The Anna Chromy Museum in the Garden of Conscience

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“I believe in Spinoza’s God, who reveals Himself in the lawful Harmony of the World. Albert Einstein The “Garden of Conscience” is conceived as a Spiritual Center, not related to any particular faith. It will radiate its harmonizing energy to the World through Anna Chromy’s Cloak of Conscience and her other Conscience Artworks. The Anna Chromy Foundation in The Hague, Netherlands has developed the concept in the form of a Theme Park for the new generations. It offers potential investors a great number of fiscal and other advantages, like a seat on the Board of Directors of the Foundation, which owns 500 artworks of Anna Chromy with an estimated value of 100 million Euro. The Entrance of the Garden will be emblazoned with the words “Know Thyself”, the words of the Delphic Oracle, which inspired Socrates to spend his life seeking knowledge and wisdom. The enclosed area of the Garden will embrace nature and appeal to all our senses. Next to the Entry will be the Visitors Center (information, ticket office, bookstore, guides, refreshments, licensed merchandise, and others). The Anna Chromy Museum with the large collection of her Conscience Art will be developed in different sections/pavilions as per attachment. The Museum will be the seat of the Anna Chromy Foundation, managing her intellectual and visual legacy and act as a research center for questions of conscience and empathy. The Plants in the Garden will be selected for their calming colors, like blue, violet, pink, green and white, colors, which will be repeated by the illumination at night. The Scents to be favored are Lavender, Lemon, Yasmine, Cinnamon, Peppermint and Pine, all known for their harmonizing and calming effects. These scents will be repeated by the dispensers, creating an overwhelming effect of “Essence of Conscience”. Herb Teas with a calming effect will complete the panoply. The Sound environment will underline the Conscience effect with Music alternating between Classic tunes like Messiaen’s “Le Reveil des Oiseaux” ou “Epode” in “Chromochromie”, Vangeli’s “Opera Sauvage”, Sati’s “Gymnopédie no. 1, Haendel’s “Water Music”, Massenet’s “Meditation”, Chopin’s “Nocturne no, 2” Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonate”, J.S. Bach’s “Prelude no. 1, and Songs for Peace, Love and Understanding, like Yoko Ono’s “Imagine Peace Project”, 2015 in Central Park, New York. The monumental Cloak with its lightly flowing folds in shining white marble at the Center of the Garden will be the physical image of Spiritual Harmony between Man, Nature and the Creator. Its interior is carved as a spiral elevating the visitor towards the sky. The rest and information stops on the spiral “Way of Conscience” leading to the Cloak will be furnished with benches and panels with copies of Anna Chromy’s “Chromatology” paintings, visualizing different aspects of Conscience. QRcodes will allow immediate access to explanatory texts via smartphone, making these stations the “Voice of Conscience”. The Garden will be the global Center of Conscience and connected by webcam to the smaller Cloaks installed all over the world. The Garden will have a high educational value, because it is the youth who has to be taught the values of peace, tolerance and compassion.

Copyright 2021 Anna Chromy. All rights reserved.

The Artworks as shown on will be regrouped in separate pavilions as follows - Monumental CLOAK OF CONSCIENCE and CONSCIENCE NET - Monumental Sculptures MYTHS OF THE MEDITERRANEAN - Large Sculptures MUSIC OF THE RIVERS - Large Sculptures REFUGEES - Large paintings CHROMATOLOGY - Paintings first period - Drawings, including the groups MADAME BUTTERFLY and TREE OF LIFE All presentations will be INTERACTIVE and EDUCATIONAL in stark contrast to the static presentations in traditional museums.

Monumental Cloak of Conscience The Cloak as the Global Center of the Conscience Network composed of medium-sized Cloaks in bronze and marble will be enveloped in suggestive lighting and conscience music. An interactive panel will portray the different works of the Conscience Net in their geographical location.

Myths of the Mediterranean Algarve was part of Ancient Greece and its Mythology. It is therefore a perfect home for the sculpture group “Myths of the Mediterranean”, even if it is located on the Atlantic coast and not in the Mediterranean. The group will be presented together with the preparatory drawings and maps of the locations where the historic events were taking place. Example Ulysses: He will be surrounded by maps of his voyages and drawings depicting the obstacles and adventures he encountered (see catalogue)

Music of the Rivers Each sculpture will have as its background photos and/or video clips taken from the actual river, accompanied by the music of the region and a conscience presentation of current problems linked to Climate Change and the Environment. As an example: The Amazon River originates in the Andean Mountains. It will therefore be accompanied by sounds like “El Condor Pasa” a.o. As it flows through Brazil the River encounters substantial problems with the destruction of the forest a.o., challenging our conscience (see catalogue)

Refugees A burning conscience and ethical problem of our times, which will be explained with maps of the main routes of fugitives in the world and their principal reasons.

Chromatology Paintings Each painting will be accompanied by its interpretational text in different languages and a conscience related presentation of current global events. A substantial part of the paintings treat similar themes as the sculptures of the Ancient Myth, like Love, Empathy, Ethics a.o, and can therefore very well be presented in a joint presentation with the Myth of the Mediterranean.

Paintings of the first period These works were created before Anna developed her Conscience Art and are therefore purely artistic decorative. They consist of the Museum collection and of works to be sold together with the table sculptures.

Drawings They will be presented together with the sculptures The two groups Madame Butterfly and Tree of Life deal with intrinsically ethic and conscience related questions.

Young people studying Architecture, Fine Art, and Philosophy will be invited in summer camps to contribute their creativity to the presentations and events of the different groups. The campus will also house the Anna Chromy Library and her Antiques collection, as well as the Conscience Music Academy. Copyright Anna Chromy Foundation 2021.

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