. Disease and insect resistant, with a long bloom time, this perennial is drought tolerant and a great selection for those who want to garden “care free”. It’s also a perfect cut flower that attracts butterflies. Exposure: Full sun


The perennial Sunflower (Helianthus) is a large group of sun-loving plants with bright yellow petals that radiate from a dark brown center. Unlike annual varieties, perennial sunflowers return and bloom for many years. Although the flowers are similar to annual sunflowers, the blooms tend to be smaller. Most perennial sunflowers begin blooming in late summer or early autumn, attracting butterflies and honeybees to the garden as late as November. Exposure: Full sun 92 I outdoorlifestylemagazine.com

discover district


kay…put down the tongs and step away from the grill. Have you ever stopped and wondered about North America’s obsession with barbecuing? I mean, it’s more than just a mad love affair, it’s a downright stalker-like situation of epic proportions! Barbecuing is more than just a meal…. it’s an event. Let’s state the obvious. We all love that it’s a great way to relax and enjoy time with family and friends. We love food and flavour, and the cocktails that go along with that. We enjoy spending time outdoors after a long, overbearing winter. There seems to be something more to it though. Like some sort of innate caveman-like pull to set something on fire and cook over it! After much research, I’d have to say it’s likely deeply imbedded in our DNA. However, there is some controversy over the “who, where, when and why” of the origins of barbecuing. Roasting meat over fire has been around since naked people lived in caves long before refrigeration and the use of smoke to preserve it. The word barbacoa, the Spanish interpretation of the word used by the Taino Indians of the Caribbean, was first recorded in 1526. As the story goes, the Taino Indians were using the sun and salt to cure their meat, but it would spoil and become infested with bugs. To avoid this waste, they would build a low burning, smoky fire, and place the meat on a rack above it. Problem solved! The smoke kept the flies at bay and in the process preserved the meat for a longer period of time. Perfect happenstance. Since then, we have seen the barbecue evolve in a variety of ways. Komodo style grill/smokers like The Big Green Egg use charcoal and produce smoky, flavourful foods, while the


more common natural gas grill fits perfectly into a busy lifestyle with options for quick grilling or slow roasting, however this option may lack the intense flavour that wood or charcoal produce. Well, it’s 2017 and the capabilities of todays ‘smart’ grill/smoker are mind blowing. One piece of equipment that uses a variety of cooking techniques to make any mediocre cook look like a seasoned Chef is the Memphis Grill. This thing is Wi-Fi enabled and has it’s own App! It grills, roasts, smokes and bakes. (Bet you’ve never baked bread on a barbecue!) The Intelligent Temperature Control system continuously measures the grills temperature and will add the wood pellets on its own, as needed. You don’t even have to do that!! And that’s just the tip of the iceburger (A little BBQ humour there.) Our forefathers have no idea what they started! I guess, as with everything in this world, grilling was bound to evolve. There are still some things about barbecuing that haven’t changed though. The gathering of our “tribe” to sit and enjoy age-old flavours, while sharing stories and laughing together, remains the same. Sending Dad out to “hunt” for the food looks slightly different now… just make sure he takes his reusable grocery bags along.


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comic relief


Whenever someone uses the term “Hipster”… it’s usually with an air of disgust. Phrases like “I don’t know about that bar, it’s full of Hipsters...” or “these Hipsters gentrified the neighbourhood and now our rent has gone up,” or even “that store reeked of Hipster,” are common expressions used to voice society’s distaste for these aloof creatures. Nobody really likes a Hipster, except another Hipster! Being a Hipster is worse than the “Nerd” of days gone by. At least Nerds make money! Most Hipsters make their money as apathetic baristas by day and occasionally make music at night (at least that’s what some very charitable humans would call it). Hipsters can be found in a variety of social situations within your community. Regardless of socio-economic status or education - the desire to look dirty and disheveled is universal for all Hipsters. How to spot a Hipster In an effort to rebel against their affluent and privileged upbringing, they dress head-to-toe in the finest thrift store threads because they come from families and circles too small to benefit from hand-me-downs. Amongst the genders, the men enjoy extraordinarily tight, slim fit jeans paired with plaid shirts and

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a beard and the women sometimes have a beard, and wear “mom jeans,” which is just the most unforgiving, unflattering cut of jean imaginable. It’s as if both genders are actively trying to reject sex and any sort of fun, for an arrogant asexual lifestyle. You’ll also smell a Hipster even before they enter your personal space. Some of them have gone full throttle and have chosen to make up for their lack of personality by not using deodorant or soap, or smiling. Hipsters can be found in overpriced coffee shops during the day and dive bars with no drink specials in the evenings. It’s almost as if they thrive on getting ripped off. Paying $7 for a soy-organic-free-range-chicken latte should come with a nugget of gold, but you’re lucky if you get the code to the wifi and an eye roll. Much like their hippie parents, we’ll see Hipsters fade away as the years pass and they grow up. The start-ups they’re working at will become successful corporations and they’ll have to take showers and buy suits, because no matter how successful you are, you can’t have a client meeting on a beanbag chair. We may still spot of few holding on to their 90’s grunge roots, the same way you still see some crunchy-granola hippies doing Tai Chi in the park or leaving a yoga class. But for the most part, they will outgrow their bad taste in clothing, personal hygiene and music in order to provide a better life for their children, who will ultimately reject them and fall victim to the next lifestyle trend…whatever disaster that may be.







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There’s a reason the world’s most respected chefs and BBQ pitmasters cook with wood: From high temperature searing to low-and-slow smoking, nothing enhances the flavour of your ingredients like 100% natural hardwoods pellets. Memphis Wood Fire Grills offer the latest in state-of-the-art technology and intelligent design. Our Memphis Mobile App (iOS and Android) ensures you can monitor and adjust your grill no matter where you are - at work, on the lake, or downstairs watching the game!

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ROSEHALL RUN VINEYARDS Hungry Point Unoaked Chardonnay

Medium bodied with bright citrusy aromas; flavours through the mid-palate are lemon zest, pear and peach with hints of grapefruit lingering on the finish. Superbly well balanced. rosehallrun.com




The backbone of this black cherry predominant wine comes from clone 115 of our oldest vines. A very elegant, complex fruit Pinot with hints of spice, a long creamy finish and a wonderful mid palate. longdog.ca






KARLO ESTATES Cabernet Franc

This luxurious County Cabernet Franc loves to be decanted and is rich in fruit and spice, it exhibits a nose of strawberry, deep plums and spicy sandalwood, mace and dark caramel. karloestates.com

An explosion of exotic papaya & honeydew fruits with tiny bubbles that dance on your tongue. This wine has fun written all over it, just like a Sandbanks summer. sandbankswinery.ca Â




Bright floral aromas with subtle fruit on the nose. Palate of complex fruit, lees and mineral notes. Subtle, mouth filling texture in balance with hallmark County acid. A classic cool-climate Pinot Gris. normanhardie.com


Permacon Permacon 8375 5 Sideroad, Milton, ON 1-800-265-0692 permacon.ca Oaks Landscape Supply 225 Wanless Drive, Brampton, ON 905-840-1011 oakspavers.com Unilock 287 Armstrong Ave, Georgetown, ON 416-646-9000 unilock.com Bestway Stone 8821 Weston Rd, Woodbridge, ON 416-747-0988 bestwaystone.com Fairway Building Supply 1624 Claybar Rd, Jerseyville, ON 905-648-9001 fairwaybuildingsupply.com Grand River Stone London/Fergus/ Kitchener/Stoney Creek 1-866-261-5548 grandriverstone.ca


Plantenance Landscape 114 Labrosse Ave, Pointe-Claire, QC 514-684-8235 plantenance.com Natural Landscape Group 115 King St W, Dundas, ON 905-627-1466 naturallandscapegroup.com Bos Landscaping 1 – 1 Killins St, Smithville, ON 905-957-1330 boslandscaping.com Meadowbrook Landscaping 5 – 461 Hwy 5 W, Dundas, ON 905-335-1294 meadowbrooklandscaping.ca

Artistic Landscapes 143 Concession 6 E, Millgrove, ON 905-529-5999 artisticlandscapes.ca Hardcore Renos GTA/Golden Horseshoe Contact via website hardcorerenos.com

STRUCTURES/SHADES Genesis Woodworks Ontario Locations 289-684-0790 genesiswoodworks.ca

ShadeTree Canopies 6317 Busch Blvd, Columbus, Ohio 1-800-894-3801 shadetreecanopies.com ZenSheds Canada Wide Ordering 613-545-1063 zensheds.com

ALL THINGS WATER Fox Pools & Spas Leisure Centre 5430 Harvester Rd, Burlington, ON 905-631-0837 foxpoolandspalc.ca

Spring Showers Irrigation 431 Ridge Rd W, Grimsby, ON 905-309-1618 springshowers.ca Revive It Power Washing & Restoration 5236 Dundas St. W., Suite 2, Toronto/Burlington, ON 905-208-4308 reviveit.ca Universal Misting Systems 80 Nashdene Rd-unit 89, Toronto, ON 416-292-6184 patiomisting.ca ClearDeck Systems Ltd. P.O. Box 28013 Windsor, ON 1-866-607-3325 cleardecksystems.com


Casualife 6 Shields Court, Unit 1, Markham, ON 905-475-8353 casualife.ca Steel City Palms 67 Berrisfield Cresent, Hamilton, ON 905-961-3095 steelcitypalms.com Warming Trends Linzel Distributing 417 Wynona Rd, Hamilton, ON 1-866-340-1999 linzel.ca Memphis Grill Linzel Distributing 417 Wynona Rd, Hamilton, ON 1-866-340-1999 linzel.ca Lechuza 6430 Kennedy Rd-Unit D, Mississauga, ON 905- 696-7529 lechuza.ca

INFRASTRUCTURE/ UTILITIES Eternal Security Residential/Commercial Canada Wide 226-208-7786

All Mechanical 243 Beach Rd, Hamilton, ON 905-549-5116 allmechanical.ca TechnoMetal Post PO Box 28, Campbellville, ON 905-854-7388 technometalpost.com Greenstrike/Maxtech Greenstrike/Maxtech 173 Roger St. Unit 3, Waterloo, ON 519-885-1213 green-strike.com


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the not so average joE

discover district

SUSAN VOGAN By Lori Sweezey - Dundas, ON


t’s always the people behind the scenes of any working situation that never get the pat on the back they deserve. Celebrating Canada’s 150th birthday with our special summer Boho issue seemed like a perfect time for OLM to recognize such a person. Susan Vogan was born and raised in Burlington, Ontario. She then settled in Waterdown, Ontario, where she and her husband Garth raised two wonderful children and their very sweet persistent puppy-child, Charlie. Vogan is a creative, over-organized, over-stressed, attention to detail, work-into-the-wee-hours-of-the-night, kind of woman, and that definitely shows up in her incredible work. Although she does do freelance design work, Outdoor Lifestyle Magazine is where her heart and her talents really get to soar. This magazine is like one of her children and that comes across very clearly in the incredible visual styling of the book. Every single page of this magazine is built from scratch…no templates for this girl! She has an eye for perfection…placement, colour, artistic value…all of these things are always present in her work. Vogan is always one step ahead in the game of trends. Her uncanny ability to know what the “next big thing” is, never ceases to amaze us. She is a self-starter, a self-educator, and probably her own worst critic. This magazine is what it is today because of all of the hard work and dedication that Vogan bleeds into it. Our whole team is exceptional, but she really has created the very polished and visually individual look of our fine magazine. These pages don’t create themselves! And OLM would like to show our gratitude by acknowledging all of Vogan’s hard work and dedication (behind the scenes) in creating a piece of work that every single Canadian can be proud of and interested in! Susan Vogan is a not so average Josephine, in a world full of mundane mediocrity.



Food: Guacamole Music: I have a bit of a crush on this bass player... Holiday: Any holiday spent with my 3 boys Beverage: Champagne Piece of clothing: Vintage Levi’s Time of day: Sunset COLOUR: Orange Place to travel: Honduras Hero/Mentor: Lillian Ellis PASTIME: Yoga, Reading & Design *see above


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1/2 cup fresh lime juice 1 cup silver tequila 1/2 cup Cointreau 1 bottle chilled champagne *you can salt the rim but I prefer it without

Photography by Kristi Brian na Boulton


1. Combine all ingredients in a large pitcher and stir well 2. Divide between flutes and enjoy!

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