Прісняк Н.В.

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Наталія Прісняк


Кам’янець-Подільський 2018 56

Рецензенти: Туркулець Д.В., вчитель вищої категорії, вчитель англійської та німецької мов, Кам'янець-Подільської загальноосвітньої школи ІІІІ ступенів № 7 Степаненко О.В., вчитель вищої категорії, голова методичного об'єднання вчителів англійської мови Кам'янець-Подільської загальноосвітньої школи І-ІІІ ступенів № 7 Наталія Прісняк. LEARNING ENGLISH WITH SONGS .— Кам’янець-Подільський : Науково-методичний центр ЗОШ № 7, 2018. — 34 с. Даний посібник розрахований для учнів загальноосвітніх середніх шкіл та всіх, хто полюбляє пісню, для вивчення англійської мови за допомогою пісень, адже вони лунають всюди: їдемо на навчання або на роботу – слухаємо радіо в маршрутному таксі; прибираємо вдома – включаємо музичний канал; виходимо на ранкову пробіжку – плеєр та навушники є неодмінними супутниками. Улюблені іноземні пісні прокручуються в пам’яті та ми частенько їх наспівуємо, навіть не знаючи мови. Ось чому вони займають одне з перших місць в рейтингу корисних мовних інструментів. І це насправді дуже легко! Чому? Тому, що пісня являє собою завершену історію, яка складається з коротких та часто досить простих речень. Їх нескладно запам’ятати та відтворити, тим більше якщо читати текст одразу прослуховуючи пісню. Наспівувати тексти відомих пісень правильно це насамперед красиво. Погодьтесь, «йо ма ха, йо ма со» та «фрістайла» зараз викликають тільки насмішки зі сторони оточуючих. Ще й до всього багатьом справді цікаво дізнатись зміст улюблених пісень. Тут ви знайдете пісні від класики минулого століття і до сучасних пісень, які ми чуємо сьогодні на перших сходинках світових музичних каналів. Сподіваюсь, що через пісню ви ще краще удосконалите свої знання з англійської мови. 2


don´t speak.... oh I know what you_____ (think) And I don´t need your reasons

ЗМІСТ Зміст -------------------------------------------------------- 3 Can’t buy me love / The Beatles------------------------ 4 Fool’s garden / Lemon tree -----------------------------11

I know you´re good,

Pink /Who knew? ------------------------------------------ 15

I know you´re good,

Soft fire/Adele --------------------------------------------- 21

I know you´re real good Oh, la la la la la la La la la la la la

Someone like you/Adele---------------------------------- 25 Hello/Adele------------------------------------------------- 28


Umbrella / Rihanna---------------------------------------- 32


One last time/ Ariana Grande ---------------------------- 40

Hush, hush darling

Stand by me / Ben E. King ------------------------------- 45

Hush, hush darling

Don’t speak / No doubt ---------------------------------- 49

Hush, hush Don´t tell me tell me cause it hurts Hush, hush darling Hush, hush darling Don´t tell me tell me cause it hurts.



1. Can’t buy me love / The Beatles

I don't need your reasons Don't tell me cause it hurts It's all ending I gotta stop pretending who we are... You and me I can see us dying... are we? Don't speak I know just what you_____(say)

The Beatles were an English rock band that became arguably the most successful act of the 20th century. They contributed to music, film, literature, art, and fashion, made a continuous impact on popular culture and the lifestyle of several generations. Their songs and images carrying powerful ideas of love, peace, help, and imagination evoked creativity and liberation that outperformed the rusty Soviet propaganda and contributed to breaking walls in the minds of millions, thus making impact on human history. In July of 1957, in Liverpool, 'Paul McCartney (I)' met John Lennon. Both were teenagers. Paul impressed John with 4

So please stop explaining Don't tell me cause it hurts Don't speak I know what you_______(think) I don't need your reasons Don't tell me cause it hurts... Don´t tell me cause it hurts! I know what you______(say) So please stop explaining Don´t speak, don´t speak, 53

Don't tell me' cause it hurts

his mastery of acoustic guitar, and was invited to join Lennon's

Don't speak

group, The Quarrymen. George Harrison joined them in

I know what you________(think)

February of 1958. In 1959 they played regular gigs at a club

I don't need your reasons

called The Casbah. They were joined by vocalist Stuart

Don't tell me cause it hurts

Sutcliffe, and by drummer Peter Best, whose mother owned The Casbah club. Early incarnations of the band included The

Our memories

Quarrymen, Johnny & the Moon Dogs, and The Silver Beetles.

They can be inviting

John Lennon dreamed up the band's final name, The Beatles, a

But some are altogether

mix of beat with beetle. In 1960 The Beatles toured in

Mighty frightening

Hamburg, Germany. There they were joined by Ringo Starr, who previously played with Rory Storm and the Hurricanes. In

As we die, both you and I

Hamburg, The Beatles made their first studio work as a backing

With my head in my hands

band for singer Tony Sheridan's recordings for the German

I sit and cry

Polydor label, however, in the credits the band's name was changed to The Beat Brothers. From February 1961 to August

Don't speak

1963, The Beatles played a regular gig at the Cavern. They

I know just what you________(say)

were paid five pounds for their first show, rising to three

So please stop explaining

hundred pounds per show in 1963. In two and a half years The

Don't tell me cause it hurts

Beatles gave 262 shows at the Cavern in Liverpool.

Don't speak

Brian Epstein was invited to be the manager of the

I know what you_______(think) 52

Beatles in November 1961. His diplomatic way of dealing with 5

the Beatles and with their previous manager resulted in a

"100 Greatest Women in Music" list in 2012. Including her

December 10, 1961, meeting, where it was decided that Epstein

work with No Doubt, Stefani has sold more than 30 million

would manage the band. A 5-year management contract was

albums worldwide

signed by four members at then-drummer Pete Best's home on January 24, 1962. Epstein did not put his signature on it, giving the musicians the freedom of choice. At that time McCartney

Write the verbs in the Present Continuous Tense: You and me

and Harrison were under 21, so the paper wasn't technically

We used to be together

legal. None of them realized this and it did not matter to them.

Every day together, always

What mattered was their genuine trust in Epstein. He changed their early image for the good. Brian Epstein made them wear

I really feel

suits and ties, classic shoes, and newer haircuts. They were

That I_______(lose)my best friend

advised to update their manners on stage and quit eating and

I can't believe

drinking in public. Brian Epstein worked hard on both the

This could be the end

Beatles' image and public relations. He improved their image enough to make them accepted by the conservative media.

It looks as though you________(let)go

Most if not all of their communication off-stage was managed

And if it's real,

by Brian Epstein.

Well I don't want to know

On January 1, 1962, The Beatles came to London and recorded fifteen songs at the Decca Records. They were not

Don't speak

hired, but the material helped them later. During the year 1962,

I know just what you_______(say)

they made several trips to London and auditioned for various

So please stop explaining



commercially successful singles: "What You Waiting For?",

labels. In May of 1962 Epstein canceled the group's contract

"Rich Girl", and "Hollaback Girl", the latter reached number

with Tony Sheridan and the German label. Brian Epstein was

one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart while also becoming the

persistent in trying to sign a record deal for the Beatles, even

first U.S. download to sell one million copies In 2006, Stefani

after being rejected by every major record label in UK, like

released her second studio album The Sweet Escape. The

Columbia, Philips, Oriole, Decca, and Pye. Epstein transferred

album produced two successful singles: "Wind It Up" and the

a demo tape to disc with HMV technician Jim Foy, who liked

album's title track "The Sweet Escape". Her third solo album,

their song and referred it to Parlophone's George Martin. On

This Is What the Truth Feels Like (2016), became her first solo

June 6, 1962, at the Abbey Road studios, they passed Martin's

album to reach number one on the Billboard 200 chart.

audition with the exception of Pete Best. George Martin liked

Stefani has won three Grammy Awards. As a solo artist

them, but recommended the change of a drummer. Being asked

she has received various accolades, including an American

by John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and George Harrison;

Music Award, Brit Award, World Music Award and two

Epstein fired Pete Best. After a mutual decision the band was

Billboard Music Awards. In 2003, she debuted her clothing line

completed with Ringo Starr, who duly became the fourth

L.A.M.B. and expanded her collection with the 2005 Harajuku

Beatle. In September of 1962 The Beatles recorded their first

Lovers line, drawing inspiration from Japanese culture and

hit Love Me Do, which charted in UK, and reached the top of

fashion. Stefani performs and makes public appearances with

the US singles chart.

four back-up dancers known as the Harajuku Girls. She was

London became their new home since 1963. On February

married to British musician Gavin Rossdale from 2002 to 2016

11, 1963, The Beatles recorded the entire album 'Please, Please

and they have three sons. Billboard magazine ranked Stefani

me' in one day, working non-stop during ten-hour studio

the 54th most successful artist and 37th most successful Hot

session. In May and June, 1963, the band made a tour with Roy

100 artist of the 2000–09 decade. VH1 ranked her 13th on their

Orbison. In August of 1963, their single She Loves You became



a super hit. Their October 1963 performance at the London

10. Don’t speak / No doubt

Palladium made them famous in Great Britain and initiated the Beatlemania in the UK. The show at the London Palladium was broadcast live and seen by twelve million viewers. Then, in November 1962, The Beatles gave a charity concert at the Prince of Wales Theatre in London. There, performing for the rich and famous, John Lennon made his famous announcement: Would the people in the cheaper seats clap your hands? And the rest of you, if you'll just rattle your jewelry. In early performances the Beatles included popular songs from the 40s and 50s. They played rock-n-roll and R&B-based

Gwen RenĂŠe Stefani (born October 3, 1969) is an

pop songs while they gradually worked on developing a style of

American singer, songwriter, fashion designer, actress, and

their own. Their mixture of rock-n-roll, scuffle, blues, country,

television personality. She is a co-founder and the lead vocalist

soul, and a simplified version of 1930s jazz resulted in several

of the band No Doubt that experienced major success after their

multi-genre and cross-style sounding songs. They admitted

breakthrough studio album Tragic Kingdom (1995) along with

their interest in the music of Buddy Holly, Elvis Presley, Little

various successful singles, including "Just a Girl", "Don't

Richard and other entertainers of the 40s, 50s and early 60s.

Speak", "Hey Baby", and "It's My Life". During the band's

Beatles' distinctive vocals were sometimes reminiscent of the

hiatus, Stefani embarked on a solo pop career in 2004 by

Everly Brothers' tight harmonies. By 1965 their style absorbed

releasing her debut studio album Love. Angel. Music. Baby.

ethnic music influences from India and other Oriental cultures,

Inspired by pop music from the 1980s, the album was met with

and later expanded into psychedelic experiments and classical-

both critical and commercial success. It spawned three



Whenever you're in ___________won't you stand by me,

sounding compositions. Their creative search covered a range

Oh now now stand by me

of styles from jazz and rock to a cosmopolitan cross-cultural

Oh stand by me, stand by me, stand by me

and cross-genre compositions.

Darling, darling, stand by me-e, stand by me Oh stand by me, stand by me

Choose the right word: I’ll buy you a wedding/diamond/dollar ring my friend, If it makes you feel right/awkward//alright, I’ll get you everything/everything/something my friend, I it makes you be/feel/see alright, Cause I don’t have/care/carry too much for money, Money can’t give/bring/buy me love. I’ll give/leave/save you all I’ve got to give, If you say you love me too/to/tow , I say/day/may not have a lot to give, But was/what/that I got I’ll give to you, I don’t care too much/match/munch for money. Money can’t buy me/my/mine love. Can’t buy me love, everybody tells/sells/falls me so, Can’t buy me love, no/now/know, no, no. Fill the gaps with the word you hear: Say you don’t need no diamond­­________,



And I’ll be___________,

Fill in the missing words: night, moon, trouble, sky,

Tell me that you want the kind of___________,

shed, light, mountains:

That money___________ can’t buy,

When the_________ has come

I don’t__________ too much for money.

And the land is dark

Money can’t buy_____________ love.

And the _________is the only________ we'll see

Can’t buy me love, __________ tells me so,

No I won't be afraid, no I won't be afraid

Can’t buy me love, no, no, no.

Just as long as you stand, stand by me

Match the lines:

And darling, darling, stand by me, oh now now stand by

Say you don’t need

want the kind of things,

And I’ll

me love.

Tell me that you

much for money,

That money just

no diamond ring,

I don’t care too

can’t buy,

Money can’t buy

be satisfied,

me Stand by me, stand by me If the _________that we look upon Should tumble and fall And the _____________should crumble to the sea I won't cry, I won't cry, no I won't __________a tear Just as long as you stand, stand by me

Can’t buy me love, love, Can’t buy me love

And darling, darling, stand by me, oh stand by me

Can’t buy me love

Stand by me, stand by me, stand by me-e, yeah



release of a film by the same name. King had 21 songs

2. Fool’s garden/ Lemon tree

ultimately chart on the Billboard Top 100, including “Don't Play That Song (You Lied)” and R&B chart-topper “Supernatural Thing, Part 1.” He died on April 30, 2015, in Hackensack, New Jersey. The singer-songwriter who would become known to the world as Ben E. King was born Benjamin Earl Nelson on September 28, 1938, in Henderson, North Carolina. He and his family eventually moved to Harlem, New York, when King was a child, and he later performed as a teen and young adult with groups the Four B’s, the Moon glows and the Five Crowns. In 1958, the Crowns were hired to become a new

Fools Garden is a German musical group, formed in 1991 under the name Fool's Garden, comprising singer Peter

incarnation of another vocal act, the Drifters. The group


eventually found major success with the song “There Goes My

Mangold, keyboardist Roland Röhl and drummer Ralf

Baby,” featuring King on lead vocals and as co-writer. With

Wochele. They debuted in 1991 with the eponymous album

orchestral strings prominently featured, a trailblazing move for

Fool's Garden (where the band was essentially formed by

a soul/pop song at the time, the track was a No. 2 pop and No. 1

Freudenthaler and Hinkel with additional musicians), while the

R&B smash. Other hits with King as lead vocalist followed,

proper first album which saw the complete band was Once in a

including “Dance With Me,” “This Magic Moment” and “Save

Blue Moon (1993). Two years later Fool's Garden issued their

the Last Dance for Me,” the only Drifters song to reach No. 1

third album Dish of the Day, scoring a European and Asian

on both the R&B and pop charts.

chart hit with "Lemon Tree". The re-issued track peaked at #26








in the UK Singles Chart in August 1996.

9. Stand by me / Ben E. King

Go And Ask Peggy For The Principal Thing followed in 1997, along with three albums in 2000, 2003 and 2005. In 2003, three members left the band, and were replaced by Dirk Blümlein (bassist), Claus Müller (drummer) and Gabriel Holz (second guitarist, who then left the band in 2007), and the name of the band changed to Fools Garden (without the apostrophe). The band has taken the habit of covering rock and roll songs during live performances (The Beatles' "Ticket to Ride" or The Who's "My Generation"). Fools Garden's interest in British music is such that cover versions of The Beatles' songs "Cry Baby Cry" and "Martha My Dear" appeared on their studio albums. The band released a greatest hits compilation album in

Born on September 28, 1938, in Henderson, North

October 2009. The album, High Times, contained fifteen songs

Carolina, Ben E. King would later join the R&B vocal group

including a brand new song, "High Time", and some of the well

the Drifters, scoring a trailblazing hit as lead vocalist with

-known hits re-recorded with the new band ("Lemon Tree",

“There Goes My Baby.” King soon embarked on a solo career

"Wild Days", "Suzy").

and reached the pop Top 10 once again with “Spanish Harlem”

The album "Who Is Jo King?" was released in October

and “Stand By Me.” The latter track went on to become one of

2012. In 2015, the band released the album Flashback which

the most covered songs in pop music history, and King’s

consists of cover versions of songs from the 1980s and 1990s

original version reentered the charts in the mid-‘80s with the



One more time

(e. g. ″Ordinary World″, "Sailing on the Seven Seas", "Enjoy

So one last time

the Silence" amongst others) as well as a re-recording of their

I’ll let you go

biggest hit, titled "Lemon Tree (2.0 Version)" and some own

The one who takes you home


Complete the sentences:

Fill in the blanks with The Simple Present Tense and

Baby, I don't care if you got her in your

Simple Present Continuous Tense:

___________ All I really care is you wake up in my ___________

I______(sit) here in the boring room

One _____________ time

It___ (be)just another rainy Sunday afternoon

I need to be the one who ___________ you home

I_______(waste) my time I got nothing to do

One last time

I______(hang) around

I _____________ to be the one who takes you home

I________(wait) for you But nothing ever happens and I wonder I_______(drive) around in my car I_______(drive) too fast I_______(drive) too far I'd like to change my point of view I______(feel) so lonely I_______(wait) for you But nothing ever happens and I wonder



I wonder how

So one last time

I wonder why

I’ll let you go

Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky

I need to be

And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon-tree I____________(turn) my head up and down

Complete the sentences: Baby, I don't care if you got her in your __________

I________(turn) around

All I really care is you wake up in my ___________

And all that I can see is just another lemon-tree

One ____________time I need to be the one who __________ you home

I_________ (sit) here

Find the mistakes and correct them:

I miss the power

I don't deserve this, I think I don't deserve it

I'd like to go out taking a shower

But stay with me a week, I'll swear I'll do it worth it

But there's a heavy cloud inside my head

Can't you forget me? At least just awhile

I feel so tired

I know that this is my love, I should have been more powerful

Put myself into bed

Back to chorus

While nothing ever happens and I wonder

Find the mistakes and correct them:

Isolation__________(be) is not good for me

I know I must fought it, at least I'm being happy

Isolation I don't want to sit on the lemon-tree

Just stay with me a year, I pray I'll make it worth it Cause I don't need to be without you

I_________(step) around in the desert of joy

Put the lines in the correct order:

Baby anyhow I'll get another toy

I promise after that

And everything will happen and you wonder.

I need to be



and has a large following on social media. In 2016, Time

3. Pink / Who knew?

named Grande one of the 100 most influential people in the world on their annual list. Fill in the missing words: honest, better, fire, failure, liar: I was a liar, I gave into the ____ I know I should've fought it at least I'm being ______________ Feel like a ____________, cause I know that I failed you I should've done you _____________cause you don't want a Chorus Unscramble the words: And I know, and I know, and I know She gives you _____________(heyegvntir) but boy, I couldn't give it to you And I know, and I know, and I know

Alecia Beth Moore (born September 8, 1979), known professionally as Pink (stylized as Pink), is an American singer, songwriter, dancer and actress. She was signed to her first record label with original R&B girl group Choice in 1995. The label, La Face Records, only saw potential in Pink, offering her

That you got everything, but I got nothing here __________ you (uhttwoi) Put the lines in correct order:

a solo deal. Choice disbanded in 1998. Pink rose as an artist with her debut solo album, Can't Take Me Home (2000). It was certified double-platinum in the United States and spawned two

I promise after that

Billboard Hot 100 top-ten hits: "There You Go" and "Most

One more time

Girls". She gained further recognition with the Moulin Rouge!

The one who takes care 42


Soundtrack "Lady Marmalade", which gave Pink her first

to that of Mariah Carey.

Grammy Award as well as her first number-one single on the

Grande's second studio album, My Everything (2014),

Billboard Hot 100. Pink took more artistic control and pursued

entered at number one in the US and charted in the top 10 in 24

a pop rock direction for her second album, Misunderstood

other countries. With the lead single "Problem" and several

(2001). It sold more than 12 million copies worldwide and

other singles, she was continuously in the top 10 of the

yielded three US top-ten singles, "Get the Party Started", "Don't

Billboard Hot 100 for 34 weeks and had the most top 10 singles

Let Me Get Me", and "Just Like a Pill".

of any artist in 2014. The next year, Grande gave her first world




Try This

(2003), generated

tour, The Honeymoon Tour, to promote My Everything. In

considerably lower sales but earned her the Grammy Award for

2016, she released her third studio album Dangerous Woman,

Best Female Rock Vocal Performance. She revived her

which charted at number two on the Billboard 200. The title

popularity with her fourth and fifth studio albums, I'm Not

track debuted at number 10 on the Billboard Hot 100, making

Dead (2006) and Funhouse (2008), with the latter containing

Grande the first person in the history of that chart to have the

her second US number-one hit, "So What." Pink concluded the

lead singles from each of their first three albums debut within

first decade of her career with the compilation album Greatest

the top 10 in the US. In 2017, Grande gave her international

Hits... So Far!! (2010), which featured

Dangerous Woman Tour.

and her third US

number-one single, "Raise Your Glass." Her sixth studio album,

As of June 2017, Grande's music videos had been viewed

The Truth About Love (2012), debuted at number one on the

a total of more than eight billion times online. Her accolades

Billboard 200 and spawned the top-ten singles "Blow Me (One

include three American Music Awards, three MTV Europe

Last Kiss)", "Try", and "Just Give Me a Reason", with the latter

Music Awards, an MTV Video Music Award and four Grammy

becoming her fourth US number-one single. In 2014, Pink

Award nominations. All three of her albums have been certified

recorded a collaborative album, Rose Ave., with Canadian

platinum by the RIAA. She has supported a range of charities



8. One last time/ Ariana Grande

musician Dallas Green under a folk music duo named You+Me. In October 2017, her seventh studio album Beautiful Trauma was released. Its lead single "What About Us" reached number one in Australia. Recognized for her strong signature vocals and acrobatic performances, Pink has sold over 47 million albums worldwide, including over 16 million albums in the United States. Her career accolades include three Grammy Awards, a Brit Award, a Daytime Emmy Award and seven MTV Video

Ariana Grande-Butera (born June 26, 1993), better

Music Awards (including the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard

known as Ariana Grande is an American singer and actress. She

Award). In 2009, Billboard named Pink the Pop Songs Artist of

began her career in 2008 in the Broadway musical 13, before

the Decade. Pink was also the second most-played female solo

playing the role of Cat Valentine in the Nickelodeon television

artist in the United Kingdom during the 2000s decade, behind

series Victorious, and in the spinoff Sam & Cat until 2014. She

Madonna. VH1 ranked her number 10 on their list of the 100

has also appeared in other theatre and television roles and has

Greatest Women in Music, while Billboard awarded her the

lent her voice to animated television and films.

Woman of the Year award in 2013. At the 63rd annual BMI Pop

Grande's music career began in 2011 with the soundtrack

Awards, she received the BMI President's Award for "her

Music from Victorious. In 2013, she released her first studio

outstanding achievement in songwriting and global impact on

album Yours Truly, which entered atop the US Billboard 200.

pop culture and the entertainment industry.

The album's lead single, "The Way", opened in the top 10 of the

Fill in the blanks with The Simple Past Tense:

Billboard Hot 100, with critics comparing her wide vocal range

You ______ (take) my hand,



You _______(show) me how

It's pouring rain, it's pouring rain

You_______ (promise) me you'd be around

Come in to me, come in to me

Ahhuh, that's right

It's pouring rain, it's pouring rain Come in to me, come in to me

I____ (take) your words and I________( believe) In everything you_________ (say) tome Yeahh uh that's right If someone________ (say) three years from now You'd be long gone I'd stand up and punch them out Cause they're all wrong I know better Cause you__________ (say) forever And ever Who__________ (know) Remember when we_________-(be) such fools And so convinced and just too cool Oh no, no no



Said ____________________________

I wish I _____(can) touch you again

Took an oath, I'ma stick it out to the end

I wish I_____ (can) still call you a friend

Now that it's raining more than ever

I'd give anything

Know that __________________________ You can stand under my umbrella

When someone________ (say) county our blessing snow

You can stand under my umbrella

For they're long gone

(Ella ella, eh eh eh)

I guess I just ______ (not know) how

Under my umbrella

I_____ (be) all wrong

(Ella ella, eh eh eh)

But they_____( know) better

Under my umbrella

Still you____( say) forever

(Ella ella, eh eh eh)

And ever

Under my umbrella

Who______( know)

(Ella ella, eh eh eh eh, eh eh) It's raining, raining

Yeah yeah

Ooh baby, it's raining, raining Baby, come in to me

I'll keep you _____(lock) in my head

Come in to me

Until we meet again(meet again)

It's raining, raining

(Until we) Until we meet again

Ooh baby, it's raining, raining

And I won't forget you my friend

You can always come here to me

What ____(happen)

Come in to me 38


If someone______ (say) three years from now

Know that __________________

You'd belong gone

You can stand under my umbrella

I'd stand up and punch them out Cause they're all wrong and

You can stand under my umbrella

That last kiss I'll cherish

(Ella ella, eh eh eh)

Until we meet again

Under my umbrella

And time makes it harder

(Ella ella, eh eh eh)

I wish I_____( can) remember But I keep your memory

Under my umbrella

You visit me in my sleep

(Ella ella, eh eh eh)

My darling who ____(know)

Under my umbrella

My darling my darling

(Ella ella, eh eh eh eh, eh eh)

Who ____(know) My darling I miss you

You can run into my arms

My darling

It's okay, don't be alarmed, come in to me

Who______ (know)

There's no distance in between our love

Who______ (know)

So go on and let the rain pour __________________________ Because when the sun shines, ______________________ Told you __________________________ 20


You can stand under my umbrella

4. Soft fire/Adele

(Ella ella, eh eh eh) Under my umbrella (Ella ella, eh eh eh) Under my umbrella (Ella ella, eh eh eh) Under my umbrella (Ella ella, eh eh eh eh, eh eh) These fancy things will never come in between You're part of my entity, here for infinity When the war has took its part When the world has dealt its cards

Adele was born in North London, England, on May 5,

If the hand is hard, together _____________

1988, eventually attending the performing arts BRIT School.

Because when the sun shines, _____________

Her first two albums, 19 and 21, earned her critical praise and a

Told __________

level of commercial success unsurpassed among her peers, with the artist selling millions of albums worldwide and winning

Said _________________

multiple Grammys. She also received a songwriting Oscar for

Took an oath, I' ma stick it out to the end

the James Bond track "Skyfall." After becoming a mom, Adele

Now that it's raining more than ever

returned to the charts in autumn 2015 with the ballad "Hello,"



the lead single from what was dubbed her comeback album 25.

we'll mend your heart

In 2017, she won five Grammys for her work on 25 including

I'll always be your friend (3)

album, record and song of the year for "Hello."

I'll always share

Adele Laurie Blue Adkins was born on May 5, 1988, in

we'll shine together (3)

North London, England. She was the only child of Penny

you'll still be my star

Adkins, an "arty mom" who was just 18 at the time of her birth,

we'll never be worlds apart

and a Welsh father, Mark Evans, who left the family when Adele was only 4 years old.

You had my heart, and ________________

Evans remained in contact with his daughter up until her

Maybe in magazines, but _________________

teen years, when his problems with alcohol and increasing

Baby 'cause in the dark, you can't see shiny cars

estrangement from his daughter caused their relationship to

And that's when you need me there

deteriorate. By contrast, Adele grew close to her mom, who

With you, ____________

encouraged her young daughter "to explore, and not to stick

Because when the sun shines, _____________

with one thing."

Told you ____________

Early on, Adele developed a passion for music. She gravitated toward the songs of Lauryn Hill, Mary J. Blige and

Said ________________

Destiny's Child. But her true, eye-opening moment came when

Took an oath, I 'ma stick it out to the end

she was 15 and she happened upon a collection of Etta James

Now that it's raining more than ever

and Ella Fitzgerald records at a local shop. "There was no

Know that ________

musical heritage in our family," Adele told The Telegraph in a

You can stand under my umbrella

2008 interview. "Chart music was all I ever knew. So when I 22


Rihanna is one of the best-selling artists of all time.

listened to the Ettas and the Ellas, it sounds so cheesy, but it

Rihanna is the youngest and fastest solo artist to earn fourteen

was like an awakening. I was like, oh, right, some people have

number-one singles on the Billboard Hot 100, as well as a

proper longevity and are legends. I was so inspired that as a 15-

current total of 31 Top 10 Hits on the same chart. She was

year-old I was listening to music that had been made in the

named the Digital Songs Artist of the 2000s decade and the top


Hot 100 artist of the 2010s decade by Billboard, as well as the

1.Fill in the missing words: lips, heart, hands, feet, arms,

number-one artist in the history of their Pop Songs Chart.

knees, things, you, games, screaming, rain, face, eyes, together,

Among numerous awards and accolades, Rihanna has won

they, cause, and:

eight Grammy Awards, twelve American Music Awards, twelve Billboard Music Awards and the inaugural Icon Award at the

I let it fall, my_______

American Music Awards of 2013. Widely recognized for

And as it fell you rose to claim it

frequently reinventing her style, she received the Fashion Icon

It was dark and I was over

lifetime achievement award from the Council of Fashion

Until you kissed my _____and you saved me

Designers of America in 2014. Forbes ranked Rihanna the fourth most powerful celebrity of 2012, and was named one of

My ______, they're strong

Time's "100 Most Influential People in the World" later that

But my _______ were far too weak


To stand in your _________ Fill in the missing lines:

Without falling to your ________

I'll be here forever (3) I'll be all you need and more

But there's a side to _______

we'll still have each other (3)

That I never knew, never knew



All the ________ you'd say

album Music of the Sun and its follow-up A Girl like Me

They were never true, never true

(2006), which charted on the top 10 of the US Billboard 200

And the ______you play

and respectively produced the singles "Pun de Replay" and

You would always win, always win

"SOS". She assumed creative control for her third studio album

But I set fire to the__________

Good Girl Gone Bad (2007) and adopted a public image as a

Watched it pour as I touched your_______

sex symbol while reinventing her music. Its successful lead

Let it burn while I cry

single "Umbrella" became an international breakthrough in her

'Cause I heard it_________ out your name

career, as she won her first Grammy Award for Best Rap/Sung Collaboration with Jay Z in 2008. After releasing four

When I lay with you

consecutive platinum studio albums, including the Grammy

I could stay there, close my ___

Award winner Unapologetic (2012), she was recognized as a

Feel you here forever

pop icon. Her eighth studio album Anti (2016) and its lead

You and me, _________, nothing gets better

single "Work" reached number one on the Billboard 200 and Hot 100. Many of her songs rank among the world's best-

'Cause there's a side to you

selling singles of all time, including the singles "Umbrella",

That I never knew, never knew

"Take a Bow", "Disturbia", "Only Girl (In the World)", "S&M",

All the things you'd say

"We Found Love", "Diamonds", and "Stay" in which she is the

____ were never true, never true

lead artist, and her collaborations "Live Your Life" (with T.I.),

____ the games you'd play

"Love the Way You Lie" and "The Monster" (both with

You would always win, always win.




7. Umbrella / Rihanna

5. Someone like you/Adele

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in Past Tense: I______ (hear) that you're settled down, Robyn Rihanna Fenty (February 20, 1988), known by the

That you______ (find) a girl and you're married now,

mononym Rihanna, is a Barbadian singer, songwriter, and

I________ (hear) that your dreams________ (come)

actress. Born in Saint Michael, Barbados and raised in


Bridgetown, during 2003 she recorded demo tapes under the

Guess she _____(give) you things I ____(not give) it to

direction of record producer Evan Rogers and signed a


recording contract with Def Jam Recordings after auditioning

Old friend, why are you so shy?

for its then-president, hip hop producer and rapper Jay Z. In

Ain't like you to hold back or hide from the light

2005, Rihanna rose to fame with the release of her debut studio 32


I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited,

Oooooh, anymore

But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it,


I____ (have) hoped you'd see my face, And that you'd be reminded that for me it isn't over

Hello from the other side I must've called a thousand times

Never mind, I'll find someone like you,

To tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done

I wish nothing but the best for you two,

But when I call, you never seem to be _______

Don't forget me, I beg, I'll remember you______(say),

Hello from the outside

“Sometimes it lasts and loves,

At least I can say that I've tried

But sometimes it hurts instead,�

To tell you I'm sorry for breaking your _______

Sometimes it lasts and loves,

But it don't matter, it clearly doesn't tear you apart

But sometimes it hurts instead, yeah


You know how the time flies, Only yesterday______ (be) the time of our lives, We_____ (be) born and______ (raise) in a summer haze, Bound by the surprise of our glory days I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited, But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it, 26


Hello, how are _____?

I________ (have) hope you'd see my face,

It's so typical of me to talk about myself, I'm sorry

And that you'd be reminded that for me it isn't over

I hope that you're well Did you ever make it out of that______ where nothing

Never mind, I'll find someone like you,

ever happened?

I wish nothing but the best for you two, Don't forget me, I beg,

It's no secret that the both of us are ________ out of

I'll remember you _____(say),


"Sometimes it lasts and loves,

So hello from the other side

But sometimes it hurts instead"

I must've called a _________ times

Nothing compares,

To tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done

No worries or cares,

But when I call, you never seem to be home

Regrets and mistakes, they're memories _____(make), Who would have known how bitter-sweet this would

Hello from the outside


At least I can say that I've tried To tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart

Never mind, I'll find someone like you,

But it don't ________, it clearly doesn't tear you apart

I wish nothing but the best for you,


Don't forget me, I beg, I'll remember you _____(say),

Oooooh, anymore

"Sometimes it lasts and loves,

Oooooh, anymore

But sometimes it hurts instead" 30


But I ain't done much healing

6. Hello/Adele

Hello, can you _______ me? I'm in California _______ about who we used to be When we were younger and _________ I've forgotten how it felt before the world fell at our ______ There's such a difference between us And a million miles Hello from the other________ I must've called a thousand times Fill in the missing words :everything, heal, hear, wandering, dreaming, feet, free, done, side, you, heart,

To tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've ______ But when I call, you never seem to be home

outside, running, thousand, town, done, home, matter: Hello, it's me

Hello from the _______

I was __________ if after all these years you'd like to

At least I can say that I've tried


To tell you I'm sorry for breaking your ______

To go over _____________

But it don't matter, it clearly doesn't tear you apart

They say that time's supposed ______ yeah




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