pause Winter 2011 Issue
A magazine created by and for the students of Kingwood Park HS
trends and styles for 2011
Carnival of Hope the games
the fun the charity
Livestock Show
What are you doing for
What are YOU doing this summer?
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A new year to pause ... Welcome to the second edition of Kingwood Park’s magazine, Pause! We are excited to deliver another edition to the students and community. The feedback from the first edition was incredible! We are all proud to take part in a new tradition at Kingwood Park. Upon our arrival back to school, the staff and I have been hard at work to produce the new edition! We took all of the feedback into consideration and have been working to make the
new edition the best yet- lets just say we made it our New years resolution! With the new year, we ask that you take time to pause and reflect on your resolutions and decisions. Kick the bad habits and start fresh in the new year. Focus on making good choices a daily habit, be patient as they develop and don’t force yourself to commit to something you don’t enjoy. As spring break approaches I ask that you make good decisions. Pause and reflect over your actions and enjoy the time you are getting to spend
with your family and friends. Thanks for reading! We look forward to your feedback and hope you enjoy!
in this edition H2JoJo - Trip to Africa ...................6-7 Student Submissions........................8-9 Sports.............................................10-13 Prom Preview pg.4-5
Fine Arts........................................14-15 Spring Break Plans.............................16 Houston LS and Rodeo Preview.....17
Carnival of Hope pg.17
Horoscopes.........................................18 Reviews................................................19 KPARK FFA Review.........................20 Academic Team, Clubs......................21 Calendar of Events............................22
Prom Preview P
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rom night- the magical night of senior year that all high schoolers wait in anticipation for. A night filled with good friends, dancing, and priceless memories. As the time approaches, the hustle and bustle revolving around prom begins. The talk of a newly found ‘dream dress’, post-dance plans, and The senior models show off their attire in the finale of the Prom 2011 Fashion Show. group selections begin to fill the enough to where we won’t be in a expectation about their prom night. hallways. budget crunch,” senior class officer “Prom is going to be a night I will Prom 2011 is already underway. Ashley Caranza said. always remember! It is going to be The theme has been chosen, the While the class officers still have awesome to have a final night of fun venue has been booked, and funds to work out the prom 2011 details, so with friends before we all graduate,” have been raised. But, perhaps the does the student body. Many details senior Mandi Houseworth said. one question that is have yet to be decided Prom night is set for May 7 at on every ones mindabout prom A constant 8 p.m. Until that night comes, many what can we expect to battle between beach students scramble to make plans and see? house vs. lake house has anticipate a night of fun with their “Think Aladdin. arisen. friends. You should expect “I’d prefer a beach By: Katie Garrett to see dark, rich house, because more colors with draping people will be in Galveston everywhere and as opposed to being with possibly Arabian only your group on a lake,” castles,” senior senior Nicola Looney class officer Allie said. Uhrenholdt said. Girls have also become However, some more frantic to find their details are still up for Sam May12 and Jessica Eisterhold12 ‘dream dress’ as time counts debate. Ticket pricing strut their stuff. down. Many different styles and whether to have have approached the prom a sit down dinner or simply hors 2011 fashion scene leaving girls with d’oeuvres has yet to be decided. many more options to select from. “Unfortunately nothing regarding Everything from wild bold prints to food music and ticket pricing is set in simple one-shouldered dresses are stone. Ticket pricing will be fair but available in stores. However, girls seem base their dress choice on one thing- uniqueness. “I definitely want a dress that will be different and fun. Something that I feel no other girl will have,” senior Nausheen Merchant12 and Ryan Miller12 Liliana Hernandez said. strike a pose at the end of the runway. Despite the momentary chaos Senior boys ham it up after the fashon show. of planning the prom details, the student body seems to have a good 4 pause
BEST of BOTH WORLDS Can’t decide on a short or long dress? Get the best of both worlds in the short-to-long look.
5 WILD CHILD Show your wild side in any striking bold, exotic animal, or funky floral pattern.
Show off your feminine side with a tulle ball gown fit for a princess.
PERFECT Be the center of every photo with asymmetrical, draping or oneshouldered gowns.
Own the dance floor in any rhinestone studded stilletos or colorful platforms.
FINISHING TOUCHES Crystal hair peices and sparkling accents are sure to give you the finishing touch and complete any prom dress.
LUCIOUS and WAVY LOCKS A retro- inspired wavy up-do is idyllic for prom 2011.
8 DRAMATIC DETAILS Chunky and bold jewelry help to play up even the most simple prom dress.
6 9
FEMININE and FIERCE A figure-tight mermaid dress helps to show off your feminine curves while giving you an edgy, fierce look.
KEEPIN’ 10 IT CLASSIC The classic black and white tuxedo is sure to impress and turn any regular Joe into a grade A stud.
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I n the
Kingwood Park student Austin Chandler and teacher Gail Wright dive into a country hidden behind poverty, violence, and a new soccer stadium
yes worldwide have been The group delivered five JoJo Cans townships as we drove through them,” turned toward the country during the two weeks they were there. Chandler said. It’s kind of funny actually of South Africa the past “After we had the tanks put up, because we’re all taught not to take couple of years as the building and we put our ears to the side and it candy from strangers in big vans, and completion of Mbombela Stadium, was so cool to hear that thousand that’s essentially what we were doing.” the host stadium for the 2010 After successfully setting Fifa World Cup, was taking up each JoJo Can, the group place. However, now that the held a small award ceremony fans have gone home and at the receiving schools where the television crews have left, they were given an Honorary world interest has shifted away Eagle Award, a small from the country. KPARK American flag, and letters student Austin Chandler from students in America. and teacher Gail Wright Every school was extremely recently had the opportunity thankful for the kindness to visit the country now of the H2JoJo group. living in the shadow of “They thanked us with its $145,000,000 stadium. song, thanked us with Chandler and Wright traditional dance, and thanked ventured to South Africa us with smiles,” Wright said. with a group of 12 students While the group’s and teachers from the official mission was to Houston area on a mission provide the schools and to deliver clean water tanks children of South Africa to community schools with clean drinking water, throughout the country. The they soon realized the trip group was part of a movement was more importantly called “H2JoJo” whose slogan about the people. A few is “Quenching the thirst individual people shaped of South Africa Youth.”. the entire experience. For those of you who Chandler met a young H2JoJo volunteers pose with some local “learners” after successfully setting up are confused upon first a JoJo can. Contributed photos boy about his age named hearing the name of the Hudson, who was carrying philanthropic organization, a cinder blocks up his driveway. JoJo Can is a large tank used to hold gallons pouring in,” Wright said. After a conversation with Hudson, clean water. H2JoJo’s mission is to The group did much more than Chandler asked if there would be any replace old JoJo Cans or place new deliver tanks of water during their stay. way the two could stay in contact after ones at schools in need of clean water. “We gave lollipops to the kids in the he returned home. Much to his surprise, 6
and a wonderfully designed stadium, but in the millions of nameless people living just out of its reach. contributed photo
the conversation the man had with Chandler. He urged Chandler to take video and pictures of his home to show to people in America. Through the tongue of the translator, he told Chandler “to show people how we live and maybe they’ll want to help.” “That was the only negative thing he said the entire time I was with him,” Chandler said. Chandler also met a woman named Portia, who lived in the poorest community he visited. The community was located next to Mbombela Stadium, and was literally in the shadow of the fantastic new attraction. They discussed life after Nelson Mandela was elected President of South Africa. Portia said not much had changed. Roads were still messed up, and poverty still ran rampant through the country. So what exactly is the Chandler pauses to take a picture with the nameless man he met in the valley (far right) and his translator (far left). Contributed photo government of South Africa doing for its people? While the government seems to have left off. the $145,000,000 stadium was attracting While in one of the rural areas news teams, tourists, and die hard soccer of South Africa, miles away from any fans, a teenage boy named Hudson was village or township, the group was sent carrying cinder blocks up his driveway, to meet a man to see about providing an orphan named Terrance was eating him with a wheelchair. The man lived the food provided to him by a team in a valley near a family of refugees of gogos, a nameless man from Mozambique. He was paralyzed was sitting in the valley from the waist down, half blind, and he calls his home, and completely emaciated. His home was a woman named Portia the size of a closet, and was made from was observing the result sticks and a tarp. Inside the house was of her tax dollars from a small mattress, covered in the man’s the shadows in which belongings, as was the remaining space she lives. This is where inside the domain. He didn’t speak the heart of South Africa English, so a translator helped facilitate lies. Not in soccer games
There’s a whole country in desperate need of help living in the unforgiving shadow of Mbombela Stadium, but that doesn’t hinder the spirit of the South African people. “They all smile, no matter where they are,” Chandler said. Despite the poverty, disease, and starvation that seems to be consuming the country, the people still find a reasons to smile and continue on with their lives. “I was overcome by the beauty of the land, and most of all by the beauty of the people,” Wright said. “I could never have imagined how beautiful it was.” By: Hannah Smothers
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Hudson pulled out a cell phone and asked Chandler if he had a Facebook. “Through meeting Hudson, I got to see how modernization affects these people’s lives,” Chandler said, “yet they don’t live how we would expect people with technology to live.” The group met an orphan boy named Terrence while visiting a village high school. Orphans roamed the streets in many of the villages, their parents having fallen prey to a generation consumed by AIDS. However, the orphans aren’t left uncared for. Grandmothers, or gogos as they’re called in South Africa, within the villages and townships care for this parentless generation by providing them with feeding programs, picking up where
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n de
Submissions Submissions Art by: Century Shirley12
Live in the Moment Live for today and not tomorrow’s satisfaction. Don’t be caught up by the questions tomorrow might be askin’. I’m telling you this cuz’ tomorrow might not happen. So live in the moment cuz’ it just might be your last one.
Art by: Ben Sendukas10
--Kwame Jackson12
Cold, Lonely Memories You don’t think what you did was wrong. But every time you did it, I lost more faith in you. Look at me and look at you. We were great but then you changed. You snuck around behind my back. And told me I was your only one. But now I’m done with your stupid little games, When you left my heart in the cold lonely rain. Now I’m done with your lies and excuses, Telling me you love me once more. I rid myself of the memories of you and me, And never think of you again. -- Hannah Divine11 Cartoons by: Katie Plummer10 8
A Desperate Plea Sing to me your sweet torture I want to wallow in its sting Watching you Breathe precious life into An unfamiliar thing Bare and stranded I will stand Another night your eyes will toll Bleeding warm Faint memories that swarm In the shadow of your soul
Art by: Alli Bradshaw12
Hindered presence Haunted light How do I keep you through the night I’ll write my weary words upon your heart And pray Your sweet blood won’t wash them away
First Original Poem You ever hear the words love and trust? Do you know how it feels? Have you ever loved someone so much you can’t trust them even when you can? Or can you? When your heart breaks you taste the sweet tears run down your lips and feel them go down your neck...When my heart breaks I feel it bleeding...I smell the beautiful scent of what used to be... The blood runs through my body looking for a way out... We watch them go for others, while we sit in the shadows letting blood flow free... A shadow filled with their lies... Your broken dreams... and a soft beating heart... Don’t leave us in the dark. It will only make us want you more and more... A need for which you won’t live through. -- Alex Daniels10
No warm refuge will I find In your chilling breeze of breath These shivers Make my heartbeat quiver As you dance your dance of death Twisted beauty Tangled grace I strain to see your perfect face I’ll write my weary words upon your heart And pray Your sweet blood won’t wash them away Please cradle me to paper dreams Don’t let them tear at their paper seams Sing me lovely lullabies Stay with me until morning rise Frozen fire Flightless bird What lofty remains our song unheard I’ll write my weary words upon your heart And pray Your sweet blood won’t wash them away -- Hannah Smothers12
pause 9
Baseball Kpark baseball has gotten off
playing baseball on the same team
district championship on the line,
to a shaky start this season. Pitchers,
together for six
the pressure is on. With almost
Kyle Crabtree and Mac Bruno, were
consecutive years.
half of the team graduatng in
placed on Injured Reserve; leaving
“Its good to start
May, their dedication, passion,
the panthers with twelve acticve
a tradition, but
and skill will be missed greatly
players on their roster going into
even better to start
by their younger teammates.
the regular season. Seniors Kyle
it with a group
“Personally, I’m going to
Crabtree, Kwame Jackson, Mac
of your closest
miss the bus rides,” Bruno said.
Bruno, Sam Gee, and Sam May, also
known as the Fab-Five, have been
said . With a fourth
Every year there seem to be changes in teams and different
“That’s where we bond the
Josh Keller
each of us want to reach.”
for them,” Brittney Petroski
attitude teams also lose and gain
said. “ and Coach Fitzgerald,
softball team different
players and coaches
Coach Luis, and Coach Neal are
than the last?
creating a change
awesome. They push us to be the
in the team and its
best we can be.”
sports, but what makes this years
“We practice a lot harder,” Vikki Fridel
year and I would do anything
said. “I think this year
we all have a goal that
my this
Focused on the ball, relying on only
they can get. The Kingwood Park
words of wisdom to any one trying
yourself, and lining your body are
golf team this year has played their
to pursue their golf career. “You have
some of the few aspects that come
best in many tournaments,
to support the others or they
with playing golf. You are required
and offered a great year
won’t support you” Caroline
to have a lot of control along with
of laughs. Although it is
Dearman11 said. “That’s the
tons of confidence in yourself. The
mainly an individual sport,
only way to win as a team.”
game of golf is very different from
there are some traits that
other sports in the way that every
make it a team atmosphere.
player wants the lowest score that
The girl’s golf team offers a few
Men’s Soccer After a sad loss at the final game
get back to the state tournament.
really gel as a team.” Coach Jason
of the state tournament last year,
We have a great team this year, but
Watson said. Through all the hard
the men’s soccer team is coming
it’s still going to take a ton of work
work and dedication the guys are
back and striving to bring home
to get there.” Tyler Smith11 said.
working hard to make KPark proud.
the state title this season. With
The team is also working hard to be
a 10-4-2 record (as of 2/3/11)
undefeated in district and becoming
men’s soccer fights to keep their
district champs once again this year.
undefeated title and keep their first
“Things are really starting to come
place spot in district. “This season
together. We’ve battled injuries
we are hoping to play our best and
and illness, but we are starting to
Women’s Soccer
The panther soccer team came
learn what worked best for us.”
involves both one-on-one plays
into the year with many changes. In
“Soccer, simply put, is just
and team tactics. It’s exhausting,
transition to a new year, the team was
kicking a ball around,” Tori Brooks12
sometimes painful, but pretty much
introduced to new team members,
always exciting.”
a new coach, and a promising
coaching technique and new
“I enjoy being the head
teammates, the girls are turning out
coach,” Coach Jess White said.
a successful season and continue
“It is a continual learning process
said. “But when you get competition,
for both myself and the team as we
it turns into a strategy game that
Unlike other sports, wrestling is
“To prepare for an upcoming meet,
“There weren’t as many of us
I eat little to no food, drink no water
this year but we did well,” Sammy
a one on one contact sport, where six
to work hard to make regionals.
minutes are given
or as little as possible, and
Phillips12 said.
for defeat. With
run two to three miles in
Cody Shewmake and Will Lorenz
full sweats after practice,”
did so well at the regional meet that
Seagraves said.
they qualified for state and were
responsibility defeating
Although the team
able to take a trip to Austin. They
the responsibility of staying in their
was short a few athletes this year,
did a fantastic job in representing
weight class.
they managed to stay strong.
KPARK. pause 11
It has been an challenging,
Basketball boys can pull out another win, they
“black-outs” and tons of spirit.
intense, and incredibly exciting
will play the winner of the Galveston
Stay tuned as the boys continue
season for the Panther ballers so
Ball/Nederland Game on Saturday
fighting on the road to the Regional
If they win that game, then it’s on to
Championship and State Tourney.
With record of 12
T h e
wins ever for
Kingwood Park),
the boys
with their
new coach
tomorrow night,
March 4 in what will start the
S-T-A-T-E for yet another KPARK
Samuels, but fell in the District
Regional Tournament.
The game is scheduled to be
The crowd has had an obvious
played at the Katy Merrell If they
effect on the team with several
Go Panthers!
For a third straight year, the boys and girls swim teams captured the
Swimming and it cost the girls an opportunity
breast. The boys, lead by captains
to swim the event at state.
Brooks Powell and Chris Amoruso
District Title. With that under their
On February 18-19, both teams
dominated in most every event
belt, they headed to the Regional meet,
headed to Austin to compete at the
pulling out their third consecutive
held at Conroe ISD Natatorium.
state level once again. The girls 200
state win.
The boys were victorious again and
medley relay qualified as did Savanna
“We did it for our buddy Joseph
the girls brought home the second
Golson in the 50 free and 100
(Stanton),” Amoruso said. “After
place trophy. During the
all he had done in
girls 200 Free relay, there
previous years to help
was a call made by an
us win, it was the least
official disqualifying the
we could do to pull
event; however, it was
out a win for him.”
clear that a safe take-off was made. There was no over-rule by the judges
Track & Field The expectations are higher
level, and will both be running for
She will be able to pursue her
than ever for the Kpark track and
Xavier University of Louisiana this
dream of being a dentist and her
field programs. Seniors Nick Rollo,
Fall. Z. Jackson will be graduating
family is only five minutes away.
and Ian Ebow are two returning
one year early inorder to move on
Even though track and field is in
to college with her older brother.
many ways and individual sport, every
championshp 4x4 team. Rollo said...
runner, hurdler, or jumper has to do
“we did pretty good last year but this
decision, and I am excited to be
their best to get the most possible
year we will be even better.” Senior
going to college ,” Jackson said.
points to add for a team score.
Marium Amadu is the defending
best part of being on
State Champion in the 300 hurdles,
the team is the camaraderie and
and plans on pursuing her running
support you get from everyone,”
career at Texas A&M University.
Sibilings Kwame and Zahri Jackson will also be moving on to the next
Mariam Amadu12
Zahri Jackson11
pause 13
FineArts BAND
Spring Break is almost here. What have the Fine Arts classes been up to lately?
With football season over
Orchestra has quite a few big
With Follies over and the new
the band is focusing on UIL
contests and concert’s coming up
semester in full swing, the fine
competitions and concerts. They
both before and after Spring Break.
arts department is buzzing with
just went to Solo and Ensemble
On March 10th the Kingwood Park
so many things to do. “We are
Contest on February 26th in
Orchestra will be having their UIL
doing our completion season now,”
Pasadena which every student
Organization Contest. “The full
Cyndi Vaughn, Silver Star Coach,
either played a solo or was part of
orchestra will combine with some
said. “We’ll be practicing every day
a small ensemble. The students that
students from the band to form a
from three to five.” Their national
ranked well there will go to state in
symphony orchestra,” Mr. Michael
competition will be the weekend
May. The percussion section gave a
Astwood, Orchestra Director said.
before Spring Break. The Silver Stars
special performance the Friday prior
Then about two weeks after Spring
have worked very hard to our half
to Solo and Ensemble in downtown
Break Summer Creek High School
time shows and pep rallies a lot of
Houston. After Spring Break they
will be hosting the String Orchestra
fun. They will continue to entertain
get into their sight reading contest
UIL Contest, and then the orchestra
us throughout the rest of the year
and their annual band trip in April
will be wrapping up the year with
with events such as Spectrum, the
to Dallas. The Band will be hosting
their Spring Concert. Thoughts
recent dodge ball tournament. “We
one final concert on May 20th in
about next year? “There is a large
will be working toward tryouts for
the auditorium just before the band
8th grade class this year so we are
next year,” Ms. Vaughn said. To all
banquet and they will finish out
expecting a great freshman class,”
of the future Silver Stars we wish
the year by playing at graduation at
Mr. Astwood said.
you the best of luck.
Reliant Stadium. “It’s almost never ending for those students that march,” Mr. Neilson said, “they end one season and start the next.’
By: Hannah Divine
Orchestra pause 15
Spring Break What are your plans?
Who would you want to spend it with?
Kyle Freeman11
I will be spending the whole week with my girlfriend’s family in Surfside.
Mitchell Hinson
Gabe Williams12 12
Hitting the slopes in Colorado to go snowboarding.
My bestest best friend buddy pal, Jack Balog, because I love him. Bromance.
Ashley Dix9
Kyle and my brother because I miss my brother now that he is in colllege and Kyle is my best friend.
David Zinsitz12
Nothing special, just what every good senior does; procrastinate on filling out applications and scholarships and generally avoid work like the plague.
What is your favorite spring break memory?
Where would your dream destination be?
Stephanie Sullivan10
Paris to see the Eiffel Tower and do lots of shopping!
Eli Embrey10
I would go to Germany to tour the BMW and Mercedez car plants. Tyler Croskey9
The time I went to Galveston on Saint Patrick’s Day, my whole family dressed in green, from head to toe.
Chance Campbell11
The year I went to a beach house in Florida for the week.
By: Christina Watson 16
Haley Elsenbrock12
I would travel to Greece to visit all of the islands and see the beautiful architecture
of l a v i n Car HOPE
For most students, the Carnival of Hope is merely a nice break from the humdrum routine of advisory. It’s an hour of games, free food, and hanging out with friends during the school day. However, for those involved with Panthers Helping Panthers, Carnival of Hope means far more than a package of Pop Tarts and a game of Twister. “Panthers Helping Panthers is KPARK’s fund to help students who don’t have electricity, food, or the financial means to pay for simple living expenses,” Caitlin Orman, Student Council delegate, said. “It basically benefits any student on campus who’s going through a hard time
ll an sti You c ase purch ttons m bu custo 1 by for $ g room n i t i s i v 1614!
financially.” Although there are those who may not realize it, many students at KPARK have a substantial needs financially. However, the society we live in places such a heavy emphasis on the importance of outward appearances that it’s impossible to Abbey Samford11 bites down on her “bait”-- a delicious chocolate donut, as know when one of your StuCo members go fishing for KPARK students from atop the stairs. fellow Panthers may be past years, but this year it was more of a going through a difficult time. This only celebration of what we as a school have makes an already trying time even more done to help each other out. difficult for those affected. “Once everyone has bought their “Even though we live in Kingwood, buttons and done their part, the whole there are still people on this campus school gets to come together to who don’t always have the ability to commemorate the progress we’ve made make ends meet,” Orman said. for Panthers Helping Panthers,” Orman So how can we help? said. “Panthers Helping Panthers All in all, Carnival of Hope is exactly holds several fund raisers what it sounds like: a celebration of throughout the year, and in the past how far we’ve come and the hope our most of our money has come from school is able to give to those who need button sales. However, this year most it most. Here at KPARK, no Panther is of our money came from donations ever left behind. made my KPARK clubs and parents,” By: Hannah Smothers Orman said. Carnival of Hope has been a fund raiser for Panthers Helping Panthers in
Coach Sawyer was among the few teachers brave enough the step behind the pie booth. Carnival of Hope allows students to pie some of their favorite teachers, all for a good cause of course.
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Horoscopes Aquarius Someone get a horrible fake tan? Don’t poke fun about how they resemble a Dorito. Treat them how you’d want to be treated if you were a funny orange color.
Taurus Slow down and try not to over work yourself. It is possible to be doing way too many things at once.
Aries Reconnect with your friends. Try to have as much fun as possible while getting to know each other better.
Pisces Is school work getting you down? Take a quick break and do something you’ve been putting off.
Got big plans? Make
You have worthwhile things to say. Just speak up so everyone can hear you.
sure you check and see if they’re okay before executing them.
Drama is on the rise! Sit back and watch it unfold. Getting yourself into it is bad news waiting to happen.
You may have to step up to the plate and be a leader. You may be surprised how well of a fit it is for you.
Scorpio You may become
Leo A friend may need your input on a situation. Your input could make or break it.
Don’t know your sign?
smitten with some-
Aquarius-- Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Gemini--May 21- Jun. 21 Libra-- Sep. 23- Oct. 23 Pices-- Feb. 19- Mar. 20
one so much that it
Follow your heart. It might not seem right but in the end it’ll get you where you need to be.
starts to be obsessive.
Friendship clashes are normal. It’s your choice how far they go, though.
Cancer-- Jun. 22- Jul. 22 Scorpio-- Oct. 24- Nov. 21 Aries-- Mar. 21- Apr. 19 Leo-- Jul. 23- Aug. 22
Remember: no one wants a stalker.
Sagittarius-- Nov. 22- Dec. 21 Taurus--Apr. 20-May 20 Virgo-- Aug. 23- Sep. 22 Capricorn-- Dec. 22- Jan. 19
2011 Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Janet Jackson Friday, Mar 4
Billy Currrington Saturday, Mar 5
Selena GomezSunday, Mar 6
Tim McGraw Monday, Mar 7
Keith Urban Tuesday, Mar 8
Wednesday, Mar 9
Martina McBride
Rascall Flatts Lady Antebellum Thursday, Mar 10 Friday, Mar 11
Gary Allan Saturday, Mar 12
Hispanic Heritage Sunday, Mar 13
Kid Rock Monday, Mar 14
La Leyenda Sunday, Mar 13
KISS Miranda Lambert Zac Brown Band Tuesday, Mar 15 Wednesday, Mar 16 Thursday, Mar 17
Alan Jackson Friday, March 18
Brad Paisley Saturday, Mar 19
Jason Aldean Sunday, Mar20
The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo is always a guaranteed great time, but it is more than just bull riding and calf roping; it’s a Houston tradition. Country stars come from near and far, and people flock to watch them perform. Big artists like Martina McBride, Tim McGraw, Brad Paisley, Keith Urban, and more perform. Since the show started in 1932, organizers have added a variety of new performances to appeal to new audiences. For instance, performers such as KISS, Kid Rock, and Selena Gomez will sing live to crowds of over 70,000. There has also been the addition of Hispanic Heritage Day, which focuses on a Tex-Mex sound. Along with the great musical performances, are the usual rodeo events such as barrel racing, stagecoach races, and the calf scramble. Added two years ago, and now a crowd favorite, is mutton-bustin’. This event involves children riding sheep for as long as possible before falling onto the rodeo arena floor. For all you shoppers out there, there are plenty of booths full of country western attire, artwork, and household items. All types of food can be found from traditional BBQ to fine cuisine, and if boots and buckles aren’t really your thing, head on over to one of the world’s largest carnivals. Tickets to the carnival and livestock show arena are just $7 and ickets to the rodeo start at just $18. There is something for everyone, so make your way over and make some memories at this year’s HLSR. pause 19
FFA rounds up livestock show
photo by: Angela Theis
could be involved in a service and leadership organization, and raise animals at the same time,” Nick Clifford12 said. Nick is the President of this chapter, and has been in FFA for all 4 years in high school. “I plan to major in agribusiness and animal science when I go to college. I really want to have a career in agriculture.” 20
the event. “I’ve always had luck at the Houston Steer Show. “I have two steers this year, and I’m excited to show them off,” Calfee said. By: Britta Erickson
Morgan Stearns11 shows her pig during the Humble Livestock Show and Rodeo. Stearns won the Showmanship Award during the Swine Show and was awarded a belt buckle. “It was my first belt buckle I won and I was honored,” Stearns said. photo by: Britta Erickson
Allen Calfee12 and Jessica Wright12 talk about steers in their segment of “Meet the Animals.”
Clifford said. Rachel Ortego12 joined FFA because of tradition. “It’s something my whole family has done, and I wanted to get leadership experiences while also enjoying time with my friends,” Ortego said. She also wants to have a career in agriculture. “I don’t know for sure what I want to do because agriculture is so diverse, but I know that I want go to A&M.” FFA also volunteers to the community, with fun events like Meet the Animals, Santa’s Farm, and Special Kids day. “Special Kids day is my favorite event! It is a very moving and fun day. It’s something most special kids wouldn’t see on a daily basis,” Haley Staggs9 said. Kingwood Park FFA just recently went to show at the Humble Livestock Show and Rodeo, and everyone seemed to have had a lot of fun. Karli Harrof10 did extremely well while showing her pig. “I placed third with my pig. Overall, and I was so happy!” Harrof said. Another member of FFA also did well at show. Morgan Stearns12 won the Showmanship award. “It was an honor, and I’m glad that my hard work paid off.” Another big event on the FFA calendar is the Houston Livestock Show. Allen Calfee12, among others, get really excited for
photo by: Britta Erickson
FFA is only one organization from Kingwood Park, but they are a big one. Most raise animals, broaden their agricultural knowledge, and build friendships along the way. “I feel like I’m not just part of an organization, but also an important part of the huge family that FFA is,” Taylor Zochert11 said. People join FFA for many reasons, some for the agricultural education, and others for the animals and friendships. “I joined FFA so I
Organization takes 3 Grand Champions, 2 Reserves and 21 other awards at Humble Show in February
Esprit Williams12 shows off her steer at the Humble Livestock Show and Rodeo.
Clubs provide opportunties There are many clubs at Kingwood Park, some being for serious matters, others for pure fun. One of the clubs on campus is FCA, Fellowship of
room, 1615. If you like to learn about so many opportunities to imrpove new styles of Art and culture in Japan, leadership skills, make new across like making new friends, and enjoy a Texas and Oklahoma at different good time, this is the right club for you. Ask Austin Tennison11 for more details. Invisible Children is a great club to get involved in to help others across the world. “I was inspired Christian Athletes. David Terry11 is by the roadies when they came my one of the many members of this freshman year, and it’s a really fun club and enjoys every minute of it. “I joined this club because I wanted to be around other Christian believers conferences, and make a real impact who love God, and so we could by serving your community,” Angela tesam up and grow in faith with each Morisette12 said. other. You should really consider Theatre is a very well known club joining this club if you want to grow on campus, and is a great way to make in your faith and make an impact on new friends. our school through Christ.” “I think that what makes this If you like to help people and have club worth while is that you get fun at the same time, Best Buddies environment,” Jamie Eley10 said. They to bond and see plays together, is the club for you. Best Buddies is sell donuts in the commons every there is tons of networking, and it’s Thursday morning, and are having a intertnationally recognized,” Chris concert in April. Ringeisen12 said. Ask Mrs. Kaste for Have a passion for fashion? Join more information. the FIDM Fashion Club. They are The Academic Team is one of planning a trip to Los Angeles over the other many clubs at Kingwood Spring break to see a debut fashion Park. “I decided to join this club show at FIDM. They meet every because it sounded like a fun activity Wednesday after school in room to do within the school and it looks 2102, and have fun with hands on great on my college transcript. It’s a sponsoring the Festival of Friendship activities. Talk to Rachaele Johnson great way to display your smarts in a at the University of St. Thomas on for more information. competitive place.” Micah Edwards12 April 30th. Key Club is one of the biggest said. The Anime Club meets every clubs on campus, and helps serve Thursday after school in Mrs. Speigel’s the community. “Key Club opens By: Britta Erickson pause 21
Calendar of Events Nati
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11: Boy’s Soccer vs. North Brook 5-7 PM Red Riding Hood in theaters
1: JV Baseball vs. Huntsville 6:30PM April Fools Day
12: Blue Man Group at Jones Hall
3: Find-a-Rainbow Day
14-18: Spring Break
8: Born to Be Wild in theaters 9: Girl’s Soccer Regional Finals at Turner NFL Congressional Debate District at Cypress Falls HS 10: National Sibling Day 15: Scream 4 in theaters
15: Ides of March Girl’s Soccer vs. Pearland Dawson 5-7 PM 17: St. Patrick’s Day 18: Beastly in theaters Rockets at the Toyota Center
15-16: UIL Academic Team Regionals at SHSU
19: National Quilting Day
20: Senior Picnic National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day 22: Good Friday Holiday Earth Day 23: Home Run Day
21: First day of Spring 22:National Goof Off Day National Sing-Out Day 26: UIL Acedemic Team District at Huntsville HS 28: Something on a Stick Day 29: Roscoe Dash CD release of Ready, Set, Go!
to M l Pho
24: Easter 26: 10th grade Math TAKS Meg Cabot’s Abandon book release 27: 11th grade Exit Level Math 28: 9th grade Math TAKS 10th grade Science TAKS 11th grade Exit Level Science 29: Varsity Baseball vs. Huntsville 6 PM 10th grade Social Studies TAKS 11th grade Exit Level Social Studies 30: National Honesty Day
1: May Day 2: Holocaust Remembrance Day 5: Cinco De Mayo 5-7: UIL Academic Team State at UT 6: International No Diet Day 7: Prom 22 pause
10: Clean Up Your Room Day 13-14: Spectrum 21: Armed Forces Day 26: Hangover 2 in theaters
28: Graduation 30: Memorial Day Holiday 31: Exam
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