Kosel Ellul 5769

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Bnei B


This Year A Change for the Better!



‫בפיקוח‬ ‫ע יר‬

These days, our mourning for the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash mingles with apprehension for the rapidly approaching Days of Judgment. The summer, the heat, and the relaxed atmosphere belie the emotions roiling in every Jew’s heart at this time of year. The past years have not brought the longawaited geulah and the longer we wait, the more strident the symptoms of ikvesa demeshicha grow. The approaching Yamim Nora’im add a different, more serious dimension to our summer vacation. What kind of year awaits us? What type of events does it contain, what secrets does it hold? The word shana (year) shares a root with the word shinnui (change). Every year is different from those preceding it. Are the changes the approaching year holds good ones? Every Jew, wherever he may be, does his best to prepare himself for these all-important questions, but these confusing times leave us feeling helpless and vulnerable. How can we humble souls emerge victorious on Yom Hadin? When the Beis Hamikdash was in existence, we used to bring korbonos to atone for our sins and to bring us closer to our Father in Heaven. The Kohen

‫ני קופ‬

‫ם מר“ח אלול עד יום הכיפורים‬

‫ יו‬40

Gadol, with Hashem’s name adorning his forehead and the Shem Hameforash against his heart, would perform the holy avodah on the Yom Kippur and the red string would turn white… But the Beis Hamikdash has been destroyed and the avodah nullified. Only a remnant remains. A dear, precious remnant, one wall on the western side…the Kosel Hama’aravi. The entrance to Sha’arei Shamayim. The 40-day period between Rosh Chodesh Elul and Yom Kippur is an eis ratzon. Forty days during which Am Yisrael pours out its heart in prayer, hoping to merit “Salachti” on Yom Kippur. During these 40 days a talmid chacham will go to the Kosel Hama’aravi, the remnant of our Beis Hamikdash from where the Shechina does not budge, and pour his heart out in prayer – for you! For 40 days, a truly G-d fearing Torah scholar will go to the Kosel Hama’aravi.to mention your name and your special requests. 40 days at the Kosel. 40 days prior to Yom Hadin. 40 days in which to prepare for trial. Can we begin to estimate the power of this wondrous segulah? Each and every one of us can merit it. Does this not brook great hope for us?

at the Kosel repeat the opinion of the Gedolei Hador about the integrity and trustworthiness of Kupat Ha’ir. 3)The money is going for a cause endorsed wholeheartedly by the Gedolei Hador. Finally, when you want a talmid chaham to mention your name at the Kosel Hama’aravi for 40 consecutive days, you can rest assured that your wish is being fulfilled in the best way possible. True, it’s not like being there yourself, at the remnant of the Beis Hamikdash, opposite the open Gates of Heaven. But there’s no question that if you can’t be there, this option is second best.

The Kvittel for 40 Days at the Kosel Name and Mother’s Name_____________________ Request__________________________________ Name and Mother’s Name ____________________ Request _________________________________

What do you need to do? How do you arrange to have a talmid chacham daven for you at the Kosel for 40 days? 1.Write the name you want prayed for and the name of that person’s mother, (you can ask for up to three names per contribution) along with the request – in a clear and legible hand writing. 2. If you want the 40-day period to begin on a specific date, make a clear note of it. 3. Enclose a contribution of at least $120. 4. Mail to us in the enclosed envelope or give the contribution to one of the rabbonim who accepts contributions on behalf of Kupat Ha’ir. 5.You can make the request by phone (contribution will be executed via credit card) at the following number:


Name and Mother’s Name ___________________ Request _________________________________

A true, G-d fearing talmid chacham. Arranged through Kupat Ha’ir. opposite the Kisei Hakavod.

Forty days of

eis ratzon, At the Kosel.

Isn’t that the best thing that happened to you in a while?

40 Days at The Kosel It has long been known that davening at the Kosel Hama’aravi for 40 consecutive days is a powerful segulah for having one’s prayers answered. The Kosel Hama’aravi is, after all, a remnant of our Beis Hamikdash, and it is written that it directly faces the Kisei Hakavod. And it has been known since the times of Moshe Rabbeinu that 40 consecutive days of tefilah are a segulah for storming the gates of Heaven. The Kosel Hama’aravi – is there any place in the world that means more to a Yid than the Kosel? Is there any symbol that better expresses building and destruction, exquisite closeness and incomparable pain? It is precisely the combination of the two that creates the awesome power necessary to annul a gezar din.

The Fly in the Ointment But… everyone knows about the “but.” Unless you’re fortunate enough to live in Yerushalayim, 40 consecutive days at the Kosel is a faraway, impossible dream. Like every aspiration that’s difficult to achieve - this, too, created an opportunity for charlatans who try to make money off other people’s problems. “Contribute $X and a talmid chacham will daven for you at the Kosel for 40 consecutive days,” flyers pasted to the walls of bus stops proclaim. Who is the talmid chacham? Where does the money go? Who makes sure the right name is indeed mentioned, and for precisely forty days? What happens if the “talmid chacham” comes down with the flu one day and can’t make it to the Kosel? No one has the answers - and perhaps it’s better that way. There’s a reasonable chance the answers wouldn’t satisfy those asking the questions.

A New Vessel With Old Wine Kupat Ha’ir decided to do something about the situation. Like every project Kupat Ha’ir takes on, here, too no spur-of-themoment decisions were made. Much thought went into selecting the talmid chacham who would mention the names of contributors at the Kosel. It was only when the right person was found – a true ameil baTorah and yarei Shamayim – that we could go ahead with the project. A special computer program was developed for the purpose. Every name is entered in the appropriate slot and appears on the daily list for exactly 40 days. Every contributor receives confirmation that the name he or she submitted has been entered onto the list and is being mentioned in a talmid chacham’s prayers at the Kosel from Date X to date Y. During this period, contributors can easily verify how many of the forty days have passed and how many still remain. The talmid chacham receives an updated list every day to ensure no mistakes are made. Kupat Ha’ir’s responsibility to contributors necessitates meticulous planning and constant supervision in order to avoid such errors. That is why the decision was made to provide this zechus only for people contributing $120 or more - so that the cost of implementing this complex program not affect the families receiving assistance. And where does the money go? To the families of Kupat Ha’ir! This being the case, the ancient segulah is enhanced by three other powerful advantages: 1)The contributors are prayed for by a true talmid chacham. 2)The project is overseen by Kupat Ha’ir. There’s no need to

‫לﬤל מﬡן ﬢבעי‬ ,‘‫הננו בזה להעיד כי תלמיד חכם מופלג וירא ד‬

.“‫מתפלל מידי יום בכותל המערבי בשליחות ”קופת העיר‬ ‫הרב הנ“ל אומר פרקי תהילים רבים לזכותם של התורמים שביקשו‬ ,‫ במקום שלא זזה ממנו שכינה מעולם‬,‫להזכיר את שמותיהם ליד שריד בית מקדשנו‬ ,‫ולאחר מכן הינו מזכיר כל אחד מן השמות בצרוף למשאלתו המיוחדת‬ ‫וכל זאת –במשך ארבעים הימים עליהם התחייבה הקופה בפני התורמים‬ ‫מרדכי גרוס‬ ‫גאב“ד חניכי הישיבות ב“ב‬

‫יהודא סילמן‬ ‫ראב“ד בד“ץ מרן הגר“נ קרליץ שליט“א‬

‫שמואל אליעזר שטרן‬ ‫ראב“ד בד“ץ מרן הגר“ש הלוי וואזנר שליט“א‬

To Whom it May Concern: We hereby testify that a G-d fearing, outstanding Torah scholar

davens at the Kosel Ham’aravi every day as the messenger of Kupat Ha’ir. The aforementioned rav recites numerous chapters of Tehillim for the merit of the contributors who have asked to have their names mentioned at the remnant of our Beis Hamikdash, the place from where the Shechina never budges, and then he mentions each name along with its special request –all this for the entire forty-day period

Rabbi Mordechai Gross ‫גאב“ד חניכי הישיבות ב“ב‬

FOR DONATIONS BY CREDIT CARD Fill in form and send with the enclosed envelope

Rabbi Yehuda Silman ‫ראב“ד בד“ץ מרן הגר“נ קרליץ שליט“א‬

Rabbi Shmuel Eliezer Stern ‫ראב“ד בד“ץ מרן הגר“ש הלוי וואזנר שליט“א‬

I would like to donate to Kupat Ha'ir The sum of ................................................................................................. On a monthly basis, For.......................................... months One time donation .............................................................................. Credit card # ........................................................................................... Expiration date ...................................................................................... Name ................................................................................................................ Address ......................................................................................................... Tel ...................................................................................................................... Signature: ....................................................................................................

How do I donate to Kupat Hair? 1

Send your donation in the enclosed envelope.


Send your donation to the Rabbonim in your area (see list on Envelope).


Call the Tzeddakah Hotline (donation by credit card) at 1-866-221-9352 Fax # 718-972-8971


Send your donation to: Hagaon Harav Shmuel Berenbaum shlit"a 1795 East 7th Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11223


please make checks payable to: American Friends of Kupat Ha'ir 24 Hour hotline

For all information 1-800-233-2188 Our office number in Israel: 3-671-6994

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