Design Guide for BoxPark Sushi

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Design Guide For

Table of Contents Brand Story......................................................................................... pg. 4 Mission Statement...................................................................... pg. 4 Vision.......................................................................................... pg. 4 Target Audience........................................................................ pg. 5 Persona.............................................................................. pg. 5 Demographics..................................................................... pg. 5 Psychographics.................................................................. pg. 6 Brand Personality....................................................................... pg. 6 Personality Traits.............................................................. pg. 6 Core Values........................................................................ pg. 6 Characteristics.................................................................. pg. 7 Do’s............................................................................ pg. 7 Don’ts......................................................................... pg. 7 Differentiation.................................................................... pg. 8 Voice................................................................................... pg. 9 Tone.................................................................................... pg. 9 Logo..................................................................................................... pg. 10 Do’s............................................................................................. pg. 10 Don’ts......................................................................................... pg. 11 Examples..................................................................................... pg. 11 Wordmark.................................................................................... pg. 12 Typography.......................................................................................... pg. 13 Heading........................................................................................ pg. 13 Subheading.................................................................................. pg. 14 Body............................................................................................. pg. 15 Rationale...................................................................................... pg. 16 Do’s..................................................................................... pg.16 Don’ts.................................................................................. pg. 16 Color Palette......................................................................................... pg. 17 Color Theory................................................................................. pg. 18 Imagery................................................................................................. pg. 19 Examples of Lighting.................................................................... pg. 19 Examples of Food......................................................................... pg. 20 Examples of Setting..................................................................... pg. 21 Examples of Outside..................................................................... pg. 22 Examples of Art............................................................................ pg. 23 Media Assets........................................................................................ pg. 24 Signage........................................................................................ pg.24 Pole Banner.................................................................................. pg. 25 Social Media.................................................................................. pg. 26 Unique Promotional 27

Brand Story BoxPark Sushi is a place that is open to everyone and it is important to give back to the East Side community. Within this guide there are the brand’s mission statement, vision, core values, target audience, and the brand’s personality.

Mission Statement Here at BoxPark Sushi, we strive to keep the history of East Side alive while creating a safe space for individuals to relax and get work done with a worthy meal. The community means family to BoxPark Sushi, each month BoxPark Sushi will donate a percentage of proceeds to an organization that the customers vote on for that month.

Vision BoxPark Sushi’s vision for the East Side community, is to bring everyone together as a family.


Brand Guide for BoxPark Sushi

Target Audience The target audience for BoxPark Sushi, is majority students but extends to individuals that are below the age of 40 and working. The average age range is between 20-40 years of age. Within the audience, individuals that open to learning, giving back, or want to make a difference. Below is a persona with demographics and psychographics.

Persona Demographics

Gender: Not Gender-Specific Age: 20-40 years Location: East Side Milwaukee Mobility: Vehicle, Public Transportation, Walking, or Bike Income: Lower Class — Middle Class Expenditures: Little tight on spending money Occupation: Student or White/Blue Collar Starting Class Education: High School — Masters Race: No Preference Religion: No Preference Marital Status: Not Married Brand Story


Family Status: No Kids, but family is important


Attitudes: Optimistic Opinions: Keep the earth clean, recycle. Lend help where it is needed Habits: Reading, Trying new restaurants, Relaxing, Hanging out with friends Personality Traits: Outgoing and Compassionate Lifestyle: Stay busy by keeping a schedule for habits

Personality Personality Traits • Extraversion • Openness • Agreeableness

Core Values • Passion • Loyalty • Honesty

• Optimism


Brand Guide for BoxPark Sushi

• Quality

Characteristics • Amicable • Benevolent • Innovative • Original


• Be good-nature and open arms • Have qualifiers for the organizations, be firm, but consider all organizations • Have ambient noise for relaxation • Have native decor and true to the origin of sushi


• Be overzealous of open arms, get away from rules and regulations • Be too strict or closed off • Loud music • Be to eccentric with the decor

Brand Story


Differentiation BoxPark Sushi is designed by combining an Café style with a casual dining set. Providing a worthy meal to individuals while they study, relax, or work.


• Free Wi-Fi • Lounge Area • History of Sushi • History of East Side • Casual dining mereged with a Café style • Donates to organizations in the East Side community


• Worthy Meal • Place to relax • Gain novelty • Place to gather • Experience the art life of East Side community • Experience the true orgin of sushi


Brand Guide for BoxPark Sushi

Voice Creative and imaginative but short to the point with simple and plain vocabulary.


Compassionate and devoted to the East Side community as a family.

Brand Story



Black & White Inverse

Black & White


The hue of the color logo can be change but only within a 30% value change. That is the same for saturations. Use black & white when the background is black.


Change the CMYK values of the logo. Change the colors layouts. Color 10

Brand Guide for BoxPark Sushi

Examples of Don’ ts

This is examples of changing the colors layout around.





Black & Red Bevel

Black & Blue Bevel

Black & Green Bevel

Black & Purple Bevel


Brand Guide for BoxPark Sushi

Typography Heading : Brake



Subheading : VDL - MegeMaru

ABCDEFG H I J K L M N OPQRSTU V W X Y Z abcdefg h i j kl m n o pqrstuv w x y z 14

Brand Guide for BoxPark Sushi

Body : Tempus Sans ITC

ABCDEFG H I J K L M N OPQRSTU VWXYZ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x yz Typgraphy



The heading font of Brake is strong and bold for the name. This also stays away from the traditional fonts for sushi places. Brake font is easy to read while maintaing the creativity of the brand. Subheading font of VDL- MegeMaru is simiular to the heading font even though they are not in the same family. The body font is Tempus Sans ITC and still has the cruvatures or rounded letters as the other two. Having rounded letters shows creativity and artistic ability and showing that the brand is friendly and approachable. With the characteristics of Amicable, Benevolent, and Innovative are being met by the letters being rounded for the creativity, friendly, and approachable.

Do’ s

• Use body when writing a statment that is more that three scentences long • Use the heading when the name of the brand is mention and is placed with itself • Subheading is creating an hierarcheies

Don’ ts

• Avoid cursive fonts, this states that the voice is elegant and graceful • Mix up the body fonts with other fonts


Brand Guide for BoxPark Sushi

Color Palette

CMYK 100,30,0,47 RGB 0,95,136

CMYK 80,0,100,47 RGB 27,136,0

CMYK 20,100,0,47 RGB 109,0,136

Color Palette

CMYK 0,70,100,47 RGB 136,41,0


Color Theory At BoxPark Sushi the personality traits are Extraversion, Agreeableness, Openess, and the values are Passion, Loyalty, Honesty. With the personality traits, go with the color blue, which is associated with peace, trust, security. With the values, go with the color purple, which is associated with wisdome, respect, and wealth. The other two colors in the color palette tie into the traits and the values of BoxPark Sushi. Red is associated with love, urgency, and youth. Green is associated with growth, nature, and luck. These are all positive color associations, but the same colors can have negative color associations. With the color palette with the different saturation of each color, stay away form the last three saturation choices. The darker saturated colors will give off negative associations.


Brand Guide for BoxPark Sushi

Imagery Examples of Imagery Lighting

The images above is about the ambenit lighting for BoxPark Sushi



Examples of Imagery Food


Brand Guide for BoxPark Sushi

Examples of Imagery Setting



Examples of Imagery Outside


Brand Guide for BoxPark Sushi

Examples of Imagery Art



Media Assets Signage


Brand Guide for BoxPark Sushi

Pole Banner

Media Assets


Social Media


Brand Guide for BoxPark Sushi

Unique Promotional Item

Media Assets


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