Febr uary 2012
BROWNIES! Yummy Recipe For The One You Love
2012 What’s in what’s out
Valentine’s day...what to do if you’re single pg 3
pg. 11
Houston Rodeo Lineup photo courtesy beyondthecanvas.blogspot.com
How well do you know your best friend? Check your answers with him/her, then give yourself one point for #’s 1-4, two for #’s 5-8, and three for #’s 9-12
What is his/her favorite TV show?
What’s his/her favorite subject?
What would he/she eat for their last meal?
What is he/she doing right this second?
What does he/she want as a career?
Where does he/she want to go to college?
What’s is his/her mothers’ maiden name?
Why do you think you’re friends?
What is his/her favorite band?
What does he/she like most about you?
Answers: Just the surface 0 to 4 points: You should get to know them more. Maybe they know a bunch about you, but you don’t know much about them. You should try to talk to them more about personal things. It could help you become closer and have a deeper relationship.
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W h a t i s his/her biggest insecurity?
School pals 5 to 15 points: You’re pretty close to your friend. You just need to get on a deeper level with them. Tell them how you feel when your parents fight or how not getting the lead in the school play made you mad. hopefully, it would make them feeel like they can share anything with you.
What is his/her biggest fear in life?
Best friends 16 to 24 points: You two are like Mac and Cheese. Green eggs and ham. You know each other so well, you can finish each others sentences! You know how to listen to them and you can make connects together. Just be sure to stay in touch, loosing contact could make you loose a great friend!
Take the friend poll.... Where did you meet them?
Do they go to your school?
More than half of your best friends go to your school. Being in the same school make it easier to be closer to them. Seeing them and being able to relate to things they’re involved in helps too.
T or hro fa ugh mi f ly rie
How long have you know them? Most of you have known your best friend for more than seven years. Being able to stick with one person for a while is a good sign that it’s a lasting friendship. Switching friends often makes it harder for you to keep secrets between each other and it could end in heartache.
3-4 years
7 years or more
2 years or less 5-6 years page by: Shalini Maharaj pause 3
Coming This Now Here!
photo courtesy yabookreads.com
photo courtesy wallpapers-place.com
Star Wars Episode 1:
The Phantom Menace
Look For
“Woman in Black”-- A young lawyer goes to a remote village where he learns there’s a vengeful ghost terrorizing the locals.
& Stories” by The Fray th “Scars featuring “Heartbeat”
“Journey 2: The Mysterious Island”-- (feat. “The Rock”) Sean Anderson works with his mom’s boyfriend on finding his grandfather, who they think is missing on a mythical island. “Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded” by Nicki Minaj
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“The Wolf Gift” by Anne Rice-- Werewolf story the way only Anne Rice can.
F eb r u a r y. . . 22 photo courtesy readingzombies.blogspot.com
Pink Floyd Laser Spectacular Show @ House of Blues
5 w/ th NeedtoBreathe Rector@ 15 Ben Warehouse Live th
The After Party @ House of Blues
Andy Grammer @ House of Blues
st rd periods Terry Trueman, Printz 1 & 3 Honor Award Winner, will be in the auditorium! Shawn McDaniel’s life is not what it may seem to anyone looking at him. He is glued to his wheelchair, unable to voluntarily move a muscle-he can’t even move his eyes. for all Shawn’s father knows, his son may be suffering. Shawn may want a release, and as long as he is unable to communicate his true feelings to his father, Shawn’s life is in danger.
Calendar of Events
4th - 80’s Dance in Cafateria 3rd - Men’s Basketball @ Home 7:30 PM th - Humble Livestock Show begins 7th - Women’s Basketball @ Home 4-7:30 PM 8 - Valentine’s Day 14th - Sweethearts concert @ Auditorium 7 PM 10th - Men’s Basketball @ Home 7:30 PM 20th - STUDENT HOLIDAY 17th - Men’s Soccer @ Home 7 PM Gras 24th - Men’s Soccer @ Home 5 PM 21st -- Mardi Women’s Soccer @ Home 5-7 PM 28th - Women’s Soccer @ Home 5-7 PM page by: Emily Cornell
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? e l g Sin
Here are some fun ideas to do with Or without your friends on Valentines Day!
In a Group! Have a sleep-over! Get all the single ladies together and celebrate by watching movies and doing mani-pedis!
Go mini-golďŹ ng or bowling! If your in the mood to get out of the house, get a group of friends together and go have some friendly competition!
Have a Karaoke party! Have all your friends meet at your house or local restaurant and sing cheesy love song!
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Going solo! Sweet tooth! Treat your self in having some of your favorite candys and treats!
Shop til’ you drop! Reward your self, buy those cute shoes you have been eyeing for months!
Give yourself a makeover! Change up your old makeup and hair routine, get a new look to impress the cutie at school!
! s t a e r T y t s Ta
Step-by-Step Valentines Day Recipe!
Heart Shaped Brownies! Directions:
1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Butter a
9”X13” cake pan. Cut a piece of waxed paper to fit the bottom, and press it onto buttered surface. In a large microwave safe bowl, combine butter, brown sugar, and chocolate. Microwave on high for 1 minute; stir. If the chocolate is not softened, continue to microwave at 10-second intervals, removing before completely melted.
2.Beat the eggs and vanilla into the melted
Ingredients: 1/2 lb (2 sticks) unsalted butter, plus more for cake pan 2 1/2 cups packed light-brown sugar 6 oz unsweetened chocolate, coarsely chopped 4 large eggs 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract 2 cups all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon salt Confectioners’ sugar, granulated sugar, cocoa powder, for coating brownies
chocolate with a wooden spoon. Beat in the flour and salt. Pour into prepared pan, and smooth the top. Bake until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out almost clean, 35 to 40 minutes. Let cool completley
3.Run a knife around the edge of the pan.
Turn the brownie cake out onto a baking sheet, and flip over onto a work surface. Cut out the brownies with a 2 1/2” heart-shaped cookie cutter. Dust with cocoa or powered sugar, if you like. Form the scraps into 1” balls, and roll them in the coating of your choice.
page by: Rachael Chandler pause 7
Looking for that special “something” for that special “someone”? Here are a few quick gift and date ideas to make your Valentine’s Day special. Be tradtional with your gift!
Guys: Treat her like the star she is!
Can’t go wrong with flowers and chocolate, this might just be the most classic romantic idea. (Make it white chocolate if you want a bit of originality there.)
Think your significant other is a star? After a nice meal, why not take a walk down the peir at Kings Harbor or your neighborhood street and take a look at the starry sky. It’s a sweet idea that you’ll both always remember!
Make a scrapbook!
Make it personal!
Sharpies ‘n White Tees. Write a poem on the back of their shirt. Or a picture...or song lyrics... Anything romantic! It will surely be a Valentine’s Day present to remember!
Those of you that have been in a relationship longer, why not make a scrapbook showing your good times together. Use old movie stubs, notes you’ve written to each other, and treasured photos.
Get your love some personalized M&M’s. You can customize them how you want, making them special in your own way.
Make your date super sweet!
Make her Valentine’s Day bear-y special!
Go on an outdoor adventure!
Make your own homemade ice cream. It’s really easy to make, and it’s a really fun bonding activity for you and your sweetheart. Plus, you’ll have a sweet treat to share after your hard work!
Buy her a huge teddy bear. This might not be a very practical gift, but it sure is cute and very sweet! Spray it with your cologne and write a cute “I Love You” card that the bear can hold for you!
There are many things you can do outdoors, including horseback riding, hiking, going for a bike ride, even camping! It’s a great way to exercise and have a fun time!
Go on a picnic! A picnic together is always a fun! You can go to a place that is significant to the both of you, or just take a walk to your nearest park. Either way, you’re bound to have a great time!
“Not-so-plain” white T’s!
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“He Said”
“She Said”
Have you ever wondered what the other gender thinks of Valentine’s Day? Here’s what your fellow Panther’s had to say. Do you like Valentine’s Day? Why or why not? “Yes! You get candy and it’s a good time to ask a girl out.” -Jospeh Mowad9
“Sometimes it’s cute to see all the lovey couples and the things they do for eachother.” -Bailey McAndrew11
Where should you go on a first date? “A place that you both like and can spend quality time together.” -Ryan Ray12
“Somewhere you can have a conversation, like bowling, going to the movies, even a group date.” -Paige
At what point in a relationship is it okay to give jewelry? “Proposing. No other jewelry should matter.” -Hunter Jones12
“I think six months is a necessary time to give jewelry because that’s when things can get pretty serious.” -Katie Gowdy12
What is your number one relationship dealbreaker? “If they feel the need to flirt with everything that moves.” -Jacob Spaulding11
“If the guy doesn’t respect me, my family, or my friends, he is no good.” -Stella Papacostas10 page by: Britta Erickson pause 9
What’s In
Boogie Board Tablet
Dr. Dre Beats
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Farmers Market
The Hunger Games
Emma Stone
One Direction
s n e t r c Ma
The Voice
Flar e Je
What’s Out
Desktop Computers
s d u b r Ea
e n o t s d l Coreamery C
FancySweetShops Justin Bieber
Hair Feathers
American Idol Skinny Jeans
page by: Hannah Divine
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Houston Rodeo Entertainment Lineup ALABAMA
Tuesday February 28, 2012 Wednesday February 29, 2012 Thursday March 1, 2012
Saturday March 3, 2012
Sunday March 4, 2012
Friday, March 9, 2012
THE BAND PERRY Tuesday March 7, 2012
Friday March 2, 2012
Sunday March 4, 2012
Monday March 5, 2012
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Monday, March 12, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012 Thursday, March 15, 2012
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Saturday, March 17, 2012
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Sunday, March 18, 2012
Friday, March 16, 2012
Horoscopes ARIES
March 21- April 19
April 20- May 20
May 21- June 20
This is a sociable month for you. It is an excellent time to try new things and experience change. The urge for adventure is strong. You will shine bright with creativity!
Relationships are your priority this month, although there maybe conflicts to deal with, you can move forward with a clean slate.
You will be recognized for your accomplishments. Keep working hard and putting your best foot forward. You will attract positive attention to yourself.
CANCER June 21- July 22
It is a strong time for becoming more involved. If you have been hesitant lately this is a good time to gain a more confident view on your life.
July 23 - August 22
August 21 -September 22
September 23-October 24
October 23- November 21
Creative ideas are coming quickly to you. Make sure you are surrounded by positive people to help you make the most of this burst of inspiration!
You are able to successfully relate to others. Help out more than often and don’t be afraid to branch out! Stay confident and open to new ideas.
Communication flows well around this time. Organization and dedication bring you favorable odds. Reach for your goals.
It is likely you will be confronted with an important changing decision. Challenges lay ahead, keep your spirits high and your positive thoughts even higher.
November 22- December 21
December 22- January 19
January 20- February 18
February 19- March 20
You have been working hard lately and stress is soon to follow. Make time for yourself and just take a break. Relief is your best escape.
You will meet someone who will have a positive influence on your life. Problems will be solved and struggles overcome. You will gain a new view into your life.
Take a chance and meet new people! Talk to people you wouldn’t normally talk to. New friends could be right around the corner!
This is your chance to make a difference in someone’s life. Try to smile more than usual. You’ll be surprised at what a good attitude can bring you.
page by:Annie Shewmake
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