PAUSE Spring Issue

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pause Spring 2011 Issue

A magazine created by and for the students of Kingwood Park HS


PICNIC class of 2011 celebrates one last time

PROM Arabian Night of Fun


Academic Team

Teens break boundaries at TEEN


What are YOU doing this summer?

Become a certified lifeguard and you could be making CASH!! $245 American Red Cross Lifeguard Class Classes Available in Kingwood Call now to register 1-800-210-0049

Take time to pause before moving on ... Welcome to the third and final issue of PAUSE magazine! I’d like to start off by thanking the student body for reading and giving us feedback throughout the year. We have been so pleased to produce a magazine that has had such great support. I’d like to give the magazine staff a big thank you. We have worked hard year-round to produce these magazines and have really become a family. To watch the magazine grow and develop into a new

Kingwood Park tradition has been an amazing experience. A special thank you goes out to Mrs. Bradshaw. If it wasn’t for her Journalism class I would have never found my passion. She has not only helped me develop my journalistic skills, but life skills as well. I know I will be able to continue my life’s journey at the University of Missouri with the necessary skills. I would like to dedicate this edition my fellow seniors and your accomplishments.

It has been a blast being a part of the Class of 2011. These past four years have been a long, wild ride, but I’m so proud that we have all gotten through it as one big family. As we begin our life’s journey, I ask that you pause and reflect on all choices and decisions that may come your way, for you never know what impact they may have.

in this edition Academic News.......................3-4 Student Submissions................5-6 Teen Summit..............................7-8 Sr. Picnic/Project Grad........11-12 Senior Superlatives..............13-14 College Plans........................15-16

PROM! Pages 9 & 10

Senior Wills..........................17-18 Top Ten Seniors...................19-20 Sports....................................21-22 Horoscopes................................23

Ben Sendukas10, Austin Eisermann10, Constance Atton10

Breaking the fourth wall

The UIL Theater students had great success at their Zone competition. Even though as a group they did not make it past the first round, quite a few of them succeeded individually. Ian Adams was named best techie; Tyler Croskey and Sydnee Harlan received honorable mention and All Star Cast; Chris Ringeisen and Natalie Jordan were state finalists in tech design; Chris Ringeisen also received first place in individual scene design. “We went and did our best,” Mrs. Diane Kaste said. “Everyone has improved immensely.” They’ve designed a whole new way to compete for the years to come.

Chris Ringeisen12 and Natalie Jordan11



Art Students draw win at State The UIL Art students dug deep inside their pencil bags to ‘draw’ out a win. Mrs. Kara Czepiel is so proud of her twelve qualifiers. Three of which advanced from the regional level competition to state. The All-State qualifiers Ben Sendukas, Constance Atton, and Austin Eisermann all came back from state with Honors. “Our kids did very well with over 98 percent earning the highest score of a 4,” Ms. Czepiel said. “This competition teaches the students a lot about how to communicate about their work and they get to see work from all over.” The students went above and beyond expectations and came back with a new appreciation for art and their abilities.

Academic Team puts on their game faces The UIL Academic Team walked into the district competition with their game faces on. “I was extremely proud of our students’ performances this year,” Mrs. Reineking said. “We came out on top for the first time in our team history.” The students came out with the title of District 18-4A Champions and first place Overall Speech Team and Overall Journalism Team. “It’s rewarding to see different teens coming together and having fun while displaying academic prowess,” Reineking said. Our Academic team has shown us, once again, that there is such thing as academic excellence.

HOSA Donates to Ronald McDonald House Think back to lunch. Do you remember seeing the collection containers for coke tabs? Thanks to the students of KPARK, HOSA was able to collect more than 150,000 tabs to donate to the Ronald McDonald House! In March, the club was able to visit the house and see the fruits of their efforts. Because of patient confidentiality and privacy HOSA was not able to meet the families, but they were able to tour the house and see the positive affect the charity is having on the community. Located in the medical district downtown, the Ronald McDonald House provides food, shelter, and transportation for the families of children who are undergoing chemotherapy treatments at MD Anderson. The center is able to house 50 separate families in a hotel-style setting that includes a full scale kitchen and play area for the children. The house is funded solely through donations and fundraisers, which is why KPARK’s donation of tabs was so important. But panthers don’t have to stop there. Volunteers are always needed to work the front desk or to play with the children. Individuals must be 18 years old to volunteer or 16 if an adult comes with them. Another option is to bring in toiletries. The house is in constant need of paper towels and toilet paper, two essential items that are always appreciated.

Did You Know?

1,640 tabs = 1 pound Although the house was started by a donation from McDonalds, the charity has no current affiliation with the chain The house makes about $8,000 per year from the tabs Each pound of tabs is worth .55-.65 cents By Christina Watson

Bridging the gap, Silver Stars name new team While the school year may be coming to a close for most students at KPHS, the Silver Star Dance team season is just beginning for next year’s crop of high kickers. Tryouts were held for both the line member candidates and the officer candidates, and the new team has already been determined. “The new team is really nervous to start the new year because we haven’t really gotten that team bond yet, but as soon as line camp comes, we’ll all feel the sisterhood that the team has always had,” Megan Little, Colonel of

the 2011-2012 team, said. A sisterhood, indeed. “The bond shared by the Silver Stars has always been one of the things that truly sets us apart from other teams,” Ruth Lee, Colonel of the 2010-2011 team, said. We can expect to see a lot of improvement throughout the year as the new team settles into the very demanding life of a Silver Star. But for now, all we can do is sit back, relax, and prepare to be entertained by our very own 20112012 Silver Star Dance Team.

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Cartoons by: Katie Plummer10


S u b m is s io n s

Little bird Broken wings Fractured beauty Shattered dreams Easy to catch Hard to love Nobody wants A flightless dove

Twisted Love

Poem by: Hannah Smothers12

Art by: Dav’ yown Ross12


Art by: Maranda Gerga10

Twisted love All alone I miss you so Can’t let you go Twisted love My heart is breaking Your love was so sweet It’s the ‘new you’ I’d like to meet Twisted love You are my drug Your words are my high How can I kiss this feeling goodbye? Twisted love I tremble at the thought of us But our past expense has hurt me so It is our fear I must let go Twisted love I will never forget The lessons you have taught me It’s the world you enabled my to see Twisted love All alone I miss you so Can’t let you go

Art by: Jordan Chambers10 5


Art by: Jack Searcy11

Poem by: Katie Garrett12


“ and

C r e a t i v i t y takes courage Henri Matisse


We need to respect how Life is different From person to person Whether you are spoiled with riches or Whether you are poorer than dirt You live differently That is how life is lived I could be a rock star Your parent or elder I could be the president Or the next big thing Does that mean that you would accept Me? Idols, heroes, monumental figures Strength, courage, wisdom All once disrespected and Unaccepted throughout their lives. The tongue is the greatest weapon, It breathes hate into ears of pawns Who think nothing of themselves at times. When they should be the one To choose abuse over cause. This terrorist hates what is not known, Does that include you? We need to accept how Life is different From person to person Whether you are spoiled with riches or Whether you are poorer than dirt. You live differently. That is how life is lived. You hate me because I stand. You hate me because I smile. You hate me because I am me. And you cannot do anything to help it You know that don’t you?

Of course I do. She hears you too. As does he We all know the truth from the lie. We all choose which one we like. Life is lived different. From person to person. Whether you are spoiled with riches or Whether you are poorer than dirt. You live differently. That is how life is lived. What it all comes down to is you And me Can we accept and respect each other? Can I accept who you are? Can you accept who I am? Can you respect me? Can I respect you? Accept me for who I am And I will do the same. We all bleed red We all breath air I know you have a heart Because I do too. Accept me for who I am. Unless you’re not human. Which I assume you are. Because Life is lived different From person to person. Whether you are spoiled with riches or Whether you are poorer than dirt. You live differently. That is how life is lived. And we should respect And accept Each other for who we are.

Do you think I do not hear the lies you spread? Poem by: Coryne Levine9

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View from the



n the morning of March 22nd, I woke up at 6:36 in the morning. I got out of bed at 6:50, the same way I do every morning. I grabbed my new khaki crop pants from the hanger, put two bobby pins in my hair, threw on my everyday make-up, and put on a red cardigan. I stuffed two Aunt Jemima blueberry waffles into my mouth and walked out of the door. I sped the entire way to school, crossing my fingers that I wouldn’t run out of gas as I noticed the lit gas light. I sprinted to my first period, barely making it in time, as I have done every morning this semester. March 22nd was just a day. However, March 22nd was just a day that about 100 Kingwood Park students really needed to experience. At 8:15, an announcement was made for those who are participating in Teen Summit to proceed to the small gym. This prompted me to take my head off of my desk and think. I had signed up to participate, but did I really want to? I had work I needed to do in Anatomy, and I had a few questions for my English teacher… Plus I had this feeling that it could either be very interesting to an aspiring journalist, 7


Students, faculty have eyes opened by Teen Summit

or extremely irritating to someone w h o has very little patience for “high school drama”. I heard a group of kids sitting a few feet away from me begin to question Teen Summit. “What is that thing?” “I don’t know. It’s supposed to be like that ‘If You Really Knew Me…’ show on MTV I think.” “What? That sounds so dumb…” Right on. I’m definitely going now. I ran into a friend who had also signed up in the hallway, and being a teenage girl, prompted her to come

the small gym, carrying myself towards a world I knew virtually nothing about. The day began as you would have expected it to. A small band was gathered in the corner, popular music was playing from the speakers, and students quickly filed themselves away into circles of familiar faces. Not a single person in the room knew what to expect next, an extreme oddity in a place where your schedule is given to you on day one, and doesn’t change until you walk out in June. As the group began to become more comfortable with itself, barriers began tumbling down like a chain of dominoes. The brightly colored

We were all able to talk about our

feelings and know that no one was going to judge us. - Jennifer Nwuli12

with me so I wouldn’t have to go alone. “Sure, why not? It gets us out of school at least.” “Yeah,” I said, “What do we have to lose anyways?” So I walked the familiar pathway to

beach balls that had welcomed us in disappeared and small family groups were born out of the mass. Murmurs of love and acceptance could be heard drifting from each group. Slowly, the magnetic fields that seem to repel

people from each other were losing their power as we discovered the impact crossing a line of blue tape can have. Kids who a few hours ago were walking through the gym doors in desperate hope of finding a friend or two so they wouldn’t have to be alone, were now standing in front of a group of 100 teenagers (and if you know of a scarier thing than a room full of highschoolers, please let me know) telling the stories they never thought they’d hear themselves speak aloud. Girls and boys, teachers and students, all were moved to tears. Some in reflection of their own battered childhoods, and others in shock at the war stories of today’s generation. To say it wasn’t moving would be to tell a lie. Ever since that monumental Tuesday, I’ve heard people saying how they felt Teen Summit was life-changing, and I think that’s a wonderful thing. However, we don’t need a barrier breaking, group oriented, soul shaking event to see the things we were able to see that day in the gym. As brave souls stood to speak their troubles into a microphone, the school bell tolled as it always does. We were safe inside our newly made home in the auxiliary gym, but all around us life was continuing on as normal. 1,500 other students were going about their day. After all, I said March 22nd was just a day. The 100 kids that attended Teen Summit had their eyes opened by force, but we have the power to open them ourselves, if we so choose. The glasses are sitting right in front of us,

we just have to learn to put them on. I heard probably 15 different stories that day, and for a week or so afterward, I could recognize their owner’s faces as they passed by me in the hallway. Since then their features have been blurred under the web of life that tends to occupy my mind. Their stories, however, have lived on. The stories are the things I can’t seem to forget. It only took 15 stories to change the lives of 100 people at our condensed version of Teen Summit. That’s 15 people out of about 6,907,498,717 people in this world. Every single one of those people has their own story. Can you even begin to wrap your mind around that? I can’t. March 22nd was just a day. All around the world, kids woke up, and kids went to sleep. Everyone continued on the natural course of their lives, no matter what that may be. The only difference between March 22nd and any other day for 100 students at Kingwood Park High School, is that on that day they lived with their eyes open. And do you know what? Today is just a day, as well. So then why not open your eyes more often? After all, “What do we have to lose?”

Upon the close of Teen Summit, as the high began to wear off and the barriers began to reappear off in the distance, many participants argued that while this was a great day, things would quickly go back to normal within the week. In order to keep up the wonderful momentum Teen Summit created, and give those who didn’t participate a chance to feel the power, Be the Change club was created. “Be the Change” is a club centered around acceptance, the theme of Teen Summit. It approaches various aspects of acceptance, from standing up to peer pressure, to defending yourself against all forms of bullying. The atmosphere is very relaxed and casual, making for a comfortable, home-like environment. “Everybody can open up to one another without feeling like their privacy is being invaded,” Britta Erickson said. “It’s a great start to my day because it gives me a goal every week to help improve both my life and the lives of others around me.” Meetings




other Thursday morning at 8:30.

By Hannah Smothers

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Arabian Pro m 201 1

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Senior Picnic

Thank you to our sponsors: Bob Herbert & Associates & Erik Woods and the parents of the Class of 2011.

t c e j Graduation Pro Seniors prepare for final party of year


s the year winds down, the four year adventure that was highschool is slowly coming to an end. While seniors are scurrying to prepare for finals, frantic to submit final transcripts, and rehashing their favorite memories, parents are hard at work planning for one last celebration of the year. Project graduation originated in Maine in the early 1980s as a way to prevent alcohol related automobile ac cidents. The tradition has since carried on and is designed to be a alcohol and drug free safe enviornment for all grads to celebrate their evening. A group of parents and faculty have been working year round in preparation for this special evening. Several meetings and fundraisers have been held by parents throughout the year, in order to make final decisions and gain support throughout the community. “We have had to buy decorations and gather prizes for the students, it has been a lot of work but I know the outcome will be incredible,” Mrs. Warnack, co-director

of project graduation said. The theme for this years project graduation is ‘The Adventure Begins Now’. Different events will be held in various locations around the school. The rooms will be set up like different clips from several action movies. One can jump from an action scene straight off James Bond into the breath-taking adventure of the Bourne Ultimatum. Some of the activities will include a mechanical bull, inflatables, and a boardwalk complete with games. Upon winning the games one will be awarded with panther bucks. Panther bucks are Project Grad’s version of money: one can risk their panther bucks by gambling or save them and use them as raffle tickets for the prize of their choice. 5,000 panther bucks is the equivalent to one raffle ticket. This years raffle prizes will include anywhere from an Ipod touch and laptops, to gift card to various locations. However, a car will not be in the drawing this year. “We felt that without

spending a large sum of the donated money on a car, we could get more prizes for more students. We expect everyone to walk away with at least one prize.” Mrs. Warnack said. Project Graduation will be held on May 28, 2011 from 11:30 p.m. until 5 a.m. It will be a ‘lockin’ so upon arrival students are required to check in and will be locked in. If they wish to leave they must sign out and a parent will be notified of their departure. In order to be admitted into the festivities, students are required to wear their project grad t-shirt. Also, everything will be free of charge to all students. Food and drinks will be provided throughout the night. “We are expecting a great turn out for this year ’s Project Grad. This will truly be a memorable e vening for all seniors!” Mrs. Warnack said. By Katie Garrett

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Mr. and Miss KPARK

Most likely to be in the Olympics

Best Dressed

Best Hair

Class Clown

Most likely to be a millionaire

Senior 2011 Superlatives Most Changed

Best Smile

Best Personality

Most Creative

Most Sarcastic

Drama King and Queen

Most Likely to be on Broadway

Worst Senioritis

Most Huggable

America’s Next Top Model

KPARK Seniors Caitlin Orman Oregon State University

Garrett Stewart University of California at San Diego

Zach Vorenkamp Kansas Wesleyan

Cody Loftgren Oral Roberts University

Kyle Steingreaber Iowa State

Robert Durante Hendrix College

Across America Lili Simon Coast Guard Academy

Kellie Wilbourn University of Tennessee

Nathan Wilson Auburn University

Hank Holcomb Lousiana State University

Payton Harvey Ole’ Miss

Samee Sisk Florida Institude of Technology




I leave you my ability to combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions. You guys are awesome, and I know this coming year will be Key Club’s best! Love y’all!

Have fun being the best looking Flottman in school next year. LOVE, KYLE ASHLEY DIX

To the best little sister ever. I leave you Jeff Dunham and all my junk food. LOVE, X-TINA



There’s drama in drama, but what can we say, we leave you the courage to just walk away! Thanks for being so refreshingly drama free, keep it up! THEATRE SENIORS


I, Kwame Jackson, leave you with my dougie. Keep it fresh girl. KWAME JACKSON

TYLER CALLENS I leave you a hard work ethic, so one day you might beat me! ZACH VORENKAMP

TYLER SMITH I leave you my swag and since I know you have trouble in school and sometimes need help, I leave you my knowledge. CODY LOFGREN


We leave you Thursday morning breakfasts.





Do what your heart make you feel do. JEFF FERGUSON

2011-2012 JUNIORS Work hard your junior year because it will all be paid off your senior year. CHRIS UPTON

SPENCER STRICKLAND I leave you with no ride to school. Love you. JENNIFER STRICKLAND

MITCHEL MATULIA I leave you with my rawness. Stay fly 1.0. KWAME JACKSON

KPHS DEBATE I bequeath you all of the CX theory work... and two messy Extemptubs. KYLE STEINGREABER MICHAEL2

I leave you guys the keys to my truck. You’ll end up stealing it anyways. LOVE, TAYLOR METELITS


I leave you the will to my heart :) Love you! CHRIS SMITH


I leave you my friendship for times when there’s no one else to talk to in cheer. Love you! KODI THOMASON

CAMILLE LEPIRE Camisole, I leave you my soccer locker, #33. It smells wonderful! :) LOVE, TAYLOR


SHELBY EASTMAN I give you the key to my heart, I love you baby! :) ZACH VORENKAMP

LEE ANN COURSEY Dear Lee Ann, I leave you my skills that you will never have. DREW COURSEY

SILVER STARS 2011-2012

I leave you my tights. Oh wait... :) Love, the best Silver Star ever, HANNAH SMO

MENS CROSS COUNTRY TEAM I leave you with my leadership. Someone else needs to step up and take that position next year. Good luck to you all, I will miss you. KWAME JACKSON

EVAN MCADOO Evan I leave the number “16” behind for you along with the responsibility that follows. Keep the number with the catchers!!! HDTV SAM MAY

MICHAEL LINDBERG I leave you with my work ethic. Get after them next year and win a state title. I love you man. KWAME JACKSON

KARLA DISEVO Karla, I leave you my back bone. Use wisely. TAYLOR METELITS

CLAIRE LOGUE & NAOMI VARNIS I leave you both my love and musical indie-ness. You ladies are going to chage the world some day! Long live the Holly-GoLightlies! HALEY ELSENBROCK

SILVER STARS I leave y’all the legacy we have built together and the love of a great family. Promise to dance, for as long as you can and as hard as you dare. Remember: Once a Silver Star, always a Silver Star. Always together, forever apart. RUTH LEE, COLONEL 2011-2012


CULLEN CRAFT I leave you the responsibility of watching over Shelby when I’m not here, and leading the team next year. Love you man. ZACH VORENKAMP

I leave you Tex (only until I come home). Please take good care of him, even though you hate him. Love you, you tool!

BASEBALL TEAM I leave you with my passion and love for the game. Always play with a purpose, and GATA next year. KWAME JACKSON


MEGAN LITTLE I leave you the Colonel hat. Colonel #3, you’ve come so far and you’ll take the team even farther. Stay strong and dance forever for your team. RUTH LEE, COLONEL #2

SWIM TEAM The Catdaddy. Use it wisely. FONTES & FERGIE


We leave you the Silver Star dance team and our ensemble stools. You better not let anyone use them. We love you, ragdoll! COLLEEN MCGINNIS & HANNAH SMOTHERS

THE AMAZING SILVER STARS I leave you guys all of the laughter & friendships we have built up all year. Remember to keep your head up and that we’re all always here for you anytime - day or night! I love you beautiful ladies! HALEY ELSENBROCK

Congratulations 2011 class of

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Congratulations Top Ten Seniors!



1. Tori Brooks (Valedictorian) 2

2. David Zinzitz


(Salutatorian) 3. Angela Morisette 4. Thomas Warnack 3

5. John Easton


6. Nicola Looney 7. Jacob Pekarek 8. Christina Watson



9. Caitlin Orman 10. Adam Vogt


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Man Pageant

And the next Mr. KPARK is...


ith their eyes on the prize and their hearts set on being crowned the next “Mr. KPARK,” eight young men laid it all on the line for the Kingwood Park’s third annual Man Pageant. The competition consisted of three modeling portions, KPARK spirit wear, swim wear, and evening wear, as well as a talent portion, dance numbers and a rigorous question and answer division. “This year’s KPARK man pageant was a high energy spontaneous and full force festival celebrating the spirit of youth and testosterone,” Robert Durante said. “ I had a blast expressing my masculinity, creativity, and showmanship while rasing money for the Theater Arts Department.”

The men sported green, black and silver for part of the evening to show their obvious school spirit, a must have to become the next “Mr. KPARK,” swim wear to show off their manly figures, and formal wear to ensure a most dapper display of manliness. The guys perfected their model gaits and wowed the audience with their stylish choices of attire. They were also able to prove their worth with a series of very complicated questions and an entertaining talent portion that included, for instance, a dramatic

sword fight between two exceedingly masculine men (Robert Durante and Kyle Flottman) over the fair maiden (Joseph Panzarella). It was a stiff competition, but after much deliberation the judges concluded that Mr. Robert Durante best exemplified Kingwood Park, crowning him next on the throne as “Mr. KPARK.”

A Night of Talent

Spotlight shines on performers


hrough practice and determination, and of course a little bit of talent, over 25

students displayed their ability in one grand “Night of Talent.” The night of April 29th held much anticipation for both performers and audience members alike. The Black Box Theatre was filled with musicians tuning, vocalists warming up and performers calming the butterflies in their stomachs, while

the auditorium was brimming with an audience that could not wait to see the hard work of all of the performers. “This year’s talent was amazing and we were so honored to be a part of it,” Madeline and Micah Edwards said. “We already love being on stage and the fact that we were able to perform together made it that much more memorable.” In the end, the night was a huge success, where everyone had a part

in the achievement. All of the money raised went towards The Invisible Children fund and gave a sense of purpose to the night. The hours of practice and extensive rehearsals did not just provide only the performers with a sense of accomplishment, but a group of people without anything a little more hope.

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Boys’ Soccer

The boy’s soccer team had a good season this year, making it all the way to State. They won their 2nd consecutive Region 3 Championship and advanced to their 2nd straight State Tournament. “The boys worked very hard, and it showed in the way they played. I am proud of the boys and all they have accomplished this year,” Coach Jason Watson said. Even though they didn’t advance

Girls’ Soccer

The girl’s soccer team did an amazing job this year. The highlight of the season can be disputed amongst two big accomplishments; winning the first tournament of the year in a shoot out against College Park, and making it to playoffs. They kept their composure through the first game, but then fell to a regional finalist team. The success of the team has been great, with five girls named to 1st team all district and three to 2nd team All-District. They brought home a 1st place and two 3rd place trophies from three tournaments. “The offensive output was a team effort, with 19 different players scoring or assisting in over 60 goals. We allowed less than a goal per game on defense for the season. I am proud of all of them and all we accomplished this year,” Coach Jess White said. The Lady Panthers are losing 10 seniors this year, all valuable to the team. “I believe we can have just as successful of a season next year, despite losing the seniors. We’re already working very hard to put ourselves in a position for district and regional championships,” White said. The final record was 16-4-16.



past State, they boys had a good season and stuck through all the hardships that they faced this season. “We will be losing 11 seniors this year, and will miss those players dearly. I feel as though we have a good core returning next year, so hopefully it will make up for the players we are losing,” Coach Watson said. The team’s final score was 17-8-2.


Golf can be quite a strenuous sport; hard, long practices, tournaments every weekend, and being in the hot sun for several hours. Luckily, our golf teams can handle it. The boys finished third in the district and missed qualifying for Regional’s by one shot. “Hopefully it will inspire the team to play and practice hard for next year,” Coach Tony Pounds said. Some of the highlights of the season are Kyle Fischer qualifying for Regional’s for the second year in a row, and. Nick Munday winning in a playoff to qualify for his first time to go to the Regional Tournament. The boy’s team played many two day tournaments alongside 5A schools, so it made for tough competition. They finished in the “middle of the pack” in most of the tournaments. “Two seniors will be leaving the team, but I think it will be a good opportunity for the juniors to step up and be good leaders,” Pounds said.

Jacob Massad11 and Kyle Fischer11 take a quick break for the camera during practice.

The boy’s soccer team practices before a game.


Kingwood Park track had a great season this year, both boys and girls teams. The girl’s team did very well in state, with Miriam Amadu winning the 300 hurdles with a broken wrist, and Zahri Jackson won State in the 1600 meter. “All of the girls have been working extremely hard, and we’ve set approximately 110 personal records and 9 school records for this year,” Coach Brittany Lanehart said. The girl’s team will be losing a very talented group of seniors, and they have been great leaders who will leave behind the expectation of working hard, commitment, caring for one another, and winning. The boy’s team won the Regional Championship this year, and all worked hard as a team. “I feel that the team accomplished many great things this year. We broke over four school records this year and I am very proud of them for that,” Coach Chris Elliott said. The boy’s team will be losing six seniors, who will all be missed equally. Their great attitudes, work ethic, and respect will be missed, but what will be missed the most is all of their leadership and commitment to winning.

Baseball The boy’s baseball team did well this season, making it into the state playoffs for the fourth straight year. “I feel that our season was a little disappointing as we did not win the District title, but with the injuries and adversity that we faced they boys did a great job,” Coach Buddy Thames said. The team had a four game win streak that resulted in four consecutive 10 run victories for the black cats, and Kwame Jackson had his 1st career home run. The Panthers will be losing six seniors this year. Kwame Jackson, Same May, Sam Gee, and Kyle Crabtree have all been four year starters and will be greatly missed by the team and the fans. Josh Keller has been a two year starter and has done a great job on the mound and at third base. Shaun Boyer has also started in some games. “All of these kids have greatly contributed to the success of the KP Baseball Program,” Thames said. The regular season final score was 16-12, 0-2 in play-offs, and 9-5 in district, where they also got 3rd place.



Panther softball did a great job this year, compared to last year. They practiced hard, staying after school until at least 5 every day. They went into a playoff with Caney Creek for 4th place which has never been done before, despite not making it into actual playoffs. “The team did really well this season, and I’m so proud of all of them. We all practiced hard and made a commitment and it got us far in the season,” senior Brittney Petroski said. The team will be losing 3 seniors, 2 of them being Emily Ramsey and Brittney Petroski, who have been there since the beginning. “Even though the team isn’t losing many people, the seniors were definitely a big part of it, and we will miss our team a lot,” senior Emily Ramsey said. The girls had a great season, and their final record was 7-8 in district.

The boy’s basketball team had a fantastic season. The team had ups and downs, from senior Alex Ritter overcoming an injury, to the boy’s getting into the playoffs. “We came together as the year progressed, and battled every game. We played a very tough schedule and held our own throughout the season,” Coach Dominic Amorosa said. Seniors Adrian Johnson, Will Wakefield, and Tyler Pounds were named 1st Team All-District. Senior Taylor Youll and Junior Hunter Pounds were named 2nd team AllDistrict. The team’s final record was 26-13 in regular season, and 12-3 in District. The highlight of the season was the playoff run, highlighted by our Regional Quarterfinal win against Ozen in OT. The boy’s won 3 playoff games and battled the eventual state finalist LaMarque in the Regional Tournament. The team is unfortunately losing 7 seniors this year, and they will be sorely missed. “They provided leadership and worked extremely hard throughout the season. Our seniors have been with us since we started our program. They have been valuable to our success,” Amorosa said.

The softball team shows their team spirit by rooting on others at the game.

Varsity tennis took the Boys and Girls Spring season District Championship against Willis. They also had Regional quarter finalists in the fall and spring seasons. The highlight of the season was sweeping up the spring District Championships with all Boys and Girls Freshman, JV, and Varsity teams. Five boys and six girls will be leaving the team this year. “It will be a rebuilding year next year, but with our talent we should still be very competitive,” Coach Bartels


said. District Champions Gold Medalists: The Team Tennis final record was undefeated, in district play, 8-0, and Truman Alley/Cameron Bartels- Boys Doubles the overall fall season was 9-1. Kim fuss/Mindy Kane- Girls Doubles Brian Liefer/Nicole Swanson- Mixed Doubles District Runner Up:

Lexi Fields- Girls Singles

Third Place Bronze Medalists:

Brian Liefer11 makes a play during practice.

Shannon Montague- Boys Singles Josh Boquet/Robert Gonzalez- Boys Doubles

pause 22


H Cancer You may find keeping everything together is getting too hard. Don’t worry- if you do fall your friends will catch you.


Summer Break is upon us! Don’t let your fears interfere with your awesome plans. Have fun!




Stand up for yourself. If you don’t want to do something then don’t. But remember your friends in your desisions too.


Don’t lose confidence in yourself. Keep away the self-doubt demons by doing something you love... like sleeping.

Make a few friends today. Friends are like hugs – the more you get the better you feel!

Loyalties will be tested. Remember who your true friends are and stick by them.

Then you talk with someone listen, and you may be surprised what you’ll learn.






Friend troubles? Don’t sweat it. True friends will be there no matter what (even during midnight cookie eating contests gone bad).

Aries Don’t have a panic attack because you forgot something important. Just sit down and simply...breathe. You’ll be fine.



Rally a few friends together and raise awareness for that special cause. It’s easy to have fun while helping out.




Your family may get on your nerves but don’t chew them out. Instead go to your room for a while and cool off.


Be more trusting! When a stranger offers help take it. The possibility that they’re a psycho is very small.

Don’t know your sign? Aquarius-- Jan. 20- Feb. 18 Pices-- Feb. 19- Mar. 20 Aries-- Mar. 21- Apr. 19 Taurus-- Apr. 20- May 20

Gemini-- May 21- Jun. 21 Cancer-- Jun. 22- Jul. 22 Leo-- Jul. 23- Aug. 22 Virgo-- Aug. 23- Sep. 22

Libra-- Sep. 23- Oct. 23 Scorpio-- Oct. 24- Nov. 21 Sagittarius-- Nov. 22- Dec. 21 Capricorn-- Dec. 22- Jan. 19


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